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zafirosreverie · 1 year ago
Their favorite thing about you (DLH)
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Your eyes.
He loves your eyes, because that's how he met you. You were just one more small human of the thousands who came to ask for his intervention, one more and that's it. At first glance you didn't have anything special and a god shouldn't be attracted to you the way Ares was.
But no other god had seen what he saw in your eyes (or else a war would have been fought on Olympus for you by now). It wasn't just the beautiful color of your orbs, but the way they glowed with intense passion, deep rage, and endless bravery, that finally made the god of war fall for you. Even today, so many years later, Ares loves looking into your eyes, where there is still an intense fire that he knows will never fade.
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Your curiosity.
The goddess was used to receiving thousands of questions and pleas for help from mortals, who in these more modern days used to come to her only as a kind of living encyclopedia.
But you didn't. In fact, she had never even seen you set foot in her temple before. You were a completely different creature, full of curiosity about all the creation of the world, everything was fascinating to you, and she loved your questions, especially the simple ones, because they didn't come from a need beyond the simple fact of wanting to learn. It was something the world needed, and she was willing to protect you for it.
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Your patience.
She knew, she was more than aware, that she was not the best partner, especially for a mortal like you. She carried too many wounds, from a time when humanity didn't even exist, wounds that even other immortal beings didn't want to deal with.
But you do. You had opened for her not only the doors of your house, but of your life, you had welcomed her and accompanied her, you had taken care of her and, for the first time in centuries, she thought that perhaps healing was coming her way. Arce didn't want to exhaust you, after all, the wounds of a being like her were too big and heavy for a mortal, but your infinite patience gave her hope that you would at least stay with her for as long as your finite lifetime allowed you.
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Your laughter.
She is the goddess of the harvest, she creates life wherever she goes. Strong and imposing trees, flowers more beautiful than the stars, unique and precious plants. But all that, paled and remained small before the perfection that was your laugh.
Demeter loved that sound, he loved the way your eyes and nose crinkled, how you showed your perfect teeth, how your stomach bounced slightly with the force of your joy. It was the sound of life, and she swore to protect it until time took it to infinity and the silence of death replaced it.
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Your nose.
Listen, she's a simple goddess, okay? Does she like something? It's hers, period. And that goes for your beautiful and perfect nose too. Don't ask why of all your beautiful face that's her favorite part, just accept that you're going to have a very amused goddess pressing it like a little round button at all hours.
Hestia also loves your brilliance and sense of humor, which usually helps enhance her blackmailing pranks on the other gods, but that's another story.
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Your hands.
Hades loved your hands, not just because of how beautiful they were or how soft your skin was, but because of everything they represented to him. He was the god of death, he was used to ending things, destroying them, reducing them to nothing. But you? you created, you used your hands to bring new objects and ideas to life, you were the opposite of him and that never ceased to amaze him.
He loved your touches too, of course. He was used to the tedious humid heat of the underworld, the kind that is terribly unbearable, that makes you sweat and your clothes stick to your body. But you had shown him another kind of warmth, a soft and gentle one, that ran through his body like a calm light every time you caressed his cheek or took his hand.
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Your kindness.
It is not a secret to anyone that the goddess tended to be reserved and quiet, like a shadow that no one spoke to if it was not necessary. That is why she appreciated your warm and compassionate heart. She loved to see you interact with other beings, because your words, your gestures and movements were always charged with a deep love and respect for life.
After centuries of living in her sister's shadow, of being ignored by her mother no matter how hard she tried to be the best supporting goddess for her, Despena appreciated your kindness knocking on her door, showing her that she didn't need to be better than anyone, just be the best version of herself.
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Your calmness.
As the herald of the gods and the fastest god on Olympus, Hermes was used to a hectic, fast-paced life with chaos always following him wherever he went. That's why it was a huge surprise to everyone when he introduced you as his partner, because you were the complete opposite of him.
However, it took Apollo and Athena only a couple of minutes to realize why Hermes loved you so much. You were perfect for him, precisely because you balanced him, because in the midst of all his chaos, you were always standing there, ready to be the immovable pillar, the security and stability that he needed so much. It didn't matter if you treated him like a little boy from time to time, he loved it.
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Your hair.
It might sound simple and almost comical right? That the goddess of magic, someone who could create absolutely anything with the snap of her fingers, would be so fascinated by something as simple and vain as mortal hair.
But it was precisely that simplicity that drew her. Hecate was aware of the wonders she could do and why mortals came to her daily, but that you let her play with your hair allowed her to anchor herself to the world, to the fact that she could be more than magic, that's why she loved so much spending hours brushing it while you worked your own magic on her, the simple one that only required a smile and a cup of tea.
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Your vitality.
She was used to the cold of Helheim, to the thousands of lamentations of the souls in pain and to the feeling of loneliness that always nestled in her chest. That's why she loved so much when you went to visit her.
You were always smiling, you were always happy, your voice traveled to the last corner of the gloomy place and your presence seemed to radiate a warm and comforting light, the souls seemed serene and almost happy while they played with you. You were life itself arriving at the place of death, and Hela loved you for it, enough to push the fear of the day that light went out to the back of her mind.
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crustyfloor · 7 months ago
"My loveable creature" and "Till, the ultimate weapon"
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multifandomfix · 5 months ago
What Sex With Them Is Like (Xena Warrior Princess Preference)
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Alti: Sex with Alti would be intense and wild, driven by her lust for power and dominance. She enjoys control and isn't afraid to push boundaries, making the experience both exhilarating and a little intimidating. Alti would play mind games, using her psychic abilities to heighten sensations and blur the lines between pleasure and pain.
Aphrodite: Sex with Aphrodite would be playful and sensual, filled with laughter and teasing. She's a goddess of love, so expect everything to be indulgent and luxurious, with her wanting to please and be pleased. She'd focus on making the experience as pleasurable as possible, ensuring you're both satisfied, while leaving you feeling positively adored.
Ares: Sex with Ares would be fiery and passionate, fueled in part by his raw power and aggression. He'd take charge, using his strength and bravado leading to an intense, and maybe a bit physically demanding encounter. He's a god of war, after all, so there's an edge of danger to his desire, but it's balanced by his deeper, primal need for connection.
Autolycus: Sex with Autolycus would be off the charts. As the King of Thieves, he’s a charmer, a foreplay expert and he'd bring an element of fun and surprise to the bedroom. He’s passionate and isn’t afraid to make you laugh, not taking things too seriously. And he’s got a reputation to maintain, so he’s definitely not leaving until you’re satisfied.
Callisto: Sex with Callisto would be wild and unpredictable, as her rage and madness translate into a volatile and frenzied passion. She's intense and seeks thrills and risks, taking pleasure in the chaotic nature of the moment. While her unpredictability adds excitement, there's always a sense of danger, making it a rollercoaster of emotions overall.
Gabrielle: Sex with Gabrielle would be tender and intimate, full of love and compassion. She's gentle and attentive, making sure every moment is meaningful. She wants you to fully embrace you’d emotional connection as well as the physical. Gabrielle would focus on your needs, creating a peaceful, loving environment where you both feel safe to express your deepest desires.
Joxer: Sex with Joxer would be awkward but endearing. He might fumble at first, unsure of himself, but his genuine love and enthusiasm would make up for any lack of experience. Once he relaxes, he'd focus on pleasing you, and his sincerity would make the experience sweet, filled with affection and his signature goofy charm.
Xena: Sex with Xena would be passionate, yet surprisingly tender. She's a warrior through and through, and that shows even in the bedroom, but she also has a deep capacity for love. She'd most likely take control, but she’d want you to match her energy, maybe even enough to challenge her a bit and switch things up.
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Forever Tag: @baubeautyandthegeek, @ghostsunderstoodmysoul, @immyowndefender, @valencethefriendlychangeling, @crimsonwidow666, @rebelbossheart, @thedailyspiritualist, @orangeisnttheonlyfruit, @woman-simp, @aperol-with-izzy, @leonoralessoem, @ellepossum69, @lakita-fisher, @trexsuit, @analuw, @luvlesavyy, @malfoyfeed, @aliciabrower, @sparrowspixie, @imaginationismyworldlypleasure, @og-kxsh-420
XWP: @unnecessarypineapplesstuff, @callsigncrash
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mur1an · 3 months ago
I was thinking about my post about Tristan being jealous of Percy, and I suddenly remembered that in one of my searches I found out that the greek counterpart for the plague knight (alest the one people pick the most) is Zelus/Zelos, aka the personification of zeal, dedication, emulation, envy, rivalry, and jealousy. I think that is a pretty fun coincidence, and wanted to share.
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wanderingmind867 · 4 months ago
Mars is way better than Ares. These intro paragraphs just…they paint a majestic picture. Ares is a brutish savage. A god of bloodlust and violence (to me, sort of like how i saw the roman goddess Bellona described on wikipedia). But Mars, while being a god of war, is a god of dignified war. Of fighting the hard battles you need to fight. Mars knows War is brutal, but I don't think he revels in it. Ares loves carnage and chaos, but Mars merely understands it's a part of life. An unnecessary evil. That's how I see it, at least. And I really like Mars now.
And it's for this reason that I've suggested having the Martian Manhunter actually be tied to Mars. Because I love mythology, and I'd love to see Mars somewhat modelled after Ancient Rome. Maybe model the other planets and their cultures after other ancient earth pantheons? Or hell, even just having the solar system be a giant roman empire would be really cool. I want to see a Greco-Roman take on Martian Manhunter, and I want to see it cause chafing with the purely Greek Wonder Woman. But anyways, here's the quote from the Son of Neptune where Mars comes to Camp:
In the midst of the Legion, a column of fire blasted into the air. Heat seared Frank's eyelashes. Campers who had been soaked by the cannons found their clothes instantly steam-dried. Everyone scrambled backward as a huge soldier stepped out of the explosion.
Frank didn't have much hair, but what he did have stood straight up. The soldier was ten feet tall, dressed in Canadian Forces desert camouflage. He radiated confidence and power. His black hair was cut in a flat-topped wedge like Frank's. His face was angular and brutal, marked with old knife scars. His eyes were covered with infrared goggles that glowed from inside. He wore a utility belt with a sidearm, a knife holster, and several grenades. In his hands was an oversized M16 rifle.
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callme-l · 1 year ago
Gabe's death didn't have as much weight in the series as it did in the books
However, I think it's a bit symbolic that his last scene was like his first scene: Invading other people's privacy without caring about what others think
The difference, however, is that this time he paid the price for his actions.
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deancasforcutie · 1 month ago
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something about the imagery of death marriage rebirth and the Peace and Completion awaiting Dean on the road into eternity
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ungodlysaltyinfrastructure · 4 months ago
As determined by the poll.
The Iris Analysis. Uncut, since I am not revising this monster word count of an analysis.
Now with A DLC111!1!1!!11!!! (I added new thoughts :p)
[Warning, this post deals with a pretty heavy and uncomfortable topic. If you don't like mentions or implications of SA or Sexual/Romantic Manipulation, heed this warning.]
“Your eyes are so pretty and unique, I don't think I've ever seen anybody with mismatched eyes like that.”
So about Iris…
Character Analysis time !!!1!1+!+1+1
Author's Note: I heavily debated making and posting this analysis because of the topic at hand, but I want to say, this analysis helped me realize how strong of a character Iris is, and can be. The more I think about her, the more she's becoming my favorite.
We are first introduced to Iris in ep 5, "Iris" (fitting)
As Alux is done talking to the Guard and is leaving, he finds Iris being berated by two people.
"What are you doing here, freak? I thought I told you to get lost."
"Sigh, I'm just here to get my stuff for my travels, so back off.”
"Or what? You'll beat us up again? You know how that ended last time."
"Yeah, poor little Oddy ( or Oddie) ended up in jail all night. Not only is she a freak, but a criminal too.”
"Just shove off and leave me alone."
"Or what? You gonna cry?"
"Or what? You'll beat us up again? You know how that ended last time."
We know Iris is a bit of a fighter as she's defensive, but, Iris beating up people?
What for?
I know we shouldn't take the bullies by their word, but the implications of Iris getting into a fight with them is... concerning, to say the least.
I'm just worried that this "fight" may have, possibly, not been of Iris' making.
Call it a hunch, but I feel like any altercation Iris would have with the bullies would've been in self-defense. (You'll see why I think that after a few paragraphs.)
The next conversation we see Iris have is with Alux after her attackers are gone.
"Are you okay, Miss?- Ouch! What- was that for?"
"I can handle myself, you know."
"I never said you couldn't."
"Look, if you're trying to get something out of saving me, then you're mistaken.”
"I don't want anything."
"Yeah, suure... wait, are you... serious?"
"Yeah, I'm serious. I just wanted to help.”
"But... why?"
"Why what?"
"Why did you help me?"
"Well, you looked like you were in trouble. You needed help, so I helped!"
"But you don't even know who I am! I could be a criminal, for all you know."
"-And I still would've helped you."
"Wow. You'd be the first one.
"Look, if you're trying to get something out of saving me, then you're mistaken."
That… is a VERY concerning thing to say to a man who just defended you, for no apparent reason as you would see it, as a woman who was just being targeted and harassed.
To put it lightly, I smell trauma.
We know AR doesn't shy away from rather uncomfortable topics like Sexual Harassment and Physical Violence.
When Alux gives this kind gesture to Iris, the first thing she does is assert that she doesn't need Alux to stand up for her. That she didn't need a man to defend her. She can get by, all on her own.
Iris even assumed that the only reason Alux would even be "saving" her is to get something from or out of her. When she realizes that Alux is being genuine, she gets... confused. It's obvious that she doesn't get this kind of kindness from strangers unless they had an ulterior motive pertaining to her. Her difference in eye colors is most likely why she was and is treated differently by many people. So when she meets someone who is unbiased and non-judgmental about a person's physical appearance, it's strange to her.
Then, we get to the second portion of the conversation
"Then I'm happy to be the first. I'm Alux by the way."
"I'm Iris."
"Pleasure to meet you. Your eyes are so pretty and unique, I don't think I've ever seen anybody with mismatched eyes like that.”
"You really think so?"
"Of course!- OUCH!”
"Stop trying to sweet talk me you jerk!"
"S-sweet Talk? What does that even mean?”
"You know? 'sweet talk', 'flirting', 'being overly nice for some reason'?"
"Uhh, I'm confused..." (this is where I got the Aro Alux headcanon from ^^^^)
"So..., you're seriously just being genuine?"
"Yeah... is that a bad thing or something...?”
"No, it's... just different, that all..."
*Deep inhale*
Iris taking Alux's compliment on her eyes as a sight of "sweet talking/flirting" is very alarming.
The fact that she views sweet talking akin to FLIRTING is a really bad sign for her!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The definition of "sweet talking" is
"insincerely praise (someone) in order to persuade them to do something."
The definition of flirting is
“behave as though attracted to or trying to attract someone, but for amusement rather than with serious intentions.”
Flirting can be serious and unserious depending on what the person who's flirting means.
But sweet talk under the guise of flirting is more akin to manipulation than it is flirting, as the sweet talk is used to make someone do something, while having the flirting being the reason why the person sweet talking wants you to do something. But because sweet talking is insincere praise, the flirting then becomes THE insincere praise given.
Iris thought Alux's actions of defending and complimenting her were insincere, ("stop trying to sweet talk me you jerk!") And that he was only doing it to get something from her. ("Look, if you're trying to get something out of saving me, then you're mistaken.")
Iris was so quick to assume such a thing from Alux, and was so quick to get defensive about herself and her ability to self-defend.
Remember when I said I think that the "fight" Iris had with the bullies was actually self-defense? Yea well, the reason I think that is because Iris is very vulnerable, trying to put up a tough facade. She has a target on her back and is often bullied for her uniqueness. With how snarky and vindictive the bullies act towards her, I wouldn't be surprised if one of them put their hands on her.
And here is where we get into the not so fun part of this Analysis.
Here is where I would usher you to click out of this post if you feel uncomfortable with discussions of Sexual Harassment/Assault and or Sexual/Romantic Maniputation. (When I first made this realization of Iris, it was not fun for me)
As I've said, AR doesn't shy away from uncomfortable topics, and is a bit of a more mature series. Fully displaying one of the many awful things some girls go through. (The Clark and Mae interaction.)
Now, I want you to understand the implications of Iris thinking sweet talking is akin to flirting, and how she thought Alux had originally wanted something out of her when he "saved" her.
Did you let it sit and sink in? Because when I did, I was mortified.
Iris is pretty and different and vulnerable because she's different. She may even be insecure about it. Maybe that's why she blushes when Alux compliments her on her eyes.
She's quick to snap at Alux because of her assumptions. Why would she even make the assumptions in the first place?
I believe that, unfortunately, at some point in her life, Iris had been taken advantage of.
She was in danger, and someone helped her. She thanked them and was about to set off until they stopped her, and started to press her. "Well, I did something for you, why don't you do something for me as repayment?"
They sweet talked her into giving in. Using her eyes as a means to make her vulnerable. Convincing her they were flirting with her. Making her believe they were interested in her. Only to leave her alone and scared.
It's a sad thought and realization to have. The degree of which the action was is, I feel, is for the best, to be up to interpretation. It's not nice to think about these things, but this makes Iris a very complex and deep character, and I feel that she deserves to be talked about more.
With how she persists and how confident she can be, it's clear she's grown past any harm done to her. It's just this defensiveness manifested to protect herself from any more harm similar.
(Note: This is NOT a confirmed backstory or any confirmed history about Iris. She may as well have a completely different reason for why she was so defensive and closed off at first. Maybe fake friends or a fake crush. Something a little more lighter as implications of SA or anything similar is hard to stomach.)
Ok old analysis over.
Time for thoughts.
Now that we have more Iris content, I'm actually really glad I made this. Iris’ potential abuse is very subtle and is not a focus point, and I think that was a good choice to have.
It's not a defining character trait for her. It's her light rudeness and presenting rough exterior that makes her, well, her! And that very well can be a result of her past. Another thing I didn't notice before is that she always seems to be on edge. She always has her guard up. And she's quick to act on something.
And the most interesting part about this? Later, like in this most recent ep, she doesn't know what to do with these feelings. It's like she's conflicted. She knows it's silly and nonsensical that she developed this crush so soon, but she can't help but feel this way.
And another thing is that these feelings are only seen with her.
Her possible previous experience was not ideal, and as it may have been her first or one of her first, she wouldn't have properly known what a good start to a relationship would look like. And this time with Alux, it's now her first proper time where she can fully digest these feelings.
Now, I haven't really experienced “romantic attraction” in my 15 years on this earth, but from accounts of other people, I would surmise that feelings like these are inescapable for some. Consuming you every time you look at your crush. To a point where some would go to drastic measures to satisfy any desire pertaining to the crush. (Every time girls at my school talk about relationships, it's always either about an insane guy or them doing the most out of pocket thing to get their crush to notice them) so I would assume at least that these feelings are intense, and that they're not by choice by Iris. (It's choice by the writers lol)
And it's the whole thing about the fact that the romance aspect of the series is presented through Iris. We don't see any hints of crushes or romantic endeavors from anyone else.
Ok except maybe Petro and Mark but that's doomed yaoi-
And we don't see it in Alux, we only see it in the fact that IRIS is the one who has a crush. Not Alux.
When we focus on Alux, it's more about his secret identity of being a prince, and trying to find his true self and what his past really was before returning to Cozen. Not about his love life or romantic endeavors. (He does have one or pursue any LOL)
But with the presumidly main romance arc being presented through Iris, it may be about her learning how to deal with her own feelings, others feelings, and her relationship to romantic and platonic dynamics throughout the series.
How will that turn out? I have no idea. But I doubt it will be successful with Alux. He has bigger fish to fry.
I just wanted to express my feelings and thoughts about this aspect of Iris. She is a character that is becoming more developed, like with Alux, it's just slower due to the runtime of each episode. And I found her character intriguing, so I just kept thinking about her until I couldn't. 🥴
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yamsgarden · 2 years ago
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Dunno why, kinda rly like that silly trio
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jewishcissiekj · 11 months ago
hiii quick random question do you guys prefer it when Asajj's forehead markings/tattoos are big or small or when they look like eyebrows or when she actually has eyebrows and not them
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I know what's accurate to TCW but my question is about artistic interpretation and personal preference not that (first pic is from the age of republic special, second is by Aaron McBride as an early dooku jedi lost cover concept, third from a lego short i believe, fourth from clone wars 2003)
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turtlemagnum · 1 month ago
fire magic being so prevalent in morrowind is so funny to me, like for most people AND animals it does fucking nothing and yet it's considered like the default kind of offensive magic. like imagine if you lived in a world were certain races were magically immune to certain kinds of damage and white people were immune to bullets, i feel like the US wouldn't have nearly as many guns if that were the case y'know? meanwhile Every Dunmer On Nirn has an 100% resistance to fire and yet they all seem to think specializing in fire magic is a good idea. i mean, it would be if you existed in like cyrodiil or summurset or something, y'know, a place where most people DONT have immunity to fire. but you live in morrowind, where almost everyone's a dunmer. it's the same reason why i never bother with ice magic when i play skyrim, why would i specialize in the kind of magic that most people are gonna be able to resist, that's asinine. anyways, that's why shock's objectively the best kind of offensive magic in TES, basically nobody resists it and a lot of daedra (some of the most powerful beings in existence) are weak to it, and also it doesn't cost as much energy to use as a straight up damage health spell. incidentally i feel like lightning magic would be the most useful for offense in any realistic context too since like, you realize how easily that shit can kill you??? we're literally conductive bags of water, as are pretty much all animals, that shit'd kill literally anything with minimal effort
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kationella · 1 year ago
If you thought figuring out who you would invite to your wedding was hard, try being Percy and Annabeth with their wedding list.
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wiretism · 1 year ago
im bored give me random characters and i'll find smth to do with them
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thrpr0phetuseek · 3 months ago
Mhm. Me and my dad are part cat. My mother... well. We all know that Love herself is prone to produce children.
“You’re— oh. Well. Yes, I do suppose that’s true, although you seem to be a little less quick to anger. You’re a lovely child either way your parentage swings; always a joy to be around.”
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ylvaisawolf · 1 year ago
I loved the fnaf movie
As much as I love Mike and Will being related I actually love the change to Make them not related
I just like the games being separate canon, the books each being their own canon , and now the movie(s) being their own canon
Like the Afton kids minus Elizabeth don't seem to exist in the novels soo
So why would I care if they just had 1 kid for will in the movie
Only downside is William isn't British /lh
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scgarhigh · 4 months ago
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" i liked you better when you knew how to have fun, " there's a teasing to his tone, but a seriousness behind it. " now it always feels like you're trying to get me to behave, put me on some righteous path. a waste of both my time and yours. " because he'll never change, was born chaotic and it's how he'll die. \ @superzstars
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