#artists of snapedom
mrs-snape5984 · 2 months
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“It’s true! Look, how they shine for you…”
“Look, how they shine for you, and all the things that you do…” (“Yellow” by Coldplay)
Today, I want to share a personal story with you…something, I’ve experienced about two weeks ago.
As some of you might know, I’m living in my very own Snape-museum-like chamber, which is dedicated to my beloved Severus and the Wizarding World in general. Since I’m suffering from this cruel disease ME/CFS, I’m not capable of leaving the darkness and solitude of my room anymore. So, surrounding myself with my already 21 years lasting passion for Severus in memorabilia and artworks, is my way of coping with my loneliness and my sadness. Every single piece of my collection is like a patch of consolation…sewed together into a huge comfort blanket, which embraces me to soothe my troubled heart.
For this reason, I get notifications, whenever someone offers another rare item of Severus Snape online. This time, I found an extremely interesting and beautiful sideboard, which was skilfully painted and decorated. Unfortunately, this object was 600 kilometres away from my home, so I couldn’t ask anyone, if they could pick it up for me. Despite the fact, that I wouldn’t be able to buy this cabinet, I contacted the owner of it with the only intention to congratulate her for her beautiful design of this unique piece of furniture….and suddenly, we found ourselves in a nice chat about Severus Snape and his meaning for us.
She showed me a delicate pencil drawing of Severus, which she had made and I was immediately in love with it. After presenting her my own art collection on my walls, she offered me her drawing as a present. And now, I’m allowed to share it with you all! Thank you, J. Holdman, for your act of pure kindness and compassion. You’re an incredibly empathetic and thoughtful person and I’m grateful for meeting you online.
Commissioning artworks has become my favourite coping mechanism, even though it’s currently more difficult for me, since my savings are shrinking and my regular income isn’t paid anymore, due to my disability. I feel bad, that I can’t add every single drawing to my walls, but my room isn’t very big (and some of them would also be inappropriate for my children’s eyes 😏). Sadly, I’m struggling a lot with the acceptance of daylight and illumination, lately. But once a day, I’m switching on a little lamplight to enjoy my art gallery for some minutes (by wearing sunglasses).
My beloved friend Miri helped me again to rearrange my whole gallery. You’re invited to grab a piece of my joy by having a glimpse at my collection. Please feel free to enjoy these masterpieces of art! Most of them are drawings of Severus and my, indeed, very self-inserted OC Jules! 🥹
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Credits for these mesmerising pieces of art in my room go out to (there’s no order, I’m going through my gallery, whilst I’m writing this):
J. Holdman
My bestie Miri H.
You all…and all the other artists of Snapedom, I’ve already commissioned, but also all those other persons, I’ve met here on tumblr, are my lights in this dark time…my stars…my yellow! There are no words to express my gratitude…so I just leave it like that. Thank you. ✨
🖤Severus & Julia🖤
🖤Sevy & Jules🖤
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natuart · 8 months
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Halloween Snape!
Harry Potter Fanart! <3
Intagram: https://www.instagram.com/natu_art/
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decaypepper · 3 months
Suddenly Snape with sorta messy bun. Not a fan of buns, but why not?
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carmill-art · 6 months
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doodles of my birthday boy<33
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nekokvmaa · 13 days
Tiny guy (still couldn’t be bothered to draw proper art)
(I'm totally making this a keychain or a sticker or smth)
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lissasunnyart · 2 months
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Severus Snape. Slytherin student. 7th year.
Sketch ✏️✏️✏️
This time, I spent a lot more time on the portrait 😉
I have to come up with something. No matter how many times I try, the quality of the resulting photos disappoints me a bit 😓
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lilkrabss · 5 months
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He’s just a little guy. A little cold bean.
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shadowdiyt · 21 days
Severus Snape through the years
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TMR’s last day of exam AYEEEEEEEEE I’ll start on the requests maybe a few days later
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doodl3ynoodl3 · 2 months
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I apologize for not having posted in awhile. I haven’t had time to do something super detailed or big like I normally do, and I’ve been doing some studying. So I decided to just drop a few quick sketches I did. Sorry they are all snape lmfao. I’m kinda going through a phase rn 😩
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mrs-snape5984 · 3 days
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“I'll be there to comfort you. I build my world of dreams around you. I'm so glad that I found you…”
“I'll be there to protect you, with an unselfish love that respects you. Just call my name, and I'll be there…” (“I’ll be there” by Mariah Carey feat. Trey Lorenz)
21 years of my life, I was seeking for comfort in my love for Severus Snape. From the very first moment, when I’ve found this bitter and sarcastic dungeon bat in “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s/Sorcerer’s Stone”, it felt like embracing the love of my life. All I wanted, was to care for him…to be there for him. In all my fictions and imaginations, I only tried to make Severus feel loved and cared for by my OC Jules. I devoted my heart and soul to him, no matter how much mockery and disbelief I experienced from others for my dedication.
In these past 21 years of my existence, I had to endure some hardships, which only moulded my character even further into the woman, I am today. Yes, I must admit…on the one hand, I’m a bitter and sarcastic bitch person with suicidal tendencies (well, thank you, ME/CFS, you cruel disease!) and a dark and twisted humour. But on the other hand, I’m still a very caring and loving person with a pathetically weak black little heart. I’m literally the combination of my interpretation of Severus and my OC Jules…with all their flaws and vulnerabilities.
Since I’m struggling with the torturous symptoms of ME/CFS, I’m dependent on other people’s help…which is probably the most challenging thing for me. I’m imprisoned in myself, solely surrounded by darkness and solitude in my room. Suddenly, there are people, who are helping me with my children and my household. There’s my best friend Miri, who’s either forcing me to eat and drink something from time to time…or who’s helping me to wash my hair. She’s also the person in my life, who will always listen to my pathetic complaints about my misery or the latest episode of the “Sevy & Jules Show” in my head. 😅 And straight off the wide universe of the internet, two other idiots lovely human beings slithered into my life…enlightening at least my inner gloominess with their wit, their chaotic energy - which will drive me into madness sooner or later - and their loving presence.
Miri, Magda (@vulnus-sanare) and Richie (@preciousthelmadonna), you are the kindest, most compassionate and undeniably most beautiful souls, I’ve ever met. Without you all, I would have gone insane, already! I’m thanking the universe every single day for allowing me to be your friend…even though I wished, I could repay you for everything tenfold by being a better companion to all of you. Please, believe me, when I’m telling you, that I love you. 🖤🖤🖤
This mesmerising artwork of my OC Jules, who’s taking care of her sleepy husband Severus, was made by the incredibly talented and kind @severus-snaps. My dear, it was a pleasure to witness the process of creating this masterpiece and I enjoyed our nocturnal conversations immensely. I’m glad, that I dared to reach out to you after seeing your work on your blog….and I’m looking forward for our next project, which is already in the making. Thank you for everything! 🥹
🖤Severus & Julia🖤
🖤Sevy & Jules🖤
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decaypepper · 8 months
Preparing for the Halloween with Professor
I don’t believe he would do a happy pumpkin 🎃
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carmill-art · 6 months
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Hello, happy new year<3
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nekokvmaa · 20 days
Old unfinished ten minute doodle I found of sev in a skirt because I was and still am jealous of anyone who can pass as a guy and wear these pretty long skirts
(I still have no new art to post because I’m lazy so you guys are just getting spammed with my ugly old unfinished shit 🤗)
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daniiduna86 · 4 months
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Hi there!
Hope you have coffee for me.
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lilkrabss · 5 months
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Another quick drawing of our bby bat 🖤
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shadowdiyt · 2 months
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Pls do well artwork pls do well PLEAASEEE IVE SPENT SO LONG ON THIS PLS DONT FLOP-
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