#are there little itty bitty reapers
eemoo1o-animoo · 2 years
Do you think there’s an age limitation to becoming a reaper?
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deathfavor · 1 year
@healingscars said:ㅤㅤ izumi seems to be a bit needy today and showcases this by plopping right down onto the taller’s lap.  of course, this yields no interesting results – much to the younger’s dismay – and that’s where they get the idea to start kissing along his jawline and neck.  it’s always so difficult to get a good response from the reaper, because he always seems so bored, and it’s starting to grate against the escort’s nerves.  it’s not fair.
ㅤㅤ and that’s where they are now, gently sucking and nipping along hanma’s exposed neck like some kind of toy, while their hands paw and knead against his sides and waist.  his neck is obviously already decorated nicely with hickeys and bite marks, but they just keep going due to the cruel fact that he hasn’t made any sort of sounds of approval during any of this.
ㅤㅤ “ damnit, say something. ”  they had pulled away enough to whine that out before going for his jaw, nipping at it slightly.  it’s not fun when there’s no response, after all.
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Nothing escapes Hanma's noticed ; he noticed when they'd entered the space even before they'd strutted over towards him with clear intent. But as for Hanma? He merely observes them briefly the way an apex predator might a primary consumer; a lion to a mouse ; that is to say, with only vague acknowledgement but no motive or gripping interest. Even when they clamber into his lap he barely bats an eyelash. God. This shit is all so boring.
Even when he feels lips pressed to his skin, Hanma does nothing different. His gaze is disinterested, his breathing the same steady pace. No hitch, no falter. It's funny really. Izumi acted so disinterested or hostile to him, trying to instigate, and then immediately pawed for his attention when he ignored them and didn't take the obvious dangling bair. Looks like they weren't used to that. People are typically easy. His gaze slides over to the clock. How long were they were going to go till they broke? Ah. There they went.
Hanma heaves a sigh like they asked a chore of him. " Your lukewarm performance is hardly something to provoke commentary. " Hanma informs them with a monotonous tone - the same tone he used with meetings or orders and not at all like a man having his throat pampered with attention.
One hand lifts as if he's about to pull off his glasses - but instead, Punishment wraps into their hand and gives a harsh yank, forcefully prying them off of his neck and to arch away from him. He sits up though, leans closer to their ear with a dangerous glint in his eyes. " You do that shit to everyone, right? Watch them drool and go mad over a few little angel kisses? " He cocks his head to the side. People desperate for attention, to feel like the center of the world. Not Hanma. " If I wanted some sweet little plaything, I could go to any bar and grab someone. " He whispers in their ear, voice low with amusement. " That act ain't going to cut it with me. Not my cup of tea. " He tugs their hair a bit further, Sin lifting up to grab their chin and placing a thumb on their bottom lip. " You want my attention? Show me why I should bother. " He grins, a dark leer in his eyes before he untangles his hand from their hair and shifts his attention away.
Hanma knew a thing or two about people who yearned for attention. You had to give them a little something here and there. Normally that's when they'd show what they really could do and where Hanma could decide if there was interest or just more dull normality.
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pupstim · 1 year
Something something Bad part time grim reaper meeting a ghostie on the island and just how chill he is about it
Little itty bitty lore drips
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swanimagines · 7 months
Summary: When your best friend dies, Nina is there to comfort you.
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The sun was setting over the city of Ketterdam as you stood at the rooftop of the Slat, leaning on the railing and staring to the distance. It played over and over in your head, Lia falling down after getting a bullet right through her forehead. You dragging her safe, screaming for Nina even though you knew it was impossible to resurrect your best friend.
But Nina had tried anyway. Jesper cleared the way for the heartrender, and Nina started to resurrect her - but Lia didn’t wake up anymore. You had screamed, angry at the world, before you had slumped against the wall, crying uncontrollably. Nina had helped you back to the Slat and Matthias carried Lia’s body back after you got away from the unavoidable ambush.
Kaz had rolled his eyes when she saw Matthias carrying Lia and remarked that “Ketterdam takes who she owns” and suggested that Matthias should dump Lia into Reaper’s Barge if you truly wanted to bury her yourself, and you swore you had never wanted to punch your boss more. But you tried to remind yourself that a heist had just gone wrong, he was being grumpier than usual, and it was his anger talking. Mostly. Partly.
So now you were alone at the roof of the Slat, your tears being dried on your cheeks as you looked over the darkening city. Kaz’s words echoed in your head. Ketterdam takes who she owns. You knew it was true, it was a cruel city - and Lia surely knew it when she became a Dreg and never left during all those years. Even though, she had planned to, a voice reminded you in your head.
You heard the door opening and closing, but you didn’t even bother to look at her - you knew who she was.
Nina sighed, coming to stand beside you. “Matthias is digging a grave for Lia. A beautiful spot just outside Ketterdam. We’ll give her a nice funeral.”
You nodded, looking at your hands gripping the railing. “It’s just so unfair.”
“I know.”
You stood in silence for a while, just staring into the distance. Then you felt Nina’s hand sliding over yours, her thumb brushing over your knuckles. You let her, and your grip on the railing loosened slightly.
“I kind of wish it would have been me instead,” you mumbled, and Nina stopped after the words left your mouth. “Lia had so much more to give to this world. She was planning to have a family with Aly. She talked about moving to the countryside. This was supposed to be one of the last heists before she would have started to make real arrangements. And I… I wouldn’t have had anyone missing me that much. People would have got over me eventually, no one cares about me as much as they cared about Lia.”
Nina was quiet for a moment, before her hand slid up your arm, finally cupping your cheek gently, making you look at her. “Don’t say that.”
You swatted her hand away. “Can you name one person who would miss me that much? You know Lia was loved, I’m a shadow in the corner, unnoticeable, worthless, useless, decent in fighting probably because otherwise Kaz would have kicked me out long ago or told me to move on to another task, but—”
“I would miss you,” Nina cut you off, maybe a little bit louder than she intended. “If… if you were gone, I would lose my love with life. No amount of waffles, hugs or support would fix it. I would become a shadow of myself, not caring about anything anymore. Because… I’d have lost the love of my life.”
You stared at her for a good minute or two, before you felt how all the blood in your body decided to take a trip onto your face. And you knew Nina heard your heart pounding so wildly it might pop any minute.
“Y-you?” you managed to stutter out.
“Yes,” Nina mumbled with a nod. “And I know this may ruin our friendship, I know there’s that tiny itty bitty chance that I’ve misinterpreted your heartbeat, but… I just can’t keep it inside me anymore. Even less so when I know how you see yourself. You are precious. And you are everything else than what you just said. You are not worthless.”
You searched her eyes for a moment, expecting to see a sign that she was saying those things just to comfort you, give you false hopes or overall lying, but instead you were met with her being on the verge of tears herself. And seeing it made you spill your tears once again, sobbing into your hands as you let Nina to pull you in for an embrace.
And as Ketterdam’s sky became pitch black and lights started to illuminate the streets, two people had found each other - found their way home, even when it happened through grief.
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scramble-crossing · 11 months
no please tell us your joshua thoughts i insist
You’ve hit me at a crucial moment of procrastination and utter dread. ON HIS BIRTHDAY.  Ideal circumstance to talk about Joshua.
Right off the bat though I’ve gotta say that a lot of this is probably not the most canon-adherent stuff and also only Josh-adjacent in some cases since I tend to focus on how he relates to other characters + the series’ worldbuilding over his actual self-contained character. I like him and all I just have the most fun using him as a narrative tool for the characters I like a little more ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
First of all, I usually put Joshua as having died and become Composer sometime between 1900-1920 following a near-and-dear headcanon that Kariya became a Reaper during the cultural shift of the 1920s with the advent of the salaryman lifestyle-if you’re going to sell your soul for guaranteed work it might as well come with the perk of being able to spend most of your existence lazing around the city instead of being boxed up in some itty-bitty cubical.
However this is mostly based on the assumption that Joshua predates all of the Shibuya Reapers. Otherwise they would recognize him, right? In opposition to this I really really love the headcanon that all trace of a person’s existence is erased from both the RG and UG upon becoming Composer (or any position higher than Conductor). In that case I think it’d be fun if Joshua came shortly after Kariya. They knew each other at some point.
^When Kariya confronted him and Neku in W2 Josh had a brief moment of “Holy shit does he remember me?” before Kari said he was alive and he got the biggest, shit-eatingest grin on his face. Yippiiiiie!!! Oily Josh has wriggled his way out of consequences once again!!!!
(Kariya is aware that there was a change in Composer sometime during his run as a Reaper. He sensed the city shift with it. The way it sings now, it’s almost…familiar? He doesn’t think about it too deeply, it saddens him a bit if he does)
Speaking of Josh & Friends, @starocide has a ton of very very fun ideas about Joshua and Coco being partners during their Reaper’s Game and it being the connection mentioned in That One Interview. That’s gonna be a whole separate essay one day, suffice to say for now that the Joshua from A New Day was reminiscent of the person he used to be, but twisted by Coco into a mocking caricature of himself.
(Coco doesn’t remember him, but she knows who he is. Joshua remembers her perfectly, but it doesn’t matter anymore.)
The Toxic Shithead Squad continues with Minamimoto. I have a LOT of thoughts about Joshua and Minamimoto.
By far the most interesting thing about W2 for me is just how much Joshua talks about Mina. Not just talks about, describes. He’s a math fetishist (rude) he’s an attention-seeker (rude…but fair) he’s the magic word I’ve been thinking about for the past two years: lonely. I think it’s incredibly interesting how many judgments of character Joshua makes about this guy despite the fact that we’re given no inclination to treat him as some sort of cat-whisperer or someone who’s in a position to understand Minamimoto at all. For the pure intrigue of it I like to see a lot of these calls as being accurate (idc if it’s cliche or corny, imply to me that Sho, somewhere in his heart of hearts, craves companionship and I will eat that shit up) but I also think that it’s equally interesting to question why Josh’s making these calls in the first place. Where's this stuff coming from? Why does he keep acting like he knows exactly what he's thinking?
I think Joshua sees a lot of himself in Minamimoto. Here’s a kid who’s deeply dissatisfied with the world around him, someone who thinks so little of other people that he, in his arrogance, is willing to reject every different thought, opinion, and action, shunning the people around him, treating them as little more than bugs he’s willing to step on in his all-consuming quest for the power to make something better than before: the world as it ends with him. Minamimoto isn’t just pursuing Joshua, he’s following his every footstep. Joshua sees this, recognizes it (though maybe not consciously) so that when he erases him he isn’t ridding himself of a potential threat or batting away this annoying little gnat that keeps interfering with his plans, symbolically he’s destroying himself. And if anything, isn’t that an act of mercy? Wouldn’t it be better to be dead than to waste away on his throne, watching a world he no longer recognizes slowly pass him by? Isn’t that what he wanted all along?
I think Joshua's story ended perfectly with twewy. I don't think there was anything left unresolved about it, and frankly I'm glad he barely had anything to do with the plot of neo. He made his choice. Was it the wrong one? Was there ever another option? Did he ever have a chance? Who knows! He's a walking worst-case-scenario and I love seeing how detached and apathetic he's become in neo, how he never let himself connect with Neku even though he gave him the chance (which was so, so much more than Joshua could ever have asked for), how Neku doesn't even seem to trust him anymore, how he's become little more than an anecdote in his life and the lives of is friends, a passing comment, a joke, a distant, sour memory. It's fantastic. I love Hachiko gang. I love fan content where they're all friends and Josh is this cryptic little sillyguy who has fun pushing all their buttons but is deeply unequivocally loved at the end of it all, but I hope that never happens in canon. I hope he stays a tragedy.
Happy birthday you little freak <3
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kitty-highball · 2 years
She needs icons and to be fleshed out some more, but some little facts about ilmari~
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She collects bones- largely animal of course, but she has at least one humanoid skull and a few odd bones she’s found.
Loves fortune telling, and is currently learning divination in secret from a member of another tribe.
Shes a blackmage, though i’m considering her being a reaper or sage down the line (verse dependent, as well as just.. lore needing to be written)
The smallest a Female Au’ra can be. shes itty bitty!!!
One of her less macabre hobbies is gardening, and she knows a fair bit about flowers.. but she can also tell you how fast corpses decompose, and how to clean bones for use in jewelry and spells.
Though in some verses she still lives in the steppe, she also has verses where she travels. my headcanon for this is she felt she couldn’t find a proper place for herself in the Oronir tribe- as well as having less respect for good ol’ magnai then she should- and left to find her own destiny.
Shes very sweet, but also has no qualms killing in cold blood if threatened.
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Welcome to my pinned!
Not a lot to say here, mostly just a little directory here!
Who will answer questions asked?
FAQs? <- Reading these are a must if you want to ask something :) (they’re under the cut)
Current Fronter(s) (if you’re wanting to ask a specific question to a specific someone, this is a great way to figure out when someone’s available!)
I don’t really have a DNI or any sort of fancy CARRD for us, so this is the best we’ve got. Thanks for stopping by!
🔨⚠️Under Construction⚠️🔧
Howdy there!  In case you were wondering how you got here, you’ve somehow stumbled upon the personal interactive blog of my system. Headmates interact here on the regular and are encouraged to do so.
What is this blog/what will I see here?
this blog was started to be somewhere I could use to vent about issues I have as someone who suffers from mental and chronic illness, but I slowly decided that I wanted it to be a safe space for my headmates and system as a whole. We’ll mostly be answering questions and posting doodles by alters and/or ones I wouldn’t share on my main. We will answer things similarly to an ask blog from time to time.
What are the tags on here and what do they mean?
#artofhorrors will be for any art posted, #your ghost host is for posts from the host (me!), #gruff and grumble is for Gruff,  #cheerytree is for Layla,  #carebear bubs is for Teddybear,  #cumulocloud is for Cirrus, #tarot readings is for Natalia,  #miss me with that shit is for Riley,  #bumbly bee is for Zee,  #cuddlebug is for Beetle,  #cupcake is for Muffin, #you crack me up little buddy is for Sam, #tell me what the commissioner said is for Max, #train departing is for Tucker, #shark bait ooh ha ha is for Finny, #malibu is for Barbie, #mister minecraft is for Phil, #till death do us part is for Eve, #now in 3D is for Jack, #sharp and stabby is for “Edgelord”, #fruity drink is for Mèngo, #butterfly girl is for Genevieve, #bear bud is for Freds, #full moon is for Rox, #here comes the sun is for Sun, #rises the moon is for Moon, #spinning like a ballerina is for Macy, #paging on-call doctor is for Shannon, #itty bitty caterpillar is for Kaiser, #bits and bobs is for Blinky, #deep blue sea is for Blue, #technicolor canopy is for Inky, #watch me roll is for Tootsie, #chocolate bunny boy is for Cadbury, #cotton head is for Sofaipilla, #now in color! and #scarab!! is for Sphinks, #paddle paws is for Benji, #long ears is for Lemon, #pick a flower is for Iris, #for the departed is for Reaper, #poor unfortunate souls is for Obelisk, #chickadee darling is for Chica, #alligator aggravator is for Monty, #record scratch is for DJMM, #tropicana bro is for Splenda, #big papa Tex is for Texas, #yellow lovely is for Callie, #crisscross applesauce is for Cross, #flower girl is for Lily, #snuggle bear is for Horror, #big man tom is for Tommy, #big man tubbo is for Tubs, #vanity is a killer is for Vanity, #the red means I love you is for Roone, #said the spider to the fly is for Tule, #rocket boy is for Kepler, #blueby ice cream is for Mooney, #powdered sugardust is for Dust, #happy buzzing is for Zazzy, #dearly delightful is for Delite, #dead or alive is for Geno, #apple dumpling dearest is for Passi, #serpentine is for Pen, #explodes is for Blueberror/Blueby, #curious yet curiouser is for SciFi, #little dovelet is for Goth, #flutterbutter is for Fluttershy, #sKill issue is for Killer (#3), #littles under wraps is for any posts relating to/requested by littles, #unhappy house chat is for ask posts, #unhappy haunts is for personal text posts, #headstone text is for general text posts, #mild murmurs are for vents/vent posts, #blurry/hazy is for any post where we’re unsure of who is at front
#birthday crypt is for posts relating to a birthday.
What exactly are headmates/alters/systems/etc.?
I’m not really comfortable trying to explain it and then getting backlash for being wrong. Do your research on the topics before trying to say anything nasty. And if you don’t have something nice to say, maybe don’t say anything at all.
Why did you make a system blog?
My headmates are the ones who have been dying to interact with people, and I’ve been hesitant, but want them to at least have a chance to hang out and meet new people. We are never going to promote this blog, so if you happen to find it, you are the only ones who will know I have headmates. I’d prefer that if you do figure out and find my main, don’t mention this at all. It doesn’t feel safe, even when diagnosed, to have the two overlap. I’m keeping my personal blog separate from my special interests.
who are your headmates anyway?
I am a poly-fragmented DID system, meaning that I do have subsystems within my own system. I will separate those host alters by italicizing their names and then explaining which alters are in their systems. 
Personally that I have been able to identify in my own system: Barbie, Beetle, Blinky, Blueby, Cirrus, Connor, Cross, Delite, Dust, Edgelord, Finny, Fissure, Genevieve, Geno, Goth, Gruff, Horror, Iris, Jack, Kaiser, Kill3r, Layla, Max, Méngo, Mooney, Muffin, Natalia, Obelisk, Passi, Reaper, Riley, Roone, Sam, Sans Manatale, Shannon, Sir Pentious (Pent), Sphinks, Splenda, Teddybear, Texas, Tucker, Tule, Vanity, Zazzy, and Zee.
Genevieve’s system (🦋) includes: Freds, Chica, Rox, Chompy, Nilla, DJMM, Cassie, Gregy, Sun, Moon, Macy, Monty, Lily, Benji, and Lemon.
Blinky’s system (🧿) includes: Blue, Inky, Tootsie, Cadbury, and Sofaipilla.
Tucker & Jack’s system (📼) includes: Callie, Phil, Eve, Tommy, and Tubs.
Kaiser’s system (🐛) includes: Kepler.
Tule had a split(🧶): SciFi.
Goth’s system (🕊) includes: Fluttershy.
Delite had a split(🍓🍨): Rainier.
Two of these systems include littles that are not listed for their safety and ours. They will not be on this blog interacting, but may be mentioned or drawn.
Do any of your headmates use brackets when they talk?
Yes, some of them do! Others simply use identifying emojis, which I don’t have an issue with- *gruff talks like this /Teddybear talks like this/ •Layla talks like this• <Cirrus talks like this> }Natalia talks like this{ «Riley talks like this» °Zee talks like this° 🪲Beetle talks like this🪲 🧁Muffin talks like this🧁 „Sam talks like this„ ¡Max talks like this! £Tucker talks like this£ ≈Tommy talks like this≈ ¥Tubs talks like this¥ ≠Finny talks like this≠ 👠Barbie talks like this €Phil talks like this€ 🌿Eve talks like this👁‍🗨 ₽Jack talks like this₽ “Edgelord Talks Like This” or “LIKE THIS” 🥭Mèngo talks like this 🦋Genevieve talks like this🦋 ⚡️Freddy talks like this⚡️ ☀️Sun talks like this☀️ 🌙Moon talks like this🌙 🎹DJMM talks like this🎹 🐊Monty talks like this🐊 🐺Rox(y) talks like this🐺 🐓Chica talks like this🐓 🩹Gregy talks like this🩹 🍬Cassie talks like this🍬 🦊Benji talks like this 🐰Lemon talks like this 🪷Lily talks like this 🩰Macy talks like this ₩Shannon talks like this₩ 🐛Kaiser talks like this🐛 🌀Blinky talks like this🌀 🔵Blinky’s Blue talks like this🔵 ✒️Blinky’s Inky talks like this🖋 🍥Tootsie talks like this🍥 🍫Cadbury talks like this🐇 💤Sofaipilla talks like this💤 🎨Sphinks talks like this🖌 ;;Iris talks like this;; ¢Reaper talks like this¢ 🪓Horror talks like this 🐙Obelisk talks like this 💛Callie talks like this 🕯Geno talks like this ♟Dust talks like this ❌Cross talks like this 🚀Kepler talks like this🌟💫 §Texas talks like this§ 🍊Splenda talks like this 🕷Tule talks like this 🎯Vanity talks like this ❤️‍🔥Roone talks like this 🦜Zazzy talks like this 🫐Mooney Talks Like This🍦 🌾Passi talks like this 🧬SciFi talks like this 🐍Pentiousss talksss like thisss 🍌Blueberror talk-talk-talks like this-th-this 🍓Delite talks like this!🍰 🕊Goth talks like this 🔪Kil3r talks like this 🎠Fluttershy talks like this…
More will be added if and when the alter chooses a bracket for themself. Please be respectful of alters with typing quirks, stutters, etc.
Why don’t you want to post this art/these things on your main?
Because that’s not what my main is about. My system and my personal life is not what I want on my main. This is for my headmates and my system.
You’re copying _______! I’m telling on you!
I’m reeeeally not. System blogs are overly common now, and I don’t have a problem with sharing my own experiences.
Can you tell us more about yourselves?
Links to everyone’s personal introductions will be added as they come in! It will take a while as I want everyone to do them themselves, so waiting for someone to front is the best option.
Bones’ intro is here: https://at.tumblr.com/unhappy-house-of-horrors/time-to-make-an-introductory-post-i/b1pde6z5rv2q Gruff’s intro is here: https://at.tumblr.com/unhappy-house-of-horrors/name-role-age-my-pronouns-are-things-that/vjtgd8xuvq08  Sofa’s intro is here: https://www.tumblr.com/unhappy-house-of-horrors/717335133955457024 Mèngo’s intro is here: https://www.tumblr.com/unhappy-house-of-horrors/718712766923472896
Why won’t you let your littles on here?
Because they’re just that: littles. Alters who are under 11 are not allowed to interact on here. They may request their drawings to be posted and we may make art of them, but they will NOT answer any questions or do anything themselves. Think of it like being old enough to have your first phone. You don’t need to be on social media when you get one, in my opinion as an adult, and my other adult alters agree that they don’t need to be on here. Even the minor alters that *are* allowed to post here are under supervision and not allowed to post without approval.
Who can we ask questions?
That master post is located at this link: https://www.tumblr.com/unhappy-house-of-horrors/703587049761095680/masterlist-of-who-will-answer-questions-you-may?source=share
Last Updated: 06/17/24
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talesofourworlds · 2 years
Zestiria rambling under the cut, don’t mind me. Under the cut because we’re going into mid-game spoiler territory.
I am going to McFUCKING LOSE IT over the idea that Zaveid still views Maotelus as itty bitty Phi 1000 years after Berseria. Just the wording he chose in describing how Maotelus is missing as him ‘toddling off’ just makes me amused and also just... happy. He wasn’t exactly friends with anyone in Velvet’s little Calamity Crew, but he treated Phi well and Phi cared about Zaveid too. So I like to think in his own way Zaveid really did care about that little malak even back then. I mean obviously he was saving one of Sigfreid’s bullets for Maotelus. He wanted to save him. All while still thinking of him as that itty bitty wayward malak that Velvet’s crew picked up.
And oh my fucking god, Symonne is just unhinged Rinwell change my mind. I can so clearly hear Rinwell in Symonne’s voice. Obviously, same voice actress, but still.
And you cannot convince me that Edna was okay with all that talk Symonne had about seraphs with the blessing Dezel (and Eizen by extension) have not deserving to live. She could act all tough and say that her suggesting that maybe Symonne was right in front of Sorey, but I don’t care. She’d be pissed off as hell because she knew about Eizen’s blessing. She knew he had the Reaper’s Curse. She wouldn’t just be okay with suggesting that he needed to die when the whole purpose of her joining the party was to try and find a way to save him.
This game is still a mess but the Berseria connections are making it more enjoyable still.
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fluffywings13 · 3 years
The Master of Death
“Come on, Tweedy, I’m a very busy man! It’s time to go!”
“Man, huh, you’re no man, you’re a boy! A little fledgling! A little itty bitty baby bird!”
Both hero and reaper glower at each other, one because he’s not ready to die and the other because he was just called a child.
“You’re stalling! Come on man, no one wants to die, but it’s a fact of life! Quit making my job so unnecessarily difficult!”
“I am not! I’m just making a point!” Takami Keigo crosses his arms. “Let’s make a deal, huh, does that interest you?”
The grim reaper, he introduced himself as Izuku, huffs petulantly and nods. “Fine, sure, why not.”
He grins. “Okay, here me out, you and me, wrestling match, no quirks, no cosmic powers, just man to boy (Izuku narrows his eyes), if I win I get to live on a full life and if you win I come quietly and willingly.”
Izuku hums in interest. “Okay Tweedy.” Tossing his scythe aside, he stretches his limbs out, and nods. “I got rid of my weapon.” The deity gestures at his wings. “You get rid of yours.” He nods when the hero sheds enough feathers that his wings shrink considerably. “Mano e mano, no powers, bring it on.”
The reaper has little time to prepare for when the man just suddenly springs forward, tackling him back into what he aptly calls his nest. The ageless child (he begrudgingly concedes to that defeat) grunts when he lands on his back, shrieking in surprise when fingers claw into his right side, his right arm secured above his head by the mans other hand. “Hehehey! Wahahait! Nohohoho tihihihickling!” (Hey! Wait! No tickling!)
“Why not?” The hero asks lightly, smiling when the immortal teen squeals as he spiders his finger up and down his side. “You’re not ticklish are you? Big bad Death defeated by a little tickling?” The horseman shakes his head when the man spiders his fingers up to his armpit. “How about under here?”
Izuku growls and bucks. “You’re cheating!”
“Am not!” The human (avian?) growls back mockingly. “We only agreed to no powers, we didn’t say anything about tickling.” They stare at each other when the immortal boy smacks the hero across the face, unblinking, silent as the night, staring at one another. “You’re going to regret that.” Is the only warning he gets before the man tugs the cuff of his sleeve down with his free hand and buries his face in his bare armpit, blowing a deep harsh raspberry that drives the ageless youth up the wall.
The reaper squeals loudly and cackles when the raspberries don’t stop, kicking his feet wildly behind the human overpowering him (how embarrassing—he was never going to hear the end of this from the other horsemen), pushing desperately at the man’s head with his other hand. Drilling his heels into the pillows under him when the mortal starts nibbling playfully, screaming with laughter, he shakes his head and struggles to pull his captive arm free.
Fingers dig in when the winged hero sits up, and he squeals still, throwing his head back as he cackles loudly.
“I can’t believe you’re so easily defeated, it’s only one hand, one armpit, that’s it!” Keigo crows in amusement as he adjusts his position. “Let’s try this way.” Sitting on the immortal teen’s hands, he slips his fingers down under the cuffs of his shirt and claws his index fingers into both of his hollows, wiggling them deeply and viciously. “You ready to admit defeat kiddo?”
“Nohohohohoho!” The Grim Reaper squeals as he kicks and tugs on his arms. “Nehehehehever!”
“Then we’ll stay here, just like this, until you do.” The hero shrugs. “I got nowhere to be and these armpits aren’t going anywhere either.”
Izuku takes maybe two minutes of the human scratching at his armpits with his talons before he admits defeat, begging for mercy, to which the mortal teases him about, and he finds himself under attack by a number of feathers fluttering all over his body.
He regrets coming for this one.
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hatekuhnradiated · 2 years
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I was bored so I made a flag that fully represents me and stuff
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This brain fuck of a flag includes 11 stripes, the top and bottom stripes are the color I use for Hate-Kun's eye color, the 2nd and 10th stripes are a transition same with the 3rd and 9th stripes, the 4th and 8th stripes are the secondary color for my basic signature/Indefinite Companionship, the 5th and 7th stripes are the orange that's in Hate-Kun's color palette and the middle stripe is the primary color in my basic signature/Indefinite Companionship/my favorite color.
The top of the flag is blood drips, to represent my love for bloody and gorey things.
The two fan patterns in both bottom corners are to show my collection of universes and all the colors that belong to my unique signatures for each. There's an orange glow around both for contrast.
The left fan patterns includes a small light red stripe followed by a two toned stripe of dark cyan and red which are the colors for the Re-Verse, following that is a small green stripe and a yellow stripe which represents New Beginning, next a small light pinkish red stripe and a two toned stripe of red and dark red which represents both the Twisted Dimension as well as Grim Reaper's Scythe, next two gray stripes which represent the Daku-Dimension, and finally a dark red stripe and a little itty-bitty speck of neon red and those represent Cybernetic Torture.
The right fan patterns includes a small dark cyan stripe and a two toned stripe of coral and cyan that represents The Gami-Dimension, then a small blue stripe and yellow stripe that represents Jucundus Tera, another small dark cyan stripe and a two toned stripe of seafoam green and cyan that represents Everlasting Torment and the Failed Experiments, a small dark brown stripe and a brown stripe that represents the Steam-dimension and finally a small stripe of dark blue and a itty-bitty speck of blue that used to represent an alternate universe of the Gami-Dimension, but then that universe was combined with a story that I separated from the Gami-Dimension and turned into Indefinite Companionship and now those colors no longer have a purpose, but I plan on giving them a new purpose, I just haven't thought of one yet.
And finally the middle of the flag has an alien with a pentagram on its head, which represents my alieneness and that I'm a satanist. There's a neon green glow around it to represent radiation.
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I'm not good at explaining, so sorry, lol
Also this flag is specifically supposed for be for me, my identity/identities, and my love for my stories/creations, so obviously I'm the only one that can actually identify with it. This isn't a queer/gender flag.
Flag alternates under cut
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These are still only for me, I just thought I'd include them.
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recurring-polynya · 4 years
@trulytaka​ asked: um i’ve always dreamt about a tattoo artist!renji falling for a client AU. it’s okay if you can’t come up with anything, just a suggestion!
How is it even possible that I have never read a Tattoo Artist! Renji AU?? (If there is one, please, send it to me immediately). Anyway, I got way too enamored of this idea, this is not even remotely a drabble, it is 4400 words and it is incredibly self-indulgent, I am absolutely not sorry.
It takes place in America and everyone is Japanese-American, because I am way more comfortable writing about American tattoo culture. I have never actually read a Tattoo Artist AU, I don’t know how they are supposed to go, this is just based on my own experiences getting inked. It’s mostly a story about Rukia and Renji being incredible nerfballs, there are not nearly enough stories about Rukia being a nerfball around Renji.
Read on ao3 or ff.net
💀     🛹     💕
Izuru Kira found Renji Abarai in the break room, simultaneously trying to cram a burrito into his face and read a Hellboy comic. He was holding the comic open with his elbow in an attempt to avoid spilling guacamole on Abe Sapien.
“Your two o’clock is here,” Izuru informed his distinguished colleague.
“Oh, great!” Renji replied, creasing the foil wrapper into a spout so that he could pour the last of the salsa drippings into his mouth.
“She’s waiting in the consult room,” Izuru went on, watching Renji toss the crumpled foil ball across the room, completely missing the trash can. “Look, have you met her before? A Miss Kuchiki?”
“Just exchanged a few emails,” Renji replied, as he scrubbed his hands at the sink. “Why? Is she scary?”
“Not in the usual way of Abarai clients,” Izuru replied. “I was just… wondering if she was... in the right place.”
“Her request was very specific,” Renji replied, scooping up his comic and the manila folder underneath it. “In fact, I am quite proud of what I came up with for her.” He whipped the folder open.
Izuru stared at it for a moment. “That is so specific.”
“I honestly think this is one of the best tatts I have ever designed. I hope she’s a real weirdo, because not just anyone deserves a masterpiece of this caliber.”
“Mmm,” Izuru agreed. “Yeah. Anyway, if there’s been a, uh, miscommunication, see if you can just… redirect her. Both Momo and I are in today, okay?”
Renji scoffed and stuffed his comic in Izuru’s hand as he marched down the hall toward the consult room. A miscommunication. Renji wondered what was wrong with her. She was probably mousy and wore glasses. Izuru always assumed girls like that would rather have a sad poem about the sea or a sprig of herbs inked on her wrist (conveniently, his specialties). Plenty of mousy girls with glasses would rather rock some fangs or dripping daggers, in Renji’s professional experience.
“Knock knock!” he announced, as he slid the door open. He took one step into the room and stopped dead.
Rukia Kuchiki was not mousy. She did not wear glasses.
Renji didn’t know much about suits. He did not happen to own one himself. But he guessed that Rukia Kuchiki’s suit was expensive, in part because it fit her perfectly, despite her tiny frame. It was jet black, and didn’t have a single speck of lint or cat hair on it. Her perfectly manicured hands were folded neatly on top of her crossed legs. She was wearing very tall, very pointy heels. Their soles were bright red, which Renji had learned from television meant that they were super expensive. He realized that he probably shouldn’t be looking at her legs, even though they were very nice to look at. His eyes snapped up to her face, but that honestly wasn’t any better.
Renji wasn’t often attracted to women, but she had probably the most interesting face he had ever seen-- heart-shaped, with big, dark eyes, a sharp chin, the cutest little nose. Her make-up was subtle and professional, and her hair was swept up with a clip, although it must be fairly short, because a few pieces hung down in front of her ears, and a thick lock dangled between her eyes.
She looked like a mean lawyer from a movie, one that would drive a fancy sportscar like an act of violence. Scary, for sure. But not in the usual way of Abarai clients, who tended toward the large and beefy, not that sharp and sharklike.
That nose, though.
Suddenly, her face split into a big grin. “Hi,” she announced brightly. “I’m Rukia Kuchiki.” She had a deep voice, a very beautiful voice. “You must be Renji Abarai.” Her eyes flicked to his arms. “I mean, of course you are, who else would have those arms? They’re so cool.”
“My arms?” Renji said stupidly. “Are they… famous?”
Rukia’s cheeks flushed. “Oh, well, I follow you on Instagram, and you don’t have any pictures of your face, but your arms are in a lot of the shots and they’re, well, they’re kinda distinctive. Do you think, um, would you mind if I looked at them?”
Renji’s eyebrows shot up. It’s not like he wasn’t used to having his arms checked out, but most people were more… subtle about it. Oh, well, it was her dime. “I didn’t do them myself, obviously,” he pointed out, rolling up the sleeves of his t-shirt so she could see the baboon skull on his left shoulder. A skeletal arm traced down the rest of that arm, complete with an outline of his own hand bones. On the right side, a snake spine coiled around his bicep, ending with a hissing skull. “I mean, it was my design, but my friends-- the other three tattoo artists here-- all helped ink me up.” He plopped down in the chair that sat catty corner to the couch where Rukia was sitting, and held his arms out. “We’re sort of a full-service studio. I’m the skeletons and monsters guy. Izuru, the guy you met on desk duty today-- is good at calligraphy and watercolors and little, itty bitty tattoos. Momo is our nature girl, she specializes in flowers and animals, and she’s great with bright colors. The snake skull was all her. Shuuhei is really into classic tattoo art-- you need a hula girl or a heart with an arrow through it, he’s your man. He’s also incredibly talented at revamping old regret tattoos, there’s good money in that.”
“Mm,” Rukia agreed, finally tearing her eyes away from his forearms to look up at his face, and abruptly turned even pinker. A lot of people fantasized about getting a tattoo and then got a bad case of nerves when it was time to make the leap. Maybe all this was way out of her comfort zone. Renji was trying his best to be friendly and chatty, which usually helped, but he was not used to dealing with this class of lady. He hoped he wasn’t coming off as too familiar.
“Actually,” Rukia went on, pulling on her fingers nervously. “I picked this place specifically because of you. For your work, I mean. I’m kind of a big fan. I saw some of your paintings at an exhibition over at the Fine Arts College, and I just, you know, fell in love. I’d always thought I’d like to get a tattoo someday, and when I found out that you were a tattoo artist, I knew it had to be you. I’ve been looking forward to this for a long time, and I’m babbling and I’m really sorry, I’m just very excited.”
Renji blinked. “You’re not babbling,” he replied slowly. He was sort of hoping she might say some more things about how much she liked his art in her beautiful voice. “Wait, an exhibition at the art school? That must have been at least three years ago, when I was doing my MFA.”
“Er, right,” Rukia looked a little sheepish. “A friend of mine had some work in the same exhibit, you probably don’t know her. My favorite one of your paintings was the one with the Black Lagoon creatures eating hamburgers at a diner, but I also really liked the one that was like a huge monster with a big bone mask stalking through a city, the way you did the shadows was just incredible.”
That particular painting was currently wrapped in brown paper and stuffed behind Renji’s couch. His last boyfriend had told him it was “creepy.”
“Uh, glad you liked it,” Renji managed. “Who was your friend?”
“Her name is Inoue. Orihime Inoue.”
“Oh, the robot girl!” Renji exclaimed. “Er, I mean she drew robots. Constantly. For every assignment. I didn’t mean to imply she was… robotic. In any way.” Jeez, Abarai, pull it together, he chided himself. “Yeah, I remember her. I didn’t know her well, but she sure could draw some tight robots. Is, she, uh, doing well?”
“She’s doing storyboards for a stop-motion animation studio,” Rukia replied.
Renji smiled. “That sounds perfect for her.”
Rukia bit her bottom lip and Renji’s throat went dry.
“So, um, you said in your email that you would have a design for me to look at?”
Renji realized that he was gripping the folder like a doofus. “Right! I did a couple of variations,” he explained, passing it from one hand to the other. “But you explained the concept pretty clearly, and I’m really happy with how the first one came out. I mean, obviously, it’s your tattoo! Please give me any feedback you have, you won’t offend me, even if you hate it! Tattoo designs often take a few iterations, it’s very normal, don’t hold back.”
She was staring at him, those big eyes wide and sparkling. “Can I… see it?”
“Oh! Right!” He shoved the folder at her.
Rukia opened it up and gasped.
“I especially love the way you draw skeletons,” Rukia’s email had read. “Do you think you could tattoo a grim reaper doing a sick kickflip on a skateboard onto my outer bicep? I do lift, so I am pretty jacked, if that makes a difference.”
“It’s perfect,” Rukia sighed in a tiny voice.
“Um, in the first variation (that’s page 2) I added some sunglasses, and in the second one, the grim reaper is flipping the bird and also its head is on fire. I guess I thought that grim reapers should be gender neutral but now I’m wondering if you would have preferred more of a… lady grim reaper?” Renji yammered absently.
“Oh, no,” Rukia murmured softly, flipping through the pages. Renji wasn’t even sure she had listened to a word he had said. “These are amazing. I love the sunglasses, but I also like the way you put little flames in the eye sockets in the first one…” She waved a hand absently. “Oh, and don’t worry, I like a non-binary skeleton.”
A small problem had just occurred to Renji. “Hey, um, please don’t take this the wrong way, but I… may have overestimated the size of your arms.”
“Oh?” Rukia asked, and abruptly shucked off her expensive suit jacket. She was wearing a pale purple sleeveless silk blouse underneath. She held one arm out experimentally, and then flexed. The muscle definition on her bicep made Renji take an involuntary swallow, but the fact that she was wicked cut did not buy him much in the way of real estate.
“I’ll just shrink it down maybe 25%,” he reassured her. “I’ll have to simplify some of the detail on--”
“No,” Rukia frowned, her eyebrows drawing together. “Don’t do that.” She thought for a moment. “I’m not committed to having it on my arm.” She uncrossed her legs and hefted one high-heeled foot onto the coffee table in front of her. “What do you think? Is my thigh big enough?”
Renji tried to make words come out, but it just wasn’t happening.
“Er… sorry,” Rukia said slowly, tugging at her hem. “I forgot I was wearing a skirt today.”
“Huh?” Renji scrambled to recover. He needed to say something. She looked really embarrassed. Say something! Say something professional about her leg! “Sorry, I was, uh, thinking!” Good, good, now keep going. “Don’t be self-conscious, I see people’s bodies all the time. Bodies are no big deal, we all got ‘em, right?” This was true in the abstract sense, but he knew these were blatant lies as they exited his mouth. Most people’s bodies were no big deal. He had only known her for five minutes, but was certain that Rukia Kuchiki’s thighs were a very big deal. He studied her leg, stroking his chin, like he was some kind of anthropologist of thigh tattoos. Mostly he was trying to figure out what would seem like an appropriate amount of time to look at a person’s thigh, a person who was your professional client that you most definitely did not have the hots for. “There’s certainly plenty of room,” he declared. “But, you know, people are going to see it less. Which is a selling point for some people! It’s just a personal decision that you’ll have to make. It sounds like you had a big vision.”
Rukia gingerly placed her foot back on the floor. “I had actually been wondering if maybe the upper arm was too public, anyway,” she admitted. “The fact is, I just got full access to my trust fund, and this is sort of a celebration, but I may have been a little overeager to piss off my big brother. He’s very stodgy.” She contemplated the area of her leg that was covered by her pencil skirt. “But so are a lot of people in my field. I can wait until I’m running my own company before I get started on the full sleeve of my dreams, right?”
“Worked for me,” Renji replied, utterly lost by whatever she was talking about. “What… field are you in?”
“Oh, finance,” she dismissed.
Finance. Of course. Renji tried to shoo away the weight of disappointment that was settling in his stomach. He was talking to a friendly client who was clearly loaded, loved his work, and was contemplating thousands of dollars worth of future business. He should be thrilled. He should probably be trying to sell her one of his old paintings-- they were only gathering dust, anyway. Renji would never break the studio policy about hitting on clients. The fact that she would surely laugh at him if he asked her to his favorite burger joint ought to make things easier, right?
“This is so hard!” Rukia declared, and Renji was shaken from his reverie. She was just contemplating his draft designs again, though, flipping back and forth between them.
“You don’t have to decide right now,” he reassured her. “You can think about it and email me. If you’re happy enough, we can schedule your session, and we’ll work out the details between now and then. Chat it over with your pal MechaHime, she’s got good opinions.” He paused. Momo always said he was too nice during consults, they were running a business, but he couldn’t help it. “Or you can just call back when you’re ready. No pressure.”
Rukia slammed her fist down on her knee. “No! Let’s schedule it! Do I pay now?”
“20% deposit. Let’s go out front, Izuru will ring it up.”
“Perfect.” She looked longingly at the drawings again. “Can I take these with me? You’re absolutely right, Orihime will know what to do.”
Renji wrinkled his nose. “It’s actually against studio policy but…”
Rukia’s face suddenly became very serious. “Then it’s against policy.” She winked at him and smiled. “You should take care of your intellectual property, Mr. Abarai.”
“I never get over to this part of town, to be honest,” Rukia admitted as they walked back up to the front. “Is the taco place across the street any good?”
“Oh, yeah, it’s great,” Renji agreed. “Momo and I painted a huge mural on their wall, so they give us free churros.”
“Are tacos a good post-tattoo celebratory meal?” Rukia asked curiously.
“Well, you actually want to eat beforehand,” Renji pointed out. “It’s important to keep your energy up. I don’t estimate yours should take very long, I’m gonna book you a two-hour slot.”
“Ah, okay,” Rukia agreed, and Renji realized belatedly that...maybe… she had been asking him out? No. Surely not. His brain scrabbled for a response, but then he stepped into the reception area and his brain shut down entirely.
“It’s DONE!” Shuuhei bellowed. “Behold my work, ye mighty, and despair!”
Tetsuzaemon Iba, serial client, yakuza enthusiast, and assistant manager at a doggie day care, was flexing. He was not wearing a shirt.
From behind the reception desk, Kira was wearing a dour frown and shaking his head.
“It’s a masterpiece,” Renji declared. “I admit I was skeptical, but it looks fantastic, man. You happy with it?”
“It” was a massive tattoo, covering the wide landscape of Iba’s broad back. It featured a lucky cat, grinning maniacally, its paw held high. It was on fire. The kanji for “lucky charm” was incorporated somehow. It was a disaster. It was perfect.
“How could I not be?” Iba boomed.
“Whoa,” a tiny voice behind Renji said.
Iba’s face went pale when he realized that he was being Peak Iba in front of an elegant, professional woman whose shoes probably cost more than his entire net worth. “Gimme me my shirt!” he demanded of Shuuhei.
“That’s… amazing!” Rukia exclaimed, her face lighting up. “Wow, how long did that take?”
Shuuhei blinked slowly as he passed Iba his shirt. “Five sessions.”
“Well, it’s so cute!” Rukia announced. “You must love cats.”
Iba lifted at the same gym as Renji and watched Momo’s Pomeranian on Tuesdays and Thursdays. He was a regular fixture at the tattoo studio, and all four of them liked to drag him, but no one, none of them, had ever roasted him this hard. Renji cursed that no-asking-out-clients rule, because he wanted to buy Rukia Kuchiki her own body weight in tacos and then ask her to be his wife.
“He’s more of a dog person,” Shuuhei supplied.
“Great with dogs,” Izuru added.
“Shut up, you jerks, I am a lover of all animals,” Iba grumbled as he pulled his Hawaiian shirt over his shoulders. “Is this your lawyer, Abarai? Did you finally get arrested for that hairstyle?”
“I have an MBA, actually, not a JD,” Rukia replied matter-of-factly. “And I am his client. Can you show that large man my tattoo design? Is that allowed?”
Renji chuckled, and pulled out his drawing.
“That,” Iba declared, “is a wicked tatt.”
“Oh, you showed me that email!” Shuuhei recalled. “It came out great.” He regarded Rukia. “He was really excited about that one, you made his day.”
Rukia just beamed proudly.
“Are we booking a session, then?” Izuru asked hopefully.
“Yeah, two hours,” Renji nodded.
“Let me just finish ringing up Iba, and I’ll see when you’ve got an opening,” Izuru replied.
“This your first one?” Shuuhei asked Rukia conversationally.
“Mm-hmm,” Rukia nodded.
“Well, you made a good choice. Clean design, mostly black with just a few color pops, should go on quick and easy, and it’ll hold up really well, too.”
“This is Shuuhei, the one I was telling you about, who fixes a lot of bad tattoos.”
“I have never had to fix an Abarai tattoo,” Shuuhei declared. “He’s great with first timers. Very gentle. I’ve fallen asleep while he was inking me.” Shuuhei pointed to the pair of crossed scythes gracing his upper arm. “This is one of his.”
“Oooh, neat!” Rukia agreed.
“You’re being embarrassing,” Renji informed his friend.
“Always,” Shuuhei agreed. “Nice to meet you! I hope I get to see the finished product.” He waved to Iba as he headed off toward the back. “Don’t forget to moisturize!”
“Everyone’s so friendly here,” Rukia said softly to Renji. “This isn’t at all like I pictured it.”
Renji stretched his arms behind his head. “Nah, we’re just a bunch of goofballs who like drawin’ on people. Very lowkey.”
“I guess I’ve thought a lot about the getting tattooed part of getting tattooed, but I never thought of it as… a job. That people have.”
“It’s a great job,” Renji replied. “I love it. I’m just lucky that Izuru over there has enough business sense to keep the other three of us from running it into the ground.”
“That’s certainly the truth,” Izuru agreed, as Iba headed out the door. “Two hours, you said? Renji’s got a 4-6pm block open on a Wednesday, three weeks from now. The 24th, how does that work for you, Ms. Kuchiki?”
“Do you think that’s enough time to settle on a design?” Renji asked. “If you come up with changes, it should only take me a day or two to incorporate them.”
“Oh! Yes, three weeks should be fine. I thought… it might be a little sooner,” Rukia replied, sounding a tad disappointed.
“Abarai’s a busy man, three weeks is actually pretty quick,” Izuru explained.
“Right, of course!” Rukia nodded. “Yes, I’ll take the 24th!”
She then paid her deposit, a process which involved her taking approximately ten thousand items out of her purse, including a full-sized drawing pad, a single fingerless glove, and a Pez dispenser with a duck head. She was the most contradictory person Renji had ever met, and he just wanted to know everything about her. But instead, they were going to exchange a couple of emails about a grim reaper on a skateboard, he was going to spend an hour and a half two inches from her naked thigh in a state of intense, non-sexual concentration, and then he would likely never see her again.
“Okay, I guess that’s it!” Rukia said, stuffing the last of her worldly belongings back into the purse. “Three weeks, then!”
“Three weeks it is,” Renji agreed. “Unless we happen to run into each other at the taco place.”
Rukia blinked. “Oh!” she exclaimed. “Right. Ha, ha, of course!” She’d been walking backwards toward the door, an impressive feat in those heels, and she spun suddenly to pull it open.
“It’s a push,” Renji and Izuru chorused together.
“Ha, ha, of course it is!” Rukia laughed nervously, and ducked out.
Izuru stared pointedly at Renji. “Wow,” he said.
“I don’t know what you have against her,” Renji scowled. “So she’s professional. She was really nice. She’s a big fan of my work.”
Izuru cocked his head. “She’s clearly also a big fan of you.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Renji said.
“Look, I’m sorry I implied that a person who drives a Lotus Exige would not be interested in having your weird skeleton doodles permanently placed on her body,” Izuru held up his hands, “but did you really not notice the little hearts and singing birds floating around her head every time she gazed longingly at you?”
“Since when do you know anything about cars?” Renji snapped.
“It looked fancy and I asked Shuuhei what it was, okay!”
On cue, Shuuhei burst back into the reception area, Momo close on his tail. “Are we talking about the hot client who has a crush on Abarai?”
“Did you ask her out?” Momo asked breathlessly.
“She’s not really his type,” Izuru mused. “Very corporate.”
Renji frowned. Did he have a type? If his type excluded people like Rukia Kuchiki, he might need to get a new type.
“Who cares, she was adorable!” Momo insisted. “I woulda asked her out.”
“Renji, if you go out with her, can you get me a ride in the Exige?” Shuuhei added.
“I’m not gonna ask her out!” Renji protested. “What happened to the no-hitting-on-clients rule?”
“The rule is no creeping on clients,” Shuuhei correctly. “This is different. She’s clearly into you, big time.”
“Also, she seems non-terrible, unlike the questionable human beings you usually take up with,” Izuru pointed out. “We could relax the rule if it netted you an actually decent partner for a change.”
Renji scowled judgmentally at Izuru, as if his own dating history had been remotely better before he and Shuuhei finally hooked up.
“Oh!” Momo waved her phone. “Speaking of which, I googled her, like you told me to, Izuru--”
“Izuru!” Renji protested.
“--and you were right! She’s not just one of the Kuchikis, she’s the granddaughter!” Momo thrust her phone in Renji’s face. It was some article about some fancy charity event, complete with a picture that was clearly Rukia, dressed in a dramatic black and gold evening gown.
Renji wanted to push Momo’s hand away, but he also didn’t want to stop looking at Rukia in that dress. “The who?” he asked.
Izuru and Momo sighed dramatically in synchronized exasperation.
“Embarrassingly rich old money family? I don’t know what they actually do, but they’re always in the newspapers, donating money for something or other--”
“Billionaire philanthropists,” Shuuhei intoned in a fake deep voice.
“--I heard they’re descended from some famous clan of samurai back in Japan,” Momo ignored him. She jerked her phone back and started tapping at it frantically. “I’m sure you’ve seen pictures of the grandson-- Rukia’s brother, I guess. He always makes those lists of top ten hottest bachelors.”
“He’s dreamy,” Shuuhei seconded.
“Impossibly dreamy,” Izuru thirded.
Momo flipped her phone around again, to reveal a picture of a very serious, and very handsome man in a classic three-piece wool suit. Renji supposed “impossibly dreamy” was not an inaccurate description.
“Yeah, I think I’ve seen pictures of that guy before,” Renji shrugged. “He’s okay. Rukia has a more interesting face, I think.”
Momo and Shuuhei exchanged raised eyebrows.
“You do like her, then?” Izuru asked, his face brightening. “You’re wrong, by the way, Byakuya Kuchiki has the face of an angel.”
“Rukia says he’s stuffy,” Renji shrugged. “And fine. I like her. She’s cute and nice and had good taste in tattoos. What’s not to like?”
“Are you gonna ask her out, then?” Momo pressed.
“Absolutely not,” Renji replied. “She’s my client. Besides, as you just pointed out, she’s loaded. What’s she want with a scumbag like me?”
All three of his friends groaned.
“You have good delts and sexy hair,” Izuru pointed out.
“You give amazing hugs!” Momo declared.
“You draw fantastic skeletons,” Shuuhei added. “Which, apparently, is relevant to her interests, and not a thing you usually find on Tindr.”
“Also, we’ve already established that she does like you, regardless of whether she has a valid reason for doing so,” Izuru concluded. “So, if you’re at all interested, you really shouldn’t let that stop you.”
“I think you should go for it,” Momo encouraged.
“Me, too,” Shuuhei agreed.
Renji grimaced. She was an amazing girl, too good to be true probably. If she had any sense at all, she would certainly turn him down. But maybe… just maybe… she didn’t have any sense. “Okay,” he grudgingly agreed. “I’ll do it. But not until I’m finished the damn tattoo!”
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honeymoonjin · 5 years
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Please note, these works are mine. I won’t accept any translations (sorry, foreign language army) or cross-posting on accounts that aren’t mine. If you see a work of mine on Wattpad, it is not me. Please let me know so I can get it taken down. If you see a work of mine on AO3 under any account that isn’t honeymoonjin, it is not me and please let me know. The banners are not made by me, they are made by the incredibly talented @jamaisjoons​. Please do not read works marked with the crown ♔ for smut if you are a minor. These are intended for audiences 18 or above.
These fics are the b-side, my older works which I’m not as happy with as my newer stuff. I don’t want to delete them since some may still enjoy them, but I wanna start fresh with works I’m personally proud of on my main masterlist from now on, so these are the ones that didn’t make the cut.
♔ smut || ➴ angst || ✭ crack || ☯ fluff
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〚 darlin’ 〛✭
❝ you’re an actress that needs to learn to ride a horse for your next role. jin’s the cowboy tasked with teaching you. ❞
〚 pine 〛☯
❝ you’ve been hiding your crush on your best friend jin for far too long now, but it turns out he feels the same. ❞
〚 transition 〛✭
❝ seokjin’s job as a grim reaper is to guide souls after they die, but you’re not interested in moving on just yet. ❞
〚 pasta la vista 〛✭
❝ in which you, a food critic, wonders how kim seokjin manages to stay in business, considering how terrible his food seems to be. alternatively, kim seokjin does not know how to flirt. ❞
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〚 come dine with me 〛♔
❝ yoonji eating you out in the kitchen that is literally it. ❞
〚 daegu hold ‘em 〛☯
❝ yoongi loves spoiling his girl. you love having a sugar daddy. that’s called synergy. ❞
〚 baby fever 〛♔
❝ doctor min yoongi is your fertility specialist, but during the artificial insemination procedure he has some…unorthodox methods. ❞
〚 mi casa 〛☯
❝ when yoongi brings you home to spend the holiday season with his family, he finally realizes he’s in love with you. ❞
〚 curious ft kth 〛♔
❝ taehyung is unsure of his sexuality, and you and your boyfriend yoongi are only too happy to let him experiment with you. ❞
〚 땡 / ddaeng 〛✭
❝ when blackmailed by a sasaeng, you and yoongi decide to instead release a diss-track featuring audio from an illegally obtained video of the two of you having sex. ❞
〚 unravel 〛➴ ∙ ☯
❝ you just want yoongi to see himself the way you see him. ❞
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〚 heavy 〛♔
❝ mafia leader hoseok is having problems with loyalty in his ranks. luckily, you’ll always be there for him to relieve a little stress when he needs it. ❞
〚 close enough 〛➴
❝ hoseok thinks you’re getting a little too close to the other members, and he’s sick of it. part two now available here! ❞
〚 us 〛☯
❝ amongst the publicity of being an idol, hoseok wants his proposal to be a private affair. ❞
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〚 unwind 〛♔
❝ your boyfriend is about to give an important speech at the United Nations but isn’t handling pre-speech nerves too well. luckily, you know some ways to help him relax. ❞
〚 keyed up ft kth〛♔
❝ when your mutual roommate namjoon gets a little too strung out, you and taehyung offer to help relieve some tension. ❞
〚 hey mama 〛☯
❝ one-shot for mother’s day. you spend an evening in with namjoon and your two boys. ❞
〚 going up? 〛✭ ∙ ☯
❝ you didn’t expect to be trapped in a faulty elevator with the president of south korea, but it’s still preferable to having to take the stairs. ❞
〚 sick day 〛♔
❝ namjoon gets a week off work, but you don’t, and he’s starting to get a little frustrated. ❞
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〚 tumble dry 〛♔
❝ when jimin overhears you confessing to jungkook that you want to ride his thighs, jimin allows you…on one condition. ❞
〚 radio silence 〛♔
❝ jimin wants to indulge in his exhibitionism kink on the grandest scale: while at the grammys. ❞
〚 appa 〛☯
❝ jimin comes home from tour to visit his newborn son for the first time. ❞
〚 breaking point 〛➴
❝ you don’t think you can continue being in a relationship with jimin anymore. ❞
〚 arrivals 〛➴
❝ things go wrong at the airport when jimin’s wife and daughter accompany bts on a flight. ❞
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〚 keyed up ft knj〛♔
❝ when your mutual roommate namjoon gets a little too strung out, you and taehyung offer to help relieve some tension. ❞
〚 roomie 〛✭
❝ falling in love with your cell mate isn’t generally advisable. ❞
〚 confessions of love are best done sober 〛➴ ∙ ☯
❝ kim taehyung used to be your best friend in primary school, but he’s changed into a completely different person. while you drink yourself into oblivion at a party, he has something to tell you. ❞
〚 itty-bitty 〛☯
❝ after finally moving in with your just-married husband, you have some more exciting news to tell him. ❞
〚 curious ft myg 〛♔
❝ taehyung is unsure of his sexuality, and you and your boyfriend yoongi are only too happy to let him experiment with you. ❞
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〚 green room 〛♔
❝ jungkook isn’t happy with how you acted while he was on stage. ❞
〚 high-rise 〛☯
❝ getting locked out on a rooftop when you’re meant to be going on stage in five minutes is less than ideal, but luckily Jungkook has his girlfriend to keep him company. ❞
〚 shark week 〛✭ ∙ ☯
❝ when you get your period while at a restaurant with your boyfriend and the rest of bts, you just want to grin and bear it, but jungkook seems determined to show off to his hyungs how supportive he is. ❞
〚 the name game 〛✭ ∙ ☯
❝ jungkook likes to think he’s a genius at coming up with baby names. you, his heavily pregnant girlfriend, would have to disagree. ❞
〚 roll credits 〛☯
❝ after a string of misfortunes and troubles, you find yourself crying your eyes out in a movie theater. luckily, the cute usher wants to make sure you didn’t miss the film. ❞
〚 the daily grind 〛☯
❝ jeon jungkook has a crush on the girl that comes to the coffee shop he works at, but she’s too invested in her studying to even give him a second glance. ❞
〚 makin’ monet 〛✭
❝ jungkook’s attention is caught by his roommate taehyung’s odd collection of fake paintings, and he’s determined to find the painter. part two available here. ❞
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〚 love yourself: the collab 〛✐ ∙ ♔ ∙ ➴ ∙ ☯
❝ twenty-six authors, twenty-six songs. a collab me and @/jeonau created to celebrate the one year anniversary of lya. each song (plus four bonus tracks) has its own fic. ❞
⇥ masterlist here
⇥ pairings: several, at least one of every member x reader
〚 roll deep 〛✐ ∙ ♔
❝ six one-shots, pornstar au. ❞
⇥ masterlist here
⇥ pairings: one of each member x reader, yoonji x reader
〚 wouldst thou like to live deliciously? 〛✐ ∙ ♔ ∙ ➴
❝ jimin is sick of being a virgin, and the pressure of the first time with a girl, so he decides to summon a sex demon to get it over with. ❞
⇥ masterlist here
⇥ pairings: jimin x reader, namjoon x reader, yoongi x reader
〚 cum!bts 〛♔ ∙ ✭
❝ in the newest run! episode, the members compete to see which of them can make you orgasm the fastest. ❞
⇥ masterlist here
⇥ pairings: one of each member x reader
〚 sovereign 〛✐ ∙ ♔ ∙ ➴
❝ when you hear that your recently deceased grandmother left you her property in her will, at first you think that a dinky old cottage in the middle of nowhere isn’t going to mean much for you. but after spending a night there, you discover something far more valuable than the house itself: a hidden door that leads to another time, the same place but over 200 years in the past. in the late 18th century, there is a king who will die before his 21st birthday unless you can save him. will you help him, even if it means leaving your own life behind? ❞
⇥ masterlist here
⇥ pairings: jimin x reader, jungkook x reader
〚 lost in translation 〛✐ ∙ ➴ ∙ ☯
❝ you decide to uproot your life completely and move to korea to help teach english at a primary school. ❞
⇥ season one masterlist here
⇥ pairings: none so far
〚 seven 〛➴ ∙ ☯
❝ life with seven boyfriends isn’t always a walk in the park, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. ❞
⇥ part one || part two || part three
⇥ pairings: ot7 x reader
〚 dul, set 〛☯
❝ work can be tough. at least you have two boyfriends to come home to. ❞
⇥ part one || part two
⇥ pairings: hoseok x reader x yoongi
〚 spotlights 〛✭ ∙ ☯
❝ a fully interactive (~50 parts, 21 different endings) bts fic. you’ve been seated next to bts at a televised award show. will you end the night with a boyfriend or with a disaster? each member has 1 positive ending and 2 negative ones. ❞
⇥ entry post here
⇥ pairings: one of each member x reader
〚 enjoy your stay 〛 ♔ ∙ ➴
❝ working the graveyard shift at a hotel isn’t the most exciting job in the world, but your coworkers are certainly happy to have you here. ❞
⇥ masterlist here
⇥ pairings: jin x reader, jungkook x reader
〚 런닝맨 방탄 - running man bangtan 〛 ♔
❝ you and the other seven members of the popular variety show running man celebrate your 100th episode by completing various missions. ❞
⇥ part one || part two || part three
⇥ pairings: taehyung x reader, hoseok x reader x yoongi
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scramble-crossing · 1 year
your oc is so fucking cool! divorced to minaman i'm guessing? i LOVE the noise form, that'sso clever! the idea of having a tiny lizzer that he has to hide in a big illusion, that's such a clever + fun idea. also, gecko is a cute asf noise form. the fighting using sigils is SO cool btw, i've done a lot with the idea of sigils myself but the whole concept of tearing out pages to fight is awesome. i love her flaws a lot too btw, most people end up not having ocs with enough flaws
also based as fuck being a union leader. the R.E.A.P.E.R. acronym made me laugh out loud, but man, unions are so underrated. good for them!
i would read stuff about him. also her design is cute! i love the implication that they were strangled to death (?) or are those just tattoos/? i wish that the twewy designs had implication sof how they died somehwere on them
do you actually want a lore dump about my oc? i will gladly give it if you want it, just meant that i don't want to sit here going "and now i will infodump about a topic that isn't actually wanted" (no harm if you don't want to btw) otherwise i will send another ask with the oc info! not gonna lie i don't do much with my ocs but i basically turned several canonical characters into ocs with how much i expanded on them lol. but i do have an oc that i can tell you about :)! i just spend more time expanding on the canon characters LOL
Aw jeez ;-; you're too kind!!
Um. Yeah. Minaman divorce 😔 Long story short, they're childhood friends who had a difficult falling out at the end of high school and reunited in the Reaper's Game. Sho is just as vicious and self-centered as he is in canon, and Fable's swept along in his undertow, blaming himself for Sho's actions and feeling a sense of responsibility, as his oldest friend, to put a stop to him. Sho takes this "betrayal" bitterly. He doesn't understand why Fable can't trust him to make things right again, once he's Composer, and everything that's wrong, he can fix. He just needs her to stay out of his way. He will make her if he has to.
I totally agree with you that'd it be cool if twewy designs implied how some characters died! But actually, Fable received their neck scars after they died :)))
Anyways I'm really glad you like the Noise form and the sigil fighting!! The Noise form is kinda close to Megumi's but I'm attached to itty bitty lizard...everyone else got these cool big cat forms and even Higashizawa's sheep Noise form is intimidating, then you've got this little gecko thing that can fit in the palm of your hand. Made to be held gently. Like hotdog.
And yeah I don't think anyone in the Reaper's Game is a very uh. Functioning individual (except maybe Kariya idk) so it's fun to come up with a character's fatal flaws! Fable is a self-depricating doormat who blames themself for things far beyond their control and clings to strict rules of reason to make sense of an unreasonable world and it pairs really well (or really poorly depending on how you see it) with Mina's unpredictable, domineering personally, especially in NEO once they've grown a bit and Mina has to deal with someone who, even in their best of days, really enabled him and let him get away with anything finally put their foot down and tell him to stop being such an insufferable jackass. Wrangling Support Reapers for three years will do that to a person. They're a funny crowd.
Anyways (again) I would totally love to hear about your oc! I haven't seen too many twewy ocs before and I think it's a series that's ripe for making original characters, so I'm really curious to see the kinds of things that other people have come up with :]
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i’ve been down on myself lately and i hate that, so i’m going around asking people to share one thing they like about themselves or that they’re proud of themselves for.
this is such a lovely ask!
hmmm. I think I'm very proud of my most recent writing attempts, both for DCBB and for my WIP Angels Don't Fear the Reaper (I did an inanimate object POV inspired by Robbie Thompson's 11x04 Baby and poured my entire chest into it). So. yeah! accomplishments there :)
I hope you feel better about yourself soon. Just remember that little voice in the back of your head is just the itty bitty shitty committee and psssst - they are lying liars who lie. sending you so much love and positive vibes <3
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nonbinary-weirdo · 4 years
Will comes home from work and hears Ronald giggling. In the little bathtub popping bubbles. So adoringly childish.
But Will loved his itty bitty mouse like boyfriend, then after some chuckles, Will knelt and starts scrubbing his hair relaxing both parties.
Ron stirred from a haze in the cozy water. "Home already boss? Mmmmm....god yer hands..." he moaned, pressing into Williams fingers.
"I have plans for you after your bath. Its very special for us." Will replied, kissing the tiny reaper on the cheek before drying him off.
"Ooh, now ye went and got me hyped." Ron cooed, his body dripping onto his towel wrapped around his thin frame.
Will looked over into their bedroom. Candles, petals from roses and...a riding crop and ropes. He smirked deviously at the relaxed mouse.
Oh. He was going to send this mouse to pleasure city!
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its-all-ineffable · 4 years
Guys...help me create an Original Character?🥺
I want to start planning a Glee fanfic, with an OC that’s kind of a self-insert, to whack the characters round the head when they stupid things basically. 
Will you help me? You can send me an ask with any aspect of the character...
Hair length/colour: short, long, dyed etc. ?
Eye colour?
Ethnicity? Nationality? 
Religious or atheist? 
Name? First, last and middle if you like!
Sexuality/gender? I’m thinking female, but not necessarily cisgender female? Perhaps genderfluid or femme non-binary?
Backstory? Little bits about them, what they’re like, personality traits?
Family life? Do they have a romantic relationship? Siblings? 
Pets? Any allergies or phobias? 
Send me all of these, or just a few! Tagging all my followers but anyone can join in!🥰
@simplyclockwork, @morganlkae, @johnlockhedgehog149, @mickwick, @caughtindeadlights, @castiel-saved-me-from-myself, @mariemercury67, @deathon1leg, @gamerbeforeitwascool, @lifeinanotherdimension, @blubobbi, @sansas-lannister, @crazygurl31, @meow-moewenherz, @the-songs-we-knew, @miraworos, @theonlyhopeformeisyou2001, @zasteroid, @lockwie, @kayos19, @quartermastercandlestickmaker-d, @sherlockeddetective, @tiredpent-upwriter, @freshparadisechopshop, @tryingandpotentiallyfailing, @regularkacchan, @claire-drinks-lovely-lemonade, @rhetorical-questioner, @trailingoff, @panickedconstantly, @ineffablemiracles, @theaussiemoonchilde, @enno-la2, @tricksters-pride, @setterslsett, @reddie-steddie-go, @umbrellaacadnetflix, @ronance-dingus, @alienslikedmyfantasy, @zadusk, @chartrueseharpsichord, @ramblingsofachristiannerd, @i-was-bored-so-this-happened, @disastrousalacrity, @flamingsword-dontthankme, @mangacapthatass, @bottlefame-brewglory, @caggiecat47, @malec28us, @theangelsgrewlonely, @ifq-14, @bigskullboy, @thesourthernpansy, @elrilsf, @lovetvandfilm, @vareidow, @totallysilvergirl, @blogofinfinitevariety, @varietas2038, @echosilverwolf, @nameless-victorian-child, @gobblegang, @kateroselin, @superlalagrl, @i-wish-i-lived-in-elsewhere, @aziraphales-niftyglasses, @h0q37355, @mushroomyyy, @sheisthefariesmidwife, @imhavinga-moment-here, @omgmax221, @meggiemoo-232297, @caitlinherod, @topinot-noir, @coffinbabey, @sparklespirit, @ineffablelawr, @beedee87, @helloboyssaidtheelftotheassbutt, @girlofftotalrecall, @tmifangirl24, @umbrellanumber5, @stupidflightybullshirt, @tvstarr, @mabsgatos, @anemptyvoidforall, @timetravelerfive, @eenpapawer, @doctorlupin, @leabharleitheoir, @theworldismysupernova, @bpritt, @knox55362, @godeepestmoonbouquet, @toolazycantmove, @emeraldskulblaka, @remijcrowley, @penguin-loving-student, @simgemuzik, @iwilleathisheartinthemarketplace, @wyrd-for-wyrd, @jessevon, @aesthetic-mustard, @gorillazgal86, @drunk-depressed-and-trans, @agentmelodrama, @ohlookihaveanaccount, @its-maradactyl, @greeneyegirl017, @toboldlynerd, @ryokogirle, @chinadoll-and-brokent33th, @vintagefloof, @lokisarmyforevr, @squeeerling, @thepinkdory, @spindlemaker-magpie, @hathelian, @imaginary-wolf, @navajolovesdestiel, @celestialoddcouple, @insert-current-hyperfixation, @retrotrans-archive, @lunarmultishine, @miilagros0222, @thatbitchj4de, @fangirlintrovert, @extraordinarily-awkward-timelord, @eavidreader, @flickerghosts, @cassimatron42, @lazulibundtcake, @sirilupin, @emptyeyesm, @shipalltheboats, @alance22, @superwholockandpfl, @reichenbachfallenangel, @captain-nicnac, @imurcoffeegal, @katie-is-a-lesbian, @piratekingscooby, @nuryhollow, @crusty-chimichanga1800, @aziraphale5891, @thebeesofnotredame, @mollythespaniel, @ephemeralmotif, @tsubaki41001, @it-is-not-my-fault, @alexunbalanced, @selinakatherins, @jazzkaurtheglorious, @hufflepuff-pide-honey-badger, @everystoryhasitsinspiration, @findingloveinasnakepit, @tribulationsdunejeuneindecise, @thespinedrivesatardis, @redboozter, @lsdiaz, @wessasbitch, @fuckyeahkacie, @lamarack, @salamandercameo, @thisbitterbisexual, @later-reasons, @beccadg, @sachadaddah, @dawnywog, @malome78, @i-ate-all-my-snacks-help, @sheshipsburgersandscones, @swiftiebookworm2002, @nadina85, @glitterypsychicfanstudent, @matthewwfairchildd, @alexisluthor, @the-book-reaper, @lincandy0998, @fandom-star, @romelialungusblog, @anongrimm, @sarcasticmalecfan, @blogtipstopic, @assassin-or-templar-56, @dilanmoodboards, @winchesterperfection, @ripstumpy, @dont-fear-the-moonchild, @aria-soleil, @freddiechase, @jonadhads-blog, @supertechnologylifestylegiant, @sinewho, @beyondtheciouds, @ojerasrojas, @jay-aq44, @conversations-with-dead-fandoms, @area51-narutorun, @itsamemario29, @enchantinggardenscissorsclod, @miw-sherit, @dysfunctional-noah, @thankmagnus, @183degreesbelowzero, @cindy-fucking-rella, @nonpasseraimaicapo, @petrichoraura, @azalea-drinma, @khaleesiofalicante, @tequilatanandsunnyskies, @wilyserpentanthonyjcrowley, @annie135279, @phire23, @peterickswhore, @angelinapink, @bigmacdan, @goswlogpncmcrfobpjstltruaqhtma42, @zanypenguintaco, @septic-art-wolf, @whimsical-fluctuations, @cateporue, @ireallydontknowhowtoclassifythis, @shifu1511, @writerworm1550-blog, @lonelygodsmuse, @mylifesdrivecom, @tis-thy-girl, @coffee-cats-sarcasm, @revengeerafrankie, @heresforthegays, @goma-nia, @tscimb, @runwithtinyshoeson, @sometimesrelativelyokay, @hchc-me, @squeakyparrot, @chaoticprunelandbear, @taraap, @codrasic, @protect-the-jojos, @idontgetit-whydoihavetosaymyname, @lynnereads, @fandoom4life, @biggaysnakedemon, @violaslloyds, @no-gender-only-soup, @buttsology, @washinmachineheart, @saturdaynightlivedork, @mewingatmycat, @bisexualanddepressed, @randomcharlie05, @behind-the-sin, @white-queen-writes, @haohaodoesshedoit, @theumbrellaacademyparty, @midnightsoliloquy, @introvertpanicing, @wow-lookit-all-the-fandoms, @crazyrose912, @visible-disappointment, @themicrowavequeen, @shadowywerewolfqueen, @taco-taco-belle, @whump-my-dear-watson, @onwardmeteors, @goddess-of-writing, @skepticalcatfrog, @lestelles, @cecil-is-queer, @head-full-of-things, @the-ali-starke, @blck-fox, @honeybeehanlon, @blue-waffles5, @willgrahamkinnie, @mad-world, @teaandthots, @courtneytarynofficial, @xxxholicmaniac, @bothpdx, @starrynightdeancas, @ultralarryus, @mistythegirlfluxmess, @bluehaloarts, @famdommcfanface, @yucayeque, @potlucksandra69, @ineffable-yikes, @insertjohnmulaneyquotehere, @xmenitionexpedition, @pattonanddeceit, @anaishow, @starkrogers-lehnsherrxavier, @happylittlebastard, @katgreeves, @fairchildswift, @hotchsflower, @pepperatthedisco, @angelkevin, @butterflysclaws, @like-alieeen, @lucrezia87, @ahsokixu, @morgnstern-old, @angelobiancas, @irascible-glass-chicken, @hcarshipper, @fabreagab, @theineffabledivineplan, @aryn17, @kuroshitsgiven, @banesbitch, @val-bti, @classyoperaduckkid, @five-hxrgreeves, @thebestdisappointment, @transdotl, @deadinej, @emiikas, @guardian-of-the-earth, @i-am-five-hargreeves, @marvel-but-its-incorrect, @lupindraco, @daily-destiel, @its-ya-girl-savathun, @inccorect-umbrella-academy, @theballadofmrslovett, @rachelmarkel, @goodhealthbadeducation, @thenerdiestbird, @madrif, @datsavageavenger, @dailydestieldose, @whydoyouneedausername, @toadstoned, @sphere-of-purple-rhapsody, @thesevenwalls, @tuaspn, @heromonogatari, @thosesadistictendencies42, @marinalunaestrella, @toastandbutters, @indispania, @sareyen, @mishka47, @artist-nini-friendo, @thequartermastertoyouragent, @universallyfanearthquake, @hauntedhargreeves, @sehkmetdestroyerofworlds, @iosonnounpanne, @ponytaildiego, @graceloveswolves, @cruella-de-liv, @xbarrjallenx, @gayest-skater, @imokwiththis-liveing-is-chill, @quickholydinosaur, @medusas-garden-gnomes, @sunsinksdownnocurfew, @yulecogs, @did-you-find-my-will-to-live, @freckeled, @fabianretaga3000, @disastrousgaydisaster, @does-existance-exist, @sakuramultishipper, @happy-pooter, @your-resident-bi-gal, @mentallyunawareofpapaya, @operationbaseinnarnia, @gum-believable, @a-true-fangirl, @leonisasaddramaqueen, @thestarsarecool, @werewolf-string-quartet, @luciagiannelle, @toastandbutters1, @swordofspiriali, @ajparry35, @mudpuddlenl, @mind-unleash, @sanders-spooky-sister, @alonelyfuckup, @not--so--ladylike, @ilikestopwatches, @the-gotham-city, @magnetothemagnificent, @fanfictalk, @textposts-into-the-void, @panaspie, @katthemusical, @c-annes, @luftsparke, @stormchasingchick32, @chessinparis, @connorbaz, @bring-us-a-rat, @dearcrowley, @habitualwrithing, @riddledwithlies, @rai1002, @onelatenight-longago, @megs-readstoomuch, @the-pinkglasses, @itisquitecoldoutside, @tossacoin2yourwitcher, @jasxier, @onelastpicnic, @thatyellowblurb, @all-the-worlds-a-story, @supernatural-susie, @meme-void, @backseatofdeansimpala-05 , @67chevyimapla, @madgirlwithbook, @confusedcasishere, @notyoureverydaywarlock, @cadoreblogs, @miss-alice-evelynn, @coneface1991, @undeniablefreedom, @percyjacksonwriter, @skywardkonahriks, @onewingedcryptid, @catlover092402152, @emablckthrn, @i-just-tardis-blue-myself, @itty-bitty-rampaging-committee, @faraway-frequency, @windermerepeaksandpoets, @fanboy-sloth, @themightypygmyshrew, @supernatural15, @adorablealbono-main, @averyharrypotterlife, @dracarys1196, @eames-with-a-rose, @orlovskiideinek1990, @sapphicsensate, @lookwatchumademedo, @jedi-whovian24601, @s3dgy, @alwayscomewhenyoucall, @peer-parker, @planetaryemo, @klausownsmyarse, @mrwatsonmrholmes, @charmed, @not-a-good-angel, @literaryexpress, @lu-thelittledeer, @im-that-random-girl, @winterrose42, @hoseemlydrink14yhg, @lily-the-queen-evans, @phanaticsanders, @cursedsupreme, @zebrashavestripes, @oliviatrace, @thisis-holy-ground, @h-a-p-p-i-e-s, @i-hate-myself-for-no-reason, @wangxianforever000, @onegiant-dorito, @nynxs, @emilyfairchild, @spnjohnlocked​, @tonylau1123​, @cyberhonk​, @blusopie​, @youngreckless​, @yvetteiv-doe​, @losersclubisms​, @clerydaniel​, @deathstreanchcoat​, @quicksilver-ships​, @dearevanhamilton6​, @blueyellowunicorn​, @a-small-fander​, @bluesoulblueheart​, @nova-galactic​, @swimmingcheesecakemoon-blog-blog​, @tamaraheartz​, @coffeesandfanfiction​, @boherahpsody​, @theresnothingquitelikeit​, @michelle51, @holymothaofpearl​, @cowboyklaus​, @mx-sugar-pink​, @uwillneverknowwho​, @awkward-child-of-satan​, @moonkidphrase​ & @themostdangerousthingistolove​.
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