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backtothedrawingboard · 2 months ago
Movie Night
You and Jax are best friends. You two decided to have a movie night in your room, but neither of you really watch it.
Switch! Aroace Jax x Switch! Aroace Reader
CW: Tickle fic
TW: None
Everyone thought you and Jax were a couple. The two of you were almost always around each other goofing off. He called you "Princess" for heaven's sake. Neither of you particularly minded that the others assumed because you both mutually knew there was nothing romantic going on between you.
Your favorite pastimes with Jax were casually chatting or debating with him, drawing with him, and wrestling. He did not particularly care for drawing and he got pretty hotheaded during debates at times, but he enjoyed your company immensely. It was frustrating making him leave the others alone at times; but it didn't matter. You two were inseparable.
You were relaxing in your room, doodling absentmindedly in your sketchbook. You were wearing your favorite tshirt and pants. Well, your favorite of the outfits that Caine provided. You stuck your tongue out a little in focus when a knock sounded from the door. You looked up, your tongue still slightly out. "Come in!"
Your best friend opened the door and stepped in with his usual grin. He wordlessly walked in and flopped across the bed, propping his head up with his arms. "What's up, Princess?"
You chuckled and set your sketchbook aside, moving him to settle his head in your lap. You gently rubbed his head and the base of his ears. "Nothing much, weirdo."
"Heyyy. I'm not as weird as you."
"Fair enough." The two of you sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes. Jax enjoyed and appreciated the ear scratches, his ears occasionally twitching or tilting. The rabbit finally picked up your sketchbook and flipped through it.
"Anything new or interesting?" he asked. You yelped and grabbed at it.
"Hey! What did I say about looking at it without permission?!" you protested.
"Something like, 'Only $?!holes look at art without permission and you're acting like one now.' But come on, Bunny, get over it. You always let me look anyway."
"Yeah, but still! Ask first, you f-" You were cut off by a gasp from him. You went red realizing why he gasped. He quickly held up the sketchbook to your face to show you your drawing of anatomy practice.
"Scandalous!" he said in mock offense. You rolled your eyes.
"Oh, get over it. It's just anatomy practice. It's not even showing anything."
"But how dare you draw a muscular man who's completely covered you pervert!" he continued teasing. You scoffed and snatched the sketchbook away from him.
"Don't be dramatic, you bunny bastard." You set the sketchbook on your bedside table and layed back against the pillow. Jax snickered and rolled onto his belly, propping himself against your stomach with his arms.
"So who're we pranking tonight?" he asked mischeviously. You flicked his forehead, earning a protesting "Ow!"
"No one. Leave 'em alone for once in your life."
"Awwww, but where's the fun in that? Besides, Ragatha totally deserves a centipede on her pillow. She was such a prick today."
You raised an eyebrow at him, unimpressed. "She was a prick? All she did was take her key back from you."
"Yeah. She stole it from me." You just sighed. There was no point in arguing over this. He always did it anyway.
"Whatever. What're we doing anyway? I could put on a movie or something," you suggested. Jax's ears perked up.
"Oooh, $?!& yeah. I'll go get the popcorn." He jumped off your bed and ran off out of your room, leaving you to turn your attention to your tv and flick through the movies.
After a few minutes, Jax came trotting back carrying popcorn, a few pillows, and some blankets while wearing a tshirt and pajama pants. You couldn't help but giggle a little. "Why'd you bring more bedding? I already have enough."
Jax narrowed his eyes at you. "There's never enough." You giggled again."
"Fine. Now sit your butt down. We're watching Frozen."
"Seriously? Again?"
"What do you mean 'again?' It's been several months!" you exclaimed indignantly.
The rabbit snickered. "Fine, fine. I like the movie anyway." He handed you the popcorn and got the pillows and blankets settled before flopping down next to you and snuggling under the covers, munching on his popcorn. You followed suit and got settled next to him.
As the movie played, the two of you sang along badly to the songs. Jax knows a suspicious amount of the songs. You two have an absolute blast on the song Love is an Open Door, singing it so loudly that Pomni can probably hear it from next door. When they reach the end of it, Jax- barely holding back laughter- said the last part of the song.
"Can I say something crazy?" You giggled and nodded. "Will you marry me?" He starts laughing softly.
"Can I say something even crazier?" you said through giggles. "Yes!" The two of you laughed. You fell against his side and giggled.
"Score!" Jax shouted jokingly. You started laughing again. He chuckled and regained his composure, grinning at you. "Jeez, calm down, Princess."
You took a deep breath and held it for a second to stop yourself. You then let it out in a sigh. "Ok. Ok. I'm good."
"Good. Now get off." He tried to push you off. You just grinned and went completely limp like a ragdoll against him.
"Naaahh. You're comfy." You closed your eyes for dramatic effect. Jax rolled his eyes.
"You're gonna make me wrestle you off, huh?" he asked. You nodded and squeaked a giggle as he wrapped his arms around your waist to get you off. You twisted around against him and managed to grab his arm, wrestling against him to hug him.
"Noooo! You're warm!" you protested. Jax grinned and kept trying to wrestle you off.
"Well, you're cold! Get off, Frosty!" He wrapped his arms around your waist again and dropped you on your side of the bed. You snickered and pounced on him again, hugging him. Jax squealed and curled up a little. "No! Not that!"
"Not what?" You tilted your head, confused why he protested a hug. Your friend went slightly red and remained curled up.
"Um...Nothing." You tilted your head further and sat up a little.
"You sure about tha-?" You were cut off by a giggle from Jax. You paused and observed him for a second and then smiled. "Oh...No way..."
"Are you-?"
"Stop it."
"-Ticklish?" There was a silence between you two for a moment. He glared up at you with a scowl and blush. You giggled and wiggled your fingers above him. "Oho...Looks like I'm right."
Jax growled a little in warning. "Don't you dare."
"Oh, I dare." You pounced on him and dug your fingers into his sides. He squealed and flailed.
"Y/N! Nohoho!" The rabbit squirmed and gasped, his fur standing on end from the tickling.
"Why not? Is it really that bad?" You spidered up and down his sides, causing him to squirm madly from side to side.
"Sh-shut up! It's nohot funyheheeEEE!" He jumped and kicked when your fingers found his armpits. "NONONOHOHO NOT THERE!"
You couldn't help but snicker. "Oh, not here, huh? Why not? You a little ticklish?" You snickered again from his flustered reaction.
"Y/N! For &!?$'s sake, STOP!" You giggled and let up, flopping back down next to him.
"Oho my gohosh. I'm totally using that against you in the future," you said with a smug smirk. Jax gave you a glare, but the meaning behind it was ruined by the smile and blush.
"You wouldn't."
"I would."
"Well then..." He grabbed you and pinned you down. You squealed in surprise.
"What're you- EEK!" You squealed and laughed as his fingers dug into where your ribs would be.
"Ohhhh. What's this? The Princess is a little ticklish, too?" he teased. You wriggled as his fingers found all the sweet spots in her ribs.
"WAIT wahahAAIT wait not thEHere!" You tried desperately to hug yourself to defend yourself from his fingers, but he just poked and wiggled around your arms against all those bad spots.
"Not here, you say? I think yes here! Tickle tickle!" You blushed deeply and laughed more from his teasing. He certainly noticed. "Oh, man. No way."
"Don't you dare!"
He ignored you. "Does that bother you? Huuuuh?" You just squeaked through your laughter. "Coochicoochicooooo!"
You covered your blushing face in your hands to block your embarrassment. Bad choice. He walked two finger up each of your sides, causing you to giggle madly. "Looky, looky! You're just leaving yourself wide open for me! Almost as if you like it!" You squeaked and shook your head a little too fast. "So you do, huh?"
"Shut up!" You were dying inside. It was torturous! But you couldn't help it...It was also fun.
"Nuh, uh. I'm not stopping until you admit it. You like it." Jax smirked down at you as he said it. The bastard. You shook your head vigorously.
"Noho! Never!"
"Never? Then I guess I'll have to walk these fingers..." He steps his fingers up her sides again. "...up in here." He digs his fingers into your armpits. You toss your head back and laugh loudly.
"Jahahaaax! Please! Nohohoooo!" you laughed.
"Just tell me you think it's fun! That you think tickling is fun!" He was enjoying this way too much. You stubbornly shook your head again. He stopped tickling you and sat back, looking you up and down. "You're tough to crack, huh? Well what about-" He reached for your foot. You kicked his hand away.
"Jax. Don't you ?!$&ing dare."
"Oh. I do $?!&ing dare." He pounced on your foot, running his finger over the bottom of it. You squealed and laughed hysterically, trying to kick your foot away. He just snickered. "Awwww. Your little foot is a little ticklish, huh?" He wiggled a finger under your toes, causing you to squeal and hug yourself as you kicked.
"Oof. That's not gonna help you out, Prin-" Your leg dislocated and flew off into his hand with a POP! You panted and stared down in surprise. He looked equally surprised. "Oops. Didn't mean to do that."
"Ehe. It's ok. It happens..." you reassured. You narrowed your eyes at Jax suspiciously. "Why're you eyeing it like that..." Your friend smiled innocently.
"Oh, no reason..." He ran a finger over the arch of the foot that's now in his hand. You squealed and covered your face with your hands.
"Nohohoooo!" you giggled.
"Awwww. That ticklish?" Jax asked with a grin. He wiggled his finger over it slowly.
"Stohohoooop! That feels weird!" You can't even kick his hand away. Your leg is disconnected.
"There's only one way to make it stop, Princess. Admit that you like it," the rabbit teased. You were beet red at this point.
"Nohohooo!" you whined. Jax snickered.
"Guess it's never stopping then." He skittered his fingers all over your foot, causing you to squeal with laughter.
"Ok! Ok ok! Youhu wihihiiin! I'll say ihihit!"
"Go on." Your friend stopped tickling for a second to grin down at you.
"I-I'm..." you started.
You covered your face again. "I th-think it's f-fun..." you mumbled.
"What was that?" Jax wiggled a finger over your foot.
"Eep! I said it's fun!" The rabbit dropped your leg with a triumphant grin.
"There we go! Easy! It could've been over with waaayy before!" He flopped back on the bed and smirked. You panted and sat up slowly, picking up your leg.
"Hmf. $&!&er..."
"Yeah, yeah." You both turned your attention to the tv again. The movie was almost finished. "Woah. The movie's almost over."
"Yeah," you answered. "I'm down for another one."
"Deal. We're watching Princess and the Frog next," Jax decided. You giggled.
"What?! It's a great movie!"
"I never said it wasn't..." You grinned at him. He definitely noticed that and eyed you warily.
"What?" he asked warily.
"You got me a lot longer than I got you," you observed. Jax's eyes widened.
"No. Wai-" He squealed when you pounced on him. For most of the night, the two of you wrestled and tickled each other until you finally gave up. You flopped against him with a yawn, and closed your eyes, falling asleep to the sound of Princess and the Frog.
~~~~~~~~~~ Thank you for reading! :)
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petitelepus · 1 month ago
Once requests open again:
I like that AroAce Hashira AU.
How about she goes on a mission with Tengen to the Entertainment District? She hates every part of the place and also the people she unwillingly attracts. Tengen thinks she's being a prude at first, but sees it's much more than that.
WARNING; Douchebag sleazy man alert! Nothing happens, Tengen won't let anything happen to you, but you do get a small panic attack!
You hated this place from the bottom of your heart and soul. The stench you couldn't quite pinpoint, the busy streets, and the people, ugh, those were the worst.
As part of your mission, you had to leave your corps uniform behind and dress up in this pretty kimono that you got from the Master's kind wife.
You and Tengen blended in perfectly once he left his uniform back and removed his makeup. You couldn't lie, he was a handsome man and you made quite a scene when you and he walked down the busy roads of the Entertainment District.
"I detest this mission, this place, and all these people in here...!" You hissed quietly as you and Tengen walked.
You could feel people's gazes on you two and it made your skin itch with disgust. You couldn't wait to get away from this place fast enough.
"What, do you think you are better than the rest of these mortals?" Tengen asked as he rolled his eyes, "Just because you're pretty doesn't mean you're better than others."
"I don't think so!" You snapped, "I just really don't like humans!"
"You prefer Demons instead?" His tone was accusing. You frowned as you averted your gaze and glared ahead before sighing, "Sometimes..."
Tengen frowned as he was ready to scold you but then a man walked up to you guys and looked at you.
"How much?" The stranger asked and you blinked in confusion, "Excuse me?"
"How much for a night?" The man asked and you felt a brand new level of disgust fill you, "None! I'm not for sale!"
"Sure you aren't," The man rolled his eyes and reached for you, making your whole stomach flip in disgust as he asked, "So how much?"
"Oi, this is my girl you're talking to," The Sound Hashira next to you frowned.
"Sorry man," The stranger turned to address Tengen instead of you, "I should have asked from her owner first."
"She isn't for sale!"
"Every woman here is, no need to be so greedy," The man rolled his eyes again as he started to dig out his wallet, "So, the price was...?"
"Trust me, there isn't enough money in the whole world that would grant you permission to touch her!"
"Uzui...?" As you looked at your fellow Hashira, you started to feel a little better, even a little safer with him by your side. You felt like you saw a new side of him you had never seen before.
"Fine, keep your whore," The stranger snapped as he turned and left, no doubt to seek company from somewhere else.
You sighed out loud as the situation was defused and you were at no risk of being touched by a complete stranger... But you still felt sick to your stomach, almost like you were going to puke any given second.
"Oi, are you alright?" Tengen frowned as he looked at you and you shook your head as you tried your hardest to keep your dinner inside.
The Sound Hashira reached for your hand, but as soon as his hand almost touched you, you flinched and looked at him like he was a Demon.
The man frowned as he instead grabbed your kimono's sleeve and pulled, "Follow me."
You nodded as the two of you quickly made your way out of the busy streets and hid in the brothels' shadows. As you gasped for breath to calm yourself down, Tengen kept an eye out that no one would disturb you guys.
"Everything okay?" He asked, but you were too busy to gasp for air to properly answer. So he gave you a couple of minutes to calm down and finally, you managed to do just that.
"I'm..." You panted as you straightened up, "I'm better now, thank you..."
"Don't mention it," Tengen looked at you, "Hey?"
"What...?" You were fully ready to be scolded by the Hashira, but something else happened instead.
"Sorry for being an ass earlier," The man frowned, "I shouldn't have called you out like that earlier."
You knew that it took a lot for the Sound Hashira to apologize like that. You blinked as you looked at him, seeing a whole new side of him.
"I... I appreciate your apology..." You nodded, "Thank you, Uzui. Apology accepted."
"Good," Tengen sighed, "We better head out if we want to find that Demon and get this mission over with and be gone from here."
"Yes," You nodded as you approached your fellow Hashira, who looked at you as you guys left the isolated alley and went to search for the Demon.
"So how long have you hated people's touch?" He asked and you glanced at him from the corner of your eye, "Earliest memory I have is since I was a toddler and I was being held by a neighbor's old lady."
"You didn't like grandma's hugs?"
"I hated them," You confessed, "I only stayed on her lap because it made her happy."
"Well," Tengen nodded, "You shouldn't do that anymore. You should do what makes you feel good."
"Thanks," You looked at him and smiled a little, "That's on my to-do list every single day."
"I'll make sure to be easier on you also."
"I appreciate it," You really did, "Now let's get that Demon and get the fuck out of here."
Tengen grinned brightly, "Now you're talking!"
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fiftypiercings · 8 months ago
I can't believe I decided to read orv on a whim because I just wanted a good manhwa with no romance subplot and here I am knees deep into the novel questioning my whole life because whatever these mfs have got going on is much more nastier and visceral than any romance.
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hishumanbellestories · 1 month ago
idk if you do requests but if you do could you write a Alastor x reader where Y/ and Alastor were close friends when they were alive when Y/n committed suicide so when they start dating in hell Al is super protective. Sorry if this is too much
♡ ♡ ♡
Hello! Happy to oblige to this very pleasant request, @helluva-simper! I got a little carried away and I don't know if I completely fulfilled your request. If so, let me know if it disgusts you. ☹ The story is very long… it tells of your friendship and what Alastor does to end up in hell.
WARNING: blood mentioned, murder scenes. The ending is a little sweet/fluff! PART II: click here.
You will find sections dedicated to jealousy and moments of sweet protectiveness/concern towards the bottom, there is a note to indicate it if you want to skip the whole narration. Happy reading!
♡ ♡ ♡
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1920 – New Orleans.
The streets were alive with music. Jazz spilled from the clubs, mingling with the scent of sizzling street food and the laughter of passing crowds. The city pulsed with energy, a place where anything felt possible.
You were weaving through the bustling French Quarter, the beads of your necklace clicking together with each hurried step. The warm night air hummed with conversation and the distant trill of a trumpet. That’s when you saw him—leaning casually against a lamppost, arms crossed, a grin playing on his lips:
He had the kind of presence that demanded attention without trying. Sharp brown eyes gleamed with mischief beneath the brim of his fedora, and his suit—impeccably pressed but slightly rumpled from the humid air—suggested he had a knack for looking effortlessly put-together.
“Now, there’s a face I don’t recognize!” he called out, voice brimming with exaggerated cheer. “What brings a fine young lady like yourself out into this wild, untamed city?”
You smirked, raising a brow. “You say that like you’re not part of the wild.”
Alastor let out a laugh—bright, unrestrained. “Guilty as charged! But I do like to think I bring a certain flair to the madness.” He tilted his head, studying you with amused curiosity. “You’ve got the look of someone with a story. Care to share?”
You weren’t sure why, but something about him felt instantly familiar—like you had known him before, in another life. Or maybe it was just the way he carried himself, like he belonged to the city as much as the music did. Either way, you felt no hesitation as you grinned back at him. “I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours,” you countered.
Alastor's eyes lit up, and he extended a hand with an almost theatrical flourish. “Then, my dear, we have ourselves a deal! Let’s find a proper place for storytelling—somewhere with good music and even better company.”
And just like that, the night began.
The first meeting was just the beginning. What started as playful banter on the streets of New Orleans quickly turned into something more—a friendship unlike any other.
Alastor had a way of making the world feel electric, as if life itself were a performance and he was the master of ceremonies. You, on the other hand, had a way of grounding him just enough, pulling him back from his more reckless impulses while still encouraging his mischief. Together, you balanced each other out in a way that neither of you had expected but both of you secretly needed. The two of you became inseparable. Whether it was sneaking into speakeasies, dancing until your feet ached, or sitting by the Mississippi River sharing stories about dreams and the absurdities of life, there was never a dull moment.
“You, my dear, are one of the few people in this world who truly understand me,” Alastor declared one evening, tipping his hat back as he leaned against a balcony railing. “And that is either a wonderful thing… or a truly terrifying one.”
You chuckled, nudging his arm. “Terrifying for who?”
He turned to you, grin wide, eyes gleaming in the gaslight. “Why, the rest of the world, of course!”
And honestly? He wasn’t wrong. You had a way of finishing each other’s sentences, of knowing exactly what the other was thinking with just a glance. Whether it was pulling elaborate pranks on unsuspecting bystanders (all in good fun, of course) or covering for each other when trouble inevitably followed, you were a team.
“I swear, if you ever get yourself locked up, I might consider bailing you out,” you teased one night after Alastor narrowly avoided getting into a scuffle at a particularly rowdy club.
“Might?” he gasped, clutching his chest dramatically. “How cruel! After all we’ve been through!”
You smirked. “Oh, I’d bail you out… but not before letting you stew for a few hours first.”
Alastor let out a laugh—loud and full of life. “Now that is why we’re friends. You’re almost as devious as me.”
There were moments—brief and fleeting—where the laughter faded and something deeper settled between you. Those were the nights when the world felt quieter, when Alastor would stop grinning just long enough for you to catch glimpses of something else in his eyes.
“Ever wonder what comes next?” you asked once, lying on the grass in a park long after midnight, staring up at the stars.
Alastor was silent for a moment before answering, “sometimes.” Then, after a pause, “but as long as I have a friend like you, I don't think I'll ever have to worry about being alone in whatever comes next.” You turned your head to look at him, surprised by the rare sincerity in his voice. He met your gaze and, for once, there was no mischief, no mask—just Alastor, your best friend. You smiled, but your smile seemed unconvincing to his eyes, and the gleam in your eyes was no longer the same. Something gripped you from inside. Alastor had become a part of you, but it wasn't enough.
He was a constant need.
Something in your chest was blooming and it was heavy.
It started subtly. Alastor noticed before you even said a word. The way your laughter became softer, less frequent. The way your eyes—once alight with mischief—began to dim. You still showed up, still went along with his antics, but something in you had changed.
At first, he acted as if nothing was different, thinking you’d snap out of it on your own. But then, one night, he found you alone, sitting on the edge of the riverbank, staring into the dark water as if it were calling your name. And that’s when he knew—this wasn’t something he could ignore.
He sat beside you, unusually quiet. The city still buzzed behind you, jazz and laughter filling the streets, but here, it was just the two of you and the sound of water lapping against the shore.
“You’re not well,” he said, finally breaking the silence.
You let out a tired breath, your arms wrapped around your knees. “No, I’m not.”
You really wanted to share the burden, how you felt, the heaviness of the world and not feeling enough�� especially that he didn't see you the way you did, but your thoughts were incomprehensible. How could he love someone like you?
Alastor wasn’t the type to fumble for words, but for the first time in a long time, he felt at a loss. He could charm his way out of almost anything, but this—this was different. This was you, his best friend, slipping away from him in a way he didn’t know how to stop.
“Do you ever think… maybe it’d be easier if I just—” , you hesitated, fingers gripping your arms a little tighter.
Alastor’s grin vanished.
“Don’t,” he said, his voice sharper than usual. “Don’t even finish that thought.”
You blinked, startled by the sudden intensity in his tone. He turned to face you fully, his usual playful expression replaced by something raw. Something desperate.
“You cannot leave me,” he said, his voice quieter now but no less fierce. “I refuse to allow it. We have a deal, remember?”
You let out a hollow laugh. “You can’t exactly stop me, Al.”
He leaned forward, eyes locking onto yours with an intensity that sent a shiver down your spine. “Maybe not. But I can remind you why you shouldn’t.”
Before you could react, he reached into his coat and pulled out a small, worn-out trinket—a cheap little charm you had won for him at a carnival months ago. You barely remembered it, but he had kept it.
“This ridiculous thing,” he said, rolling it between his fingers, “is completely worthless. And yet, every time I look at it, I remember you. The way you cheated at that ring toss, the way you laughed when I nearly tripped over that poor man’s dog.” He exhaled sharply. “And if this stupid thing can hold that much meaning to me… imagine how much you mean to me.” But not enough… you thought.
Your throat tightened. You hadn’t realized how much you needed to hear something like that.
Alastor suddenly reached out and grabbed your hands, his grip firm, grounding. “Listen to me. The world is a cruel, wretched place, I won’t deny it. But you?”, he smiled then—small, sincere. “You make it bearable. And if you leave, who will remind me that life isn’t all bad?”
You swallowed hard, looking down at your intertwined hands. “I don’t know how to stop feeling like this.”
“You don’t have to,” he said simply. “You just have to stay.”
The river still whispered below, the city still pulsed behind you. But in that moment, sitting beside Alastor, his hands holding yours as if he could keep you tethered to the world—something shifted. The weight on your chest didn’t disappear, but it felt just a little lighter.
And maybe, for now, that was enough.
Alastor knew something was wrong the moment you vanished.
At first, he convinced himself it was temporary. That you just needed time. That you’d come back, and he’d tease you about running off without telling him. He’d call you a terrible friend for worrying him and then demand you make it up to him with a night on the town.
But days passed. Then a week.
And then... he found out.
Your name echoed through the streets like a ghostly whisper, carried by murmurs of sorrow and disbelief. Alastor stood frozen, heart pounding as the words reached him—words he didn’t want to believe.
You were gone.
And you had taken yourself from the world.
For the first time in his life, Alastor felt the breath leave his lungs in a way that had nothing to do with laughter. His mind refused to accept it. His body rejected the reality of it. But the truth remained.
You were gone.
He didn’t remember much of what happened after. Someone tried to console him. Someone tried to tell him it wasn’t his fault. He didn’t hear them. He didn’t hear anything. The world had lost all sound. All color. All joy.
And then came the anger.
It started as a slow, simmering rage—a silent, festering wound deep in his chest. But grief is a twisted thing, and Alastor was not built to handle loss in the way ordinary men did.
He was not an ordinary man.
The first girl died only days after your funeral. She had your hair. Your laugh. He heard it across the street and for a fleeting, impossible second, he thought—You came back.
But it wasn’t you. It would never be you...
And if the world had taken you from him, then he would take from the world.
One by one, the women who bore even the slightest resemblance to you began to disappear. Some were found—lifeless, their bodies discarded like forgotten memories. Others were never seen again.
Alastor was careful at first. He didn’t want to get caught. But as the weeks stretched into months, his grief evolved into something insatiable. He no longer cared about consequences. He wanted them to know. He wanted them to fear him.
Because if he had to live in a world without you, then the world would learn to suffer as he did.
The city spoke of him in hushed voices, afraid to say his name too loudly. The newspapers called him The Butcher of New Orleans, but the radio stations had a different name—The Smiling Devil.
They said he never stopped grinning. That even as he ended their lives, he hummed little tunes, like it was all just a grand performance.
They didn’t know the truth.
That he wasn’t smiling.
That it was just his teeth, bared in grief so deep it had turned into something unrecognizable.
That the songs he hummed were the ones you used to sing.
But none of it mattered anymore. Nothing did. Because the only person who had ever truly seen him—the only person who had made life bearable—was gone.
And so, Alastor continued his symphony of slaughter, letting the city drown in the echoes of his suffering.
Until, one night, as he stared into the mirror, covered in blood and surrounded by the remnants of his latest victim—
He swore he heard your voice.
And for the first time since losing you…
The smile on his face faltered.
Alastor stood motionless, breath hitching as the whisper of your voice curled through the air like cigarette smoke.
It was impossible. He was losing his mind.
And yet…
“… Alastor.”
His blood ran cold. His name, spoken so softly, so familiar, yet carrying the weight of something beyond the grave. He turned sharply, but the dim glow of his apartment revealed nothing. Only the remnants of his latest crime—a body slumped in the corner, eyes wide, lips frozen in a scream. A woman who had your hair, your face, your shape—who had been a pathetic, fragile imitation of you.
His pulse roared in his ears. The radio crackled with static, his own heartbeat distorted into white noise.
“… Why?”
The question wasn’t from the radio. It was from you.
A slow, eerie grin stretched across his face, but it was empty. A reflex. A mask. His voice came out smooth, but there was something desperate beneath it.
“Why what, my dear?”
The silence that followed felt suffocating. He swallowed, suddenly aware of how cold the room had become. His fingers twitched at his sides. He felt it again—your presence, unseen but unmistakable.
“… This isn’t what I wanted.”
Alastor stiffened.
Ah. So that’s what this was. Guilt, slipping in through the cracks. He had thought himself immune to it, but hearing your voice again? It was different.
“Oh, but you see,” he murmured, tilting his head as he addressed the empty room, “what you wanted no longer matters. Because you left me.” His voice darkened, laced with something venomous. “And now I’ve made sure the world remembers you.”
A flicker in the corner of his vision. A shadow? A trick of the dim light? No—you were here.
Alastor clenched his fists, something twisting in his gut. His smile wavered. He should feel triumphant. He had honored you in the only way he knew how—with violence, with chaos, with the ruin of everything that dared to resemble you.
Then why… did he feel like he had failed you?
“Alastor…” Your voice was barely a whisper, a breath against his ear, a sound carried by the wind itself. “I was hurting. And you—”
He stepped forward, reaching out, but there was nothing to grasp. Just air. Just absence.
“I needed you.”
A laugh—high-pitched, jagged—bubbled up from his throat, unsteady and wrong. His fingers curled into his palms, nails biting into his own flesh.
“I tried!” he snapped, voice cracking, his mask slipping. “I told you to stay! I begged you to—”
A void where your voice should be.
And for the first time in his life, Alastor felt something unfamiliar clawing at his chest.
Not anger.
Not madness.
Not even grief.
But regret.
The radio hummed. The body on the floor remained lifeless.
And Alastor, for all his power, for all his wit, for all his control—stood there, for once, with nothing.
Just the ghost of you. And the echoes of a laughter he would never hear again.
Alastor was losing himself.
The killings had been satisfying at first. Each act of violence had been a desperate grasp at control, a way to fill the gaping void you had left behind. But now—now, even as blood pooled at his feet, even as screams rang in his ears—there was no satisfaction. No relief.
Only you.
He saw you in every shadow. Heard you in every whisper of wind, every crackle of his beloved radio.
And worst of all? He felt you.
You haunted him in ways he couldn’t escape. Not in the way spirits haunted old homes or restless souls clung to their unfinished business. No—you haunted the very fabric of him.
He had always been a man of control, sharp and calculated, always three steps ahead. But now? He felt unraveled.
The change began slowly. A creeping sensation in his chest, a disturbance in his mind.
At first, it was just the dreams. Nightmares, if he were being honest—though he’d never admit to fearing them. He dreamed of the river, of your reflection staring back at him from the black water. Your eyes empty, accusing. He dreamed of reaching for you, only for your image to ripple and disappear, leaving him gasping for air.
Then came the waking moments of displacement.
He would enter a room and forget why he was there. Hear a voice—your voice—only to turn and find nothing. Food lost its taste. Music lost its charm. Even his own laughter—once so effortless—felt wrong. Forced.
His mind fractured further with each passing day.
The killings became less about vengeance and more about habit. A desperate attempt to feel something. But they no longer served their purpose.
Nothing did.
And that’s when he realized—he was changing.
The transformation was not sudden, nor was it entirely physical.
Oh, he still looked human, at least in the mirror. But inside? Something fundamental was shifting.
His once brilliant mind—sharp as a knife—now teetered on the edge of something far darker. He had always been clever, but now his thoughts felt inhuman. Detached. Cold.
He began to crave things he could not name. His body itched for something beyond flesh, beyond blood. He could feel his soul twisting into something grotesque, stretching toward something otherworldly.
It wasn’t just madness.
It was evolution.
The final breaking point came when he tried to speak to you.
Tried to summon you—truly summon you.
Through old rituals, through whispers in the dark, through desperate, fevered attempts to bring you back.
But nothing worked.
Because you were gone.
And so, Alastor did the only thing left to do.
He laughed.
He laughed until his throat burned, until his ribs ached, until the world around him seemed to distort under the weight of his hysteria.
And in that moment, something inside him snapped.
The man he had once been—the clever, charming, mischievous man who had loved you—died that night.
And in his place, something else was born.
Something with sharper teeth. Something with a hunger that could never be sated. Something that no longer cared for the limits of mortality.
And so, Alastor stepped fully into the madness, embraced the darkness, and let the last shreds of his humanity rot.
For without you—
There was nothing left worth saving.
The swamp was alive with the hum of cicadas, the distant croak of bullfrogs, and the soft rustling of the wind through the trees. The night stretched on, dark and endless, as Alastor dragged yet another lifeless body through the underbrush.
It had become a ritual by now. He worked alone, humming some jazz tune under his breath, the weight of his latest victim barely a bother. He had done this so many times. The city was catching on to the string of missing women, but no one suspected him. No one ever suspected the man with the charming smile and the quick wit.
Until now.
A sudden snap of a twig.
Alastor froze, fingers tightening around the corpse’s wrist. His head tilted slightly, ears picking up the faintest movement in the distance. Someone else was here.
The realization hit just as he spotted the faint glow of a lantern through the trees.
Pain. A sharp, searing pain tore through his chest. His breath hitched as he stumbled backward, his grip on the body loosening.
Another shot—this time, his leg buckled beneath him. He collapsed to the damp earth, gasping as warmth spread through his clothing. Blood.
He could hear them talking, could barely make out their figures through the dense foliage.
"Didja see that?! We got ‘im!"
"Damn thing’s huge—look at those antlers!"
His vision blurred. His body ached, cold creeping into his fingers. But he barely noticed—because something was wrong.
His hands—his fingers—were stretching, warping into something unnatural.
He could feel them growing, twisting out from his skull. His body contorted, reshaping itself, the pain of death giving way to something even stranger.
His last breath came out as a laugh—a wheezing, broken chuckle that sent a chill down the hunters' spines.
And then—
Alastor awoke to a world bathed in red.
The sky above churned with crimson clouds, the ground beneath him cracked and scorched. He pushed himself up, disoriented, his body still tingling from the sensation of becoming.
And then he saw his reflection.
The murky water of a nearby puddle rippled, distorting his face—but there was no mistaking it. His features were still his own, but… changed.
His eyes glowed with an unnatural red light. His ears were long, pointed. And his smile—his signature, ever-present smile—felt sharper.
But the most striking change?
The massive set of deer antlers crowning his head.
Something deep inside him stirred, and as the realization settled in, Alastor did the only thing that felt right.
He threw back his head—
And laughed.
Hell had given him a new form, a fitting form.
And Alastor?
He was going to enjoy this.
Hell was not what you had expected.
It wasn’t fire and brimstone, nor was it eternal torment—at least, not in the way the preachers had warned. It was loud, chaotic, an endless city pulsing with neon lights and strange, inhuman creatures.
And somehow, you were here.
Your memories were hazy, blurred at the edges, but the weight of your death still clung to you. The pain, the loneliness, the finality of it all—it had been too much. And yet, instead of fading into oblivion, you had woken up in this strange, twisted afterlife.
And then, you met him.
At first, you thought he was just another demon. His sharp suit, his unnerving red eyes, the way he grinned like he knew a joke no one else did—it all fit the description.
But there was something familiar about him.
Something in the way he spoke, the way he tilted his head when he looked at you, like he knew you from somewhere.
And then—
"Why, if it isn’t my dear, darling, Y/N!"
His voice was a melody, smooth and rich like a radio host’s, yet laced with something darker.
You froze.
He knew your name.
And suddenly, it hit you. The way he carried himself, that unmistakable laugh, the gleam of amusement in his eyes that never quite reached his soul.
No. It couldn’t be!
His grin widened. "Ah, so you do remember me! My, my, what a reunion! And here I thought I was the only one who got a second chance at—shall we say—infamy?"
You took a step back, heart pounding. This wasn’t the man you had known. He looked like him, sounded like him, but everything about him was… wrong.
The Alastor you had known—your dear friend—had been mischievous, yes, but not like this. Not this predatory, bloodstained thing standing before you.
"What happened to you?" you breathed.
His laughter rang out, bright and sharp. "Oh, sweetheart... YOU, happened! Your little disappearance sent me on quite the downward spiral! And, well… let’s just say I took up a new hobby." His eyes glowed with something unreadable. "Turns out, Hell appreciates a man with a knack for… entertainment."
Your stomach twisted.
You had left him behind in life, and now?
Now, he was something else.
Something monstrous.
And yet—
Even as fear curled in your chest, even as you saw the demon he had become, a part of you still saw him.
Your friend.
And that part of you couldn’t help but wonder—
Was there anything left of the man you had once loved?
The air between you was thick with unspoken words.
Alastor was still grinning, but there was a flicker of something else in his eyes—something unreadable, something unsettling. He had changed, but so had you. And now, standing before him in this twisted afterlife, you knew you couldn’t keep the truth buried any longer.
You swallowed hard, heart hammering in your chest.
"Alastor," you said, your voice softer than you meant it to be. "I—I never meant to leave you like that."
His grin didn't waver, but his head tilted slightly, as if he were listening to a song only he could hear.
You took a shaky breath. "I—", your throat tightened, but you forced yourself to say it. "I loved you, Alastor. I always did."
His expression didn't change. Not at first. But his fingers twitched ever so slightly, his eyes locking onto yours with an intensity that made your breath catch.
"Ah," he finally said, voice smooth as ever. "Is that what it was all about?"
You nodded, unable to look away.
Alastor let out a slow chuckle, shaking his head. "And here I thought you were just mysterious."
You frowned, confusion twisting in your gut. "Alastor—"
"Darling, darling," he interrupted, lifting a hand as if to stop your words. "Why so serious? We’re in Hell! Surely, there’s no need for all this brooding when we have eternity to waste!"
You blinked. "What?"
He clapped his hands together. "Tell you what, sweetheart—why don’t we go paint the town red? And no, no—" he wagged a finger playfully, "not that kind of red. I mean, unless you're feeling violent." He chuckled at his own joke.
Your mind reeled. He was deflecting.
After everything you had just said, after everything—was this really all he had to say?
"Alastor," you whispered, your voice barely audible. "Do you—did you ever feel the same?"
His eyes glowed.
For a split second, his grin faltered—just a fraction.
Then, as quickly as it had faded, it was back in full force.
"Now, now, dear," he purred, stepping closer. "That’s an awfully dangerous question, don’t you think?"
Your breath caught as he leaned in, his face inches from yours.
Then, just as suddenly, he pulled away with a theatrical twirl. "Come now, let’s not dwell on silly things like the past! You’ve got a second chance, I’ve got a second chance—why not make the most of it?"
He extended a hand toward you, his grin unwavering. "So, what do you say, dearest? Care to join me for a night on the town?"
Your heart ached.
He was deflecting. Hiding behind jokes, behind that ever-present grin. But beneath it all, you saw something else—something buried deep.
A hesitation.
A fear.
A truth he wasn’t ready to speak.
You glanced at his outstretched hand, then back at his face.
Maybe he wasn’t ready to face the truth just yet.
Maybe he never would be.
But for now?
For now, you could take his hand.
And see where the night would take you.
At first, it was just fun.
You and Alastor—together again, painting Hell with laughter and chaos, just like old times. He took you everywhere, showing you the wonders (and horrors) of the afterlife, always keeping you close, always grinning.
It was as if nothing had changed.
Except everything had.
Because now, you both knew the truth.
You had loved him in life. Had lost yourself in sorrow, thinking he never cared. And he—well, Alastor never admitted things outright, but you saw it now.
The way he watched you when he thought you weren’t looking.
The way his fingers twitched, as if itching to touch you but not daring to.
The way his voice softened just slightly when he said your name.
And then, one night, he finally broke.
You had been teasing him—nothing new, just playful banter, a joke about his unbreakable grin.
But instead of laughing, he had gone silent.
Then, without warning, he had grabbed your wrist, pulling you close, his grin sharp but his eyes unreadable.
"You left me," he had said, voice unusually quiet. "Do you have any idea what you did to me, my dearest?"
Your breath caught. "Alastor—"
"I don’t lose things." His fingers tightened just a fraction. "I don’t let things go. But you… you were gone. And I—". He cut himself off, his usual humor nowhere to be found.
You reached for his hand. "I’m here now."
He stared at you for a long moment. Then—
He laughed.
But this time, it wasn’t mocking or theatrical. It was relieved.
His arms wrapped around you, pulling you flush against him. "Well, I suppose that means I’ll just have to make sure you don’t go disappearing on me again, hmm?"
And from that moment on—he didn’t let you go.
You were together, always.
The Radio Demon and his darling—Hell’s most inseparable pair.
It had been building for weeks.
Alastor was always by your side—more than before, more than ever. If you moved, he moved. If you laughed, he laughed. If you so much as sighed, he was right there, grinning, tilting his head, asking in that smooth, playful voice, “what’s on your mind, darling?”
But something was different.
The way he looked at you lingered too long. The way he touched your wrist, your shoulder, your waist—light, fleeting, but always there—spoke of something deeper.
And then, one evening, he finally snapped.
You were strolling through the streets of Hell, passing under neon lights and the ever-present hum of the afterlife’s chaos. Alastor had been oddly quiet—for him, anyway. No dramatic narration, no wild bursts of laughter, just… watching you.
You stopped, raising an eyebrow. "What?"
His grin widened—sharp, knowing. "Oh, nothing, my dear! Just admiring something that belongs to me."
Your heart skipped a beat. "Alastor—"
"Tell me something, sweetheart," he interrupted, stepping closer, eyes glowing. "Did you ever consider just saying something back in the mortal world? Or did you enjoy making me suffer?"
You blinked. "Making you suffer?"
He let out a dramatic sigh. "Oh, woe is me! My dearest, darling companion, struck down by despair because she thought I didn’t care—", his voice dropped, silky and smooth. "When in reality…"
A pause.
A grin.
A flash of red eyes beneath the glow of Hell’s eternal lights.
"I simply didn’t realize how much I needed you."
Your breath caught. "Alastor—"
"So!", he clapped his hands together, suddenly bursting with energy. "Since we’ve already done this whole ‘tragic longing’ thing, let’s skip to the fun part, shall we?"
He bowed dramatically, extending a hand toward you, eyes gleaming. "My dear, delightful Y/N—what do you say we make this little arrangement of ours official?"
You stared. "Are you… asking me out?"
He grinned. "Darling, I’m claiming you. But if you prefer something more traditional, well—consider this your official invitation to be courted by the one and only Radio Demon!"
Your lips parted, heart racing.
This was insane.
This was Alastor.
And yet—
You slid your hand into his.
"Took you long enough," you murmured, smirking.
His laughter rang out like music, his fingers curling around yours. "Oh, my dear," he purred. "You have no idea what you’ve just signed up for."
And just like that—
Hell’s most dangerous and inseparable couple was born.
Alastor's jealousy.
From the moment you set foot in the Hazbin Hotel, Alastor never left your side.
Oh, sure, he pretended he wasn’t clinging to you. He acted as if he was simply amused by your presence, as if you were just an interesting little pet to keep entertained.
But you knew better.
His sarcasm never faded. His teasing never stopped.
"Careful, dearest! Wouldn’t want you tripping over your own feet and landing in someone’s clutches! I hear certain demons love picking up strays—oh, but don’t worry!", he leaned in, grinning sharp as a blade. "I’d simply have to rip them apart, now wouldn’t I?"
You rolled your eyes. "Alastor, I can take care of myself."
"Oh, I know, sweetheart!" he chirped, looping an arm around your shoulders. "That’s why I let you think you’re independent! It’s simply adorable—like watching a baby bird flap its little wings before tumbling right back into my talons!"
Despite his words, his grip on you was firm.
And as you got to know the hotel’s residents—Charlie, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Niffty, Husk—you noticed something strange.
Alastor didn’t like how quickly people warmed up to you.
Charlie adored you from the start. Angel Dust practically draped himself over you, calling you “sweetheart” and “sugar” and throwing playful winks your way. Niffty loved fussing over you, and Husk—well, Husk didn’t hate you, which said a lot.
And Alastor?
He just watched.
Watched them.
Watched you.
And the more he watched, the tighter his grip became.
"My, my," he’d say with a chuckle whenever Angel Dust got too close, "it’s so fascinating how some creatures just flock to the most dangerously naive souls!"
You shot him a look. "Alastor—"
"Oh, don’t mind me!" he sang, swaying beside you. "I’m simply delighted by how easy it is for people to love you! Truly, it’s a miracle you weren’t snatched up by some unsavory characters long before I got my claws into you!"
His grin widened. "Oh, but don’t worry, dear! I’ll make sure that never happens."
And he did.
Subtly. Silently. Without ever admitting it outright.
When Angel Dust got a little too touchy, Alastor’s voice would suddenly cut in—cheerful, mocking, but firm.
"Oh, Angel, darling, let’s not forget whose company she prefers now, hmm?"
When a stranger tried flirting with you at the hotel? Alastor would simply appear beside them, laughing, grinning—his shadow stretching just a little too far, curling just a little too hungrily.
"Oh, how charming!" he’d croon. "But do tell me, dear guest, do you value your existence? No? Ahaha! Excellent!"
And when you got hurt?
Even something small—a scrape, a stumble—he was there before you could react.
"Tsk, tsk!" he’d sigh dramatically, offering his hand. "Must I do everything around here? Honestly, you’d be lost without me!"
You scoffed, taking his hand. "You don’t have to be so dramatic."
"Darling," he said, voice smooth as velvet, "I’m always dramatic. But that doesn’t mean I’m wrong."
You squeezed his fingers. "Alastor."
For just a moment, his grin softened.
Just a fraction. Just enough.
Then, just as quickly, it was back.
"Now, then!" he declared, twirling you away from whatever danger had dared approach you. "Shall we continue this delightful little adventure? After all, Hell’s simply full of surprises! And I’d hate for you to face them without me!"
You laughed. "Like you’d ever let that happen."
His eyes gleamed.
"Oh, my dear," he murmured, "you have no idea."
Alastor's protectiviness.
Alastor was not a man easily shaken.
He had danced through massacres with a grin, turned suffering into a symphony, and waltzed through Hell with his usual flair. He had never known fear.
Until you.
At first, he brushed it off. Of course, he liked keeping you close—who wouldn’t? You were delightful, charming, his! But then… he started noticing things.
How sometimes, your laughter faltered.
How sometimes, your eyes drifted, seeing something else.
How sometimes, you would disappear into yourself—not physically, but mentally, trapped in some dark corner of your thoughts.
And that? That terrified him.
Because he knew what happened when people lingered in sorrow too long.
He had lost you once already.
He wasn’t going to let it happen again.
So he never left you alone.
"Darling!" his voice rang out too cheerfully whenever he caught you slipping into thought. "Why the melancholy? Bored of Hell already? I told you, dear, I’d be your eternal entertainment, but really—I thought I had more time before you started questioning your life choices! Ahaha!"
He talked constantly—more than usual, filling every quiet moment with sound, ensuring that your thoughts never got too loud.
If he ever caught you alone, lost in your head?
"Tsk, tsk!" he’d click his tongue, appearing beside you in an instant. "Now, what did I say about wandering into dangerous places?"
"Alastor, I’m just thinking—"
"Oh, I know that look, my dear! And I simply refuse to let you fall into bad habits! Now!" he’d clasp his hands together, grinning just a little too wide. "Shall we dance? Murder? Cause delightful chaos? Or perhaps you’d prefer a story—something to distract that beautiful little mind of yours?"
You sighed. "You don’t have to hover, you know."
His grin never wavered. But his fingers twitched.
"Oh, but I do, darling." His voice dipped—just for a second, too soft. "You’re simply terrible at being left alone."
And that was the real reason.
It wasn’t just protectiveness.
It was fear.
Fear of silence. Fear of losing you again.
So he never let you drift. Never let you isolate. Never let you forget—
That you weren’t alone.
Not this time.
Not ever again.
It was just a knife.
A simple, ordinary knife.
You had gone to the kitchen to cook, humming softly to yourself as you grabbed it from the counter. Just like always. Just like anyone would.
But the moment Alastor saw you holding it—
In a flash, the knife was out of your hand, clattering to the floor as Alastor’s cane struck it away.
And then—
A hand gripping your wrist.
Tight. Too tight.
"What do you think you’re doing?"
His voice was light. Too light. That awful, sing-song lilt still dancing in his words—
But his grip?
His grin?
His eyes?
They were wrong.
Red. Wide. Unblinking. Terrified.
"Did you think I wouldn’t notice?" he pulled you closer, fingers digging into your skin. "Did you think I’d let you do this again?"
Your heart stopped. "Alastor, I was just—"
"Just what?" His smile twitched. "Just holding a knife? Just standing here all alone? Just thinking—"
His breath hitched.
And suddenly, you weren’t standing anymore.
You were crushed against his chest.
His arms were wrapped around you—vice-like, unyielding, desperate.
"No." His voice cracked, barely a whisper. "No, no, no, I won’t let you."
"You left me once," his breath was shaking. "You disappeared, you were gone, and I—"
He buried his face in your hair.
"I lost you."
You felt his entire body shudder.
"I can’t—" his voice broke into static. "I won’t lose you again."
And that’s when you realized—
This wasn’t just protectiveness.
It was obsession.
A crippling, suffocating fear that had hollowed him out from the inside, left him raw, left him feral at the mere sight of you with a blade in your hand.
Because to Alastor, that knife wasn’t for cooking.
It was for stealing you away from him.
And he’d burn all of Hell before he let that happen.
1. When You Take Too Long in the Bathroom
It started small.
A simple, human habit—closing the door when you went to freshen up.
But if you took too long, Alastor would knock—once, twice—before phasing straight through the wall, appearing inside with a grin.
"Oh, darling! Are you hiding from me?" his voice was cheerful, mocking, but his fingers twitched against his cane. "Or were you just hoping I’d come check on you?"
"Alastor, I’m fine—"
"Are you?" he tilted his head, eyes piercing. "You are alone in here, after all. Just you and that dangerous little mind of yours. Terribly unsafe, if you ask me!"
You sighed. "I was literally just brushing my hair."
His grin never wavered.
"Ah, but you see, my dear," he leaned closer, caging you in, "you have a terrible habit of thinking when you’re alone. And I simply can’t allow that."
From then on, the bathroom door never stayed closed for long.
2. When You Didn’t Answer Him Immediately
If you ever didn’t answer when he called—
The air shifted.
Static began to hum.
And before you could even realize what was happening—
He was there.
"Ah, there you are!" his voice was too bright, his smile stretched too wide. "For a moment, I thought you were ignoring me!"
You blinked. "Alastor, I was just—"
"Oh, I know what you were doing!" his laugh was sharp, too sharp. "You were lost in that pretty little head of yours! Drifting!"
His grin twitched.
"I hate when you do that."
From then on, if you didn’t answer immediately, he’d find you. No matter where you were.
3. When You Tried to Walk Away from a Fight
It happened once. Just once.
Some demon had been too bold, said something too cruel—and instead of fighting, you had turned away.
Big mistake.
Because before you could take two steps—
In an instant, Alastor’s hand was on you, pulling you back, his claws digging into your skin.
"Where do you think you’re going?"
His voice was low.
His grip tightened.
"You don’t walk away when someone disrespects you." His smile was gone. His eyes burned. "You stand beside me and watch as I tear them apart."
From then on, you never walked away from a fight.
Not because you were afraid of them.
But because you knew—
Alastor would always fight for you.
4. When You Said You Needed “Space”
One night, after a long day, you sighed. "Alastor… I think I just need some space tonight."
His grin froze.
And then—
A chuckle.
"Ahahaha! Oh, darling! What a funny little joke!"
You frowned. "I wasn’t joking—"
"Oh, but you must be! Because surely—surely—you don’t think I’d leave you alone just because you asked me to! Ahaha!"
He leaned closer, eyes wild.
"You don’t need space from me, sweetheart."
His fingers trailed along your arm, light, possessive.
"You need me."
From then on, “space” was no longer part of your vocabulary.
Not because you didn’t need it.
But because you knew—
Alastor would never give it to you.
The night was quiet.
Too quiet.
You sat on the edge of the terrace, legs dangling over the abyss of Hell’s endless void. The sky stretched above you—red, empty, mocking. The city lights flickered below, distant, meaningless.
And for the first time in a long time, you felt small.
Lost in the nothingness.
You didn’t hear him approach.
Not until—
"Oh, darling…"
His voice was too soft.
The moment you turned your head—
He was there.
Standing a few feet away, frozen, his ever-present grin strained. His eyes—wide, glowing, terrified.
"What a dangerous little spot you’ve found yourself in!" his voice was still playful, still teasing—but his fingers twitched against his cane, his whole body rigid. "And all alone, too! My, my—what would I do if you fell?"
You blinked, pulling yourself from your thoughts. "Alastor, I was just looking at the—"
"The sky?" he let out a sharp, hollow laugh. "Oh, of course you were! Nothing concerning about sitting on the edge of oblivion, alone, quiet, lost in your thoughts..."
His breath hitched.
In an instant, he moved.
A flash of red. A rush of static—
And suddenly, arms were around you.
Yanking you back.
Dragging you away from the ledge.
The world spun, and before you could protest—
You were in his lap.
His grip was iron.
His arms—wrapped tight around you, chest pressed against your back, breath shaking against your ear.
"You terrify me sometimes, you know that?"
His voice was low.
The ever-present laughter in his tone—gone.
You swallowed. "Alastor—"
"Shh." His grip tightened. "Don’t—don’t ever do that again."
A tremor ran through him. His fingers dug into your sides, clutching, desperate.
"You can’t leave me again."
It wasn’t a plea.
It was a command.
An unshakable truth. A law of the universe.
Because Alastor had lost you once.
And if Hell itself thought it could take you from him again—
He would tear it apart.
His grip on you was unrelenting.
His breath—shaky, uneven, desperate.
His heart—if he even still had one—was pounding against your back.
"You can’t leave me again."
The words lingered in the air, heavy, suffocating.
You swallowed hard. "Alastor…"
He said nothing.
Did nothing.
Just held you.
And then—
Slowly, shakily—he turned you in his arms.
His hands moved to cup your face, fingers trembling against your skin as if afraid you’d vanish the moment he let go.
His eyes—wide, wild—searched yours, glowing red, burning with something raw, something dangerous.
"I won’t let you slip away from me."
His voice was low, almost a whisper.
His thumb traced your cheek.
"Never again."
And then—
His lips crashed into yours.
Desperate. Starving.
It wasn’t soft.
It wasn’t gentle.
It was raw, possessive, terrifying.
Like he was claiming you. Like he was branding you into his very existence, ensuring that no force in Hell—or beyond—could ever take you away from him again.
The static in the air hummed.
His fingers tangled in your hair, pulling, clutching, refusing to let go.
The kiss deepened, his breath faltering against your lips, as if he had needed this—needed you—more than he had ever needed anything in his wretched existence.
When he finally broke away, his forehead pressed against yours, his breath ragged, his grin nowhere to be seen.
"You’re mine now, darling." his voice was hoarse, trembling with something dark, something devotional.
His lips ghosted over yours again, softer this time.
"And I’m never letting you go."
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Why are there not, like... platonic x reader fics. Like, I don't wanna date these characters, I just want to hang out with them and crack jokes and banter and get takeaway and play videogames and maybe even hug and bop them on the head and just have affectionate platonic physical contact??? I want to read a fic about being friends with them, and yet all I can find is romantic reader insert fics.
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alastorss · 1 year ago
Hello! I'm not sure if you'll be interested in writing something like this, but if your requests are open (and if you're interested), would you be willing to write some fluffy stuff? An Alastor x Shy/anxious reader, perhaps?
a/n: hello!! i'd love to write some alastor comfort fics based off shy/anxious readers but for now here's some good ol' fluff for the soul ♡ (with a mentioned quieter/shy reader)
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
You can always tell when Alastor's smiles are forced.
It's the subtle twitch of his eye, the annoyed little glare he'll stare into empty space with, the way his jaw gets so taut you're afraid it'll snap.
Quiet and observant, you've made it your personal duty to learn Alastor inside and out without stepping on his toes—watching how he grows increasingly annoyed with every brazen sex joke beat into his head from a distance but never actually having the nerves to talk to him.
You think you can read all his little tells by now. How his antlers get a little bigger with every huff of indignation. How his mind is never in the room (he's got a lot of souls screaming in his ears, after all. You learned that, too).
You thought you knew him just by watching, but you were wrong. Dead wrong. Alastor is an enigma, truly one of the great mysteries of Hell. You were foolish to think you could understand even half of him.
He's all bared fangs and glowing eyes right now, a hand squeezing your hip and the other tracing down your face. Waltz music faintly fills the lobby of the hotel where you both stand, but it feels like a million miles away when the static from the Radio Demon is sizzling in your ears.
His smile is impossibly relaxed, not an ounce of irritation in his expression that you've gotten so used to seeing all over his face. You can't comprehend this, can't understand why he's looking at you so softly and cradling your face with so much care.
It's bad enough that he had asked you to dance with him in the first place, and that you'd squeaked out a "yes" before considering the implications of that. He knew you were shyer than the rest of your friends here—perhaps he had been suspicious of you and wanted to get a closer look.
A dreadful chill runs up your spine and you shudder pathetically, eyes screwing shut as you await whatever fate will befall you in the hands of an Overlord.
But your judgement never comes.
Instead, his thumbs gently pull at your cheeks in opposite directions. When your eyes fly back open, you're face-to-face with nothing but warmth.
"You should smile more," he tells you without his usual facade of excitement. "It's wonderful."
You just stare at each other for a long moment, both frozen in place with his hands all over your face and you limply staying in his hold.
Oh no. Oh no no no. You're certain your cheeks are hot as magma right now because of some simple flattery. Then again, you've been watching him from afar for long enough to know that he doesn't flatter just anyone.
You jerk away from him with a nervous cough, but he catches your wrist and pulls you back into his chest. As if nothing had even happened, he guides and strings you along in a waltz once more.
Annoyance, anger, sadistic joy—these are all things that come as easy as breathing to Alastor. But this is a new emotion you're witnessing, with his ears pulled back flat against his head and his eyes avoiding yours even as he dances with you.
It makes you sputter in laughter, head tilting back as you giggle at how embarrassed he seems.
"Thank you."
He softens at this, smile genuine. You'll come to know this side of him, too. You're sure of it.
You don't know why you were ever so afraid of this monster. Not when he's automatically reaching out to trace your smile with his thumb as if it's something he's always wanted to do.
(It is.)
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notellesblog · 1 year ago
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i’ve seen a lot of nun alastor fanart but where is my waiter alastor fanart at😫😫😫
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leighsartworks216 · 1 year ago
"I really love how slow this slow burn is!"
My aroace ass with no idea how to write a developing relationship, only relationships that already exist at the start of a story:
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garlicbreadish · 5 months ago
it's weird being aroace and liking a character platonically while that character is sexualized af in the fandom.
like no girl i just wanna bake chocochip cookies with gojo and not eat gojo's chocochips🙄🤚
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greenandsorrow · 9 months ago
I'm really curious about how you think Alastor would handle a deaf sinner (revenge plot gone horribly wrong). The reader is staying at the hotel.. actually, it'll probably be challenging for everyone! Reader (f/gn) can read lips fairly well, but when Alastor does the whole "face made for radio," shtick his mouth doesn't move.. can't be threatened if you dont know what's said. It looks weird, though! Reader uses a phone to communicate mostly due to convenience, doesn't use signs because deafness comes as a bonus with death, also carries a pen but rarely paper so ends up writing notes on arms. Habits that linger from life are low self esteem covered masterfully with sass and sarcasm, humming and singing to themselves, remembering perfect pitches and how they felt to sing, can also match pitch by matching a vibration and drumming or tapping hands when needing to focus or is anxious.
Platonic relationships all round, not looking for romance here, just a place to belong for a bit, familial/sibling ribbing and sass!
I'm sorry in advance if it is a lot, but you do ask for details!
"This face was made for radio."
The Hazbins with a deaf!sinner!reader
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You'll never forget the day you landed in Pentagram City. The world around you on mute... It will always stay carved in your memory... the way you had screamed until your throat ached and then had come to the conclusion that even though your voice worked fine, your ability to hear hadn't come with you to the afterlife.
Your sass did save you on multiple occasions that your lack of hearing left you with double the insecurity you carried from your days on Earth. The good news is that, eventually, you learnt to read lips and use your phone to communicate, making your afterlife a bit safer and easier.
However, some -Charlie- would say that your biggest achievement is willingly asking for residence at the "Happy Hotel"! It was a welcoming change to the constant battle of survival, that the streets of the City of the Damned are.
You have your own room and belongings. You have access to food and even made... friends. With your little notepad and pen, you scribble your thoughts and answers when interacting with them. In all honesty, you like your new neighbours more than you ever thought you would.
And the feeling is mutual amongst y'all.
You enjoy how Charlie is always putting on a show and how she sings more than she talks. Not only that, but she makes sure to let you know how impressive it is that you can match the rhythm of her songs, by tapping your fingernails on your notepad.
Vaggie makes an effort so you're always safe and that was before you even got close. She's a bit overprotective in your opinion, but then again... kindness in Hell is scarce and more than appreciated.
Seriously though, you're not handicapped, but it's no use explaining it to her.
Even the famous Angel Dust speaks slower when addressing you. Just like Vaggie, he's protective of you. It's rare for Angel to try to not make a fellow sinner uncomfortable.
In a way, the spider demon has adopted you and Niffty, concerning himself with your wellbeing. You want something but don't have your pen on you? He's willing to play pantomime just to make sure he can provide it to you.
And then there's Husk. The bartender is surprisingly gentle when it comes to you. Caution mixed with fondness. He doesn't mind that you speak too loudly in the rare occasions you use your voice. He doesn't mind having to wait for you to write down your jokes. He actually enjoys your company more than he lets on.
Just a detail, you became part of the crew around the same time Sir Pentious did. Consequently, in the beginning you two kind of stuck together, both seen as newbies.
You're so grateful for how he still washes your arms from the ink of your trusty pen.
To put it into a few words, all families are colorful and yours is no exception. Dysfunctions, disagreements and some sappiness are all part of your every day life. But the Hazbin Hotel has become your home and that's all that matters.
Noticed how I overlooked a very special sinner??
Yep. That's right. Alastor.
The radio demon didn't pay you much attention when you first moved in. You have come to the conclusion that your lack of hearing just underwhelmed him.
He's the radio demon. Sound is his weapon and you're immune to it.
Obviously, his animated personality didn't go unnoticed to your observant eyes. Still, the old radio effect of his voice, the static he produces and all those flamboyant aspects of him are thrown out of the window when it comes to you.
He can't intimidate you. Not that he's tried. Not yet.
You have kept to yourself and maybe even subconsciously avoided him during your settlement in the hotel. It's not out of fear. But what fun is a fellow sinner that speaks more than he moves his mouth? Thank Lucifer he's expressive, otherwise he'd be muter to you than you're to yourself.
And that permanent grin doesn't help either. You've discreetly been relying on his shadow's expressions to make out what's going on in his antlered head.
Today is no different.
He's just stranding there. Black cane, an ignorant and simultaneously arrogant aura, the same infuriating smile and Pentious's egg-bois around him.
Meanwhile, you're sitting in the lounge, inspecting a very 2000's looking camera. It's a way to kill time, watching your surroundings through the lens. At some point the camera lands on Alastor's figure.
It immediately starts glitching.
You burrow your eyebrows in confusion. When you look again, Alastor isn't where he was a few seconds ago.
You sigh.
"What do you think you're doing there, dear?"
Silence. No reaction. You keep looking through the camera at the place Alastor occupied just a few moments ago.
Alastor narrows his eyes. He's standing almost next to you.
But of course you didn't hear him.
The intensified static in his voice... wasted.
He clears his throat loudly, but to no avail.
Eventually, he gives in and taps your shoulder. You blink, lowering the camera to your lap and looking up at him, head slightly tilted.
Taking in your expression, Alastor secretly enjoys the animated scrunch of your brows, a clear indication of confusion.
He's not saying anything, so you shrug to yourself and absentmindedly focus the camera on him once more.
Alastor's eyes narrow with a sadistic glee as the camera suddenly breaks, fume coming out of it, the lens now cracked. You drop it, a bit startled but not on the degree he was hoping.
You don't bother standing up but you do glare at him in exasperation.
"Well, well... Aren't you a brave one?"
Finally! Something you can make out coming from his razor sharp jaws.
You pop the lid off your pen, but before you have time to write "What's that supposed to mean?" on your arm, he has already dimmed the lights and leaned down so he's at eye level with you.
"Let me tell you something while we're at it."
His neck bends unnaturally and his eyes turn black. It's not exactly a sight to enjoy, but it doesn't matter since you're too focused on trying to read his lips.
"This face was made f......"
For what?
What could it have been made for?
His mouth stopped pronouncing the words before the sentence was finished, so it's not your fault that you're chuckling now.
Alastor's chest literally deflates at your reaction.
His ears droop.
It wasn't even full on laughter but his pride took a big hit.
While he's frozen in shock at your lack of fear, you finally scribble down at the back of your hand "Was made for what?"
You extend your hand for him to read with an apologetic gaze. He does look kind of wounded.
Alastor takes in your words and accepts that you didn't laugh at him on purpose. Not to humiliate him at least.
Placing a gloved finger under your chin, he makes you look at his face before speaking slowly, moving his lips almost comically.
"This face was made for ra- di- o."
You let out an "oh" of realization.
Your eyes have a new light of interest in them as you write down your answer.
"I used to listen to that, when I was alive."
"Mhm, that's a pleasant piece of information, my dear!"
From that day on, every time before he broadcasts, he makes sure to give you his notes to read, even making them more elaborate just for you.
For him, the only downside of your loss of hearing is not being able to enjoy his radio show.
At least you now get along.
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Tips are highly appreciated! (PayPal)
Shout-out to @buggieluv79 for helping me with the deaf POV 💌 I also want to point out the fact that the wonderful being that made this request is both kind and patient, having waited three months for me to write this and supporting me in the process❣️
Hazbin Hotel masterlist ❤️
I'm open to writing for a deaf!reader again, whether you want it to be the same person we met in this fic or a different one. (Wait till reqs open again please!)
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backtothedrawingboard · 2 months ago
Nap Time
Aroace!Jax x Aroace!Reader
Summary: You escaped a new adventure and chose to relax for the day. To your surprise, Jax decided to join you.
CW: None
TW: None
AN: This is just a silly little self-indulgent fic. Life is hard, but fanfic makes it a little better :)
Ever since you and Jax discovered that you're both aroace, your friendship has grown. He had grown the habit of playfully teasing you rather than straight bullying you. While he may have formerly placed snakes in your room or stole the key to your room, he now did things like gently pulling your hair or smacking the back of your head.
The main thing you noticed about him was how touchy he was. His more obnoxious touching from before was just frustrating, but something about his new form of touch was...somewhat comforting. The hair pulls and head slaps were startling at times, but he also frequently slung an arm over your shoulder casually. You didn't mind. You actually enjoyed the feeling. You were touch starved as hell and just the feeling of his arm over your shoulder was...nice.
You hopped on one of the couches in the common room. You got out of an adventure! Caine did not seem happy about it, but since he always let Zooble get away with it, it was only fair for you to as well. They barely even acknowledged you before heading to their room. You layed down on the couch for a nap. The world around you turned peaceful. Everything was ok...
Your deep sleep was interrupted by a weight pressing down on you. Your eyes fluttered open and your blurry vision slowly focused on the ceiling. You yawned and rubbed your eyes before looking down at the weight. Jax was flopped on top of you with his chin rested on your belly and one of his arms dangled over the side of the couch. His eyes were closed and he had a content smile on his face. You blinked in confusion. "Jax?"
"Mmr?" he mumbled.
"What're you doing?"
"Yer comfy." He yawned and stretched a little before nuzzling his face back to where it was. You hesitated before resting your hand on his head.
"Is the adventure already over?" you asked.
"Mmno. It was some stipud scavenger hunt. I just finished it first."
"Any idea for when the others will be back?" You gently scratched the base of his ears, causing him to sigh in contentment.
"Who knows. I hid the objects better than they were before," he muttered. You rolled your eyes. Of course he did that. Average Jax.
"Soooo..." you started. "You just rushed through it, and now you're here to...?"
"I just want a nap. I'm tired," he mumbled. He wrapped his arms around your waist and settled his face against your belly. You couldn't help but chuckle.
"That's it? No mischief?" you teased.
"No mischief." His voice already sounded thick with exhaustion. Your smirk softened to an affectionate smile and you scratched the base of his ears more. He sighed and leaned into your touch a bit.
"You doing ok...? You aren't usually so touchy," you said softly. He nodded.
"Yeah. I'm just tired. Didn't sleep well last night." You squinted at him a bit.
"Are you sure? I'm a little concerned why you're being so friendly..." As you continued petting Jax's head and ears, he tilted his head to think.
"I just feel...content, I suppose. I haven't had time to relax in I don't know how long." He sounded more relaxed than you've heard in a while. You couldn't help but smile and adjust a bit so you could hug him closer.
"Good...You deserve a break from everything," you muttered quietly. He hugged you back and nuzzled his face against your chest.
"Thank you...Can you sing? I like it when you sing..." He sounded so vulnerable. You couldn't bring yourself to say no.
"Of course I can," you whispered. His big eyes watched you a moment as you started singing quietly. After a moment, his eyelids drooped a bit and his ears folded down on his shoulders. You scratched rubbed his back gently and continued singing until he drifted off to sleep.
You stopped singing after a moment and yawned, still rubbing his back. With a final nuzzle to his shoulder, your eyes closed and you welcomed sleep.
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v1rtualv4mp · 9 months ago
I really wish there were more x reader fics out there where the reader and the character are just friends, no romance whatsoever.
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mrfroggems · 1 year ago
Rant About Alastor and him being aroace
I've seen a lot of people just blatantly disrespecting Alastor and his sexuality with these ships and fanfics. And I just wanna say as a aroace person y'all suck.
He is aroace through and through. The main argument I've seen people use to ship him is "aroace is a spectrum" and yes it is but Alastor lies on the very end. He doesn't want anything. And saying "I'm not erasing his sexuality" while shipping him or writing smut of him doesn't matter YOU ARE STILL ERASING IT! Believe it or not there are people who don't want anything romantic or sexual and Alastor is OUR representation and it sucks to see it being ignored and erased just because y'all can't keep y'all's dick in your pants.
If any other character's sexuality was disrespected like this y'all would be up in arms but just cause it's a sexuality you don't understand y'all just let it happen?
Stop erasing representation.
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hishumanbellestories · 2 months ago
She, throwing herself on his neck from behind: "Alastooor! Do you love me?".
He, with a provocative look back seeking her eyes and growling feigning contempt: "not even a little... you would be the last person in the hotel that I would save in case of danger".
She, laughing: "Aw, how sweet you are!".
Later, she was in the kitchen making a herbal tea, Alastor approached giving her a kiss on the cheek and placing a flower behind her ear, inhaling her sweet scent and filling his lungs, caressing the back of her neck.
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rhys-writes-some-shit · 1 year ago
Group Introductions
Alastor x Shy!Reader (QP)
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(ft. BFF Charlie)
(A/N: I tried with this one, guys. No promises :') Also damn, I am on a roll)
It wasn’t very often that someone caught Alastor’s eye, but for some reason, you kept popping up. You often showed up at the hotel to help your close friend, Charlie, with whatever needed to be done, but you usually kept to yourself. In fact, Alastor could probably count on one hand the amount of times he’d seen you talk to anyone besides Charlie. 
So imagine his surprise when you nervously approached him, fidgeting with your hands behind your back politely. “Excuse me, Mr. Alastor, b-but Charlie is wondering where you put the gold-inlaid tea set from Asmodeus. Sh-she says she can’t find it.” 
You kept your eyes downward, careful not to look directly at the Radio Demon. Your heart was doing flips in your chest, anxious that you’d say something wrong and that he’d get mad at you, or worse.
“Oh!” Alastor grinned down at you, amused. “Hello there, my dear. The tea set is in the back of the tallest cabinet. I found the designs quite off-putting. Might I ask why Charlie is looking for it?”
“I don’t know,” you replied quietly. “Thank you.” With that, you scurried off, Alastor watching you curiously.
Whenever you were at the hotel, you noticed how Alastor was always around. You wouldn’t say he was watching you per say, but he was just always… there. If you needed something and Charlie wasn’t around, he’d approach you and try to help. You never took him up on his offers, preferring to do things on your own, but it was appreciated nonetheless. 
“Hey,” Charlie was saying one day. The two of you were carrying boxes down to storage. “Have you ever met the other hotel staff? Or our residents? You’re here often enough.”
Hesitating, you shook your head. “No. I talked to Alastor once, though. But it’s okay, I don’t need to meet them.” You added that last part hurriedly. The last thing you wanted to happen was for Charlie to go around introducing you to everyone one at a time. Not only would that be extremely embarrassing, but you just… didn’t feel comfortable talking to people.
Surprise, surprise, that was exactly what Charlie did. 
You’d been dragged along to a group session against your will, causing you to sit in a corner, hoping no one would acknowledge you. That technique didn’t seem to work, however, since everyone kept looking towards you anyway. 
“Alright, everyone! Before we start today’s session, I want to introduce someone to you all!” Motioning towards you, Charlie urged you out of your corner. She looked so happy and excited, you just couldn’t say no to her. Despite the anxiety making your hands shake, you stood and awkwardly shuffled over to Charlie’s side. “This is one of my best friends!” Then, one by one, she started pointing everyone out. 
“That’s Vaggie, you’ve met her before!” Vaggie waved at you, giving you a reassuring smile, or as reassuring as she could manage.
“That’s Angel! He was our first resident, and has been staying here the longest!” The white spider demon, who you’d seen around but never interacted with before, glanced up from his phone to wave at you. He seemed wholly disinterested in the exchange, which didn’t help the pounding in your chest. 
“Next to him is Sir Pentious!” 
The snake demon waved exuberantly, smiling. “It’s a pleasure to meet you!” You only nodded in reply in an attempt to be polite, trying to keep your eyes down. 
“And then there’s Niffty.” The small cyclops demon was much too preoccupied trying to stab a bug that was around beneath the furniture to bother acknowledging you or Charlie. You’d worked with Niffty before, helping make some of the beds, but you’d never spoken a word to her. You were okay with that. 
“Husk.” Upon hearing his name, the bartender only glanced up, before shrugging and going back to reorganizing his liquor cabinet. Like Niffty, you’d also helped him out before at Charlie’s request, but a word had never been spoken between the two of you. He didn’t seem very friendly anyway. 
A shadow grew behind you before Alastor’s tall figure appeared beside you. “And you’ve already met me before. A pleasure, my dear.” Dramatically, he gently took your hand and brought it to his lips. Your face went beet red (or whatever color your blood was) as you took your hand back quickly, nearly hitting Alastor as you did so. 
“It’s nice to meet you all,” you mustered, voice barely audible to yourself, let alone to those further away. “Excuse me.” You ran out the room before Charlie could even think of stopping you, finding a spare closet to hide in. 
Recounting the interaction in your head, you groaned as you placed your head in your hands. Maybe if you never came back to the hotel, you wouldn’t have to deal with any more embarrassing interactions? Why did Charlie have to single you out like that? She knew you weren’t a very social person! 
Not returning to the hotel wasn’t an option, you decided, hiding in that closet. You cared for Charlie too much to let her down like that. She’d told you so many times how much she valued your help. So maybe… just not interact with anyone else ever again? That could work, right?
Your mind kept going back to how Alastor kissed your hand. How are you supposed to tell someone you’re not the romantic type? This sort of thing had never happened before. And you did like Alastor, but not like that! 
“Hey, are you okay?” It was Charlie. How she’d found you, you had no idea, but that didn’t matter. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have pushed you like that. I just… really think you’d like them. And I thought, since you’re basically part of the staff already, it only made sense to, you know, introduce you?”
Taking a deep breath, you shifted so your back was against the closed closet door. “It… It’s okay. I get it. I just…” Sighing, you let your head fall against the door. “Does Alastor always act like that? B-because if he doesn’t, I have to tell him I’m not… you know… A-and I don’t really want to talk about that.”
“Oh, no, no, no, don’t worry about that!” Charlie let out a little awkward chuckle. “He’s like you, even if he doesn’t know it. He was just being polite.”
Relief filled your chest. “Oh thank Satan.”
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202crowqueen · 2 months ago
Gosh I love Prospero…
Like obviously I love him for the aroace rep but I also just love him and as a fast passer (no spoilers obviously) I just keep loving him more
~ Gotta love sticking to the moral code ~
Look at this absolutely brilliant dude he loves espresso because he’s tired of everyone’s nonsense
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