#aren’t they just delightful
air-rising · 1 year
✨ Team Building Activity ✨ = finding Vanessa’s phone together™️
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azureblooet · 3 months
Ok Loop nation as much as it makes sense for Odile to be the one to clock loop as being a clone, I feel like it would be Mirabelle. Like I feel like she would be the one to have enough genre savviness to be like “ oh, you’re like a time clone or something right?”  like she might be an anxiety creature who would sooner die than trust her own judgment but you know she’s absolutely read about time loop stories before.
like she is very geared to view the world through a somewhat narrative perspective and narratively Loop being Siffrin is the most obvious thing ever to be written
I just want one ONE fic where they have the whole dramatic reveal of Loop’s identity and Mira is just like “Wait did we not already know this?”
Like the whole time she was just like “oh they’re probably Siffrin but they chose the new name and stuff so I don’t want to be rude”
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acebytaemin · 8 months
hey all my content creating friends❣️ reminder ive got a user tag (#analook) and i love shinee, skzies (esp lee know), atz (seonghwa hongjoong & san) & most ggs (esp bb girls, exid, red velvet, snsd, wonder girls, twice, bp, fx, sistar, ive, lesserafim and so on) so feel free to use my tag in any kind of content you make of them (and whoever else honestly!) i love to talk in tags especially when it’s to show appreciation for the beautiful things you all put time & effort into 💖
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nothinggold13 · 8 months
Two so far:
“but YOU’RE the doctor!” “Oh, I don’t look like him.”
*reads his old diary*
*plays recorder*
*steps in a puddle*
*jumps over a boulder*
*wears a tall, lumpy hat*
*murders some daleks*
*that grin. you know the one*
I support him in all his endeavours. 💛
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crazyw3irdo · 2 months
id like the many many people who said my romeo & juliet uquiz reminded them of in stars and time to know i started playing it and hell fuckin yeah
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deityofhearts · 7 months
I honestly just don’t get how people default to thinking southern accents are like unserious and unintelligent, I know I live in a bubble and I’ve never been outside of the south so like my world view is skewed but like idk I can’t like conceptualize hearing someone’s accent and going “your accent is too stupid and silly for you to have a brain” like ???
#deity dialogue#sorry I’m rlly half asleep#obvs my worldview is different cause I’m southern I’m surrounded by southern ppl I hear the accent all the time#so it’s like normal obvs but idk it still baffles me#idk if I ever go north are y’all gonna be mean to me cause I talk in a way that y’all perceive as stupid and lesser than how you do??#I’ve already mentioned that even here we aren’t safe from the ‘haha youre a dumbass southern hick’ statements#which is rich cause like bitch who are you to be talking you live here too I don’t wanna hear you call me a red neck cause you’ve been here#for a long ass time to and I’m sure if you went up north they’d be on your ass the same way they’d be on mine#like what gives you the right?#like I will say also that I do make fun of the accent but in the way that lexi and I will be heatedly talking and get more southern with#each word and that amuses and delights us like idk it’s fun to look at someone who just said one word in a more extreme southern accent on#accident and repeat it back to them#but like at the end of the day we like being southern we don’t think there’s anything wrong with it or like inherently worth mocking#plus there’s a difference between two friends being silly and strangers telling you you’re a stupid redneck hick :)#this is also coming from someone who compared to other southern ppl doesn’t have the most strong southern accent (it’s there onvs but ya#know) and I still have to deal with this shit :/#sorry I need to go to bed and shut up no one caressss
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chilapis · 5 months
I think every moment is eternal in its own right and we hold no authority to deny it that status. Even if it is a forever that will escape our memories, it’ll still exist as a forever in the history of time. In the memories of no-one but the Earth itself. In the records kept and made by no-one, where everything is stored for all time to come. No love is lost and no existence truly unacknowledged.
#even the moment that one may spare to read this post; it’ll be a second dedicated forever in the records of time just to this simple post.#fleeting moments of attention and acknowledgement that aren’t so fleeting at all because they still existed and still do in a way.#it is tragic that we must associate a certain event to a date for it to become a joyous occasion. there’ll never be another 1/5/24.#is that not enough for it to be special itself?#one may argue that they have nothing to remember random days by and that is true.#but not every moment of delight and pleasure is to be remembered I think. to be entirely honest with you I barely hold any memory of#literally anything prior to 2022 perhaps.#but that doesn’t mean that those moments didn’t exist or don’t hold their own importance.#because even if I don’t remember and even if any other parties don’t remember. those moments still exist forever in history in a way.#And even if we don’t remember. The earth surely does; right? The ground must remember the weight and shift of our feet as we walked.#I just think it’s bittersweet that even if ‘forgotten’; nothing truly ceases to exist or be truly forgotten because it still existed.#there is a moment dedicated in this world’s history — into matter how short in duration — dedicated entirely to that event.#whether it be something as simple as just going for a week and appreciating the setting sun.#do you understand or do i sound mad.#i don’t know; i have a feeling it might be because my birthday is approaching soon and i’ve had a-lot on my mind.#neutral things mostly so fret not.#i think i need to go for a walk.#✧.*🌹#‘2022’#this is a blatant lie actually I don’t even remember 2023#i am. trying my best to recall my last birthday and nothing seems to be coming up so. do with this what you will.#✧.*🗡️
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bombdotcomshop · 1 year
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I made an elfin paper earring display partially for a joke but I kind of love it now…..
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pokemonfrommemory · 1 month
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Imagine this thing touching your foot in the ocean :)
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swordbisexual · 2 months
I feel like I ought to warn the new followers who may have caught on because of my Andersposting that like. This is a tragedy, but we’re gonna sing it anyway.
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every-eye-evermore · 1 year
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Light reading before bed did not work
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hopecomesbacktolife · 8 months
I’m not going to reblog the post itself because I don’t want that behavior on my blog, but oh my god I just saw a post about “looking for fics about your favorite character on ao3” and good lord the amount of bad takes both in that post and in the notes?? I have to just ramble about this for a moment because oh my god. it was ludicrous.
people were complaining that, and get this, unfinished fics exist. and that if you read an unfinished fic you’ll have to, get this, wait to read more until it’s published next. they were allll up in arms that there’s fics for a character that don’t cater to their specific interests. that they involve other characters and either do/don’t put them in a romantic relationship when they want the opposite for the character.
like at this point, most of you people in the notes on that post are 1) just being mean and condescending about FREE WORKS you can, may I remind you, READ FOR FREE and EXIT at ANY time! if you don’t like it!, don’t read it!, it’s so simple!, and 2) straight up do not know how ao3 works lmao
like I saw soooo many people in the notes complaining about a certain ship, dynamic, tag, etc, and like… y’all know you can filter by romantic vs platonic pairings, by ratings, by excluding certain tags or other qualifiers, etc etc etc… you know about ao3’s actually incredibly usable filtering and searching system… right… right??
at this point I’m just convinced a lot of these people are spoiled by large fandoms with 100k+ works for their characters and have decided to just be mean and condescending for no reason on main, about literally free fan works you can read for free any time that people spend hours and hours pouring their free time into out of sheer love for their craft. cuckoo bananas behavior if you ask me 🫠
I was legit so close to commenting that maybe they should try shipping two characters with <10 fics, with 0 fics, try liking a rare pair, try hyperfocusing on a character or niche type of fandom with a tiny but lovely circle of fans, and stop treating fan works and fic as Content TM that they deserve to have handed to them that caters to exactly what they want for free and maybe they’ll calm down lmao
like y’all aren’t cool you’re just being mean. we fundamentally approach fic in wildly different ways and honestly the way you do sounds exhausting. literally could not be me, I’m to busy finding joy in shared love for characters and not flipping the table in a rage because there’s one (1) element of the fic that isn’t specifically catered to me, maybe try that and you’ll feel better, hmm?
and yeah I’m aware that last sentence is me being condescending towards them, but frankly it’s warranted when so many people are being that mean and haughty for no reason lmao but truly those takes were horrific. fellow fic writers and even fellow fic readers I interact with, am mutuals with, authors whose works I read, readers who comment and interact with my works, fans of niche fandom subsets that run in the same circles as me— I hope you know this is so wildly not how I approach fics, I love just finding fics for my characters and forming these lil communities where we share our interests and love for them and hype each other up. I love what we have in these fandom niches and I hope you know I would never dream of being so mean and condescending towards y’all. fic writers and readers and fan communities are so special and I cherish it even if clearly there’s people in the notes on that other post who don’t know how to do that lmao. I love your unfinished WIPs, I love your fics that may only partially be what I’m looking for, I love when you write characters in a way I wouldn’t expect but shows your love for your particular headcanon, I love the variety and diversity and variance in fic. I love us. genuinely. fic writer moots I am hugging all of you and I frequently reread your works, even the unfinished ones. ♡
#personal#god this turned into a rant but sometimes I’m just shocked by how.. mean and condescending and holier-than-thou some people can be about fic#about works people write FOR FREE because they LOVE a character/ dynamic/ etc so much they can’t NOT let that love pour out into a fic tjat#once again you can READ FOR FREE HELLO#like god. maybe those people need to try not being a condescending bench (to quote Eleanor) and maybe they’ll feel better and be able to ac#tually participate in the wonder and joy and delight that is fan communities and fic communities idk man#I’m convinced some of it is people being spoiled by large fandoms and also not knowing how ao3 works at all#but like. this is not a streaming service this is an ARCHIVE it is a LIBRARY do you know how to use a LIBRARY#hello??? if you don’t like a book you can return it and borrow another???? not scribble in the margins about how you don’t like it???#like literally w h a t.#unhinged behavior and not in a cute way.#being mean isn’t cute it’s just being mean. condescension won’t magically make your dream fic scenarios appear. sorry (not sorry tho)#anyways. there was no way in hellllll! I was going to reblog that post and bring that whole mess to my blog. so instead. making my own post#(somewhat like people who can’t find fic they want could also just make their own but yknow 🤭💋)#anyways fellow fic writers and readers I interact with and am friends with ily ily and pls know I never think of your works like that in a#million years ok ❤️❣️❤️ I’m sorry some people are Mean I’m so glad the people I know who are fic writers + readers aren’t like that ty ty
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dutybcrne · 7 months
Sometimes Diluc does wonder if the Delusion left a lasting impact on him, outside the never-fading scars on his arm. That if every time his temper flares or he deals a particularly cruel blow upon his opponent, it’s due to the Delusion’s lingering influence, that it may have altered him to be a crueler person as a result of his near half a decade-long dependence on it.
#hc; diluc#//Sometimes; he even goes as far as to wonder if the Delusion in fact only ENHANCED what was already there#//He’d damn near slain Kae out of anger as it was; anger he’d NEVER once thrown at Anyone before; much less HIM#//Who’s to say he didn’t already have that darkness within him; even considering the circumstances of that moment#//And him continuously—deliberately CHOOSING—using the Delusion only CEMENTED it deep into his self and soul#//He’s had plenty of his share of nightmares where he longs for the Delusion; regretting having Shattered it after its final use#//It was for the best; yes; but now he’ll forever be Haunted by the lack of it; like an addict in withdrawal#//There were times he DID try and cast it away during his years in Snezhnaya; but inevitably put it back on after harrowing nightmares#//He wishes he’d tried harder to get rid of it then; before it left such a lasting impression on him#//Even now; his body is still SO used to & wanting of it; he gets so RESTLESS#//Wanting to reach for and mess with it; only to find it gone and Remember why#//Or the marks it had branded him with start aching and acting up so bad; as though he were Burning from its fire#//Feeling utterly Exhilarated in the face of destruction his flames bring; in dreams or in reality then be Horrified at how much he’d done#//bc he SHOULDNT be proud of that; SHOULDNT delight in such cruel feelings and sights#//Especially when it comes to dealing w Fatui in Mond—the sick delight he feels in fighting/destroying them genuinely scares him at times#//He’s less inclined to feel it when dealing with the Abyss creatures—they aren’t HUMAN after all; but it still sets him at unease at times#//Sometimes particularly scathing remarks toward Kae during their bouts have even him balking#//Not quite rushing to take it back; esp not when Kae hits back harder or brushes it off w his irritating little posturing#//But still enough to make him mull it over afterwards & wonder just how much more resentment he holds for him#//And if he should watch out and make sure it doesn’t get so bad he tries to hurt him again#//He would NEVER willingly want to draw his sword on him ever again; not if he could help it#//no matter what’s become of their bond and how irreparable it must surely be; after all’s said and done#//But if the Delusion had truly sunk its cruel influence so deep into himself…who’s to say how well he can keep up this oath?#//Or smth idk lol
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27-royal-teas · 1 year
absolutely crazy to me that while I am sitting in my room on my computer my mutuals are scattered around the world, living their lives at the same time as me. we might never collide. and across the world in europe four boys are in a bus driving to their next tour destination. we will never cross paths for real but it sure is lovely to know that they’re there
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lunarblazes · 2 years
hrmmmm. art is so hard you guys
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novelconcepts · 2 years
I'm glad to see some Willow stuff on your feed, even if it's just in a fluff-appreciation way. Willow was one of the movies that was on consistently through my childhood and I cannot express how deep my love is for it. Seeing these queer characters in the show makes me so happy. Truly, it has become my new comfort show that I play in the background simply because it makes me smile and I want it to get another season. It's a particular kind of thing that may not grip everyone, but I would love for any new viewer to go into it to just have fun with it. I get the feeling you are not engrossed enough to write any fic for these lovable dumbasses, but rereading some of your other fics and my love for this universe has me dipping my toe back into writing after burning out on my Dani and Jamie stuff when life got Too Real. Hope you get back into your house soon and hope you are well.
You’re correct that I’m not engrossed enough to write for it, BUT I was pleasantly surprised by the show. For a long time, the movie occupied a shelf in my head labeled “This Must Have Fucked Me Up, Because I Feel Terror At The Idea Of Rewatching It” (it’s in good company; the list of movies that fucked me up as a kid include such hits as: The Wizard of Oz; Willy Wonka; Fern Gully; The Dark Crystal; Little Nemo in Slumberland; Batman Returns; etc etc, I was scared of EVERYTHING as a child). So I never rewatched it—until a few weeks ago, when my mother insisted. I found it mostly sweet (minus the pig scene, which definitely did the damage to my child-self), and was pleased to find the show keeps the general energy of the movie, but Better. I love all the characters in that little party, I love the anachronistic language and music choices, and I thought it was beautifully costumed and shot. I hope it gets another season, too. It’s a lovely feel-good watch, even if it doesn’t live under my skin.
(Really really glad it’s awakened your love of writing. It’s always beautiful when something has that power.)
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