#as a fellow aquarius this makes so much sense in my head
ancientknox · 1 year
i don’t know how to describe it but darling is the epitome of an aquarius woman and dexter is the epitome of an aquarius man
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mistydeyes · 1 year
Hiya, I’ve absolutely fallen in love with your writing (especially because you don’t leave Gaz out 😌) and Was wondering if I could get a match up for one of the cod boys?
I use she/her pronouns and am probably what most people consider to be the bi gamer girl stereotype. My MBTI is E/INFP (just noticed we’re the same!) as I tend to swing wildly between intro and extroversion. I do enjoy being social but I’ve also got some pretty extreme anxiety. I’m not big into astrology but when people find out my big three are Aquarius/Aries/Aries they’re not surprised.
I’m an Aussie and am 170cm tall so I’m not used to being much shorter than most people (growing up I was a head taller than literally everyone so I may have developed a complex 😔) I played lots of sports growing up and am actually joining the navy soon.
My fashion sense mostly consists of Adam Sandler like attire or slutty club fit with docs. I love board games/video games/dodgeball etc and am wildly competitive. I hate cooking and suck at it completely, and my room always looks like a bomb site. I love roller coasters and the beach, but only if there’s waves. I have a degree in history/geography and am 100% a cat person. I have a care bear tattoo and would have more if I wasn’t broke. I’m a very physically affectionate person and I cry a lot over media and am very sensitive but not in a way that I’ll get upset over someone insulting me, more in a I’d cry if I stood on a cats tail. I’m very loud and once you get some alcohol in me I am the life of the dance floor even though I can’t dance.
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
a/n aww thank you so much for requesting! i hate when people leave gaz out so yk I'LL always make sure he's included :) also love a fellow INTP!
How you met: Military You fanned yourself as you entered the large school building. Despite your Navy uniform consisting of a long white skirt and blouse, the Australian heat was making it unbearable. You had the unfortunate assignment of attending a career day at one of the local school's to talk about your unique career path. You were directed by the secretary to chat with a few other military personnel before the presentation. Eventually, you saw a friend from the Australian Army chatting with another man. As you approached, you noted that his uniform was significantly different than yours as indicated by the colors and adornments. "Private!" you exclaimed as he turned to you, "fancy seeing you here." You chatted regarding a few important life events before he directed your attention to the man next to him. "This is Sergeant Garrick," he introduced as you shook his hand, "Sergeant and previous Special Air Service member." You couldn't help but laugh slightly. "A Brit? What's he doing here?" you joked and Kyle returned with a smile. "Thought I see what your military is about," he began and you couldn't help but swoon with his pronunciation, "might make me consider joining myself." You continued to jab at the difference in your countries until your friend found himself in another conversation. You didn't mind being left with Kyle as it offered you the opportunity to discuss why you enlisted following your competitive nature and how you had previously gone to school for a history and geography degree. "So why are you here?" he asked but your explanation was cut off with the opening remarks from principal. You sat down next to Kyle, hoping you could continue you conversation over dinner.
A peek into your relationship: "You call this a beach?" you asked as you finally arrived at your destination. Your boyfriend, Kyle, laughed as you looked at the rocky shores of Brighton. While it was beautiful and you loved the pastel homes, it was far from what you knew back in Australia. "Trust me I would bring you here for more than just the beach, love," he reassured and directed you along the boardwalk. As you walked with your hands interlaced, you were led into a large game center. The color-technic lights of the various arcade games and crane machines lit the room as you adjusted from the bright sun outside. "Heard you were competitive," he joked with a smirk on your face and you knew today would be a challenge.
"Fuck me!" Kyle groaned as you won yet another round in Mario Kart. "For someone in the SAS, you sure don't have a lot of skills," you teased and collected your reward tickets. You and Kyle were evenly matched but it was clear your competitive spirit was putting you slightly ahead of the competition. As you wandered around, you saw a row of crane machines. "I hate those," you mumbled and it was as if a light turned on in Kyle's mind. He held your hand as you looked at each one, finally trying your luck with a machine full of Care Bears. As you complained over how they were a scam and impossible to win, a determined Kyle placed a token in and went to work. As you leaned over his shoulder, you were shocked when he picked up a large plush Care Bear and dropped it into the basket. "What the hell," you mumbled as he retrieved the price for you. "There are some things the Navy doesn't teach you," he beamed before kissing you on the cheek. The rest of the day you pondered a few things. First, what was the set of skills he had alluded to? and second, would it be possible to get another tattoo of this bear?
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homosociallyyours · 1 year
Hi Megan! Please elaborate more on the birth charts (if you want), I’m into astrology but I suck at comparing them, and I’m always down to learn more with practical examples.
happy belated birthday, it’s always nice when I see your posts :)
Thank you for the birthday wishes, nonny!!!
I am also into astrology but not that good at it, so tbh I don't even know if what I saw ACTUALLY makes a difference? I can understand an individual chart, but reading the charts of 2 people together is (i think) a whole lot more complicated.
BUT what I was looking up was Chiron, which (I think) indicates a person's deep wound, something that they'll carry with them and that will influence a lot of the challenges they face in life? Please someone correct me here, but I'm kinda thinking of it like a pebble in your shoe, or a tiny piece of glass in your foot-- it probably won't hobble you completely, but it will influence the way you walk, how far you walk, your thoughts/feelings on your journey.
And all of that will depend on the house its in, the angles between chiron and your other planets, the houses that the other planets are in, and much more!
Before continuing, I am going to tag my fellow Taurus @louisandtheaquarian, who is much more knowledgeable about astrology than I am! But if you wanna read about what got me going, I'm putting it below a cut.
Harry's Chiron is in Virgo, in his 10th house. which deals primarily with career and public image. The 10th house is linked with the 4th house, which rules familial relationships. Harry's 4th house is where his sun, mercury, venus, and saturn sit (Aquarius) and there is tension there-- you have someone for whom family is very, very important, and who likely approaches family in unconventional ways. Someone who is dreaming of a better world. chosen family vibes are huge. But his public facing image is also important to him, and it's a constant itch in his brain. And ruled by Virgo!! This is someone who likely wants to present a very controlled, measured image to the public. That push/pull between public and private lives is something that likely follows Harry around, sometimes spurring him forward and other times keeping him back.
Louis' Chiron is in Cancer in his 4th house (along with his moon). Home and family are something he identifies with deeply as a core part of himself, and it's also the source of a lot of his worries and fears. Cancer is a water sign and very emotional, so I read this as Louis being very tender and emotional about home and family while also being kind of guarded. His 10th house houses Saturn and is in Capricorn-- his public facing image, like Harry's, is a place where he exerts control, but where Harry is perhaps more invested in a sense (or at least the appearance) of order, Louis is more likely to crave stability.
What hit me in looking at this (and AGAIN, i am barely an armchair astrologer, i was just VERY interested in it as a kid and picked it up again as an adult bc i think it's neat) was that the place where Louis' wound is located is a house where Harry holds a lot of strength. He's got an air sign there, BUT Aquarius is the water bearer!! My personal opinion is that Aquarius has their feet in the stream and their head in the sky. Louis' struggles with his family can be held and uplifted by Harry's energy. Similarly, Harry's wound is in a house where Louis has some strength and where he's able to provide stability.
HOME HOME HOME, their charts basically scream that word at top fucking volume constantly!!
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genshinimpactlife · 2 years
Hello! Can I request a matchup? (sfw, nsfw)
Pronouns: she/her.
Gender preference: either, but male leaning.
My zodiacs: Leo sun, Cancer moon, Aquarius rising.
My personality type: infp.
Appearance: my body type is chubby/plus sized. I have a circle/oval shaped head with chubby cheeks. I have golden hair with blueish/grayish eyes. I like wearing comfy clothes but will dress up from time to time. I have thick thighs and have more 🍑 than I do 🍒.
Personality: I’m quite reserved and aloof to the public eye. But once you get to know me, I joke around and tend to be sarcastic. I’m childish sometimes, but that’s not really a bad thing. My 3 main traits are probably: empathetic, observant and creative. I love to daydream, which distracts me a lot, oops. I LOVE animals so much but the only downside is that I’m allergic to countless of them. I really adore cats, but of course I’m allergic. I don’t react to hypoallergenic dogs since I have 2 of them. But I hate the barking, since I’m not a fan of loud noises. I get overstimulated fast when I’m in loud and crowded spaces. Which brings me to my insecurities - I don’t like admitting I have autism since so much people make fun of it. I also have social anxiety, A.D.D and depression. But one of my biggest insecurities is my weight and how I look. I’m also quite lazy, but that’s not really a insecurity, I just like chilling. I think that’s it though.
Thank you! ❤️
I would match you with...
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Layla loves your more relaxed and "lazy" personality. So having a lazy day with you since she's always tired is perfect.
You two would have plenty of hypoallergenic animals (I'm pretty sure Chinchillas are? You two would have them as pets)
Layla also isn't a fan of loud noises, and they tend to scare her when she's in an exhausted daze, so you two would always have a peaceful and calm environment, especially at home
She's excellent at sensing when you are overstimulated and makes sure to help get you out of the situation.
She adores your empathy. Shes really proud of you and your kind personality.
Layla loves to joke around with you and always finds your sarcasm amusing. She always rolls her eyes and laughs.
Lots and lots of cuddles on lazy days where you daydream, and she sleeps
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I don't usually do this, but real talk for a moment. As a fellow person with autism, don't ever take what people say to heart. I've been called slurs and told I wouldn't graduate high school because of my autism. Its a part of you, and there is so much more to you than just your ASD. But it isn't something you need to be ashamed of because of what other people say. Brush them off and stay strong. If you ever wanna talk, my DMs are always open <3
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superfreakerz · 3 years
“Til Death Do Us Part”
Rated M for smut and heavy themes.
Reincarnation/Immortal AU
Summary: There are immortals and there are those who reincarnate, but it’s best to keep these things hidden. Lucy is attending college and meets Natsu, a boy with pink hair, a devilish smile, and a body that never ages.
Chapter 32
The New Semester
Lucy frowned as she got ready for the new semester. The rest of winter break went by in the blink of an eye. She had partied at Fairy Tail during New Years and even called her father to catch up and wish him a happy new year. Every day during the break was spent with Natsu and their friends, which made the new term that much harder.
Last quarter, she had every class with at least someone from their group. Now, she has absolutely none. Disappointed was an understatement when she received her schedule. She was devastated. She hated the thought of not seeing her friends in class, and she hated the thought of starting over even more.
"C'mon, Luce. Cheer up. It's not the end of the world if we don't have classes together," Natsu's voice rang out. He spent nearly every night at her apartment, it was rare when he was at his own place.
"Easy for you to say!" she shot back. "You at least have a friend in every class!"
"Friend? I only have Gray in all my classes. That's not a blessing, that's a curse! That's worse than immortality!"
Lucy only rolled her eyes. "Oh, whatever. Point is, I'm going to be all alone! I'll have to make new friends! And in case you don't remember, I suck at that!"
"What do you mean? You made friends with all of us!"
"That's only because Levy introduced us. And she was the one to come up to me when we first met. I can't make friends on my own! And let's not forget that our first meeting went horribly!"
Natsu smoothed a hand over the back of her head. "Quit worrying so much. You'll be fine, I promise. And even if you don't make friends, I already told you that I'll pick you up from class everyday so we can go to Fairy Tail together and meet up with the rest of the gang. It's not like we're going to stop being friends just because we're in different classes. You're stuck with us now that you know our secret."
Lucy laughed. "Oh, I don't need you to pick me up today. I'm going to meet with Aquarius after my classes. But I guess you're right."
"I always am! Now hurry up and finish getting ready."
Wanting to look nice on her first day of class, Lucy threw on a pair of light jeans and a white sweater. It was still winter, so she couldn't show off her body just yet.
"Alright, I'm heading out now!" she called out.
Natsu gave her a quick kiss, sending her off with a grin. "Have fun!"
Lucy was surprised she was relatively early to her first class, taking a seat in the back. This quarter, all three of her classes were squeezed into the same days, but luckily she only had classes Tuesday and Thursday. That left her with the rest of the week to do whatever she wanted. Her first class was English with a professor named Virgo. According to Makarov, she was also a reincarnation. Lucy hoped she would be able to talk to her about it.
Suddenly, the seat next to her was pulled out. Lucy turned to find a boy with dirty blonde hair sitting next to her, flashing her a dazzling smile. His eyes were dark, his lashes long. If Lucy were single, she was sure she would be swooning over the pretty boy.
"Nice to meet you," the boy said, taking her hand in his. "I'm Hibiki. What might your name be, beautiful?"
Lucy was taken aback by his brazenness, reminded of her first boyfriend. "I'm Lucy."
"Lucy. What a pretty name!"
"Uhh, thanks."
"So, Lucy, what year are you?"
"I'm a freshman."
Hibiki gasped. "Me too! It must be fate that we met today!"
Lucy nearly rolled her eyes. "Fate? This is English 101, everyone here is a freshman."
Before Hibiki could reply, someone cleared their throat at the front of the room, grabbing her attention. It was a woman, relatively short with a pink pixie cut. Her eyes were a jaded blue.
"I'm Virgo, your professor for this quarter."
Lucy leaned forward in her seat, eager to learn more about the fellow reincarnation.
Once class ended, Lucy quickly packed her things before heading to her next class. She wished she could have talked to Virgo about reincarnation, but there were too many people around, not to mention she had limited time to make it to her next class. Not that there was a need to rush. She had all quarter to talk to the fellow reincarnation.
During her walk across campus, Lucy was surprised to find that Hibiki was walking along with her.
"Umm, is there a reason you're going this way?" she asked, starting to get weirded out by the boy.
He arched his brow. "My class is this way."
"Oh, okay."
When Lucy made it to her next class, she stopped outside the door to glare at Hibiki, who had followed her all the way there.
"Okay, you're stalking me," she said, crossing her arms.
Hibiki laughed awkwardly. "I'm not, I swear! I have this class!"
"There's no way we're in the same class! Show me your schedule!" The boy handed her his schedule, which she glossed over quickly. "Wait, we share every class together! How the hell did that happen?"
"I told you it was fate!" Hibiki exclaimed, grabbing Lucy's hand. He went to place a kiss over it, but she snatched it away.
"I can't believe how similar you are to an old friend of mine," she said, rolling her eyes.
"This friend of yours must have been charming!"
She laughed, and in a voice laced with sarcasm she replied, "Big time. Well, if we're going to be in all the same classes together, we might as well be friends. But no funny business, alright? I have a boyfriend."
Hibiki held his chest in mock pain. "I should have known a girl as beautiful as yourself was taken."
The two walked to the back of the classroom, taking their seats.
"So, what are you majoring in?" Lucy asked. She wasn't used to making friends on her own, but with Hibiki's laidback and all too familiar personality, she found it easy to slide into a conversation.
"Computer science. What about you?"
"Creative writing."
Lucy was about to ask the boy where he was from when their professor stepped into the room. He was a tall and lanky man with black hair. Unlike Virgo, he was a bit older, a couple of wrinkles adorning his face around his mouth. He wore a dark green turtleneck and black slacks that accentuated his slender legs.
"Hello, everyone. My name is Sagittarius. I will be your World History professor. I assume everyone came prepared with their textbooks."
Lucy sweat dropped. It was only the first day of the quarter, she didn't have her textbook yet. As if sensing her dilemma, she felt Hibiki nudge her elbow that was resting on the desk before he slid his textbook between the two of them to share. She shot him a quick grin.
"Thanks," she whispered.
He returned the smile. "Don't mention it."
Class seemed to drag on forever, Sagittarius' emotionless voice doing nothing to help as he discussed the contents of the first chapter. While Lucy may not have been an immortal who lived through most of the world's events, she had still been around long enough to have been through a good chunk of them. That, along with taking the same classes every lifetime, made learning relatively easy.
Once class ended, Lucy and Hibiki walked to a small coffee shop that was on campus. They had thirty minutes before their next class, and considering it was the first day, they didn't have too much homework to do yet. Instead, they decided to chat over a cup of coffee, which Lucy insisted on paying for since Hibiki was nice enough to share his textbook and send pictures of the portions she would need for homework later.
Lucy found it strange just how similar Hibiki was to her first boyfriend. She figured that was why it was easy to open up to him. Already familiar with flirty playboys, his personality didn't scare her away. Instead, it made things easier.
"I guess making friends isn't so hard."
The two talked about everything, ranging from where they grew up to what they wanted to do after college. Lucy had to admit, it was fun making new friends.
When they headed to their last class for the day, they took seats in the back yet again. It didn't take long for their professor to stumble in the room. Lucy's eyes nearly bugged out of their sockets seeing how absolutely ripped the man was. It looked like his white button-up shirt was going to pop any second with how large his muscles were.
"Yo! I'm Taurus!" the man exclaimed. His eyes filtered around the room, hearts practically shining in them whenever they glazed over a girl. Lucy wondered how he was able to teach given his pervy attitude.
Yet, when he started to go over the math topics they were going to learn over the quarter, all playfulness disappeared from his voice, replaced with seriousness. Unlike with Sagittarius, Taurus was surprisingly good at keeping the class engaged, and despite how hard to believe it was, he managed to make math seem somewhat interesting. Time practically flew by. To make matters even better, Taurus dismissed them without assigning any homework.
Heading out of the classroom, Hibiki invited Lucy to hang out.
"Thanks, but I have an old professor I want to catch up with," Lucy said with a smile. She was proud of herself for having made a friend already, one that even wanted to hang out with her after school.
Hibiki's eyes widened. "Oh, is it your boyfriend? Are you dating your old professor?"
"What? No! My boyfriend goes to this school too, but he's not a professor. Just a student."
"Oh. I'd love to meet the man that stole your heart! He must be quite the specimen!"
Lucy laughed, rolling her eyes. "I'm sure you'll meet him someday considering he plans on picking me up from school everyday. Anyways, I have to go. I'll see you Thursday!"
Waving a quick goodbye to her new friend, Lucy headed towards Aquarius' office. It was clear that Aquarius knew about her reincarnation, so why didn't she ever say anything instead of giving cryptic clues? And how did she even know about it in the first place? Had she slipped up in any way? If that was the case, she needed to know to make sure not to repeat the mistake in the future.
Reaching the cranky professor's office, Lucy peered inside to find the woman glaring at her computer screen. She wasn't surprised that there weren't any students utilizing Aquarius' office hours. After all, she was terrifying.
Feeling irked that Aquarius had kept things hidden from her, Lucy strode inside the office without bothering to knock and planted her hands on her hips with a glare. The older woman glanced up at her, a scowl immediately gracing her face.
"What do you want, brat? I thought I was finally free of you," she remarked.
Lucy closed the door behind her, locking it. "How did you know about me?"
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Yes you do. Makarov already told me about you, along with the others. Why didn't you tell me?"
Aquarius sighed, the scowl on her face finally relenting. When she looked back up at Lucy, her features were softer, a rare expression on the woman's face.
"We wanted you to find out on your own," she finally answered. "I assume Makarov told you about Acnologia and the other immortals?"
Lucy nodded. "Yeah. He told me about how we're all being hunted by some psychopath."
"And how did you take it?"
"...Not well, I guess."
"That's why I decided it was best not to tell you."
"But why?" Lucy asked. "Obviously I would have liked to know that there are others like me! What does Acnologia have to do with anything!?"
Because I didn't want you to be paranoid," Aquarius answered. "Do you know how many reincarnations live in fear for the rest of their lives, over and over again all because they found out about Acnologia? We already have enough to worry about, it's better not to have the knowledge of yet another threat to us. Besides, I was also doing it for you and Pinkie."
"You mean Natsu? What does he have to do with it?"
"Well you're dating, aren't you? I didn't want you to get scared of him since he's an immortal and all."
Lucy choked on her saliva. "W-What? How did you know about that?"
Aquarius sighed, tired of having to explain things. "I know about all of the immortals enrolled at this school, even the ones that are in Fairy Tail's basement. Considering the past between reincarnations and immortals, we are given information about each immortal so that we can choose if we want to work here or not."
"So you really knew this whole time? How did you know about me?"
"I actually met you in your first life."
Lucy felt the wind getting knocked out of her with that revelation. Feeling dizzy, she took a seat across from Aquarius, resting her head in her hands.
"I don't remember you," she finally said, meeting the older woman's gaze.
"That's because you were just a baby at the time," Aquarius replied.
"How did you know about me then? You couldn't have possibly recognized me when I was just a baby."
"I was friends with your mom. You're strangely enough the spitting image of her- though you lack all of her grace. When I first saw you, I thought that you were her and that she was a reincarnation as well. Until I found out your name, then I remembered that she named her daughter Lucy. It wasn't too hard to put the pieces together after that, though I did do a bit of research on you as well just to be sure."
Lucy gave a sad smile remembering her first mother. "I can't believe you knew her."
"It was a shock to me too when I first saw you," Aquarius replied, her own lips tugging upwards into a smile. "She was a fine woman, which is why it's so surprising you turned out like that. It must be the fault of the rest of your parents." Lucy shot her a glare before Aquarius continued, "Anyways, it was my idea to keep you from the truth, so don't even think about getting mad at Scorpio and the others."
"Don't worry, I'm not mad anymore. Just a little surprised is all. I still can't believe there are so many others like me, and that there are so many near me too."
"Who are your teachers this quarter?"
"Virgo, Sagittarius, and Taurus."
"Ah. Did you know they're all reincarnations too?"
Lucy grinned cheek to cheek. "Wow! I heard Virgo was, but I didn't know Sagittarius and Taurus were too!"
Aquarius nodded. "If you want, you would probably be allowed to teach here if you wanted. All you have to do is turn in an application to Makarov. You'd be allowed to come here every lifetime if you choose to do so."
Lucy considered the option. Truthfully, she had no idea what the future had in store for her. Still, it was nice to have another option available to her. Especially since this one allowed her to stay near Natsu and the others.
After chatting with Aquarius for another hour, Lucy finally decided to head over to Fairy Tail where her friends were waiting for her. Sure enough, when she strode inside the pub, she found Levy and Natsu hunched over, dejected from the conversation that was taking place around them.
"Why do you two look so upset?" Lucy asked once she approached them.
The two lit up like Christmas trees at the sight of her.
"Finally!" Natsu exclaimed, grabbing her wrist and gesturing for her to sit down. "We've been waiting forever! It sucks not having classes together!"
"Weren't you the one telling me it wasn't a big deal?"
"Well I changed my mind! It sucks!"
Levy nodded with the boy. "I agree! I've been wanting to talk to you all day about your story! I finally finished it!"
"Yeah! We've gotta talk about it!"
"Shouldn't you guys give her room to breathe?" Gray asked with a chuckle. Natsu and Levy were practically leeching onto the poor blonde. "Anyways, how was talking to Aquarius?"
Lucy smiled. "It was nice. She explained how she knew me and why she didn't tell me about it in the first place. Oh, she also told me that if I wanted to, I could probably teach at the university after graduation."
"Are you going to?" Erza asked.
"I don't know yet. There's a lot to think about. But since I'm still a freshman, I have plenty of time to mull it over."
Natsu stared at the blonde beside him. In truth, her teaching at the university sounded like a dream come true considering it meant she would stay in Magnolia. Then they could stay together forever, even in her next lives. Not wanting to come off too strong or pressure her in any way, the boy decided to keep his thoughts to himself for now.
He didn't know what the future entailed for the two of them. He knew that he wanted to be with Lucy for the rest of his infinite life, but that was a lot to ask of someone. He knew firsthand how long life could be, he didn't know if Lucy would feel tied down. After all, she lived in different countries, had different families, her life was forever changing while his stayed the same. Not to mention most of the time he was kept in the basement. What if she wanted to go on a date? What if she got tired of hanging out in his room? There was nothing he could do about it, and he wasn't sure the girl would want to put up with it. After all, who would?
Swallowing thickly, Natsu pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind. It was like Lucy said, they had plenty of time to figure it out. But no matter how many times he repeated that thought in his head, the worries he had were only swept under a thin veil that threatened to fly away with the slightest gust of wind. And he was sure they were going to come back sooner or later.
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astrognossienne · 3 years
tragic beauty: lupe vélez - an analysis
“I had to play with boys, girls found me too rough.” -  Lupe Vélez  
This is an analysis I’ve wanted to cover for a while for quite a few reasons. Primarily because, in a few ways, I see myself in her and, as such, feel the need to defend her and assert her true legacy: as a pioneer. Which brings me to the main reason I wanted to do this: to correct the scurrilous rumours about her premature death cooked up by a hating ass imbecilic Aquarius whose infamous book doesn’t deserve to be named. So if you want to hear the truth about this lady, read on.
Known as the “Mexican Spitfire”, Latin bombshell Lupe Vélez was (an to an extent, still is) a much-maligned and terribly misunderstood woman. A true Cancer, she was a force of nature and unconsciously antagonized others and made them uncomfortable because of her authenticity to herself and her emotional nature. Born during a storm, she had a naturally stormy personality. She could be hilarious and charismatic one moment, and depressive and vicious the next. Instead of anyone trying to understand her, they just stuck her with the “spicy fiery Latina” stereotype, not knowing or caring what was behind it. The harshness of her life before stardom may explain some of her fearsome, yet fun, personality; she grew up with violent trauma – watching her father kill and almost be killed during the Mexican Revolution. She also is believed to have had undiagnosed bipolar disorder, which would explain her extreme moodiness and outbursts.
One of the first Latina actresses to make an impact in Hollywood, she was subjected to the racist, sexist Hollywood tropes that forever typecasted her—she was called “senorita cyclone,” and the “hot tamale”. The Hollywood press willfully misunderstood Vélez’s sex positivity and consistently portrayed her as a woman who took great pleasure in her body, and indeed, the tempestuous Vélez had numerous affairs, including a particularly torrid one with a young Gary Cooper, and a tumultuous marriage to “Tarzan” star Johnny Weissmuller. But in 1944, at age 36, she found herself pregnant with the child of a little known-actor name Harald Ramond, who would not marry her and this reality made her come undone, and like my other baby Carole Landis, she succumbed to an drug overdose. Her promiscuity, right or wrong, became part of the way her stardom was packaged and promoted. Also, the press naturally compared her to (and pitted her against) Hollywood’s only other female Mexican star—the “high-class” and elegant Dolores Del Rio. The press couldn’t even find sympathy for her even in death and a false story was printed that she drowned in the toilet after vomiting up a spicy Mexican dinner. Her death is parodied and mocked to this day. Again, she’s a true Cancer in the sense that the same imperfections that everyone else has, she is seen as less than human for having them. I hope to help right that wrong by honoring Vélez for being the trailblazer that she is. At any rate, Vélez would seem to be a prototype for contemporary female stars, from Madonna to Rihanna, who have proclaimed their pleasure in their body and their sexual liberation — a pro-sex activist before her time, doomed to suffer the rejection of a more puritanical age.
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Lupe Vélez, according to astrotheme, was a Cancer sun and Leo moon. She was born María Guadalupe Villalobos Vélez in San Luis Potosí, Mexico, to young upper-middle class parents. Her father, Jacobo Villalobos Reyes, was a colonel in the military, and her mother, Josefina Vélez, was an opera singer. They also had another son, John and daughter, Annette. The Villalobos family were considered prominent in San Luis Potosí and most of the male family members were college educated. The family was also financially comfortable and lived in a large home with servants. As a young girl Lupe showed an interest in performing, but her father was outraged at his daughter’s “low-class” dreams, and forbade his daughter from being in show business. All that changed during the war. Her family was in a state of upheaval—the Mexican Revolution was happening, her father had been presumed dead in the war and all their money was gone. While most of her family members were too proud to get jobs, a teenage Vélez did just that, supporting the family by working as a saleswoman in a department store. She then finagled an audition with a local theater. However, her father was indded alive and well and soon returned home from the war. Because at that time becoming an artist and coming from a well-to-do family was seen as embarrassing, her father refused to let her use his last name in theater, so she used her mother’s surname.
She proceeded to seek out venues where she could dance the then-popular “shimmy.” In 1925 she was cast in the big stage revues Mexican Rataplan and !No lo tapes! and became a big audience favourite. Her name got around to American stage star Richard Bennett (father of American film stars Constance and Joan Bennett), who was looking for a Mexican cantina singer for his new play. Lupe traveled to Hollywood but was rejected for the part for being too young. While in Hollywood, Lupe met film and stage comedienne Fanny Brice, who took a liking to Lupe because of her sparkling personality. She put in a good word for Lupe to impresario Florenz Ziegfeld (creator of the Ziegfeld’s Follies), who could use Lupe in one of his Broadway musicals. However, MGM producer Harry Rapf heard of Lupe as well, and offered her a screen test. When producer Hal Roach saw the test, he immediately signed her to a contract. Vélez soon made her major film debut in Douglas Fairbanks’ action-romance The Gaucho in 1927. The film was a huge hit and Vélez was an overnight sensation.
Along with her professional life gaining steam, so did her love life. Vélez sought out some of Hollywood’s hottest men, which wasn’t hard for a hot and sexy number like Lupe; men flocked to her like bees to honey. She was romantically linked with Gary Cooper, Charlie Chaplin, Clark Gable, cowboy Tom Mix, “Tarzan” actor Johnny Weissmuller, Errol Flynn, John Gilbert, Henry Wilcoxon, singer Russ Columbo, Randolph Scott, author Erich Maria Remarque (who wrote All Quiet On The Western Front and later married Paulette Goddard), Clayton “Lone Ranger” Moore, director Victor Fleming (director of Gone With The Wind), and boxers Jack Johnson and Jack Dempsey.
One of her first conquests was cowboy star Tom Mix. She also had an with newcomer Clark Gable, who cut off their romance because he was afraid Lupe would run all over town discussing their sexual secrets, which she did. Soon she had a torrid affair with comic genius Charlie Chaplin in 1928. Lupe revitalized Chaplin’s libido after he had gone through a torturous divorce from his wife. Whatever time she had for the many men in her life, that same appreciation didn’t extend to other women and she would frequently battle with the other females with whom she had to work with and would often threaten them; when she was starring in director D.W. Griffith’s Lady of the Pavements, she had to co-star with an actress named Jedda Goudall, whom she hated, and the two had a ferocious cat-fight on the set. When she made her final appearance on Broadway in the Cole Porter musical “You Never Know”, Vélez and fellow cast member Libby Holman feuded viciously. The feud came to a head during a performance where Vélez punched Holman in between curtain calls and gave her a black eye, which pretty much ended the run of the show. Vélez was territorial about the men in her life, she was vicious toward any woman who might be competition for her man or an acting role. She mocked Marlene Dietrich, Greta Garbo, Katharine Hepburn and Shirley Temple, and her arch nemesis Dolores Del Dio by doing imitations of them.
When she was cast in the film The Wolf Song in 1929, she met Gary Cooper and immediately started what would be her first widely publicized romance. Theirs was a one-sidedly volatile relationship; he would often appear in public with scratches and bruises. One time, she attacked him with a knife during a fight. He needed stitches. By the end of their time as a couple, Copper had lost 45 pounds and was physically exhausted.  He was ordered by the studio to take a vacation. As he boarded a train, Vélez shot at Cooper but missed. Lupe soon moved on to other men; she had a thing for fighters. In addition to having a brief fling with boxer Jack Dempsey, she conducted a flagrant, but secret, affair with the black boxer Jack Johnson. In those days, blacks and whites almost never conducted sexual affairs out in the open. She met Olympic swimming champion Johnny Weissmuller at the hotel where she was staying that was owned by film star Marion Davies. One problem: Weissmuller was already married. But no matter, he dumped his wife for Lupe and married her October 8, 1933 in Las Vegas. Theirs was not a happy, serene marriage, and they constantly battled, with Lupe filing for divorce several times in 1934 and changing her mind each time. Weissmuller’s patience was so strained he dumped a plate of salad on her head at Ciro’s nightclub. Finally, in 1938 she filed a petition that was finalized in 1939.
After having many hit pictures with MGM, they unceremoniously dropped her. The excuse was that the studios were no longer going to make Spanish versions of their films and there was no longer a need for Latin actresses. Vélez returned to Mexico in 1938 to star in her first Spanish-language film. Arriving in Mexico City, she was greeted by 10,000 fans. The film La Zandunga, was a critical and financial success and Vélez was slated to appear in four more Mexican films, but instead, she returned to Los Angeles. She soon went to RKO Studios and starred in the B-movie The Girl From Mexico. Despite its lowly status, the picture became a tremendous hit with audiences. RKO rushed her into another film, this time called Mexican Spitfire, playing an emotionally volatile singer named Carmelita. The 1940 film became another smash for Lupe. The Spitfire series of eight slapstick comedy films rejuvenated Lupe’s sagging career.  In late 1941, she had an affair with writer Erich Maria Remarque whose wife, actress Luise Rainer later wrote that Remarque told her “with the greatest of glee” that he found Vélez’s volatility hot.
At this same time Lupe took on another lover in the form of a French 27-year-old bit actor named Harald Ramond. He was a strong and controlling man who knew how to tame Lupe. After she discovered that she was three months pregnant, she announced her engagement to Ramond without his knowledge or consent. When he learned of her pregnancy, he refused to marry her. Deeply hurt and stunned, she felt backed into a corner; she knew her career would be ruined in Hollywood if word got out she was pregnant and unmarried. It just wasn’t done in those days. And despite her wildness, Lupe was a devout Catholic, so abortion was out of the question. She could see only one way out: suicide. On December 18, 1944, at the age of 36, Vélez swallowed 70 Seconal pills, she lay down on her pink satin pillow on her over-sized Hollywood bed and arranged herself like a movie star, with her hands folded across her chest and went into an eternal sleep. Dramatic to the end, Lupe went out of this world in glamorous style. She left a suicide note addressed to Harald, which read:
“To Harald, May God forgive you and forgive me too, but I prefer to take my life away and our baby’s before I bring him with shame or killing him. How could you, Harald, fake such a great love for me and our baby when all the time you didn’t want us?  I see no other way out for me so goodbye and good luck to you, Love Lupe.”
THAT is the truth. But the bottom line is: how she lived her life as well as the circumstances around her death are all irrelevant at the end of the day. What matters is the loss of a great multi-talented, pioneering Mexican star and a legacy unrealized and stunted by a world that wasn’t ready for her.
Next, I’ll talk about the most famous of her paramours, the yin to her yang, a perfect example of the special chemistry that Taureans and Cancers share, the strong, silent hero of the silver screen: Taurus Gary Cooper.
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birthdate: July 18, 1908
major planets:
Sun: Cancer
Moon: Leo
Rising: Gemini
Mercury: Cancer
Venus: Leo
Mars: Pisces
Midheaven: Pisces
Jupiter: Virgo
Saturn: Aries
Uranus: Capricorn
Neptune: Cancer
Pluto: Gemini
Overall personality snapshot: She may have seemed at times to be a shy, vulnerable, romantic individual who only wanted to please, but underneath she had a voracious appetite for adoration and respect, and would not stop until she got it. Without a doubt, she had a very warm feeling for others, and domestic security with plenty of happy togetherness is high on her list of priorities. When it came to cooperation with others, however, she had her limits because she was profoundly individualistic and, albeit in a charming manner, she insisted on doing things her way. Ultimately the most important thing for her was believing in herself and being true to her standards and aspirations. Most of all, she needed to fulfill her creative potential, which was like an intimate companion with whom she shared her life. You nurture it, protect it, and then you show it off, and whatever walk of life you are in, you tend to be a fine performer.
This gave her a lot of self-respect and a touch of vanity as well, and her emotional sensitivity combined with her underlying imperiousness tended to impress others and made them take her seriously. She was a devoted member of her flock, and she zealously and jealously protected and promoted whomever she was devoted to. When it came to developing her own talents, however, she seemed to know that she had to pull away in order to grow into her greatest self. Others may have thought she was a bit of a show-off but that was not the case: she simply had a deep sense of the importance of her own creative talents, and she felt only half alive if she did not honour them. Although she was pretty sensitive to criticism or rebuffs, she was just as committed to honesty and personal integrity; and despite her vanity, she eventually learned to laugh at herself.
She had a very good memory and found it easy to learn subjects that interested her. She was very kind and thoughtful towards others. Her imagination was very keen, but if it got carried away, she may have experienced irrational fears. Even though she may have tried to maintain a scientific and objective outlook, her mind was actually dominated by her emotions. When it came to careers, she may have felt initially vague or confused about what she really wanted to do. She was eventually forced to give up her career of choice by events out of her control (as was evidenced by the tides turning from the “Mexican spitfire” female ideal due to the changing of the times). There was probably some element of self-sacrifice involved somewhere in her choice of career (the element of sacrifice being that she had to sacrifice her child, and ultimately her life, in relation to her reputation as an unwed mother as well as her unborn child’s reputation as an illegitimate child). She had good technical and scientific ability due to her, at times almost fanatical, attention to detail. She was also fastidious when it came to matters of health, diet and appearance. She was not afraid of work and was very resourceful and capable. She also worked well in a team. She became very annoyed if somebody else questioned the way that she operated. Her energy levels were somewhat inhibited, her self-confidence reduced, and her ambitions restricted through fear of failure. Times of strength and weakness alternated within her. Even though her decision-making ability could be ineffectual through over-caution, she often seemed to be placed in situations where a quick decision was needed. When she succeeded, it was mainly through her own efforts. She also showed a tendency towards wanting to start at the top, wanting to avoid the hard work that gets you there.
She belonged to a generation with a rational and logical attitude to life. There was a conflict between tradition and convention, and the experimental and unconventional. As an individual, she had to learn to strike a balance between the erratic and the conventional. As a member of this generation, she had the ability to come up with original ideas which could be of practical value. She was part of a very artistically talented and creative generation that wanted to escape from the demands of the world around them into a world of excitement and glamour. She was part of an emotionally sensitive generation that was extremely conscious of the domestic environment and the atmosphere surrounding her home place and home country. In fact, she could be quite nostalgic about her homeland, religion and traditions, often seeing them in a romantic light. She felt a degree of escapism from everyday reality, and was very sensitive to the moods of those around her. Bow embodied all of these Cancer Neptunian ideals. As a Gemini Plutonian, she was mentally restless and willing to examine and change old doctrines, ideas and ways of thinking. As a member of this generation, she showed an enormous amount of mental vitality, originality and perception. Traditional customs and taboos were examined and rejected for newer and more original ways of doing things. As opportunities with education expanded, she questioned more and learned more. As a member of this generation, having more than one occupation at a time would not have been unusual to her.
Love/sex life: It wasn’t easy to be passionate and emotionally explosive and also hold on to her dignity, but this was what she wanted to accomplish. She tried to conceal the pulsating softness of her sexual nature behind a façade of control and bluster. She thought that her display of strength and jolly self-confidence would hide her vulnerability and her susceptibility to virtually any sexual diversion. Of course, no one was really buying this cover up. They saw the luscious edges of her erotic hunger peeking through her disguise. That’s why they were all so anxious to be around her. The biggest problem in her sex life was how to deal with change. She loved it and she hated it. She loved following the lead of her feelings and surrendering herself to the moment. Too much consistency, even loving consistency, was apt to leave her bored and dissatisfied. But she also saw change as a threat to her sense of control and to the emotional security that she valued so highly. Because of this duality in her thinking, her reaction to changes in her sex life was abrupt, contradictory, and (horror of horrors) a little undignified.
minor asteroids and points:
North Node: Gemini
Lilith: Libra
Vertex: Scorpio
Fortune: Gemini
East Point: Gemini
Her North Node in Gemini dictated that she needed to prevent her idealism from influencing her thoughts to such a high degree. She needed to consciously develop a more clear-minded and analytical approach involving her thought processes. Her Lilith in Libra was definitely working overtime here. Relationships somehow caused her to err, and her partner choices caused much suffering.   She expressed herself through others. As a lover, she was aggressive, yet co-dependent. As a mistress, she was not above trying to cause a divorce, which she did with Johnny Weissmuller and she ultimately became fatally despondent when she found herself pregnant with a bit actor's baby. She used her good looks as a weapon to help her get ahead in the movie industry. Also, Lilith in Libra strangely enough, manifested itself as a sort of lighter female Capricorn archetype, and she pulled herself up by the bootstraps in a rather glamorous way, going to work after her father left the family unit. As such, she exhibited graceful gumption right until the very end. Her Vertex in Scorpio, 5th house dictated that she had a desire or continual need for feeling irresistible and irreplaceable on all levels of intimacy, whether spiritual, intellectual, emotional, or physical. From the fires of hell to the heights of heaven, the  further and deeper the range of interaction she could experience with another the more fulfilling. She had a childlike orientation, in all of its manifestations, toward relationships on an internal level. That implicit trust, or perhaps naivete, that was instilled in our  childhood persisted far into maturity. The concomitant explosions and  occasional tantrums when these constructs are violated also accompany  this position. She had a need for fun, creativity, and excitement in a  committed relationship, no matter how many years it has endured. She often had deep fears, typical of children, of abandonment, as well as a need for universal acceptance, no matter how she acted, which she needed her partner to respect and nurture, rather than rebuke, especially in adulthood. Her Part of Fortune in Gemini and Part of Spirit in Sagittarius dictated that her destiny lay in travel, education and communication. She was able to overcome enemies by her words and by her writing. Happiness and fulfillment came from being able to express herself fully. Her soul’s purpose lay in seeking truth, justice and fairness. She felt spiritual connections and saw the spark of the divine when she studied, broadened her mind through new philosophies, or looked for inspiration outside the home. East Point in Gemini dictated that she was often insatiably curious and loved to collect little bits of (what seemed to be useless) information and trivia. Her interests were quite varied, and she may have been somewhat scattered. Sometimes her curiosity could appear cold and callous as her level of objectivity was potentially high. There was usually an openness to learning in any situation.      
elemental dominance:
She had high sensitivity and elevation through feelings. Her heart and  her emotions were her driving forces, and she couldn’t do anything on earth if she didn’t feel a strong effective charge. She  needed to love in order to understand, and to feel in order to take action, which caused a certain vulnerability which she should (and often did) fight against. She was dynamic and passionate, with strong leadership ability. She generated enormous warmth and vibrancy. She was exciting to be around, because she was genuinely enthusiastic and usually friendly. However, she could either be harnessed into helpful energy or flame up and cause destruction. Ultimately, she chose the latter. Confident and opinionated, she was fond of declarative statements such as “I will do  this” or “It’s this way.” When out of control—usually because she was  bored, or hadn’t been acknowledged—she was bossy, demanding, and even tyrannical. But at her best, her confidence and vision inspired others  to conquer new territory in the world, in society, and in themselves.    
modality dominance:
She wasn’t particularly interested in spearheading new ventures or dealing with the day-to-day challenges of organization and management. She excelled at performing tasks and producing outcomes. She was flexible and liked to finish things. Was also likely undependable, lacking in initiative, and disorganized. Had an itchy restlessness and an unwillingness to buckle down to the task at hand. Probably had a chronic inability to commit—to a job, a relationship, or even to a set of values.                    
house dominants:
The material side of life  including money and finances, income and expenditure, and worldly goods was emphasized in her life. Also the areas of innate resources, such as her self-worth, feelings and emotions were paramount in her life. What she considered her personal security and what she desired was also paramount. Short journeys, traveling within her own country were themes  throughout her life; her immediate environment, and relationships with her siblings, neighbours and friends were of importance. The way her mental processes operated, as well as the manner and style in which she communicated was emphasized in her life. As such, much was revealed about her schooling and childhood and adolescence. Her personality, disposition and temperament is highlighted in her life. The manner in which she expressed herself and the way she approached other people is also highlighted. The way she approached new situations and circumstances contributed to show how she set about her life’s goals. The general state of her health is also shown, as well as her early childhood experiences defining the rest of her life.  
planet dominants:
She was of a contemplative nature, particularly receptive to ambiances, places, and people. She gladly cultivated the art of letting go, and allowed the natural unfolding of events to construct her world. She followed her inspirations, for better or for worse. She was intellectual, mentally quick, and had excellent verbal acuity. She dealt in terms of logic and reasoning. It was likely that she was left-brained. She was restless, craved movement, newness, and the bright hope of undiscovered terrains. She had vitality and creativity, as well as a strong ego and was authoritarian and powerful. She likely had strong leadership qualities, she definitely knew who she was, and she had tremendous will. She met challenges and believed in expanding her life.
sign dominants:
At first meeting, she seemed enigmatic, elusive. She needed roots, a place or even a state of mind that she could call  her own. She needed a safe harbor, a refuge in which to retreat for solitude. She was generally gentle and kind, unless she was hurt. Then she could become vindictive and sharp-spoken. She was affectionate, passionate, and even possessive at times. She was intuitive and was  perhaps even psychic. Experience flowed through her emotionally. She was often moody and always changeable; her interests and social circles shifted constantly. She was emotion distilled into its purest form. She ventured out to see what else was there and seized upon new ideas that expanded her community. Her innate curiosity kept her on the move. She used her rational, intellectual mind to explore and understand her personal world. She needed to answer the single burning question in her mind: why? This applied to most facets of her life, from the personal to the impersonal. This need to know sent her off to foreign countries, where her need to explore other cultures and traditions ranked high. She was changeable and often moody. This meant that she was often at odds with herself—the mind demanding one thing, the heart demanding the opposite. To someone else, this internal conflict often manifested as two very different people. She loved being the center of attention and often surrounded herself with admirers. She had an innate dramatic sense, and life was definitely her stage. Her flamboyance and personal magnetism extended to every facet of her life. She wanted to succeed and make an impact in every situation. She was, at her best, optimistic, honorable, loyal, and ambitious.      
Read more about her under the cut.
Lupe Velez was born on July 18, 1908, in San Luis Potosi, Mexico, as Maria Guadalupe Villalobos Velez. She was sent to Texas at the age of 13 to live in a convent. She later admitted that she wasn't much of a student because she was so rambunctious. She had planned to become a champion roller skater, but that would change. Life was hard for her family, and Lupe returned to Mexico to help them out financially. She worked as a salesgirl for a department store for the princely sum of $4 a week. Every week she would turn most of her salary over to her mother, but she kept a little for herself so she could take dancing lessons. With her mature shape and grand personality, she thought she could make a try at show business, which she figured was a lot more glamorous than dancing or working as a salesclerk. In 1924 Lupe started her show business career on the Mexican stage and wowed audiences with her natural beauty and talent. By 1927 she had emigrated to Hollywood, where she was discovered by Hal Roach, who cast her in a comedy with Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy. Douglas Fairbanks then cast her in his feature film The Gaucho (1927) with himself and wife Mary Pickford. Lupe played dramatic roles for five years before she switched to comedy. In 1933 she played the lead role of Pepper in Hot Pepper (1933). This film showcased her comedic talents and helped her to show the world her vital personality. She was delightful. In 1934 Lupe appeared in three fine comedies: Strictly Dynamite (1934), Palooka (1934) and Laughing Boy (1934). By now her popularity was such that a series of "Mexican Spitfire" films were written around her. She portrayed Carmelita Lindsay in Mexican Spitfire (1940), Mexican Spitfire Out West (1940), The Mexican Spitfire's Baby (1941) and Mexican Spitfire's Blessed Event (1943), among others. Audiences loved her in these madcap adventures, but it seemed at times that she was better known for her stormy love affairs. She married one of her lovers, Johnny Weissmuller, but the marriage only lasted five years and was filled with battles. Lupe certainly did live up to her nickname. She had a failed romance with Gary Cooper, who never wanted to wed her. By 1943 her career was waning. She went to Mexico in the hopes of jump-starting her career. She gained her best reviews yet in the Mexican version of Naná (1944). Bolstered by the success of that movie, Lupe returned to the US, where she starred in her final film as Pepita Zorita, Ladies' Day (1943). There were to be no others. On December 13, 1944, tired of yet another failed romance, with a part-time actor named Harald Maresch, and pregnant with his child, Lupe committed suicide with an overdose of Seconal. She was only 36 years old. (x)
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heavenlyhaechan · 4 years
A Fateful Delay
Pairing: Jaehyun x Gn!Reader 
Genre: friends to strangers to lovers au, fluff, 
Word Count: 4.1k 
Warnings: swearing, kissing, lots of dialogue 
Rating: PG-13? 
Note: Happy birthday nct aquarius boy 5/5! Forewarning I am an amateur tarot reader, so if it’s not entirely accurate *shrugs* Heavily inspired by Jaehyun’s I like me better cover video. (p.s. you’re a real one if you recognize the book quotes.) 
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Gate 26, gate 26, gate 26, you repeated in your head, not confident that your half awake mind wouldn’t forget. Heathrow airport was still quite empty at this hour, with only a few other stragglers hanging about. 6:00 am wasn’t exactly the most desirable time for a flight after all. 
Here it is, you sighed in relief when you saw a crowd still waiting to board the early flight. You looked down to check that you had your boarding pass before looking up and suddenly being transported back to an older time. 
“Jaehyun,” you said it without thinking, prompting him to look up from his phone and make eye contact with you. Recognition flashed across his face almost immediately, along with something else you couldn't quite place. 
“What are you doing here?” you asked as you reached him, setting your backpack down on the bench beside him. 
“I’ve been studying here,” he said. “What about you?” 
“Just traveling. I’ve been in Europe for,” you paused to count in your head. “A little over two months now.” 
“Mostly, yeah.” 
He whistled. “That’s pretty impressive.” 
“It’s been an adventure, that’s for sure.” 
You lapsed into silence, your mind still reeling with the fact that you had run into Jaehyun here of all places. And as coincidences like this didn’t happen very often, you quickly resigned yourself to the fact that you would probably never see him again. 
“Flight 2491 from London Heathrow to Incheon International Airport has been delayed 18 hours,” a nasally voice announced over the speaker. Groans erupted all around you as they continued. “Boarding will commence at 12:00 am. If you have any questions or wish to board another flight please come to the front desk. Thank you and have a good day.” 
Jaehyun sighed, reaching up to run a hand through his hair. 
“Good thing I checked my bag,” he said as though he was trying to find a glimpse of good in the situation. You nodded emphatically. 
“I was just thinking the same thing.” 
“You know what I need now?” 
Once you’d left the airport the two of you entered the first cafe you could find. Unlike Heathrow, this was it’s busiest time of the day. You looked around as you waited, observing the artwork and the office workers that came and went without a second glace in your direction. They must be used to tourists. 
“Does this place have a bookstore?” you asked as you peered past the espresso machines. You repeated your question to the barista when you reached the front of the line, and learned that yes, there was a bookstore just down the hall. 
“Lets go,” you said once you’d ordered. 
“When else?” 
“You go,” he said. “I’ll wait for our coffee.” 
The bookstore was even quieter than the airport, with not a soul to be seen but your own. You ran your finger along the bookcases as you explored, the rough texture and musty scent of the books making you feel at home. Jaehyun found you sitting on the carpeted floor in the aisle between two bookcases, a stack of hardcovers next to you. 
“Watcha doing?” he asked as he handed you your coffee and sat down next to you. 
“Let me read you some of my favorite lines,” you said in place of an answer. 
“Didn’t we read that in high school?” Jaehyun asked as you picked The Sun Also Rises from the top of the pile. 
“Yeah,” you said. “Junior year.” 
Eventually you found the page you were looking for and read the line: “I can’t stand it to think my life is going so fast and I’m not really living it.” 
“Damn,” he sighed. 
You nodded. “That’s why I decided to come here. To Europe I mean.” 
You picked up the next book. 
“Okay here’s another one. ‘Brave doesn’t mean you’re not scared. It means you go on even though you’re scared.’” 
“How are you finding these so fast?” Jaehyun asked, dimples appearing on his cheeks as he smiled. 
“I’ve probably read them too many times,” you laughed along with him, ripping your eyes away from the ever endearing marks. 
A minute later: “We accept the love we think we deserve.” 
You laughed again, and he forced himself to smile with you. 
“Okay last one. ‘That’s what love is. Love is keeping the promise anyway. Don’t you believe in true love?’” 
“Do you?” 
“Believe in true love.” 
“Yeah, don’t you?” 
He sipped his coffee as he considered the question. 
“Yes,” he said finally. “I just don’t think I’ll ever find it.” 
You were taken aback by that. Jung Jaehyun had always been one of the most desirable people you knew, and from what you could tell the last six years had done nothing but make him even more so. But maybe that wasn’t what mattered. 
“Doesn’t it scare you?” Jaehyun interrupted your thoughts. 
“What? Love?” 
“I mean yeah I guess so, but isn’t true love worth the fear?” 
Jaehyun smiled again at that, nodding quietly as his gaze moved to focus on the floor between you. You weren’t sure if the nod meant yes, but it brought an end to the conversation anyway. 
As the morning turned into midday the two of you found yourselves in a quieter part of town. The sky had begun to darken as you walked and it casted a looming shadow over the street, filling you with a strange sense of foreboding. 
Soon enough raindrops began to fall, creating dark spots on the concrete beneath your feet. You ducked into the first shop you could find for shelter, not paying any attention to the signs posted outside. Thus you were surprised to see the crystal balls, tarot decks, and palm reading books laid out on the tables inside. 
Incense filled the air, and midnight blue and royal purple drapes were hung along the walls, highlighted by shimmering golds and silvers. A woman stood at the counter wearing colors to match. Other than her the store was empty, which didn’t surprise you considering the fact that it was late morning on a Monday in February. Not exactly the height of tourist season. 
“Welcome,” the woman said, her voice soft and silvery. “Are you looking for something in particular today?” 
“Uh, no,” you looked back at Jaehyun. 
“We were just escaping the rain,” he finished for you. 
“Well then, perhaps you’d be interested in a reading?” 
You felt bad for seeking refuge from the rain but not buying anything, so you agreed. You followed her to the back of the shop with Jaehyun close on your heels. An embroidered curtain was pushed to the side to reveal a small table with a few chairs scattered around it. 
“Please take a seat,” she said as she pulled a deck of tarot cards from a drawer in the table. You and Jaehyun sat next to each other on the side closest to the curtain, and she sat across from you. 
“So, I want you to think of a question,” she said as she began to shuffle the cards. “It could be about anything really, but please make sure that it’s clear and specific.”
You played with your hands where they rested in your lap, feeling quite put on the spot. 
“Take your time,” she smiled at you. 
Your mind came up with and then discarded a million questions as the seconds ticked by, but eventually you settled on one. 
“Our uh, flight was delayed this morning,” you explained. “Do you, or do the cards think that it was delayed for a reason?” 
“Hmm,” she nodded in understanding. First she split the deck in three, then put it back together as a whole in no obvious order, before finally beginning to place the cards on the table. 
“Let’s see,” she pondered, looking down at the cards she’d laid out. First she pointed to the world and high priestess cards, both reversed on the table before you.“It looks as though you lack closure, likely because of some feelings that you’ve repressed or kept hidden.” Next she pointed to the hermit and the ace of swords. “But you are searching for the truth, which will soon lead to a breakthrough that will provide you with clarity.” 
Now she pointed to the page of wands. “You have been exploring recently, or maybe you still are.” Next to the knight of wands and the knight of cups. “You are fearless right now, and are ready to follow your heart. This will lead to new beginnings,” the fool, “dreams come true,” the ten of cups, “and a unique and deep partnership,” the lovers. 
“Taking all of this into consideration, I’d say that yes, it did happen for a reason,” she finished. And although you weren’t one to believe in the superstitious, when she looked up at you with a twinkle in her eye you had a feeling she knew something that you didn’t. 
Your stomach grumbled as you left the store, which made you realize that you hadn’t actually had a proper meal all day. You hadn’t had time on your way to the airport that morning, and coffee didn’t exactly count as food. 
Like he could read your mind Jaehyun pointed out a fish and chips place nearby. It was lunchtime, so the place was bustling. Nevertheless you were quickly escorted to a booth made of dark wood with faux leather seats. It had been placed near a window looking out on the street you had just left behind. 
Music played through speakers, battling the rowdy conversation of your fellow diners. Your still complaining stomach prompted you to order without much consideration, confident that you were hungry enough to enjoy whatever you were served. 
“Do you believe everything she said back there?” Jaehyun asked as you waited for your food, his nail tracing a crack in the table. 
“Yeah?” you phrased it as a question, watching as the group next to you was served. “I mean I wouldn’t usually, but a lot of what she said rang true.” 
You lapsed into silence again, and you noticed a newfound awkwardness filling the space between you. An awkwardness that had nothing to do with the time that had passed since you’d last seen each other. You couldn’t stand the feeling, and so no matter how out of character it was for you, you felt that you needed to disrupt it somehow. So you said the thing that had been dancing around in the back of your mind since you’d first laid eyes on Jaehyun that morning. 
“I liked you in high school you know.” 
“Oh. You did.” He tilted his head, the look in his eyes hard to decipher. It wasn’t a question but you answered anyway. 
“Yeah well I mean everyone probably liked you at some point, but,” you bit your tongue, already regretting your words. 
“So you liked me because everyone else did?” 
“No! I liked you a lot more than everyone else did.”
You only registered the teasing lilt in his voice after you’d finished blurting out the confession, and you felt your whole body go hot as the smile dropped from his face. The pause felt like it lasted for centuries because of your embarrassment. 
“Why?” he asked eventually. 
“Why what?” 
“Did you like me.” 
“Um,” you fiddled with your paper napkin to focus your thoughts. You second guessed yourself yet again. Were you really going to spill your guts to him now, here, after all this time? 
Fuck it. When else? 
“It always seemed to me like you didn’t care what anyone else thought of you, but not in a high and mighty way, you just minded your own business. Everyone either wanted to be you, or be with you in high school, but you didn’t let it affect you. It never got to your head, and you were always equally kind to everyone no matter what.” 
Your eyes didn’t leave your hands the entire time you talked. Your fingers shredded your napkin methodically, too embarrassed to even imagine looking him in the eye ever again. 
“Plus, you’re not bad to look at,” you said with your last ounce of confidence, before descending back into silence. 
Luckily you didn’t need to say anything else, as just then your server arrived with your food. You dug in despite your now roiling nerves, still too scared to look up. If you had, you would have seen the fond look in Jaehyun’s eyes, and the way his dimples couldn’t seem to be tamed. 
After lunch you walked across the Thames, but were eventually forced to make way for two small children zipping by on their scooters, their faces both full of pure and unadulterated joy. You couldn’t help but smile as you watched them go by, remembering when things had been that simple for you too. 
“Do you want kids?” 
You don’t know why you’d asked. Maybe it was something about the way his eyes had sparkled when he’d moved for them to pass by, or the small smile that still graced his face almost a minute later. 
“Me?” he laughed a little after he said it, knowing full well that he was the only person around for you to ask. “I…yeah.” 
You nodded, not particularly inclined to say anything more, but he went on anyway. 
“Sometimes I think about like, having a house with a big yard, and a dog, and some kids, and just all the people I love with me,” he trailed off. “I guess it sounds kinda cliche to say it out loud.” 
“A little,” you chuckled lightheartedly even as your heart leaped in your chest. “But I know what you mean.” 
Soon enough you stumbled upon a covered market set up along the river selling everything from clothes, to records, to furniture. You wandered into the clothes section while Jaehyun browsed the rows of records. 
Eventually you found a mirror and started trying on the most ridiculous accessories you could find. Jaehyun found you adorned with a lime sunhat, sparkling ruby red glasses, and a fluffy green absinthe scarf. 
“Why does that kind of work?” he chuckled as he looked you up and down. 
“Complementary colors,” you said simply, trying to ignore the way his eyes surveyed your figure. His mouth was smiling, but his eyes were serious. They took you in like you were a statue in a museum, something to treat delicately and with reverence. 
“I had an idea,” he said as you began to shed your layers of color and ludicrous. 
“What kind of idea?” 
“I thought maybe we could pick something from all of this,” he waved his arms around, gesturing to the market around you, “and buy it for each other.” 
“Like a secret santa?” 
“Kinda, yeah.” 
“Okay,” you nodded. “Meet back here in say, twenty minutes?” 
You set off in opposite directions, not wanting to spy on each other’s search and spoil your own present. Twenty minutes later you met back up where you’d started, before quickly deciding that you needed to find somewhere to sit while you shared what you’d bought. You chose a loveseat in the middle of the furniture section, it’s surface made of navy blue linen. 
“You first,” Jaehyun said once he’d made himself comfortable next to you. 
“Okay but fair warning, this is kind of dumb,” you said before pulling a white mug from behind your back. On its surface was painted a singular peach hued letter J. 
“I just had to,” you laughed, relief filling you at the look of amusement on his face as he took it in his hands. “You can use it when you get that house you were talking about.” 
His smile softened at that, and he looked up at you with a genuine look of gratitude. “I love it. Seriously. Is it weird how much I love it?” 
You laughed again, your cheeks aching with delight. 
“Okay my turn,” Jaehyun turned serious again as he leaned down to carefully tuck the cup into his bag. When he straightened up he had a record in his hands. Taking it from him you saw that it was the self titled Hozier album from 2014. 
“I remembered that it was your favorite album in high school so I uh, yeah,” he trailed of as you looked back up at him, your eyes as big and sparkling as the full moon. 
“I can’t believe you remembered.”
“Yeah well, maybe I liked you a little bit in high school too.” 
Your stomach dropped at his words and you forced yourself to swallow back your surprise. 
“Really?” you managed to get out, desperately searching his eyes for any hint of insincerity. But when he nodded you found nothing but nerves at his years awaited confession. 
Eventually the two of you found yourselves in a sprawling garden backed by a row of old Victorian houses. Wide walkways created borders between garden beds full of both familiar and unrecognizable plants, the air full of their sweet scent. 
You split off to wander on your own for a while before meeting back up at a bench near the back of the garden. Jaehyun presented you with a one of spring’s first daffodils when you reached him, and you bit down on your bottom lip hard as he tucked it behind your ear. 
“I bet a lot of people get married here,” he mused a while later, arms propped up on the back of the bench. 
“Yeah, it’s beautiful.”
The foolish part of you let your mind imagine yourself having a wedding here. As your eyes traced the slope of his nose you wondered who would be in attendance, what food would be served, what you would be wearing. 
“Do you ever think about all the things that had to happen for us to run into each other this morning?” Jaehyun asked. “Like I never thought I’d ever see you again, and even if I did I thought it would be at a reunion or something.” 
“And what if our flight hadn’t been delayed?” you considered. You knew what would’ve happened. You would have gotten on that plane without speaking another word to each other. Maybe a brief goodbye in Incheon, but that was certainly the very most. And then you would go your separate ways yet again, passing it off as an innocent coincidence. 
“I’m glad it was,” he said as though, yet again, he could read your mind. Or maybe he was just thinking the same thing. 
The sun was setting now and his face was lit up by its fiery glow. It turned his deep brown eyes gold and his cheeks rosy. His lips were parted the tiniest bit, like they were trying to grasp onto a word that he couldn’t quite remember. 
“Stop looking at me like that.” 
“Like what?” you asked. 
“Like you,” his jaw clenched as he paused, eyes flickering with uncertainty. “Like you could fall in love with me,” he finished finally. 
“Maybe I already have.” 
He ripped his eyes from the setting sun in favor of looking at you. The corners of his lips were down turned, and his eyes were set in shadow. You decided you liked them better this way, twin pools of warmth that you could fall into and stay in comfort forever. 
“Would it be crazy if I kissed you right now?” he whispered just loud enough for you to hear. 
“Yes,” you said breathlessly, your lungs not working quite the way they were supposed to. “But you should do it anyway.” 
And so he leaned forward that left over inch, and your lips melded together like honey in the golden light of the sun as it sunk beneath the horizon. 
As night fell upon the city you decided you needed something sweet to end your day. You ended up at a diner near the center of the city, with milkshakes and french fries set on the table between you. You dipped one into your shake and then huffed out a laugh as Jaehyun grimaced. 
“It’s good!” you defended yourself. “At least try it before you judge me.” 
He reached forward and dipped a fry into his vanilla milkshake before popping it into his mouth. He considered carefully, eyes never once leaving yours. 
“Okay I admit, it’s pretty good.” 
You cried out victoriously before he’d even finished his sentence properly, pumping your fists in the air. It was Jaehyun’s turn to laugh now, the indent of his dimples enchanting you for the thousandth time that day. 
“Do you think,” Jaehyun began, spinning the shiny silver spoon in his cup around in circles. 
“Are you…happy?” 
You blinked. As an adult people would always ask you how your career was going, if you were married, or if you’d bought a house yet, as if life was some kind of grocery list where you had to check off each item in order for you to be complete. He was the first to ask if you were happy. 
“I think so,” you leaned down and took another sip of your milkshake to give yourself a chance to think. “I’m not unhappy,” you decided after a moments thought. 
“You know what makes me happy?” he asked next. 
You stared at him, your mind reeling. A thousand thoughts came to you, but none of them expressed quite what you were feeling. But maybe words weren’t what you needed right now. 
You reached across the table, pushing your cups and fries out of the way until you could lean forward free of any obstructions. He met you halfway without you needing to do or say a thing. 
This time he tasted sweet and salty, like adventure and familiarity all wrapped into one. Fireworks erupted behind your eyelids as you kissed, disrupting the calm darkness you usually found there. When you pulled away you became starkly aware of the countless eyes on you, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care. The only eyes you cared about were the chocolate ones looking straight into yours. 
As you sat back down you noticed the flower that had fallen from behind your ear and on to the table top. Jaehyun noticed it at the same time as you, and carefully he reached forward to pick it up and twirl it between his fingers absentmindedly. 
“One of the classes I took while I was here,” he started. “It was just for fun, an extra credit course you know. And at some point we talked about the language of the flowers.” 
You watched the flower spin, a yellow blur under the diner’s fluorescent lights. It was mesmerizing, or maybe you were just tired. 
“Do you know what the daffodil’s meaning is?” he asked. 
You shook your head. 
“Unequalled love.” 
You reached gate 26 for the second time that day with nearly half an hour left until midnight. Some of your fellow voyagers sat around in groups, some by themselves. Some lay across the airport benches like cats trying to enjoy their midday nap. There were tired eyes everywhere you looked. 
You, on the other hand, felt more awake than you had all day. None of it had felt real, passing more like a dream than real life. You had been tempted to pinch yourself several times that day, and now you finally decided to submit to the urge. You pushed back the sleeve covering your left arm and gave the skin underneath a quick pinch, if only to confirm that you were indeed corporeal. 
You sucked in a short breath at the small tinge of pain, but then smiled at the ground at the confirmation that everything that had happened today was in fact real, and not just a figment of your overactive imagination. Jaehyun looked over at you with curious eyes at the small sound. You shook your head at the unspoken question, preferring to not indulge exactly how surreal all of this felt. 
“What’s your seat number,” you asked instead. 
“Uhhh,” Jaehyun rummaged around in his bag for a second before pulling out his boarding pass. “32F. How about you?” 
You stared at each other for a second before Jaehyun burst out laughing. 
“You’re telling me that our seats were next to each other this whole time?” 
“I think so,” you looked down at your boarding pass once more before joining in on Jaehyun’s disbelieving laughter. 
“Well would you look at that,” Jaehyun said, pulling your right hand into his lap and squeezing it gently. “I guess this really was fate.” 
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astralwaifu · 3 years
May I have an MHA/BNHA matchup? :0 if ur matchups are closed by the time u see this, or u just don't feel like writing one, you can ignore!
I'm an INFP/J (last time I took an MBTI test I was equal on this...idek 😬) and my zodiacs are sun Leo, moon Aquarius, rising Capricorn
I'm introverted and quiet irl, but I get told I'm rude and have an attitude around ppl I don't like lol (mostly just a-holes like homophobes and racists), but I'm friendly around nice people :) Most of the time I have a pessimistic mindset but that changes a lot.
I also have ADHD and possibly PTSD
My kins are Aizawa, Deku, and Tokoyami. (Or Todoroki, Jirou, and Bakugou, too.)
My hobbies/passions are drawing, music, making stories (in my head cuz I forget to write everyday lol). I also like gaming, watching Youtube or Twitch streamers, and eating 🌮🎂🍕 I'm also a huge nerd and love to research pointless topics lmao (and I like research mental health :>)
I dislike really toxic people (like ab*sers or hateful people), talkative people (ppl who can strike up convos and keep them going are fine, but ppl who can't stand silence and always have to talk about something all day just annoy me :l), loud noises and alcohol cuz they're triggers for me. (I also hate the cold, idk if that's relevent tho lol)
My fashion sense is pretty much anything alt! Mainly goth, punk, kawaii, scene, and a lil emo (+kidcore and hippie 💖) I don't have a main fave so any of those are fine to me
Random facts about myself? I grew up around metal/death rock (and punk rock...pretty much every genre of rock lolol) so any types of heavy, energetic music genres are always my faves.
I used to be a brony-creepypasta fan and I still kinda am deep inside lmao, so my partner better get used to me talking about Cupcakes and Rainbow Factory...😂😬
I've been tryna regain my childhood for months now 😔 sad fact lmfao
Aaanddd I'm a geography freak :) I love learning about different countries and unique languages
Last fact! I admire alt ppl so much lol, for example everytime I see a fellow goth by baby bat ass just wants to be besties with them but I'm too shy and awkward to talk to them 😭
Again, if u don't feel like writing or ur matchups are already closed, feel free to ignore! I hope you have an amazing day 😊
I honestly didn’t know I had such cool moots 😭 Literally where have you been my entire life people?
I match you up with:
Kyouka Jirou!
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- When she saw you she instantly fell in love. On the moment she knew you were perfect in every little way, with every quirk of your personality and action. Even if you come off as rude for most people, she has literal stars in her eyes as she watches you. Will also defend you to the end of the world (it’s not your fault M*neta is being a scum again)
- Was and still is nervous around you, always blushing like crazy and fidgeting with her ears. At first, she brushed off the feelings she had, hoping they would fade away. Wrong. The moment you hit her with a geography fact, she was done, lost the war and now had the word ‘love’ tattooed all over her brain.
- How did she confess to you, you may ask… She. Wrote. You. A. Song. And sang it to you. Just imagine what happened in her heart when she found out you were just as down bad for her as she was. (Kyouka started that day to write more songs about you and by now she has enough material for an album)
- You are almost always in eachother’s presence, even if you are not really interacting. It’s just being in the same room that is comforting.
- You also go on shopping dates together and basically go through every alt shop you find, buying endless accessories and clothes, sometimes even matching things. You know the lego half heart necklace thing? You both have one of those, and never take them off (except for bath ofc)
- She help you throughout every ptsd attack. When smth triggers you, she is fast to get you out of that place and comfort you in small ways. Jirou knows that is better to not suffocate you right now, but still stays with you until you feel better. She doesn’t want you to ever feel sad or depressed again, and be sure that Kyouka makes it her goal to bring a little light in your life. In return, you always comfort and praise her when insecurity hits, reminding her of how much love you have for her, and how you’ll never let the thing you have go.
- You listen to music together, obviously, but also watch a lot of videos on youtube. When either of you comes over to the other’s dorm you do this and it’s honestly so cute (and domestic?) and i want it to.
- 10/10, easily the best gf there is.
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rebeccccccaaa · 4 years
ғᴏʀᴇᴠᴇʀ & ᴀʟᴡᴀʏs
ʙᴜᴄᴋʏ ʙᴀʀɴᴇs x sɪʙʟɪɴɢ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
ʀᴇǫᴜᴇsᴛᴇᴅ: ANON Yay it’s my bday ^^ can I ask my favorite blog for an imagine? One where you’re a winter soldier but were trained secretly so bucky don’t know you. But you’re also buckys sister. So as you get the mission to kill him you found him in the tower when all avengers sit together. First buck is happy that you’re still alive and most likely can’t believe it but as you start attacking him, he knows what’s going on ( & you also have a cyber arm). In the end you remember him and he helps you through this?
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: angst, gun use? Also this kinda an au but like kinda sort of lol; in other words timeline fucked up lmao
ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ’s ɴᴏᴛᴇs: Happy Birthday bug! Omg! My birthday is on Saturday fellow aquarius ;) Also thank you so much for calling me your favorite writer that makes me so happy I can't even begin to say much that means to me. 
ps im posting twice today! what omg! so yeah stay tuned really soon for a really good steve smut i just wanted to get this one put today for the anon’s birthday :)
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Betcha ya never thought sibling rivalries could get this out of hand. 
You and your twin brother James Buchanan Barnes stood across each other on the roof of the Avengers Tower. Bucky had settled with the team when Hydra was defeated in DC. thighs were going very well and he finally felt like he was doing good again in his life. He felt like he had a family again, especially when Steve was still alive.
Speaking of family, you barged in the Tower earlier today looking for Bucky and when  you found he couldn't believe his eyes. He was so happy and confused to see you but nonetheless rushed over to give a long needed hug. 
The second he took a step forward you aimed your gun and shot several times at him. His metal raised up and blocked the bullets but that didn't stop you. 
“Who the hell is that?” Bat aske Steve while hiding and loaded her gun to fight back.
“That’s Y/n,” Steve said in distress. 
He had a sort of crush on you back in the 30s when you guys were teenagers, but like Bucky, he thought everyone he knew then was dead. First he found Bucky who tried to kill him, and now he found you, or you found them, and you also trying to kill Bucky. 
“Who’s Y/n?” Nat asked.
“Buck’s sister, they look nothing alike though,” Steve explained.
“There’s another Barnes?” Tony shouted.
“I thought she was dead.”
You threw Bucky across the room and while he stayed on the ground groaning, you pulled out your gun again and shot at him missing every single bullet because of his stupid metal arm. Two can play that game. Literally.
You stormed up to him and grabbed his throat pulling him up and choking him. Bucky’s eyes bulged out his head; how were you so strong? He tried to hit your head but was unlucky, so he took his metal hand and chopped it down your right arm hoping to buckle your elbow so you’d let go but to his and everybody’s surprise you didn’t budge.
Istead the prominent sound of metal against metal echoed loudly throughout the room and everyone’s expressions were shocked, confused, scared. You threw Bucky again to the side and his hand was wrapped around your wrist so when he was thrown he took your hand glove with him and as he guessed, bright shiny and silvery metal glowed for everyone to see. 
“She’s a winter soldier,” Nat said.
“Before the Black Widow academy became what it is, what I am, they experimented on others to turn them into people like Bucky; Winter Soldiers. They all had bad effects, turned aggressive and too violent to be trained. But it was rumored another person was a success but I didn't think they used them, well her. You said she was his twin?” Nat said.
“Yeah, fraternal,” Steve said.
“So they share similar DNA, it makes sense for the serum to work on her if worked on him.”
“Do you think she was kidnapped?” Steve asked. 
“I wouldn’t doubt Hydra,” Nat said sadly. 
Bucky ran to the roof in hopes to get away but you were just as fast and light on your feet. You trained the same way. So now you and James Buchanan Barnes, traitor, stood across each other on the roof of the Avengers Tower.
“Y/n,” Bucky said calmly. You grumbled and huffed not liking the name he was calling you. 
“Y/n, I know you know me.”
“I do. You’re the soldier who betrayed your fathers. You left your home,” you said harshly.
“That’s not my home. And it’s not yours either. I know you remember me,” Bucky took a step forward slowly.
Steve bursted through the roof access door stopping when he saw you and Bucky talking. Bucky looked back at him and motioned Steve to stand next to him.
“You remember this punk, looks different but he had googly eyes for you, remember? You told me you wouldn’t date someone younger than you. I told you it was only a year but you didn’t wanna admit like the fucker back,” Bucky explained. Your head was beginning to pound and a ringing sound pierced your ears. 
“You’re my mission,” you said with teary eyes; you felt this connection with the long haired traitor but you couldn’t pin it. Your brain was too scrambled from the electroshocks. 
“I had a mission too.”
“And you failed! You betrayed your family!”
“They are not family! You’re family!” 
You huffed opening and closing your fists anxiously; they were beginning to look more and more familiar.
“Y/n, it’s Bucky, Buck-a-roo, B,” he said the nicknames you once called him so long ago. 
“I don’t remember you,” you cried, “I have to kill you.”
“No you don’t. Those people, they’re not good. They’re not family. They don’t love you. I love you, Steve loves you. Come home,” Bucky sobbed.
He picked up your hand and you looked at him in his vibrant ocean blue eyes. Those same eyes you were always so jealous of growing up. 
“Stay here. We can help you remember. We’ll keep you safe, I’ll keep you safe. You’re my sister,” Bucky cupped your face gently.
Your head ached horribly, flashes of memories you didn’t know you had came up and tears flowed down your face. 
“I know what it's like to be scared they’re gonna hurt you but I swear on my life, no one’s gonna hurt again. I promise, just come home,” Bucky whispered. The rest of the team watched and anticipated what could happen, complete shock with what was happening in front of them. 
You looked at Bucky and your face dropped into an expressionless cold look. He was tricked. He grabbed your hand and pushed away the gun shooting at nothing thankfully. He pinned you under him.
“Get off of me!” you screamed and wiggled.
“Y/n! Please, look at me!” Bucky said.
“I know how you feel. You're confused, angry, helpless. It feels awful, I know.”
“I hate this, I’ve killed so many people,” you cried.
“I know,” Bucky sat up and hugged you.
“You’re safe, with me. Ok?” He said.
“Forever and Always?” you asked. 
This was something you always said to each other. You were sort of jealous of Bucky and Steve’s ‘Til the end of the line’ so you came up with ‘Forever and Always’ and it was your promise to be there for each other just like he promised Steve. Bucky’s tears spilled over and he hugged you tightly knowing you were already starting to remember. 
“Forever and always, doll.”
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kazuwhora · 3 years
hi, can i maybe get a tokrev matchup? i'm non binary and use every pronouns, an ENTP and an aquarius sun - scorpio moon - aries rising. I'd definitely say that it's not all too easy to get along with me, since i have huge moodswings sometimes which lead me to experiencing certain emotions quite intensely, especially anger. i'm an extrovert that doesn't mind staying at home by themselves occasionally. i can be very loud and outgoing, but whenever i my mental health gets really bad, i start isolating myself and pushing everyone away due to several reasons, (which mostly impacts internet friendships since i can't run away from my irls at school), but when i'm around people, i'm still very loud and try to forget about everything,, some of my closest friends have literally tried guilttripping me for the isolating thing, but oh well <3 like i said, im very loud but people also tell me that i look pretty intimidating because of the way i dress and do my makeup (mostly all black clothing, dramatic eyeliner and so on kind of style) ?? + i have a resting bitch face so yeah 😕 about my hobbies,, i do nothing but eating and sleeping after school, before taking a shower and eventually going back to sleep during the night, but somehow i still don't get enough sleep and am tired all day long <\3 oh also, i really really hate sharing my food but id definitely share it with that certain someone <3 i really really love cold weather, like you'll catch me walking around in a skirt in the middle of the winter and i dislike the constant catcalling i experience due to the way i dress, especially because of my skirts, i guess? my love language is definitely physical touch, but i also express my love through "bullying" and being "mean", but without actually meaning it, if you know what i mean. i think that should be it,, thank you so much for doing these!! i hope this wasn't too long 😭
me: says I'm going to bed
also me: can't stop getting excited over people's matchup requests
as a fellow entp I didn't need to read very far to IMMEDIATELY SAY BAJI. hear me out on this one.
(also I feel u on the mood swings and mental health bit and if u ever need a place to vent you can always spam my ask box <3 -signed an entp with borderline personality disorder lol)
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strap yourself in because this is a chaos power couple. by nature, nobody can really tell if the two of you absolutely despise each other and are only together out of spite and pride in defying the expectations of your friends, or if you're really just a match made in heaven that nobody seems to understand. you with your resting bitch face paired with baji and his resting cocky bitch face are pretty much guaranteed to make people step aside and give you the sideye. like baji cares though. as much as the two of you like to engage in emotionless bickering for the fun of it, and as much as the two of you present yourselves as enemies that can't help but be near each other at all times, baji knows he's absolutely w h i p p e d for you. he first notices this when he catches the gaze of wandering eyes around you, lighting a fire in his throat. he has to hold himself back from making snide comments towards those that dare lay their eyes on you, and it's at this point that he started to question why he felt this way in the first place.
despite being generally chaotic, we all know baji cares deeply for those he chooses to surround himself and you're no exception to that. his loud extroverted aspect of his ESTP personality is mellowed down by the sensing element that allows him to live and experience his surroundings in the moment. this means that he can immediately pick up on impending mood swings and spells of isolation that you cast on yourself. he gets frustrated when this happens though, and because he's not the best at being patient in the moment, he can be relatively insensitive right off the bat. he'll try to drag you out of the house with him to do something, he'll text you until 3am begging you to go for a drive with him, he'll go to his wits end to just get you out of isolation and out doing something. and preferably with him. he'll bribe you, he'll pester you, he'll annoy you until he eventually catches on that sometimes you just need to chill, and you just need him to be able to do that with you if he insists on being with you during these lows.
dw though because baji will knock the heads of anyone that tries to guilt trip you when you're down. all it takes is one mention of what's on your mind and he's at the door ready to hunt them down and have a word. it'll make you laugh, but baji isn't joking. it takes a lot of effort to convince him that it's not something he needs to deal with, and that you're fully capable of managing your own friendships by yourself. "right" he'll say, clearing his throat and regaining composure. he has to remind himself that this is about you-- and you know you best.
bajis love language is all over the place, but he finds himself frequently defaulting to acts of service and quality time. so expect him to be throwing rocks at your window until you answer his texts and let him inside. and don't be mad if he cracks the glass because he was just trying to help right? he's perfectly content to hang out and share food in your room for as long as you want, but only if you promise to let him take you on a drive later. that's really his only demand, but he'll rope you into some general petty havoc on the way. in a sense, baji is able to bring you out of your lows even if it's a temporary fix, and in return you provide him the comfort of knowing there's someone out there that needs him, and someone just as intimidating as he.
please bully each other. <3
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grown-clone · 3 years
Hi can I have a romantic matchup please 💕
She/her, straight
I'm 15
I look like this
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Personality: I am very empathetic, always trying to keep the people around me happy (even if I'm not in the end) I hate disappointing people so I can over work myself sometimes. Mostly I am kind and polite, but a I get very sassy moments (I can also be very sarcastic). Im also kind of reserved when I first meet someone and it can take me awhile to show my fun, goofy, happy side to them
Aquarius, infj
I like reading books, writing, listening to music (mostly kpop). I also like to go exploring like in the forest or even abandoned places I also love cooking and baking (more so baking tbh)
sometimes I stop in the middle of talking because I think I talk to much (I've been told many times that I do so I just try not to really talk in a way)i play with my hands a lot, I have a really high pitched (idk sorta cute?) sneeze, I can be very clumsy (I literally tripped on air once😂) when I do something scary my hands shaky after I've done the scary thing (if that makes any sense)
I match you up with.....Inasa!!!
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Inasa and your personality are pretty different, but you balance each other out very well!
You met Inasa when you and the class where going in for their provisional exams, and automatically his large and loud personality caught your attention. You had also gotten into U.A. on recommendation, Your Quirk was called Jurassic Bones-Aqua, and you could turn into any Pescatarian or aquatic dinosaur. So, pretty powerful. You just stared as he cracked his head on the sidewalk as he bowed. He looked vaguely familiar, but you couldn't quite put your finger on it. Refocusing your attention on your teacher, you walked inside with your class to begin the exam. The doors opened, and you took a step into your future.
"HELLO THERE, FELLOW HERO STUDENT!!!" You screamed and whipped around, facing the tall, boisterous boy from Shiketsu. His faced softened every so slightly, and he lowered his voice. "My apologies!! I just get so fired up whenever I see another hero in training! Especially one with a Quirk like yours!!" He stuck out his hand for your to shake, practically ripping your arm off in the process.
"Oh, thank you. You were pretty cool in there too!" You smiled. Inasa seemed to glow from the inside.
"You really think so!?" He asked, his eyes sparkling with determination. You nodded, giggling. "AMAZING!!! I love meeting fellow students who can see the passion in heroes!!!" Inasa did not leave your side, rambling on and on about passion and righteousness. You were getting exhausted trying to keep up with the conversation, but he seemed happy, so you listened until your ears fell off. In the end you exchanged snaps, you feeling wary of giving him your number just yet. When you got home that night, scrolling through your socials, you immediately burst out laughing at Inasa's latest story.
"And they were Villains" The TV spoke, The camera turned to Inasa, looking totally shocked.
"Oh my god they were Villains." He said, his voice an near perfect imitation of the vine.
Inasa Yoarashi was a Shitposter. From there you begged to see if he had a Tumblr, which he most certainly did. A lot of it was scenic pictures from hikes he went on to train. But the rest of it was pure, classic, Gen Z humor. Memes, vine references, his Tik Tok account which you soon followed. And oh god, his Tik Tok was even BETTER. You decided very quickly that you were glad you let Inasa talk your ear off.
Inasa, however, on the other end was FLIPPING OUT.
"First of all, stop yelling. Its , like, the middle of the night and I'm exhausted from today. She probably thinks its funny. Its not like she's super old or whatever."
"Camie of course! You're absolutely right!" Inasa belly flopped on his bed, furiously typing out a new post.
"Ugh, how do you have this much energy? I'm, like, sooooo tired after today."
A few days later you were chatting with Tsu, talking about meeting up sometime that weekend with the rest of the girls for a day out. School had been picking up slowly, so a group study sesh with snacks at your favorite cafe seemed like a great idea. You all had finally settled on a date and time.
"Hey Y/N, do you still talk to that boy from the licensing exam?" Tsu asked, finger pointing to her mouth. "The loud one, who doesn't like Todoroki?"
"Huh? Oh, you mean Inasa? Yeah, but a lot of it is just memes. Sometimes we get on Facetime and bake together." The thought made you smile, remembering the time Inasa got icing on the end of his nose, and didn't realize the entire time he iced the cupcakes he was making.
"Ribbit, you two must be closer than you think Y/N. You're always texting someone in class, and I suppose its him. " Tsu said, looking at you with those all-knowing eyes of hers. Seriously, she's a genius, and picks up on almost anything. You giggled and looked away, shoving your hands behind your head. "Maybe you should invite him along, Ribbit! I'm sure the rest of the girls wouldn't mind!"
"You really think so? It would be nice to hang out with him without our faces glitching every five seconds."
"I know so, Ribbit."
So it was decided that Inasa, who loved the idea of meeting all your girlfriends and "Seeing what their passion for heroism is!", would join you two at the cafe on a Sunday Morning, when it would be most empty.
The string of bells rung when you opened the door, alerting the owner( Who nobody knew the real name of, and simply asked to be called Clone) that you were there.
"Oh my goodness, Y/N is that you? Oh , you've gotten so big and strong!!!"
"You saw me Wednesday, Clone." You said, shrugging off your bag and setting it at a large table with tall stools. "The girls are coming to hang out, and Momo said she would bring her credit card. Inasa is also coming." You said, hoping she would ignore the last part.
"INASA!!! THE INASA!!!! THE ONE YOU PESTERED ME ABOUT MY LEMON CAKE RECIPE FOR INASA!!!! Oooooooh, he better leave a good impression!!! And a review, my lemon cake is AMAZING." You nodded, laughing. Neither of you heard the door chimes ring again as Uraraka and Tsu walked through the door.
"Hey guys!" You said, walking over to give them a hug. You pointed to the table and they set their stuff down, helping you get enough chairs to seat everyone. Eventually, everyone but Inasa had showed up. You all were sipping on some drinks and munching on snacks, when the door chimes rang again.
"HELLO I BROUGHT CUPCAKES!!!!" A very familiar, very loud voice spoke from behind a large stack of boxes.
"Inasa!" You called, hopping out of your seat and dashing over to help him set down the boxes. Inside were beautifully decorated chocolate cupcakes, with whipped icing and dried fruit sprinkled on top. They looked mouthwatering. The rest of the girls leapt upon the boxes immediately. Inasa looked quite pleased with himself at the sight of you and your friends enjoying the cupcake.
"Awf my gowd, Inafa fees are amafing." You said, grinning up at your tall friend. He just smiled and joined you all.
Put simply, the group loved him. Even Clone! He was boisterous and loud, and maybe even brash, but he was funny and kind. He helped you study, and you helped him study. Overall, the session went exactly as planned.
"Bye guys!!" You shouted, waving at everyone leaving as you ducked back into the cafe to help clean up.
"I think that went well!" Inasa said, saluting you for some reason. You giggled and nodded.
"Very well, I'm afraid they're all going to try and steal you from me." You began moving chairs back in place.
"Awww, don't you worry Y/N, you're my favorite!" Inasa said. And he said it so calmly, like it was a well known fact you already should have known. "You'll always be my favorite!"
The words made you blush, and blush hard. Inasa did have a tendency to say things like that, but you always thought it was just his personality. Clone peaked her head around the corner, eyes wide and eyebrows raised. You made a shooing motion with your hands.
"Aww, Inasa you're so sweet. You're gonna make someone real happy someday!" You set the last chair down.
"Yeah, I hope so." Inasa said. You didn't notice him looking at you .
Clone groaned, smacking her face with her hands. "Oh my god Y/N, he has a crush on you!! God children are so dense! " she made a noise of disgust and disappeared back into the kitchen.
You were a blushing mess, quite positive your skin would catch on fire if you blushed anymore. You risked a glance at Inasa, who's face held no indication of his actual skintone with how red he was. He glanced at you, and made an "eep!" noise of some kind(which, yes, you totally found cute) and turned away. The earthquake-like shaking of your heart let you know that Clone was probably right(she almost always is) and you had to deal with this. Somehow. Your brain was moving at a million miles a minute, so much so that you didn't notice Inasa's hands on your shoulders at first. And then you did. And then you blushed some more.
"Y/N.....May I kiss you?" The question was short and simple. All you had to do was nod. And fuck, you weren't no idiot. You shook your head vigorously up and down, not having any time to react before Inasa just scooped you up into his arms and pressed a deep, fiery, and yes passionate kiss to your lips. He tasted like a cool breeze and chocolate, and you could stay there forever, arms wrapped around his neck as this enormous high schooler held you like a lifeline in his arms.
Then your lungs ruined the moment because the needed air, stupid ass lungs. Fuck you lungs! You ruined it!
You both panted, not quite wanting to meet each others eyes quite yet(because neither of you are good at ANY social interaction, but who is), but you leaned your head onto his.
"So, you're my girlfriend now right?" He asked.
"I...uhh..I guess so."
"....I don't think I'll be able to walk you to classes like I'm supposed to."
You could care less.
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astrology-india · 4 years
Taurus Compatibility - The Best and Worst Match
New Post has been published on https://www.astrology-india.com/taurus-compatibility/
Taurus Compatibility - The Best and Worst Match
If you are lucky enough to have a Taurus in your life, then you already know what I am about to tell you.
Smart, friendly, and down to earth, the Taurus is a likely partner-in-conversation for just about anything from serious life advice to humorous banter.
Those born under the sign of Taurus are known throughout the zodiac as being trustworthy and dependable.
They come through in the clutch. Add in some friendliness and warmth for good seasoning and you got yourself a bull.
Ruled by Venus, the planet of love, it is not unheard of for the Taurus to partake in sensuality, even hedonism.
However, the bull seems to keep it in check, being well-grounded, practical, and focused on achieving their goals.
As a fixed sign, the Taurus is driven and determined.
They also have a reputation for being stubborn and even quick to temper, but let’s be clear here, you did not hear that from me. The Taurus is usually hardworking and committed. From love to career, they seem to know what they want and are fueled by stars to go and get it.
Below is everything you need to know about which zodiac signs are best and least suited for Taurus compatibility based on sun signs alone.
For the most accurate description regarding compatibility, it is important to understand your complete natal chart.
The Best Taurus Compatibility Matches
Taurus Compatibility is the best with their fellow earth signs who all value hard work, goals, and staying at home together.
The Taurus can be a winning combo with two of the sensitive and intelligent water signs as we will see below.
Taurus and Capricorn
The combination of Taurus and Capricorn is the power-couple of the zodiac.
Both hardworking, intelligent, and friendly signs, these two in love could take over the world if they desired to.
If the bull wanted a run for their money concerning stubbornness, Capricorn the goat can deliver.
This is a good thing, though. Both the Taurus and the Capricorn understand that the whole “stubborn” thing is an unfair critique anyway.
They both know that it is their devotion and commitment that people mistake the stubbornness for.
And this devotion? Well, it is for their friends, loved ones, family, careers, and their goals.
In my opinion, things that are well-worth being stubborn for and Capricorn/Taurus compatibility is excellent because these two share the same values.
The Capricorn is a bit more driven than the Taurus, who does not complain about taking it easy and indulging occasionally. The Capricorn digs all of that too.
So, when the more dominant and driven goat tires themselves out in the endless pursuit of achieving their goals, the sensual Taurus will be right there with dinner on the stove, the candles lit, and a good movie on deck.
Taurus and Virgo
The Taurus is sweet, and the Virgo is sensitive, no two sun signs could be more nurturing of each other.
Both signs are practical and hardworking and these two likely share the same priorities: loyalty to their partner, family, career, and staying at home.
Taurus compatibility with Virgo works so well because of some of the contrast of the two signs and the balance that they feed each other.
The Taurus is fixed and grounded. The bull is self-assured and proud. On the other hand, Virgo is a mutable sign who is known for being critical and sometimes goes off the deep end with worry.
In this harmoniously balanced relationship, the bull shows the over-analytical Virgo how to stay grounded and the Virgo keeps the Taurus in check when they go off into over-indulgence.
The Virgo knows how to get things done and will help the Taurus to focus and make their dreams into a reality.
In the bedroom, the Taurus will be much more open, as a sensual and physical sun sign. The Virgo is much more subdued.
This sun sign relationship is built on loyalty, so this is a good yin and yang balance if both parties share that deep connection.
Taurus and Cancer
What happens when two possessive, yet devoted sun signs meet and fall in love? They give each other fully to one another.
This could be seen rather remarkably in the Taurus/Cancer bond.
These two are domesticated, stable, and forward-looking.
They are alike in pretty much every way with only one real big difference: the Taurus is an earth sign, and the Cancer is a water sign.
What this means in broad terms is that while the Taurus lives through analyzing and rationalizing, the Cancer exists mostly through their emotions and intuition.
The Taurus thinks of every possible outcome to a decision while the Cancer goes off of feeling. This is also how the two primarily communicate as well.
If the above leads to any disagreements, it will be the many things that they agree on that will keep this couple together and the Cancer/Taurus compatibility going strong- mainly, staying at home.
The Taurus and Cancer are the two most domesticated signs of the zodiac.
These two signs are extremely loyal and seek security. Both the Taurus and the Cancer are hardworking and goal-oriented.
This perfect alignment of values will leave this couple with little to squabble about, which is a good thing because both signs have hot tempers.
Taurus and Pisces
If the Taurus has been wondering if there is any other sign out there that appreciates sensuality as much as they do, they need not look any further than Pisces- the most sensual of the zodiac.
The tough bull and the sensitive fish, who would have thought?
Just because the Pisces wears their feelings on their sleeve 24/7 and the stoic Taurus does not, really does not mean a thing.
The Taurus is pretty sensitive too and has a rich emotional life, even if they do not fully understand it.
Pisces is the ideal sun sign to help the Taurus get in touch with that side of themselves.
Both signs are intelligent homebodies who like to consume the finer things in life from the arts, cuisine, nature, music, books, and film.
Both the Taurus and Pisces love good conversation and humor.
The Pisces imagination will entertain and intrigue the Taurus to no end and in the bedroom Pisces intuition and Taurus sensuality together are dynamic.
All of this entirely depends on the specific Taurus and Pisces, of course. There is a chance that the two signs can over-indulge if not kept in check.
If both signs have it relatively together and are focused on their goals, then this is a beautiful, magical, almost physic relationship.
Least Taurus Compatible Matches
Some signs do not fare well with the Taurus romantically.
Taurus compatibility works the best with sun signs that share the same values. Some, like the sun signs below, have values that run counter to the Taurus’.
Taurus and Aquarius
Have you ever seen somebody kick over another person’s sandcastle at the beach? Maybe you have not but have seen a Taurus and Aquarius relationship. It is basically the same thing.
To better put this in perspective, imagine that the sandcastle is the Taurus’ need for comfort, stability, and security, and the foot that kicks it is everything about what the Aquarius represents.
The misunderstood Aquarius marches to the beat of their own drummer, and one could say that their objective in this life is to challenge traditions.
This means stability as we know it, something the Taurus looks for throughout their entire lives.
The Aquarius is off-beat and always playing with expansive and abstract ideas and has an alchemic way of bringing them into life.
The practical Taurus does not understand any of this at all and would much prefer to be with a more level-headed and down to earth person.
The Aquarius will have little interest in the Taurus anyway, as they see the bull as too materialistic and rigid.
Nothing about the Taurus will excite the Aquarius and vice-versa.
Taurus compatibility with Aquarius is not good. Both signs are extraordinary in their own right, but for a romantic relationship, they will do far better with a sun sign who shares their same values.
Taurus and Gemini
Taurus compatibility with Gemini is weak because the two signs have little in common.
In every aspect of their lives, The Taurus looks for stability like a heat-seeking missile. This is especially the case with their romantic involvement.
The Gemini is a free sign, not only because they are mutable, but the Gemini is particularly known to be flighty.
Maybe not in an ADD sort of way, but they do have this remarkable ability to jump from one thing to the next, often making decisions and taking actions at the drop of a dime.
The Taurus is much too grounded and cautious to understand the Gemini’s unpredictable ways.
In a sense, the double-sided and mutable Gemini (who is nicknamed “the twins”) may also have difficulty understanding why they do some of what they do as well.
Everything from activities to the conversation will go this way with the pair, leaving the Taurus desperately looking for some sense of routine and normalcy.
This is sure to bring out the stubbornness of the bull and the Gemini will think the Taurus takes everything too seriously.
Taurus and Sagittarius
Just because Taurus is ruled by the planet of love, Venus does not mean that their love is well-suited for everyone.
Taurus compatibility with Sagittarius is not good for many reasons, most pronounced is their difference in values.
The fire sign of Sagittarius is explosive and daring, a complete extrovert and social butterfly.
Meanwhile, the more reserved Taurus tends to lean towards being an introvert.
This should not be a total dealbreaker, however, the ruling planet of Sagittarius is Jupiter, which represents travel and exploration.
Taurus is one of the most domesticated sun signs and Sagittarius natives would likely work for the airlines if they do not already.
The Sagittarius is all about freedom and at the end of the day, the Taurus would much rather just stay at home with their partner.
Taurus compatibility with Sagittarius is highly doubtful as both seem to be here on earth worth completely different missions and both signs are pretty steadfast about making them into a reality.
Taurus and Aries
Remember the sandcastle analogy from earlier? Let’s use that again here.
The sandcastle still represents the Taurus’ values and this time the foot that kicks it represents the Aries.
Unlike the Aquarius in the earlier scenario, who has their reason for kicking the sandcastle, the Aries kicks it just to kick it. Aries, the aggressive young ram, thrives on conflict for conflict’s sake. The Taurus is hardworking and carefully constructs a comfortable, peaceful, and stable life for themselves.
Aries/Taurus compatibility is a big negative. If this relationship even starts, to begin with, it will end pretty quickly in one of three ways:
1) The Taurus ignores the Aries’s constant challenges to fight them, in which case the Aries leaves to go find someone else that will fight them.
2) The Taurus thinks the Aries is a bully, gets too stressed out, and then leaves.
3) The Aries pushes the Taurus just enough to bring out the bull’s famously bad, yet well-checked temper, and a fight that will end all fights ensues.
This locking of horns will likely be so bad that there cannot be any reconciliation ahead.
The Taurus Man
The Taurus man is a stoic in every sense of the word. Well, at least they want you to believe that.
Tough on the outside, the bull is a nature lover as a native of Venus. He is sweet and charming to those who know him.
The Taurus man is sensual and physically expressive, yet appearances would have you thinking that he was more reserved.
This is possibly true with his day-to-day decision making, but when he is in love, he is going to show it selflessly and with tons of affection.
The Taurus man is intelligent and communicative, he chooses his words wisely- he says what he means and means what he says.
He is hardworking and goal-oriented. Chances are this man who is successful and seeks a mate with a similar drive. Finding a partner who shares his values is a priority for him.
The Taurus man is a homebody. A force to be reckoned with at his 9-5, he cannot wait to get home and indulge in some good food, romantic company, and an evening in with his partner.
The Taurus, only matched by the Cancer, is the most domesticated of the sun signs.
The Taurus man is the perfect catch: an ambitious go-getter and a selfless and sensual lover at home.
Taurus Man Relationship Compatibility
The Taurus man works hard for his life of success, comfort, and peace and needs a partner who values the same things as him. He is loyal and devoted and seeks someone who is in it with them for the long haul.
Taurus man relationship compatibility works the greatest with Capricorn, Virgo, Cancer, and Pisces.
Taurus Man Sexual Compatibility
The Taurus man is physically expressive. While sex is physical, it is also much more than that to the Taurus man, who does not just make love in bed- he actually makes love in bed.
The best sexual partners for the Taurus man are Capricorn, Virgo, Cancer, and Pisces.
The Taurus Woman
The Taurus woman is the definition of a powerful woman. She is as strong as a bull, but as a native of Venus, she is as feminine as they come.
She is an artist at heart and drawn to things spiritual. If you told me that you know a Taurus woman from yoga class, I would not be surprised.
She is practical, intelligent, and communicative. While known for expressing her love physically, she needs stimulating conversation, preferably of the smart and humorous kind.
As a fixed sign, she is likely confident. The Taurus woman knows who she is and is looking for a partner who is the same.
The female bull is self-reliant and independent, so having a partner for her is a plus and not a necessity. She would much rather be alone than with someone insensitive, boring, or otherwise fake.
When in a relationship, she is devoted. Known to be a loyal lover, the Taurus woman seeks a partner who shares her values but also someone who does not bore her to death.
She appreciates genuine, interesting, and stable people in her life and to win her heart you will likely need to be patient and show and prove that you are a special catch.
Taurus Woman Relationship Compatibility
Taurus women are confident, independent, and self-reliant. She is tough yet sensual and full of love. When she is with a partner, she is fully invested. Highly devoted, the Taurus woman is looking for something solid and long term. Her compatibility is best with Capricorn, Virgo, Cancer, and Pisces.
Taurus Woman Sexual Compatibility
The Taurus woman is a physically expressive and powerfully sensual lover.
While she might come off as reserved, she lets her guard down in the bedroom, but only when in the company of a trusted companion who she is committed to.
The Taurus woman’s best sexual matches are Capricorn, Virgo, Cancer, and Pisces.
Final Thoughts
The intelligent and friendly earth sign of Taurus craves stability, comfort, and peace. If a sun sign shares these values, their differences will likely balance each other out in beneficial ways.
The Taurus in love is devoted; stubborn, yet selfless. They are trustworthy and dependable and in it for the long run.
Taurus compatibility is good with other domesticated homebodies who like to partake in sensuality at home: winning and dining, good books, and movies, with some stimulating conversation in the mix.
Some sun signs not only have different values than the Taurus, but their values actively go against what the Taurus works so diligently at building up for themselves, their sandcastle.
For this reason, Taurus compatibility is poor with Aquarius, Gemini, Sagittarius, and Aries.
Conversely, Taurus makes an excellent partner for sun signs Capricorn, Virgo, Cancer, and Pisces.
All of these signs prefer to stay at home and gravitate towards intellectually stimulating conversations and activities.
Some of these signs are hardworking and goal-oriented, and the others can be as well, depending on other aspects of their natal chart and their overall character.
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satoriberry · 3 years
Hi! I was wondering if I could get a haikyuu matchup please?
- I go by she/her pronouns and I want to be matched with a male character from Haikyuu!! please.
- My birthday is January 6th, 2004 and I’m a Capricorn Sun, Cancer Moon, and Libra Rising (my Mercury is in Sagittarius, my Venus is in Aquarius, and my Mars is in Aries if you wanted to know the rest).
- I’m 5’2, I have brownish-red hair and blue eyes.
- I spend a lot of time doing school work because I’m really driven by it and I’ve had good grades a majority of high school. When I’m not doing schoolwork I enjoy listening to music or going on a walk! I really like going on sunrise/sunset walks bc they’re always really pretty! I try to do community service in my free time. I'm currently a summer camp counselor but I hope to be a lab tech one day :)
- If I were to go on a date with a partner I don't really mind what we do, but I like book dates, movie dates, and especially museum dates!! In a partner I'm looking for someone who shares the same interests as me, is kind, has a good sense of humor, and most importantly can understand and work through my emotions with me. I get really bad mood changes so if he can work with me through that I really value it. My love languages are acts of service and quality time.
- I think that one of my fatal flaws is that although I appear kind and respectful when I’m out in public, I got kind of bad anxiety and high stress which is why I snap at people some times. I also get really defensive so I hate that as well.
-To finish off I’m an ISFP and Enneagram Type 9v1.
- I hope you have a great day! Ty if you do this! Also I love your blog colors 💗
Every once in a while, a lovely fellow drops by to pose me a few questions about love. This time, it was @olivia-is-confused!
↬ Berry's note: thank you so much for the compliment, it's so sweet :D!! and woowoo final matchup, we're close to opening the requests again >:). i hope you enjoyed your result!!
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If your other half was to exist, it would definitely take the form of a certain Matsukawa Issei. And what if he actually was...
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- Honestly I'm jealous because you two sound so cute together aww <3
- Matsukawa is a really flexible guy and he's always down for anything. You can ask him to skydive over a volcano and he'll be like "Aight bet :P", so whatever YOU like, he'll start to like as well amd enjoy
- You two make the perfect "he's chill and i get stressed easily" duo, but we're going to elaborate on that later („• ᴗ •„)
- The way you two meet would be so adorable ahakajsj sorry i just love this match so much 💔
- You're a student at Aoba Johsai, not particularly invested in any club, BUT you were somewhat known for being one of the school's most hardworking and most successful students. You almost never failed to reach a high grade, and your classmates and other students praised you for it a lot
- This took place before the start of the monthly tests, which majorly affected your overall grade, so you chose to spend more time at the school's library where you could study (and have a good excuse to stay for long hours)
- However, you somewhat overworked yourself, spending an extra 2 hours each time after school ended to make sure you perfectly memorized all your lessons
- And unfortunately, the stress caught up to you. One day, you felt an incoming headache start so you thought that laying your head for a few minutes wouldn't hurt. But you were so fatigued that you completely fell asleep
- At this same time, a certain curly haired boy was walking through the hallway after the end of his club activities. Matsukawa hummed a tune he heard on his grand parent's radio a few days ago while naming random objects in his view for fun
- He stopped in his tracks though, to notice how the library's door was not fully closed. He almost ignored that, but he opted to check if anyone's still inside.
- He expected an open window, or the librarian sitting under a lamp to verify books or anything really. What he didn't expect was to see a girl taking a nap.
- He stood over you like 🗿 "So there's a random chick sleeping in the library. Great." ans he didn't know what to do 💔
- His dumbass was ready to leave but then he convinced himself that's illegal (is it?), so he began to poke your shoulder to wake you up
- You peacefully woke to realize you weren't home nor in your room. You panicked when you realized what happened but when you saw him standing in front of you with a mildly amused expression, you slightly calmed down and began to pack your material
- "How was your nap, sleeping beauty?" "Well, taking a nap on school grounds after the end of classes was not a part of my agenda but, y'know, life experiences." "At least you can tell your grandkids that you were saved by a handsome young lad."
- You laughed at that last part, throwing your bag over your shoulder and sticking out your hand for him to shake. "Thanks for waking me up. I'm _____ _____, from class __. What's your name?"
- He gave you a smile, doing the same before you two set off to exit the school.
- You two crossed each other several times after that, during break time or during the morning assembly. You developed a fun friendship based solely around that first encounter, which is something that you'll never hear the end of from him
- You two grew really close, becoming "besties" as he liked to say. But the thing was, Matsukawa saw you as more than a friend. He couldn't exactly pinpoint it. You were a kind person, that was sure, but you were also really smart, funny, and very beautiful. He doesn't mention that all because he's kind of shy ngl (pussy ass bitch 🙄)
- And, he was simply taking a chance when he asked you out, believing you would reject him. Yet, he was more than shocked when you accepted, an uncharacteristically cheerful grin spreading across his face
- That's the part on how you two got together, very cute and lovely <3. Now, let's talk about your relationship
- He's such a fucking simp for you!!! I can confirm, I wrote Haikyuu!1!1!!
- He's so infatuated by your kind and hardworking personality, and he thinks you're a fucking angel. He tries to spend as much time as possible together because around you, he feels like he's on cloud 9
- He likes to call you sleeping beauty, because 1) the library incident and 2) he admitted that you looked really cute while taking that nap (i feel like point 1 and point 2 are the same thing🗿)
- Is a whore for movies just like you. Scratch that, he's a cinematic industry GOD. He'll give you movie recommendations that NEVER fail to disappoint if you ask him. He actually took you to the cinema on your first date (and your first kiss was in a cinema too <3)
- He always accompanies you on your walks to make sure you're safe and to spend some serenity with you. He shares his earphones with you and holds your hand tightly (aww <3)
- I feel like his love languages are quality time and words of affirmation (plus a hint of physical touch), so he expresses his love for you in those ways
- Regarding your stress and anxiety, he's the perfect guy. He'll always going to be there to reassure you and calm you down if you're ever having a bad time, be it in public or private. If you need it, he'll have you step aside so you don't get overwhelmed
- He won't get mad if you ever snap at him, he's very understanding and chooses to sit through it with you. If you're ever having a bad time with your emotions, he'll listen to what you want. If you need some alone time, he'll give you space before quietly coming back to check on you. If you need emotional support, you bet your ass he's going to comfort you. He values your happiness a lot <33
- I feel like he's a comic book reader, he probably reads stuff like Peanuts, Calvin and Hobbes, Archie etc, so you two get to spend time together while reading. He likes it when you lend him your books, especially if you scribble annotations. He says it "adds a special flavour" :D
- He LOVES study dates with you. Whether you're a 1st year, a 2nd year or a third year as well, he's studying with you because he thinks you look so adorable while focused on your work (he thinks you're pretty all time tbh shsihsjs fucking simp 🙄🙄)
- AAAAAND because he sometimes needs help and you're the perfect person for that. He sees you as some fucking Einstein...
- To conclude, Matsukawa Issei cherishes you a lot because and he'd eat his own kidneys before hurting you in any way <33
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Runner ups!
- Sugawara Koushi (almost started writing for him lolol)
- Morisuke Yaku
- Tendou Satori
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↬ Berry's after-writing note: WOOWOOO LAST MATCHUP, DONE. I loved this one so much in particular, idk why tho. but thank you so so much for requesting, i really hope you liked who you got mwah mwah <333
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plutoswrath · 5 years
the weak point, where we will heal
Chiron in Aries: I feel: defeated, I have no voice, I can not speak. I feel like having to battle everyone around me to prove me. I am not enough, authority challenges me. Am I aggressive for no reason? Am I a mindless hot head and weak in the wrong moments? Where is my idendity, who am I really? I need to prove it to everyone, especially myself. I will heal: Innerly. I am strong and I can speak without backing down, I will be brave for myself and fight for what’s right. I finally know my character. 
Chiron in Taurus: I feel: worthless, I have no worth and I don’t feel secure. I crave stability, will I find it in goods? Will I find it maybe if I don’t move and stay the same forever? I need ressurance, I am scared and can’t make any steps further. I will heal: by looking past the face, I will dare to look constructevly at my life, I will work for stability, I can feel secure in myself because I can provide for myself, so there is nothing to fear anymore. I am beautiful and good.
Chiron in Gemini: I feel: stupid and overbeared by all the impressions and informations I get. I am scaref to talk. My believes and views are challenged. I can’t make any sense of it, I am scared to speak my mind and unsure about everything. I have difficulties interacting with my fellow human beings, my mind can’t stand still, I am unable to focus. I will heal: and finally sort out my feelings and ideas. I will find confidence and ways to clean up my thoughts and will see the benefits in talking with my fellows and appreciate their opnion. Changing my mind is part of the progress in life, I feel joyous and happy when intellectually challenged or stimulated.
Chiron in Cancer: I feel: abandoned and unloved. Where is my family, where is my mother? I want a family that functions as a saving harbour but I feel left out and mistreatend. Home is hell and I am part of it. The family generational curse is out to get me. I am afraid I can not form a healthy family myself later on. What is a ‘normal’ family anyway? I will heal: with my heart. Normal is subjective and I am not part of the grudge that seems to hold my family in a tight grip. I can choose my family myself, I am loved even when I doubt it and I need to remind myself. I will transform my pain into a healing hand that touches damaged souls. 
Chiron in Leo: I feel: like a disgrace to myself and everyone else. I feel embaressed and I need to hide myself. I am too much, my love, my joy, my presence. I am shy and don’t want anyone to look at me: what if they hate me? Someone spoke too harshly with me and now I am scarred. I will heal: With my inner child by side. I am aloud to enjoy life and life out my passions. I am born to be looked at; everyone is unique in their own ways and I am too. The right people will appreciate me and I need to appreciate myself as well. I see my worth, I am glad I was born because I see the pupose of my life benefitting different situations and people.
Chiron in Virgo: I feel: exhausted. I am born to work and serve, but my body is aching. I see the negative in everything first, I am nitpicking myself and everyone else. I am not allowed to rest and enjoy. There is a mess around me, there is a mess inside me: my life is a mess, I need to clean up my whole existence. I will heal: by opening up to love and warmth. I need to feel the love vibrating in  the world I am on. I need to get in touch with my soul, my aims and pupose. I need to know the pin points of my life, everything else will solve itself later on.
Chiron in Libra: I feel: that I need to be always with someone, or do I feel alone? I give myself in into shallowness and have diffeculties forming meaningful relationships with my surroundings. I want to experience love I need to interact with someone because they need to fill the void inside of me. I see mirrors reflecting everything I give away from myself. I am not myself, I will change myself completely. I will heal: by realising that there is a connection between me and other people. I click with them and by helping them they help me. I am not shallow, the peoples are mirrors reflectig what I need, if they are wrong for me, what vibe and sensation do I give off? I can find solitude in myself as well, no one else is needed to give me the feeling of meaningfullness, relationships are an symbiosis. 
Chiron in Scorpio: I feel: cursed by the world, powerless. Since I was born someone or something is out to get me. Leave me alone. My inner being is wrong and feels like it can’t fit in, there is a deep, deep trauma that happened once that is haunting me now. I doom myself for being born, I fear losing eberyone, no one is allowed to come near me - I feel evil and wish evil. I will heal: with my whole heart and soul. Nothing is out to get me, I am not cursed, I did nothing wrong, nor in my past, this is a way of shaping who I am there is a reason behind all of this but I am not being punished. I am alright with who I am and I am not scary, nor evil, or a monster that was formed by being hurt and alone. 
Chiron in Sagittarius: I feel: lost in life and I fear having it lived meaningless. I feel pressured into finding a meaning and I want to achieve my dreams but it seems everything is getting out of hand. There are no roots holding me, I was tricked into false believes; my believes were belittled and killed. My soul feels restless and I need air to breath. I will heal: by accepting the cycle of life and realising I have the choice to create my life as I want. There is freedom and I can compromise between the rules. I will realise that there is a pupose in finding the purpose: the way is part of the destination. I have time and I don’t need to fear the future. 
Chiron in Capricorn: I feel: powerless and stoic. Nobody sees my value and my meaning, I can’t really find my place in society. I feel underappreciated and I always have to work extra hard to hear a true ‘well done’. Do I need to keep up an image? A mask I put on as soon as I leave the house? The future isn’t bright; the future is dark and meaningless. I will heal: by being my own authority and giving me the respect and recognition I deserve. I know my true self and I will align my destiny with it. I know I’ve done well and when times comes they’ll see. The future is bright because it is directed by me.
Chiron in Aquarius: I feel: Alienated and too odd. Evryone wants to be unique but I feel too eccentric to be part of society. I am left alone with my thoughts and visions, I will act as normal as possible to have friends and a loving community. I want to get close to people but i fear them nontheless. I will heal: by admiring my inner core and coming i touch with others. We will earn from each other and appreciate and love our differences; the inspire and fullfill us eventually. I will find community, I will create a place of belonging for everyone, my unique way of seeing things will benefit my community. It will please the void inside me.
Chiron in Pisces: I feel: thrown out in the dark, helpless and overwhelmed. The world is cruel and love is a waste, I feel unbothered, untouched by it. There is nouniverse to guide me, I feel made fun of by it, so I will be equally as cynical and cruel to the world. I am the victim and need to be saved, someone please show me purpose and light. I will heal: by loving unconditionally through and through. Only by opening up and giving yourself the chance to be one again with the world you will feel love and light. The endless, devilish cycle of darkness will end, you will shine brighter than ever before. 
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jacksvnshine · 4 years
Stray Kids Rising and Midheavens | My Guesses
I haven’t made a post in a while and Stray Kids stole my heart at the beginning of 2019, making this a cute way to celebrate my first year with the boys~
Disclaimer: These are not confirmed and purely my own theory and opinion. Feel free to share your own guesses and opinions with me; I’d love to get a discussion going!
Chan | Sagittarius Rising | Virgo Midheaven
Sagittarius Risings are adored for their bright demeanor, their wide smiles and infectious laughter. With an athletic frame to match also, I feel Chan fits this rising sign best. He always tries to maintain an optimistic attitude and sees it as his duty to spread cheer and relief to everyone around him. His Sun and Moon could also be possibly placed in his 11th House then, further showing his altruism and selflessness towards both loved ones and strangers as he sees the world, on a whole, as his community. A Virgo Midheaven would make his priority in his career to be to help others. Chan is always trying to spread positive and empathetic messages through his music and vlives and is incredibly honest about dark topics that a lot of idols shy away from. He is incredibly kind and selfless, working himself tirelessly to help his fellow members and his fans. The combination of sunny and energetic demeanor with a hardworking ethic and kind heart for everyone around him has me believe Chan to be a Sagittarius Rising and Virgo Midheaven and we truly don’t deserve this sweetheart.
Alternative Guess: Capricorn Rising
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Minho | Gemini Rising | Pisces Midheaven
This boy is such a tease so it can be easy to place him as a Scorpio Rising, especially with all his Scorpio personal placements. However, I felt his unpredictable nature fit Gemini more. One minute, he’s chatty and joking along and then completely shuts up the next. Air risings are also mistaken for flirting when often it is just their sense of humor, and Minho is the master of teasing and creating tension only to laugh right in your face when you actually get flustered. Gemini Risings are associated with having more narrow or dainty features due to Mercury influence, and Minho is a very pretty boy whose features are less intimidating but rather delicate (his hands are almost as small as Felix but everyone seems to forget that lol). Gemini Risings have a sense of mischief to them, with innocent smiles that look as though they’re plotting their next prank. Not the sultry smirk, but the naughty child’s grin. A Pisces Midheaven may pursue careers in the arts and they often have a natural flair for creativity, being able to tune into their imagination and sensitivity to the world around them. They are talented artists and musicians and we all know how great of a dancer Minho is!
Alternative Guess: Scorpio Rising
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Changbin | Scorpio Rising | Leo Midheaven
Changbin’s deadpan neutral expression and intimidating presence has me convinced he’s a Scorpio Rising. Each Scorpio Rising I know has deep, intense eyes and strong bone structures with prominent jaws and chins, which we all know is one of the things that his members like to tease relentlessly. They’re always shrouding themselves in dark clothing too; “I love dark”. His Mars and even Pluto could be placed in the 1st House also, adding to his scary yet sexy image. He’s the kind of person that leaves an impression on others, usually one of intimidation or superiority and it has been noted by the members that he stood out particularly in training for his intensity and dedication. Mars in the 1st can also indicate someone who is athletic and this little fluffer right here cannot get enough of himself and his muscles (I hate him and he’s my bias ffs). Mars in the 1st can also indicate someone who tends to get injured often as they are rough or careless with themselves, and Changbin is too clumsy for his own safety sometimes. A Leo Midheaven would have him pursue creative or entertainment careers and I think that one is self-explanatory! It also shows that he has a confident and amicable public image, making him popular with his peers and desired by those outside his social circle, which we can see in his friendships with other idols such as Wooyoung from Ateez. He wants to be a leader or role model to others, to set a good example and constantly push himself to become even better. Essentially, a born entertainer who seems to flourish most in the spotlight.
Alternative Guess: Aries Rising
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Hyunjin | Pisces Rising | Sagittarius Midheaven
Though he’s known for being just a little bit overdramatic, I believe Hyunjin could be a Pisces Rising with his Pisces Sun in his 1st House and Mercury and Venus conjunct the Ascendant. This would explain his dreamy visuals and animated expressions that we all love dearly. Pisces risings always have an ethereal beauty to them, with their eyes noted for being especially captivating. Stares so intense but not in the same way as a Scorpio, no, Pisces risings look as though they’re lost inside their daydreams. Maybe its just me but Hyunjin almost looks sleepy sometimes, as though he is hypnotised by something. He has a grace to him, beautiful without even having to try, and that Venus conjunction alongside Pisces would only make this stronger. A Pisces rising is sometimes labelled shy but I believe that if his Sun were placed here too, it would explain his confidence and bubbly nature. Hyunjin’s giggles are addictive and a Mercury conjunction would make for someone much like a Gemini rising in that they can be lively and expressive, which he also seems to have no problem doing too with his inability to hide his excitement or disgust at anything, which we love him for.
Alternative Guess: Leo Rising
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Jisung | Leo Rising | Gemini Midheaven
This boy stumped me as I was deciding between Leo or Aquarius. I settled on a Leo Rising thus an Aquarius Descendant. I felt this suited Jisung as he is labelled as one of the most extra members who if you can’t see, you can definitely hear singing in the background. Needless to say, this boy can be very loud and lively yet insecure and unsure of himself also, needing validation from others as he puts on a show to entertain everyone (note: skz pls give him the reactions he wants T-T). I also think that his Moon could then fall into his 8th House, and despite how bubbly Jisung is, he does have his moments where he lets his guard down and we see how much he has been holding back emotionally. Only recently he opened up about his distress with crowds but there have been other moments where he has revealed personal worries, such as the time he discussed his experience with depression and how he uses it to try transform himself for the better and now he can appreciate the small things in life more. I also think that due to interceptions and duplications, Jisung could have a Gemini Midheaven, which further explains his flexibility and adaptability to take on any role required. Main rapping? Check. Dancing center? Check. Hit that high note beautifully? Check. Gemini/Mercury are both also associated with communication and therefore careers involving writing can be popular for them; Jisung is involved in the writing and production process of all of Stray Kid’s songs and has become more confident in his abilities over time. With Gemini’s nervous and hyperactive mind too, it can explain why this little cutie can get so caught up in his head that he ends up forgetting his own lyrics and choreo sometimes!
Alternative Guess: Aquarius Rising
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Felix | Cancer Rising | Aries Midheaven
Felix screams ‘big babyboy energy’ to me. His squishy cheeks, tiny hands and plump, pretty lips? CANCER RISING. Seriously, he’s so pretty and it makes me want to cry. His childlike demeanor and touchy nature show how soft he is, coining him the cuddly koala of Stray Kids. Despite his playful nature, he is also very sentimental and the members have even called him the most serious member, showing that he carries a sense of care and sincerity to everything he does. He’s been noted by the members for being extremely thoughtful of those around him, giving lots of gifts and spreading love and warmth as the sunshine of the group. In this sense, Felix is simultaneously a caretaker and child. He is full of passion and enthusiasm, always throwing himself into everything with a fighting spirit. Once settled on his goals, he goes after them with everything he’s got, even if the odds seem against him. To move abroad to pursue music when not even speaking the language might even seem impulsive to others, which is key to any Aries placement. His Aries Moon in the 9th or 10th House could also make him keen to explore and be very headstrong in his decisions. He tries to be optimistic and places a lot of his happiness on his success and growth from where he started, and with how far he has come, he should be so, so, so proud of himself today.
Alternative Guess: Libra Rising
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Seungmin | Capricorn Rising | Libra Midheaven
I honestly think Seungmin is one of the most mature looking members, especially for being the second youngest of the group. He has very handsome features and has been known to resemble many of his seniors, including my bias Wonpil from Day6. Capricorn risings tend to be self-conscious and may mask their insecurities with humor usually of the deadpan or ‘savage’ kind - rip Changbin. They’re constantly pushing themselves to improve and will do with the strength and determination few can match. Seungmin has already achieved so much in his short career (e.g. picking up a new language in just three months and co-hosting a show through it) and yet he forever remains humble about all his hard work. His patience is unmatched too and no matter how excited he gets, he still knows when to be serious and put his head down. He doesn’t see the point in talking in circles when you could be getting the job done. When you compare him to the rest of his members, he is honestly one of the most mature and he really deserves more recognition for his strength and talents because he’s terribly underappreciated. A Capricorn rising is their own biggest critic so please show him more love.
Alternative Guess: Virgo Rising
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Jeongin | Libra Rising | Cancer Midheaven
Maknae’s tend to get away with a lot of things, but Jeongin just has this extra charm to him that makes everyone whipped for him. This angel can do no harm, surely? rip Changbin once again. Libra risings are natural beauties noted for their symmetrical features, and Jeongin has such lovely and balanced proportions that I can’t help but be envious of. Libra risings are smart in social situations and can navigate conversation with ease, often sweet-talking others to bend to their will which Jeongin has no problem doing with his hyungs. No matter how cunning they can be, they hold an aura of innocence that you find it hard to fault them for anything really! Jeongin has been described as the member most likely to make you smile, and Libra risings aim to please everyone around them. Harmony is key and they get very upset at any kind of conflict, hating the thought of picking sides. Jeongin is very much a team player and has a different type of bond with every member, each relationship unique in their own ways. They can attract more dominant people into their lives (Aries Descendant) and the person that comes to mind first is Chan, who seems to have a particular soft spot for his little brother. Just another things to note is that male Libra risings can have feminine features or mannerisms or appreciate more traditionally Venusian aesthetics, and Jeongin has stated on multiple occassions that his favourite colour is pink! He even goes so far as to saying that its ‘a boy’s colour’ and he always looks so beautiful and himself when wearing it.
Alternative Guess: Capricorn Rising
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sixthwater · 3 years
Taurus Moon & Familiarity
If you look up a quick description of a taurus moon, you’ll notice that a lot of people will describe us as people that don’t like change. You will also probably notice, that we grow tired of that being our primary descriptor (for the most part). While it’s true, it’s not just that quick and easy to label it as “change upsets them”, as is any placement you shouldn’t do that to obviously. Any assortment of placements can make a person play this out differently, but at the end of the day it still boils down to us “hating change”, so why is that? Lucky for you I love to analyze and I just had a revelation so lets go.
Yesterday I had a horrible day. Thanks to my placements, I refused to cry in front of other people, thus I refused to talk about anything until I got somewhere private because that would make me cry. I didn’t think anything of it until this morning a sudden thought passed through my head that said “I had control”, in regards to being in private. It was with my friend, in the car, with just us. I knew what would happen (her reactions, felt comfortable, able to cry, etc)(had control), so I felt fine then. Which ties back to having fixed & earth energy in my chart. I do have an Aquarius ascendant but that’s the only Aquarius placement I have lmao. However that all ties into my moon in regards to “not liking change”. Besides the ascendant truly setting up the entire chart house wise, I didn’t pay much mind as to why I feel more comfortable with my friends, but that’s still because I know how they’ll react. I’m suddenly a little more okay if it’s in public because I know they’ll either tell people to fuck off or shield me away, so there’s still a sense of control even though there’s outside elements. My friends are my “familiarity” and under the whole system, my Jupiter is in the 11th house.
So now! I wonder fellow taurus moons: what is it that truly causes you to hate change?
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