#archie renaux imagine
stardancerluv · 20 days
A Space Journey
Part One of ???
Summary: Introduction to Tyler and his girl.
Notes/Warnings: I saw Alien Romulus and fell very hard for Tyler. 😍 Wanted to give him a story. Might be a bit of an AU in bits giving him a backstory and fuller future..probably write leading up to the movie & such. 😬Hope I do him justice. 😬Also first time writing scifi..and writing in a future of any kind…so 😬 hope I did good.
18 & over. Consensual sex between and man and woman. Angst. (It wrote itself..a bit long!
❤️s, reblogs, comments, & feedback always welcome! Enjoy
The elevator whispered its way up from the depths of the mine to the top level. Some stared blindly ahead or in front of them, you chose some indiscernible place, not really seeing it. Your imagination conjured up happier moments from the past.
Behind you in one of the shadowy corners, the yellow bird in the cage chirped and fluttered its wings. Happy to be out of those large caverns. It was a good day. No leaving work prematurely. You would get your full credits for the day.
Stepping, out of the elevator you saw your boots were caked with the usual soot and mud. A cold, heavy rain dropped from the heavy clouds. It was not long before the rain seeped under the many layers of your clothes.
Tiredness, wore you down as you walked. Your body ached. You knew there were liberal smudges on your face, your hair was matted and oily under the hood you pulled more around your face.
You had not taken a decent shower in a few days since you knew you’d be pulling extra shifts back to back and since your boyfriend was off world till the end of the week. You just rolled in and out of bed and went and returned from work.
With all the soot flying around you squinted and paused when you saw the red neon sign, Bar. You pressed your lips together. You could go for a cold one, but you knew how rough the crowd could be at times. Without Tyler by your side you really didn’t want to venture in.
You decided to keep on going, pulling your hood tighter around you, wishing you could hide completely. A grumble gurgled from your stomach as it twisted in hunger. You would stop at the mess hall and grab some food before turning in at your sleep bunk.
Before, you realized what was happening you were tugged harshly into one of the nearby alleyways. Fear shot through you. You immediately started fighting. It was a regular occurrence people would get beat up, mugged or worse. People lost it out here on the mining planets, at least that was what your parents had always said.
“Shh, shhh. It’s easier when you don’t fight.” The voice whispered, as one hand had already slipped under the top layers of your clothes and now crept across your torso.
Only a thin, very worn scrap of fabric laid between you and the hand. Your hunger turned to nausea as you could feel the warmth from it. It was all you needed to fight even harder. You finally managed to stomp down on one of their feet.
“Oooooouch!” The voice called out and instantly let you go.
You turned around, your heart beating harder since you knew the voice.
“Tyler!” You scream and slapped his arm.
A large smile spread across his handsome face before he howled with laughter. Easily, he pulled you close and this time you wrapped your arms around him. Happily, you pressed yourself even closer against him.
“My strong, feisty girl.” He said breathless against the top of your head.
Easily, you forgot the wind or the rain pelting the two of you.
“You weren’t supposed be back for three days.” You managed to mumble out against his heavy clothes. Your body beginning to relax knowing you were now safe.
“We did good. Found more then expected and came back.”
You blinked up at him. “Really?”
“Yes.” He nodded, he was so soft and warm. “Let me take you home.”
He took your hand as you walked up the steep steps into the hauler he shared with the others. You couldn’t help but notice no one was there.
“Bjorn and Navarro, left in a blink to get their drink and dance on. And Kay barely told me she was going out, when I heard the door shut.”
Leaning against the wall, you were relieved to be out of the soot cloaked air. You pulled and tugged, till you were free of your heavy boots. Once in your heavy socks, you were relieved the boots had kept your socks dry.
“Can’t blame them these last three weeks had felt long despite coming home a week early. I’m sure.”
You said with a fleeting smile. After you pulled off your gloves, you began working on the buttons of your heavy coat. Seeing, two of the buttons had been undone by him you glanced at him.
He winked. “What? I missed the feel of my girl.” You didn’t know how he could look cocky and sheepish at once but he did.
His cheekiness always made your heart flutter. In the few books, you managed to get your hands you figured you shared that with the girls of the past long gone.
“To be fair, I scrubbed up as fast as I could and headed out to find you.” He scratched at the back of his head. “Was going to check at the mine and the sleeping bunks.”
His mouth twisted at the last bit. You went over and gently tugged on his shirt. “I only do it when you’re not around, I’m cautious.”
“That’s what worries me.” He looked down at you and smiled, softly.
You could swim and lose yourself in his dark eyes, as the two of you looked unwavering at each other. No words were needed as the emotions welled up at his return. You swallowed. There was always chance he’d crash during reentry. Heck could during take off too, but Navarro was a pretty good pilot so you didn’t worry too much about take off.
He rubbed your arms. “Why don’t you go and wash up and I’ll make us something to eat.”
“Alright. Just don’t burn it this time.”
“Don’t invite me into the shower cubicle and I won’t.”
“I did that didn’t I?”
He smirked. “You certainly did.”
“Alright. Maybe this time I will behave myself.” You giggled.
The water from the shower head fell on you with a good pressure. Since Tyler and the others were known as pretty scavengers the company allowed them some nicer things. Water pressure and rations were among them.
You stood there not worried that the warm water would run out too fast. You just let it melt the cold from the mine and outside that remained in you. The water around your feet obscured with the soot that had clung to you, your hair.
Stretching, you sighed as the crisp scent of his soap comforted you. Turning the knobs, you finally stepped from the shower onto the rough mat which had become a welcome feel under foot as opposed to the cold tile in mass shower rooms.
You smiled, seeing that Tyler had hung up a fresh shirt and the pair of cotton pants, you usually stole when you stayed there. They had shrank in one of the laundry services so they fit you better. Seeing the bundle of yours gone, you knew he must have taken them to put into cleaning cycle.
After slipping on the fresh clothes you reached up and grabbed his towel, it was still faintly wet from his using it earlier. The thought made you smile as you rubbed your hair with it.
You gently slumped against Tyler’s side. Reaching, you placed your fork with a clank on the plate in front of you, only some cornbread crumbs remained.
“You did it. You made a half way decent meal which you didn’t burn.” You said with a half smile on your face.
“Well, I got to do good by my girl.”
His sheets were softer, his pillows fuller and they smelled liked him. His bed, softer then the bunks easily gave under the weight of the two of you.
He was partially on you, your arms around him. His hair soft, as your fingers entwined in the inky strands. Your lips had met and not wanted to part. They were much softer now, then a few month intervals after discovering that softening ointment. It beat away the chapping the wind whipping at your faces did and made the kisses all the more enjoyable. They were far sweeter then any candy you could save up for with your credits.
Pausing, as you felt his hand slipping under the hem shirt you wore; you excitedly letting your fingers leave the softness of his hair pulled up on the shirt and more of yourself was revealed to him. You happily tossed it without worry. His room was always clean and fresh, once he had peaked into his cousin’s room and they couldn’t be anymore opposite.
It puzzled you that Navarro could even tolerate it. But then again the two of you were also very different.
You were soft compared to his toned torso. It excited you and made you feel safe. You had seen him handle himself more then one time at the Bar. Whether defending your honor, his sisters or some stupid fight by the tempers flairing.
Opening, yourself you did so with a warmth and love that you would never allow the company steal away from you.
His lips, grazed your cheeks as he drew close to ear to whisper soft words only spoke between the two of you. Never to be shared.
“Are you well, is now a good time?” You could practically feel his heart thudding in his chest.
You nodded.
The first time or at least the aftermath of it had been right on the cusp of your cycle. Your excitement of him reciprocating your feelings and sharing first touches, kisses had stolen your body’s cues to its soon arrival. When the two of you had awoken the next day, worry had clouded your mind, believing it had ruined any chance of continuing things. But he had been kind, warm not just the cheeky guy who had made your heart squeeze with a wink or a smirk.
“I could barely focus these last three weeks, all I could think about was this. I needed to fuck, my sweet girl, remind her who I am after being off world for so long.”
The contrast to his sweet nature and razor sharp lust, made you moan and make your desire sharpen for him.
“I’m all yours.”
A soft moan broke from your lips and his, as he entered you. You arched against him, you had craved him as well. It had been hard to not answer any of the wanton calls from your body in his absence. Together you found your rhythms and moved. Your breathless moans became louder, sharper the closer you drew to cumming hard under him. You always felt so wonderfully wilted liked the dried flowers people once would keep in those books you had read from that had spoken of love and dreams.
Clutching him hard, your fingers gently pulling on his soft strands you arched against him once again. Your body tightening with pleasure he was giving you. Before you could hold it; it all shattered into moon dust. You softened and wilted under him. He was and would only be the only one to ever make you feel like this.
You met his hungry kisses, whimpering at the well placed love bites, he loved leaving. You felt how his body tightened above you. His deep, pleasure filled moan that filled the small room, you knew he had felt what you had. You relished making him feel just as good. His breath hot as he panted, a soft peppering of kisses as he rested his forehead against yours.
“Hey! Where are you going?”
You had thought you could safely grab your discarded shirt from earlier and curl back up to his side before he even noticed. But that wasn’t the case.
One of his strong arms wrapped around you and held you tightly against him. You turned easily in it to face him. “Was just grabbing my shirt. I had taken a small chill.”
“You’ve got me.” And soon he pulled the blanket and himself closer around you. You were enveloped by him, almost completely.
You pretended to think about it. “This is so much better.”
“It had better be.” And he gave you a quick kiss.
The rain streaked down his window. The brightness of the fluorescent lights that lined the roads of the colony were muted from where he was.
“How long do I have you this time?” You whispered after a few beats of your heart.
“Long enough.”
You wanted to reply with the snappy answer that it never was but you learned this, right now was long enough. Every moment the two of you were together was.
A commotion, peels of laughter and a door slamming shut; drifted through his closed door.
“They’re home.”
You could practically hear him rolling his eyes.
“Hey, hey you’re here lady. Missed you! We need to catch up and have some girl talk in the morning!”
“If she’s awake.” Tyler called back.
“Hey! I wasn’t talking to you.”
You giggled against his chest. “Sure! Sounds like a plan.” You finally called back.
“Great.” She called, her voice further away and then you could hear the one creak in the floor that you knew meant she was now by her own room.
“Here we go.” Tyler whispered.
As the exaggerated laughter came closer flowed by a thud as either Bjorn or Navarro bumped his door, by tipsy accident or deliberate. When they had a few drinks one could never be sure.
“Tyler, now you better be treating that girl of yours in there right. No funny business.”
“Hey, hey now.”
There was a smack and a similar oww, must run in the family you mused.
“He used to be a brute my cousin. He had to learn to be nice and charming.”
“He was always charming and nice to me.” You spoke up.
“Good.” His cousin replied.
“See she confirms. He’s been good to her.”
“Do I give him a gold star then?”
“Come on, let them have some peace. I want to get out of these high boots.”
“Now, I like hearing that.”
And there was only muted muffled sounds, if at all.
“Now that the circus passed.”
You giggled and shook your head. “You love them.”
“I do. I do.” He stretched, but still kept an arm around you. He gave your hip a squeeze.
“So you used to be a brut huh?”
“Yes, but you changed things.” He winked.
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After seeing Alien Romulus, I would like to start a petition to take Tyler Harrison away from the writers because they are mean to him. I will marry adopt him instead. Enjoy some feel-good romantic headcanons to cope:
Tyler loves to make you laugh. If you’re having a bad day, he’ll sit next to you and bump his shoulder against yours, saying stupid shit to cheer you up. His heart skips every time you crack a smile.
He always gets you a little snack or treat that he keeps in his pocket to surprise you with. He just saw it and thought of you.
He has a massive sense of responsibility that he bears on his shoulders, and he doesn’t let his guard down easily. He’s always looking out for the people he cares about, willing to lend a hand, or to stand up to bullies when they’re picking on someone. Which has gotten him into more fights than he can count.
It always rattles you when he comes home with a black eye, busted knuckles, and a lopsided boyish grin. When you patch him up and give him an ice pack for the swelling, chastising him for getting into yet another fight, he just shrugs and says he has no regrets. He’d do it again in a heartbeat if he had to. It scares the hell out of you sometimes, but you’re proud of him too, for doing the right thing.
You found the chink in his armor when he said he needed a hair cut and you offered to do it for him.
When you were combing your fingers through his hair, he hummed and closed his eyes, mumbling, “Wow. That…feels nice.”
You playfully pinched his ear just to tease him. He laughed and swatted at your hand.
Standing in front of him while he was seated, you were too preoccupied with getting a clean cut on his hair to notice that his head was beginning to bob forward. When you felt a pressure on your stomach, you glanced down.
Tyler had drifted off to sleep, his forehead pressed to your belly, breathing deep and even.
You let him sleep for a few minutes, but after you woke him up, you never let him live it down.
He gets more comfortable seeking out physical affection with you. He’s very much like a big floppy German Shepherd puppy.
You’re reading in bed when he tiptoes into your room and drops into your bed, jostling you. He buries his face in your chest, wrapping his arms around you until you put the book aside and comb your fingers through his hair because you know how much he loves it.
Never fails to knock him out in under three minutes.
He’s usually out of bed before you - too much on his mind, too much to do.
But on the rare occasion that you happen to get up first, don’t bother trying to escape.
Tyler will hook an arm around your waist, dragging you back into bed and locking you against his chest. No matter how much you wiggle and squirm, he won’t let go (while he chuckles against the back of your neck). You’re not going anywhere because he’s not done cuddling you yet.
Tyler likes to use his physical presence to his advantage. He knows he’s strong, and he can handle himself. He won’t hesitate to push his way between you and someone giving you trouble. He uses his body like a shield to block anyone from getting to you.
But when the two of you are alone, that physical presence changes. He likes to hem you in, corner you playfully until your eyes are bright and you’re breathless with giggles before he kisses you.
He likes to get really close to see the way your pupils dilate when his hands curve around your hips, or he cups your chin, teasing at your lower lip with his thumb.
Tyler kisses you like you’re precious. He loves the hitch in your breath when his hands wander. He loves the taste of you on his tongue. He loves how everything about you ignites his senses and drowns out the rest of the world.
Jealous jealous jealous. Tyler doesn’t like to share. He definitely gets territorial when someone flirts with you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to him, and it would kill him if he lost you.
He’s not shy about making it clear that he doesn’t like a friend of yours if they’re getting too cozy with you for his comfort. Stands near you like a guard dog, feet planted wide apart, arms crossed, looking grumpy and disapproving. He’s absolutely not the type to fake it and “play nice”.
His favorite thing in the world is late night talks with you in bed. Doesn’t matter if they’re deep, philosophical discussions about life, or the dumbest shit that has you both cracking up. He toys with your fingers while you talk. He doesn’t often get to experiences softness in his life. But those late night chats, with your warmth snuggled up next to him under the sheets, and the cocoon of darkness around you, he lives for those soft moments with you.
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youare-mysonshine · 20 days
watched alien romulus….. kind of in love with tyler🫣🤭
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sugaringinnie · 18 days
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Tyler x Fem!Reader
comfort/getting together
word count: 917
I'm currently in love with archie renaux/tyler so ^^
Everyone knows she likes him. Calculated words, a completely withdrawn and shy personality. And the eyes. Oh, the eyes never lie.
Yn can never hide when she likes someone. It's not that often. Her heart is too closed off to have so many people in it, but when someone catches her attention she can't help herself. She loves completely and fearlessly, she doesn't have to be reciprocated, she just needs to feel.
That's why she's happy with what she's felt for Tyler for several months now. They're not very close, and even when opportunities come along, she always misses them. Just thinking about being alone with him makes her nervous.
God, Yn, when will you learn?
So yeah. Everyone knows. Him included. But he's never said anything other than laugh at a few comments others have made. He never denies it, and he never defends himself. Tyler is nice, he would never embarrass Yn by exposing her very real feelings for him.
But Bjorn would.
Yn only half liked him, he was a tease, and rude.
But he was there in her social circle so what else could she do other than tolerate his jokes and laugh awkwardly when they were directed at her.
All of that led to the situation that was happening. It was late, the others drinking and Yn nodding off from sleep when Bjorn started with his comments.
'Yn is probably dreaming about Tyler' a normal joke, funny, but the boy had drunk whiskey that Navarro had changed with much effort, and his words became a little crueler. 'You do know that he likes Rain, right?' Everyone interrupted then, Kay, Navarro, Tyler, but Bjorn was not done with his stupid opinions.
'No matter how much you want to fuck him, he won't do you the favor.'
The poor girl was too sensitive to hear that, and she didn't like being seen crying.
Standing up and walking inside is pretty much everything she could do. She didn't live with them, but Kay was always willing to lend her her bed. Or anything really.
She's about to sit in it when a figure comes to view. It's Tyler, of course it is.
"Are you okay?" He asks, soft features, softer eyes.
Yn only looks at him. She is fine, just a little sad because Bjorn is right, even if he's drunk and saying nonsense. Tyler has never rejected her, mainly because she's never worded out her feelings out loud. But they're implied. In everything she does, in every little interaction she has with him.
"I'm sorry he said that. He doesn't know what he's talking about."
"Tyler, what do you want?" It's a loaded question to her. Why are you here, because you feel bad for me? Do you want to repeat what he said but in a pretty voice and layers of cotton?
Tyler glances at her, and he takes a few steps, allowing himself to sit at her side.
And he's so close, and so so handsome. So much so Yn aches for him.
He looks down at his shoes, plays with his fingers, seems undecided about what to say. He doesn't have to, really, Yn doesn't need an explanation from him. But Tyler isn't like that, he always wants to please, he always wants everything to flow correctly, without problems, without stumbling blocks. There's nothing Tyler can't solve successfully and without affecting others. How will he fix this? Reject a person close to the group without them walking away. Yn wouldn't do that, she knows a tantrum isn't worth it, she would never be in this situation on her own. Thanks Bjorn.
"I... I don't like Rain, anymore." He starts.
It's fine. It was the public humiliation that made me cry.
"I don't want you to think I like someone else, or that what Bjorn said is true." He sounds nervous, unsure. "I know you don't want to fuck me right away. I know you're sincere."
This might be worse than before. Who the fuck says those kind of things, seriously. But Yn doesn't say anything, voice shut down while listening to whatever Tyler wants to communicate. Yn won't interrupt, if he wants it to be a quiet let down she'll let it be.
"I am okay with you liking me, Yn. " Mellow, warm skin touching hers. "I don't mind, that's why I never say anything."
She looks at him. He's flushed and avoiding eye contact. Pretty.
"I'm happy that you like me." A confession. "You're everything good and nice there is in the colony.
"What does it mean?
"You're so unassuming, Yn. That's why I started to feel that way, but I couldn't just tell you." He's smiling a little, hands finding their way to hold Yn's. "You make me nervous. I'm sorry it took this long."
It's all implied. In the same way she does it. A series of incoherent words, out of context that wouldn't make sense if it weren't for this moment in which they're spoken, awkward and heavy, a volatile feeling in the air. They both like each other. Maybe more than that, but admitting it is something that Yn's heart can't process. Something that makes Tyler vulnerable.
Yet Yn wants to hear it, and wants to know for sure too.
"What does that mean?"
Tyler doesn't say anything for a few seconds, a grimace as he thinks about how to answer.
"I like you, Yn." For how you are with me. For how long you waited.
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romanticlcver · 7 months
open to anyone (m/w/nb, 25+)! | 'you're a human & your (secret) vampire gf faked her death. you mourned her and finally started to move on...only to run into her five years later in a coffee shop'
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enough time has passed that rosa would have usually forgotten them, as terrible as that may sound. it's always better for her to move on and she knows it, taking great pride in doing the right thing. separating from them had been a different thing entirely. she's certain that she's hallucinating, especially when they seem to be approaching, eyes widening in surprise for just a moment before she trains her face into something more calm. "do i know you?" she asks cooly, deciding the best course of action is to play pretend.
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writerdreamxs · 4 months
WELCOME TO MY BLOG ! fearless era.
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in which you know a little about me and make requests for short stories to me and I turn your dreams into realities. after all, I am a writer of dreams. 💐
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first, introductions: my name is clarice, but you can call me clary.
I'm brazilian, so obviously english is not my first language, so there may be some errors in the imagines.
I love taylor swift (my favorite album is fearless, but I think you get the idea :) and one direction, as well as lana del rey, artic monkeys, among many other artists.
I love romcoms, whether films or books, clichés, sun, spring, roses, dogs and I am a person who really likes to talk.
my mbti is enfp, - at least that's what i think, at the moment! - and I have a sanguine temperament.
and I DON'T write smut.
below I will put a list of the characters and fandoms that I mainly write about, but if you want to request something different, feel free.
masterlist. 🌤️
colin bridgerton, benedict bridgerton, anthony bridgerton, gregory bridgerton, simon basset.
all of the grid, but mainly, lando norris, oscar piastri, george russell and max verstappen.
richarlison, rodrygo goes, jude bellingham, vini jr, pedri, gavi, and all of the real madrid team.
HARRY POTTER (golden era)🪄
harry potter, draco malfoy, blaise zabini, fred and george weasley, ron weasley, oliver wood, charlie weasley.
HARRY POTTER (marauders era) 🕰️
remus lupin, sirius black, james potter, peter pettigrew, regulus black, severus snape.
peter pevensie, edmund pevensie, caspian.
timothée chalamet, josh hutcherson, louis partridge, andrew garfield, william moseley, tom holland, ben barnes, archie renaux, cameron boyce ✝.
trodrick heffley, peter parker 1 and 3, matteo balsano, simon alavrez, ramiro ponce, gaston perida, gabo moretti, lorenzo guevara, dede duarte, willy wonka, chad denforth (hsm), will turner (potc) legolas greenleaf (lor), laurie laurence, supa strikas, luke ross (jessie), carmen sandiego characters, zach mitchell (jw), jurassic world: camp cretaceous caracthers, carlos de vil, jay ja'far, harry hook, ray beech, charlie delgado, aurek, jim hawkins, jack frost, ever after high characters, scooby doo characters, hiccup, the greatest showman, dick grayson and wally west (young justice) .
🦋 well, that's it my sweeties and I hope you liked me and send your requests. 💗
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taus-inc · 6 days
My thoughts and feelings on Uglies the movie
I'm starting to think I understand a bit of how people who read Percy Jackson before watching the movies feel. Uglies was... a movie. I have thoughts that I wanna share with a condensed version of my rant with the notes I took at the very bottom. I know in the end it's just a movie but at the moment it's important to me. Obviously SPOILERS for Uglies, the book (mainly the first one) and the movie.
I want to start with the things I liked since that's a much shorter list.
i LOOVEE the casting for Dr. Cable as Laverne Cox, Keith Powers as David, Brianne Tju as Shay. I also like the casting for David's parents, Croy, Sussy, Dex and An.
Not all the design elements hit for me but the look and sound of the hover cars and boards i really liked. As well as how the interface rings looked and worked, kinda showing how easy it was for things to be "hacked". The look of the operation tank wasn't something I thought too hard about but I like how they brought it to life. And "THE SMOKE LIVES" was beautifully done. While reading the books I imagined something more childish given the sparklers but the movie did them wonderfully.
And something small and rather insignificant, Tally telling Shay that Peris was the one who gave her the necklace makes a little more sense than some random person giving it to her and her caring enough to wear it all the way to the Smoke.
Now... on to the nitty gritty of the things I didn't like as much. Some are kinda nitpicky so take my word with a grain of salt as these are all just my personal opinions. I took notes as I watched so they will kind of be in chronological order.
First is the casting of Tally and Peris. I knew when I saw the trailers I wouldn't like Joey King as Tally Youngblood, I don't think she's that bad of an actress, she just doesn't fit my vision of Tally. I like alternatives of someone like HAVANA ROSE LIU !!!, Sophia Lillis, Emma Myers, Paris Berelc, Chandler Kinney, Inde Navarrette, Talia Ryder, Quintessa Swindell. Basically, anyone other than Joey King. Someone I could see being book 1 Tally but also becoming who she was in later books. And for Peris maybe someone like Archie Renaux, Archie Madekwe, Nico Hiraga, Brodie Townsend, Connor Sherry, maybe a Finn Little or even a Charlie Plummer. Clearly, I don't have a set look for these characters just vibes.
I don't like that Dr. Cable is a public figurehead. Most of the things she does and are capable of are because she's more secretive. She's a manipulator who works behind the scenes. I could've appreciated it if they had done more with it and made it a purposeful change but like many other things I don't see the point in it.
Tally's relationships with anyone are honestly one of the most disappointing things done and my #1 gripe with this movie. It just does not make me care at all. We're missing so many vital scenes that I'm sure they couldn't fit all of them in but because of what they cut out I couldn't buy into them as people. Everything just felt so temporary and non concrete. I know it was probably to save money from actors ( f you btw netflix) but I'm sad the only other scene with Tally's parents, them convincing her to give up Shay and the Smoke, was missing. Her and Peris' relationship falls very one note and her and Shay's just falls flat. No real friendship between the two, bonding over feeling lonely and (at least to Tally) beginning their next step to prettiness together. Shay's constant reassurance that she doesn't think Tally is ugly and how she feels about keeping her original face because she doesn't think of herself as ugly either. Shay's anger is completely missing for me when in the book it was a very big thing considering how much Tally's betrayal cost her. The same anger thing with Maddy happened too but more on that later. Even with Dr. Cable manipulating her I think it was so poorly done. She just straight up lied to her about what was going on in the Smoke instead of using everything Tally had wanted for the last 16 years against her.
Next is what I think to be one another major failing on the movie that I have to force myself to understand that they simply didn't have time for but.. Cutting basically all of Tally's journey to the Smoke really hurt me because I feel like throughout all the books Tally's relationship and outlook on the wild is some of the most important because it shows a lot about who she is as a person when she really has to be alone with herself in such dangerous conditions and situations. The wild is always the start of her radicalization and her free thinking. It helps her be more open about the Smoke and it honestly informs a lot of her decisions later down the line. Her puzzling through Shay's note and learning to survive (with the help of some city things) were very detrimental and sad almost none of it made it into the script. And they didn't even get the note right!!
Short and to the point- replacing the rangers who helped Tally (and gave lowkey clues about what she learns later) with the Smokies.. Again, I understand time and money restraints but still Ugh!
Them making Croy immediately overly aggressive and skeptical of Tally also just takes away from his character. Even in the books we have little to go on, but I think taking away making him slowly put pieces together about Tally's stories and the math of the SpagBols simply not mathing is a small but disappointing takeaway.
The entire time in the Smoke went by wayy too fast, they never let you or Tally just sit and exist with the people living there already so again i just don't care that it was raided! We missed out on Tally discovering the people who lived there along with more of her relationship with Shay being discarded. Taking out the library, Tally discovering all of the people and faces from before through books and magazines and the man who looked over all of that. Which flattens her character more seeing as that was one of the first deaths she experiences that she feels is her fault. Tally meeting David's parents felt rushed and their conversation about the lesions just felt like it was her entire reason for suddenly not wanting to listen to Dr. Cable instead of her forming her own opinions and that being her final straw.
Something the movie loved to do was take away so many crucial parts of the story, a major thing being the raid of The Smoke. In the movie it happens so quickly even though I'm sure they could've included a majority of it. Tally's desperation in fighting for something she had inadvertently helped destroy, her and the Boss fighting to protect the last of the books and her watching him get killed because of it. Because of her. Her getting captured and gaining trust and respect from people (Croy!) who previously doubted her, but at the same time her relationship with Shay hitting the fan because she instantly knew Tally was at fault. Her being smart enough to outwit and out maneuver a Special Circumstance soldier and escape. Her hiding in the cave with David. Her coming back to see Croy had convinced people to leave their shoes because she didn't have any while hoverboarding away. All which fuels her guilt and need to protect and rebuild The Smoke seeing as she felt it her fault. In the movie she hid out in the open.. ran out screaming when Az was killed... outed what she had done in front of everyone. Then she blew up a building and Dr. Cable literally just let her go for no apparent reason. David finding out what she had done and what she caused should've warranted more anger but of course we get none of that. Next we just jump into helping the captured Smokies escape and Tally's crazy ass plan that actually helped show the depth of how smart she is was glazed over. We lose the reveal of Dr. Cable testing on Az causing him to pass away which, on top of being a doctor, fuels Maddy's need to have someone give informed consent before testing the cure for the lesions. The movie also took Maddy rightful anger toward Tally away from her. It might seem small in the grand scheme of things but agreeing to be the test subject for an untested brain alter for a woman who dislikes you for having a part in her husband dying is a step in her trying to earn forgiveness.
Shay's reveal to be turned pretty was completely under done and felt because of the lack of depth they gave to her character along with her relationship with Tally. Shay never wanted to be turned pretty and Tally is a big part of the reason her choice was taken away from her. Her becoming pretty was another thing that made Tally completely regret all that she had done and showed more of the ripple effect of the consequences of her actions. Plus that fuck ass wig and ugly silver dress they had her running around in !!
Overall so many of the choices made by netflix just lets me know they never intended on continuing the series in future movies regardless of the outcome of this one. Like them making Peris special and then killing him off ??!! The Specials having special suits and not special bodies. Changing out the rangers to not expand on the lore. ((Edit: The flowers being made by the cities actually does so much to harm the story which also explains why they removed the rangers because it was cities fighting against yet ANOTHER rusty invention that was destroying the world. The cities (who knows how many) were fighting to preserve nature which lends to them dulling people to slow down their overconsumption and later Tally's mission to make sure the wild was protected when people eventually got their free will back.)) Making the ending open ended because there was no way they could fully close it out because of the nature of the books but every other choice felt so definitive as to an ending and nothing more, like showing Tally pretty at the end when the closing of the book was just her surrendering. The movie itself didn't expand on even just the first books’ lore and it just felt like an extremely lukewarm version of the story that happens over a 30 minute period even though the movie is an hour and a half long. Everything felt rushed and not true to Uglies the book at all and it upsets me to see these books introduced to people in this way.
Ok, rant over. Peace out.
TLDR, my sparknote ver.
Things I liked:
Lavern Cox as Dr. Cable
Keith Powers as David
Brianne Tju as Shay
Design of the hover cars and boards
Design of the operation tanks
Design of the "THE SMOKE LIVES" message
Thing I did Not like:
how this movie is a TERRIBLE introduction into this world
their failed attempts at humor
joey king as tally youngblood
dr. cable being a public figure head
the montage that skips basically all the world building
tally and shays watered down relationship
tally and davids watered down relationship
tally's parents not coming to see her before peris and really showing she was pushed into working with dr. cable
making the crash bracelets work like a bungee jacket and not using the mechanics from the book
dr cable lying abt what david and the smoke were doing to that extent
montage of the tallys journey in the wild
replacing the rangers with smokies
croy being over aggressive abt not trusting tally when he was sly and smart abt figuring out her story doesn't make sense
david just going "these are my parents" and no one clarifying their names
tally not slowly coming to realize that the smoke isn't that bad and her doubts before learning abt the lesions
the talk abt the lesions
peris being special
the attack on the smoke
not meeting the boss who keeps track of the books/magazines
tally and david hiding out in the open during the attack on the smoke
peris killing az bc az dying from medical testing was important !!! + az's "wah are yu doin"
tally outing herself in front of everyone 😒 + her dumbass escape scene bc she literally just got let go
not explaining or using tally's very smart plan to get into special headquarters
no pretty speak
shays ATROCIOUS ASS WIG that thing looks like a lego piece on her head and them contacts and that dumb ass dress
that glass breaking as soon as the fire touches it
the pt 2 of the solution being so easy to find and maddy not stealing dr. cables interface ring
the body suit for the specials bc their body is what made them special not the suits
joey king breaking up peris and david's fights was giving the fighting from the kissing booth
peris dying ??!!(!(!(
maddy not RIGHTFULLY being mad at tally for destroying her home and getting her husband killed
croy all of a sudden being on tallys side 
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chaosxkids · 5 days
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Walking through the picturesque streets of Cardinal Hill, you find dalton rhodes, the 25 year old mechanic at Romano's originally from cardinal hill, wa. Living alongside them in such a small town, you know that they're charming and blunt, but what you might not know is that they are a witch, and that they’re hiding something… ― archie renaux, pansexual, cis man, and he/him.
ㅤೀ    - a quick look into current playlist :: lalali by seventeen ; beautiful liar by monsta x ; greedy by tate mcrae ; morally gray by april jae ; war by keshi ; let the world burn by chris grey ;watch it by the boyz ; guilty by taemin ; overdrive by i.m. ; annihilate by metro boomin swae lee lil wayne offset ; villain by neoni ; enemy by imagine dragons ; drinking with cupid by voila.
ㅤೀ    - as described by others :: morning black coffee & sugar everyday; always having to be the loudest voice in the room even if nothing to say; vulnerability hidden beneath layers of confidence and steel; sarcasm was always your best friend; fiercely loyal until trust is broken; admirable work ethic & discipline but still knows how to have fun, good taste in music.
NAME : dalton rhodes
AGE : twenty-five
GENDER IDENTITY : cis man (he/him pronouns)
SEXUAL/ROMANTIC ORIENTATION : pansexual pan romantic
OCCUPATION : mechanic at Romano's
POSITIVE TRAITS : charming, flirtatious, intelligent
NEGATIVE TRAITS : hot-headed, sarcastic, blunt
FACECLAIM : archie renaux
PETS : n/a
CONNECTIONS : are here
BIO ;; (parental abuse, bruising, & neglect mention tw)
born as an only child, dalton looked liked he practically coasted by in life but it was all fabricated. his parents where highschool sweethearts between a two people, both humans (though one would turn out to be descendants of witches in secret). it was said the two were so excited to be expecting, but it wouldn't come to be. the pregnancy was hard after a grueling 16 hours in labor, a baby boy was born. dalton's mother was weak in health but she cared so much for him while his father dotted on him but inside something was brewing.
when dalton turned 5, his mother passed away and things were never the same. it was said the warmness of the household was replaced by coldness. laughs were replaces by loud raised voices. dalton's father blamed him for being born and making his mother weak in the aftermath. "if you hadn't been born, she'll still be alive" was one of the many phases thrown at his face everyday from then on. people around town new of dalton's father as a wealthy banker with a nasty personality, especially when he drank (everyday after work or all day when off) but no one knew what a monster he was behind closed doors at home. until dalton turned 13, the boy was quiet. teacher talked about what a smart child he was, always getting good grades but timid. these same teacher though, would stay quiet though when he arrived to school with bruises on him as they knew that with a wealthy father, money can buy many things. then he stopped coming to school. his father and him left town, something about a distant family member needing care but it was lie.
things had changed. dalton's anger couldn't be contained anymore and he fought back, which manifested in his magic. his father couldn't believe it, seeing his son's minor bruises and scratches healing and he got more angry. he locked his son away in the house and hired someone to find out what was the meaning. it became known his mother came from a family of witches and that it had skipped a few generation before manifesting in his son. he in turned wanted to see how strong witches are and dalton was the perfect way to see.
then one day, dalton showed up back in town at just 18 years old. to though who cared, he told them his father got sick then passed away, leaving him with a trust and returned to his mother's home. he got a job working as a car mechanic at romano's and lives in a trailer by himself. some say there is something about his appearance that seems magical but they chalk it up to be good looking.
Daze at work is basically the class clown, always joking around but knew when it was time to be serious when it came to a client's car. he is very laidback and easily talks to anyone. has an aura around him that others find themselves sharing alot to him. is your resident gym bro, cant stress it enough how much he loves to workout and jumps at the chance to always ask others if they want to ever join him for a gym session. is a mega flirt and a true charmer, whether he is doing it intentionally or not so has dated around the town. dalton though can't keep his mouth shut and will blatantly tell you how it is, even if your feelings get hurt.
when it comes to magic has an affinity for healing and protective spells. always working to improving his magic and learning more about witches when he can.
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themovieblogonline · 1 month
Alien: Romulus Review: An Atmospheric & Terrifying Gem
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Alien: Romulus, directed by Fede Álvarez, is a thrilling new chapter in the Alien franchise, deftly balancing the elements of science fiction, action, and horror that have defined this iconic series. Serving as a standalone interquel between Alien (1979) and Aliens (1986), this film plunges viewers into a claustrophobic nightmare that both honors its predecessors and stakes its own claim within the franchise. The film is set against the desolate and oppressive backdrop of space, in which a group of young space colonists stumble upon a derelict space station that harbors a deadly secret. The story begins with a drone space probe discovering an organic object among the wreckage of the USCSS Nostromo. At a secret facility, the dormant Xenomorph within the object has become unleashed, posing a lethal potential. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0XDEhP4MQs The narrative focuses on Rain Carradine (Cailee Spaeny), an orphan working on the mining colony Jackson's Star. Rain’s adoptive brother Andy (David Jonsson), a reprogrammed synthetic, is central to her survival. When Rain's contract is unexpectedly extended, she teams up with her ex-boyfriend Tyler (Archie Renaux), his pregnant sister Kay (Isabela Merced), his cousin Bjorn (Spike Fearn), and Bjorn’s girlfriend Navarro (Aileen Wu) to escape to the more hospitable planet Yvaga. The group’s goal: salvage cryonic stasis chambers from a derelict spacecraft. The space station's cold, dark corridors amplify the impeccably crafted atmosphere of tension and impending doom in the film. Every single moment of screen time feels grimy and gross. It's one of the most atmospheric movies that I have ever seen. The cast delivers strong performances that add depth to the film’s relentless pace and intense atmosphere. Cailee Spaeny shines as Rain, portraying her with a mix of vulnerability and resilience that anchors the narrative. David Jonsson as Andy provides a nuanced performance, especially as his character grapples with the implications of his reprogramming and subsequent reset to Weyland-Yutani's directives. Archie Renaux's Tyler is compelling as a flawed but courageous leader, and Isabela Merced brings emotional complexity to Kay, particularly in the later scenes involving the Prometheus strain. Spike Fearn and Aileen Wu round out the cast with solid performances, adding to the group's dynamic and tension-filled interactions. Fede Álvarez’s direction is masterful, capturing the essence of Ridley Scott's original vision while injecting fresh elements that keep the franchise alive and relevant. The visual effects are top-notch, with the Xenomorphs rendered in terrifying detail. The derelict space station Romulus is a character in itself, its labyrinthine structure and decaying interiors heightening the sense of dread. Álvarez skillfully uses lighting and sound to build suspense, making excellent use of shadows and silence to keep audiences on edge. The film’s action sequences are intense and well-choreographed, maintaining a relentless pace that never feels rushed or overwhelming. Alien: Romulus explores familiar themes of survival, corporate greed, and the ethics of artificial intelligence. This is something that the franchise does so well. It explores themes that are way deeper than one would imagine a film about aliens would get and Romulus is no different. Overall: Alien: Romulus is a gripping addition to the beloved saga, blending horror, action, and sci-fi elements in a way that feels both fresh and familiar. Álvarez has created a film that pays homage to its roots while forging its own path, with strong performances, stunning visuals, and a story that keeps you hooked from start to finish. Read the full article
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gryffindorkalicious · 2 years
My review on S&B season 2
So I binged watch Shadow and Bone in on sitting and OMGGGGGGG.
The plot was rushed like it was there is no denying it, but it was also fun in the best way possible. IMO The writers really aced it for TV. You can tell they actually respect the source material and understand it well. I know that a lot of controversy is surrounding season 2 but I would like to point out that I think the writers and actors did BRILLIANT with what time they had. Like I am pretty sure I saw a tweet that said that the writers weren’t sure that they would get the green light for season 3 and with that in mind they were exceptional. They did remove quite a few scenes from R&R and S&S, I really missed alina’s white hair and MAL’s  “I am become Blade tattoo”. And as someone who has read the books I missed the character development that was done but at the same time, I have come to realise that adaptations are different from source materials and it’s best to seperate them both. That way you enjoy it more. And my friend (Who hasn’t read the books) loved it even more then me.
Nikolai hiring the crows was absolutely genius, it was a really good introduction
The Crows having to steal the sword plotline was so good was so goodd
The transition for Kaz’s flashback was so good ( Can I just say that I loved the VFX for this season)
Zoya having the bee fly near her (...............)
The fight scenes were really impressive like it was done so innovatively.
The plot was like 7.5/10 for me because ik that its a TV show but I still love the books too much, However, my friend gave it a 9.5/10 (She wanted more of the crows)
2 major complaints I do have is that WHY THE FUCK IS DAVID DEAD??????
 and my 2nd complaint is please give me zoyalai crumbs, I wanted some banter but I was disappointed.
the acting done by each and every charcater was phenomenal. Ben Barnes was amazing as usual, Jessie mei lei added her beautiful depth to Alina’s character, Archie renaux make Mal’s character so much more three dimensional, NIKOLAI, TOLYA,TAMAR AND WYLAN. OMGGG. When I tell you they were fucking perfect like their expressions, their dialogue, their attitude. Jaw droppingly amazing. Daisy was so good as Genya this season like her raw emotion could literally be felt throught the screen. Her acting literally made me hate the Darkling so much. Amita was amazing as Inej, she as born for this role and danielle and Callahan have such amzing chemistry I can cry.  Kit young is amazing, I love him so much. I wanted Sujaya to have more screen time because she is amazing but i know she had conflicting schedules but still :(
Freddy carter though,
OVERALL THE ACTING WAS A 10/10. I could not imagine a more perfect cast.
I Liked the show, had fun with it. The best way to enjoy it is as Leigh said,” Think of it as a fanfiction.” Sepereating the show from the book is the best thing to do for adaptation guys. I understand why people may not like it but still fucking watch it. IDNC that you didnt like it. WATCH IT. I need my Ice heist spin off. <3
Overall it was 8.5/10 ( ik the average is mathematically wrong but idc this is the rating i felt right with)
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stardancerluv · 14 days
Tyler Harrison deserved better! Watched Alien Romulus and fell hard. So here is a story about him before and to the movie…possibly beyond! Hope I do him justice.
A Space Journey
Tyler along with friends and family, he lives on the Jackson Star Mining Colony. They work salvage. While also maintaining a relationship with his special girl. One day the company reaches out to Tyler.
There will be angst, fluff & smut… 18+ themes.
❤️s, comments, reblogs, & feedback are welcome! Enjoy!
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six (coming soon)
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Pucker Up - Tyler Harrison x Reader (gender neutral)
As a treat, Tyler gets you some candy, but he won't let you have it until you pay a small kissing tax.
Word count: 700ish Warnings: tooth-rotting fluff, mild language, flirtation by childish insults, friends to lovers
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Market day at Yvaga was always a sight to see - bursting with a rainbow of colors, the air filled with delicious mouth watering smells, and a relentless hum of activity as vendors clamored for the attention of visitors.
It didn't take long before you lost Tyler in the chaos. He disappeared when you turned your back for half a second. Now you stood on tiptoe, scanning the crowded street in the hope you might catch a glimpse of him.
At last, he came striding through the milling people, looking suspiciously proud of himself. He held up a small bag tied with a ribbon.
"I found you a little something."
Opening the bag, he angled it toward you so you could peek inside. The crisp scent of lemon rose up to greet you.
"Lemon drops," you breathed. "I haven't tasted those in years."
When you reached in to take one, Tyler whisked the bag out of reach with a playful gleam in his eyes.
"Now hold on a minute. It's not easy to come by sugar on Yvaga."
You shoved his shoulder.
"Don't be a fucking tease, Tyler. You know how much I love lemon drops."
He fished a piece of candy from the bag and popped it in his mouth, pushing it into his cheek with his tongue. You crossed your arms.
"Now you're just rubbing it in."
He shrugged.
"Yeah, a little. It's fun to watch your nose get all scrunched up when you're annoyed."
You huffed a laugh and lunged for the bag of candy. You almost caught it, but Tyler managed to snatch it away at the last second. You stumbled forward to catch your balance.
"Come on," Tyler said. "You'll have to try harder than that if you really want a taste."
No matter what you did - standing on tiptoe, stretching as far as you could reach - Tyler was still taller than you.
Narrowing your eyes, you glared up at him. He smirked down at you in response.
"Asshole," you said.
His eyes brightened and he put a hand to his chest.
"Is that a compliment? I'm blushing."
Your stomach gave that weird fluttery-twist it usually did when you were in close proximity to Tyler these days. At some point, you would have to admit that you were developing feelings for him, but there was no way in hell you would ever say anything out loud. That would be...mortifying. Especially if he didn't return your feelings. You didn't want to ruin your friendship with him.
You hurried to cover the burn in your cheeks.
"Are you going to let me have a piece of that candy or not, dumbass?"
Tyler stepped closer until he towered over you, an inch of space barely separating you. His eyes darkened and his tone softened.
"It comes with a price."
Your breath caught in your throat at the distinct shift between you. The crowded street seemed as if it was a thousand miles away and the only two people in the world was you and Tyler.
"Name it," you whispered.
"For the token of one kiss, you can have the whole damn bag."
Now you weren't breathing at all. You were friendly with Tyler, volleying lighthearted insults back and forth, but you never dreamed he actually liked you back.
"You better not be making fun of me." Your voice was painfully quiet as you haltingly bright your hand up and curled your fingers into his shirt.
Tyler shook his head. When he brushed his knuckles against your cheek, you could have sworn your knees would buckle. His Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed hard.
"I've been looking for an excuse to kiss you for ages."
The next thing you knew, his lips were on yours. The faint hint of lemon sugar still lingered on his tongue. You felt his smile against your mouth. Then he scooped an arm around your waist, tugging you against him.
"Fucking finally," he muttered.
You felt like you had wings on your feet. Sliding your arms around Tyler's neck, you kissed him back, and all thoughts of the candy slipped from your mind.
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akajustmerry · 2 years
I would also go insane over a trc show but also kinda hope one never gets made bc I know how picky I am abt adaptations of books I love
HOWEVER, every time I watch reservation dogs I think abt how good Paulina alexis would be as blue, and every time I watch his dark materials I think abt how good amir Wilson would be as Adam, then I spend the next half hour imagining how I would adapt trc for tv
Anyway, I know fan casting teen characters is hard bc it gives you a very narrow age range of actors to choose from, but do you have any actors you think would be really good as a trc character? Even actors who have aged out of the roles now but would have been good when they were younger (for me it's Robert Sean Leonard as Gansey)
okay I delayed answering this until I had a cast in my head but omg yes Amir Wilson as Adam is perfect!! My fancast for the rest would be:
young Keke Palmer as Blue
young George Mackay as Gansey
young Archie Renaux as Ronan Lynch
Noah Schnapp as Noah Czerny (sorry to type cast him here but he would be so good)
Aja Naomi King as Maura
Lisa Bonnet as Neeve
Justina Muchado as Calla
Yara Shahidi as Orla
Danielle Brooks as Jimi
Eva Green as Persephone (to fill the Penny Dreadful Vanessa Ives shaped whole in my heart)
Young Alden Ehrenreich as Kavinsky
Young Ki Hong Lee as Henry Cheng
Rami Malek as The Grey Man
Did I miss anyone?? Anyways, this was fun to think about thank you for asking, legend 😊
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oxbowridgehq · 8 months
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MYRIAM MOUSSA our AIYSHA HART is looking for their BROTHER. They are between 30-32 and looks like (HALF WHITE) MOCs FCs PREFERRED. They are currently OPEN and the writer NEEDS to be contacted. ( @myriam-moussa )
FC Suggestions would be MOC FCs (he doesn't necessarily have to be half white, only if he's biologically related to Myriam): Mena Massoud, Sean Teale, Chai Hansen, Deniz Akdeniz, Kiowa Gordon, Mason Gooding Jr., Fady Elsayed, Archie Renaux
Myriam’s brother has always been a big trouble maker and hellraiser, but he never did anything really terrible. He was just a rebellious and hedonistic kid. Despite his and Myriam’s completely different personalities, the two were close in their own way and Myriam always took care of him and protected him. When he was a teenager and their father’s behavior became more abusive and one night their father attacked him, he stabbed his father in self defense. Scared that he killed his father, he called Myriam who helped him cover up the murder. Eventually, Myriam moved away for school and her brother went his own direction, which is up in the air. Eventually, he landed himself in Montana. The reason why he’s there is also completely up in the air but I imagine he is associated with the Walker family or Byrne family. Maybe he's the same or maybe he's completely different from what Myriam remembers. I imagine they haven't seen each other in a long time. I’m super open to different ideas and I’m really flexible with his character.
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grishaverse-news · 2 years
Archie Renaux on Shadow & Bone S2
In a recent article with Emily Maskell, Archie Renaux briefly discussed season two of Shadow & Bone. You can read the article, titled "Archie Renaux is leading man material", with W Magazine here.
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[Image ID: A screenshot of an article which reads: "Recently, however, Renaux has been shooting closer to home for the second season of Netflix's adaptation of Leigh Bardugo's young adult fantasy novel Shadow and Bone. Mal Oretsev is his most prominent role to date — a young soldier and best friend to Alina (Jessie Mei Li) who was revealed as one of the most powerful beings in this richly imagined world. While the actor is tight-lipped on season two, he reveals he's particularly excited for some new cast additions: "everyone's going to have some more characters to fall in love with—or hate. A few people hate my character. You can't be everyone's favorite." End ID.]
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dear-indies · 1 year
Hiya! Messaging to request some fc suggestions please? Needing help finding an fc for my character who will is very southern gothic, Ethel chain's Preacher's Daughter album, bones & all and southern blues inspired, I imagine her as dark haired and between ages of 25 to mid 30s - all ethnicities/races/genders come but if you don't mind me specifying , can I ask for only actors to be listed please? Aka no influences, singers or models etc - thank you so so much in advance!!!
Southern gothic, Ethel cain fc request here again sorry!! Forgot to add but if you don't mind me adding - also ideally someone who gives off messy/haphazard vibes please?? Kinda like they're obviously on the road a lot so have a permanent grease vibe?? So sorry if that's too specific and apologies again for adding this bug again tysm in advance!!!
Annabelle Wallis (1983) - Malignant.
Diane Guerrero (1986) Colombian - Doom Patrol.
Jodi Balfour (1987) - Quarry.
Courtney Bandeko (1988) Nigerian - Legacies.
Ritu Arya (1988) Indian - Lady Parts, Polite Society.
Nadia Hilker (1988) Tunisian / German - in The Walking Dead.
Nico Tortorella (1988) - is genderfluid, poly, pansexual and demisexual (any pronouns) - Fear The Walking Dead.
Rob Raco (1989) - Riverdale.
Hannah John-Kamen (1989) Nigerian / Norwegian - Resident Evil.
Michael Vlamis (1990) 37.5% Lebanese 25% Greek 25% Serbian 12.5% English - Roswell: New Mexico.
Emory Cohen (1990) - Lords of Chaos.
Kiowa Gordon (1990) Hualapai, English, Scottish, Danish, Manx - Blood Quantum.
Sarah Kameela Impey (1991) Indo-Guyanese / British - iWe Are Lady Parts.
Vico Ortiz (1991) Puerto Rican - non-binary (they/them) - Our Flag Means Death.
Joe Keery (1992) - Stanger Things.
Kiana Madeira (1992) Portuguese / Irish, Unspecified First Nations, Black Canadian - Fear Street.
Hari Nef (1992) Ashkenazi Jewish - is trans - Assassin Nation.
Katerina Tannenbaum (1993) - Betty,
Joseph Quinn (1993) - Stranger Things.
Taylor Russell (1994) Black Canadian / European - Bones and All.
Han Sohee (1994) Korean - My Name.
Lily Sullivan (1994) - Evil Dead Rise.
Sophia Ali (1995) Pakistani / Sicilian Italian, Danish, Norwegian, German - Uncharted, The Wilds.
Sasha Lane (1995) African-American, Māori, English, Scottish, Sorbian, French, Cornish, distant German, Italian, Belgian Flemish, Russian, and Northern Irish - is gay and has schizoaffective disorder - American Honey.
Adeline Rudolph (1995) Korean / German - Chilling Adventures of Sabrina.
Sarah Pidgeon (1996) - The Wilds.
Elliot Fletcher (1996) - is trans masc - Y: The Last Man.
Aria Shahghasemi (1996) Iranian - Legacies.
Archie Renaux (1997) English, Punjabi Indian.
Luka Sabbat (1997) Afro-Haitian, Irish, English, German.
Sydney Park (1997) African-American / Korean - There’s Someone Inside Your House.
Daisy Edgar-Jones (1998) - Where the Crawdads Sing.
Julia Dalavia (1998) Brazilian - Pantanal.
Felix Mallard (1998)
Hey anon! This ask was way harder than it should have been so I hope my followers give you more suggestions because I was struggling! Please keep in mind that some of these just give move around vibes.
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