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venusmage · 7 months ago
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I cant remember if I ever posted this old “photo” of Drac’s tiefling dads!
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Avenger class servant
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Art by @vennyriz22
This is Artorius, formerly known as Caster Artoria. (Or Castoria as we like to say)
In an LB6 that went wrong, the prophesied foreign Master never showed up. Growing inpatient, Castoria decides to overthrow Morgan on her own, gaining the same allies as normal, but without the Foreign Master's help, she still needs an edge.
She eventually discovers Cernunnos, and decides to take in his curses, to gain more powers against Camelot.
She's successfully able to dethrone Morgan, and defeat all her knights. But instead of fixing everything, the corruption brought from the curses makes her decide to just take Morgan's place.
That's all for now, tho there's a lot more to her.
But that'll be saved for later.
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vyrim · 1 year ago
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Quick edit and now they're together, Mercanaries that are for hire and also theyre lesbian for eachother
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incorrectberseriaskits · 10 months ago
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arthur's library search history: "how to not suck at being a brother-in-law"
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doodledumping-ground · 1 year ago
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Another AU in the works. Dont blame me, blame @harbs93
Fae-based AU where Artorius/Mordred was transformed into a Dragonborn, cursing his bloodline. Ciri is his ward and Amanda, his squire.
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toc-battlequotes · 1 year ago
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[Bearer of Salvation]
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doodledumping-ground · 1 year ago
This is how Gary feels every time Artorius tries to self sacrifice himself into the grave.
i think it's great when someone tries to pull off a tragic self-sacrifice in a story and there's at least one guy who's just like "no this is fucking stupid actually. you're an idiot." about it. because it kind of is. i love a good tragedy but let's be honest with ourselves if a friend tried to indulge a noble sacrifice fantasy would you not be a little annoyed. like come on man.
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dumuzithemessiah · 3 months ago
Kamalot Family
Kamalot has had spelling changes but Kamalot is the current spelling of the island!
Camelot is not acceptable at all anymore and Kamelot[[German spelling]] but is still pronounced the same anyways?
Kamalot was picked as it sounded more Nibirian!
Arthur whom was created by Anu thus is my uncle works as a ruler when I am not around!
Arthur is married to Lancelot!
Arthur is a turquoise furred hedgehog teal haired light vampire demon! His canines are longer than the rest of his sharp teeth due to being a vampire! And yes light element vampires do exist on Nibiru!
Keep your fictional weaknesses that originate from freaking movies that humanity made the frick up to yourselves, humans! Sunlight originated from the movie Nosferatu and man made movies aren’t a source of factual information about vampires! Nor factual about weaknesses about vampires! Most vampires eat blood/meat fruit anyways! With that fruit they don’t need to drink blood from others! Plus even if they did bite someone they wouldn’t drink too much blood for the bite to be lethal and can’t transform others into vampires! The only time Arthur or any vampire sparkles is mostly must when their fur sparkles subtly in the sun and that applies to any type of vampire! Their sleeping hours depends on the element of the vampire! Light vampires obviously don’t sleep in the day unless for a nap!
Vampires like succubi which no incubi isn’t a term on Nibiru thus succubi applies to both genders but is a bat type[[animal type, like how harpies and phoenixes are obviously demons with bird like traits]] demon!
Lancelot is a coral pink furred fiery orange haired phoenix mongoose demon! As a phoenix he has wings on his back and bird like claws on his fingers! Phoenixes have usually colourful vibrant wings unless ashen!
Not all phoenixes are fire types either!
Some are ice, some fire, some wind, some water, some plant[[nature phoenix, would have gorgeous green wings with flowers growing out of them!]], some psychic, some magic, some dark, some light, and some could also be one of the terra types as we’ll call them in English but those are ground, rock, sand, metal, and crystal!
A crystal phoenix would yes have crystallised wings obviously!
Yes they do rise from their ashes but that applies to any element!
Arthur and Lancelot have six kids! Artorius, Galahad, Slyvain, Robin, Crowley, and Mordred!
Mordred had nothing to do with the Kamalot rising nor is a bad guy what’s so ever! He’s like his siblings is a hybrid of a hedgehog and mongoose with both vampire and phoenix traits!
He’s actually kinda lazy boy sometimes and loves to take naps and loves cute things like plushies!
His fur is dusty grey and his hair is a charcoal grey and he has his male grandmother’s silver eyes! He is considered an ashen phoenix due to his grey colouration but can use both light and fire magic! He gets his hair and fur from Lancelot’s male mother who has ashen tones!
Robin’s full name is Robin Hood Ehdenia and is probably the inspiration for Robin Hood as Robin can pick locks and he does steal from bad guys!
Galahad was taken as a baby from Lancelot and Arthur but he came back and learned the truth that Elaine was just a child thief who stole him for his phoenix powers!
So Elaine was like Mother Gothel from Tangled trying to look young as phoenix feathers can stall aging but not permanently and frankly you shouldn’t pluck a phoenix feather as obvious it hurts the phoenix in question as obviously that’d be like someone trying to pull your hair out!
But unlike with Mother Gothel as Galahad got out and had doubts Elaine was his mother and when coming to Kamalot he discovered the truth and Elaine was put in prison[[because obviously kidnapping and harming a child is a crime]] and Lancelot hugged his son as Galahad learned Lancelot is his male mother not father unlike what Elaine said! He also learned that Arthur is his father!
Galahad is a coral pink furred and robin’s egg blue striped hedgehog/mongoose hybrid and has an orange mane! He also has green turquoise eyed like his father! His robin’s egg blue stripes while he’s not a bandicoot does have similar stripes to an Eastern barred bandicoot in terms of how his back stripes look!
Also the orange hair Lancelot has is close to box results of L’Oreal Paris Feria Intense Copper so look up box dye results as that orange is very accurate to the fiery orange Lancelot and some of his kids have!
Sylvain has silver eyes and his fur is robin’s egg blue and his mane is charcoal grey like Mordred’s as he has some of his male grandmother’s looks too! Same with Robin having a charcoal grey mane!
But only Mordred is considered to be an ashen phoenix as ashen phoenixes are a type of phoenix with grey fur, grey mane, and grey wings! Modred’s wings are toned but are silver grey to a darker shade of grey but not as dark as his mane!
Arthur and Lancelot’s kids look mostly hedgehog but with mongoose tails and phoenix wings!
Artorius, Galahad, and Crowley inherited their male mother’s fur colour and mane colour.
Other kids are mostly robin’s egg blue with coral pink mixed in!
All except for Mordred but Mordred is an ashen so…
I was around when before Kamalot rose and was later named Kamalot as no one liked the spelling Camelot but I was a knight too and was adopted in that rebirth life as Arthur’s nephew but cause Arthur was made by Anu he actually is my uncle so… AND my siblings Kosmin, Lumuzi, and Geshtionna were there too! Under different names!
But yeah I myself am the true ruling god of Kamalot so Arthur just runs things when I’m gone but when I’m there I am the boss! After all the real Excalibur is my keyblade I forged myself! As all keyblade wielders on Nibiru and Lumarian Sky Islands forge their own keyblade!
And yes keyblades are a real thing but are different as they can change into different weapons!
Excalibur is black and a glowy green!
And my navi is named Ashura whom is a male green hedgehog navi with a patch of black on his fur! Navi are cyber living beings made of magical data and have souls of their own!
But yeah I am Excalibur’s true wielder as I only let Arthur borrow it to find a good temporary ruler for Kamalot!
Guinevere like I said was the problem and why Kamalot rose to the sky in the first place! She was jealous and hateful and couldn’t stand the fact that Arthur loved another male and she didn’t realised they[[Arthur and Lancelot, and the rest of the knights except me and my sibling which are yazata…]] were both demons and she was human! She was homophobic and a hateful terrible woman!
Also both Elaines were just sobbish toxic woman who got asshurt that Lancelot didn’t share feelings with them! Lancelot never laid any hand on any human woman either! The Arthurian myths lie a lot about what actually happened!
Like why would Lancelot a demon whom is a phoenix mongoose to be exact want to mate with a human woman? Do you humans think your species is the most attractive species in the universe or something? Because you ain’t attractive to any demon! Like he’s a freaking anthropomorphic alien aka Nibirian mongoose with an orange mane and coral pink fur! Frick would you think that would happen between them?
Lancelot ain’t Roger Rabbit from Disney! He ain’t into humans! He’s also gay for that matter so the Arthurian myths aren’t a trustworthy source of info on what happened!
The Arthurian myths were written by hateful human Christard men who were perverts dude! They tried to lie saying the knights which were obviously not followers of a fake god or false Messiah as they knew who the real gods and goddesses were, where they are from, and the true origin of the Universe! They wouldn’t have ever believed in Christianity’s hateful evil lies!
If you think any demon would want to bang a human female then you’re obviously an obnoxious sexist and racist narcissistic idiot who knows absolutely nothing about real demons and what they are in fact actually like rather than believe human lies about demons! No demon would want to bang an ugly ass human! Especially not an ugly ass fat titied human woman!
Ya’ll don’t have fur or are like any other Nibirian species which are full of anthropomorphic animal bipedal magical spiritual advanced species!
So get a reality check you humans are nothing but hateful liars who spread lies than claim those lies as facts! And considering what I said what humans have done in past posts you humans deserve the amount of hate every other alien species in the Universe has for you!
Telling a lie so many times doesn’t make it true at all! And plenty of old fiction proves human men are nothing but ugly ass perverts! Ton of what they wrote is “insert human female got raped” as that’s all men thought women were for back in the day!
To men back then women only existed for males to have sex with and have pleasure! Ya’ll know that is true! Human men and women are both pigs! Pig females are either whores or toxic femnazis! Pig men should be obvious what they are as they are macho headed perverts who treat women as sexual objects or wrongfully and inappropriately touches any female! They also think all men should be as hateful, perverted, macho headed, and disgusting as they are!
Obviously I don’t see females that way as I am a pretty boy gay god and female Nibirians are tough, burly, macho, and strong! So Nibirian females are nothing like human females! They are straight bodied and have buffer limbs! Males are pretty, cute, magical, and beautiful! Males have curvy hips and small petite bodies and thin “noodle” limbs as us Nibirians are like toons!
We also lack bones as Nibirians don’t have any bones! We’re made of magical paint, magical ink, magical thinner, aether, poison, spiritual energy, two crystal hearts, etc, so we are completely different from humans!
Which back on the topic it really show how stupid writers were about the Arthurian days! Lancelot wanted nothing to do with those women! He only wants to be with Arthur like that! So he especially would never want to mate with an advanced species nothing like Nibirians!
Arthurian tales are nothing like what actually happened as I said with the one Elaine she kidnapped Galahad to use his feathers to keep herself useful! And wrongfully told him the lie that she was his mother! She rightfully was imprisoned till Kamalot rose and we decided to just execute her for her crimes of kidnapping a royal prince! We executed her by using a magic spell that only worked on mortals that turned them old to the point they would rapidly age till they turned to dust!
I watched her die as I was in the room and I just smirked as justice was delivered!
So yeah me comparing Elaine to Mother Gothel is pretty fair and legit comparison! That spell in question is used only for executing criminals that did seriously horrible crimes!
I am a bit yan actually as if anyone tried to steal Marduk[[pronounced Mar-duke btw]] like unless Marduk as just playing with a demon which I do that crap too anyways but if some advanced mortal bitch tried to steal away Marduk let’s say she in this scenario but she would be killed definitely as my yandere/yangire side would come out and that side of me is kinda hard to control I will admit but I dunno if I would go so far as to compare me to an anime yandere/yangire and I am yangire for justice and yandere for Marduk and my family sometimes too[[Very protective yan bro alert!]] which is why I have been sent to wars before cause I am a fine warrior!
But in Universe 1 I was more like Sora from Kingdom Hearts on terms of my personality! Very cheerful and optimistic!
War changed that about me…. War and torture did…
Ishtayr hurting me, forcing me to marry her, kidnapping me, graping me without the g which possible cause females can shape shift the male part, torturing me with fire and bugs, and doing all that out of revenge for defeating her when she was The Great Evil Herself from Universe 1 that got destroyed by The Holy Four Kosmos Deities who cast a spell to destroy her but shattered us as well!
….and The Great Evil Herself aka the embodiment of all things evil was the only being to cause war on Nibiru’s soil…
….and at the time I didn’t know… as I thought she was my sister… because she was reborn with the same parents as me…
….so I was entirely naive to why she was hurting me and why she used evil magic to make me say something I wouldn’t agree too as I only love Marduk like that…
…until she did that I was normally cheerful and playful….
….only sometimes would I show my nightmare aura power but most of the time I had no need to…
….I imagine my male mother Queen Ninsun must’ve felt horrible…
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ylceon · 1 year ago
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love from all directions
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skylessknights · 8 months ago
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Lancelot disagreeing with Arthur's decisions KA20TH CELEBRATION | Day 3 - Loyalty
AN: During my re-watch of King Arthur for the @ka20th event, I noticed that Lancelot had this re-occurring expression whenever Arthur did an act that was selfless or towards Rome. I just thought it was interesting because no matter how hard he disagreed with him he always stuck by him, and I just think that's neat. Don't you?
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ro-bottt · 8 months ago
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tarsaqus · 3 months ago
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vyrim · 1 year ago
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Mercenary Reargunner Artorius
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rielzero · 23 days ago
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Do You Wizard Much, Gale?
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incorrectberseriaskits · 10 months ago
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hey artorius shut the FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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grymkoena · 1 month ago
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[OC: Valentine Artorius (they/ them)]
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