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The world of Lemon Verbena tea is a tapestry of flavor, wellness, and pure indulgence. Whether you're a seasoned tea enthusiast or a curious newcomer, dive into the citrus symphony and let each sip unravel the magic within.🌟☕️💛 Don't forget to share your Lemon Verbena adventures, and let's cultivate a community of herbal delight! 🌿✨
READ MORE: Unveiling the Citrus Symphony: A Deep Dive into the Marvels of Lemon Verbena Tea
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نباتات طبيعية.. وداعًا للحشرات المزعجة!
هل تعبت من الحشرات التي تدخل منزلك وتزعج راحتك؟ هل تبحث عن حل طبيعي وآمن لحماية منزلك و حديقتك؟ الحل يكمن في عالم النباتات!
لماذا النباتات؟
النباتات الطاردة للحشرات هي أكثر من مجرد زينة، فهي تعمل كحاجز طبيعي يمنع دخول الحشرات المزعجة. هذه النباتات تفرز روائح طبيعية تكرهها الحشرات، مما يجعلها تبحث عن مكان آخر.
أفضل النباتات لحياة خالية من الحشرات
القطيفة: ليست جميلة المظهر فقط بل هي أيضًا كابوس للحشرات مثل البراغيث والبعوض والمن.
الريحان: رائحته العطرية لا تجذب الحشرات بل تطردها، خاصة البعوض والذباب.
النعناع: نبات قوي يطرد الفئران والذباب والنمال برائحته النفاذة.
الخزامى: لا تقتصر فائدتها على رائحتها العطرة، بل تعمل أيضًا على طرد البعوض والعث والذباب.
السترونيلا: مشهورة باستخدامها في الشموع والمشاعل لطرد البعوض.
كيف تستفيد من هذه النباتات؟
زراعتها في المنزل: ضع الأواني التي تحتوي على هذه النباتات بالقرب من النوافذ والأبواب.
في الحديقة: زرعها حول نباتات الزينة لحمايتها من الآفات.
صنع مبخرات طبيعية: جفف أوراق بعض النباتات واستخدمها في مبخرات.
صنع بخاخات منزلية: اخلط أوراق النباتات مع الماء لصنع بخاخ طبيعي.
نصائح للعناية بنباتاتك الطاردة للحشرات
الري: الماء هو الحياة للنباتات، لذا اسقِ نباتاتك بانتظام.
الضوء: معظم هذه النباتات تحتاج إلى ضوء الشمس، لذا ضعها في مكان مشمس.
التغذية: قم بتسميد نباتاتك بشكل دوري لتعزيز نموها.
فوائد إضافية
تحسين جودة الهواء: بعض هذه النباتات تساعد في تنقية الهواء.
إضافة لمسة جمالية: تزيين منزلك بنباتات ذات ألوان وأشكال جذابة.
استخدامات أخرى: يمكن استخدام بعض هذه النباتات في الطهي أو العلاجات الطبيعية.
النباتات الطاردة للحشرات هي حل طبيعي وآمن وفعال لمكافحة الآفات. جرب زراعتها في منزلك أو حديقتك واستمتع ببيئة خالية من الحشرات.
نصائح إضافية:
الوقاية خير من العلاج: حاول إغلاق النوافذ والأبواب جيدًا لمنع دخول الحشرات.
التنظيف المنتظم: حافظ على نظافة منزلك للتخلص من أي مصادر تجذب الحشرات.
الاستعانة بخبراء: إذا كانت مشكلة الحشرات كبيرة، استشر خبيرًا في مكافحة الآفات.
هل لديك أي أسئلة أخرى حول النباتات الطاردة للحشرات؟
ملاحظة: يمكن إضافة صور للنباتات لجعل المقالة أكثر جاذبية.
هل ترغب في التركيز على جانب معين من هذا الموضوع؟ مثل فوائد معينة لنبات معين أو طريقة عمل مبيد حشري طبيعي؟
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La lavanda es una opción perfecta para balcones expuestos a pleno sol, además proporcionan una fragancia exquisita! Sus flores son muy caractarerísticas y las puedes utilizar para dar un toque de olor en tu armario o cajones o incluso para tu coche! A nosotros nos encanta usar las flores en los lazos de los regalos, es un detalle muy apreciado 😉👌🏻🌷🌿 #lavanda #lavanda💜 #lavender #gardencenter #ahorafloresyplantas #florsalsbalcons #flors #floristeria #flores #flor#aromaticas #aromaticherbs #aromaticplants #elho #terresboix #vilesflorides #tarragonavilaflorida #salomo #salomó #masboronat #floresdefebrero #floresdesol #floresparapolinizadores https://www.instagram.com/p/CKyZDUol8eA/?igshid=58sa0rqry49f
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For those living in the city or urban areas, when is the last time you breathed truly fresh air, filled with #aromaticplants and #organiccitrus? Awaken your senses at a #farmhousegetaways property.
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Grow these amazing aromatic plants to save your drug bill
This post features few aromatic plants used as home remedy for different ailments. Remember to consult your doctor to find the cause of illness and take advise before you take any drug or herb. Seek medical attention immediately and avoid self medication when the symptoms are severe. Why go to drug store for simple ailments when you can have the remedy at your home. But how? wait! I’ll tell…
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A lavender eye pillow has so many other uses….. *dry eye reliever *meditation aid *cold compress *heat pad *wrist support *headache relief Available in lots of pretty fabrics on the website link in bio #coldcompress #eyepillow #eyepillowsandyogafixeverything #eyepillows #dryeyesyndrome #dryeyerelief #smallgiftsbigchanges #bestgiftideas #hmuksupportingsmall #shopsmalluk #lavenderfields #lavenderflowers #lavenderlover #floralinspiration #readytouse #aromaticplants #botanicalstyling #aromatherpy #timetosleep #insomniaproblems #insomniasucks #selflove #selfcare (at Pulse Point Oils) https://www.instagram.com/p/CR9rhDWMpPR/?utm_medium=tumblr
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This is my entry for the next Spoonflower challenge for the theme Aromatherapy. I’m not really into Aromatherapy so I concentrated on aromatic plants - lavender, parsley and sage. Voting starts tomorrow. #spoonflowerdesigner #spoonflowerdesignchallenge #aromaticplants #aromatherapy #surfacepatterndesigner #surfacepatterdesign #textiledesigner #floralpattern #lavenderpattern https://www.instagram.com/p/CCGiA3_nVqD/?igshid=j9d8x8r3je65
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#garlic #spice #ingredient #mediterraneanfood #italianfood #herbsandspices #cookingwithherbs #aromaticplants https://www.instagram.com/p/CB5UIyJpMbG/?igshid=kzgjgsvbcucq
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Salvia's culinary appeal extends beyond its aromatic leaves. The herb boasts a robust and earthy flavor that enhances a variety of dishes. From savory stuffings to hearty stews, sage adds a layer of complexity that elevates the overall taste. It's a key player in Mediterranean cuisine, where it often partners with rosemary and thyme to create a symphony of flavors...!
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🇫🇷Bonjour à tous ! Dans la publication d'aujourd'hui, vous pourrez retrouver une petite histoire autour de la Sauge, cette plante aromatique que l'on utilise régulièrement en cuisine ! Retrouvez cette histoire en images 😘 🇬🇧Hey everyone ! Let's talk about Sage today... ➡️Sage takes its name from the Latin word "salvare" ➡️The Romans and the Arabs used it as a compress against snake bites. ➡️Egyptian women used to drink sage juice to increase fertility, regulate their menstrual cycle and facilitate pregnancy. #sauge #plantearomatique #mangersainetbon #foodhistory #nourrituresaine #aromaticherbs #aromaticplants #egyptians #grossesse #fertilité #cyclemenstruel #serpent #snakebite #salvare #alimentation #nutrition #quiztime (à Bordeaux, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_fX2qNCxE-/?igshid=1oa1xyc75tjig
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We’re celebrating 20 years of aromatherapy. The response has been fantastic so we’re extending the 20% discount on all purchases of $75 or more until October 31 at Zyanya.com. Checkout code: 202020 #essentialoilblend #wellness #aromaticplants #aromatherapymassage #aromatic-lifestyle #authenticandgenuine #rareandprecious (at Echo Park, CA) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3Yr-FCgetm/?igshid=1ctd8smlb2ce1
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Happy Easter 🐣🐰🐇 ! De la plante au parfum avec un Mas en Provence! #culture #biologique #plantes #parfum #parfum #certification #bio #huiles #huilesessentiellesbio #huilesessentielles #olfaction #authentique #unmasdeprovence #organic #biological #oil #essentialoils #perfume #bioperfume #plants #aromaticplants #organicperfume #uzes #provence @un_mas_en_provence #madeinfrance #madeinfrance🇫🇷 #productfromfrance #hydrolat #verveine #lavandingrosso #immortelle https://www.instagram.com/p/BwhHDpyn3Gl/?igshid=w3oid96e092t
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Despite the cat, my aromatic plants grow well! #cats_of_instagram #strillointhebox #catslover #aromaticplants #gardendesign #aromaticherbs #lavender #mint #rosemary #parsley https://www.instagram.com/p/BxrZcIsI-FC/?igshid=7qcv2d1797w7
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Vamos todos salvar as abelhas! Semeie estas plantas e estará a ajudar as nossas amiguinhas! . . . Let's all save the bees! Sow these plants and you will be helping our little friends! https://beesweet.pt/loja #beesweet #morethanhoney #savethebees #plants #salvar #Abelhas #plantas #exotichoney #aromaticplants (em Oliveira de Azemeis) https://www.instagram.com/beesweetbeesweet/p/BuqlXsSgERn/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ow4hmqmi16fu
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05 Uses for Aromatic Plants
05 Uses for Aromatic Plants
As September draws to a close, it’s natural to think about the harvest, and fruits of our labors over the summer in the aromatic garden. Although some aromatic plants have already faded back until next year, you might want to give some thoughts to how best to utilize your aromatic plants next season! Here are five ideas! Distillation of Aromatic Plants As an aromatherapist, my #1 use for aromatic plants is in the form of essential oils and hydrosols! This summer, I took a trip to Washington state to take part in an intensive 3-day workshop with the author of Harvest to Hydrosol, Ann Harman, and to learn how to distill some of my aromatic plants. This next year, I plan to grow, harvest, and distill aromatic plants such as cornflower, fennel, geranium, juniper, cypress, and many other aromatic herbs, into hydrosols and essential oils! Infusion of Aromatic Plants Some aromatic plants don’t produce an essential oil because it is too difficult to extract it from the plant. Or they may produce an essential oil but only in a minuscule quantity. Such plants can be infused in a carrier oil, such as sunflower, to produce an infused oil for either culinary or medicinal purposes. You can also infuse those plants that do produce essential oil. Examples of plants that you can use to produce infused oils include: St. John’s Wort Calendula Peppermint Chamomile. Aromatic Bouquets and Floral Arrangements We are taught in aromatherapy that one of the best methods of using essential oils is through inhalation. So why not go direct to the source and gather some aromatic flowers, leaves, and branches from your garden and arrange them into aromatic bouquets and floral arrangements? You don’t have to be a skilled floral designer; I’ve simply gathered some flowers and placed them in water in a mason jar! Their aroma will bring you pleasure and well-being in the same way! Here are some aromatic flowers and plants you might want to try, depending on the season: juniper branches cypress branches lavender phlox geranium fennel and dill rose stock. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); Creating an Aromatic Herbarium As a child, I used to love to press flowers and keep them in a scrapbook. I forgot the pleasure of such an experience until my recent trip to Washington state this summer when I collected lavender and Douglas fir and placed them inside of a book. Later, as I unpacked from my trip, I had forgotten about my aromatic treasures, until they fell out of the book and their aroma hit me! You can keep it as simple or as complicated as you like but creating an aromatic herbarium helps to keep a record of your aromatic plants for future reference and to share with future generations. Simply press flowers between some heavy books (with a piece of thin paper either side to prevent discoloration from the plant) or invest in a plant press. Record the name of the plant, species, genus, plant family, and any other data you wish – perhaps including personal notes on where it was grown/collected and what it means to you. Store your pressed plants in shoe boxes (wrapped in tissue paper) or mount them in a scrapbook or on a card to create a picture. Creativity knows no bounds! Edible Spices and Herbs Finally, throughout the summer months, you may have been gathering fresh herbs and spices from your garden to add flavor to a culinary dish. When summer is ending, dry some of these remaining spices and herbs to use in winter dishes – or as potpourri. If you have room on a sunny window ledge, keep a small herb garden for fresh herbs. Once spring arrives again you can transplant these plants outdoors. Aromatic plants that can be used as edible spices and herbs include: basil fennel dill parsley lemon balm sage mint (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); Follow us: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Google+ Read the full article
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Dalla terra alla cucina, dal giardino alla dispensa. • Ho raccolto per la prima (in realtà l'ho fatto anche l'anno scorso ma in quantità mooolto ridotta) il finocchietto selvatico. Molti non sapranno neanche cosa sia, con i suoi profumati piccoli fiori gialli, altri magari conoscono solo quello da insalata. Altri lo scanseranno per via del sapore particolare. Io lo custodisco come fosse oro. 🌾 Perché è fatto da me. Perché viene dal giardino. Perché è una delle poche cose che non si compra. O te lo regalano o lo fai tu. A chi piace quando lo regali spunta sempre un sorrisone enorme. Sembra che tu gli abbia regalato una cosa preziosissima. ☺️ Prima di diventare una piantona da fiori nasce come cespuglietto. Le punte sono ottime per l'inverno soprattutto in ricette come pasta e fagioli. Ho raccolto anche quello qualche tempo fa. Ora riposa in congelatore, pronto ad aromatizzare l'inverno prossimo. ❄️🍲🔥 Mi piacerebbe avere la possibilità di farlo con tutti gli aromi ma non sono così brava con le piante. 😜 E voi? Utilizzate il finocchietto selvatico? E il finocchietto fresco? Come ve la cavate con le piante??? #haveaniceday! • • • • #rincorrerelabellezza #livethelittlethings #igers #simplearebetter #reflex #mypassion #photooftheday ~ #seekthesemplicity #photography #stilllife #wild #garden #mykitchen #food #aromaticplant #fennel #fennelflowers #sun #summer #relax #love #like #simplethingsmadebeautiful (presso Fabrica di Roma) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1ipjARoBTS/?igshid=1ovkbz44m3s9x
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