yvanspijk · 18 days
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Sí, oui, òc!
Italian sì, Spanish sí, Portuguese sim and many more Romance words for 'yes' come from Latin sīc, which meant 'so; thus; like that'. In Popular Latin it got an extra meaning: 'yes', born out of the sense 'like that', i.e. 'like you said'.
French oui has a completely different origin. It comes from Old French oïl, a univerbation of o il, literally 'yes, it (is/does/has etc.)'.
O stemmed from Latin hoc (this), which became òc (yes) in Occitan, a group of languages whose name was derived from this very word.
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wordsmithic · 2 months
Cultural and Ethnic groups of Greece by c.minoa
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Someone from Europe: Oh I'm Aro. Me: Wow, me too! Them: What? But you look québécois. Me: I am! Being Québécois and Aromantic aren't mutually exclusive. Them:
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wordarttmn · 20 days
Linguist brain is watching the count of monte cristo and spending the whole movie making mental flowcharts over Haydee's linguistic background and what it reveals of her backstory
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estbela · 7 months
In romanian, a lot of slavic loanwords, such as "drag" (=dear, darling), are often connected to like. Situations that stir up emotions and such. I mean, 'love' in romanian is 'iubire', a slavic loanword, and the word for friend (prieten) as well(forgot to mention that there is a word for specifically romantic love, "dragoste" that is also of slavic origin). It's probably because when slavic people would speak with romanians, they would still use these emotive terms.
Anyway, I think it's sweet to think about in the context of nations, and how they influence and change eachoter, in this context being about Romania and it's slavic influence (and how romanian and other eastern romance languages influenced the slavs as well, although to a lesser extent).
I forgot where I was going with this post. Uhh. Something about the slavs & balkans (and some eastern european nations in general) sort of being Ro's found family? I mean, he is a romance country, but she spent most of his life separated from them. And like, he learnt several things from his neighbours, the ones who were close to him during her childhood. And he is sort of related to the romance nation in the weird nation way more than he is to the slavs or balkans in general, but they've been more of a family to her than the romance nations were.
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helleniclanguageboy · 2 months
Lord's Prayer in Hellenic Languages
Koine/Liturgical Greek:
Πάτερ ἡμῶν ὁ ἐν τοῖς οὐρανοῖς· ἁγιασθήτω τὸ ὄνομά σου· ἐλθέτω ἡ βασιλεία σου· γενηθήτω τὸ θέλημά σου,· ὡς ἐν οὐρανῷ καὶ ἐπὶ τῆς γῆς· τὸν ἄρτον ἡμῶν τὸν ἐπιούσιον δὸς ἡμῖν σήμερον· καὶ ἄφες ἡμῖν τὰ ὀφειλήματα ἡμῶν, ὡς καὶ ἡμεῖς ἀφίεμεν τοῖς ὀφειλέταις ἡμῶν· καὶ μὴ εἰσενέγκῃς ἡμᾶς εἰς πειρασμόν, ἀλλὰ ῥῦσαι ἡμᾶς ἀπὸ τοῦ πονηροῦ. ἀμήν
Hayhurum Liturgical Greek:
Փա՛դէր իմօ՛ն օ էն դի՛ս ուրսնի՛ս· այեիասթի՛դօ դօ օ՛նօմա՛սու· էլթէ՛դօ ի վասիլի՛ասու· եէնիթի՛դօ դօ թէ՛լիմա՛ սու· օս էն ուրանօ՛ քէ էփի՛ դիզ եի՛ս· դօն ա՛րդօն իմօ՛ն դօն էփիո՛ւսիօն տօ՛ս իմի՛ն սի՛մէրօն· քէ ա՛ֆէս էմի՛ն դա օֆիլի՛մադա իմօն, օս քէ իմի՛ս աֆի՛էմէն դիս օֆիլէ՛դիս իմօ՛ն· քէ մի՛ իսէնէ՛նկիս իմա՛ս իս փիրազմօ՛ն, ալլա՛ րի՛սէ իմա՛ս ափօ՛ դու փօնիրո՛ւ. Ամի՛ն
Modern Greek:
Πατέρα μας που είσαι στους ουρανούς, ας αγιαστεί το όνομά σου. ας έρθει η βασιλεία σου, ας γίνει το θέλημά σου, όπως στον ουρανό έτσι και πάνω στη γη. Τον άρτο μας τον απαραίτητο, δώσε μας σήμερα. Και συγχώρησε από εμάς τις οφειλές μας, όπως κι εμείς συγχωρούμε τους οφειλέτες μας. Και μη μας φέρεις σε πειρασμό, αλλά σώσε μας από τον Πονηρό. Γιατί δική σου είναι η βασιλεία και η δύναμη και η δόξα στους αιώνες. Αμήν.
Salentino Italiot:
Patrimò pu stei stin ajèra, pu n'ajasti o Nomà-su, pu n'arti i Vasilìa-su, Pu na jettì to telimà-su, pos stin ajèra, jùs stin ghì. Dòstu es emà to fsomì simmerinò. Fsexorisò-mma tes amartìe-mma, pos emì efsexorùme us addù, ce na mi mas fèri es ton àscimo, ce vlèfse-ma es pa' kkakò. amin
Αφέντη πού ’σαι στς’ ουρανούς ναν’ άγιο το ’νομά σου Όντε θα ’ρθεις σα βασιλιάς, το θέλημά σου ας γίνει πάνω στη γης, ετσά λοής απούνε στα ουράνια. Το σημερνό μας το ψωμί δώσε μας μονιτάρου. Τα λάθητα που κάνουμε οι γιαπατοί μας, σχώρνα, όπως κι εμείς τσι κάκητες των αλλωνών σχωρνούμε. Μη βάνεις μας σε πειρασμό κι από κακό μαριόλικο, Θε μου, ξεμίστευγέ μας αμήν
Αφέγκη νάμου π̔’ έσι τ̔ον ουρανέ. Να έν̇ι αγιαστέ το όνουμά ντι, να μόλει α βασιλ̣ία ντι, να νατ̔εί το θέλ̣ημά ντι όπ̔ου τ̔ον ουρανέ έτρου τσαί τ̔αν ιγή. Τον άντε νάμου ταρ αμερή δίε νάμου σάμερε τσαί άφε νάμου τα χρία νάμου όπ̔ουρ έμε αφήντε τσ’ ενεί του χρεώστοι νάμου τσαί να μη νάμου φέρερε σε κειρασμό, αλλά ελευθέρου νάμου από το κακό. Αμήν
Ουράνιε πατέρα μουν, ν' αγιάζ' τ' όνομα σ', να έρται η βασιλεία σ', το θέλεμα σ' να 'ίνεται, άμον 'ς σον ουρανόν και σην γήν. Τ' αναγκαίον μανάχα ψωμίν εμούν δώσ' 'μας οσήμερον, και σ'χώρεσον τα αμαρτίας εμούν άμον το σ' χωρούμε κι εμείς ατείντ'ς τ' έβλαψαν εμάς. Μη θέκ'ς εμάς 'ς σον πειρασμόν και απεμάκρυνον απ' εμάς το κακόν. Αμήν
Γιὰ κ̇ο̇γλερτ̇ὲ ὀλὰν Πετ̇εριμίζ·  ἰσμὶν ἀζιζλενσίν.  Πατ̇ησ̇αχληγὴν κ̇ελσίν·  ἰρατ̇ετὶν κο̇γτ̇εκὶ κ̇ιπ̇ὶ γερτ̇ὲ τ̇αχὶ ὀλσούν. Κ̇ȣ̇ντ̇ελὶκ ἐτμεγιμιζὶ βὲρ π̇ιζὲ π̇οὺ κ̇ȣ̇́ν· Βὲ π̇ιζὶ π̇ορτ̇ζλαρημηζὴ π̇αγησ̇λὰ,  νίτ̇ζε κι π̇ὶζ τ̇αχὶ π̇ιζὲ π̇ορτζλοὺ ὀλανλαρὰ π̇αγησ̇λάρηζ.  Βὲ π̇ιζὶ ἰγβαγὲ σάλμα· ἴλλα π̇ιζὶ φενακιαρτ̇ὰν κουρτάρ· ζίρα σαλτανὰτ, βὲ κουββὲτ, βὲ ἰζζὲτ, ἐπ̇έτ̇αν σενίν τ̇ιρ.  Ἀμήν
Για σεμαλερδέ σακίν ολάν Πεδεριμίζ. Ισμίν τακδίς ολσούν. Παδησαχληγήν κελσίν. Εμρίν νάσηλκι σεμαλερδέ ιζδρά ολούρισε, γιέρ γιουζουνδέ δαχή ιδζρά ολουνά. Που κιούν γιεβμιγεμιζέ γετερλίκ ναφακά ετμεγιμιζί πιζλερέ ιχσάν εϊλέ, βε πορδζλαρημηζή πιζλερέ πασησλά, νάσηλ πιζλέρ δαχή πιζλερέ πορδζλού ολανλαρά παγησλάρηζ, βε πιζλερί μιχνέτ ιβγά ιτζινδέ πράκμαγιουπ, κεμλικδέν, γιαραμαζδάν, σακλαγιούπ χελάς ιδέσιν. Αμήν
Azovian Urum:
Μπηζήμ Παπαμής  Κιοκλερδέ οτουράν ισμιν Αζιζλενσίν,  Παδησ̱̈αχληγίν κελσίν,  κόκ γιουζουνδέκεμρίν νε τουρλούησε,  Βέ γιέρ γιουζουνδέδε ποηλέτζε ολσούν, Κουνδελήκ όκμεκιμιοκμεκιμιζη ποκουν πη. Ζε βέρ πηζήμ πορτζλαρημηζί άφ εγλέ νασηλ πήζδε πορτζλού ολανναρημηζί άφ ετέρης. Βέ πηζλερί εζιέτ ιτζινδέ πράχμα λάκιν πηζλερί γιαμάν σ̱̈εητανδάν σαχλαγίπ χουτάρ
Άτι ύνε̱ κ̇ε̱ ϳέ νdε̱ κ̇ιέϳετ, ȣσ̈ε̱ν̇τε̱ρόφτ' έμε̱ρι ύτ: άρθτε̱ μbε̱ρετε̱ρία ϳότε; ȣbε̱φτε̱ dασ̈ȣρίμι ύτ, σι νdε̱ κ̇ιέλ, εδέ μbε̱ δέτ;: bȣ́κε̱νε̱ τόνε̱ τε̱ πε̱ρdίτε̱σ̈ιμεν' έπ-να νέβε σότ: εδέ φάλ̇-να φάϳετε̱ τόνα, σικȣ́νdρε̱ εδέ νέβε ȣα φάλ̇με̱ φαϳτόρε̱βετ τάνε̱: εδέ μοσ να σ̈τιέρ νdε̱ νγάσιε, πό σ̈πε̱τό-να νγα ι λ̇ίγȣ: σεπσέ ϳότια ε̱σ̈τε̱ μbε̱ρετε̱ρία ε φȣκ̇ία ε λ̇αβdία νdε̱ ϳέτε̱τ τε̱ ϳέτε̱βετ: Αμίν
Τάτα α νόστρου κάϊ έσστσι τουΤσέρλου Σ'αγισέσκα Νούμα α Τα, Σ'γήνα Βασιλία α Τα, Σ'χίμπα Βρεάρε α Τα, Κουμ πι Τσέρλου ασσίτσε σσι πι λώκλου τουτ Πάνε α νώστρα δι κάθε τζούα Δα να'ου σ'άζα Σσι λλιάρτα'νά'λε αμαρτήιλε α νώστρε Ασσί κουμ σσι νόι λε'λλιρτάμ ατσιλόρ κάϊ να'αμαρτέσκου Σσι νου νά'δουκα του πιραζμώ μα ασκάπα'να δι αράω. Άμεν
Fendi a nostru cai hii n-țielu, s-hibâ sâmtâipsitâ a Tauu Numâ, z-v'inâ a Tauu amirârili, s-hibâ faptâ a Tauu volâ, cacumu n-țielu acși ș-pri zurâ. Pânea a noastrâ di tutti dzâlili dă-n-u adzâ, Ș-nâ l’eartâ a noau alutusirli, cumu l’irtămu ș-noi a alâtusițâlor a noșțrâ. Ș-nu nâ du tru pirazmo, Ma nâ difendi di ațelu malu. Amen
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cringelordofchaos · 4 months
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this actually happened to me ☠️ (the transparent red means I got banned from that booth)
What the actual fuck is wrong with this games playerbase lmao
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Bună ziua, Ace! It is very nice to see a fellow Aromanian on Tumblr. Keep up the good work, my proud Vlach!
i’m ?????????
i’m a hispanic american
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linguisticalities · 11 months
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magnoliamyrrh · 1 year
indigenous =/= nomadic
indigenous =/= ethnic minority
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yvanspijk · 1 year
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The Romance words for 'apple' appear to differ quite a bit. Take for instance French pomme, Italian mela, Spanish manzana, Portuguese maçã, and Romanian măr. These words stem from three Latin words, two of which are closely related. Here's their history.
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ziminasacademics · 7 months
Aromanian resources
English-Aromanian dictionary
Aromanian grammar in greek
I will make a new post whenever i find more/better resources, take care & touch grass
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cardula · 2 years
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Born of this day 1858 - Mihajlo Pupin is best known for his numerous patents, including a means of greatly extending the range of long-distance telephone communication by placing loading coils (of wire) at predetermined intervals along the transmitting wire (known as "pupinization"). Pupin was a founding member of National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) on 3 March 1915, which later became NASA  and he participated in the founding of American Mathematical Society and American Physical Society. In 1924, he won a Pulitzer Prize for his autobiography. #cardula #mihajlopupin #illustration #serbianphysicist #aromanian #srbija #yugoslavia #chemist #philanthropost # https://www.instagram.com/p/CjfT3XhsB8X/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aromanticofficial · 5 months
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aromance language???
I motion we all learn aromanian
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felrija · 10 months
hi! love your art i was wondering will you ever draw aromanian people?
Hey thank you and I did actually!!! It's the one on the left :)
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helleniclanguageboy · 3 months
Names of the Greeks
Let’s do a deep dive into the different ethnonyms for the Greek people. As a matter of methodology, we will be focusing primarily on Greeks from Greece rather than highlighting individual identities: e.g. Cypriots, Cappadocians, etc. Furthermore, one asterisk equals the term for the language and two for country.
Homeric and Mycenaean
Two main names used: Achaeans and Danaans which are echoed in the Bronze Age accounts of Greeks, but these are not used to represent the whole of Greek people in the modern day. Both terms have possible parallels in two groups of sea peoples recorded by the Egyptians: Danyan and Ekwesh. Achaean also is also potentially paralleled in Hittite sources. 
Danaans - Δαναοί
𓂧𓄿𓇋𓋔𓇋𓅱 (d3iniw) - Medinet Habu
Ἀχαιοί (Ἀχαιϝοί)
𓇋𓀁𓏘𓄿𓍯𓄿𓆷𓄿 (iḳ3w3š3) - Merneptah, Kanak
** 𒄴𒄭𒅀𒉿(Aḫḫiyawa) or 𒄴𒄭𒅀 (Aḫḫiya)
The ancient Greeks would largely refer to themselves as Ἕλλην. Later, under Christianity, this would become synonymous with pagan, so it declined in usage throughout the Roman and Byzantine periods but didn’t disappear. During the revolution from the Ottomans, leaders called for the revival of the term, wanting to emphasize the relationship to Ancient Greeks.
Ἕλλην - Ancient Greek
Έλληνας - Modern Greek
Ελ̣ηνικέ - Tsakonian
Έλλενος - Pontic 
*Ελλενικά - Pontic 
Ελινικάνο - Romani
The term Greek is largely an exonym that stemmed from Latin. The first Greek tribe that the Romans came into contact with was the Γραικοί (Graeci). This would spread into most languages to describe the Greeks. The only modern endonyms coming from this term is from the Southern Italian Greeks. There was an Italian loan present in Smyrniot, but it was one of a few. Kaliarda similarly featured an Italian loan for Greeks. Aromanian features the term as an exonym, but it is spoken in Greece so will be listed. (Sarakatsani does have Γρικιά listed as the word for Greece, but the textbook does not elaborate the usage)
Griko - Salento
Grèko/Grecanico - Calabrian
Γκρέκος - Kaliarda 
Γραικός - Smyrniot
Γκρέκου - Aromanian
Grek - Tsalka Urum
*Grecheski - Tsalka Urum
**Gretsia - Tsalka Urum
Coming under the Roman empire and gaining citizenship, the Greeks adopted the term Ῥωμαῖος. This maintained the most common ethonym until Greek independence. When Byzantine territory fell, the Turks and Arabs adopted the term Rum for the territory and the Greek Orthodox christians (e.g. Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch (Arabic - بطريركية الروم الأرثوذكس في أنطاكية) or The Greek Orthodox Patriarchate (Turkish - Rum Ortodoks Ekümenik Patrikhanesi). The term survives until the modern day in Eastern Greek populations (Anatolian, Ukrainian, Caucasian, etc). These often distinguish Greeks from Greece from these Eastern Greeks. One derivative, Urum, denotes Turkophone Greeks in Ukraine and the Caucasus. 
Ρουμαίος - Sarakatsani
Ρωμανιώτης/רומניוטי - Romaniote Jewish
*Ρωμανιώτικα/רומניוטיקה - Romaniote Jewish
Ρωμιός - Constantinopolitan
Ρουμιός - Lycian
رومیکا - Cappadocian (Rumi)*
Ρωμνός - Axenitic
*Ρωμάικα  - Axenitic
Ρωμνιός -  Aravaniot
Ρωμός - Pharasiot
Ρωμαίος - Pontic
*Ρωμαίικα - Pontic
Румеюс/Ромеюс - Mariupolitan
*Румэку/Румеку - Mariupolitan
Romeyos - Romeyka
**Romeyka - Romeyka
Ρούμ/Οὐρούμ - Karmanlidika
*Ρούμδζε/Οὐρούμδζε  - Karmanlidika
**Ρουμιστάν - Karmanlidika 
Urum - Cypriot Turkish
Урум/Ουρούμ/Urum - Crimean Urum
Urum - Tsalka Urum 
Ουρούμιν - Pomak
Similarly to Greek, the term Ionian stems from the Persians first coming into contact with the Ionians or Ἰάϝωνες (𐎹𐎢𐎴 /yauna/). Thus, most Eastern languages will use a derivative of this despite many coming into direct contact with Alexander the Great and later diadochi: Persian/Arabic - یونان (Yunan), Pali - 𑀬𑁄𑀦 (Yona), Sanskrit - यवन (Yavana), and Chinese 大宛 (Dayuan, Great Ionians). While this does not refer to Greeks as a whole, the word Ionian was first attested in the Bronze Age with the Egyptian ‘Great Ionia’ or 𓇌𓅱𓈖𓏭𓉻𓂝𓏛 (ywnj3’) and the Mycenaean word 𐀂𐀊𐀺𐀚(i-ja-wo-ne). As for modern endonyms,  there are two interesting examples: Karamanlidika and Judeo-Greek which use both Roman and Ionian. For Karamanlidika, Γιουνάν refers to Greece rather than its native Greeks (Ρουμιστάν was listed for Greece, but Γιουνανιστάν is the more standard term). Cappadocian Greek and Smyrniot, in term, adopted the Turkish term for Greece (though Smyrniot also had other loans for the word). Judeo-Greek, however, has taken Yevanic to refer to the register to liken it to Ladino and Yiddish. It takes the Hebrew יון (Yevan) meaning Ionian and re-Hellenizing the term to have the -ιτικά ending. 
Γιουνανλής - Smyrniot 
**Γιουνανιστάν/Γιονανιστάν - Cappadocian Greek
Γιουνάν/Γιουνανλή - Karamanlidika
*Γιουνάνδζα - Karamanlidika
**Γιουνανιστάν - Karamanlidika
*Γεβανιτικά/יווניטיקה - Judeo-Greek
Ραγιάς (slave) - Potamiot Cappadocian 
Σ̈κλα (foreigner) - Arvanitika
*Σ̈κλιερίσ̈τικα/Σ̈κλιερίσ̈τε̱ - Arvanitika
Καλαμαράς (squid, coming from mainland Greek scholars using squid bones as pens) - Cypriot Greek
*Καλαμαρίστικα - Cypriot Greek
**Καλαμαρκά - Cypriot Greek
Kalamara - Cypriot Turkish
Χαουτίκ - Cypriot Arabic
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