#arctic fox ritual
kai-atlantis · 2 years
Refreshed my hair again! I use Arctic Fox's "Ritual"
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chowtrolls · 4 months
i need to find the perfect purplered color to dye my hair next week……..hairdye people share ur wisdom…..
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o0fyuu0o · 2 years
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When the mental breakdown gods finally win so you bleach bath your hair
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lookninjas · 10 months
days that are less treadmill than wrong way escalator step after step you take just trying to stay in place
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saul-goodboy · 7 months
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iamjucie · 5 months
The Rescue Chapter 1: The Ball
You are sitting at your lavish vanity when suddenly you hear tons of noise from outside the chamber door. You pay no mind, however. Your master gave you a command and you continue to obey.
This is an alternative ending to my first fic "Pet"! It's a deviation from the original story and exists for hypothetical thinking only, I don't believe this to be how it actually plays out for our protagonists.
CW: Mind Control, Manipulating, Domestic Abuse Word count: 1k
You are sitting in the lavish master chamber of the ornate palace you call home. Gazing into your reflection in the vanity mirror combing your unnaturally long black hair, getting lost in thought. It’s really all there is to do when Master Astarion is away on extended business trips like this.
It does help, too, that before he left he told you to think of him while he was gone. It was a command. So you obey. And you think.
Master is so kind to have left you such a kind command.
“Think of me.”
It rings like a backtrack to the montage of memories that play in your mind. The glorious scenes he has you relive, the emotions he has you feel, the sensations he grants your body. You are so full of him even without him near; an ever-present ringing in your mind.
Although you miss him being physically with you, you feel blessed that you have him with you in your mind. He will be back with you in your arms before you know it, you must be patient. 
Your meditation of thought is interrupted by bustling outside your chamber door. Clinking, struggling, yelling. A plethora of heavy footsteps running up and down the halls of the palace.
What’s going on? You rack your mind as to what could be happening.  Is Master having a ball tonight? He must be, what else could it be? That’s the only reason there would be so many servants moving so frantically about. If they’re in such a hurry, it must be soon.
You gently place your elegant crystal comb on the tabletop of the vanity and you saunter your way to the wardrobe full of the most luxurious gowns, hand picked by your master on his travels. They are perfect, he chose them to see your body wrapped in them. And- they all fit you perfectly.
The racket outside quiets down for a moment before quickly picking up again.
“Where the fuck are you keeping her, you monster?” a brutish woman calls out from down the hall.
You put your hand on your chin, thinking about which gown to wear tonight.
“I told you! She died four fucking years ago! Do you not read Baldur’s Mouth?” Your master's voice is steady as it sounds like he is approaching the outside of the chamber door. “There’s been a tribute to her every year since she passed in my arms.” He continues, "Thanks for opening that wound, Karlach!”
What colour will you wear? Master says you look most dashing in royal blue. He says it compliments your beautiful pallid complexion.
“Yeah sure,” a different male voice replies. “like I’d believe the newsgroup owned by the person that would hold her captive?”
Yes, royal blue is the winner. But which one? You think it’s spring time, so a sleeveless, silk gown made by the finest tailors to fit only you is the one you decide on.
“Astarion…” yet another womanly voice says, this one far calmer. “This doesn’t have to get ugly. Just let her go and we can let bygones be bygones”
Now, which cover? You think the arctic fox fur shawl would go flawlessly.
“No, there will be no more bygones. Bygones are the reason we are in this situation to begin with! If you had never taken over the ritual and k-”
Your ears start to ring, as if an explosion had just gone off next to you. You flinch for a moment and put a hand to your temple. You can’t hear what the servants are saying anymore, not that you were paying attention in the first place. You have far greater things to worry about. 
How will you dress?
Your hearing is still deafened as you slip into the dress and peruse your glamorous jewellery collection. Pearls would go perfect with this dress. The long string you pull out of your case feels like it takes forever to end. You wrap it around your neck six times, the gems cascading the pale planes of your chest. 
Your sense of hearing floods back into your ears.
“I knew it! I detect the mind control magic you’re using!”  one of the male servants yells out. “She must be nearby! Get him!”
The sound of powerful magic echoes off the walls of the palace.
After you slip into your white silken gloves you hear the locks on the bedroom door begin to be undone, frantically and quickly.
Right on time!
You turn to face the door and prepare to curtsey for your master.
Astarion comes rushing in towards you; a look of flaming fury on his face. You instantly try to think of what you did to make him so mad but nothing comes to mind. You’ve done absolutely nothing other than what he asked of you. Gods damn it- you knew you should have misbehaved. He has gotten bored of your obedience again. You deserve the punishment coming to you.
He grabs you by the wrist. “Come with me love, we need to go now.”
You knew the ball was soon. Maybe you are still sharp after all!
“Of course, master. Just allow me to put on my shoes. I need to decide which will be best to dance with you!” you pull from his grasp and head toward your collection of shoes. 
“Dance? No-you fucking…” he pauses to look over his shoulder at the still open door. “Fuck it”
He scoops you and carries you bridal style running through the halls. Your hands wrap around his neck and you look at him. The man who is ever present in your mind. The man who knows more about you than you do. Your beautiful master.
He has a look of worry mixed with rage on his face. A look you haven’t seen from him in what feels like eternity.
You must be very late to the ball.
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veritasrose · 27 days
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I got bangs and then Mom and Sis and I tackled the task of dyeing my super thick hip-length hair. I freakin love it!! (Please excuse how exhausted I look. It’s the exhaustion.)
Dye info:
(We used Arctic fox Purple AF on the front and ends, and Ritual in the middle. I had kind of a leftover bleached ombre hence the color shifts.)
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dieletztepanzerhexe · 4 months
Hey! What is your thesis about? Im genuinely curious (aka feel free to infodump everything please)
i write my thesis about artefacts from 2 pits from the Wilczyce site (it means she wolves... isn't it cute). initially i wanted to focus solely on flint artefacts bc that's what i want to specialise in and i'm slowly learning about it, however after encountering many obstacles while trying to find a reasonabky sized assemblage of flint artfecats i settled on 2 neolithic storage pits...
it's one of the most importnt sites in Poland, dating to the upper paleolithic!!!! (although on this site there are also features from much younger periods, from the neolithic and the early bronze age.)
it's a late Magdalenian winter hunting camp, radiocarbon dated to 13 500 BC. it was preserved in excellent condition bc the material slipped into something that is described as an ice wedge cast, a crack in the ground caused by very low temperatures literally ripping the ground open. the site in Wilczyce is known for perfect preservation of organic artefacts, for example a burial of an fetus/infant, who was given a necklace made of 80 teeth of an arctic fox.
it's also known for over 50 simplified female figurines, made of flint and mammoth ivory. so called Venuses. they appear on other magdalenian on magdalenian sites, although these from Wilczyce are very schematic.
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here are some of these figurines
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but they can also look like this
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but that's not the subject of my thesis :) just wanted to show you what a fascinating and rich site it is.
let's get to the point. here are my 2 pits
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it's mostly pottery, 20 or so flint artefacts, similar number of animal bones (i will have to recognise from what animals species they come from :(((( terrifying perspective...) , few grindstones and river mussels that were used as tools, maybe scrapign tools, and a sandstone slab used for polishing.
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as you can see some of my pottery is in pretty good condition, it looks like a whole vessel was uhhhmmmm flattened. so i will glue the potsherds to reconstruct its original shape. there are also at least 2 more pots that are almost complete so the reconstruction will be possible
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very nice ornament. i will have to make a replica decorated with this ornament one day :)
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i'm learning how to draw artefacts and will try to document them not by photography (the easy route) but by drawing. wish me luck heh.
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stamp ornament
i have to measure the the wall thickness of each potsherd, check the admixture used and similar stuff, and then on the basis of this information make statistical analyses.
so these pits are associated with the globular amphora culture but one of my tasks is determinign if this potttery is stylistically and technologically more similar to what their pottery typically is like or maybe if its characteristic point more to a different cultural unit. there is a chance that these artefacts belong to the corded ware culture bc their burials were found in close proximity to where my pits are located. we will see. i'd prefer it to belong to the globular amphora culture bc it's a very interesting cultural phenomenon. they were building megalithic tombs and had very weird funerary rituals, including cannibalism, human sacrifice, cutting off human heads and burying them separately, cutting the skulls open to get to the brain, so called cattle burials, when 1 person (uhmm.... unfortunately always a man) was buried with up to 10 animals. or with young ppl whose bodies were messily thrown at the feet of a carefully placed person. there are also cattle burials without any human burials associated with them. they were highly mobile herders and had only very rudimentary farming. also there are barely any spindle whorls found on sites associated with this culture so it seems like they didn't have much textile production going on.
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globular amphora :)
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reconstruction of a megalithic tomb
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tricos-here · 1 year
🖋 × faryen 😳?
ahem. info dumps you about her family
-her mother, Jodis, used to be a pirate that primarily operated in the Far Shiverpeaks and the Janthir Bay, taking after her father. She’d already been trained as a Shaman of Wolf like her own mother, which she used to empower her crew - she returned to Hoelbrak when her mother fell ill and took over her responsibilities as a Wolf Havroun. She’s taught the kids (Faryen, Aelfsi, Rafe, Revna) about everything and anything, from sailing to stalking prey on land, how to use a bow and arrow as well and make them, how to make improvised weapons from the land and survive in the harsh climate of the Shivepeaks and so on
-her father, Einar, is a fisherman and a hunter, comes and goes from Hoelbrak, venturing out as far as the Bitterfrost Frontier, often accompanied by his own mother who’s a seasoned hunter. Though he’s bought into the ideology of Wolf after meeting Jodis, he’s mainly a follower of Bear. He’s likewise taught the kids a lot, like fishing and hunting, but with his profession and taking care of his mother who’s stubbornly continuing to live out in Frostgorge, he’s absent a lot
-Faryen and Aelfsi were born on 1308AE only minutes apart, despite their differences in personality they were inseparable growing up, until Fary left Hoelbrak with Eir in 1325AE, something Aelf is still salty about because she stayed behind to become Wolfborn alongside Rafe
Aelfsi is a ranger, she has a pet wolf and raven, named Hallie and Arne respectively, Hallie she adopted and raised as a cub from one of the many Wolf shrines they’d visit with their mother, and y she found injured in Borealis Forest once, which she mended back to health and have been inseparable since
-Rafe was found at the age of 10 (in 1313 AE) by their father, wandering around the Shiverpeaks by himself after his home was ransacked and his parents killed by the Svanir. With no other known family he was taken in and he readily picked up the role of the older brother to the girls. At some point he fell in with Skarti and Sigfast, joining the Wolfborn and would later vouch for his Aelf and Revna to join as well.
Before Fary left around 1325AE after gaining the title of Slayer of Issomir, he argued with her about staying in Hoelbrak and to not split up the pack, gifting her an arctic fox kit and alpine wolf cub in an attempt to convince her, but she flipped the argument on him and how they should join her instead, rather than sit around waiting for some prophesized hero to crack the Tooth of Jormag. Neither Rafe nor Aelfsi joined her though
- Revna was born in 1315AE, she was a timid girl growing up, preferring to stick close to their mother and observing the various rituals she’d perform as a Havroun. All three, Fary, Aelf and Rafe did pick up the mantle of the older siblings and would teach her anything they could, taking her out to hunting parties and moots etc. She’d join the Wolfborn too, fighting as a ranger though instead of utilizing any pets in combat she’d instead channel animal spirits
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moonkanex · 2 years
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Heya! As promised! How shapeshifters work in my head!
Most shapeshifters have a sort of ritual they do to shift into the person or thing they want. This isn't required to shift or needed in order to shift its up to the person! 
This is Ethos ritual! Plus a sneak peek as my bdubs design! :Dc
okay so being a shapeshifter isn't a separate species by itself, it's just a thing some species can do
however there are different types of shapeshifting, both work using the same principle
the entity can shift into anyone or any living thing based on memory, how good their memory/much they see the thing they want to shift to the harder to tell they are even shifted
shifters either have a base form (like grian) or does not and just hodgepodge their main form from someone they have see before (like Etho)
grain was originally human, when evo started he was just a guy hanging out with his friends, but when he was taken by the watchers they gifted him a gift, that being part harpy. The watchers fused grians code with a birds, and eventually he grew traits that made him a harpy. Shapeshifting was just a oopsie trait the watchers didnt expect grian to develop
but with shifters like Etho, he is a Mocking fox spirit, (inspired buy a arctic fox/Kristine) so he doesn't have a base human form. He basically when he first appeared to humans, he was fascinated with them, following around a certain white haired ninja. He soon fled that land and took on the appearance of the ninja he admired, and over the years he changed certain aspects of his form to better suit him! And now he has a base form he prefers.
So let's say Grain wanted to shift into Xisuma, but without his helmet present. Grian doesnt know what X looks like under there besides a vague look through the semi transparent visor so grain would replace traits he doesn't know with his base ones
If Etho where to do this he wouldn’t be able to take the helmet off his head/would mix up a bunch of features to make a face, no way of knowing if he is even close
so they would have the x scar and X’s eyes but nothing else of x’s face
Most shapeshifters have a sort of ritual they do to shift into the person or thing they want. This isn't required to shift or needed in order to shift its up to the person!
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ohheyitsjustbear · 2 months
Anywhossss... backstory under the cut
Vexation Whitelocke's life began amid the shadows of a haunting curse cast upon his very birth. In his village, an unsettling pact lay in place—every child born was to be offered to five sinister hag sisters (Hecatona, Nettlewyn, Morvaine, Veridiana and Zorlana) who ruled with malice and dread. His mother Althea, a fierce woman with fiery resolve, chose defiance over despair; she shielded him from the nightmarish tradition by hiding away, bearing the weight of her refusal alone. However, refusing the hags came at an unimaginable price. They cast a spell upon his crib that would define his life: black script tattoos writhed across his skin like serpents coiling around prey. The ink swirled into intricate symbols and ancient runes infused with dark magic, and pulsed ominously whenever he channelled arcane energies. Legend whispered they were manifestations of fate’s ire against him for being born when others had been surrendered.
As an only child raised amid whispers and watchful eyes—his older sister Anara already claimed by the hags before he had drawn breath—Vex learned from an early age that danger lurked behind every corner when an accident at a young age left him with a streak of white hair growing from his dark brown locks, earning him the name Whitelocke. As he grew, the hags reached out from their lair to touch Vex with dark fingers, invading his mind as he slept. The cacophony of dreams each night brought whispers from Hecatona or sharp cackles from Morvaine echoing through spectral corridors filled with tormenting visions tailored just for him; twisted scenes laced with temptation meant to break his resolve while promising power like none other should he even hint at obedience to them. Yet beneath this turmoil flickered resilience fuelled by rage—a desire not merely to survive but to reclaim what was lost and extinguish their malevolent reign once and for all. As years poured forth like sand through fingers, each ritual completed sparked further whispers among villagers; some said he harboured untold mythic potential—the bloodline ancient enough to sway fates should it fall into the right hands—but others merely feared what lurked beneath those glowing tattoos emblazoning his body like chains demanding release from their bondage.
As loneliness wrapped around him like a frigid blanket on bitter nights, it became clear that companionship would elude him amongst the terrified villagers who were wary of any enchantment connected to the hags' wrathful legacy. Yet amid despair blossomed hope when Vexation discovered an unexpected friend: an enchanting arctic fox familiar named Aurora manifested during one particularly vivid dream. With Aurora at his side embodying both cunning intellect and finely honed instincts, they navigated treacherous paths together towards vengeance rather than mere survival.
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epicfranb · 1 year
My current AU is just "Necromancy AU" for now, no fancy name unfortunately. Main character is Bdubs, he's Cleo's apprentice, and Cleo is a professional necromancer. In this world, alchemy is a real science that is accepted all around the world, but necromancy, a sub-category of alchemy, isn't. Because it is based on a theory that there exist Evil Spirits, who are always around us, up to mischief and looking for any opportunity to mess with living creatures and the physical world. Over time, the influence of evil spirits on a person grows, unless they do regular Purification Therapy: special rituals to clear the body and mind. This is to have a better life, but also to have a better death; for, if an unclean person dies, their soul can't leave the body. It is held down by evil spirits, which are also not letting the soul back in. The soul still being attached to the body dramatically slows down the process of decomposition, which gives time for necromancers to do their job: open up the passages to let the soul back into the body. If this is not done, the person's soul becomes an evil spirit too. Evil spirits can even take control of dead bodies and manipulate them as if they are alive.
Necromancy is Bdubs's and Cleo's job. To do this, they farm and forage for a lot of materials. They live near the sacred forest at the foot of the Constanta Mountains, a forest that the evil spirits can't reach. Up in the mountains, is a sacred spring, around which a purification therapy facility is built, where Gem works. Pearl is a professional mountain climber, so when she visits, it's never from the normal path.
Cleo and Bdubs live in the village, a little further away from everybody. Near the village is a town by the name of Creata. There, an alchemist Sausage specializes in potions, and mechanic Etho unofficially and a little illegally fixes various machines for cheap.
One winter day foraging, Bdubs comes across a wounded arctic fox. He helps it, but he's surprised when it follows him almost all the way home. Strangely, it sits on the very edge of the forest and disappears when Bdubs turns his eyes away. Since then, Bdubs always feels like he's being followed. And that's how the story starts :P
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chucklenutss · 7 days
LIST OF BANDS/MUSIC ARTISTS THAT I LIKE IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER (because I have nothing else to do) (i probably missed some out)
- A Perfect Circle
- Adrianna Lenker
- Alex G/Alex G Offline
- Alice in Chains
- alt-J
- Amy Winehouse
- Aphex Twin
- Arctic Monkeys
- Avril Lavigne
- Babes in Toyland
- Basement
- bauhaus
- Beabadoobee
- Beach House
- Beastie Boys
- Beck
- Bedroom
- Bikini Kill
- Birth day
- Black country, New road
- Black Kids
- Black Lips
- Blur
- Blondie
- Blvck Hippie
- Butthole Surfers
- bôa
- Bratmobile
- Cage The Elephant
- Calpurina
- Car Seat Headrest
- Cardiacs
- Carson Clay
- Chapell Roan
- Charli xcx
- Cherry Glazerr
- Childish Gambino
- Chris Isaak
- Cigarettes after sex
- Clairo
- Cocteau Twins
- Current Joys
- Dandelion Hands
- Daniel Johnston
- Daron Malakian and Scars on Broadway
- Dayglow
- Dazey and the Scouts
- Dead Calm
- Deftones
- Destroy Boys
- Djo
- Dominic Fike
- Dream, Ivory
- Dreamer Isioma
- Duster
- Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros
- Elastica
- Elliot Fullam
- Elliot Smith
- Emezie
- Evanescence
- Everclear
- Eyedress
- Faye Webster
- Fiona Apple
- Flatsound
- Floor 14
- flyingfish
- Fontaines D.C.
- Foo Fighters
- Foster The People
- Frank Sinatra
- Franz Ferdinand
- Fugazi
- girl in red
- Girls Rituals
- Glass Animals
- Gorillaz
- Greenday
- Greta Van Fleet
- GRLwood
- Guided By Voices
- Hatsune Miku
- Have a Nice Life
- Heavenly
- Her’s
- Hole
- Hot Flash Heat Wave
- Hozier
- I am the Unicorn Head
- Ice Cube
- Insane Clown Posse
- Instupendo
- Isaacwhy
- Jack Stauber
- Jamiroquai
- Jeff Buckley
- Joan Jett & the Blackhearts
- Joey Valence & Brae
- Joji
- Joost
- Jordana
- Joy Division
- Kali Uchis
- Kasabian
- Kate Bush
- Kero Kero Bonito
- Kikuo
- Kimya Dawson
- King Krule
- Kittie
- Korn
- Lady Gaga
- Lamp
- Lash
- late night drive home
- Laufey
- LCD Soundsystem
- Le Tigre
- Limp Bizkit
- Linkin Park
- Lorde
- Mabel Ye
- Mac DeMarco
- Mac Miller
- Mafumafu
- Mag.Lo
- Make His Ribs Show
- Mars Argo
- Masayoshi
- Takanaka
- Matt Maltese
- McCafferty
- Memo Boy
- Men I Trust
- Metallica
- Michael Cera
- mid
- Mike Krol
- Mitski
- Modern Baseball
- Molchat Dolma
- Mommy Long Legs
- Mother Mother
- Muse
- my bloody valentine
- Neutral Milk Hotel
- NewJeans
- Niko B
- Nine Inch Nails
- Nirvana
- No Doubt
- Oasis
- of Montreal
- OK Go
- Orville Peck
- Outkast
- Panchiko
- Pantera
- Paramore
- Pavement
- Pearl Jam
- Penelope Scott
- Perfect Confusion
- Phoebe Bridgers
- Phosphenes
- Pinegrove
- Pink Floyd
- PinkPantheress
- Pity Party (Girls Club)
- Pixies
- pizzagirl
- Queens of the Stone Age
- R.I.P/Vewn
- Radiohead
- Rage Against the Machine
- Ramones
- Rare Americans
- Red Hot Chili Peppers
- Red Velvet
- Remi Wolf
- Rex Orange County
- Rio Romeo
- Roar
- salvia path
- Serj Tankian
- Sex Bob-Omb
- Sex Pistols
- Sign Crushes Motorist
- Siouxsie and the Banshees
- Sir Chloe
- Slayer
- Sleater-Kinney
- Slipknot
- Slowdive
- Slutever
- Smash Mouth
- Snot
- Sonic Youth
- Soundgarden
- SONDER (my band!!)
- sputn1k
- Stereophonics
- Steve Lacy
- Stevie Dinner
- Strawberry Guy
- Sublime
- Suki Waterhouse
- Syd Matters
- System of a Down
- Tacocat
- Take Care
- Tame Impala
- The Backseat Lovers
- The Big Moon
- The Black Keys
- The Breeders
- The Cardigans
- The Cranberries
- The Cure
- The Fratellis
- The Frights
- The Front Bottoms
- The Garden
- The Hives
- The Julie Ruin
- The La’s
- The Libertines
- The Moldy Peaches
- The Offspring
- The Oozes
- The Smashing Pumpkins
- The Smiths
- The Strokes
- The Velvet Underground
- The White Stripes
- The Rolling Stones
- Thundercat
- Title Fight
- Toby Fox
- Tom Cardy
- TV Girl
- Twin Peaks
- Two Door Cinema Club
- Tyler, The Creator
- Type O Negative
- Vacations
- Vampire Weekend
- Violent Femmes
- Vundabar
- Wallows
- Weezer
- Wolf Alice
- Worry Club
- Worthikids
- X-Ray Spex
- Yot Club
- Your Favourite Martian
not much down here…
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creamys-requests · 2 months
some fun build an alter options to claim in my inbox!
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alter theme ideas ive had that you can claim!
ARCTIC FOX HAIR COLOR NAMES themes based on the names of arctic fox colors !
cotton candy dreams CLAIMED
peach prosecco CLAIMED
pistachio macarron
ginger flare
ritual CLAIMED
poison CLAIMED
virgin pink CLAIMED
electric paradise CLAIMED
sunset orange
cosmic sunshine
phantom green CLAIMED
iris green
space cowgirl
blue jean baby CLAIMED
purple af CLAIMED
violet dream CLAIMED
girls night
transylvania CLAIMED
arctic mist
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aropride · 1 year
the arctic fox ritual color is soooo pretty but it fades in like 2 weeks :{
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isthedogawolfdog · 1 year
Hello ! I just went down a long rabbithole on your blog and it is fascinating, i love learning from people passionate who know about their subject ! :D
I saw a post in august 2022 where you werent sure what define a specie, and as a biologist i'm happy to help !
A specie, commonly, is "a group of animals who could have a fertile child together, and who could meet in nature". (for example polar bear and grizzly can have a fertile kid but they dont live near eachother). Then it gets incredibly muddled, lot of debate happen, and it's not even getting into bacterial species, but that is the crux of it.
And, biology fun fact : the specie "dog" is a wolf ! It's just the domesticated form of it, like pigs are the domesticated form of hogs. It's like, if you only took the pigeons with the bluest feathers, the roundest eyes and the shortest beaks, and only made them reproduce eachother, then only took the children with the most pronounced characteristics and bred them, and so on and so on until you have, in like 50 years, a pen filled exclusively with blue birds with big round eyes and short beaks (and maybe a weird characteristic you didnt intend to have but is somehow genetically linked, like for example, now half your birds have super vibrant orange feet even tho you didnt ask for it). And you name your birds the "Pigey" and everyone want to have one in their home.
The pigey are still pigeons, and the two could breed together. It's just a sub-group of pigeons who lost the genetic variation pigeons have in nature : they lost normal genes for, say, feather coloration, and now exclusively have only one, pushed to the extreme.
It's the same with dogs ! They are a sub-group of wolfs, they are both the specie Canis Lupus ! And "dogs who went wild again", like dingos, are the same specie. (Arctic wolves are also the same specie i think)
Orher Canis species include Canis rufus (red wolf), Canis simensis (Ethiopian wolf), about five or ten others, and then Canis letrans, the coyote ! It can fully breed with wolves, but since coyotes live in plains and wolves in forests, plus the fact they both live in packs and are fairly territorials, they usually dont meet. The same goes with Canis aureus (golden jackal).
Now: if you kept your pigeys separate on an island, with no contact with pigeons, for thousands and thousands of years, they could start to change so much that they would become too weird to breed with natural pigeons : for example, their genitals stop being compatibles with normal pigeons, or their mating rituals would put off pigeons, or more often, they become genetically incompatible (they could loose or gain some chromosomes so they no longer have the same number as normal pigeons). They would then be different species ! In fact that's how species tend to form :D Wolves and dogs are not different enought yet !
I hope i didnt bore you with all this biology, and have a great day !
Hey there! Don’t worry, you didn’t bore me, I love hearing people get excited about stuff!
I think I remember which post your talking about, and I think my answer to the ask was a bit similar to what you said though I was hesitant to get too into the definition because I know there’s some controversy on what defines a species (plus general biology isn’t my strong suit, as I tend to stick with canines). And then there’s the whole chromosomal difference (like how foxes and wolves can’t breed because the number of chromosomes they have is too far off) that comes into play and I’m like ???.
And yeah, Arctic wolves are indeed a subspecies of gray wolf. I also saw an article somewhere (maybe on the IWC site) describing how it was a possibility that dogs may not be directly descended from wolves like we thought as the possible second domestication of dogs comes into play, but I’d have to fact check it. All in all, very cool and I could read about canines all day if you can’t tell.
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