#artist: minutemen
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Anxious Mo-Fo • Theatre Is The Life Of You • Viet Nam • Cohesion • It's Expected I'm Gone • #1 Hit Song • Two Beads At The End • Do You Want New Wave Or Do You Want The Truth? • Don't Look Now • Shit From An Old Notebook • Nature Without Man • One Reporter's Opinion • Political Song For Michael Jackson To Sing • Maybe Partying Will Help • Toadies • Retreat • The Big Foist • God Bows To Math • Corona* • The Glory Of Man • Take 5, D. • My Heart And The Real World • History Lesson - Part II • You Need The Glory • The Roar Of The Masses Could Be Farts • Mr. Robot's Holy Orders • West Germany • The Politics Of Time • Themselves • Please Don't Be Gentle With Me • Nothing Indeed • No Exchange • There Ain't Shit On TV Tonight • This Ain't No Picnic • Spillage • Untitled Song For Latin America • Jesus And Tequila • June 16th • Storm In My House • Martin's Story • Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love • Doctor Wu • Little Man With A Gun In His Hand • The World According To Nouns • Love Dance
*Used as the theme for Jackass.
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harrowedknight · 3 months
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Always a romantic.
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punkcakestrike · 3 months
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bloodrime · 2 months
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Scout: Rental!! Eviction!!! by Bruce Lee Band (Genre: Ska)
Soldier: Double Nickles on the Dime by Minutemen (Genre: Alt-rock, punk)
Pyro: Queer as in Fuck You! by Dog Park Dissidents (Genre: queer-punk)
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If you see this, please listen to these albums! Its under my personal headcanon that Scout would love doing the skank, Soldier wouldn't understand the lyrics to the songs, and that Pyro owns a dog mask :).
Offense | Defense | Support
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knightlyknight-art · 4 months
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Sooo, Garvey in summer anyone?
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I’m just saying, the Commonwealth is probably sweltering rn
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weaponizedmoth · 4 months
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Sally Jupiter.
ko-fi | inprnt | commissions
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kazsartcorner · 2 years
Fallout 4 Character reimaginings
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This was a little exercise in giving some life to the characters and factions of Fallout 4 as sort of alternate start options, the forged now are a cargo cult who revere the Brotherhood of Steel unaware they’re little more than cannon fodder to them, Synths from the institute don’t replace random John Doe’s but rather act as a robust information network to keep an eye out for the brotherhood, the Children of Atom are a fully fledged militartistic isolationist order based in the glowing sea who use the mutated fauna, intent on driving out heretics, the Minutemen have fallen on hard times but they’re holding down the fort with traps, artillery and marksmen. Scribes of the BoS probe the wasteland searching for technology after discovering traces of newly developed circutry in the surrounding regions. Institute Coursers hide as beggars and drifters, eliminating these brotherhood patrols through horrific chemical, biological and radiological weapons, and wanderers travel around trying to make an honest living, or find a good place to settle down.
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wilwheaton · 1 year
Hey willi am a lil drunk, I know your fav punk band was x, but if you gotta introduce anyone to punk, what band/what song
If you already know X, and want more Southern California punk from that era, check out The Minutemen, Dead Kennedys [EDIT: my bad. I always forget they're from Northern California], Circle Jerks, Social Distortion, The Vandals, Sublime, and of course Black Flag.
Newer artists I love include Suzi Moon, Bad Cop / Bad Cop, Linda Lindas, +44, Turnstile.
And then there are the late 20th / early 21st century bangers like Pennywise, Rage Against The Machine, Rise Against, and Propaghandi.
I could go on forever. My point is, there's a style of punk (a subgenre, if you will) for just about everyone who is interested.
And I hope you're not nursing a hangover today!
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The Minutemen - The Channel, Boston, Massachusetts, July 22, 1984
The Minutemen's Double Nickels on the Dime hit the 40 year mark recently. By everything that is holy, there should be a commemorative box set that celebrates and expands upon this classic double LP. But no! As ever, curse you, Greg Ginn! In the meanwhile, the Quietus just published a great appreciation by Stewart Smith:
A glorious affirmation of working-class creativity, The Minutemen’s Double Nickels on the Dime is a left-modernist epic that draws inspiration from James Joyce’s Ulysses, post punk, free jazz, country and folk. Tearing through 47 tracks in just under 80 minutes, the trio of guitarist D. Boon, bassist Mike Watt and drummer George Hurley present a vision of punk that is stylistically plural, politically committed, humane, earthy and absurd, all underpinned by an econo philosophy that remains an inspiration to DIY artists forty years later. Like Ulysses, Double Nickels is a cosmopolitan work of art that draws great strength from the community its authors came from. But while Joyce had to leave Dublin in order to write his masterpiece, The Minutemen made a point of staying in San Pedro, a working-class port at the southern edge of Los Angeles. 
For a soundtrack, dig a killer tape of The Minutemen econo-jamming their way through a powerful set in Boston just a few weeks after Double Nickels hit the racks. This ain't no picnic!
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slocumjoe · 1 year
A ramble about Preston Garvey and a self-indulgent revision of the entire Minuteman questline
TDLR: The Minutemen faction sacrifices writing and Preston’s character as a means of shoveling errands and busywork at the player.
Preston’s issues as a character are entirely Doylist, meaning the fault of outside forces. His writing, his concept, his themes, those are solid. This is not a racehorse that broke its leg and was still sent down the track, like some characters. This is a horse that was hale and hearty, but they made it run in circles around cars in the parking lot instead of putting it in the race. 
This essay is not going to be my most coherent one. Preston’s issues are so apparent, so in your face, it kinda feels like a waste of time explaining it. Just look at him and anyone with two braincells to rub together can see. But a lot of things in Fallout 4 sticks with me, even when I’m not in a Fallout 4 mood. Preston is one of those things. So neglected, so misused in the game, I couldn’t stop thinking about the bastard. 
Before we get into what Preston is, in-game...what was he meant to be?
And you know what? 
He’s close to Danse, post Blind Betrayal.
Preston Garvey started his military career as a fresh-faced, bright-eyed young man, who wanted to be another gun protecting the Commonwealth against whatever would harm it. He always had his faction’s best interests and ideals in mind. The first to wave the flag, the first to say the motto, the first to pick up a gun for it. He didn’t want heroism, or glory. He wanted to make the world a better place. It sounds cookie cutter, cliche, so sugary-saccharine. But this is the wasteland. This is in a world where everyone else seems content to succumb to futilism, to pretend there is no Better for the world. 
Preston Garvey is, inherently, part of a rebel army. The Minutemen were a militia, a guerilla army of farmers and their children, banding together against the oppressive totality of raiders, mercenaries, anyone who would rather gnaw on bones than build to ensure everyone was taken care of. The Minutemen are the fuck you, we want to recover and heal faction, to the raiders’ fuck you, I have a right to wallow in the ruins.
The legend herself, the icon, the Queen, Ursula K. LeGuin once said;  “The trouble is that we have a bad habit, encouraged by pedants and sophisticates, of considering happiness as something rather stupid. Only pain is intellectual, only evil interesting. This is the treason of the artist; a refusal to admit the banality of evil and the terrible boredom of pain.” The MInutemen might look like your average, boring heroes (we’ll get into why), but it is inherently badass to look at the literal End of the World and decide, no, actually, we don’t want to lie down and die.
Preston Garvey is not a boy scout, the Minutemen are not mall cops. They are furious, determined, and most dangerously, optimistic. 
A young Preston Garvey joined under a blue banner, served under it for years...and watched as people who saw money, power, glory, took that banner and tied it into a noose.
Joe Becker died, and having not chosen someone to take over as General, all of the colonels squabbled for the position, wanting the fame, the cushy office. These people weren’t Minutemen, not at heart. The faction had grown so large, there was bound to be people looking only at the resources, what was in it for them. Preston, still a young man, but quickly losing his naivety and faith in his fellow Minutemen, watched as these colonels dropped their altruistic acts and demanded they get theirs.
And then Quincy happened.
The Minutemen were in disarray, following the Mirelurk invasion of the Castle, lacking a home base and their radio communications. But Colonel Ezra Hollis, potentially the last Colonel who gave a shit, heard that Quincy was under siege by Gunner forces, and he led his small, out-gunned squad to do whatever the fuck they could, until another Colonel came to provide the needed fire support. Hollis’ Minutemen succeeded in driving the Gunners back, and holding them off, but their help from Colonel Marbury never came. Preston watched as his Colonel refused to give up and let Quincy fall...and he watched as Clint, a ten-year veteran, betrayed everyone, chose money and a winning team over what was right. 
Quincy fell. Preston Garvey watched as the refugees fell in a line, running for safety. Watched his comrades, who he had been fighting against impossible odds with for days, dropped with them. 
Preston Garvey died, and I can tell you where. At one house, to the right, down the street from the museum, where the last other Minuteman lay dead in a yard. Where he became the Last Minuteman. Even if there were others who would call themselves such...they weren’t Minuteman, not really. The real Minutemen tried to save Quincy. Everyone else, who gave up, never believed at all.
Preston was still fucking furious at the hedonistic cruelty people indulged in and called inevitable. But he was alone, a failure, and had lost any reason to believe that there was a possibility of continuing. A point, a reason, yes. But the optimism...without that, there was no Minuteman army. 
Preston is Danse Post BB, because he’s freshly disillusioned from his faction, horrified at the truth and betrayal. He has lost his identity, his values, unsure of where to go, if there’s anywhere to go. And then...salvation walks down the street of Concord, and walks him and his group back up the road to Sanctuary. Sanctuary.
And then comes in the fucking dialogue system (FDS) and the fucking radiant system (FRS), armed with folding chairs, to beat Preston Garvey’s rich character into a bloody, twitching pulp. We cannot talk about Preston without talking about how his faction questline plays. We simply have to, because it’s like a shotgun wedding from hell.
Let’s start with the very first quest in the Minutemen. Preston, while running for his fucking life from gunners, then ferals, then raiders, has somehow heard through the grapevine/radio he doesn’t have that Tenpines has a Corvega raiders issue. He asks you to do it because he’s busy guarding Sanctuary. Okay.
You go to Tenpines, Corvega, and back, and whoop, you are now Minuteman general. 
You START THE MINUTEMEN as THE LEADER. Even fucking MAXSON waits for you to at least bump Danse off before making you a Paladin, but nope! Starting at the top, ending at the top. This kills progression in all senses. There is no sense of gaining ground, the Minutemen start with a General. Skyrim gets mocked for making you the leader of all factions, but good god, at least you had to earn it by sticking with them. 
So, bad start. 
Then you do some settlement stuff...which is handed to you in the worst fucking way. The FRS. 
Where is Preston getting this information? How are people sending it out? Ignoring the logistics...it’s just boring. You talk to Preston sometimes, and he always says Go Here, Do This, Come back. Do this enough times, Preston wants to retake the Castle. At this point, you don’t have any men, it’s just you and Preston- wait, who the fuck are these people?! We’ve had soldiers this whole time?! Who hired them?! You take the Castle and it’s admittedly cool, if not a pain to restore for all your- okay, wait, I can only bring settlers? Where are all the men I supposedly have, there’s three soldiers here! Three soldiers, this is just a Clearing the Way radiant quest, but the moving in folks helped me kill the mirelurks! 
Ugh, fine. You keep traveling, Preston gives you more- Preston?! I killed a Mirelurk Queen specifically for the radio tower, so I could get quests from the radio! Why is Preston still dispensing quests? It discourages you from talking to him, because you’ll get busywork cluttering your quest log. You can’t talk to Preston Garvey. You can’t fucking talk to him without doing him a favor first. 
Y’know what makes this even more abominable? You are said to have soldiers, who could be doing this instead! Why am I going after kidnapped settlers when we have soldiers?! The General still has a kid to find and the Institute to explode! SPEAKING OF...
The Commonwealth Provisional Government was started by the Minutemen, and ended by the Institute. This is never brought up again. And it’s not even Preston who talks about it, it’s Nick. The Minutemen have very real reason to want the Institute gone, and a good excuse to get the player to want to destroy the Institute beyond “grrr synths/they took my baby.”
Anyway, you go get artillery from Ronnie Shaw at some point, build it in your settlements, and...make your farmers man them. Not soldiers. I know you can deck out your settlers with armor and weapons, but the fact that you have maybe 5 constant, non-random encounter soldiers, all at the Castle, is...it makes it feel hollow. Where is my army, Preston? Who am I leading?
So, you do the Main Quest, blow up the Institute. Blah blah. Blow up the Brotherhood, too. Blaaaaah.
Either way, let’s get into fixes. And by fixes, I mean, complete rehaul.
First thing’s first. The entire questline is bad. It’s radiant quests and then boom boom Institute. It starts and ends the exact same way, you being the general. Second thing, we need to go back to the old dialogue system; no more YES, NO, WHAT, SARCASTIC. Actual dialogue. Back to Fallout New Vegas’s system, that relied on all stats and perks. Actual conversations with branching paths.
Saving Preston at Concord is fine. Works. It’s the first radiant quest that sucks ass. Throw that system out entirely, and I do mean entirely. Don’t save it for anything, it needs to go. It cannot remain. No being sent to Tenpines because Preston heard from a little birdie.
Instead, you work with Preston and the survivors to fortify and set up Sanctuary.
First, you work with Preston to shore up Sanctuary’s defenses. As you work with him, he’s polite, but curt. Professional, but not warm, open. He expresses gratitude, but definitely not trust. He doesn’t know you, he doesn’t know what your motives or wants are. You can tell him about Shaun, but he’s still not sure about you. He can’t afford to be and will tell you that outright, but...he needs someone to go see if anyone survived Lexington or Concord. He knows his other Minutemen split up with other survivors, he doesn’t know if they made it out. You can offer to go find them, or stay and protect Sanctuary. If you go, the other survivors will set up Sanctuary on their own without your help.
If you stay and Preston leaves, you plant crops with Marcy, getting to know her and potentially, she cracks and shows some vulnerability. She doesn’t soften right away, she’s still traumatized, but you get to see why she’s the way she is now. She just lost her baby, her home, all of her friends and family. Was just failed by the people who swore they’d protect them all. Betrayed by them. 
Then, you work with Sturges to get a water pump/purifier running. Sturges will tell you about Quincy in some detail, explain how it went to shit. He talks about how the Minutemen were needed more than ever, but crapped the bed at the last minute. Sturges says he thinks there’s a place in the world for the group, but with the last living soldier clearly reeling from everything that’s happened, he thinks it’s safe to say the Commonwealth is on it’s own. 
Next, it’s the bed situation with Jun. He barely says a word, only quietly thanking you for your help. If you choose the right dialogue options, he’ll say you remind him of Colonel Hollis, very brave and kind, even when it was a bad idea to help. Hollis didn’t survive, but you did. Maybe it’s not all bad, maybe Hollis wasn’t wrong, just of bad luck.
After, no matter who goes to find the bodies of the other Minutemen and Quincy locals, some Corvega raiders attack Sanctuary when they come back. It’s only a small scouting party, looking for Mama Murphy. You kill them, and Preston is freaking out and about to pack up and keep everyone moving farther. It’s up to you to calm him down and offer to go kill them. If you’ve picked certain dialogue choices before and Sanctuary has a high defense score, Preston will join you on the trip to Corvega. It’s on this journey + throughout it you can tell him about the fate of his comrades, or he tells you. If he doesn’t accompany you, you two talk about it when you get back to Sanctuary after killing Jared. 
Either way, It’s here that Mama Murphy tells you about Diamond City, not in the museum.
You do the main quest now, and when you get to Diamond City, you overhear people talking about the Quincy massacre, and what a shame that the Minutemen are gone. Someone talks about how McDonough forced all the ghouls out, and they moved up to the Slog, but now the Slog is having mutant troubles. From there, you can go decide for yourself if you want to do the Minuteman questline. The first few quests were just to organically show you the settlement system, dialogue system (the old, good one), and dungeon crawling, the explore-loot-return loop. It’s here that the Minutemen branch off from the main quest.
If you choose to save the Slog, you have the option of saying you’re there on Minuteman business, even if you’re not a Minuteman. Choosing this is what gets you in the faction proper. 
You can keep finding settlements and offering help. Doing this, Preston eventually catches word through Diamond City Radio and demands to know what the fuck you’re doing. You have a lot of options to choose from, but only the altruistic, optimistic ones will earn Preston’s trust. Anything else, he might just try to kill you, if you, like, say you’re doing it for money. But if you’re doing this for good reasons, he’s on board. Surprised, unsure this will end well, but...hey, if you want to try, he won’t stop you. If Sanctuary has enough settlers, defense, and you’ve turned enough settlers into guards (which have a different character tag, when assigned to defense posts), Preston will offer to accompany you, and that’s how you get him as a companion.
So, you and Preston wander around, doing quests, and helping out settlements. Help enough settlements, they’ll realize hey, we’re all on good terms with this Minuteman, and this person who’s basically a Minuteman...let’s just get the Minutemen back, yeah? People band together, settlements you’ve provided for will get settlers on their own. Eventually, people at settlements approach you and offer to help, what needs doing? If you have a settlement quest/errand, you can assign them to it, and they’ll complete it for you. This snow-balls until you’re taking over the Castle, for all these guns-for-hope to gather around and manage trade routes and work. You get the radio tower. You get an army. You get artillery, automatically built at every settlement in a designated spawnpoint.
It’s here that, by popular vote, you’re offered the position as General...but you can turn it down. You can hand it to Ronnie, or Preston. Both of of them agree, no, the people and the new Minutemen want you, but they’ll take it if you pass enough dialogue checks. Ronnie will run the Minutemen like a hardass, fierce and cynical to deter a second collapse, but Preston runs it like a community. He believes that cynicism was what killed the first Minutemen, and that constant reminder of who and what they do this for will keep motives pure. No matter the general, the Minutemen are now a solid force in the Commonwealth, stronger than ever, making everyone piss their pants. And it got this way because you wanted to help. 
It’s at this point that Preston’s conversation about his depression unlocks, and his romance. 
But the fun begins when the Gunners take a modicum of offense to all this.
Sanctuary is put to the sword, the Castle is attacked, and best of all, the old Colonels show their face, either on the side of the Gunners as bosses, or trying to weasel their way into the Minutemen again. Preston loves killing all of them, hates sparing or talking them down. These fuckers left him, Quincy, the Commonwealth to die, they are traitors, they are pure scum. 
The Minutemen, they fight back. You take squads into Gunner camps and clear house, take it over. People stop working with or hiring the Gunners because they don’t want to piss off the General, whoever that is. The Gunners aren’t on the ropes yet, but they’re staring down Minutemen barrels and it’s only a matter of time before this explodes into someone getting wiped off the face of the earth. 
Somewhere in-between looking for the Institute, you get kidnapped by Gunners and taken to Quincy. They’re using you as either a hostage, intending to kill you to prove a point, or torturing you for fun, taking the piss out of the idea that the puny militia could ever stand up to- hey, why am I hearing gunfire?
Preston and the Minutemen storm Quincy, putting it under a siege not even the Gunners could ever have hoped to accomplish. If the Minutemen were dog food, the Gunners are kitty treats. It’s a swift, brutal execution of every green-wearing bastard. They don’t even have time to prepare before Preston himself kicks the door down and frees you, then runs back out to continue bashing people’s heads in with his rifle. You meet up with Ronnie, and she points you down Preston’s warpath, gently asking if you can go stop before he gets himself killed trying to throttle Clint. As you chase him down, you see Clint up on the highway, looking down, before he walks away, presumably to meet Preston. 
You can go find Preston, kill Clint before he gets to him, or go kill Baker first. If Preston gets to Clint, you’ll hear him screaming bloody murder before they start the fight. They’ll fight until you go finish Clint off. Once Clint drops, Preston has something of a nervous breakdown. Ronnie and other Minutemen show up, she takes over and tells you to finish clearing Quincy with the other soldiers while she gets Preston out of the fight. You can listen to her, or insist you stay with Preston. If you stay, you clear the way for Ronnie’s group to get back behind Minutemen lines just outside of Quincy. Baker can be killed by NPC Minutemen, so you don’t have to worry about it too much.
The Minutemen have Quincy again, Preston is recovering from his panic attack, and Ronnie is foaming at the mouth at the idea of going at Gunner HQ. You can agree or disagree. If you’ve been killing the Colonels, Preston will think that the Gunners are in such bad shape, it’s only a matter of time before they kill themselves with infighting, just as the Minutemen did. If you’ve spared the Colonels, he’ll want to finish off the Gunners, as they’re still too organized and armed to leave alive. If Ronnie is General, the Minutemen attack Gunner HQ anyway, no matter what, but if not, the player can influence Preston or make the decision themselves.
Laying siege to Gunner HQ cements the Minutemen’s place as the strongest army in the Commonwealth. With this ending for the Minutemen, non-important/notable raider hideouts will be cleared automatically, either because soldiers killed them, or the Minutemen were so oppressive, they couldn't find anyone to raid. Other factions will speak more carefully to you, be gentler when describing their intentions. Maxson and other BOS soldiers, if you join them, will mention that being so close to the Castle was unintentional, and they’re nervous about the Minutemen turning their artillery on the Airport. You’ll have a harder time getting the Brotherhood to go to war with Minutemen in this ending. Everyone in game will acknowledge what the Minutemen become, through your efforts.
If you let the Gunners dissolve, you’ll see Gunners having left for raider groups, groups of them killing each other, Gunners trying to get in with the Minutemen. Those Gunners, if you’re general, you can take them on, kill them, or turn them away. General Ronnie will kill them, General Preston’s choice depends on if you have been more merciful, or grudge-holding. People will comment on the Gunners wasting away into little more than scavengers, and with enough time, if you go to Gunner HQ, you find it empty and abandoned. People are less scared of the Minutemen this ending, as they didn’t obliterate the most dangerous local  army in a show of total force and revenge. The Brotherhood is more likely to go to war with you, less intimidated, but the Railroad will offer their spy network if you agree to help them rehabilitate and save synths, provided you’ve spoken positively of synths.
Either ending, the Institute will try to destroy the Minutemen, as they destroyed the Commonwealth Provisional Government in the past. But now, the Minutemen have the firepower and intel to destroy the Institute, or take it over, if you so choose. Even if you don’t follow Shaun, if you choose to or convince General Ronnie/Preston to spare the Institute and use it for the Commonwealth’s benefit, you are left with it under your control, enforced by the Minutemen. 
So. What does this revision do?
I dislike when people portray him as an innocent, gentle little sunshine boy, and not as an army vet who survived where none of his fellow soldiers could. This man has an edge to him. He isn’t a small sad puppy, he has something of a mean streak in canon. In this revision, Preston has opportunities to demonstrate layers of his character, showing how his trauma and guilt has effected him. You get to see it for yourself, rather than hear about it. You can see him break down in Quincy, you can see him resist the idea that strangers can have good intentions, you can see him rebuild his hope for the Minutemen and himself. And you can also see him lose patience for people who have wronged him, want to cut down anyone who would threaten his people, be kind of irrational and lashing out.
I also dislike that the Minutemen have no visible effect on the wasteland, nothing you can actually see. No one else sees it, either. Here, people will acknowledge the Minutemen’s power. And, c’mon, in game, you are the only one doing anything. In this rehaul, you get things started, but people will be active participants in restoring the Minutemen, will build settlements for you. You can go decorate and fiddle around, but you won’t have to worry about water, food, beds, and defense, they’ll get it sorted themselves. The busywork is also passed off to soldiers, who you could potentially catch in the action as they clear out mutants or save kidnapped settlers.
And the finale of facing off against the Gunners, and either destroying them, or brushing them off as a decaying tantrum with guns, gives the Minutemen something to do for themselves, beyond the Institute. You’d have to lock off Quincy and Gunner HQ, so the player can’t clear them without going through the questline, but that’s fine, other quests do that. But the Gunners are never brought up, not really. It also lets Preston confront his greatest trauma and come up victorious, even if it hurt, and when deciding on the fate of Gunner HQ, lets him evolve as a person and take influence from the player, depending on their relationship. 
I think, as the de facto companion for his faction, Preston’s arc needs to be directly tied to it. The other companions don’t really have this either, but Preston got the short straw in that he was his faction. Everything came from him and was turned in to him. He became a dispenser for quests instead of one person in this group, with his own ideas about how to run it, his own fears and guilt about how it failed the first time. He doesn’t reflect the Minutemen, their ideals. Who they are as a collective.
Deacon, Danse, and X6 have their own massive writing issues, but it’s clear that they are representations of their factions. Deacon is an all-over-the-place trickster type trying to keep shit together, the Railroad is a clown car trying to smuggle slaves to safety. X6 is a cold, ruthless, logical Terminator, the Institute are cold, sterile, ends-justify-the-means scientists. Danse is a stern, no-nonsense soldier with a good heart under the Power Armor, the Brotherhood is a tight-knit brotherhood, an army with good intentions that often forgets who those good intentions are meant to serve. 
Preston...he’s a good guy, a traumatized one. The Minutemen...you have 5 nameless “Minuteman Soldier” NPCs, and Ronnie. So...the Minutemen is Preston, Preston is the Minutemen. He isn’t allowed to be Preston, who is a Minuteman. He’s Preston the Minuteman. 
That’s a damn shame.
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typosandtea · 5 months
Hello! Thank goodness Fallout 4 retconned the no cats thing so we can still boop each other in the wasteland. 🐾
Anyway I think it's so sweet that you're doing drawings for people 🥺may I please request a drawing of my Sole Survivor, Daisy? She usually wears the Minutemen Outfit and Militia Hat. Also she’s a farmer so if you wanted to add a rad chicken or something that would be so cute!!
Tysm and I hope you have a wonderful day 🥰
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Hey there! Thanks for such a lovely ask, I hope you’re having a great day too!
Truly cats in fallout is one of the good retcons! Boop 🐱
Your sole’s name is Daisy? That’s also my soles name!!!!!! Though they look nothing alike haha! Your sole is very cool!
I also think chickens are so cute and adorable, such no thoughts head empty animals!
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[ID: a digital drawing. A blonde woman in minuteman attire, minuteman cowboy hat, a Pipboy and leather shoulder armour from fallout 4 is pictured leaning over a wooden fence facing forward. She has light freckles and blue eyes and chin length blonde hair, she is looking at a brown rad-chicken that is standing on a fence post to the right and smiling. The chicken has bare patches of skin from radiation, but is happy and stupid like most chickens. The background of the image is very sketchy undefined grass, trees, sky and clouds. The artists signature is in the bottom right above a fence post “typos & tea ‘24” in navy blue. End ID]
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bldrdsh · 4 months
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@waste-land-artist said:
“   why is it that you always have to glare at me like that ??   ”
She takes a second, crossing her arms before letting out a quiet puff. Focus moving from the woman to the art piece.
"You don't travel here much."
Dorothy admittedly suspects that she likely travels around a lot for inspiration. She wasn't especially well versed in art, but she suspected sitting in one place wasn't likely to be super helpful for finding a muse.
WITH HOW SAFE Sanctuary had become since the reformation of the Minutemen's ranks & boot camps, Dorothy found that most days she and her siblings were here unless their parents went back to the Castle. Rose had always said it was for the best, but Dorothy found herself occasionally wondering what the outside world might look like.
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"...So I am surprised is all. I take it you've got business here or...are maybe looking for more inspiration in town?"
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harrowedknight · 3 months
OC info and lore m’lord? Brave knight… please they’re both so handsome… I’d take Hancock in a knife fight for just one date fr…. Bleeding on the concrete outside kle0s shop rn….
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Omg,,, thank u for the ask, I’ll take this as an opportunity to introduce all of my fellas since i have multiple saves/ocs for fallout 4. Right now they’re all in separate aus but I wanna connect them, I just haven’t decided who I want to be the sosu yet, if i even want one at all.
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Starting with Ranger, my newest character. He’s the charismatic leader of the Minutemen. He likes making light of every situation, but he knows when to take things seriously. He just puts on a laidback attitude so he appears less intimidating. He’s trying very hard to make the commonwealth safer, but he has some doubts and insecurities about his position, which he bottles up and keeps to himself. He wants to be the person that everyone can rely on and look up to, even if that means putting his own problems aside to appear put-together and strong. He’s the one I draw Edward Deegan with, and I wanna do more with the two of them since I love me some eldritch horror vibes. I imagine Ranger and Edward go on relic hunts for Jack Cabot after their questline, getting into hijinks and fun spooky, horrifyingly traumatic adventures. Maybe kissing along the way. Who knows.
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Knight on the other hand, is an anxious, paranoid little glorbo; and I say this while he stands at like 6’4”, he’s BIG, the tallest of all of my guys. He’s got severe PTSD and he really doesn’t like living in the apocalypse. He had a wife! They were in a queer platonic relationship; they got married for the benefits but they’re both gay. He’s devastated after losing her, since she was his best friend. He has a very hard time adjusting to the new commonwealth, he barely scrapes by, has to force himself to function because everything reminds him of war and suffering. He eventually stumbles into Goodneighbor, gets hooked on chems to distract himself from bad memories, meets Hancock one bad night and ends up getting drunk/rambling to the poor ghoul. They end up hitting it off despite the ridiculous introduction. Hancock manages to ground Knight, gives him a purpose again; helping good people, and hurting bad people. Knight travels the commonwealth doing odd jobs, trying to do what he can, even joins up with the Railroad to help out the Synths. Just trying to make up for all the time he’d lost, doing what he thinks would’ve made his best friend proud.
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Now for Paladin. Yes, he is named Paladin, and yes, he WAS Paladin Paladin before being promoted to Sentinel. It’s probably obvious by now that I have a Dnd/medieval theme for my character’s names. Anyway, Paladin here is— of course— a part of the Brotherhood of Steel. I made him to be a big dickhead because I don’t play mean characters in video games enough. Unlike my other sosus he’s actually thriving in the apocalypse. Before being frozen he was very dissatisfied/disconnected with the ordinary life he was trying to live, he felt like a husk of himself and he couldn’t understand why. After waking up and being met with a destroyed world, his soldier mentality immediately kicked in again. He adapted fast, and when he learns about the Brotherhood and its US military-esc operations he quickly latches onto it. It’s familiar to him, and he excels at his duties. He rises through the ranks quickly, earning his place as Sentinel and developing a massive ego along the way. The Brotherhood makes him feel powerful, and that sort of becomes an addiction of sorts. He just wants more and more power, he wants to be respected; and if not respected, feared.
And as a bonus unrelated to fallout 4,
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This is Monty, aka Montague. He’s a prewar ghoul living in the Canadian territories, or Little America as it’s referred to in the Fallout universe. He was a proud mountie back before Canada was annexed, kept his uniform in a locked safe for years. When the bombs fell and he was ghoulified, he pulled it out and dedicated himself to helping those who get lost in the nuclear winter. I’m still learning things about Fallout lore so idk how Canada is depicted after the bombs in canon, but the idea I had is that Monty lives in a massive, snowy wasteland which he’s learned to navigate with a lot of hard work and dedication. He earns caps by guiding people through the tundra, since few know how to avoid all the dangers it poses.
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bubblesandgutz · 6 months
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Every Record I Own - Day 813: Nomeansno Mama
I'm only home from tour for a few days before heading back out on the road, but I figured I'd try to squeeze one of these out before life gets hectic again. I just finished reading Nomeansno: From Obscurity to Oblivion, so I've been on a bit of a Nomeansno bender these last few days. So it feels like a good time to dive into discussing one of my favorite bands of all time.
Nomeansno originated in Victoria, British Columbia in 1979 as a two piece comprised of brothers Rob Wright (bass, vocals) and John Wright (drums, keyboards). After recording a couple of 7"s and gigging around Victoria and Vancouver, the brothers gathered up their resources and self-released 500 copies of their debut album Mama.
It's difficult to imagine what audiences thought of Nomeansno in those initial three years. The brothers had played music from an early age, giving them a musical adroitness more on par with prog bands than punks. But it was the tail end of the '70s and they'd been exposed to The Ramones, Devo, The Residents, and, perhaps most importantly, Vancouver's hardcore legends DOA. The power and DIY spirit of those artists spoke more to the brothers than the excess and panache of arena rock. But there's little on Mama that's reminiscent of punk and/or hardcore, even if the band would later come to be affiliated with those scenes. Maybe there's a little of Gang of Four's dance-punk leanings or Minutemen's jerking and skronking rhythm section and there's certainly some of Devo's spirit in their angularities and art-rock leanings. But if you're looking for distortion, three-chord anthems, and unmitigated rage, Mama is not for you.
According to the liner notes, the pressing plant who manufactured Mama went out of business and lost track of the masters, meaning that it wasn't possible to reprint more copies after those 500 initial copies sold out. Perhaps it was for the best---by the time the band returned with their next record, 1985's You Kill Me EP, they were a markedly different beast. The master tapes for Mama would be rediscovered nearly 30 years later, yielding this repress. Far from being some sort of classic in the band's canon, Mama became more of an interesting insight into how this pair of brothers from a small and sleepy town in Western Canada managed to morph into a pummeling, heady, sardonic, bass-driven force of nature that were one of the primary movers and shakers in the pre-Nevermind groundswell of the international underground.
This is where Nomeansno began, but it might not be the best entry point for the uninitiated.
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 6 months
For the music questions: 3, 12, 13, 28
genuinely I think every time I do an ask like this I end up picking a Grouplove song for a summer bop but like... they are what they are...
this one is so difficult because I was like barely cognizant of music as a thing that existed before my teen years so I don't have a lot of songs that I really strongly affiliate with my childhood except for the ones that were on disney channel. but oh my god that reminds me. do y'all remember this song from Minutemen. god I was obsessed.
I played this way way way way way too many times on just dance because it was about my angsty teen werewolf oc and his boyfriend. I don't want to discuss it further.
this is so funny because presumably I am at least fond of most of the voices of these songs I am recommending, difficult to imagine enjoying a song but thinking the singer songs like hot dogshit, but goddddd I am so in love with how pretty Willow's voice sounds on this new single...
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knightlyknight-art · 10 months
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Two sole survivors (yes I am aware of the irony) and they are just talking
what do they think about
This is Moore (right), @yupknight over on Instagram’s oc!!
A nice guy and a lady with amnesia from the same moment in time is the craziest crossover possible
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