#army culture
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bts-polls · 1 month ago
Do you have a song that is your ultimate favorite?
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curio-queries · 7 months ago
Hi! Armys on Twitter are organizing an art project to welcome Hobi back and they're looking for participants!
It sounds really interesting. They will try to recreate the recording of the Equal Sign performance from Lollapalooza by redrawing/recreating frames from the clip and then creating a video out of them. They need a lot of participants! I thought you might want to join and also maybe spread the word among other armys on here, since they don't have a tumblr account. It would be such a beautiful gift for Hobi 💜
Hi anon,
I purposely don't partake in the social media experience on TwiX. I will leave it to all who read this to decide for themselves if this is something you'd be interested in supporting.
For any that do decide to follow this link, I encourage you to make your own evaluations on the legitimacy of such a collaboration as well as the value of any time you may contribute. I'm sure there are wonderful projects being organized to gather love and support for our members and if participating in any of these brings you any peace or joy, then it will be time well-spent.
PS, my recent poll regarding Hobi could absolutely use a few more votes. It's always sad to me when a singular member poll gets far fewer voters than the others.
Link here
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thesilicontribesman · 20 days ago
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Roman Crocodile Parade Armour, 3rd To 4th Century CE, Manfalout, Egypt, The British Museum, London
The incorporation of the province of Egypt into the Roman Empire put Rome and her people into direct contact with Egyptian culture and religion. In Egypt Roman garrisons were closely integrated into civic and religious life and participated in local cults.
In Middle Egypt and Manfalout (in the ancient nome of Lycopolite) Roman soldiers were particularly attracted to the Crocodile cult centred on the sacred grottoes of the region. This parade helmet and cuirass, based upon actual military armour, was especially constructed out of crocodile skin for use in the cult processions.
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onlykenobimatters · 5 months ago
In which the kaminoans make a simple clerical error and hand Prime the wrong clone; Jango spends months doting on and loving his son only for them to come to him and apologize: they confused his unaltered clone with CC-2224. They take his son his Kote the clone from his arms and settle another little bundle there and it pulls loose the thought he’d been so desperate to never think: they’re just babies. Children. If there wasn’t something intrinsically different between them, then Jango had condemned children to death.
Jango can feel a massive headache coming on as he clutches the clone the child his son and wonders where he took a wrong turn in his life.
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blueiscoool · 2 months ago
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Army Museum Worker Discovers Early Medieval Sword in Poland
The collection of the Army Museum in Białystok, Poland has been enriched after renovation with a unique relic of great historical value – an early medieval sword of the Viking type, dating from the 9th or 10th centuries. It was found by an employee of this institution while diving in the Supraśl River over two years ago.
This rare artifact, which was found by museum employee Szczepan Skibicki in 2022 while diving in the Supraśl River, is among only a handful of similar swords discovered in the country.
Skibicki stumbled upon the sword in a river bend where erosion had exposed a sand deposit. “At about 120cm [four feet] deep,” Skibicki recalled, as translated from Polish to English through Facebook, “I spotted an interesting object which turned out to be a sword! Then for the first and last time, I screamed for joy under the water!… Thanks to my education and work I knew how to secure it and which services to notify.”
He likened the discovery to winning the lottery, reflecting on the extraordinary luck involved in unearthing such a treasure.
The sword, which may have been linked by Baltic or Viking cultures, was forged in the late ninth or early tenth century, according to experts. Despite Poland’s lack of Viking activity, archeological evidence demonstrates that the Vikings were present at important administrative and commercial hubs during this time. The unique hilt of the weapon denotes its design, which is in keeping with Viking craftsmanship while also suggest potential Baltic community influences.
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Dr. Ryszard Kazimierczak of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń highlighted the sword’s rarity and cultural significance: “The sword is unique due to its form, shape, and the degree of preservation of organic material visible on the hilt. This is incredibly rare for artifacts of this age.”
“We think there is a high probability that there was a fight by the river, a battle and the sword was in the water with its owner,” Kaźmierczak said, per the museum’s Facebook post.
The blade itself tells a story of conflict, bearing micro-cracks, scratches, and splinters likely resulting from combat. “The middle part shows how time and use have acted upon it,” explained Robert Sadowski, director of the Army Museum. “When these swords were used in battle, the middle part absorbed the most blows, leading to the wear and tear visible today.”
The Ministry of Science and Higher Education noted in its press release that before the sword could be transferred to the Army Museum it had to go through legal protocol overseen by the Provincial Conservator of Monument. Once it became the property of the Army Museum, the sword went into conservation involving specialists from the Institute of Archaeology of the Nicolaus Copernicus University.
By Leman Altuntaş.
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curio-queries · 1 year ago
What a nice little story to stumble across. I may try to invest more time in finding positive posts to read. The current climate of my timeline here is less-than-stellar.
BTS fans win justice for translators at British Museum, there will now be policies to make certain they are credited for their work
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dream-in-seoul · 3 months ago
Ok let's get into it. If I see another tiktok where people bully a chubby girl for saying she likes some idol "because wtf she thinks, she is too ugly and he wouldn't ever like her" I will genuinely flip. Firstly, you don't know these people. You don't know what they like. They might not even be into women, and yet you are convinced that every attractive guy wants to date a supermodel?
Jackson Wang literally has a verbal fight with an interviewer who doesn't believe him he doesn't have a physical type and only goes of vibes and you guys will still get on socials and make videos about his ideal type being someone athletic because it's in his birth chart. Have you heard what he said? Hello?
Same for literally any other idol.
I hate to break it to you, but being skinny does not suddenly give you a chance with them. None of us have a chance and bullying people for their weight online will definitely not raise your chances because good portion of these idols would be disappointed if not disgusted by your behaviour.
Can we just enjoy our fantasies without attacking each other’s looks? Because at the end of the day, it is just a fantasy.
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they (pong krell) hate to see a bad bitch (clones) winning (creating a culture and unique sense of self to combat the notion that they are purely disposable)
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ranahan · 6 months ago
There’s HUMINT (human intelligence), SIGINT (signals intelligence), MASINT (measurement and signature intelligence), etc. Let’s say the GAR uses those terms too.
I propose GAR lingo includes an additional term: OSINT, short for “osik intelligence”.
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noperopesaredope · 4 months ago
One of the funniest headcanons I include in my upcoming Coruscant Guard-centric Clone Wars fic is that while the clones will not crack under torture, when it comes to drama and whatnot, they will gossip with each other like crazy.
The CGs hear most everything happen in the Senate (partially because they were trained to be hypervigilant and aware of threats, partially because senators do not think they have free will and will therefore do the crazy shit in front of them) and they will spread that shit to other clones immediately. Eventually it will get to other units, and after perhaps a month or so, every clone in the GAR knows about so-and-so's absolutely wild sex life. They live for the gossip.
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bts-polls · 1 month ago
As one of the common minigames in BTS content, would you say you can name more Capitals now than before you found BTS?
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metalobrukht · 1 month ago
17-year-old Ukrainians in russian occupation are getting drafted more and more often.
Forced mobilization into the russian army is reportedly increasing.
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russia will not be interested in peace for as long as it has the upper hand!!
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thesilicontribesman · 25 days ago
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Roman Jet Bracelets and Bangles, The Yorkshire Museum, York
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swirl-web · 3 months ago
Oie divo tudo bem espero que sim, você poderia fazer um moodboard do Jordan powell porfavor no estilo dark agradeço desse de já. ♥︎
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aqui está o moodboard do jordan powell.
perdão pela demora de entrega, espero que goste. ❤️🌷
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2stepadmiral · 5 months ago
Maybe sort of a hot take? Satine Kryze was a terrible leader and kind of a petty tyrant. Like, look at what she actually did and how she did it and what the consequences were:
She committed effective cultural genocide against her own people by eviscerating a millennia-old culture/creed/tradition/religion, removing the at least 80% of it that she didn’t like and demanded that everyone else adapt it
Those who refused to relinquish their ancestral ways were exiled from their homeworld and even robbed of their cultural identity when she claimed that anyone who still practiced the warrior ways were not true Mandalorians
By enforcing this ‘my way or the highway’ policy, she created the environment where Pre Vizsla could form Death Watch and recruit all the followers he had out of the disillusioned she had branded as outcasts
By enforcing her strict pacifism, she disarmed her people and even her security forces, leaving the planet defenseless against both Death Watch and the Shadow Collective (imagine if the Yuuzhan Vong had invaded during this period)
Publicly belittled and insulted a high profile General in the Grand Army of the Republic/ Master and Council member of the Jedi Order in front of a number of Senators and her courtiers because he dared to point out that the Separatists might not let her remain neutral
Publicly stated that she didn’t want Jedi security present when traveling with a retinue of Republic Senators in the midst of a terrorism crisis that she was the main target of, in front of a number of people who would have been put at risk had she gotten her way
When Obi Wan pointed out that the Senators and likely her courtiers had requested Jedi security due to concerns for their own safety that she had disregarded, rather than acknowledging her thoughtlessness, she again insulted Obi-Wan and provoked an argument that she aggravated into a bickering session while Obi Wan tried and gradually failed at keeping civil
She seceded her world from the Republic rather than allow the slightest impression that she endorsed the Clone War (never mind that Alderaan and Naboo were prominent members of the Senate that opposed war and actively worked to end it peacefully and quickly without seceding), which forfeited the government aid Mandalore needed to survive in its damaged state and led directly to Prime Minister Almec having to use the black market just to keep the people fed
And in the end, all she accomplished was a maybe fifteen-twenty year period of relative peace before civil war broke out again, Maul took charge, the Empire forced fifteen years of relative obedience, and ultimately the planet was bombed and the Mandalorian people were decimated. The role of a good ruler or leader is to do what is best for your people, even if it’s contrary to your own preferences or interests, and Satine consistently made her own beliefs the order of the day, enforced from the top down. Had she moderated her approach, maybe tried to redirect the warrior tendencies into galactic peacekeeping, or advocated for a warrior second, hardworking builder/farmer/pilot/tradesmen helping to rebuild Mandalore first (sort of what Boba Fett did as Mand’a’lor in the EU), despite her personal disdain for violence and warfare, she could have been one of the greatest Mandalorian leaders who affected real change. Instead, she allowed her personal priorities to be the priorities of her regime and the guiding principle of her tyranny.
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savethegrishaverse · 2 months ago
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Third Army, save the date!!! In order to celebrate one year of Shadow and Bone winning the Golden Tomato for Fan Favorite TV Series of 2023, we would like to organize a binge-watch marathon on January 22! The goal is to stream the 16 episodes of the show in one day, whether you’re watching all of them actively or letting them run in the background. Share this post with your friends inside and outside of the fandom to invite them to join you!!! Like in a real marathon, we will need people to support us and cheer us on through the finish line!
If you feel so inclined, post pictures of you watching the show or pictures of your screen, share them on social media and tag us!
There will be 16 questions on Twitter, ready for you to interact with throughout the day. Don’t forget to use our campaign hashtags #SaveShadowAndBone and #SixOfCrowsSpinOff as well as the marathon hashtag #WatchShadowAndBone
The dream goal would be to create a mass event worldwide so that the show comes back in the Netflix Top 10, even for a short time. We know what our fandom is capable of, so let’s try our best as this is our number one chance of getting a renewal!!!
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