#artsy summer exchange 2024
amemipiacitu · 2 months
I'm so glad I participated in the artsy summer exchange hosted by @klayr-de-gall ! So much creativity and fun ensued! My assigned giftee was @this-is-me19 who provided very peculiar prompts! I fell in love with the Monster-Dean concept as soon as I spotted it, so I decided to draw one of my Destielprazoles on the topic and gift Laili with it.
Here you go! Hope you enjoy it.
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glxyqst · 2 months
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For @vestaloflight <3
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cptjh-arts · 2 months
Artsy Summer Exchange
@klayr-de-gall hosted another event and wow I'm so nervous because I totally adore the artstyle of my giftee @vladlen4i! And finally I can share, I finished it on 21th May already. They asked for "some Tooth-Rotting Fluff for Reed900, or Connor, or Hank... maybe something sweet from their daily life/birthday present/date... really anything will be good. I just love dbh and wishing only bright days for those characters" and I hope this is tooth-rotting fluff enough! Hope you're happy and you like it and enjoy, dear @vladlen4i!
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Escalated with light again, shading was a pain and I added too many unnecessary details again. Had to scale the size down as well, hope the quality is still good.
Please do not share without credit, no reuplaod or claiming as own art and no commercial use.
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Title: On A Beach Somewhere
To: @alicetallula
Pairing: Benny Lafitte/Castiel/Dean Winchester, Gabriel/Sam Winchester
Rated: Teen and Up
For Artsy Streamer Gift Exchange (on Ao3/Discord)
Ao3 Link
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“But on a beach somewhere, you know? Can you imagine? You, me, Cas, toes in the sand, couple of them little umbrella drinks. Matching Hawaiian shirts, obviously,” Dean recommended.
Dean’s heart races with excitement as he pulls into probably the most expensive hotel they’ve ever been in—a hotel with its own beachfront property.
“Oh, yeah,” Dean says, grinning like a cat who got the cream.
Sam and Gabriel pull up beside them, park, and peer at them through the windows.
“All right, gentlemen, let’s unload. I’ll get the room keys,” Dean advised as he walks towards the hotel.
Benny chuckles from the backseat and Cas watches Dean while exiting from the passenger side.
Two doors slam, and Sam and Gabriel get out of their car and stand, waiting.
A few minutes later, Dean rejoins them, flapping two sets of room keys at them. He hands Sam and Gabe theirs—“at the end of the row near the stairwell”—and Cas and Benny theirs, “which is near the elevators. Made sure to get three keys for ours.” They grab their luggage and bags, then head to their rooms.
Benny closes the trunk, finally grabbing his room key from Dean. “Thanks, Cher.”
“Very thoughtful, Dean,” Castiel compliments as he grabs his too.
About twenty minutes later, everyone makes it with their things into their assigned rooms. Sam and Dean text back and forth deciding what to do.
“Ok, we are ordering pizza delivery, and Sam and Gabe are gonna join us here to eat,” advises Dean, sitting at the kitchenette table, having missed Castiel and Benny making out in the bedroom.
“Oh, well,” Dean hastily texts Sam asking if they can delay an hour. Sam readily agrees.
Dean returns to the bedroom, correcting himself, “Make that in an hour.”
The two separate and look at Dean, both their eyes are dilated. Castiel’s cheeks are rosy, and both their lips are swollen from kissing.
“Don’t stop on my account, gentlemen. I am all for a show.” Dean palms his growing erection under his jeans.
“If you’re wanting a show, Beloved,” states Castiel. He pulls Benny back to his lips by his grip on the vampire’s neck. Benny quickly pushes Castiel’s jackets off his arms, and then Castiel, in turn, unbuttons Benny’s light-blue shirt, pushing it off the man’s shoulders. Benny may seem thick but he was all muscle, not overly so. His torso is nicely defined while his abdomen is relatively flat with a bit of pudge that Castiel secretly loves on the vampire. Castiel runs his fingertips down the middle of Benny’s chest and abdomen, then runs his fingertips along his waistband.
Dean begins to strip—taking off both shirts at once—and toes his shoes and socks off. He pulls his belt through the loops, enjoying the show his partners are putting on.
Benny begins unbuttoning Castiel’s shirt and the angel helps, removing it and throwing it on the floor.
Benny chuckles at his haste. “What’s wrong, Angel, impatient?”
Castiel huffs at him, rolling his eyes before smirking.
Dean has always enjoyed Castiel’s body—broad shoulders, well-built with muscled arms and matching pecs. Castiel’s abdomen hints at the muscles underneath that are revealed when he is much more active, especially with those thighs.
Dean whines at the thought, dragging the vampire and angel’s attention back to him.
“Oh, Dean. You’re welcome to join.” Benny pats next to him.
Dean grins and wiggles his eyebrows as he walks over to the king-size bed.
🍍🦀🧽⭐️🦑 ONE HOUR LATER…🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕
Dean lay on the bed on his stomach, typing on his cell. “Order is in. Should be here in less than an hour.”
He texts Sam, relaying the information, and offers for them to join them once the pizza arrives. Sam agrees, leaving everyone in their own room.
Sam sighs, heavily, puts his phone on the nightstand, and flops back on the bed.
“Now, where was I?” Gabriel asks, teasingly.
Sam looks into Gabe’s golden eye with a smile. “Oh, I think I know.” He motions for Gabe to come up to him.
Over the blanket, Gabriel slowly crawls up his human’s tall, lithe form planting kisses along revealed skint.
Sam groans and slams his hand down on the nightstand a few times, searching for his phone. He wraps his fingers around it and unlocks the screen. “Pizza is here.”
“Mmmkay,” says Gabe from the bathroom.
Dean grabs plates and opens the three pizza boxes up revealing the meat lover’s, pure veggie, and pepperoni. Dean grabs a few slices of the meat lover’s and sits on the bed, flipping channels, finding something to watch. Castiel and Benny are cleaning up and making sure Benny gets fed… in the shower.
“Ha ha! Die Hard. Yes!” Dean punches the air and grabs a slice, taking a large bite.
Castiel and Benny join a few minutes later, dressed, and Castiel grabs a slice of each pizza while Benny gets everyone beers from the fridge.
“Thanks, man,” Dean thanks and plants a peck on the vampire’s cheek before he sits down.
Sam munches on his veggie pizza as Gabriel changes his slices into dessert pizzas.
“Gabe,” warns Sam.
Gabriel grunts and snaps, changing them back. He pouts and picks up the pepperoni slice then bites. He hums in surprise at how tasty it is.
Dean sloppily bites into his pieces, absorbed in the movie. Sam watches Dean watching the TV with a small smile. Gabriel sits between Sam’s legs trying to understand the entertainment value of the violent movie. Benny is cuddled up to Castiel’s side as Castiel’s thigh steadily touches Dean’s, despite Dean leaning forward in his enthrallment.
“Look, look, look.” Dean points at the screen as his favorite quote is about to be said.
Dean says in unison with John McClane, “Yippee-Ki-Yay, Motherfucker.” He laughs, then takes a swig of his beer.
Gabriel and Sam exchange a smile and look, then return to watching the TV.
As the credits rolled, Sam closes the veggie pizza and picks it up. “I’ll take this with me.”
“Good idea,” agrees Castiel.
Sam nods and heads out the room door, followed by Gabriel who winks before closing the door.
Dean stretches and yawns.
Benny wraps his arms around Dean’s waist and nuzzles into the back of his neck with a hum.
“Dude, beach, sun, ocean.”
Benny grins into Dean’s skin and kisses him. “Ok, Cher.”
Dean turns around in Benny’s arms, taking his face into his hands before pressing his lips against Benny’s. The vampire tilts his head and deepens the kiss with an appreciative hum before pulling away. “Love you, Dean.”
“Love you too, man.”
After breakfast and two cups of coffee for Dean, the five head to the nearby beach. Dean had bought everyone matching Hawaiian shirts and themed swim trunks before the trip. Somehow, he got everyone’s sizing correct. He loves it and demands a group selfie in front of Baby with everyone before they step on the sand with their cooler of goodies.
As Benny, Cas, and Dean lay out on their towels, they discover there is a cute little food hut a few hundred feet away, and when lunch rolls around, Sam and Gabe take everyone’s orders. It takes about half an hour before they return with the food and drinks. The seafood meals are delicious and hit the spot.
The tide comes in, so Dean finally gets into the water as he body surfs the waves. Benny and Castiel start splashing each other and when they get tired of it, they gang up on Dean who nearly drowns from being bombarded with ocean water before he can escape on land. Sam busts out laughing at their antics and makes sure Gabriel sees,
Gabe thinks it is so funny, that he thinks of joining them. Sam declines, “Oh no. I’d like to breathe air for a little bit longer than drown by splashing, Honey.”
Gabriel purses his lips, furrows his brows, and crosses his arms. Sam grins and shakes his head. “No,” he states firmly.
“Fi-i-ine,” breathes the Archangel. He gets up and goes to join the vampire and his little brother in the water as Dean goes to lay on his towel in the sun to dry off. Sam hands him an ice-cold water bottle from their cooler.
The Winchester brothers watch their partners play in the ocean.
“This is the best, Sammy.”
“It was a great idea, Dean.”
“Just needs some drinks with little umbrellas and we’re set,” contemplates Dean.
Sam smirks. “I’ll be right back.”
Dean lays back and waits in the shade of their beach umbrella.
A few minutes later, Sam returns with a mai tai and a piña colada, both with little luau-themed umbrellas just inside the large plastic cups. “Which one?” He asks Dean.
Dean sits up, eyes wide, and takes a moment to decide. He grabs the mai tai and sips on it, humming his approval.
Sam smiles and sits back down next to his brother on his own towel. “This is the best, Jerk.”
Dean grins. “Yep. Yes, it is, Bitch.”
They both chuckle and sip their drinks.
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alicetallula · 2 months
Artsy Summer Exchange 2024 - Destiel On The Beach - For L'Ale - 30.07.2024
Here's the second drawing for @amemipiacitu 💛 for the Artsy Summer Exchange organized by @klayr-de-gall :3
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I wanted to do something more or less based on one of the famous quote by Dean 😊
Done using watercolors, ink pens, colored pencils, gel pens, graphite pencils, acrylic paint pens, metalliic ink pens and Photoshop for the light and blur effect
AO3 post / DeviantArt post / Instagram post / Pillowfort post / Twitter post
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katlakitty · 2 months
Artsy Summer Exchange 2024
I took part in the Artsy Summer Exchange 2024 and was matched with @screamingperil as my giftee and wrote a short story for him.
I signed up for the event as a way to battle a writers block. I think it kinda worked? I'm sorry if it is a bit wonky, I hope you will like it regardless.
You can read the fic on AO3:
Thank you @klayr-de-gall for organising this event. <3
Art for this short story below the cut.
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sunnydaleherald · 4 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Sunday, June 3rd - Monday, June 4th
Joyce: (trying to make sense of it) It's because you didn't have a strong father figure, isn't it? Buffy: It's just fate, Mom. I'm the Slayer. Accept it.
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Love's Cost by Jackdaw816 (Buffy/Spike, past Spike/Drusilla, T)
Lessons In Self Love by zombiesam (Buffy/Giles, Explicit)
The Powers that Were Not by eevol76vamp (AtS ensemble, Desdemona, Whistler, Betta George, not rated, violence warning)
Five Things that Never Happened to Betta George by eevol76vamp (Torchwood crossover, Betta George, not rated, warnings for violence and death)
Snow Day by Nicholas_Oliver (Andrew/Jonathan, G)
empty rooms in an empty house by belledamn (Giles/Jenny, Giles & Buffy, not rated)
Fix Me Right by MadeInGold_AfterDark (Buffy/Maggie Walsh, Explicit, non-con warning)
Un trou noir dans le coeur by Nelja (Willow/Tara, T, in French)
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Ascent by ClowniestLivEver, Maxine Eden (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Hearts In The Fog by Spikelover4ever (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
That One Time by Maxine Eden (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
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Like the Sands of Time by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Memorial Day by myrabeth (Buffy/Spike, PG)
Aglow by Dusty (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Release (Pt. 1 of The Experiment series) by madeingold (Angel/Maggie Walsh, NC-17)
Followup Tests (Pt. 2 of The Experiment series) by madeingold (Angel/Maggie Walsh, NC-17)
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Masters & Minions 4: Dies Irae - Chapter 1-8 (COMPLETE!) by MedeaBtVS (Angelus/Willow/Spike, Explicit with multiple warnings)
Party At Mosaic - Chapter 1-2 (COMPLETE!) by eevol76vamp (Spike, Beck, Betta George, Jeremy, not rated, graphic violence warning)
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Apocalypse, Again? Chapter 1-34 (COMPLETE!) by RevelloDrive1630 (Buffy/Spike, Angel, Wesley, T)
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Green Eyed Monster, Ch. 10 (COMPLETE!) by Melme1325 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
A Ripple In Time, Ch. 43-44 (COMPLETE!) by CheekyKitten (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Love Bites But So Do I, Ch. 8 (COMPLETE!) by CheekyKitten (Buffy/Spike, )
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Sketches: observational studies by artsying-ifer (Gunn, Drusilla, Cordelia, Wesley, Harmony, Lilah, Lindsey, Anya, Fred, Buffy, Faith, worksafe)
More of the shoulder angel/demon thing by aa-arttss (Faith, Kendra, worksafe)
Fanvid: I Want U by ladyofthelakes (Willow/Tara)
A sketch of Giles and Willow by mistyintherivers (worksafe)
Screenshots captioned with text posts by ofteaandsparrows (Buffy Summers, worksafe)
Screenshots captioned with text posts by ofteaandsparrows (Anya, Spike, worksafe)
Screenshots captioned with text posts by ofteaandsparrows (Spike, Buffy/Spike, mild nudity)
spike + textposts: 🌈 edition by spikespeaches (probably worksafe)
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Drawing: A surfer's dream by JSBirsa (Spike, G, some nudity)
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Manip: Pillow Talk by all choseny (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
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Happy Pride month to those who celebrate by sophie_4187 (Lorne, worksafe)
A BtVS wallpaper by Sammaelus (worksafe)
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Podfic: ChokolatteJedi's story Remember the Name read by pieces0fstars (Dawn & Buffy, G, character death warning)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Examples of oddly-structured exposition? by Tuxedo_Mark
Finale Anya vs. Wesley by Elphaba_92
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Podcast: Investigating Angel’s episode of “Forgiving” (3.17 of AtS)
[Recs & In Search Of]
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mermaiidbitch seeks fanvid recs: any fan edits of Buffy and Angel ending up together?
[Community Announcements]
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Seasonal Spuffy Spring 2024 Index Post
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Reduced Summer of Giles 2024 will run from 17th July 2024 until 1st August at summer_of_giles
[Fandom Discussions]
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How does Sunnydale do Pride parades? by aphony-cree, lunacornfan2k24
[Reasons why Angel only appears for one scene in Season 2’s Ted] by coraniaid
Rewatching “Something Blue” and remembered how fucking much I love this exchange by ravelqueen
I so so wish the Ben/Glory connection had been explored more... by reality-schmality
Once again… poor Dawn. In Conversations with Dead People... by reality-schmality
I wish the slayer before Buffy haunted the narrative the same way that... [comparisons to other shows] by hersterical
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Riley lights up Season 4 (cont'd) by xxstaindrosesxx and others
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Dawn, Faith and Tara looked more like sisters than Buffy and Dawn do by jdpm1991
If you had the chance to change one major plot point from Buffy, what would you choose? by Asherware
If Buffy lasted more than 7 seasons? by matt-89
Party like it's 1999. What character are you grabbing and what are you guys doing? by sushibananawater
How would you change season 3 if it was the final season? hosted by Waarm
What scene or storyline did you find sad or moving, even though it probably wasn't intended to be that upsetting? by foreseethefuture
Philosophy of Buffy help (a question about forgiveness) by threefeetoffun and others
Oz calling Angel too Pale is ironic. by MDJokerQueen
S7 Alteration(s) by johnnyorac
Adam’s Minion in Superstar by Enough-Pen644
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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I attended San Francisco's Sunnydale Prom event! by hotpinkroadbike
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James Marsters to Attend Comic Con Holland 12-13 October 2024 - via jamie_marsters
Submit a link to be included in the newsletter!
Join the editor team :)
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alicetallula · 2 months
Artsy Summer Exchange 2024 - Destiel Kiss In The Green Room - For L'Ale - 30.07.2024
It was a pleasure to think of drawings for @amemipiacitu for the Artsy Summer Exchange organized by @klayr-de-gall :3
I had a lot of fun drawing for you 💖
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For this first one I was hit with the classic idea of "What if Dean and Cas had kissed in the Green Room ?! 👀"
Done using watercolors, ink pens, gel pens, colored pencils, alcohol markers, graphite pencils, acrylic paint pens and Photoshop for the blur effect
AO3 post / DeviantArt post / Instagram post / Pillowfort post / Twitter post 
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So the 20 Qs for Fic Writers had me thinking that I should update y’all on my WIPs. So, I wrote down the file titles and typed the list up for you, my lovely followers.
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Want to know what I’ve been working on? See below the cut. ❤️💙💚💛
If you want to know about one or more of the WIPs fics below, please comment or reblog telling me the name(s)/title(s). I’m happy to answer. 😄 Excited to hear from you.
“ORIGINAL” means it isn’t a fandom fic. It’s my original piece of work.
“ ** ” means it’s published on ao3 and if you want more, you need to let me know in comments here or on ao3 and which one.
✍️ means it is an ask or equest so those are actively being worked on
Fic Titles:
(C) Don’t provoke Dean… (Pack Alpha!Hunter!Dean x Packless Omega!Hunter!Reader)
(C) Fledgling Cas**
#99 prompt (“You’re such a needy, good girl, aren’t you?” Female Sub Reader)
#99 v.2 prompt (“You’re such a needy, good pet, aren’t you?” Gender neutral Sub Reader)
09x03 I’m no angel Alt (just one scene)
09x03 I’m no angel Alt 2.0 (Episode rewrite)
2024-28-Feb Ask Beau x Reader ✍️
Alec M x Reader Crush (Alec McDowell x OFC Reader; Roommates to Lovers)
Alec x Reader 2
Alpha Dr Castiel Alpha Dean sinus
An Angel’s Unexpected Companion
Artsy summer exchange 2024 (Exchange SFW fic)
AU - BDSM Dom Cas switch/Dom Dean
Baby dragon vs the followers of the Thanatos Stone
Being a sex good isn’t all is cracked up to be (God!Dean x Angel!Castiel)
Bingo prompt Soldier Boy camboy
Blind Castiel A/B/O
By the flowers in his eyes (blind Gabriel)
Castiel’s Wings 2.0** (Angel Castiel x Hunter!F!Reader)
Dadstiel Plot 2.0 (Destiel+Kid)
Destiel date night
Domestic Destiel #? Glowy Angel seduction
Domestic Destiel #? Zorro meets Cowboy
Dragon Cas x Dean plot (Giant and Pet…)
Falling in love With an Angel ORIGINAL
Fell in love with a demon (Hell Knight Dean x Witch Reader; MoC Dean x Witch Reader)
Grindr meets long-term PLOT OUTLINE (Paramedic Dean x Doctor Castiel)
Guardian of Humanity A/B/O Plot
Guardian of Humanity A/B/O World and…
Guardian of Humanity Scene Drabble
Heat (Hunters!Destiel x Complex!Reader)
Imagine Dean comes home after having a bad day. (Hunter!Dean x Hunter!Reader)
Janus Coin - Winchester Brotherly Love (Body Swaping)
Post 15x19 DestielxOFC!Alex
Prize - Ketch/Gadreel/Dean+Kid✍️
Regarding Dean Rewrite 12 x 11 (Episode rewrite)
Romancing the Hunter** (Destiel x Reader)
Rough times with your mental illness…
Rough times with your mental illness…2.0
RPF First (Not) Date (Actor!Jensen Ackles x Actress!Female!Reader)
Sam x Psychic Reader (Reader thinks Sam has the most beautiful soul)
Sick Stubborn Reader x Angel Cas
Sinclair’s Daughter
Sleepy Angel Kisses (Destiel)
Soldier Boy x Reader (Solider Boy x Supe!F!Reader)
Spn 2.0 (Series rewrite)
Spn meets Fifth Element
Spn/Lilo & Stitch Fusion
Stereo love (Rock Star!Dean x Music Professor!Castiel)
Stone of Thanatos (death)
Surprise me contd** (Angel!Castiel x Hunter!F!Reader)
The Daughter of Death and Justice concept (Revenge fic, sort of; Destiel x Death Knight!OFC)
The monster under my bed (TFW Case Fic)
The Nephilim’s daughter (Revenge fic; Destiel x Death Knight!OFC)
The Omega (Alphas Destiel x Rescued Omega!Alex)
The Virus ORIGINAL (Origin story of A/B/O)
Two Men and the Virgin (AU - Modern; Husbands!Destiel x Single F!Henri (Neighbors to Lovers))
Vampire Dean (Currently, just smut)
Winchester A Life in the Hunter House (Tiny!Angel!Castiel x Tiny!Dean)
You want two Deans, Cas? (Angel Castiel x Current Dean x Season XX Dean; Slow burn; includes TFW 2.0)
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sunnydaleherald · 16 days
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Saturday, September 7
GILES: I'll go dig up my sources. Quite literally, actually. ANYA: Come on, let's go assemble the cannon fodder. XANDER: That's not what we're calling them, sweetie. ANYA: Not to their faces. What, am I insensitive?
~~BtVS 7x22 “Chosen”~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Are You Gonna Kiss Me or Not? (Buffy/Giles, T) by Skyson
Graveyard shift (Buffy/Angel, G) by Liana_Medea
Beautiful Things (Buffy/Giles, T) by Nixiet
[Collection] 2024-09: 6/9 Smubbles (4 BtVS fics) (various ships and ratings) by unrevealed authors
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Look what we got (Willow, Faith, G) by TwoToGo
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To Do (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by EllieRose101
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Supporting Loki (And Thor), Chapter 5/18 (Buffy, Willow, Marvel xover, M) by SomeMeaninglessName
Shadowed Suspicion Volume XI, Chapter 5/? (Ensemble, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure xover, T) by arcanedreamer
Evil Friends, Chapter 6/? (Andrew/Warren, M) by JohnnyB
Situation Normal - All Faithed Up, Chapter 6/? (Buffy/Faith, M) by QuillBard
Calendar Girl, Chapter 2/12 (Buffy/Giles, E) by DancingAngel0013
The World Next to Us, Chapter 4/? (Multiship, Legacies xover, M) by Anaxilea
In the Company of Witches and Slayers:, Chapter 151/200 (Willow/Tara, E) by VladimirHarkonnen (TheLightdancer)
Greatest Love Story - Prelude, Chapter 10/? (Angelus/William, Angel/Spike, M) by FalseGinger
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[French Language] Do as Romans do, Chapter 44 (Dawn/Spike, T) by OldGirl-NoraArlani
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Oh My Goddess, Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, R) by Maxine Eden
In The Dark With You, Chapter 34 (Buffy/Spike, R) by Geliot99
Slayer's Soulmate, Chapter 4 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by vampirische liebe
Little Light, Chapter 6 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Melme1325
Truth and Consequences, Chapter 23 (Buffy/Spike, R) by JamesMFan
The Watcher, Chapter 30 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by In Mortal
Incarnate, Chapter 14 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Sigyn
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When Hecate Met Xander, Chapter 5 (Xander, Fimbulwinter xover, FR18) by Balder
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Oh My Goddess, Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, R) by Maxine Eden
In The Dark With You, Chapter 34 (Buffy/Spike, R) by Geliot99
The Watcher, Chapter 30 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by In Mortal
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Gifset: Every Tara look: S4E16 Who Are You? (worksafe) by lovebvffys
Artwork: cangel-tattoos-posting volume 3! (Angel/Cordelia, worksafe) by artsying-ifer
Artwork: Spuffy soul babies for Sigyn’s bday (nudity, slightly NSFW) by isevery0nehereverystoned
Moodboard: [Buffy Summers] (worksafe) by shoediva
Artwork: [Drawing of Buffy(bot) and Spike] (worksafe) by artofnicolle
Artwork: Forgiveness… (Buffy/Spike, worksafe) by o-cm-draw-o
Artwork: They inspire me a lot… (Buffy/Spike, worksafe) by o-cm-draw-o
Artwork: Mr. and Mrs. Big Pile of Dust (Buffy/Spike, worksafe) by flyora
Fanvid: [Angelus scenes] (worksafe) by bananabeans88
Gifset: Buffy Meme: [3/6 Relationships] Buffy/Dawn (worksafe) by lovebvffys
Gifs: BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER | 4.14 & 5.12 — The Summers sisters and their food themed pajamas (worksafe) by whatisyourchildhoodtrauma
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Fanvid: Angel&Wesley | loml by 1SnoWhiteQueen1
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Artwork: Buffy The Red Ranger [Digital Collage] (worksafe) by Beached-Peach
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Artwork: Those Secret Worlds You Call Eyes, Chapter 3: Spike (worksafe) by flootzavut
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Never Kill a Boy on the First Date by Slayin It with Juliet Landau
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PODCAST: Welcome to the OC B!tch (S4E19) by It Stakes Two
[Community Announcements]
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[Multifandom] Trick or Treat Exchange - Nominations Open by trickortreatex
[Multifandom] Spook Me Multi-Fandom Halloween Ficathon 2024 - Sign Ups by spook_me
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Reminder - I have an 18+ Discord server for the ship Buffy/Giles by natewallace
[Fandom Discussions]
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Joss Whedon's "Self-Insert" by itsnotmymind
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a crazy thing about angel that i am still trying to articulate is the way that both angelus and angel tend to “pick” people by cordysangels
reading the scrip for BTVS 6X15 and Sam, Riley’s wife, exists for literally no purpose by loseremzo
I hate season 7 of “Buffy the vampire slayer” by trealtox
Merrick deeply affected early seasons Buffy and her relationship w Giles by duckwnoeyes
The ultimate pitfall of Season 6 is one seen in a lot of other shows by lightdancer1
Why didn’t Tara say anything consistently about Willow’s potential magic problems until Season 6 started by lightdancer1
the thing about buffy is that almost all the metaphors are metaphors for sex by newcakemix
thinking about how they buried buffy in the least buffy-ish dress i can think of and whose decision was that? by slugessence
Out of Mind, Out of Sight Fashion Part Two by theoverlookedoneedits1997
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Discussion of 2.16 "Bewitched, Bothered And Bewildered" - Aired 2/10/1998 (WB-US) continued by Stake fodder
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When did Amber Benson say she never wanted to be part of the main cast? by ct-hulu
The technology in Buffy was outdated and super advanced! by EndLegitimate9612
character deaths, actors contracts and roles and how it relates to Buffy by redskinsguy
Can vampires drink from each other’s blood? by pennycuriee
Yeah, season 5 might be the best one. But season 7 will always be my favorite. by Senior-Leave779
What I don’t get with Spike’s “Redemption” by Infinite-Wheel-3746
Thoughts about Angel’s return in S3 by Aahiagde
They kinda wasted Kendra by Lady_Ghost_Bee
Doing a rewatch and I forgot how funny David Boreanaz is at being petty and childish by Mega5010
Angel's thing for Faith by yeahitsme9
Who's a side character whose perspective on the Buffyverse you're curious about? by Ok_Area9367
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🎨📝🧛🧟🦄 Bangs and Fests 🐦‍🔥🐲🧚🏾🧜‍♀️🧞‍♂️
2025 || Artist/Illustrator
Nothing, so far.
2025 || Author/Writer 📝
@the-fluffstiel-bang The Fluffstiel Bang || Rules & Schedule || Author (5k word min.) || 50% fic & Claims info due Nov 2nd || Nov 10th last day to drop without penalty || Team Assignment Nov 17 || Partner: X || 80% fic & Promo material due Jan 11, 2025 || 100% fix due Feb 8th, 2025 || Posting begins Feb 14, 2025
2024 || Moderator
@spnsabrielbang || Supernatural Sabriel REVERSE Bang 2024 || 2024 Masterpost || Completed
2024 || Artist/Illustrator 🎨
@fobnatura1 A Fall Out Boy Multifandom Bang || Partner: @celestialstarlight27 || Art Post || Story || Completed
@rewritetheages History [REDACTED]: Rewrite the Ages (Big bang and mini bang) || Partner: @friendofcarlotta || Art Post || Story || Completed
@cdrcrossoverbang Cas Dean Reverse Crossover Bang || Partner: @hectatess || Art Post || Masterpost || Story || Completed
@destielsoulmatebang Destiel Soulmate Bang || Artist || Partners: @anyreiart & @queerwolfsstuff || Posting Date: Oct 3rd, Art Due Sept 21st
@dadstielminibang Dadstiel Mini Bang || Artist || Partner: @valandrawrites || Art Post || Story || Completed
@deancasbigbang Dean Cas Big Bang 2024 || Partner: @teeparadigm67 || Artist || Posting Date: Nov 6th, Art Due Date: Oct 26
@destielomegaversebigbang Destiel Omegaverse Big Bang 2024, Round 1 (mini and big bang) || Artist || Partners: #1 @crematosis & #2 @spnisthewayoflife (ao3 mydestielbabies_67) (2 fics) || #1 Art Post || #1 Story || #2 Art Post || #2 Story || Complete
@dcbtv Dean Cas Bang (Taylor’s Version) 2024 || Artist || Partner @hectatess || Art Post https://www.tumblr.com/spn-fanfic-reblog-writes/762264766302584832/dcbtv-art-post-title-death-doth-us-bond-author || Fic || Complete
2024 || Author/Writer 📝
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@klayr-de-gall Artsy Streamers’ Halloween (or Autumn) Exchange (Ao3) || 🎃 || Check-In: 15st October 2024 || Posting time: Between 30th October to 1st November 2024
@destielvalentineexchange2024 Destiel Valentine Exchange (SFW)|| Story || Completed
(Discord/Ao3) Artsy (Streamer) Summer Exchange (SFW) || Author (1k word min.) || Fic || Completed
@spnsabrielbang SPN Sabriel Reverse Bang || Author (2K word min.) || Partner: @bakh_meliorism || Masterpost || Completed
@profoundnet PB Exchange, Round 11 || Author (Destiel & Jack; 500 word min.)|| Story || Completed
Previous Years (below)
2023 || Artist/Illustrator
@spnmusicalbang Supernatural:the Musical, Musical Theatre Bang Fic #1 Fic #2 || Completed
@deancasbigbang Dean Cas Big Bang || Assigned (1) an Author || Art Post || Link to fic || Completed
@dcbtv Dean Cas Bang (Taylor’s Version) || Assigned Two (2) Authors/Partners || Art Post #1 || Story #1 || Art Post #2 || Story #2 || Completed
@spnangelbang Spn Angel (Mini) Bang || Assigned (1) Author/Partner || Art Post Only || Completed
@monsterfluffersrus Monsterfluffers R Us Fest || Assigned (2) Author/Partner || #1 Art Post || #2 Art Post|| Completed
@spnproshipbang SPN Pro-Ship Bang || Rules || Art Post || Story || Completed
2023 || Writer/Author
(Discord/ao3) Xmes Exchange Quicky, A Detroit: Become Human + Spn + Genish Impact Mash up Event || Author/Writer || ao3 link || Completish (still need to finish the third chapter)
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alicetallula · 1 month
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Big Bangs, MiniBangs and Reverse Big Bangs :
Billy Big Bang 2024 - 1/5
DBH Reverse Big Bang 2024 - 3/5
DeanCas Big Bang 2024 - 1/?
DeanCas Horrorfest 3 - 4/4
Destiel AU Reverse Big Bang 2024 - 1/?
Eddie Munson Big Bang 2024-2025
SPN Reverse Bang Bang 2024 - 2/?
Stommy MiniBang 2024-2025 - /6
Stranger Things Sapphic MiniBang 2024 - 1/4
Bingos (with and without deadlines - or ones that ended but I still want to finish my card ) :
HankCon Bingo 2024 - /11
Hannibal Bingo (no deadline) - /9
Marvel Rare Pairs Bingo 2024 - /25
Metalsandwich Bingo 2024 - /9
RK1700 Bingo 2023 (no deadline) - 1/25
Other Events I'm in :
HallowRen 5 : A New Chapter - /2
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Differents type of events I hope to draw something for (some being crossover between events - in bold and same color) :
Artsy Halloween Exchange 2024
Barry 2024 Prompts List
HankCon Advent Calendar 2024
Harringrove Holiday Exchange 2024
Harringrove Kinktober 2024
Hellcheer Week 2024
Nightmare Fuel Prompts Fanfest 2024
Metalsandwich Movie Mania - November 2024
OFMD Dress Week 2024 - September 2024
OFMD Kinktober 2024
Reddie Week 2024
September's Stobin Extravaganza 2024
Steddie Spooktober 2024
Steddyhands Week 2024 - October 2024
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Goals for past Big Bangs and Reverse Big Bangs :
Bottom Cas Big Bang 2023 - Daylight by PapiChuloDean - More art - /4
Bottom Cas Big Bang 2024 - Betting Against The House by SamandDean76 - More art
Companion fic to Betting Against The House by SamandDean76 - Stacking The Deck by SamandDean76 - More art (especially smut)
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DeanCas Big Bang 2023 - Sunlight by Desirae - More art
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Detroit : Become Human Big Bang 2023 - Cinnamon & Cardamom by sevdrag - More art
Detroit : Become Human Big Bang 2023 - In His Sights by AnonymousEDward - More art - /2
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Detroit : Become Human Reverse Big Bang 2024 - The Six Element by Queerapika - More art
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Rewrite The Ages Big Bang 2024 - The Viking And The Hermit God by SamandDean76
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Steddie Big Bang 2023 - Best I May by MixAddams - More art - an artwork for chapter 2
Steddie Big Bang 2023 - the bite that binds (the gift that gives) by VibrantVenus - More art
Steddie Big Bang 2023 - I wanna hurt you just to hear you screaming my name by ohthejomanity - More art - at least 2
Steddie Big Bang 2023 - “What happens when people open their hearts?" by ainsalaco - Making art for the story, at least a banner and one artpiece
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Sterek Big Bang 2023/2024 - forever and then some by EvanesDust - More art - /2
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Stranger Things Big Bang 2022 vol.2 - Let's Be More Than Strangers by DrowningByDegrees - More art - 1/5
Stranger Things Big Bang 2024 - InCONsistencies by Mayalaen - More art
Stranger Things Big Bang 2024 - We're A Miracle, But Baby, There Are So Many Hands To Hold by gala_apples - More art
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Stranger Things Rare Pair Big Bang 2023 - Hot For Teacher by TheMadcapLaughs - More art - an artwork for chapter 2
Stranger Things Rare Pair Big Bang 2024 - A Tale of Ranching and Fossils by ainsalaco - Making art for the story, at least a banner and one artpiece
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Stranger Things Reverse Big Bang 2023/2024 - A Dream On The Way To Death by Arbeds Ghost - More art - at least 2
Stranger Things Reverse Big Bang 2023/2024 - Jurassic Disaster by ainsalaco - More art - at least 3
Stranger Things Reverse Big Bang 2023/2024 - HIM by mashawisotsky - More art - at least 2
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Goals for past Fandom Events :
A Stranger Summer 2024 - 4/33
Aug-Kissed 2024 - 1/12
Billy Hargrove Bingo 2022-2023 - 5/10
Buckleway Appreciation Week 2024 - 1/7
BylerWeek 2022 - 4/8
Bylerween 2023 - 1/7
Captain Allen Appreciation Week 2020 - 4/7
Corroded Coffin Fest 2024 - 1/31
DBH Rarepairs Week 2024 - 1/7
DBH Seven Kisses Prompts Challenge 2024 - 1/7
DTIYS by Klayr - Midam
DTIYS by Klayr - Destiel
DTIYS by Klayr - Reed900
DTIYS by Josebean - Android Corpse Husband
Eddie Munson Bingo 2023 - 3/10
ElMax Week 2023 - 1/7
EndverseTober by Klayr - /13
HallowRen 4 : The Final Chapter - 2/8
HankCon Bingo 2023 - 1/9
Harringrove Kinktober 2k23 - 1/31
Harringrove Lovefest 2024 - 1/7
Harringrove Summer Bingo 2024 - 3/9
Heavy Metal Valentines 2024 - 1/?
Hellcheer Anniversary Week 2024 - 1/17
High Seas Event 2022 - 1/8
Jargyle Bingo 2023 - 3/9
Jbbuckybarnes's Kinktober 2020 - 13/33
Metalsandwich Mocie Mania 2023 - 1/7
Metalsandwich Movie Mania 2024 - June - 1/14
Mungrove Kisses Bingo 2024 - 1/25
OFMD Kinktober 2023 - /31
Reddie Week 2019
Reddie Week 2020
Reddie Week 2021
Reddie Week 2022
Reddie Week 2023 - if the prompts inspire me for more drawings than I did - 7/7
Remembrance of IT - 2021 - /14
RK1700 Blooming Event 2021 - 3/5
Soft Steddie September 2024 - 1/?
Steddie Angsty August 2024 - 1/31
Steddie Smutty September 2024 - 1/?
Sterek Bingo 2023-2024 - 4/9
Steve Harrington Bingo 2023 - 4/9
Stevie Week 2024 - 1/7
Stizzy Week 2024 - 1/45
Stobin Month 2023 - /31
Stobin Month 2024 - 1/31
Stommy Week 2024 - 1/4
Stranger Thing FemSlash Week 2023 - 1/5
Stranger Things FemSlash Week 2024 - 1/5
Stranger Things Monsterfucker May 2024 - 1/?
Stranger Things Sapphic Summer 2024 - 3/14
Stranger Things Rarepair Roulette 2024 - 1/?
Sub Eddie Week 2024 - Non-Sexual Prompts List - 1/7
Sub Eddie Week 2024 - Sexual Prompts List - /7
Vianton Lingerie Week 2024 - 1/?
Villainous Valentines - 1/?
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