I reblog stuff I like and post truth!I am the ruby of The Holy Four Kosmos Deities! Rubies on Nibiru are associated with Winter!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
It’s the other way around you hateful ass humans
Humans drew deities in humanity’s own image not the other way around you shitty ass hateful primate species!
My kind looks nothing like you toxic primates! Nothing! It was all your species lying like the devil brats you are!
Devil is Nibirian for human and you humans proven yourselves to be your own definition of the word devil!
Demons aren’t evil either as they’re from Nibiru too and Nibiru is where yazata aka deities aka royal angels and tenshi aka common angels come from! Many demons work hard to help other lives and are the good guys!
Demons resemble cute anthropomorphic animals and are not ugly nor creepy!
The ugly species here is you humans!
Both ugly hearted and ugly looking!
Humans are sad and pathetic full of their own egotistical lies and self worship!
So on Judgement Day which things that the Nibirian prophets predicted are coming true as time goes on - well humanity is gonna get what hell they deserve for all the lives they took by spreading their little egotistical lying manmade religion!
The Universal Council is in charge of the laws and they say man made religions or religions worshipping fake deities and spreading lies and worshipping one’s own mortal ass species is illegal!
And it’s because it damages the Kosmos! Shockwaves that the Kosmos creates in self defence damage other planets! The Universe cannot exist without the Kosmos as the Kosmos is the heart and soul of the Universe!
So guess what you toxic lying ass hate-apes?
You’re going down on Judgement Day for all the hell you spread all over the Universe onto so many countless other advanced species and other species that didn’t deserve what you humans caused to happen to them!
I warned you plenty of times so guess what? You’ll get what comes around to you for all the crimes and deaths you caused to happen!
All the other advanced species aliens across the Universe - guess what? They’re the real victims! You humans aren’t victims worth shit!
You’re a group of narcissistic hateful delusional disgusting full of your own egotistical lies group of heartless bastards who have no real mortality what so damn ever in your heart!
You only care about your fake rights and selfish feelings! It’s laughable how you think no one has the right to speak against your ugly opinions or hurt your ugly little feelings!
As the real Messiah I am being harsh because of the hell you humans spread all over the Universe!
No alien likes you! Aliens are just trying to prevent more damage done to the Kosmos!
If the Kosmos explodes all mortal life will die with the Universe exploding! Only immortals will survive such a disaster!
I tried to be nice but it didn’t get me anywhere! So piss off humans! And don’t bother running from me on Judgement Day as I’m the fastest god out there! You couldn’t damn well ever escape me no matter how hard you tried!
You humans showed no mercy towards any other advanced alien species, so why should anymore show mercy towards you ugly ass selfish group of egotistical delusional and full of your own hateful ego hate-apes?
Guess what humans? If real deities admit they’re advanced magical animals then you dumbass humans should realise how full of your own ego you are as you humans are the most evil animal species to ever exist in literal Universal history!
On my homeplanet I am loved and respected and admired so if someone like me hates you then it says how delusional, vile, evil, selfish, and hateful humanity really is!
I’m loved for a reason on Nibiru and it’s because not only am I the original god who created the original first universe and the Kosmos but I am seen as kind and caring as well as someone who suffered because of evil and hate from evil doers like Ishtayr and humanity…
I have 13 sons with Kosmin that I gave birth to in Universe 1 and Nibirians can same gender breed so we don’t need a female to breed!
And with my husband Marduk I had six children so far! All sons but one day I foresee I finally get a tough little daughter!
Humanity brought their own demise onto themselves! Humanity is gonna go extinct because of their own hateful attitudes, beliefs, ways, and egotistical self worship delusions!
The real gods and goddesses aren’t gonna let humanity get their evil hateful delusional primate way!
Everything humanity built and tried to preserve will be destroyed and nothing left of humanity will exist anymore!
Christianity and Islamism are notable hate pig man made religions that are too blame for all of the hell humanity has spread all over the Universe!
So getting mad at me for not putting up with your species narcissistic hateful genocidal ways of hate, lies, murder, delusional selfish ways, etc, is dumb! Because I was sent here to judge humanity to decide what to do with humanity!
So you humans? You fucked shit up for your own hateful ass species! I’m not at fault here for your own actions! You are!
Zillions and still counting daily are dead because of humanity’s evil asses! Humanity deserves the hate that every alien advanced species has for humanity! Humanity is selfish and only cares about their evil fake rights!
Jesus doesn’t exist! He’s a fraud! I am the real Messiah and always was the real deal Messiah! The letter J is 501 years old!
Luke 19:27 “But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them—bring them here and kill them in front of me.”.
Plus Yahweh Yehovah or Jehovah was an evil elf who manipulated and lied to get innocent elf children killed!
Regardless how different elves are to regular humans that proves Christianity is evil as well as throughout history Christians were known to murder non believers, those who were different from them like the LGBT and enslaved black people because their bible okayed it! Christians also lied to get anyone who they hated killed! Christianity hates those different from their brainwashed evil manipulative beliefs!
Christianity is one of the most evil man made religions out there! One that doomed humanity along with Islamism and other man made violent and hateful religions!
Pope Francis is trying to brainwash the LGBT into believing his hateful religion that is AGAINST the LGBT unlike his lying ass claims! Christianity always murdered, tortured, hated, and oppressed the LGBT throughout history! STFU YOU LYING POPE OF HATE AND LIES!!
#truth#gods#deities#warning#messiah#god#nibirian#dumuzi#Humanity is evil#Judgement Day#Pope Francis is lying and is manipulating the LGBT into believing his religion of lies murder bloodshed and hate
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Pope Francis is manipulating the LGBT + truth about many things
He wants to brainwash the LGBT into believing his religion of hate and evil!
Christianity is one of the most evil religions spreading the most evil energy out of all man made religions!
Evil energy damages the Kosmos - the heart and soul of the Universe!
The Kosmos is in the centre of the Universe and if the Kosmos blows up so does the Universe!
Christianity thinks of it can’t rule the Universe then the Universe deserves to die!
Christianity has abused, killed, spread wars, lies, hate, discrimination, homophobia, anti LGBT, racism, etc, since the dawn of it’s existence!
The real Messiah is me! And the word Messiah is Ancient Nibirian! It means Hero of Rainbows but can also mean Hero of Moonbows!
Messi = Nibirian for hero
Siah = Nibirian for Rainbows/Moonbows
Jesus is a fraud! A hateful Middle Eastern terrorist! Proof is in the Old Testament!
Luke 19:27 “But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them—bring them here and kill them in front of me.
I would never tell someone to kill someone in front of me! I may have killed in the past but ain’t none gonna mourn the ancient city of Hell of all places!
Hell was near Turkey and has a blood nectarine orchard surrounding the city of evil! It was full of heterosexual people only! Heteros that are hateful, lying, cheating, murderous, manipulators, scam artists, worst kind of thieves, pedos, etc! The only worshipped one deity - a false evil deity that does exist but isn’t classified as a true deity - Ishtayr!
If you read past posts then you know what kind of evil being Ishtayr really is!
Pope Francis doesn’t really care about the LGBT he just wants more followers into his hateful ass religion!
He also is denying what the Old Testament says about the LGBT in order to brainwash the LGBT!
Christianity and other scumbag hateful man made religions do wrongfully hate the LGBT!
I am married to Marduk! His name is pronounced Mar-duke correctly!
Real deities and other Nibirians are either gay or rarely bi! Nibirians are never heterosexual and we don’t need heterosexuals either!
Species without same gender breeding tend to have homophobia as a problem….
Nibirians though can same gender breeding! We don’t need no women!
And if you read past posts you’d know Nibirians have reverse gender standards and are toonlike anthros with thin limbs, big heads, petite bodies, are much shorter than humans being 2’0”-2’7” in height with females being taller!
Male Nibirians are pretty, cute, strong in magic, elegant, and beautiful! Male Nibirians also have longer eyelashes than females!
Female Nibirians are macho, strong in physical strength though males have a certain degree of super strength too, burly, tough, and have thicker arms than males! Not much thicker though!
So both genders have their strengths!
Also my wings are black with a rainy grey teal cast to them!
You read that right! I am not only gay but have black wings cause I am type wise my main three typed are Ice/Dark/Plant!
I am also the oldest deity! I created the Kosmos, my siblings via splitting my soul, Universe, Nibiru, and later when getting shattered by defeating The Great Evil Herself with the other The Holy Four Kosmos Deities! Which is how I and my siblings had to be reborn as the oldest children of Enkai and Ninsun whom are also both male!
Enkai and Ninsun are the current King and Queen of the Universe! Queens can be male!
And my reason for creating the Kosmos and Universe is because I wanted to be surrounded by those who loved me, cared about me, respected me, all in a peaceful way!
When I was shattered with my siblings it was because I had to defeat The Great Evil Herself whom wanted to destroy and kill all life!
I was protecting all I cared about!
And after being reborn my life wasn’t easy as I was trained in fighting both in magic and in weapon use starting at age 4…
I also along with the rest of The Holy Four Kosmos Deities and Marduk was changed into super deities…
It was a painful process…
But it was all to ensure history didn’t repeat itself…
I may have destroyed the ancient evil city of Hell but that place had to go…
The final straw was pulled when they attacked my twin boys Qupit and Yorupit when we were just there to pick blood nectarines..
That made me snap hard enough that I burned the city down with no survivors and many humans turned to stone from my power of dark fire which causes fear but at extreme levels can turn those to stone…
I am not just the Messiah and the most powerful deity but also a male mother, a brother, a cousin, an ancestor to all deities, a male wife, and overall someone who is beloved on my homeplanet Nibiru…
Yet my time on Earth I mostly just suffer from pain, misery, sadness, loneliness, and I want to so something about all the evil going on but can’t cause I’m stuck in a vessel till Judgement Day waiting until then all while here to speak the truth to hopefully some will listen and change their ways so they can reincarnate in the future otherwise when Judgement Day happens Nibirians and other aliens will attack Earth in self defence as humanity has caused over zillions to die from the evil energy damaging the Kosmos…
Humans will then finally realise what karma is as they will face reality of what they have done to the Kosmos, the Universe, and to other alien life!
The truth is depressing but it’s reality…
Humanity has been labeled one of the biggest threats in the Universe as The Universal Council sees humans for what they really are…
The Universal Council governs the whole Universe while The Multiversal Council handles multiverse problems! The Universal Council outlaws man made religions for a damn good reason as they are all evil lies and they spread evil energy!
You humans foolishly worshipped yourselves as deities as real deities don’t even look human in our true form! That’s right humans view themselves as perfect beings above all life! It has been that way throughout history! Humans use the pathetic “bawww I am only human!” as a shitty excuse when they make mistakes which no other advanced species does as it’s an asshole thing to say but then humans think no one has the right to judge them or offend them in the slightest! All while narcissistically humanwashing deities and other Nibirians and making other aliens look human as well!
A Startrek scenario can never happen because of humanity’s narcissism!
Humans also when seeing real aliens cower in fear and demand the alien be killed!
That is why many aliens on Earth take human forms as they don’t want to be killed by victim card playing humans!
Many humans deem aliens as all evil and only humans as holy and good!
Well guess what humans!? You’re the most unholy species ever! You’re also are animals too! You’re just lower advanced ones! Even deities acknowledge themselves as divine animals! It really shows how selfish, delusional, and narcissistic humans are!
So you damn primates better get your act together as time is slowly running out!
You’re lucky I am here to lecture you! Otherwise you’d be in the dark on why what happens on Judgement Day happens!
The evil traitorous elves started the Helveon War that still goes on but humanity continued where their evil elf ancestors left off!
I do somewhat look forward to Judgement but my reasons as it’s salvation as I finally will be reunited with my loved ones and can finally do something about the evil on Earth!
You know what really hurts though? Having to be the villain in the eyes of another species yet be the hero in the eyes of mostly all other species…
Humans will see me as the villain even though humanity is the real villain as they proved themselves as such…
But to majority of other alien advanced species? I’m there hero…
But I’m a tragic hero if anything…
But at least I’m complex and not a lie like that fictional wannabe Jesus is…
#truth#nibiru#dumuzi#gods#deities#goddesses#nibirian#warning#god#messiah#Reality#aliens#karma#humanity needs to wake up#Judgement Day#lecture
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Nibirian word for hello and a profanity word
Hello: Kopochi!
The Profanity: Kapakki!
The profanity word Kapakki is equivalent to the human profanity “d*mn/f*ck” in terms of how it’s used!
Kapakki is pronounced like this: Ka-pocky!
So yea pakki in kapakki is pronounced like the word pocky.
Kopochi is pronounced how it should look to others?
Also only pocky flavour I eat is matcha on the topic of pocky ��…
Language misunderstanding crap would definitely happen when talking about pocky to a Nibirian! 😂
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It’s Naitolaito for the Nibirian word for Knightlights from Yumera
Naitolaito which is kinda obvious why we decided using the term Knightlights for the English word for them!
They’re from Yumera and they defend dreamers from bad nightmares similarly to what Nightmarens actually do as well! The two species of dream demons work together often!
Nightmaren in Nibirian is “Naitomaren” so it’s close!
Unlike Japanese people we do have the letter L in our language even if Modern Nibrian is similar to Japanese in many ways!
Yumera is ruled by The Holy Four Kosmos Deities aka The Four Seasons Deities aka The Four Dream Deities!
So Dumuzi[[me]], Kosmin, Lumuzi, and Geshtinonna!
Yumera is above this Universe while Kohora aka the Underworld is below this Universe!
Every Universe has this layout!
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Mordred Was Never Bad Ever and Was Never The Reason Kamalot Rose to the Sky! + Truth About Demons and The State Of The Universe and Kosmos
Guinevere was the traitor and she was human too! All of the knights except for the holy four quadruplets are demons! Even Arthur whom is a light vampire hedgehog demon with turquoise fur and a teal mane!
Mordred as I said before is grey furred and charcoal hair due to being an ashen aka ash phoenix as he is a light/fire ashen phoenix hedgehog mongoose hybrid demon!
And he was at the time the youngest knight at age 8! So you humans are blaming a young child! One whom is essentially a preteen! For what reason?! Mordred is a sweetheart too! Known to be gentle yet kind! He was accepted so early as a knight due to his powers as an ashen phoenix!
Ashen phoenixes are grey in colour but they are far more powerful than regular phoenixes! Phoenixes are royal harpies which should say how strong ashens are! In Modern Nibirian the term is Aschu[[ah-shu]]! While the Ancient Nibirian is Asche!
Light vampires are a thing because Hollywood taught you humans nothing but lies about vampires! No vampire is weak to sunlight! Most vampires are nocturnal yes, but they don’t get hurt by the sun!
Light vampires are one of the strongest elements that a vampire can be!
Light and darkness are some of the strongest elements on Nibiru!
Arthur was created artificially but light vampires can exist normally but as he is Anu’s creation and Anu is my grandfather rebirth wise that makes Arthur my uncle as well as Lancelot because Lancelot married Arthur! So all their kids are my cousins!
Galahad was kidnapped as a child by Elaine who out of jealousy stole Galahad the night he was born and told him the lie in his life being falsely raised into thinking she was his mother and Lancelot was his father! But when Galahad ran away after the previous day overhearing that Lancelot was never a father - he got the truth from Mordred who came over to him when he was yelling at the guards wanting to see Lancelot and Mordred told Galahad that Lancelot was his mother not father as “Mum never topped as cous[[me]] put it whatever that means” and the guards had their hands over their mouths and Galahad was just majorly confused why a child said something that perverted and where he learned that talk! Then Galahad got himself together and asked Mordred if he was Lancelot’s child and Mordred nodded and Galahad went to my Uncle Lancelot and told him who he was and Uncle Lancelot just hugged Galahad and told him never to go back to that evil woman! Galahad did tell Uncle Arthur what Mordred said and Arthur totally demanded to know which “cous” said something that dirty and Mordred told on me!
Later I got lightly knocked on the head by Arthur though I didn’t even know Mordred was eavesdropping on me when I was talking to Sir Lamorak and Sir Percival about Uncle Lancelot being a bottom! So it’s not that I was speaking inappropriately around a child as I didn’t know said child was even eavesdropping on us! Which of course I did say I didn’t know Mordred was nearby and was just stating the truth!
Anyways the true ruler of Kamalot is me as I created Excalibur! Excalibur is my keyblade as keyblades are real and are Nibirian made and Nibirian origin weapons! But Arthur manages the sky island while I am away!
Kamalot is above Germany in the skies high above the country!
Most Lumarian Sky Islands are in eigher the Bermuda[[Atlantis, under sea]], Pacific Ocean[[Mu which is undersea]], Dragon’s Triangle, Antarctica[[just remembered one is near there!]], etc, and Lumarian comes from the Nibirian word “Luma” which means moon as the islands are made from both Nibirian and moon soil!
No human as in homo sapiens is on nor is allowed on the sky islands! Humans would just attack the residents out of hate and racism! Guess what humans? Your blind hatred towards demons is racism according to Universal Council Laws as demons are innocent too! They have never done anything evil like humans maliciously lie about! Humans treat demons like monsters when the real monsters are humans as humans spread lies, war, hate, intolerance, bloodshed, racism, homophobia, evil, crimes, murder, etc, and you cowardly toxic humans claim demons are bad?
Demons help others! Demons do good! Demons have feelings and emotions both complex and understanding! Demons have families and friends! Demons are anthropomorphic bipedal animals from Nibiru! They are the main subjects of the Nibirian Royal Family aka the gods/goddesses/yazata! They live with tenshi[[common angels]] and yazata[[gods/goddesses/royal angels as deities and angels aren’t massively different as humans lie and think]] and we all get along and the only war on Nibiru was the one The Great Evil Herself caused and she attacked us and her actions are why Nibiru has a barrier preventing non Nibirians from getting in! There is no crime on Nibiru either! None! Everyone gets along! Unlike humans who spread hate, crime, lies, try to brainwash others into believing their religion aka man made beliefs of hate, using their man made religions to dictate and control other lives and try to take away others rights using their man made religions of hate and lies!
If you want to call anyone evil it’s you humans not demons! Demons never hurt anyone innocent! Demons are good guys not villains!
Humans have proven to be the villains here not all other advanced life aka aliens that humans hatefully love to claim are all evil in their shitty ass movies that victimise humans and villainise aliens! As well as humanify every alien species making most aliens look like human which most aliens aren’t human looking at all!
Except for elves but elves are Nibirian like humans so they’re different! They have big heads, big eyed, noodle limbs, petite torsos, and five fingered hands and three toed feet! All good elves have pale olive skin and various shades of red for hair including reds, pinks, oranges, etc, but rare white if albino!
Evil elves if they’re still around are dark skinned due to their evil actions and mahogany haired and bluish green eyed! If there is still some on Earth maybe underground? Earl and Aeva are with Ishtayr right now and Ishtayr is the Universe’s Number 1 Enemy!
But yeah no human - unless they’re a good elf - aren’t allowed on the Lumarian Sky Islands as no one trusts humans to not act violent or hateful or racists towards the inhabitants! No demon wants a pointless fight!
Demons in the Universal Council who work as officers help and aid countless aliens who’re suffering and in desperate need of help! Demons are saving lives who’re experiencing hell all because humans are spreading their man made religions of hate and lies!
Those lies damage the Kosmos and so far zillions and still counting died including advanced species due to the shockwaves created by the Kosmos!
The Kosmos is the heart and soul of the Universe and the Universe cannot exist without a Kosmos!
That is how bad the situation is! Humanity is threatening everyone else in the Universe!
Magical beings can escape such destruction but mortal lives cannot!
On Judgement Day you humans will be taken down for all the horrible things you’ve done to all those innocent lives!
The real Messiah is me not your false Jesus who never existed as Yahweh Yehovah is long dead and was an evil elf who manipulated others into killing innocent elf children! I killed Yahweh with icy wind magic slashing him up to death upon seeing he was responsible for those deaths and it’s a good thing I did as the elf he almost manipulated came back and I told him the truth! He was shocked what he almost would’ve done and was glad Yahweh was killed!
So as Yahweh is dead body and soul as I sure as hell didn’t allow his soul to continue to exist, what makes you think your terrorist false Messiah exists?
Luke 19:27 “But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them—bring them here and kill them in front of me.”
^ I would never ask anyone to do this kind of horrible stuff… But Jesus if you look at the Old Testament is a horrible human being no different than any other terrorist promoting his hateful genocide spreading religion of hate, lies, and murder!
I may have been in war myself but bloodshed still affects me and I have violent urges sure but unlike the false Messiah Jesus, I actually do embody what Messiah means which Messiah means “Moonbow/Rainbow Hero/Hero of Moonbows/Rainbows” and I wouldn’t allow anyone other than myself or parallel mes to be called Messiah as I have been through so much hell in my life it’s that horrible…
I am angry at humanity yes…but for good reasons!
As said humanity is guilty of so many broken Universal Council Laws it shows humanity as a villainous species!
The state the Kosmos is in also justifies what will happen on Judgement Day…
We cannot allow humanity to destroy the Kosmos and kill all mortal life!
So all other lives will unite against an enemy they all agree deserves to be taken down!
Humans don’t care about the lives they are causing great amounts of suffering, pain, and death! So the fact humanity even thinks they are the victims in this is pathetic and disgusting of them!
How Nibirians Age:
Age 0-2 - Newborn/Baby
Age 3 - Toddlery
Age 4-8 - Child
Age 9-12 - Teenager
Age 13-15 - Adult
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Universe 1 Nibiru was similar to the world of Monster Hunter but without humans
Besides old Nibirian equivalent of Earth animals which provided DNA to make meat fruit and others transferred to other planets the Universe 1 Nibiru was kinda like the world of Monster Hunter but instead of Elder Dragons there was large Elder Wyverns and dinos and other prehistoric looking creatures that you’d see in Monster Hunter…
Ancestors to a kelbi like Nibirian animal exist today as a type of Nibimon that looks like a cross between a Gogoat from Pokemon and a kelbi from Monster Hunter!
Obviously humans didn’t exist till this current universe which is Universe 8!
So the main intelligent species would be Nibirians aka yazata/god/goddess/royal angels which all terms apply but yazata are anthropomorphic magical felines with a single smooth crystal horn on their head, manes, bipedal, Y shaped tail, small wings that become big when needed, and have lynx ear tips! Males have knee high toeless sock markings, elbow length fingerless glove markings, coloured ears, etc, and females are plain and tough, macho, burly, strong, while males are pretty, magical[[males are more skilled at magic while females are more skilled at martial arts and fighting]], beautiful, elegant, cute, etc, but yeah..
Both gender yazata have eye shadow and three toed paw print markings on their chests!
Tenshi/common angels look similar but lack the eye shadow markings but have I shaped tails!
Will edit this post later cause I have to go somewhere…
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“In 2021, a 2015 article by PBS, which had been used as "confirmation" of the "Baby Esther was the original Betty Boop" story by many people, was removed from the PBS website. PBS retracted the story, admitted that the "Baby Esther" portion of the article was never true, and apologized for spreading misinformation.” - from Esther Jones page
“Fleischer Studios later admitted that Kane had been the inspiration for Betty Boop.” - from Helen Kane’s page
“though Fleischer told his artists that he wanted a caricature of singer Helen Kane” - from Betty Boop’s page
Stop giving false credit to Esther Jones as her literal Wikipedia article and probably everywhere else says Helen Kane was the inspiration for Betty Boop!
I am making this post because toxic hateful liars are spreading misinformation on videos of Helen Kane’s singing and attacking those vids and giving false credit to Esther Jones!
Which Esther Jones bullcrap was proven to be misinformation from PBS and PBS even stated it was misinformation! Esther Jones was literally a child when Betty Boop came out and literally no one knows who booped first! Esther Jones was also so obscure that barely any info exists about her!
How stupid are people to spread such lies? Helen Kane looks exactly like Betty Boop! She also sounds like her!
These people are probably the same kinda people who claim Ancient Greeks were black, Cleopatra was black, Egyptians were black, etc, when none of them were actually black?
Cleopatra was Greek thus probably white or olive skinned, Ancient Greeks sure as hell weren’t black but were light skinned so white/olive, and Egyptians look more Middle Eastern like most Moroccans do?
Point is those liars screaming Esther deserves credit which she does not are likely these kinda people: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_supremacy
As those claims are by those kinda people when it comes to the whole Cleopatra thing!
Which I remember a bit of a documentary that Cleopatra had natural red hair if I remember right? Like they found like evidence on that?
But yeah… If I remember to find such documentary I’ll link it sometime if I can find it again as I watched it like years ago?
But lies are lies and no one is racist for being against lies and misinformation.
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My Favourite Pokemon Line
My favourite Pokemon line is the Hisuian Sneasel line!
Always wanted for over 20 years a Sneasel evolution that retained the single feather and was taller and the Hisuian Sneasel line delivered that!
It even looks like a Siamese cat! A silver and purple one but still looks like a Siamese cat!
Which I know Sneasel is both a Kamaitachi and has some cat in it!
Though if you told me back over 20 years ago my favourite Pokemon line would one day be a Fighting/Poison type idk if I would of believed you cause of how those types were represented back then!
I don’t think we got a fabulous looking pretty fighting type till Mienshao? Lopunny isn’t a fighting type though with all the fighting type moves it learns Lopunny should’ve been one!
For poison Vileplume and Oddish are cute but Vileplume is based on the Rafflesia plant aka that one plant that grows in really terrible Animal Crossing islands back in older Animal Crossing games! Like I think Animal Crossing is one of the most well known appearances that the West knows the plant for being in!
The Nidos are alright poison types but moveset wise they more strength based like ground and such?
But strictly talking about early gens like Gen 1 and 2 when regular Sneasel was first out there wasn’t much for beautiful poison or fighting types back then!
So that is what I mean that I wouldn’t have believed you if you told me my favourite Pokemon line would be a Fighting/Poison type one day!
But Hisuian Sneasel is adorable too!
Which like I said they look a lot like Siamese cats cause of the face marking that looks like a purple poisonous paint splotch on it’s face which is similar to the point markings on a Siamese cat! I know Sneasel is based mostly on a Kamaitachi but has some cat in it’s design too!
I do like the Roserade line too for another poison type I like! I have one named Percy in Pokemon Go!
My Sneasler is named Bruno after the Fire Emblem Heroes character though FEH Bruno died and I cried in the inside cause of that!
He was one of my favourite characters!
Who knew a mobile game could cause so many feels and emotions?
But my Sneasler Bruno has the best buddies badge on his head for some reason lol! Why’d PoGo pick that spot?
Felt like making a post about this to have a more positive post time but I normally talk about the truth but deities play video games too! Many Nibirian advanced species do as it’s part of our culture!
Our currency is called Poitsu which the best way to Englishify it would be calling it by the word Points? As Poitsu is Nibirian for points! So it does translate into points!
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I like raw meat and crave it sometimes…
What Google thinks: A craving for raw meat is often a sign of a potential iron deficiency.
What in reality the case is: I like the taste of raw meat.
I haven’t tried raw beef or pork on Earth but would like to one day if possible!
Whenever I crave raw meat I usually go for sushi which is the easiest way to get raw meat in me…
But looking up raw beef sushi it looked good and also read online google by searching raw pork dish that there is a German dish called “Mett” that has raw pork! And yes I have also heard of steak tartare!
As a Nibirian it isn’t too strange for me to like raw meat especially since I am an older god as Universe 1 deities didn’t have access to meat crops yet as they haven’t been created yet!
So we got our meat from hunting and raising animals much like how humans get their meat!
But in Universe 2 meat crops were created as a lot of Nibirians hated having to kill for their meat…
Meat crops were created with DNA of animals using a needle to take a blood much how humans get their blood drawn..
Old Nibirian animals were not like current Nibimon which came later though I don’t recall when they came into existence…
Wildlife in Universe 1 and earlier Universes I know for certain were very different but I don’t for certain if said wildlife is around on other planets or not…
Though back on the topic of raw meat I think I might give raw salmon a second shot when it comes to sushi…
Raw tuna is very good though!
Had octopus sashimi before too! Eel was my first though!
Though not raw fish but inari is good!
I also have my steak rare cause it’s usually the closest most restaurants have to rawish! I would love to try blue steak though! I have had seared tuna before which was mostly raw at a restaurant before!
Either way a lot of older deities from older universes love raw meat much more than cooked meat!
And a reminder this universe is called Universe 8 as the Kosmos regenerated seven times I think? It regenerates every very very super long time though….. and when the Kosmos does it is what you humans are likely referring to as The Big Bang….
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Splatoon Player Character and My Splatsona
^ Player Character draw, he will become a character in my Splatoon AU! Got to keep myself busy so even though I am a god I have creativity in me! Maybe he will be created by Commander 13/Dumuzi/Tairi’s father King Enkai[[via reborn and put back together irl]] will be responsible for creating this new Super Inkling? Maybe he made him with a some of Commander 13/Dumuzi/Tairi’s DNA? Lol idk not a bad idea though actually might actually go with that! Maybe call him just Life? As a nod to me being the God of Life as one of my many domains though Life is the biggest one I have?
Like Life in English to give an exotic feel? As Life in Japanese is Jinsei apparently? Life could be a cool nod to a game I played a long time ago but Innocent Life A Futuristic Harvest Moon which was made before the split of Natsume and Marvelous which I haven’t played much of but still would be a cool nod to that game?
Putting Life in English would give a sense of mystery for him and be a nod that he is a created life form.
^ Splatona character drawn
Just gonna link the dA pages of them to show the difference!
My Splatsona is old yet looks young as he’s a deity in cephalopod form!
Specifically a Nibirian vampire squid called “Gifunekotaki” meaning “poisonous cat like octopus like” as taki means octopus like in Nibirian used to describe vampire squids as they are called in English but vampire squids are their own cephalopod!
Gifu means poisonous in Nibirian! Neko means cat in Nibirian!
But stop claiming they should be merged as inklings! They’re their own cephalopod species that are pretty much cousins to octopuses! So they’re closer related to Octolings than Inklings! And Frye is an Inkling so guess what? She is not a Vampling! Nor does she even look close to one! Neither to my design nor to other people’s designs for Vamplings! So she’s just an ugly Inkling with a big forehead!
Plus my Vamplings being evolved from gifunekotaki don’t have regular skin tones anyways but in fact have magical skin tones a they are also yazata aka deities/god/goddess/royal angel and tenshi/commoner angel in cephalopod form! As you can see Commander 13 has icy lavender skin which is a magical skin tone!
Because he is me though he has sharkpire teeth due to me having shark as one of my animal domains as a god I have with the other two being hedgehogs and foxes which I share with the other members of The Holy Four Kosmos Deities!
The Agency is an actual working building and agents can live there! Dumuzi aka Tairi is Commander 13 which his job is higher ranking over captain and being top command!
He is close to both the Octarian Royal Family[[for generations actually]] and with Craig being one of the original Splatoon members!
Craig has a grandson named Mario Ikayama who is the reincarnation of the scientist who created Judd, Tartar, and the NILS Staue as well as another granddaughter whom died[[school fire, she was a child]] but was brought back to life in a robot made by the human scientist named Mario Ikeyama to bring back his sister but was told by Dumuzi to save it as he told him in his next life his sister would die again so Ikeyama decided to make the robot for his future sister whom is named Paula Ikayama! Which the robot body reacted to Paula’s soul and Paula was brought back as a robotic Inkling who specialises in healing and being a nurse!
Design wise both the human scientist Mario Ikeyama and his reincarnation as Mario Ikayama look like Kagamine Len but with black hair and they sound like Hatsune Mikuo while Paula sounds like Hatsune Miku! Ink colour wise Mario has rose pink ink like Commander 13 as he plays turf war with him when not on missions! Mario is Agent 0 and was modified in his life! His eye and skin matches Callie whom is his big sister!
Dumuzi/Tairi/Commander 13 sounds like Kagamine Len
High Agent 18 aka Marduk/Haku aka Dumuzi/Tairi/Commander 13’s husband[[canon irl we are in fact husband and male wife and Marduk is pronounced like Mar-duke]] sounds like KAITO
Other agents like Kosmin/Kazumo, Lumuzi/Kazuto and Geshtinonna/Seiki sounds like Megurine Luki[[Kosmin/Kazumo]], Kagamine Rinta[[Lumuzi/Kazuto]], and MEIKO[[Geshtinonna/Seiki]] but I cannot remember their numbers as of this post! But those three are quadruplets with Commander 13/Dumuzi/Tairi and all four are members of The Holy Four Kosmos Deities!
My Vampling design has spikes which is to be like an Octoling’s suction cups! They are in the same place on the actual animal regardless of what vampire squid you’re talking about!
Their highlights on their hair represents their ink colour meaning the only time Commnder 13’s red part changes is when he powers up in super form called Dazzling Dumuzi and higher forms like Moonbow Dumuzi which has rainbow ink! But only Royal Vamplings can power up like that and only Dumuzi aka Tairi aka Commander 13 can power up to Moonbow form!
Nibirians when they first came to Earth took a vampire squid species and mutated them to live on Nibiru!
This species they took is extinct on Earth now so bingo! They’re different for a reason! They became poison types with the ability to shoot out luminous neon ink!
I am going to make my player character into a character too probably! Though with a interesting origin! Maybe he was born in a lab using Dumuzi/Tairi/Commnder 13’s DNA but made into a special type of Inkling?
But I got a lot more info on the pages of the art I linked that I did!
Also that Vamp Brush he uses like a staff when in combat but not in Turf Wars as that wouldn’t be good sportsmanship lol! But yeah against enemies he will use it differently than he will in Turf Wars! He will slash with it in both as Vamp Brushes are like a cross between a Splatana and a Brush but what I meant is he spins it an smacks opponents with it like a staff or thrusts it like a Splatana and uses it also like a sword too! So the Vamp Brush is different than other brushes! His unique special is Ink Tornado which he runs and paints the floor at super sonic high speeds creating a tornado of ink sucking opponents in!
Though he also can use magic to defend himself as he is a magical cephalopod! What kind? Ice, dark. plant, poison, water, wind, icy electricity, etc! I can use a lot of magic so yeah there is a good reason he aka me is the Commander of the Agency! His power alone proved to Craig he was worthy of the title! Also the Royal Vampling Family keeps the Agency provided with what they need! Royal Inkling Family also helps! So yeah Agency is an official building in this AU!
#splatoon#dumuzi#player character#splatsona#commander 13#Vampling#Vampire squid#fanfic#some truth in there with the Nibirians taking vampire squids though!#deities#gods
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Adult Nibirian Measurements + Truth
Nibirian Adult Height Range - 2’0”-2’7” in ft and 24-32.4 in inches and 60.96-82.296 in cm
Nibirian Adult Weight Range - 2.5-4.5 in pounds and 1.13398-2.04117 in kilograms and 40-72 in ounces
Picked a few to look up for height and range because not everyone uses the same way to measure things so I thought this would help to make things clearer! I used Google before anyone asks! But should be close right?
“Big things come in small packages” applies big time to Nibirians, especially advanced ones! Immortal beings that are powerful in magic[[males, unless they’re super goddesses then a super goddess could use good magic but still not as good as males can]] or high physical power[[females, but super gods which are males are powerful in strength too but lack the thick arms females have but females are still better in physical attacks]] and that applies to demons too of many species!
Demons are cute! They are not ugly or scary! They are from Nibiru! I’ve drawn demons before so you humans should stop hating on demons as many demons work hard to help other advanced species out there and help keep peace and order!
Demons mostly just resemble Mobians from Sonic as in anthropomorphic bipedal magical animals but more detailed as they have manes and wear clothes! We have a “where the sun don’t shine” if you know what I mean so we have to wear pants/trousers and underwear!
We have big heads, large eyes, noodle thin arms and legs[[females, except for imps, have thicker stronger looking arms]], and can be mammals, birds, reptiles, bugs, sea creatures, robots, cyber beings, plants, fungi, or hybrids, but all have souls of their own including the two AI species mentioned! And we all get along in harmony! With AI life being treated as any other living beings!
And on Earth there are problems called intolerance aka racism, homophobia, transphobia, biphobia, enbyphobia, discrimination against those from certain countries, etc! Also enbyphobia is intolerance against non binaries! I will say this no one is trans or non binary on Nibiru as our bodies form around our souls thus making it physically impossible for that to happen! And no one is non binary on Nibiru so us Nibirians just look at non binaries with confusion as we don’t understand how they think! We don’t hate non binaries though!
Though non binaries trying to force game characters to be like them or those LGBT headcanons do piss me off as it creates the problem that is people won’t take LGBT people seriously if it’s treated as a trend to headcanon characters idiotically with LGBT terms! Also saw with Splatoon 3 while back that people were trying to claim the player character was non binary like dude the player character is what you want them to be as it represents you but don’t claim all player characters are non binary as they aren’t!
Only avatars aka player characters that are actually non binary are non binary! My character in Splatoon 3 is a gay pretty boy like me! Don’t you dare call him non binary! I’m a gay pretty boy so my character is a gay pretty boy!
Idc if I use female Agent 4’s hairstyle on my male character you can literally use both gender hairstyles on your Splatoon character now! It’s not gender locked like Splatoon 1 & 2!
So I can rock the “haircut” hairstyle as it’s called if I want! So even though my character is sorta gender neutral appearance wise he is actually male as I keep my vessel’s hair similar irl!
I actually think the “haircut” hairstyle looks the best on my character and I tried other hairstyles before settling on that hairstyle! He also has pink eyes and his main ink if I had choose one to fit him would be rose pink! This colour:
I also give off both gender vibes irl vessel wise and to humans they’d see my true form as like both but I am male! I just like stuff from both gender sections of the store!
Which proves you can like both gender stuff and not necessarily be non binary! No offence if you are non binary I’m just saying liking stuff and wearing stuff from both sections of the store doesn’t automatically mean you’re non binary!
I guess what makes someone non binary is simply just how they feel inside? Is that a fair guess? As I will never fully understand exactly how others feel as they’re not me? I can only guess or try to understand them but they aren’t me so I can only try to guess and understand them? I think that part applies to anyone regardless of advanced species as you may not understand someone completely but you can try?
Like I said though negative hateful people are gonna see LGBT headcanons being slapped onto characters whom aren’t trans/non binary/whatever and they’re gonna think LGBT is just trend thing so those little LGBT headcanons do more harm towards the LGBT than anything! People won’t take LGBT people seriously and that will cause LGBT to suffer more than LGBT people already do! They’ll think LGBT people are just following a trend!
Do you humans who post that dumb headcanon shit want that?! Do you want LGBT people to not be taken seriously?!
Think people think! Those headcanons do more harm than anything!
Anyways back to topic of demons
Evil human spirits claiming to be demons are just liars! They want the discriminating lie to continue! Demons are not ghosts nor are any Nibirian species! Even those who are ghost types are not actually ghosts! Evil spirits who say that are dead religious formerly human nuts who know nothing about real demons or Kohora!
Koho means “Below/Under” in Ancient Nibirian and ra means “world” so it means Underworld but unlike mythology shows it in human media the real Underworld is a magical surreal fantasy paradise much like Nibiru is! It is below this Universe!
Yumera is the Dream Dimension which is located above this Universe! Imps, Nightmarens, and Knightlights as we dubbed them in English are from Yumera! Imps aren’t actually mischievous and are actually very wise like the Five Wise Imps who visited The Holy Four Kosmos Deities when we were reborn and out back together!
The Five Wise Imps are Soren[[Sorceror]], Ezhno[[Wizard]], Malva[[Magus]], Florus[[Warlock]], and Salina[[Witch]].
The Digimon characters in my AU are indeed based on them! So they’re based on real demons I know! Imp females unlike other female demons can use high amounts of magic!
Nightmarens and Knightlights while living their own lives do protect others from nightmares! The Nibirian word for Knightlights is “Naitoraito” so hence the English name being “Knightlight” plus it’s a brilliant pun on the word nightlight which mostly kids use at night to prevent nightmares! “Naitomarin” is the Nibirian word for “nightmaren” as marin means protector! Naito can mean both knight and night!
Yoru is a name meaning night hence Yorupit’s name meaning “Night love” while his older twin is named Qupit which means “Morning love”! My twin boys are love type gods after all!
Yume means “Dream” and like I said ra means “world”! But Yumera is very real and is another place Nibrians live!
So Nibirians live on Nibiru, other magical planets, the Lumarian Sky Islands[[which are on Earth mostly in the sky but some in the sea like Atlantis and Mu]], Kohora, and Yumera!
As said before the Lumarian Sky Islands are sky islands on Earth that are invisible and intangible so humans cannot invade or attack the inhabitants as humans would as humans attack other humans already for being different so they would obviously see the inhabitants and use their fear as an excuse to attack residents so it’s obvious why we don’t allow humans! Humans call demons evil just for not being human! That’s the real reason why humans throughout history since the dawn of their existence call demons bad and evil because demons are not human and any advanced species that isn’t human gets called evil by hateful discriminating intolerant cowardly humans!
Harsh I know but it’s the truth! Most humans are horrible like that! So yeah makes sense why humans are not allowed on the Lumarian Sky Islands as we want to protect the residents from humans and keep them safe! Humans have severally proved to be untrustworthy and have a major history of violence, war, intolerance, and hate!
But most of the Lumarian Sky Islands are in areas like the Dragon’s Triangle, Bermuda Triangle, above Germany[[Kamalot]], and the Pacific Ocean! Might be some near the poles too!
Kamalot is how Nibirians spell Camelot but has since changed to Kamalot over time to Nibirianify the name! So don’t call it Camelot as it’s not called Camelot anymore, alright?
Also if I sound angry with humans it’s pretty justifiable as humans have damaged the Kosmos by worshipping lies and spreading war, hate, intolerance, dictatorship, etc, and over zillions in counting still with the death number rising everyday! Includes advanced species!
An advanced species is an intelligent species that is bipedal, has language, has civilisation, culture, has technology, has jobs, currency, basically species like humans but many more advanced than humans in technology as many can come to Earth via spaceship!
Instead of trying to hatefully grab your gun threatening to kill and shoot an alien for being around you instead realise they came via spaceship that means they’re intelligent beings!
Many aliens are on Earth right now for sightseeing purposes so don’t hurt them if you see them in their true form as they’re not soldiers as far as I know… they just want to see human culture before J-Day….
Others like me are just waiting till J-Day as we’re here as the prophecy stated as 8 deities waiting to J-Day to do any actions though will teach others who will listen! I am the leader of those deities!
Not to mention humans have polluted Earth big time and killed off many species! There is a lot of reasons for non human advanced species like me to be angry with humanity!
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Species_made_extinct_by_human_activities Here is a list though they forgot the Japanese wolves on this list… from what I know Emperor Meiji called for them to be killed which is disgusting and horrible…
#truth#nibiru#dumuzi#gods#deities#goddesses#nibirian#aliens#advanced species#LGBT#LGBT headcanons do more harm than anything#Video game mention
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The Japanese Royal Family lied about their relationship with her + truth
They have no relation to Ammyterys aka Amaterasu as they call her!
She’s actually my cousin! And she wears her mane in a gender neutral style while remaining tough and macho as female deities are!
She is Enlil and Ninlil[[both males]] daughter!
And she isn’t this delicate black haired woman at all like Japanese falsely state she is!
Her main colours are yellow/white/gold!
She is a Light/Electric/Fighting type as her main three types!
Her thick sleeves hide her thick arms! Female deities have thicker arms than males!
Females are burly, macho, strong, and tough!
Males are pretty, cute, magical, and elegant/beautiful!
Basically females are more focused on physical attacks while males are special/magical attackers as they are more skilled with magic!
Yazata are magical beings that are made of magic, aether, spiritual energy, magical ink, magical paint, magical thinner, two crystal hearts, etc, and literally look like a void on the inside! Something that is impossible to breed with a human!
We yazata can only breed with our own species! We’re all related so incest is unavoidable! Plus a species that is divine felines but also has the adult height range of 2’0”-2’7” and adult weight of 2.5-4.5 pounds as magical beings weight very little could not breed with humans as we cannot even breed with tenshi and demons which are native species to our homeplanet!
Tenshi are common angels while yazata aka deities aka gods/goddesses are also called royal angels!
If we can’t breed with tenshi what makes you humans even think it was physically possible to breed with humans which are massively different from Nibirians in general both insides wise and height/weight wise?!
Though we only breed with current gens usually with Marduk and I’s relationship being the exception to that rule as I was reborn into that Gen but I am also a Gen 1 deity so yeah..
Based on that I wouldn’t be able to find a mate as only three other Gen 1 deities exist and those are Kosmin, Lumuzi, and Geshtinonna!
Which together we are The Holy Four Kosmos Deities and also called The Four Seasons Deities which are considered and treated as quadruplets!
And Kosmin, Lumuzi, and Geshtinonna all consider ourselves to be quadruplets despite me splitting my soul three timed to created the other three members!
I did breed with Kosmin to create the other generations of deities! But we had no romantic feelings for each other!
But you humans should be glad we did that as nothing in the Universe or Multiverse would function without deities!
Nibirians can only be gay or rarely bi!
Our souls form around our bodies when born so it’s impossible for trans Nibirians to exist but Nibirians do not want trans people to suffer and would rather see them get help!
No one is non binary on Nibiru either but we honestly just don’t understand Non Binary humans but aren’t necessarily against them…
The Nibirian Prophets predicted that my true husband would not fear my Nightmare Aura power!
So when Marduk didn’t fear it when I unleashed it out to protect him when on Earth, I was shocked, but at the time he was little like a child so I had to wait but felt a connection right then at that moment so sense then I protected him and when he came of age we went out together!
Mass age gaps don’t much for species with immortality if you couldn’t have guessed..
But obviously we wait till their adults to date and mate and such!
If you’re wondering I had to scare off a carnivorous wild animal off when I was protecting Marduk!
Sumerians got his name wrong as it’s pronounced Mar-duke!
Things were going well until Ishtayr did what she did to us out of envy, hate, and out of revenge as Ishtayr is the Reincarnation of The Great Evil Herself the only being who cased war on Nibiru’s surface!
When I destroyed The Great Evil Herself with the help of the rest of The Four Kosmos Deities we shattered as did she but my power was stronger thus caused the Multiverse to exist as well as created copied of other deities including other mes, other Kosmins, other Lumuzis, and other Geshtinonnas!
It took a long time for use to be put back together….
Considering it was finally done in current Universe aka Universe 8 and was done over half a million years ago aka an eon in Nibirian terms that shows how badly we shattered!
Being shattered is like being dead but all over the place but still able to help others a tiny bit with the energy I have each individually part of me in question helping other being in the multiverse out!
I remember hearing a part of me was being used by another advanced species though they were tribal as a holy object but my kind had to take it from them by force a because the other species didn’t understand how important that part of me was and they claimed ownership of that part of me!
My family had to basically had to knock the guard out and run off with the piece of me and take off in their spaceship pretty much!
But yeah it took a long time because it was four deities that got separated so that’s why it took so long plus they didn’t spend from Universe 1 to Universe 8 looking for us as they only started when the prophets predicted the Reincarnation of The Great Evil Herself would return!
So idk when they started to look but it didn’t actually take as long as it might’ve thought as Universe 8 tech is the highest in advanced technology in the Universe and Multiverse!
How they didn’t realise Ishtayr was The Reincarnation of The Great Evil Herself, well, I don’t know? Her being good at magic should’ve been a sign as females aren’t magical attackers but physical attackers! But they realised after what happened and I was made into a Kohora deity aka Underworld deity!
So when I became a Kohora deity aka Underworld deity I gained domains such as resurrection, death, Kohora, etc, but Kohora isn’t gloomy at all!
Both Kohora and Yumera are fantasy like surreal and magical environments! So nothing like any stereotypical image of the Underworld!
Koho means below in Nibirian while ra means world!
Yume means dream!
So Underworld and Dreamworld!
Kohora is below the Universe and each universe has a Kohora below it while Yumera is above the Universe!
Meaning “heaven” doesn’t exist and all souls depart to Kohora eventually but Kohora is a paradise so it’s not a bad place!
But because humanity messed up the balance of life and death things haven’t been right…
Blame humanity worshipping false deities and spreading hate, terrorism, war, intolerance to those different like being against the LGBT for example, or racism, enbyphobia[[Nibirians don’t understand Non Bineries but we’re just confused by them not against them..]], killing for said man made religions, etc, narcissistic lies made up by humans claiming falsely that deities looked like humans which we do not, etc, which has spread so much evil energy damaging the Kosmos to the point on Judgement Day humanity’s gonna get “The Big E” as humanity refuses to let go of their man made lies and refuse to realise they didn’t have the right to believe in those kinds of things, as Universal Council and Multiversal Council makes such things illegal for a reason as they damage the Kosmos!
The Kosmos is a living being, though massive, and shaped like a pale aqua heart with a turquoise mono ring around it with two alpine green bows on the rings! He also has a face but is important to the Universe as he is the heart and soul of the Universe!
If the Kosmos exploded from all the evil energy it will take out the entire Universe! The Kosmos helps create aether, spiritual energy, magic, and souls and maintains balance in the Universe! That’s why the Universal Council and Multiversal Council makes laws to protect the Kosmos! Because if it is destroyed that will happen! And other universes would be damaged as well!
Only magical beings could survive such destruction!
Got a little into speaking the truth in this post but now you know why deities are angry and upset as humanity has fucked everything up!
Humanity is foolish and delusional to think they could spread so much evil energy and damage the Kosmos that much!
Zillions including advanced species and still counting have died because of humans and their evil ways and lies!
Advanced species are species like humans have civilisations, languages, are bipedal, have jobs, technology, etc,!
Advanced animal species and advanced plant species and advanced fungi species exist!
Robots and cyber species with souls exist too!
You humans are hurting countless lives all because you can’t get over your own hateful evil lies of all those ugly man made religions like Christianity and Islamism and other religions!
Humanity was never alone and all you have done legacy wise is hurt others with your evil hateful narcissistic lies!
So don’t act like you’re entitled to fight back when other aliens including my kind when we come to take your hateful horrible delusional narcissistic asses down!
Because it is the other aliens out there coming including my kind that is fighting back in self defence against your abusive delusional evil energy spreading lying asshole species!
Only thing you can do is try to make up for what your kind has done and do good until then and maybe we’ll allow you to reincarnate as reincarnation into other species is better than dying off completely!
Zillions and counting isn’t a small number… my kind’s anger is justified…
So many advanced species suffered and died… advanced species that had families…jobs.. lives of their own…. and you humans took that away from them…
The Japanese Royal Family needs to STFU as they aren’t even related to Ammyterys let alone any other member of my kind! Which I can leg the mispronunciation of my cousin’s name slide as language barriers and all but claiming you’re related to her? That’s just lying and claiming the impossible dude!
Like I said on the pic’s description my species and you humans would be 100% incapable when it comes to breeding!
Not only are all Nibirian advanced species like short but we’re magical advanced species which means we aren’t even organic like humans!
And regular elves which evolved into a much more magical species can’t breed with humans and they’re magical hominins!
So if magical hominins can’t breed with an organic hominins like you humans are then a freaking magical bipedal advanced animal species that isn’t organic but made of magical stuff obviously can’t breed with humans either!
My kind are divine felines that can turn into a long bodied dragon form I would seriously think you humans should’ve been smart enough to realise that breeding between two species when yazata[[Which can only breed with other yazata and all yazata are related! So avoiding incest is 100% impossible! So don’t hate us for being able to breed with our own kind! At least we have natural birth control!]] and humans would be obviously 100% impossible and no Nibirian wants to be in a Roger Rabbit situation!
So yeah just a wake up and smell the roses comment but humanity has throughout history claimed deities mated with humans in their mythology which is obviously false as Nibirians don’t find humans attractive!
Which means no succubi regardless of gender which both genders use the term succubi for their species as incubus is sexist a man made term made up by humans! No succubi has invaded anyones dreams either! They’re just a species of demon with bat parts to their species and aren’t as whorey as you think they are! Lilith is a male succubi by the way!
Fairies and nymphs are demons too!
Succubi, nymph, harpies, fairies, and banshee are all demons but aren’t gender locked and like all demons are good hearted beings!
You humans have done nothing but discriminate other advanced species so don’t act surprised and butthurt when other advanced species attack humanity back in self defence as all humanity has done is villainise every advanced species while making humans look like the victim! Well guess what?
You humans are not the victim, but you’re real bad guys! So you brought all of this by yourselves by acting evil, narcissistic, delusional, deceitful, warlike, spreading dictatorship, acting like a bunch of control freaks, and acting like a bunch of human supremacists!
Don’t be made at the one giving you the warning… instead realise your kind has done everything wrong throughout history… and has hurt countless species out there……you are the ones who have committed such amounts of great evil…
Be mad at yourselves….your own kind… you doomed yourselves by spreading such great amounts of evil throughout history and present day….
Don’t be angry at other advanced species for coming on Judgement Day to take out humanity as it’s either that or the Kosmos blows up and only magical beings can escape such destruction….
Meaning all mortal lives would die off if the Kosmos were to explode so humanity is going extinct either way….
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Truth later and points made above
I remember looking up the world population before and it said there is more Asian and black people in the world than white people so they’re only a minority cause they’re living in a white majority country but world wise they ain’t no minority….
Like seriously enough crying and whining about white people being problematic as all races have done unspeakable amounts of evil throughout history… white people ain’t the sole only problem as all races have problematic individuals who do hateful evil things….
Because in Africa they do witch hunts using their religion of hate to kill innocent children and that’s one of many mass evil things man made religions have done and still do to this day… and black people murdering innocent children using religion as an excuse for their hatred towards magical beings isn’t something that should be ignored… and killing kids is bad in general but the point I am making is black people do in fact do horrible unspeakable evil things..
I hate it when all [[too many]]black people do nowadays is play the victim and cry calling white people evil and treat their race as something that can do no evil things when there are black people out there who have done countless crimes and evil acts… No human race is a solely and truly a victim race… except for most of the LGBT but LGBT isn’t a race so…
Like yeah you want real victims then LGBT people are more victims than any human race as no war or conflict was ever started by a member of the LGBT[[as far as I know anyways]] and no religion tells people to kill a human based their skin colour[[as far as I know]] but majority of hateful ass man made religions do say to murder LGBT people for no reason other than them loving the same gender!
So the fact assholes think throwing in black and brown to the LGBT is disrespectful as the regular rainbow flag 🏳️🌈 represents anyone who is LGBT and throwing black and brown in the flag is racist towards all other races that aren’t included in the flag so it creates a bigger problem if anything!
Black and brown aren’t a damn sexuality! They’re races not sexualities or gender identities!
The regular true rainbow flag 🏳️🌈 excluded no race or species!
Plus black and brown look ugly colour wise in the flag as it clashes badly with the rainbow and white people skin tone wouldn’t look good either with the rainbow flag before anyone asks about that….
Skin tones in general just clash badly with it…
You don’t see aliens slapping colours based off their skin or fur colours do you on the LGBT flag? No you don’t!
Because it’s stupid to do so!
I’m icy lavender underneath my fur but you don’t see me adding icy lavender onto the LGBT flag! Nor do you see me adding my humanoid form’s skin tone which is pale olive as we take elf like forms when in human form!
Also the black community clearly doesn’t know how bad olive people have got it going on as almost no video game has olive skin as a skin tone usable in games with character customisation! You guys crying about lack of black hair options? I have seen more options for black people than olive people ever had! Video game companies act like olive people of any tone don’t exist! Many humans don’t realise that you can be pale and olive! You can “not be able to tan” and be olive!
Enough bullshit with the “hurr durr olive people tan easily” bullshit cause not all olive people tan!
My vessel can’t even stand warm weather/heat as I am heat sensitive in both true form and vessel[[which I am in obviously cause humans would freak out if an alien walked the streets and warned humanity that humanity has doomed themselves and will start to go extinct on Judgement Day!]] and I prefer the cold weather cause it feels good against my body…
I am Ice/Dark/Plant as my main three typed and have many other types in me but my main three that formed my body are as said Ice/Dark/Plant….
But yeah that said humanity has no right to play the victim card when they have been believing in lies causing evil energy to spread and damage the Kosmos which caused shockwaves to hit planets and cause zillions of lives to die including advanced species!
Advanced species are intelligent species which are bipedal, evolved from some animal, plant, or fungi, or are AI life like navi, robots[[which are truly alive as they like all AI life have souls and have feelings too!]], etc, so you humans have selfishly causing countless lives to die all because you’re self entitled asses think you have the right to something that is illegal Universal and Multiversal Council wise and that is believing in fictional deities and killing for those fictional deities and trying to control other lives with said false deities!
If humanity isn’t wiped out than the Kosmos will explode so on Judgement Day aliens are coming in not as an invasion but an act of self defence and to fight for their right to live! You humans gonna be given the “Big E” for what all humans have done throughout history!
We warned you plenty of times these past ten years or so of what it to come because of your actions!
Those aliens have the right to fight for their lives! If the Kosmos blows up so does the Universe as they cannot exist without each other! The Kosmos is the heart and soul of the Universe! And such destruction would damage other nearby universes! Innocent lives in other universes are in danger too because of humans!
All other universes lost humanity as far as I know as humanity got what they deserved in those universes….
If humanity exists in some other universe then they perhaps aren’t do anything that is a threat to others unlike all other universes where humanity is a major threat to the Kosmos!
The Kosmos is also a giant living thing and is male in all universes and given that Nibirians have reverse gender standards as males are pretty, cute, magical, and beautiful, while females are macho, strong, tough, and burly, the Kosmos based on what he really looks like does make sense that he’s male as he is shaped like a pale aqua blue green heart with mono toned turquoise rings with two alpine green bows, so he’s pretty yet dapper! He also has two eyes and a mouth!
But with evil energy damaging him heavily… he looks in pain and has very dark brownish red large spots all over him… and it’s all because of humans…..
No one has the right to a lie that throughout history says to kill this person for this and that reason or for who they love! Or to murder off non believers as a certain hateful religion and another say to do so!
Christianity and Islamism are known to heavily spread evil energy and other man made religions do as well!
I am the real Messiah.
Messiah means “The Rainbow Hero/Hero of Rainbows” and does not mean “saviour of humanity” which shows how humanity knows jack shit about Ancient Nibirian!
My true birthday is December 25 which I share with the rest of The Holy Four Kosmos Deities which are: Dumuzi[[me]], Kosmin, Lumuzi, and Geshtinonna!
We were put back together that day over half a million years ago in the Middle East on Earth! But we are Nibirian not Earth beings!
Jesus who never existed as his face was taken from Cesare Borgia thus proving him to be a total fictional character whose story trying to teach the Jews probably came from Nabatean words of me teaching the Jews…
Course the Jewish king got electrocuted in the true version[[which no human got right]] by Marduk[[pronounced Mar-duke, proving again humanity doesn’t know how to pronounce Nibirian words and names nor knows there true meanings..]] who struck the Jewish king down with lightening as Marduk is known as a God of Electricity and Thunder and Light and other things! But Marduk did that because the Jewish king hurt me and Marduk doesn’t like anyone who hurts his male wife[[me!]] so he out of anger killed the king and got me out of there!
If you have looked at my previous posts about the truth than you’d know Ishtayr is my worst enemy and is the Reincarnation of The Great Evil Herself whom caused the only war on Nibiru’s magical soil in Universe 1!
Ishtayr looks like a what humans would probably call a “fallen angel” as she is furless, rough dark pink skinned, her horn looks like a dying rock, very thin pale whitish pinkish blond mane, round pupils with blue irises, creepy Y shaped tail that looks creepy and not cute like a normal yazata tail[[or nekomata tail as they also have a Y shaped tail]], thick claws, thick arms, strong legs, ears that look like a sphinx cat, thin eyebrows, and she wears villainess looking clothes!
Ishtayr wants all life to die because she believes she is perfect and if she cannot rule all should die! Do not ever ship her with me as she literally held me hostage against my will and sexually violated me which was possible via shapeshifting the part to do so, and tortured me with fire and bugs and other painful things!
So shipping me with her is literally shipping someone with their torturer/rapist/worst enemy…
She hurt me…she hurt my husband…she hurt my children…she hurt my family! She hurt Nibiru! She hurt the Universe! She hurt the Kosmos! She hurt countless lives both unadvanced and advanced!
She will get what is coming to her evil ass on Judgement Day too!
Her name isn’t Ishtar as that is a Babylonian typo!
Her name is Ishtayr and the tayr is pronounced like the word tear like tearing something apart! Which is what she has done already so many times!
Anyways I am getting emotional here… but what she did is unforgivable…
Sin means “wisdom” in Ancient Nibirian and does not mean anything evil in reality…
Ehden means “wilderness” in Ancient Nibirian…
Humanity had nothing accurate written down so my source is me as I am the god Dumuzi thus I would know more about what happened long time ago more than some human today would….
I was there back then so I would know what happened back then… that should make sense to you humans..
If you were to rely on human written word you would get nowhere as humanity will change stories to fit their lying hateful evil agenda… humans wanted to take over the world and control the lives of others and dictate over others beliefs and have anyone they didn’t like, like the LGBT for example, attacked and killed, as well as being heavily against magical beings!
Humans lied about demons! Demons are from Nibiru but so are yazata and tenshi! They make up most of the population and are good guys!
All Nibirians are anthropomorphic magical bipedal multidimensional spiritual advanced animals!
2’0”-2’7” in height with females taller and males shorter!
2.5-4.5 in weight with cyborgs and robots weighing in the bigger number!
Humans literally have only said demons were evil for two discriminating reasons: They’re not human and they’re magical beings.
Humans call all non humans evil but in reality humans are proven to be the evil ones!
Humans hate difference! Humans hate non humans! And humans[[most]] are human supremacists! Succubi are are just demons with bat wings like vampires but different!
No such thing as an incubus! Succubus applies to both genders! Same with banshee!
Werewolves do exist but they just look darker and more wolf like at night but are actually nice! They have wolf tails in both day and night!
Nibirian Venomous Hedgehogs maybe have a poisonous bite but they rarely use it to hurt others and only use it against evil doers! They are the only hedgehog demon to have blue fur!
Unicorns are just demons with horse parts! Same with pegasi!
Fairies are demons too! Nymphs being royal fairies and are mostly male but female ones do exist but they are tough and macho so..
Harpies and phoenixes are the same way as fairies with mostly being male but female ones do exist!
Nibirians can same gender breed so no requirement need for a females to have children!
Nibirian children come out in a light so no blood or pain!
But we do have laws about child birth as yazata, tenshi, and demons are immortal so population control is a thing!
We have other magical planets as well to live on and Kohora aka Underworld which Nibirians can live in as Kohora isn’t just for the dead but a magical toonlike surreal fantasy paradise! Yumera is there too which is the Dream Dimension located above the Universe as Kohora isn’t below the Universe!
But yeah humanity is wrong about the Universe, Nibiru, Nibirians, etc, as all they write about Nibirians is lies to suit their hateful intolerant evil ways!
Multiple deities exist! One deity could never control or cause everything to work in the Universe, Multiverse, Kohora, or Yumera!
Do not believe in Christian lies especially as they are nothing but evil hateful murderous bloodthirsty delusional brainwashed liars! They caused nothing but pain and suffering throughout the Universe! Islamists are evil too! But Christianity has caused more evil energy than other man made beliefs!
So on J-Day I will avenge those who lost their lives because of man made lies! As I cannot allow humanity to blow up the Kosmos! Only magical beings would be able to escape such destruction of the Universe!
So my kind and others are coming to protect all those lives you humans are threatening to take because you took to late in refusing to change…
The things the Nibirian prophets predicted keep coming true… you humans only have so much time left….
#truth#nibiru#dumuzi#Talk about race#LGBT#Ishtayr#kohora#yumera#gods#messiah#warning#deities#goddesses#nibirian#god#Judgement Day
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Kamalot Family
Kamalot has had spelling changes but Kamalot is the current spelling of the island!
Camelot is not acceptable at all anymore and Kamelot[[German spelling]] but is still pronounced the same anyways?
Kamalot was picked as it sounded more Nibirian!
Arthur whom was created by Anu thus is my uncle works as a ruler when I am not around!
Arthur is married to Lancelot!
Arthur is a turquoise furred hedgehog teal haired light vampire demon! His canines are longer than the rest of his sharp teeth due to being a vampire! And yes light element vampires do exist on Nibiru!
Keep your fictional weaknesses that originate from freaking movies that humanity made the frick up to yourselves, humans! Sunlight originated from the movie Nosferatu and man made movies aren’t a source of factual information about vampires! Nor factual about weaknesses about vampires! Most vampires eat blood/meat fruit anyways! With that fruit they don’t need to drink blood from others! Plus even if they did bite someone they wouldn’t drink too much blood for the bite to be lethal and can’t transform others into vampires! The only time Arthur or any vampire sparkles is mostly must when their fur sparkles subtly in the sun and that applies to any type of vampire! Their sleeping hours depends on the element of the vampire! Light vampires obviously don’t sleep in the day unless for a nap!
Vampires like succubi which no incubi isn’t a term on Nibiru thus succubi applies to both genders but is a bat type[[animal type, like how harpies and phoenixes are obviously demons with bird like traits]] demon!
Lancelot is a coral pink furred fiery orange haired phoenix mongoose demon! As a phoenix he has wings on his back and bird like claws on his fingers! Phoenixes have usually colourful vibrant wings unless ashen!
Not all phoenixes are fire types either!
Some are ice, some fire, some wind, some water, some plant[[nature phoenix, would have gorgeous green wings with flowers growing out of them!]], some psychic, some magic, some dark, some light, and some could also be one of the terra types as we’ll call them in English but those are ground, rock, sand, metal, and crystal!
A crystal phoenix would yes have crystallised wings obviously!
Yes they do rise from their ashes but that applies to any element!
Arthur and Lancelot have six kids! Artorius, Galahad, Slyvain, Robin, Crowley, and Mordred!
Mordred had nothing to do with the Kamalot rising nor is a bad guy what’s so ever! He’s like his siblings is a hybrid of a hedgehog and mongoose with both vampire and phoenix traits!
He’s actually kinda lazy boy sometimes and loves to take naps and loves cute things like plushies!
His fur is dusty grey and his hair is a charcoal grey and he has his male grandmother’s silver eyes! He is considered an ashen phoenix due to his grey colouration but can use both light and fire magic! He gets his hair and fur from Lancelot’s male mother who has ashen tones!
Robin’s full name is Robin Hood Ehdenia and is probably the inspiration for Robin Hood as Robin can pick locks and he does steal from bad guys!
Galahad was taken as a baby from Lancelot and Arthur but he came back and learned the truth that Elaine was just a child thief who stole him for his phoenix powers!
So Elaine was like Mother Gothel from Tangled trying to look young as phoenix feathers can stall aging but not permanently and frankly you shouldn’t pluck a phoenix feather as obvious it hurts the phoenix in question as obviously that’d be like someone trying to pull your hair out!
But unlike with Mother Gothel as Galahad got out and had doubts Elaine was his mother and when coming to Kamalot he discovered the truth and Elaine was put in prison[[because obviously kidnapping and harming a child is a crime]] and Lancelot hugged his son as Galahad learned Lancelot is his male mother not father unlike what Elaine said! He also learned that Arthur is his father!
Galahad is a coral pink furred and robin’s egg blue striped hedgehog/mongoose hybrid and has an orange mane! He also has green turquoise eyed like his father! His robin’s egg blue stripes while he’s not a bandicoot does have similar stripes to an Eastern barred bandicoot in terms of how his back stripes look!
Also the orange hair Lancelot has is close to box results of L’Oreal Paris Feria Intense Copper so look up box dye results as that orange is very accurate to the fiery orange Lancelot and some of his kids have!
Sylvain has silver eyes and his fur is robin’s egg blue and his mane is charcoal grey like Mordred’s as he has some of his male grandmother’s looks too! Same with Robin having a charcoal grey mane!
But only Mordred is considered to be an ashen phoenix as ashen phoenixes are a type of phoenix with grey fur, grey mane, and grey wings! Modred’s wings are toned but are silver grey to a darker shade of grey but not as dark as his mane!
Arthur and Lancelot’s kids look mostly hedgehog but with mongoose tails and phoenix wings!
Artorius, Galahad, and Crowley inherited their male mother’s fur colour and mane colour.
Other kids are mostly robin’s egg blue with coral pink mixed in!
All except for Mordred but Mordred is an ashen so…
I was around when before Kamalot rose and was later named Kamalot as no one liked the spelling Camelot but I was a knight too and was adopted in that rebirth life as Arthur’s nephew but cause Arthur was made by Anu he actually is my uncle so… AND my siblings Kosmin, Lumuzi, and Geshtionna were there too! Under different names!
But yeah I myself am the true ruling god of Kamalot so Arthur just runs things when I’m gone but when I’m there I am the boss! After all the real Excalibur is my keyblade I forged myself! As all keyblade wielders on Nibiru and Lumarian Sky Islands forge their own keyblade!
And yes keyblades are a real thing but are different as they can change into different weapons!
Excalibur is black and a glowy green!
And my navi is named Ashura whom is a male green hedgehog navi with a patch of black on his fur! Navi are cyber living beings made of magical data and have souls of their own!
But yeah I am Excalibur’s true wielder as I only let Arthur borrow it to find a good temporary ruler for Kamalot!
Guinevere like I said was the problem and why Kamalot rose to the sky in the first place! She was jealous and hateful and couldn’t stand the fact that Arthur loved another male and she didn’t realised they[[Arthur and Lancelot, and the rest of the knights except me and my sibling which are yazata…]] were both demons and she was human! She was homophobic and a hateful terrible woman!
Also both Elaines were just sobbish toxic woman who got asshurt that Lancelot didn’t share feelings with them! Lancelot never laid any hand on any human woman either! The Arthurian myths lie a lot about what actually happened!
Like why would Lancelot a demon whom is a phoenix mongoose to be exact want to mate with a human woman? Do you humans think your species is the most attractive species in the universe or something? Because you ain’t attractive to any demon! Like he’s a freaking anthropomorphic alien aka Nibirian mongoose with an orange mane and coral pink fur! Frick would you think that would happen between them?
Lancelot ain’t Roger Rabbit from Disney! He ain’t into humans! He’s also gay for that matter so the Arthurian myths aren’t a trustworthy source of info on what happened!
The Arthurian myths were written by hateful human Christard men who were perverts dude! They tried to lie saying the knights which were obviously not followers of a fake god or false Messiah as they knew who the real gods and goddesses were, where they are from, and the true origin of the Universe! They wouldn’t have ever believed in Christianity’s hateful evil lies!
If you think any demon would want to bang a human female then you’re obviously an obnoxious sexist and racist narcissistic idiot who knows absolutely nothing about real demons and what they are in fact actually like rather than believe human lies about demons! No demon would want to bang an ugly ass human! Especially not an ugly ass fat titied human woman!
Ya’ll don’t have fur or are like any other Nibirian species which are full of anthropomorphic animal bipedal magical spiritual advanced species!
So get a reality check you humans are nothing but hateful liars who spread lies than claim those lies as facts! And considering what I said what humans have done in past posts you humans deserve the amount of hate every other alien species in the Universe has for you!
Telling a lie so many times doesn’t make it true at all! And plenty of old fiction proves human men are nothing but ugly ass perverts! Ton of what they wrote is “insert human female got raped” as that’s all men thought women were for back in the day!
To men back then women only existed for males to have sex with and have pleasure! Ya’ll know that is true! Human men and women are both pigs! Pig females are either whores or toxic femnazis! Pig men should be obvious what they are as they are macho headed perverts who treat women as sexual objects or wrongfully and inappropriately touches any female! They also think all men should be as hateful, perverted, macho headed, and disgusting as they are!
Obviously I don’t see females that way as I am a pretty boy gay god and female Nibirians are tough, burly, macho, and strong! So Nibirian females are nothing like human females! They are straight bodied and have buffer limbs! Males are pretty, cute, magical, and beautiful! Males have curvy hips and small petite bodies and thin “noodle” limbs as us Nibirians are like toons!
We also lack bones as Nibirians don’t have any bones! We’re made of magical paint, magical ink, magical thinner, aether, poison, spiritual energy, two crystal hearts, etc, so we are completely different from humans!
Which back on the topic it really show how stupid writers were about the Arthurian days! Lancelot wanted nothing to do with those women! He only wants to be with Arthur like that! So he especially would never want to mate with an advanced species nothing like Nibirians!
Arthurian tales are nothing like what actually happened as I said with the one Elaine she kidnapped Galahad to use his feathers to keep herself useful! And wrongfully told him the lie that she was his mother! She rightfully was imprisoned till Kamalot rose and we decided to just execute her for her crimes of kidnapping a royal prince! We executed her by using a magic spell that only worked on mortals that turned them old to the point they would rapidly age till they turned to dust!
I watched her die as I was in the room and I just smirked as justice was delivered!
So yeah me comparing Elaine to Mother Gothel is pretty fair and legit comparison! That spell in question is used only for executing criminals that did seriously horrible crimes!
I am a bit yan actually as if anyone tried to steal Marduk[[pronounced Mar-duke btw]] like unless Marduk as just playing with a demon which I do that crap too anyways but if some advanced mortal bitch tried to steal away Marduk let’s say she in this scenario but she would be killed definitely as my yandere/yangire side would come out and that side of me is kinda hard to control I will admit but I dunno if I would go so far as to compare me to an anime yandere/yangire and I am yangire for justice and yandere for Marduk and my family sometimes too[[Very protective yan bro alert!]] which is why I have been sent to wars before cause I am a fine warrior!
But in Universe 1 I was more like Sora from Kingdom Hearts on terms of my personality! Very cheerful and optimistic!
War changed that about me…. War and torture did…
Ishtayr hurting me, forcing me to marry her, kidnapping me, graping me without the g which possible cause females can shape shift the male part, torturing me with fire and bugs, and doing all that out of revenge for defeating her when she was The Great Evil Herself from Universe 1 that got destroyed by The Holy Four Kosmos Deities who cast a spell to destroy her but shattered us as well!
….and The Great Evil Herself aka the embodiment of all things evil was the only being to cause war on Nibiru’s soil…
….and at the time I didn’t know… as I thought she was my sister… because she was reborn with the same parents as me…
….so I was entirely naive to why she was hurting me and why she used evil magic to make me say something I wouldn’t agree too as I only love Marduk like that…
…until she did that I was normally cheerful and playful….
….only sometimes would I show my nightmare aura power but most of the time I had no need to…
….I imagine my male mother Queen Ninsun must’ve felt horrible…
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Enkai and Enlil have more siblings + truth + alien info + info about Lumarian Sky Islands
Also Wikipedia got Ninhursag‘s role completely 100% wrong as Ninhursag is his daughter so she’s my freaking little sister! My sister ain’t my dad’s wife! Ninsun my male mother is Enkai’s wife! Also Wikipedia got the spelling of Enkai’s name wrong too! It’s spelled E-N-K-A-I and is pronounced N-Kai not N-Key like many mispronounce his name!
He was not named after my male Grandma Ki! Who is Anu’s male wife! He looks like a true yazata version of Palutena from Kid Icarus which speaking of I do have siblings named Palutena whom is a sister and another brother named Viridi! Gaia is another brother of mine who probably has no relation to the fictional Greek deity!
Viridi, Ninsar, and Gaia are triplet boys who have different hair colours! Viridi has dark blue hair, Ninsar has dark alpine green hair, and Gaia has silver white hair!
As said before Nibirian gender standards are reverse so males are pretty, cute, beautiful, magical, elegant[[not all though lol]], and are magical attackers and females are macho, strong, powerful, burly, and are physical attackers!
Enkai has a brother named Kolress whom yes looks like a yazata version of Colress from Pokemon but unlike Colress he is real! Enkai looks similar to Uncle Kolress as he has a piece hair that goes around his head though his mane is strawberry blonde with a copper orange streak that goes around his head while Kolress has longer hair than the Pokemon character and has a low short ponytail!
Enkai and Enlil have more siblings than just what the Sumerians wrote!
For my siblings there is 34 of us siblings not counting Ishtayr being reborn as my sister so counting me 24 brothers and 10 sisters but we all love each other and support one another!
Real deities don’t fight each other unless for sparing with each other. The only fight Enkai and Enili had was them chasing each other around the palace like a couple of cats[[Lol well deities are divine bipedal magical multidimensional spiritual living art felines with manes, small wings on their backs, Y shaped tails, and a single crystal horn on our heads!]] and they knocked my ice creme cone which I was eating coffee ice creme on a waffle cone[[I was stressed and kinda depressed back then at that moment in time]] by running into me and male Grandma Ki was not having any of that so he pulled the two apart and yelled at them both and sent their asses to their rooms as even though they were adults at the time anyways parental authority doesn’t end when Nibirians become adults instead they always have some authority!
Then afterwards my male Grandma Ki turned around and comforted me and got me more ice creme.
But my sister Pele ate all the coffee ice creme we had left so I had to get what would be called today “Earl Grey” ice creme…
My male Grandma Ki did scold Pele for eating all the coffee ice creme but not that harshly but we got more later anyways… Though my younger brother Vanitas tried to sneak some banana ice creme but got spoon smacked by male Grandma Ki and was told to wait!
Yes it’s a mixed bag which deities are real though Pele has her hair short as goddesses don’t wear their hair long! Remember like I said they’re macho and burly! Long hair would get in their way of fighting!
But yeah Enkai and Enlil just did cat chase and paw smacking each other but nothing extreme or dynamic like they didn’t fight a freaking war with each other like calm down humans that did not happen!
Sumerians don’t know crap about real deities as they never were around us so they literally knew nothing about us and probably just found texts or something or Ishtayr in human disguise made up some lies and crap and they went with her lies and worshipped her falsely a goddess of freedom and liberty when in reality she’s the false goddess and the reincarnation of The Great Evil Herself who started a war with Nibiru in Universe 1 which was the only war on Nibiru’s magical soil!
She is also called Goddess of All Things Evil and Fell Goddess as she looks like an ugly Sphinx cat with a thin pale rose pink mane, rubbery featherless wings, dull red brown nose, skin is pale greyish and looks somewhat wrinkly, dark brownish grey fur inside her ears, and a Y shaped tail that appears broken and not true as she takes the appearance of what could be called a Fell Goddess or fallen royal angel as yazata means god/goddess but also royal angel as yazata are to commoner angels as phoenixes[[which are royal harpies]] are to harpies, and nymphs[[royal fairies]]are to fairies! Ishtayr’s horn looks lifeless like a creepy horn shaped rock!
So yeah deities and angels aren’t two different things as humans thought as they actually are related as royal and commoner versions of the species!
Also not all pheonixes are fire types as they are just royal harpies so they can come in various elements aka types!
Same with nymphs which the word nymph applies to both male and female members of the species and they can come in various elements aka types too!
Ammyterys is my cousin but she is pretty much the real Amaterasu and is Enlil’s daughter! She would not look like an elegant Japanese woman in human form! No deity does! That crap is just race bending to suit a culture’s needs! She has yellow light blonde mane that is what you humans would probably call a pixie cut! Her eyes are midnight blue so not brown as only brown shade Nibirians can have for eyes is more of a grey toned brown and browning in fur means said Nibirian is sick as browning = ill/sickness so no Nibirian has brown fur or hair!
She if she took a human form would have unnatural almost literally actual white yellow skin that looks literally yellow and not like yellow casted skin tones like Asian skin tones and olive skin tones!
She would not have breasts and would have a straight body as Nibirian human forms still have Nibirian gender standards mixed in as males have the curves similar to human females while females have more masculine by human gender standards body type! Breasts aren’t even normally part of either gender’s body as they only come out for pervy mating and both genders can shape shift breasts out!
Females can shape shift out a male private out for same gender mating! Males just mate the same way gay guys mate and can get prengant as both genders can same gender breed thus there is no homophobia on Nibiru or any planet with same gender breeding! Really does solve a huge problem by simply evolving to same gender breed! Though gods and goddesses are the first species to exist so same gender breeding was always a thing naturally!
The reasons other gods and goddesses exist is because I bred with Kosmin whom was the dad of the second generation deities while I was the male mom! Even though I created the freaking Kosmos and Universe in turn I preferred to be the male mom rather than the dad! Really show that humanity really doesn’t know anything about my kind! Many humans don’t realise the Kosmos regenerated a few times already and we’re in Universe 8! Nor do they know why the Multiverse exists!
Well the Multiverse exists because of a spell The Holy Four Kosmos Deities[[Dumuzi aka me, Kosmin, Lumuzi, and Geshtinonna]] that we cast to destroy The Great Evil Herself but caused us to shatter which shattering is the closed thing to death for deities! But that spell caused the Multiverse to exist! And must of took forever to get the pieced of us four to be put back to together and reincarnated as the son of Enkai and Ninsun!
Ninsun is my male mom and is Enkai’s male wife! Ninsun is albino thus has bright red slit pupils, red velvet red irises, long white hair, pied coloured wings aka white wings with black ends, and he wears usually what looks like a kimono that is white and black! Like all deities he has lemonade yellow fur and has white and black markings due to being male!
Like I said at the start Ninhursag is my little sister so you can understand how much of a facepalm that is for me to read that Wikipedia and the Sumerians thought she was our dad’s wife for freaking crying out loud!
The Sumerians existed a long ass time like thousands of years after we freaking left to handle a war that broke out elsewhere in the Universe as we yazata have a role to keep peace and order in the Universe so when a war breaks out which this was between a few different planets with advanced life so yeah my kind had to come in a break up the fight and make everyone stop fighting and end the war!
Sometimes we have to use violence and fight too in said war as some aliens just don’t listen but we basically majority of the time just break up the fight and listen to both sides and think of how to solve the problem!
But yeah that’s why we freaking left! Not cause the evil elves drove us off! Considering I literally sliced up Yahweh Yehovah with wind magic and Yahweh is the evil elf which the false Christian god gets his name from - that says how easy it is for us to kill them!
Yahweh was spreading lies to get innocent good elf children killed!
I caught him in the act as I was investigating what was occurring on! I saw him lying and immediately sliced him up with ice type wind magic for his crimes! The elf tricked came back hearing Yahweh’s scream and I explained he was lied to by Yahweh and told him never to trust a dark skinned elf ever again!
Elves with dark skinned aren’t dark for the same reasons black people and other dark skinned human races are dark for! No! They’re dark skinned cause their evil actions caused their skin to darken! Regular elves have pale olive skin, have larger eyes than humans so humans would probably think they either have alien sized eyes or anime sized eyes, one of the two, all shades of red[[reds, oranges, pinks, and some natural tones too]] except mahogany which evil elves have mahogany hair, and various shades of green for eye colour[[evil elves have bluer green eyes]], long pointed ears, big heads, petite bodies, they embody Nibirian gender standards, and have similar body types to Nibirians and are much shorter than modern humans! Elves are a little bit taller than Nibirians which Nibirians are as adults 2’0”-2’7” as adults with females taller so elves are a bit taller than the tallest Nibirians! So close to 3’0” as adults!
Other homo species mated with evil elves who escaped and lived elsewhere but majority of the evil elves died off from their modern human offspring killing them before they could redeem themselves!
Yeah they wanted to redeem themselves and do good and try to get their skin light again in order to survive but their evil modern human offspring as other homo + evil elf = modern human and that is why humanity does so many countless evil things but there modern human kids didn’t want their parents to become good again so they killed them hatefully!
Earl and Aeva are evil elves working for Ishtayr so they exist still and those two are Yahweh’s dad and mom and their children were thankfully killed off by me and other deities! Their children were evil so we did the right thing!
But yeah don’t worship Yahweh as he’s nothing but a long dead - body and soul - evil elf who took pleasure in lying to get innocent children killed!
But yeah if any one of you human reading this needs to understand that evil elves were dark skinned form their evil actions not because of the sun or something like it was for humans! Think of Rockman DASH aka Megaman Legends morality system working in real life as Rock got darker from his bad/evil actions! So more like that!
Evil elves were basically skin wise a very dark shade of olive so kinda like a blackish olive but unlike humans he or she ain’t dark cause of the sun but because of their evil actions!
But yeah Yahweh was an evil elf not a deity like me! As real Messiah aka The Rainbow Hero which is what that title really means and can only be applied to me or alternate universe versions of me! So that means the real Messiah slayed the origin name of the false Christian god!
No real god would act like the false Christian god! Not at all! I remember reading the Nabatean story of Dumuzi and it obviously wasn’t accurate at all what actually happened when I was teaching humans about the real truth but they said something like the Jewish King was mad at me so he ordered to have me killed but being a real deities like ain’t nothing gonna be able to do what and the real story the Jewish King got struck by lightning by Marduk[[Pronounced Mar-duke]] for hurting his male wife[[me]] so he was pissed of at the Jewish King so badly he struck him with lightening thus killing the Jewish King on the spot and took me home to patch my wounds!
All deities and Nibirians in general are either gay or rarely bisexual on Nibiru so we would never say the homophobic crap those lying hateful bloodthirsty evil humans said to do about gays! Like I said we also have same gender breeding too! So since two gods can breed together for example the whole humanity viewing heterosexuality as sacred and pure like the homophobics they are really shows that heterosexuality isn’t sacred worth shit! Humans spewing homophobia are just evil wicked humans who are hateful ass narcissistic bastards who can’t handle reality that they aren’t perfect and above all other lives as religious nutjob heterosexuals view their sexuality and species as!
No freaking human is sacred as humanity has done so much evil things that has damaged the Kosmos and killed over zillions of lives including countless advanced species which are evolved civilised species and humanity’s evil energy spreading and damaging the Kosmos to the point he could explode as the Kosmos is the heart and soul of the Universe but is a giant male living thing shaped like an light aqua green blue heart with a face and a turquoise-teal rings going around him with two alpine green bows rotating around him!
Without a Kosmos the Universe cannot exist so guess what you cruel and heartless selfish humans who clearly can’t think of anyone but their own false rights and desires? If he blows up as in explodes the Universe will blow up too! You humans are spreading major amounts of evil energy which damaged the Kosmos heavily to the point of it spreading shockwaves damaging other planets!
On Judgement Day now you know why you’re gonna be given the “Big E” cause your species freaking deserved it for killing so many lives! Those advanced species who died had families, friends, lives, and you humans took that away from them all because you humans think you're entitled to an evil belief and not just one evil belief but multiple false religions which majority involve worshipping fictional deities that look mostly human because narcissistic humans think the only beings that are higher than their evil species must look human because they think all intelligent beings must look human!
Well guess what humans? Your evil actions weren't intelligent at all but cruel, evil, and a bunch if lies used to make hateful human beings feel high and mighty and above others!
Nibirian Prophecy: “The evil country where the evil Ishtyar’s statue reigns will elect an evil criminal leader”
This just happened not too long ago. The criminal leader is Trump.
Ishtayr is the one which the false deity Libertas is based on and Libertas is the origin of the Statue of Liberty!
So America is known to Nibirians as one of the countries of evil!
After all the Statue of Liberty is in America! Or should I say Statue of False Liberty and Evil!? Cause Ishtayr has caused a lot of genocides and lies to be spread! Ishtayr is the embodiment of all things evil herself!
Tumblr seems better for speaking the truth because deviantART crybabies and tries to mature everything just for stating the truth because of potential offended lying man made religion worshippers! dA doesn’t like free speech or opinion!
They try to censor anyone who is against any evil man made religion!
Most mad made religions call for the death for anyone that is LGBT, or different!
And the New Testament is just another wicked lie trying to brainwash more followers into believing their lies!
Tumblr doesn’t cry about that shit at all! So I’ll admit for now Tumblr is better for speaking the truth!
Messiah means “Hero of Rainbows/Rainbow Hero” not “Saviour of Humanity” and only applies to me and I wouldn’t wish the suffering I’ve been through onto any innocent life out there! I would never save humanity as humanity as proven to be majority and almost all of them to be wicked, selfish, narcissistic, and evil!
No god or goddess is narcissistic as we have a job and we’re just doing our jobs and no god or goddess is perfect and we never said we were! That is all hateful delusional narcissistic human lies!
Humans are the ones who wrote all those man made religions calling for deaths of anyone different from their ugly asses! Humans are the ones who are villainous and narcissistic as they believe they are above all life and everyone else like demons[[which are from Nibiru, they are good beings too and resemble anthropomorphic multidimensional bipedal magical advanced animals and would never do bad nor look ugly like ugly ass humans falsely depict them as!]] or other advanced alien lives are claimed to be evil by humans! Humans believe all other advanced living beings are evil because humans hate difference!
A Star Trek scenario can never happen because humanity is too evil and narcissistic and believes all other living beings are evil! Aliens visiting Earth are in human disguise as humans would attack them if they walked around as themselves! Humans see difference and use their hateful fear as an excuse to violently attack those different from them! Humans are cowardly fiends because of this!
Yeah I have heard of alien encounters and the only reason aliens have to be armed is because in case humans spot them as humans will attack them as they have attacked aliens in the past! I heard a farmer drowned an alien baby for no reason than put of fear!
So based on that humans are the bad guys! You humans have proven yourselves to be the villains! I don’t care how afraid you are of something or someone there is no excuse in trying to kill an alien! They’re an advanced species like you and they came from another planet on a spaceship which should say how intelligent they really are!
If you see aliens as enemies solely because they aren’t from Earth then you humans are the freaking problem! Not aliens! Aliens on Earth mostly are sightseeing anyways so they aren’t here to hurt anyone! They just want to see Earth before Judgement Day happens! They want to see humanity’s culture and sights! Few are soldiers waiting for Judgment Day for some action and to deliver justice but the word few applies few so majority of aliens on Earth are just sightseeing and having a good time[[I assume they are? Hopefully they don’t run into any bad humans… I do worry for their safety…]] so what’s the problem? The soldiers mostly are probably looking out for alien sightseers making sure they’re okay and safe!
If I had to guess how many soldiers… maybe less a hundred or two? Sightseers are more… Earth is fascinating to aliens as they knew when Judgement Day comes they won’t be allowed to sightsee anymore so they might as well while they can!
Sightseeing aliens are in many countries like USA, Canada, Japan, maybe UK and other parts of Europe? But yeah they right now aren’t doing harm to anyone so let them sightsee! I do worry about their safety but I’m sure the alien soldiers are keeping them protected!
Sightseeing aliens do have something for self defence but I think it’s obvious you would be hearing more about that if they needed to use their self defence weapons? So you can imagine there are mostly just peaceful sightseers!
Aliens have visited Earth for a long time with Nibiru being the first to discover the planet! The first time Nibirian came we took a vampire “squid” species to Nibiru in order to save it but ended up making it evolve into a Nibimon!
Nibimon are like real life Pokemon! We do have a Nibimon like Wigglytuff but is Water/Fairy and is periwinkle and has black spots, white belly, has a spotted fluffy tail like a rabbit’s tail, pale green eyes with slit pupils, and is called The Water Balloon Nibimon! The native name for the Wigglytuff is “Mizufafa” coming from the Modern Nibirian word for water[[mizu]] and fluffy[[fafa]]!
We also have a Nibimon called Schneeham in English terms though the German word for snow is borrowed but is a hamster type Nibimon native to Kamalot Island!
Kamalot is one of the Lumarian Sky Islands on Earth but are like Nibirian lands on Earth but in the sky as luma is Nibirian for moon as the islands were made from moon rock and other Nibirian magical soils! You can’t find them in the sky cause of the magical barriers! As for why we have barriers because humans would without a doubt start a violent conflict with any of the native Nibirians on the islands! Like I said humanity sees difference and reacts with either hate or fear! They might attack and try to kill Nibimon too! Obviously we are keeping the Lumarian Sky Islands human free for a reason!
Humanity’s actions throughout history proves why we do not allow them on Lumarian Sky Island soil and are right for doing so!
But two islands are in the ocean which are Mu and Atlantis!
Mu is in the Pacific like most the islands as most of the islands are in the Dragon’s Triangle and Bermuda Triangle but Kamalot is above Germany! Dorado is near South America! Dorado is the correct name for the island! El Dorado is the just the Spanish name! Atlantis is in the Bermuda triangle! Mu though is one of the larger islands! Mu is almost if not close to the size of Australia!
Laputa is north of Hokkaido so it’s near Russia but close to Hokkaido!
Laputa is not like the Hayao Miyazaki movie and is more like Kamalot is one of the Winter islands! Kamalot is always Winter there so same with Laputa! Dorado is warmer and is tropical!
Atlantis ain’t like that anime shark girl Youtuber Gawr Gura says! What she says is fictional junk so if you’re a fan of her no offence this is just a statement of truth about Atlantis! But residents can change their legs into a mertail like mer creatures which are another type of demon but that is a thing! I have been to Atlantis before and I can do the mer thing and my tail looks like a cross between a blackish purple male betta fish tail, a shark, and a spiky sea urchin! So picture spiky sharky fin tail! Clothes are more like body suits btw!
Clearly Gawr Gura didn’t know anything about Atlantis as residents do wear clothes and have an invisible barrier and are an underwater city and water types[[obviously]] live there as well as on the underwater Lumarian island of Mu!
Also another good thing about Tumblr is I can write long titles and won’t get a text limit like dA has with it’s shitty title limit!
Also like I said no offence to Gawr Gura or her fans but this is just actual info about the Lumarian Sky Islands and Atlantis just isn’t what she said and Gawr Gura is just a human behind the avatar so her info ain’t holding no water! She never was[[the human behind her OC]] at Atlantis so her info just isn’t fictional character crap that humans write about!
Her OC maybe said to be from Atlantis but no Atlantian looks like her OC man… just no one looks human there… like no human lives on any of the Lumarian Sky Islands so no human shark hybrid thing is living there either…
So yeah based on real info about Atlantis and the other Lumarian Sky Islands that can be said no human knows anything about the islands and as a deity I am probably your only source on this kind of info!
Though won’t dent Gawr is kinda cute lol she just ain’t accurate to real info about Atlantis is the point being made…
As a gay god like me can call girls cute without it being anything else period! Idk why people think gays in general can’t say girls are cute!
Like we don’t have too sexually attracted to girls to call them cute!
But based on Nibirian gender standards Gawr’s OC isn’t accurate to any actual Atlantian resident!
Anyways this post is getting long enough so gonna be done with this post!
#truth#nibiru#dumuzi#gods#deities#goddesses#nibirian#warning#god#messiah#Lumarian Sky Islands#Nibimon
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Red eyes + truth and warning to humanity!
The colour which is translated as red velvet red that my eyes are mainly! My eyes have bright red slit pupils due to being half albino which is yes a thing on Nibiru but I have rose pink on the bottom of the iris which means sectoral heterochromia but the red shade in the iris is pretty accurate to the berry shade in this pic!
All Nibirians have slit pupils!
When all four of The Holy Four Kosmos Deities were being put back together and reborn we were changed to being half albino due to our male mother we gained via rebirth whom is currently the Queen of the Universe and Nibiru but Queen Ninsun? He’s an albino deity!
Albino deities have bright red pupils, somewhat vision problems, paler skin underneath our fur, and usually pastel shades for eyes but can have bright red and bright pink eyes too! Half albinos have more variety when it comes to eye colours!
Like they could have honey eyes[[Which are literally honey gold so the exact colour of golden honey so not to be confused with the human eye colour honey brown!]] and be half albino so they’d have golden honey eyes and bright red slit pupils!
The pupil’s colour has nothing to do with blood aka magical ink colour so it’s just red as an indicator that the Nibirian is albino/half albino!
Nibirians aren’t organic creatures so we’re made of magical paint, magical ink, magical thinner, spiritual energy, aether, magic, psychic energy, and Kosmos energy!
Robots on Nibiru are made of metallic magical paint, metallic magical ink, metallic magical thinner, and the other stuff that makes up what Nibirians are made of!
Cyber beings like navi are made of cyber magical paint, cyber magical ink, cyber magical thinner, data, and some of the other stuff that makes up what a Nibirian is made of!
Robots and navi are just as alive as normal Nibirians so they emotions, feelings, souls, etc, just like any other Nibirians do!
They are treated like any other Nibirian and this is with respect and consideration as all life on Nibiru should be treated as!
There are also Nibimon which are real life Pokemon but made of the stuff Nibirians are made of but aren’t immortal unless caught!
We limit to nine Nibimon at a time to be in our party!
Also Nibiru is pronounced “Nai-bee-ru” so the first i is a strong i while the second has an ee sound! Ru is pronounced like the name Rue!
So Nibimon is pronounced Nai-bee-mon” mon like monster! Which monsters on Nibiru refer to Nibimon and not the many demons species living on Nibiru! Demons are good guys so you humans are nothing but discriminating liars who made up lies about the subjects of Nibiru!
As to gods and goddesses: Tenshi[[commoner/common angels]] and demons are our royal subjects! Like our people! Demons are advanced beings too just like tenshi and yazata/deities!
Demons resemble anthropomorphic bipedal magical multidimensional advanced animals!
And like I said all adult Nibirians are 2’0”-2’7” in height as adults and 2.5-4.5 in weight as adults!
So you humans have wrongfully blamed a major group of innocent beings all because you humans don’t want to blame yourselves for your own actions!
No demon has never manipulated anyone!
Humans produce mass quantities of evil energy which damaged the Kosmos to the point humans have to go for the Universe to survive as the Kosmos is the heart and soul of the Universe located in the centre! The Universe can’t exist without him[[The Kosmos is also a giant living magical and spiritual creature so yes he has pronouns as gender standards are reverse on Nibiru that would mean it would be a dumb idea to call him by female pronouns! As the Kosmos when not covered and infected with evil energy is very pretty and cute!]] so you humans should understand this: We can’t allow you to blow up the Kosmos thus blow up the Universe so on Judgement Day? It’s an act of self defense and heroicness to protect all mortal lives as magical beings can escape such destruction!
You humans brought yourselves doom by spreading lies, hate, discrimination, war, racism, homophobia, worshipping man made religions, other anti LGBT behaviour, as well as spreading greed, pollution, and killing off various animal species to extinction!
By spreading all that evil energy which damaged the Kosmos causing him to send shockwaves in self defense which damaged other planets killing so far zillions of lives including other advanced species?
You humans have it coming…
My kind are taking humanity down for justified reasons and for justice for those who died because of humanity’s selfish evil violent discriminating ways!
Man made religions like Christianity and Islamism are the major spreaders of evil energy! Other man made religions do harm as well!
As the real Messiah unlike your false Jesus I actually care about other living beings and would never tell anyone to kill someone in front of me like Jesus said in the Old Testament of hate!
The New Testament is a disgusting book made to brainwash more people into believing in Christianity’s lies! Let’s face it: Christianity to this day continues to murder for their religion!
Look up witch hunts in other countries like in Africa! They put gasoline on innocent children they accuse of being witches cause the bible tells others to kill witches so they kill innocent children and burn them alive!
Here is the verse I am talking about!:
Luke 19:27 “But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them—bring them here and kill them in front of me.”
Clearly shows Jesus if he existed which I doubt because the whole Jewish king thing is clearly ripped of of me trying to teach humans the real truth and the Jewish king reacted violently towards me and Marduk struck him with lightning electrocuting the Jewish King killing him! And that was after a bunch of times I tried to speak the truth to those humans!
One clearly does not fuck with a god’s male wife as clearly as Marduk does not tolerate those trying to hurt me! Like I said before Marduk is pronounced Mar-duke not like how most people butcher his name..
I guess it’s Nibirian names and words being lost in translation when it comes pronunciation of those names and words? Likely explanation with what happened over the years..
Other languages have that problem so it’s logical! I mean how many people have problems pronouncing Nordic words as first glance?
They have letters and pronunciations different from other Europeans! Like how many people struggled to pronounce Nordic names when playing Fire Emblem Heroes?
So Nibirian pronunciations and words being lost to time on Earth is accurate as translating can lost correct pronunciation!
I believe the Nabateans recorded that part incorrectly as Sumerians and Babylonians weren’t the only ones butchering the truth to cater to their own lies!
Back the eye colour topic Queen Ninsun, my male rebirth deity mother, has “berry” aka “red velvet” eyes as I usually call them and bright red slit pupils!
And Elder King Anu looks a lot like me but lacks ruby crescent moon shines in his eyes and is half albino and has dark ruby red hair and black wings! His typing is Fire/Dark/Ice! So he’s like a combo of me and Lumuzi! His heart type is Light type!
Elder King Anu is my rebirth and put back together wise grandfather.
So he’s both my descendant and grandfather.
All the deities except for my children with Marduk are descendants of Kosmin and I mating to create other deities to get things working!
Also incest is normal on Nibiru and is always done with consent and no one has biological bad incest kids so all babies are born without problems!
No one is saying incest is fine with humans obviously as humans have biological problems with it but Nibirians don’t and usually when it comes to incest are siblings or cousins so yeah?
Gods and goddesses can only breed with our own species and we’re all related so no way to avoid incest anyways so don’t hate us for it as we can only breed with other yazata and we’re all related so no way to avoid it so yeah we have to breed like that!
We can same gender breed too and the baby comes out in a light!
Females have to shape shift out a dick to breed with other females!
Males don’t have that problem when mating with other males!
Won’t get to much farther into how we breed as that is suggestive perverted stuff but yeah that’s just how things are!
Ishtayr isn’t considered a true deity but an evil faux deity born from King Enkai and Queen Ninsun as a sneak vile rebirth! Ishtayr is The Great Evil Herself from the First Universe that was long destroyed by The Four Kosmos Deities whom we sacrificed ourselves to destroy the threat that was The Great Evil Herself!
That spell that destroyed her and shattered us created the Multiverse!
In this Universe all four of The Holy Four Kosmos Deities were brought back finally and we were changed into super deities so we could survive the future battle with Ishtayr whom at the time we didn’t know she was The Great Evil Herself reborn!
I thought she was my sister and she did all that horrible and terrible stuff to me…
Read past posts if you want to know how brutally horrible she was to me and my family, my husband, and my children….
#truth#Red eyes#nibirians#nibiru#Robots#navi#cyber beings#gods#deities#dumuzi#goddesses#nibirian#god#Eye colour#berry eyes#Nibimon#warning#messiah
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Kohora Deities
Ereshkigal - F
Nergael - F
Dumuzi[[me]] - M
Ningishzida - M
Maelene - M
Spyro - M
Qupit - M
Yorupit - M
Probably more but I don’t remember everyone. Maelene and Spyro are Ereshkigal and Nergael’s sons.
They probably have more kids I just don’t remember their names at this moment in time!
Though I am a good source of information as I do remember a good amount of things as of right now!
Qupit and Yorupit are my twin sons I had with Marduk[[His name is pronounced Mar-duke]] that I gave birth[[Nibirians can same gender breed so two males can have babies!]] to under the red crystal tree in Rainbow Krystal Forest located in the Underworld aka Kohora!
I hope my twins have healed up as they were attacked in The City of Hell which was on Earth but after it’s destruction at my hands as Hell already says how evil the city was but Hell has a blood nectarine orchard surrounding the evil city!
Every human living there was straight and the town was full of murderers, thieves, pedos, rapists, and over all types of people that even you humans would describe as evil!
The humans attacked Qupit and Yorupit whom were only five at the time which means yes they were small children and given that adult Nibirians are 2’0”-2’7” in height and 2.5-4.5 in weight should give you humans an idea how small my children were at the time!
But Qupit and Yorupit begged me to go to the evil city’s orchards and gave me the eyes that are very hard to say no to! I thought I could pick some blood nectarines as the orchard is known to produce the best blood nectarines! But humans attacked Qupit and Yorupit with cursed weapons made by the most evil being in the Universe: Ishtayr!
I immediately killed the humans and burned down the whole city with dark fire which dark fire terrifies those who see it and can petrify aka turn those into stone who see it at a high intensity!
So Hell ended up looking worser than Pompeii!
And the ruins of Hell were transported to another dimension somewhere in another universe away from Earth!
My twin boys couldn’t fly very well at all afterwards! They need help flying!
Angels and gods aren’t that different. Gods/Goddesses aka yazata are basically royal angels! So deities and angels are pretty much almost the same! Super gods/goddesses have six wings but aren’t all out all the time!
Nymphs are just royal fairies and phoenixes are just royal harpies for another example on the royal versions of different Nibirian species!
But yeah Qupit and Yorupit… their names mean “morning love” for Qupit and “night love” in Ancient Nibirian… they are both gods of love!
Qupit has the same hair colour as me with off black eyes! Yorupit has jet black hair and red velvet red eyes like me! Red velvet red looks close to a berry red shade? I saw on Pinterest a pic showing different red eye colours and berry looked very close to the red velvet shade I mean! I think I will repost the red eye pic I found on pin after I post this post!
Red velvet cake on Nibiru is made with red white chocolate as Nibirians can’t eat regular chocolate! So we can only eat white chocolate which is grown like other foods like meat which grows on trees, soil, bushes, etc, and we grow candy too like that and other foods!
I am not sure if Marduk is a Kohora Deity or not as he could be due to being married to me?
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