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ho1y-water · 7 months ago
this same bathroom, these four walls
I’ve had every broken heart of my life in my parents’ house,
my childhood bedroom is stained with claw marks and spattered blood and teary grainy gritty lonely nights spent curled up
sobbing into the carpet.
You said
“I love you”
“Thank you i love the jewelry”
“Do you think our parents should meet soon”
And then you said
hope you’re happy with the next man.
I guess, when you don’t lend everything, you can’t lose it when your lover leaves.
We are all strapped in for the ride tonight.
I’m thinking of you because of course I am, because I always am. Because I’m in love with you.
I wish you’d come knocking but I don’t, because I know I’d answer, and that’s the thing.
Summer, five years ago. Or else summer now. Or else lying dead in a ditch. Whatever. Each moment drags by the same. All just the same, tiny studded blips of cellulite stardust.
I guess, when you’re young, you have to give your virginity to a man who doesn’t love you.
I’ve been the lightest here, the heaviest. The same and different. Healthy brain, electric shocks.
I’ve been the nicest, the meanest here; jobless, jobful. Hopeless, hopeful. Mystic and plain. Always messy. Always in love.
A few more weeks of this and I might have to reconsider this whole thing.
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samannblogs · 1 year ago
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#spilled ink
#poets on tumblr
#spilled ink
#scribbled words
#creedrescue (new writers only)
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jakeisstrange · 5 years ago
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Sorry I’ve been gone so long… I promise that I’ve been doing some writing since I took a little hiatus from Tumblr.
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the-dark-angelus · 6 years ago
I’ve been taking the same things that these people are breathing in this strange city where everyone are strangers and everything is dreamy to the eyes of everyone who haven’t been here.
I’ve been living every minute for some years now in this place. I never thought that it would take longer than this  before I familiarize  everything about here.
I had left my joy in my home and found myself trying to find some to other people, to other places. Walking my feelings alone on what must have been the thoroughfare where people with definite purpose come back and forth harvesting the grown seeds of their blood, sweat and tears. Fighting the essence of time because the longer that I stay, the more I acquaint to it - and be part of it.
I’ve been taking the same things that these people are breathing in this strange city where everyone are strangers and everything is dreamy to the eyes of everyone who haven’t been here.
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faceking16 · 6 years ago
She said she never met someone like me, I smiled.
Little did she know , behind that smile was the happiness of a lifetime,
Little did she know how my day starts and ends with her, how I long to see her again,
How hard I worked not to make a fool of myself,
Little did she know what my dreams have been lately ,
I wish she knew I have fallen for her a thousand times now.
Little did she know.
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josy57 · 6 years ago
I come home late at night and it is all silent Only the constant whistling of the nearby highway The low buzzing of the neon above the sink White noise, a wheezing ghost welcoming me home The hushed humming of a lifeless house Sounding oddly like the blood flow in your ear When you press a seashell to it Dreaming of the ocean but getting only an empty echo
I stand here, by the counter, with darkness in my eyes Looking over at the street, the deserted driveways An aseptic, perfect neighborhood Wiped clean of any life once 10 p.m. strikes Mummy, daddy, two kids, and a dog A neat little fence Doll houses precisely aligned Squeaky clean and sterile Bearing only the stain of meaninglessness The whole scene painted dirty yellow by the sodium streetlamps
It's a bit like nausea Or a headache brought on by a strong scent Like I'm here and not here Watching myself watch those immaculate facades Nothing feels quite real, but it all feeds the migraine Ringing hollow. Louder and louder. Reverberated
Soon, it rises around me, all air leaving the room An atmosphere too heavy, too quiet, too palpable Memories flooding in to fill the gnawing void The kitchen detergent smelling suddenly like chlorine And finally my legs give out, refusing to carry me So I sit on the tiled floor, like I once did at the bottom of the pool Deflated lungs, blank mind, and blurry vision Thinking of nothing at last Before the swim coach came to tear me away From my sunken comfort From the pure blue calm of the depths Bringing me back to a world I never belonged to But who will come for me now?
Inspired by @electricexhibition‘s prompt “A pool in the kitchen”
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praggya1993 · 6 years ago
The garden turned golden
Not because it was adorned
With clusters of luscious shoots and shrubs
Or nested with rich swathes of vigorous soil,
Nor because it allured
with the music of
Tickling winds and dancing birds
Flapping their wings
On a gleaming sky,
But because it was reared
and refined
With a flowering capacity
To sparkle and glow,
Even after roaring gales
Dishevelled it's vital efflorescence
From time to time.
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electricexhibition · 6 years ago
APRIL Prompts
Hey guys, I thought I would try something a little different! I’ve been swamped this month with projects. I’m currently organizing a monthly magazine for my Patreon content, putting together my first poetry collection, recording my first themed album, and finishing a scifi book cover. So instead of weekly prompts, I have put together a list of monthly prompts!
As always, the prompt does not need to be included in the piece, it only serves to inspire. Please use the tag #armchairchallenge so that I may find it. Any pieces related to the prompt in any medium will be reblogged. Feel free to message my main blog, @electricarmchair, if you have any questions.
**And because these are monthly prompts, please specify which prompt your piece is written for so I can re-blog accordingly. Not all the prompts have to be done, nor in order – Have fun writing!
Prompts for the month of April:
1. The golden garden
2. A girl called Sweet Pea
3. Spring, Personified
4. The fastest snail alive
5. The Easter elf
6. Do fairies have tails?
7. Listen to the rain
8. Poetry Pie
9. What a star smells like
10. Argus-eyed
11. Spring things
12. The fifth season
13. Faun of the flower
14. Ross and the Rose
15. The Bunnyman
16. King of the daffodils
17. The forest in your head
18. Dawn, pawn
19. The crown made of sunlight [or snakes]
20. 3 am
Find me on...
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cruxymox · 6 years ago
The Queen of Days sits, and quietly so, watching me think.
bark of words,
ideas run slow & sticky -
not sweet yet.
the canopy, dark.
where are my eyes?
Her crown is now hidden by dusk, and all of the things that are in-between. I hear hissing.
I am lost in her wild underbrush.
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ho1y-water · 3 months ago
and so broadly things continue on.
the headache just doesn’t subside,
but you cannot spend forever licking your wounds
no you must at some point let them scar. in the end no one will save you.
in the end it is up to you. often in this life some things are ugly and wretched
and sog you with seawater years after they go. often those things are part of you. i will keep the porch lit for you
and pretend i do not see you
walk away. i will save these calls for you
if you will come back
and want them. i will preserve how i love you
for when you let me tell you
and so broadly the long grey dream continues on.
beige. magic isn’t real any longer. the mystery erased by all this laid out bare.
maybe in another time, another place,
where i wasn’t such a fuckup.
yet beautiful creatures swarm you in the water
cheering your name in the gym,
lifting you on their shoulders in gatsby-gold glitter as your smile
smudges across your face.
i get to watch. i love you from this far.
i try not to think about it. often in this life you are very insignificant and small and do not matter much to the people you love. i am a child. i struggle with this.
i tell myself, everyone else is very selfish too.
i watch you walk away.
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leftiswhatgodmademe · 6 years ago
breathe in darling, rinse and repeat, the cycle of survival is a complex dance swirling within pink and pale lungs, an artist's favorite pastel truth, a poet's broken promise in ink, an author's much-needed character death. breathe in darling.
“If breathing was easy”
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jakeisstrange · 5 years ago
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mleighsquickspot · 6 years ago
Listen, the Rain...
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Each drop a sound, a voice calling out before it's lost to where it lands.
You hear them slip as they hit and then slide down your now wet window panes with a squeak.
They scream as they pelt the pavement like a drummer playing the beat of the world while sitting in a garage with friends.
They silently plop into the grass, while still others smack the street flowing not into the soil of mother Earth helping things to grow, but rather becoming lost to the drains on the street, leading to dirty dank darkness.
In time you hear the rain roar as it becomes a flood, determined to carry all if us away. Submerging us in a mud caked tomb, meant to show us it's power, it's force, it's ability to be more than a source of not only life but also death and destruction. Thus, be aware of the drop of water running down your cheek, it's more than you realize.
Listen to the rain, each drop is a sound, a voice calling out to be heard before it's lost to wherever it lands.
image: Listen to the Rain | Bill Martin Jr. | Macmillan Publishers
Let me know what you think and pass the thought along.
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rcf-poetry · 6 years ago
You laid in that blooming field
As if you were royalty
(Which you were and still are)
You hands were fondling a daffodil
It was nearly golden
So you picked it
Along with several other daffodils
And wove them into a crown
You place it atop your head
And then danced around
You sang
“King of the daffodils!
King of the daffodils!”
With a smile so bright
I could’ve sworn you were the sun
As the flowers turned to you
To gain an even deeper hue
Of the gold you fell in love with
I wish I was that daffodil
That lured your consciousness in
I wish I was the daffodil
That made you fall in love again
But I’m not
And never will be
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faceking16 · 6 years ago
I am so thankful,for I have you to dream of .Believe me I tried a lot but nothing can be close to what I feel beside you.
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circe-poetica · 6 years ago
When you’re in a fog,
you slow down.
If you’re sailing a small craft, without a radar,
jusr pray that the radars of the bigger ships get you.
you can’t see,you can hardly hear -or you’re deafened by a fog siren-
Everything seems unreal.
Reality is transfigured.
Yet you go on,
you continue your trip with faith and hope
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