Roleplay session with @floofgryph
Nawovuherszi was wandering through a dense forest that would lead to a welcoming town. Its pleasant atmosphere grabbed her curiosity by the throat. She decided to check it out with utmost optimism. A cheerful and comforting smile is plastered across her face. She had a pretty rough evening yesterday, so she's trying to maintain her happy-go-lucky attitude.
*The town seemed like a small quiet area before the tall skyscrapers told Nawovuherszi that this was a city before a flying pink cat zipped above.
Artagia was making her evening flight before seeing something and dipping down*
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craftyjellyfishcat · 8 months
Bake Sale (Open rp)
It's a fine morning in the city, people are waking up, the mail carrier is making his morning delivery. The smell of fresh desserts baked and two Chaos cats setting up a table....wait a minute!
*Artagia was looking at the table with a nod* "Looks great Sinota! I believe we'll have the best bake sale ever!"
*Sinota chuckled as he pulled out another tray of fresh baked goods* "Y-Yeah, I suppose we will."
On the table were all sorts of yummy desserts, from cakes to cookies to muffins.
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Artagia wrote $5 to $10 for the price and grabbed a silver bell to attract customers.
Perhaps your muse would like a tasty treat?
Tagging: @noirwideaux24 @the-plushie-friendships @ask-bendy-and-the-fandom-group @hoshi-neko-hikari @ask-paradox-and-friends @ anyone who wants to join
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elementalgod-aj · 1 month
Hey Anomy and Pads, when Artagia and Tatgio came down, what were you two doing before the kittens landed?
Anomy: " Well At the Time I was Out On patrol in Scarcity. Not Gonna Lie, Shooting stars are common in our part of the world, yet my gut told me that those falling stars were something special"
Pads: " I was At The Chuckle Hut busting out a few Jokes. I Come back home to find Anomy holding a little ball a fire Known as Artagia /JK"
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thebigfeature · 2 years
ARTAGIA: A Fun and Romantic Game for Couples
ARTAGIA: A Fun and Romantic Game for Couples The ARTAGIA game is the perfect way to deepen your relationship with your partner. This game is a fun and romantic way to spend quality time together and create lasting memories. With three levels of closeness to choose from, Talk, Flirt, and Dare, you can customize your experience to match your comfort level. Whether you’re planning a date night or…
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silverscale12 · 3 years
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@manzokushizumen/ rogelis - Flan.Bo yogelis - Draku DrMatthew178 - Dr. Creation @bichcarito - Pit @magma-paint - Lucius Tordici @red-is-red / @nikki-kchhun - Ink Craftmen @craftyjellyfishcat - Artagia @miss-twila - Whitney Sinnett @sherlocktheravencat - Louie Torres @ahjones94 - Flint Martinez @annamatics - Diz and Ophelia
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pawnshopsouls · 4 years
*a mailman knocked on a knocked* Package for a Mr Bonely from an Artagia, and she told m to give this letter to you as well
Stan blinked at the mailman and gave him a grin.
“That’d be me,” he answered taking the package.
“Could ya sign here, please sir?” the postman asked offering a clipboard.
The pawnbroker nodded and signed “Stan B. Bonely” on the paper. “There ya go. Thanks fer droppin’ this off.” He waved back as the postman tipped his hat and continued on his rounds, before returning indoors.
“A’right, Arty, what’ve ye got fer me this time?” Stan murmured and opened the little cat’s letter.
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flowerrose14 · 6 years
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This is for you, @craftyjellyfishcat ! :3
I want to thank you for inspiring me! It’s so nice to see your art and I’ll tell ya this, you’re amazing at rps X3 It’s also nice to talk to you and hear your amazing ideas! Thanks you! :3
Artagia, Dreams and Democra belong to @craftyjellyfishcat
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magma-paint · 6 years
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“nobody messes with my family or they answer to ME!”
Here’s Artagia about to use her power called Void claw on a unsuspecting creep. Now what Void Claw is, it’s a very powerful attack which allows the user to travel through the multi-verses and the signal for a void claw is that the eyes will change to a very deep purple with pink irises. If someone gets hit with a void claw, then they become trapped in that dimension unless they themselves have dimensional powers. :P (Note: all chaos cats can use void claw.)
(just curious, how would Boss English react to this)
Boss English: Amusing, but what good will this do in say, a multiverse convergence scenario? Can’t trap a target in another dimension when all of them have collapsed into one, now can you?
(When it comes to multidimensional powers, he regards himself as top dog; and plus he can freaking eliminate people from existence if he deals with them personally. Nothing particularly interesting in his eyes, but a still interesting power concept. Also, just for future ref, let’s try not to use the submission box for this purpose, okay?)
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alialiel-masry · 4 years
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Just saw this on Amazon: Talk, Flirt, Dare! Fun and Romantic Game for Couples: Conversation Starters, Flirty Games and Cool Dares. Deepen Relationship with Your Partner. Perfect Valentine’s Gift! by ARTAGIA for $25.55 https://amzn.to/3rQdgZB via @amazon
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perriiesx · 4 years
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Dear Chace
Well would you look at that sugar, OUR FIRST VALENTINE’S DAY TOGETHER!!!! Next year, we’ll be doing it as parents, how crazy is that? I still can’t believe that i get to call you mine after crushing’ on you while watching Gossip Girl when it first aired. Not many people can say they are dating their celebrity crush, but I’m lucky enough to be one of those lucky stars.  Happy Valentine’s day my darling. I can’t wait for our future together and welcome our little bean into the world in just a few short months. 
Love, Pez
Smart Skipping Rope by Tangram Factory (X)
The Human Being Journal by Mahara Mindfulness (X)
Trurant Tie by Tiger of Sweden (X)
Lovebox Spinning Heart Messenger by Marie Poulle & Jean Gregoire (X)
Talk, Flirt, Dare! game by Artagia Games (X)
Whiskey Gift Set by Evofly (X)
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Welcome to Dreamland (revamp, part 1)
Tony: *was out in the forest with Gigi* it was nice of you to walk with me Artagia....
Artagia: my pleasure Tony, after all.....you’re my friend!
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craftyjellyfishcat · 5 months
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Meet the sweetest guy in Artagia's friend group, Minte Northpine! He loves baking, his friends, and sweet things. And while he celebrates other holidays, Christmas has always been his favorite day.
(A huge thank you to @angiewolf09 for the boy)
(Anyone want to interact with him?)
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elementalgod-aj · 4 years
Hey Pryo, when Gigi got her powers for the first time what was your reaction?
PyroNewt: first off I wasn't around , when the Kid got her powers, all I know is O'Kong wanted to find her a teacher and he promised me a get out of Jail free card if I helped train her....but then ...she started to grow on me I guess
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Artagia: *snaps a picture* Luck! Luck! I got the proof for you to share with the world!~ *runs off before the devil could catch her*
Luck: “Haha, it’s true - my boss is really just one big cat. He may not like Christmas much, but boy, he sure does love them trees.”
She looks over to the Devil, curled up inside a fallen Christmas tree, purring. “There’s a reason we make sure any trees we put up are adorned with cheap decorations. What’s the point of hanging up anything valuable or special when the Devil’s just gonna break ‘em?” Luck walks over to the purring beast and gives him a pet on the head. “Heh, you havin’ fun, boss?” The Devil just purrs in response. “Yeah, you sure do seem happy, don’tcha?”
Her eyes widen and she gives the tree a sniff. “Wait a minute - is there catnip in this tree? Who put it here? Was it Wheezy again?”
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rainecloud020604 · 5 years
01. Full name: Raine neil 02. Best friend: which one? she has lots. i would say other than my oc’s... Anthony, Anomy, Sherlock, and Artagia 03. Sexuality: Bisexual 04. Favorite color: cyan blue 05. Relationship status: married 06. Ideal mate: funny, kind, and is a little chaotic at times. 07. Turn-ons:--- 08. Favorite food: she doesnt eat a lot but if she had to chose it would be pasta 09. Crushes: none 10. Favorite music: electronic anything 11. Biggest fear: losing others and dying... 12. Biggest fantasy: to be somewhat normal again, no rainie, no chaos... well, not always... 13. Bad habits: overworking herself 14. Biggest regret: Rainie 15. Best kept secrets: wellll, her past... and she isnt telling it any time soon 16. Last thought: “Oh crap i think i forgot something-.” 17. Worst romantic experience: well, she hasnt had anything bad really ever happen, so none 18. Biggest insecurity: her not being strong enough for others 19. Weapon of choice: soul staff and gauntletts  20. Role Model: she actually looks up a lot to Universo, knowing how well he keeps himself together and he knows how to handle things better than she thinks she does.
Anthony belongs to @flowerrose14 
Anomy belongs to @elementalgod-aj
Sherlock belongs to @justadeadlysinsblog
Artagia belongs to @craftyjellyfishcat
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pawnshopsouls · 4 years
Artagia had entered the pawnshop with a briefcase, Bonely knew she was leaving soon and she wanted to give him a special farewell gift
Stan had just put in a new set of shelves and was setting brand new merchandise on them when he spotted the little pink chaos cat.
“Heya Arty!” he called with a wave, stepping down from his stepstool. “How yeh doin’?”
Bonely paused when he saw the suitcase and furrowed his brow. “On yer way out, eh?” he asked, with a sad smile. “Glad yeh came teh stop by before ye went. I really appreciate that. C’mon in, I’ll get some hot cocoa brewin’.”
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