#aro logan
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pun-master-logan · 1 month ago
It's Valentine's day! And as an aro tumblria, of course I'm trying to make the aro and aromantic tags trend, so please send me headcanons, fic requests, moodboard requests, anything aro related and I'll post it today!
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7amonathursdayinoctober · 7 months ago
Me walking out of the theater after watching Deadpool and Wolverine: That wasn't very aroace lesbian of me
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venominomenon · 2 months ago
Me: I'm not really repulsed by romance. I handle other peoples PDA very well!
Also me when I recognise that the PDA is a display of romantic affection:
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randomnerd737 · 10 months ago
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qpr-purgatory · 8 months ago
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You Are My Squishies Pt. 1
A Two Shot Based on one of my Imagines:
((part two here))
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You don't know what to make of him at first and the feeling was mutual but when you get comfortable enough to be in each other's presence he pop's the question: 'Why haven't you confessed to Wade yet?' After your initial shock you take the time to explain your identity and feelings and he just listens: no arguments, no opinions, just an open ear, as you talked about this vulnerable part of yourself. After you're done, there was a beat of silence before he whispered a respectful "Okay". It was then you felt a shift in your feelings. You still had a squash on Wade, yes, but the focus had changed... ...to Logan. After you had a small crisis about being polyaffectionate, you begin noticing things about him: his jawline, his muscles, his eyes, his reflex of pushing people away, how much he drank... Your nurturing nature kicked in. You'd make him cups of coffee in the morning, give him some extra bacon with his breakfast, put a blanket on him when he passed out on the couch. You even hid his alcohol from him (that was the only thing that ticked him off, but you knew he'd never hurt you on purpose, just glare heatedly and grouch more than usual). The treatment was foreign to Logan; years of self loathing and hatred convinced him that he was a worthless, murderous piece of shit that didn't deserve basic human decency let alone kindness. Admittedly, major progress was made on that front with his adventure with Wade but you were just so...bright and genuine. He found himself thinking about what you had told him, about aromanticism, about how you viewed relationships, about qprs. Most of his life, the only labels he had just been romance, friendship, and sex, but when he recalled the majority of friendships and even lovers, he found he related to what you had described. The type of relationship he wanted to have with you. Stiffening, he shook his head. Did he really just think that? Did he have a... what the fuck was it?... a squash on you? The twinge of revelation sent him into a panic (he couldn't lose you, not like them) and he found himself nursing a bottle of whiskey, quaking silently in the dark, eyes blown wide, ears ringing, and memories flashing by. He didn't know how long he was like this or when you got there but he remembers when you stood in front of him, movements slow and careful as not to startle, voice slightly muffled by the ringing. Gently, you remove the bottle from his grasp, before rubbing circles into the back of his hand and when he's finally able to hear you, you're soothing him. You ask if you can hug him and he nods, the feeling of every nerve scraped raw and slight drunken stupor overpowering the reflex to isolate himself. And so you do. It steals his breath away. Your scent, the warmth of your body seeping into him, the pressure of your hug ...sooths him in a way he can only describe as visceral. He didn't even know of his tears before you dabbed away at them, mouth still lulling him from his episode. Taking a shuddering breath, he looked down at you, your eyes so full of concern and care he nearly breaks down again. You both stay in each other's arms like that for a while before you pull him to his feet, wiping away at the last of his tears. "Do you want to talk about it?" You asked, voice barely above a whisper.
He paused, weighing his options. He could do the typical Logan thing and push you away, isolate... Or he could risk becoming attached and let you in.
Feeling something on his cheek, he looked down to see you cupping the side of his face, gaze so full of empathy and patience that the decision practically made itself.
He told you everything, his trauma, his regrets, how he lost his family, his rampage, all of it. You listened on, nodding when you needed to, squeezing his hand comfortingly when he got particularly emotional, and when he was done you wrapped him into an embrace and whispered "I'm so happy you're here."
From then on your dynamic changed rapidly: sure he was still a gruff grump, but you both initiated more casual contact, you joked and smiled with him more, and he drank less.
It was impossible for anyone not to notice...and oh boy did a certain merc with a mouth notice.
(( ...continued in part two ))
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automatonwithautonomy · 7 months ago
i bestow unto ye, beloved blorbo, that most high of honours conceieved by the greatest minds, aromanticism. thou shalt feel little to none romantic attraction from this day forward. peace out.
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secret-critter · 7 months ago
I've been thinking so much about the movie and especially that one shot of Logan in the Honda odyssey grinning while Wade's blood drips onto him.
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This shot in particular makes me think...
In my head they're both head over heels for each other but in different ways. Wade is absolutely in love with Logan, in the romantic sense.
Logan on the other hand isn't in love with Wade, he's in love with the violence and the adrenaline. There's something about knowing his opponent can't die. Something about knowing he can go all out and get messy and bloody and not worry about killing someone. Something about Wade fighting back and being just as brutal with him.
Like idk I just think Wade is definitely in love with Logan and while Logan may not be in love with Wade, he's definitely into the dynamic they have, even if he would never admit it.
This post is about aromantic Logan btw
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confused-disaster32 · 8 months ago
me when I like a character too much and start self projecting (they're now either trans, queer, autistic or all of the above)
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the-aroace-artist · 2 months ago
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Sketchbook xmen!!
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aromantichc · 5 months ago
Aromantic Character of the Day (10/11/24) is...
Logan Howelett / Wolverine (X-Men) !
Anon headcanons Logan as demiromantic allosexual, queer, and polyamorous !
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sparrowindisguise · 6 months ago
Wolverine is aromantic because of trauma send tweet
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januscorner · 1 month ago
Aromantic Logan Sanders Stimboard
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💚💙💚 💙💚💙 💚💙💚
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jjstuff25 · 9 months ago
✨school bus graveyard pride hcs✨
bc its the last day of pride month💥💥💥💥💥
and to celebrate the return of sbg after way too long (but its okay :])
uses she/her but is fine with they/them too. and shes bisexual. and aroace, fight me.
definitely uses it/its, but also he/they. lil feral boi :3. also hes definitely not straight, but he doesnt really put a label on his sexuality (unlabeled) bc hes just silly like that :3
uses mostly he/him but doesn't really mind they/them (small preference for he/him tho). definitely mistaken as straight but NOPE. is as straight as a circle (just very gay-). he's also asexual.
she/they girlie. also, omnisexual (with a slight preference for women) bc shes silly. and shes also aroace.
mainly he/him but he also secretly likes when people use they/them for him. and he's demisexual. and asexual, fIGHT ME-
plain and simple, just uses he/him. also, 100% pansexual (and 100% in love with tyler- i mean whaat who said that-).
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randomnerd737 · 9 months ago
Logan is so aro coded you don't even fucking know
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qpr-purgatory · 7 months ago
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You Are My Squishies! Pt. 2
Part two of my two shot based on my imagine:
((part one right here))
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It was no secret that Wade had his fair share of bad luck; from getting cancer, to turning into a tumor, scar ridden, unkillable raisin, briefly losing the love of his life, to the shit show that was X Force 1.0, among other things he didn't care to recall at the moment.
Yes, the universe often gave him the shaft but in other ways, Wade was also blessed.
Sure he and Vanessa were taking "a break", he was rejected by the Avengers, and he didn't exactly know where his life was going at the moment but he was blessed!
How so? He had family.
People who cared about him despite his flaws (oh boy there were many) and wanted the best for him including... you.
You were a fairly new addition to Wade's eclectic mix but man were you a welcome one. Ever since you came knocking on his door with "hi neighbour" enchiladas, you guys just clicked.
You were a very personality driven person and always looked for the best in someone. You also got used to his face almost scarily fast, complimented and playfully flirted with him even.
Yes, you were significantly more chill and mature than he was, but you knew how to laugh and even dole out some of your own quips.
Even when his mind was doing mental gymnastics at the speed of a ping pong match, you knew how to balance him out and ground him, not to mention your endearing as hell nurturing streak.
You'd always come over every other day with a home cooked meal, left notes of encouragement or something nice on his door, fussed over him if he wasn't taking care of himself emotionally and physically and when Vanessa wanted to take a "break", you were there with him, letting him vent, distracting him, platonically snuggling while he cried, just whatever he needed in the moment.
Eventually you even earned your own set of keys to his apartment and the smile you had on your face when he gave you them rivaled the fucking sun and your lovely antics increased tenfold.
All of it not even counting the best part, you were aromantic.
At first he mourned the fantasy of romancing you and becoming a throuple (he was poly, you were immaculate, and Vanessa was open and knew, screw the haters) but it was a part of you he quickly learned to love.
It was freeing, to not have to worry about romantic implications and just be with someone (it didn't make you any less sexy though).
Yes, you were his Bestest Bud™.
Then he brought home Logan.
You were walking on eggshells around him for a bit, trying to gauge his personality probably. That was fine, Wade encouraged you both to get along even.
Then one day, something changed, as shift in the force if you will.
It began with the small things: a sticky note on both his and Logan's doors, an extra portion on the grump's plate, tucking Logan in when he was passed out on the couch. However, that was just you being you, no biggie, and he was more focused on his relationship with Vanessa at the moment anyways.
Hell, it was kind of funny (and a little sad) watching Logan shvitz and confuzzle because of your treatment.
You even had the guts to hide the man's alcohol.
It continued like that for around two weeks, until suddenly the dynamic shifted again.
You see, you and Logan were starting to get along well.
Really well.
Wade saw it in the quiet conversations you two shared, sitting side by side on the couch, the bits of your laughter and his chuckles mixing after some private punchline Wade wasn't a part of.
He saw it in the way you'd get Logan to step out of his comfort zone, how Logan said you "kept him young", how your eyes lit up when you saw each other.
Wade found himself...hating it.
Of course he knew it was all platonic, it had to be, you were literally aromantic, but it burned to see the both of you so close so soon, doing things without him.
So he got petty.
He'd insert himself into your guys' conversations, dramatically lay himself across both of your laps when you sat together, pestered and flirted with Logan incessantly to point of making him snap, just doing everything in his power to monopolize the attention, negatively and positively.
However the more he annoying he got, the more strain it put on his and Vanessa's relationship, the closer you and Logan got, and...the farther you both drifted away from him.
You'd used to try and spend time with both Wade and Logan equally, but now you talk to him less, your eyes lacked their usual warmth, having been replaced with caution, tired but ready to mediate another fight, while Logan no longer bantered with him, only looking at him with contempt and snapping in actual anger at his quips.
So when Vanessa pulled him aside and told him she was taking another "break" until he figured out what the hell he wanted from you both, he had a meltdown.
An ugly, emotional meltdown.
He stormed into his apartment looking for a fight when he caught you and Logan making out with your fingers interlaced on the couch.
Instantly a rush of confusionlustenvyshockwantforyouboth crashed over him and it felt like his whole world shattered.
Without warning he snatched you off the couch, making you squeak and Logan shout, and took you to his room. Locking his door, he placed you on his bed as you looked up at him confused. He could hear Logan breaking down the door but he didn't care.
Crawling into bed, he held you chest to chest, wrapping you both up in a nest of blankets, and snuggled into the crook of your neck and...began bawling.
You blinked in surprise just as Logan managed to break down the door, ready to drag Wade off of you when you held up a hand to signal you were okay.
Wrapping Wade in a gentle embrace, you shushed him, letting his emotions run their course for solid ten minutes.
When he was reduced to hiccups, you spoke.
"Wade," You whispered, "What's going on?"
Wade's answer was muffled, still snuggling into the crook of your neck.
"For fuck's sake Wade," Logan growled, "Stop acting like a five-year-old brat and answer the damn question!"
Repositioning his chin to rest on your shoulder, Wade spoke.
"I thought you didn't like mouth kisses." He warbled, making you freeze.
"Or holding hands... I thought that was too romantic coded."
Letting his words sink in, you let out a tired laugh, hugging him close.
"Wade Wilson," You sighed, "I've been squashing on you since I met you."
"You've been what now?"
"They mean they're queerplatonically and sexually attracted to you, idiot." Logan grunted, expression soften a tad when Wade looked at him confused, "Yeah, it took me a while to get to figure how I felt about it too, turns out I have more in common with them when it comes to relationships than I thought."
"So you're aromantic too?" Wade asked, balking when Logan nodded.
"AroAllo technically," You spoke up, "But I guess it's my fault too for not being totally explicit with telling you about that part of me."
Wade was quiet for a moment, before looking you in the eyes.
"You...you mean that you weren't just joking around? The whole time? You think I'm sexy?"
"Yes Wade," You laughed, "In the most platonic way possible, I think your sexy...so does Logan."
"Unfortunately." Logan huffed sarcastically.
Wade absorbed the information given to him, before slowly sitting up and gripping the sides of his head.
"OhMYFUCK I"M SUCH A DUMBASS!" Wade yelled, "I should have done some research but no I had to just assume like some premium grade idiot! Not only that but I had to go and be such an immature dickwad to you guys! Why am I like this!?"
"Good grief," Logan huffed, sitting on the end of the bed, "Would it have killed you to just say you were jealous jackass?"
"Sorry Peanut," Wade laughed half-heartedly, "I get catty when I'm jealous...but seriously, I'm sorry for being such a piece of shit you guys, can...can we start again? Can we try whatever 'this' is?"
Locking eyes with Wade, you nodded compassionately.
"Of course, you dope," You smiled, before looking at Logan, "What do you say Bubs?"
Wade snorted at the nickname, earning him a glare to which he quickly apologized.
Logan eyed Wade and for a second the merc was scared he'd say no, when he let out a heavy sigh, pushing Wade down onto his side, spooning him from behind.
"You're lucky, mouth." Logan huffed.
"Holy shit, am I ever." Wade agreed, preening at the people sandwich he found himself in.
"Don't forget, we need to have a talk with Vanessa tomorrow... about us." You whispered.
"I know, I know," Wade hummed, "But that's for tomorrow, but right now it's about kisses and cuddles!"
"...Idiot." Logan muttered before snuggling into the crook of Wade's neck.
You just laughed, soaking up all the warmth and affection of your little cuddle pile.
Yes, you were all blessed.
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stiffyck · 8 months ago
Haven't seen the movie but I've been lurking in the tag since its trending and I feel like people are missing out on the potential of aromantic Logan. Come on. Everything I've seen abojt the movie and the way people talk about it just makes me think of pan Wade who's absolutely in love with Logan vs aro Logan who just wants to beat up Wade or whatever
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