#are they having movie nights with homemade lemonade and popcorn
lale-txt · 2 years
Lord, Kid in Birkenstok is eveything I never knew I needed
don't make me whip out Procreate for my cursed edits again please
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spoilertv · 11 months
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just domestic moments in the winchester household:
every morning, whichever one of them is awake first is in charge of making the coffee and getting started on something for breakfast. regardless of who joins who, dean always greets cas with a 'good morning, sunshine' and a sleep warm kiss.
the one thing castiel misses most about being an angel is his ability to heal, so when dean gets headaches he does the next best thing: he lies down with dean in a dark room, with dean's head in his lap and eyes closed, and he gently rubs his temples, sweeps his hands through dean's hair, soothing touches to ease the pain he can't take away. he'll do it until dean has fallen asleep or until a soft smile spreads across his face and he tells him his headache is gone.
post chuck takedown jack passed along his god powers to the next best and decided to live his life as an actual three year old, so he lives with cas and dean because he's their son of course. every night jack always gets a story read to him before bed time. cas and dean switch off who reads to him every night. they both are good at doing voices for all the characters, and cas starts letting jack read a page every so often so he can practice his reading. before leaving the room, they each give jack a kiss on his forehead, and cas tells him 'goodnight, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite' which always makes jack giggle.
they have weekly family dinners with sam and eileen, usually on sunday's but if that doesn't work they'll always reschedule for some other time during the week. they all go over to one of their homes and cook something delicious that tastes like home and they sit around the table together eating, talking, laughing. dean usually offers to bring dessert (read: pie) but eileen is a whiz when it comes to baking so occasionally dean will let her make something instead.
at least once a month (sometimes more) they get the whole gang together for a cookout. dean, cas, jack, sam, eileen, jody, donna, claire, kaia, alex, patience. it's usually at dean and cas's place because they have the best grill and a really nice backyard firepit that dean built, and also the lake, which the girls and jack love to swim in when it's warm enough. dean mans the grill with jody, and sometimes claire pops over to help, cas and sam chop up the fresh vegetables from cas's garden for a side salad, dean has a couple different pies in the oven, donna brings some homemade moonshine which has one hell of a kick but somehow tastes damn good, and it's just a really good time all around.
tuesday's are game night! they usually let jack pick the games, and he has a certain fondness for candyland, so 9 times out of 10 that's what they play. they also usually let jack win, although they don't actually have to do that as often as one might think; jack is pretty good at board games. when it comes to games between dean and cas, cas has one hell of a competitive streak, and he'll stop at nothing to win. he's not above playing dirty ;)
thursday's are movie nights! they rotate who gets to pick the movie and dean makes a big bowl of popcorn and they squish together on the couch under the huge blanket that sam and eileen co-knit for them for christmas. jack likes to wiggle his way in between dean and cas and hold the popcorn bowl in his lap. more often than not he ends up falling asleep during the movie. sometimes cas does too, and dean can't help but watch his family snoozing with a fond smile on his face until he too falls asleep.
when the weather is nice, they like to take their little canoe out onto the lake and float around. jack loves to lean over the edge to stick his hands in the water, and cas will sometimes bring a book. dean will stick his sunglasses onto his nose and bask in the sun. cas will only tease him a little bit for the sunglasses tan he gets from that (but he'll help him apply aloe and firmly remind him to use sunscreen next time)
cas has a garden, and he loves spending time tending to it. jack adores helping out, he even has his own tiny pair of gardening gloves, and cas will patiently teach him how to plant a seed or how to carefully pull the weeds. on hot days dean will bring them big glasses of cool, sweet lemonade or iced tea and he'll not so subtly snap a few cute pictures of cas and jack in their matching sunhats.
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emdythewriter · 4 years
a new light | chapter fourteen (Elriel)
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Elain woke up the next morning to the smell of coffee and what could only be homemade waffles. Stretching herself out she threw herself out of bed and headed for the kitchen. The kitchen she now officially owned with Azriel.
After they had unpacked some last night once their friends and her sisters had left Az had gone down to turn in the papers he had previously signed. Technically he was supposed to sign them this morning but he hadn’t wanted to wait so he went down to their landlord after they moved all of Elain’s stuff into his place.
Heading down the hallway that leads to their now shared bedroom Elain finds Az holding a bowl of batter that he’s pouring into the griddle. Smiling at her boyfriend she leans against the wall, arms folded and relaxed. It’s hard to believe that just within a week their lives have taken a complete turn for the better.
There was a time when Elain believed she would never get to feel this happiness with her best friend let alone anyone else. Yet here she stands watching Azriel as he makes them breakfast and there’s no doubt in her mind that he’s as much hers as she is his.
“You just want to stare at me all morning?” Azriel askss, smirking at her as he closes the waffle maker and let’s it cook. “I mean I don’t blame I’m a very attractive view.”
“And a very cocky one as well it seems,” Elain responds with a smile that Az returns. Pushing off the wall she makes her way around the counter and to his side where he tucks her in under his arm.
“How was your first night in our apartment?” Azriel asks as he plays with a strand of her messy hair.
“Very restful,” Elain responds, her fingers trailing the band of his grey sweatpants.
“I see you’ve also found my side of the closet,” Az says as he tugs on the shirt Elain had pulled on in the middle of the night when she got up to use the bathroom. It’s one of her favorites he notices as well. Most of his closet is made up of dark and plain t-shirts but this is one of the few graphic shirts he owns. It’s also the one Elain had talked him into buying when they went to a music festival last summer with a few friends.
“Well it is our closet,” Elain smirks, looking up at him with her innocent little face.
“So does that mean I can wear your dresses?” Azriel asks, teasing her. Elain laughs, still smiling up at him. The look fills him with warmth and happiness, something he hasn’t felt since before his mom passed.
“If you really want to,” Elain says just before the timer dings. She moves to the other side of the island as Az takes the waffle out and sets it on a plate. He pushes the plate in front of her along with the syrup, a fork, and a glass of fruit punch because it’s the only type of juice she will drink.
With a smile Elain starts cutting up her waffle as Azriel pours more batter to make his own. Once it’s done he sits next to his girlfriend and they enjoy a peaceful breakfast together. Elain cleans up breakfast once the waffles are consumed and Az goes to get dressed.
They’re planning on having dinner with some friends tonight but until then they have the day to themselves. Azriel pulls up the website for the local drive-in theater to see what they might be showing this afternoon.
Turns out today is a flashback theater today where there’s a showing of Gone with the Wind, which Elain hates. Then there’s The Wizard of Oz which is a favorite of his, and lastly Dirty Dancing.
“Feel like going to the drive-in theater for a showing of The Wizard of Oz?” Azriel asks, taking a seat on a barstool and watching his girlfriend in the kitchen. He can’t get enough of calling her that even if it’s only in his head.
“That sounds like fun,” Elain says as she hangs the towel she used to dry her hands once again. “You grab snacks and drinks while I go get dressed.”
“Deal,” Azriel says. With a bright smile on her face Elain runs off into their bedroom while Az grabs a couple of bags for snacks and drinks. Starting with the cooler bag he grabs some water and a few of the lemonade flavored sparkling waters that he knows Elain loves. He also adds some fruit from the fridge and an energy drink or two for himself.
Zipping that bag up Azriel heads for the small pantry in the corner of the kitchen. He tends to keep the pantry fairly stocked with a variety of snacks considering how Cassian is always radding his food supply. There’s a few snack sized caramel corn popcorn bags which Az grabs because how could they go to a movie without popcorn.
There’s also sour gummy worms that he adds to the bag. It’s a big bag but Azriel always finds himself craving the candy in the middle of the night. Lastly, he adds a couple big bags of unopened chips from a party he had gone to a couple weeks ago.
“Got everything?” Elain asks, walking out of the bedroom in one of her many sundresses. This one is yellow and white in a plaid pattern, which is her second favorite right after floral. She’s pulling her hair back into a ponytail as she walks back into the kitchen.
“Yeah, ready?” Azriel asks, shouldering both the bags onto his shoulders. Elain smiles with a nod before heading to the small entrance hall where a pair of brown sandals wait for her to slip on her feet. Elain then grabs her purse off the hook Az had installed on the back of the front door.
Opening the door they head out and down to the parking garage where they decide to take Azriel’s truck, having more room for them to lay out the blankets and pillows they had grabbed from Elain’s car beforehand.
It’s quiet for a bit as Azriel drives. The theater is on the outskirts of the city in the more rural area of Velaris. It’s a place he knows Elain is very familiar with as she gets antsy when she’s in the city too long.
“So I’ve been thinking,” Elain says, breaking the silence. Az turns down the music he had put on so he can hear her better. “Since I know longer have to pay full rent and with the bonus I’m expecting soon it might be time to start my business.”
“Really?” Az asked, a little surprised. Elain had been saying that she wanted to wait another year before looking into renting out a space in downtown Velaris for her floral arrangements shop. “You don’t want to wait any longer?”
“Some events have taken place recently in my life that are causing me to rethink things,” Elain says, smiling over at him. He knows she’s talking about their recent relationship status. “I don’t want to wait any longer and I plan on starting small.”
“What do you mean?” Azriel asked. He’s smiling, feeling the joy and happiness along with her at finally being able to kickstart her dream.
“I’ll start as an assistant with a local floral shop in order to learn everything else I don’t already know,” Elain says. “The owner wants to help me so she’ll help create my website and even let me start independent orders as I learn.”
“That sounds amazing,” Azriel says, taking the exit ramp that’ll lead to the drive-in theater. “What about after that?”
“Well I’m thinking I’ll do this through the winter and look for my own space to rent and hopefully by spring I’ll be set up in said space and ready for the summer season,” Elain explains.
“Also known as wedding season,” Elain smiles at him, loving that he knows that little tidbit.
“It’ll be the perfect time to start,” she says.
“Well I can’t wait to watch you succeed.” They’re both smiling as Azriel pulls into the drive-in and pays for the movie. Pulling into the lot where the movie is set up he finds a space right in the center of the lot.
Elain sets up the bed of his truck with the pillows and blankets while he unpacks the snacks and drinks. Settling down together Az kisses the top of her head as he tucks her into his side.
The movie starts and Elain’s focus is on the black and white opening scene while Az watches her intently. A part of him still doesn’t believe that she is his and yet here they are finally in each other’s arms. And all he can think is that he can’t wait for more moments like this throughout the rest of his life.
Tag list:
@thephilosophyofblank​ @roseteaofficial​ @sleeping-and-books​ @court-of-fuck-me-daddy​ @azriels-forgotten-shadow​ @tintinnabulary​ @jemma-nessian-and-elriel​ @psmarra @chemicha​ @but-she-was-aelin-galathynius​ @ttakeitbacknoww​ @azrielismycinnamonrollprimary​ @mis-lil-red @poisonous00​ @julesherondalex​ @hail-doodles​ @strangely-constructed-soul​ @rapunzel1523​ @l0sts0uls1128​ @lord-douglas-the-third​ @musicalfae @sezkins79​ @eloeloeheheh​ @caldelray @abimomeopectore​ @tswaney17​ @illyriangarbage​ @loysydark​ @imheretooa​ @illyrianbeauty​ @emmejo26​ @amitynotpity​ @alingelina​ @hav-illi-ard @amylindle @ellenoftroy​ @hizqueen4life​ @rheapendragon
(Let me know if you want to be tagged!)​
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kyungsoodaily · 4 years
exo as summer aesthetics
spotify playlist here // a lot of this was stream-of-consciousness so it’s definitely not all cohesive or thematic, but most of them are based off the general mood of each song // i might turn these into moodboards or ficlets if i have the energy // exosnet mods forgive me i have no idea how to tag this
minseok | zebra, beach house —
people watching, drive-in movie theatres, macarons, going to the pet store just to look at the animals, the sound of wind chimes, going through old photos, toothpaste kisses, singing softly when you have trouble falling asleep, mint chocolate chip ice cream, cleaning out your closet, poppyseed bagels, hiking in the mountains, messy doodles on sticky notes
junmyeon | good as gold, greyson chance —
honey and butter on toast, art museum dates, red wine, cuffed jeans, biking through the city, silk robes, running into friends you haven’t seen in years, seaside resorts, marathoning studio ghibli films, sweet potato fries, bird watching, accidentally coordinating outfits when you hang out, planetarium trips, crystal balls, falling asleep on you in the back of a taxi
yixing | hope, honeywater —
scribbling song lyrics on napkins, zoo trips, jumping over cracks in the sidewalk, scrambled eggs, trying on clothes you don’t plan on actually buying, daisies, ferris wheel rides, stealing bites of each other’s food, arcade games, gold jewelry, feeding squirrels in the park, butterfly kisses, fried chicken, taking silly pictures in front of famous landmarks
baekhyun | another night on mars, the maine —
sleepovers in your backyard, glittery eyeshadow, eating too much watermelon, tarot cards, kaleidoscopes, impromptu beach trips, shaved ice, binging an entire show in three days, ripped jeans, sticking your head out of the car window, forehead kisses, fruit smoothies, reminiscing about the past, setting off fireworks, cold pizza, singing along to the radio, neon lights
jongdae | she changes the weather, swim deep —
ice cream sandwiches, tight hugs after long absences, early morning dewdrops, nap dates, not caring who notices when you laugh too loudly, hand-knit sweaters, white wine, childhood lullabies, the smell of the air after it rains, potato chips, marking important dates on your calendar, karaoke with friends, gummy bears, falling asleep on the couch, chrysanthemum tea
chanyeol | coastline, hollow coves —
silly string, playing video games for twelve hours straight, flickering street lamps, stomping in rain puddles, bonfires, sand between your toes, catching fireflies, blanket forts, foosball, giving your short friends piggyback rides, collecting guitar picks, half-empty spraypaint cans, rock concerts, eskimo kisses, microwave popcorn, driving fast when the roads are empty
kyungsoo | nova scotia, magic man —
grease-stained napkins, going off the forest trail, scented candles, sucking on ice cubes, worn sneakers, calling just to hear your voice, petting stray cats, honeysuckle, making ramyun at two in the morning, pistachio ice cream, sitting on the roof, homemade cookies, neck kisses, laundry still warm from the dryer, wading knee-deep into a creek, watching the clouds at sunrise
jongin | generation why, conan gray —
sliding around in sock feet, slushies, skinny dipping, letterman jackets, sneaking out after dark, gas station hot dogs, getting stuck in traffic, matching bracelets, lipstick stains, winning stuffed animals at the fair, maple syrup, sunday morning comic strips, dying your friend’s hair in their bathroom, cheesecake, going to the movie theatre for a midnight premiere
sehun | oh baby, lcd soundsystem —
sour candy, late evening strolls, grass under your bare feet, key lime pie, clean bedsheets, falling asleep with your limbs tangled together, shortcuts no one else knows about, fresh seafood, forgetting where you put your keys but then accidentally finding something you lost five years ago, strawberry lemonade, cheek kisses, exchanging secrets under cover of darkness
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hollowgroverp · 6 years
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“I’m Mayor Cresswell and I’d like to welcome you to the 31st annual Spring Fling! Today we have twenty-two very charitable suitors who have willingly offered up their day for a wonderful cause. The Displaced Children’s Fund, to support supernatural children displaced by the cruelties of our world is a cause close to so many of us. All proceeds from today’s event will go to the fund. Now settle in and will begin the bidding momentarily….”
Below the cut you will find the 22 baskets that were submitted for the event. Bidding will take place until WEDNESDAY, at which point the bidding will close and then I will pair up the bids with basket. We will do our best to ensure everyone gets matched up with someone. If you would like a certain pairing based on plot reasons let me know and we can make it happen. If you have multiple characters I will do my best to ensure at least one of your characters gets paired for a basket. 
How to bid: Comment on this post with your characters name and their three bids. If you bid you must place three bids to ensure we can make proper pairings. ex: Sophia Greyson bids on basket 1, 4, and 15. If you do not follow the bidding rules ie: you bid once or you send an ask, your bid will not be considered.
When will the picnics take place: Picnic dates, can take place any time after bidding concludes on Saturday, this includes during the event or poste event. These threads can carry on after the event ends but we encourage you to reach out to your pairing and plot.
                                    FINALLY, HAVE FUN WITH IT!
Basket 1 submits a grey ALL CAMP insulated cooler bag lined with a blue and white gingham picnic blanket. Inside, you’ll find: two motorcycle helmets, two pairs of mirrored aviator sunglasses, two cuban sandwiches, black bean soup with rice, a six pack of coronas (with lime wedges)
Basket 2  submits a woven edible bread basket stuffed to the brim with a parmesan pretzel base and a garlic braided handle. Inside you’ll find: Two different marinara sauces to eat the basket with, homemade classic spaghetti and meatballs, a greek salad, fried ice cream drizzled in chocolate sauce and topped with a cherry, two blown glass figurines of Lady and the Tramp, and a hand-painted map to where a picnic blanket and a telescope lay to watch the stars.
Basket 3  submits a white wicker basket lined with sky blue fabric. A single red rose lies on top. Inside: a variety of finger sandwiches, deviled eggs, chilled bottles of pink lemonade and water, sliced fruits, angel food cake, a small glass jar filled with melted milk chocolate, an array of cheeses, wheat crackers, sushi rolls, two slices of banana cream pie, utensils, and linen napkins. Also tucked into the bottom of the basket are two colorful golf balls.
Basket 4  submits a old brown wicker basket with broken handles and a squished in lid that oddly resembles being crushed by a truck driving over it. Inside you’ll find: A single can of half cooked SpaghettiOs, two snuggies a half-eaten sandwich, an unsolved rubik cube, an expired tamagotchi, a 'I owe you' for a free tattoo, and two deep fried twinkies for desert.
Basket 5  submits a black ash basket wrapped in a red satin bow. Inside you’ll find: spinach artichoke dip and oven-toasted baguette slices, deviled eggs, caprese salad, sautéed portabella mushrooms, two bread bowls filled with chicken fettucine alfredo, and a strawberry-blueberry shortcake. For the drinks, iced sweet tea and a bottle of red wine. At the bottom is a small, portable record player with a few classics, as well as a toy-sized oar and a neatly folded throw blanket.
Basket 6 submits a white wicker basket, complete with multicolored paint splatters and inside are two karaoke microphones, a Twister game box with a sticky note proclaiming Messy Twister, a bundle of water bottles filled with glow sticks and a small glow in the dark ball with a sticky note labeled glow in the dark bowling, and an IOU for burgers and fries.
Basket 7 submits a Country Picnic Basket with a single red rose sitting on top. Inside you’ll find: a small radio playing 90’s RomCom songs like “Kiss Me” by Six Pence None the Richer, two vanilla milkshakes, fries, caesar salad, two cheese burgers, two slices of homemade apple pie, and an envelope with a certificate to name two Stars orbiting around each other whatever you so chose and a IOU for an all expense paid weekend getaway to a place of your choice.
Basket 8 submits a wicker music box with an IOU for candlelit dinner for two, a flyer with the promise of dancing lessons for two, and a diamond bracelet inside.
Basket 9 submits basket that is a dark stained wicker with a gray checkered blanket hanging out of the top and on the inside it has a bottle of Chateau Lafite wine from 1787 and two tickets to a production of Macbeth at Hollow Grove University. There is also a handwritten note inviting whoever wins the basket to a candlelit dinner before Macbeth at L’Atelier de la Magie restaurant and wine bar for an evening of wine and fine dining.
Basket 10 submits a large black wicker basket lined with blue silk cloth embroidered with silver constellations, with a handmade movie ticket tied to the handle with silver ribbon. Inside you’ll find: popcorn, movie candy, sodas, champagne, whiskey, pork shoulder, brisket, grilled octopus, fries, salad, and New York cheesecake.
Basket 11 submits a large Oval Madras Chalkboard Basket.Inside you’ll find: A bottle of Strongbow Hard Gold Apple Cider, Porchetta Sandwiches with Marinated Onions and Salsa Verde, Black Pepper and Honey-Marinated Cantaloupe with Basil and Rocky Road Brownies. A pair of Ray-Ban Original Gold Aviator Sunglasses. And for later, a burgundy Mambe Extreme Weather 100% Waterproof outdoor blanket, a bouquet of Tropical white morning-glories and an 18-inch Leather Sheathed Brass Spyglass Telescope w/ Hardwood Case.
Basket 12  submits a wooden crate lined with nothing. Inside the sad excuse of a basket: a bottle of expensive champagne, two ornate champagne flutes, an assortment of exotic fruits, and a map of the town with a red ‘X’ over Leakey Falls.
Basket 13  submits a black picnic cooler with tacos, chips and dips. There’s also a jug filled with a mixed drink, two beer mugs, two slices of carrot cake, and a game of jacks. Resting on top of the cooler are two paper crowns and at the side of the cooler there’s a blue folded blanket. With the basket, there’s a small container included filled with paint balloons.
Basket 14 submits a black wicked basket lined in red velvet, with a bottle of Moet and two glasses, a bottle of whiskey. To snack on is a selection of imported breads, meat and cheeses, and a selection of grapes and strawberries. Under this are two Southwest Chicken and Swiss Paninis. Beneath is an envelope with a key to the roof area of Nina’s. 
Basket 15 submits a rectangular dark brown wicker basket lined with nautical stripes. Inside you’ll find: Two chicken salad sandwiches, four bags of sour cream & onion chips, a six-pack of Angry Orchard hard cider, two slices of chocolate cake, a box of Monopoly, and a deck of cards.
Basket 16 submits a light brown picnic basket with a red and white plaid blanket folded messily on top. Inside you’ll find: Disposable plates, a large pepperoni pizza with two bottles of coke. A plastic container with a mixture of berries, grapes and strawberries, a six pack of beer and a portable dvd player with the disc options of The Fast and Furious (boxset of all movies), Looper or Big Daddy.
Basket 17 submits a light brown wicker basket lined in white clothing. Inside you’ll find: two blt sandwiches, freshly baked cookies. There is also two bottles of Corono, a bottle of white wine for anyone else’s preference. There are also strswberries, and grapes, along with bags of Skittles, M&Ms and mini Twix bars.
Basket 18  submits a patten leather basket with tooled detailing. Inside you’ll find: a large marvel blanket with all the super heroes on it folded on the bottom, two polaroid cameras with six extra packages of film, a bottle of white wine, a pitcher of lemonade, two wine glasses, fruit salad, assorted cheeses, crackers, roast beef sandwich, a veggie sandwich, potato salad, chocolate dipped strawberries, a vanilla bean cake, two sets of silverware, and two plates.
Basket 19 submits a hand carved dark oak wood chest with a red lining. Inside you’ll find: a large dark blue quilt with the design of a waterfall at night under the stars on it placed on top, champagne, two crystal champagne glasses, a bouquet of red roses with sprigs of bath’s breath mixed in, fire crackers, sparklers, a fondue machine with the skewers, assorted cheeses, different types of fruits, bread, different types of chocolate, marshmallows, two prime ribs, a raspberry cheesecake, two pillows, another smaller dark green blanket, and a telescope with a note on it saying “Will you lie with me and just forget the world?”
Basket 20 submits a metal basket with barbeque cooking utensils, a black apron that says ‘Boss of the grill’, hamburger buns, condiments, and a note that says ‘food on the grill'. There’s also two bottles of ginger ale, half a dozen home-made cookies, and a teddy bear in a chef outfit in the basket.
Basket 21  submits a teal bucket, inside are many different ice cream toppings, along with two empty ice cream bowls. There is an inflatable pool in a box, and a note attached with the offer of all you can eat ice cream and a backyard movie of the bidder’s choice.
Basket 22 submits a traditional wicker basket with a blue and white checkered blanket rolled up on top of it next to a bundle of wildflowers.  Inside you will find a bottle of red wine, two glass wine glasses, chocolate dipped strawberries, two cheeseburgers, and two. You will also find all the necessities for smores inside. You will also find a tabloid loaded with cheesy romantic comedies, and 90′s love songs. 
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lalka-laski · 4 years
If you could have anything to eat right now, what would you have? I was about to say “pizza” ‘till I realized I literally had some for lunch a few hours ago. I have a PROBLEM. 
Does having something sweet before your dinner really ruin your appetite? Nah 
When’s the last time you made pizza at home from scratch? It’s been a few months. I make a hell of a white sauce, I gotta say! I’m not a fan of homemade pizza with red sauce though. 
What’s in your fridge right now? Besides the staples: an assortment of leftovers that desperately need to be thrown out & are starting to smell, several Grapeades (my addiction), a box of wine...
Are there any food products made with bugs in your town’s stores? What....? 
Would you ever eat a dish where the protein were insects? I’m a vegetarian so that’s gonna be a no 
Do you have any dietary restrictions? If so, what and why? Nope. I mean I *should* limit my acidic foods because I have GERD like a bitch but do I? Nope. 
What’s your favorite restaurant to go to? There are several local places I LOVE. And as for fast food, I love pizza & Mexican. 
What do you usually drink with a meal? Usually lemonade. Though I’m trying so hard to drink water with meals. It just grosses me out!
What do you like to have for breakfast? We go out to a diner once a week & I usually get a Greek omelette with hashbrowns & white toast. I’m a big fan of bagel sandwiches too. 
What do you like in your sandwich? UGH, I’ve been craving a (veggie) bologna and cheese for AGES now...
What do you usually buy at a café? Usually just a coffee. I’m not much of a pastry person unless there’s something that REALLY catches my eye, usually a scone or something. 
What do you like with your steak? I’m a vegetarian 
Are there any vegan products you like? Food-wise? Well, duh. 
If the dish you ordered at a restaurant isn’t good, what do you do? I just suck it up or don’t eat it. I’ve never sent food back at a restaurant. 
What do you like to eat while you’re watching a movie? Popcorn! Actually I like popcorn any time of day, during any activity. It’s probably my favorite snack. I’m also a sucker for Sour Patch Kids or any other kind of sour gummies. 
Do you often drop food on yourself while eating? Way too often 
How much do you like food? I’d consider myself a foodie! I don’t just love eating, but I love cooking, preparing food, and discussing it with other food-lovers. 
Do you have dessert often? Nah. And my sweet tooth has significantly waned as I’ve grown older. Now my preferred post-dinner/bedtime snack is popcorn. 
What kinds of things do you like for dessert? Ice cream is probably my fave! 
How do you like your potatoes? There isn’t a single form of potato I *won’t* eat. (I’m Irish & Polish, what do you expect?!) 
How do you feel about salad? I LOVE salads- either as an appetizer or as a meal itself. I love fresh, colorful veggies! 
How often do you cook for yourself? A few nights a week. And on nights I don’t, Glenn cooks or we get takeout. 
How often do you order takeout? We made a pact last month actually to stop ordering takeout once a week (as we usually do) and use the money we save to GO OUT to a sit-down restaurant for a date night. 
Which country’s cuisine do you like best? Mexican or Lebanese/Greek (I know these are two different countries but very often restaurants serve both of these cuisines under one roof. Don’t come for me!) 
What was the first dish you learned to cook? Grilled cheese IIRC 
Do you enjoy eating wraps? If so, what do you like in one? Love them! With all sorts of veggies and cheeses, and spreads like hummus or tzatziki MMMM 
Have you ever had filled pitta bread? If so, what was in it? Falafel is one of my all-time favorite foods 
Chicken, fish, beef or pork? None of the above
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Super roommates; Chapter 2
Summary: Virgil responded to a craigslist ad about renting a house with 3 other people. There were a few warnings. Fires, messy environment, etc. But it did say that the house mates respect boundaries and personal space. That and the extremely cheap price bought Virgil on the spot.  What wasn’t listed was that his three roommates were actually superheroes. This was a terrible turn of events for Virgil, seeing as though he was the villain who owned the headquarters the Trio destroyed a few weeks ago. Pairings: Prinxiety (Romantic), Platonic LAMP
A world that sends you reeling From decimated dreams Your misery and hate will kill us all *Knock Knock* So paint it black And take it back Let's shout it loud and clear
*Knock Knock Knock*
Defiant to the end We hear the call
*KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK* To carry on We'll carry on-
“Alright! Alright! Geez” Virgil stated, turning off the music as a sign of defeat. He got up from his bed and dragged himself to the door. Opening it and looking at the unwanted visitor with a snarl. “Can I help you?” He asked sarcastically.  Logan adjusted his glasses, unfazed at the response of his new roommate. “Patton cooked dinner, come up-” That was when Logan stopped. His unfazed look turned into a shocked and confused one. He caught a glimpse of the  room behind the emo. The once cyan boring room became a dark cave for nightowls and emos like Virgil. 
Logan tore his gaze from the room and turned to Virgil. “How did-” Logan asked, before shutting his mouth again. He had no words to help aid him in his attempt for a sentence. He awkwardly pointed backwards, gesturing for him to go out and upstairs. Virgil stepped outside and closed the door, Logan moving to the side as he did so. “K, let’s go” Virgil’s unamused reply shattered the awkward tension. 
Virgil followed Logan upstairs, every step echoing through the silent atmosphere. “How did you move all those? We didn’t notice you moving furniture to your room. You know you could have always asked help from us. We’re your house mates, so we should all get along” Logan said. Yeah, that ain’t happening anytime soon. Virgil hated heroes. So, for now, he figured he’ll play along. “Yeah, sure. Just didn’t want to bother you guys” Virgil shoved his hands in his jacket pockets. 
They reached the kitchen just in time to see Patton setting down a plate of meatloaf while Roman was pouring lemonade in each glass. The table had four chairs now, unlike this morning with only three. Maybe they were too busy ruining villains’ lives to remember they have a new house mate?  “Heya kiddo! I hope you’re not allergic to garlic, because I made garlic meatloaf! My special recipe” Patton winked before turning around and grabbing a bowl of salad. “And salad! Because vegetables are important!” 
“No, I’m not” He said, plopping himself a seat across from Roman, who took a seat after filling everyone’s glasses with the sour-sweet beverage. As Logan took a seat across an empty chair, presumably Patton’s, Patton was cutting up pieces of meatloaf into 8 equal parts, giving each head two slices each. He also placed an equal amount of salad on the side. As Virgil stared at the food in front of him, the others were already taking their first bites. How long has it been since Virgil had a homemade meal? ...Maybe the last meal where his parents were alive? Yeah. Any meal after their death was either from a restaurant, take out or instant noodles. Surprising how he survived this long with just those three options for food. “Virgil, aren’t you going to eat? Patton put a lot of effort into this!”  Roman asked, his mouth half full. When was the last time he ate with anybody? A few years, maybe? D.C and the other villains  usually have pizza, so Virgil took some to his room. But now, here he is. Eating with superheroes who are out to get him. 
“Virgil?” Roman asked again. He snapped out to reality and noticed the others looking at him. He felt the pressure in his chest, making his heart pump faster. “Sorry... just thinking. I haven’t had a homemade meal in a while...” Virgil said, his gaze falling to the food. “Then get used to it, you’ll be getting loads of them from now on!” Patton said, stuffing another forkful of meat into his mouth. Virgil stuck his fork into the slice of meat and cut a piece off. He brought the food to his mouth and ate it. The taste of garlic and other spices blended well together with the meat. A small smile made its way to his mouth. He took another bite. And another. And another. Until his entire plate was empty. He chugged the sweet tasting lemonade, the sugar blending extremely well with the sourness of the lemon. He hadn’t had a meal like this in forever. 
“You really do look like you enjoy home cooking, huh?” Logan asked, gesturing around his mouth. Virgil took the hint and grabbed a napkin from the container in front of them that was next to the sauces. He wiped the salad dressing and meatloaf juices off his face. “Yeah. I guess so” He said. He had a strange feeling. It felt weird, painful for his heart. And yet, he loved it. He hated to admit it, but he enjoyed the company of the superheroes. Maybe they weren’t so-
The notification of his phone broke the moment. Everyone looked at Virgil. He took out his phone and cautiously checked it. 
We have work to do. Meet us at the house at 12
Midnight? Really? “Who was it, Virgil?” Patton asked as he was grabbing the plates off the table. “Just my boss. He needs me to go to work at midnight. Must be a busy night if the cashier had to tune out so early” Virgil said. He wasn’t lying, they need him to work at midnight. Hoarfrost must not have wanted to work tonight, he usually ducks out of missions so Virgil has to be called. Not his problem, he was the one getting paid instead of him. “Ah. Poker houses do have that habit, do they not?” Logan said, lifting his head from a book about trigonometry. He must be tutoring tomorrow. Patton sets the dishes in the sink, ready to wash. “Ah! Patton, I can do it” Virgil volunteered. “It’s fine, kiddo! I’m the one doing chores around here” Patton laughed it off. “But you cooked the meal! And I can’t just let you have more things to do. Just, let me do it?” Virgil insisted. He wasn’t taught that way. Even villains have manners, too. Before Patton could object, Virgil already had the plates and sponge he was holding in hand. Black gloves that seemingly came from no where protected his hands from the suds and water.
“If you insist, kiddo... but... are you really sure? You know I can just-” Patton said before noticing Virgil already started rinsing the extra food scraps off the plate. Patton sighed, defeated, before going to the living room. He looked behind him,and noticed Roman and Logan were gone. He smirked before turning back to his task. He grabbed each plate and black glazed over each one, becoming shiny clean. He knew Patton was Tidal, a member of the crystal trio who can control water, but he couldn’t let someone who has done him one solid do him another without being paid back. His parents would’ve been disappointed.
Virgil put all the dishes into (hopefully) it’s rightful containers and withdrew back to his room. He passed by Patton and Logan, who were already heading upstairs to turn in for the night. They both greeted Virgil a safe night and Virgil greeted them good night before separating. He noticed Roman on the couch, watching Mulan on the TV. He watched from behind the couch until finally making a remark. “So, watching a Disney movie at 9 pm?” Virgil asked. Roman looked at Virgil, his gaze looking a little offended. “You can never be too old for Disney!” Roman yelled before throwing a pillow to Virgil’s face.”Hey! I didn’t say that! I meant is this normal for you? Watching Disney movies at this time of night?” Virgil clarified. “Ah! Well, before sleeping, I always end my day with a Disney movie. It just helps give the day a good ending” Roman explained. Poetic. Really poetic. He might as well be an actual prince himself. “Would you like to join me? You’ve been watching behind the couch for a good 2 minutes” Roman invited. Virgil’s face flushed. Had he really been standing there for that long? “Sure, I have 3 more hours before I have to go to work, anyways” Virgil said before setting himself down on the couch. The hero and villain sat at both ends of the couch, as far apart as possible to avoid anything awkward happening. As extra protection, Roman set the bowl of popcorn between them- providing as a barricade for the two. 
Every song that played in the movie, they both sang along. Virgil had stopped watching Disney movies when he was 12, after he lost his parents; but still remembered most of the lyrics. Roman had the majority of lyrics sung, seeing as though it was his favorite movie. Nevertheless, they still had fun.
Two and a half hours later and they finished mulan and the lion king. Virgil glanced over at the clock to see he had 25 minutes to get ready. “Well, I better get going” Virgil said, getting up. He only realized now that he and Roman were sitting next to each other. Roman grabbed Virgil’s hand, stopping him from moving out. “In that?” Roman asked, looking at Virgil head to toe. His outfit did get wrinkled thanks to the small marathon they had, but honestly, Virgil couldn’t care less what he wore. Roman thinks the world of it. When Virgil shrugged, Roman stood up and quickly ran to his room- Virgil still in hand. 
They ran through the hallway and reached the view-tuber's room. They quickly got in and that was when Roman released Virgil’s hand. Roman quickly went to his closet and rummaged through the assortment of clothes. Virgil stood awkwardly, his hand holding onto the his other arm. “Aha!” Roman pulled out a purple turtleneck, a black jacket, black jeans and black camper boots. “These will fit you nicely! And just your style too!” Roman threw them to the emo before shoving him into his bathroom. “Try them on!” Roman said before closing the door. Virgil quickly locked the door and sighed. What was happening? How did he get into this situation? He examined the clothes. They were in fine condition, however the angel wing design at the back of the jacket bothered him. He simply shrugged it off and tried the combo on. 
He took off his jacket and shirt to reveal scars all over his body. Scars that were once wounds he had to heal by himself. Thanks to those heroes. He had to keep reminding himself who the true enemies are. People who are sharing the same house as him. He put on the clothes and looked at himself. It was okay, he looked decent. He would have preferred a hoodie, but this is good enough.  He grabbed his old clothes and walked out of the bathroom to find Roman waiting for him at his vanity. Roman beamed when he saw him. “You look stunning! I knew they’d fit you. Put your clothes in my laundry basket behind my bathroom door and come over here. I’m gonna fix your makeup” Roman said. Virgil put his clothes in his laundry basket and walked over to the prince.
Prince grabbed a few eye shadows and concealers and worked his magic on Virgil’s face. “You know, I run a view-tube channel with over 2 million subs. You might have heard about me, Prince Creativity. I make-” “Fashion and makeup videos. Yes I’ve heard of you. I used to watch your videos a lot” Virgil said, finishing Roman’s sentence for him. The egoist’s expression showed shock and astonishment. “Really now?” Roman asked, a smirk playing his lips. “I suppose I was also the one who taught you how to put on our makeup?” Virgil nodded in response.  Roman looked at the vanity mirror with Virgil with a proud look on his face. Virgil looked even more dark and sinister than he was before, but it complemented his outfit nicely.
As Virgil stared into the mirror, Roman chuckled. “Your hair is an extremely dark shade of black. Almost looks dyed” Roman said. Virgil shrugged. “It’s natural, believe me” “And your eyes?” Roman cocked his head to the side, smile still visible on his face. “What about my eyes?” He checked and wanted to sigh in relief to see they’re still black. “They’re like a pair of black diamonds in the midst of a wide variety of brightly colored gems” Roman said. To that, Virgil didn’t know how to respond. Is that a good or bad thing? But before he could ask for clarification, Roman had already placed his left hand on Virgil’s right shoulder. “And I mean it in a good way. You’re a good man, Virgil Dean” That struck Virgil hard. He wasn’t supposed to be a good person. He was supposed to be a villain. A person who tries to get rid of the godforsaken hero filth that crawls on this Earth. “Yeah” Virgil laughed awkwardly before standing up. “I should get going. My boss will get angry” Virgil said, seeing Roman follow his action. “And I have to get to bed, I’m going to be making another video tomorrow, and Princes have to slay” The motto of his channel. He loved the fact that Roman could use his last name in so many motivational quotes and slogans. Virgil gave a small smile before leaving him, saluting the man in bed as he closed the door. 
Virgil hurriedly ran down the stairs to see he only had five minutes to get there. Instead of hurrying, however; he simply relaxed and walked out of the door.  As soon as he closed the door, he sunk into the shadows- not a single trace left behind.
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trashglasses · 7 years
Hi, I really enjoy your FFXV Somethings Never change and I couldn't help but think of Prompto and Noctis baby sitting Gladio and Ignis's kids, or Gladio and Ignis babysitting Prompto and Noct's son?
AHHH I’m glad you like it so much! It is awesome to hear!
I have thought about this situation so much since I have started this series since both families have such a different kind of dynamic. Ignis and Gladio run a tight ship and keep the girls in check meanwhile Prompto and Noct let Nikolas run a little wild.
The girls LOVE going over to Noct’s and Prompto’s place. They can run around and play all day, eat whatever they want, watch tv whenever, and be the loud kids they want to be. They come home from Noct’s place with a massive sugar high and covered in mud from playing in the park. Or they come home with paint in their hair and marker stains all over their new dresses. Ignis quietly loses his mind but can’t be upset because they had fun with Nikky. Plus Prompto loves having the girls over so Nikky has someone to play with during the day. When they stay they stay the night, Prompto lets them stay up later than they do at his house and they watch a movie all together with popcorn and candy. They all get to make a blanket fort and sleep in it for the night and Prompto heats up some toaster waffles for breakfast.
When Gladio and Ignis watch Nikolas, it’s quite different. He had to eat his veggies and they aren’t having pizza for dinner. He can’t leave all his toys on the floor and has to clean them up. There’s no room for play fighting in their place. It’s a much quieter environment. Gladio will take all the kids outside and play with them for a while to keep them from sitting in front of the TV all day. Ignis will make homemade lemonade and have a package of fruit snacks waiting for them when they come inside. Baths are taken early and they are laid down in bed by 7:30. But Nikky doesn’t mind or fuss about it (except for the veggies) because he has fun there, just in a different way.
I swear one day I’ll write a chapter for it but here’s a little insight into it~
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reeltoreal-cl · 7 years
Loving Memphis: A List of Bright Places to Enjoy and Meet People
Memphis, TN is a city known for four things that people typically know of before making any travel plans there: BBQ, blues, Elvis, and crime. I was raised in Memphis, and returned for two years after college graduation. I quickly realized how much easier it was to enjoy the city as a 21-year-old with a car than anyone under the age of 18. I have since maintained a list of the best and brightest places to visit based on my own experiences:
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Huey’s - This is hands-down my favorite place. Known for their burgers. I always get the World Famous Huey’s Burger and Tennessee Tea.
Osaka - A nice sushi and hibachi gem in Poplar Plaza. I recommend the Big Daddy sushi roll.
Bluff City Coffee - The cutest little coffee shop downtown! They get their pastries from a local baker, and offer homemade dog treats for your furry friends. The chai tea latte and all of the sandwiches are faithfully good.
The Green Beetle - Downtown on Main Street, this seems like a dive, but has food that’s rich in flavor. The Philly cheese steak, patty melt, hot wings, and fries are to die for!
Jim ‘n Nicks - BBQ win!
Central BBQ - Another BBQ win, but the dry rub especially!
Jerry’s Sno Cones - Crack in a cone in the depths of North Memphis.
Scoops - A black-owned gelato and crepe bar downtown. Red Wine Sorbet is my flavor of choice.
Onix - A black-owned soul food restaurant that features live bands. The sweet tea is everything, but the lemon pepper wings are good, too.
DeJa Vu - A black-owned New Orleans-style restaurant in downtown Memphis. Can be pricey, but the food’s delicious.
Coletta’s - An Italian restaurant in Bartlett with an old-school, family feel.
Happy Mexican - Guess the style? lol The staff is always friendly here, and the food and drinks never fail. I recommend the fajitas, quesadillas, Taquitos Mexicanos (my fav), and the Margarita Dip! Also, please drink a Walk Me Down while you’re there. Thank me later.
Boscoe’s Squared - A cool spot in Overton Square with a huge beer menu, cool brunch menu, and intimate seating.
Babalu - A Mexican-Cuban fusion restaurant in Overton Square known for their tapas. They have really good seasonal drinks around the holidays.
Sweet Noshings - A sweet shop in Overton Square with their own candy, chocolate, ice cream, and popcorn! Let your inner child run wild!
Don Don’s Hot Wings - Wangs and thangs.
Dixie Queen - Absolutely love their lemon pepper and honey gold wings, their seasoned fries, and their lemonade.
Rendezvous is our claim to fame a la Food Network. I’ve also heard fabulous things about Southern Hands.
Tourist Attractions:
Stax Museum - An incredible history of the music of the South, particularly Memphis and Stax Records artists, starting all the way back with the significance of “field songs.” It’s beautiful and so enlightening.
National Civil Rights Museum - Fun fact: I worked here as a tour guide for a year. Your experience touring the museum after its renovation will be much better than mine working there, lol. But it’s extremely profound and an experience the whole family can appreciate and learn from.
Woodruff-Fontaine House - A cool Victorian house for an old, famous family in Memphis, known for its architecture, décor, and hauntings.
Slave Haven - A small house-turned-museum that allegedly served as a safe house for slaves traveling on the underground railroad. Historical accuracy is contested, but still cool to see.
Yes, Gracelend is here, but most natives have never been! There are also the Blues Hall of Fame and Memphis Rock ‘n Soul Museum.
Bars, Clubs, & Lounges:
Fox & Hound - If you’re a foxy lady or hound dog who likes great drinks, sports on every flatscreen, and pool, this is the place for you. I always go for the beer-battered fish and chips, and the Kryptonite ‘Rita.
Greencork Wine Bar (closed until 2018) - A snazzy little spot near the Cooper-Young district that allows you to buy a card to test out wines from about 20 dispensaries as you lounge by the fire or sit at tall tables with friends. Food options are more expensive than they’re worth, though, and you’ll need to know which types of wines you favor before testing to get more bang for your buck.
Club Love / Love Lounge - A recent business development, this lounge that typically caters to the 30s+ crowd is an excellent mix of throwback jams and new music as the night goes on. If you want a more sophisticated night out, this place is great. Hosted my 23rd birthday here.
Mollie Fontaine Lounge - Across the street from the Woodruff-Fontaine House, this historic home turns into a lounge at night with great truffle fries, girls dressed as vampires, and men Vogue-ing. It’s lit!
Wet Willie’s - While the history behind this place is pretty ugly (see Ida B. Wells placard outside), it now serves as the best place for a frozen alcoholic beverages. The Bob Marley is where it’s at! I once went with the girls, recognized a guy I knew having a birthday outing, and his crew bought 20 jello shots for us all to share. Such is the Beale Street party life.
Peabody Rooftop - This is something different. You can see the sun set, hear cool live bands, and enjoy drinks and complimentary food if you’re there on time when it starts. Great chance to be with a different crowd and have some fresh air as you sweat out the liquors, lol.
Arts & Entertainment:
Studio on the Square - A quirky, old-school theater in Overton Square that serves alcohol and real food to go along with your movie. Along with typical showings, has indie films and other cool stuff.
Paradiso Theatre - Styled like an Italian villa, this theatre also serves alcohol to accompany your film.
Hollywood 20 Cinema - More in my neck of the woods, aka in Bartlett.
Hattiloo Theatre - A black-owned performing arts theatre that hosts plays and musicals with African-American casts and narratives, as well as panel discussions and other events with topics related to the black community.
Playhouse on the Square - A theater in Overton Square.
Crosstown Arts - An art gallery in the Sears-Crosstown area that hosts changing art exhibits and other artsy-fartsy events.
Rumba Room - A nightclub that specializes in salsa dance lessons and Latin foods, while also hosting poetry nights and dance recitals from other companies and troupes around the city.
We’re also home to the Indie Memphis Film Festival and On Location: International Film & Music Festival. That scene is slowly building.
Memphis Botanical Gardens - Make sure you go in full bloom or else it’s like your backyard, lol. But it’s really great, with a relaxed path through the entire thing as well as a Japanese garden bridge. I also enjoy their on-location restaurant Fratelli’s.
Shelby Farms - This huge, huge, huge plot of land is the best place for a wide variety of hiking and running trails. They’re also home to the Starry Nights drive for Christmas, and Earth Day in April.
W. J. Freeman Park - This little park is tucked into Bartlett, and it’s usually empty if you want some privacy for a quick jog or to walk the dog.
Mississippi River Walk - Beautiful and serene location if you want to go for a walk near some water. Just don’t stay too long into the night or when it’s storming, for obvious reasons.
Wolfchase Galleria
Wolfchase Commons
Collierville Carriage Crossing
Poplar Plaza
Polish Girl - A black-owned nail shop with cool sugar scrubs, mixed drinks, and a playlist that your girlfriends will enjoy.
Diva Nails - An Asian-owned nail shop designed like a Venetian spa.
Grizzlies Games - Basketball is what makes the world go ‘round here.
Redbirds Games - Good family or work event if it’s not too hot out. If so, wear a hat to shade yourself and buy some frozen pink lemonade.
Africa in April - A festival of art, food, and performances celebrating the diversity of Africa in Robert Church Park downtown!
Latino Memphis Festival - A festival of the same things, but in Overton Park with the country of celebration changing every year!
Events on my to-do list are Beale Street Music Festival, Latino Memphis Dia de los Muertos, Curtis Givens All White and All Black Affairs, Omega Psi Phi Sundresses & Linen Party, Best in Black Awards, 40 Under 40 Urban Elite, and Wine on the River.
That concludes my recommendations, everyone. A lot of things are coming to Memphis in 2017, so keep your eyes peeled for new adventures in the 901. I can’t wait to explore even more places to add to this list. Enjoy!
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susantregre · 6 years
25+ Sweet Valentine’s Day Treats
I love making Valentine’s Day treats.
Every holiday is an excuse to bake! I love the bright pink and red colors we get to use in February.
Here are lots of delicious Valentine recipes to try this year full of sugar and sprinkles!
25+ Sweet Valentine’s Day Treats
Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate 
Valentine s’mores bark dessert is the pink and purple version of s’mores! This is treat is as fun to make as it is to eat. via Kids Activities Blog 
These valentine oreo truffles are my most favorite dessert ever. So good! via Totally The Bomb
Homemade heart brownies look delicious and would make a fun treat for anyone. via Simplistically Living 
These mini chocolate covered pretzels are adorable and taste so good! via Dinner Dishes and Desserts
Chocolate kiss cookies are double chocolate cookies that are perfectly decorated for Valentine’s Day. via The Kitchen Is My Playground 
Chocolate covered pretzels are so versatile and could be made for any holiday. via Love From The Oven
Strawberry fudge is such a unique spin on fudge–perfectly pink for Valentine’s Day! via A Few Short Cuts 
These red velvet crinkle cookies are so sweet! Cut them into hearts for an adorable treat. via Foodie Fun
Brownie truffles are tiny brownie bites dipped in chocolate. They make the most amazing dessert. via Home Is Where The Boat Is
These chocolate bites are the sweetest! Perfect for little fingers! via Number 2 Pencil 
We “Heart” Heart Treats!
These mini cherry pies are tiny pies in the shape of hearts. via The Sweetest Occasion 
Strawberry rice krispie treats are heart-shaped Rice Krispies–a fun take on an old favorite! via Love + Marriage and a Baby Carriage
If you’re a Reese’s fan, these peanut butter hearts will rock your Valentine’s Day. via Baker by Nature
I love the little heart cut-outs in the middle of these valentine sandwich cookies. via The Nerd’s Wife
These sweetheart muddy buddies are the perfect treat to make for your sweetheart! via The Recipe Critic
Cherry hand pies, in the shape of tiny hearts, are absolutely adorable. via The Artful Parent
How about something savory to go with all these sweets? Kids will love these mini heart-shaped pizzas! via The Nerd’s Wife
The secret to these chocolate strawberry hearts, is Nutella. You’re gonna want to make a big batch of this one! via One Little Project
It’s so easy to make red velvet whoopie pies! You have to try this recipe. via Everyday Annie
Treats for School Parties (Or Any Valentine’s Day Party!)
This post contains affiliate links. 
Valentine’s bark is one of the most simple but exciting treats you can make, and it’s a guaranteed crowd pleaser! via Lil Luna
Grab some vanilla ice cream and soda and make cupid floats. via Somewhat Simple.
This valentine popcorn is perfect to make for a movie night! via Gimme Some Ovens. You can also put it in Valentine’s Day treat bags and send it in for a school party!
The only thing better than cake is cake you can eat on the go, like this strawberry cake in a jar. via Happy Money Saver
Easy pink lemonade fudge is a pink fudge that’s perfect for the holiday. via Back for Seconds
These strawberry truffle kiss cookies look amazing! I mean, who wouldn’t love pink cookies with a Hershey kiss in the middle? via Inside Bru Crew Life
Your favorite childhood cookie dipped in chocolate and coated in sprinkles = chocolate dipped wafers. This is such a cute idea to make for your kids to bring to school! via Give Recipe
Strawberry lemonade, sprite, and sherbet are all the ingredients needed to make this yummy sweetheart punch. via Made To Be A Momma
This valentine’s day snack mix is a quick and easy Valentine’s Day treat idea for a school party! via Glorious Treats
Fun Valentine’s Day Crafts  
This Valentine Sensory bottle is easy to make and just perfect for Valentine’s Day! And this Valentine handprint art craft is a fun activity for all the kids to try. Or get ready to decorate your own tree branches with this DIY Valentine’s day tree craft! 
Leave a comment: What sweet treats and fun activities does your family like to make and do on Valentine’s day?
The post 25+ Sweet Valentine’s Day Treats appeared first on Kids Activities Blog.
from Kids Activities Blog http://bit.ly/2MU9f2R
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aaronsniderus · 6 years
Your Ultimate Staycation Guide
Summer is almost at an end, and with that comes the final three-day weekend of the season, Labor Day weekend. This is our last chance to make the most of those summer activities, get in some fun and relax before it’s all about school and pumpkin spice lattes.
If you’re planning on staying home this three-day weekend, we’ve compiled a list of great activities to help you squeeze in as much fun as is humanly possible. Take a look and get inspired!
The Morning
Sleep In
The first idea is the simplest: catch up on your rest. Give yourself a morning free from activities, rushing and places to be, even if it’s just for an hour. If you’re gearing up for the new school year, a slow morning can serve as a relaxing calm before the storm.
Make Breakfast
It’s amazing how often we skip breakfast. Most of us are just too busy to take the time to cook anything, let alone sit down and eat it. It doesn’t have to be fancy, maybe just toast and eggs, but give yourself a morning where you really sit down and enjoy a nice breakfast.
Work Out
If you’re planning on having any sort of party later in the day, this is the time to get your workout done. Maybe run or walk outside to shake things up a bit. This doesn’t have to be too intense. Remember, you’re on vacation!
Take Up a Good Book
Make the most of a bright summer morning by sitting down with that book you always meant to get around to. This is best enjoyed in your comfiest chair right by a window and with a cup of coffee or tea. You can stay in bed to read, but chairs are a better option if you’re prone to falling asleep while reading! If you’re feeling extra fancy, put on a little background music.
The Afternoon
Themed BBQ
Barbeques and summer weekends go together like avocados and toast. They’re the perfect way to have some friends over, spend time outside with great food and soak up a little sun. This weekend, dial your BBQ up to 11 by setting a theme for the party. Hawaiian, Cajun, or chili cook-off are all great options. The theme might ensure your guests bring food that complements the barbeque and gives you the excuse to try recipes you might not normally explore.  If you’re really looking to add some spice, have a signature cocktail.
Slip and Slide Party
It’s time to make the most of these warm summer days and find fun ways to cool off. One option is the Slip and Slide party. You can rent the big blow-up kind or go old-school with a few tarps. Wired has a great guide on how to build your own. Just make sure you have enough water! If you want to add a little extra fun, set up two slides near each other and host a race.
Pool Party
If you have a pool, then take this chance to get out there and enjoy it with some friends. We’ve put together a list of ways to throw a great pool party.  And remember, a pool party doesn’t always have to be complicated. People, food, drinks and a pool is the perfect recipe for a good time.
Outdoor Picnic
If having a party isn’t your thing, something much more low key can still be a lot of fun. Set up a few blankets and pillows out in your backyard and eat lunch outside. If you want to make things a little more special, have some homemade lemonade or put together a cocktail. You can also bring out that book you started in the morning.
DIY Time
Three-day weekends are practically designed for DIY projects. The extra time can give you the chance to really accomplish something without having to stop and start every few minutes. We’ve compiled a list of one-day home projects you can pick from.  If you like gardening, this could be a great chance to get your garden ready for the next season.
The Evening
Movie Marathon
One of the great things about three-day weekends is the chance to stay up a little later an extra night! Pick a movie series or a genre to add a theme to the evening and make yourself a bowl of popcorn. This is all about a little binge-watching so get some candy, your beverage of choice and settle in.
Outdoor Movie Party
If you want to make movie watching more of an event, set up a projector and make your backyard into a theater. This is best enjoyed with some friends – maybe even a friend who owns a projector if you don’t have one of your own. Set up comfy areas for everyone to sit and hang an old sheet to use as a screen. It’s best to pick a movie you’ve already seen since an outdoor set up can make it a little harder to hear. Be conscientious of your neighbors and volume, too!
Spa Night
Time for some TLC. This is all about taking a little time out for you. This doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. You can light a few candles and soak in the tub, give yourself a manicure or make a DIY face mask and relax on the couch. A spa night can also be a chance to spend a little quiet time with your family or a few close friends. Make or buy a few sweet treats for some extra indulgence.
Online Shopping
One of the great thing about Labor Day weekend is the sales. The holidays may feel like forever away, but this could be the time to buy those gifts while the price is right. You can also find a lot of summer items on sale – grills, summer clothes and gardening supplies will have pretty decent discounts. Techradar put together their own guide to the sales and every retailer listed has an online shop. Pick a place to hunker down and get your savings on.
Backyard Campout
This idea is great for families who want to spend some time away from technology. Leave the phones, tablets and other devices inside for a real tech-free experience. Set up a tent in the backyard and have yourself a good old-fashioned campout. You can even add a blowup mattress if sleeping on the ground isn’t your style. A bonfire and a few s’mores will give everyone something fun to do as they sit out under the stars.
Remember, this is your three-day weekend so make the most of it doing the activities you want to do! If we missed your favorite idea, be sure to share it in the comments.
The post Your Ultimate Staycation Guide appeared first on ZING Blog by Quicken Loans.
from Updates About Loans https://www.quickenloans.com/blog/ultimate-staycation-guide
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aaltjebarisca · 6 years
Your Ultimate Staycation Guide
Summer is almost at an end, and with that comes the final three-day weekend of the season, Labor Day weekend. This is our last chance to make the most of those summer activities, get in some fun and relax before it’s all about school and pumpkin spice lattes.
If you’re planning on staying home this three-day weekend, we’ve compiled a list of great activities to help you squeeze in as much fun as is humanly possible. Take a look and get inspired!
The Morning
Sleep In
The first idea is the simplest: catch up on your rest. Give yourself a morning free from activities, rushing and places to be, even if it’s just for an hour. If you’re gearing up for the new school year, a slow morning can serve as a relaxing calm before the storm.
Make Breakfast
It’s amazing how often we skip breakfast. Most of us are just too busy to take the time to cook anything, let alone sit down and eat it. It doesn’t have to be fancy, maybe just toast and eggs, but give yourself a morning where you really sit down and enjoy a nice breakfast.
Work Out
If you’re planning on having any sort of party later in the day, this is the time to get your workout done. Maybe run or walk outside to shake things up a bit. This doesn’t have to be too intense. Remember, you’re on vacation!
Take Up a Good Book
Make the most of a bright summer morning by sitting down with that book you always meant to get around to. This is best enjoyed in your comfiest chair right by a window and with a cup of coffee or tea. You can stay in bed to read, but chairs are a better option if you’re prone to falling asleep while reading! If you’re feeling extra fancy, put on a little background music.
The Afternoon
Themed BBQ
Barbeques and summer weekends go together like avocados and toast. They’re the perfect way to have some friends over, spend time outside with great food and soak up a little sun. This weekend, dial your BBQ up to 11 by setting a theme for the party. Hawaiian, Cajun, or chili cook-off are all great options. The theme might ensure your guests bring food that complements the barbeque and gives you the excuse to try recipes you might not normally explore.  If you’re really looking to add some spice, have a signature cocktail.
Slip and Slide Party
It’s time to make the most of these warm summer days and find fun ways to cool off. One option is the Slip and Slide party. You can rent the big blow-up kind or go old-school with a few tarps. Wired has a great guide on how to build your own. Just make sure you have enough water! If you want to add a little extra fun, set up two slides near each other and host a race.
Pool Party
If you have a pool, then take this chance to get out there and enjoy it with some friends. We’ve put together a list of ways to throw a great pool party.  And remember, a pool party doesn’t always have to be complicated. People, food, drinks and a pool is the perfect recipe for a good time.
Outdoor Picnic
If having a party isn’t your thing, something much more low key can still be a lot of fun. Set up a few blankets and pillows out in your backyard and eat lunch outside. If you want to make things a little more special, have some homemade lemonade or put together a cocktail. You can also bring out that book you started in the morning.
DIY Time
Three-day weekends are practically designed for DIY projects. The extra time can give you the chance to really accomplish something without having to stop and start every few minutes. We’ve compiled a list of one-day home projects you can pick from.  If you like gardening, this could be a great chance to get your garden ready for the next season.
The Evening
Movie Marathon
One of the great things about three-day weekends is the chance to stay up a little later an extra night! Pick a movie series or a genre to add a theme to the evening and make yourself a bowl of popcorn. This is all about a little binge-watching so get some candy, your beverage of choice and settle in.
Outdoor Movie Party
If you want to make movie watching more of an event, set up a projector and make your backyard into a theater. This is best enjoyed with some friends – maybe even a friend who owns a projector if you don’t have one of your own. Set up comfy areas for everyone to sit and hang an old sheet to use as a screen. It’s best to pick a movie you’ve already seen since an outdoor set up can make it a little harder to hear. Be conscientious of your neighbors and volume, too!
Spa Night
Time for some TLC. This is all about taking a little time out for you. This doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. You can light a few candles and soak in the tub, give yourself a manicure or make a DIY face mask and relax on the couch. A spa night can also be a chance to spend a little quiet time with your family or a few close friends. Make or buy a few sweet treats for some extra indulgence.
Online Shopping
One of the great thing about Labor Day weekend is the sales. The holidays may feel like forever away, but this could be the time to buy those gifts while the price is right. You can also find a lot of summer items on sale – grills, summer clothes and gardening supplies will have pretty decent discounts. Techradar put together their own guide to the sales and every retailer listed has an online shop. Pick a place to hunker down and get your savings on.
Backyard Campout
This idea is great for families who want to spend some time away from technology. Leave the phones, tablets and other devices inside for a real tech-free experience. Set up a tent in the backyard and have yourself a good old-fashioned campout. You can even add a blowup mattress if sleeping on the ground isn’t your style. A bonfire and a few s’mores will give everyone something fun to do as they sit out under the stars.
Remember, this is your three-day weekend so make the most of it doing the activities you want to do! If we missed your favorite idea, be sure to share it in the comments.
The post Your Ultimate Staycation Guide appeared first on ZING Blog by Quicken Loans.
from Updates About Loans https://www.quickenloans.com/blog/ultimate-staycation-guide
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Try these 106 ideas to keep kids from getting bored and to create memories that they’ll have for a lifetime (or at least for that first day of school when they’re asked “what did you do this summer?”).
Want help making your way through this list? Print it out and check it off as you go through it! Don’t forget to give this Kids Summer Idea list to the babysitter or nanny to do with your kids.
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Make Glitter Unicorn Slime
Bake cookies for ice cream sandwiches.
Go to the nature center.
Make a photo journal or a family yearbook.
Have a luau in the backyard.
Visit the beach.
Make a fort out of cardboard boxes and blankets.
Visit the farmer’s market.
Create a scavenger hunt
Pick berries and make jam or pies
Have a picnic at the park.
Make ice cream.
Go canoeing at a local lake.
Build a sandcastle.
Write and illustrate your own book.
Forget cooking—Order pizza and set up a movie outside.
Clean up trash at a local park.
Have a backyard campfire … or just use the grill! Roast hot dogs on sticks, pop popcorn and finish off with s’mores.
Make homemade pizza.
Go for a walk and then make a collage from nature objects you find along the way.
Head to a creek and feed the ducks.
Set up a lemonade stand.
Have a water balloon or sponge-ball fight
Practice your origami skills and make objects to hang from the ceiling.
Go biking on a trail
Interview an older relative about what life was like when they were young.
Plan a picnic at a local park—or in your backyard.
Print out a list of children’s books and go to the library.
Create Ice Paints
Practice making interesting shadow puppets and then put on a show with your characters.
Plant a garden of herbs and veggies.
Make a sidewalk chalk mural.
Create Ice Boat races
Have an outdoor painting party using huge canvases or cardboard.
Go Fishing.
Plant a butterfly garden with flowers or build one in a kit.
Pretend to be pirates for a day—dress up in costumes, plan a treasure hunt and talk like a pirate.
Make an indoor sandbox using colored rice: mix 4 cups of rice with 3 tablespoons of rubbing alcohol and a few drops of food coloring and let dry overnight.
Turn the backyard into a carnival—set up a face painting area and games like ring toss.
Play outside in the rain.
Visit a museum you’ve never been to.
Make a giant hopscotch or Twister game on the lawn (with spray paint) or driveway (with chalk).
String beads into jewelry or make friendship bracelets.
Make a bird house
Learn about stargazing and identify as many constellations as possible
Create leis with wildflowers.
Go fossil hunting near a lake.
Break out your baseball gloves and start a game, sandlot style.
Make paper boats and race them in a kiddie pool using straws to propel them.
Play mini-golf
Make your own colored sand and create sand art.
Get a map and mark off all the exciting places you want to visit
Set up a net and play badminton and volleyball
Visit an amusement park
Wade through a stream and search for minnows or tadpoles.
Go zip-lining.
Have a tricycle race at the park.
Investigate an ethnic grocery store and make lunch
Visit a fire station.
Collect rocks and paint them to use as paperweights or pet rocks.
Go roller skating.
Visit a zoo
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Visit an aquariam
Run through the sprinklers.
Blend your own smoothie.
Set up a bike wash
Batter up at a batting cage.
Let kids paint the sidewalk or patio with plain old water and sponge brushes. When their creation dries, they can begin again.
Bake cupcakes
Assemble a family cookbook with all your favorite recipes.
Go horseback riding.
Make a Popsicle in Dixie cups using fruit juices.
Catch fireflies in a jar (and let them go at the end of the night).
Stage your own Summer Olympics with races, hurdles and relays.
Create a backyard circus—kids can pretend to be animals and dress up as clowns.
Decorate bikes and have a neighborhood parade.
Take a sewing/crochet/knitting class.
Make paper airplanes.
Go to a flea market.
Volunteer at an animal adoption organization.
Visit a retirement home and read stories to residents.
Attend an outdoor festival
Attend a concert
Pick a nearby town to visit for the day.
Visit a cave.
Get a map of your area, mark off all the local parks—then visit them, take pictures
Take in some fireworks
Make crafts with recyclable items like stickers using old photos, magazines and reposition-able glue.
Make your own hard-to-pop bubbles with 1 cup of distilled water, 2 tablespoons of Dawn dish soap and 1 tablespoon of glycerin.
Paint canvas sneakers with fabric paint pens or acrylic paint.
Create three dimensional buildings using toothpicks and mini marshmallows.
Make bird feeders by covering pine cones with peanut butter and rolling in birdseed.
Create unusual s’mores by experimenting with ingredients like cookies, bananas, flavored marshmallows and white chocolate.
Make spider dogs by cutting the ends of a hotdog lengthwise and roasting in a bonfire
Have a fancy tea party.
Make a giant slip-n-slide with a painter’s tarp and shaving cream.
Go camping in the backyard or at a campsite
Let kids paint each other with washable tempera paint, then wash it off in the sprinklers.
Visit a national park and help the kids earn a junior ranger badge.
Go to a ballgame and teach your kids (and yourself) how to keep a scorecard.
Set up a tent in the backyard to use as a summer playhouse.
Take a free kid’s workshop at stores like Lowe’s, Home Depot or Pottery Barn.
Have a game night with charades, Pictionary and bingo.
Take a boring brown paper bag and have kids brainstorm creative things to do with it—you’ll be surprised at how many things you can come up with.
Go to a splash pad
Take your bikes to somewhere you haven’t been before
Find a specialty ice cream store and get a cone
Just remember we only have 18 summers with our kids, and really its only 14 or so when they actually want to be with us. Lets use our time wisely and enjoy as much of our summers together as we can!!
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    106 Fun Things To Do With Kids This Summer! Try these 106 ideas to keep kids from getting bored and to create memories that they'll have for a lifetime (or at least for that first day of school when they're asked "what did you do this summer?").
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lalka-laski · 4 years
what is a food that you’d hate to be allergic to?: Cheese. Not sure if cheese allergy is an actual thing or if it’s just an intolerance but you feel me. 
what color was the last towel you used?: Pink, of course. 
would you prefer to date someone taller, shorter, or the same height as you? Glenn is the same height as me
when was the last time your nose bled? Uh now that I think of it, I don’t think it ever has 
how old are you turning this year?: 28 in about a month. Yikes! 
what is your favorite thing to snack on while watching a movie?: Popcorn is my favorite snack in general. Whether I’m watching a movie or not. Gah, now I want some... 
swimming pool or hot tub?: I don’t mind hot tubs but I definitely prefer a pool. There’s just more to do!
can you swim well? Not really. I mean, I can stay afloat and keep myself alive but that’s about it.
what body part do you wash first in the shower?: My face, if I wore makeup that day. Otherwise, my hair. 
who would you allow to read your thoughts for one day? Not a single person.
name your last reason for using a camera? I made homemade hummus & wanted to document it! (Spoiler: it did not taste good).  what kind of first impression do you think you make? I think generally people find me to be friendly & warm. I’m approachable, that’s for sure. 
where was the last place you fell asleep other than your bed? My couch 
what are you excited about? I’m excited for this shift to be over. 2 more hours of hell.... 
seven days from now, will you be in a relationship? Yep when was the last time you laughed really hard & why? Honestly I can’t remember. I had a rough couple of days.
what are you wearing? A black sweater & black jeggings, both of which are too loose on me now. Score!
what do you want? My anxiety to be cured. Ha, wishful thinking!
did you enjoy your weekend? Today’s Friday and I’m honestly not sure what this weekend will look like.
do you regret anything you’ve done recently? Oh God yes yes yes. 
is there anybody you wish you could see? Glenn. 2 more hours till I can hold him. I really need it today. 
have you ever kissed anyone with a name that starts with j or m? Mhm 
how many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? A few 
do you think you’ll be married in 10 years? Yep I sure do!
have you ever been given roses? Come to think of it, I don’t think so. Glenn always gets me Chrysanthemums, which are my favorite. 
do you even like getting flowers? I love them! Especially when it’s out of the blue and not for a specific occasion. 
what’s your favorite flowers? Chrysanthemums!
could you go out in public looking like you do now? I am in public so, there ya go!
who’s the first person you texted today? Ryan
would you move to another state to be with the person you loved? Luckily Glenn & I have both agreed that we will never move out of state. We want to stay near our families. 
how’s the weather today? It’s pretty muggy. I’m in a nice air conditioned building though, so I’m fine. 
what color are your eyes? Greenish
do you like poptarts? I love them! That reminds me, I have a box in my pantry. I’m gonna tear into that when I get home.
where will you be 12 hours from now? Home & hopefully asleep 
is it easy for others to make you feel intimidated? Oh, extremely. I have pretty low self-esteem so I assume everyone is better than me and knows it. 
do you know what you are going to wear tomorrow? In the morning I’ll wear work clothes & then I have no idea what I’ll throw on when I get home
are you on a desktop or laptop? Desktop 
does anyone hate you for no reason? Maybe? I mean, I hope not but I have no clue.
what are you planning to do today? When I get home I’m gonna eat and sleep. Yeah, that about sums it up. 
play an instrument? Nope but I wish.  would you go back in time if you were given the chance? Right now, yeah. I fucked up yesterday and I’d like to take it back. 
have you ever kissed someone whose name starts with an r? Mhm
have you ever passed out? Yeah... 
are you easily confused? Oh yeah. I’m constantly confused. I don’t understand shit. 
do you think you would make a good wife/husband? I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately. I do think I’m a good partner because I pour my love into people. My issue is that I don’t love myself as deeply as I love Glenn. My self-destruction hurts HIM and I don’t realize that enough. 
what’s your favorite kind of ice cream? Creme Brulee. But really, there’s hardly any ice cream flavor I WON’T eat
do you like coffee? I love the taste but I can only drink decaf. Thanks, anxiety! 
do you like summer? I love a lot of summer activities (swimming, going to the beach, attending outdoor concerts/festivals), I just can’t stand the heat. 
where were you at 8am this morning? Here at work
do you fall for people easily? Sort of. 
everything happens for a reason? I try to maintain that attitude but the truth is that there are some really cruel injustices in life.
have you ever dated someone more than once? Yeah. What a mistake that was!
who have you texted in the last 24 hours? Several friends, plus my sister & mom. 
what color nail polish is on your toes? Pink, obviously. 
do you find members of the preferred sex confusing? I do. None more confusing than myself though. 
what are you listening to right now? I have a desk fan blowing on me, so that. 
how has the week been? Not good. 
what are your biggest turn offs? Ignorance or bigotry of any kind.
favorite shirt to wear? This tee shirt of Glenn’s that I love to sleep in 
favorite drink? Lemonade
last person to say ‘i love you’ to you? Glenn
would you kiss the last person you kissed again? I will in about an hour! (This survey is taking me a lot longer than expected, for anyone following along...) 
what’s your favorite color gummy bear? Clear are the best. Hands down.
what is the nicest part of the opposite sex’s body? Arms, hands, tummy. 
have you ever run into a dishwasher? LOL WHAT 
ever had a song sung about/for you? Mhm :) 
is there a baby in the room with you right now? There is not. But I work at a fertility clinic & there were several pregnant women in here today so technically there were some babies around? Ha
where do you sing the most, in the car, the shower or other? Just in general, everywhere. 
what is your favorite thing that is green? Guacamole 
what did your last text message say? It’s too long & personal to type 
what is the way to your heart? Understanding my anxiety, calming me and making me feel safe
what do you smell like? All I can smell is the dryer sheet scent lingering on my shirt
what’s in your pocket? I have a St. Dymphna token in my back pocket right now. I carry it around on my super anxious days. 
anything in your mouth? Nada 
ever hurt yourself playing wii? Ha, surprisingly no. Although it’s not out of the realm of possibility 
do you have freckles? Mhm! what’s the last movie you saw in the theater? Toy Story 4, last summer. Woah, it’s been a whole year since I’ve been to a movie theater.
ever jumped/fallen/been pushed in a pool with your clothes on? I’ve jumped in, yes. 
are you wearing any clothes that you wore yesterday? Mmm nope. 
name a song that you know all the words to: Tons of songs. 
what’s the last thing you watched on tv? Scrubs
what can you hear right now? The whirring of my fan 
did you feel better or worse or the same yesterday? It’s hard to say. I’ve felt really shitty about my actions yesterday and today 
are you close to your siblings? Freakishly close, yeah. My sister is actually stopping by briefly after work today.
do you bite your nails? I have been lately since I don’t have acrylics anymore. God, I can’t wait to get back to the nail salon. 
do you like your feet? I don’t dislike them but they’re not like, my favorite. 
do you sleep well at night? Sleep isn’t much of a problem for me. Oversleeping is my issue
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baby-secrets · 8 years
What to do in the summer - 100 important cases
Last year, my daughter and I made a list of cases for the summer. It seems that there is nothing, in fact, we have fulfilled the list of only 32%. And the summer we had a very rich.
We even extended the list, for example, we suddenly came to the aquarium and the beach. So what we've got 102 things! You also do not limit, but rather complements our list;)
You can download the image, print it out and hang himself "napominalochkoy" on the refrigerator.
Full list:
Visit the aquarium
Visit an amusement park
Blowing bubbles
Making lemonade
Fingertip drawing
water fight
Make popsicles
treasure Hunt
View birds
Book party
View silly movie
Unusual party, all in the "p"
A foam party
The reserve, forest
make ice cream
Visit the farm
Colorize sidewalk chalk
Show meteorites
Ride in a cart
folding origami
Fotobudka photos
Play towns
Dry pool
Make a car or a boat out of the box
A trip to the movies
Play hopscotch
Lunch is planned child
obstacle course
Night games
Catch beetles
Fly kites
make a T-shirt
To let paper airplanes
Play with clay
Go to the library
To write a book
Arrange a magic show
To ride bikes
Stamps from potatoes
science Day
farmer Store, Market
Swap meet
Relay race
The art project
Feed ducks
make a card
Night at the movies
Castle of pillows
3 Sheath race
Caramel popcorn
Make sticky toffee
Rent movies
Mini golf
The fight with water pistols
Cook the apple jam
Sand castle
Simulation of Aircraft
make robot
Visit grannies / Grandpa
Eat breakfast for dinner
Game Cards
Cookies for friends
Make a necklace of rice rings
New Playground
homemade pasta
Drawing hands
Go to the fire station
Play tennis
Sleeping in a tent
Build from the designer
Night crafts
Pillow fight
Build a tower
Board games
Go to the candy factory
Making pizza
Social project
Baby animals from beads
Swimming pool / water park
Sky lanterns
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