#are obesity and depression related
ceyhanmedya · 2 years
Causes and Consequences of Obesity 2023
New Post has been published on https://bankakredin.com/causes-and-consequences-of-obesity-2023/
Causes and Consequences of Obesity 2023
Obesity is an important and chronic public health problem that is becoming increasingly common all over the world. Today, there is a serious increase in the number of people defined as obese due to the increase in the time spent in the office and home environment and the consumption of fast snacks instead of healthy foods at meals. Obesity , that is, having more fat mass than it should be, can cause serious health problems. If precautions are not taken, obesity can lead to serious health problems such as cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. So what are the conditions that cause obesity? What are the consequences of obesity? For all your questions about obesity, you can take a look at the details.
Obesity Calculator
In the report of Turkey Nutrition and Health Research, prepared by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey in 2010, it is seen that the prevalence of obesity in Turkey is 20.5% in men, 41% in women, and 30.3% in total. These figures show that obesity is a serious public health problem today. The most effective method used in the diagnosis of obesity is the calculation of body mass index. Body mass index is calculated by looking at the ratio of a person’s height and weight. According to the World Health Organization, people with a body mass index of 30 and above are defined as obese. In addition, if the body mass index is 25 and above, it is necessary to take precautions considering that the person is a candidate for obesity. Waist circumference measurement is another parameter that helps to evaluate whether a person is at risk of obesity. Obesity can be considered if the waist circumference is 102 cm or more in men and 88 cm and above in women, according to the values ​​determined by the World Health Organization. Obesity is a disease that can occur due to various factors. If it is not noticed in the early period, it can progress and be more difficult to treat.
What are the Causes of Obesity?
When the causes of obesity are mentioned, the first thing that comes to mind is unhealthy and irregular eating habits. In addition, obesity can have many causes, from endocrine system diseases to psychological disorders. Having knowledge about the causes of obesity is also very important in preventing obesity. Some of the factors that cause obesity can be listed as follows:
1. Wrong eating habits:  One of the most important causes of obesity is wrong eating habits. Eating carbohydrates instead of protein, consuming less vegetables and fruits, and consuming too much sugar and fatty foods can cause weight gain. In addition to these, some nutritional behaviors can be counted among the causes of obesity. Some of the malnutrition behaviors are as follows:
Nutrient intake above the need
Swallowing food in large bites without chewing
Engaging in activities such as watching TV or talking on the phone while eating
Eating late
Consuming large amounts of unhealthy snacks between meals
Eating between sleep
2. Genetic factors: Until recently, obesity was thought to be related only to eating habits, but nowadays, genetic factors are among the causes of obesity along with scientific studies. The regulation of people’s eating habits starts in the womb and genetic factors have an important role on their eating habits. According to scientific studies, the risk of obesity is 80% in children whose parents are both obese. In fact, genes alone do not cause obesity. Obese people usually have a combination of genetic factors, malnutrition, and a sedentary lifestyle. According to some studies, it is stated that people with obesity in their first-degree relatives have twice the risk of developing obesity compared to other people.
3. Hormonal factors: Although hormonal disorders are the cause of obesity, it can also be counted as the first among the consequences of obesity. As a result of studies, it is known by many people that there is a connection between obesity and thyroid hormones. For example, the hypothalamus has a role in regulating eating habits. Sending hunger and satiety signals to the brain is possible thanks to the hypothalamus. A malfunction in the hypothalamus can cause an increase in appetite, leading to obesity. In addition, the majority of obese patients have high TSH levels in their blood. In addition to these, resistance developing in tissues and organs against insulin hormone, that is, insulin resistance, is a common finding in obesity patients. FSH,
4. Psychological factors:  Psychological health problems can be counted among the causes and consequences of obesity. Eating habits are usually determined in infancy and childhood. In these periods, it is a wrong approach for parents to force their children to eat or to apply pressure to prevent them from being overweight. This approach may cause children to experience malnutrition problems in the future and, accordingly, to obesity. In addition, sudden changes in people’s lives such as death or separation can cause people to experience mental problems. Some people with health problems such as depression and anxiety may see eating as a way to escape from these problems.
Consequences of Obesity
According to scientific research, the majority of chronic diseases are caused by overweight and obesity. When the consequences of obesity are mentioned, the first thing that comes to mind is cardiovascular diseases. Apart from these, obesity can be the cause of many diseases from reproductive problems to lung diseases. Health problems caused by obesity can be listed as follows:
Cardiovascular diseases:  In obesity patients, the fat tissue is much higher than it should be. Like other tissues of the body, adipose tissues also need blood and oxygen. In obese patients, the circulatory system works harder to carry blood and oxygen to the excess fat tissues. In this case, blood pressure may increase, that is, hypertension may occur. Apart from this, excess adipose tissue in the body; It increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease by causing insulin resistance, LDL, that is, bad cholesterol, while HDL, in other words, a decrease in good cholesterol, and an increase in triglyceride values, a type of fatty acid.
Diabetes:  Diabetes, also known as diabetes, is a health problem that occurs as a result of the body’s inability to produce insulin or the inability to use the produced insulin by the cells. The excess amount of fat in the bodies of obese patients may disrupt the mechanism that allows the cells to perceive the insulin hormone secreted from the pancreas. In this case, the high level of sugar in the blood causes diabetes.
Reproductive problems:  Low or high levels of hormones in the blood may cause obesity. In addition, obesity can cause deterioration in hormone values ​​and accordingly various health problems. obesity in women; By affecting the release of hormones such as FSH, LH, TSH, it may cause health problems such as polycystic ovary and reproductive problems. In men, obesity can cause hormonal disorders as well as negatively affecting the quantity and quality of sperm, which is the male reproductive cell, and may cause reproductive problems.
Psychological problems: Psychological problems  such as depression, anxiety and panic attacks can be seen in the vast majority of obese patients. Situations such as not being at peace with their bodies and not being self-satisfied may cause these people to isolate themselves from their surroundings due to their lack of self-confidence. It can be said that fear of death is a common condition in obese patients. These patients also have a high risk of health problems such as panic attacks, panic disorder and anxiety.
Meet With Obesity Treatment
Obesity is a health problem that needs to be intervened before it causes serious health problems. Changing eating habits and lifestyle is the first rule in the fight against obesity. However, making these changes may not be easy for every patient. For this reason, obesity surgery is recommended for patients who have chronic diseases related to obesity or who want to get rid of the obesity problem quickly . In these patients, sleeve gastrectomy (tube stomach) , gastric bypass , if the doctors deem it appropriateIt would be better to use obesity surgery methods such as gastric balloon. In our hospitals, services for the diagnosis and treatment of obesity are carried out by expert teams. You can also get detailed information by applying to our clinics to get information about obesity treatment.
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mastermatoyas · 6 months
Weigh myself: 80.9 kg
Go to the toilet
Weigh myself again: 80.2 kg
700 GRAMS OF PISS?????
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lorax177 · 1 year
Fun fatphobia fact of the day:
CMS/HCC is a way for insurance companies to estimate how much money a patient will cost to insure, based on the major problems they have.
This is my list of diagnoses.
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I blacked out one of them because it is my intersex condition and has to do with my assigned gender, which I don't want to be associated with my online presence. Also, there are a few repeats because doctors will put in their own phrasing, so sometimes when I switch doctors, I get re-diagnosed with the same thing, with slightly different wording. It's also missing a few diagnoses i got as a kid, namely my autism and a comprehensive list of the specific learning disorders I have, because I didn't think they were relevant to a general practitioner and i didn't want them on my record for safety reasons. Anyways, you'll notice that there are several of them that have the aforementioned CMS/HCC label. Those are schizoaffective disorder, major depression (which is part of my sza,) and two counts of "morbid obesity". My adhd, which I need to take two different medications daily to treat sufficiently enough to function, is not labeled as a major disorder, but my size is. Twice!
You'll notice that nowhere on this list is any diagnosis that is supposedly related to my fatness. That is because, metabolically speaking, my health is perfect. My lipids, a1c, blood pressure, pulse, and o2 are all in the excellent range. I am not on any kind of medications for any of these, either. The fact that I have more body tissue than their ideal, which has no bearing on my actual health, is considered more important to address than my neurodevelopmental disorder that requires two expensive medications to treat. They think that I am more of a risk for them because of an imagined bogeyman of a diagnosis ("morbid obesity", aka being fat) than something which actually has real life functional and financial consequences (my severe combined type adhd). Or, for that matter, my ocd, which I needed intensive outpatient therapy for; my transgender identity, which has cost them thousands of dollars in hormones and surgery; my asthma, which requires two medications to treat; and my gerd, which requires one.
I'm not advocating for medical insurance companies to make it harder for people with these diagnoses to get treatment. I'm just pointing out that the medical system sees me as a drain on their resources specifically because of my weight rather than the diagnoses that actually cost them money (albeit with one exception). They think my adipose tissue, which is not causing me any health problems, is more important to note than most of my legitimate health problems.
That is medical fatphobia.
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littlebearbigchub · 2 months
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As usual, gym OOTD is: “Hasn’t accepted that he needs to size up.” 🐷 skipping cardio and letting my shirt ride up in front of everyone when I do my lifts.
I’m really being a fat slut recently. I’ve just been crushing my protein goals after a lengthy period of being too depressed to build muscle. I am feeling so BIG and loving the growing strength. I’m just totally embracing my appetite and the jiggles.
Oh course, I’m sure that it’s only a matter of time before I start freaking out again about the new highs on the scale and make another pathetic attempt at losing some of it. I’m not worried though. I know where I’m eventually going to end up and it’s going to make me so happy.
Standing at the precipice of stepping off the cliff of the 150 lb range is as thrilling and euphoric as it is genuinely terrifying. I can see myself and my path to 165 lbs (which would be my ideal next pit stop on my way to my goal of obesity at 180 lbs) but dang, I’m gonna be ruined physically and mentally if I’m not careful. I think that so long as I keep in shape I can mostly convince myself that my weight isn’t /too/ bad but it’s such a tight line to walk to not get fat too fast to stay fit (for me at least) and it gets more and more tempting to be lazy with every extra pound.
I’ve also basically decided that I’m gonna seek medication related to diabetes prophylactically when I reach that point. Like, I can eat as plant based as possible and work out to support my cholesterol and blood pressure but with my family history and signs of insulin insensitivity already appearing at a certain weight I’m gonna need some sort of pancreatic support - to minimize the squeeze from visceral fat if nothing else (besides more subq would be sexyyyyyyy) I’ve made a ridiculous delusional plan that I could access something like that and it could actually really support my gain by preventing damage from my obesity instead of reacting to it and hopefully minimize the chances of being in a situation where I have to lose weight for my health.
“Piggy boy is such a fatass that he needs meds because he just can’t say no to ice cream, doc. That’s why his belly is spilling out of his shirt and he’s up 10 pounds year over year for the past 5 years. You better do something quick before he starts tipping past 200 lbs and the gains accelerate until he can barely waddle back into this office.”
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tarotfairy0919 · 1 month
✧—⊹ ˖🥟⊹ ˖—✧Health meanings in tarot Minor Arcana edition - Suit of Cups✧—⊹ ˖🥟⊹ ˖—✧
©tarotfairy0919 - all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, alter or repost my work.
Please REBLOG if you find this information useful! ༄˖°🪐.ೃ࿔*
The Cups get their health meaning from the astrological connection to Cancer, Scorpio , and Pisces.
Cancer rules the breast, diaphragm, stomach, esophagus, taste, and left side of the body.
Scorpio rules the bladder, urethra, genitals, ovaries/testes, prostate, sigmoid colon, pubic bone, and nose.
Pisces rules the feet, toes, thalamus, and blood fibrin.
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💊Ace of cups ~ Watch out for people sucking you dry. Depression.
💊Two of cups ~ Two of cups in a health reading speak of how the Seeker absorbs love. Inability to absorb love can give issues with the stomach.
💊Three of cups ~ Three of cups in a health reading can also mean depression and health issues from feeling betrayed or the fear of being betrayed.
💊Four of cups ~ Four of cups can indicate health problems due to unresolved issues with abuse.
💊Five of cups ~ . In a health reading Five of cups speak of health issues in relations to sexual organs, colon, prostate, rectum, bladder.
💊Six of cups ~ Six of cups in health reading can indicate problems with groin and organs of elimination.
💊Seven of cups ~ Seven of cups in a health reading can also mean abusive people and arguments causing health problems. Serious infections. Environmental toxins. Dangerous sexual encounters.
💊Eight of cups ~ Eight of cups in a health reading can mean problems with prescription drugs.
💊Nine of cups ~ Nine of cups in a health reading can also indicate too much celebration, excess living, hidden alcoholism, drug addictions, obesity, hidden liver issues, high blood pressure, high blood sugar levels.
💊Ten of cups ~ Ten of cups in a health reading can indicate unexpected surgeries (especially to the feet) and nutritional deficiencies.
💊Page of cups ~ Anxiety, groin problems, evil behaviour.
💊Knight of cups ~ Problems with the feet, malnutrition, and addictions.
💊Queen of cups ~ Problems with the breasts, ovaries, uterus.
💊King of cups ~ Problems with the stomach and digestive system, unhealthy belly fat, hereditary illnesses, lifestyle habits learnt from an early age.
ʕ•ᴥ•ʔノ♡ ʕ•ᴥ•ʔノ♡oopsie you already reached the end ʕ•ᴥ•ʔノ♡ʕ•ᴥ•ʔノ♡
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monratarot · 5 months
Health indicators in tarot - Minor Arcana - Suit of Cups
Please like and reblog if you find this information useful! 🌸🎀💕
//don’t claim it as your own and/or repost it on other platforms//
The Cups get their health meaning from the astrological connection to Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.
Cancer rules the breast, diaphragm, stomach, esophagus, taste, left side of the body.
Scorpio rules the bladder, urethra, genitals, ovaries/testes, prostate, sigmoid colon, pubic bone, nose, haeme.
Pisces rules the feet, toes, thalamus, blood fibrin.
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❃Ace of cups ~ Watch out for people sucking you dry. Depression.
❃Two of cups ~ Two of cups in a health reading speak of how the Seeker absorbs love. Inability to absorb love can give issues with the stomach.
❃Three of cups ~ Three of cups in a health reading can also mean depression and health issues from feeling betrayed or the fear of being betrayed.
❃Four of cups ~ Four of cups can indicate health problems due to unresolved issues with abuse.
❃Five of cups ~ . In a health reading Five of cups speak of health issues in relations to sexual organs, colon, prostate, rectum, bladder.
❃Six of cups ~ Six of cups in health reading can indicate problems with groin and organs of elimination.
❃Seven of cups ~ Seven of cups in a health reading can also mean abusive people and arguments causing health problems. Serious infections. Environmental toxins. Dangerous sexual encounters.
❃Eight of cups ~ Eight of cups in a health reading can mean problems with prescription drugs.
❃Nine of cups ~ Nine of cups in a health reading can also indicate too much celebration, excess living, hidden alcoholism, drug addictions, obesity, hidden liver issues, high blood pressure, high blood sugar levels.
❃Ten of cups ~ Ten of cups in a health reading can indicate unexpected surgeries (especially to the feet) and nutritional deficiencies.
❃Page of cups ~ Anxiety, groin problems, evil behaviour.
❃Knight of cups ~ Problems with the feet, malnutrition, and addictions.
❃Queen of cups ~ Problems with the breasts, ovaries, uterus.
❃King of cups ~ Problems with the stomach and digestive system, unhealthy belly fat, hereditary illnesses, lifestyle habits learnt from an early age.
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shopcourtsgrenada · 7 months
5 Benefits of Regular Exercise and Fitness
Exercise machines and home gym equipment
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Regular exercise and fitness offer several benefits that contribute to our overall well-being and longevity. Here are five key advantages:
Improved Physical Health - Engaging in regular exercise strengthens the cardiovascular system, enhancing heart health and reducing the risk of conditions like heart disease, stroke and high blood pressure. It also helps maintain a healthy weight by burning calories and building muscle mass, reducing the likelihood of obesity and related health issues such as diabetes and metabolic syndrome.
Enhanced Mental Health - Exercise isn't just beneficial for the body; it's also crucial for mental health. Physical activity stimulates the release of endorphins that promote feelings of happiness and reduce stress and anxiety levels. Regular exercise has been linked to lower rates of depression and can improve overall mood and self-esteem.
Increased Energy Levels - Exercising regularly boosts energy levels and improves circulation and oxygen flow to tissues, leading to increased stamina and reduced fatigue. Even short bouts of exercise can provide an immediate energy boost, making it easier to tackle daily tasks and activities.
Better Sleep Quality - Those who exercise regularly often experience improved sleep quality and duration. Physical activity helps promote deeper and more restorative sleep. Additionally, exercise can help reduce the symptoms of sleep disorders such as insomnia and sleep apnea, leading to a more refreshed and rejuvenated feeling upon waking.
Longevity and Quality of Life - Consistent exercise is associated with a longer lifespan and a higher quality of life in later years. It helps maintain mobility, flexibility, and balance, reducing the risk of falls and injuries as individuals age. By promoting overall health and well-being, regular exercise allows people to enjoy an active and fulfilling life well into old age.
Regular exercise is the cornerstone of physical health and mental well-being. It enhances endurance, strength, and flexibility while reducing the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes, and also enhances mood, cognition, and sleep quality.
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josephthesnailshow · 3 months
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NOTE: The formatting of this pinned post is inspired by @artoutoftheblue's pinned post.
Minor (16) || Awkward || ADHD || Autistic || Depression || Author of Sammy the Cat, Burnt Luigi, and creator of the FNaF Fangame series, Five Nights at Prototype Fredbear's || Straight || He/him (only).
• Discord Servers - JTS INC. and Spiral Nightmares.
• Main Youtube Channel - Joseph the Snail
• Second Youtube Channel - JTS
• Spiral Nightmares
• Games
• Art Fight (this is mainly for those who want to attack me easily)
• R/Creepypasta Server
Note: If the server invites somehow expire for you, kindly let me know so I can update them.
DNI (if you fall into these categories, begone):
Aphobes || Transphobes || Homophobes || Pedophiles/Groomers || Celestialcest Shippers || Proshippers || Ableists || Racists || Israel Supporters || Plagued Moth/”Moth is always right even when proven wrong” psychos (lately, I am working with Slimebeast and I am starting to come across these people more like bruh, leave Slimebeast and I alone-)
This DNI is still being worked on, so pray that I don't add you..😈
Everyone else is welcome! :D
To Palestine asks:
Please avoid asking me to donate as I don't exactly have the money to do that, nor do I have any payment method. I will gladly reblog your post to share it around just so other people can donate so keep this in mind.
Thank you for understanding, and please don't take this as selfish, I am saying all of this for a reason.
For those who haven’t noticed, this is a Pro-Palestine blog! How about you remember to do your daily Palestine click exercise as a single click can help support and donate to the refugees of Palestine, it is very simple!
Donate to the Palestines!
•Follower Count: 35
•Birthday: October 8th
•List of friends!
Fandoms I am in:
Five Nights at Freddy's || Mario || Creepypasta || Five Nights at Wario's || Eddsworld || Spongebob Squarepants || SCP Foundation || The Backrooms || The Mandela Catalogue || Don't Hug Me, I'm Scared || Obese and Shadow Man (I don't believe there is a fanbase named after them but there should be)/The Hottest Dog.
Other blogs of mine:
@fivenightsatprototypefredbears - an news blog related to FNaPF teasers, releases, etc. I may reblog fan-art on the blog, I don't know.
@prototypefredbearsaskseries - an ask blog featuring my characters, and just them only. If you wish to ask me instead, ask me on this blog instead, this is my main blog.
@shadowrealmindustries - an arg account I created for FNaPF, it is meant to connect to the error screens from the series which can be found by doing various acts (such as getting jumpscared by shadow fredbear in the first game and shadow kennedy in the second game for example).
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investmentassistant · 19 days
Why it is important to exercise regularly
In today’s fast-paced world, finding time for exercise may seem challenging, but the benefits of staying physically active are undeniable. Engaging in regular physical activity is not just about building muscles or achieving a slim figure; it’s crucial for maintaining overall health and well-being. From mental clarity to heart health, exercise plays a vital role in keeping us fit and healthy. Let’s explore why it’s so important to make time for regular physical activity.
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Physical health benefits of exercise
One of the most obvious reasons to stay active is the positive impact exercise has on our physical health. Engaging in activities such as running, swimming, or strength training improves cardiovascular function, strengthens muscles, and enhances flexibility. Regular physical activity also helps maintain a healthy weight, reducing the risk of obesity and related health problems like type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure.
Additionally, exercise boosts the immune system, making the body more resilient to illnesses and infections. Studies have shown that people who exercise regularly tend to recover faster from colds and other minor infections. For example, a brisk 30-minute walk can significantly improve circulation and help the body fight off infections more effectively.
Mental health benefits of regular exercise
Exercise is not only about physical fitness; it’s a powerful tool for mental well-being as well. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins, commonly known as the feel-good hormones. These endorphins help reduce feelings of anxiety, stress, and depression, while simultaneously improving your mood.
Many people find that regular physical activity helps them manage stress better, enhances their ability to focus, and boosts overall self-esteem. For instance, a person who jogs or practices yoga may notice a sense of calm and mental clarity that persists throughout the day. Exercise, in this sense, acts as a natural mood booster, providing a mental break from daily pressures.
Long-term health benefits
Committing to regular exercise isn’t just beneficial in the short term; it has lasting impacts on long-term health. People who exercise regularly are more likely to live longer, healthier lives. Physical activity can reduce the risk of chronic conditions such as heart disease, stroke, and certain types of cancer. It also plays a critical role in maintaining bone density and muscle strength as we age, which can prevent conditions like osteoporosis.
For example, incorporating strength training into your weekly routine can help you maintain muscle mass and prevent age-related decline in physical function. As a result, you’ll be more likely to stay independent and active well into your later years.
Types of exercise and how to get started
When it comes to exercise, it’s important to choose activities that suit your preferences and lifestyle. This increases the likelihood that you’ll stick with your fitness routine. Here are some popular types of exercise:
Aerobic exercises. These include running, swimming, cycling, or brisk walking. They’re excellent for cardiovascular health and can be done almost anywhere.
Strength training. Lifting weights or using resistance bands to build muscle strength. This helps improve posture, burn fat, and boost metabolism.
Flexibility exercises. Stretching or yoga can improve flexibility and range of motion, reducing the risk of injury during other physical activities.
Whatever form of exercise you choose, it’s crucial to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity. Setting small, achievable goals helps to maintain motivation and prevent burnout.
Overcoming common barriers to exercise
Many people find it difficult to incorporate exercise into their busy schedules due to work, family commitments, or fatigue. However, overcoming these barriers is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. One strategy is to break your workout into shorter sessions throughout the day, like taking a brisk 10-minute walk during your lunch break.
Another tip is to pair exercise with something enjoyable. For instance, if you enjoy listening to podcasts or music, you can combine these with your workouts. This will make the experience more enjoyable and something to look forward to.
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missvidel · 25 days
Luigi's Mansion Head Canon - TW!!!!
When I was a kid I played the original Luigi's mansion more times than I can count. I came up with my own twisted headcanon as to how the portrait ghosts died.
Neville - After he finished an insanity driven murder spree, he read books on how to hide bodies and evade police capture. The stress have him a heart attack in his library
Lydia - Was depressed after Chauncy so kept herself locked in her room. Her twin sons kicked a ball through her window and the glass caused a fatal injury
Chauncy - Stillborn. His photo was a memento mori
The Floating Whirlindas - Murdered by ballroom competition, hanged
Shivers - Burned to death in a fire alive accidentally while trying to capture Melody
Melody - Got decapitated by piano after trying to run from Shivers
Mr. Luggs - Obesity related heart disease
Spooky - Neglect after Mr. Luggs died
Bogmire - A spectral manifestation of the fear and hatred of the mansion
Biff Atlas - Lifted too heavy with no spotter, died from asphyxiation
Miss Petunia - Slipped in the shower, died from head trauma
Nana - Died from old age related causes, but the body was not discovered for a month. People thought she was just sleepinh
Slim Bankshot - Misshot a billiards ball, it rebounded and struck him in the head, killing him
Henry and Orville - Caused the accident that killed Lydia. Neville murdered them by luring them with a game of hide and seek, and locking them inside tiny boxes
Madame Clairvoya - Attempted to warn Neville of impending doom before the deaths of Chauncy and Lydia. He angrily dismissed her. Was the last person to be Murdered by Neville for not being able to prevent those events from occurring.
Uncle Grimmly - Like Nana, died elderly, of age related cause. His body wasn't found because nobody cared about him.
Clockwork Soldiers - Non human beings brought to life like Pinoccio. Accidentally set alight when Shivers tried to get to Melody
Sue Pea - Murdered by Neville, her uncle. Was heavily abused as a child, hence the fear bed-wetting. Neville became infuriated when she couldn't stop bed-wetting and murdered her in her sleep
Jarvis - Was a potter, and Neville's brother. They quarrelled, and Neville smashed a large pot over his head, killing him
Sir Weston - Died on exposition. Although his ghost returned home, his mind never did.
Vincent Van Gore - Suicide
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crosstheveil · 1 year
Health: Adrenal Glands
TCM: Jing, Kidneys
GNM: Off Track (cortex), Unbearable Stress (medulla)
Greek: Sanguine (cortex), Choleric (medulla)
Chakra: Root
Astrology: Mars, Aries-Libra; ex. managing adrenal health can be especially important for natal placements like Mars in Libra/7th, Mars in Pisces/12th, South Node conjunct Mars, etc.
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The adrenal glands, which sit atop the kidneys, play a central role in the body's response to stress, fatigue, immune challenges, and several key physiological and metabolic functions. Issues related to the adrenal glands is very common yet highly under-diagnosed. They consist of two regions:
Adrenal Cortex: Derived from the mesodermal base substance cholesterol, the adrenal cortex produces hormones such as cortisol, corticosterone, aldosterone, and male sex hormones. These hormones play vital roles in physiological functions. Cortisol and corticosterone, known as stress hormones, contribute to the regulation of metabolism, inflammation, and blood sugar, and assist in long-term stress response by enriching the blood with minerals and glucose. Their anabolic effects also aid in healing and regeneration. Aldosterone helps maintain blood pressure by regulating the balance of salt and water in the body. The adrenal cortex's production of male sex hormones can influence the reproductive system. If unresolved, chronic stress may lead to excessive cortisol production, causing problems like weight gain and high blood sugar.
Adrenal Medulla: The endodermal adrenal medulla manages emotional and physical stress by producing the hormones noradrenaline, dopamine, and adrenaline. These hormones are pivotal in activating the "fight, fright, flight" response, a physiological reaction that occurs in response to a perceived harmful event or threat. This acute stress response increases heart rate, blood sugar, and mental alertness, along with other physiological changes. Chronic anger or emotional upheaval can strain the adrenal medulla, leading to an energetic drain.
The adrenal glands are highly sensitive to stress, and chronic stress can lead to various disorders:
Psychiatric Disorders: Neuroses, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder.
Neurological Disorders: Migraines, peripheral neuropathy, dizziness, tremors.
Glandular Disorders: Issues related to other glands including the thyroid which is responsible for cell growth; for instance, uterine cancer, polyps, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism.
Cardiovascular Disorders: Coronary artery disease, stroke, heart attack, hypertension, arrhythmias.
Respiratory Disorders: Asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), difficulty in breathing.
Immunological Disorders: Possible tumor promotion, reduced resistance to infection, autoimmune disorders, chronic inflammation.
Metabolic Disorders: Diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, difficulty in regulating blood sugar.
Gastrointestinal Disorders: Ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), chronic indigestion, malabsorption.
Genitourinary Disorders: Impotence, incontinence, menstrual problems, urinary tract infections, kidney dysfunction.
Musculoskeletal Disorders: Muscle weakness, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, joint pain.
Skin Disorders: Acne, eczema, psoriasis, skin thinning.
Cysts and Cancer
Adrenal Weakness: If the adrenal glands don't produce enough adrenaline, the heart may pump slower, leading to fluid accumulation and cysts in the prostate, ovaries, and breasts. These cysts can harden and potentially lead to cancer.
Blood Flow: Increasing blood flow can help resolve cysts if addressed quickly.
Signs of Imbalance
Frequent sickness, fatigue, low libido, low backache, chronic health issues, dark circles under the eyes, hair loss, early greying, frequent urination at night, cold hands and feet, brain fog, pain and weakness in the lower back, loins, thighs, knees and lower body, urinary weakness and debility, polyuria and nocturia, impotence and male sexual dysfunction, moodiness and irritability, depression, muscle or bone loss, autoimmune conditions, chronic fatigue, hormone imbalance, body aches, unexplained weight loss, lightheadedness, skin discoloration (hyperpigmentation), weakened stress response, insulin resistance, sleep problems, weight gain, sweet and salty food cravings, difficulty getting up in the morning, increased PMS or menopausal symptoms, inability to handle stress, increased allergies, frequent sighing, cravings for salty foods, higher energy levels in the evenings, overuse of stimulants like caffeine.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
Jing (essence): The statement by the Chinese that the kidneys harbor our Jing refers to the adrenals having the highest concentration of neural crest cell derivatives in the entire body. Strong Jing corresponds to robust characteristics like strong teeth, which are made by neural crest cells, while weak Jing relates to signs of aging like grey hair and deafness, also linked to neural crest cells. Jing's manifestations include the progression from youth to adulthood, reflected in functions controlled by the pituitary (aided by neural crest cells), and can be seen in the structure of the face and jaw. Neural crest cells also create the heart's connective tissue, affecting lifespan. Jing as a concept is not the same as neural crest cells but they represent the body's inherent organizational strength. Weak organizational energy leads to neural crest cells that don't form properly or function well, resulting in genetic disorders affecting facial development. The Chinese recognized these markers as indicators of weak Jing.
Kidneys & Urinary Tract: The adrenal glands are connected to the kidneys not just through the renal fascia, but also by way of the renal artery, draining into the renal vein, and receiving nerve connections from the renal plexus. The kidneys regulates the body's water content and are essential for maintaining healthy bones, as well as producing healthy bone marrow and blood. It determines the level of adrenaline and dopamine in the body, affecting our energy and rest. In addition, it forms a relationship with the heart through various hormones. During puberty, the adrenal cortex starts to produce sex hormones like testosterone and oestrogen, and this production continues throughout adulthood. Caffeine depletes kidney qi, yang, yin, and essence, contributing to liver and adrenal issues, and long-term exhaustion. Regular coffee drinkers, especially those who don’t feel its effects, may be nearing adrenal exhaustion. Adrenal fatigue is often considered a kidney yang deficiency. If left untreated, it can progress to a kidney yin deficiency. These deficiencies are often marked by a light low groaning tone to the voice, a darkish pallor under the eyes, negative attitudes of insufficiency or inadequacy, needing to sit and not being able to stand for long, and worrying about money. Additionally, those who experience traumatic shock or long term stress often have their hair turn gray or fall out.
Kidney Yang (medulla): Linked to the reactive sympathetic nervous system and the hormones adrenaline, dopamine, and norepinephrine, produced in the adrenals. A deficiency in kidney yang can lead to symptoms like cold hands and feet, edema, night urination, and low libido. This deficiency parallels disorders like adrenal fatigue, hypothyroidism, and sexual dysfunction. This condition is worsened by the use of marijuana, diminishing our natural drive, motivation, and willpower. Adrenaline is used to treat conditions like asthma, anaphylaxis, and slow heart rates. It works on the cell membrane's outside, which is known as the yang aspect of the cell. It never enters the cell but attaches to a receptor on the outside, initiating a cascade of chemicals that open or close gates on the cell's exterior. In the heart and muscles, adrenaline prompts more calcium to enter, which amplifies the force of contraction; in the lungs, it leads to the relaxation of the muscles, permitting more air to flow in; in the brain, it initiates the emotional reactions connected with fear.
Kidney Yin (cortex): Associated with the parasympathetic nervous system and the hormone cortisol, produced in the adrenals. A kidney yin deficiency may manifest as sore back, leg weakness, insomnia, and anxiety. It may parallel disorders like diabetes, high blood pressure, and hyperthyroidism. Although necessary for daily function and stress response, excessive cortisol can lead to fluid retention, osteoporosis, muscle wasting, depression, and diabetes. If our bodies stopped producing cortisol, it would result in significant illness. While adrenaline binds to the exterior of the cell (yang), cortisol is absorbed into the very core (yin). Contrary to the effects of adrenaline which are more immediate, the effects of cortisol can take years.
Greek Medicine
Hot Temperament: The adrenals are generally represented as stimulating and energizing various functions to adapt to stress.
Adrenal Cortex: Sanguine, nutritive, and anabolic, enriching the blood and decreasing swelling.
Adrenal Medulla: Choleric, energetic, and catabolic, stimulating acute stress response.
Faculty Support: Adrenal glands produce supplementary amounts of sexual hormones, bridging a connection between vital and generative faculties; supporting heart and lungs (vital), kidneys and pancreas in blood sugar regulation (natural), enhancing mental alertness and stimulating the sympathetic nervous system functioning (psychic), supporting male sexual function and response (generative).
Root Center: The adrenals form the basic energetic support for the entire organism, associated with the Root Chakra.
Kidneys & Urinary Tract: Weak adrenals may adversely affect the vitality and functioning of the kidneys and urinary tract, which are interlinked with the adrenal glands'. When the kidneys are not effectively eliminating fluids, it can lead to the accumulation of phlegm and moisture. Additionally, the kidneys have a connection to the soles of the feet which may be affected by cold conditions. Conditions of melancholy or devitalization of the adrenals, kidneys, and urinary tract often correlate with chronic fatigue.
Adrenal Exhaustion: Chronic stress and irregular habits can lead to fatigue, irritability, pain, and impotence in men usually caused by flare-ups of Choleric anger or any experiences which feel like a roller coaster. Sexual overindulgence also exhaust the adrenals.
Male Sexual Function: The adrenal glands provide energetic support for male sexual function. Issues with adrenal energy may result in sexual dysfunction, including impotence or premature ejaculation.
Blood Sugar Regulation: In instances of dangerously low blood sugar, the adrenal glands jump into action, raising levels through adrenaline. Chronic instability may involve adrenocortical hormones, aggravating factors in type II diabetes.
German New Medicine (GNM)
Adrenal Cortex (Off Track)
Conflict: Feeling like you've made a wrong choice or gone down the wrong path.
Under-Functioning: Waterhouse-Friedrichsen syndrome, adrenal gland insufficiency, Addison's disease. Reduced cortisol production, feeling stressed and tired.
Over-Functioning: Excess cortisol (Cushing's disease) with high blood pressure, round face, obesity, muscle atrophy or aldosterone (Conn's syndrome) with high blood pressure, low potassium, weak muscles, thirst, frequent urination.
Adrenal Medulla (Unbearable Stress)
Conflict: Extreme tension from stress, feeling overwhelmed. Something is beyond reach.
Diagnosis: Pheochromocytoma, neuroblastoma. High blood pressure, racing heart, increased blood sugar, sweating.
Mars: This planet governs adrenaline, testosterone, male sexual function, playing a role in the catabolic metabolism where fuel is burned. It also oversees the release of toxins, the regulation of red blood cells, iron, and muscle tissue, including tendons and ligaments. It extends to the entire muscular system, embodying vitality and physical strength. The energy of Mars is hot and dry so it's temperament is Choleric. Mars co-rules the adrenals (with Aries/Libra) and the male genitalia (Scorpio).
Aries: Aries is a Choleric sign, and its will to action makes it prone to anger and stress, which deplete and weaken the adrenal glands. The sign is energetic, sharp-eyed, cheerful, and alert, but may become irritable and have a restless tendency to keep going until burnout. This can lead to eyestrain and poor vision as the health of the eyes is dependent on the strength of the adrenals. The preference for stimulants like chili pepper, caffeine, and their attraction to the Sun can overstimulate the adrenal glands, leading them to seek cooling substances like icy drinks, fruits, and seafood.
Libra: Libra, the Sanguine Air sign that rules the kidneys and lower back, is a counterbalance to Aries. The kidneys and genitourinary tract are only as strong and healthy as the adrenal glands, which are their energetic support. Underlying adrenal weakness and exhaustion weakens the kidneys and genitourinary system, leading to urinary debility, urinary tract infections, inflammation or irritation, uremia, and gout. Since male sexual function is also dependent on the strength and health of the adrenal glands, problems may arise in this area.
Aries-Libra Dynamic: Kidneys, adrenals, eyes, head and cranium, low back, lumbar spine, bladder, genitourinary system (especially male), hips and loins. Aries represents personal power, autonomy, honesty, and decisiveness, often leaning towards individualism and assertiveness. Libra, on the other hand, emphasizes cooperation, diplomacy, compromise, and social harmony. While Aries is direct and often acts alone, Libra seeks mutual choice and operates through consensus. This represents a struggle between competition and cooperation, selfhood and partnership, war and peace, doing and being. Finding balance is needed for acid/alkaline balance, as Aries tends to run acidic, and for hormonal balance, where Aries tends toward excess testosterone. The tension between these two forces may cause a lot of frustration and aggravation, particularly in males, manifesting as irritation or inflammation of the genitourinary tract.
Healing and Relief
Diet: Paleo; reduce caffeine, sugars and sweeteners, gluten, starch, white flour, processed foods, and hydrogenated oils.
Nutritional Supplements: Ionic Magnesium, B Vitamins, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Vitamin C, Zinc, Probiotics, L-Theanine
Herbal Adaptogens: Ashwagandha, Rhodiola Rosea, Holy Basil, Licorice Root, Siberian Ginseng, He Shou Wu
Lifestyle Considerations: Address societal pressure to perform, lack of self-care, and the conflict in real life. Regular exercise of varied intensity. Practice meditation, mindfulness, Tai Chi, Qigong. Express creatively and spend time in nature. Align sleep schedule with circadian rhythm to nourish yin. Hydrate more and add salt to water. Avoid various toxins like dioxin or insecticides which contribute to adrenal malfunction. Spend more time in the sun each day. Don't sit for too long. Try wearing a haramaki, stretch cotton (for summer) or stretch wool (for winter).
These are research notes from the work of Daniel Keown, Michel Odoul, Michael Tierra, Lesley Tierra, Johan Boshwinkel, David Osborn, Judith Hill, Eileen Nauman, Björn Eybl, Caroline Markolin, Deb Shapiro, and Jody Smith.
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survivingcapitalism · 7 months
A review of hundreds of epidemiological studies published in the British Medical Journal on Wednesday has found that higher exposure to ultra-processed foods is associated with an increased risk of 32 damaging health outcomes including cancer, major heart and lung conditions, mental health disorders, and early death.
These outcomes span mortality, cancer, and mental, respiratory, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, and metabolic health outcomes.
The report carried out an “umbrella review (a high-level evidence summary) of 45 distinct pooled meta-analyses from 14 review articles associating ultra-processed foods with adverse health outcomes.”
These review articles were all published over the last three years and involved nearly 10 million participants.
“Greater exposure to ultra-processed food was associated with a higher risk of adverse health outcomes, especially cardiometabolic, common mental disorder, and mortality outcomes,” the report said
The report noted that ultra-processed foods, which include packaged baked goods and snacks, fizzy drinks, sugary cereals, and ready-to-eat or heat products undergo multiple industrial processes. As a result, they contain colours, emulsifiers, flavours, and other additives.
According to the review, ultra-processed foods were linked to a 50 per cent increased risk of cardiovascular disease-related death, a 48-53 per cent higher risk of anxiety and common mental disorders, and a 12 per cent greater risk of type 2 diabetes.
Not only are such foods associated with a 40-66 per cent increased risk of heart disease-related death, obesity, and sleep problems, and a 22 per cent increased risk of depression, they are likely shortening lives.
Higher consumption of ultra-processed food meant that there was a 21 per cent greater risk of death overall, from any cause, according to the study.
While the report found “limited evidence” of a link between such foods and breast cancer, pancreatic cancer and prostate cancer, it found “direct associations with a risk of colorectal cancer.”
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hawkeyedflame · 1 year
it's really depressing perusing linkedin and twitter for biomedical news/research and seeing companies and academic researchers falling over themselves to talk about the latest information and how it opens up opportunities for new drug development to treat XYZ disorder that is already known to be effectively treated by radical dietary changes.
idk how much more despair i can take. cancer? dementia? parkinson's? epilepsy? autism? depression? diabetes? cardiac disease? anxiety? psychotic disorders? alcoholism? crohn's disease? arthritis? obesity? multiple sclerosis?
ALL of it can be treated with a zero carbohydrate diet. all of it is related to inflammation and insulin resistance. not a single one of these disorders is genetic. it's so unbelievably frustrating watching the healthcare establishment shoving more and more pills down people's necks instead of educating them about a species-appropriate diet.
these fields of research are at a point where we've absolutely lost the forest for the trees. this is not progress. this is not science. i don't even know how i can, in good conscience, work anywhere in my field knowing that my labor is being used to advance a healthcare system that has willfully obscured information about diet to the general public for the purpose of elevating the profits of both the "healthcare" and the food industry. it's disgusting.
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world-cinema-research · 5 months
Stand By Me (1986)
By Jensen Boles (THE 112C 01)
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The movie I watched this week would be Stand By Me. Starring the likes of Wil Wheaton, River Phoenix, Corey Feldman, Jerry O'Connell, Kiefer Sutherland, and Richard Dreyfuss. The film was released August 22, 1986 and directed by Rob Reiner who also directed such films as The Princess Bride, When Harry Met Sally, as well as an adaptation of another Stephen King Novel known as Misery. The reason I chose this movie is because it happens to be one of my favorite movies of all time and every time I watch it I'm always reminded of the good times I used to have with my friends throughout my childhood.
Regarding the numbers at the box office, Stand By Me had a decent budget of 8 billion dollars for 1986 standards. It also made $52,287,414 domestically and only $1,236 internationally. Making a total worldwide budget of $52,288,650. While the opening weekend for this film was 0.5% of total gross, it also did rather poorly with their DVD sales with only $1,431,608 in total DVD sales (link for more details). The film was critically successful with positive ratings such as an 8.1/10 on IMDb, a 92% for rotten tomatoes, and a Metacritic rating of 75%. Regardless of the poor DVD sales as well as the poor international sales, this film has been deemed successful by fans and critics alike. Not to mention it made more money than the film's budget. One review that I found would be from The New York Times which says "Some 15-year-olds may well enjoy this tale about some 12-year-olds, so parents will have to decide how much they are willing to endure for their kids." I think this quote from the review means that certain age groups will have a deeper understanding of the movie once they watch it (link for the full review).
The movie begins with the narrator named Gordie Lachance who happens to be grown up in this scene and is reflecting on the summer of 1959 when he was only 12 years old, living in a small town in Oregon known as Castle Rock. Soon after we meet his friends named Teddy Duchamp and Chris Chambers playing poker in their clubhouse until another friend named Vern Tessio shows up and asks their friends if they can camp out for a sleepover when it turns out that they’re going to look for a dead body and they go on a 3 day hike to search for him, Vern found out about the body when he overheard a conversation about a missing kid named Ray Brower. The reason the kids are looking for the body is so that they become famous, however there’s a gang of bullies that also want to search for the missing kid and become famous as well (link for synopsis).
While the plot of the movie is a bit dark and depressing, I do personally think that it is good for establishing an emotional coming of age story, after all this movie is based on the novel by Stephen King entitled The Body. Despite the movie being R rated, I do think that the director wanted to target the movie to a certain age group who will deeply understand the movie (as I mentioned above). I also have to mention, the movie also has some really impactful scenes that people can somewhat relate to. Especially the ending where they mention how we have to say goodbye to our childhood (see clip below), you can tell that this has left an emotional impact on a lot of people who watched this movie, me included.
One of the limiting factors that I can think of for this film would be the R rating and how it limited most viewers under the age of 17 from seeing this movie when it first came out. By today's standards, this is still regarded as an all time classic and is also still being favored by fans and critics alike.
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Although this film falls into the category of being conventional, there is one scene of the film that would be considered unconventional by some viewers. What happens in the scene is that Gordie tells a story about an obese kid looking to get revenge on the people that made fun of him because of his weight, and the kid gets revenge by entering a pie eating contest and creating what is known as a "Barf-o-rama" which involves him making the other contestants vomit as well as the attendees at the contest by vomiting on another contestant after drinking castor oil and eating a raw egg, as well as 5 blueberry pies. The reason why this would be considered unconventional is because the talk about vomit being used in a silly story that was thought up by a twelve year old, as well as being humor targeted towards middle school aged kids.
Overall, I have noticed a few personal things when rewatching this movie. Even though I have rewatched it a few times from when I last saw it at the age of 12, it would emotionally impact me more each time I would watch it, cause a lot of people can relate to not seeing their friends again after their childhood ends. For me personally, I can somewhat relate because I also have had many friends come in and out of my life.
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art-of-manliness · 6 months
The Japanese 3X3 Interval Walking Workout
The overarching principle of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) is that the harder you do an exercise, the more physiological benefits you accrue; thus, by incorporating intervals of higher intensity efforts in your workouts, you can get more fitness bang for your buck in less time.  When we think about HIIT, we tend to think about going absolutely nuts on a fan bike or doing all-out sprints. But as Dr. Martin Gibala explained on the AoM podcast, while high-intensity training rises above the level of the moderate, it doesn’t require a complete max out of your heart rate, nor is it limited to certain exercise modalities. You can do interval training by pedaling like a madman on a bike, but you can also do it with a less strenuous approach.  Enter Interval Walking Training (IWT), which originated in Japan. This 3X3 walking workout is simple: you do 3 minutes of low-intensity walking (40% of peak aerobic capacity for walking — a little faster than a stroll), followed by 3 minutes of high-intensity walking (70%+ of peak aerobic capacity for walking). You repeat these interval sets at least 5 times, and do this 30-minute workout 4 times a week. Your heart rate during the high-intensity intervals will vary according to your fitness level and age. One 68-year-old who participated in an IWT-based study had his heart rate go up to about 130 beats per minute during the fast intervals, so you’re moving at a good clip. Even though IWT is highly accessible, studies that have been done on it show that it produces significant health benefits. People who did Interval Walking Training 4X a week for 3 months experienced significantly more improvement in their blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose, leg strength, and aerobic capacity than those who did continuous, moderate-intensity walking.  Hiroshi Nose, who developed Interval Walking Training, reports that among those who do IWT, “Physical fitness — maximal aerobic power and thigh muscle strength — increased by about 20 percent which is sure to make you feel about 10 years younger than before training, [and] symptoms of lifestyle-related diseases (hypertension, hyperglycemia, and obesity) decreased by about 20 percent.” IWT walkers enjoyed mental health benefits as well: depression scores dropped by half. Walking in general is already one of the very best forms of exercise you can do, and IWT just helps you take its benefits up a notch. Hiroshi has used Interval Walking Training to get thousands of elderly Japanese citizens into shape, and it’s a great form of exercise if you’re in the older decades of life. But it’s also good if you’re just beginning your fitness journey and looking to get off the couch and start doing more physical activity. Even if you’re already a regular exerciser who’s in good shape, IWT is a nice way to mix up your usual neighborhood strolls while enhancing your health even further.  For more HIIT protocols, from the accessible to the challenging, listen to this episode of the AoM podcast: Help support independent publishing. Make a donation to The Art of Manliness! Thanks for the support! http://dlvr.it/T5HkXR
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scifigeneration · 9 months
Winter brings more than just ugly sweaters – here’s how the season can affect your mind and behavior
by Michael Varnum, Associate Professor of Psychology at Arizona State University and Ian Hohm, Graduate Student of Psychology at the University of British Columbia
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What comes to mind when you think about winter? Snowflakes? Mittens? Reindeer? In much of the Northern Hemisphere, winter means colder temperatures, shorter days and year-end holidays.
Along with these changes, a growing body of research in psychology and related fields suggests that winter also brings some profound changes in how people think, feel and behave.
While it’s one thing to identify seasonal tendencies in the population, it’s much trickier to try to untangle why they exist. Some of winter’s effects have been tied to cultural norms and practices, while others likely reflect our bodies’ innate biological responses to changing meteorological and ecological conditions. The natural and cultural changes that come with winter often occur simultaneously, making it challenging to tease apart the causes underlying these seasonal swings.
With our colleagues Alexandra Wormley and Mark Schaller, we recently conducted an extensive survey of these findings.
Wintertime blues and a long winter’s nap
Do you find yourself feeling down in the winter months? You’re not alone. As the days grow shorter, the American Psychiatric Association estimates that about 5% of Americans will experience a form of depression known as seasonal affective disorder, or SAD.
People experiencing SAD tend to have feelings of hopelessness, decreased motivation to take part in activities they generally enjoy, and lethargy. Even those who don’t meet the clinical threshold for this disorder may see increases in anxiety and depressive symptoms; in fact, some estimates suggest more than 40% of Americans experience these symptoms to some degree in the winter months.
Scientists link SAD and more general increases in depression in the winter to decreased exposure to sunlight, which leads to lower levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin. Consistent with the idea that sunlight plays a key role, SAD tends to be more common in more northern regions of the world, like Scandinavia and Alaska, where the days are shortest and the winters longest.
Humans, special as we may be, are not unique in showing some of these seasonally linked changes. For instance, our primate relative the Rhesus macaque shows seasonal declines in mood.
It can feel hard to get out of bed on dark mornings. 
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Some scientists have noted that SAD shows many parallels to hibernation – the long snooze during which brown bears, ground squirrels and many other species turn down their metabolism and skip out on the worst of winter. Seasonal affective disorder may have its roots in adaptations that conserve energy at a time of year when food was typically scarce and when lower temperatures pose greater energetic demands on the body.
Winter is well known as a time of year when many people put on a few extra pounds. Research suggests that diets are at their worst, and waistlines at their largest, during the winter. In fact, a recent review of studies on this topic found that average weight gains around the holiday season are around 1 to 3 pounds (0.5 to 1.3 kilograms), though those who are overweight or obese tend to gain more.
There’s likely more going on with year-end weight gain than just overindulgence in abundant holiday treats. In our ancestral past, in many places, winter meant that food became more scarce. Wintertime reductions in exercise and increases in how much and what people eat may have been an evolutionary adaptation to this scarcity. If the ancestors who had these reactions to colder, winter environments were at an advantage, evolutionary processes would make sure the adaptations were passed on to their descendants, coded into our genes.
Sex, generosity and focus
Beyond these winter-related shifts in mood and waistlines, the season brings with it a number of other changes in how people think and interact with others.
One less discussed seasonal effect is that people seem to get friskier in the winter months. Researchers know this from analyses of condom sales, sexually transmitted disease rates and internet searches for pornography and prostitution, all of which show biannual cycles, peaking in the late summer and then in the winter months. Data on birth rates also shows that in the United States and other countries in the Northern Hemisphere, babies are more likely to be conceived in the winter months than at other times of the year.There’s more to a holiday bump in romance than just opportunity. 
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Although this phenomenon is widely observed, the reason for its existence is unclear. Researchers have suggested many explanations, including health advantages for infants born in late summer, when food may historically have been more plentiful, changes in sex hormones altering libido, desires for intimacy motivated by the holiday season, and simply increased opportunities to engage in sex. However, changes in sexual opportunities are likely not the whole story, given that winter brings not just increased sexual behaviors, but greater desire and interest in sex as well.
Winter boosts more than sex drive. Studies find that during this time of year, people may have an easier time paying attention at school or work. Neuroscientists in Belgium found that performance on tasks measuring sustained attention was best during the wintertime. Research suggests that seasonal changes in levels of serotonin and dopamine driven by less exposure to daylight may help explain shifts in cognitive function during winter. Again, there are parallels with other animals – for instance, African striped mice navigate mazes better during winter.
And there may also be a kernel of truth to the idea of a generous Christmas spirit. In countries where the holiday is widely celebrated, rates of charitable giving tend to show a sizable increase around this time of year. And people become more generous tippers, leaving about 4% more for waitstaff during the holiday season. This tendency is likely not due to snowy surroundings or darker days, but instead a response to the altruistic values associated with winter holidays that encourage behaviors like generosity.
People change with the seasons
Like many other animals, we too are seasonal creatures. In the winter, people eat more, move less and mate more. You may feel a bit more glum, while also being kinder to others and having an easier time paying attention. As psychologists and other scientists research these kinds of seasonal effects, it may turn out that the ones we know about so far are only the tip of the iceberg.
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