#aro mabel pines
matcha-milkies · 1 day
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Summary: In which Mabel and Ford are both aromantic, and neither of them has the vocabulary to express it.
A sequel to “Well, You Did Ask.”
Relationships: Ford Pines & Mabel Pines, Ford Pines & Stan Pines, Bill Cipher/Ford Pines (Mentioned), Pacifica Northwest/Dipper Pines (Mentioned)
Tags: Humor, Family Bonding, Past Relationships, Advice
Word Count: 1,584
Link to AO3: Here
A/N: I once saw a post talking about how Mabel could be aromantic because she seems really in love with the idea of being in love and picks a lot of random people to have crushes on, and as an aro person that felt SCARILY familiar lol so here you go.
Ford is aro gay <3
“Ugh.” Mabel draped herself over the arm of the couch like a piece of laundry, stomach down, long hair flopping. “I can’t believe I’m 15 and still single! I’m never gonna get a long-term boyfriend!”
Ford, who had been preparing himself tea in the kitchen nearby, poked his head into the room, as though to ascertain whether his great niece was talking to him. They were the only two in the shack right now, aside from Waddles, so it was a 50-50 chance. 
Well, maybe 25-75. In Waddles’s favor.
“Grunkle Ford,” she lifted herself a little and drew back the curtain of her hair so that her eyes peeked through, “when did you first get serious with someone?”
Despite being addressed directly, Ford still glanced over his shoulder to make sure there wasn’t anyone behind him, perhaps some alternate-dimension Stanford Pines who was better equipped to answer such a question. “Serious?” He tugged at the collar of his sweater as obscenely equilateral imagery flashed across the backs of his eyelids. “W-Well, I suppose it depends on what you define as serious.”
“I dunno, I guess it’s serious when you both agree it’s serious?” She frowned at the ceiling helplessly before slumping back over the arm of the couch. Her voice came out muffled. “I wouldn’t know. It’s not like I’ve ever been in a serious relationship.”
Tea in hand, Ford stepped more fully into the room, looking about as comfortable as he’d been at his first college party (he’d been dragged there against his will, obviously). Come on, Ford. A few sage words from her great uncle. That’s all she’s asking for. A few times, he opened his mouth to say something and then snapped it shut. Luckily, conversations with Mabel did not require much input from the second party.
“I mean, Dipper is dating Pacifica! For a whole year now! I can’t believe he beat me! How does that even happen?”
Ford chuckled a little to himself, remembering high school, when Stan had teased him for having a girlfriend before Ford did. “Well, Mabel, it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Everyone goes at their own pace.”
“Urgh! But I want a boyfriend now! I don’t wanna waaaaaait.” She kicked her feet in agitation. “Is it so much to ask? To have someone in my life who makes me feel special?”
Ford knit his brows and seated himself at the nearby table, setting his mug down. “I understand your frustration, but, Mabel, I…” The man rested his head on his hand for a few moments, contemplating how best to put it. “I fear you’re looking at this all the wrong way.”
She peered up at him, leery. “What do you mean?”
He stirred the metal spoon in his tea, lazily winding it around the ceramic rim. “If all you’re looking for is someone to make you feel special… I worry you might end up with someone who doesn’t have your best interests at heart.”
“Oh, Grunkle Ford, I’ll be fine.”
He had started talking before she even finished her last word. “I’m serious. You have to be careful who you give yourself to. You become so desperate not to feel alone that you-you rush into things blindly, without thinking, without stopping to consider the ulterior motives your partner might have, and before you know it—”
“Hey! I don’t do any of those things,” Mabel protested, even though she very much did do all of those things in that exact order, and also even though Ford had not been talking about her.
“My- My point is,” he went on, taking a steadying breath, “you shouldn’t settle for less. One way or another, you’ll find special people to be in your life. I know it’s not quite what you’re looking for, but you’ve already got a wonderful brother.”
Mabel flopped onto her back and stretched the skin beneath her eye in distress. “But what if he marries Pacifica and I barely see him anymore? I’ll have nobody!”
“Dipper cares for you very deeply, Mabel. I doubt the two of you will ever drift apart.”
“Mmmmm,” Mabel groaned.
“But let’s say hypothetically you did,” Ford proposed. “You’d still have me and Stanley. You’d have your friends, your parents. Waddles, of course. And any number of new friends that you’re going to make in the coming years. I of all people can’t guarantee that relationships won’t fall to pieces. What I do know is that there’s always someone waiting for you on the other side, if you’re willing to let them in.”
“Aww… I guess that is kind of sweet.” She finally rearranged herself so that she was sitting normally. “Say, Grunkle Ford, you never told me about your first serious relationship.”
“I- Oh, you don’t want to hear about that.”
“Yes I do! Come ooooon, I’m so bored! Storytime! Storytime!”
“W- I- Um.”
“Wait.” Mabel narrowed her eyes. “You’re getting all weird the way Dipper does when he has something embarrassing to hide!”
“Mabel, don’t be ridiculous. It’s just not that interesting.”
“What’s not that interesting?” asked a gruff voice from the next room over. A few seconds later, its owner popped in carrying what looked to be groceries in his arm, mostly snacks, fruits and drinks.
“Grunkle Stan! We were just talking about Grunkle Ford’s love life.” She clasped her hands together and batted her lashes.
“What?” Stan raised his brows as he set down his paper bag on the table. “You told her about Bill?”
Ford got up from his chair fully with the intent to commit fratricide. 
“WHAT!” Mabel exploded. “GRUNKLE FORD?!” She glommed onto his leg and anchored him to the ground before he could give chase. Stan wisely moved over to the fridge to look for a few beers. “WHAAAAAT?!”
Ford tried to drag her along. “Mabel! Aren’t you getting a little old to be doing this?”
“No!” She looked up at him with wide, sparkling eyes. “Now tell me everything! Everything! EVERYTHING!” She shook his leg with violence.
Stan popped a couple of bottle caps and extended one of the bottles towards his brother in gesture. “Sixer, if I come over there to give you this, you gotta promise not to try to wring my neck.”
“I can make no such promise, Stanley.”
“Okaaaay then.” Stan, ever the innovator, set the drink on the table instead and slid it over to Ford, who caught it before it could slide off the edge. He eyed it for a moment and then took a few long gulps.
“Mabel,” he sighed, glancing down to find that she was still staring up at him with puppy-dog eyes. “There’s not much to tell! He manipulated me and lied to me and then we blasted him out of Stan’s brain. The end.”
“No, no, no!” Mabel cried. “Tell me when you first realized you were falling in love with him!”
“F- Falling in—” Ford cleared his throat.
The truth was, he’d been “in love” with Bill, in a sense, from that very first moment. But that all made it sound so much more… romantic than it was. It was difficult to explain exactly what he had felt. It was intense, and it was an attraction, and at one point he might’ve thought it was love, but… “I… didn’t,” he finished lamely, as if he were just now realizing it himself.
“Come on, Grunkle Ford, the cat’s out of the bag now! You can’t lie to me anymore!”
“No, I… I really didn’t,” he went on, looking down at his empty hand. “We had a connection. A deep and intimate connection to one another. But I… I don’t think it was anything like what you’re imagining, Mabel.”
“Huh?” she blinked a few times. Even Stan seemed confused as he leaned back against the fridge.
“Hang on a second. Back on the boat you told me you were romantically involved. Those were your exact words.”
“Well, we… were?” Ford himself sounded perplexed, as though he were working out a Rubik’s Cube in real time. Of course, if this were a Rubik’s Cube he would’ve figured it out a lot faster. “At least, that’s what the understanding was at the time…”
“Uh… okay, you lost me.”
“I’m sorry. I can’t really explain it.”
“I think I get it,” Mabel said thoughtfully, and the two grunkles turned to look at her. “You thought you were in love, so you got into a relationship, but you weren’t really in love. But you still loved him. Just not in a lovey-dovey way.”
“I, uh… Well, yes… I think so,” Ford affirmed.
“Yeah, I get it. I think I did that with this guy in freshman year. We really connected, you know! But I realized I wasn’t… in love…” she finished softly, as though she were now the one deep in thought. She snapped out of it with a shrug. “Womp womp.”
“Well, there you have it,” said Stan after taking a particularly long swig. “Hey, Sixer, now all you gotta do is tell Dipper and you’ll be three for three.”
“Stanley, don’t even joke about that. I’m absolutely done talking about this.”
“Awww,” said Mabel, who had really been looking forward to squealing to her twin about it. “Double womp womp.”
“Now will you please detach from my leg?”
“Nope! We’re bonding, baby! Learning each other’s backstories and stuff! Mabel-Ford bonding time!” She threw up her hands like she was on a roller coaster, although her legs stayed wrapped around his ankle. “Woohoo!”
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crypticcozycorner · 1 month
I love you Aro Mabel and Ford Pines
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nyenyel · 2 months
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Putting Mabel through that straight to bi to aromantic pipeline
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Both of the Pines twins could easily pull Pacifica if they wanted to, it’s simply a matter of if she’d be willing to openly admit she can have feelings, especially after a whole night of admitting her family’s dirty laundry
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lynn-the-lynn · 4 months
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Weird acronyms are probably hard when you've vanished for 30 years
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astrohyper · 10 days
You know, it's wild to me that Aromantic Mabel isn't a tag on AO3, but we have Aromantic Dipper, Ford, and Stan tags.
I'd love to do something about that, but alas, I am but a single college student with a Physics exam next week.
hint hint
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anistarrose · 9 months
anyways one thing that I continue to think about regarding Gravity Falls is that Dipper wanted to find the Author of the Journals, and Mabel wanted an epic summer romance — and Dipper got what he wanted, but it was nothing like what he expected it to be, while Mabel didn't get what she wanted, but learned that she could still love herself and be happy regardless — without either of them being shamed for wanting those things in the first place.
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rhys-ravenfeather · 17 days
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Everyone else in the Gravity Falls fandom: *Starts drawing Bill again, usually with the victim of his psychological abuse and manipulation his ex after The Book of Bill drops.*
Me: *Sees two Tumblr posts and latches onto the idea of a character who is known for being boy-crazy actually being aroace and just not knowing it yet as part of my ongoing crusade against amatonormativity 😇*
If you 'like' my art, I respectfully ask that you also reblog it.
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aromantichc · 2 months
Aromantic Character of the Day (29/7/24 BONUS) is.....
Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls) !
@styrofauxm headcanons her as aromantic!
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Bonus non aromantic headcanon from the same fandom: @styrofauxm headcanons Dipper Pines (Gravity Falls) as asexual !
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januscorner · 6 months
Could you do a moodboard for aromantic/asexual mabel from gravity falls?? Thank you!
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Here you go!
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aholotte · 9 months
I see your "sexy character (ie Jessica Rabbit) is ace" headcanons and raise you "character who is a flirt or obsessed with romance is aro" headcanons
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nyenyel · 1 month
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[Image description: a comic of Mabel from Gravity Falls. She looks sad at first, saying: "Whenever my crushes like me back it feels wrong."
Perking up, she says: "I guess I'm losing feelings! Time to choose a new crush!"
She looks through binoculars, and continues: "Which boy should I have a crush on? I want an epic summer romance!"
In the last panel, she's in front of the aromantic flag. She's staring blankly, saying: "What. What do you mean that's not how crushes work. What is comp-het?" End ID.]
I propose: Mabel is aromantic she just has comphet
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aroalloarena · 6 months
Fight 4
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andiv3r · 22 days
Sigh. Every character is aroacespec to me.
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pridebicons · 2 years
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xenogender aro mabel pride icons
requested by @vim-management
like/rb if using + credit
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hopefullyababe · 2 years
aromantic headcanons can be something thats so personal
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