#ari gibson
ziggyplayedguitar96 · 10 months
I just binged both seasons of Surviving Summer and I don’t think Poppy and Marlon should’ve got together. I feel like their relationship just came out of nowhere. Personally, I would’ve loved to see Poppy and Griff together. I feel like it would’ve been a perfect enemies to lovers relationship. It was set up so well too.
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aauroraxia · 3 months
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People I’m currently writing for:
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Armando Aretas
Rafe Cameron
JJ Maybank
Jeremiah Fisher
Marlon Sousa
Ari Gibson
Baxter Radic
Request people for me to write for and I may deliver 🤫
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budgiesunset · 11 months
Hi! Can I request Ari x reader where she has a similar injury and he’s helping her through it? Maybe she’s feeling really down and lonely and he just talks with her
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You go I go || Ari Gibson x Reader
Summary: after going to stairway with summer you end up in a hospital bed unsure if you will ever be able to surf again and your boyfriend is right by your side.
⚠️Warnings⚠️ Almost drowning, paralyzed, not proof read, like 1 swear word
AN: Sorry for the wait there’s been a lot going on. Anyways hope you enjoy!
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“Hey summer, what are you doing?” You said as you approached her after watching her interaction with Honey.
“Nothing don’t worry about it.” She responded and continued to get her surf board out of the car. You continue to lean against the car and as she closes the boot (trunk for non-aussies) you lift up your surf board showing her.
“I know you’re going to surf stairway, so I’m coming with you.” You said before walking off. “What! No YN I can’t let you do that. Ari would kill me if he found out!” She tried to pull you back but you continued.
“Summer I know you probably don’t see it but you are one of my best friends so if you surf stairway, I surf stairway too.” She knew she wouldn’t be able to change your mind for the short time that she knew you she learnt very quickly that you are very stubborn.
“ok, come on. If we’re going to do this we have to leave now.” And with that you both took off towards stair way. But unknown to you where two things one was that your boyfriend was also on his way to stair way and two you had just made a big mistake that would soon make you wish you never went.
After a very long and exhausting hike to stairway you finally made it. You were waxing your board when you heard steps behind you. “Hello boys.” You heard Summer say as you turned your head to see your boyfriend Ari and his best friend Marlon.
“Summer? YN? What are you doing here?” Ari called out you held your board tight to your side decoding it would be best if you let Ari and Summer work this out but she remained quiet. “you talked to Margo didn’t you? What did she tell you?” He continued. “This is crazy” he said when he still didn’t get a response. Summer started looking down the cliff and when you looked to you saw just how far a jump it was and you started to get nervous.
“Let’s all just go home.” Marlon spoke up. “Yeah we’re going home. Come on YN, Summer? SUMMER!” Ari started screaming when Summer threw her board into the water. You took a deep breath and followed her actions.
For the few seconds that you were in the air you heard Ari and Marlon screaming out after you guys. You hit the cold water and then you felt it. A sharp stab in your back. At first you thought it was from hitting the water but when you tried to swim you couldn’t.
You couldn’t even tell which way was up and which was down. Your vision was blurry from the water but then you realized you were running out of air.
You felt light headed blackness started to crowd your vision the last thing you saw before you passed out was Ari reaching for you.
It had been a week since the incident and you hadn’t talked to anyone with the exception of your parents and the doctors. Summer and Ari tried reaching out but you didn’t want them to see you like this. You felt weak and so stupid for jumping.
Your parents had tried to get you to talk with Ari but you always declined. You knew he would understand of course he would he went through the exact same thing but you couldn’t bare to look at him. He tried to stop you and you didn’t listen, you saw his scar and you promised him that you wouldn’t go jumping at stairway and you did anyway.
You heard a knock at the door interrupting your thoughts. You couldn’t really get out of bed to see who was at the door when you jumped you didn’t go out far enough so when you entered the water there where a bunch of rocks waiting to welcome you. And you ended up paralyzed from your legs down but the doctor said that you would be able to learn how to walk again as soon as your stitches heal.
“Hello?” You could recognize that voice anywhere you didn’t know what he was doing here but you knew that you would have to face him sooner or later.
“In here.” You called back and soon you were staring at your boyfriend. Ari. “Hey Ari.. How are you?”
“Seriously!.. You almost died and you’re asking me how I am?” He yelled causing you to flinch slightly at his voice. “You promised me you wouldn’t surf Stairway. You almost died I had to pull you out of the water! and now you’re fucking paralyzed! Did they tell you that if you had been under the water for a few more minutes you’d be dead!” You froze they didn’t tell you that.
He must have seen the look on your face because his expression softened. “I’m sorry I shouldn’t have raised my voice” he spoke softly as he sat done next to you wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into his chest holding you tight.
“I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry. I shouldn’t have gon-“ You started but Ari shushed you “Stop it’s ok. You did it for Summer. And no matter what I’m always going to be here for you. I love you” he said kissing the top of your head.
“I love you too”
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equusandfandoms · 11 months
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sooooo @ writers are we just gonna tease this polyam thing orrrr?
summer USES THE BOARD in the finals and it's not even mentioned... but like she obviously ain't as pissed with bax as she could be... summer and ari are so good together and adding bax to the mix could be so fun pls
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wh0reforbucknasty · 1 year
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nervousloveheart · 1 year
I don't know why surviving summer doesn't get more love for its filmography, I mean just look at these pictures
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most of these are from the first episode or the 7th, but my point still stands.
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multifanxtvshows · 1 year
poppy and summer and ari and marlon best duos on the show !!!
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gins-potter · 9 months
i feel like s2 never really resolved ari's struggle with how he wanted to be perceived online, they resolve the more personal aspect of it (somewhat) of his concerns that he's boring, but i feel like they never really decided how he would brand himself online.
and i've been thinking about it and i can kind of him deciding to chronicle his journey with anxiety/mental health struggles. him wanting other young athletes to know they aren't alone, tips and strategies that work for him, explaining how to navigate being on medication in a high-performance environment.
i can see it being a little messy at times, sometimes he's not open enough, sometimes he's too open and struggles with the inherent vulnerability of what he's posting. but he realises he's proud of the legacy he's leaving the first time another young athlete (maybe another surfer, maybe not) reaches out and tells him how he's inspired them to keep going when they thought their career might be over before it had even started.
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icarus-enthroned · 1 year
i ship summer + ari + bax together
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starch4ser · 1 year
currently obsessed w surviving summer , ari’s my fav rn 🤞🏼
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equusandfandoms · 11 months
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Bodhi and Sheridan from Surviving Summer would've made such a cute couple fight me😭
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nervousloveheart · 1 year
A surviving summer fanfic explaining why Summer's dad was never mentioned.
I still remember the first time I saw her. She was so small, so wrinkled, so... in need of protection and help. My little Summer. Margot had her nestled on her chest, a blanket wrapping around her in a fashion that only let her face peek out. A feeling of wonder overtook me. Did I really have a part in making that mound of flesh? Was she really my kid? Did I really get to raise her? Along with Margot? That was, that was a big responsibility. Maybe I wasn’t ready for this. Maybe I didn’t have what it took. I turned to leave and was almost at the door when I heard Summer grunt and squirm. She could make noises? I went back into the room and stood nervously beside Margot, unsure of what to do with my hands. 
Margot looked up at me, sweat and tears still staining her face. She managed an exhausted smile, ‘’Do you want to meet her?’’ 
Would she be safe with me? If I held her, would she shatter? Would she be scared of me? I was a big guy after all, and all the kids in our neighborhood ran away from me when I was outside. Was my daughter going to be just like them? I would never hurt her, and if I had it my way, no one ever would. But what would it take to convince her of that?  
Margot tugged on my sleeve, ‘’Chuck, she’s just a baby. She’s not going to hurt you.’’ 
I choked, ‘’What if I accidentally hurt her? What if--’’ 
Margot grabbed my hand and guided it to cup the back of Summers head. I was about to pull away when she opened her eyes and yawned. That was it. I was done for. My life would never be the same. I wouldn’t ever be the same. I was completely taken aback by how powerful babies could be. The rest of the world didn’t matter, all I could see was my little girl and my wife, the two most important people in my life, together, and safe.  
Safe. I had to make sure they were safe. I looked at the nurse who was monitoring Margot, ‘’There weren’t any complications, were there?’’ 
He looked up from his clipboard, ‘’No, both the mother and the baby are completely fine. They just need a bit of sleep and then they’ll be able to leave in the morning.’’ 
Wishing I had studied midwifery so I could tell for myself if there was something wrong with either of them, I looked at the monitors and machinery, trying to figure out what they meant. I had to know, I needed to make sure that they were okay.  
Margot kissed my hand, ‘’Honey, I’m okay. We’re both okay. Do you wanna hold her?’’ 
I don’t know how it happened, but I ended up cradling my baby girl, cooing and rubbing her back. I really got to be her dad? That was the greatest thing I’d ever be. Her dad. Forever. 
Three years later... 
Wakefulness slowly began to seep into my consciousness, pulling me out of the depths of my mind. I cracked open my eyes, ‘’Summer? What's wrong?’’ 
Summer gripped her stuffed bear closer, ‘’Mommy’s crying.’’ 
I froze. Why would she be crying? Was somebody sick? Dead? Hurt? Moving away? Had she been fired? I closed my medical textbook and stood up, ‘’Where is she?’’ I put my glasses on. 
Summer grabbed me by the shirt and pulled me into the living room, stopping at the door and giving me a look that said to go in and check on her. I strode over and knelt beside her, ‘’Margot? What's happening?’’ 
She whipped her eyes and looked at me, ‘’I just got a message from my agent, and she said--’’ she burst into sobs again and buried her head into my chest. 
I wrapped my arms around her and rubbed circles into her back. I knew what her agent had said she had a new project in a foreign country. It had happened so many times. This time her agent hadn’t even given her the decency of a month's break. Seriously, what was wrong with them? I loved the work Margot did, it brought about change for the better, it was important. But I drew the limit when it upset her. I wanted to tell her to just ask for an extension or at least a raise, but now was not the time. Right now, she needed me, and to be honest, I needed her as well.  
‘’Here’s toilet paper.’’ 
I looked down to find Summer holding up a toilet roll, futilely trying to stop her lower lip from quivering. 
Gently, I reminded her that she could cry too, that I didn’t mind and that it was healthy.  
She looked back at me through glassy eyes, ‘’Mommy goes away all the time, it’s not sad anymore.’’ 
Tears stung my eyes as I took what she said in. Children weren’t supposed to be used to their mothers going away for weeks on end. They were supposed to be bowling their eyes out and begging their mothers to stay, or to take them with them.  
I pulled her into our hug. I knew she was sad too, and no poorly concealed act was going to convince me otherwise. Soon enough she was crying as well, her little body shaking along with Margot's. I whispered into their ears, ‘’I’ll fix it.’’ I didn’t know how I was going to fix it, but I was going to figure it out. If I was too small to fix it, I’d just get bigger. I had to. That’s what my dad taught me. 
Eventually they both fell asleep, and I took off my glasses.  
. . . 
‘’All I’m saying is you could ask for someone else to go,’’ I handed her the mug. 
She rubbed her four-head, ‘’I’ve already told you. You don’t turn Cassy Lane down. If she gives you a job, you consider yourself lucky.’’ 
I bit down the argument that always came to mind when we discussed her work. She wasn’t in the head space to hear logic. She just wanted to chew my ear, and if that meant she would be more logical later, I could wait and let her vent. 
I folded my hands, ‘’Cassy, that’s the new director at your form, right?’’ 
Margot nodded as she sipped her coffee, ‘’She was enrolled last year.’’ 
I dug my fingernails into my palm as I struggled to remain neutral, ‘’Wasn’t that the week before Summer’s birthday?’’ 
Margot swallowed, ‘’Mhm.’’ 
I didn’t consider myself a violent man, but sometimes I really wanted to throw a brick at Cassy. An unpopular thing for a man to say, I know. 
Collecting myself, I asked, ‘’She has a bunch of other photographers, right?’’ 
Margot frowned, ‘’Chuck, if you’re about to suggest that I tell her to pick another photograph, think carefully.’’ 
Smoothing out my anger, I raised my hands in surrender, ‘’I wasn’t going to go there. If there’s one thing I’ve learnt over the past year, it’s that Cassy Lane can’t be reasoned with. By anyone.’’ 
Margot grimaced, ‘’That’s right.’’  
Choosing my next words carefully, I asked, ‘’So when do you leave?’’ 
She sucked in a breath, ‘’Day after tomorrow.’’ 
‘’Do you need any help fighting with the airport?’’ 
She laughed dryly, ‘’No, you just stick to your textbooks and guns,’’ she paused, ‘’The Gibsons offered to babysit Summer during the week from twelve to five while I’m gone.’’ 
I really wished I could take care of Summer myself, but my job as a cop and studies to be a doctor only enabled me to spend three hours at best with her. But what else could I do? I needed to provide for my family, and the way the economy looked, I wouldn’t be able to do that for long with a cop's salary. For the sake of my pride, I asked, ‘’Maybe we should hire a sitter.’’ 
Margot shook her head, ‘’I don’t feel like looking for one right now. Not until this trip is over.’’ 
I rubbed her back, right in the spot she always carried the most tension, ‘’I could do it.’’ 
She lifted an eyebrow. 
I raised my hands, ‘’Okay, fare point.’’ 
She rested her head on my shoulder, ‘’Just don’t let her or yourself die, okay?’’ 
I kissed the top of her head, ‘’Okay.’’ 
One year later... 
I buckled Summer’s seatbelt and climbed out of the back seat. Before I could close the door though, Summer tugged on my jacket. I looked down at her, ‘’Is something wrong Sums?’’ 
She looked at me dead in the eyes and asked, ‘’We’re not going to crash, right? You're not going to die?’’ 
I turned and looked at Margot, whose face I’m sure mirrored my shock. I turned back to her, ‘’No, I’m going to be fine. We’re going to be fine. Why do you ask?’’ 
She frowned and started nervously twiddling her thumbs, ‘’I don’t know. M’ just askin’.’’ 
Again, I wondered if it was a good idea to explain why we couldn’t see my mother anymore. Explaining the concept of life and death to a kid as young as Summer might not have been my best of ideas, but what else was I supposed to do?  
Margot squeezed herself into the car, ‘’Are you okay Summer?’’ 
Summer looked up at her with watery eyes, ‘’No dying?’’ 
Margot shook her head and wrapped Summer up in her arms, ‘’No dying. Daddy and I aren’t going to die,’’ she looked back at me and gestured for me to get into the other passenger seat. 
Once I was squeezed in, I started working through her hair, ‘’No dying, not today.’’ 
Summer bit her lip, ‘’Promise?’’ 
My throat clenched, ‘’I can’t promise that, but mommy and I will do our best not to die. Okay?’’ 
Summer sniffed and then nodded her head, ‘’Okay.’’  
Margot got out of the car, and I got into the driver's seat. While I was strapping myself in, Margot leaned against the open window, ‘’Keep an eye on her.’’ 
I nodded, ‘’Of course, see you tonight,’’ after giving her a peck on the cheek, we were off. 
As I drove through town to Summer’s preschool, I kept checking on her with the mirror. Maybe she was sick? Or hurt? Did she think she was going to die and just masked that by asking about myself and Margot. Had I been neglectful? I was literally training and studying to be a doctor, if there was really something wrong with her, I should’ve picked it up by now.  
She caught my eye and stuck out her tongue, ‘’It’s rude to stare.’’ 
I chuckled, more for her benefit than my own, ‘’Right, sorry.’’ 
She battled to cross her arms, then frowned, ‘’You should ask for my forgiveness.’’ 
I looked back at the road, ‘’You’re right. Summer, will you please forgive me?’’ 
Summer hummed in thought, ‘’Okay. I forgive you.’’ 
I glance back at her, ‘’Thank you.’’ 
Summer tried and failed to stop her giggles. 
I smile as I turn back to the road. 
Soon enough, we were at her preschool, and I was hugging her goodbye. I kneel in front her and hold her gently by the shoulders, letting her look down at me, ‘’Are you ready for this? you don’t need a day off?’’ 
She shook her head, ‘’No. Besides, Ari’s going to be there. He’ll take care of me till you fetch me.’’ 
I ruffled her hair, ‘’Okay. But if you change your mind, just ask your teacher to call me or mommy.’’ 
She nodded absently, already shrugging my hands off, ‘’Okay. I love you,’’ she kisses my four-head and runs off backwards, waving at me. 
I wave and smile after her. Getting off the pavement and dusting off my pants, I ignored the disapproving looks from the other parents and got into my car.  
Turning the keys and pressing the clutch, I reversed out of the parking lot. That’s when it hit me. I was waving goodbye to my little girl, hoping that she was okay, when a car crashed into the back of my pickup.  
I thought I was fine at first. I could talk, I could see, I could smell, I could feel the leather under my four-head, and I could taste the blood after biting my tongue. I could still move; I knew that because I could lift my head and check if Summer was running towards me or not. She wasn’t. Thank everything good in the world that she hadn’t seen me. She made it inside in time. She didn’t have to see her daddy hurt. 
Someone outside my car was screaming for an ambulance. At least I thought someone was screaming to get an ambulance until I realized I was the one screaming, my throat turning to sandpaper. I was much worse off than I initially thought. I wanted to examine myself, I really did. But wait, why couldn’t I breathe? What was happening to me? I shouldn’t be hurt. I had to protect Summer and Margot. I had to be bigger than this. I had to, I had to... I can’t think... I, I think I’m going to black out. I can’t die. If I'm losing consciousness, I better only be blacking out. I’m only blacking out. I’ll wake up, I will. I promise. I’m coming back Summer. I promise. I’ll always come back. Because I'll always be big enough. Just wait, okay Sums? 
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doopieee · 8 months
im thinking about writing again! But I haven't in a while lol soooo gimme suggestions. I'll write about tsitp, surviving summer, iron man (pepperony), and Andi Mack.
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The canon queer character of the day is:
Sheo from Hollow Knight, who is gay.
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