You're a mystery during the day
While the night turns you into a haphazard mess
Who swirls the worries of life
Into colourless drinks
And gulps them away with a smile.
They still sit deeply somewhere within
Even though you've taken
Thousand steps away from them
Preventing you from getting their whiff
For the next day and maybe the day afterward
Until you realize
That you haven't escaped the battle yet
It still pounds the walls of your house,
No matter how far you go
And build it with hands that tremble
All the while.
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There's your bended knee
Trying to straighten
Under September's crimson wings,
Eager to find a melody
That'll fill your vision
With dreams that strengthen
Your conviction in your abilities,
That'll summon your faith
To open up like an Aster
And maintain its vibrancy,
A hold so strong
That will dissuade it from
Folding and falling
Without resisting.
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Cicadas sing at night beautifully
Of the reverberations that engulf her daily,
On a tiny mountain top where darkness sits
There is nothing that seems amiss.
Only an absence flows far and wide
So similar to her uphill climb.
Where there's no sentinel to say 'That's all'
Look deeply into her pale moonlit eyes,
And usher her toward a path
Where stars gladly blanket the void of night.
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You're wounded
Dishevelled and unorganised
Yet you never let this disorientation
Wreck the premise
Of your sweetest smile,
Despite the treacherous path
On which your bruised legs walk
Your movement is always forward
Never pounding, never rushing for a respite,
There isn't an adjustment as brave
As what reflects in your stride,
Even with a heart swollen with longing
You appear to me
Not like a victim shot
Simply a figure
Ushering small joys.
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There is no depth too profound
Of your love
It keeps deepening
Thickening with richness
Turning into gold
That stays intact
Until the end of time,
There's nothing to be chosen
Nothing to be left out,
Every bite of it
Feels like elixir
That melts everything inside
With a delight
Whose reverberations
Get permanently etched in mind.
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If you knew
That about you
The seams of my imagination
Know no bounds,
Nothing that is untrue is true
The truth that I desire
Keeps stretching
Wide like a horizon's view,
Nothing dims
Even in the darkest hour,
You are a part of me
In my mind,
An ever expanding soul
Capturing my heart
Gloriously forever.
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There's the squeak and crackle
The symphony of leaves
Fading out from existence
Subtly sparkling colors
Showing that not everything
Needs to shine
To look like a beauty,
A glow in your eyes
Of life about to be repeated
Ever so differently.
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There is no figuring out
So many times you may try
But just end up stuck in the soil
From where you thought you would rise,
It's a walk through changing seasons
That come and go without your knowledge,
A journey that can become your friend
Try once to just smile
And feel its embrace
Nudging you closer towards
What you want for yourself.
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You're like the peach
She devours
In a minute forgetting that
There are equally pleasing
Assortment of treats around,
The hunger in her eyes
Is all for you
No matter how beautiful
Others around the table look ,
She carries your chant within
Only you impart the color to her seasons
That none other can envision.
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There's this sleek line of memory
That stretches over a distance
Reminding of a presence
So near yet distant,
Time keeps falling over
Folding and folding days
Transforming places, as events stack
On top of another
And what the eye could see fades,
Yet that slender line doesn't becomes thinner
Its meaning keeps glimmering
Like a motif in a treasured heirloom
Always there.
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No questions. Just wanted to say your words are beautiful.
Thank you sooooo much 馃檪馃檹
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I see the agitation in your words
Masked by a cheerful veneer
So they never hit me
But fall on my lap
Like the tenderest flowers.
I sense your turmoil
Chipping away your dreams inside
Yet the way you connect never shows
You're letting so many parts of you go.
I glimpse your splintered smile
As you venture into a world
That leaves you lost and undefined,
Yet you exude a familiarity
To make me feel buoyed
Never without your support.
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Your velvet conversations
Confront my turbulence
With a sword of gentleness
Getting right past the strife
And settling into a stillness
I couldn't discover,
Every attempt to escape diminishes
Until I'm brought into the present moment,
And your soft strokes alter the reality
Making me close my eyes and think
Nothing happened.
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Sometimes you are fighting
In places where you never existed,
Where you were always cornered
Left to nurse your bruises alone,
Where the only one who recognised you
Was you,
Where your eyes didn't perceived the truth,
Only when no one comes
To pick up the pieces of your tired soul
Does the realisation sets in
You were and are trying
To battle for a cause
That wouldn't make a difference
At all.
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Loving you is like wearing myself
Until all that remains
Are bare bones,
Exhausted and functional
At a rudimentary level.
Yet poised as much as it's possible
Affection coiled in way that cannot be untangled,
Nothing but restraint
Rattling inside with a fervour.
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You hold her like a monsoon
That spreads far and wide
Yet in eventuality
Is as brief as a fleeting smile,
You tickle her exhausted might
Enough to make her stand
Yet never stay long enough
So she can wobble on her legs,
You flip pages of her soul
So she can find security in extending herself
Yet never show an eagerness
To find what else can happen,
Always lifting her from where she likes the most
Then letting her crash
With a force she cannot describe ever.
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You may march thoughtlessly
And hit boulders that slain your dexterity
But I'll find a way
To help you determine your excellency,
You may become weary
Tired and ready to flee
But I'll hold you in my shelter
Until you feel wide awake and lively,
You may turn guarded
Hurling your charisma
Into pockets filled with darkness,
But I鈥檒l put my hands deep within
Discovering long lost fragments
Of your colors, unclouded.
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