chibi-pix · 2 years
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I have been wanting to do this text thing I had seen long while back for the longest time. But never knew how to work with it.  And it finally hit me.  Pidge and Bandor probably dating. And. Well. Pidge took a wrong turn somewhere.  I feel so happy to finally get this. And I love it.  Also. Look. I love Pidge with pointed ears and orange freckles. So I had to give her that look. Adds to her concern and desperate plea for help.
Anyway, I hope y’all enjoy this one! Until next time!
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non-plutonian-druid · 6 months
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the concept for this is "what if voltron aliens were like, a little bit less humanoid." Galra (and alteans, not pictured) get to be the most humanoid because theyre main characters lol
[ID: various voltron aliens redesigned to remove many of their humanoid features. The Galra are largely unchanged; the only difference is that they have six limbs. Keith is demonstrating standing on four limbs; he looks not unlike a centaur, although the "horse" part is just a continuation of his body, not a horse (and is also the same color as his human skin, because it is human skin. sorry not sorry). Kolivan is demonstrating standing on two limbs, and towers over everyone else. Krolia is demonstrating standing on all six limbs, which looks uncomfortable but possible.
There is also an example of an Olkari; whose face is unchanged but now is built similar to a praying mantis; a Puigian, who retains the approximate locations of the face markings and horns but looks more like some kind of deer creature; an Arusian, which is built like a snail; and a mer alien, which now looks like a fish with hands and antennae. The Olkari is based on Ryner, and the mer alien is Plaxum. End ID.]
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Cannot focus on grading bc I am thinking about the hello kitty vld au. Not coherently just rotating it in my mind
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keithkog · 1 month
I know some of you think I’m a little crazy for thinking my space wolf friend Kosmo may tell me his name one day- But it’s not that wild.
Think about it. He’s not an Earth wolf, he’s an alien just like the Olkarion or Arusians. There may be a chance that one day he could tell me, either verbally or through other means.
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sonekwi · 6 months
☆ ⸻ the white paladin, keith x reader
chapter five: training
characters/parings: keith, female reader
genre: fanfiction
summary: the team spends the day training, but barely any progress is made.
word count: 2,977
links: previous, next, wattpad, masterlist
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     After getting the Black Lion, the team had to act fast. Sendak was entering the Arusian atmosphere.
     At first, you guys weren't entirely sure what to do. You had only fought aliens once before, and even then you didn't defeat them. You just managed to get away.
     Unfortunately, that uncertainty almost caused you all to get captured. But the others had managed to form Voltron by some miracle, quickly saving you from the hands of Sendak at the last second.
     After that, you and the White Lion helped Voltron take down Sendak's ship. And it felt nice fighting alongside the others. It felt nice knowing you had an important role, and not one where you were sitting on the sidelines.
     Now, you lay in your bed staring at the ceiling. You're bored out of your mind and replaying the battle in your head can only entertain you so much. You wish you could access the internet, watch some Netflix, or listen to Spotify. But out in the middle of the universe, cellular service isn't a thing.
     You sit up, deciding you might as well wander around and get familiar with the layout of the castle. You toss on your hoodie, forever grateful that you brought it with you the night you left Earth, and leave your room.
     The empty, quiet halls of the castle feel weird to you. You're so used to the crowdedness of the Garrison, the constant noise of chatter. You begin to imagine what the halls would have been like ten thousand years ago. Probably filled with royal servants waiting to answer anyone's beck and call.
     You don't get far from your room when you pass by another. You stop, hearing the scraping of metal on the inside. You backtrack a bit and peek through the open doorway. Keith sits on his bed, sharpening a knife.
     "Hey," you say, knocking against the door frame.
     "Oh, hey," Keith says and quickly sets the knife down. "What's up?"
     "Nothing. Just bored," you shrug and enter his room. You plop down next to him.
     Keith smiles softly, "And you want me to make you not bored," he says.
     "Obviously," you smile and roll your eyes. "I do have a question though."
     "Ask away," Keith says.
     "What does your bond with the Red Lion feel like?" you ask, bringing your leg up to your chest. You hug your arms around it and rest your chin on your knee. If you can gain some insight on this Paladin-Lion bond, maybe you can figure out if that's what you feel with the White Lion.
     You never did get the official declaration like the others did. You don't know what the White Lion's personality is like, or what its Paladin should be like. You don't even know if you are its Paladin, or if you even should be.
     Coran said it was unfit for battle... yet it seemed to do just fine fighting Sendak.
     "I... don't know," Keith says softly. "I'm not sure how to describe it."
     "Okay, I just– I feel something strange with the White Lion. Almost as if it's... tied to me, tied to my energy," you say.
     "That seems about right," Keith says with a shrug. "I mean, I felt something pretty similar when we found the Red Lion. That was the moment that I knew I was its Paladin."
     You nod, "Okay, so I'm not crazy, the White Lion chose me."
     "Why would you think you're crazy?" Keith asks, giving you a confused look.
     "The last two days don't feel real," you say and stare at the floor. "One moment I'm in my dorm room, the next I'm in a completely different galaxy fighting aliens. This all feels like some weird fever dream."
     "Well, I'm pretty sure this isn't a dream," Keith says, "Because it'd be really weird that we're having the exact same dream."
     "Yeah," you sigh.
     "Hey," Keith nudges you. "I'll be here to keep you grounded. I'll tell you as many times as I have to that this is all real."
     You smile, feeling a warmth spread within your chest. Back at the Garrison, Keith was always holding you steady. Whenever you were feeling homesick or the self-doubt was creeping in, he was there for you. You're glad that didn't change.
     "Promise?" you ask, looking up at him.
     "Promise," he says.
The castle alarms go off and Allura's voice shouts throughout the halls. Your heart begins to pound wildly as she alerts everyone to a Galra attack, and both you and Keith jump from the bed and run out of the room.
You burst into the bridge room, where Allura stands with her arms crossed and a frustrated look on her face. Shiro is already there, and Pidge and Hunk run in shortly after you. Lance, however, is nowhere to be found.
The alarms stop and Allura sighs.
"I guess this isn't an actual attack," Shiro says.
"And it's a good thing it wasn't because it took you too long to respond. You must always be ready to battle with Zarkon," Allura scolds, pacing in front of the group. She then gestures her hand at you all, "I mean, look at you! Shiro is the only one in uniform! Where are you guys' bayards? And where is Lance?"
Just as your brother's name leaves her mouth, he enters the room. You slap a hand over your mouth to suppress your laugh. The sight of your brother dressed in a matching set of pajamas, a bathrobe, and slippers fashioned after the Blue Lion is almost too much to bear.
"Good morning everyone," Lance says, "What's going on?"
Allura shakes her head. "Coran and I have been up for hours getting the castle back in order. We had to run a rest on the alarms, so we decided to test you as well. Guess which one failed?" she growls, staring all of you down.
Hunk yawns, "Hey, you guys got to sleep for ten thousand years. Monday night, I was on Earth, and so far I've flown through space, fought some evil aliens, and eaten weird goo in a castle. It's... a lot to process."
You purse your lips, No kidding.
"You must understand the stakes of our mission," Allura says, pulling up a screen. She presses a few buttons and the map of the universe fills the room again. "Over the last ten thousand years, the castle picked up distress beacons from the following locations, so we have to assume that Zarkon has conquered almost the entire known universe."
The majority of the blue stars, galaxies, and coordinates turn red. Only a small chunk of the map remains the same. Allura spins it so that the chunk is in the center of our focus.
"Earth is over here, so an attack on your planet is inevitable," she says. "And our mission is to free all planets. Coran and I are getting the castle ready to leave Arus. In the meantime, you need to learn how to form Voltron again."
Shiro nods, "The princess is right. Let's get to our Lions and start training."
You sit in the White Lion, watching the others try to figure out how to form Voltron. You wish you had a bowl of popcorn because some of their ideas are absolutely ridiculous. If they knew what they did to form Voltron when fighting Sendak, maybe it would be easier for them.
But, you're not entirely sure what they did either. It just kind of... happened.
At least you can spend the time theorizing about the White Lion's flaws. So far nothing feels broken or useless about it. It flies just fine.
You wish it would talk to you like the Blue Lion talked to Lance.
"I'm sorry to interrupt, but I may be able to help," Allura says over the intercom. "Yesterday, you didn't form Voltron until you were in the heat of battle. I need to run a diagnostics test on all of the castle's defenses, so this should help!"
"Oh, crap!" you jump out of the way of a laser blast. The particle barrier rises around the castle, the turrets ruthlessly engaging.
"Allura! What are you doing?" Keith shouts.
"Like I said, running a diagnostic test and inspiring you!" she repeats, her voice too cheerful for the situation. "I believe in you, Paladins. Let fear be your guide! Form Voltron!"
She's freaking crazy! you dodge another blast, adrenaline pumping through your veins. The White Lion growls and you can feel its annoyance.
"Please, stop, have mercy on us!" Hunk begs as he narrowly escapes the blasts.
"You think Zarkon is going to have mercy on you?" Allura asks, "He's probably on his way right now to destroy us all!"
Lance turns the Blue Lion around and heads towards the castle. "Screw this! I'm getting out of here!" he shouts, but the castle's barrier repels him, knocking the Blue Lion to the ground.
     Your dashboard flashes red, warning you that the turrets have locked onto the White Lion. But, just as soon as it happens, the shooting stops and the castle's barrier drops. You pause, wondering what the heck is going on.
     "Uh... so much for that," Pidge comments.
     "I don't know about you guys, but I'm heading back inside," Hunk says and the Yellow Lion flies towards the castle.
You shrug and do the same. As you bring the White Lion to its hangar, the large doors open upon sensing its presence and allow it inside. And when its large claws touch the ground, it lowers its head to let you out.
You sigh as you exit the Lion, and just as you are about the leave, you feel something pull on your energy. You stop in the entryway and glance back at the Lion. A wave of loneliness washes over you.
You look around the hangar, now realizing it's where King Alfor had stashed the White Lion. You can only imagine how long it stayed in there before being sent away to an unknown place, only to be alone again.
You're also now realizing that the Voltron Lions are much more sentient and emotional than you originally thought. 
"Hey, (y/n)–"
You scream and jump out of your skin at Lance's sudden appearance. "Don't sneak up on me like that!" you glare at him.
     "Whatever," Lance rolls his eyes. "Everyone's going to chill in the lounge if you want to join."
     You glance back at the White Lion with an apologetic face. You feel bad, but you should be bonding with your team when you can. There will be plenty of time to bond with the White Lion later.
     Lance leads you through the castle and into a room. A conversation pit sits in the center, and the others (except Shiro, Allura, and Coran) are already relaxing on the couches. You step into the pit and plop down next to Keith.
     Hunk tosses you a water pouch. You take the plastic straw glued to its side and poke it through. It reminds you of a Capri Sun.
     "I can't imagine how mentally drained you guys are," you say, recalling all the different things they tried to form Voltron.
     "No kidding," Pidge grumbles.
     "I don't understand how forming Voltron can be so hard," Hunk says with a sigh. "Why can't there be a button for it?"
     Lance lays down on the couch and rests a leg on the back of it. "Who knows? I just want this day to be over with."
     The doors to the room slide open and Allura and Coran walk in, the two of them talking about the castle's mechanics. But Allura stops upon seeing you all in the lounge.
     She smiles brightly, "You guys did it! You formed Voltron!"
     "No," Keith says, "The shooting stopped and the particle barrier shut down, so we just flew in."
     Allura's face falls. "What?"
     "Oh, sorry!" Coran says, "I had to turn off the castle's defenses to test the fire suppressors."
     You shrug. Either way, you're not complaining. With everyone being all over the place and still trying to adjust to this new life, adding more chaos isn't going to help.
     Shiro enters the room, "What are you guys doing in here? We're not taking a break."
     "He's right," Allura nods, "You should be training."
     Hunk groans. "We've been training. When are we going back to Earth?"
     "Well, I'm not going back until I find my family anyway," Pidge says.
     "Guys," Shiro says and rests his hands on his hips. "There won't be an Earth unless we figure out how to fight Zarkon."
     "How though? You guys haven't been able to form Voltron again," you say and take a sip of your water.
     Coran joins the conversation, "Well, I'm not surprised. The original Paladins fought hundreds of battles together side-by-side. They were like a pack of yalmors linked at the ears!"
     You raise a brow, what the heck is a yalmor?
     Lance sighs, "Yeah, that's definitely not us."
     "During the last attack, you're survival instincts forced you to work as a team," Coran explains, "But that will only get you so far. You'll have to become a real team if you want to form Voltron."
     "You should try working out on the training deck!" Allura suggests.
     "There's a training deck?" you ask.
     The next few hours are spent listening to Coran ramble on about being a team and doing various trust-building exercises. At the start, you're all for it, but as time drags on you get less and less enthusiastic about it.
The group is getting nowhere. Lance and Keith can't stop bickering, Hunk and Pidge would rather be doing other things, and Shiro is getting more and more agitated. You're honestly surprised he hasn't lost his cool yet.
     You sit on the floor of the training room with your back leaning against Lance's. Coran hands out refreshments while the group takes a much-needed mental break again.
"You have been working hard," Coran praises. "You guys should relax a little–"
"What are you doing?"
You groan and roll your eyes. Anytime the group tries to sit down and chill for a bit, it gets interrupted.
Allura stands before all of you, her hands on her hips. There's a disapproving glare on her face.
"You're supposed to be training!" she scolds.
Coran defends everyone, "Just resting a bit. You know, you can't push too hard.
"What do you mean?" Allura growls, "Get up, you lazy lumps. It's time you faced the Gladiator!"
"The what now?" you ask.
But your question is soon answered when the princess has the six of you positioned in a defensive ring, an Altean android standing before you. It bears a lengthy spear, the ceiling lights gleaming off of the blade.
You activate your bayard and shield, watching the Gladiator like a hawk. Beside you, Keith holds his sword close. You share a glance and smile at each other. If this is anything like the Galra soldiers you fought, this should be easy!
     "To defeat the Gladiator, six Paladins must fight as one," Coran explains.
     At his words, the Gladiator lunges towards you. Panicking at its immense speed, you stumble out of its way. But its reflexes are even faster. You aren't even given a chance to fight back as it knocks you off your feet and hits the butt of its spear against your stomach.
     You slowly pick yourself up, watching as the Gladiator turns to your teammates. It effortlessly takes out Hunk and Pidge, the two now lying in a pile on the floor.
     You feel like this is way too difficult for people who have little to no combat experience.
     Lance tries to shoot the Gladiator down but misses most of his shots. The ones that do make contact are deflected off of the Gladiator's spear.
     "Oh no!" Lance cries out. The Gladiator disarms him in a flash and throws him across the room into Keith. The two fall to the ground.
     Shiro stands before the Gladiator, probably the only one who truly stands a chance. Your eyes widen as his robotic arm glows a purplish-white, the scalding heat distorting the air around it. When was this a thing?
     The Gladiator attacks, but Shiro doesn't move. You recognize what's happening and quickly rush over to him. He froze like this on the Galra ship.
     Metal clashes on metal, and the Gladiator's spear pushes against your scythe. You groan, struggling to counter its strength. You have to think quickly.
     You swing your scythe to the side, hooking the Gladiator's spear in the crook of the curved blade. With the small opening you created, you swing the other end and pierce through gaps in the Gladiator’s armor. Sparks pop and sizzle, but the fight isn't over.
     The Gladiator aims its attack at your head and you barely dodge. It seems completely unfazed by the damage you caused. And in an instant, your butt hits the ground.
     Allura walks over and stands scowling. She powers down the Gladiator with a simple touch before beginning her lecturing and scolding. "That combat simulator was set at a level fit for an Altean child! You're not even close to working as a team, let alone ready to face Zarkon!"
     "You know what?" you growl as you stand up. Your eyes lock with hers and you step closer. "I'm sick and tired of you acting like you're better than us. Unless you put yourself through the same crap as us, you can just shut your mouth."
     "(y/n)," Shiro says, his voice low with warning.
     You clench your jaw and leave the training deck before you do or say anything you'll regret. But you're right. If Allura showed just a morsel of empathy and understanding, maybe she would see some progress
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broke: Coran is like a father figure to many of the paladins
woke: Coran is that one uncle who you’re pretty sure is drunk all the time
h y p e r w o k e: Nunvil is the Arusian equivalent of Alcohol, which Coran gave to Lance, who is underage. Therefore, Coran fits all necessary criteria for being a Vodka Uncle.
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discordiansamba · 8 months
anyways spitballing some facts about the accidental paladin matt AU:
Matt and Keith are very much the 'why is it when something happens around here, it's always one of you two' duo.
Turns out spending several years fighting in a space war where killing is kind of a necessity fucks up your morals. just a little bit. Matt goes from "killing is wrong" to "a little murder for a good cause never hurt anyone" overnight.
People think Matt's listening to music when he's training at the Garrison but he is in fact listening to science and engineering audiobooks. It's great! He's working on all of his muscles at once!
Matt's bayard takes on the form of a staff. Because of course it does.
Matt's knowledge of the future isn't exactly flawless. A lot of what he knows about the paladins adventures before he reunites with Pidge is based off of stuff he's been told by them, so the details are off in places. For example he knows that Sendak takes over the Castleship during the party with the Arusians, he just... doesn't know how.
He also never knew that Pidge tried to ditch the paladins to find him and their dad. Which she still tries to do in this timeline, only she's looking for her dad and fully expects him to agree to come with her... which he does not do. So they fight.
Matt knows where to find their father but knows that a.) they can't do this alone, b.) they can't just leave all of those other prisoners behind and c.) he's pretty sure that like. right after this the paladins have to go save that Balmera and that's *kind of* the more pressing time concern.
Matt and Keith are sparring buddies. Matt helps Keith with his homework back at the Garrison. They watch terrible sci-fi movies together. They're best friends, though Keith will never admit that much... only to have his best friend and his brother be declared dead after Kerberos.
Pidge and Keith team up to find answers. She still ends up enrolling in the Garrison under an assumed identity.
Keith is itching to find Shiro. Matt would love to help him, but he's kind of at loss as to where Shiro would be. Even if he was rescued by the same rebels who freed him, there's no guarantee that they'd have the same job.
Matt gets the white streak and Shiro gets to keep his black hair. They keep their respective canon scars though.
Matt introduces Coran to memes. What has he done.
The weird stuff that Pidge has been noticing about her brother for years now just keeps increasing once they get to space. It's probably just due to being imprisoned by the Galra... right?
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star-racing · 3 months
A snippet from chapter two of The Universes Edge, in which I finally get to introduce Allura
Arus was truly a beautiful planet. Largely untouched by civilization, it still boasted swaths of unmarred terrain, unexplored and uninterrupted. It was picturesque, the cliffs, the white rivers rushing through the otherwise thick blanket of lush, blue tipped leaves of the tall jungle trees. Even the ridge of volcanoes, sat ominously in the distance that loomed above them like a malevolent force waiting to bring what little progress the arusians had made to their knees, was gorgeous in it’s own, fickle way. It would all be gone in a years time, if the Galra ever got it’s hands on it. Like Altea, and so many others. Allura could see why this planet would be on the galran empires radar. The soil was rich, the climate tempered and stable thanks to the binary stars the planet orbited staving off any winter frost that might settle in for the crops to battle. It could easily be converted into an agricultural hub. The arusians had already begun the process, though on a much smaller, primitive scale than what Allura was used too. It was fascinating, watching a civilization develop in real time. Not that it mattered to the Galra. What the arusians were capable of, everything they might become one day if given time to develop and grow, they didn’t care. This planet, the people that inhabited it, they were ants. Microscopic and inconsequential in the grand galactic plan of the Galra. They would be decimated out of convenience, and the Alteans who had taken refuge on their planet for deca-phoebs would stand idle while it happened. It wasn’t fair, but Allura had been taught the hard way that life rarely was.
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dotuindex · 3 months
Updated Pidge HCs :)
14 1/2 at debut
Bitter that Chip is taller than him, but even more bitter that their younger sister is taller than him
All three of them were adopted
Unlike Chip, little sister isn't biologically related to Pidge
Little sister is named Katherine, or Kat for short
Mama's boy
Child prodigy with a high IQ
Knows many languages to varying degrees, and it's something he works very hard on
He has finally accepted he simply cannot learn EVER language in his lifetime, so has designed incredibly advanced translation devices.
His favorite color is actually blue
Can play piano, but did not learn willingly. He hates the piano
Space mice have stolen his glasses more than once
LOVES apples
GREAT gymnastics skills, partly stemming from his biology as someone from Balto
People of Balto are on average shorter than Arusians or Earthlings, but he's still short by Balto's standards
Hunk and Lance are the only ones allowed to call him "little buddy"
Showers right before bed, resulting in That Hair
Tosses and turns a lot in his sleep
Crazy dreams but rarely remembers them
Has like 4 pairs of glasses bc he keeps breaking them. He rotates them out as her fixes them
Will end up with braces in his later teens
Has a gap in his front two teeth
LOVES sports, especially soccer
Adoptive family is pretty wealthy, and spoiled him rotten
Hates peanuts. Only eats peanut butter when it's with chocolate
Lance likes to steal his headband
Very sensitive to bright lights
Always chewing on things. never borrow a pencil from him
Can bake well, struggles with cooking
Very picky with his sweets. He hates when stuff sticks to his teeth
His room is a warzone
Keith gets on him about cleaning his room bc it's slowly becoming an actual hazard
When Keith pesters him, he calls him mom. It's catching on with the others.
Eyes are reflective, like a cat's
Sees very well in the dark
May birthday
Opposite of Hunk in the sense that on the rare occasion he eats beef, he wants that steak cooked to a crisp
Will never admit it, but he sees Lance as a big brother
Hunk is like the cool uncle tho
His favorite holiday is Halloween
The king of fidget toys
Chronic knuckle cracker
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chibi-pix · 23 days
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Why did this take me so long to decide to finish? I STARTED IT IN JUNE OF 2023! But, I finally finished it. Technopathic Katie in an old Arusian ship (Crossed Signals) and going in when she sees things. What's she seeing? The past. Like she did in that one episode on Olkarion in season 8. Gods, i wish we had more of that. And. Pidge and Hunk don't know what the hell is going on with her, why she's in the ship, or why her eyes are glowing this time while she's spaced out. Don't worry, guys, I think she'll tell you after this one.
Anywho! I hope y'all enjoy this one! Commissions are available over on my Ko-fi. Until next time!
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swagging-back-to · 10 months
i think the entire voltron fandom can agree allura is not a likable character. all of my followers know my ENTIRE NOVEL WORTH of reasons for not liking her.
but during my rewatch of se 1 this one scene really irked me. shes standing on the ledge during the arusian party and overlooking the paladins. she watches as hunk and keith goof around and make the guests laugh and it ANNOYS HER. she is visibly and audibly unapproving, not even including her "i dont think theyre worthy" to the mice.
out of all the reasons she thinks the paladins "arent fit" for the job, INCLUDING THEM BEING 14-20 YEARS OLD, she doesnt like them ********because they were laughing with eachother at a p a r t y that a l l u r a put together and made them attend*********
alluras character niche has so much potential. her family. her planet, her culture destroyed and she has to pull together a ragtag team in the span of a few hours after reawakening.
but the writers ruined all yhat potential. and it isnt even a "after season three" destruction, she was written horrible from the very start.
It just really irks me that she doesnt think the team is unfit bc of their lack of training, the fact two of 5 of them arent even pilots and have zero flight training, the fact one of them is barely even a teenager, the fact one of them has severe ptsd from fighting and was only rescued hours before being thrown into another war, or any of the billion reasons.
it's because theyre laughing with eachother.
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bleh1bleh2 · 1 year
Welcome to Voltron: Space Mice Rankings!!! Brought to you by me having so many thoughts about them (which I never thought would happen)
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1. Beast King Golion (!!!) - The best version of the mice <3 They have wonderful personalities and are a family who a) love to help Fala (basically Allura) and the rest of the paladins, and b) want to help with the fight against the Galra. You have a father who is insistant on training his family how to fight because they are in a war, and his (a bit cowardly/lazy) family who doesn't want to train. But!! They are determined to fight for Altea and they do such a great job. It is mostly Princess Fala and Shorty who talk to the mice, and they did so by learning their language. Also!!!! The mice get a super cute mini mech that they use to fight <3 And they get actual plotpoints because Honerva tries to infultrate the castle multiple times but she is scared of mice (which is why she has her cat), so it causes problems. None of the other shows use the mice in any plot relevant way. Also, this is the only version of the mice that I think about often <3
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2. Voltron: Legendary Defender - I think Allura having mice telepathy is so cool and epic. It's a great addition to voltron, and I wish they had done literally anything fun with it throughout the show (but that was sadly never going to happen). I get excited whenever they show the mice doing silly things with Allura. The mice themselves dont have any distinct personalities, and are very flat, forgettable characters (I have actually forgotten about their existance multiple times). The designs themselves are interesting, but lack the familial element that were there in Golion (and I miss it dearly). I just wish there was a trait that connected them a bit more, like all of them having a connecting ear shape or marking.
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3. Voltron: Defender of the Universe - My general thoughts about this show is that it's like if Golion was worse, and this theme continues with the mice. No one is able to speak directly to the mice and have conversations, which is very sad, and they got rid of us being able to tell what the mice were saying. Which means that their space mice episode was boring (in comparison) because you couldn't hear their conversations and silly dialogue!! The only thing they have going for them at that point is that they're cute (but also it's the same design in Golion-)
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4. Voltron Force - Eh. They're robot mice. Idk what else to say, they're just kinda boring. I can appreciate wanting to switch it up and make them robots, but I want my space mice to have personality. The show breaks the fourth wall and ponders why they're called space mice when they are from Arus and were named by Arusians, but thats the only notable thing about them.
And there it is!!! If you want to see the mice in their bestest form ever then watch Beast King Golion ep 46, where the mice help fight the Galra in their mech (absolute icons!!!)
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boyprinzessin · 7 months
I think fanon Keith doesn't give him enough credit for his social skills cause like yes he's awkward and really blunt but he seems to warm up to the team pretty quickly? Like I'm on ep 4 with the Arus party and he's joking around with Hunk and Lance and talking to the Arusians.
I think Pidge and Keith are both just awkward, guarded, and very goal oriented, which makes it seem like they hate people. Pretty sure both of them were friendless except for their Matt and Shiro respectively so it makes sense lmfao.
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aspenmissing · 1 year
𝙵𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙲𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝙻𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 (𝙿𝚝 𝟷)
In the Castle of Lions, the Arusian King tells his version of Voltron's battle against the Galactic Gladiator before a party of Arusians. Two groups of Arusians act as either combatant.
"The monster fell from the sky! It was an epic battle, but Voltron was victorious!" The Arusians pretending to be the Robeast knock down the other Arusians pretending to be Voltron "No. I said, Voltron was victorious!" The Arusians end the battle accurately. The Arusians cheer.
"This is adorable" Y/N whispers.
"Thank you, Your Majesty, for that.. wonderful production. It saddens me that we must leave tomorrow, but we must continue our battle with Zarkon and spread peace throughout the universe" Allura gives the Arusian King an Altean communicator "Your Highness... please accept this gift. This will allow you to contact us anytime you need help. Arus will be the first planet in the Voltron Alliance"
"Hoorah!" The Arusian King holds up the communicator; the Arusians cheer. Hunk approaches Keith, Lance and Y/N.
"We ought to get something like that." Hunk says.
"Like what?" Y/N asks.
"You know, like, a cheer. Like, a team cheer that we doa2
"Mm-hmm. Yeah, okay. How about, uh... "I say Vol" and you say "Tron." Vol!" Lance says.
"Uh... Voltron?" Keith says.
"No! No, no, no. The cheer includes the instructions. I say "Vol" and you say..." Lance repeats.
"Vol..tron?" Y/N laughs.
"We'll work on it" Lance sighs. Keith shrugs at Hunk.
"Hey Y/N?" Hunk asks. Y/N hums in response "Where's Soul?"
"She's in my room, sleeping" She replies "Picked the sleeping habit from me, I guess" Lance drinks Nunvill and shivers at the taste.
"Coran, what is this?" Lance asks, his hand over his mouth.
"Oh, this is Nunvill, the nectar of the gods!" Coran said.
"It tastes like hot dog water and feet." Lance says.
"Yeah, makes a wonderful hair tonic as well" Coran says. He sprinkles Nunvill on his mustache and it growls luxuriously.
"So fluffy" Y/N mutters. Lance retches; Keith, Y/N and Hunk prod at him until he falls. Coran approaches Shiro, who is watching the Castle's entrance.
"Not feeling well? Try some Nunvill. Settles the stomach and brightens your smile"
"I'm not sure we should be letting everyone wander in and out of the Castle like this. It doesn't seem safe"
"Oh, these Arusians won't hurt anything--" Coran sees Arusians playing with a hover platter "...Much" Coran cringes at the sound of them crashing "Besides, it's only fair to let them see the inside of a Castle that's been sitting on their planet for so long"
"But who knows when Zarkon will attack again? I'm going to do a perimeter check, just in case" Shiro exits the Castle.
In the Castle vestibule, Allura watches the Paladins with the Altean Mice.
"Look at them, the new Paladins of Voltron. The fate of the universe is on their shoulders" Keith drunks Nunvill but finds it foul so he spits it out on Hunk. Hunk turns away and then reveals Arusian food stuck to his eyes.
"Ow, my eyes!" Keith, Hunk and Y/N laugh; Allura looks unimpressed.
"...I must portray strength, so no one can tell how concerned I am about the fate of our mission" The blue mouse with red eyes squeaks "Let's...keep that a secret" The mouse squeaks again "Who else has secrets?" The blue mouse with red eyes uses another mice as a demonstration "Hunk tried to eat what?" Allura leans on the railing "That is rather amusing. What other secrets?" The blue mouse with blue eyes pretends to be Lance shooting things and posing "That seems like Lance" The pink mouse pretends to be Y/N fighting and dodging "I admire Y/N's stubbornness" The blue mouse with blue eyes pretends to look adorable "Pidge is a what?" Allura watches Pidge secretly put alien food in a backpack and pick an ear with a stick, sniff it, and retch "Hmm... Are you sure?" The mouse nods "I'm getting to the bottom of this."
Lance, Hunk and Y/N are talking at the party.
"I guess we should get used to this space juice. Who knows when we'll get back home again?" Lance says, looking down.
"Yeah, if ever"
"What do you mean?" Y/N asks.
"I mean, if this Zarkon guy has been ruling for 10,000 years, how long do you think it will take for us to fix it? You know, if we live" Hunk says. He looks at the alien food he's grabbed.
"Right. That" Y/N places her hand on Lance's arm.
"I'm sure were going to see home again, someday" Y/N says.
" Hey, what do you think the chances are of us landing on a nacho planet?" Hunk said.
"Well, there's only one planet with Veradera Beach, pizza shack looking over the water and the garlic knots and my mom's hugs..." Lance starts to tear up "I think this Nunvill is getting to me. I gotta go" Lance leaves, leaving Hunk confused.
"Hunk, we need to be positive" Y/N says. Coran witnesses.
Allura approaches Pidge who is followed by Rover.
"So, Pidge, we haven't had a chance to really...talk. Tell me about yourself"
"Hmm... Well, I like peanut butter, and I like peanut butter cookies, but I hate peanuts. They're so dry. Also, I sweat a lot. I-I mean, in general, unrelated to the peanut" Pidge tries to walk away. Allura intervenes.
"I-I suppose I was thinking of something a little more personal?" Allura winks.
"We have a lot in common" Pidge is unimpressed.
"Like what?" Pidge asks.
"Oh, well... Both of us had our fathers taken away by Zarkon"
"Yeah, but I'm going to get mine back" Allura looks pained. Pidge realizes how harsh that statement was.
"Augh... Sorry. I-I really didn't mean to—"
"No, I understand. I just want you to know that you can confide in me. If there's anything you ever want to talk about..." Pidge is silent "...Anything"
"Huh? ... Okay. I do have something to tell you" Allura is overjoyed.
"I had a feeling~! What is it?"
"I'm leaving Team Voltron" Allura is about to speak, expecting something else entirely. She stops.
"Wait, what?!"
"I decrypted the information from the Galra ship about where my family might be, or at least where they were. I've made up my mind. I'm leaving tonight"
"Pidge, you can't. You're one of six Paladins. You have a sacred trust to defend the universe"
"My first priority is to find my family! I thought you of all people would understand. If you had a chance to get your father back, wouldn't you?" Allura frowns "I'm sorry. I should go tell everyone else" Pidge walks away and finds Shiro outside the Castle "Shiro? I need to talk to you" Pidge approaches Shiro.
Lance sits forlornly in the Bride of the Castleship. Someone sits besides him and he turns to see Y/N.
"I miss home, too" She says in a soft tone. Lance stays silent as she turns her gaze forward "My home, my room, everything" She smiles "But you know how I make it through?"
"I imagine that someday, I'll see home again. Even if it takes 50 years...I'll wait" Y/N leans her head on Lance's shoulder "We can wait together" Lance leans his head onto hers.
"Yeah. We'll wait together" Lance smiles, slightly blushing. The Paladins stay like that for a couple of minutes before Coran approaches them.
"Mind if I join you?" Coran said. Y/N lifts her head and the two look at Coran.
"How far away from Earth do you think we are, Coran?" Lance asks.
"Let's take a look" Coran brings up a holographic map of the universe to show Lance and Y/N "Earth is over here. And we're aaaaaaall... the waaaaay... oveeeeer..." Coran moves the map and still does not reach Arus.
"It's not that far" Y/N says, sheepishly.
"You ever notice how far the planets are from each other, Coran?"
"Yes. Haven't you been paying attention?" He said. Lance approaches the map; Coran stops.
"Yeah, but I mean, like, they're really, really far away. Like, say, Earth? It's so far, I can't even see it. The... The blue oceans, the white clouds, green grass... I c—-I-I... I can't see any of it" Y/N stands and walks over to the two.
"You miss Earth. I understand. I miss Altea"
"I know we're supposed to be brave paladins and Defenders of the Universe or whatever, but, honestly? I just want to go home." Lance says.
"If I could go home, I would"
"I miss rain and splashing in puddles." Y/N says.
"Rain?" Coran asks.
"Yeah. It's water that falls from the sky." Lance answers.
"Oh, we had that on Altea. Only, it wasn't water, more like rocks. Razor-sharp and boiling-hot. Oh, they could knock a hole right in your head." Coran said.
"Sounds fun" Lance replies.
The bomb drone moves through the Castle. Pidge is speaking with the rest of the team in the hall.
"Pidge, no...!" Shiro says.
"The download from the Galra ship was enough to at least get me in the right direction to start my search. I have a pod all ready to go" Keith approaches Pidge.
"You can't leave!"
"You can't tell me what to do!"
"If you leave, we can't form Voltron. And that means we can't defend the universe against Zarkon. You're not the only one with a family. All these Arusians have families. Everyone in the universe has families"
"Yeah, I have a family. They live on . I want to be with them. Is that—Is that, like, a thing that can happen?" Hunk says.
"You want to leave, too?" Allura asks.
"Of course I do. Look,  is super-cool, don't get me wrong, but I never signed up for a lifetime in space fighting aliens" Keith is enraged and aggressively closes in on Pidge.
Me, Lance, and Y/N were about to walk out, when pidges drone came hovering in.
"—Keith! That's not how a team works. People have to want to be a part of it. They can't be forced" Keith silently relents. Shiro turns to Pidge "If you want to leave, we won't try to stop you. But, please, just think about what you're doing" Pidge looks conflicted, but remains firm.
"I'm sorry. You're going to have to find someone else to pilot the Green Lion" Pidge leaves with Rover.
"I can't believe it. This team is falling apart. How will we ever form Voltron?" Allura asks.
The Galra bomb drone enters the Bridge; Lance and Coran are leaving while Y/N stays back.
"Hey, Rover" Lance says, waving at the robot "Wait...Where's Pidge?" Lance looks at the drone and gasps as it prepares to explode "Coran, Y/N, look out!" Lance, stuck between who to cover, quickly goes for Coran. Lance launches himself at Coran as the drone explodes and destroys the Power Crystal so the Castle loses power. The blast is felt throughout the Castle of Lions. The Arusians flee to their village. Soul runs over to the team and onto Keith's shoulder.
"Where's Y/N?" He asks. Soul makes a noise. The team then gather in the Bridge to find Coran unharmed and sitting up.
"What happened?" Shiro asks
"Ugh...I'm not sure." Coran said. The smoke clears; Allura sees the Power Crystal destroyed.
"The crystal!" The team sees Lance unconscious. "Lance!" Shiro hold Lance.
"Lance...? Lance!"
"What about Y/N?" Coran asks, they look to him "She was with us, she was stood over there" Soul jumps of Keith's shoulder and makes her way to the spot where Coran pointed to. She sees Y/N on her side, rubble on top of her. He makes a noise and Keith runs over.
"Y/N!" He uses all his strength to get the rubble off of Y/N and turns her over, cradling her. Her head falls onto his shoulder as he brings her over to the others, setting her down besides Lance. Soul sits besides her. Shiro looks at her in concern. Keith rubs away the blood on her forehead "Your gonna be alright"
"We have to get them to the infirmary!" Pidge says.
"Without the Crystal, the Castle has no power" Allura informs.
"They don't look good" The Arusian King enters.
"Lion warriors, our village is under attack! We need help!" He panics.
"Let's get to out Lions!" Keith says.
"You can't. They're sealed in their hangars. There's no way to get them out. We're defenceless"
Will you not help us?" The king asks.
"We'll help you. We just --" Lance groans in pain while Y/N remains still. Soul nuzzling her cheek.
"This is bad." Hunk said.
"We have to get a new crystal to get the Castle working again. But, to get a new crystal, we need a ship." Coran says.
"The pod I was loading, we can use that! I left the bay door open."
"I can use the scanner in the pod to see if there's a Balmera nearby. Hunk, you come with me. I'll need someone big to help me carry the crystal"
"A Balmera?" Hunk asks.
"It's where the crystals come from. I'll tell you about it on the way!" Hunk, Pidge and Coran leave for the flight pod. Keith looks down at Y/N.
"Go and see what's happening at the Arusian village. She'll be alright" Keith nods and gently places Y/N down, standing up.
"I'll go with you, Keith. I brought this on the poor Arusians." Allura says.
"I'll tend to Lance and Y/N and stand watch over the Castle" Shiro says. Allura and Keith leave with the Arusian King. Shiro looks down at Lance and Y/N as Soul nuzzles into her neck "Please me alright"
In the Flight Pod Hangar, Coran and Hunk are in a flight pod.
"It's out first bit of luck. There's a source not too far. We won't need a wormhole to get there, thankfully" Coran says as Hunk puts on his helmet.
"I made some modifications to the shuttle. The first change is a cloaking device that I reverse-engineered from the invisible walls on the Training Deck. The second is a tank of booster fuel that I mounted on the fuel line"
"Using that during flight would turn the whole pod into a bomb!" Hunk looks terrified.
"Okay. Maybe you shouldn't use that modification after all"
"We ready to hit it?" Hunk asks.
"Right. Let's go" The flight pod prepares to take off. Pidge gives Hunk and Coran a thumbs-up"
"Good luck" Hunk gives Pidge a thumbs-up. The flight pod leaves the castle.
Shiro is carrying Lance and Y/N to the Castle's entrance. The two are unconscious. Soul walks besides him.
"Hang on, guys, Help is on the way" Shiro sees Sendak approaching. "Sendak!" Shiro lays Lance and Y/N down gently, with Soul besides their heads, and meets Sendak in front of the Castle.
"Stand aside." Sendak orders.
"No. You're not getting in" Shiro says, activating his prosthetic arm and prepares to fight.
"Yes, I am" Shiro furiously battles Sendak. Both throw a punch and end up locked at the knuckle "I see you spent some time with the druids. They do love to experiment. Too bad you didn't get the latest model" Sendak launches his gauntlet to send Shiro back inside the Castle to where Lance and Y/N are. Soul no where in sight. They continue to fight and end up poised with each other's glowing hand against their throats.
"Let him go or your friends won't make it!" Haxus warns. Shiro sees Lance and Y/N are still unconscious and are dropped roughly onto the floor. Sendak strikes Shiro unconscious, pushing him over to Lance and Y/N.
"Voltron is ours" Sendak said. Sendak leaves for the bridge. Pidge watches as they drag Y/N, Lance and Shiro away, hugging Rover close.
"Oh, no." Pidge says. She leaves to elsewhere in the Castle.
Keith, Allura, and the Arusian King arrive at the burning Arusian village.
"What's happening?" Allura asks.
"Look! Attackers!" The King points to Galra sentries standing among the flames and explosions.
"I'll go in for a closer look. Stay here with them." Keith says. He slides down the hill.
"Keith!" Allura shouted. Keith dived into the fray and approaches the Sentries. He sees they are broken decoys.
"What? Oh, no. They tricked us!" Keith says. Allura speaks to Allura through her communication earrings. "It was just a diversion to separate us and thin the Castle defences!" Allura looks in shock towards the Castle.
Inside, the Galra hook up their own Power Crystal to the Castle of Lions. The three Paladins lay unconscious nearby.
"Power up the Castle" The Castle of Lions powers up in Galra violet. A computer screen shows all the Voltron Lions are in place "The Lions are all in their bays. Raising particle barrier. Begin launch sequence"
The particle barrier activates, preventing Keith and Allura from entering in time. Keith slams his fist on the barrier.
"We're too late...No!"
"They have control of the Castle. They're taking Voltron!"
Sendak is in the Castle Bridge.
"Make contact with Emperor Zarkon" Haxus brings up Zarkon on screen.
"Sendak" Zarkon says.
"My mission is complete. I've captured the Altean castle, along with all of the Voltron Lions. I am currently preparing for launch and will be delivering them all to you shortly"
"This news is most pleasing. You have done your duty. Vrepit Sa!"
"Vrepit Sa!" The transmission ends "Haxus, ready the Castle for take-off"
"Yes, Commander" Lance, Y/N and Shiro remain unconscious.
Outside, Keith summons his Bayard into form.
"Can we break through the barrier?" Keith asks.
"No. And whoever has taken the Castle has a Crystal, which means they'll be able to fly the ship. We have to stop them"
"How are we going to do that?"" Pidge contacts Keith through his helmet.
"Keith, can you hear me?" I said in the comm.
"Pidge! Is that you? Where are you?" Keith replies.
"I'm inside the Castle. Sendak has taken over and he's preparing for launch. He's got Lance, Shiro and Y/N" Pidge hides behind a pillar, peeking around to see two Galra sentries.
"Pidge, listen. If they've started the launch sequence, then we don't have much time before lift-off to stop it" Allura says.
"What do I have to do?" I said.
"You have to get down to the main engine control panel and disconnect the primary turbine from the central energy chamber. If you can do that, Sendak will have to reset the whole system. That might give us enough time to find a way to stop them." Allura explains. Pidge pulls up a map of the Castleship from the Paladin armor and heads off to do as instructed.
Coran and Hunk arrive at the Balmera.
"Is this the Balmera planet with crystals?" Hunk asks.
"It's not a planet. Balmera are ancient animals. Petrified, but still alive. Their bodies naturally create the crystals that help power many Altean ships. I often accompanied my grandfather to visit these majestic creatures when he was building the Castle of Lions. I'll never forget the first time I saw the sparkling surface of a Balmera. You're in for quite a treat" The Balmera looks nothing like the sparkling image Coran brings up on screen ""Oh, no... This is horrifying. The Galra have turned this into a mining colony! Oh, they're completely destroying it! They have no regard for the poor creature!"
"Uh-oh. We've been spotted" A patrolling Galra fighter jet detects them and tails them.
"Hailing unidentified craft. State your ship ID, entry code, and landing destination"
"Oh, no. What do we do?"
"Just stay calm" Coran radios the fighter jet "We don't really need to land. Uh, we're just looking around, if that's okay"
"Unidentified craft, land immediately and prepare to be boarded"
"Okay. Uh, thank you. See you down below" Coran ends the transmission and instantly takes off in reverse, pulling some crazy piloting to escape that makes Hunk scream. The fighter jet fires lasers "Not done yet. Hang on!" Coran sends the flight pod diving into a mining hole at full speed. Hunk continues to scream.
"Coran! Coran!" The hole continues as Hunk screams. He finally calms as nothing happens "... How deep is this thing?" A Galra structure appears in their place ""Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no—!"The flight pod speeds too fast to avoid the structure and collides, spinning into a crash landing at the bottom of the hole. The flight pod opens; Hunk looks around and sees two pairs of glowing eyes staring at them "Coran, what lives at the bottom of these mines?"
On Arus, Pidge forces entry into an elevator shaft with Rover.
"Here, Rover" Rover follows Pidge inside the shaft and hovers in place "Okay, Rover, here we go" Rover follows Pidge down the shaft to the bottom.
Sendak and Haxus are still in the bridge.
"Run main cluster activation sequence"
"Activation sequence initiated. Powering up for launch"
Pidge reaches the Central Energy Chamber where the engine is.
"Okay, Allura, I'm near the turbine. I think it's started"
"Then you'll have to hurry. Cross the catwalk to the main column in the centre" Pidge does as instructed.
Now, open the hatch. Find the central computer control hub and enter the following sequence..." Allura says.
Wait, wait, wait, wait! Which one is it? All the labels are in Altean!" Pidge says.
In the Castle's Bridge.
"Commander Sendak, we are ready for launch" The launch starts and energy swells the chamber, disrupting the communication channel between Allura and Pidge
"I can't tell which one it is! Allura? Allura?! Uh... " Pidge panics to find a solution.
Outside, Allura and Keith witness the impending launch of the Castleship.
""I've lost connection with Pidge! Oh, no! It's taking off!"
"Uh... Uh... Whatever" Pidge slams the Green Bayard into the engine turbine, being thrown back, but successfully interrupting the launch.
"The main engine just shorted out!" Haxus says. Sendak pulls up a feed of the Central Energy Chamber and sees Pidge fleeing.
"We have a saboteur. Find him and take him out"
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kidge-planet · 10 months
Kidge headcanon 32!
Keith literally hugged hunk (the literal teddy bear of the team) and the arusians... He even said that the arusians were cuddly.... BUT, when he first hugged pidge, he felt like she was A THOUSAND TIMES cuddlier than ANY arusians.
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cxrsedboo · 1 year
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so i’ve done a thing-
i can’t remember how long its been since ive done an art trade holy moly but WE DID IT WOOO!!
other half of this image belongs to @toasthoneyandstardust and their art account @graveyardtoast go check them out! <3
my little historian ♡
one things for sure this dudes not flying anything, so don’t worry about him replacing anybody. he’s not interested in piloting the lions nor is he qualified to do so with his (very) poor eyesight, take off his glasses and he’s as blind as a bat. though he doesn’t rely on just his sight to see so be mindful of that before going ahead and calling the dude blind, he has ears for a reason and a very heightened sense of smell— even if his nose has a gigantic scar on it.
cosmo’s not a fighter or flier but instead a researcher! he thrives in studying arusian history and the foundation of voltron and was very upset in episode 19, 5 forged, where he learned that nobody took photos or any notes for him to go off of during their visit with the blacksmith. anything that you need to know about the lion’s history in full detail, he’ll know and will be more than willing to share what he’s learned with you (as long as you pay attention). he’s more than happy to step up and teach the cadets a few lessons about arus and more details about every lion like their ups and downs along with their strengths and what you should avoid when flying each individual lion. though.. his first classes with said cadets were a bit messy, it took a week for cosmo to fully convince daniel and vince that he was in fact older than the both of them with a whopping 10 years difference (he’s 26) despite… the fact that he’s shorter than all the cadets combined (5’6).
(its canon in the 30th anniversary book that daniel and vince are 5’8 and larmina 5’9, and along with all of them being 16)
not to mention his first meeting with each of the cadets individually was certainly something special. cosmo was born on earth but had arusian parents and when he was the right age, moved back to arus determined to study its culture and customs. where better to start than none other than with the queen of arus right? he met larmina first on his way to the castle and was greeted with a rather.. rude demeanor, as she assumed he was studying her customs for evil intentions or him being a spy of some sort. he met allura shortly after that who felt the same way if not a little more respectful than her neice. cosmo struggled with convincing the two that his intentions were completely pure and he was studying merely because it was his degree and that he enjoyed their customs and thought everyone else should but eventually time passed and the two ladies grew fond of 21 year old cosmo for his passion of their culture and his understanding of voltron’s legacy continuing to grow. and after some time, they introduced him to the rest of the pilots and gave him the title of their official historian along with a job to work alongside with them. though he preferred his identity and job to be almost hidden from the public as it was easier to work. after 5 years had passed and voltron was back in the public’s eye again, daniel and vince were brought into the force and met cosmo late at night wandering the castle halls carrying a box of artifacts he was looking to study the rest of the night… and ultimately tried to ambush the poor guy thinking he was an intruder. they learned the following morning that he was in fact NOT an intruder and was their official history teacher and when cosmo informed the other pilots about that night— hunk and keith agreed that the duo would be on latrine duty for the following week for the inconvenience.
he’s very calm and collective but also very optimistic and cheerful to those around him. he never once talks down anyone for their quirks or actions and instead chooses to deal with things in a more “logicial” way. even though he doesn’t like flying the lions, he still is suited for doing so in case of emergencies even with his poor eyesight. he regularly spends his time in his library or his room but sometimes he can be seen helping hunk and pidge from the sidelines while they work on maintaining the lions or discussing missions with keith and lance— even if all they do sometimes is argue.
he’s voiced by l lawliet from death note, loves the color purple, and regularly spends time with none other than anya (owned by toast) our lovable royal advisor ♡
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