#artists and writers unite!!!
All Squad Assignments Have Been Sent Out!
Hey everyone! Clone Shipping Big Bang 2022 - 2023 Squad Assignments have been sent out!! This means writers and artists are now collaborating on the next part of the project and we will soon get to see the fruits of their labors! If anyone has any questions or concerns, please feel free to send an ask in the ask box or reach out to one of our mods!
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nickysfacts · 4 months
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All hail both the princess of Hyrule and the flapper of America!
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historyforfuture · 3 months
Starvation war
Palestinians are eating the leaves of the trees
Northern GAZA is starving
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ema0rsully · 6 days
The Exception
An Invader Zim and SpongeBob SquarePants oneshot!
Enjoy 🍑💨✨
⚠️ Acts of Violence ⚠️
Danny sighed as he rubbed the temples of his forehead. “Zim… you’re killing me.” He groaned as he watched another blob of melted wall droop down. They were having a normal meeting when suddenly Zim yelled and ignited one of his bombs. The Irken stood at the side, arms crossed but with a somewhat satisfied look on his face as he stared at the destruction he’d caused.
Jenny walked over to him, “Zim, we’ve told you, no explosives outside the lab!” She said for the hundredth time but it only made Zim scoff. “I don’t an android telling me when it’s necessary to arm myself.” He stated, not even glancing at the robot to acknowledge her more.
Timmy walked over to the both of them, “For the last time, Zim! We’re not your enemy anymore! We’re a team, we have to work together.” He says. Zim cackled, “That's rich! Even coming from you, beaver man!” He insulted before turning his back on all of them. Suddenly he felt someone standing behind him, “We can’t keep going like this, Zim. At some point, you need to trust us. We trust you. We need to put aside our differences and make things work.” Jimmy said firmly.
Zim cackled again, “You are what people now call the Modern Jesters! Try looking in the mirror for once before you babble!” He snapped before walking away. Jimmy sighed as he watched Zim’s figure run off to the lab. “So, what do we do about this?” Danny asked, staring at the walls that were still melting. “Leave it, we’ll deal with it in the morning,” Jimmy responds before walking to the Portal that lay in the middle of the headquarters, entering his homeworld coordinates and jumping through. Everyone internally sighed as they made their way to the portal to return home.
Just as the last member walked through the portal, there was a deafening silence. Unexpectedly, the portal lights up again, revealing someone was coming through.
Zim mumbled to himself, hands tinkering away on a project he had been working on. He mumbled out small curses to himself, still hating how things went in the meeting room. His hand then reaches over to his toolbox for the wrench only to grab air. He growled and turned to the toolbox. “Curses! That stupid scientist probably took it for his stupid experiments! Or that android for its body parts! They purposely misplaced it to give me internal suffering!!!” He cursed. He was about to throw something out of anger but then a hand extended next to him, the hand holding his wrench.
“Ah, it's you,” Zim said as he took the wrench without hesitation and started working on his project. SpongeBob smiled, “The one and only. Watcha doing here? It's late y’know, you should be in bed.” The sponge says. Zim rolled his eyes, “I have no time for the zees right now.” He says it like it is an insult.
SpongeBob walks next to him, “Well, have you eaten?” He asked again. Zim scowled, “No.” he replied. “Well, good thing I brought the leftovers from work.” SpongeBob said as he handed out a paper bag, Zim frowned as he waved it away, “I told you, foolish sea walker, I don't want to eat-” he paused and sniffed the air. The aroma was captivating. His posture relaxes as he stares at the paper bag. “Uhm… what is it exactly?” He asked curiously. “Oh- it's a Krabby Patty! One of the things I cook for work.” SpongeBob explained with a smile, his hand still gesturing for Zim to take the paper bag.
Zim stared at the paper bag, then at the wrench in hand, then at the paper bag again. “The project can wait!” Zim stated as he threw the wrench into his toolbox and grabbed the paper bag. Zim opened it and the aromas intensified, “Woah..” he said as he grabbed the burger. “Careful, it's still hot,” SpongeBob warned to which Zim frowned, he didn’t need to be babied.
Zim took a huge bite and his eyes widened. It was savoury but also hot. Zim felt his tongue burn and his eyes water slightly as he tried to adjust to the temperature. SpongeBob hands him a tissue which Zim reluctantly takes to wipe his tears and dab his mouth. “This is good..” he says before taking another bite which makes SpongeBob smile wider.
“I heard about what happened earlier, are you ok now?” SpongeBob asked after a short moment of silence. Zim rolled his eyes, “I did what I had to do.” Was all Zim replied as he chewed aggressively. SpongeBob was quiet, “But it's not often you pull out a hand bomb and throw it out in a room without reason.” He says. Zim swallowed, “How do you know? You weren’t there!”. SpongeBob shrugged, “Danny messaged me and told me everything.” He said which made the Irken groan.
Zim took the last bite out of the burger, chewing aggressively as he could feel SpongeBob’s gaze on him. He swallowed, “What!? What are you staring at?!!” He yelled. SpongeBob replied, “I was just trying to figure out why’d you do something like that.” He says kindly. Zim growled, “It's pointless telling you anyways, the thing is already dead anyways.” He says which makes SpongeBob raise a brow, “Dead?”
Before Zim could explain further, something fluttered in front of them. Zim and SpongeBob looked to see an orange butterfly fluttering in front of them. Zim’s eyes widen, “ITS ALIVE!! IT MUST’VE ESCAPED SOMEHOW!!!” He screamed as he scrambled to the desk to grab another hand bomb. Just when he was about to throw one, he heard a splat. Zim turned to see SpongeBob with his spatula out, splattered the butterfly onto the metallic floor. Zim carefully puts his hand bomb back on the table and walks over to SpongeBob.
“Is- is it dead?” He whispered, before SpongeBob could answer the wings of the butterfly twitched. They both screamed, SpongeBob then clapped the heels of his boots together which then protruded a set of spiky cleats below his boots. SpongeBob then hurriedly stomps on the butterfly repeatedly, the metal floor clanging as it's hit by SpongeBob’s iron cleats.
After a while, SpongeBob stopped and took a step back. Zim moved closer to see the butterfly shredded butterfly. No signs of life. “It's dead!” He announced which made SpongeBob sigh of relief. “Thank Neptune..” he says. Zim looks curiously at the butterfly and SpongeBob. “Why did you do that?” Zim asked which made SpongeBob pause, “Do what?” He asked.
Zim pointed to the corpse, “That. I didn’t think you’d kill a butterfly.” He says. SpongeBob visibly shivered, “I don't like butterflies…” he said like there was a bad memory attached to it. Zim’s eyes widen, “You don't?” He asked, SpongeBob shook his head, “They’re too…. unpredictable.” He says as he rubs his arms uncomfortably.
Zim smiled, “Yes! Exactly! They are! And the way they fly too! It's irregular!” He says. SpongeBob nods, “It is! And what's worse is when they try to take over your home town and eat your friends and family!” SpongeBob says in fear. Zim’s eyes widen, “What!!? They can do that?!!?” He asks in shock as SpongeBob nods. “Yeah! It was so scary!!” SpongeBob says, the memories replaying in his head.
“Well, did you manage to kill it?!” Zim asked, SpongeBob shook his head, “No, it got away somehow.” He says. Zim frowned, “Dammit, you should’ve killed it.” He says and adds, “You never know that they’re reporting back to their commander! It has probably given the intel back to its home base! Luckily you killed this one.” He says as he stares back at the dead butterfly.
SpongeBob sighed as he clapped his heels again which made the spiky clears retract. Zim stared at his boots with wonder, “I like your boots.” He says as he points to them, “The spikes make them shine.” He added. SpongeBob smiled, “Thanks! I made them myself. Never know when you need cleats.” He says which makes the Irken nod, “Indeed.” He says.
The Irken and sea sponge took a moment to breathe. “Is that why you blew up the meeting room?” SpongeBob finally asks. Zim frowns and looks away, “Yes.” He replies. SpongeBob smiled, “It's ok! Happens to the best of us.” He says which makes Zim perk up. Usually, he’s met with a long line of questions or ‘you should’ve just done..’ type of statements. Zim’s antennas twitched, “You make my actions seem like a small thing.” Zim finally says. SpongeBob laughed, “Trust me, I understand how you feel.” He says. Zim stared at him for a while, his expression softened. He did trust SpongeBob.
Ever since he joined this group of nobodies, Zim realised he found himself conversing or even interacting more with SpongeBob. Zim just nodded and looked down, maybe this team wasn’t a lost cause after all. SpongeBob suddenly held his hand, “C’mon! We should head back! It’s late and headquarters can look quite scary at night.” He says as he leads Zim out of the lab, hand in hand.
Zim enters the coordinates and the portal lights up, revealing the light that will send him to his homeworld. “The architecture and engineering for this portal is poor.” He casually states which makes SpongeBob laugh. “I mean, a 15-year-old and an 18-year-old built it. What did you expect?” He said with a smile. Zim turned to SpongeBob, and smirked, “You’re an exception, SquarePants.” He says. SpongeBob smiled, “Call me SpongeBob, Zim. That's what all my friends call me.” He says.
Zim looks back to the portal, his back facing SpongeBob. “Thanks for the meal, SpongeBob!” He says before jumping through the portal. SpongeBob smiled, “Bye, Zim!”. The portal closes and the light dims down. SpongeBob turns to the mess in the meeting room. He sighed, “Let's clean this up.” He said as he walked away to storage to clean up as usual.
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the-ineffable-dance · 13 days
When the Lanterns are Lit
I had the opportunity to join the Good Omens Fairytale Bang, and we just got posted! It's the Crowley/Aziraphale pixie AU that you never knew you needed!
A huge shout-out to @dorliart for everything. Their artwork was so amazing, as soon as I saw it I knew I needed to write the story for it! They were an absolute pleasure to work with, and I hope I have a chance for another collab with Dorli in the future!
Title: When the Lanterns are Lit
Rating: G
Summary: Deep in The Wood, pixies Aziraphale and Crowley live a life of carefree delight. But when a doorway into Faerie appears, Aziraphale and Crowley have to work together to help two lost human boys admit the feelings they have for each other... and maybe recognize their own feelings along the way!
“Azii-raphale…” Aziraphale shifted, not quite awake yet, but closer, swimming up through the darkness.  His ears twitched as something soft brushed against the long points.  Once… twice… He muttered restlessly inches from wakefulness. “PSSSST!!!” His eyes flew open, finding himself nose to nose with a familiar face framed with flowing red hair.  Crowley was crossed eyed and giggling as he waggled his tongue at Aziraphale. “Ahh!” Aziraphale tumbled from the flower he had been sleeping in.  Crowley burst into laughter, clutching his sides as he slid into the space in the center of the flower Aziraphale had just tumbled out of.  His black wings fluttered with his laughter, iridescent colors rippling across them in the fresh morning light.
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gallery-art · 1 month
When the night has come
And the land is dark
And the moon is the only light we'll see
No I won't be afraid
Oh, I won't be afraid
Just as long as you stand, stand by me ...
عندما يأتي الليل
والأرض مظلمة
والقمر هو الضوء الوحيد الذي سنراه
لا لن أخاف
أوه، لن أخاف
طالما أنك تقف، قف بجانبي ...
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shinowadh · 3 months
Anger surges through me,
And my knuckles turn white,
When she turns around and says
'Oh look, it's only just 10 euros'
Only just 10 euros!!!!!
In only just 10 euros,
A starving family in Uganda,
Would be able to eat well for a week!!!
In only just 10 euros!!!
A toy could be bought,
Could teach a lonely, neglected, traumatise pup,
How to be happy again.
In only just 10 euros,
A vaccination can save,
Another life on another day.
Only just 10 euros
Can make a huge difference!
I pull out my phone,
Search up 'be a donor',
I shove the screen into her face.
And I say
'Only just 10 euros'
Please, the next time you buy something, ask yourself, won't this much money help someone?What is small for you is a big help for others.
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mollycabot · 4 months
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I love to write books & fanfics of favourite characters and I love it as well when people enjoy my content and works so if you would like and have the time I have a Wattpad where I write books and hopefully you find something you like other there ❤️
Thank you for all your lovely support and i will continue writing 🌸
My WattPad
Shows I love to write about
Law and Order Svu
Original stories
And I’m also an artist who loves to draw so I might share my drawings in the future as well 🌸
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jayjuno · 2 months
Donald Trump has stated that he will ban transwomen from women's sports.
Trump is horrible no doubt, but he's actually a broken clock about this issue. This is one of the only times he happens to say the right thing (even though his motivation isn't right at all). Liberals are just making themselves look like the anti-science, anti-biology, anti-women party when they blindly go after Trump for saying broken clock things like THIS.
Biological men should have never been allowed to compete against women in the first place. Breast implants are cosmetic and do not change the actual person beyond mere appearance. There is no surgery that can change a person's sex chromosomes.
Knowing that men/boys are overall physically stronger and faster than women/girls is common sense, but somehow people have allowed political ideology and emotions to gaslight themselves into believing that men/boys have no physical advantage over women/girls.
To the men who feel they're entitled to play in women's sports? They need to stop mocking, hurting, and bullying women into submission. Instead, they should either go back to playing against other men, or create their own sports league. If it's really all about just wanting to play sports for fun, then why not create a league of their own, and leave women to theirs? Unless the goal really is just to dominate women once again and remind women that they'll never be truly equal to men (not unless men allow it)?
Trump is a deranged psychopath, but it's a mistake to use him as an excuse to ignore an issue that has been upsetting WOMEN, both liberal and conservative, for a long time. There are liberal women who will vote for Trump if they think that's the only way to save women's sports and other women's spaces from being invaded by selfish narcissistic men. It's a mistake for liberals to ignore these women or write them off as just ignorant Trump supporters- many of them are college educated.
Women know who they are- it's men who don't seem to have a clue anymore. Men need to stop telling women what defines a woman.
-Jay Juno
(I've lived as a transman for decades, just to clarify...)
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9pm tomorrow I will be very busy…….🤍
@taylorswift @taylornation
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essential-oils234 · 6 months
Hey, y'all! I'm new on Tumblr, very pleased to make your acquaintance~
Hello, hello! As you might have guessed from the title, I'm new here on Tumblr and excited to use this platform to the fullest. (Well, fullest second to Pinterest.)
In case you wanted to know a little more about me: I'm a_writer, a person who fills their corner of the internet with art, writing, the occasional crocheting project, and the type of person who loves to read on a rainy day with vintage oldies playing in the background.
My personality type is INFJ-T, I will inhale almost every type of food, I'm introverted to a fault, and spend most of time browsing the internet for inspiration or the addictive rabbit hole of Youtube.
If you're interested in an account with a multitude of fandoms, art, writing, the occasional meme when my brain is actually funny - look no further, ladies and gents. This account can fulfill all of your creative needs!
Fandoms that I'm interested in and will no doubt be posting about include:
Genshin Impact
MXTX's novels/2ha
Miraculous Ladybug
Hooky (the novel-turned-webcomic)
Minecraft Story Mode
There's many more, but these are the main few that I'll be posting about on the regular. Unfortunately, personal life/obligations have throughly crippled me, so the odds that I'll be posting any actual content in a few weeks are slim to none. Thankfully, the summer will leave me more than free to pursue my hobbies and pretty much just enjoy myself.
Content that you can be sure to find on my account includes the following:
Fanart/OC art
Writing prompts/tips/analyses/my own writing, which is usually based around some of the fandoms I talked about earlier
Art tips
Reposts with credit
In general, stuff I find cool/want to talk (rant) about
Of course, you can always ask me anything related to these topics or heck, if you want to rant about something, well, I've been told I'm a pretty good listener. I want to make it clear from the get-go that I'm not a professional in art or writing or any such topic. I'm learning as I go along, so please don't expect me to have all the answers, because I really, really don't. However, I'm always happy to share any tips I know or have recently learned and are open to learning anything new!
On that note, (I don't want to bore anyone), I'll be taking my leave away from this illustrious platform. 😔
Good evening/night/afternoon/morning to anyone reading, and I'll catch you in the next one! :)
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Below is a picture showing starved children of somalia and food waste generated in Africa
The world's most influential environmental firm, The UNEP is running a launch
Of the 2024 Global Report on Food Crises#GRFC24 to hear from experts on food security.
This following a statement by UNEP reporting; Global hunger is increasing. Yet, 1.05 billion tonnes of food is wasted per year, while the climate crisis increasingly threatens food security in many parts of the world.
Environmental issues like this are still in addressed due to unawareness of the issues and/ or ways to tackle them.
One of the most vital and effective ways tackle environmental issues that involve waste production is RECYCLING.
Here are 4 ways to reduce food waste individually/ domestically
Recycling food by planting the parts that re-grow. These parts include seeds, skin the core and others. Planting of these parts will not only re-produce food but reduce market consumption and the plants performs as carbon sinks thereby reducing carbon and other pollutants in the atmosphere that cause climate change.
Unlike tossing food and contributing to the tonnes of food waste while others linger in hunger crisis, There are many delicious food dishes that can be created with left over food. Leftover food can be put to good use with minimal Internet research.
Food waste can be recycled into compost. The food waste produced by domestic homes can be Millions of tones of food waste that can be used as compost that can be used in gardens to for a good produce of a lot of healthy organic food.
A lot of people around the globe depend on pastoral and poultry produced food. These have been affected by climate change having contributed to the hunger crisis the globe is facing. Food waste produced domestically can be recycled to ideally organic animal feed or at least donated to animal feed producing firms. This can help increase food production, that is healthier as well as reduce food waste.
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Hello! Your Maul and Savage fanfics are awesome ,love to read it again 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Awww, thank you, friend! Hearing that makes me so happy! Your Maul gift art to me is still one of the nicest things anyone has done for me and I cherish it 😍
Here’s to our Star Wars loves, LOTS more art, and writing! 🍻♥️🖤
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andweart · 2 years
Which is the best logo/poster designing software in 2023?
There are many different software options available for designing logos and posters, and the best choice will depend on your specific needs and preferences. Some popular options for logo and poster design include:
Adobe Illustrator: This is a professional-grade vector graphics editor that is widely used by graphic designers. It has a wide range of features and tools for creating logos, posters, and other designs.
Adobe Photoshop: This is a raster graphics editor that is often used for photo editing and manipulation, but it can also be used for logo and poster design. It has a wide range of features and tools, including support for layers, masks, and text effects.
Canva: This is a web-based graphic design tool that is popular for its ease of use and wide range of templates and design elements. It is a good option for beginners or for those who need to create designs quickly.
Inkscape: This is an open-source vector graphics editor that is similar to Illustrator but is available for free. It has a wide range of features and is a good option for those on a budget.
Ultimately, the best software for logo and poster design will depend on your specific needs and design goals. It may be helpful to try out a few different options and see which one works best for you.
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shameeater · 7 months
The end of online privacy
Now, this isn't something I usually post about from my silly goofy k1nk account (reminder to minors to not follow or scroll this acount).
But I have more followers on here than main, and this is extremely important. Like, scary shit.
This applies to everyone. If you're reading this? It's going to effect you.
I'm sure perhaps some of you have seen around about a this thing going around... KOSA, is one of the ways it's being referred to.
If this shit passes, lemme tell you...
LGBTQ+ adults and minors seeking help and community,
people looking for abortions,
people organizing protests,
anyone using their free speech to voice concerns about injustices, 
Even people reading fan fiction...
And for the purposes of where I'm posting from... people sharing and enjoying their k1nks, wanting to post things with safety and privacy... smut artists and writers, people even LOOKING for smut...
It's all gone. No privacy.
They'll have your face, your name, your age, where you live.
You'll need an ID to use any US-based platform, even if you're NOT in the United States.
Instead of dooming, here's what you can do to stop this shit in it's tracks 👍
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Here is a website where you can sign a letter just by filling out a form, (it takes less than 30 seconds) and where you can call reps.
I HIGHLY suggest leaving calls if you're able, and if you have phone shyness, do this after 6pm, since it will leave messages instead.
I'm shy, but I did it!
Here's another letter to sign, takes less than 20 seconds.
Here is a form you can fill out sharing how the social media has POSITIVELY effected you.
Share all of this with as many people as you can. Our safety, freedom, joy, and protection online is at risk more than ever.
(Here is the thread where I found all of this information.)
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gallery-art · 1 month
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