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wickeddruig · 8 months ago
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italianiinguerra · 1 year ago
Fronte russo 16 dicembre 1942, scatta l'offensiva sul fronte del Don
Il 16 dicembre del 1942, dopo una serie di attacchi preliminari iniziati l’11 dicembre precedente scattava l’Operazione Piccolo Saturno, nome in codice assegnato dallo Stavka, il quartier generale delle Forze Armate sovietiche, alla seconda grande offensiva della campagna invernale nel settore meridionale dell’immenso fronte orientale nel quadro della lunga battaglia di Stalingrado, durante la…
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gilgalahad · 25 days ago
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anonymergremlin · 23 days ago
Arthur: Ami? Bloody hell what are you talk-
Drifter: *Spinning through the street with Inaros Sandstorm*
Arthur: ...
Amir: Kinda sad it's not that ghost guy. I really enjoy the light show.
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mr-orion · 11 months ago
Why your art kinda gay (sexily tho)(/pos)(love it)(it is the moment)
my art ismt gay
i am so heterosexual i love women
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xelitzenith · 3 months ago
Well, I just realized the Kim or the social system(I'm not calling it a romance system cuz it's not just that) is only drifter centric ...cuz of course it is... Even though there's a friendship option! But noooo...! The tenno can't platonically text apparently!
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Fucking hate this stupid festure!
What's the point of having a platonic route if I can't use it for MY TENNO TOO?!?
Ugh.... T-T
At least I have the classic syndicate route...
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wawek · 1 year ago
This class was so fun that i almost started crying during it cause i was like wow its so fun listening to someone whos this passionate about art
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Omg, I LOVE the design. The swords and the armir are elegant! I wonder which one is pattern and which one is Testament. Also, the sketchbook in a protective case is hilarious.
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theorvilleincorrectquotes · 8 months ago
Armiral Ozawa: I'm at a loss for words!
Ed and Kelly: Despite being ‘at a loss for words’, Admiral Ozawa yelled at us for the next 45 minutes.
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lancerchj · 4 months ago
knight ladys mechs armor marches her armir which she say s is modelled after ancient armor???? it looks verh cool i guess but j dont think its verh good armor because the metals is sooo thin??? strange. also whenerver she says her name she shouts it which is whyh i dont knwo it???
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liizarddraws · 2 years ago
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Armir Ermos, Bane of Dendar
Some art of my warlock varying in age of the pieces — he is my first and longest running D&D lad and I love him a lot !
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fellhellion · 1 year ago
u kno what, i'm gonna be bold and not very eloquent, but lemme just say that your analyses and musing and titters abt 2099 do get me by and inspire awe bc you know brain juices this good don't just pop up everyday. hands down, hands down, you're doing lords work i am armiring from afar 🙏 please keep it up!
AGSHDHD awaaaaaaaaa thank you so so much? this is such a kind thing to say I really really appreciate it 🩵🩵🩷🩷🩷💖💖💖???
I’m v honoured to hear you like my ramblings ahdhdjfj and I need to say I love your art so so much! You have a beautiful style!
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drawnaghht · 1 year ago
a reply to @freakova's tags on this post
#this would be a really nice ending honestly#cause YEAH why happened to his parents what gives they’re Usagi’s too#and the fact that auntie adopts the kids it shows how family can be found#+Yuichi know got lil sisters#He’s all about family (miyamoto and auntie) they could have explored it even further
same! would like to know more!!!
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we never really touched on Usagi's backstory besides that his parents entrusted auntie with taking care of him, so I often wonder, if the show had been given a longer episode run, like maybe 30, 40, maybe even 26 instead of 20 - could we have seen more character backstories in general? Cuz there's also Kitsune, who's backstory we don't know at all, and then Gen and Toshiko, who we see explain their story a bit in bits and pieces through-out the 2 seasons. The fact that Usagi immediately goes back to his auntie, because he knows Hana would be safe from the ninja there, says a lot about how much he trusts his auntie. like the show makes it feel like he might actually be the most fleshed-out of all the characters, but his story is hidden almost as much as Kitsune's. I sorta get the reasoning there - their personalities already serve to tell their story a lot, Usagi is a big fan of his own ancestor and idolizes him, while Kitsune is a street-thief and grifter before we see Usagi bump into her puppet-cart and ruin her evening plans. The audience can get a lot of info out of just context-clues, but Kitsune and Usagi are also characters who are most easy to read at first, so we don't get their backstories really explored or opened the same way as Chizu or Gen, because, I can only guess, those stories don't seem to directly tie into the two larger arcs shown during the 10+10 episodes. But lol, would still like to know more, where are the activity books and character pages? a little side novel maybe? why did the age of flash games with extra info have to end before this show aired lol, if only Netflix spent money on that sort of stuff too, maybe we'd have more info besides just the shows on their own 😂😂😅
More theories and rambling below :D
My theory about Usagi's parents is that they died in one of the wars mentioned by some of the older characters in the show :) Cliche, I know! but it seems to sorta make sense. Could have been many other reasons too of course! Maybe they went to the city to find or do something related to the family business or history, but found their end somehow. One of my other theories is that there were gang wars in Neo Edo, around 10-14 years before the series starts. Maybe they found their end there? We don't even know how old his parents would have been, but judging by auntie's look and how she speaks and acts, maybe she's like, around 60-ish? she has raised her nephew for 15 years, meaning since she was around 45, so maybe her sister/brother would have been around 35-40 something when they died. I personally headcanon that it's his mom, who is the Miyamoto family member here, so maybe his dad really was a farmer by birth and thus, the family did not have a name anymore (they've always preferred staying in hiding after Miyamoto died) and that's why they gave him the name Yuichi Usagi with meaning... related to that earlier Senso-connected theory I had ^^;
The "big" wars, mentioned by Lady Fuwa and Armiral Nochi, being recent makes sense tho. bc even though a 1000 years have gone past and Edo (our real-world Tokyo) in this world has been able to embrace some more advanced tech (courtesy of the Ki-stone), perhaps even alien tech, depending on how you view what happened with Miyamoto Usagi in the show's past, some of the culture and tech has sort of stayed in the Edo period. This is mainly because the show creators and staff wanted to keep both Edo sensibilities as well as modern tech and create an interesting fusion on an artistic and story level. One of the older interviews from last year mentions that the crew was inspired by Stan's 2015 story Senso - that what if Edo got to take all that alien tech and use it for themselves? From one of Stan's answers in this 2022 Popverse interview:
"They took one of my stories – Senso, a miniseries I did where Martians invade feudal Japan – and wondered what if they took some of the technology they got from those Martians, how would it affect their society generations down the line?
That was the premise, with the story taking place in a city called Neo-Edo; with Edo being the old name for Tokyo, the capital of Japan. It also takes a lot from Japanese culture, such as vending machines, pachinko parlors, karaoke bars, and things like that. It integrated everything, the old and the new, and I’m quite happy about that."
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So the wars would make sense to be more recent because to me, it seems that maybe with this tech, from a story-world level, they should be further along the line than having just flying cars and airships, right? But wars are one of those things that always and if Edo didn't have those outside influences that we had, maybe they wouldn't have some things, i.e. we don't see phones or trains on the show vs the phone boom we had in the 1980s in the real world and the hi-speed train rails japan is known for now. So they probably would have also missed out on the 60s Space Race between the US and the Soviet Union, which popularized the 1960s "space age aesthetic" for example, which is what we might think of when trying to remember 60s tech and fashion. So the show creates its own retrofuturism in trying to consider all these different elements.
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(images from Flickr, Lehza Vintage)
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(from The Rake, The Olympians)
I wonder if they even considered some cultural things that stuck and became popular before and after the US occupation, such as baseball Harley Davidsons and jazz - what would those be like in the world they created around the city of Neo Edo?
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(from AnotherDesignBlog, Eiko Hanamura on League of Extraordinary Cosplayers, Sally the Witch on Wikipedia, 60s Vintage MENKO on eBay)
We see some semblances of what we could call western influences in how Gen installs new kitchenware in episode 5, how Kitsune looks like she could be a 1970s Harajuku girl, how Admiral Nochi and the Bat Squadron dress etc. It's an interesting balance throughout the show and thinking about it more just makes me more curious about it haha.
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Maybe what happened with the Makkine a 1000 years ago is that a few sentries arrived with Kagehito's ship. Because of the surprise Kagehito expresses about the makkine warbotto self-replicating in the present (the s2 warbotto ep), we can surmise that they didn't back then, so they didn't replicate. Did they leave any ships? In the first season, Kagehito's ship is underground and covered by hundreds of years of rubble and rock. The Mogura Gang helping him then, actually find gold before they find his ship. So if any ships did come through with him those 1000 years ago, it seems that they did not "park" into the same place, or, likely that whatever happened, they were used up by locals.
The show is also quite fast-paced in reality, as we can see from how each episode jumps from POV to POV, or topic to topic and we get a lot of info in a short time, so to me it seems that the story crew REALLY crunched every bit of important info, story or jokes into the episodes, but just, didn't have more time to show or do anything about Usagi's parents.
lol what I'm doing to avoid more brainworms like this is to.... I guess continue writing my fanfic where I try to solve this (the main storyline from the comic i posted haha), but I also realized while writing this... I am waiting to see if I can get one of the new books coming out this or next year that bridges the stories/worlds between Yokai Hunter and Space Usagi, to see if there might be some new connections to be from there about Space Usagi in general, but maybe there could be something there nodding back to SR as well? maybe the new character is inspired by that or somehow bridges those things? lol a fan can hope ;D
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mr-orion · 2 years ago
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oh look an OC, Armir :)
Also sorry I've been inactive a lot, it's a lot of mental work to read and critique worldbuilding posts when I am on and not get as much engagement on my own work. Not that it's anyone's sole responsibility.
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aktualitet-al · 23 days ago
E prenë në besë, apo na preu në besë Doktori?
Nga Armir Shkurti Atje nisi, atje mbaroi,Atje krisi, atje pushoi,Rrufe-shkab’ e Malësisë,Në një shkëmb të Dragobisë. Një orë plot zgjati “protesta më e fuqishme që Shqipëria s’e ka parë kurrë”. Në 18:43 Doktori i hipi makinës dhe la sheshin. Më jepni një mendje ju lutem, se unë nuk kuptova shumë gjëra: 1 – Parullat më së shumti i referoheshin verës së shtrenjtë që ka pirë Rama. a. A është…
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solardick · 2 months ago
I camr ducke. Do anytuing in lofe. Cant have a job, cant have freinds. Not that i want any. Cant have a wife or a family. Cant game, camt watch tv. Everyaspect is predomiantly abusive. Always has been. Fuck my life. Trying to game but every match on every fucken game. Im always priority target number one. Three other allies. Four enemies. They all byass all the allies and come staright for me. Camt do shit. Over half thr time thr alloes hust stand there with armire watching me getting abusese by multiple enemies. Or they fuck off.
This fucken allynis busy attackig
T heir base. Do they defend it? No. Ignore the attck keeo the pressure on me.
And i hate feeling the emotional collective ambience. Of the world.
Loons loke they stop sending me my mail. No bills
Miral of the story dont tell people to fuckmoff who are intentiay aggravating you.
The favt its all plan out and premeditated. Doesnt gelp.
Yay for being tortured to death by assholes. Itswhole new age, uh? Might as well go back to the dark ages.
So i guess i cant be renewing my license. Paying my bills, or doing my income taxes. Doesnt that fall under a federal crime?
Guess their arent going to be too many more years of people foing this to me afterall. Jot amount of therapy can fix evil retards.
It be hard runnign away, like you want me too without a drivers license. Uh?
I sont knownifnim going backnto work. I think my life is over. The world has always been onesidely unfair and biased towards me. And im done. Twisted fucken freaks. Making me sick and then saying they want to help me.
Cant even take those sleep pills. By 7? I get pff at 7. And gwt up at 5. They dont fit jnto the timeline.
So another year of being attacked by fucken cocksuckers. But im not going to survive this one. N
Im gonna be dead soon. Cant wait. Tortured to death by the new age. And all the fucktard taping my existance for thr last 30 years.
Too bad these last frw weeks of gamign 16-18 hours a day are coming to a close.
Yay. Still being fucked with. Dont think ill be able to go too my day rape job tomorow morning. Too late to pop a sleep
Pill now uh?
Still being drugged and framed. Yay. Nice touch on thr phone caal from the moters house.
Slept all day eith a headaches. Inaturally drowsy. And now agitatuon.
Nope pills dont work.
Maybe try talking to the police , but they wont do shit wither.
Anyway. Those pills give the same feeling ive been getting inconsistently for the last few years. Shit ive been being drugged with. Shot i dont need.
That with the speed and the estrogen and god knows what else. Yup.
Ever since i was a child people have been fucken with me.
Tine for new ppst. But first. I i not like these pilld. Anli behind my eyes. Like a constan t dream state.
Science is useless here. No? Prove it. But to strengthen your bs alitle. Because yall retarded that way. Jesus can be said to represent nature as the colour green. The shade of all notions is left to the night. Where the moon is white because the sky is black. Arguement and complexity comes out when the military wears green. As the son of god is nature itself and the patriarchy is pure evil.
Y’all even read the bible?!. God is the devil.
It actually encourages evil. To punish the “chosen” to become divine. Bs.
All relatiinships are only functional when the sky shares by the luminaries. But are pitted agaisnt one another when they are not. To project existence so far out to space is where “humanity” fails at being peaceful.
Here your arguments against the present scheme are valid except for within ones own “home”. And not agaisnt the enemy outsode ones own borders. To protect is the nature of man. Twisted nowadays.
More, the sun is never shared the sky at night. Attaching human motives is lacking. No? Theres certainly isnt any « equality » on the issue of gender. Like its an issue.
Theres being no danger in the world anymore except for nations and fuckers. Ive never seen a bear or a lion before. Being indigenous to this country. Treat wveryone like babies and put buble wrap on everything. Its not like i need a duck anymore anyway.
Or join a sports tean and have zero influence on wether my tesm wins or not cause its fixed.
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