#as Flynn is well aware by now
izayoichan · 1 year
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Ice cream date part 1. 🎶
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chiropteracupola · 10 months
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Kiss me here or kick me there and lovers might be friends...
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thequietkid-moonie · 8 months
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Secretly dating
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Tarzan, Eugene, Nier ]
[ Tarzan ] [ Tangled ] [ NieR Replicant ]
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Wuuuuu I like your idea, I start to think that this is one of your favorites prompts since I had saw you write it often
Anyways, thanks a lot for requesting it!! I had a lot of fun while writing, since I saw the request I been quite excited to write it!
Besides, i love Nier!!!
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For Tarzan everything he does with you is a new and learning experience, he is a quick learner so it won't take him much time before learning about the whole thing that is dating (if you guide him he mostly just follow what you tell him, besides with the gorilas he learned about mating so even if it isn't the same he isn't completely cluelest)
Tarzan doesn't feel shy nor ashame of his feeling for you, it would take him a while to fully understand his feeling (or express them to you, he does tries to be sweet while doing it, he does know a little about courting), however, as much as he doesn't have any problem with being open with his love he understand that it may not be the best idea to tell his friends and family about it
Kerchak doesn't trust the other humans, and he barely accept him in the herd, Tarzan fears a little how he would react knowing that he not just went against his orders by approaching them but also start dating one, so he chose not to say anything for now
Tarzan finds himself stuck between wanting to be with you, wanting to learn more from you and even show you his own world, and wanting to be with his family and protect both sides, it could be a little difficult for him to find an balance between the two parts but at the end of the day he manage to make it work
If you are interested on him and his family he will be hesitant to even talk about the topic, for his wish to protect you he just keep the problem to himself until he manage to order his thoughts and explain the situation to you (he needs some time to talk to you about it because he wants to be able to make you smile, and bringing this troubles to you will probably upset you, or even worst, make you feel guilt)
This situation probably won't last much time, or at least he won't hide it for a long time, the first days he can easily come up with an excuse but soon he will have to explain it at least to his friend, Terk and Tantor, and his mother, they know him too well to don't know that he has something in his hands, it can be a difficult for them to understand and accept it (specially for his mother) but at the end they will be really supportive over it (as long as you don't wish harm to him or anyone else from the pack or try to take him away from them), Terk and Tantor will even try to help him cover up and come up with excuses to all the time he's away from the herd or inform him if anything happens in home
He doesn't talk about it much but Tarzan is well aware that he can't keep it as a secret forever and has to think a plan quick, there is the risk of you having to return home, his family finding out or even his family having to go further in the jungle, searching for a safer place to be in. He tries to came out with a plan himself, not wanting to bother you with it
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Flynn Rider
Flyn has a lot of reasons to why he should keep your relationship as a secret, he is a thief, he is searched by the authorities and has to constantly sneak, hide and run away, and not just that be he has some enemies, criminals too, since he had betrayed some people a few times, and last but most important reason he cares about you and a lot, he can't help but want to keep you away from his criminal life, even if you were a thief or something of those lines he still want to protect you
Flyn will not admit it out loud but he is scare of the posibility of something bad happening to you, you are too important for him, it upsets him and makes him anxious when you are in distress or even hurt (if something happens to you because of what he does he won't be able to live with himself)
If you two are in a serious relasionship is because he trust you a lot, he will only allow himself to be in a relationship when he is sure that he loves you, that he can trust you and that he actually want to spent his life with you, it took a long time but he let himself be more open and sincere in the relationship (soon or later he will even tell you his real name), his relationship with you is almost the only thing sincere and genuine in his life and that is why he wants to keep it safe
Besides, not all is bad, he does want to keep hidden from the world his love out of security but it actually doesn't take long before he start to like this kind of dinamic, the idea of having to be hidden, giving you quick kisses and hugs to show you that he love you but having to be quick so no one see you two, having to be sneaky but flirty (he just can't stop being teasingly and flirty whenever he has the opportunity, specially if you are more shy or easy to flustered), or even just having to make plans for dates in places that are far from the crowds, somewhere is just the two of you, he end up loving all of that and even have a lot of fun while doing it
But just as he start enjoying being sneaky he start to crave more and more your company, as time pass the desire to have a more open relationship with you grows more and more, at some point he start thinking on having a change, thinking that having a peaceful life without all this problems, having a life where he can be with you without having to worry about you getting hurt or having to run away in any moment will be actually good (but he doesn't really say it out loud), he wonder if he will enjoy having that kind of life too, but is more likely that he already knows the answer (although, he is an ambitious man, he also wants to have quite a lot of things because he doesn't want to have to worry or limit non of you in what he can offer)
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First of all, it wasn't even Nier's intention to keep your relationship as a secret, is just that he was soo busy and anxious that he forgot to tell others. Also, at first it took a while for him to accept and get used to be in a relationship, losing Yonah and Kaine was too much for him and he was just scare to drag you into the danger, but at the end he couldn't deny how happy you make him so at the end you start dating (is also to Weiss' insistance, saying that he shouldn't punish himself, that everything in his life doesn't have to be lost and sadness)
Nier isn't the most affectionate in public just because he is more focused on his work, on searching the Shadowlord and fighting the shades, he keeps the display of affection when is just you two (normally Weiss leave you alone to give you space, but is always with the excuse of not wanting to see you two all lovey dovey), where he can relax and feel like everything will be alright because is just the two of you
As well, if you two travel together that lead you two to have more time together and Nier has no problem with giving you little kisses or holding your hand, although he does it when he knows there is no threating around (he is too scare of losing you too)
Despite not being so affectionate in public is kinda obvious that there is something between you two, whenever you two are together you are always really close, sometimes even Nier has his hand on you (back, shoulder, arm, depending in how he feels), and even if you were affectionate it won't be so strange because even before dating Nier used to accept the affection without much troubles, but what make it even more obvious is the look of pure adoration and love he has whenever you are having time for yourselfs. But at the end, if non of you say something about it, it will stay still in doubt if you two are already together or not
Besides, traveling with you two it feels like a big family, even before you two were dating, so that fact make it even more unsure but at the same time obvious
Since it is still unsure if you two are together or not is more probably that Devola and Popola will try to set the two of you together, they love both of you and despite everything they cherish for your happiness, they try to don't be so direct while helping you two get together or while giving Nier some advice to what to do (for what he probably won't think much of it or take it as just a little advice about dating, in any case he just thank them)
Nier just asumes that the others (or at least the people he cares about) knows about your relationship if they don't ask, so is just up to you to clarify it or until they end up finding out (although, if they ask Nier, he won't even hesitant in confirming your relationship)
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Requested by @frickingnerd
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lamemaster · 3 months
A Reluctant Savior
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Request: Hello! I’ve never done one of these so if I do this wrong, I apologise👀I was wondering if you could write a fic the reader and glorfindel could be in a similar situation to Flynn and tangled nearly drowning in that cave? I just thought that whole scene was so well done and I feel like since the stakes are so high that it could be a good opportunity for one of them to confess their feelings? I can just imagine glorfindel being extremely panicked(especially if the reader is human since they probably can’t hold their breath for as long) but is doing everything he can to ensure that the reader is okay and trying to keep them calm. (I don’t really know how to explain how they ended up there in the first place- maybe they were getting chased by orcs?👀)thank you for all the fics you have done thus far. I loved every single one and can’t wait for more! :) hope you have a good day/night! @itseunaimonia
Pairing: Glorfindel x Reader
Genre: Adventure ig
Wordcount: 1.9k
Summary: Bards sang of heroes and their glorious falls, of tragic demises that echoed through the ages. Tales that ended at dramatic cliffs. But they never spoke of what dwelled beneath the cliffs
AN: Thank you for requesting! I appreciate you reaching out and reading my work :) I was not aware of that scene but it so beautiful. I tried my best. I hope you like it!
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This was a terrible idea. Utterly ridiculous. You were an idiot of the highest order.
Gritting your teeth, you heaved the unconscious elf further into the dark tunnel. Sweat slicked your palms as you wrestled with his dead weight.
How in Valinor's grace did you get yourself into this mess? Experts, those smug know-it-alls, would probably say you had it coming.
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The cobbled streets of your childhood were a constant symphony of smells - the yeasty aroma of fresh bread from bakeries, the acrid sting of smoke from blacksmith's forges, and the ever-present tang of sweat from the throngs of people. Yet, home was a cold, damp alley reeking of garbage and despair.
Your parents? Lost in the mists of time. Your guardian? A washed-up pickpocket who'd managed to pass on the art of filching before succumbing to age. Dead, you assumed. Just another burden you now shouldered.
Thus, you became a chameleon, a nameless nobody who shed identities like leaves changing colors. A year ago, the townsfolk chased you out with burning torches and shouts of "Witch!"
Was it the pilfered trinket from the priest's pocket? Or was it the flicker of a flame in your eyes, a flicker they deemed unnatural?
You were driven from the town with 200 cows and 70 humans. A pathetic feat. Broken ribs gnawed at your insides, each breath a fiery agony.
The branches, initially your enemies, tore at your clothes and hair, but with each passing day, you learned their language.
The meandering river became your guide, its gentle gurgling a soothing melody. The timid deer, your companions. Death, a constant companion at first, beckoned with the promise of an end to the pain and rejection.
But you clung to life, the will to survive stronger than the yearning for oblivion. Fractures mended, muscles rebuilt. The forest yielded its secrets - the healing power of herbs, the language of the wind.
You embraced the "snotty witch" label they'd pinned on you. Not entirely a witch, perhaps, but in your hand-sewn woolen robes and tiny, ramshackle cottage, you cultivated a certain...aura.
The blissful solitude, however, had likely been a facade. Whispers on the wind, a flash of movement too quick to be a bird – a sprite, perhaps, or a deer with an uncanny ability to shift form. Someone, or something, had been watching.
One day, after a long trek for berries, you returned to a scene of devastation. Your tiny cottage, a sanctuary you'd meticulously built, lay in ruins. A broken pot, once overflowing with simmering stew, lay shattered on the dirt floor. Scattered belongings mocked the life you'd carved out for yourself.
Standing amidst the wreckage, a bitter truth settled in your gut: you knew this was coming. The whispers in the wind, the fleeting glimpses of movement – a sign your solitude had been a fool's paradise.
With a sigh that condensed the frustration of a lifetime, you crouched amongst the debris. You assessed the broken clay pot, a treasured piece salvaged from the forest's bounty. Repairing it seemed futile. A diet of berries and a desperate prayer for the ability to digest leaves became your grim reality.
But fate, it seemed, had a twisted sense of humor. The next morning, a glimmer of defiance against your misfortune. A new pot, not of clay but of gleaming metal, sat where the shattered one lay. And beside it, a pile of neatly folded cotton clothes. Varda be praised, for you were about to face summer cloaked in your heavy woolen robes!
This marked the beginning of a peculiar trade. New pots and pans appeared, clothes tailored for the changing seasons, even intricately carved wooden animals – silent companions that filled the lonely corners of your cottage. Your once ramshackle dwelling began to feel like a home.
In return, you left notes, expressing gratitude for the unexpected gifts. They seemed to vanish into thin air, never to be found again. No reply ever graced your humble doorway, yet none of your offerings remained unclaimed.
Then, one day, a plume of smoke rose from the distant forest, a sight that defied everything you'd come to expect from your leafy haven. Curiosity, a spark long dormant, ignited within you.
Following the meandering path, the trees parting as if welcoming your approach, you stumbled upon a truth that shattered your idyllic solitude. There, nestled in the verdant embrace of the forest, stood a city. A sprawling, magnificent city the damned deer had never hinted at.
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This, then, is how you found yourself here. Dragging the unconscious elf – as good as dead – deeper into the bowels of the cave. Outside, the city burned, consumed by a chaos you couldn't comprehend, an evil far more terrible than the men who had once ruled your life.
The elf was the first of his kind you'd ever seen. He lay limp in your arms, the remnants of battle etched on his face – a face that mirrored your own, yet somehow alien. Blood mingled with the familiar features – eyes, nose, lips, hair – the hallmarks of your people, the ones who dwelled in the gleaming cities far above.
He would have died from the fall. No human would have survived that plunge. But he wasn't human.
Bards sang of heroes and their glorious falls, of tragic demises that echoed through the ages. Tales that ended at dramatic cliffs.
But they never spoke of what dwelled beneath the cliffs, of those who scraped a living in the shadows, content with mere survival. Perhaps stories didn't just end on cliff faces. Perhaps some began in the very places the world chose to ignore.
Consumed by a primal need for escape, you burrowed deeper into the cave's darkness. The air grew thick and stale, the only light a faint bioluminescent glow clinging to the damp walls. Tripping over skittering mice and jagged rocks, you pushed onward. This cave had to lead somewhere, didn't it?
The weight on your back, though light, was a constant annoyance. The elf's golden hair kept slipping down, obscuring your already limited vision.
The entire cave shuddered. Rocks rained down, peppering the ground around you with a terrifying clatter. Panic surged through you – the thought of being impaled by falling debris sent shivers down your spine.
Running through this treacherous tunnel with an armored elf on your back felt like a scene straight out of a nightmare, one ending in your mangled body and the still form of the unconscious elf lost forever in the depths of this cave.
You pushed forward, a desperate need for escape fueling your every step. In a perfect world, the roles would be reversed – the elf, strong and armored, would be carrying you to safety. But then again, you'd been no match for the creature he'd faced, the monstrous entity that had set this city ablaze.
Blinded by adrenaline, you barely registered the water pooling at your feet. It wasn't until the current snatched you off your balance, shoving you back onto the uneven ground, that the danger fully registered. A torrent of water was gushing into the cave, its source hidden in the darkness ahead.
"Gods..." you choked out, the icy water now lapping at your waist. The thought of drowning, of dragging this elf down with you, filled you with a cold dread. "I am so sorry," you whispered to the unconscious elf, your voice barely audible over the roar of the rushing water. You knew the gods rarely intervened in your life, offering little comfort in the face of impending doom.
A primal fear clawed at your throat. "Don't let me die," you repeated the mantra to yourself, your fingers clawing uselessly at the slick rock wall. A new plea rose in your heart, a desperate bargain with any unseen power that might be listening: "Don't let the elf die either."
Your eyes darted to the shimmering golden strands of hair that danced around you, a stark contrast to the dark water now rising to your chin. With a grunt, you adjusted the elf's position on your back, securing him higher.
"I tried..." you rasped, your voice hoarse. "I tried to help you," you continued, digging your nails into the unforgiving rock face, desperate for a handhold, a miracle.
Frustration morphed into a desperate plea. "This life you gave me..." you choked out, the weight of the past crashing down on you. "Heal me again! Answer me for once!" You cried out to the unknown power that had sustained you, healed your broken bones all those years ago.
The next few minutes were a blur of terror and thrashing limbs. Lost in the white noise of the rushing water, you barely registered the powerful current that ripped the elf from your grasp before the water swallowed you whole.
Dark images flickered in your mind – the suffocating embrace of the water, the desperate clawing for a surface that seemed miles away. Then, a spark of memory – reaching for the elf, your hands brushing against his cold, armored form. An anchor you never asked for, a weight pulling you down further.
At least, you thought with morbid humor, you'd die holding a beautiful creature.
A morbid fascination drew your gaze to the dried blood smeared across his forehead. With a shaking hand, you wiped it away, a tender gesture that felt out of place in this watery apocalypse.
Tilting his face upwards, you felt a strange sense of urgency. This wouldn't be the end, not yet. You brought your face towards his, the last of your precious breath burning in your lungs. This, you thought, this wouldn't be death, but a spark of life, a desperate gamble with fate.
Just as your cold lips brushed against his, a powerful current slammed into you, yanking your body from the elf's grasp. The water, like a living beast, roared around you, tearing you away from the cave's darkness.
It wasn't the sweet oblivion you expected, but a surge of painful motion, dragging you through the jagged rocks and the oppressive darkness of the cave.
Finally, with a bone-jarring jolt, you were ejected from the cave's maw, tumbling onto the familiar banks of the river you'd once walked beside. Gasping for air, you lay on the muddy ground, the weight of the world pressing down on you
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He scanned the small, familiar room, a smile playing on his lips. The woman who lived in the woods. The one whose solitary existence had once piqued the patrol's curiosity.
Marek, the captain, the very one who'd shattered her only pot – a memory that now felt like a lifetime ago. Most of the guards knew her.
The woman they left trinkets for – their chosen shrine of offerings. The one who traded their gifts for stories, tales of men, a legend whispered amongst the ranks of Gondolin's guards.
And now, here he was, in her ramshackle cottage, the very same one where he'd once left a basket overflowing with scones. The woman, a mere memory until now, sat beside him.
Her hair, once neatly braided, cascaded wildly around her face. Exhaustion etched itself onto her features as she slept, slumped awkwardly in a rickety chair.
How, he wondered, had this woman reached him beyond the devastation he'd witnessed? Grief threatened to overwhelm him, a phantom pain for those lost.
A sliver of sunlight slanted through the window, illuminating her wrist. There, etched into the pale skin, was a symbol that sent a jolt through him. A shimmering outline of a wave, the unmistakable mark of Uinen, the Lady of the Seas.
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kheta · 4 months
Things I need in a Reverse Robins AU
-I don’t care what the order is but please let Duke and Jarro be adopted before Damian is taken in! I need Damian to be jealous of an alien starfish, my bones require it 😭
-Duke ans Damian make Jason and Dick’s lives so difficult… not as antagonist and purely because they snuck out and caused so much havock that Bruce now has a sixth sense for when his kids want to act up. They cannot even attempt stealth because Duke and Damian did it better.
-I want Duke and Damian to be those kid brothers that never got along. They used to regularly ‘spar’ (fist fight) but Dick, Cass and Jason don’t believe it because they get along so well now? Tim and Steph are obviously lying.
-A grown Dick Grayson being so mad because he went his whole life wanting to be taller than just one big brother, one! And he never gets it 🥰 (Him and Tim are the same height. He hates it w a passion) Technically he is taller than Jarro. But so is Ace and Tidus, that accounts for literally nothing.
-In contrasts to his big brother’s stealth and sneaking out shennanigans, Tim just straight up lies to Bruce when he wants to take off with YJ, vaguely saying their plans (baseball, trip to some histprical landmark, chilling on Bart’s new ride) So while Bruce blames Duke and Dami for his greys, he says that Tim is the only reason he isn’t fully grey because he’s so responsible and considerate and always tells Bruce everything. (Tim tells Bruce exactly three things, two are half-truths and one is the boldest lie in town 😇 Bruce is nonethewiser.)
-Running off of that, I want Tim to be the sneaky middle child always in chaos, but I want Dami to know this and point it out to Bruce and gst shut down (like Candace Flynn levels of bad)
-Dick is spoilt by his many older siblings. He knows and takes advantage. I’m talking like 18yo Dick Grayson showing up at 22yo Jason’s place when Jason is at College and Jason returns home to find his little brother wearing his robe, eating hia cereal and asking if he can borrow Jay’s car because Bruce is hiding his keys until Dick actually gets a drivers license, which he doesn’t need because he hardly ever drives anyway 🙄😒 Jason tells him to fuck off, kicks him for not throwing thw empty cereal box away and asks where tf he thinks he’s off to anyway??????
-I want Cass to be a bratty younger sister, but only to Jason. She’s happy to hangout and cherishes her time with all her brothers, but she terrorises Jason. Purposefully is quieter when walking near him to frighten him, steals every comfy, bright hoodie he owns, wiggles into his bed and leaves her stuff for him to pick up, clean. She happily helps with chores until Jason asks and suddenly, she did not hear him, she was ‘busy, calm down grumpy.’ I want her looking at his school work and making faces at him if he tries to help her. I want her to want nothing more than to bite Jason, but also have him be her secret favourite brother. I need them to be best friends but the sort who will sell each other out for a single corn chip.
-Dick convinces Damian to help him steal an elephant. If Damian weren’t so weak for his baby brother he’d think about how even tge manor is not large enough to comfortably house an elephant. Duke isn’t completely sure it’s a good idea, but he trusts his brother’s to be smart enough to think this through ☺️ (they have not and will not think the logistics of owning an elephant through) Tim is fully aware this is a bad plan, he’s just even worse at saying no to Dick 💀 Steph is so mad that she has to be the voice of reason among these idiots 😒
-Tim dropping out of High-school actually leads to a huge fight lol. Bc Duke and Damian have Masters and Jason is looking into Ivy Leagues and Cass adores you Tim you need to be a role model 😠 Tim moves to San Francisco and doesn’t talk to Bruce for months after that fight. He still regularly contacts his siblings though.
-Personally don’t love Jason dying in Reverse Robin AU’s, but you know if Joker killed him at 15 he’d be dead in two weeks tops. Oh you want to kill the baby brother of a trqined assassin and Tim, one bad hour away from villany, Drake-Wayne? You think Duke would stop them? Dick? You think wrong. Dick might even try to jump ahead of the line. Cass is perfectly happy to shut her eyes and pretend she cannot see her brothers planning 🫢 The Joker would die a slow and painful death. Steph and Duje would run Batman distraction. (Bruce actually has a support network and two kids younger than Jason who are grieving. He’d need to be a parent and help them with their grief. He’ll probably be shit at it, but he’d still need to try.)
-When Steph starts college she occasionally visits the manor, liberally fills her bag with spare socks, new towels and non-perishables. Alfred doesn’t mind. Bruce does, but only because he’s more than willing to buy it for her and she will kick him if he even glances at any of his credit cards or bank accounts while she is near.
- Barbara probably has a crush on Steph and Tim. Like not a serious, I want a romantic relationship crush. But like ‘Steph is so strong and pretty and she’s so smart Dick, she wants to be a Doctor that’s so cool!’ And Tim is that weird crush you can’t describe. Like Matthew Gray-Gubler. He looks sorta like a raccon and an addict, but he’s weirdly handsome and can work a computer like no one else, ‘isn’t he so smart Dick?’ Dick doesn’t know whether to be jealous or to laugh at her because. Like. Really??? That’s who you think is cute from all my amazing big brothers ans sisters?
-Dick, as youngest brother, probably has the most eclectic music taste. He listens to classical, trap music, K-Pop, scremo, RnB, showtunes. Just all genres. He doesn’t love all genres, bit he k ows enough to have a super weird road trip playlist.
-Dick also always has to deal with his friends, civvie and otherwise, having crushes on his siblings.
-Jarro barely spends holidays with the family, but he gets presents put aside for him and is the most patient, most fun big brother of the batfam. Damian still hates him, but will begrudgingly buy him gifts and invite him to family events because unfortunately, Jarro is his sibling. -Because he's never around, Jarro is the favourite older sibling, with Jason, Cass and Dick always making him projects from school. Duke, Dami and Tim see Jarro more, since they love going to see the JL or going to space and don't care that Bruce disapproves. They will either lie to Bruce or sneak out or just leave the manor 'Because I am a grown ass adult B, you can't ground me.' Steph does not like space or the JL half as much and is more busy studying/working than the other three losers. (affectionate)
-Gotham villains are in shock when, after having highly predictable vigilantes who just come in through the front/back door (Duke and Damian) they are faced with vigilantes who will in fact bazooka an entry way open (Jason and Cass)
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magicvicky1 · 9 months
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A drawing of Chase and Tj, also in black and white; It’s based on the ending of TJ’s route so that should give you enough context of what’s happening here xd
(Lots of spoilers ahead now)
One of the things I liked the most about TJ’s rote was his relationship with Chase. How it develops into a sort of codependent relationship where both of them are keeping the truth about what happened with Sydney, and eventually Flynn, hidden to protect each other wasn’t a turn I was expecting, but I really liked it. The way Chase it’s constantly manipulating and stopping TJ from revealing what happened, mixing with the feeling he develops for him, makes it even more messed up. And adding to this, it definitely puts into perspective the way Chase acts in certain moments in the other routes when it’s referencing Sydney (examples: Chase covering TJ’s mouth when he asks about Sydney drowning in Leo’s Route after they crash into the lake, and when Chase’s hallucinations in the waky talkie talk to him about how “it wasn’t his fault” and “he had pure intentions” in Jenna’s route).
As for the scavenger hunt, even though is never confirmed who actually did it….I firmly believe it had to be TJ. He most likely wasn’t even aware of it, but the way that he knew exactly where each clue was and the fact that the final note is a drawing that is described the same way as another drawing TJ did (the one of his prank with Chase) points to him the most as the culprit. Maybe he did it because of the guilt he felt about keeping the secret all those years, and since the notes were always poking at Chase, he must have done it to get a reaction from him, as he unconciously (?) knew he killed Sydney. Obviously, the are some other aspects to consider, like the timeline of how TJ managed to hide the notes off-screen to the point of breaking into someone’s house. And the fact that some of them are described as being old and that the first one about the forest didn’t make sense for TJ to know implies that some supernatural shit was happening as well, but either way TJ had to be involved somehow. At least that’s what I think.
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pansy-picnics · 2 months
First off I need to just mention that your Uknighted dream art is top tier elite and i am in love. Like you have no idea.
Okay, now thats said, do you have any soft ot3 headcanons/scenes that you can imagine happening but can’t figure out how to write etc etc.? 💕
God is all of them an option bc the answer is all of them
I SWEAR I. HAVE SO MANY IDEAS AND THOUGHTS TAKING UP SPACE IN MY BRAIN (Both for ukd and for the entire family tbh) that i just CANNOT bring myself to draw or write or anything. If i had the time to be able to draw everything that popped in my head it would be OVER for yall i stg. And then theres my in progress fic i have up right now which i last updated in like (checks notes) January but i swear i’ve been THINKING about updating it again and that counts right
- Ummm. this is just something i find very funny but i absolutely love the idea that before they “Formally” announce their relationship, the public have just been spreading rumors left and right about the princess’s “affair”. cass and rapunzel somehow NEVER notice this but for a while it seems like eugene cant go ANYWHERE without someone either awkwardly being like “Soooo how are things going with the princess ^_^;;;” or just straight up asking “Hey is your wife cheating on you?” with no hesitation.
and eugene, being the attention whore he is obviously just Went with it and was like “Well yeah duh. Who do you think set them up”
before long literally EVERYONE has heard about it. rapunzel’s fucking Parents have heard about it. people in other KINGDOMS have heard about it. Meanwhile eugene’s having the time of his Life. He’s got disguises just to go in and listen in on the servants’ gossip. at this point he’s just started Making shit up and every day he’s spreading a proposition thats somehow even more absurd than the last. Most of them don’t even make sense. Like “Oh yeah no the reason rapunzel and cass are always sneaking off together isn’t because they’re having a steamy love affair it’s actually because they’ve been making blood sacrifices to the underworld to make sure zhan tiri never returns. Just girl things yk?”
“No see you’ve got it all wrong thats not cassandra at all. That’s shorty. He and rapunzel are having a book club together. It’s not going very well because shorty keeps eating all the books.” Or his personal favorite, “Wait you thought RAPUNZEL was the one having the affair?” gets them EVERY TIME.
Cass and rapunzel finally declare things officially only for everyone to become even MORE confused and they finally realize eugenes been fueling the fire for the past 3 months and he had just Assumed they were already aware of it
eugene: ….Wait you guys didnt know about that?
raps: i
raps: NO????
eugene: um. Oops
- this is kind of random but i PROMISE its going somewhere bear with me. In my head eugene is NOT the captain of the guard because a character becoming a cop is literally a fate worse than death. instead i like to imagine he does some kind of social work and is also an author…Eugene has a rlly strong connection to literature and is a great storyteller, hes got a flair for the dramatic and a strong imagination and seeing how much the flynn rider books meant to him in his childhood, i think he’d absolutely want to create something like that for other people 🥹
Anyways one of my favorite ideas w them is a modern au where rapunzel and eugene are both starving artists who are making a webcomic together…Eugene is still trying to publish his first novel and is writing for the comic in the meantime. theyre aspiring towards turning it into a graphic novel. Cass is literally just forcing everyone around her to read it. You’ve already read it? Read it again /J. She’s their number one hypeman but she’s trying to act sooo chill about it to keep up her Cool stone cold butch aesthetic. She’s like going to cons with them and hands out business cards and helps sell merch and she has a side account on twitter where she gets into heated arguments with anyone who hateposts about it.
Bonus points: it’s a fantasy comic about a lost princess, her knight girlfriend and her rogue boyfriend and is loosely a reference to the events of the canon show
- OH OH something that DEFINITELY fits this category has to be the girls taking eugene to the lagoon for the first time…….I think cass and rapunzel still spend a lot of dates there just the two of them, and no matter what it is very much Their Spot ™, but after things become official it just. Doesn’t really feel right to keep it exclusively between them anymore. i have a LOTTTT of thoughts on this…..rapunzel bouncing around and showing everything to him and cass just being dragged along for the ride…picnics together by the water while cass and raps are eagerly telling him all the stories of what he missed out on. it’s their quiet place i think they escape to whenever they don’t want to be bothered at the castle LOL. eugene officiates the cassunzel wedding there….. not to mention if/when they have kids 🥹 Augh. They make sooo many memories there i think🫶🫶🫶
- Not a specific scene so much as just a silly hc but rapunzel LOVES it when they “fight” over her. Usually it’s just a playful thing and rapunzel finds it so cute and endearing. They have the exact same banter every time and the same fake “duel” for her hand and raps will NEVER get tired of it
- oh and SPA DAYS. God cassandra’s self care routines by herself have always been SHIT. I love that girl but i think she absolutely reeks. Her hair looks like something died in it and whenever it gets too long she just grabs the nearest sharp object and cuts it off in one swoop. Eugene and rapunzel are UTTERLY horrified by this and they do not let that shit fly as soon as she’s living with them. They have little self care nights at least once a week, sometimes just with the three of them and sometimes the rest of the family gets into it too, it depends on the day. eugene helps do her hair for her and they pick out all sorts of fancy products for her skin and her curls and just absolutely SPOIL her. at first shes kinda whiny about it but once she realizes how much better she feels on a day to day basis she reluctantly apologizes for ever doubting them
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flightyalrighty · 17 days
Hi, it's me again, flightyalrighty! (๑•̀ㅁ•́ฅ✧
Anyway, about the whole Sonic versus the Police thing, yknow, punk era Sonic. I don't think Shadow had ever seen that punk side of Sonic? He's more exposed to his heroic side, so will it affect his perception towards Sonic? It's been so long since I've read Archie Sonic and Shadow seems to have little screen time as far as I could remember, I'm just picking up the IDW comics since it's starting to intrigue me. Plus, he was busy trying to destroy or save the world in the games (SonicA2 of his first appearance and with 06 where Sonic keeps running around with the princess from Eggman) to even properly notice Sonic's rebellious spirit. Is your comics going to have some panels about Sonic exposing his hidden distaste towards the authority to Shadow and others(?) I would love to see punk era Sonic in action again ᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ
Btw, I've seen some clips from TikTok n YouTube of your panels and they intrigued me, glad I managed to find you on Tumblr! Been waiting patiently for your updates ٩( ᐛ )و
Hi! While I've allowed some people to dub my comic on Youtube, I've most certainly not allowed for anyone to post my comic on TikTok, and it sucks to hear about that, though it's unsurprising. Now, on to the question:
I wouldn't necessarily say Shadow got very little screen time in Archie! In the main book, sure, he wouldn't pop up as often as, say, Knuckles (I think?) but the guy did have like six arcs in Sonic Universe (seven if we count Worlds Collide) where he was one of the main characters (or at least showed up a bunch again if we're counting Worlds Collide), and 24-28 issues of Shadow is nothing to sneeze at! That's about a fourth of that series's run if I'm doing my math right!
In the early Flynn days of Archie, he was also showing up seemingly at random. He appeared in issue 160 for seemingly no reason (was he really just there to wish Sonic a happy birthday) iirc, and shows up in that Enerjak Knuckles arc to get his ass kicked, to name two off the top of my head.
Remember, Shadow is the second most popular character in the franchise, and Archie was well aware of this. They were absolutely using him to sell books.
To be honest, though, and now I promise I really am answering your question, I think Shadow's already seen Sonic's rebellious spirit plenty within SA2. Busy destroying the world or not, Sonic was rebelling against him, and he was doing that successfully. That is, I believe a part of what made Sonic so intriguing to Shadow.
Now, at this point in Infested, Shadow considers himself an extension of G.U.N. Sonic rebelling against them is, in a way, rebelling against him once again. That said, it's different now. Sonic wasn't just being annoying and getting in his way, he was wasting time and looking to run off and put more people in danger. His rebellious spirit, the thing that Shadow once found admirable in him, is now a threat to the world he's currently trying to protect.
This version of Shadow, based on Archie Sonic with events from the games as part of the canon, is also willing to believe that whatever mistreatment he takes from the military is justified. He's already done plenty of harm. He knows what he's capable of.
That comment, though, from Sonic. That comment about how those special handcuffs were already built and ready for Shadow. How far in advance did they begin work on that thing? How long had it been in storage, waiting for him? Was it right when he had joined them? After the incident with Black Death and Eclipse? Were those handcuffs born from a cruel pragmatism and paranoia from an organization he'd already sworn total loyalty to, or simply in response to what has already occurred?
This will haunt Shadow.
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nevermoreconfessions · 3 months
can it be said red is a sensitive person now after that horrible display of immaturity and lack of personal accountability last night or would it still be considered hate and question whether 'i like the comic' ?
Trigger Warning. This post involves sensative topics.
Below is a detailed explanation from my perspective of the "Discord Situation," as someone who was actively witnessing it.
No, it's not hate. No, it's not a question on if you "like" the comic. It's criticism. It's valid. It's needed. Please do not misconstrued my rule. Thank you.
Okay, with that out if the way, let's talk about it, because there's a lot of people who don't really understand what happened. Let's break that down, first.
Note: I will not provide screenshots at this time. I don't want anybody to send hate in anybody's way. Please respect that.
I'll provide the facts first and my opinions later because there's a lot of misinterpretation on all sides.
In a separate Nevermore-based server, an 18/19 year old Nevermore Discord person sent NSFW content in an all-ages server. The Mods were informed about this via heavily censored screenshots that blocked the users of the victims and the NSFW content itself.
Upon hearing this, the Mods banned the accused. The accused appealed, saying that they "didn't know" that it was an all-ages server; the Mods relented and unbanned the Accused based upon the fact that the "evidence" was heavily censored, and to them, the accused seemed genuinely embarrassed and remorseful.
This all led to last night.
Last night, the Accused spoke up in West Common Room. In response, someone who was involved in the accusation made a public response, asking why a "known pedo" was unbanned. Thus, a lot of people who were unaware of the situation were suddenly made aware with a very limited amount of information: that a "pedophile" was in the server.
Red and the Mods step in, because holy shit.
Multiple people begin asking what's happening. Many get emotional. Many start throwing names and fighting. It was hectic.
Worse: evidence was thrown into the server that the Mods were not aware of. Again, the Mods were only handed heavily censored evidence, and when they spoke to the accused, there wasn't enough solid proof to made a move.
Okay. Things go severely south from here.
Red starts stressing out; it was a breakdown live on text. Multiple people are attacking her, the Mods, and other people stepping in. The words "bitch," "shut the fuck up," and others were tossed around.
Red says a lot of bad things that are inexcusable, as did plenty of other people. It was immature.
Eventually, the Mods get all of the evidence that people were throwing into the server, plus more behind the scenes. They were all on the consensus that the Accused did, actually, know the ages of the people in the server and still sent inappropriate content. They took measures and banned them.
Now, things calm down. Flynn handled things pretty well, based on what I saw her say. Granted, I logged off for a hot minute due to being overwhelmed. She handled it with grace, explained what was happening, and answered questions for full transparency.
Everything is now "settled" in the sense that things have calmed down, and people are back to talking about random things.
Okay. Time for my opinions, and these might be controversial.
First of all, this should've been done in private. It's such a triggering conversation that multiple people were uncomfortable with; there were attacks made on Red and Flynn, as well as others who tried to dispel the situation.
I've got some related trauma. I'm not going to talk about it. With that being said, it was all hard for me to read and witness.
Second, Red was wildly inappropriate with her response. She said awful things. So did multiple other people. Calling her a "pedophile defender" was... a lot. She was under the (incorrect) assumption that the Accused was, well, just really fucking stupid and made a terrible mistake. Thus, she lashed out.
She should not have said the things she said, but on the other hand, being called a "Pedophile Defender" would send me into a spiral, too. This isn't me defending her, by the way, I think she was terribly immature, like you said.
Red needs to apologize. I mean, really apologize; she needs to realize what she said was wrong, despite it being said in a blind fit of stress and anger. Emotions are not an excuse.
But, let's be honest here, a lot of the people calling out the Mods were minors who, also, were in a blind rage. They couldn't see that this wasn't the right way to go about it. That's fine; I hope this is a learning moment for them.
I think the most severe mistake here was tossing accusations and evidence in the server that the Mods were never given. If they had been given that before, this situation probably wouldn't have happened.
I am speaking as someone who watched this all go down. If there is something that I got wrong, or if someone would like to add on, please do. This is complicated and I'm just a girl on the internet.
I'd like to also say thank you to the people that spoke up. I know it was hard, but you knew it was wrong and you called it out. While I do wish it hadn't exploded in the way it did, I truly mean it: thank you. You're braver than you know.
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crowroboros · 2 months
!!! Opinions on: Flynn
Flynn Moore oh boy. What a complex character to talk about. (Spoilers will be mentioned)
Okay, let's start with my general thoughts; Flynn is one hell of an interesting character and I don't think that the VN would work as well as it does without him. Which is something that I think the team realized as well considering that there is no Flynn (or Flynn-adjacent character) in the initial pitch for Echo.
I went into Echo VN completely blind. Didn't know the plot, didn't know the characters, didn't even realize it was horror until I went to the itch.io page to download the game. I just saw art of the main character and was intrigued enough to check it out.
When first meeting the group, it seemed like you could fit each of them into a standard character archetype: Jenna was "the smart responsible one", Leo was "the group jock", Carl was "the laid-back gamer", and TJ was "the sensitive youngest one". But Flynn stood out. There wasn't anything that quite fit. Now, after reading the entire vn, it's easy to see that all of these characters are much more complex and interesting than they initially seem. But based on first impressions alone, Flynn especially seemed so multi-faceted and intricate. And he immediately became a big point of interest for me.
I was not disappointed.
I get how people wouldn't like him due to his abrasiveness, but I just can't get behind the dislike of Flynn. He's so interesting to me. It's a damn tragedy the way he's punished for just wanting to know more about what happened to his best friend. Flynn is doomed by the narrative and it is fascinating and heartbreaking to see. He can be a dick but Flynn does care about his friends, most obviously shown with Carl. He expresses remorse for his outburst at the river in the prologue and tries to apologize to TJ in the lynx's route. In Flynn's route when it's revealed that Chase had some part in Sydney's drowning, Flynn still goes out of his way to protect Chase from the mob of townspeople at the town hall despite hating the guy and fully believing that Chase killed Sydney. Hell, even as the Socket Man he never intentionally hurts or injures the group (do remember he can and does kill as the Socket Man). He watches over Jenna when she's a child, and I'm a believer of the idea that when Carl crashed his car on acid that the Socket Man was protecting Carl from the Embrace when he manifested in Carl's car. To say that he doesn't care about the group is just objectively wrong. He just wants answers and is frustrated that no one is giving them and seemingly actively getting in his way of finding said answers.
And his relationship with the paranormal eats away at my mind whenever I think about that aspect of the VN. He is aware that something is not quite right with Chase (that being that Chase is possessed and his decisions are influenced by the Samulation. though Flynn doesn't know the specifics), the Samulation was adamant on fusing with Flynn specifically, the fact that Flynn is the Socket Man and as the entity is unbound by time and space, and much more.
He's so well written and so interesting to think about. Plus he can cook? Fucking love Flynn. I'd hang out with him.
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izayoichan · 1 year
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He knew Flynn was still working through his earlier crash, so he didn’t want to push too much on him. But he knew Flynn well enough to also know he would appreciate being asked, even if the answer would be no. It was a little fun to know they had gotten engaged to Emil before them, yet they had not really started to plan their wedding, neither was in a rush for that part yet.
Picking up his phone he dialed Flynn’s number, deciding to just ask immediately instead of dwelling on it much more. The chuckle River heard from the phone told him his son was clearly up for it, even though Lucas of course asked three or four more times if he was absolutely sure, and that it was not a problem if it was too much.
Lucas: Well.. that…
He didn’t get any further as they were interrupted by the telltale sound of small feet against the wooden floor, both looking at a sleepy Liam who clearly had something on his mind.
Liam: I forgot something important. River: And what is that? -he swoops up his little one into his arms- sitting down next to Lucas again. Liam: That I will have two rings! Is the pillow big enough?
Beginning - Previous - Next
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baileythebean · 5 months
*Bailey had an exact agenda in mind. Scam some lootbag into buying “modern art” at an insane price and then dash. He succeeded, obviously. He’s Bailey. What do you take him for?* *The problem came when he ran into a group of scraps in the alleys who he didn’t know. They were somehow aware of the formation of the sort of alliance that his friends had with Stone, Vinnie and Skipp. After further discussion, it became clear to Bailey that this was a threatening attempt.* “So, what’s it gonna be? You can give us that cash ya got there… or we can turn your little gang against you. How’s that sound?” *The G word alone was enough to make Bailey tense up, but he knew better than to give them a reaction.* ”and how exactly, are you going to accomplish that? You seem like the type of dumb fucks that like to get under people’s skin and never get anything done.” *The same one that had spoken up earlier went on:* “Oh we could uh… I don’t know… inform them of some… plotting you’ve been doing with them pretty weapons of yours. They’re not gon’ feel so safe ‘round you once you’ve been outed as an attempted murderer.” ”But I never-“ ”Oh, we know. That’ll be the fun part.” *He smirked as Bailey’s eyes widened. He was suppressing everything as best as he could, but everything kept coming back up. Like his brain was vomiting up something he was desperately trying to keep down.*
“…Leave me the hell alone.” *He shoved his way past, and hard. He needed to get out of here right now before everything came out.* ”Fine! You seem like the type that’d shoot all of ‘em up anyway if they got on your nerves enough!” (Dammit… I need to get away… fuck, fuck, fuck…) *His mind was clouded and his vision blurred as his eyes welled up with tears. He sprinted away from there as fast as he possibly could. He wouldn’t have been bothered by that petty comment but… he knew all too well what it was like to lose someone to your own two hands. He couldn’t help but imagine Sora, Finn, Jasper, Stone, Vinnie, Skipp - Hell, even Flynn as motionless bodies scattered on the floor. He needed to get it out of his brain. He finally found a quiet, empty ditch in an alley.* (fucking disgusting…) *he thought as he slumped against the wall and he finally let his tears spill down his face.* (I’d never- Yes you would.) *his own thoughts cut him off.* (You’ve done it before.) *the last thing he thought before everything came rushing back to him. The images were too vivid. Like he was seeing them in front of him right now. Brain vomit turned into physical vomit and after a few rounds of violent throwing up, he now had dry heaves. Drenching a tissue in water and wiping his face off, he started to forget how to breathe, how to neutralize his feelings. Why did it have to be like this today? He could normally get over this with a few minutes of mourning everyone… but this? He’d only felt this a few other times. He started to scratch at his shoulders as he hugged his knees to his chest and cried.* (What if I joined them…? Met the same fate myself by the same hands…???) (mod: WHAT THE FUCK, WHAT AM I ON TODAY?? I’M SORRY TO ANYONE WHO LOVES BAILEY AND DOESN’T LIKE SEEING HIM DEVASTATED.)
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ibbythebee · 1 year
Late Night Study
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»»————- ➴ ————-««
pairing: college!peter parker x reader
genre: fluff, such big fluff and smut
summary: Peter’s having trouble with his homework, and you help him out... in more ways than one. And a scene inspired by 'Fangirl' by Rainbow Rowell
warnings: 18+ content, because there is sexy time and tiny bit of swearing. No established relationship. This is protected sex, and vanilla, because it's my favourite flavour. Also consent is sexy.
words: 3.6k
You’re ready for bed. Skincare done, pyjamas on, teeth brushed and now melting into the mattress of your bed, sinking underneath the mountain of plushies, just enough so you can still see the computer screen on your lap, playing a movie. 
You finished your work for the night and felt accomplished enough to reward yourself with a lazy night in. As far as you were aware, your neighbours from your floor had dolled up to go out. At first you considered it, but Peter had just recommended you to watch the movie About Time, and you knew you were not going to get to sleep unless you fed into your curiosity.
Peter was right. The movie was amazing. By the end you felt so warm, soft and complete, that had you not heard the knock on your door, you would’ve been out cold.
You rub your eyes and don’t move for a moment. Maybe you were just hearing things.
The knock comes back, and this time there’s a rhythm to it. You smile, knowing the culprit.
“Come in!” You yell, “you know my door’s carded.”
Familiar brown curls peek from the door and then Peter’s there, closing the door quietly behind him. He barely sees you beneath the plushies and chuckles, immediately dropping his belongings by your bed. He speaks to you through his eyes for a moment, and when he goes limp you immediately tense up, knowing exactly what he's about to do.
He ignores your squeal, landing right on top of you and the soft objects. "Ah, so soft." His head buries into the blankets, fully aware of his dead-weight crushing you. 
“Get...” you squirm underneath him, pushing upwards, shifting your legs to try and escape, but to no avail. Giggles pass your lips as you squeal again, “get off me! I can’t freakin’ move!”
His laugh rumbles against your body, and after a few minutes he finally rolls off, reaching down to grab his bag from where he dropped it. “Alright, but for real, I was actually wondering if you could help me study for a bit?”
You both straighten up, to look over his work book. It’s a bit awkward for you, so you shuffle across your bed, and tug on his hoody till he moves to sit beside you, backs pressing against the plushies. 
“Well, what do you need help with? This is very unorthodox, Pete.”
He laughs, combing fingers through his hair. The action does little to keep his locks away from his forehead. They droop right back down and it takes everything in you not to reach up, push the strands to the side and kiss his forehead. 
Peter takes you out of your trance, flipping to a page of his notebook and then his textbook, resting half of it on your thighs. “This section.”
You gloss over the text, and then look at his notes. He’s silent as you do this, watching your previously playful expression turn quickly to concentration. 
Peter thinks you’re cute when you’re focused. Something about the way you seem to be in another world, the way you can recite pages of text about different technology, physics, designs, and be humble about your abilities at the end of the day. Bonus was, he could stare at your face for a while and you wouldn’t mind, because you just wouldn’t know that he was observing.
“I can help you,” you finally say, “but it’s like 1am.”
“I know, I know. I’m sorry, but I gotta get this done for tomorrow. My tutor’s been on my back about this since the start of semester.”
You make a face at him, “you have Flynn, right?”
“Exactly!” He laughs when you give a dramatic shudder of your shoulders. The older man was a good teacher, yet all anyone remembers from his class is the smell; as though he hadn’t showered in a month, and then tried to mask it with spray deodorant. “And you know what he told me? He said that you aced your exam, and that I need to come to you for help.”
“Nah, I don’t believe you.”
“He also said you’re like really pretty or whatever, so I have to come to you anyway.”
Your face feels warm, and you drop your head when you smile. You respond coyly, “yeah, now I believe you.”
“So, you’ll help me out? I can make it up to you.”
“I was gonna help you out anyway, but I’m listening. What’s my reward?” You had an inflection to your question, which you hoped Peter wouldn’t miss, though at the same time, hoped he'd dismiss as a joke.
He licks his lips, and then nudges your shoulder with his. “It’s a secret. Let’s study for a bit, and then I’ll give you your reward.”
Now, he definitely had meant something when he said ‘reward’. It sent a hot flush to your cheeks, and you press your thighs together subconsciously.
“Yes, sir.”
»»————- ➴ ————-««
“Historical uses of engineering. Progress is not made without recalling our past.” You were reading out loud, voice low. At first you would read and then quiz Peter to see if he remembered anything about what you recited.
It was no surprise to you that after a few minutes you both made an unspoken decision to let you keep reading without stopping for quizzes. There wasn’t enough time in the night for quizzing and Peter’s brain was like a sponge.
“Ancient era, middle era, renaissance era, and modern day--”
You cut yourself off, shifting uncomfortably. Suddenly your neck and back were all sore, and you found no escape for the pain. “Sorry,” you mutter, massaging the corner where your neck curves into your shoulder.
“Wait, what about this?” Peter moves a few of the plushies to your desk and situates himself right in the middle of the bed, his back against your pillows.
You move up to your knees as his legs and arms spread. A bold invitation, to which you accept without hesitation. Turning around you fall between his legs and press your back against his chest.
“Better?” He gently asks.
“Not quite.”
As though he could read your mind he wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you closer.
“That’s better,” you add in barely a whisper, allowing your neck to rest by nesting your head on his broad shoulder.
He smells divine. A freshly showered kind of smell with remnants of his usual cologne by the collar of his hoody. It feels so good and safe here. You melt further into his warmth and twist around till you could feel the material of his clothes under the side of your head and your hair tickling the bottom of his chin.
Once you get comfortable you continue reading, catching yourself eyeing how beautiful his hands are, entwined together right by your rib cage. Not close enough to your breasts.
Another long half-hour passes and he just listens to you. His heart beating calmly underneath your ear, small breaths blowing against loose strands on your hair. At some point, you had both slid into the bed sheets and now you’re both lying on your sides facing each other. The book is the only thing keeping you from moving in closer.
From what began as your normal voice turned to a whisper as you read for another hour. You finish a paragraph on computer-aided design fundamentals, and look up at Peter, who's already gazing at you.
The silence is comfortable, yet thick. You press your knees together, feeling your tummy stir when his dolomitic eyes dip to your lips.
A sudden weight on your waist pulls you in, closing the gap between your hips.
You don't read on and instead close the book, all while keeping your gaze on his face. It's clear that there is only one thing on your minds.
His masculine hand comes down from your hip to grip the top of the book.
"I think it's about time I gave you your reward." You allow him to take the thick object out of your hands, placing it on the ground and turning to you immediately, hand tentatively resting back onto your hip.
You wiggle in closer, free from the obstruction of the book and hold onto the fabric of his hoody by his waist. "I have an idea of what it might be."
"Do you now?" He smirks, meeting you in the middle and closing the gap between your chests. "Since it's a surprise, can you please close your eyes?"
No hesitation, you do as told, excitement running through your body as you feel his fingers feather across your cheek, until they settle by the back of your neck.
Sheets shuffle as he moves with care, taking in the scent of you, the softness of your hair and skin under his hand and how long your eyelashes look.
Peter's breath fans over your lips and on instinct, your mouth opens slightly. With a final shift, your lips finally touch and you melt into him, tugging his hoody toward your direction, resolving to hook a leg over his and softly grinding your hips into his own.
He reciprocates your hungry action, cupping your jaw with both hands, and making sure to worship your bottom lip. It's so soft and intoxicating, he just has to kiss you there. He smooths his tongue over, muffling the gentle moan you emit.
Hands begin to roam while your heads twist with each kiss. Your fingers finally crawl into his locks and then it's his turn to make a sweet noise when you give a light tug.
He pulls away to look at you for a moment, drawing his hands down to your hips, before slipping his fingers just underneath the hem of your shirt.
"Can I?"
You nod immediately, taking a hot breath in as he traces over your belly, and then over your ribcage. Closer and closer, your shirt pooling by his wrist.
He watches you watching him, and smiles when your eyes meet. He's barely begun and your response to him is a clear invite to keep tracing up your bare skin.
The tip of one of his fingers touch your nipple and you realise you had been holding your breath. It hardens at the contact, sending electricity straight to your lower abdomen and your legs tangle further into Peter's.
With your mouth already open, he comes back to your lips. The kisses get wetter as he gives a squeeze to your chest. After a while, Peter pulls away from the kiss, with your bottom lip between his teeth. He's obsessed.
Your eyes open with the action and you share a smile, caressing his cheek as your lips disconnect. You run a thumb over his mouth, and then your other hand and fingers are there grazing over the skin of his face. They trace from his forehead to the tip of his nose, and then gently move over his eyelids, around his cheeks and down his jaw till they make contact with his Adam's apple.
He purposefully swallows his saliva to make the bump on his neck move. As soon as it does, your mouth is there and he exhales when he feels your tongue ease over it. You're obsessed. He's completely mesmerising. His jaw is sharp, but his skin is so soft. He's so masculine and bold, yet so boyish and sensual.
An abrupt moan escapes your lips and you slap a hand over your mouth. You hear a chuckle and then he's on top of you, hoody strings dangling over your bare breasts.
His fingers have curled into your pyjama pants while you were distracted with his neck, already feeling wetness there. The flushed look on your face is encouraging and he presses down on your clit, acutely aware of how your eyes cannot help but shut and your legs squeeze together.
"You're so beautiful," he says, voice low and smooth. "You don't have to hold back, okay? Everyone's gone out."
You're completely under his spell, and you barely whisper out a response, before he presses against your pants again, eliciting a hum. Your hands go to his arm, feeling the way his muscles work to ensure you respond with pleasure. While he rubs, you manage to slip your shirt off, letting it fall to the ground by your bed.
You watch with lustful eyes as his head dips to your chest, attaching his lips to your right nipple. Upon impulse your hands tangle into his hair, giving tugs when new waves of arousal wash over your body.
You suddenly feel cold as he sits up, leaving your breasts with the sound of a wet smack and removing his hand from your damp pyjamas. You almost whimper when he meets your stare and smirks, pulling his hoody over his head. You then help him with his shirt, pushing yourself up from lying down, and the moment the material hits the ground with a thwump, you're at his lips again, fingers roaming over every inch of his chest and waist.
Peter pushes you back with a firm kiss till your head meets the pillow.
He kisses the tip of your nose and hooks his hands under your legs, pushing against the back of your thighs, until your knees are facing the ceiling. "You comfy?"
Before responding, you guide his hands to your hips, where you help him grip the edge of your pants. Taking the hint, he shimmies the last bit of your pyjamas off, adding it to the growing pile on the ground. Then before he can even take a look at you, you're pulling down on his trackies and underwear.
"I'm comfy now," you giggle.
Both of you are naked and drunk with lust. There's no visible sense of discomfort on your face, but Peter is a gentleman and has been since he's entered your room, and so he has to check in with you before continuing. "You okay to keep going?"
"Yes, yes, yes, yes."
He laughs, sliding his hands along your thighs. "Well, thank fuck for that, because I don't think I can hold it in anymore."
Your eyes dip downward, a smirking playing on your lips. "I never would have guessed."
He gives you a face before leaning down to share an ardent kiss.
"You have a condom?" You enquire with a hushed tone when he pulls away, keeping your foreheads together.
"Do I?" He feigns shock and reaches into his backpack retrieving his wallet. Suddenly he reveals a handful of condoms which you question how they had even fit.
Your jaw drops at the amount, chuckling with a mix of surprise and arousal. Why is the sight of Peter holding a bunch of condoms so hot to you?
"I know it looks like I'm just out here having sex every other day, but the truth is Aunt May insisted I take all of these."
"She's a wise woman. Protection is very important."
"Absolutely, you never know when they'll come in handy.
"You can come in my handy."
He picks one out, tearing it open with his teeth. You've always fantasised having a guy tear a condom wrapper open with their teeth. Something about the action guarantees that you will be turned on, and with Peter doing it without being asked - without knowing how much of an effect he has on you - takes you into overdrive and you bite down a moan.
You watch with increasing excitement as he rolls over the latex. The sight of his beautiful, long fingers working is enough for you to feel that electricity in the bottom of your abdomen again.
When he's done he positions himself between your already trembling legs and begins to slide himself along your folds. You both sigh at the contact, and instinctively gauge at each other's dazed reactions.
"You're actually so wet," he breathes, a crease forming between his brows as every stroke forward and back already feels like heaven.
"That feels good... oh my- can you press harder?"
And he does. Boy, does he deliver. Hands planted on either side of your head, he hovers over you for a better angle. A few times you feel pressure by your entrance, which result in whimpers when he doesn't fully go in.
Unbeknownst to you, Peter's thinking the same and his patience is beginning to run thin with every stroke.
"I'm gonna put it in now, okay?"
Hearing him is like music to your ears, and you hum eagerly in response.
One of his hands come down to steady himself, and the other comes up to yours where your fingers intertwine. "Tell me if it hurts, or if you want to stop. I want you to feel good. This is your reward after all."
You give him a nod and squeeze his hand. There's pressure at your entrance again. This is it. You suck in a breath as Peter's hips slow forward and then the pressure is replaced by a full feeling. It's been a long time since you last had sex, and you thought it would sting a little, but to your pleasant surprise, Peter fit in perfectly and it feels surreal.
Yours and Peter's moans echo in your room when your hips meet. He pauses for a moment, taking a mental picture of you beneath him; the way your eyelids are drooped, the way your whole face somehow looks more kissable. As he dips his head down to meet with your lips, his hips begin to move again. In and out. Slow and steady. He leans on his elbows now, chest against chest, thumbs caressing your cheeks.
You have to put your hands by his lower back, squeezing his skin there when his hip dips into you. Such a simple action of the curves of his back drives you crazy and your toes curl when he hits a spot.
Peter muffles your pleasure-filled noise with his tongue, addicted with your taste and the vibration of your voice. Heat radiates off the two of you, as the pace quickens and you don’t realise that you’re getting wet in more than one place.
Peter’s groans fill your senses, as he sits back on his knees, pulling you back into him by your waist. If he wanted to, he could easily lift you up, move your body around to fit his sexual needs. You kind of wanted him to do that. To use you the way only he wishes.
As if reading your mind yet again, he scoops you up from the sheets, keeping you connected as you settle on his lap. A new wave of arousal washes over you with the new position. You were already close together while doing missionary, yet this position feels so much more intimate and sensual.
You wrap your arms around his neck and arch your back into him, finding a sweet angle which forces your head back in pleasure.
“Fuck,” he whispers with heat by your ear while his hands squeeze your bum, aiding your movements.
Sighs, moans, wet sounds and the creak of the bed all mix, echoing in your room and probably the hallway too, but either of you couldn't care less. The pleasure and the images of your movements were all you can think about.
Your hips rock into his at a moderate pace, the addictive feeling of him and the sounds he's making begin to increase the urge to climax and you rest your head in the crook of his neck.
Your voice by his ear consumes Peter's entire body and he starts to tremble underneath you, his thrusts becoming messy.
"Ah, think I'm gonna finish," he says at the speed of light, his hold on you tight and only tightening my the second.
"M-Me too," you respond airily, your head full of stars.
"Oh my God, Y/N."
His arms lock around your torso, pulling you flush against his chest. With your name passing Peter's lips and the beautiful messiness you're creating you spiral off the edge, squeezing your thighs and knees into the side of his hips.
Drawn out noises of pleasure escape yours and Peter's lips, as you share the moment. Eyes are shut tightly and heads are fill with ecstasy.
His movements pause for a second and then he's riding out the climax, thrusts slow but hard. His grip around your back loosens, and soon you're staring at each other.
His cheeks are tinted pink, eyes hooded and mouth open slightly to catch his breath. A few curls are slick on his forehead, and you don't think you've seen Peter look so attractive before. You drink in the sight, whimpering when he lifts you up, pulling himself out of you.
He sets you down against the pillows, brushing his lips over your own hot cheeks. You reward him with a breathy giggle as he traces up to kiss your nose. Then he's back down to your mouth, this kiss in some way more special than every other he shared; it's full of warmth, safety and complete adoration of you.
After when he stands to discard the condom, you feel so cold. There was no way you were going to let Peter go back to his room for the rest of the night.
"Hey, Pete?"
"Yeah?" He beams at you, throwing away some tissues from cleaning himself up and promptly returning to you on the bed.
You laugh as he flops right next to you, a hand over your waist. "Wanna shower together?"
"There's no way... that I'd want to do anything else right now than shower with you."
Your eyes squint at him, as you give him a playful push. "You had me in the first half not gonna lie."
"No, I don't think I want to leave your room tonight. Or maybe ever."
There's a silent pause. At his answer, you're practically squealing and kicking your feet in your head, though all you explicitly express on your face is an ear-to-ear grin.
"You're so... ugh!" He attacks you with kisses. Your adorable, post-sex-glowy face is too much for him. "So fucking pretty. I can't."
With every kiss you laugh and your heart is so full and warm, you forget that you have classes to go to in the morning and that it's around 4am now.
"From now on come over anytime you need help with studying. Please," you say once you've settled from your laughter.
"You too. Call me if you ever need help. I've got more rewards up my sleeve."
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stargirlie25 · 6 months
Like I thought e/riel gave sleeping beauty vibes but of course they now give Rapunzel and Flynn vibes. (wonder where that came from)Like the whole movie does not surround the concept of the sun and light. The flower that bloomed because of the sun? Elucien core! As if Rapunzel literally hides in the shadows in the darkness.
Or that they give Daphne and Simon vibes.
Hello? SJM literally said Elain and Lucien would visit England so ∴ Bridgerton Core.
Plus Lucien is an emissary who dresses immaculately. Something Cassian randomly noted. Azriel is a cold shadowsinger who 100% does not value fashion like Lulu does. Sorry Azriel.
Next thing you know, E/riels are going to say e/riel gives off Jamie and Claire. WHICH THEY DON'T!
Im pissed and I'm very well aware this sounds like a child's temper tantrum but kids always spit facts anywayss
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egg-emperor · 16 days
Speaking of Eggdad I don't remember which video it was but it had Ian discuss how family bonding between Eggman and Sage would be destroying villages and subjugating the inhabitants HAPPILY together. Eggman and Sage are new team dark if anything. In fact, if we got a new Sonic Heroes type game it'd be so awesome if we got a playable Eggman team featuring himself truly, Sage, and Metal Sonic.
Yeah every time Flynn has talked about Eggman and Sage that I'm aware of, it's not without him explaining how Eggman has messed up perception and conditions behind his embracement of the dynamic, or emphasizing that they're still very much evil together. It's cool that he doesn't seem to play into the hyper pure wholesome fanon idea because of how the fandom mass misinterpreted it and clearly prefer it that way, when he very well could. Goes to show that it really was never actually the written intention of their real dynamic in the games
Because it just reiterates what we already see to be the case in the game already, with Eggman's dynamic with Sage being anything but traditional and in fact very self-centred and conditional with just as selfish motives as ever, and Sage clearly being on Eggman's side of evil even after her developments by staying by his side as he laughed at Sonic's cyber corruption death and the way she says the world is his to conquer. She's still very much evil and her development is only likely to make her more so to please her father and attempt to bond with him
So the idea that closest to family bonding is through that instead of all the traditional things/at least with an original evil twist on them in the very rare occasion that they might be is great. Eggman wasn't the type to suddenly get into tons of traditional domestic family activities to please someone who was literally created to serve him, so Sage instead joining in on all the things he already enjoyed doing before she existed and her just being happy to be included makes way more sense. And it's way cooler to think about what fun diabolical things they can get up to together!
It's fun to think about how they work together in business and schemes and happily destroying villages and subjugating inhabitants. Also how Eggman could indulge in his love for theme parks with her, not by wholesome trips to Disneyland but showing how they really should be with Eggmanland, twisted and deadly dangerous thrills. Same with carnivals. And with his love for circuses, he kidnaps and showcases stolen animals like Circus Park. And he said he could turn Sonic and co into toys for Sage to play with in The murder of Sonic, teaching her that people are their playthings
It is pretty much his answer to a new Team Dark, though he prefers the name Team Eggman now, probably because he considers himself the founder and creator of the original Team Dark and feels it was highjacked with him being cast out and replaced by Omega so he wants to assert extra hard that it's his this time so it won't happen again, can't forget who it belongs to or replace him when he's in the name lol. And then he can show how much better he can be on a team with his own superior creations built in his image instead of with Shadow and Rouge!
While it's funny that he had Zavok on his Team Eggman last time, reflecting his cush and obsession with the guy lol, Eggman and his own creations makes the most sense long term. The best way for him to team up with anyone is if they're his own obedient creations that won't - or literally can't ever think of betraying him with the programming like Metal (for the most part!) or have the genuine enthusiasm like Sage and most of the "teamwork" is really mostly them serving him and him getting all the benefits and glory. Metal and Sage are the perfect fit
Also if going by team types again, they don't fit into the Heroes team structure as none fit Flight type much but certainly fit the Team Sonic Racing one. Sage Technique, Metal Sonic Speed, and Eggman could be Power class again like he really always should be and would've been again if Zavok hadn't stolen that spot in TSR! Eggman being the brains and the brawn when be wants to join the action and show off his physical strength, Sage also being brains and skill with her programme abilities and Metal being the speedy killing machine he's always been
Diabolical dream (nightmare?) team there! XD They could get up to some great evil together!
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sevi007 · 4 months
Warning! I will be blogging about my first Tales of Abyss playthrough here. If you don't want to see it or be flooded or smth, blacklist "sevi plays tales of the abyss"
@magicmetslogic get tagged!
Soooo started Tales of the Abyss now! (I kept thinking it's called Tales of Abyss, without the "the", RIP me) Must say, this immediately felt incredibly different of a premise to Vesperia (the only Tales I have finished til now) and Zestiria (which I... maybe barely passed the prologue, lol). I think a lot of that is because of Luke and his situation. Getting into that later on.
But! Let's start from the top.
Absolutely gorgeous opening for one, really loved it. I probably got spoilered without realizing it, but with no context, that's not terrible. I remain blissfully unaware!
It immediately felt a bit faster paced story-wise. A bit more emotionally taxing on the protagonist, too. To start, I open the game and get immediately met with red-headed, hot-headed Luke (who is fittingly spoken by Yuri Lowenthal, who voiced Tidus in FFX) and Ithink he's an upbeat headstrong guy - which he is but -
I barely leave his room to get thrown a skit immediately:
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I hit the mental breaks when I read that because what. What. You just kept your kid inside like a pet or something?
I mean, in Vesperia, Estelle had a sheltered upbringing as well, and was certainly a bit on the naive side, but she at least was acutely aware of the world outside of the walls of her prison. Luke is not even given that, which you realize approximately two minutes into the game since his only contact to the outside world seems to be his swordfight trainer Van. I am absolutely flabbergasted. This is damaging to a kid!
(And no, this is no normal response to your kid getting kidnapped. Protecting him is one thing. Putting him on house arrest a whole other. I suspect it's not just a security thing but there is more going on here.)
And then next mental break: What the hell is Flynn Scifo doing here?
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I'm joking, I'm joking. And yes I have been informed that technically, Flynn is a copy of Guy since Vespy came out later. But still. With my minimum knowledge of Tales, forgive me for immediately drawing connection to Versperia at every turn. And the likeness is startling! XD He seems to be a good guy that Guy (pft) so for now, I like the boy.
(Stop climbing outta windows like a thief though!)
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Ah. Really glad I decided to explore the rooms a little. This is...
Well. I assume this was meant to be one of those anime-typical jokes of "haha, he's afraid of this or that" but... call me old-fashioned or a snowflake or whatever the correct term is but I don't think this is very funny. These two quite literally have him cornered, and he looks outright terrified of them. And instead of backing off - or Luke rescuing him - we just have to leave again? Uff. Don't like.
Never quite liked making fun of things others are afraid of, not even if it seems silly from outside.
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... Oh wow. Luke is even more sheltered than I thought. This seems to be general, public knowledge, and he got nothing? Does he not get any kind of schooling while on house arrest?
From their reactions, this is not something he is supposed to know but forgot, but more like, nobody even told him. That's... okay. I seriously question his parents right now as well as Van for not teaching him even basics of the outside world.
(On the other hand, in a sense of dumbing it all down for a new player, this is quite genius. Given that Luke needs to be explained everything, so does the player learn at the same time. but still. Questionable decisions all around.)
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Utterly. Questionable. Decisions.
Yes I'm already going full on protective mama bear mode on Luke. Give me a caged, sad kid who tries to put on a loud and confident facade and I immediately go "mine" XD
And now, for that faster pacing...
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Ma'am I JUST finished the tutorial would you please refrain from killing me til I got to practice some more!
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