#arens sister
kurikoluvrr · 4 months
i have a hc that aren leans on something like a wall or desk or like slightly bows when he’s talking to shun to kinda get down to his level
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arendellesfirstwinter · 2 months
and with the dawn, what comes then?
When the dam breaks, Arendelle faces massive destruction, and Anna has to return home without a sister.
Elsa unfreezes in Ahtohallan to find that she’s still trapped, with no way of contacting the outside world.
As Anna struggles to cope with grief and the sudden responsibilities of being queen of a ruined kingdom, Elsa struggles to break free from Ahtohallan and find her way back home.
Or: AU where Arendelle floods and the ending gets a lot more complicated.
Part Five
Fear will be your enemy.
Elsa abruptly sits up. 
Fear will be your enemy .
Hadn’t she, just a day or two ago, told an icy Runeard that his view on magic was his fear talking? (...A day or two? That doesn’t sound right, but it must be.)
So why is she reenacting her childhood in this frigid chamber? Letting herself be strangled in silence, solitude, and seizing anxiety once again? Is she planning to sit here, curled into a ball, crying, waiting for Anna to rescue her because she’s too scared to stand back up and face starting over?
Anna’s already saved Elsa. It’s why she’s free from frozen captivity in the first place!
And now Elsa’s, what, expecting Anna to burst in, sword swinging and eyes ablaze? To come equipped with a ladder that she’ll lower down to Elsa, then take Elsa’s hand and march her back to the miracle ship that’s somehow forded the Dark Sea when all others have failed and sail happily back home to Arendelle?
Fear will be your enemy, and death its consequence.
Trembling, Elsa unsteadily rises to her feet and balls her fists at her side. Her eyes flicker from the faraway, glowing exit to the edge of the icy platform, calculating the distance once more in her mind. 
Elsa is not going to die here.
(Continued on ao3)
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oceanwithouthermoon · 5 months
kubosai planetarium and art museum dates because theyre both freaking NERDS.
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friendlyeorzean · 9 months
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shenanigans in garlemald
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dionaeia · 11 months
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"Wait. You knew her? Personally?" "I knew all of them," they murmured. "At least, I thought I did. Once. A long time ago." "What were they like?" Some crumpled copy of a smile crossed their face. "They were going to change the world. And around them, the world burned. We can simultaneously be human and monster - that both of those possibilities are in all of us Raise your glass high for tomorrow we die and return from the ashes
w/ @netteliax @octavianrising @destinedgray
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theirloveisgross · 2 months
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Urgent food help 8/16/24
if u see this, we need $78/$$$ of any amoun for 2 kids 5 disabled adults, four whom are gay. we desperately need help for food for the rest of the week and next week, kidsa can go through a box of Ramen in 2 days or one if they unsupervised. Mom needs healthy food & Derek needs diabetic friendly food. My sister has terrible mouth pain so she needs easy to eat food. We aren' allowed access to the fridge. (we only can store insulin in it, liu understands our situation daniel cant)
Next thing that costs us much, uber/lyft, a ride to Walmart costs us 11 typically, then factor in tipping and no public transportation either.
Justwe need food help, as we got insulin thanks yall but I worry about the kids growing up like me,always scared of no next meal. I'm not asking anyone to donate or share, just that if you want to d*nate, be it any amount is more than i had before, or to reblog, to help in anyway you can.
p3ypal c3sh app v3nmo k0fi
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classypauli · 6 months
Pairing: Tara Carpenter x fem!Reader
Summary: Tara´s asthma attack requires doctor´s treatment and having a hot doctor taking care of her is just a bonus, safe to say she likes the bonus better.
Word count: 2.5k
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Tara was in her room, scrolling down on her phone having nothing to do. Her sister was somewhere in the house, getting ready to go out with her boyfriend. Tara sighed, she wasn´t jealous of her sister, she was glad Sam had someone to be by her side other than her. But in times like this Tara felt lonely. Chad was now on his practice and Mindy was having a date. So she was alone, lying in her dark room with the only noise of cars driving behind her closed window.
She stood up and went to the kitchen to grab some water. She needed to find some distraction, this wasn´t good for her mental health, rotting in the bed all day. Besides school, Sam and her friends she has nothing to do or talk to.
And she tried, she used to watch a lot of movies, especially the scary ones, and talk about them, analyze their plots and characters, acting, and cinematography. It was her element. But now it´s different, it brings her feeling and memories that aren´t right. Tara loved having nights out and watching horrors while eating popcorn sitting in her living room. But those thoughts only brought her to one of her ex-friends who betrayed her.
Tara´s chest started to rise and her throat became narrow as her breathing got only worse, she grabbed the bottle of water with shaking hands and started to drink it. This wasn´t her first time having asthma, she had it lots of times, Tara was familiar with it, but still, she couldn´t control it and it was scary.
„Hey I´m heading out-“ Sam came to the kitchen finding her sister leaning against the counter, eyes closed and her hands gripping onto the table. Her knuckles were white from how hard she was holding herself from falling.
„Tara“ she immediately came by her side, eyes wide, holding her sister so she wouldn´t fall, leading her into one of the chairs to sit her down. „It´s gonna be okay, don´t worry...“ she helped her sit and rushed out to her sister´s room for an inhaler.
Sam cursed under her breath, she looked everywhere for it but couldn´t find anything. Finally one was lying in her drawer, she picked it up and ran to the kitchen. Tara´s face was now white, her sternum was rising up and down in a fast way, tears running down her cheeks as her hand was holding onto her shirt.
„Shhh here, take it“ Tara grabs the inhaler with shaking hands almost not able to hold it. After the inhale Sam was expecting her sister to get better, to finally get some oxygen to her lungs. But nothing, Tara tried it again but with no change.
„Fuck“ Sam grabbed her phone from the pocket of her jeans and dialed Danny´s number.
„Hey you ready to go-?“
„Danny! I need your help!“ Sam shouted into her phone as she still was trying to calm down her sister. „Tara´s having an asthma attack!“ Her voice was breaking as she was getting more worried by each second. „Oh God okay okay! I-I´m going to be there in second!“
„Please hurry!“ Sam cancelled the phone call and her hands found their way to her sister´s cheeks. „Just breathe, you know how we do it every time.“ The older sister started to breathe with her, taking big inhales with her nose and exhaling with her mouth. Tara was repeating her sister´s action, looking into her scarred wide eyes.
Danny soon came and helped Sam with Tara into his car. Whole car ride, her breaths were the only thing Tara could hear, her head was spinning and her hands were gripping everything that was near. She was trembling and sniffing the whole ride. Thankfully the hospital wasn´t far and the traffic wasn´t as bad.
„Please! My sister has an asthma!“ Sam yelled as soon as they made their way into the building. Behind the reception table was a woman, she was sitting in her seat, phone in her ear having a conversation with someone. She only looked at them with no interest.
„Ma´am you need to wait-“ Sam cut her off before she could even finish her sentence.
„Are you kidding?! She´s having an asthma attack and you are telling us to wait?!“ a couple of nurses heard her yell and went to help.
„You must calm do-“ the woman tried again, Sam was so angry at the moment that if she wasn´t holding her sister she would jump across the table and beat her up. „I won´t calm down!“
One of the nurses immediately went to find a doctor and the other came by their side and helped them to go down the hallway of the hospital. Tara was now barely walking she was so tired from breathing and her head was spinning.
„Bring her here!“ Sam heard one of the doctors and was so happy that at least someone tried to help, she was so scared. „Okay let's put her here.“ The doctor was pointing at the bed and carefully was holding Tara´s body so she wouldn´t fall.
The nurse came to Sam´s side and started to gently pull her out of the room. „Ma´am please.“ She wanted to be by her sister´s side, she didn´t want to leave her here alone. Sam was afraid something would happen to her, she would never forgive herself. „She will be okay, I promise... There´s no need to worry, we just need you to wait outside.“ Sam nodded, if it meant that Tara would be okay then she would make this sacrifice.
In the room Tara was lying with her knees up leaning her back into the bed, her brain was barely processing what was happening. She just knew that Sam or Danny were no longer with her, which only created more anxiety. Someone was kneeling in front of her.
„Hi... I know how you feel right now and it can look absolutely scary but you won´t die don´t worry.“ The person was giving her some pills „I need you to take this... It will help. I promise.“ Tara took them and was now leaning again trying to calm down. Your voice was calming down her nerves, it was smooth she wanted to hear it again. As she looked up at the person, her heart almost stopped.
You were one of the hottest doctors she has ever seen in her life and she has seen them a lot. You looked so young to be a doctor, she couldn´t even guess your age. You were wearing a white coat with white pants, and around your neck was hanging a stethoscope. These were things she caught before her eyes made it to your face. Your eyes, softly looking at her, and your small smile that was greeting her eyes. In those white clothes, she almost felt like you were an angel.
„Good just slowly breathe in and out... There´s no need to rush.“ Tara kept looking at you shamelessly, not caring about how it may look, you were hot. She didn´t even notice that her breathing calmed down and now she was just sitting there looking at you.
„See! It´s already over.“ You smiled even wider at her, still kneeling in front of her looking up at her face looking for any change. Thankfully, Tara was now absolutely fine and it didn´t look like she would have an attack anytime soon. „Have you ever had an asthma attack before?“
„Yeah, this wasn´t the first time... I´ve been having it since I was a kid.“ She let out, almost whispering her answer as if she was embarrassed by it. „But this was the first time it went this far, usually the inhaler is enough.“
„Well sometimes attacks like this get triggered by situations the body is put into or thoughts, or it can come from nowhere... the symptoms of asthma are often nonspecific and can be precipitated by other disease processes... but based on your mimic and what the girl was yelling in the hallway I knew.“ You winked at her and stood up to go to your table.
„Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder arising from not fully understood heterogenic gene-environment interactions-“ 
Tara stopped to listen to you somewhere in the middle. She kept nodding her head as if she understood everything you were talking about. She didn´t understand one word that came out of your pretty lips.
„-features variable airway obstruction and bronchial hyperresponsiveness-“ God you were so hot when you talked like this. You looked too intelligent using all the medicine words that she could only dream about understanding.
„I gave you bronchodilators... it helps airways, or bronchi in the lungs to open and relax more.“ Tara kept looking at you from head to toe, you were tall and your body build was like a Greek god even under the doctor´s coat. You sat behind your desk and started looking for something, when you found it you smiled at her and went back by her side. 
The way you talked with your body language so confidently was sexy and she was trying so hard not to drool because of you. It got her thinking how old are you, you looked young to be a doctor, or maybe your genes were just good.
„Here... when it gets harder for you to breathe take this.“ You gave her an inhaler, she looked at your hand. Was there something about you that wasn´t attractive? Your hand was much bigger than hers and she could just imagine how her small hand would feel in yours. Tara slowly took it from your hand, making sure that she touched your smooth skin. „I know you have a lot of these at home but this one is a bit stronger.“
You smiled at her still keeping eye contact with your patient, looking for any sign of discomfort. „So I think you are ready to leave.“
Tara didn´t want to leave, she just wanted to look at you even if that meant you wouldn´t talk or pay attention to her, she could just stare at you and how you doing your work. A soft knock was heard on the door and a nurse came in. „Hey we are already done, can you please call the other girl inside?“ you asked her and she immediately went out to call Sam.
Sam rushed in, wide scared eyes looking for her sister. „Tara! Oh God... I was so scared.“ She hugged her, putting her chin on her head, pulling her away to kiss her on the forehead, her hands still on Tara´s side of her face. „Please don´t even scare me like that...“
You watched the whole interaction with a small smile visible on your face. Sam turned to you and thanked you for taking care of her younger sister.
„You don´t have to thank me... it´s my job.“
Sam helped Tara to get on her legs, slowly pulling her up, and holding her afraid that her legs would be too weak. You opened the door for them and they slowly walked outside of your room to the hallway.
„I´m so sorry for our receptionist this shouldn't be like this, I´ll take care of that, you can rely.“ You smiled at Sam and then Tara, winking at her again. The girl blushed at your action and looked down. Why was she so nervous around you? Her heart was beating and her body just wanted to reach out for yours.
„Take care! Hopefully, we won´t see each other under these circumstances again!“ you laughed and slowly started walking away down the hallway of the hospital. Tara now was looking at your back till she felt Sam´s arm tighten around her to hold her better.
She was now sitting in a car, looking out of the window, she wanted to see you again, so badly. She didn´t even know your name! Her mind was submerged by your face and your body, the way you smiled at her and talked to her, you were paying attention to her, and that made her so special. Being around you felt so different, like a fresh air in her life, even when she was with you only a couple of seconds.
When Mindy and Chad found out what happened they came to the Carpenter´s house. Everyone stayed by Tara´s side the whole day, talking, joking around, laughing, watching movies... and Tara still couldn´t stop thinking about her hot doctor.
„You are more quiet than usual, care to share?“ Mindy sits beside her on the couch looking at Tara. The girl only let out a sigh and looked back at her friend.
„Mindy... that doctor... was so hot.“ She threw her head back and closed her eyes. Mindy laughed at her and punched her thigh slightly.
„Don´t tell me you have a crush on some old fart.“
Tara turned her head to her lowering her eyebrows at her as she shook her head. „She wasn´t old, she looked really young! Almost our age!“
Mindy looked confused at her, most of the doctors were old, or at least around forty. Either you looked young or you were a young medic. They wanted to find you somewhere on social media but Tara didn´t even know your first name, so they went to the official page of the hospital and started looking at the personnel working there but they didn´t find anything.
Until they came across the photo of the all hospital workers, doctors, and nurses smiling at the camera. There was you, besides the nurse that was with you today and some other doctor, wide smile across your face.
„Damn! You are right she looks hot!“ Mindy moved her eyebrows up and down in a teasing motion, zooming the photo at you. „You got lucky Tara...“ she whispered looking at the photo. Tara snatched the phone from her hands and held it by her side in a protective way.
„I found her first! Find your doctor!“ Tara yelled at her friend but she only put her hands up.
„No need to be defensive, I won´t take her away from you.“
„You better.“ Tara mumbled, looking at her phone again, making a small pout with her lower lip. You caught her attention instantly, everything about you was mesmerizing. Tara only hoped that you would meet again. She was thinking about all the ways how to end up in the hospital... in your doctor´s bed. Or maybe even your own.
„Well getting treatment from a young doctor is definitely a jackpot.“ Mindy commented and laughed at her friend. „And even HOT doctor! That sounds like a big bonus to me.“
Yeah, Tara liked the bonus much better.
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siscon-stsg · 3 months
big brother Satoru teasing his little sister for not being able to take all of his cock
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BIGBRO!TORU who can't get enough of how tiny you are! he loves that his hands are so big when he holds your tits, or grabs your waist or hips, or how they engulf your head when SATORU grabs each side and fucks into your pretty mouth~ BIGBRO!TORU loves choking you on his sheer length and girth, loves how your hand struggles to wrap around him when you give him a handjob, and specially loves looking at you when you take him in your pretty holes. 🩷 “eyes on me, pretty,” he'd hiss, eyes shifting between your pained expression and your pussy stretching so obscenely wide to take him in. SATORU needs to have a firm grip on the base of his cock to guide it in from how overwhelmingly tight you are. he loves to take your pretty pussy in missionary, and your tight ass in doggy in front of the mirror to watch your ass painfully stretched and your beautiful face contorted in pleasure. “aren' you so t'ny f'me... big bro's lil' fuckdoll~”
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ratedfleur · 4 months
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… prince!jake who took a liking into the head guard’s daughter who recently became a maid for his sister..
jake knew it was practically impossible to be able to have even a brief moment with you when he knew that you were like his sister’s tail, so he quickly formulated a plan that he wish he could execute well.
waltzing through the halls, jake walked gracefully with a hum accompanying him, smile gently placed on his face as he greeted those maids and palace guards that he passed by as he made his way towards his little sister’s piano room.
he didn’t bother to knock and instead he quickly and quietly slipped into the room like a mice looking for cheese, and alas, you were right there standing prettily by the wall as his sister, julie, was gracefully playing the piano.
julie's fingers came crashing down when she caught a whiff of jake’s wood-like perfume when he tried to walk past her, an array of notes came when her fingers harshly pressed the piano keys, “oppa, why are you here?” julie says, face stoic as she turned her head to look at jake who cheekily smiled at her, clearly caught in the act as he stood straight with his hands clasped together.
“oh nothing, can’t i just hang with you? i mean, you have a few weeks before you’re to be sent off to london, can’t i bond with my baby sister?” jake asks, eyes clearly pure and innocent as he spoke to julie. 
furrowing her brows at him, she dismisses him with a wave of the hand before she turned her head to face the piano once more, “i suppose you could stay.. oppa, please just don’t interrupt me while i play this last song then i guess we could hang.” she says while making air quotations.
smiling triumphantly, jake quickly makes his way beside you who let out a little sound when he stood beside you, merely a few inches apart from you.
you knew you couldn’t look jake straight in the eye when he turned his head to look at you, you simply kept your head down, eyes fixated on the ground as your hands fiddled around with themselves despite seeing jake’s feet turn to face you.
“you are permitted to look at me, you know? i don’t bite unlike that little dragon over there.” jake jokes, making you purse your lips into a line as you turned your head as you looked up at jake, eyes innocently looking at jake’s sharp ones that curve into a smile when he meets eyes with you.
seeing that you were shy, jake turns back to avoid your gaze, hearing you take a little breath of relief when he does turn away from you. you kept your eyes fixated on your master who continued to gracefully play the piano, a soft melody emitting from the piano which echoed all over the piano room.
now that you’ve seen jake a little up close, you noticed how your young master had the same features as the man, she had puppy like features, much like an angrier and fiercer version of jake’s softer ones.
despite nearly resembling each other, their personalities were far from the same. just like their different features, it was exactly the same as their personalities. jake had the puppy-like and friendly personality whilst your young master was blunt and stoic.
lost in your own thoughts, you didn’t notice how jake was quietly speaking to you, “… here?” jake asks, head slightly turned to look at you.
flustered, you turned your body to face him before you bowed as an apology, “apologies, my lord.. could you repeat that? i wasn’t paying attention..” you say shyly, eyes still avoiding jake’s who had his eyes curled up into a smile as he chuckled.
“i said, how are you liking it here? it hasn’t been long since you moved to the palace, am i mistaken?” jake asks once more, eyes twinkling when you do nod because he made sure that your stay in the palace is well, always reminding his maid to take care of you in his behalf.
silence blankets itself over you both, making jake's eyes dart from all over the room as he thought of another topic, clearly i didn't think this through, jake thought to himself.
"have you seen the new garden? aren't the new flowers marvelous?" jake asks, pointing over to the window where the garden could be seen.
your eyes twinkle, making jake smile when you ramble about the new flowers you’ve planted for the dear queen a few weeks ago.
"i just think the garden looks breathtaking with the new peruvian lilies– were.. were you listening?" you ask as you turned your head to look at jake who seemed uninterested in your ramble, his eyes were empty before he blinked at you.
"you're pretty." jake says blankly before your cheeks flush red when jake's own cheeks mirror your own, his eyes avoid yours as he looks on the ground before the huge doors push open, revealing the king who's eyes immediately land on jake's guilty ones.
"jake, come along. do remember not to bother julie when she's making use of her practice time." the king's voice booms in the room as jake sheepishly smiles at you, bidding his goodbyes before leaving alongside the king.
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gor3-hound · 3 months
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ft. brother!naoya x sister!reader
a/n: art by @/sakurai_itachi on twitter/x !! another commission for my fave @nexysworld ♡ more naoya... i feel like i'm single handedly populating the naoya x reader tag atp 😭😭😭 as always, feedback and reblogs super appreciated !!
cw: 18+ content, brother/sister incest, breeding, misogyny, kinda dub-con but very barely, spit, kissing, p in v, creampie, biting, tinyyyy amount of blood, naoya has feelings that he doesn't know how to handle, cockwarming
word count: 1.9k words
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Growing up in the Zen'in clan taught you one important lesson - women would always be seen as inferior to men. It did not matter how hard you worked to prove yourself to the Elders in the clan. You were a woman, and that was crime enough.
More than anyone, Naoya had every right to resent you. Your mere existence was an inconvenience to him, but more than that, your birth dishonoured him. He already had to fight harder than your brothers to climb to the top and become the head of the clan, but sharing a womb with a woman was unforgivable. He was constantly ridiculed for having a female twin, and in turn, you were treated as a stain on the Zen'in name for bringing shame to a Zen'in heir.
Despite everything, Naoya could not bring himself to hate you. You were nothing but a woman, a thing. But he could not see his own twin as such. You were close when the two of you were younger, but as the years went on, you grew more and more distant. Now, with both of you past the age of adulthood and his claim to the clan stronger than before, you've been completely avoiding him.
If anyone asked why he was so obsessed with your absence, he would lie and say that his ego would not allow a mere woman to disrespect him so heavily by thinking she could be the one to ignore him, but the truth of the matter was that he missed you. Dearly. The thought alone had him burning red with embarrassment. He was meant to be better than this, and yet he was letting his emotions get the better of him over a stupid girl.
He strolls to your room late at night when he's sure he won't be caught. He doesn't want to explain to any of the assholes in his clan that he was about to grovel to his sister because he missed her company. He'd never recover. In fact, Naoya would rather die on the spot than be caught being so soft around you.
Naoya takes a deep breath before he pushes open the door to your room, eyes falling on your form sitting at the edge of your bed, bent over a book. He runs a hand through his hair before rapping his knuckles against the open doorway to get your attention.
“Hey.” He murmurs, shifting awkwardly between his feet, clearing his throat when you look up at him. “I piss you off or something? No need to be a bitch about it. Can't do anything if you don't tell me.”
He inwardly cringes at his words. He doesn't know how to do this, but he was willing to apologise if he upset you. He shuts his eyes for a moment sighing before speaking up again. “You've been avoidin’ me. Don't let what the old bastard said at dinner the other night get to you. I know you're a woman, but you're still a Zen'in. No need to be so sensitive.”
“I haven't been avoiding you.” You say in response, brows knitting together. Both of you know it's a lie - you'd always been an awful liar. Naoya scoffs, raising a brow at you. “And it had nothing to do with father. I've gotten used to him over the course of over two decades being his daughter.”
“You are avoiding me.” He huffs, stepping into the room and kicking the door shut behind him. “Don't bullshit me. You're a fuckin’ awful liar.”
Your jaw tenses for a moment as you close your book, setting it on the bedside table. Your eyes flick up, meeting him as he sits at the head of your bed, leaning back against the pillows.
“Father has not bothered me.” You repeat, running a hand over your face. “But our eldest brother has spoken of marrying the girl he's seeing. You spend too much time with me. We aren't kids anymore. My presence isn't helping your reputation. If we were seen less together, you could have more luck producing and heir to solidify your claim to-”
He should hate you, really. You'd ruined his chances at the life he wanted - the life he deserved a chance at by birth. He wasn't used to this tightness in his chest. Why was he so upset by you acting as if you were the reason he was seen as lesser by the clan if it was the truth?
“Are you fuckin' kiddin’ me?” Naoya hisses, eyes narrowing in disbelief. “We both know my claim was practically non-existent the moment your gender was revealed at birth. Not spendin’ time together isn't gonna do shit.”
He pauses for a moment, his eyes dropping to flicker over your body in a way that makes you tense. You can feel his gaze burning through you, a knot twisting your stomach. His expression darkens as he meets your eyes once more - he's made up his mind.
“You can fix this, y'know.” He murmurs, shifting closer to you in the bed. He chuckles as you back up, grin spreading across his face when you're pressed back against the headboard with nowhere to go. Naoya let's his head dip forward, nosing at the crook of your neck.
“So worried about my reputation. It isn't your place as a woman to worry about me.” He growls against your neck, continuing the trail of heated kisses along your skin, tongue darting out to taste you. He bites down before pulling back to meet your eyes. “If father needs an heir to legitimise me, we'll give him one.”
“Naoya, we can't. You're my brother-”
He cuts you off with a laugh, running his tongue along his teeth before he continues sucking marks along the length of your throat. “And? Our cousin did it, and he's on a vacation in Venice with his sister. As long as it's not a servant girl, our dear father doesn't give a shit.”
“You're nothing.” He hisses against your skin. To him, it isn't an insult. It's a mere fact. His breath is hot against the skin of your neck as he pulls back just enough to gaze at your body, hands moving to gently pull open your robes. “I can make you something. Give you some power in the clan. Just need you to go along with this, yeah?”
He kisses you to silence any protests that might bubble up, pushing the fabric away from your body as he works on undressing himself. He kisses you like he wants to possess you, teeth pulling at your lower lip, hands grasping your waist tight enough to bruise as soon as they're free. Naoya slips his tongue into your mouth with a groan, tasting you, claiming you. 
You break the kiss when you feel his fingers hook themselves in the waistband of your panties, eyes shooting open. “Naoya, wait-” 
“Shut up.” He hisses, but there's no real bite behind his words. He lines himself up with your entrance, chest rising and falling more rapidly than usual as he struggles to calm his breathing. “This is your duty. You ruined me. You can… you can fix this. You said you wished to help me solidify my claim, yeah? That's why you're avoidin’ me? This is how you can make up for all the years of ridicule I was subjected to.”
He presses forward slightly, just enough that you can feel the pressure of his cock trying to break through the tight ring of muscle. You take a deep breath, waiting for movement that doesn't come. He's just staring at you - waiting for some kind of agreement, you realise. With a shaky breath, you push back against him, nails digging into his arms as he presses forward, slowly sinking into you until he's buried to the hilt.
Naoya knows you're a virgin - not only because you're his sister, and he knows you enough to know you wouldn't destroy your honour before marriage - but also because of how fucking tight you're squeezing around him. He's warring with his body, trying to bring himself to go slow, to ease you into it.
But he's selfish. Even when it comes to you. He can't stop himself. He fucks into you roughly, shushing you gently as you make soft, pained noises. He grunts words of praise under his breath - so tight, so good for me, doing so well. Anything he can think of to soothe you.
“Gonna stuff you so full… gonna have you dripping me for weeks.” He groans, bracing himself with his arms either side of your head, holding his weight up as he fucks into you harshly, each thrust making the bed frame creak. The sight of your lips parted makes him feel a little dizzy, the pleasured little gasps spilling from them making his cock twitch. Drool pools on his tongue as he leans over you, and he opens his mouth to let the spit trickle onto your own before he leans down to press his lips against yours. The movement of his hips grows sloppy as he licks into your mouth, tongue exploring you forcefully, like he's attempting to claim every inch of you.
He bites your lip when he pulls back, drawing blood. His gaze is hooded with lust as he fucks into you, tongue darting out to lick the blood clean off your lip. He grins as he straightens back up, his hands grasping your hips as he begins to fuck into you with slow, deep thrusts, grunting as your cunt clings to him every time he starts to pull back.
“Milkin’ me dry, huh? Clenchin’ around your own brother's cock, don't even want me to pull out…” He punctuates his words with a particularly harsh thrust, pulling you back against him. “Gonna cum… gonna fuckin’ cum, shit. Cum first, baby. Wanna feel that cunt grippin’ me before I fill you up.”
It doesn't take much more than that to have you seize up, body tensing as your release rushes over you in waves. He fucks you through it, drawing out your pleasure until he stills inside of you, choking out a moan as he shoots his load deep inside of you. He stays there for a moment, just taking in the feeling of you wrapped around him.
His gaze flutters down to you, and he collapses on top of you with a sigh before flipping the both of you over so you're lying on top of him without pulling out. His arms snake around your waist, your head resting against him.
“Didn't take you for a cuddler.” You tease after a moment, practically going up.
“Shut up. Fuckin’ brat.” He huffs, a hand coming up to the back of your head to press your face into his neck. “S'not cuddlin’. I'm making sure it takes. Gotta keep you plugged, yeah?”
You both know that's not the whole truth, but you say nothing as you settle against him, shutting your eyes as you relax in his arms. You'd deal with whatever this leads to in the morning, but for now, you were content to fall asleep with your brother.
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and with the dawn, what comes then?
When the dam breaks, Arendelle faces massive destruction, and Anna has to return home without a sister.
Elsa unfreezes in Ahtohallan to find that she’s still trapped, with no way of contacting the outside world.
As Anna struggles to cope with grief and the sudden responsibilities of being queen of a ruined kingdom, Elsa struggles to break free from Ahtohallan and find her way back home.
Or: AU where Arendelle floods and the ending gets a lot more complicated.
Part Six:
The exit is there. It’s so close.
Elsa grits her teeth. She hasn’t poured her soul into those stairs, hasn’t struggled tooth and nail against her magic and memories to give up now, not after she’s on solid ground and inches from freedom’s path.
Whatever reason Ahtohallan has for keeping her here means nothing.
Elsa will make it back to Anna.
(Continued on ao3)
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mrsnerdygirl · 19 days
I have heard about a million times , people saying that , Bellatrix only liked Voldemort because of his power, and Voldemort only slept with Bella because of her looks.
I don’t agree with this, because I think it brings down their relationship , and why it is so beautiful to me . For starters when you speak about looks , and lord Voldemort together, it immediately makes ZERO sense. Of course he was VERY attractive when he was young but that doesn’t mean that he made a person, a death eater because they were hot . Voldemort saw as important, skills and power , and blood pureness , not the way people looked.
I have this headcannon , that while sure he did find Bella attractive all the time , she was the MOST beautiful to him, when she tortured or killed people for him .
Growing up , Voldemort never had anyone do something for him , simply because they loved him . I mean his friends followed his commands in school because they wanted to be feared and successful , not because they loved him or appreciated him as a friend. His death eaters committed crimes because they wanted to , and because they feared saying no . Bellatrix did everything because she had the same interest as him , and she killed her cousin and niece and stopped talking to her sister , to show how little everyone else mattered to her , when it came to him .
Also , when Bellatrix came back from Azkaban and when Voldemort came back more beast than human , everyone was scared to look at him , but Bellatrix kept loving him and didn’t shy away . Which means that looks were never an issue .
On the other hand , when it comes to power , while I’m sure that the first think Bella appreciated about Voldemort was his power , I don’t think she was with him because of it . She wanted power , and she became a death eater for it ,but I doubt she only was with him because of it . I mean she did so much for him , she went crazy when he left , proudly announced she was a death eater , she left her sister behind ,who she clearly loves so dearly , all for power?
I mean I’m sure that every other death eater was there for power , like luscius , the carrows etc., but they all denied, denied, denied , while Bella didn’t hesitate once.
She fought in the battle , while she was still weak from giving birth , which no other person would have done(accept of her niece, which shows exactly how the blacks are).
Also there are situations throughout the book that show the connection they had . In “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix” , when Harry broke the prophecy, and he was fighting against Bella , Voldemort came and took Bella away the moment the situation heated up . He knew that his fight with Dumbledore wouldn’t be a children’s play, as well as knew that the ministry would soon arrive and while they wouldn’t be able to catch him, they could catch Bella. And he was right , the ministry came , they saw him , but didn’t manage to trap Voldemort . They did catch up to the Death Eaters though, which resulted into them being thrown in Azkaban .
In the deathly hallows, we see that Voldemort had learnt about Dora's marriage and that was clearly not good about Bellatrix or the Malfoys, but while he makes fun in general of the family, the moment he sees that Bellatrix was getting embarrassed and that they were making fun of her, he stopped the other Death Eaters.
When Voldemort faints after he hits harry with the killing curse, only Bellatrix dares to go near him, while everyone tried to get away as far as possible.
When Bella gets hit by the killing curse,he screams. He didnt have such a dramatic reaction for any of his death eaters. We actually see that he gets THAT mad only when something important gets destroyed. He clearly stops acting as if the battle is a fun game, and tries to wipe away molly. He could kill 3 important people to the order of the phoenix, but choses instead to kill molly, who wasnt important at all.
Now, i know that most people see villains as people who arent capable of having any feelings towards human beings. But villains are actually as human as any other person, and compared to the heros who are always sacrificing themselves and moving on fast, villains go through events more dramatically, for longer periods of time, much like any other human being. After all, any normal person sees a hero, and admires their courage to be strong, knowing that they could never do it.
Voldemort does have feelings though, as much as any other person. While he killed people brutally, and never felt live as a child, it doesnt mean he didnt feel love or any other emotion.
So to understand better here is an example, in deathly hallows, when harry goes inside of Hogwarts while under the invisibility clock, he sees that Ginny , his lover, nearly dies, and that maked him change his plans fully. Instead of charging towards Voldemort, he turns to Bellatrix Lestrange to make sure that she wont harm Ginny, because the thought of her getting injured or worse dieing makes him want to burst .
When Molly kills Bellatrix, Voldemort changes his plans, and turns in Molly's direction to take revenge for her.
I think that this must have helped most people to understand that, what Voldemort amd Bellatrix had wasnt just a fling, and that it actually was the closest to true love those two had come across.
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thebookworm0001 · 2 months
Fun Sized - Banter Update
Rating: T for innuendo
Summary: Ellana is short. Really short. So of course her companions have to tease her about it.
Link: AO3
Sera: You’re short. Like. Really short.
Ellana: What? I had no idea. I’d spent this whole time thinking everyone else was just exceptionally tall. 
Sera: [Giggles] That would be a trip, wouldn’t it. Wonder if that’s why dwarves are all… like that.
Ellana: The taller the ladder you need to reach your own cabinets, the grumpier you are. It’s just a fact.
(cont. under the cut)
Sera: But you’re not grumpy. Most of the times, at least. 
[if The Iron Bull is in the party]
Bull: That’s because she’s got a good view.
Ellana: I can promise you, that has nothing to do with it. 
Bull: Hey, you can enjoy the painting without wanting to eat the bowl of fruit.
Ellana: Funny, I don’t see any works of art around here. 
Bull: There’s some kitchen servants who might disagree with you. 
Ellana: [Laughs] You should say that to my sister. I’m sure she’d have some stories to tell that say otherwise.
Varric: Anyone ever ask you if one of your parents was a dwarf?
Ellana: Oh, very original. Never heard that one before. Are you going to ask if I stunted my growth by sitting in my aravel for too long next? Got kicked in the head by a Halla?
Varric: It’s a serious question. Usually the people I see eye-to-eye with have more than a passing affiliation with the Merchants Guild. 
Varric: With the right contacts and some clever paperwork, you could make some serious coin.
Ellana: Are you… asking if I want to con the Merchant’s Guild?
Varric: No, no, not at all.
Varric: Just saying, when all this is over, you have options.
Ellana: I’m sure my vallaslin won’t cause any problems in this plan of yours.
Varric: Evidence of a forbidden romance. People love a good tragedy - even better if you can scrape out a happy end despite it. 
Varric: They’ll be eating out of the palm of your hand.
Vivienne: I was speaking with our Lady Ambassador earlier, and she informed me you had rather firmly rejected her suggestion of incorporating heels into your ensemble.
Ellana: I did. 
Vivienne: Might I inquire as to why?
Ellana: Is it not enough that I simply do not want to wear heels?
Vivienne: Desire is reason enough to do anything, my dear. That does not make it wise.
Vivienne: You are an image for all of Thedas to aspire too, and your battle for legitimacy is not one that will be easily won.
Vivienne: It might help ease the process if those you wish to impress do not have to literally look down their noses at you. 
Ellana: Perhaps. Though I doubt anyone who already dislikes me will have their minds changed by a pair of fancy footwear.
Ellana: Anyway, any respect I gained would be quickly lost the minute I tripped and fell on my ass in front of a room full of dignitaries. 
Ellana: Or even better, I caught my new armor on fire. That would give everyone something to talk about.
Vivienne: Yes, well. Perhaps you are right. Some clever tailoring, then. And posture lessons.
Vivienne: One does not need to be imposing to command a room. 
Bull: Hey Kitten, you ever get lost, just look for the horns. Can’t miss ‘em.
Ellana: And where do you think I’ll be getting so lost that I’ll need to use you as a landmark?
Bull: Oh I don’t know. The crowds in Val Royeaux can get pretty nasty. Then there’s the ramparts, wrecked towns, corn mazes, overgrown fields. Really, just about anywhere.
Ellana: I- I’m not going to disappear into the grass like a lost girl in a child’s story. 
Ellana: What, should I leave a trail of bread behind me? Find a dog to guard me from the Dread Wolf?
Bull: I hear those Ferelden dogs come in pretty handy, actually. But no.
Bull: We might want to put a bell on you though, just in case.
Ellana: Think it’ll rain today?
Bull: Depends.
Ellana: On?
Bull: If you’re aiming at my height or my bad ankle.
Ellana: I could just be making small talk. Plenty of people talk about the weather.
Bull: Yeah, but most people aren’t wringing their fingers for an hour trying to come up with a clever way to ask about it. 
Ellana: My sister was always better at jokes than I was. 
Bull: That’s alright. You’ve got your own strengths.
Bull: For example, I think you’d make a very talented armrest.
Ellana: You know I can set you on fire, right?
Bull: Don’t worry, Kitten, you’re very scary.  
Inspired by @shift-shaping 
Bull: Solas, did you hurt yourself in our last fight?
Solas: I do not believe so. Why?
Bull: You’ve been rubbing at your neck more than usual. Thought you might’ve tweaked it after that one move. I’ve got some tips that could help if it’s sore.
Solas: I thank you for the concern. Your advice would be appreciated. 
Bull: Well, first off, you’ve got to start lifting with your knees. The Inquisitor’s tiny, but that doesn’t mean you can’t hurt yourself picking her up. 
Solas: Excuse me?
Bull: Oh, and you should probably invest in some cushions, maybe those feathery ones the Orlesians have. It’ll help you stay on your knees longer.
Solas: That is none of your concern.
Bull: It is when I get between you and the next templar that takes advantage of your stiff back. 
Bull: Those charging bastards hurt, you know.
Ellana: What information do I have to pass along to the Qun to get you to stop?
Bull: What? It’s friendly advice. If he keeps bending over, he’s going to get stuck that way. 
Bull: I’m just saying, It’s easier if he comes down to your level. 
Ellana: Please just tell me who Josephine needs to blackmail for this to end.
Bull: [Laughs] Now where’s the fun in that?    
Blackwall: So, you and the Lady Inquisitor, how does that work?
Solas: Much like any other relationship, presumably. 
Blackwall: Most relationships don’t have one party towering over the other. 
Solas: Really? That is your concern?
Blackwall: Not a concern. Just curious, is all. 
Blackwall: I mean, it can’t be easy. It looks like she’d need to climb scaffolding for anything to line up properly.
[If Cole is in the party] 
Cole: She is precious, held wholly in the palm of my hands. Sweet, small like the frilly cakes she brings me from the kitchens. 
Cole: He likes how small she is. He thinks it’s cute.
Blackwall: Well wasn’t that just adorable.
Ellana: Oh is that a dragon I see overhead? No? Pity. I would have appreciated being eaten right about now.
Blackwall: I’m sure Solas would be happy to oblige, my Lady.
Ellana: [Groans] Kill me now.
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towriteloveontheirarms · 10 months
Our love is god (modern!Heathers JD type!Aemond Targaryen x Reader)
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synopsis: High school is hell. Truly. However, the one person you think will finally make it better, only makes it so much more worse.
warnings: angst, making out, death, murder, faked suicide, sexual abuse, physical violence, gun violence, afab reader
word count: 6.4k
taglist: @hopelesswritergall, @urmomsgirlfriend1
(If you want to be tagged for a specific character/fandom/series or in general let me know in my asks, comments or DMs)
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King´s Landing high school. Your own personal hell as you liked to call it in your journal. You really thought joining forces with the devils that ran it would help you get through it, but all it did was make things harder. You left your real friends and unpopularity behind for a seat at the same table as the Baratheon sisters, only to help them bully the rest of the school and focus on your looks and parties more than anything else. You dreaded seeing them every day. Floris wasn´t as bad you had to admit, she was nice. A cheerleader, but in the end she still participated in her sisters doings. Cassandra was a more devout follower. The year book committee and the boob job that mommy paid for made her think she was more than she actually was, but even she couldn´t reach the tyranny of their sister Maris. She truly was a mythic bitch. Drowning in your thoughts, one makes its reoccurring return. College will be paradise if you´re not dead by graduation.
From the side you could feel an elbow get rammed into your ribs painfully.
“Ow. What´s your damage, Maris?” You spit out the words while rubbing the sore spot on your side.
“Stop whining. You are going to go to the big frat party with me this weekend. You should be thankful.” Just hearing her tone made you want to punch her in the boob or something. Gods, you couldn´t even think straight.
“Yay, great.” You can barely hide the sarcasm in your faked excitement.
However Maris doesn´t get the chance to say anything about it as right in that moment a commotion breaks out in the back of the cafeteria. With your old friends you would have been able to just ignore it, but with the Baratheons? No chance. The four of you turn around to see Cregan Stark and Qyle Martell harassing a student you think you have never seen before, which is highly unlikely as literally everyone here had been to kindergarten, elementary school and middle school together. Despite not recognizing him, you feel an immediate yet inexplainable attraction towards him. The whole ethereal beauty that he had going on was really working for him. So much so, that when the bickering stops and a gasp rolls through the cafeteria as the stranger pulls out a gun, you aren´t even that deterred. In fact you think it´s kinda funny how the two jocks pee their pants at being shot with blanks. They deserve some push back to their constant bullying.
But even that little moment can´t lift your mood long enough to get you over the party. When Maris picks you up in her dad´s way too expensive car you already feel like sending her away again. On the other hand you might as well end your own social life then. No.
“And don´t forget the corn nuts!” Maris yells after you as you walk towards the convenience store on your way to that stupid frat party.
“Plain or bbq?” You yell back.
“Bbq!” You get your answer in the middle of the door.
Rolling your eyes so she doesn´t see it you make your way through the store grabbing the snacks and looking around until you almost run into someone.
“Oh, sorry I didn´t look where I was going.” You take a step back feeling your cheeks heat in embarrassment as you recognize the stranger from school.
“It´s okay… You know, I´m not the biggest fan of your friend either.” He says as he grabs some snacks himself.
“What?” His statement catches you off guard quite a bit.
“I watched you… Today during lunch and how you rolled your eyes at her.” He explains as if it is nothing.
“You´ve been watching me?” You ask surprised, but with a smile on your face. “Should I be flattered or scared?”
"A little bit of both maybe?" He leans against one of the shelves. Putting on a half smile himself. A very handsome one at that. For the first time you really study him. The way his silver hair flows past his shoulders. The intense look of his right eye and the scar above his left one. The sharpness of his cheekbones, nose and chin. Until your eyes stick to his lips. Those perfect, pink lips with the sharp cupids bow.
"I can do that..." You whisper more to yourself than the lean person in front of you.
That's when the penetrating sound of a car horn and Maris screaming your name pulls the two of you back to reality.
"Better run quick. Your friend is waiting." He teases as you make your way to the Cash register. Your name rolling of his tongue in the most promising manner. Promising what? That is what you wanted to find out.
“I should.” You sigh. “But before I go… Since you know my name, it´s kind of only fair to tell me yours, don´t you think?”
“Aemond. Aemond Targaryen.” He finally introduces himself and upon hearing his last name you remember him distantly. You had talked to his sister Helaena once or twice a few years ago.
“Well, it was nice meeting you Aemond Targaryen, but I have to go appease the will of a high school tyrant now…” You shoot him a wink and get back to the car as quickly as possible.
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The party, much like you thought, is a total bust. The music is complete shit, the alcohol is cheap and Maris leaves you alone to do god knows what with some frat bro almost immediately. Leaving you alone to be harassed by his friend. It all together gives you a major headache and so you leave at the first chance. Walking home still is a better option than having to bear this any longer.
You arrive there late, but the fresh air helps the headache. To your further luck, your parents are already asleep so you can go to your room directly. Writing out all your frustrations in your journal.
While you do so there is a tap on the window. Jolting out of your seat, you see Aemond standing there.
“Greetings and salutations.” He says as you open up for him to come inside. An invitation he takes instantly. “So how was the party?”
“About as good as one would think…” You scoff, closing your journal as you turn towards him.
“Ah… I bet your presence was missed greatly.” He says, the words dripping with sarcasm and making you laugh. I was nice to really laugh for the first time in a while. The two of you talk some more and somehow end the night cuddled up naked under the blankets. Remnants of both of your juices sticking to your thighs as you talk about gods know what. You honestly can´t pay much attention. Yet even post nut clarity couldn´t give you the realization that he just found out where you lived and came in through your gods damn window. Probably because his kisses kept your mind far away enough from reality.
“Maris Baratheon is one bitch that deserves to die.” He sighs.
“Killing her won´t solve anything. I say we just grow up be adults and then die.” You reply in a quiet tone. Your faces so close to each other that there is barely even an inch between you. Perfect to pull him in once more. Locking your lips in a deep, passionate kiss.
The two of you fall asleep soon after. A tangle of limbs and your head tucked under his chin, on his chest. However when you open your eyes again you are alone. The only sign of Aemonds company the previous night being your own nakedness and a few marks he had left on you that would be easily covered up.
The real shock comes when you get back to school on monday. Meeting up with the Baratheon sisters as every morning, you are surprised to see only Cassandra and Floris. Who look tired. Well, Floris looks tired and quite sad. Cas looks as unbothered as ever, if not a bit happy.
“Where did you leave Maris?” You ask coming to a stop in front of them.
“Didn´t you hear? She killed herself two days ago…” Floris reveals with a quiet voice. Your heart sets out for a beat at the news.
“Yeah, where have you been all weekend?” Cas adds.
“I- I don´t know… I´m sorry for what happened with your sister. You put your sunglasses back on and leave them to find Aemond.
“Hey.” You great him with a small peck.
“What is going on? You look like someone just died.” He remarks, pulling you close to him and placing another peck to your cheek.
“My best friend just killed herself.” You murmur.
“Don´t you mean your worst enemy?” He replies with a small grin.
“Same difference.” Still bewildered by the happenings of this morning, you shake your head and then go to class with Aemond.
Only to learn then that you would all get a half day off. A half day seemed to be fairly less for a student just committing suicide in your opinion, especially one as influential as Maris, but then again she also enjoyed more fame than during her life. So at least she couldn´t complain. You felt a bit bad for entertaining that thought. Then again with how many lifes she had ruined...
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Going to school after that was even worse for weeks. Everyone was romanticizing Maris´ reign of terror, Cassandra silently took over what her sister had started, or at least tried to and you? Well, you only ever got away from it all when you spent time away from it with Aemond, who seemed surprisingly chill, if not smug about the bully being out of the way. The two of you get closer quick during that time. He is the most understanding boyfriend you could have ever wished for. Even his few quirks are cute. Yet he keeps his darker sides safely tucked away from you. At least for now, he vows himself. Who would have known it could get even worse.
When you enter the school building the next day, everyone is staring at you, talking to their friends in hushed whispers. At first you assume it was the usual whispers, but when Cas comes up to you, you quickly get taught better.
“You little bitch. I never knew you were that kind of person.” She says with a wide complacent grin firm on her face.
“What are you even talking about, Cas? What the hell is going on here? What is everyone talking about?” You hiss. Gripping Aemond´s hand slightly, who seemed just as confused as you were. Though he was more successful in concealing his feelings.
“Shouldn´t you know what you did? “ your supposed friend feigns innocence. It really makes you want to slap the holier than thou look off her face.
“Just. Tell. Me.” You make sure to put emphasis on every single word.
“Qyle and Cregan are going around telling everyone you blew them.” She holds her hand in front of her mouth to hide her giggle.
Without another word, you stomp past her. Running around the next corner, where Aemond stops you.
“Hey. Hey! Angel, where are you going?” He questions. Holding you by the shoulders.
“To those stupid… fucking…” You let out an undefinable sound of frustration. “They may get away with harassing the all the girls of this entire school, but not me.”
 “You have to take a breath and calm down.” He says in a low voice as to not attract any more attention.
“Don’t tell me to calm down.” You seethe, but at least you stop marching through the mass of other students.
“Calm down.” He reiterates. “I already have a plan.”
Right in that moment however the bell rings signaling the start of first period. And it is pure horror. The whispers all around you echo in your head even when it is entirely silent. Teachers drone on and on about topics that you couldn´t get less of a shit about. Cassandra and Floris arent´t any help with any of it either of course. With how nice Floris tended to be it was easy to forget who they were sometimes. Time stretches endlessly until you reach home. Sitting down on your bed, you wait for the telltale sign of Aemond coming over. By now the knocking on the window doesn´t even startle you anymore. The opposite is the case. Whenever you hear it, your heart instinctively skips a beat. Just like it does now.  You open the window and watch Aemond hop inside. Greeting him with one, two, three little pecks to the lips you pull him to the bed with you by the lapels of his leather jacket. Barely separating from him as you do so, you grin against his lips at the way his large hands grab your hips to pull your body close to his.
“I missed you so much.” He hums against your mouth between kisses.
“We haven´t seen each other for two hours.” You giggle. Running a gentle hand over his chest as the fingernails of the other massage his neck.
“I know and it felt like an eternity.” Aemond all but growls against your neck. Biting it lightly, before sucking a mark into the supple flesh.
You let out a trembling whine at the tingling feeling his lips chase down your spine. The needy sound followed by an amused chuckle from him.
“So, your still out for revenge?” He growls against your neck.
“Yes.” You answer just a bit more breathless than before.
“Good.” Aemond pulls away from you and throws two guns beside you on the bed. Startled by them, you jump back. Looking at the blond, who returns it with a smug expression.
“Aem, I want to pay them back not murder them!” You shriek, settling down a good bit away from the weapons. He on the other hand is eerily calm.
“Do you take german?” He asks as he sits down and takes your hands.
“French.” You answer still on edge.
“These are `Ich lüge´ bullets. My grandpa stole a shitload of them in WW2, they´re like tranquilizers. Only they break the surface of the skin enough to cause a little blood.” Aemond explains as he dumps a handful of bullets between the guns.
“So… It looks like the person has been shot, but really they are just unconscious and bleeding?” You ask just to be sure. The sight of the weapons made you feel all kinds of bad.
He nods. “We shoot Cregan and Kyle, it looks like they shot each other and by the time they regain consciousness, they´ll be the laughing stock of the whole school.”
“And what is that for?” You point to the folded paper that lies between the bullets.
“That is the cherry on top. A fake suicide note. Painting the whole thing as them killing themselves, because they knew they would never be accepted for being a gay couple.” Aemond snickers and you have to admit that the plan in all it´s simplicity sounds pretty good.
Taking your phone you send a text to Cregan. Luring him and Qyle into the woods behind the school under the guise of wanting to have a threesome with the two of them. Knowing full well it would get them where you wanted. Throwing your phone to the bed with a nervous giggle, you feel Aemond crawl on top of you. The weight of his taller frame pushing you into the mattress as his lips find yours again.
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When you enter the woods and Aemond kisses you one last time, before you hide your gun and he goes to hide in the trees, your whole body trembles with uncertainty.
“Hey, Dollface.” Cregan greets you.
The two guys come to a stand about five feet away from you. “So, how are we gonna start this?” Qyle adds to his friend. Wasting no time as always.
“I thought you two could start by undressing for me.” You flutter your lashes at them, voice like honey in their ears.
“Okay.” The two of them say in unison. Nodding before they all but tearing the clothes of their body, stripping down to their boxers. The three of you count to three and right as they want to rip off the last piece of fabric down too your plan sets in action. Aemond jumps out from behind a nearby tree, the pair of you whip out the guns and aim for the half naked and afraid boys. Aemond hits Qyle right in the chest and he drops to the ground right where he stood. You are less lucky, missing Cregan by only an inch. He turns to see his friend lie on the ground, in a growing puddle of his own blood and makes a run for it. Your heart starts pounding in your chest even harder than before, if that even is possible. Threatening to break out of your ribcage as you watch Aemond´s face contorts into a grimace of anger.
“Shit! You stay here, I´m getting him.” He barks, chasing after a screaming Cregan.
It´s silent where you remain alone. Making you wonder what is going on. In the same breath your eyes fall down to Qyle´s body. The blood still pools underneath his body, prompting your thoughts run off the rails with crazy theories.
It isn´t until Aemond chases Cregan back to you, where he finally shoots him as well. The burly body flopping to the ground like a sack of potatoes. With horror you see your worst theory come true. They are both dead. Aemond killed them. And you helped him. A scream leaves your lips and you throw the weapon in your hand away on instinct. Clasping your hands over your mouth as the shock seeps in.
“No. No, no, no, no.” You mumble more to yourself than anyone else really. You are frozen to the spot you are standing in and if it were up to you, you would fall to your knees then and there. But Aemond takes your hand and pulls you away from the crime scene.
You don´t come to until you are in his car, in front of your house. You feel empty, detached from reality. Your body functions on autopilot. Putting a cigarette into your mouth to even somehow try to cope with the stress of what you had just become witness to. However when you lift up the lighter, the flame licks at the skin of your palm instead. You let out an agonizing scream and tears immediately shoot into your eyes at the white, hot pain.
The funeral a week later is a rough one. Even rougher than Maris´. The way the Septon plays up the gay martyr part is unbelievable. Aemond´s presence by your side doesn´t give you any comfort any more either. You can barely look at him anymore. Over the course of the past days your mind had started to come back from what lead you there, but it also distanced itself from him. Only able to see that side of him that he had hidden so well. All you want to do is hide under your blanket for the rest of your life, instead you have to sit in that gods forsaken sept, feeling sorry for Floris and Sarah, Cregan´s half-sister and your ex best friend, who seem to be taking this the hardest. You knew that Floris and Cregan, despite him being a total goon, had been kind of on and off for a while. The two of them didn´t deserve this. Fuck, the bad conscience was eating away at you, making you nauseaus. Of course, Aemond is entirely calm. Not letting a single soul see behind the carefully strung up curtain. Even though you imagine to see the same small smug smirk in his face again that he had expressed while explaining his plan to you all those days back.
Repressing the urge to run out of the sept, you pick at the skin around your fingernails until they bleed.
Once the service is over, you get onto Aemond´s motorcycle and let him drive you home. No matter how hard it is to keep holding on to him and not dissociate the whole ride. Your mind makes up then and there, that this has to end. You have to end this.
That night when he comes over, you sit him down.
“We um… We need to talk.” You mumble. Still not meeting his eye. He had already noticed your inability to do so since that day, but until now he thought you would catch yourself again after an initial shock. A mistake he noted mentally to never do again.
“What do you want to talk about?” He feigns ignorance, though he full well has a perfect idea of what you want to talk about.
“I… We… I can´t do this anymore, Aemond.” You stammer out, your leg trembling under his hand that rests on your thigh.
“Cannot do what anymore, Angel?” His one seeing eye rests on you as intensely as ever.
“This. Us. I thought I could cope with what we have done, but I can´t. I can´t look at you like before anymore. The sight of their… bodies… still haunts me in my dreams.” You try to find the right words to express your feelings and still it feels like the severity of them doesn´t come out right.
“You can´t be serious about that.” He faltered. Despite having a feeling about what you were gonna say, he still feels floored by it. His heart hurting at your words.
“I am. I never wanted this. “ Your voice hardens as you get more confident about your decision.
“You wanted this too. You said you wanted revenge.” Aemond insists.
“Yes, I wanted revenge. I did not ask for this. Two people are dead!” You try to get through to him. To no avail.
“You didn´t seem to mind much when Maris died.” He blurts out. It´s entirely in the heat of the moment. And he regrets revealing it to you like that, but it is out nonetheless.
“What?” You shriek in response. “I thought Maris killed herse…”
The thought of the fakes suicide note for Cregan and Qyle enters your mind and you hide your face in your hands, fighting back the tears that sting in your eyes.
“Please just leave…” Your voice comes muffled from behind your hands. Opting to leave your face buried in them as you speak the defeated words.
“Angel, I am not just going to leave you. We can talk about this.” He takes your wrists in his hands and pulls them down to your lap.
“What is there to talk about? You killed three people!” You pulled your arms away from him, but his grip was too strong.
“Yes, but I did it for you.” He argues.
“How was any of that for me?” Your voice drips with disbelieve.
Aemond comes closer to you until he whispers against your lips. “They hurt you. I will never let anyone hurt you.”
Then he presses his lips to yours roughly. His tongue pushes into your mouth forcefully, stunning you into an overpowering inability to act, as he pushes you against the headboard. The way his lips move against yours is aggressive, making you cry out in search for help or to get him to stop. Just something, anything to make him stop. It takes several more moments for your brain to return to the situation, but once it does you start struggling with all your might. Biting his lip and kicking him away from you, finally sets you free from his assault.
“I want you to go. Now.” You say quietly but with as much certainty as you can put into your voice. He turns around and leaves. Surprisingly without another word. Yet your body stays on edge until long after he is gone.
Your arms wrapped tightly around your middle, you shiver from your nerves processing everything that had been revealed and happened. Unable to really cope with it yet. Despite not having really liked them your friends where dead and only the gods knew what Aemond would do next.
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That night you get haunted by him in your dreams.
You find yourself in the Baratheon´s dark kitchen. Aemond in front of you, looking for a knife. For some reason you know Cassandra is going to be his next victim. Yet, no matter how hard you try to speak and keep him from going through with his fucked up plan, you can´t. Not a single sound comes from your lungs. With panic you watch as he grabs a dirty knife from the dishwasher and goes into Cas´ room. In the complete dark you can´t see exactly what he does, you can only see the world go dark around you seconds later, feeling like you are falling into a bottomless pit, you wake up with a gasp. Sweat soaking your pillow and your chest heaving with short heavy bursts of breath while your heart threatens to break out if it. You know you have to stop him, before what the dream is foreboding becomes reality. He is incalculable, dangerous and whatever he does end up doing next, can´t happen under any circumstances. You spend the whole day trying to make out a plan, not paying attention to any of your teachers or Floris and Cassandra. Not a single idea your brain comes up with is good enough to work. Luckily it also makes you ignore the weird looks your friends are giving you over your unresponsiveness.
Saying goodbye to them when they drop you of in the afternoon, you plan to head to your room immediately. A plan that is thwarted by your parents, who await you in the living room, worried expressions on both of their faces.
“Darling! We need to talk to you for a moment.” Your mother speaks up first. Seemingly relieved to see you alive and well.
“Sure, what´s going on?” Your mind is still half busy with Aemond when you put down your bag in front of you.
“Aemond just dropped by. Saying all these things about how we should look out for you, that he was worried for you…” Your mom´s voice is shaky as she recalls on the memories of what had happened so shortly before you arrived.
“Did he say something else?” You say passively. Inside you are boiling already. Who does he think he is?
“He said you confessed some rather alarming urges to him. That you shouldn´t be left alone with sharp objects or… or that kind of stuff.” Your father holds your mother a little tighter to calm her down again. You truly feel sorry for them. How could they know that what they have been told was as wrong as it possibly could have been.
“I´m sorry… But I´m not… That´s not true. You know I´d talk to you if there was anything going on.” You assure them.
You try to spend more time with them, but once your parents start to believe you, you make your way back to your room. Your mind is finally made up on what to do. If talking to him wouldn´t help to get him to stop killing, maybe you could shock him into it. Hopefully. He did used say, that the extreme always makes an impression. Taking your bedsheets you tie them around your body in a way that allows you to make it look like you had hung yourself. For once it would come in handy that he had never stopped texting you. Hurrying to get done before you hear that accursed knock. Tipping over the chair you use in your preparations mere seconds before he lets himself in. No matter how much you want to move or even at least open your eyes, you force yourself to stay calm. No matter how unfamiliar the air under your forcefully relaxed feet feels and your lungs hurt from the flat breaths you can allow yourself at most to take. Blissfully unaware to the gun hidden in the back of his pants, with which he planned gods know what. While he doesn´t move or breath or speak for a short moment. Frozen in a shock not deep enough to hold him for long.
It seems you have underestimated his crazy. Mentally you curse yourself out aggressively so that you almost miss him beginning to speak to you.
I can´t believe you did it.” He says in a breathy tone and you can hear his hands slap against his thighs as if he had raised them in defeat beforehand. “I loved you. Sure I was coming in here ready to kill you, but… I at least would´ve wanted to tell you about this petition the whole school signed first. Of course they don´t know what they really signed up for, but that won´t be any of their concern anymore soon. Oh Angel, it´s a shame you don´t get to see this play out anymore. I have the perfect plan. During pep rally on Friday the whole school is gonna come down and everyone in there with it. Listen to this. We, the students of King´s Landing high, will die. Our bodies will be the ultimate protest against you. A society that churns out slaves and blanks. Fuck you all.”
He was even further gone than you would´ve thought or hoped. “It´s not very subtle, but a school blowing up, that´s big. The kind of big that infects a generation. The only place Baratheons and Snows can get along is in heaven. We could´ve united them together, you and I… you left me no choice. So I will do it alone if I must.”
By now he is breathless from the passion that is no doubt not only in his voice but also his heart. The clicking of a lighter registers over the ringing of sheer panic in your ears, followed by the faint footsteps and mumbling of your mother. Aemond is quick to sneak back out the window and you are just about to open your eyes back up and take a deep breath, when the door opens behind you and your poor mothers scream can be heard throughout the entire house.
Hurrying, you untie the bedsheets with shaky hands, hurting your knees in the process of falling to the ground, but you don´t care. All you care about is getting to your mom. Hugging her weak, sobbing form to your body as tightly as you can. Soothing her as best as possible, but the damage has been done you guess and you really can´t blame her. If you would have been in her place you wouldn´t have reacted or felt any other way.
“It´s okay, mom. I´m okay, I´m still here. It wasn´t real.” It´s safe to say, that after all of that you don´t sleep well. Or at all really. How could you after Aemond has told you what would happen next. You want to stop him, feel like you have to stop him, even more so now that your plan has failed so miserably. If anything you´re under the impression of having worsened the state his soul is in.
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For two whole days you have to watch school go by without anything out of the ordinary happening. Which just makes the bad feelings in your gut swirl even more intensely. Yet, at the same time, there is a strange calm inside your mind. There certainly, realistically, is very little you can do to keep Aemond from doing what he wants to do. But at least if, or rather when, you go down on Friday, you don´t go down by being by Aemond´s side, watching the smoke pour out the doors. Making s´mores over the burning remains of your dead school mates. This was sick. A whole parade of red flags. A perverted power fantasy, that you can´t believe you didn´t notice before. In those days you have more people than you are willing to count come after you, questioning how you are still alive. How did the stupid rumors always spread the fastest and furthest?
The poor guidance counselor is who almost suffers from you losing your nerves over it, on the day of. You are quick to apologize as well though.
“I am so sorry, I´d be glad to talk about this another day, now I really have something more important to do.” You let the man behind, that still opens and closes his mouth like a fish on land.
Marching through the masses of students on their way to the gym. Scared shitless, but still determined to put an end to this if you can. It was high time you pulled your shit together anyway. Finding Aemond in the boiler room, he is already busy setting up multiple explosives.
“Hey!” You pull his attention away from the dynamite.
“Greetings and salutations. Come to change your mind?” He inquired.
“No. Never! Gods, how delusional are you to think that anyone would join you in this madness! You are no better than your mother.” You take another step closer to him. The venom in your tone gets him to stay silent for once. However he still doesn´t stop fiddling with the bombs.
“Put that down, slowly and then put your hands behind your head.” You put your hand in the pocket of your cardigan to grab your fathers hunting knife in case you´d need it. Pulling it out you earn a genuinely amused chuckle, then everything goes too fast for you to react properly. Aemond kicks the weapon out of your hand, letting it slide out of your reach, and knocks you out with a few , for him very simple, movements. Sinking to the ground you barely stay conscious long enough to see him walk further into the basement of the building. Fuck. The already quiet sounds of the pep rally become even more quiet over the dull thudding in your head and then darkness claims you.
You don´t know how long you have been out once your eyes open again. Thankful for the low light of the rooms you are in, you tumble towards the direction you saw Aemond leave in. Holding on tightly to the wall or anything you can find to keep the dizziness from knocking you off your feet again. Too busy to hear your scuffling steps, you can grab the gun he had brought and laid down beside himself.
“I said put it down… and hands behind your head…” The sentence is broken up by your heavy breathing.
One of his hands shoots to the side to check for the missing gun. Raising them over his head almost immediately and turning around to you slowly.
“Angel, come on. You know you can´t shoot me so why don´t you just put down the gun and join me? I´m giving you one last chance.” His tone is still smug, but you can hear a hint of fear shine through the overconfidence.
Scoffing, you shake your head at his inability to even now be real with his feelings. “Just turn off the bombs.”
Behind his eye you can see his brain mulling over every possible outcome to this situation. Surprising you, by complying to with you have just said. Putting his hands behind his head, the feeling of the imminent danger of the situation subsides from your system and you finally hear the voices from upstairs again. Having had enough of talking you wave for him to go outside with the gun, which you hold safely in both hands. Due to everyone being still in the gym and none the wiser as to what was going on not too far away from them. In front of you Aemond pushes the big front doors open for both of you to step outside.
Standing still, he turns to you again. Eye half closed and so close to you that if either of you were to move, your lips would most definitely touch.
“You know what you need to do now.” He murmurs. The way his breath fans over your face so warm and for a moment you feel set back to the beginning of your relationship. When everything was still okay or at least as okay as it could be.
“I don´t want to have to do it.” You whisper back.
“There is no other way to end this anymore now. I am far too damaged, but you are not beyond repair. Please… Stand back now. You know it had to end this way. No matter how much you wished it didn´t.” Aemond takes a step back himself and stretches his arms out to the side.
You take a deep breath and as you take a step away from him remind yourself of everything he had done and wanted to do. Looking up at him you ask him in a voice void of emotion.
“Any last words?”
“I worship you. So much. I´ll trade my life for yours.”
With a heart heavier than it should be, you point the gun back at the man who you had thought was the only one to ever truly understand you. Then, before your brain can have the chance to think twice about it your actions, you pull the trigger.
The shot rings in your ears long after it is over. The sight of Aemond falling to the ground like a sack of potatoes, filling you with a great void of nothingness. Still you stay there for a few more minutes. Lighting yourself a cigarette and waiting for that atrocious ringing to stop. A part of you still hopes to wake up and have all of this be a nightmare, but you never wake up and the cigarette is entirely done. So you throw the damned thing away, drop the gun on Aemond´s lifeless body and get back inside where everyone is flooding the hallways.
Ignoring Cassandra´s comments and protest, you march past her, taking Floris by the hand and walk over to Sarah who is sitting alone on the stairs.
“Ladies, there is a new sheriff in town. And the way I see it, all three of us are still free tonight. So, I propose we buy snacks and watch movies at my place all night.” You say with a conciliatory smile.
The two girls look happy about the suggestion. About as happy as they can look under the given circumstances and together the three of you decide to cut the school day a bit shorter and go now.
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