#artstudio pro tutorial
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z12140102 · 1 year ago
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Here’s a tutorial for ASP. “Erase Along the Edges” was such a powerful tol back in my Clip Studio Paint days, but I’ve long since switched to ipad. I really tried to give procreate a go but it’s just not my vibe. So I tried ASP because people said that CSP / Photoshop users might find it better. It is loads better. It’s a damn shame that not a lot of people use it, though.
To transcribe the photo tutorial:
1. Have two layers separate: (1) for line art, and (2) for colors (multiple colors are fine)
2. Toggle the “reference” switch in the line art layer settings.
3. Tap or switch back to your colors layer.
4. Change your fill tool settings (not in the photo, but the icon underneath the brush sliders is where you can find the settings)
Bucket fill (NOT Lasso fill)
Blending: Clear
Edges: Smart
Sample: Reference
5. Tap outside the circle to keep the colors within / Tap inside the circle to keep the colors outside
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zytes · 1 year ago
Hello, have you talker about your art process anywhere? I am very interested in how you got into glitch art/photomanipulation/however you’d call this, and i want to learn more. Do you have programs you use, plugins, do you use any physical media or scanography/scanner manipulation? I really want to hear about anything you wanna talk about regarding the creation process for your art. Thank you for sharing your work.
Yes! Unfortunately, I tried answering this question in a ton of detail but tumblr didn’t save it as a draft automatically - which was a frustrating experience to say the least - so this is my second attempt at answering this ask — you’ve asked a lot of really valuable questions here, I’ll do my best to be concise in my answers!
When I first began playing around with editing software, I was 16 and simply wanted to make memes and silly edits. This was around 2015-2016, whenever vaporwave was a fresh concept and Resonance was trending on Vine — which is a sentence that makes me feel fucking ancient. I was really entranced by vaporwave, which had this off-white nostalgia for post-consumerist 80s and 90s cultural trends. I later became interested in how many of those cultural trends persisted and evolved into Y2K culture and beyond.
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these are some of the images I was working on during that period of time, which were loosely inspired by indie horror and jazz cups and soundcloud rap. I was so proud of learning how to make my own scanlines using GIMP :)
Late 2016 I began my freshman year at a hoighty-toighty art school that I was too poor to attend, and quickly entered a mental health downward spiral — but I learned many valuable things, most of that info was painfully basic; my education prior to that was not anything special. I would not consider myself someone with exceptional aptitude for art — I just have a chronic compulsion to break things.
So, where to begin? My recommendation to anyone who’s newly interested in this style of artwork and editing:
Glitchet is a repository of info regarding many different styles and methods of distortion - from sonification to slipscans, there’s a ton of good info to comb through. Most of the techniques and tools covered are free to use, but there is some paid stuff out there too - but if you know your way around, virtually everything is free. More on that shortly :)
As for my process, programs, plugins, etc - there is a lot, and I don’t think I can cover everything. Primarily: Photoshop, After Effects, GIMP, ArtStudio Pro for iOS, Procreate, DestroyPix, and a number of other pieces of software that perform smaller, specific functions - such as BigJpg for AI-upscaling. I also employ analogue/physical distortion techniques like circuit-bending, slipscan, and more. These require additional hardware and knowledge; such as access to a copier/scanner, old CRT screens, and the ability to solder + work with low voltage electronics without accidentally shorting them out. Best part is that you can ✨layer✨ anything and everything, collage style — which is my favorite aspect, very playful and exploratory.
Now, if you’re like me and can’t afford fuck-all, but wholeheartedly believe that money should not be a limiting factor for creativity, I recommend installing the Adobe Creative Suite from downloadpirate(dot)com - which is also where I’ve gotten many of my plugins, although I do also pay for the plugins that I come to really appreciate, as they’re typically done by independent developers who could actually use the scratch. Same risks as any pirate cove: intrusive ads, popups, and redirect chains - use Ublock Origin to kill these annoyances. I recommend performing a scan with Malwarebytes after using any sketchy-looking-download site, but I was raised to be a bit paranoid so that’s purely preferential.
As for plugins:
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Filenames in this image may correspond with the developer of the plugin — you can just search the filename + ‘after effects plugin�� and you’ll almost certainly find your way.
Most commonly, I use Pixelsorter, Pixdither, Displacer Pro, Pixel Stretch, and Hacksaw — although some of the plugs that I use aren’t listed above, like Datamosher, which is a script-based solution that helps remove i-frames from a clip in After Effects, all without having to use VLC and any handwritten scripts (the ol’ fashioned way).
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These are all from the last year or so, to show the relative growth I’ve experienced since my time spent as a creature of 16 years. Naturally, I’m also like, more of a person now - so the art is partly better because I’ve simply suffered more :p
When I started, I didn’t know any of the jargon or how to describe a specific effect I was trying to achieve - so I taught myself how to do stuff by googling around, and if I couldn’t find an answer (which was 90% of the time) I’d just try to figure shit out. Which rarely ever resulted in outright success, but was always a significant learning experience. That’s why I’m so quick to drop the link to Glitchet! Sometimes I can’t help but wonder what I’d be doing now if I had known there was an online library for info on how to produce different types of distortions - definitely would’ve spent less time trial-and-erroring my way through aesthetics.
In conclusion: there’s so much to try and you should try absolutely everything that interests you. It’s free if you’re cool enough to steal it; though some things (like hardware) are gonna cost. You don’t need talent or an exceptional education, though both of those things would certainly help — and you’ll never run out of things to learn because there are infinite ways to break shit. More so than anything else, you need a willingness to explore, experiment, and fail often. You’ll fail miserably at times, so a proclivity for humiliation is also a big plus. Eventually your failures will start looking like successes; but you’ll have forgotten the difference by then and will be free to make whatever the fuck you want :)
I’m glad that you enjoy the work! tumblr has always been the best place for me to share my lil jpegs and actually find a real sense of connection with others who are similarly jazzed. My life completely bottomed-out a few years ago and I was in a really bad place whenever I logged into my blog for the first time in half-a-decade and started posting again. My personal growth from then to now has been a strange and incredible experience, and I’m so glad that I had the art and the funny little gays on this website to help me through the toughest points and teach me valuable things about myself; so if I can give back a little knowledge, I’ll gladly take that opportunity! I hope these findings serve you as well as they’ve served me.
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grutbrushes · 5 years ago
50% Off - First time ever at GrutBrushes.com/black-friday It's been a full year since the 40% off Bundle Sale. This year you can buy every single Brush, ALL 24 Art Surfaces and all the other Art Tools in the shop ALL TOGETHER for half price for the next few days only. Miss it and you will have to wait at least a year for a deal this good.
Check out GrutBrushes.com/black-friday for all the details, tons of videos, demos and specs
This video shows just a handful of the over 650 brushes included in the bundle but even better, the bundles also include about 2GB of high res Art Surfaces with Smart Surface settings that add lighting and shadow to your artwork "Live" while you paint in it. (demo videos at the link above)
There are also bundles of brushes only or Art Surfaces only if you just need a few things to complete your collection.
The Photoshop brushes can be used in Photoshop CS to CC as well as in the fantastic ios/iPad App Artstudio Pro. They also work in Adobe Fresco and Adobe Sketch but the iPad experience is best in Artstudio Pro.
The Art Surfaces are Photoshop PSD templates and currently can only be used fully in Photoshop CS6 to CC. You can adapt them for use in Clip Studio in about 30 seconds (Tutorial on GrutBrushes.com help page) but again, the magical tiling ability as well as the 5 to 10 Smart Surface Layer Comp settings only work in Photoshop.
RetroActive Discounts! If you purchased any of these bundles before they went on sale in the last 6 months let me know and I will send you credit for the difference you paid. I never want my customers to miss out on a deal, especially if it's in the future! You can buy anything today and know that if you see it cheaper in the next 6 months I'll pay you the difference. That's easy to say because I almost never do discounts after a product is released, they just go up in price, and I've certainly never done a 50% off deal before that wasn't an unreleased preorder. Once products hit the shop they just go up in price.
HURRY!! this sale is only on until Monday and then its gone for another year.
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quarkmaster · 7 years ago
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Ancient Titan
I'm trying to practice accuracy in my ipad by painting this character idea. I have like 20+ characters planned and this is just one of them for my IP/Portfolio.
So far, my process has been slower since it's hard to be accurate with the brush without the hovering cursor preview. There are also tons of limitations with Procreate especially clipping masks, adjustment layers, eye drop current layer, which are are the tools I regularly use in Photoshop.
I plan to try Artstudio Pro for the next character because it is closer to Photoshop.
CLICK here for tutorials! www.gumroad.com/deivcalviz
Deiv Calviz (David Villegas)
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greysconcierge · 2 years ago
Artstudio pro transparent layers
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#Artstudio pro transparent layers mod
#Artstudio pro transparent layers full
Glazing means to lay down a layer of colour which has. The incredible optimization ensures smooth work even with large canvases. Transparent paint is like stained glass or coloured cellophane. Can work with multiple documents, it supports sizes of canvas and an unlimited number of layers. The powerful GPU accelerated ArtEngine developed by Lucky Clan is 5-10 times faster than the previous engine. It will enhance your creativity and help you give life to your ideas quickly and easily. Hundreds of assets are included and users have the ability to import resources in the most popular formats (ABR, TPL, PAT, GRD, ASE, ACO) giving instant access to millions of brushes, patterns, gradients, color swatches and fonts. You watch the entire drawing from start to finish. The Drawing Hand Screen Saver is a screen saver (for Microsoft Windows) that draws pictures on your computer screen.
#Artstudio pro transparent layers full
The successor to our famous ArtStudio app has been redesigned bringing many new features and improvements taking full advantage of the latest technologies Metal, iCloud Drive, and optimized for 64-bit multi-core processors to achieve the smoothest possible workflow. Artstudio Pro introduces a new layer system with grouping, non-destructive layer effects, and adjustment layers. Here is tutorial explaining different ways to crop and change canvas size in Artstudio ProDont forget to comment and subscribe for more videos-Get Artstu. Artstudio Pro is a powerful painting and photo editing app available for both macOS and iOS. 99 USD Transparent panel (two colour large screen).
#Artstudio pro transparent layers mod
The suite of art apps available for the iPad is impressive, affordable, and improves all the time.With that in mind, Im posting this rundown of what I consider to be the top drawing apps available and what they can do for you. The steampunk DMG-01 is Fully funtional, and complete with pro-sound audio mod as well as orange. The successor of our famous ArtStudio application has been redesigned and has many new features and enhancements making the most of the latest Metal, iCloud Drive technology optimized for 64 – bit multicore processors to achieve more fluid flow possible work. No secret here, but I am a HUGE fan of the iPad Pro and the Apple Pencil and what it can can do for a person’s creativity. Select None from the Match mode dropdown then click on the light-yellow. From the Match mode dropdown, you can choose to select based on color, hue, brightness or opacity of an object or area. Pro Artstudio present, the application of paint and more powerful photo editing available for both MacOS and iOS. The Magic Wand allows you to make a comprehensive selection with just one click, based on Match mode options.
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udemy-gift-coupon-blog · 6 years ago
Let's Color a Goblin with Procreate! Complete Color Process ##CouponUdemygratuit ##realdiscount #Color #Complete #Goblin #Lets #Process #Procreate Let's Color a Goblin with Procreate! Complete Color Process Hi! In this course, we'll be coloring a goblin! (The time-lapse in the promo video was created from the lessons of this course!) We'll go through coloring the entire illustration, step-by-step, from start to finish. I'll explain each part of the process throughout. I was inspired to create this course after someone paid me a wonderful compliment... "It reminds me of watching Bob Ross!" I think that's a reach, but I'll take it! :) I'll be showing you how I use Procreate to create rich colors all on one illustration! Procreate is a very powerful digital art application. I even use it in my professional work for comic book publishers like Image Comics and Top Cow. We'll cover flat colors, shadows, direct light sources, indirect lights, change the colors of the lines, and even add some special effects all on one illustration! I'll also include:  A selection of Procreate brushes used in the course. My final layered file of the finished piece, so you can see how it all comes together! A version with only flat colors, so you can practice your lighting and shadows. An inked version to start with the flat colors. A sketch version if you want to ink it yourself. Important notes! Although I do explain what I'm doing throughout, this course assumes that you understand the most basic Procreate functions like where the brush and eraser tools are. This is not a "how to draw" course. The course will start with the ink drawing of the character. This course is focused on coloring this particular illustration. The lessons learned can be applied to almost any kind of art. This course uses the Procreate app for iPad. These principles can be applied to digital art apps that have layers, blending modes, and masks like Photoshop, Clip Studio Pro, ArtStudio Pro, Krita, etc, but only Procreate is used in this course. Who this course is for: Relatively new and intermediate digital artists. Students looking for a step-by-step course to complete an illustration. 👉 Activate Udemy Coupon 👈 Free Tutorials Udemy Review Real Discount Udemy Free Courses Udemy Coupon Udemy Francais Coupon Udemy gratuit Coursera and Edx ELearningFree Course Free Online Training Udemy Udemy Free Coupons Udemy Free Discount Coupons Udemy Online Course Udemy Online Training 100% FREE Udemy Discount Coupons https://www.couponudemy.com/blog/lets-color-a-goblin-with-procreate-complete-color-process/
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sebelz · 5 years ago
Creating Nice Blender Brush in Artstudio Pro ;) Someone asked me if it is possible to do blender brush in Artstudio Pro. This my respond to that question :)))
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ianasennus · 6 years ago
[Udemy] Digital Coloring: Comic Style Light & Shadow Made Easy!
Render amazing highlights and shading with this step-by-step approach| From pro comic colorist K. Michael Russell Students will have a solid basis for rendering highlight and shadows. Students will learn a simple, step-by-step that creates complex-looking results. Students will learn an easily repeatable workflow for adding light and shadow. Requirements Students should understand the basic use of their preferred digital art app such as using brushes, selection tools, and layers. This course uses Photoshop & Procreate, but any art app with layers and blending modes will work. Students should have a digital drawing tablet & a digital art program. Description This in-depth, step-by-step course will teach you how & where to add highlights and shadows to line art in real-time! I’ll show you how to analyze the shapes of the forms in your drawings and correctly start thinking in three dimensions instead of two. We’ll be using the same techniques that I’ve used in my professional work in over 75 issues as a comic book colorist. You’ll learn: How to layer multiple types of lighting to create a stunning final image. Simple ways to think about your lighting colors. When to use harder and softer edges when rendering. How to edit your rendering colors to completely change the tone of a piece. Whether you are looking to color just for fun or for work, this course will teach you time-saving techniques and shortcuts that will allow you to create rich and beautiful colors without bogging down in a ton of color theory concepts. In additions to the hours of video lessons, the course also includes: Full resolution, layered PSD files of the exercises for practice. I even include one of the PSD files from my recent work on HACK/SLASH, so you can see this layering method in action! Work at your own pace!.There’s no need to rush, since there’s no time limits. I’ve created hundreds of hours of tutorials and taught thousands of students worldwide. You can expect top notch video & audio quality throughout. These lessons feature Photoshop CC and Procreate. You can use any art application that includes layers and blending modes. Some examples would include Clip Studio Paint, ArtStudio Pro, Krita, Sketchbook Pro, and Medibang to name a few.   NOTE: This is not a rank beginner course. I will review some concepts, but if you are completely unfamiliar with coloring, I would consider one of my other coloring courses for the basics first. This course focuses on rendering light and shadow simply and effectively. It does not discuss storytelling or focus as a colorist, and I would consider enrolling in “A Pro Guide to Digital Comic Book Coloring” to understand the fundamentals of sequential color storytelling, adding mood and depth, separating planes, etc, if you are unfamiliar with those concepts.   So join me! I hope to see you there, and I’d love to help you down the path to becoming a great colorist!   Who is the target audience? Anyone looking to simplify how to add light to their line art. Anyone looking for an easily repeatable “formula” for easy rendering of light and shadow. Anyone looking to learn more about how to light their 2D artwork. source https://ttorial.com/digital-coloring-comic-style-light-shadow-made-easy
source https://ttorialcom.tumblr.com/post/179690519573
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ttorialcom · 6 years ago
[Udemy] Digital Coloring: Comic Style Light & Shadow Made Easy!
Render amazing highlights and shading with this step-by-step approach| From pro comic colorist K. Michael Russell Students will have a solid basis for rendering highlight and shadows. Students will learn a simple, step-by-step that creates complex-looking results. Students will learn an easily repeatable workflow for adding light and shadow. Requirements Students should understand the basic use of their preferred digital art app such as using brushes, selection tools, and layers. This course uses Photoshop & Procreate, but any art app with layers and blending modes will work. Students should have a digital drawing tablet & a digital art program. Description This in-depth, step-by-step course will teach you how & where to add highlights and shadows to line art in real-time! I’ll show you how to analyze the shapes of the forms in your drawings and correctly start thinking in three dimensions instead of two. We’ll be using the same techniques that I’ve used in my professional work in over 75 issues as a comic book colorist. You’ll learn: How to layer multiple types of lighting to create a stunning final image. Simple ways to think about your lighting colors. When to use harder and softer edges when rendering. How to edit your rendering colors to completely change the tone of a piece. Whether you are looking to color just for fun or for work, this course will teach you time-saving techniques and shortcuts that will allow you to create rich and beautiful colors without bogging down in a ton of color theory concepts. In additions to the hours of video lessons, the course also includes: Full resolution, layered PSD files of the exercises for practice. I even include one of the PSD files from my recent work on HACK/SLASH, so you can see this layering method in action! Work at your own pace!.There's no need to rush, since there's no time limits. I've created hundreds of hours of tutorials and taught thousands of students worldwide. You can expect top notch video & audio quality throughout. These lessons feature Photoshop CC and Procreate. You can use any art application that includes layers and blending modes. Some examples would include Clip Studio Paint, ArtStudio Pro, Krita, Sketchbook Pro, and Medibang to name a few.   NOTE: This is not a rank beginner course. I will review some concepts, but if you are completely unfamiliar with coloring, I would consider one of my other coloring courses for the basics first. This course focuses on rendering light and shadow simply and effectively. It does not discuss storytelling or focus as a colorist, and I would consider enrolling in “A Pro Guide to Digital Comic Book Coloring” to understand the fundamentals of sequential color storytelling, adding mood and depth, separating planes, etc, if you are unfamiliar with those concepts.   So join me! I hope to see you there, and I'd love to help you down the path to becoming a great colorist!   Who is the target audience? Anyone looking to simplify how to add light to their line art. Anyone looking for an easily repeatable "formula" for easy rendering of light and shadow. Anyone looking to learn more about how to light their 2D artwork. source https://ttorial.com/digital-coloring-comic-style-light-shadow-made-easy
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grutbrushes · 7 years ago
Free Wreath Brush!! This is me painting in Photoshop with one of my new dynamic pattern brushes ( grutbrushes.com/borders ) from the new Pattern brushes set "Borders and Lines" I added some layer style effects at the end for fun! You can download this wreath brush for free there (scroll down to the big orange button in the FAQ section. The button says:"Download Wreath Brush" See the end of the video) You can also buy the whole set there which includes all future updates! There are 15 pressure responsive dynamic border Pattern brushes in there right now but this set will grow over time and so will the price! (Unless you buy it now) Buy it today and you will get every pattern brush I ever add to this set in the future (but you'll never pay again!) The price will go up as the set gets bigger, it went from $1 to $2 in the first 3 days so lock in at whatever today's price is and you can download the set again free later when it's bigger. Could be another 30, could be 100 more brushes...I really don't know. The last time I did this was with InkyLeaks FX brushes and I started the price at $1 for 15 brushes and the set ended up with 100 brushes! (that's a penny per brush for those who jumped on early!) Any questions just ask! Here are some Frequently Asked Questions: Can I use it in “xyz” app? ------------------------- It only works in Photoshop on the desktop but I have also installed them successfully on the iPad Pro in Artstudio Pro - an amazing app! (I suppose it should work in the Mac desktop version of Artstudio Pro too but I haven't tried it) and they also work in Adobe Sketch on the iPad Pro They won’t work in any other apps (not Krita, Procreate, GIMP, Painter, nor Elements, etc) Though I do hope to convert them to Affinity brushes, probably in September (some aliasing issues with Affinity right now!) Which versions of Photoshop can I use them in? ---------------------------------------------- Any version from CS5 and up What Format are they? ------------------------- TPL and ABR (the abr is the CC2018 format which wnot work in older versions. if your Photoshop is older than 2018 you must install TPL version) How do I get updates if I buy the set? ------------------------------------------ Once you buy the set you will get a link to download it from your account. When I add new brushes to it you can just download it again and you will get any new brushes I add to it forever How do I install them? --------------------------------------------- Instructions are included. Basically you drag the appropriate set onto the Photoshop icon on your desktop (win) or dock (mac) There are a number of other ways too, just see the instructions. More help and tutorials here: grutbrushes.com/help/ Can I use them with a mouse? --------------------------------------------- If you don’t have a graphics tablet with a stylus you can use them with a mouse, but it’s not as fun because they won’t be pressure responsive, so they will all be the same size. You could also use the Fade setting with a mouse to get the line to taper (see the tip on the page grutbrushes.com/borders for how to do that
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