#arrow season 7 episode review
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mysticdragoni · 1 year ago
Dreamzzz review & Theory
I finished Dreamzzz and I’m so conflicted, I had a gigantic theory that I would like to talk about because the ending of the season was NOT what I was expecting, wasn’t bad but my theory had me in a chokehold - Dreamzzz spoilers ahead.
I liked it, but I didn’t love it, I did however LOVE the creative design that went behind everything,
Turtle taco truck, gator cars, ALBERT, shark boat, lumina’s castle looking like a space shuttle, the weapon on the top of the castle, ALBERT, the fact that Mr.Oswald was wearing the astronaut symbol from the 1984 minifig, Zian’s design, ALBERT’S SOUTHERN ACCENT, Night Hunter sway walk + chain sound effects, Logan’s outfit is cool as ice.
My issues: the story was hard to focus on at times, they had some fill in moments that were too long, also random pauses that went on for too long? They would say something and then stand there longer than necessary, characters had this issue of being great in one episode then problematic in the literal beginning of the next episode. Logan would randomly switch up a lot in the beginning episodes, being nice then a douche bag. Then he was nice for 7 episodes only to be upset he has to help Izzie in the maze so she doesn’t get seriously hurt by the night terrors.
I also did not like Filippo’s face, the stained glass look was an awesome design but the creepy lion face will haunt me.
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Here was my fueling for all of this that never happened but still could (season 2 hear me out)
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I mean look at this, I can totally see this as a family, also convenient Lunia is missing and so is her mom. Not to mention her dad is also missing, meanwhile the Night Hunter said he couldn’t return to the waking world until he conjured up Lunia’s hourglass.
Also I’d like to point out that her father’s hairpiece looks very similar to Hunter of the angle was right.
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I had a gigantic theory that Zoey’s parents were Lunia and Hunter, that the end would be a gigantic reveal, parent vs parent, Nightmare King orchestrating the fight. Zoey would go to find Lunia, find her at her castle weakened or context, Find out that’s her MOM. Then the Nightmare King shows up on the boat to attack the place, Lunia recognizes Night Hunter, says his real name, which makes Zoey go: Mom… DAD?!
And the Nightmare King laughs about it, loving the idea of breaking up a family in the process, Hunter is reluctant and wide eyed as he doesn’t want to fight.
My theory started as her mother was attacked by the nightmare king and while trying to fight him off with Hunter, she was defeated and he was corrupted, forgetting who his family was. Or perhaps he known and just held it over Zoey’s head with the teasing “Kiddo” and helping her at one point by misfiring his arrow. You know, like an evil dad who doesn’t want his daughter to win, but also doesn’t want her hurt.
I think the reason he’s all bundled up isn’t just secrecy for Mateo, but also so Zoey doesn’t recognize him. I think he ran away from home in the waking world too when he turned on Lunia and helped the Nightmare King be free.
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But yeah, I still have the theory that they are her parents, at least Hunter is her dad, it would have been such an interesting twist. Oh well, show was cute, I have a character I’m making for it.
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sunnydaleherald · 1 year ago
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Friday, January 19
Drusilla lowers the stake and takes the few steps over to Buffy. DRUSILLA: Happy Birthday, Buffy.
~~Surprise~~ Happy Birthday today to Buffy Anne Summers, who turns 43!
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Home Again by apachefirecat (PG-13)
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Advanced Epidemiology by Derbil_McDillet (Riley/Sam Finn, Community xover, T)
Experimental Procedures by MadeInGold (Spike/Walsh, E)
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The Wonder of the Curse part 4 by Illyrian (unrated)
A to Z Drabbles - A week: untitled by NotASlayer (Anya, unrated)
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mini fic for 1x05 Never Kill a Boy on the First Date by caricature-of-fic (Buffy, Willow, G)
mini fic #2 for 1x05 Never Kill a Boy on the First Date by caricature-of-fic (Angel G)
[you rested your forehead against Rupert's...] by iobsessoverfictionalmen (Giles/reader, Wonder Woman xover, unrated)
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Play that Song Again by EllieRose101 (Buffy/Spike, PG)
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Hello? by Dusty (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Shadowed Suspicion Ch. 409 by madimpossibledreamer (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure xover, T)
Forgiveness - Ch. 17 by slaymesoftly (unrated)
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A Waxy Gent Chuckled Over My Fab Jazzy Quips - Ch. 1-19 by violettathepiratequeen (Buffy/Spike, G)
A tale of lost souls - Ch. 2-3 by Bl4ckHunter (Faith, Angel, ensemble, Arrow xover, T) COMPLETE!
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Something Borrowed - Ch. 1 by Geliot99 (Buffy/Spike, R)
Constellations - Ch. 2 by Maxineeden (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
Rebehold the Stars (Love from the Other Side of the Apocalypse) - Ch. 4 by Asokatanos (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Pack My Box with Five Dozen Liquor Jugs - CH. 19 by honeygirl51885 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Forgiveness Doesn't Come Easy - Ch. 17 by slaymesoftly (Buffy/Spike, R)
Goodbye to Everything That I Knew - Ch. 17 by fortes775 (Buffy/Spike, R)
Destiny or Choices Made? - Ch. 43 by charmed4lifekaren (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
The Neighbor's Point of View - Ch. 78 by the_big_bad (Buffy/Spike, PG)
In The Dark With You - Ch. 27 by Geliot99 (Buffy/Spike, R)
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Valhalla Can Wait - Ch. 3 by TraceColburn (OCs, FR18)
Dawn Rising by Luna (Buffy, LOTR xover, FR15)
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Clean Slate - Ch. 5 by hulettwyo (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
Pack My Box with Five Dozen Liquor Jugs - Ch. 19 by honeygirl51885 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
It's Easy Time, Until It's Not - Ch. 12 by hulettwyo (Buffy/Spike, G)
Forgiveness Doesn't Come Easy - Ch. 17 by Slaymesoftly (Buffy/Spike, R)
The Grapevine - Ch. 13 by ClowniestLivEver (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Manip: Made an edit for Buffy's birthday! by MX101 (Buffy, worksafe)
Craft: Hi! I made a Buffy patch :) by TheVilliriated936 (worksafe)
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Artwork: more Buffy rewatch doodles :) by strawberri-draws (Buffy, Spike, Willow, Xander, worksafe)
Artwork: I got to the ‘will you be slaying’ bit that I’ve only seen as a meme by onairwithnobody (worksafe)
Artwork: uhh redraw of that one comic panel. you know the one. by genericaces (Buffy/Angel/Spike, NSFW)
Gifset: JULIE BENZ as DARLA --Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997-2003) --Angel the Series (1999-2004) by whatisyourchildhoodtrauma (Darla, worksafe)
Gifset: season seven ↦ xander & willow by starryeyesxx (Xander, Willow, worksafe)
Gifset: season seven ↦ buffy & giles by starryeyesxx (Buffy, Giles, worksafe)
Gifset: Why exactly can't we damage this Polka thing's arms? by allsonargent (Buffy, ensemble, worksafe)
Fanvid: Wesley&Lilah | My Tears Ricochet by mercer-queen (Wesley/Lilah)
Fanvid: You and me, baby ain’t nothing but mammals by isevery0nehereverystoned (Buffy/Spike)
Fanvid: Everyone: He can't get in trouble if we don't involve him. Xander: Challenge accepted! by paranormallyshiny (Xander)
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Manip: Les Fleurs by all choseny (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
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Manip: Les Fleurs by all choseny (Buffy/Spike, G)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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BTVS Rewatch Chronicles: Season 1 by QualifiedApathetic
Best seasons ranked worst to best , according to IMDb by GraxelDeBaudre
I've just rewatched season 7 and it's the first time I've really enjoyed it by xboxg4mer
Angel Top 5 Favorite Episodes by Khalesssi_Slayer1
[Recs & In Search Of]
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ISO: anon seeks BTVS roleplay, like the post via prpfs
February Fangfest Fic Rec: A-Hunting We Will Go by brutti_ma_buoni
[Fandom Discussions]
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there should have been more play on Buffy and Spike both dyeing their hair by amandamonroe
how the Big Bads [some] are straight-up loving individuals... by shanie-the-komania-toyaddict and peppermintquartz
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Why didn't Buffy stake Spike in 'Beneath You'? updated by NoShip
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Wesley and Fred- Too Manipulative? by Priceless
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In honor of Buffy's birthday, what's your favorite Buffy Birthday episode? by katywell
BtVS Characters: Where are they now? by 702Things
Angel & Co never re-ensouled Harmony... Did they just assume it wouldn't make a difference? by alrtight
About Chosen and the comics by debujandobirds
Dog Breeds I think Giles would have by CoffeeMilkLvr
This Hunchback of Notre Dame discussion in Crush (s5 e14) is definitely Spike coded right? by Suspicious-Thing5215
For the ladies: what does the show Buffy have to say about womenhood? by Upbeat_Orchid8451
Magick and drugs by mistajc
POLL: What is your favorite genre in BTVS? by hthbellhop76
Why can slayers see the future at all? by Tsole96
Mirrors [symbolism and parallels] by Girlthatbreathes
Why did it take me 26 years to realize Dr. Gregory was a virgin? by Daddygeek84
WTF just happened in this Angel season 3 episode? [Angel's actions esp towards Wesley] by Eagles56
Does anyone remember Merl? [ATS] by Simple-Ceasar
Gangsta's Paradise [cringiest ATS moments] by ReallyGlycon
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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Video: "In honor of Buffy’s birthday, here’s what James Marsters thinks Spike would get for Buffy..." by slayer dreams via dontkillspike
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fancoloredglasses · 2 months ago
Batman: The Brave and the Bold (Proof that Batman doesn't have to be grim)
[All images are owned by DC Comics and Warner Bros. Animation. I hope I’m too small-fry to sue…] 
(Thanks to The World’s Finest)
Before I get into the subject of this week’s review, I need to get into a history of Batman…
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When Batman made his debut in Detective Comics #27, he was a violent vigilante who had zero issues with killing those he went up against. By the time Robin made his debut a year later, his tone had already begun to soften (no doubt due to pressure from parents)
Over the years, Batman’s tone became less and less serious…and then the Silver Age came about and stories were less about crime fighting (primarily due to restrictions imposed by the Comics Code) and more about silly stories such as this one…
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[SPOILER ALERT: He was wearing the different colored costumes to distract the crooks from the fact that Robin had a broken arm]
Then a certain TV show became popular, and suddenly the Batman’s Rogue’s gallery started making more appearances in the comics, though the tone of the show was reflected in the comics.
Once Batman was off the air, the comic started taking a more serious tone until the eighties when a certain comic event happened that gave DC carte blanche to change literally everything, followed by another comic event that did just that, making Batman brutal…almost sadistically so.
Fortunately, while the main timeline Batman was depicted as more brutal, he didn’t do nearly as far as he did in The Dark Knight Returns. However, he was more calculating and paranoid, looking for ways to neutralize every hero in the DC universe in case they went rogue, were mind-controlled, or otherwise became a threat. This came to its natural conclusion with the 1989 film starring Michael Keaton, followed by the animated series that made Keven Conroy a household name in the geek community. A second Batman series (this one featuring a young Bruce Wayne at the beginning of his career as a vigilante) came out in 2004, but had a similar tone.
…which brings us to the subject of this review, which was intended for a younger audience (its rating is TV 7+), but before we get into it, a bit of history…
[I promise this will make sense. Seriously, have I steered you wrong before?
…err, don’t answer that]
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The Brave And the Bold started in 1955 as an anthology series starring the above characters as well as Robin Hood. Two years later, it became a concept title to try out new characters and teams such as the original Suicide Squad and the Justice League of America.
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Starting in 1963, the series became a team-up book (including the debut of the Teen Titans), eventually becoming yet another Batman title with the Caped Crusader teaming up with various heroes throughout Earth-1’s universe (though occasionally someone from Earth-2 crossed over to help)
…which brings us (once again) to the subject of this week’s review.
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Batman: The Brave And the Bold is a team-up series in which Batman teams up with various heroes (mostly the B- and C-list heroes such as…
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Blue Beetle (Jamie Reyes)
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Blue Beetle (Ted Kord)
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Booster Gold
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Plastic Man
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Green Arrow
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and Aquaman
The tone was much lighter and humorous than what fans were used to, but never devolved into camp (like Batman) or silliness (like Superfriends). It was the Batman we all know and love, but toned down for the grade school crowd.
The series lasted 3 seasons, ending when Bat Mite got bored with the series and arranged for it to be cancelled.
(Thanks again to The World’s Finest)
If you would like to watch the series, it’s available on Max or behind your favorite paywall.
If you would like to see an episode reviewed, let me know!
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jbuffyangel · 6 years ago
Legacy: Arrow 7x12 Review (Emerald Archer)
Spoiler alert: I loved the 100th episode. I know this is a controversial opinion because it is universally hated in the fandom (I think), but I truly loved the episode for where Oliver was at in his story. So, I didn’t go into the 150th with a lot of expectations. The 150th didn’t need to fix anything for me. Were there some misfires? Yeah and we’ll get into those, but overall I enjoyed this episode. 
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Let’s dig in…
Queen Family
William is home and our Queen family is reunited. FINALLY. 
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Yes, I know it’s technically the Queen-Smoak-Clayton family, but nobody is really expecting me to hyphenate three names over a dozen times? If you are then that’s crazy. I won’t do it.
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Oliver and Felicity are overjoyed to see William, 
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but unfortunately the sentiment is not returned. 
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Source:  olicitygifs
“Emerald Archer” introduces us to William’s alter ego: THE MOODY TEENAGER. 
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This may be the toughest foe Oliver and Felicity have ever faced. 
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Kidding. Not really. I’m knee deep in preteen years and the teenage ones are barreling at me with lightning speed, so I identity with this storyline A LOT.  
Felicity deftly navigates the creature otherwise known as MOODY TEEN by complimenting his ability to find her virus (our budding computer genius. I am so proud.) 
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and then lovingly prodding William into discussing whatever is bothering him 
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by threatening grounding (for a rude & sassy attitude). 
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Source:  felicitysmoakgifs
Y’all I am taking notes. MOM ICON AT WORK.
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William is ticked because his parents didn’t bring him home for Christmas. Is that what happened? 
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It’s so hard to figure out what holidays Arrow is acknowledging. Oliver said in 7x08, “Christmas vacation seems like 20 years from now,” so I assumed William came home sometime after 7x09, but I guess not. 
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Yeah, I get it kid. That sucks. #TeamWilliam.
In your parents’ defense they were hashing out the emotional evolution of their marriage while Oliver was body swapping with Bart. But that’s just a regular Monday for Arrow, so I understand the kid’s beef. 
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Source: ebett
Oliver playing television star (hehehe SO META) via this documentary doesn’t exactly scream crisis to William either. But-but-but all the shaky camera shots for gritty realism are cool though right honey? Yeah, William doesn’t care.
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HOWEVER, if I spoke to my mother the way William spoke to Felicity and violently shoved an electronic device she paid for in her face while making demands regarding the wifi security (which she also pays for), I would be taking my life into my hands. My mother would have removed me from this earth, which is her right.  
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Same goes for my kid. I once asked my child during a temper tantrum if she wanted to do this the nice way or the nasty way. She put her little hands on her hips, all of age 3, and said with absolute conviction while glaring at me, “NASTY.” She is now 11, going on 12, and I assure you she has never made that mistake again. So, I commend Felicity’s reserve. I’m afraid I do not share that level of parenting patience.
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Why is Felicity taking all the heat when it was Oliver who screwed the pooch by going to prison in the first place? Well, yes one can always trace the source of the problem back to the biggest pine tree to ever live, 
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but in this particular circumstance I agree with William. It was Felicity’s decision to send him away to boarding school. I’m not saying she shouldn’t have done it. Felicity had extremely good reasons to send William away.
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Source: ebett
However, a large part of Felicity’s beef with Oliver after his release from prison was his constant Monday morning quarterbacking of her decisions. Oliver can hero however he wants, but he doesn’t get to question how Felicity deals with the consequences of his heroism. That was the agreement right? RIGHT. Felicity said the buck stops with her.  So, the buck stops with her. Sending William away was her call, so now she’s dealing with some fallout.
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Source: felicitysmoakgifs
Don’t worry, I fully expect Daddy to get looped in, but I like how they are focusing on William and Felicity first. It’s rare to run into problems with your child when both parents are in the room. One or the other fields the play first and then you loop your partner in. At least, that’s how it works in my house. (Seriously, I don’t know how single parents do it. Y’all are kings and queens among peasants.)
Side note: you never ever contradict your partner’s parenting decisions in front of the little human. It shows weakness. The wee nugget can smell it like fear and it gives them a tactical advantage. These are tools of the trade. Get a pen. Write it down.
It was just William and Felicity for six months. They built their own family without Oliver together. Of course, Oliver was still a part of the family and they missed him like crazy, but the day to day was just the two of them. Some of those decisions are coming home to roost, so it makes sense to me Felicity is taking the parenting lead. She was William’s only parent for quite some time.
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Felicity, being the super hacker mom that she is, figures out what is really going on – William is lying to her. It seems he has been expelled from school. Oops.
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The reason for his expulsion will be revealed to us next week I am sure, but I would say now is the time to loop Dad in.
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Source: felicitysmoakgifs
These scenes between William and Felicity were the best in the episode and it never ceases to amaze me how far their relationship has progressed in such a short amount of time. There is nothing Felicity can’t do and no man she cannot smoak. Life with a teenage William is going to become more complicated and the parenting more challenging. But William will be a better person for having Felicity in his life. No matter where this story goes that’s a solid fact.
It’s been 150 episodes and we’ve come a looooong way with Oliver Queen. 
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He’s so at peace with himself in these interviews. 
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Oliver has merged both personas, the hood is down, mask is off, he's married to the love of his life, his boy is home, and his life is filled with purpose. 
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Source:  smoakmonster
This man was snapping necks in the pilot and now he’s the softest teddy bear to ever exist because his son is home from school. MY HEART IS FULL.
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Source: olicitygifs
To begin where Oliver began, and to be where he is now, is nothing short of miraculous. He may not be a saint, as Curtis notes later, but that’s exactly where he is headed. That’s who fully realized superheroes are.
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But we still have some road to travel. Oliver’s only real area of doubt is his leadership abilities. I still don’t understand what mistakes Oliver made with Team Arrow. 
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Source:  smoakmonster
He’s constantly referencing these “mistakes” particularly in “Emerald Archer.” This is a failing of Season 6. I truly think the writers believe the NTA versus OTA storyline was evenly handled, but in reality Oliver was completely in the right and the Newbies were acting like spoiled toddlers.
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Oliver went to jail in some part to atone for his sins, but I do not feel any of those sins happened in Season 6. I view Oliver’s stint at Slabside as atonement for killing. 
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We can debate the necessities of that atonement, but this season feels like an ultimate purging of Oliver’s sins – venial and/or mortal. Whatever debt Oliver owed society, he paid it and then some. This only makes his soul more pure. If you don’t believe Oliver deserved to go to prison at all then it just adds more fuel to the martyr fire - all good things in the evolution of a saint.
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However, now Oliver is questioning his ability to lead because of these so called “mistakes.” Based on statements Oliver has made in previous episodes, those mistakes would be lack of trust and lying. 
I’m with him on the lying. Time to nip that in the bud, but that doesn’t mean Oliver owes everyone the truth immediately. He’s perfectly within his rights to take some time, yes even a month, to process the introduction of a new sister in his life. The man still has a right to some privacy and space.
Oliver’s guilt over not trusting the Newbies is fairly ridiculous since they gave him very good reasons not to trust them. 
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In case Oliver has forgotten, Dinah had a secret criminal boyfriend and Rene sold him out to the Feds. These are untrustworthy actions and they have consequences. I can’t remember what Curtis did, if anything. His crime is  unceasing uselessness, so Oliver can and should ignore the man.
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Oliver is not sure he’s meant to lead, which of course means he is absolutely the right person for the job. Only true leaders question their worthiness. 
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Source:  smoakmonster
He returns to the destroyed bunker with a renewed commitment to rebuild the bunker
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(with handy dandy deputy badges for the team) and learn from his mistakes.
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Source:  smoakmonster
I imagine Oliver’s new leadership style will be more trusting and democratic, but inclusion only gets you so far. Team Arrow may be the kindling in the Star City fire, but the citizens need Oliver Queen to set it ablaze.
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The Team Arrow table is round both in the destroyed present and flash forward bunkers. It gives it a very Knights of the Round Table feel. Everyone can have an opinion and equal say, but in the end it was King Arthur’s kingdom. He pulled the sword from the stone, built Camelot and paid the ultimate price for his dream.
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Oliver is King Arthur and Star City is his Camelot – or what he dreams Star City may one day become. He may pay the ultimate price for that dream like Arthur, but ultimately the loss of the hero teaches us the dream isn’t possible without the hero. Oliver may need Team Arrow, but the team and the city will soon discover they need him even more.
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Source: ebett
This is something Felicity Smoak has always understood. Her belief in Oliver Queen and crystal clear understanding of who he is has never wavered in seven years. Even when they were separated romantically, Felicity saw Oliver as the man who would save Star City. 
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This belief became a compass for Oliver- his North Star. Felicity became the voice in Oliver’s head guiding him on his hero’s journey. 
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Her belief made Oliver believe and thus became a self fulfilling prophecy.
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Edward: So what happens after he climbs up and rescues her?
Vivian: She rescues him right back. (Pretty Woman)
There is no Green Arrow without Felicity Smoak and there is no Felicity Smoak without Green Arrow. Each is dependent on the other. Their love is amalgamation of give and take & push and pull. Oliver and Felicity never cease in their pursuit to become their best selves, yet remain a beautiful example of unconditional love, acceptance and forgiveness.
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Love changes us and it cements who we are. It is a constant drive of two diametrically opposed forces working in perfect cohesion. We find clarity in the swirl of finding love, falling in love and then settling into love. Oliver and Felicity found themselves in each other. It’s how we all do, regardless of whom or what you love.
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All it took was one sweet and simple smile for Felicity to know exactly who Oliver Queen is.  
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Yet, who is he is equally about who they became together. Felicity saw Oliver’s light because of how brightly hers shined. Their heroic evolution is perfectly entwined.  
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Source: @olicitygifs
So, there is no better person to speak on this topic. The word vigilante falls woefully short. It cannot encompass everything her husband is or what their love has built together. It barely hints at the goodness Felicity saw hiding behind a ridiculous lie and a bullet ridden computer.
Felicity’s interview doesn’t shine a big enough spot light on her own contributions, but I think that’s primarily because she hasn’t been outed as Overwatch to the city.  However, she has always been the truthsayer of Arrow and that’s her role in the documentary as well.
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Felicity understands who Oliver is because she is his equal in every way. 
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Recognition of his heroism is recognition of hers as well. And someday the world will see everything Felicity sees with unwavering
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Source: @olicitygifs​
Should there have been more of Felicity and Olicity in "Emerald Archer”? Yes, absolutely. 
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My thirst will never be satiated, but I’ve long since acclimated myself to quality over quantity. This was Felicity as she’s always been. I love whenever this show showcases her ability to cut through the bullshit and shine a light on the truth. The scenes between her and William were the best in the episode too. That said, an Olicity kiss and/or joint interview wouldn’t have killed them.
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Welcome Back Guest Stars!
A good returning guest star angle works for me 99.999% of the time on any television show. What can I say? I’m nostalgic. Let us wile away the dull hours and spin a tale or two about the days of old.
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Nostalgia in these types of retrospective episodes can get a little tricky. You need a good reason to bring back five or six actors who’ve left the show and we’ve heard almost nothing from for a few years, particularly the dead characters. Arrow’s documentary film idea for the 150th episode really works for me. It gives a legitimate reason to bring all of these characters back, but not necessarily keep them around. It’s not aliens so right there we’re already light years ahead. 
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HA! Get it? Light years? Yeah, you might not be laughing now but you’ll realize how funny that is later on.
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Source:  fatedxdestiny
Arrow starts with Quentin and boy is that ever the right call. This documentary is very pro vigilante. It was put on the shelf because Star City became anti vigilante, so who better to advocate for the masked heroes than the man who ran the SCPD for the last twenty odd years? 
Quentin was always the touchstone to the real world. He was the bridge between Oliver and the citizens of Star City. He was also someone Oliver wanted to earn the respect of and that’s what he’s trying to do now. He’s trying to earn Star City’s respect EVEN THOUGH THESE UNGRATEFUL TWATS SHOULD ALREADY RESPECT HIM. Even though I believe it was time to let Quentin Lance go, I still miss him and whenever Paul Blackthorne comes on my television screen I cry big baby dumbo tears.
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Source:  fatedxdestiny
Then we roll right into the reason Oliver began this mission in the first place: FAMILY. Family for Oliver is and will always be Thea Queen. I shrieked when I saw her.  I officially take back my “We’ll never see Willa Holland again” prediction. I was happy to be wrong.
Thea being the representative for all her dead family members is the most Thea thing this show has ever done. Kid is a walking poster child for bereavement. I think it’s really important to remember Starling City was a hot mess before Oliver showed up. This city wasn’t hitting anyone’s nifty top fifty places to raise a family. There was a serious cost to all the violence and Thea’s interview is a powerful reminder.
Oliver is seldom given his due. The newbies, Star City, officials, villains, and other superheroes are always ragging on him. But when Thea found out Oliver was the Arrow she thanked him. She was one of the few people who understood right from the start the good Oliver was doing. (Felicity is the other few people).
Oliver started this fight for many reasons, but chief among them was his love for his family. Thea has always returned that love tenfold. She is ride or die for her big bro and even though we had AMAZING Queen sibling scenes in the 100th it’s nice to see them honor their relationship no matter how far away Thea is. They do lose points for zero Queen sibling interaction though.
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Source:  fatedxdestiny
Sara gives one hell of a speech doesn’t she? It’s in a similar vein as Thea’s – reminding Star City of the cost of unchecked crime. She acknowledges it doesn’t matter whether or not a person is wearing a mask. This is a classy way of calling out Star City’s double standard. Honestly, who cares if it’s a cop or a guy dressed in leather saving your ass?  What matters is someone stepped up to save your life. 
It’s also a nice subtle acknowledgement of Felicity’s contributions. Sara has worn a mask as the Canary and fought without one as White Canary. She knows what matters is a person’s heart and not what they wear.  Sara has always understood the importance of the unmasked in this line of work.
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This feels like a not so subtle way of sticking it to anti Felicity fans, but that’s just me.
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Source:  fatedxdestiny
SIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHERE YOU BEEN BABY GIRL? Honestly, my biggest annoyance with these return guest star scenes is we didn’t get much of an update on where the characters are at. Does Sin have a home now? Does she know Sara is alive? I have questions. 
Sin was a fairly minor character in Season 2 and even more so in Season 3, but seeing her brings back all those Season 2 memories. 
Memories, Like the corners of my mind Misty water-colored memories
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Sorry. Sidetracked by Barbara Streisand.
Again, the use of Sin is brilliant because she represents the people Team Arrow has saved. We spend a lot of time on Oliver’s mistakes. We remember all the people Oliver couldn’t save and how deep those losses cut him. However, we seldom talk about those he has saved and Oliver has saved THOUSANDS – maybe even millions. The man deserves a cookie at the very least. Sin is a box of double chocolate chip.
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Oliver is not the only unmasked vigilante – Ragman is too. He’s out doing good, but the people know he’s Ragman. We don’t know if he unmasked before or after Oliver, but I would bet after. Oliver is always the first domino to fall in this universe. 
Rory’s interview is super short and is therefore criminally underused. He is primarily used to set up the Star City Slayer. Ragman’s mask is among the first Oliver found. Even the angles on his documentary interview have an artistic/retrospective/forlorn feel to it like we are seeing someone who is gone. I swear to God if this serial killer killed my Rory I am going to light things on fire and throw them.  I’m not even sure killing Curtis will ease my pain (but it’ll help).
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Rory’s albeit short message is pretty simple as is the premise of this show.
“People need help.”
What matters is there are those in the city willing to help the helpless (NAME THAT SHOW). Their methods matter less. Rene, Curtis and Dinah COMBINED still do not compare to Rory Regan. How we ended up with those three louts and lost that beautiful sparkling jewel of a character remains a mystery and still chaps my ass.
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Source:  fatedxdestiny
Who invited Bart? I am only tolerating his appearance because he needs to pay his respects, but – UNBELIEVABLY DAMAGED??? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? YOU BETTER COME UP WITH SOMETHING BETTER THAN THAT YOU LITTLE DICKHEAD BECAUSE YOU WOULDN’T HAVE A SHOW WITHOUT THE UNBELIEVABLY DAMAGED OLIVER QUEEN. Oh wait he’s still talking. Rewind... alright, Barry said some nice stuff. I’m better now.
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Honestly, just the way this scene played it’s like the writers anticipated all my yelling after “unbelievably damaged.” They wrote the rest of the scene like Barry was reacting to my yelling as he cleaned up his statement. HAHAHA. That’s damn right fool. I’ll come for your ass. You better run.
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If you’re going to pick a character among the four shows Arrow has launched I guess you go B*rry All*n. It makes a statement about Arrow’s influence on the DCTV universe, which I appreciate for the 150th episode. This was something extremely lacking in the 100th episode. Arrow is the reason a whole lot of people have jobs, so it’s an apropos time to pay due respect.
We’re constantly stuck in this Barry is light and Oliver is dark comparison and it annoys me to no end because I don’t believe either character is that clear cut. Both men have light and dark. But I do love how Barry acknowledges that the darkness Oliver survived also fuels his light. 
Oliver Queen is incredibly protective. He doesn’t want anyone to suffer like he did, which includes not only his family and friends but strangers. Oliver uses his pain for good. He finds the light in the darkness, which why I love him so much.
Barry isn’t saying anything Felicity or Diggle haven’t already said for years. However, as the likely pass-the-torch candidate, Barry is commending the essence of Oliver in a way the insanely disrespectful crossover failed to do. Of course, we all know there is a reason for this disrespect – Oliver must be persecuted even by those who “know” him before he can be seen as the Messiah of superheroes. 
But we are Arrow fans. We know the truth. We see Oliver for who he truly is and for just one moment, in this 150th episode milestone, the comic f*ckboys’ fuzzy bunny, rainbow puking superhero acknowledged the truth.
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Also his faux shock about Oliver being the Green Arrow was hilarious.
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Source:  flashallens
Diggle and the Newbies
Sweet holy Moses. There are times this show is so tone deaf it truly blows my mind. It’s sort of like watching Wile E Coyote barrel off the mountain top. Does he see the ledge or does he simply not care there is a ledge? These are my deep thoughts for the day.
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Diggle didn’t even know Emiko was Oliver’s sister.  That’s where we’re at folks! These two brothers could finish each other’s sentences and predict one another’s movements at one point, but now they are like strangers. Ugh, I hate this. FIX IT NOW.
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Arrow is going to fix Diggle in an extremely Arrow way. Anyone who has listened to Watchover with Jen & Calli knows this is what we said would happen. The writers are never going to dive deep like I do in these reviews. For one, they aren’t crazy and two it just ain’t the show fam. The Arrow way of fixing a problem is:
1. Pretending it never happened.
2. Slap a bow on it and call it fixed without doing any of the actual character development to earn the moment.
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Annnnd that’s what we got. Things are a little tense between Diggle and Oliver. John is put out Oliver didn’t clue him in about Emiko, even though he’s known for about a month. Oliver correctly points out Diggle hasn’t run in his circle for the better part of a year, so he gets the info when he gets it. YASS! PREACH IT SON.
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John at least has the good sense to admit what Oliver said was true. He also decides this superhero slayer is too much for the SCPD to handle (isn’t everything though?) and it’s time to get the band back together. 
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Source:  legends-of-today
There’s some back and forth between the two men about the other team members risking jail, but Oliver going to prison never sat right with Diggle. 
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Source:  fatedxdestiny
It is good John is acting honorably, steadfastly having Oliver’s back, and just generally dispensing some good old fashioned Yoda wisdom. 
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However, he says what has to be the most ridiculous line I have heard on this show in a loooong time.
“Oliver when you were in jail we had each other’s backs.”
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I swear to God I screamed. And then I fell off the chair laughing because NONSENSE. 
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Arrow ignores its own storyline when it doesn’t fit with the goals of the episode. It’s so blatantly obstinate and counter to what their audience wants, hell I almost admire them a little for it.
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Writers: The storyline is not what you’ve witnessed on screen. The storyline is what we tell you and that will change week to week.
Us: Umm that’s not how television works but okay. Have at it.
Obviously, the writers wanted to reunite Team Arrow in a very “Ra Ra Go Team!” way, but haven’t done any of the leg work so the moment feels earned or makes any sense at all. 
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Of course, the team didn’t have each other’s backs. 
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Diggle abandoned Felicity and was upset when any of her attempts to free her husband interfered with his useless A.R.G.U.S. soldiering. His annoyance, admonishments, refusals of help and threats weren’t limited to Felicity. It also included anyone who helped Felicity like Rene, Bl*ck S*ren and Emiko. He also did bupkis to help free Oliver from prison. But okay, you had their backs John.
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Maybe he’s speaking about Curtis who joined A.R.G.U.S. John seemed okay with Dinah policing. Perhaps he has a highly compartmentalized way of looking at team support. Regardless, it’s a ludicrous statement and is one that makes you wonder if the Arrow writers actually watch Arrow.
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But as I said, we were expecting this because this is typically what Arrow does. Sometimes they force the story even when its counter to everything we’ve seen for weeks on end. That’s what happened in “Emerald Archer.” The writers are done with the team fighting. They want everyone to reunite and rebuild the team, so it has to begin with Oliver and Diggle. 
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Team Arrow started with the two of them, which is why they repeated their iconic handshake basked in the sunlight. And yes, to a certain extent what Diggle said is true. They are family and families fight, but it doesn’t mean you stop being a family.  
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Source:  legends-of-today
But you also don’t get to act like a selfish jackass for the better part of a year and then sweep it all away by playing the family card. Families have to work through their issues by 1) being honest about what those issues are 2) talking about the issues 3) and apologizing. The writers missed steps 1 through 3.
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The scene felt like Oliver was apologizing to Diggle when really it should be the other way around. When did this become about Oliver’s mistakes and not John’s? Am I watching the right show? Let’s not forget in the midst of all this bromance healing the one who really needs an apology is Felicity.
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I’m not too mad because I don’t think this is the end of the conversation. I think Arrow put the cart before the horse and reunited Oliver & Diggle before they actually dealt with their issues, but what else is new? They decided it was time for the reunion because it was the 150th episode. Uhhh... okay then.
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It’s entirely possible additional conversations are coming though. Hopefully ones including Felicity. Diggle still has to confess about Diaz, which he was about to do but was interrupted. It should drop a bomb on OTA and kick up some very much needed, no holds bar, come to Jesus style drama. We have ten episodes to go which is a lot of season left. I haven’t given up completely on Diggle’s arc for this year.
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But also, I’m tired y’all. If they aren’t going to examine John’s actions with a modicum of reflection then I’d prefer for it to be over as quickly and painlessly as possible because this is terrible storyline. I’m sick of Pod Diggle. I miss his friendship with Oliver and Felicity. I hate whatever the hell he’s doing at A.R.G.U.S. I’m tired of everyone doing their own thing. I miss OTA. I want the show to go back to vigilantes hunting bad guys.
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And yes, that goes for the Newbies too. They aren’t going away – well two of them aren’t. Arrow is completely ignoring all of their horrible behavior in Season 6, so fine. They will never resolve this storyline to my satisfaction so let’s just be done with it. Does the reunion fall flat because Arrow refuses to deal with the consequences of the Newbies’ actions in a truthful way? Yes. But I can’t care more than the writers do. So, I’m done. Moving on.
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This will not preclude me from snarking however. Nothing ever will stop the snark. Dinah and Rene were in rare form in “Emerald Archer.” Both were pretty snotty. 
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I actually liked Rene’s interview, but then he has the nerve to cop an attitude with Oliver.  Apparently, Oliver didn’t fawn over Rene enough. This is their first conversation since Oliver’s release and Rene is bitching about Oliver not asking how he is. FOR REAL???? There is only one person who should be asking how the other is doing and it’s the one who turned state’s evidence.
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He’s also annoyed Oliver has gainful employment with the police department while Rene “I Can’t Go Down That Road With You Hoss” Ramirez is left out in the vigilante cold. POOR BABY. Maybe if you hadn’t sold Oliver out to the feds the team could have stayed together.
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Dinah cops an attitude as well (pun intended). Oliver is about to share deeply personal information with her and admits he’s had the information for some time. Dinah says it’s par for the course with him. ANY NEW SECRET BOYFRIENDS  DINAH? I do not know where the Newbies got the idea they were on the moral high ground, but this horrific writing keeps perpetuating that myth. For the love of God writers REWATCH SEASON 6.
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On to happier developments.
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Source:  legends-of-today
Curtis called Oliver a hero, had a cool moment with his T-spheres and remarked about being a team “even if it was for one last time.” Cue close up and Oliver looking fondly at him as if Curtis was already a ghost. Of course, he’s talking their impending jail sentences for breaking the anti vigilante laws, but we know different. CURTIS IS GONNA DIIIIIIIIIIIE.
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I was supposed to be pressed when Diggle, Curtis and Rene were arrested, but they all were annoying me so they can go to prison.
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Finally the show does away with one of their more ridiculous plot holes. The mayor deputizes all of Team Arrow so they can fight crime in leather, but legally. Did she not see all the other times Team Arrow saved lives? They are only worthwhile if they are saving her life? They are friends with the DA too. BS is not going to press charges. So, why even have a law the DA won’t enforce? You know what? I’m not even gonna go there. Whatever.
It took Dinah several episodes to show some loyalty, but she was prepared to resign if her friends went to jail. Of course, Oliver “I’m Trying To Be Jesus” Queen puts his head on the chopping block again for these dinks too.
“After speaking with my family, I’m here to turn myself in.”
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Here’s something I’ve been mulling over. Clearly some of the Newbies are here to stay and a great deal of the 150th episode was devoted to this concept of legacy. 
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Source:  1-crazy-dreamer
These characters exist so what Oliver has built can live on beyond him. It doesn’t automatically equate to Dinah, Rene and Curtis being good characters, but Arrow is incredibly invested in the idea of Oliver Queen’s legacy.  
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Source:  1-crazy-dreamer
We want the show to be about Oliver, Felicity and Diggle. They want the show to be about more than Oliver, Felicity and Diggle. And thus an immovable force meets an unstoppable object.
The problem is Arrow, once again, is putting the cart before the horse. They are focusing on Oliver’s legacy (and all the superhero characters he’s launched), but he hasn’t achieved what he set out to do. Camelot doesn’t exist yet! Oliver’s legacy can’t be built until the dream is achieved. There’s still work to be done. We need to focus on Oliver, Felicity and Diggle before worrying about the next generation. I wish Arrow could do both at the same time, but they can’t. 
Do I think we’ll ever get that kind of focus? Nope. Arrow is committed to these new characters and their definition of legacy. It is what it is my friends. Either I make my peace with it or turn the channel, I guess.
Flash Forwards
Blackstar’s name is Mia. I couldn’t be happier. 
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I still think it could be a nickname for Moira, but they aren’t going to cough up that golden nugget yet. Obviously, yes all the comic f*ckboys are going to think she’s Mia Dearden and Oliver’s ward. Go ahead and keep thinkin’ that. We’ll see who lands on top.
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Source:  smoakmonster
Mia obtained a bootleg copy of the outlawed vigilante documentary and she practically bored holes into the television watching her father speak. There is no other reason to shoot the scene like that, with Oliver reflecting in Mia’s eyes, if she’s not his child. The shot clearly communicates a connection to OLIVER. She wants to find the location of Team Arrow’s bunker and the video provides the necessary clues.
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Source:  amunetblack
JJ, Diggle and Lyla’s son, makes his flash forward debut and he tags along with Mia. I felt a protective vibe from him. I think Mia gets into trouble all the time and JJ tries to keep her out of it, but absolutely they are ride or die. I may have been picking out wedding dresses for her during the scene. If Arrow does not put Diggle’s son and Oliver’s daughter together and make OTA in-laws then it is a crime against humanity.
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I don’t know why JJ is going by Connor Hawke. He adopted the moniker in the Legends alternate future because he didn’t feel worth of the name John Diggle Jr. Frankly, I think Connor Hawke is a code name similar to Blackstar and the sole function of it is to make us think John is dead. But we know Diggle is alive because David let the cat out of the bag. *blows kisses to that beautiful man*
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Mia hates vigilantes because the vigilante lifestyle stole her father and childhood.  Simple is that.
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Source:  amunetblack
I don’t have all the answers yet. I don’t know what happened. I don’t know how the Queen family was separated. I don’t know why William doesn’t know his own sister, but I certainly wasn’t expecting Mia to call Oliver “Dad” anymore than she would call Felicity "Mom” at this point. Answers lead to more questions and I am perfectly content with Arrow revealing the truth when they are good and ready.
If you refuse to believe Mia is Oliver and Felicity’s daughter, fine. If you are convinced she’s Bl*ck S*ren’s daughter, fine. 
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There is literally no evidence they hired the lead of Shadowhunters to play a supporting character’s daughter, but go off I guess. And no, Oliver is not cheating on Felicity with BS. Take that nonsense somewhere else. 
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They held off on introducing JJ because Diggle is one of the three main characters, but sure they’re keeping Bl*ck Si*en’s kid a secret. Not Oliver and Felicity’s kid, ya know, the characters who are the male and female leads of the show. Nope. Bl*ck S*ren’s daughter is the big surprise. 
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It doesn’t automatically make them mother and daughter simply because Bl*ck S*ren was singing the anti vigilante party line and Mia hates vigilantes. By that logic, Diaz, Quentin and the Mayor all have a shot at Mia being their progeny. If BS was as anti vigilante as she said then she would have pressed charges against Diggle, Curtis and Rene. She didn’t. Thank you. Next.
My point is I am convinced she is their daughter.  Every episode just adds more evidence.  My belief is unwavering.  You won’t convince me otherwise, so save yourself the energy. You believe what you want and I’ll believe what I want. Then we’ll see how it shakes out in the end.
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Stray Thoughts
Director Pedowitz might be one step over the meta line, but also hahaha.
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Documentary intro was sweet. Can we make that the permanent one? Source:  1-crazy-dreamer
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Did they reshoot old fight scenes for the documentary? That feels like a lot of work. I wonder if it was film they had on hand but didn’t use from the old episodes. Either way it looked legit and I was impressed.  Source: 1-crazy-dreamer
Slightly odd how Oliver or anyone else on Team Arrow never mentioned they are being followed around by a camera. That’s just details. Imma let it go.
It is official. Star City knows Oliver is the Hood, the Arrow and the Green Arrow. We can stop debating. This means these thankless twiddle twits know he saved them from Merlyn, Slade, Ra’s Al Ghul and Damien Darhk. HOW MANY MORE TIMES DOES HE NEED TO SAVE YOUR SORRY ASSES TO GET SOME RESPECT?
Why does no one ever remember the undertaking on this show? Moira Queen admitted to a long term plan, led by Malcolm Merlyn, to destroy the Glades. This plan was hatched while Oliver Queen was on the island. No wait BEFORE the island. There was a freaking trial! How the hell does this make the Undertaking Oliver’s fault Madame Mayor?
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Overwatch is back and the world makes sense again. Source: arrowdaily
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Oliver shading Curtis with Felicity's superior abilities is LIFE AFFIRMING. Source: olicitygifs
Bl*ck C*nary fighting looks equally as ridiculous on documentary film as she does on regular film, so that question is answered and we can go on with our lives.
I really can't listen to Bl*ck S*ren pretending to be E1 L*urel Lnce. It's too annoying. Zip it fishnets.
I can’t pin point what “season” Thea’s interview was filmed during and it’s kind of bugging me, so hit the comments with your guess.
I’m not talking about Diaz. I cannot even believe they included him in the documentary. He’s gone here for a minute.
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Didn’t love the Annie Hall look on Dinah. Misfire. Source:  redfield5x5
One of the reasons why writers choose to film a faux documentary is so their characters can constantly tell the camera operator to turn the camera off. It’s a trademark of the trope.
“We need to come up with a better name immediately.” PREACH IT SON.
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Baby William and Baby Zoe making friends is adorbs. Rene is all worried William is gonna make a move on Zoe. First of all, they are like 14. Calm down. Second of all, William is a short stop for the other team, but feel free to twist yourself into a pretzel Rene. The wasted energy will amuse me enormously. Source:  feilcityqueen
This serial killer seems to collect masks regardless of whether or not the vigilante is actually dead, so I’m holding out hope Rory Regan is alive. 
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The documentary film shots of the fight scene were AMAZING. The last action scene was pretty sweet. It was nice seeing the team work together cohesively again.  Source: 1-crazy-dreamer
I know I’ve said this before but Rene and Emiko are so happening.
“Fans have a strange way of showing their affection.” Oh yeah this guy was a hired gun by Stan the Fan. Kevin Meltzer was recently released from a psychiatric hospital which I am sure Stan has seen the inside of a time or two. No way is that line a coincidence. Or it’s a commentary on fandom. One or the other.
I had no idea Dinah’s vigilante identity was still secret.
Hahaha. Rene didn't know Emiko was related to Oliver. He's the new L*urel. I just decided.
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Bl*ck S*ren agrees to give an interview for the documentary, but later on acts like she didn't agree to be on the documentary and threatens the camera operator. Yeah, that sounds about right.
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This cupcake owns my heart. Source:  ebett
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msbeccieboo · 6 years ago
Season 7 musings
I’ve realised that, despite mostly enjoying it this year, what had been missing for me in season 7 is that it hadn’t really felt like I’ve been watching Arrow.  We had no Oliver for a long time, no Delicity in the meantime, no OTA at all, no lair, no vigilantes to speak of really, no team, no OLIVER AS GREEN ARROW.  BARELY ANY OLICITY (as we knew them to be, at least).
Even since Oliver’s release, everyone has still been scattered, Dig/Curtis at ARGUS, Felicity working on her company or with BS and Oliver and the others at the SCPD.  Oliver has had no hair, bad clothes and a distance from Felicity.  It hasn’t looked like the show we know and love.  
Now we have OLICITY EYE CONTACT and working on their relationship again, Diggle leaving ARGUS, and mending fences with Felicity (and Oliver to an extent), the lair being supposedly rebuilt, and by the looks of the trailer next week, possibly an end to the SCPD involvement?  It’s finally coming back together for these last few episodes and I’M EXCITED (until MG undoubtedly gets involved and fucks it all up)!!
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kylereviewed · 6 years ago
Arrow Season 7 Episode 19 Spartan Review
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eloquence-of-felicities · 2 years ago
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#emily bett rickards - 243 posts
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#oliver queen - 166 posts
#walker independence - 114 posts
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75 notes - Posted December 4, 2022
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139 notes - Posted December 6, 2022
55. Oliver and Felicity Arrow
As most DC Comics fans know, Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell), a.k.a. the Green Arrow, and computer genius Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards) shouldn't have been endgame on Arrow. In the comics, Oliver is romantically paired with Black Canary, and the show did explore Oliver's connection with Laurel (Katie Cassidy), who would eventually become the black leather-clad vigilante, in season 1. However, it eventually ignored the canon and Olicity became the main love story because of Amell and Rickards' undeniable chemistry, on display from their first scene in Arrow's third episode, and the two characters eventually got married. "They're such opposites. I think that's what draws everyone in a little bit," showrunner Beth Schwartz told EW in 2018. "You don't see the [love story of a] super intelligent woman and the sort of hunky, athletic man very often. She's obviously a gorgeous woman, but what he really loves is her brain." Meanwhile, Amell attributes the couple's success to the fans of Rickards' performance. "She's supremely talented and awesome and carved out a space that no one anticipated," he told EW ahead of the final season. "I don't know that the show works if we don't randomly find her." —C.A.
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147 notes - Posted February 14, 2022
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211 notes - Posted November 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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252 notes - Posted December 22, 2022
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jimintomystery · 3 years ago
Welcome to the 24th Century
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Between January 2019 and July 2020 I decided to write brief capsule reviews of each episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation, and the movies based on that series.  Then in December 2021 I remembered to go back and finish, so now I can post this master list.
I’m fairly pleased with the results.  Each of the 180 articles tries to find something interesting to say about stories that have already been analyzed by fans for decades.  Even when writing about a real stinker, I did my best to find a fresh way to complain about it.  I tried to keep them brief and fun to read, so it’s quick to look at just one but also super-easy to keep scrolling through lots of ‘em.
Oh, I also made an effort to keep things accessible for non-fans.  Sometimes I get sucked into reading about a story that I’m not a fan of, if that makes any sense.  So if you’re like me, except you don’t care what a Star Trek is, I got you covered.
I set up some tags to make it easier to navigate through the whole series.  Here’s the short version.
Season 1 (1987-1988)
Season 2 (1988-1989)
Season 3 (1989-1990)
Season 4 (1990-1991)
Season 5 (1991-1992)
Season 6 (1992-1993)
Season 7 (1993-1994)
Movies (1994-2002)
Or, if you’re looking for an episode but can’t remember which season it’s in, try the long version...
Season 1 (1987-1988)
Encounter at Farpoint
The Naked Now
Code of Honor
The Last Outpost
Where No One Has Gone Before
Lonely Among Us
The Battle
Hide And Q
The Big Goodbye
Angel One
Too Short a Season
When the Bough Breaks
Home Soil
Coming of Age
Heart of Glory
The Arsenal of Freedom
Skin of Evil
We’ll Always Have Paris
The Neutral Zone
Season 2 (1988-1989)
The Child
Where Silence Has Lease
Elementary, Dear Data
The Outrageous Okona
Loud as a Whisper
The Schizoid Man
Unnatural Selection
A Matter of Honor
The Measure of a Man
The Dauphin
The Royale
Time Squared
The Icarus Factor
Pen Pals
Q Who
Samaritan Snare
Up the Long Ladder
The Emissary
Peak Performance
Shades of Gray
Season 3 (1989-1990)
The Ensigns of Command
The Survivors
Who Watches The Watchers
The Bonding
Booby Trap
The Enemy
The Price
The Vengeance Factor
The Defector
The Hunted
The High Ground
Déjà Q
A Matter of Perspective
Yesterday’s Enterprise
The Offspring
Sins of the Father
Captain’s Holiday
Tin Man
Hollow Pursuits
The Most Toys
Ménage à Troi
The Best of Both Worlds
Season 4 (1990-1991)
The Best of Both Worlds, Part II
Suddenly Human
Remember Me
Future Imperfect
Final Mission
The Loss
Data’s Day
The Wounded
Devil’s Due
First Contact
Galaxy’s Child
Night Terrors
Identity Crisis
The Nth Degree
The Drumhead
Half a Life
The Host
The Mind’s Eye
In Theory
Season 5 (1991-1992)
Redemption II
Ensign Ro
Silicon Avatar
The Game
Unification I
Unification II
A Matter of Time
New Ground
Hero Worship
The Masterpiece Society
Power Play
The Outcast
Cause and Effect
The First Duty
Cost of Living
The Perfect Mate
Imaginary Friend
I Borg
The Next Phase
The Inner Light
Time’s Arrow
Season 6 (1992-1993)
Time’s Arrow, Part II
Realm of Fear
Man of the People
True Q
A Fistful of Datas
The Quality of Life
Chain of Command, Part I
Chain of Command, Part II
Ship in a Bottle
Face of the Enemy
Birthright, Part I
Birthright, Part II
Starship Mine
The Chase
Frame of Mind
Rightful Heir
Second Chances
Season 7 (1993-1994)
Descent, Part II
Gambit, Part I
Gambit, Part II
Dark Page
Force of Nature
The Pegasus
Sub Rosa
Lower Decks
Thine Own Self
Eye of the Beholder
Journey’s End
Preemptive Strike
All Good Things...
Movies (1994-2002)
Star Trek: Generations
Star Trek: First Contact
Star Trek: Insurrection
Star Trek: Nemesis
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sparrowsabre7 · 2 years ago
The first episode of "Arrow" aired 10 years ago today.
Happy Arrowversary!
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I'm going to watch 10 episodes over the next 10 weeks to celebrate, my favourite/standout episodes per season plus an extra two. Will give a mini-review/thoughts after viewing but here is the list if anyone is interested:
1. Pilot s01e01
2. The Promise s02e15
3. Unthinkable s02e23
4. Sara s03e02
5. Brotherhood s04e07
6. Lian Yu s05e23
7. Deathstroke Returns s06e05
8. Emerald Archer s07e12
9. Starling City s08e01
10. Fadeout s08e10
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agentnico · 3 years ago
Hawkeye - Season 1 (2021) Review
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A Christmas themed Marvel show?? Last time that happened we got Iron Man 3. Okay, take that as a good thing or a bad thing, but that’s what we’re getting!
Plot: Former Avenger Clint Barton has a seemingly simple mission: get back to his family for Christmas. Possible? Maybe with the help of Kate Bishop, a 22-year-old archer with dreams of becoming a Super Hero. The two are forced to work together when a presence from Barton's past threatens to derail far more than the festive spirit.
Marvel and Disney continue on in their venture to churn out as much superhero content as humanly possible, with this year alone releasing 4 movies and 5 Disney+ series. Am I smelling superhero fatigue coming round the corner? Okay, let’s be honest, superhero fatigue has been present for a good while now, however it’s hard to admit that some of these Marvel projects actually turn out really good. I hear Spider-Man: No Way Home is truly amazing and I will most certainly go check it out once I break out of COVID isolation like a phoenix rising from the ashes, or more appropriately like a spider swinging from its web! But for now, let’s talk about the new Marvel Disney+ show Hawkeye, that had its season finale yesterday. Did I like it? Did I hate it? Who the hell cares?! Make your own decisions! Don’t listen to me or anyone else! Have your own identity, and don’t succumb to listening to other people’s opinions! Get a life!! Okayyy????? That being said I do still love talking all things movies and TV, so I’m going to talk about it anyway and you can choose to read or not. The choice is in your hands. However please do read so I don’t feel like I am just writing this to myself whilst sitting on my couch in my PJs having spent 7 days in isolation already. 
So first and foremost, a show that is called Hawkeye, you’d assume the front and centre character would be everyone’s favourite Avenger Clint Barton, played here again by Jeremy Renner. Yes, that Jeremy Renner who was super intense in The Town and makes one wonder how he can getaway with playing a family-friendly super-hero. However the Hawkeye show actually puts him secondary and instead proceeds to push Hailee Steinfeld as Kate Bishop, a character that is meant to take up the mantle of the Hawkeye name and become the new young Avenger who is destined to have a prolonged contract with Marvel and make lots and lots of dollar. And Steinfeld is okay. Look, she’s a bit annoying is she not? Constantly fidgety and fast talking and acting like she’s a know-it-all even though there’s lots she still needs to learn. Okay, I’m being a bit harsh, she’s fine in this show, but within these 6 episodes her character development felt rushed and things kind of got handed to her very conveniently. And I say rushed and immediately find myself trekking back on my words, since looking at the show as a whole my main complaint is that nothing really happens in it. Well, stuff does happen, but it could have easily been told in a two episode narrative and the remainder is simply filler. There’s definitely some enjoyment to be found within the show, whether its the Avengers musical (titled Rogers: The Musical) or the LARP (live-action-role-playing) sequence to seeing Clint and Kate using various arrows with different add-ons like in a video game where you can use a weapon and add a special perk to them, that stuff was all cool to see. However as a whole I can’t say I really bought this show. I couldn’t really get engaged, especially as the story didn’t really go anywhere for me. 
To complain further as that seems to be what I am doing in this review, there’s various nifty Marvel cameos here, with the returns of Florence Pugh’s Yelena Belova (which was teased in the after credits of Black Widow) as well as a comeback of a certain other villain that shows that Disney and Marvel are finally acknowledging those Netflix shows they did a while back, and it was nice seeing these characters back, however I felt both were really underutilized. Yelena spends the time trying to kill Barton for assassinating her sister, and naturally they fight and then talk it out and then she buggers off. Sorry for the mild spoiler, but that entire arc felt so anti-climactic and predictable that it frustrated me. Same goes for the return of the Netflix villain, who suffered even more with being wasted, and his entire purpose in the show is so that the series could have that shock factor of a big surprise reveal at the end. Otherwise he doesn’t get much else to do here. That’s kind of how this show felt as whole, like it was just ticking boxes from a list. It didn’t feel natural or smooth like a good story should.
I’d say in my humble opinion Hawkeye is one of the lesser interesting Marvel shows to have come out this year, as even though the Christmas vibe and tone were welcome and very Die Hard-y, there was a lack of stakes and consequence. Heck, the main villains and foes in this are these red tracksuit bandits, who’s sole purpose of existence was to be punching bags for Barton and Bishop. So my apologies to Jeremy Renner from The Town, please don’t come after me, but I didn’t like Hawkeye. There, I said it!! I’ve expressed my opinion!! Said it out loud and clear!! Anyway, now my eyes are all set for Spider-Man: No Way Home! For that I cannot wait to see...
Overall score: 4/10
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shadlad24 · 4 years ago
Lucky Number Seven, Part 1
Seventh Mensiversary Post I
Yep. It’s that time of the month again! 😆
My posts here are almost all Xena Warrior Princess-related and can now be divided into ten main categories. Because Tumblr cannot accommodate even a listing of all my work in one post, I have to break the link tree in two.
(Of course if you’d prefer to see everything in one place and without frills, then you can always use the open Google Doc.)
Curious— Why does everyone think Gabrielle/Renée O’Connor has green eyes?
A Favor to the God of War?— What in the world was the favor Ares was after?
Smoking Gun?— How did Hope knowing Solan’s name give her away as his killer?
Good Luck, Kid!— Why was security so bad in “Maternal Instincts”?
The Love of Your Love— Wasn’t the second verse of this song insensitive to Gabrielle?
The (Many) Problem(s) with Ares— Why does so little about Ares’s character make sense?
Hard Ask— Can I PLEASE get a willing, able, AND reliable beta-reader for my Xena fanfic???
The (Many) Problem(s) with Ares [Expansion]— three more questions about the god of war
No Way— Is the titular image of “Xena: Warrior Princess” what it seems?
Hard Ask (Redo)— Plz???
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Five Funny Little Moments— a series highlighting overlooked silly things from each episode, illustrated in pictures and cracksubs
#1: “Sins of the Past”
#2: Chariots of War
#3: Dreamworker
#4: Cradle of Hope
#5: The Path Not Taken
#6: The Reckoning
#7: The Titans
#8: Prometheus
#9: Death in Chains
#10: Hooves and Harlots
#11: The Black Wolf
#12: Beware Greeks Bearing Gifts
#13: Athens City Academy of the Performing Bards
#14: A Fistful of Dinars
#15: Warrior… Princess
#16: Mortal Beloved
#17: The Royal Couple of Thieves
#18: The Prodigal
#19: Altared States
#20: Ties That Bind
#21: The Greater Good
#22: Callisto
#23: Death Mask
#24: Is There a Doctor in the House?
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Fan Theories
Soul Orbits and Psychic Echoes— how Xena and Gabrielle got their children
Shazam!— how Xena can come back after the series finale
Man-Killer— what really happened to Toris
An Unsung Hero— Aphrodite being Gabrielle’s guardian angel throughout the Rift Arc
Infamous, Infuriated— why Xena engaged in the GabDrag (and BardBraining)
Solving Some Problems with Ares— answering two of my own questions about the god of war
Odd, Sort of Beautiful Symmetry— how we ended up with Annie and Harry
Soul Orbits and Psychic Echoes [Expansion]— a focus on Solan and Hope within the main theory
Solving More Problems with Ares— answering my next questions about the god of war
Another— who The Destroyer might have been
The Jinn of War— who secretly helped Najara
The True Deliverer— NOT Khrafstar
The Jinn of War [Expansion]— an exploration of another arrow-catcher
The Lord of War: TMPSSEA Version— how Draco might be more than he seems, sans my usual image overload
The Lord of War— how Draco might be more than he seems, with the usual image overload
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Joyous Celebrations
Golden Ticket— Renee O’Connor’s initial responses to me on Instagram
Mensiversary— review of my first month on Tumblr
Confirmation/Affirmation— Steven L. Sears’s essay of support for my Furies theory
K.O.— Renée O’Connor liking my comment about ^
Hooray!— The Mother of Hope is finished (kinda)
Second Mensiversary— review of my second month on Tumblr
More Funny Little Moments #1: Season 1, Episodes 1-12
Tumblr Master Post— originally the third mensiversary, this is the post I updated and reblogged each month for some reason
A Friend— Alexandra Tydings treats me to kindness much like Ren did :)
Tumblr Master Post [Update]— fourth mensiversary post
Hooray! [Expansion]— the final lines of The Mother of Hope
More Funny Little Moments #2: Season 1, Episodes 13-24
Top 25— a collection of my favorite images (and one GIF) I’ve made, to celebrate my 100th post
Heyy, Just a bit about myself (Reblog)— a response to one of @xenawarriorprincess’s 10th-anniversary posts
Tumblr Master Post [Update]— fifth mensiversary post
Sixth Mensiversary— chart only ’cuz Tumblr is uncooperative
Sixth Mensiversary Links, Part 1— Questions, Episode Reflections, Original Fanfic Excerpts, Fan Theories, and Episode Cracksubs
Sixth Mensiversary Links, Part 2— TL;DRs, Funny Little Moments, Miscellaneous, and Other
OMG; OMG; OMG! WHEEEEE!!!— breakthrough
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TLDR #1: Soul Orbits and Psychic Echoes
TLDR #2: Infamous, Infuriated
TLDR #3: The (Many) Problem(s) with Ares
TLDR #4: Redeeming “Fishsticks”
TLDR #5: “Sacrifice I” Analysis
TLDR #6: You Have an Infection???
TLDR #7: Like Family
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Please click here to continue.
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historyman101 · 3 years ago
Fena Pirate Princess Episode 8 Review
The slow, plodding, conflict-averse “adventure” continues.
The more time goes on, the less reason I have to be invested in Fena: Pirate Princess. I’m honestly left confused as to how an anime like this can ignore basic writing tenets like dramatic tension, stakes, character growth, and conflict. Ironic for a series that was billed as an action-adventure to be so slow and methodical in its pacing, especially since we’re 3 or 4 episodes away from the end of season 1.
After the shitshow that was Episode 7, Fena and her crew have to take shelter with a friendly doctor to tend to Yukimaru’s wounds. Much of the stuff I predicted would happen did indeed happen, including:
Yukimaru recovering without any real problems
The episode consisting of characters standing around and talking rather than doing
Shitan expressing his reservations with following Fena and shittalking her
Yukimaru and Fena having a post-recovery heart-to-heart
There wasn’t really much I could react to this time around apart from a few moments like Shitan blaming Fena for Yukimaru’s brush with death and him conveniently letting go of that anger and hate in the next moment. While I can understand his frustrations with Fena, and I had more than my fair share to say about Fena being a passive “protagonist” up to now, she also suffered PTSD in that last episode, and there wasn’t much she could really do to make the situation better. Shitan is right that it’s because of her that Yukimaru was injured and since they haven’t returned to the island, they’ll all be hunted. 
I’m not opposed to that really since that would give you and your samurai entourage an excuse to finally, y’know, act like pirates.
Be that as it may, him accusing her of being a witch casting a spell over all of them just makes Shitan sound incredibly unreasonable. No one forced them to follow her. They all chose to go save Fena in the previous episode. Besides, don’t you guys need her to find Eden and recover that mystical sword or whatever the fuck? Needless to say, I ended up liking Shitan far less thanks to this episode.
That’s not really what gets me though; instead, it’s the fact that not long after, Shitan lets go of his reservations after Fena guilt trips him into helping her master the bow and arrow. Yes. After a scene where two major characters are at odds, the obvious next scene is one where they make up. 
Are the writers of this show alien to the concept of dramatic tension? You don’t just resolve a conflict like that instantly! You need to space it out for at least an episode or two! When things are resolved so quickly and with no real issues, it’s hard for me to get invested. Take it from someone who actually is trying to get published: conflict is everything in a story. If your story lacks tension or dramatic stakes, there’s no reason for anyone to follow it. I learned this stuff in middle school English class.
The only other scene of note is Fena and Yukimaru having a heartfelt conversation after his recovery. We get the return of the head bonks (feels like forever since we had those) and Yukimaru basically swears to watch over her, kisses her hand and leaves her all flustered. At least he opened up to her.
If I sound dry in my review, it’s because there is so little in this anime for me to gravitate towards. I will likely keep watching to the end since I’ve made it this far, but I don’t have any expectations left for this show. If I can be nice somewhere, I will say that Brittany Cox does a fantastic job as Fena in this episode. She clearly had a lot of fun in her role and I have to commend her for her delivery in the scene with Shitan. I just hope she can move on to bigger, better projects after this is done. 
Speaking of, next episode looks to be focused on Abel’s past, and all I have to say is...
...just how old is this guy?
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sunnydaleherald · 3 years ago
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Tuesday, August 16
Riley : What've we got? Graham : Civilian, sir. Riley : Ah, damn. Forrest : She's compromising the area. At least she's not making crazy, naked sex. Riely : Told you. We gotta clear her outta there... Fast. Forrest : Maybe not. Just thinking. If you were hostile 17, living off the crap we feed 'em, what would you rather eat than that? Riley : You wanna use the girl I got a crush on as bait? Forrest : I can tag a hostile at 50 yards. Riley : Denied. Forrest : She'd be safe the entire-- Riley : I said denied, agent.
~~Buffy Episode #63: "The Initiative"~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Just Don't Let It Be Ronon (Faith, T, SGA xover) by hermione2be
Fortune Cookie (Spike/Xander, G) by forsaken2003
A Cascade of Echoes: Interlude (Buffy, SG1 xover) by 3am_moonlight
Her (Buffy, T, Arrow xover) by beri_fanfic
Not Invited (Buffy, T, MCU xover) by mmooch
The Zeppo's Duty (Xander/Dawn, G) by apachefirecat
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A long forgotten sorrow (Buffy/Spike, G) by JuneCurry
Golden Girl, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, G) by all_choseny
[Chaptered Fiction]
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The Worlds Fate - The Slayers Destiny, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Wolverine
The Slayer and the Vampire, Chapter 54 (Buffy/Spike, T) by violettathepiratequeen [PG-13]
Her Vampire, Chapter 6 (Buffy/Spike, E) by AmyAndrews20
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You Can't Fight Fate - But You Can Piss Him Off Ch. 45 (Faith, T, Batman xover) by Hermionetobe
Welding a Family CH. 21 (Willow, T, MCU xover) by Buffyworldbuilder
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Faith - Tower by madimpossibledreamer
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do i have a season ranking now? by d-innombrables-etoiles
Discussion of I May Be Love’s Bitch (Beauty and the Beasts) by RealAdaLovelace
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Buffy moments by youremyalways
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Anya and Tara is honestly better as a character when they break up with their respective partners by amnethysia
Season 5 idea/question by jebbikadabbi
I really wonder what happened between these 2. by NoExamination4048
What do you think of the Turok-Han vampires in season 7? by jdpm1991
Finally starting "Angel" by thatonegirl127
Who's this guy (Lonely Heart) Just a hunk or something else (good/bad)? by generalkriegswaifu
What was Teds secret to great pizza and does it work? by Charlie678812
Growing up, Willow and Tara were the first queer couple I ever knew about by vegansnail
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Prime example of why Dawn gets tf ON MY NERVES -Rant by trho238
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PUBLICATION: Buffy's Epic Vampire Slayer Return Has Begun by Screen Rant
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nothingunrealistic · 3 years ago
review roundup: billions 6x07 “napoleon’s hat”
great episode for taylor doing things on the few occasions when they got to do things! what do the critics think?
New York Times: ‘Billions’ Season 6, Episode 7 Recap: Let the Games Begin
the header image for this article is wags making a phone call, and is amusingly captioned “Wags (David Costabile) making what probably wasn’t his first panicked phone call to a brothel.”
You know, it’s funny: Before I watched this episode of “Billions,” I’d been thinking to myself, “It’s been too long since Chuck Rhoades went to a dungeon.”
can’t relate!
Even Chuck’s Plan B winds up D.O.A. With the help of his lieutenants, Dave and Karl (who’s been increasingly entertaining), Rhoades pinpoints the Olympic “fixer” Colin Drache as the recipient of a $5 million bribe, presumably from Prince. (Even Wags, of all people, is aghast at the brazen nature of the graft, at least as it pertains to a self-conceptualized straight arrow like Prince.) But just when he’s ready to make an arrest amid New York City’s celebration for securing the games, Drache simply vanishes, like Keyser Soze.
In a way, watching this season of “Billions” is like watching some kind of ethical disease spread. Taylor Mason, head of the Prince Capital subsidiary Mase Carb, could well be patient zero.
how do you devote a whole paragraph to prince outright bribing someone to close the olympics, after he’s slipped a hundred different incentives to a hundred different people to get 99% of the way there, and then conclude that taylor’s the origin of unethical behavior here? all their moves in the past two episodes were made to serve him!
The one-time wunderkind spends this episode setting up a crowdsourced algorithm for investment ratings, then lording it over an established ratings agency in order to force them to downgrade the Metropolitan Transportation Authority.
what do you mean, one-time?
Prince is upset that Taylor and his own right-hand man, Scooter, went behind his back with the plan, but he knows how to take a W. Still, he insists he’s not like some drunk dad from whom the booze needs to be hidden at Christmas; he wants to be included in future maneuvers of this sort.
shouldn’t it say something about prince’s ethics, and his effect on others, that his objection is to being kept out of the maneuvering and not to the maneuvers happening?
Meanwhile, Rian, who has been spending the season as a sort of Jiminy Cricket-style externalization of Taylor’s conscience, rues handing over the spiffy new ratings algorithm to the corrupt old guard just to have it squashed. The Rian-Taylor dynamic is one of the show’s most intriguing at this point; I have no idea where the endgame is with these two.
once again i must make fun of sean for predicting romantic developments between taylor and rian for three recaps in a row last season. i also don’t know what the endgame is here, beyond suspecting some kind of permanent fracture in their relationship, but i could be doing worse!
Still no clues as to whatever Mike’s secret agenda may be, beyond his vaguely proclaiming, “I plan on having a lifetime of grand projects.”
me neither, except that i disagree with the theory i’ve seen most commonly (i.e. more than once on twitter), which is “he’s gonna run for president.”
Wendy is decidedly sour on her son’s private-school upbringing after she and Chuck are confronted by an obnoxious parent at the carnival, who calls Chuck a communist and Wendy a Karen. As an aside, the way they ferociously stick up for each other makes me think there’s still dramatic juice to be squeezed from their relationship.
unfortunately, i agree. i did wonder at the start of the season if wendy would end up on team chuck, based on the official poster putting her closer to chuck than to prince, and i’m still wondering.
Vulture: Billions Recap: Strings Attached
You know you’ve crossed pretty damn far into the dark side when Wags, the king of debauchery, is warning you against the dangers of, to use Drache’s term, financial “inspiration.” The same guy who spends a good portion of the episode helping sex workers evade Chuck’s raids cautions Prince not to bribe Drache to get the Olympics, saying the billionaire will “wake up a very different person.” For all his hedonistic tendencies, we do know that Wags is aware of life’s limits, making me wonder if there will come a time when he can no longer back his current boss.
raising the ultimate question about that scene: is wags warning prince against paying a bribe to get the olympics because he thinks no one should make that kind of move, or because he thinks prince possesses some unique moral purity that needs to remain unsullied?
More likely, if Wags ever does betray Prince, it will be because he has been kept out of the inner, inner circle: In last week’s episode, there was an ambiguous exchange between Prince and Scooter, where they discussed the reason why Prince is so keen to groom Scooter’s nephew Philip. From what I could gather, Prince wants Philip to take over MPC one day — because he and Scooter are planning something even more monumental than the Olympics. What that is, we don’t know, but it’s so top secret that it’s apparently the reason why Scooter returned to his office with no questions asked when it became clear corruption was about to go down.
intriguing theory! wags isn’t used to having a leader whose plans are above his security clearance. (but i assumed scooter returned to his office with no questions asked because he knows prince well enough to know he won’t be Fundamentally Changed by bribing someone.)
Chuck forges ahead with his bordello search, not without revealing to Dave — and the audience — that he’s no longer engaging in BDSM. No reason is given, though maybe the pandemic caused an involuntary abstinence.
do we need a reason beyond the implied “he’s changed as a person”? maybe finally dispatching axe and shifting focus to prince / All Billionaires has sated his need to get the crap beaten out of him.
The hinted rekindling of Chuck and Wendy’s relationship was a nice red herring, but getting them back together is just a bad idea all around. I’m sure their babysitter is exceedingly grateful that their renewed mutual disdain netted her a private dinner with chef Daniel Boulud.
and i’m grateful too! “mutual disdain” is the ideal state of the chuck-wendy relationship.
Entertainment Weekly: Billions recap: Michael Prince, the new King of New York
the one-sentence synopsis of this recap is “It’s finally time for the Olympics host city to be announced, and Chuck makes one final attempt at ruining Prince’s bid.” did you miss that there were *three* failed attempts to ruin prince’s bid — going after the scholarships, the sex club, and drache — in this episode?
Chuck is convinced that Prince can't be the leader in the Olympics bid without greasing some wheels along the way, and when he subpoenas the manifests of the IOC's helicopter trip to a U2 concert and sees Wags and Drache on the list, he figures that some sort of illegal bribery is going on between the two of them.
you mean the ICS’s trip to a bruce springsteen & bon jovi concert? where the hell did you get U2 from?
The B-story sees Taylor creating an algorithm that can rate stocks more precisely, using it as a wedge against the MTA when they sell the algo to a bigger company and ask for a favor in downgrading the MTA. That gives Prince some leverage to get his subway tech back in play, all but securing that the Olympics will come to New York.
wow! a whole paragraph about what taylor’s up to! you’re making such good progress!
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jbuffyangel · 6 years ago
Stolen Identity: Arrow 7x10 Review (My Name Is Emiko Queen)
Arrow kicks off their mid season with a slumpy snoozer of an episode, but there are a few golden nuggets to chat about.
Let’s dig in…
Oliver is beginning his new career as a legal vigilante by working with SCPD as a consultant. I wonder how much that pays. Hmmm. 
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Anyway, Dinah is a little know-it-all about the crime scene when she tells Oliver, “Try not to screw it up.” 
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Source:  smoakmonster
By screw it up do you mean solve all the cases the SCPD can’t? Because that’s what Oliver has been doing the last six years. He was casing crime scenes while you were in cleaning toilets in the police academy, Dinah. Actually, I don’t know if that’s true. Oliver and Dinah are pretty close in age, but I’m feeling punchy today so I’m standing by my analogy.
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The forensics officer is feeling punchy about Oliver too. Apparently, not everyone is thrilled the Green Arrow is working with the police now. God only knows why. It’s not like he hasn’t saved the city from annihilation several times. OH WAIT HE HAS. Ungrateful twats.  Respect your elders!
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Can we have a side bar about the SCPD? 
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They are throwing shade at Oliver and instructing him to not screw up a crime scene, but if they did their jobs in the first place the city wouldn’t need the Green Arrow. Are we really blown away by the SCPD’s accomplishments over the last seven years? They can’t arrest anyone unless Oliver delivers them with a bow. We are given the token “good” cop every season:
Quentin Lance: great detective, but ended up working with the Green Arrow because crimes actually were solved then
McKenna Hall: shot and left the city
Billy Malone: shot and killed
Dinah Drake: became a vigilante
Curtis’ boyfriend: also shot and I can’t even remember his name
They were incapable of handling Malcolm Merlyn, Slade Wilson and Ra’s Al Ghul’s attacks. The citizens of Star City fought back with Oliver against Damien Darhk. Oh and the entire police department was corrupted by Diaz. Not to mention crime is back on the rise and the citizens are bemoaning the lack of Green Arrow assistance. Not exactly a stunning endorsement of the SCPD, so cool it with the uppity comments. You’d be dead ten times over if it weren’t for Oliver Queen.
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Oliver offers to speed things up by using his “resources” do analyze the blood on a piece of broken window. 
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Source:  smoakmonster
Meet Oliver’s resources:
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Felicity has a new security system which can read DNA. 
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Source:  felicitysmoakgifs
Uhhh that’s amazing. I want one. 
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Source:  feilcityqueen
My babies are all made up and back to being a united team with adorable they’re-so-married banter punctuated by smush face smooches. WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE FANDOM! 
These two fell in love over a bullet ridden computer, so analyzing DNA is their idea of Netflix and chill. 
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Source:  felicitysmoakgifs
Look how happy Felicity is! Has a cuter cupcake ever existed? The correct answer is, “No except for your daughter Jen.” Why thank you. I quite agree.
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We all know Felicity has Oliver’s DNA sequencing memorized. 
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Source:  olicitygifs
Yes, I know the memories of the Season 4 crossover are still traumatic. If you are triggered watch the Olicity wedding to ward off the flashes and nightmares. 
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Oliver is a little too surprised the archer is a woman. 
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Source:  felicitysmoakgifs
Hey! We have hands and eyes too big fella. Men aren’t the only ones who can point an arrow. Hang on. That sounded dirty. 
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My point (HA!) is GIRL POWER.
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I love how Felicity asks Oliver to sit down and he does his patented side eye thing and asks why. Hilarious. I never tire of that reaction from Oliver. 
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Felicity is remarkably calm which, let’s be honest, is probably because she’s relieved Emiko is just Oliver’s sister and not another spawn from a one night stand. No offense William. Mama Jen loves you pumpkin.
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Oliver, however, is shocked. Is it really a big surprise your father was a little slutty back in the day, Oliver? Apple meet tree. 
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Robert keeps enormous secrets and expects Oliver to fix all his “wrongs” post mortem. That’s it. That’s the show. 
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And yet I still love Robert Queen and so does Oliver. If Robert was alive right now Oliver would probably punch his dad, then hug him, and ask all the questions he wants. Scratch that. Oliver would hug his dad first and then punch him. Unfortunately, Robert is dead and there’s no one to really answer why. There’s no where Oliver can channel his hurt, anger and confusion. The same goes for Emiko. Or is there? Hunting bad guys with a bow and arrow is therapy in this family.
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Source: olicitygifs 
Felicity continues to win the award for Supportive Wife of the Year. Oliver is floundering in unknown yet familiar waters and Felicity is his life raft. She handles all of this like a pro. She’s probably used to Queen family shenanigans by now. Noah’s criminal record and Donna’s penchant for five inch heels really pales in comparison to the crap Oliver’s parents pulled.
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Oliver wants whatever answers he can find before he introduces himself to new little sister. As Felicity said, Robert Queen did love a good paper trail. It seems he handed those books out as stocking stuffers. Is it the same book? Or maybe Emiko made her own book and this is some truly bizarre Queen genetic characteristic.
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Oliver doesn’t have it all together and he’s spiraling a bit. Oh how far we’ve come my friends. A few years ago Oliver would have shut down and buried his head inside that hood.
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And now he’s allowing himself to feel. Oliver is hurt, angry, confused, ashamed and deeply sad. He’s grieving the relationship he was cheated of having with Emiko for all these years. Yet again, Robert and Moira have acted in their family’s self interests and without much concern who they destroyed in the process. 
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The reason why Oliver is falling to pieces is because he knows Felicity will be there to pick them up. Oliver doesn’t need to be on top of things because Felicity is, and even better, he is letting her take care of him. Oliver no longer chooses to go it alone. We’ve come light years with Oliver Queen.
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Source:  felicitysmoakgifs
Oliver’s love and pride in his wife bubbles to the surface even when grappling with another earth shattering secret being exposed. This soft smile is pure you-are-my-genius-and-I’m-so-thankful-I-wife’d-you-so-hard. You can feel the relief Oliver feels over being home with Felicity, out of prison and in his own damn body. He can face anything as long as she’s by his side. Slabside didn’t cause any kind of regression. In fact, Oliver came home ready to double down on everything he’s learned over the last six years. He is holding onto his wife even tighter now. It’s beautiful to see.
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Does anyone else find it hard to believe it took seven years for Oliver to discover a secret storage unit given how shady both his parents were?
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At least it gives us more adorable Olicity. Felicity looking at Baby Oliver’s drawings is everything I didn’t know I needed.
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Source: oliverxfelicity
This Thea mention isn’t accidental. It took time for Oliver to love Thea. I am fairly certain my sisters are still adjusting to my arrival and I’m 37. Oliver was just a little boy reacting like how many older children react to the news a sibling is on the way. However, it’s slightly applicable to what is happening with Emiko and Oliver. They will grow on each other. It will just take time.  
Of course, there’s a letter from Robert Queen to Walter Steele in like the third box, sitting right on top, which explains exactly who Emiko is. This is major plot contrivance even by Arrow standards, but whatever.
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Robert admits he loved Kazumi Hadachi and the daughter they had together, but abandoned them both. They were supposed to be cared for in the event of Robert’s death (translation: write a check Walter), but that never happened because of Moira. 
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Who didn’t see that one coming? 
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This has Moira “I Hide Babies And Lie About DNA” Queen’s sticky fingers all over it. If you are losing track allow me to refresh your memory: 
Moira paid Samantha off and let Oliver believe she miscarried
She lied about Thea’s biological father
Kept Robert Queen’s love child hidden and in abject poverty for her entire life. (allegedly)
I love Moira and she has her good points, but man she was a piece of work sometimes. 
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The question of course is why? Moira knew Robert had affairs. It’s the reason she had an affair with Malcolm – a little tit for tat. Emiko is older than Thea though, so one of two things happened: 
1) Walter showed Moira the letter and she found out about Emiko after Robert’s death. She refused to follow his wishes and locked up the secret in a never-to-be-found storage unit. 
2) Moira knew about Emiko and Kazumi, but forced Robert to give them up. He left the letter to Walter in hopes he would circumvent Moira. It seems Walter did not do as Robert asked or he tried and Moira stopped him.
Oliver: How can I believe that he ever loved anybody but himself? How could he abandon them in the first place?
Felicity: I don’t’ think Moira gave him much of a choice.
Felicity has danced this paternity dance before with Moira Queen. So, she’s leaning towards Option 2 and I agree.
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Oliver already answered the why. Kazumi and Emiko were Robert’s second family. There was another woman and child Robert deeply loved. We can multiply whatever hurt Oliver is feeling by this betrayal ten times over for Moira. Cheating is one of the worst things you can do to your partner.
I sympathize with the pain Moira must have felt after discovering Emiko and Kazumi, but it doesn't excuse what she did. Robert should have acknowledged his child and cared for both, but that would be unacceptable to Moira for a few reasons. 
She would never allow Robert to make a public mockery of her. Moira would be humiliated if Starling City knew Robert cheated on her and had a second family. Furthermore, the scandal would be enormous and could damage the Queen family name – i.e. their company, which means the bottom dollar.
Moira always did whatever she believed necessary to protect her children. Thea wasn’t born yet, but I’m sure Moira viewed Oliver as the rightful heir to the kingdom. She wouldn’t want a child not of her blood threatening to take it all away or force Oliver to share it.
It’s not just that Robert cheated either. It’s about who he cheated with. The Queen family was like royalty to Starling City. Robert cheating on Moira Queen with a poor woman from the Glades. This would be another level of humiliation to Moira. Nope. She ain’t having that. 
Moira was absolutely classest enough about the Glades to look down on someone like Kazumi. Hell, she was working with Merlyn to blow up the Glades at one point. Moira looking down on someone like Kazumi isn’t a stretch. 
There could be a level of revenge to this. Robert hurt Moira deeply and chances are she wanted to punish Robert. He had to make a choice and he better damn well choose Oliver and her.  
Not that I’m putting this all at Moira’s feet. These are Robert’s choices too. Moira can demand all she wants, but it was Robert who ultimately made the call. He walked away from Kazumi and Emiko. He abandoned them.
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Obviously, it’s wonderful Robert raised Thea as his own. However, Emiko does bring another layer to the decision. Robert was denied a relationship with his biological daughter, so of course Thea gave him an avenue to a father/daughter relationship again. Perhaps, Robert’s forgiveness and acceptance was atonement too. He acknowledged his actions were no better than Moira’s.  
However, if Moira refused to let Emiko be part of their lives then Robert refused to do the same to Thea. It is forgiveness Moira did not show him. She could have welcomed Emiko into her life just like Felicity welcomed William. Robert loving Thea was a constant reminder to Moira that she did not give Emiko the same love. That could be viewed as extremely passive aggressive behavior. Their marriage was so fucked up. Yikes.
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Oliver: I worked so long and hard to redeem my family’s name after the terrible things they’ve done, but abandoning someone and a little girl? It’s unforgivable.
Yeah that line is no accident either. I’m quietly whistling and taking a long hard look at the flash forwards and Blackstar.  If William and Roy do not know her, and she is Oliver and Felicity’s daughter, then they must have been forced to separate from or hide her. It won’t be anywhere near the same situation as Robert and Emiko, but there could be some kind of parallel drawn.
The first five years of Oliver’s story was about a son righting his father’s wrongs. Oliver is still dealing with the consequences of Robert Queen’s sins, but they’ve added another layer to his character. Now Oliver is the father. He’s had to sacrifice his family to do noble things, but that doesn’t make the pain of those sacrifices any easier.  
I’m sure Oliver and Felicity will have a good reason for all of their decisions in the future, but it doesn’t make it any less painful for their children. It’s not an apples to apples comparison by any means, but Oliver may come to understand or even sympathize more with the choices his father made.
That said, it’s hard to imagine Oliver and Felicity “abandoning” their children for any reason given how strongly Oliver has reacted to what Robert did and how hard they both fought to bring their family back together. Also, this is Oliver and Felicity we’er talking about here. Oliver would loathe himself to repeat the same behavior. So, if this isn’t all a ruse, I’m expecting some seriously major extenuating circumstances.
I also want to add we may be dealing with a very broad definition of abandonment at least when it comes to William. Based on Beth Schwartz’s remarks from her latest interviews, the abandonment William is referencing in the future may very well be Oliver and Felicity sending him to board school.
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Uhh... that’s not abandonment kiddo. But it’s also entirely possible another separation is coming too.
However, Oliver is exactly who Robert Queen asked him to be – a better man. Whatever mistakes Robert made with his life and children, Oliver will either avoid or fix it. Oliver is the hero and father Robert never could be. The only real  certainty we have is Oliver’s love, honor, selflessness and constant striving to be better can heal whatever pain is caused. That’s just who Oliver is. It’s why we love him.
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Source:  olicitygifs
This is exactly what Felicity tells Oliver on their balcony, complete with shoulder nuzzle. 
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Source:  olicitygifs
Robert committed a great wrong by abandoning his own child. Oliver can’t fix everything for Emiko, but he can offer to be something no Queen ever has- her family.
Emiko and Rene
It’s very important to the Arrow writers that we understand Emiko is just like Oliver. She chases bad guys in dark alleys, hangs them upside down and puts the fear of God into them until they talk. She has her very own book with names to cross off. (Seriously how many copies did Robert Queen hand out?) Emiko works in a super secret dilapidated lair with perfectly lit soft glow lights.
Not green though! Emiko is back lit in purple because she’s a girl.  Honestly, at times it looks a little red too. Do what you will with that information, but no green lights should be your immediate tip off that Emiko won’t become the new Green Arrow. Is Arrow really that obvious? Yes, my sweet summer children. They are.
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Emiko even has her own voice over talking about injustice, the broken system and how someone must stand up to stop it. The similarities to Oliver don’t end there! Emiko is also a stubborn, extreme loner with severe anger issues. I may have wiki’d Bereavement Disorder too. But darn it, Emiko has a good heart and is a hero too!
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If you’ve sensed some sarcasm coming from me you’d be right. I know the Arrow writers love a good parallel. It’s their crack cocaine, but pulling major beats from Oliver’s storyline and making Emiko Oliver 2.0 felt like lazy writing to me. It’s a quick way to imbed Emiko in the story without doing seven years of character building. Oliver did all the heavy lifting and Emiko is cashing in.
She even gets shot and has to turn to her beautiful, genius, funny and IT – wait. No. Emiko goes to Rene. Not Felicity. I suppose it’s nice our couple is so iconic the writers are stealing storylines from them, but get your own damn shipper moments! I draw the line at Rene being the Felicity in any situation. Nope. No sir. Unacceptable.
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I’m hopeful we’ll get more individualism from her character as she develops. I know I am typically a fan of the super obvious parallel, but it felt like a short cut this time around. The great thing about all these similarities to Oliver is they will be like two cats fighting. They’ll drive each other nuts. Or at least Oliver will drive Emiko nuts. Oliver will be more focused on apologizing for their douche bag dad and begging for a chance to get to know her.
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After Rene blows one of Emiko’s ambushes she warns the next time it happens she’ll put an arrow in him. There. We found a difference! Oliver would have shot Rene now. 
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But Emiko wants to know why Rene is helping her.
“You said your mission is personal. So is mine. I watched as my wife got shot to death by a drug dealer from these streets. And for a long time, all I saw was red. Then I met Oliver Queen and the team and they helped me channel my anger into a fight for a better life. I just want to pay that forward.”
It’s a good speech except Rene leaves out how he turned states evidence on Oliver, but that’s just details. There’s another nod to red. Someone on Twitter told me Emiko will become Red Arrow, so maybe that’s going to happen. Or it could mean nothing. Time will tell. Rene does get Emiko to trust him and she finally fills us all in on her back story.
A fire began in Emiko and Kazumi’s apartment building, but the fire department never came because it was in the Glades. The building burned down and her mother died. However, Kazumi wasn’t killed by the fire. Emiko believes she was shot in the head by Glen Morgan. Emiko is hell bent on getting justice for her mother’s death.
Unfortunately, Glen Morgan swears he didn’t kill Emiko’s mother. He was out of the country for the last two years. He’s being set up. This means Emiko is no closer to finding her mother’s killer. I have a feeling Kazumi’s murder will lead back to A.R.G.U.S. and Deputy Director Bell. 
Emiko needs Oliver’s help, but they’ll have plenty of issues to work through. No shortage of drama there! 
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Source:  felicitysmoakgifs
Felicity: I mean I’m no therapist but I’m pretty sure the technical term for that is cry for help.
Felicity is right. Becoming Green Arrow 2.0 isn’t exactly a subtle way of signaling a connection to Oliver. 
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Emiko put on the hood after Oliver admitted who he was and went to prison. She had to know either Oliver or Team Arrow would be curious about her identity. Perhaps Emiko thought it would be impossible to discover her identity because Oliver was in prison, she’s not in the system, and there are no birth records. Emiko Queen doesn’t exist according to the world.
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Source: @smoaktechs
Hence her anger. She was abandoned by her father and then again by the Queen family after he died. Robert’s reasons don’t really matter to me. The bottom line is he chose Oliver and Thea over Emiko. At least that’s how it looks, regardless of Robert’s intentions, and I’m fairly certain this is how Emiko feels about it too.
So, it’s not all that surprising she chose to put on the hood after Oliver’s incarceration. The hood serves as a great vehicle for Emiko to find justice and she knows her identity will be fairly well protected. It signals a connection to Oliver, but also frustratingly denies him the answer to what the connection is. It is Emiko’s way of saying, “I know who you are, but you don’t know who I am,” while giving Oliver the middle finger.
However, the real reason Emiko became the Green Arrow was to steal a part of Oliver’s identity. She wanted to take something precious from Oliver’s life just like he took something precious from hers. Emiko wanted Oliver to see someone else living the identity that was rightfully his. She wants Oliver to sit in jail and watch, absolutely powerless to stop it. Just like Emiko was powerless to stop being denied a Queen.
@callistawolf mentioned this in our 7x10 podcast but it is so bang on I have to mention it here. Emiko is like Will Scarlet from Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves. 
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Robin lost his mother at a young age and his father found comfort in the arms of another woman for a time. Robin felt Lord Locksley was betraying his mother’s memory, so his father gave the woman up. Will Scarlet was the product of their affair. Instead of living in comfort, with a father who loved him, Will and his mother were forced to live in poverty. Will was denied the name and life that was rightfully his because their father chose Robin.
Will: It’s not a lie! You ruined my life! I have more reason to hate you than anyone, but I found myself daring to believe in you. What I want to know brother is will you stay with us and finish what you started?
Robin: I have a brother? I have a brother. I will make my stand with you. Side by side.  Until the end.
It’s a great scene. I get choked up every time I watch it. No it doesn’t matter Kevin Costner could never master an English accent. Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves is the shit. Don’t @ me.
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To be fair, Robin didn’t know about Will Scarlet so directing all the blame at him isn’t entirely fair. The same goes for Oliver. He didn’t know about Emiko so whatever anger is being directed at him isn’t entirely fair either. However, Will could only direct his anger at Robin because their father was dead. Sound familiar? We’ve even got the damn bow and arrows kids.
It’s not about what Oliver did for Emiko. It’s about what he represents. But as Emiko embraces a darker path with Rene, it is clear her big brother is exactly who she needs right now.
Flash Forwards
We finally see the inside of the Glades in the flash forwards and it looks exactly like the Capitol from The Hunger Games. 
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Everything is bright, shiny and everyone feels evil. As we predicted, Rene is a mayor. 
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He has spectacularly awful hair and needs to lay off the spray tan. 
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It’s bad friends. It’s real bad.
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A man who looks exactly like Seneca Crane hails Rene as the person who single handedly cleaned up the Glades. Uhhhh okay? 
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Zoe is Chief of Staff, but she doesn’t seem to really care. She tries to tell Rene about the plan to blow up Star City, but Rene doesn’t  seem to really care. Well, great. Good talk guys.
Rene: When the Glades needed help no one came to our rescue.
Listen up, Mr. Mayor. Oliver Queen’s mission was never about saving part of the city. The mission was to save ALL of Star City. What’s happening to the citizens outside the Glades in the flash forwards is not any better than what’s happening to the citizens inside the Glades during present day. The location of the problem is just flipped, but it’s still the same problem. Rene is no savior and he’s definitely no Oliver Queen.
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Zoe wants access to something called the Archer program. It’s the security system that wiped out crime and keeps the citizens of the Glades safe. It also sounds exactly like something Felicity Smoak would invent and then name after her husband. I STAN ONE COUPLE. 
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In fact, Felicity is working on a new security system in present day which registers DNA (thanks to Delaney @Lane1812 for pointing that out!). That is probably the first genesis of the Archer program.
At some point this security program falls into the wrong hands - Deputy Director Bell perhaps or maybe the Ghost Protocol goes terribly wrong. According to Rene, they “barely recovered.” I’m assuming he’s talking about the Glades. It’s been a couple years since the Glades were attacked and it would make a great parallel to Star City being under attack in the flash forwards.
Rene refuses to give Zoe the codes to the Archer program and she pretty much gives him my speech (re: see above) about the days he used to give a crap about the entire city. You’re doing great, sweetie.
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Dinah arranges a clandestine meeting by night with Rene and by that I mean she sneaks up on him. He refuses to hand over the codes until Dinah threatens to beat the crap out of him. Dinah would totally win. The accuracy is real.
She did try to appeal to Rene’s conscience first. Dinah tells him Felicity is dead and he seems genuinely shocked by the news. Dinah reminds Rene he is part of the Mark of Four and they owe it to Felicity to stop whatever is going to happen to Star City.
Dinah: We made a promise to always keep fighting, to be there for each other no matter what – all of us. You, me, Roy, Diggle, Oliver and Felicity.
Now we officially know the Mark of Four members. You know what name I didn’t hear? CURTIS HOLT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
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We have a shot in hell now of Curtis being kicked off this show at some point. 
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I expressed my joy about this on Twitter and I got a couple “this person isn’t on it either” as if it is meaningless Curtis isn’t included.  So I’m going to head these names off at the pass.
1) Barry – there is no way the writers would include a main character from another DC show (the lead no less) to be part of a major Arrow storyline, which the Mark of Four is. Thank you. Next.
2) Bl*ck Siren/L*urel – these characters are all Team Arrow members and BS has never been part of Team Arrow. I don’t think she ever will be. At best, she’ll fill a consultant like role. The Spike to Arrow’s Scooby Gang. For whatever reason she’s not part of the Mark of Four, which isn’t surprising, but in no way compares to Curtis. He is the only Team Arrow member left off the list.
3) Thea – Willa Holland is not on the show anymore. They would not include a character that is no longer on the show.
If you are wondering why Roy is part of the Mark of Four I would buckle up and prepare for some bad Thea news. Either Roy and Thea broke up or she’s dead. Personally, I prefer dead. I don’t want the reason Theroy not getting their happy ending is because they couldn’t make it work. Upside is we’ll get to see Roy in present day and hopefully soon.
Anyway, Curtis being left of the list is significant and nobody can tell me otherwise. I KNOW MY TRUTH. I shall celebrate with glee and keep a watchful eye for a potential exit storyline. 
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If Diaz kills Curtis I might have to like him and that scares me.
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Rene meets with Flash Forward Seneca Crane to tell him Dinah has “the plans.” So, Flash Forward Seneca Crane is the one planning to blow up Star City. Rene agreed to build up the Glades, but never planned to wipe out the city. Flash Forward Seneca Crane explains Star City is a “cancer which must be cut out.”
Finally, Rene asks about Felicity’s murder. Seneca Crane explains she was becoming a “liability.” It would seem we’ve met Felicity’s “murderer” or at least the person behind her murder. Where’s a bow and arrow when you need one?
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If you’re wondering who the hell is Seneca Crane allow me to explain.
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Seneca Crane is the head game maker in The Hunger Games, but Katniss Everdeen outsmarts him in the end. There is no way this half baked version of Seneca Crane outsmarted Felicity Smoak. She’s our Katniss Everdeen. Hell, she’s better than Katniss Everdeen. Felicity is alive and working undercover to stop the destruction of Star City. 
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I don’t believe Rene is evil either, despite acting like he has zero problem with killing Felicity Smoak. It’s either one of two things. A) He’s been working undercover with Felicity the whole time or B) Rene was unaware of what was truly going on, but now that he does he will work with William & team to stop it.
I’m going with B for now.
Back on the other show called “The Stupid Thing Diggle Did This Week,” John offers Diaz his freedom if he hands over the terrorist financier Dante. WHAAAAAAAT?
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When Deputy Director Bell asks WTF is going on (dude same) Diggle explains he and Lyla are reinstating the Ghost Protocol, which is basically a poor man’s version of Suicide Squad. Lyla is pissed because Diggle cooked up this plan without discussing it with her and then, by telling Bell, made it impossible not to back it. Lyla shut down the Ghost Initiative and swore never to reopen it. Diggle knew that. He insists it’s the perfect cover for their operation and everything will be fine, which automatically means this will be a disaster.
Lyla: And here I thought I was the one in danger of becoming Amanda Waller.
DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN. You want some ice on that burn Diggle?
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Diggle needs to go back to Oliver and Felicity. He’s a mess without them.
Stray Thoughts
Hey! Who gave Emiko her mask? *side eyeing Barry Allen*
At some point they will need to tell us who makes the suits. This is like waiting for the identity of Gossip Girl.
Sara gave Emiko a leather jacket too. Uh oh. Don’t tell L*urel. ;)
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I’d also like to know where Emiko learned to fight and shoot. Just details. No biggie.
I wish Emiko had money. I miss billionaire Oliver. 
Well I said Emiko’s mother is either China White or a random character. They went with rando.
The aging makeup is extremely bad in high definition. Has anyone Arrow actually met a 50 year old? They don’t look like Rene and Dinah. Moira Queen was 50 when she died. Robert Queen was almost 50 when he died. Did they look like they’ve been left out baking in the sun for twenty years? No. Do they not have hair dye in the future? This is ridiculous. People are living until their eighties and nineties. Fifty is not that old. Get a grip makeup department.
“One of the canaries.” OMG are there more in the future? Canary, LL Bl*ck Canary, White Canary, Bl*ck Siren, DD  Bl*ck Canary, ZR Bl*ck Canary. That’s at least six, but sure Jan she’s an original character.
Rene saying, “We need a person in the chair" proves my exact point about Curtis. The writers are constantly making the genius of Felicity Smoak sound replaceable and it fucking bugs the shit out of me.
Smeh. No matter how much they say they aren't doing a replacement Thea storyline that's exactly what it looks like. There was nothing in this episode that dissuaded my opinion on that matter. It sounds disingenuous to say otherwise.
Arrow is getting into a bad habit of killing mothers. This isn’t a Disney movie. Find a new theme.
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Disclaimer: Any gifs on the blog are not mine. If you would like a gif removed from my reviews, please message me. 7x10 gifs credited.
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agent-bumblebee · 3 years ago
What If…? Episode 9/ Series Finale review:
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Boy that was quite the finale wasn’t it?
Anyways, let’s get in to it.
So this is episode serves as the finale of What If…? Basically uniting all of the heroes of the multiverses in a sort of multiverse version of the Avengers.
And man, that was really good.
And the roster of the team includes: Captain Carter, T’Challa/Star-Lord (With this one being Chadwick Boseman’s last role, as in like this is his final time portraying the character, so R.I.P to the king one more time), Party Thor, Strange Supreme, Killmonger (in his Black Panther suit), Black Widow (from the previous episode)
And in a weird addition, Gamora in the Thanos armor.
And I say weird because she just showed up out of nowhere, along with Tony Stark in some sort of Sakaar suit.
I feel like they would have made an episode about this, it’s either a. They forgot, or b. They where going to but possibly couldn’t do it, cuz of current events.
Whatever the case, it felt weird seeing Gamora pop out of nowhere.
And speaking of episodes, I did enjoy that we see the payoff of each episode actually happening.
Like, the payoff to episode 1 after Captain Carter travelled to the future after being stuck for 70 years, is basically the events of The Winter Soldier.
The payoff to episode 2, see Ego using Peter as a battery, and managed to unleash the plant thing we saw in Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol.2, with T’Challa and the ravagers helping to prevent it.
The payoff to episode 3 (which happens at the end, after that heart to heart between both Black Widow and The Watcher), where Loki has taken over, and the substitute Avengers (I.e. Captain America and Captain Marvel) are fending off Loki’s army.
The payoff to episode 6, where Pepper Potts, Shuri, and the Dora Milaje, are seeking out Killmonger and getting revenge for killing Stark and T’Challa
And the payoff to episode 7, where Thor is basically fighting all of Ultron’s bots, all by himself, after they entered through a portal.
But besides the payoffs to previous episodes, there are of course nodes to them, for instance we see the Zombie universe again, as well as the zombie Scarlet Witch, as well as the Arrow USB, that contains the consciousness of Arnim Zola from the previous episode.
Plus that final showdown against Ultron was great, got massive goosebumps and even chills, tho kinda rushed, I still enjoyed it, I also loved that short conversation between Ultron and Arnim Zola, before Zola pretty much put him offline, was also good.
Plus I did liked how Killmonger puts on the Ultron armor with all the infinity stones, and tries to say that it could help fix our universes. I find that very interesting.
I even liked that mid-credits scene where we see The Hydra Stomper from Episode 1, with Black Widow saying someone is inside, which could possibly be Steve Rogers, since he did use it, but either way really liked it.
Overall a very good episode, and a good finale.
And hopefully we could get a season 2, and I can’t wait.
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