#are dickbabs fans mad about this too?
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frogaroundandfindout · 6 months ago
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Dick visits Barbra one he finds out about her injury and has sex with her. In the morning he hands her the engagement announcement between him and Kory (Nightwing Annual 2)
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gffa · 2 years ago
Hey there, chiming for the 'choosing violence ask' game! What are your thoughts are for 7 and 9?
I'll answer this for DC, since I did #7 and #9 here for Star Wars! 7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them? Sometimes it's hard not to get sucked into the DickBabs vs DickKory ship war, when I'm just minding my own business in the Dick/Babs tag and come across an entire frothing essay about how terrible the ship is and, oh, by the way, Dick/Kory is so much better written and more mature and healthier or whatever. (This happens pretty constantly.) And it's hard not to get sucked into how that pits the two characters against each other, despite that they shouldn't be! I was so jazzed about Kory and Barbara getting a moment of friendship is Kory's Tales of the Titans issue, but then it's right back to fandom pitting them against each other and being mad that Barbara's in ~too many comics~ or whatever, when I'm just trying to look for cute ship content in the proper tag, and just. Gah. Sometimes it's hard not to associate Kory with the behavior of that kind of fan. 9. worst part of canon Still reeling from All Star Batman and Robin, honestly. Not much could top how bad that was.
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bigskydreaming · 4 years ago
Tom is already rehashing some things, like too many homages to the nineties run, Zucco's daughter plot point, Beatrice had ideas for societal reform he's taking that and giving it to Dick. It'll probably be half hearted, but it stings that Beatrice left just a few issues ago and she's already completely forgotten for the sake of DickBabs or a love triangle.
Like the thing about the nineties runs is I mean, as much flack as we give various elements of them, there’s so much from that time period that was good? Great, even! Just....myself and the writers seem to have very different opinions on what the most interesting elements of the nineties comics were, oh well.
And omgggggg I’m still so mad about Bea, and its literally Shawn Tsang all over again. The writers keep introducing new, interesting characters, investing just enough time and focus into them to have us interested in them and wanting to see more.....and then they toss them aside to go back to drawing from the same well as always.
And the thing is, this isn’t even about me not really being a Dick/Babs shipper, because honestly, I’m not enjoying the Dick/Kory stuff in what I’ve seen of Titans Academy either, and for the exact same reason:
When they create new characters like Shawn and Bea, they KNOW they’re starting from scratch and need to build interest in those characters from the ground up. So they’re forced to put their best foot forward. There’s no short cut there, if you want people to care about a brand new character you have to give them REASONS to care. You have to make those characters likable, you have to make people WANT to root for them, you have to hook them with intriguing backstories that don’t feel formulaic and new angles that don’t feel just derivative of older characters, and that’s how we got stuff like Shawn’s history as a former sidekick to a villain and now running a support group for rogues trying to turn their lives around, and Bea’s work in societal reform.
But then the second they stop having the patience to build the new characters up enough that the interest in them can actually start to reach the levels that lets older characters last and grants longevity....they just toss them aside and move on....except they never really move on, just backwards. Because the problem with so MANY superhero couples, far from just Dick and Babs or Dick and Kory, is just....how lazy it seems to make so many canon writers. They just fall back on rehashing the same old tropes and just updating popular moments that resonated with fans in the past, now just recreated with a slightly more modern twist but without ever really being anything new. 
Even with ships that I’ve never really been sold on in the past like Dick/Babs, I’ve always said, there’s usually nothing stopping me from GAINING interest in them.....its just....the writers have to GIVE ME A REASON TO. And so many of DC’s writers just aren’t even trying. They’re just moving parts around and pushing characters together in various arrangements like everyone’s just a puzzle piece that you can mix and match however you want......and then just basically expecting readers to be interested purely because of who the characters are, or because it hinges on a nice moment that they then milk the hell out of without ever expanding that into building actual STORY around these moments but rather just squeezing each one til they get everything they possibly can out of it and moving on to the next as though its all just about chasing the next soundbite...because it is! LOL.
And honestly, this problem extends far beyond just the Nightwing title or the Batfam or Taylor’s run or writing in particular.....its a company wide issue right now. In fact I would bet just about anything that its a matter of editorial edict, that even before Taylor started his run DC said okay here’s the approach we want everyone taking with their stories right now:
And that’s like.....its all about banking on nostalgia and the comfort of the familiar right now. I think Taylor is drawing all these elements straight from the 90s Nightwing comics, like Blockbuster and Dick having been a cop, etc, because these are the elements of past Nightwing stories that are so well known. Its the same reasoning behind why they put Tim back as Robin and so many of their new characters are just new spins on old faves like Punchline and Harley Quinn, and why they’re pushing all these older ships that haven’t been together in ages and why specific team lineups are reappearing....its because nostalgia is the name of the game for DC right now, and all their writers are just pulling together threads of classic stories that have stood the test of time, figuring anything that landed particularly well with fans in the past will sell with people here and now, and weaving these threads together and brushing over them with a modern social issues veneer. 
As an approach, its basically all just about repackaging previously successful story moments and elements with just enough changes or in just new enough a configuration that readers aren’t likely to complain en masse that like “hey we literally already read all this. We’ve already BOUGHT these issues. When we were kids.” Its minimizing creative risk while maximizing monetary profit. Spend as little creative capital as possible outside of anything that’s already been successful in the past and as such is a relatively proven quantity, instead of testing new material that’s an unknown and runs the risk of falling flat and thus not being profitable.
And see, I’d almost guarantee that all THAT, that whole line-wide approach to DC’s storytelling, is because the powers that be looked at the last several years of stories and how many of THEM fell flat with readers, and decided that the problem was they’d BEEN trying too much new stuff and readers just didn’t like it. Because they WERE concentrating on presenting totally new stories and building up new ideas throughout their books.....but readers have been pretty vocal for years now about being disenchanted with most of DC’s major stories. And so DC I think looked at that and came to the conclusion that okay, people just don’t want new right now, they want the familiar.
But like.....DC’s problem IMO was never that they were trying new stuff? The reason so much of their new and original storylines weren’t gaining traction or bringing in readers and kept shedding old readers had absolutely NOTHING to do with them being new and previously unseen storylines, which makes falling back on nostalgia very much a non-solution to entirely the wrong problem.
No, DC’s problem for years has been that they’ve been all about spectacle instead of story. There’s ZERO emotional pay-off to any of their biggest plot twists or character beats, and emotion is LITERALLY what people read stories for. Its all about racing to the climactic action packed finish of every storyline and then immediately resetting everyone back to square one and jumping straight into the next big story, without ever giving the events of any of their stories time or reason to MATTER to the characters.....and if they don’t matter to the characters, our proxies that we’re viewing these stories through, then why should any of it matter to us? Why should any of it linger, dig in roots, resonate with us as moments that left an impact and that we accordingly want more of?
And again, like because I’m a Dick Grayson focused blog I’ve obviously largely been focused on how much I dislike the SPECIFIC reactions or non-reactions to so many of the major beats in his stories.....but it was spread throughout their entire line.
Bruce and Selina almost got married....but why should anyone care outside of Tom King’s title when nobody else seems to, no other characters feel anything about this, and Bruce in none of his other appearances seems the same as ever without any reminder that he just almost got married but then didn’t.....and if the characters don’t ever seem to be affected by or feeling a need to revisit or reflect on recent stories, why should we bother remembering them either? 
Jason was dramatically and fucked-upily (yes its a word, I totally looked it up and everything) exiled from Gotham....and then all of that is undone in a single issue with one low-stakes awkward conversation between him and Bruce. Damian quits as Robin and goes off the map and everyone in his family is like “hey don’t we have a littler brother, I feel like we did maybe” for one panel per story arc, and that’s it. Roy’s back from the dead and everybody’s like oh hey cool instead of the kind of return we used to get like when Donna came back and everyone was like oh shit, this MATTERS, because we MISSED you....just like Dick’s death never mattered to anyone but fans of his character because much like I was just saying earlier with them not really giving me a reason TO emotionally invest in Dick and Babs’ relationship if I wasn’t already, same thing with the aftermath of Forever Evil. They didn’t give anyone else reason to emotionally invest in that as something that HAPPENED to Dick and that he was AFFECTED by....because the writers didn’t bother writing him as all that affected by it and it was just like oh he’s a spy now, all that was last year’s content, we’ve moved on, keep up.
And on and on it goes. Ric Grayson was the same problem all over again. Rinse and repeat down the line with everyone from Wally to Donna and etc etc etc.
THAT’S why DC’s stories have been falling flat. It has nothing to do with people not being interested in new ideas, characters or directions, its that’s ALL they were giving us, but it was like just reading wiki summaries of events just alongside pretty art, but no real emotional weight or substance to anything we were reading....and thus, literally nothing that we couldn’t get much the same outcome from if we just...stuck to reading wiki summaries after the stories were over, with no real need to follow along with them. For years most fans have basically just been about keeping up to date with changes in the characters’ lives, but without feeling any real need to watch those changes unfold and play out.
And so honestly I worry we’re just gonna be subjected to a company wide rehashing of old and familiar storylines, directions and character beats, but repackaged and delivered in the exact same way DC was delivering us their new stories and ideas these past years....and its basically going to have the same results, because its the same problem. They didn’t actually fix anything by switching gears, they just shuffled around the actual issue.
And DC’s just gonna be like well now wtf are we doing wrong, we were so sure this would work, everyone LOVES nostalgia right? Did we pick the wrong stories and character beats to bring back?
When really its like......it honestly doesn’t matter WHICH stories and beats they rehash, because its not about them picking the ‘right ones,’ the real keepers, the stories that everyone really WAS eager to see brought back or made new again.....
Its about like, the only reason any of those stories or beats or dynamics stood the test of time and are still familiar and well-known....is because the stories AROUND those moments and ideas gave us reason to emotionally invest in them and retain them as crucial to our view of the characters and things that would resonate and stay with us for a long time.
It was never that any of those ideas or stories were just so innately brilliant that they couldn’t help BUT linger in the overall reader consciousness...it was the fact that we CARED about what happened in those moments and stories.
*Shrugs* But I mean hey, what do I know? I’m just a dude on the internet lolol. 
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thursdayforeverafter · 4 years ago
I would love to hear your thoughts on YJS3
sure! fair warning, though, I'm a ranty person by nature so this might end up being a bit long. sorry in advance ♡
anyway! things I liked:
the humor: s3 was pretty funny lmao, theres that whole collection of outta pocket scenes from throughout the season that I find hilarious each time + the humor was a little more dirty which is nice bc the audience has also grown up from the kids they might've been when they watched it on CN
dickbabs!: I'm not a huge fan of dickbabs, I prefer dickkory (no hate to dickbabs stans btw I just vibe more with dickkory) but this dynamic between the two of them was so sweet and well-balanced I couldnt help but squeal everytime they were on-screen
Clark and Conner getting along: them calling each other brothers was so CUTE I canttt
FORAGER: an absolute legend 10/10 freaking love him
That Episode With The Hallucination: mmmmmmm I miss wally. SO MUCH. and the og 6 I was Super Mad about the first timeskip so it was nice to see them all together again🥰
yeah that's about it for things I liked lmao. now time for the Much Longer list of Things I Hated:
HALO: young justice the bar was so fucking low how are you still successfully doing the limbo what the fuck. you take a muslim immigrant in what is VERY CLEARLY a hijab and 1. infantilize her to an exceptionally uncomfortable degree (I KNOW SHE WAS THE MOTHERBOX, I DONT CARE) to the point where she resembles a five-year-old with every sentence she speaks or action she takes 2. you made a visibly muslim girl claim that she's actually no longer muslim, she's just wearing the hijab as some kind of security blanket???? I'm sorry??? what the fuck were you aiming for here exactly 3. why did you have to name her violet harper. what. 4. really?? the immediate romance with brion? What the shit was up with that...you make her Muslim in some aspects like victor not seeing her hair when she brushes it but her LITERALLY making out with brion like I'm sorry what the fuck are you doing??? you had one muslim character and you fucked up so bad holy shit...like...it could've been simple as hell, man, but no...Big Yikes.
M'gann: I've said this before but I really feel like once they introduced artemis m'gann immediately became a side character whose only job is to be villainised again and again even though it doesn't really vibe with her character. Secret teams?? Lying to Conner??? This isn't s3 but that whole thing with their breakup in s2...what the shit are they doing to M'gann, man. I loved her so much in s1, she's literally trying her best after having gone through so much and it's never fully explored...like we get half explanations every season but we're never shown half the shit that we were given for artemis. And by making her the Uncool Girlfriend at points it just looks like they're trying make her easy to hate like what the fuck. no. stop it
The Plot: too overcomplicated, too many characters. It's only season three, why are you introducing Apokolips already. Why are there so many characters?? what's with all the subplots yall were switching location cards every five minutes. And it's so convoluted...like...what was going on with Beast Boy and the monkey-god-doom-patrol-exposition stuff? I can't even remember if there were two granny goodnesses or just the one. All of those meta kids left over from the last season are a cute cast but like...I was so bored??? we know you can do well-written self-contained storylines a la s1, so hop to it, yeah?
THE ANIMATION: ok ok ok so. season 1 and two (one especially) had a very distinct feeling to them and that feeling was very late-2000s Cartoon Network Action Show - the base model for the males and females is the same (like Ben 10 Alien Force) the colors were not dynamic (stayed the same no matter the lighting, lots of cel shading, and generally were realistically colored in the sense that suspension of disbelief was not entirely necessary) CHEEKBONES, gritty textures and purple skies (Batman the Brave and the Bold). overall theres a certain Tone to the earlier seasons that spoke a lot to the animation capabilities of the studios at the time, as well as the general feel of the show. however, season three was a MAJOR downgrade in terms of animation. they made it both simpler and more complicated - they started using their DCAMU animation style which while it does give muscles to the women, adds too many unneeded shadows and a strange stiffness and dullness to every character. There are now extra lines and uncessesary shadows on the face of every character, and their eyes and facial features are almost identical. There's also less highlights, and the hairstyles are way too overcomplicated now to be appealing (see mgann and dick) - the hair is unspeakably dull and and the skin tones and hair colors are painful on the eyes. This isn't even taking into account the shitty backgrounds they've started using (AHEM AHEM ARTEMIS'S KITCHEN) because while the earlier seasons may have had unappealing, mostly empty settings, the characters still fit in to the scene, unlike now.
the lack of sisterhood????: apparently, only artemis goes to see zatanna for her Dr. Fate appointments. Apparently, M'gann barely talks to Artemis after the very tragic apparent death of Wally. the two of them, dare I say even the THREE of them, should be close as hell considering they spent their early years super-heroing together on a team full of boys. M'gann LITERALLY called Artemis her sister in the SAME EPISODE she was introduced, and neither of them had any real girlfriends other than each other at this point. M'gann who fell apart so hard Artemis died in her head that she almost killed them all in her grief. Like. You're telling me, you're SHOWING me that these two aren't each other's support system? Where is the sisterhood, bitch????
Lastly: the costume design. I understand that they're constrained by the need to make it simple enough to animate, but COME ON. if you're going to borrow Diana's DCAMU/JL: War costume, at least keep the metal silver. What the fuck is that green-gold. And Tigress? god DAMN that mask is ugly. Cassie looks like she robbed a goddamn supermarket discount clothing aisle for her outfit. Why is bart's outfit Like That it's so ugly it makes me want to cry. @ young justice costume designers Please Rethink Your Decisions
that's about all I can think of right now. it got REALLY negative whoops, but theres just so much I didn't like about this season :/ hopefully the next one will better ;-;
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captainshazamerica · 3 years ago
Literally all I have to say is that Gar would be worthy of Thors hammer and when he lifts it he should whack dick with it cuz dick is being more than an emotionally stunted asshole than what people think Bruce is, why must he keep referring to jason as the enemy who needs to be stopped especially seeing as they now know what the toxin actually does to people I ain't saying jason is blameless but you'd think dick would show some openness toward the possibility that jason can be saved or helped I love dick but he stresses me out so much sometimes like ahhh
I know the writers are trying to keep everyone happy by showing dickbabs and dickkory and there's no harm in trying to keep all the fans happy but and no offence to dickbabs but yo anytime dickbabs is even alluded to my brain is just like uhh hurry up and go away make this stop
!Blackfire becoming part of the titans!!!!!!!! 💜 Korryyy why did you trust that the Gotham mob lady had good intentions with her son, she is a mob lady in Gotham, honey no! I did not expect kory to melt her yikes
Gar better hug jason when he gets back and dick better start behaving like a big brother, honestly gar my boy bless you 💚 I think even bruce would be side eyeing dick bruce would be like boy whatt! 'enemy' he's not the enemy but he does need stopped I wish Alfred was here to be like master dick careful now son you're living up to your nickname 😅
When are Rachel and Donna coming back!?
i love that one shady mob lady that was all nervous and looking around and the guy was like chill the bats not in Gotham-little details like that are just mwah 😚😍
Jonathan Crane is lit, human garbage but still lit tho 🔥
🎪(Trying to watch this weeks episode was sooooo painful for me cuz of the glitchyness it was the most glitchy ep yet but at least the sound was okay )
BRO GAR WOULD BE ABLE TO LIFT MJOLNIR OMG! New headman accepted!! Like im obsessed with that idea ahhhh and its sooo true. But right! I love that boy SO dang much omg, I am SO happy SOMEONE still believes in saving Jason ahhh. Right! I was so sad when Dick thought he was beyond saving when like just a couple episodes ago he was so adamant about Crane using and turning him into a monster. Im wondering if he’s just conflicted and is trying to focus on the mission but still thinks he can save him, OR, like, I think it could be apart of his character arc this season of being different from bruce in the emotions department, like Im wondering if he will try to take down jason again, something will go horribly wrong(or that already happened) and he will finally realize that he has to have a different approach than bruce and the only way to stop it is to save him(with probably Gar being the one to get it through is head/show him jason can be saved. I hope they don’t just ignore all that character development cause at the beg of the season it seemed like Dick was really growing in those ways
Ahahaha really? I actually loved this Dickbabs *hides* But I know im in the minority xD During that scene though , i was thinking, Batanon ain’t gonna like this xD
Lmao Im Kori, I totally would have done the same and didn’t expect the mob lady to kill her son xD I really thought she was on the fence anyway, Im too much of a sucker for redemption arcs, I would never survive in DC world man xD But yes! I am SO happy they went with making Blackfire part of the titans! AND THAT OUFIT CHANGE THO LIKE YAS QUEEN!!!!!! But yeah, I am shocked Kori killed her, Dick is gonna be so mad omg, thats probably gonna be a bad fight later
Gosh, now all I want is for Gar to hug him omg, even tho i doubt its gonna happen(tho I also doubted they would make Blackfire part of the titans and that bruce would kill the joker yet here we are so at this point who knows lol). AHAHA, omg, Alfred canonically would tell him that though omg xD Dang, wasted opportunity!
Oooh, I keep forgetting about rachel and donna lmao *hides*, I wanna know when my Tim is gonna have some screen time!
Haha right, and then the second she heard the titans she was like, yeah im out xD I loved the mob guy eating ice cream cause same xD
Yes!!!! Human garbage man but the most lit human garbage man! Like, he is SUCH a good villain here omg, like he is the worst and creepiest but i think thats perfect for this world omg. Its nice seeing him as the mastermind and not just a puppet for a dif bad guy for once!
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aeligsido · 3 years ago
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The true rivalry between Jason and Tim is that Jason is a DickKory shipper but Tim is a DickBabs shipper
88 notes • Posted 2021-12-03 00:25:33 GMT
Dick and Jason's fanon relationship for the ask game
Someone wants to see me go apeshit and honestly I have no problem with that lmao.
There’s a lot to say about Jason’s and Dick’s relationship in general, and even more about their fanon relationship (vs their canon one or on its own). If you follow me you probably already know that Dick’s and Jason’s relationship is one I hold close to my heart.
(rest under the cut, careful, it's long! also cw for canon dad bruce i guess, and various mentions to Jason's death.)
For some reasons, fanon likes to imagine that Dick was an awful brother to Jason when he was Robin, even if there’s nothing on page in the comics to support this. (There’s actually more about them being close/trying to get to know each other and spend time together than anything else, really.) I guess it’s to add to Jason's angst, like, I legit never saw any Dick fans use this trope. And like, it’s valid of them I guess, it’s just really frustrating for me who loves Dick and loves Dick’s and Jason’s relationship -- because their whole thing is that they're a found family, and specifically a chosen family. They keep choosing each other (and that’s why, in part, I love them) and accepting each other as family, when they were younger and when they’re both adults as well. It’s just… In canon they have such a huge influence on each other -- like, baby Jason wanted to be just like Dick and took example on him, Dick after Jason’s death decided to not allow any minor on the Teen Titans again, etc… I’ll even say that Dick tried to be better for Jason, both when he was alive and after he died.
Fanon tends to gloss over all of this to go immediately to “Dick was an asshole, he was never here for Jason, everyone hated Jason because he wasn’t Dick/because Dick was mad at him”, and the likes. And it’s frustrating because their relationship is way more complex and way more positive than this. And even when they’re shown in a more positive light, we always end up with something like “Dick was super mad at Jason but then he warmed up to him, Jason used to be scared of Dick’s and Bruce’s yelling matches, they had a really rough start but it went better in the end but it was never enough, Jason is super-jealous of Tim because Tim got big brother Dick, Dick tried to do better with Tim because he wasn’t here enough for Jason”... And again, most of those are very frustrating if not downright a disservice to most of the characters.
So, let’s be clear here: Jason and Dick never had a rough relationship, in the sense that they did have some wrong ideas about the other, but it was all before meeting the other. And all of this is a reboot -- in precrisis, they knew each other before (or at least Dick knew Jason’s parents), and Dick wanted to adopt Jason himself (he was just eighteen lmao, and Jason was like twelve or thirteen I think?). And postcrisis, what do we have? Jason being rightfully upset because criminals and more importantly, Bruce, keeps putting him against Dick’s example even when he doesn’t know him. Dick being rightfully upset because his father figure, who fired him under the pretense that Dick was too young and shouldn’t be a vigilante, who never tried to apologize even when Dick went away, who took one of the last link Dick had of his biological family, this man turned around to take in a new kid out of the blue, gave him the Robin name and title (who are, again, one of Dick’s last links with his family), and literally adopt him (which he never did nor talked about with Dick himself, who always wondered what he was for Bruce). All in the biggest hypocrite moment ever, but that’s another story for another time.
And what happens when these two rightfully angry kids meet for the first time? Well, Jason tries to prove himself to Dick. Dick chooses not to take his anger on the kid and actually protect him. They team up. Dick ends up giving his Robin costume to Jason, with his blessings and his number so Jason can contact him if he needs or wants it. Dick reaches out to Jason after like, one hour at most of meeting him, and you know what? Jason accepts it, takes it gladly, and is happy about it. Because he received way more than he expected -- Dick’s support, and someone in his corner. And after that, for the little time we see them together (which isn’t by the characters’ choice exactly, but because they were both in different books and they didn’t have time to exploit their relationship on page -- like, the Teen Titans comics at this time were. A lot. A lot was happening oduhgui. Plus, Dick was considered a Teen Titans character back then, not a Bat affiliated one like he is today.), they were getting along well, and even seemed to share some inside jokes (it’s not exactly the term I’m looking for, but ways to deal with a parent/your parents in particular, or something you share and joke about because you have this same experience like siblings). They were not the closest, but still close enough to realize they had spent time together. That, plus the famous ski trip they went on together! (I want an issue with just this ski trip… srly we’ve been robbed).
So, the idea that Jason and Dick didn’t like each other, that Dick was an asshole to Jason, or that it took Dick time to warm up to Jason? Nope. Like, it’s far from canon, and honestly it can get me out of a fic so fast. Most of the time if not all the time, it’s played for Jason’s angst, and the fic doesn’t care if it’s deeply OOC for Dick (let’s be honest, it’s the case for any of Tim’s, Jason’s, or Damian’s angst -- Dick is often just used as a prop for it, no matter how or if the role doesn’t fit his character. I’m not judging, everyone enjoys whatever they enjoy, it’s just frustrating as someone who loves Dick and wants to read him to mostly find him written like that). Now, since Dick wasn’t mad at Jason (but at Bruce, the real culprit in the story tbh), you can also get that no one in the heroes community was mean and/or mad at Jason either. He was actually well-liked, especially by the Titans, and he showed a lot of maturity when teaming-up with them. Baby Jason was a sweetheart and you can fucking fight me on this. To continue on this -- there weren’t any shouting matches between Bruce and Dick to scare Jason away, since Dick and Bruce just,,,, you know, didn’t talk to each other, actually. Dick was angry and hurt about Bruce’s action, and Bruce just decided not to address it and to continue as if everything was normal. (Like, honestly, Jason and Dick, the actual children, were more mature than Bruce odiufh.)
NOW just a little point about the Tim-Dick-Jason situation before I go more in depth on the Dick and Jason after Jason’s come-back to life. Tim’s and Jason’s relationship is a complex one and not for this post (maybe for another one later), and I used to love Dick’s and Tim’s relationship before Tim stans destroyed it for me? However, I still love them even if I can’t focus on them anymore, and what I can say is that the idea that Dick was so nice to Tim only because Jason died is like… A huge disservice to both of them, to their relationship, and also deeply untrue. Sure, Jason’s death impacted Dick and the way he interacted with Tim; but not to the extent of that being the only reason why Dick was around then. I think it’s important to note that Dick was in therapy for some amount of time after Jason’s death (I can’t find if he started it before or after, but it doesn’t change that he was in therapy and talked about Jason and his relationship with Bruce), and I do think it influenced his presence around Tim. Mostly also because then Dick was aware that Bruce was in no shape to care for a kid or be careful around Tim, so Dick took upon himself to train Tim himself. AND some time after Tim started as Robin is also when Dick first established himself in Blüdhaven. I’m not sure both events are at the same time, but they’re close enough.
It’s important to realize that when Jason was Robin, Dick had no reason to be around him; Bruce had fired him and never acknowledged their father-son relationship, leaving him to fend for himself without knowing what his place at the Manor was, Dick has the Teen Titans that he was leading, a girlfriend with Kory, he was a young adult trying to live his life with no tie to anyone else. And still, Dick reached out to Jason to have a relationship with him.
Now, with Tim, Dick’s situation was very different -- his and Kory’s relationship ended toward the same time, Dick went to Blüdhaven so was closer to Gotham, he wasn’t with the Teen Titans all time again. That’s basically when Dick shifted again from a Teen Titans character to a Bat-affiliated character, and it shows in his relationships -- he’s allowed to be closer to Tim than what they would show with Jason, but his relationships with every other characters who aren’t Bat-affiliated kind of,,,, faded in the second or even third place. Seeing Tim’s and Dick’s relationship develop on pages was easier. Dick wasn’t close to Tim or an amazing big brother to Tim because he was feeling guilty about Jason, but, as weird as it is, because he was allowed to by DC.
NOW -- for the other part of this, aka their relationship after Jason comes back!
Again, I won’t pronounce myself on the whole Tim-Jason thing because it’s complicated and deserves its own post lmao. BUT I do have things to say about what fanon makes of Jason and Dick then!
And honestly, I can’t keep going with this part without saying that like,,,, Fanon doesn’t get Dick’s character. It just. Doesn’t understand him. It would deserve its own post as well, but there’s one thing in particular about it that poses problems when talking about Jason’s and Dick’s relationship: Dick doesn’t always share Bruce’s morals and beliefs.
More, even, and it’s honestly a pet peeve of mine -- Dick is not Bruce’s Golden Boy. And Jason more than anyone else knows this, because he was there when they were not talking to each other and were basically,,,, not present in each other’s life. I personally hate Jason referring to Dick as “the Golden Boy” or anything like this, because, if anything,,,, Jason is Bruce’s Golden Boy, honestly. He’s -- or, he was after his death -- this standard, this perfect kid no one will be able to compete against, not even Jason himself.
So. Yeah. I really dislike fanon insisting on this one, especially since the only instance of Jason calling Dick like that is from Truth and Justice, from 2021 aka this year. We all know where it comes from lmao.
To go with that -- fanon often if not always has this idea that Dick has to make amend for not being here enough for Jason/for being an asshole to Jason, and how Jason is so nice for forgiving him, or how he’s angry that Tim got Dick as his big brother when Dick hated him, etc. I ranted about all of this just before, so you can get that my feelings on this are far from positives lmao. It’s wrong on so many levels.
I would also add that from what I read of Dick, he is way more flexible about the whole killing thing that Bruce will ever be. Like, outside of the fact that he himself killed the Joker (sadly not permanently, a F in the chat for Huntress who was tasked by Batman to revive the clown), he isn’t as judgemental on it, if not at all. If there’s someone who would just be happy to have Jason back without throwing a fuss about all the killing, it’s probably Dick lmao. As shown after the whole shitshow with the Joker -- Dick is more scared and apprehensive of Bruce’s reactions to him killing that about the fact that he himself killed someone. (I would go as far as to say that he didn’t have any regret in killing the Joker but oh well.)
So, yeah. Fanon does like the take that Dick would side with Bruce and act like his perfect second-in-command, never doubting his decisions, never calling him out on anything, and hating Jason/not trusting him/thinking he’s crazy because of all the killing thing or whatever else. And, like, it doesn’t fit Dick at all? Nightwing isn’t one if not the best leader of the DCU because he keeps on following Batman without asking any questions. Hell, they had a fallout in the first place when Dick was still Robin because Dick was questioning him and his decisions! And it never changed! Dick uses to,,, not let it slide but be more forgiving with Bruce after Jason’s death because he wanted to be here for the new kid(s) and keep on supporting Bruce,,, but it doesn’t mean he always agrees with him or don’t tell him when Bruce acts full of shit, actually. So. Yeah. Dick would be more welcoming of Jason in general -- not happy with the killing and probably that they would talk around it (since, honestly, a lot of Jason’s acting out come from his issues and traumas), but he would still welcome in and help him in general. And. You know. Be there for him. Like he always was.
And, because it’s one of the things that makes me emotional over anything -- Jason trusts Dick. He still sees him as his family, no matter what. If there was someone Jason was not angry at after everything, it was Dick. Like, the Brother in Blood storyline (if I remember the name correctly, the one set after Blüdhaven’s destruction, when Dick is back to living in New York and Jason goes around in a Nightwing costume to kill people and basically fuck up with his big brother lmao)(also the one with Tentatodd LMAO), is literally Jason,,, maybe testing isn’t the right word, but it kind of is at the same time, but just making sure that Dick is still his family -- because it was clear for him but he wanted to make sure it was the same for Dick. And like, listen, it makes me emotional. This boy is angry at the whole world and with good reason but he can’t find it in him to be angry at his big brother I’M EMOTIONAL OKAY.
TDLR; in general, fanon like to put them against each other -- the fact is, in canon, they’ve always chosen each other as family, and always called each other brother even while, you know, not always agreeing on everything, or being angry against the other, or just being a normal sibling. Dick has always come running when Jason called him, and Jason has always gone to Dick when he needed someone in his corner, someone he trusts, before and after his death alike.
And I just like… Have so many beefs with how fanon treats them, because more often than not it’s just to add unnecessary Jason’s angst, and it always takes a toll on Dick’s character. And as someone who prefers when people are fighting together instead of against each other, you can get what I prefer for these two difuhv.
Plus. It’s just the love between them, the real found family, the fact they chose each other and never went back on it, and. It’s just. I love them. Their canon relationship is so good, and fanon usually do them dirty.
So. Rip fanon Dick’s and Jason’s relationship, but you’re not for me.
89 notes • Posted 2021-11-29 01:52:16 GMT
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Steph sure is Damian's best mentor (and big sister), yup
196 notes • Posted 2021-11-18 01:00:52 GMT
Back on my "the Batkids play Trauma Bingo" bullshit, but Duke manages to win every time. How? He cheats.
The card: Near-death experience by falling of a big height.
Duke: Nice, I got this one.
Dick: Wait, seriously? When?
Duke, the only one who does his patrol in broad daylight and also never writes a correct patrol report: Yup. Two days ago.
Everyone else, knowing they can't verify the information: ಠ_ಠ
The card: Loss of one or more organs.
Tim: FINALLY this one is for me.
Duke: Nice, I got a bingo!
Steph: Wait, you lost an organ???
Duke: Not yet.
Damian: Not yet? What do you mean by "not yet"?
Duke: Well, I can see in the future. And I'm going to lost an organ in the future.
Jason: How can we know it's true? You could totally bullshit us right now.
Duke: Well, how can you prove it's not true?
Everyone: ...
Duke: I mean, I could tell you you'll become bald, but we'll need to wait thirty years to confirm it, so... I win.
573 notes • Posted 2021-06-14 02:55:19 GMT
Loving Dick & Jason is about how they constantly choose each other as family and brothers, no matter when, no matter the continuity, no matter what their lives are at the moment—
It's about how Jason only asked for Bruce not to put any other kid in danger, not to get a new Robin, to kill the Joker for him, and how Dick did all of those (by refusing any more kids in the Teen Titans immediately after learning Jason's death, by refusing for Tim to be Robin until he had no choice anymore but to accept him like he accepted Jason, by killing the Joker)—
It's about how Jason reached out to Dick after coming back bc he wanted to be sure they were still family, and how Dick always comes running for him every time Jason asks him to—
It's about how they're not shy to call each other brother and family and how they reach out to each other and support each other at times and how Jason was never angry at Dick and how Dick kept doing his best with Jason even when he had no obligation to—
I just have so much feelings right now. They're just,,,, they love each other so much.
598 notes • Posted 2021-11-24 03:59:15 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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Thanks for the tag, @theamiableanachronism!  I really enjoyed this one!
rules: choose any 3 fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions. then tag some friends.
i choose: • Batfam • Scarlet Heart Ryeo • The Walking Dead
the first character you loved:
• Bruce Wayne and Alfred.  My first real intro to the Batfam and DC was Batman Begins, and I thought Bruce Wayne was the coolest, bravest guy ever.  And Alfred was THE BEST.  Kind, fatherly/grandfatherly, loyal, sarcasm lord
• Wang So.  Obviously.  Even before I had actually seen a single episode, because I heard he had a tragic story, and he was also as beautiful as an angel.  A dark, wounded angel, but an angel none the less.  When he stormed onto the scene and revealed himself to totally be a murder angst cupcake, as advertised, well, I was bewitched
• Dear sweet Glenn, who sasses the heck out of Rick while saving his butt.  Yeah, Glenn, the pizza delivery boy who was the bravest, most unselfish of them all.  Who became one of the most trusted leaders.  He could have turned and left Rick to die, no one would have known or cared, but he didn’t.  He helped out a stranger, and saved a heck ton of other people by that simple act.
the character you never expected to love so much:
• All the Robins, honestly.  Look, when I watched the Dark Knight trilogy, all I knew about Robin was from a clip or two I had seen of the old campy Batman show, and I kind of was glad a legit Robin never showed up in the films just because I thought it would be ridiculous.  I was SO wrong.  I had no idea.   I had no idea what dark, tragic, beautiful, light, funny, DEEP stories surrounded the MANY kids who would take up the Robin mantle
• Eun, I guess. I never hated him, but since he was always rather immature, it was easy to laugh at him and make fun of the things he did.  Then things happened, and while he remained naive in many ways, it was rather sweet and sad at the same time.  My dorky son deserved better
•Daryl Dixon.  Starts out seeming like a rough, angry, slightly racist redneck whose one redeeming quality is his concern for his even more messed up brother.  And then I realized how much of a softy he was underneath everything, how much he cared about Sophia, and how it destroyed him what happened to her.  I saw him connect with Carol, and befriend Rick and Glenn, and become Rick’s brother essentially, and be softened by Beth.  And as the seasons go on he becomes more badass, more caring, more indispensible to the group, and he loses the undesirable traits he picked up from his childhood.  We find out what his childhood was.  Daryl with Glenn is Rick’s right-hand man, and HE JUST CARES SO MUCH ABOUT EVERYTHING DON’T EVEN TRY TO DENY IT MAN
*I’m gonna cheat and add another person for TWD: Carl.  In the first season or two he is a little kid, kind of annoying at times, but boy does he grow up and mature.  It’s a terrible tragedy what he goes through, the things he sees and has to do that no kid should ever have to.  But he is so freaking strong, and he respects his dad so much, and I love his friendship with Michonne.  I love his concern for his little sister.  I love how he shoulders responsibility, how he does what he thinks is necessary, how he worries sometimes that he is becoming a monster too.  I FREAKING LOVE HOW HE WILL nOT PUT UP WITH NEGAN HE HAS NO EFFS TO GIVE FOR THE GUY HE IS TOO MAD AND HAS SEEN TOO MUCH
the character you relate to the most:
• Well, I can relate to Jason’s love for books, to Tim’s often more quiet and reserved nature.  However, I definitely relate to Dick Grayson the most.  He is more outgoing than me, more outspoken, but he has such great love for his friends and family.  The care for his little brothers (in canon and fanon) is something that particularly calls my attention.  You see, besides two older siblings, I have four younger brothers, and I have helped raise them, I have fought against them, fought with them, fought for them, laughed with them, and busted with pride over their accomplishments.  I have been the person who tried to organize them, to tease them, to keep the peace, to enforce the peace.  And maybe I am projecting but I just really see a lot of myself in Nightwing.  The man who hopes, the man who tries to bring light to the darkest of places, the man others trust to help them when they fall.  (I also just hold him in the deepest admiration and its a thing, I try to be a better and braver person so that if he were real I would be worthy of his friendship and respect...)
• A little bit Hae Soo, because I also would get increasingly frustrated by the culture at the time.  We also share a deep love with Wang So :)  Seriously though...maybe Baek Ah?  Because he is the quiet and introspective type, he suffers quietly, he listens and hears things and tries to help those who need it, he tries to bring the outcast brother back into the family.  He is a healer of sorts, a healer of the heart, and he loves little kids and everything beautiful.  He sees things.  
• Maybe this is me projecting again but Glenn?  Kinda small and nerdy, scared of a lot of things, but bravely keeps on trucking.  And slowly rises to being one of the most integral parts of the group.  A man who has strong morals and isn’t afraid to punch an ex-military man twice his size if that man gets between him and the people he loves
the character you’d slap:
• I’d say the Joker but honestly he deserves something more like a bullet to the head.  I would totally slap a lot of the writers who don’t know what character development means, and I would slap at least half the Batfam because sometimes they just don’t know how to communicate feelings properly.  And they frequently hurt each other even without meaning to.  After all of this, however, I would pull them all in for individual hugs.  Oh, I will also totally slap anyone who ever so much as tries to give Dick Grayson grief about the awful things that happened in the Blockbuster and Tarantula incident
• Wook.  UGH.  Also his sister and Queen Yoo.  The king, whatshisface.  Taejo?  also the little creep Won.  I would slap Yo but I would be afraid to mess up his eyeliner, which is on point at all times and is too wonderful to destroy
• Andrea.  I am so sorry but I could not stand that woman ever.  I rarely actively dislike a fictional person, and I apologize to fans of the comics, I realize that the show screwed over her character, but I despise Andrea with everything I’ve got.  Mostly because she runs around proclaiming how much better she is than everyone while at the same time making colossal mistakes.  And honestly her end was ridiculous.  If Glenn can take out a walker while beaten up and duct-taped to a chair, you can figure out how to pick up pliers with your feet
three favourite characters (in order of preference):
• Dick Grayson is the love of my life, and then I guess Bruce, Jason, Tim, and Damian are tied for second place, and then directly behind them are Barbara, Cass, and Steph (I need to read more comics and fics about them, and I am sure they will advance to make the second tier even more crowded).  Alfred is in a special category all on his own
• Wang So (love of my life), Bae(k) Ah, and I guess a tie with Hae Soo, Jung, Woo Hee, and Lady Oh
• Glenn is first in my heart now and forever, and Carl, Daryl, Carol, Michonne, Maggie, and Rick all hold second place.  I like a lot of the other characters, but I’m going to give third place to Tara, and she doesn’t have to share with anyone.  She is just that cool (also awkward and adorkable)
a character you liked at first but not anymore:
• I love every single member of the Batfam to with all my heart.  (The ones I am familiar with, don’t know much about Duke and Harper yet.)  To go beyond, to characters in the universe, well I won’t say I ever liked the Joker but I thought he was a really great bad guy, Batman’s ultimate foe, someone who should always be around throwing wrenches into things and whatnot.  This was after I had seen him in the The Dark Knight.  Then I started actually reading comics related things and HE KILLED JASON TODD.  MY SON.  NOW I DON’T CARE I WANT THE JOKER DEAD I WANT HIM DESTROYED, OBLITERATED, AND NEVER LOOKED BACK ON. 
• Wook. I thought he was occasionally sweet, if not exactly the strongest of persons.  And then I met his wife, who deserved SO MUCH BETTER.  And then Wook revealed himself to be a jealous little eggshell
• SHANE.  He’s kind of like The Walking Dead’s version of Scarlet Heart Ryeo’s Wook.  Originally a decent guy, a good friend, but when things go south, he gets selfish and self-centered and bad things happen.
a character you did not like at first but now do:
• No one really?  I think?  Unless you want to bring the show Gotham into this picture...which I don’t, because that would also make me want to write a book about my love for it and certain of its characters
• can’t think of anyone this applies to
• Hmm, I guess Herschel? He was kind of annoying with his whole “let’s round up walkers and take care of them in my barn.”  Then tragedy and a near death experience and eventually he winds up being the cool old grandpa
3 otp’s (in order of preference):
• I actually don’t have a strong preference as of yet...I kind of like BatCat, Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle.  I haven’t experienced much media with either pairing yet so I have read and enjoyed both DickBabs (I still say it should be Dabs) and DickKori.  Ooh I like Tim/Steph (is there a ship name for that?).  I ship Jason with happiness.  Actually I ship the whole Batfam with happiness and peace and a good night’s sleep.  I don’t ship Damian with anyone because he is just a bby birb :)
• SoSoo, Baek Ah x Woo Hee, Eun and Soon Duk (Deok?).  Also, So x Happiness/Peace/A Living Family Who Loves Him
• GLENN AND MAGGIE FOREVER.  TO INFINITY AND BEYOND.  Richonne is great and I definitely like Caryl.  (I shipped Bethyl just a little, once upon a dream.)
this was fun :) if any of y’all want to do this @itspileofgoodthings @thelonelybrilliance @nalavistahlia @blackaquokat @castieltaking-hobbits2gallifrey @camsthisky @abadpoetwithdreams @tabbyofwisdom ...I feel like there are other people I want to tag but it is way late (early) and my brain is dead forgive me if I left you out and please consider yourself tagged!
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captainshazamerica · 3 years ago
I can see why gar is your fave he is an actual angel and he seems to be the only one rooting for the good in jason aside from hank that is but yikes, I'm loving mom kory!!! gar calling dick 'grayson' and telling him off 😅 dick sitting like oh my s*it my son is shouting at me what do I do like his face there hahaa Dick in the vent was so adorable to me and I don't know why I freakin swooned at him crawling through a vent what is wrong with me 😅 I hope blackfire is actually trying to become a titans fam member and doesn't have secret ulterior motives ❤ her and kon was just awww 😊WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED AT TIMS that was a lot of gun shots was it just that one dude that got shot or did he shoot everyone, is tims family okay!? Yoo when tim gets with the titans or bruce he gonna be upset with jason, Jason standing outside listening to the gunshots dude noooo i really hate waiting a week. go babs!!!! I love that she could still hold her own, the dickbabs oh no but at least it was a flashback and not a rekindling what was with that plot of barbara being like I don't just want people to see me as a gordon but I don't wanna work with bruce cuz his rules are basically my father's so I guess I'll go copy selina and steal some shiny stuff just for funsies? Was babs a thief at some point in the comics or did titans just wanna do something surprising I have no clue, I can't wait for Rachel and Donna to come back and I kinda hope they'll be more on gars side in terms of rooting for the best in jason and thinking that he needs to be helped not stopped, I still love that dream thing with Donna it was so cool I hope it comes back up or jason remembers it and donna tells him it was her trying to help him, Kory tryna tell dick about blackfire and hes like nope not listening too busy (I mean I get it) but Richard Grayson will you listen to your wife when she wants to talk to you!! For the next mini mom mission korys gotta bring gar kon and blackfire all in the car with her 💕 how much of that toxin did he give out in Gotham cuz like thats gonna be messy if a bunch of criminals are suddenly fearless all at the same time, Crane is gonna be so fckn mad at Jason maybe that's what will drive him back to titans (I'm being way too optimistic) If jason can make a version of that toxin himself in his own lab place then why does he even need crane anyways, I love how polluted this cranes mind is 🎪
“Ohhh shite that dude was that tims dad!!? 🎪 yo I can't if it was”
AHH I just realized I never responded to this! I am so sorry! My chronic depression decided it was long overdue for an episode this weekend and went hard during that time of month :')
YAS! Gar getting that fan love he DESERVES! Yes to all that! He is just SOOO loyal and that is one of my fav qualities ahhh. And yes! I LOVED how they showed him still all upset about Jason!!! Mom Kori and Dad Dick are my fav things ever omg. Dick always needs to be called out every now and then, and you know its bad when Gar is the one to do it xD But u right, Dick was so confused then troubled by it after, all worried for him ahhh
Omg Dick crawling in the vent xD same though, nothing beats him in that first episode strutting and twirling those escrima sticks omg <3333 Im still swooning over that man xD
Yes! I hope they end up adopting backfire into the titans fam, I love a good dysfunctional sibling on the same team trope, come on titans, do what they didn’t do with Thor and loki and not having them work together more/same team. Omg, Kon was SO PURE ahhh, I love him so much and he needs all the protection against this mean mean world xD
*cries* yeah, that was Tim’s dad D: Cause we can’t have good things in DC’s world and they were like oppp we made Tim too happy, someone gotta die. D:
Jason was looking so bad at the end there, like he got Bucky Barnes Winter Solider level raccoon eyes D: He looked so far gone and lost D: And im scared its just gonna get worse before it gets better D:
Tbh, I was really into that Dickbabs thoooo….. xD I feel like im the only one but they be cute!!!!
I feel like Donna may be on the stopping him side but Rachel would be more on Gar’s side, considering she fights her inner demons all the time and kinda gets it.
Omg yes we need more road trips with Gar, Kon, Kori and Blackfire!
OOOH, omg yes!! Like maybe Crane will get all pissed at Jason and douse him in fear gas and maybe THAT will be a turning point in terms of getting jason to snap out of it? Or contributes to him reconciling with the titans or at the very least going a different direction? hmmm
Right! This Crane is like SO good at a villain, like Im loving it so much
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