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laplazul · 3 months ago
we are not only friends or lovers, but an evil third thing (queerplatonic partners)
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amethystsoda · 3 months ago
when I was a teen, I heard your eyes dilate when you think about someone you love…
so I used to get really close to the mirror and think about people I liked and see if my eyes did anything 👁️👁️
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is-the-character-aroacespec · 6 months ago
Is she aromantic?
💚    💚     🤍     🩶    🖤
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volturissideslut · 8 months ago
Hello. Can youwrite lovesick Aro Volturi ? 🥺
𝕬𝖗𝖔 𝖁𝖔𝖑𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖎
For the other versions with different characters, head to my masterlist.
Lovesick Aro who practically drowns you in jewels, from rubies to emeralds, diamonds to sapphires, amethyst to aquamarine. He loves to make you sparkle, you just look so ethereal in his eyes. You should totally pose for him like that, wearing everything he got you and the most intricate and ornate of dresses he got you. Caius may be known as the painter of the three but he can still try. Though no painting or picture could ever do you justice.
Lovesick Aro who pampers you daily. He loves to brush your hair and upkeep your makeup, even if it is just your lip balm. Let him bathe with you in bubble baths and rosewater, let him care for you please.
Lovesick Aro who loves physical touch. Not many touch him winningly now because of his gift, but the man gets butterflies every time you kiss. Stroke his hair, hold his hand, kiss his cheek and interlock your arms. He adores it, plain and simple. His day is made when you lay with him, he has hearts for eyes when you rest your little head on his chest. He could ascend from just holding you close to him, truly.
Lovesick Aro who takes interest in your interests. You enjoy painting? Here is a room dedicated, more spectacular than that of Caius. You like opera or theatre? Any ticket you want is yours. More botanical at heart? There is a greenhouse being constructed for you at this very moment. Unusual interests such as poisons or arachnids? Anything you want is yours. I think you get the gist.
Lovesick Aro who, despite already being a little bit insane, would absolutely lose his shit if anything were to happen to you. I mean it in every sense of the word when i say he would go ballistic, rampaging and murderous through anyone innocent or guilty, friend or foe, anyone who was in his path and blocking him from getting to you. When it comes to the case of the Romanians or any other potential wars, you will be promptly taken out of any nearby country and sent to the other side of the world with the best of his guards. He would rather die and not have their help than leave you without at least three.
Lovesick Aro who worships thee ground you walk on. Human or vampire, you are the most amazing thing to ever exist in his eyes. Anything to get you to smile at him is on his mind constantly, from fresh flowers and expensive trips out, to quality time in comfortable clothes. His main love languages are physical touch and quality time, and he could almost cry from the peace he feels just spending some much needed quiet time with you.
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itslouisan · 8 months ago
Time to have C!Techno headcannons!!!
Heyo, seems like finally I reached my 2nd favorite cc ever! I think techno's character is REALLY interesting, with great writing and details and I can definitely add some hc of my own in there, so without further ado, let's go!
(btw @syndicatedsystem you might like some of my headcannons involving Jschlatt and Techno I talk about here so yeah! Also feel free to discuss em' with me or make asks abt it, hell your blog inspires me a lot)
(I lost the name of the artist if anyone knows please tell me)
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• Techno has some braids in his hair, the longer, the more he values the person
Longest: Philza, it's braided with gold details
2nd longest: Ranboo, has a amethyst crystal for purple
Mid-term: Wilbur, he braided it in consideration of a battle friend and some good times with Will, he doesn't hate or likes Wilbur, but still can't deny they do have a connection
Shortest: Tommy.
• Techno prepared a space in the cabin for Tommy in case some day, his demons and the hell he was looking for, finally was found, he'd welcome Tommy with open arms, since he'd view that the kid suffered enough and had the time to change and face any consequences he'd need to face, the space is safe, always available, but, he'd never tell Tommy that, he keeps it hidden, he's not ready to be vulnerable to the demon child again and openly say Tommy could count on him, not until Tommy makes the first step.
• Keeps the pickaxe that blinded Quackity as a trophy, this and keeps all weapons from powerful enemies with him as a reminder of a great battle he won once again
• Likes to write poetry about people and events, he'd never give them to the person, but keep it in a dusty small box in his room in the attic of the cabin
• Techno was friends with Jschlatt before everything went to hell, they liked to talk about random bs while watching the fire crack at night and drink some cheap booze for Jschlatt and coffee for Techno
• I view Techno also having some boar traits, so yeah territorial as FUCK don't mess with his stuff or house, also he chases pray like crazy and can eat almost anything without a problem due to that
• Doesn't CARE for alcohol, just doesn't like the idea of having a hangover afterwards since he'd be unable to fight the next day
• Would gossip with Jschlatt, Tommy and the syndicate like, ABOUT EVERYTHING, I imagine him and Jschlatt favorite hobby is shit talking people they hate
• Techno being aro/ace also means if you flirt with him, he'll just stare at your soul and bully the shit out of you, sometimes calls Phil and/or Jschlatt to roast the shit out of the person, also WILL defend himself from any creeps and defend his friends from ANY strange people since for him touch is STRICTLY a death sentence and something that takes time
• Techno smokes when stressed or in the syndicate room, making Phil always carry an extra lighter for him just in case, the 2 used to be smoking buddies before Phil quit when he adopted Chayanne and Tallulah
• Techno in the QSMP is an entity, a god watching above everyone but never leaving Phil side and the eggs side, sometimes he'd talk to Tallulah directly, or influence Phil like a voice in his head to do the right thing in his vision or appear to Chayanne in his dreams to have a chat
• Can and will drink blood from the enemies
• Loves to talk about skulls and anatomy of the body in general, a dark fact, due to respect to Jschlatt, after he died (not considering revival, I view revival as either the decomposed body coming back to life in a LESS but STILL fucked up state or a kind of new body that is the users body in the afterlife coming to the alive realm, if you guys want, I can make a post about this) picked and kept Jschlatt sheep skull, with horns and everything
(art by sadist)
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• Would talk about historical wars and battles with his own analysis and commentaries on it, making a great history teacher
• totally collects greek mythology stuff, books, items, anything.
• Has a couple of tattoos but one that is pretty badass is a wither skull with red smoke on his ribs in the right, a tattoo of a emerald in the inside of his left wrist, a tattoo of a squid with a fork on it's head in reference to the potato war on his right wrist really tiny and "everything starts with blood" and "the voices demand blood" written in his tights
• My boy 100% has piercings due to piglin culture, around 75% of them being made of gold
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ifeellikeameowster · 4 months ago
Steven Universe Fusion Opinions: Peridot
I've seen a lot of people commenting on posts and tiktoks that no one is allowed to make fan fusions of Peridot, so I wanted to throw my two cents in.
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Before we start, let me just say that I Myself Am On the A Spectrum!! I'm a sex-repulsed asexual and fall somewhere on the aromantic spectrum (still note sure yet if I'm aro, cupio, or demi romantic).
No that that's out of the way,
I Think Peridot Should Be Allowed to Fuse.
"But the creators said she's asexual (and maybe aromantic)!"
Yes, true. And I love that for her. We always need more a spectrum rep! But let's get Several things straight.
First of all: Fusion Does NOT Equal Sex! Fusion is a relationship in ANY form, whether friendship, familial, romantic, toxic, business, allies, etc. Saying fusion is sex would put into question ALL of Steven's (who is a Minor) fusions with adults.
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Not to mention Greg is his father, he sees Amethyst as a sister and Pearl and Garnet as mother figures.
Even Stevonnie would be questionable since they were so young when they first fused. So NO, fusing = having sex is just NOT a thing. Fusions can be between Anyone! Not just romantic or sexual partners.
"Okay, but Peridot seemed so uncomfortable when she tried to fuse with Garnet! She hates fusion!"
Peridot never outright stated that she hated fusion. She just spouted Homeworld propaganda because at the time she was still considering herself a Homeworld gem. She was still starstruck over Yellow Diamond. As for Garnet,
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Peridot was still new to the Earth. She was lost far from home, stuck on a planet about to be destroyed with "dangerous" rebel gems, and was learning how to deal with all these new things she'd never experienced before. She wasn't a crystal gem yet and hadn't been through her full redemption arc yet. Of Course she'd be too nervous to fuse, she didn't fully trust them yet! Any fusion that resulted from that dance would have been unstable at that current time.
But the thing is, Peridot Has Come a Long Way Since Then.
She joined the Crystal Gems, rebelled against Homeworld and Yellow Diamond, and formed Genuine connections with other gems for the first time in her life.
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Saying she can't fuse is like saying she doesn't experience love for or connections to anyone in her life. It's like saying those on the a spectrum can't experience love or connection to anyone in their life. But she can and so can we! Friendship exists! Platonic love exists! Familial love exists! QPRs exists! We don't need to experience romantic or sexual attraction to form bonds with the people we love around us, and neither does Peridot. We're not broken or lacking in love, and neither is Peridot.
TLDR: Peridot should be allowed to fuse in fandom based works because Fusing Does Not Equal Sex and because Peridot has Formed Genuine Platonic Connections with Other Gems.
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💚Thank you for coming to my Gem Talk!💚
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swanmaids · 1 year ago
Following the tapestries of the Lady Ever-Weaving that line the Halls of Mandos, if one concentrates hard enough on what they are seeing, one could easily feel as though they are not simply viewing a great work, but truly travelling backwards and forwards through time. 
The weavers of the House of Vairë depict with their own hands every life that has ever lived – here a fat ptarmigan hides amid the grasses on the banks of the river Aros; there a patch of amethyst-coloured crocuses grows by the Withywindle. They tell the tale of everything that has ever happened. 
Here a great wave destroys all of Númenor; there a shoal of tiny fish swims through the sunken wreckage. 
Such work is far beyond the skill or even conception of most. All but one of Vairë’s weavers are servant-spirits made in the mind of Eru, to aid Lady Vairë in her storytelling and loom-work. Only one of the Eldar is permitted to dwell among them. 
Yet Míriel the Broideress is at peace within her Lady’s halls, in a way that she had never been in wider Aman. Here, she exists almost out of time, where her sorrows and those of her kin are but one weave in the ever-growing tapestry of Arda. 
Here Maedhros casts himself in the flames; there Eärendil stands aboard his ship and lights the whole world. 
To truly love a great work is in many ways to love its creator. That Míriel who lives and breathes the tapestries should come to love the Valië created for the preservation of Arda in thread is perhaps inevitable. Vairë is everywhere in her workshop: when Míriel strokes the shuttle she touches her, when she gazes into the threads of her work, she gazes into Vairë’s thoughts. There is a certain depth of knowing another, that once reached, is indistinguishable from love. 
That Vairë could come to return her handmaiden’s love is perhaps more surprising. Or perhaps not. Vairë was made to weave, and Míriel is the greatest among all weavers. 
Here and there: two women travel through time.
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oblivious-aro · 2 months ago
Well, now I don't trust any other sources on DP ship names. I gotta know what they are, according to someone who's actually in the fandom (you)
You needed some shipping info, so you came to the mutual with 'aro' in their name. Somehow, this makes sense.
Amethyst Ocean is Danny/Sam, as you already know (by far the most popular ship), while Danny/Tucker's is Savant Par (apparently its areference to their intellegence levels, Tucker being "savant" with tech and stuff, while Danny is just on "par" with the average Joe). I think I've heard of Veggieburger being used for Tucker/Sam, but that's not a super popular ship, so I don't remember if people actually use that one. Dany/Valarie is Gray Ghost.
Everlasting Trio is Danny/Tucker/Sam. College Trio, while not a ship, denotes Jack & Maddie & Vlad (I didn't get any search results, but I'm pretty sure I've also seen them referred to as Golden Trio). Haven't really seen any consistently used ship names for them.
I think this one's pretty recent, but Cheese Melt's used for Danni & Vlad (I don't know if that's adorable or horrifying).
I occasionally see Pink Astronaut for Danny/Paulina, and Phantom Satellite for Danny/Star (self-explanatory), and also Swagger Bishie for Dash/Danny (apparantly it's a weeb thing). That last ship is extremely popular, because this fandom has no taste.
Pompous Pep is the depressingly popular Danny/Vlad ship. Badger Cereal's the platonic not-terrible version.
Amethyst Ocean, Gray Ghost, Everlasting Trio, Pompous Pep, and Badger Cereal are probably the names you see avian my being used the most.
Basic list under the cut
Amethyst Ocean - Danny/Sam
Savant Par - Danny/Tucker
Veggie Burger - Tucker/Sam
Gray Ghost - Danny/Valerie
Everlasting Trio - Danny/Tucker/Sam
Golden/College Trio - Maddie & Jack & Vlad
Cheese Melt - Vlad & Danny
Pink Astronaut - Danny/Paulina
Phantom Satellite - Danny/Star
Swagger Bishie - Danny/Dash
Pompous Pep - Danny/Vlad
Badger Cereal - Danny & Vlad
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erstwhilesparrow · 4 days ago
for @mcyt-aro-week , based on the Feb 25 prompt Solidarity / Spectrum / Battle !
content warnings: el spends most of this fic covered in blood. it is implied that the coven killed all their competition.
It ends like this: Eloise stands in what remains of the arena, crimson and toothsome. Blood clings to her like accusing hands, soaking through her skirts, staining the white and gold of her blouse and cape. She lost count of how many times thunder roiled overhead, how many times lightning crashed to earth like a falling bird, but she has faith in her coven.
Like an answer, she looks up and there’s Cleo, approaching the lip of the crater.
“I ran out of amethyst,” they call, first. They look clumsy and human picking their way down to El, but they’re steady when El leans into them for a hug. “Hi there.”
“I lost track of you guys,” El says, giddy, smell of metal thick enough to chew with her back teeth. “Where’s Scott? And Lauren?”
“They should be on their way,” Cleo murmurs. They push El back by the shoulders to look them over, sweeping and pragmatic, before pulling her in again. “I see you took out some of the competition.”
“Oh!” El says against Cleo’s shoulder. “I got Pris.”
Cleo laughs, loud in her ear. “Did you? Well done!”
“The training paid off.” El grins, even though Cleo can’t see it. “Who’s left?”
Cleo releases them, teeth showing. “Us! The Coven won, El. We’re the only ones left.”
El doesn’t— “Wait, what? We did it?”
Cleo’s beaming smile gets impossibly wider. “We did it!” They take her hand and pull, dragging her through a brief, circling dance, before letting her go, both of them stumbling and giggling.
“We did it!” El echoes. “We— We’re gonna—” She realizes all at once that she’s sticky. Her clothes cling to her; she hadn’t realized— “Gosh, people bleed a lot, don’t they?”
“Even more when they’re not half-magic,” Cleo says, turning. They begin making their way back up, toward less ruined land.
“Do I want to know how you know that?” El asks, following. Now that she’s coming down from the adrenaline rush, all of her feels heavy. The blood doesn’t help. It’s— The inside of her shoes squish, a little. Maybe that’s just the mud. Storms and water and melting ice.
Cleo laughs again, louder than usual.
“One of you must win,” Bertha intones, voice resonating like ancient stone fashioned into sound. “There can only be one.”
“So we can’t just declare one of us the winner?” Scott says. “We have to kill each other?” He sounds displeased with the idea in a way that belies the grime — rusty and telling — smeared darkly on his pale hands.
“Would you give up the power of being Supreme to anyone?” Bertha asks.
“Of course not,” El says. “Not just anyone. But it’s us. I don’t—” She pauses, considering. “I’m not even sure I could.”
Nobody tells her she’s wrong, though Lauren fidgets. El still hasn’t had a chance to clean off her clothes, or change.
Cleo raises a finger. “Could we fight you for it, Bertha?”
El almost jolts with surprise at the recklessness. Cleo is, usually, unfathomably methodical, interested in mechanical details and diagrammatic particulars. El tastes her own canines. But there is the matter of how they’re all doing this for something, isn’t there?
“I am not the one you must face,” Bertha says.
Cleo grumbles something, then says, “Well. Scott, we did promise we would help each other.”
There’s this feeling El is intimately familiar with, when she tries to pull too much magic out of herself at once, when it makes something click sideways in the world and send her rocketing through space and illusion. It’s a lot like having a rug pulled out from under you, except the whole world is the rug, and it just keeps pulling, so you have to run to catch up or collapse where you are. Unmoving, she feels it now.
“This isn’t fair,” El says, hearing it petulant in her own ears. The air feels heavy, pressing in on her ears. “We won, we should all get— something!”
“We would, though?” Scott says, soft and puzzled as he turns his head to look at her. “If any of us— I mean, I’d help. You just have to ask, El.”
El presses her lips together. It’s kinder than Scott’s been in front of an audience before. It’s sort of horrible how it doesn’t solve the issue.
“I’d be okay with giving it to Scott,” Lauren says. “You helped me a bunch already.”
“And I’m out of amethyst,” Cleo says, “so I’d lose anyway.”
El doesn’t think that’s true, but Cleo is careful with their estimations for someone who has time at their fingertips. She thinks Bertha’s waiting for her to say something.
Once, late at night, she and Cleo were a long way out from Kairos, on a cliffside overlooking the ocean, tracking planetary movements ahead of an incoming storm. It wasn’t the sort of thing either of them usually went for, but the stars have their miserable little fingers in every kind of magic, so it became necessary, from time to time.
I lost something, Cleo said, when El asked what they’d do with the power. Or… maybe someone. Someone very dear to me. I’d like to it, or them, back.
Oh, El said. Well now I’m going to feel silly saying mine. You and Scott both, huh?
Cleo smiled, vague and distant. El saw it as clearly as if it were real: some thread around their heart, pulling them away from here. All that magic, shrinking away to a fading glimmer on the horizon some future day.
“Well,” El says. She presses her thumb against the points of her teeth. Something salty on her tongue. “If you’ll be sticking around to help us all.”
El likes to think that Scott’s quiet laugh when she curls up next to him has gotten less condescending over time. Once, during the slow-waking hours around dawn, she leaned into him and he rested his cheek against her head. Adjusted slightly, as if to kiss her hair. Maybe he did. She had her eyes closed, pretending to sleep until she wasn’t pretending anymore.
El curls up to him now and he allows it for all of two seconds before nudging her back. Hurt for no good reason, she asks, “What are you going to do with it?” She gestures at the crown that he’s taken off, that he’s now turning around and around in his hands.
It’s not that she wouldn’t be able to handle it now, turned loose on the world by herself. Cleo’s training did pay off. El can stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the witching world’s best and say truthfully that she earned her spot there. It’s just— Should she have tried harder to cement that bond with Lauren before Lauren left?
“I’m going to—” Scott pauses and takes an audible breath. El’s fairly certain he doesn’t need to at this point, that he does it just for dramatic effect, and feels a warmth that is quickly replaced by cold, pre-emptive absence. “Cleo needs a ritual done.”
“I do,” Cleo agrees mildly. They’re stirring their tea. “Somehow, what I’m asking for is smaller than what Scott’s asking for.”
Scott and Cleo laugh. El is cold and warm and cold.
“I would help you first even if it wasn’t,” Scott says.
“Oh, don’t start lying to me now,” Cleo says.
There’s a name that sits in the back of Scott’s throat that he doesn’t ever say, but El knows it’s there, and if she knows it’s there, then Cleo knows it’s there. And Cleo doesn’t care — doesn’t need to care — if that name pulls on Scott like a leash or a noose. They all showed up to this competition for a reason.
We have an understanding, me and Scott. Cleo told her that once, sipping from their cup of tea just like they are now.
“What about you, El?” Scott asks.
“What about me?” she murmurs. “Oh, um. I don’t know. I— Honestly, didn’t think I’d get this far!”
Scott’s expression goes amused. “Off on your own adventures, then?”
“I mean.” El wonders if it would be okay to go over to Cleo’s couch, to try bumping her shoulder against theirs. “Would you guys be— staying?”
Cleo shrugs. El is, despite herself, stung all over again. She’d thought — and it’s sort of stupid in retrospect — they were… similar, somehow. That Scott was the odd one out for having ever had all the pretty, picture-book fantasies. El supposes that what it really was was that being in love looks different on a time witch.
“I’d want to go home,” Scott says, not quite soft but not quite with his usual confidence either.
“Not the one you built here,” El says, knowing the answer and in knowing not having the heart to make it a real question.
“Probably not,” Scott says. “It was— I’ll probably take some stuff with me? But it was supposed to be temporary anyway.”
Was it? El aches. Was it always meant to be temporary?
“Okay,” she says. “When you’re done, can you give me the crown?”
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genericflower · 1 year ago
Something took over and I need to rant about Steven Universe.
Mainly Peridot.
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I was thinking about how when a characters is canonically aromantic/asexual it's exciting and nice to see
But I don't feel that way about Peridot. I've now realized my problem is less about the character and more with how they handled it
Factor 1: They choose to represent her being aro/ace by having her not take part in fusion
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Implying that fusion is in some way sexual (or at the very least romantic) Meaning all of these are sexual or romantic acts:
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(Stevonnie is fine if it's only romantic) So what they're saying is fusion is not just a reflection of connection in their varied relationships or even just a magic space power holding no strong meaning
I think worse is that Peridot not wanting to fuse/not liking fusion could have been used to show how autistic individuals don't connect with people in the same ways as neurotypical do
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Factor 2: And this one is admittedly much more shallow but I think it help explain why her canon sexuality got ignored so hard by the fandom
Peridot is one of the only gems who gets screen time and gets to interact with other gems who isn't Steven's family/family coded
Like Garnet acts like a mom or aunt to Steven (and is technically spoken for) Pearl acts like a mom or aunt to Steven Amethyst acts more like a sister to Steven Lapis basically hates most of the cast Then most of the other gems are isolated/don't get enough screen time to develop much of a personality if any And almost every time a human shows interest in one of the gems they get shot down so there's that
Basically Peridot is set up to be the only strong character for shipping without splitting hairs on "is that actually okay?" - until they said 'actually she would never date anyone, not even smooch'
Like what was to stop them from making Amethyst the aro/ace character? They shot making Lapis one in the foot with the whole forced fusion plot point. They still could but with how asexuality gets associated with trauma it wouldn't look good OR make more than one main cast member display this sexuality - not everything has to be romantic driven (just seems weird that a show about relationships only show two romantic relationships develop)
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(all other romantic relationships were already happening/happen off screen: Sadie and Shep, Garnet (Ruby and Sapphire), Rose and Greg, Rhodonite and Fluorite)
My man problem is the crew tied Peridot's sexuality to fusion which for me makes it feel like I'm in the trolley problem with: A. accept Peridot as aro/ace and that Steven who is a child did a romantic/sexual with most the main cast who are his family (outside of Connie) or B. ignore Peridot's sexuality and see fusion as a non-romantic/non-sexual act that could be romantic (like an embrace) I know that I can see Peridot as aro/ace without seeing fusion as sexual but the hoops I have to jump through to reach that makes it feel more like a headcanon then actual canon so it's just frustrating
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THE ONLY REASON I FEEL THIS WAY IS THEY ACT LIKE HER NOT WANTING TO FUSE IS IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE THAT SHE'S AROMANTIC AND ASEXUAL (They 100% could have just said "Peridot is aro/ace because she is." Instead of linking it to fusion directly!)
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waywardsou2 · 8 months ago
OC Maker (Number 1)
Species (Month you were born)
Jan - Human
Feb - Alien
Mar – Dragon born
Apr - Naga
May - Warewolf
Jun - Zombie
Jul - Angel
Aug - Demon
Sep - Elf
Oct - Faries
Nov - Vampire
Dec - Mermaid
Skin Colour (birthstone)
Garnet – White
Amethyst – Beige
Aquamrine – Tan
Diamond – Chocolate
Emerald – Cocoa
Moonstone – Peach
Ruby – Olive
Peridot – Chestnut
Sapphire - Red
Tourmaline –  Green
Citrine – Grey
Blue Topaz -  Blue
Hair (age)
10 – 15 – Straight
16 – 20 - Curly
21 – 25 - Wavy
26 – 30 - Ringettes
Hair colour (number of siblings)
1 – Brown
2 – Orange
3 – Black
4 – Blonde
5+ - Coloured
Eyes (favourite genre of music)
Rock – Black Sclara
Pop – Green or Blue
R&B – Pink or Purple
Indie  - White or Black
Metal – No iris
Country – Brown or Amber
Accessories (year you were born)
2000 – 2005 - Glasses
2006 – 2010 - Piercings
2011 – 2015 - Tattoos
2016 – 2020 - Freackles
Appendages (sexuality/gender)
Straight – Tail
Cis – Elf ears (if your character isn’t an elf)
Trans – Horns
Gay (mlm) – Wings
Lesbian – Extra arms
Bisexual – Extra legs
Aro/Ace – Extra eyes
Clothing (pet you have)
Dog - Goth
Cat – Goblincore
Rat - Punk
Lizard – Pastel Goth
Turtle - Royal
None – Whimsical
[Reblog with your art work!!]
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picturejasper20 · 1 year ago
Peridot and Lapis Lazuli´s relationship in Steven Universe: An analysis
Lapis Lazuli and Peridot's relationship is, as many relationships from Steven Universe, quite messy and complex and changes throughout the series in more than one way going from somewhat enemies to friends and companions and even then, later gets explored how that dynamic wasn't in balance, showing there how doesn't always have the full idea of the nature of the relationship between two people.
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To say that Lapis was upset with finding out that Peridot living in the old barn would be putting it lightly. Peridot was partially involved in keeping Lapis prisoner in the spaceship that brought them to Earth as well as interrogating her. She had more than one reason to not be fond of Peridot and want to avoid her.
In most of ¨Barn Mates¨ Peridot tries to be nice to her to make amends and Lapis turns down everyone of them. While it is understandable the reason of why Lapis acted this way, she went a little to out of the line when she destroyed Peridot's gift, which was a tape recorder, something that was personal for her.
Peridot gets frustrated with this and then goes off about how she gets why Lapis feels this way: She can't never go back to Homeworld, Earth doesn't feel like a home yet and she feels alone in this. ...But she later adds that this is one of the reasons of why she wants to make amends with Lapis, because she gets what Lapis is going through since she is going through the same issues.
Lapis demands for Peridot to leave, to which Peridot does, giving up on trying to make peace with Lapis. That's when even Steven gets tired of Lapis's behaviour and points out that she isn't giving Peridot a chance and is not right to be so mean to her.
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Some minutes later Peridot comes back running, being chased by the Roaming Eye Homeworld spaceship that is, of course, looking for her. Lapis sees that Peridot is in danger and decides to help her by taking down the Roaming Eye using her water powers. While it isn't said, her actions indicate that she was trying to make up for how she was so mean to Peridot earlier. Some seconds later she asks to Peridot if she was okay, showing that she was willing to give her a chance now.
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In the episode that followed, Hit the Diamond, Lapis helped by distracting the ruby squad to protect Peridot from being taken away. I wouldn't say they were friend at that point but that Lapis seemed to like Peridot at least enough to care about her well being.
For a while we didn't see too much of Lapis and Peridot until Amethyst's arc in the episode ¨Beta¨. In this episode we see them being friends and hanging around. They got into human things. They like watching shows together, they like playing music and making art things with junk they find lying around in the barn.
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So for some time it seemed like everything was going more or less well between them. In ¨Gem Harvest¨ they are growing together crops. Peridot believes that they work like gems in the kindergartens but she is dissapointed to learn that crops work differently from that.
So Steven ends up bringing up a dog like pumpkin to life using his gem powers and Peridot and Lapis end up adopting her.
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Some fans have described Peridot and Lapis Lazuli's relationship as a queerplatonic relationship, considering that Peridot was written with the intention to be aro-ace. This interpretation could apply as in some ways their dynamic can be read as a ¨old married couple¨ for the way they interact and are living with each other. Pumpkin could be seen somewhat as their daughter with Peridot and Lapis being her ¨parents¨.
Moving on, their relationship seemed to be going well until ¨Room for Ruby¨ showed that Lapis was still struggling a lot to adapt to Earth because of her own trauma. Most of the episode she felt really down, specially by seeing how Navy was supposely adapating so quickly to Earth, making Lapis feel jealous. At the end of the episode it was revealed that this wasn't the case and that Navy was faking it to get her spaceship back.
"Raising the Barn" acts a bit of followed up to ¨Room for Ruby¨ by revealing that well, Peridot often has to walk on eggshells around Lapis and there are things she avoids telling Lapis to not upset her. Peridot has been negleting her own feelings in the relationship, for the sake of ¨being there¨ for Lapis. She tells to Steven that she wants to stay on Earth, that she doesn't want to leave, but she still has ¨to go¨ with Lapis.
The thing with Lapis Lazuli is that while she isn't a bad person... she can be a lot to deal with. From what it was said by Peridot, she felt that she couldn't be fully honest with her more often than not and she was losing herself in their dynamic, having to sacrifice quite a lot to make it work.
So Steven suggests to Peridot to be honest with Lapis about wishing to stay on Earth. Peridot does this and Lapis gets in part upset that this was brought up in the last minute and hurt because Peridot hasn't been completely honest with her. The two have a bit of a fallout that ends up with Lapis abruptly leaving Earth out of fear of ¨getting caught up in another war¨ again and taking the barn along with her. Leaving Peridot and Pumpkin on Earth.
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The consequences of this fallout get explored in the following episode ¨Back to the Kindergarten¨. In this episode Peridot, Steven and Amethyst try growing a garden in the Prime Kindergarten. The whole episode acts as a metaphor for Peridot and Lapis Lazuli's fallout in ¨Raising the Barn¨, how Peridot misses Lapis and the barn and how she has been feeling down lately. The story ends with the idea that while her relationship with Lapis didn't work out, she can still try making connections with other people and start new elsewhere, finally seeing the possibility of moving on from the events of ¨Raising the Barn¨.
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On the other hand, from Lapis Lazuli's perspective there is the episode ¨Can't Go Back¨ which explores many aspects of her character but mainly the guilt she feels about having left Earth so abruptly and taken the barn with her, feeling that she can't go back after the way she left. There is also her huge anxiety and fear of getting caught up in a war again due to her own traumatic past. Lapis explains to Steven how she is scared of having to go through the same situation again, believing only bad things are going to happen, something that Steven answers with ¨what if something good happens?¨
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Steven's words seemed to have some effect on Lapis because in ¨Reunited¨ Lapis shows up in the battle against Blue and Yellow Diamonds and drops the barn on Blue to distract her for some moments. She has a brief exchange with Peridot, who is glad to see that Lapis came back and is helping them to fight the Diamonds.
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It isn't clear what happened between Peridot and Lapis Lazuli after the events of Reunited and during the time skip after Change Your Mind. However, based on some hints and their interactions in the Steven Universe Movie, they seem to be in better terms now.
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It's very likely that they had some conversations about what happened in ¨Raising the Barn¨, Lapis apologized to Peridot for the way she left and eventually Peridot forgave her for that. In addition to this, they likely established some boundaries between them and found other social circles to be in during Era 3. In that way they stayed as friends but also avoided going back to their previous status of their relationship by being in more equal (and healthy) terms.
In all, i think what can be taken away from their dynamic is that relationships can be messy and how it is important to avoid losing yourself in a relationship if you are trying to help someone who is going through a lot of problems in their life. You can support someone while establishing boundaries for yourself and being able to be honest with them. And, in part is how about how things don't always work out and people can go through fallouts. That doesn't mean that the two parties have to hate each other and then can even remain friends, accepting that their previous relationship didn't work as they wished.
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maxbytes · 1 year ago
Srry if this is a weird question, but do you feel like it was weird/hurtful they made peridot the ace/aro rep (though idk if it’s CANON canon) when they were originally so clearly written to be a lesbian before that? Like obviously we need more ace/aro rep but I personally always found it kind of hurtful they changed a clearly supposed to be lesbian (amethyst and lapis moments) character to ace/aro just curious about your thoughts is all! Again not trying to be aphobic at all but I just want to know if anyone else feels this way
forgive me if this isn't well thought-out or missing out on important details, i'm just answering off the cuff. while i definitely don't think it was intended to be hurtful and take away from lesbian rep, but rather to add to aro/ace rep, (not even getting into the weirdness of shoehorning a character's sexuality in after the fact, since i think at the end of the day it's a crew member's headcanon and nothing more)... yeah. the way i see it, peridot's character growth was written to include unlearning internalized homophobia, and i have a huge problem with saying peridot didn't like garnet staying fused in front of her bc actually she's aro/ace and fusion-repulsed or whatever, instead of it being a product of her homophobia. idk man, there's implications being made that i don't care for. this whole controversy could've been avoided if the crew had made a collective decision on who was going to be the aro/ace rep at the beginning, and actually written them to be aro/ace.
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purple-space-aliens · 4 months ago
i think our amethyst is aro
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bah-protocol · 2 months ago
hey! could we req a transmasc creators choice stardew valley introject?? preferably a memory holder and/or soother, if you don’t mind :]
thank you soso much!
A New Hire; Transmasc Stardew Valley Introject
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>Name/s: Aster, Abel, Gabriel, Harlequin, Sparrow
>Nickname/s: Gabe, Harley, Aro/Arrow
>Age: 25
>Gender/s: Transmasc Boything
>Pronouns: He/Him - Vey/Vem/Ver - Cli/Click - Cry/Crys/Crystal - Ame/Amy/Amethyst - Vi/Vio/Violet - Cri/Crit/Critter - 🪈/🪈s
>Sexuality: Bisexual
>Species: Human
>Source: Abigail - Stardew Valley
>Role/s: Memory holder, Soother, Scout
>Descriptors: Intrepid, Daring, Jolly, Rebellious, Free-spirited
>Emoji/s: 🪈,🪺,🔮,💎,💜,🍄‍🟫
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Transmasc-ing your Abigails !!
We uh. Got tired of making the little userboxes so not doing them anymore! lmao
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estellardreams · 11 months ago
Acolyte [Arcana] Info Page
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Name: Acolyte
Age: 16 (38)
Gender: Female She/Her
Species: Humanoid
Universe: UTAU
Personality: Introspective, Pessimistic, Apathetic, Kind
History: Following up from Angeli's story, Acolyte was created once the former accidentally got trapped in the void of another pocket multiverse, meeting with a strange someone to bring her out. The only catch was that she had to give up her current abilities in exchange for new ones. She took the offer and Acolyte was formed, now with the ability of absorption. She later met some of the other guardians of the pocket multiverse, soon getting into two adventures that ultimately led to the creation of Amaia and Estelle, two other members of the Main 6 besides her.
Hobbies: Reading, Writing
Powers: Absorption
Some abilities replicated include paint magic, code strings, tentacles, energy arrows, teleportation, healing, telepathy, telekinesis, manipulation
Feats: Has stopped wars before they broke out, fixed the multiverse on occasions, sacrificed themselves to restore the world and was reborn as Amaia, saved the world after that yet again, has made contributions to help out sides but hasn't participated in them.
Orientation: Aro/Ace
Enneagram: 2
Zodiac: Gemini
Height: 5'10''
Favorite Food/Drink: Parmesan Chicken and Caramel Coffee
Worlds Visited: 1,986,542 (excluding Angeli's total)
Alternates Count: 126
Some Noteworthy ones include Amaia(Reincarnated), Estelle (Negativity), Nova (Positivity), Allia (Underswap), Amethyst (Abysstale), Light (Dreamswap), Palette (XTale), Eclipse (Lunar Republic)
Acolyte is the most emotionally closed off compared to the rest of the Main 6
Acolyte has around 2000 different abilities, but she normally uses five at a time on average. Other abilities that were replicated just made the exact same ones from before more advanced
Acolyte did a very dangerous test to see if she was still immortal, with a save star on standby in case she didn't survive it. She did it in the most gruesome way she could since she had researched beforehand the fastest way to kill someone. According to her research, slitting the throat and cutting off oxygen was her best bet, so she did that. She did survive though.
Acolyte did sacrifice herself to save the pocket multiverse she was now a part of, which destabilized her magic in the process and it had killed her the moment the magic tried to retract.
That's how Amaia was formed
Acolyte's soul type is Guidance (Kindness and Integrity)
Acolyte's favorite form of music is Vocaloid, her favorite songs in question (usually in English) are "Lost One's Weeping (Revenge Version)", "Error (Piano Cover)", "Yellow", and "Dramaturgy". 
Acolyte is the least invested in the Main 6, often going on her own to deal with issues herself. Sometimes during these times she runs into Star doing the exact same thing
Despite being similar in motivation and somewhat personality wise, they're more like rivals than actual friends.
Acolyte seems to have more in common with the Bad Sanses rather than the Stars, but it's more in line with her way of thinking and doing things
Acolyte's favorite AU is Dreamtale
Acolyte can sometimes hallucinate whenever she's alone in the Anti-Void. The strings on the ceiling often appear like either ropes or snakes, depending on what mood she feels at that moment in time. 
Acolyte has the most self control over herself, with the cost of it being able to express herself freely and healthily. This often leads to emotional outbursts for the simplest of things.
Acolyte has two hanging crystals pinned into her braid. They're actually emotional and magical regulators. Whenever she needs to go all out, she'd break the cyan crystal. Then request Star to make a new one because she can't keep doing that and exhausting herself!
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