#arcane characters x reader
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larapeachsstuff · 2 months ago
Sorry folks, I just can't get Arcane out of my head.
"Quiet moments" - Arcane Scenarios
Arcane characters x f!reader - Fluff
Summary: Scenarios where the different characters of Arcane show affection during quiet moments.
Pairing: f!reader x Viktor, Jayce, Ekko, Sevika, Silco, Caitlyn, Vi.
Warnings: mention of killing, violence, brutal everyday stuff in Zaun.
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Relax isn't something Viktor is accostumed to and most of the time he passes his time in the laboratory, mentally crafting new hextech tools. Moments of peace and quiet are rare.
Being his assistant, you two stay together most of the time, but it is not so easy to find a moment to kiss or relax, when your boyfriend is constantly thinking and babbling about new projects.
One day, growing tired by the end of the evening, you sit on a chair in the laboratory, relaxing your tired legs and exhausted mind. Seeing you in such a state, Viktor stops speaking to himself and grabs his stick to approach you.
"Tired, my love?" "Exhausted, really" you respond with a low tone. "Progress dosn't wait for anyone" says the man as he gently strocks your hair with one hand.
"Need a pause, love?" Viktor asks with a smile on his face - "You can go to bed if you want, I'll probably be up all night again with this project".
Feeling a bit trascurated, you get up and heads out of the room to your shared bedroom, after giving him a quick kiss on the lips and a not-so-invisible upset expression on your face.
You impose to yourself to bathe and, after a quick shower, you head to bed, alone again, covering yourself with the covers, still smelling like his parfume.
After just a couple of moments, the door opens with a creak and Viktor enters the room, heading to the bed and sitting near your lying figure. After a kiss on your head, he takes off his clothes and, putting on his pygiama (yes, the man actually has a lot of them), gets in the bed with you.
With a sarcastic tone you say "Didn't you need to work all night again, Viktor?" - to which he replies "Mhhh, I prefer your company and warm over the project for tonight. Plus, I need to take care of a more important thing right now". The man spoons you from behind and hugs you with his arms, leaving a trail of kisses all over your head, before going to sleep.
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The man is like a working machine but knows when to stop, differntly from his lab partner, Viktor. Jayce is always happy to have relaxing moments with you and, being a senator, taking advantage of the pros of his position is not something he refuses.
That particolar day, however, you saw your boyfriend like you hadn't seen him in a long time. After passing most of the day running for commisions, when you returned home, it was empty. No sight of Jayce, no left trace of his passage. With a tired sigh, you left your groceries on the counter and headed back out to the palace, to try and find your "lost" man.
After some time of futile searching, you find yourself in the big library, hoping Jayce would be there for a late study session. Instead, you find Mel, reading a book with so much focus that she doesn't hear your approaching steps.
"Sorry, Mel, have you seen Jayce? I've been searching for him for some time now and I don't know where to look for anymore" "Oh, hi y/n! - she replies - I think your man has gone crazy with work over the last hextech project. If I were you, I would search in the furnace, maybe he is releasing a bit of tension".
The furnace! How could you have forgotten about that place. Giving a thank you to Mel and leaving the library, you go directly to the place. The room was like a lair for Jayce, where he could let all of his frustation go and create new machines at the same time. When you arrive at the entrance of the furnace, you were welcomed by a wave of heat and strong fire light from the oven. Jayce was standing in front of it, withour his shirt and with his mind focused on the hammer in his hands, while working on what seemed to be e shield.
"Hi love, tired already?" you say with a timid voice - "Oh, Janna, sorry sweety, I think I completely lost sense of time, damn". Letting the hammer down, the man goes straight to you and hugs you, embracing all of you into his strong arms. The scent of his body is supressed by the smell of wood and metal, but it is still enough for you to take a hint of it, making you relax against his chest.
"I have missed you, silly" you say "when are you gonna come home?" "This exact moment, sweety, I have neglected you enough for today, I am so sorry" says Jayce with a guilt tone - "I want to cuddle with you for the entire night. Now, let's go home".
Jayce leaves on your lips a tired but loving kiss, before setting his arm around your waist and heading out of the furnace.
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Ekko is normally busy with the administration of the Firelights and their missions, but he always finds a moment during the day to remind you how much he loves you.
Returning from a successful mission against some on Silco's man, you and your crew are flying from the damaged and corrupted areas of Zaun to your life-saviour tree. The massive giant and the green all around you is always a comforting view after a failed mission. This time, however, you were able to destroy the cargo-ship of Silco and the barrels of shimmer lightened up pretty well. Every success is a small step towards the liberation of Zaun from the dispotic power of Silco, but everytime someone dies, and from both parts there are just Zaunites. Your own people, in the end. It would have been preferable to fight against the tight-asses of Piltover, instead.
After the arrival on the tree, it was not difficult to find your boyfriend, already surronded by a group of children who were laughing at his silly imitations of animals. A smile forms on your face and a warm sensation tightens around your heart, seeing him laughing like that and having fun. After all things the two of you have experienced together, you know that these occasions were rare and for Ekko they were the results of his efforts.
Calling him, whistling a particular note (your code signal), he tilts his head up to see your face and, after having said goodbye to the children, he grabs his flying skateboard and runs to you with a big smile on his face.
"Hi princess! Good to see you! How are you? How was the mission? How are the others?" storming you with questions, the boy grabs your shoulder with his hands. "Woah, calm down pretty boy. It's good to see you too" you utter with a groan caused by your sore shoulders and back after the mission - "Everything turned out good and the tips given by the bartender were right. I don't know how much more that man can remain alive, stealing documents from Silco".
"I'll see what we can do to protect him. We need those information at any cost. In the meantime, come here with me, Princess. Let's have a bit of us moment". Guiding you to the body of the immense tree, he sits and leans, letting you sit in between his legs, hugging you from behind.
"I want you to know how much I appreciate your contribution to the cause and how much I love you, everyday a little more than the day before. I don't think I would have accomplished so much without you, thank you". Looking into his eyes, a loving light irradiates and warms your heart. "No silly, you, me and all the others have accomplished this thanks to your leadership, your courage and your strengh. We all should be devoted to you".
"You are right" Ekko says with a hint of playful superiority in his voice - "You should all pray me as a God, you especially my little subordinate". "Ah ah ah, go to hell Ekko" you reply with a sarcastic tone.
The guy laughs, a warming smile on his face. Planting kisses on your shoulders, Ekko tightens his arms around you and says: "I have never tamed my feral little Princess and I never will". Before returning to his duties, Ekko takes his time to listen to you about the mission and how everything went, never stopping his hand from drawing gentle circles on your thigh.
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Working for Silco has never been an easy job and you know that. Everytime Sevika returned home from a mission, she was just a little more tired, a little more sore and her mechanical arm needed constant mantainment. It is fun for you, though, to project new weapons and ways to make her arm even more efficient, allowing your girlfriend to not be so worry in every battle. It is your mission to provide for the multitasking mechanical arm and its new weapons.
After a long morning of drawing new harmful guns and technological knives, it is your so-waited moment to have lunch. Getting out from one of houses near the Last Drop, you head to a near restaurant (if someone could call it that). That day you were hoping for a sweet and romantic lunch with Sevika, but she was out of sight and probably still on a mission. You remember the sensation of her body getting out of bed in the morning at what you think was the sunrise and the sound of her heavy footsteps leaving your room.
Sevika is not so used to show affection, especially in public, but she has never left in the morning without placing a gentle kiss on your cheek, saying "later" in a low and loving tone.
Ordering something from the menu, on which the dishes were always the same and pretty boring, you starts to fantasize about the restaurants in Piltover, rich with delights and different foods. The sigh that escapes from your lips is frustated, why does it have to be so difficult for the Zaunites, while the rich-asses of Piltover waste money over stupid things and complain about futile problems?
Lost in your thoughts, you don't notice the figure that has just opened the door of the local, looking lefts and rights in search for you. After she spots you, Sevika goes straight to you and, without saying a word, plops herself on the other side of the table. Already a bit irritated by your own trail of thoughts and not being in the mood for games, withour taking the eyes off the menu, you say "Please man, I don't want any problem and the seat is already taken. I wouldn't want my scary bodyguard to come look after you, it wouldn't finish in a good way" "Is that how you see me? As your scary bodyguard?"
You tilt you head up to meet the eyes of Sevika, a smirk on her face and a cigarette already at the corner of her mouth. "Oh Janna, I'm sorry love ahahah, I thought you were just one silly man. How are you? How was the mission? Do you like the new weapon I installed you? That knife is pretty sharp, uh?" you say with enthusiasm. Sevika smiles at you and, leaning on the cracking chair, responds: "It is not bad at all, I killed a bunch of people with it this morning. Everything went good" .
"I am so glad to hear that, want to eat something?" "I said to Silco I would have taken the afternoon off just for you, my little doll". Sevika isn't used to nicknames in public, so she whispered the last part of the phrase, but it was enough for you to put a smile on your face and feeling a blush forming on your cheeks.
"Thanks love, I appreciate it so so so much". Sevika gets up and positions her seat right next to yours, and, putting her human arm around you, calls the waiter to take the order.
"I promise you, one day we'll have lunch in the most luxurious restaurant of the entire city, doll. I'll do anything to provide to you the best lab ever created for you to craft your weapons". The warm tone of her promise makes you lean into her embrace, before putting a small kiss on her cheek.
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The idea of relax and taking a pause are what can be the most far from Silco's mind. The man is used to stay up all night and to have problems 24h, so his head is always filled with thoughts about the next mission. There is, however, a specific moment of the day which is his favourite and most hated at the same time.
Hidden by piles of papers and documents, the lean figure of your man is out of sight and the only sound that is hearable is the scratch of the pen on paper.
Your relationship with Silco was complicated, it wasn't always so easy for him to speak about his emotions, his feelings and at first you felt just like an object, a piece of meat for his own entrateinment. Everything changed when Powder arrived and, seeing your affection towards the little girl, Silco saw you under a new light and love started to spread from his heart. A coarse love, not well defined and still in need of some touches, but in was indeed an enormous step for the man.
After the first period of time, in which Silco outdistanced himself even more, scared by the new feeling, the time of reconcilliation came when the man understood the new warmth around his heart. The thought of you was the only important thing in his mind, together with the safety of Powder.
"Hi Sil, here I come for your everyday delivery!" you say with a funny tone, underling the last words - "How are you doing, I haven't seen you the entire day and sleeping alone is always boring". The man doesn't lift his head from the papers, but signals to you with his hand to wait for just a moment. Letting a smile form on your face, you approach the man behind his desk, enlightened by the big greenish window.
"All done, darling. I am all yours now". Silco had made you very clear that your relationship had to be kept a secret, for the public you were just one of his subordinates, who, occasionally, was called to give him "relief". The reasons of such a decision were clear to you and it didn't bother you that much, in the end, the relief part was true.
"Love that! Ready for the needle?" A hated routine moment in Silco's life, but it was made more bearable by your presence. Looking into your eyes with his blue and orange ones, he opened a drawer of his desk to take the so hurtful needle. You were responsable to provide him with his daily dose of medical shimmer. Positioning yourself between his legs, Silco sets his hands on your waist and a piece of leather between his teeth not to bite his tongue.
"I'll be the most delicate possible, Sil, I promise" Looking at you, already knowing what was going to happen, Silco nods his head and rests it against the chair. Pointing the needle right in his eye and ready to inject the purple liquid, you take a final sight of the scar all over his left part of the face, that scar that you love so much, that bears a lot of painful memories.
"At three, ok? One, two, ..." and you press the injector right into his eye. The reaction of Silco is immediate, and he needs a high dose of control to not tilt his head and let the shimmer go to waste. Hearing his rapid deep breath and the strengh of his hands on your waist, you set the needle on the desk, before gently strocking the hair of your man, allowing his head to rest on your chest.
"Shh Sil, it is all done now, you can relax. I am here for you". After a few minutes, as always, Silco's breath returns to a normal rhythm and, letting the piece of leather out of his mouth, without looking at you, he says: "Thanks darling, I don't know what I would do without you. That shit hurts like hell, fuck. Give me a moment, will you?" A small but noticeable smile appears on his face and the man grabs his cigar, the only other vice that he has, except for you.
Letting you sit in his lap, Silco strocks your hair with the free hand. "Darling, how is it that everytime you come here, your face is more beautiful than it was before?" - with a soft blush on your face, you reply "Seeing me not so often doesn't help, Sil". Letting out a frustated sigh, Silco places a kiss on your lips, a soft yet loving one, giving to you all of his attention.
"Accept this apology for the moment, little one, I'll redeem myself later. Tonight I'm all yours, if you want my company. I haven't enjoyed a dinner with you in a long time an it is not acceptable. I'll have Sevika bring something here and we can have our little chat". Sevika knew about your relationship and helped in many ways, everything to keep Silco at least a bit more relaxed from time to time.
"I know that having dinner in the office is not optimal and is not your idea of a romantic date, but we must be patient and endure these hard times. I will give you anything you want and the future is just ours, darling". Silco gives you another kiss and, letting you stay on his lap, continues to do the paperwork.
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Caitlyn is a hard-working soldier, it has always been her dream to be part of the enforcer's group. She loves action, her desire is to help the city and defend it against the menaces of Zaun. At the same time, Cait is not someone that can't take a risk, and in the last period she has gone to the underground quiet a bit of times. You started to worry about her safety among the people of Zaun, but Cait has reassured you.
The two of you have met thanks to a job that was assigned to both of you. Even though you weren't a proper enforcer and your job was mostly done behind a desk, your abilities to coordinate and plan the missions were fundamental for good results. Occasionally, however, you accompanied the other enforcers to get a better sight of the places for your maps. After the first encounter, Cait used her mother's influence (just this time, I promise, she is a good gal) to have you has her mission's planner, at first just from time to time, but the two of you ended up as a team in no time. Cait and you shared a particular chemistry and fun was never left out.
You and Cait started to go out as collegues at first, dicussing the next mission and moves, but after some time, it was clear that something has changed and a new feeling has developed. Cait would have never first admitted it, but her actions spoke louder than her words and one day, tired of waiting, you took the initiative and kissed her. As a result, you basically started living at her place, strangely accepted also by her mother (I consider Cait's father as a sweet man, and another girl in a family of mostly women wasn't a problem for him).
That morning, waking up late and tired from the last mission, you roll in your bed to search for the comfortable presence of your girlfriend, just to find an empty place. With a tired sigh, you wait another five minutes and get up from the bed. Having fixed yourself for a trace of dignity after sleeping, you step close to the door to open it, but your gesture is anticipated. Cait stands at the door, fully clothed in her uniform and with a visible worried and sad expression on her face.
"Jeez, Cait, what happened?" you say - "Well, sorry. Hello in the first place, love. What is going on inside that pretty brain of yours?" Cait looks at you with sadness in her eyes, the blue irradiates from her pupils a sense of almost agony, not physiscal but mental. Withour saying a word, Cait places a small kiss on your cheek, leaving you with a surprised expression on your face, and takes your hand to guide you to the bed.
Cait lays down on the bed and you do the same, setting yourself on the other side, facing her. "Do you want to talk about what happened yestarday, Cait? I think the past mission is still bothering you". The task assigned to you two was the retrieval of a rare substance that had been taken by some of Silco's men, but the attack hadn't gone right and some enforcers were killed. The problem was that, during the fight, one of the enemies had accidentally killed a small girl that was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Cait was almost killed, frozen in place at the sight of the small life taken away, while the killer wasn't bothered that much.
"It was not your fault, Cait. You weren't responsable for anything. That son of a bitch was the animal, he didn't care about that. I have been taking a better perimeter of the zone and the next time, I can send some undercoverd enforcers to keep all the civils away".
"Why are we still fighting?" says Cait with a whisper - "Why do innocent people always get in the middle and are the ones that turns out to be the vistims of ours and Silco's stupid games? Why can't we just leave in peace and help each other". A small tear starts to appear at the corner of her blue eyes and you don't waist second to dry it.
"I am sorry, love, I know it is hard. But just with our hard work can we have better results. Civils are always the victims, in the end, and that sucks. It is how fights work and it is disgusting. But we can change that, we can make the city a better place for everyone. I spoke with Jayce yesterday, and he says that the hextech could also be used in medicine! Can you imagine it? It would be wondeful!" Putting a cheerish tone in your voice, you try to comfort your girlfriend, who repays you with a soft smile.
"Thank, honey, I needed that" says Cait - "Sometimes I get too carried away. But I want the same justice also for the people of Zaun, we are part of one city, in the end. Tomorrow I want to organise a ceremony for the little girl, let the Zaunites know we still care about them".
"That's how it is done. Love to see that sparkle in your eyes" you respond - "Now, what do you wanna do today? Beside the organisation of the ceremony. I have some work to do, but after that I am free".
Cait looks up at you and, with a delicate tone says: "Let's stay there five more minutes, please, I need some time to recollect myself". "Whatever you need love" you reply. Strocking her cheek just one more time, you get near Cait and, looking into her eyes, you start cuddling her, talking about the latest improvements of the hextech.
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The idea of relax for Vi can have different forms. It varies from a stroll on the roofs of Zaun to start a fight in a pub just for fun.
The two of you met during one of these fights and Vi saved your ass from a flying chair, just to look at you with a smirk on her face and say: "How can a beautiful face like yours be in miserable place like that?" In the meantime she was trying to hold back a man that was more large than tall. The flirt didn't stop after that night and the relationship was not late to arrive.
Vi owns a central place in your heart, her figure is always there to protect you and she would do anything to not let you get hurt. Her ways of showing affection have changed: at start she would just flirt and playing the dominant part, not showing any other emotions except cockiness. But after some time, Vi started to give you small kisses in public, calling you nicknames and showing a side of her that just a few people had been able to know.
The relationship has been doing great and, even though life in Zaun has never been easy, the two of you had found your place in a small house near Vander's statue.
That morning, after having passed the night out with your friends, you wake up with Vi by your side, but the cuddling time doesn't last enough, beacause Vi needs to go out for some commisions. Resting a bit more, you wake up after a couple of hours to find your girlfriend patching her arm up, with bruises all over her chest.
Running to her with a sudden movement, you get near and take her face into your hands, looking terrible worried. "What the hell, Vi? What happened to you, why are all covered in bruises? It seems like a giant has got you!" "You aren't so distant from reality, cupcake" Vi replies - "That jerk had got what he deserved. I am in a bad state, but you should see him". The last words put a smirk on Vi's face.
"Vi you can't start a bar fight at ten in the morning, jeez! You could have been more injuried". "I was not alone, capcake, don't worry. Ekko was there with me and we made a spledid fight".
Looking at her with judging eyes, you take the first aid kit and start to prepare the necessary to patch her arm. "So, I need to talk to him, too. That boy is in big trouble". Vi puts on a funny face, mixing the regret for having told about Ekko and the expectation for the outcome of your meeting.
"Don't think you are out of this, Vi. You will receive the lecture when you'll fell better". "Love that, cupcake. Always love when you lecture me" Vi says with a sarcastic tone, to tease you.
After having helped her with the arm, you start to disinfect her sore hands, where there's still a bit of blood. "Pay attention the next time, Vi, please. Hit him under the chin, he should go out in no time". "Thanks for the advice, cupcake. Now come here". After that, Vi places a soft kiss on your cheeks, and the rest of the morning is filled with the report of Vi about the fight, about how Ekko and her put down a dozen of Silco's men and the fun they had.
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skyrigel · 2 months ago
me: feels unloved *searches x reader tag*
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13K notes · View notes
misswynters · 4 months ago
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Strapped up
Sevika x afab!reader / wc: ?
WARNINGS: 18+, smut again, riding, sevika with hexcore strap (i delivered), dom! sevika & switch!reader, BITING, rough rex, mating press, teasing, misspellings?
similar writings | Brothel
also on ao3 (not yet, under doorkiluv)
a/n: sipping on my ginger tea while i wait for yalls reactions, also pls give me feedback (and don’t only just like but also reblog and comment 🫶🏼)
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You thought life couldn’t get any better. Standing in the same room with sevika, with whom you shared a special relationship with. You didn’t exactly know what kind of bond you guys had, but it was one filled with pleasure and love. Which brings you back to the current moment on had, sevika leaning against her bed frame. She looked amazing as always with her powerful build as a warm glow soften the edges of her place, which stood at the heart of Zaun. Her eyes followed you, a faint smirk on her lips as she watched you approach, her usual guarded expression giving way to something more inviting, almost hungry.
"Come here," she commanded softly, her voice smooth and warm, a note of challenge woven into her words. As you climbed onto her lap, Sevika's hands settled on your waist, her fingers strong and grounding as she held you close. The slight hum of her hextech prosthetic reminded you of the power she wielded over you. You couldn't help but shiver under her touch as her gaze slowly roamed over you.
As you settled, she adjusted the strap on her hexcore, its soft glow flickering against her skin as she tilted her head, a lazy grin tugging at the corner of her mouth. She looked up at you, her eyes flickering with amusement and something deeper, a silent confidence that made you feel like she knew every reaction she could pull from you before you did. You braced yourself, anticipation thrumming through your veins as her hands tightened on your hips. The strap was long, thick and had glowy blueish veins. Just by looking at it barely inches away made you feel wild, wondering how it the world it would fit.
Sevika guided you down onto her with a firm grip, setting the pace. She filled you slowly, letting you feel every inch of her as she watched your face. The sensation was overwhelming, and you couldn't hold back a moan as you sank down. You could feel the subtle hum of her strap resonate within you. Sevika's smirk widened at your reaction, a faint chuckle escaping her as she took in every flicker of response. "Good," she murmured, her voice low and approving, fingers pressing into your hips to draw you down harder, setting a steady, demanding rhythm. "That's what I like to see... you taking all of it."
Her words made your face flush, and her hands held you tight, grounding you against her hips as she gazed down towards you. The wet, squelching sounds that your folds made filled the room, mingling with your soft moans as she urged you to keep going. Every time you tried to pull back, Sevika's grip would tighten, her gaze holding you in place. “Not so fast," she whispered, a hint of a smirk pulling at her lips. "I'm not done with you yet, we are just starting."
The intensity of her hold and the firmness of her voice left you breathless, and each time you moved, she met your rhythm with an unwavering strength, amplifying the sensations that were already overwhelming. The roughness of her hands against your hips alongside the hum of the hextech strap as she bounced you on her cock, left you trembling as you tried to keep up with her.
"Look at you," Sevika murmured, her voice a mixture of admiration and amusement as she took in your flushed cheeks and parted lips. Her eyes traced over you slowly, savoring every detail as she adjusted her grip. She placed her hands around your waist as she laced her fingers together, guiding you to a deeper angle that made you gasp. "You're something else, aren't you? Never thought you'd be able to handle all of me."
With a firm grip on your waist, Sevika shifted beneath you, her strength effortlessly flipping you over so that you were now pinned beneath her. You felt a thrill at the way she moved confidently. She loomed over you, her eyes gleaming with that familiar intensity, a mixture of dominance and affection in her gaze as she took in your flushed expression.
"You trust me, don't you?" she murmured, her voice a low, tantalizing whisper as her hands found your thighs, pushing them up toward your chest. Her grip was steady, but there was an undeniable gentleness in the way she held you, ensuring you were comfortable even as she positioned you to her liking. You barely managed a nod, but that was enough for her. With a satisfied smirk, Sevika leaned forward, planting a brief, possessive kiss on your lips before she pulled back, her gaze flicking down to where your bodies met. Her strap glowed against your wet folds as she slid it between them, you were so wet that it was completely coated with your arousal.
She shifted her hips, the intensity start to build as she pushed in deeply, her pace starting slow and measured, as if she was trying to savor each thrust. But soon enough, she picked up speed, finding a pace that left you gasping, your hands clutching onto her thick biceps as she began to push into you with a force that sent shivers through you. The bed creaked beneath you, the sound punctuating each movement. However you hardly noticed, too lost in the sensation as she pushed you closer to the edge with each rapid thrust.
As Sevika held your legs pressed up to your chest, driving into you with that unrelenting rhythm, you felt yourself unraveling under her touch. The wet, slick noises filled the room, each thrust punctuated by the steady creaking of the bed. The overwhelming sensations left you clinging to her shoulders, your voice breaking into desperate, pleading gasps. "Sevika, please," you whispered, nearly breathless, your hands gripping her broad shoulders, digging in with every surge of pleasure. "Don't stop... please, just like that... harder."
A wicked smirk crossed her face as she caught the raw desperation in your voice. "So needy," she murmured, her tone thick with satisfaction. "Look at you, begging for more. You want me to ruin you, don't you?" Sevika's hands tightened on your thighs, spreading your thighs further open as she drove into you with powerful thrusts. Her gaze never leaving your face as she took in every reaction, every shiver and gasp.
You nodded, too caught up to feel anything but the sheer need flooding through you. "Yes... please," you gasped, almost incoherent as she picked up the pace, pushing deeper and harder. Your thighs shook under her iron grip, pinned against your chest, each thrust sending a surge of sensation that left you on the edge of surrender.
Driven by the intensity, you instinctively leaned forward and bit down on her shoulder, desperate to ground yourself through the torrent of pleasure. Sevika froze for a heartbeat, her breath catching, and then she let out a deep, approving growl, her gaze dark and delighted as she felt the imprint of your teeth. "Oh, you like it rough, huh?" she murmured, her voice a husky whisper as she gazed down at you. "Good. Hold on tight, then."
Instead of slowing, she surged forward, her pace turning rapid, unyielding, her thrusts deep and forceful, spurred on by the way you clung to her. "Bite me all you want," she encouraged, her voice sultry, almost daring. "I want to hear how much you need this."
"Sevika, please-don't stop," you begged, your voice breaking into soft cries as the bed protested under her relentless rhythm, creaking with each thrust that left you gasping. "I... I need more, please... harder."
She chuckled, her fingers gripping your thighs even tighter, pressing them to your chest as she drove into you with renewed fervor, clearly enjoying every sound that escaped your lips. "Oh, you're not getting off easy," she taunted, her voice rough with pleasure. "I'm not stopping until you're completely spent... until you're begging for mercy."
Each thrust sent shockwaves through your body, drawing helpless cries from your lips that only seemed to spur her on. Her gaze flicked down between you, and a wicked grin crept onto her face as she noticed the slick, glistening mess where you were connected, a white ring forming with each deep push. "Look at this," she murmured, her voice thick with pride. "Look at the mess you're making for me."
Her words sent a shiver through you, heightening the need coursing through your veins, and you clung to her even tighter, breathless, pleading. "Please, Sevika... I can't... I can't take much more."
"There you go," she whispered, her voice a mixture of praise and satisfaction as she watched you unravel beneath her. "Taking my cock so well... just like I knew you would." Her words sent a thrill through you, and you felt yourself clench around her, your breath hitching as she continued to move with unyielding precision. Her pace only grew, each thrust bringing a fresh wave of pleasure that left you breathless, your body arching up into her as you felt the pressure building to an overwhelming peak. She noticed, of course-she noticed everything-and her smirk widened as she leaned down, her mouth brushing against your ear as she murmured, "Relax."
The way she spoke, commanding yet tender, was enough to send you over the edge. You felt yourself shudder beneath her, your release leaving a mess between you both, soaking the sheets and intensifying the slick sounds with each movement. Sevika slowed only slightly, savoring the way you trembled beneath her, her gaze filled with a rare softness as she held you close, letting the softness of the moment sink in.
As the aftermath of the moment settled over you both, Sevika shifted back just enough to look down, a smirk slowly curling at the corners of her mouth. She took in the scene beneath her the sheets soaked and rumpled, your flushed face, and the way your body still trembled slightly from the intensity of it all.
"What a mess," she murmured, a teasing glint in her eyes as she caressed her thumb along your thigh, feeling the warmth that lingered there. "Didn't know you had it in you." Her tone was low, playful, and laced with that familiar, effortless confidence. "You really couldn't hold back, could you?"
"Maybe... maybe I wouldn't have made such a mess if you hadn't been so relentless," you shot back, meeting her gaze with a playful glint of your own, though the flush on your cheeks betrayed just how affected you still were. "Besides... I think you enjoyed it just as much."
Sevika let out a low, approving chuckle, her fingers still lazily tracing over your thigh. "Oh, I enjoyed every second," she replied, leaning down until her lips brushed against the shell of your ear.
"And don't think I didn't notice how you were clinging to me, begging for more." You bit your lip, her words making your heart race again. "You're the one who kept pushing me. I... I could barely keep up," you admitted, voice soft yet tinged with playful defiance. "You make it impossible to resist."
Sevika's smirk deepened, her thumb stroking along your jawline as she took in every detail of your expression. “Good," she teased. "I want you like this-completely undone, messy, all because of me."
You shivered under her gaze, but you found yourself smiling, a bit of daring creeping into your voice. "Then maybe... next time, you should try to keep up with me."
Her brows lifted, clearly intrigued by the challenge, and her smirk softened into something warmer, more intimate. "Oh, I'm looking forward to it."
to be continued…
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taglist: @i02elss @diffusebread @tsukiroe @iamastar @angel4youu @fict1onallyobsessed @blckbny @littlyamadeus @sum0y @girln1ghtm4re @kissyslut @jayden-prentiss @poppyluvsworld @averysmallfox @cacston @indigospinels @bakugous-titties @yer-boiiii @sevikitty @marinayadayada @urnewghostfriend @sincerely-forest @thefulcrumfiles @srtctra @themostlesbianever @ittiwdwysylm @xxblairslairxx @invadergir45 @wokensiren @thesevi0lentdelights @fizzyypopp @k2-p @idk2anym @lucidtobio @mvistl @vampthrobbb @theresascove @trulycarini @her-gayness @savethegoddamturtles @isabelly7801 @atinytrashcan @abbyssgf @maneskinwh0re @lovebbpotato @morphids @missevillyn @sevyscoven @elsbunny
banner: @cafekitsune
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salem-witch-slut · 4 months ago
Prostitution (18+)
Sevika x Fem!Reader
SYNOPSIS: Of all the girls in the brothel, and she picked you.
WARNINGS: Brothel work (prostitute!reader), dom!Sevika, sub!reader, hair pulling, leather lingerie, grinding, fingering, strap-on use (r!receiving), Daddy Sevika, biting (briefly)
A/N: In honor of Arcane Season 2 coming out today, thought I would bring back one of my best kinktober prompts with everybody's favorite muscle mommy. Briefly considered making a part 2 for this but lemme know what you guys think?
dividers made by @cafekitsune
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Why did you think this was a good idea?
Well, truth be told, you didn’t think this was a good idea… But it was the only idea you had left. Your family was dead, like everyone was in the Undercity. Your partner got herself killed from a shimmer overdose, and you were facing being homeless. Your entire world was turned upside down and it was all fucked to no end. But now you had to pick up the pieces.
You were hired at the brothel. What the actual fuck were you thinking? Well, you knew Babette, and she was willing to give you a chance. It was decent money, and you were given free food during every shift. How could you turn it down?
It was your first week and you have already been through hell. The women who came to the brothel tended to be high on shimmer and sloppy at best, but the men; they were aggressive, vicious, and you found yourself leaving with aches and pains every single night.
And yet, when you entered the room that you were assigned to today, you were surprised to say the least. The outfit on the bench was… strange. Normally, the clientele wanted something revealing, lace, and soft bright colors. No, you were given something black, made of leather, and matching black heels to complete the look.
“Don’t question it,” You told yourself. “Just put it on.”
You slowly stripped off all your clothes and pulled on the leather bustier and black lace panties. Your fingers twitched slightly as you strapped the heels to your feet and ran your fingers through your hair… Your lipstick was a deep maroon color, and you had dark, dramatic eyeliner. Seems like you thought it all out already?
Who was your client today? Why were you so nervous? What if it was a man that was three times your size? What if it was more than one man? What if you got hurt today?
“Did you hear about who she picked today?” A shiver raced down your spine as you approached the curtains in front of your door, biting down on your painted lip. Who were they talking about?
“Oh, I heard. Cute little new girl is about to get ruined today, huh?” You… they were talking about you! But who else? Who was she?
You’ll get your answer soon enough.
It felt like forever until you heard heavy footfalls in the hallways. Whispers carried in the corridors, along with the aggressive clicks of heels from your fellow ‘coworkers’ running away from whoever was making their presence known inside of the building. Your fingers trembled as you dared a peek out from behind your curtain.
Not even a second later, the curtain was being pulled back and in walked your client… Tall, muscular, handsome, and absolutely terrifying.
The brothel’s most regular visitor. Silco’s right hand… the person that everyone in the underground fears.
You nearly fell down the stairs, heels slipping on the concrete flooring as you tried to back away and give her the space she deserved. But it seemed she had other ideas.
Before your body could come in contact with the ground, the woman reached out and grabbed both of your hips with her hands. Her right hand was warm and calloused, a pulse beneath her flesh, but her left hand? Cold, sharp, and thrumming with the energy of her mechanical arm hidden beneath that cloak she always wears.
“Easy, doll,” Her voice is deep, husky almost as she steps forward and lowers you down to the stable surface behind you. Shivers raced down your back, and you couldn’t stop yourself from trembling in her grasp. For a moment, neither of you said anything. But then her eyes raked all over your body and she breathed, hard. “Damn, look at you… Pretty little thing all dressed up just for me?”
Were you supposed to speak? You have heard so many stories about Sevika… how aggressive and cruel she is out there on the streets, and how she kills without mercy or a care in the world. You were scared of her, to say the least… And Sevika could see it in your eyes. She knew what her reputation was and was more than happy to push the agenda.
“Scared of me?”
You inhaled sharply, your hands slowly sliding from your sides to hold onto her forearms. The whirring of the mechanics of her arm made your thighs tremble. “N-No, miss…”
“Funny,” Sevika reached down and gently ran her rough fingertips along the edge of your jaw before she slid her hand in your hair. “Only dumb girls feel no fear… Now, you aren’t dumb, are you sweet thing?”
 You breathed slowly for a second, fearing you said something wrong to her. She looked amused, but looks could be deceiving… The gap between her two front teeth was cute. You focused on the crease of her jawline, the scars on her face, and the way her brows were pulled down.
She was so fucking hot that you forgot why you were afraid… and then, she grabbed at your hair, making you yelp and submit. Your hands had slid far too high up, and she was punishing you… Fuck, she was punishing you! “Better watch it. I’m paying to touch you, not the other way around.”
“But—” You hiccupped, looking into her eyes for the briefest second. She waited for your words to continue. “S-sorry…”
“Oh, she has manners?” Sevika showed off the smile that made your stomach flutter for a brief moment and reached down with both hands, gripping your thighs and lifting you off the floor like you weighed almost nothing to her. Out of instinct, your hands reached up and grabbed onto her shoulders for stability. “We’re going to have fun.”
Before you could utter another sound, you felt something press against you… something solid, and stiff. Something that felt like it was alive, right against the wet spot on your panties. A low moan left your throat, and you just immediately knew what it was.
“Take it off, doll,” Sevika breathed against your neck. “You know you want to.”
Fingers trembled as you reached for the cloak on her shoulders and slowly pulled it over her head. The brown fabric dropped to the floor behind her, and you looked down, confirming your suspicion. Sevika was strapped under her pants… the bulge was now way more obvious without the cloak.
“Feel that?” Sevika pressed her flesh hand to your rear and stepped forward, spinning you around and sitting herself down on the couch behind you. The second you were in her lap, she was pushing you down onto her hips and grinding the bulge against your cunt like it was her damn birthright to do so.
Your pulse quickened with every passing second, and you dropped your face down against her chest, breathing in the scent of tobacco and her natural scent… Strong, earthy, like a roaring wood fire. You didn’t know what came over you, but before you could scold yourself for knowing better, your tongue came in contact with her bear neck and your lips trailed all over her exposed skin.
Sevika tensed up and her fingers went from holding your hips to sliding under the fabric of your panties, grabbing at your flesh and making you instinctively bite down on her shoulder. Nowhere near enough to hurt, but enough for her to feel it. Sevika looked like she was about to start climbing the walls as she felt your hips roll forward on top of her.
With a simple flick of her metallic fingers, the underwear given to you was ripped off your body and you barely had time to recover before Sevika was lifting you off her lap and reaching to pull the zipper of her pants down. A sigh left your throat, and you could only push your face into her neck; Sevika didn’t like that.
“Nuh-uh,” She grabbed your chin with her flesh hand, pulling you back to look down into her eyes. Her grey irises were staring directly passed your fears and into your soul. It was like she was lighting you on fire from the inside out. “You look at me. Prettiest fucking girl is going to look at me when I fuck her.”
Her words made you blush from the tips of your ears down to your neck and you almost forgot that this was your job… It was easy to think that Sevika had just picked you out of everyone in the underground to have a night with. Not… that she was paying for it.
“Don’t worry,” Sevika smirked, that crease in her brow becoming more prominent as you felt her hand leave your face and slide down between your legs. When you felt her calloused fingers against your soft wet folds, you forgot how to breathe. “Daddy’s gonna take good care of you.”
The sound you made was beyond pornographic. Two of her fingers slipped inside of your wetness without any kind of resistance. Your entire body went rigid, and your eyes fluttered for a brief second before you forced yourself to look at her. Sevika smirked and basked in your expressions, slowly pushing you up and down on her digits.
What did you even say? What were you supposed to do? Sevika isn’t like your other clients… She’s so intense, even when she’s barely touching you. It feels like you are drowning, even if it’s just her presence surrounding you. Your inner walls squeeze at her fingers as she curls them at just the right angle. Sevika smirked.
“Oh, you like that?” Sevika kept you steady on her lap with her metal hand while the other one worked in and out of your pussy. “So wet for me, already? Barely touched you, doll.”
“Fuuck...” You rolled your entire body forward, biting your lip and leaning down just enough to press soft kisses against her face. “P-Please—”
“Please, what?” Sevika said sternly. “Use your words, doll.”
“I… I n-need… ohfuck...”
“Come on,” She smirked, curling her fingers at just the right angle that you almost feel your legs give out. “Just say it—”
“Fuck me,” You whine, finally giving in. “Please, please, please… fuck me, daddy.”
There was a hunger in her eyes that wasn’t there before. It was like a switch had flipped inside of her because in mere seconds, you went from sitting on her lap to her pushing you down into the floor that was littered with pillows, blankets, anything you could desire to make this as comfortable as possible.
Sevika all but ripped her pants to try and free what had been teasing you initially. You only had a few seconds to really look at the strap around her hips before she was lining the tip of the bright purple silicone against your core.
“Pretty little thing,” Sevika growled, almost ferally as she slammed down overtop of you. Suddenly, the leather around your chest felt entirely too tight, like you couldn’t breathe. You began frantically reaching for the ties to undo the restraint on your chest, and Sevika noticed because you gasped at her ripping the ropes off the bustier and pushing the fabric apart to really look at you.
“Now, because you were a good girl…” Sevika gently prodded your opening, making you whimper and reach for her biceps. “You get a warning before you get fucked.”
“Daddy, please—”
That was her trigger. You could only grab at her muscles before she was plunging all of her strap inside of your cunt like it belonged to her. You tried to scream, but nothing came out other than a strangled squeak as your head went back on the pillows and tears filled your eyes.
You aren’t a stranger to being stretched out like this. It wasn’t like it was your first day at the brothel… but it was your first day with Sevika. She only gave you a few seconds to adjust to that cock before she was reaching down with her flesh fingers and gently rubbing at your clit.
Your soft squeaks faded into intense moans, much to the woman’s delight. She chuckled, watching you squirm and look at her like she was an alien of some sort.
“Not what you expected, doll?” Sevika teased, rolling her hips forward and making you moan like the whore you were. “Didn’t think I’d care about making you feel good?”
Very stupidly, you nodded.
“Let me fix that,” She leaned down, and you curled your fingers into the leather of her jacket before bracing yourself for the most intense workday of your entire fucking life.
“Be good for daddy and I’ll make you cum so hard that you’ll beg me not to leave.”
And that is exactly what Sevika did.
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yanderestarangel · 3 months ago
♡˚₊‧⁺˖ headcanons arcane — sevika x reader
— tw: soft!dom sevika, fluff, wife sevika, soft sex, praise kink, biting kink, hexstrap, fingering, dirty talk, marriage, mommykink, oral fixation, afab reader, eat out, dp, vibrators, breedkink, smut, anal, sub!reader, no pronouns used.
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♡⁠┊Sevika is a caring companion, and even though her behavior is different when she is Silco's henchwoman, she has a soft spot for you and the life you two have built together. It wasn’t easy for her to accept her feelings for you. In the beginning, you two were just friends with benefits, and Sevika only enjoyed the sex you had. She would get bored and think. "At least I don't have to pay for someone else at the brothel." She knew it was a horrible thought and was ashamed of having such a selfish mentality. This would be a secret she would keep forever and take to the grave—she would never hurt you by admitting what she thought before developing feelings.
♡⁠┊ As time went on, she gave in to the feelings that persistently warmed her heart and soul. Your smile was the first thing to make her blush—and she hadn’t even thought that was possible. She had always been so controlled and objective that it genuinely shocked her to feel the overwhelming need to have you by her side 24/7. Soon, the word "passion" echoed through her mind like a haunting melody. She found you more addictive than the nicotine that coursed through the cigarettes she smoked.
♡⁠┊Before long, what started as "friends with benefits" naturally evolved into "lovers."
♡⁠┊There was a Sevika before you and a Sevika after you. She had never been the kind of woman who worried about getting home or keeping track of dates. Her life revolved around late nights in the casino’s accounting department, playing poker, grabbing meals from nearby vendors, and caring little about commitments that didn’t involve Silco.
♡⁠┊But after you came into her life, she started making an effort to be an acceptable girlfriend. At first, the change in routine felt strange to her. The loud music she once thrived on was replaced by soft conversations with you about each other's day, accompanied by chaste smiles. She even found herself helping you in the kitchen—passing ingredients and stealing glances at you, looking so adorably domestic to her. Adorable as hell, she’d think, trying to hide the silly smile that crept onto her lips as you continued chatting about your day while she was at work.
♡⁠┊Everyone noticed how much the "big mama" had changed. She was still the tough, no-nonsense woman everyone knew, but there was a new spark to her—a contentment, as if she were finally 100% happy with herself. She began taking better care of herself, and though she wouldn’t admit it outright, she loved when you noticed the little changes she made. A new hairstyle, a fresh haircut, a different lipstick or gloss, or even a change in the eyeshadow she wore—your compliments made her day. "Do you like it? Thank you... I decided to look prettier for you, baby." she’d say with a soft smile, handing you a bouquet of your favorite roses before pulling you into a tight hug. She’d carry you inside, ready to spend hours talking with you, only for the evening to melt into passionate kisses on the couch.
♡⁠┊Sevika expresses her love through acts of service and heartfelt compliments. She’ll do anything to make you comfortable. Though she never imagined sharing her home with anyone, she started taking better care of the space for your sake. When you can’t handle the household chores, she steps in without hesitation—bringing you breakfast in bed and lingering for a moment to make sure you’re okay—"Let me know if you need anything; I’ll come running." she says protective, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead and giving you one last look before leaving the house. Her presence is felt throughout the streets in her actions and reputation, but no matter where she goes, her mind always drifts back to you.
♡⁠┊The marriage proposal came naturally to Sevika. You two had been living together for a while, and she knew without a doubt that you were her great love. At forty, she had no patience for games anymore—it was all or nothing. You were lying in bed when the moment came. "We've been together for a while, right? How about we make things official? Me, you, a nice wedding..." she began, her words a little hesitant as she reached into the drawer with her mechanical arm, pulling out a beautiful red velvet box. She opened it quickly, revealing two rose gold rings. She had carefully chosen a design that suited both of you, seeking help to find the perfect pair. In the end, the cost didn’t matter—it was worth every penny. "You know I love you more than anything. Will you marry me, angel face?" Sevika finally asked, her voice filled with sincerity as she held the ring engraved with her name and gently slipped it onto your finger. It was a simple proposal, shared in the intimacy of your bedroom on an ordinary weekday. Yet, for Sevika, it became an extraordinary moment—a day that would forever hold a sweet place in her heart, the day you said yes and accepted her as your wife.
♡⁠┊Your wedding was simple, just as Sevika had suggested. Money was tight, so she proposed a civil ceremony at the registry office, followed by a quiet picnic in the park where you could spend the day together. She wore a black suit, sharp yet understated, and happily let you make flower crowns for both of you to wear. Lying with her head resting on your thighs, she spoke softly about your future plans, weaving dreams of the life you’d build together. She promised that once your financial situation improved, she’d throw you a grand ceremony—regardless of whether you told her it wasn’t necessary.
♡⁠┊ "Don’t talk nonsense, sweetie. Just wait until I have some good money, okay? Mama's here will give you everything you deserve. Those weddings for rich people are really expensive." she’d say with determination, her voice firm yet tender. As you played with her hair, she smoked leisurely, her gaze alternating between the sky and you. "Just wait for the money to come in, okay? I promise things will get better for us, one day..." she murmured, exhaling smoke through her nose. Sevika didn’t know exactly when things would change for the better, but she held tightly to hope and faith. Until then, she gave you all the love and support she had, pure and unwavering. For her, it wasn’t about the money—it was about showing you, in every way she could, just how much you meant to her.
♡⁠┊And this romanticism transforms into touches of heat on your honeymoon. Sevika adores you as if you were a deity, laying you down on the bed and kissing every inch of your skin. She gently removes the clothes you wore at the wedding, whispering sweet words that send shivers through both of you: "I've waited so long for this, honey... I love you so much it hurts." She kisses your belly, trailing down to your intimacy, leaving soft kisses over your still-clothed pussy. Pushing aside the already damp fabric, she presses her nose against your clit.
♡⁠┊"I will always adore you. You are my world, my most precious thing in this life..." Her green eyes shine as they meet yours, and she carefully removes your panties, returning to kiss the inside of your thighs. Finally, her full lips meet your cunt, a hoarse grunt escaping her as she closes her eyes, savoring your taste. It doesn’t take long for her to lose herself in you, a comfortable heat blooming within her as you pull her hair and rub your hips against her face. Both of her hands hold you firmly in place while the older woman pushes her tongue into your hole, fucking you slowly and savoring every moment of your essence.
♡⁠┊She would slide two fingers inside you, making you feel every inch as they filled and caressed your spongy walls, drawing you tighter around her touch. "Do you want a third finger, darling? Are you that needy, huh? You're making me so proud... Taking me so well." she whispers with a teasing grin. When she adds a third finger, the sensation is overwhelming—you've never felt so full in your entire life. Her tongue lavishes attention on every inch of your bundle of nerves, her lips and tongue working in harmony to send waves of pleasure coursing through your body. Your wife becomes utterly pussy drunk, grunting in excitement as she urges you to give her more of your juices, moaning for you like it’s her greatest pleasure. She doesn’t stop until she makes you squirt, her relentless mouth and fingers ensuring her face is soaked. "Fuck... Holy hell, my angel. You should see your face right now, you know?" she murmurs with satisfaction, wiping some of your wetness from her face with the back of her hand. Her fingers drip with your essence, the sight so erotic it leaves her wet and desperate to make you cum over and over, determined to keep you crying out for her all night long.
♡⁠┊She quickly searches for the strap-on she bought especially for that night—one designed with two attachments for double penetration. The second dildo was crafted for anal play, a vibrating device made of the same material as her mechanical arm. Sevika chose this because she didn’t want to use her arm directly on you, knowing its hard, metallic structure might hurt you. Instead, she always finds creative ways to surprise you, just like tonight.
Carefully, she prepares your body. Her skilled fingers, warm tongue, and plenty of lubricant ensure that both your holes are ready for her. Once you’re comfortable, she lines up the dual-function strap-on, slowly impaling you with precision and care. Her hips move in tandem with the vibrations from the anal dildo, creating an overwhelming wave of pleasure you’ve never felt before.
"Shit, baby, look at this—wet as fuck... You're so greedy, always asking for more. My fuck toy holes are never satisfied, huh?" she teases, her voice low and dripping with desire. She slides two fingers into your mouth, coaxing you to suck on them while she fucks you slowly, savoring every moment. Sevika holds back her own orgasm, her pussy aching and dripping between her muscular thighs as she watches you, beautifully open and writhing for her. Her restraint only heightens her desire, every movement and sound you make driving her wild as she focuses on bringing you to heights of unimaginable ecstasy.
♡⁠┊Sevika activated the function to release a hot liquid from the strap-on, similar to semen. It was a type of hot, translucent lubricant designed to stimulate you and feed her fantasies of shaping your body. "That's it... love, I want to get pregnant so much, you know? You're going to look so beautiful full of my cock. Moan for mommy, moan loudly." she moaned hoarsely, biting your shoulder and making you bite hers too. It was a fair exchange; you would mark her, and she would do the same. She slapped you hard on the ass, moving her hips back and forth quickly while holding your neck and joining your lips in a kiss that mixed your moans. Her breasts pressed against yours, making both your nipples hard as she went harder, finally making you squeeze the silicone cock as the hot artificial liquid rewarded you, leaking from your holes and leaving you dizzy with the specially made substance. "I love you so much... you are mine forever..." Sevika gasped, resting her head on your breasts, kissing the soft flesh and biting gently as she pulled out of you.
♡⁠┊After the mess, she will clean you up and give you a bath, along with herself, not letting you fall due to your legs being weak from the orgasm. She dresses you in one of her loose blouses and puts clean sheets on the bed, placing you to lie in her strong arms, giving you a kiss on the forehead, sighing, also tired, but satisfied. "Go to sleep, so when you wake up, I'll still be here to enjoy our honeymoon." Sevika promises, calming you down as she waits for you to fall asleep so she can rest peacefully. It was a small new beginning among so many others, but she swore to herself to always make you happy, and the moon was the witness to that, bathing the two of you in silver on that night of peace and love—everything you needed, everything she needed, and now, there was you."
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★ ! yanderestarangel©
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pastelclovds · 2 months ago
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thinking about giving some relief to your stressed husband before he has to attend an important meeting with his colleagues later in the afternoon…
you’re awakened by the shower of gentle kisses from your neck and face provided by none other than your own darling husband. your gaze softens when you notice that desperately hungry look in his eyes. then, when your eyes travel downward, you were pleasantly surprised by the sight of your husband’s naked body. the sunrise shone through your bedroom window, basking your husband in a golden light. he looked near damn ethereal.
you greedily took in his meaty thighs, toned arms, rock hard abs, and his useless, thick, leaking cock. sometimes you wondered how in the hell you were able to marry a hunk like him. you could distinctly remember that your husband had many admirers in his life who would give anything to be able to have a chance with him.
you felt pride bubble in your chest knowing that none of them would ever be able to see your husband like this: looking down at you with pleading eyes, not even having to say a word to let you know what he wanted. for you to fuck him like a cheap whore until your bedroom stank of sex. how could you deny your baby when he’s been good for you all week long?
“you look so pretty on top of me baby, mhm, move your hips just like that,” you praised as the grip of your husband’s quivering legs tensed around you as he raises his hips until just your tip is inside him before plopping down, his skin slapping sinfully against your cum stained pelvis; evidence of your previous rounds that your husband was so desperate to keep inside him as it continued to leak out with every frantic movement of his hips.
“yer cock feels so good, i needed this so much— ah!” he gasped when you grab hold of his waist and snapped your hips up to match the pace of his feverish riding. you could hear the tear of fabric beside your head as your husbands claws at your pillows, his breathless moans increasing as you continue to plow into his hole.
“oh fuck yes! please go faster, i’m so close,” your husband begs so beautifully as he rest his forehead beside your neck, he pants against your ear as his climax creeps closer. the final straw for him was when you wrap your fingers around his girth and stroke him along with your erratic thrusts. he muffled his whine by biting into your shoulder as he added more to the white mess of your abdomen. overstimulation cuts him like a knife as you continued to use him until you quickly follow suit and you slam balls deep into his ass and fill him with warm cum.
you husband lays flat against you like a puppet without strings as you both try to catch your breath. he lifts himself from your shoulder to stare down at you with so much tenderness. only you had the privilege to see your husband in such a mess. a mess that you had created to perfection.
you felt yourself grin as your husband starts to slowly ride you again, making your cock harden just minutes after your previous session. your handsome man was just as greedy as you. if not more.
ghost, gaz, soap, price, miguel, choso, sukuna, vander, jayce, gojo, geto, ur fav characters <3
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imsofreakingtired · 1 month ago
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[gif from @peachyquing 's post]
i might just go jump into a river because like you can see her shoulders just sag after the "you don't do much of anything now do you magpie? bird without a wing is just a funny looking rat" line.
because that is literally her biggest insecurity. she is nothing if not useful and competent. she was the muscle of zaun, Silco's brawn for his brains. if she saw others as disposable for the cause of Zaun's independence, she also saw herself as disposable too. she knows without her arm, her value has diminished, and her innate sense of self worth is interchangeable with her capability.
so until smeech has the nerve to touch her you can see the effect his words have on her. Sevika's worst fear is feeling useless, and when smeech offers her a new arm it makes it that much more meaningful in characterizing Sevika. it becomes not only a question of loyalty or ideology but her own moral conflicts. he's offering her a chance to feel capable again, at the cost of going against her own loyalty. she's never had the friendliest relationship with Jinx, she could have caved and turned Jinx in as just another collateral loss for the greater cause of Zaun. but instead in the next scene we just see her trying to fix her arm herself. because she doesn't see Jinx as disposable - she's the figurehead of the revolution.
she's uncompromising and stubborn and if she finds herself trapped between two options she will fight tooth and nail to make a third option for herself. she never does anything for her own gain and idk if that's really noble or really sad.
but anyway all of that is shown in the brief way her shoulders just drop
Fortiche?? Fortiche, i just want to talk.
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artemizcryztalz · 3 months ago
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Jayce Talis x gn!reader ~note : I just finished watching arcane and I’ve been obsessed with the idea of pathetic!Jayce.
warnings: straight up smut (mdni), hj, dom!reader, pathetic!jayce, sub!jayce, p w/o p, whining, whimpering, begging, no use of y/n,
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Another late night in the lab, it feels like most of your days have been spent here as of recently. Keeping Jayce and Viktor company as they worked on their projects for hextech. Tonight however, Viktor was out of town in search for new materials for their newest invention. Meaning you and Jayce were left alone to your own vices.
After chatting for a while you notice a change in the air as your conversation dragged on into the night. Topics more intimate, less space in between you. You decided to move to a more comfortable environment, his bedroom.
At some point, your eyes began to wander down Jayce's figure. As your eyes trailed lower you noticed a bulge forming through his burgundy pants. It seems the linger touches you had shared between each other had an effect on Jayce. He places his hands on his lap trying to hide it, hoping you won't notice, but it's too late. "Jayce you're..." Your eyes widened as he scrambled to cover himself. "I'm sorry. I don't know why I'm reacting like this I-" He tried to explain but couldn't come up with any form of answer that would save him from embarrassment.
You cut him off by tentatively reaching down to brush his hands away from his bulge.
"Are you that excited to be with me?" You tease, your hands rubbing the stiffness in his pants. He lets out a whimper and quickly covers his mouth with the back of his hand.
Who knew Jayce talis could be so pathetic?
Here he was on his back as you loomed over him. Your hands worked to stroke his cock through fabric-you hadn't even moved past his pants. Yet he humped your hand like a dog in heat. His hips rutted up into your hand in search for more friction.
"touch me…please-" he whines, his voice soft and vulnerable. Meanwhile, his hands fumble desperately trying to unbuckle his belt. "Keep your hands off," you say putting your hands on his belt, slowly unbuckling it, "Patience, love. Good boys are patient."
You twiddle with the waistband of his boxer while watching him squirm with pleasure and impatience. You lay a soft grasp on his cock, as it twitches in your presence.
As you start playing with his sensitive cock with quick strokes, his back arches. With his breath quivering, you lean down leaving a sensual kiss onto his lips, biting down on his bottom lip. He whimpers into your mouth, gripping the bedsheets tightly.
“faster…please, please-” He says in a sweet little cry. “I love how you whimper and beg for me” you tease while picking up the pace.
“Mm- I‘m gonna… cum-” he moans out, struggling to speak. He throws his head back against the pillow, his eyes rolling to the back of this head. You feel his cock twitch in your hands. Finally, he cums releasing messy moans and whimpers.
Afterward you he lays you holding him in your arms, his chest rising and falling with heavy breaths.
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rodolfoparras · 2 months ago
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18+ MDNI 18+
Thinking about playfully wrestling with your boyfriend while he makes mindless comments about your strength “oh you’re so strong, don’t think I’d be able to escape even if I wanted,” he says in wonder, eyes practically shining as he squeezes your biceps, “you ought to be careful never know when I can break” he says jokingly while doing a half hearted attempt to try and escape your embrace.
Slowly but surely you start getting more and more rough with him: squeezing and pressing down onto spots, not enough to hurt but enough to make him uncomfortable. “You know what? You’re right. I don’t think you’d be able to get away if someone like me were to attack you.” The relaxed look on his face swiftly turns into one of concern and you can see the way he slowly attempts to back away from you.
But it’s to no avail, he’s trapped in your embrace, with you steadily inching closer to his face, a big sharp grin painted on your own face. “I mean what are you supposed to do? Can’t even push them away,” you say referring to his futile attempts at trying to push you away from him. “Guess you’d just have to stay and take whatever they’re willing to give you,” you continue, proving your point when you easily spread his legs wide and ground your cock up against his ass, all while he can’t do anything but helplessly watch as you twist and turn his body as if he were a ragdoll “Bet there’s plenty of things they would love to do to a pretty boy like you. Don’t you think?”
“Oh god- don’t -dont say that,” he gasps out, head falling into the crook of your neck as if he’s horrified. But you can feel his fully hard cock from where your hand is resting against his thighs , can hear the muffled whines and whimpers as he grinds himself up against you, can see it on him how he he’s torn between pushing you away and completely stopping this little game or pulling you closer to him to see how far you’ll take this.
What a sick little thing you got at your hands.
“How about this?” You say, hand yanking ahold of his hair to bring his ear closer to you “You try to run and we’ll see if I can catch you. Does that sound alright?”
This time you don’t get a verbal response. Instead you can see it on his face what he’s trying to say: and what happens if you catch me?
The silence is swiftly broken with a soft thud as you release your hold on him.”Run, quick,”
He doesn’t waste a second scrambling up the stairs, practically tripping over his feet as he turns corners. He looks and sounds absolute terrified and you can’t help but love that, cock growing harder as you follow him up.
With each step you take you can hear his rapid breaths getting louder and louder , can feel his own thudding steps as you walk down the narrow hallway, can practically smell him - not some cheap cologne nor any deodorant but rather a mix of sickly sweet vanilla and sugar- something that’s just so him - something you’d want to sink your teeth in and drain completely. You follow that very scent all the way to your shared bedroom.
And there he stands, looking like a deer caught in the headlights, or rather like a animal that’s bleeding out on the side of the road, with his cock still painfully hard and with a suspicious dark spot on his sweatpants.
“Oh sweetheart,” you coo, voice dripping with faux concern, while slowly walking up to him like he was an injured animal of some sort. “Why do you look so scared hmm? You know I won’t actually hurt you,” you continue, watching in amusement as he swiftly backs up til his back is flushed with the bedroom wall.
You’re quick to press yourself flush against his chest, once again trapping him in your embrace.“Come on. You wound me. I really wouldn’t do anything to hurt you. You know that,” You say eyes once again flicking up to the wet spot on his pants “Look, got yourself all worked up and for what?” You ask, as you cup the wet bulge over his pants.
“Stop - ah don’t” he cries out, sounding and looking absolutely horrified as he tries to push your hand away but once again it’s to no avail and he has to stand there as you freely grope him. However it doesn’t take much before he’s bucking up into your touch, head lolling back against the wall as whines and whimpers freely pour past his tongue “fuck- so good mph,”
“See sweetheart, I just want to take care of you, wouldn’t dream of hurting you,”you say with a soft smile as you continue to rub him through his pants. The man only furiously nods, begs and please of more more more, continuously rolling off of his tongue as he practically humps the palm of your hand.
“Unless you want me to, that is,” suddenly you’re flipping him around, hand rough as ever as you shove him up against the wall before slotting your leg between his thighs.
The poor thing squeaks in suprise, tears freely spilling from his eyes ,as incoherent words start pouring from his mouth.
“Come on now sweetheart,” you groan out , hand once again yanking at his hair and successfully pulling a hiss from him “you know that need you to use your words. Now tell em what you want yeah?”
Once again he’s fumbling over his words, too overwhelmed with emotions to form a coherent sentence. However you won’t take that for answer, hand once again yanking at his hair till he finally responds to you.
“Want- ah want you to touch me sir ah- please do anything touch me- hah fuck me - hurt me just anything please please-“
“Well who am I to say no when you ask so nicely?”
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eatingoutmen · 2 months ago
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The sounds of moans filled the room, along with the sound of skin smacking against skin. Its symphony sounding so passionate and raw, like a siren calling out to you with their alluring voice that sent shivers down you spine. You couldn’t help but be captivated at the scene playing out in front of your eyes.
JAYCE gripped onto to your shoulders for support, his fingers tangling your hair tightly. He gazed up to you with half-lidded eyes, fighting not to close them shut from the pleasure as best as he could, his head resting back against the pillows while he moaned and whimpered into your ear. You thrusted your hips slow and gentle, feeling his hole clenching around your cock. Your tip hitting his prostate, abusing it repeatedly that made him struggle to form the slightest bit of coherent thoughts.
You didn’t mind it a bit, you listened to his moans and whimpers as if it was the only form of communication he had left. You chuckled a bit, smiling slightly. “Too much?” You asked softly, slowly down your pace. JAYCE whined in frustration, he shook his head and looked up to you with those beautiful eyes he had. “No, keep going- Please…” JAYCE managed to gasp out between moans, his nails grazing on your back lightly and left faint marks on your skin that made you groan in pleasure.
You increased your pace again hearing his pleas, your cockhead hitting his prostate again. JAYCE’S breath caught in his throat, his body quivering with pleasure with each powerful thrust deep inside him. “Y-yes, just like that…” JAYCE moaned out, his eyes rolling back from pleasure. His breaths coming in ragged gasps, his walls being stretched out at the sensation of your cock deep inside him. “You want more?” You teased, gazing down at the man below you. JAYCE whimpered and moaned loudly before he nodded his head desperately.
JAYCE held onto your body, keeping you close to him. As if he was desperate and starved for your touch, something you find so sweet and pretty. “I’m close…” JAYCE gasped, his body arching and quivering. You nodded and kept up with your relentless pace, your cock twitching inside him. You both moaned, you released your warm flow of cum inside him. JAYCE let out a soft whimper as his body shook and cum shot of his cock, landing on his abdomen.
All that was left in the room was the smell of sex and sweat, you were both panting and your forehead pressed against his. You brushed a gentle kiss against his forehead, JAYCE let out a soft, contented sigh. You tilted head in curiosity when you heard him letting out a breathy laugh, you couldn’t help but crack a smile and chuckled. “What’s so funny?” You asked him, JAYCE looked up and had a grin on his face.
You gasped in surprise and arousal when he pinned you down and had you beneath him, your breath hitched when JAYCE slowly began to slide your cock inside of him and let out a soft moan. His gaze never leaving yours as his hands found their way to your bare chest. JAYCE began to ride you slowly, making your cock twitch inside him as you felt yourself get aroused again at the sight of him like this, so needy and pathetic all for you. “I want more…” JAYCE whispered, his hands caressing your chest.
Well, this is gonna be a long night.
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ʚ all works belong to eatingoutmen — do NOT steal, copy or repost anywhere without my permission from ME personally. ɞ
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pixievi · 4 months ago
we love and support evil women but we don't support being evil to your wife
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misswynters · 4 months ago
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The Noble Daughter
Viktor x fem! reader / wc. 1.5k
synopsis: You are the daughter of a influential noble house. And Viktor is your little secret.
warnings: 18+, smut ofc, getting caught, him whimpering, soft sex 🫶🏼, reader getting eaten out, switch lean sub! vik, fingering
there might be some mistakes… -.-
[note | pls don’t just like, but also reblog & give me feedback. i don’t want to get shadowbanned <3
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Every shadow and flicker seemed to embrace the secrecy of your meeting, cocooning you in a world that was just yours and his. Viktor turned at the touch of your hand on his shoulder, his amber eyes widening in surprise before they softened, filled with a mixture of longing and tenderness that made your heart ache.
"You shouldn't be here," he murmured, his voice low and gentle, laced with both worry and desire. But his hand found its way to your waist, as though he couldn't bear the thought of letting you go.
"I had to see you," you whispered back, lifting a hand to his cheek, fingers grazing the roughness of his stubble. He leaned into your touch, and before either of you could say another word, his lips met yours.
The kiss started soft, hesitant, but soon grew with a fierce urgency. Viktor's hands moved to your waist, pulling you close, as if he needed to make up for every second you'd been apart. He broke the kiss only to breathe, his lips brushing over your cheek, your jaw, leaving a trail of heat wherever they touched. You leaned back against his worktable, the cool metal pressing into your back.
With a glance up at you, Viktor lifted the edge of your blue dress, his fingers grazing the bare skin of your thigh. The contact of his hands sent a shiver up your spine. His gaze flickered up, silently asking permission, and at your nod, he continued, his hands guiding you, exploring every curve with a careful reverence.
"Are you sure?" he whispered, his voice gentle, his eyes searching yours, filled with both longing and concern. "I don't want you to feel..."
"Viktor," you murmured, sliding a hand along his jaw, tilting his face so he could see the determination in your eyes. "I’m in desperate need of your touch."
He bit his lip and with a shaky breath, Viktor nodded. His eyes never leaving yours as he positioned himself between your legs, his hands gripping your waist. He entered you slowly as he filled you inch by inch. This is what you were yearning for. His eyes were shut close trying to suppress his sounds, however here and there a whimper would slip through.
Each thrust was met with the wet, quiet sounds of your bodies slapping against each other, amplifying every sensation in the silence of the lab. All you could hear was the wet squelching sounds you’re pussy made as he continued to fill you.
As he moved, Viktor's hands slid under your thigh, lifting one leg to rest against his hip. The new angle sent a jolt of pleasure through you, and you bit down on your lip to keep from crying out, your nails pressing into his shoulders.
Viktor's breath grew heavier, his forehead pressing against yours as he tried to hold back his own sounds. His gaze dropped down between you, watching where you were joined, the sight sending a shiver through him that made him let out a quiet whimper, his grip tightening on your thigh.
He began a slow, steady rhythm, each movement creating soft, wet squelching sound that continued to grow rapidly. The intimacy of it, the restraint you both held, only made the tension coil tighter. Viktor's gaze was intense, filled with both wonder and awe as he watched the way your bodies moved together. "I never thought..." he whispered, his voice breaking with emotion. "You're... everything I dreamed of."
You leaned forward, capturing his lips in a breathless kiss, muffling both your gasps as he quickened his pace. The sounds between you grew louder, the wet, rhythmic noises blending with the quiet hum of the lab, filling the space with a symphony meant only for the two of you. Every motion, every shift, was precise, Viktor's movements guided by both his passion and his care for you.
The tension built, coiling tight as Viktor's restraint began to slip. His breaths came in shallow gasps, and his eyes met yours with a look so full of longing, of devotion, that it nearly undid you. You clung to him, burying your face against his shoulder to stifle the moans that threatened to escape, your body moving in time with his, caught up in the quiet, forbidden passion.
With a quiet, trembling sigh, Viktor buried himself fully, his own quiet whimpers echoing softly in your ear as he felt you shudder around him. His hand found yours, fingers intertwining, grounding you as the last waves of pleasure washed over you both.
In the stillness that followed, Viktor pressed gentle kisses to your forehead, your cheeks, his hands still resting at your waist, as though he couldn't bear to let go. "Thank you," he whispered, his voice full of awe and tenderness. "For loving me... for being here."
Moments have passed since you have reached your first organism and you were still on the table. As the quiet settled over the lab, Viktor held you close for a few lingering breaths, his forehead pressed gently against yours. But soon, the intensity in his gaze softened, replaced by a tenderness that left you breathless.
With a quiet reverence, he carefully knelt before you, his hands resting on your thighs. He was weary to not hurt himself which would cause him more pain on his limp leg. Viktor’s golden eyes met yours as he slowly lowered himself, his expression filled with something almost worshipful. He pressed a gentle kiss to the inside of your knee, then to your thigh, each touch lingering as though he was committing every inch of you to memory. His lips moved higher, grazing over your skin with soft, open-mouthed kisses that left a warm, tingling trail in their wake.
Your breath hitched as his mouth moved closer towards your pussy, the intensity of the moment making your heart pound.
Viktor's metal fingers traced along your thigh, the coolness of his touch a delicious contrast to the heat he was leaving with his lips. His long, slender fingers followed the curve of your leg, slipping inside your walls with a grace that was gentle. You felt his thumb press softly against your skin, steadying you, while his other hand reached up to rest at your waist, grounding you in the moment.
The coldness of his metal hand sent a shiver through you, heightening every sensation, and he seemed to notice, a slight smile tugging at his lips. His eyes flicked up to meet yours, a hint of mischief in his gaze. "Still alright?" he asked softly, his voice filled with concern, but his tone held a knowing warmth.
You managed a nod, your hand reaching down to thread through his hair, tugging him slightly closer. His lips quirked into a soft smirk before he returned his focus to you, pressing another kiss to your folds. His mouth moved with a slow, deliberate patience. His kisses growing bolder and deeper, as his tongue darted inside you.
Viktor's metal fingers traced light patterns along your skin, each touch careful, his control a testament to his dedication. As he moved higher, his thumb pressed gently along the inside of your thigh, guiding you open for him with a mixture of care and desire. The coolness of his touch, combined with the warmth of his lips, sent tremors through you that you could barely contain.
His mouth hovered near your folds, his breath warm against you, but he paused, looking up with a gaze full of tenderness. "You're... beautiful," he whispered, his voice barely a murmur, as though he was confessing a secret.
Before you could respond, his lips finally met your pussy, a quiet, reverent kiss that left you dizzy. His metal fingers continued their journey, a gentle, precise touch that sent waves of sensation through you, heightening every nerve. He took his time, savoring each reaction, each shiver, his mouth and hands working in tandem as he explored, worshipping every part of you with a devotion that left you breathless.
As his cool fingers reached deeper, finding your sensitive spots. His mouth followed, leaving soft, lingering kisses that melted any remaining restraint. The contrast of his cold touch and the warmth of his mouth created a rhythm that had you gripping the edge of the table, biting down on your lip to keep from crying out.
Viktor's pace quickened, his cool fingers moving with a newfound intensity. Each motion was calculated yet filled with passion, his gaze flickering between his hand and your face, drinking in every reaction, every quiet sound you made. His metal fingers, precise and deft, moved inside you at a pace that left you breathless, teetering on the edge as he guided you closer with each stroke.
He murmured soft, breathy reassurances between the kisses that he laid on your thighs. His voice filled with warmth."You're perfect... absolutely perfect," he whispered, his free hand caressing the curve of your thigh.
Viktor's replaced his slender fngers with his tongue again, alternating between teasing flicks and deep strokes, savoring every taste. His metal fingers splayed across your thigh, holding you firmly, while his other hand trailed down to his own body. He shivered as he began to touch himself in time with his mouth on you, his quiet moans and hitched breaths vibrating against you, only intensifying your pleasure.
He glanced up now and then, his amber eyes darkened with desire, watching the way you responded, drinking in every soft gasp and tremble. The sight of your flushed face and parted lips seemed to drive him further, his movements becoming more hungry as he lost himself in the pleasure he was giving you. His fingers dug into your skin, his grip tightening as he grew more desperate, his own moans blending with yours, low and needy.
The lab was filled with the squelching sounds of your bodies. A mix of his restrained groans, the wet, rhythmic noises of his mouth, and your own stifled whimpers. You felt like you could cum any second as your stomach turned tighter. Viktor seemed to sense it, as his tongue pressing deeper, his pace quickening. His free hand gripped your thigh harder, pulling you even closer to him, as though he wanted to consume every last bit of you.
Just as you felt yourself reaching the edge, Viktor lifted his head slowly, his lips and chin glistening with your juices. His chest rose and fell in deep, unsteady breaths, his flushed cheeks and slightly dazed expression showing just how much he'd enjoyed himself. His fingers traced gentle patterns on your thighs, grounding you as you came back down, while he gazed up at you with a look of pure adoration.
He brought his metal thumb up to wipe away a stray drop from his chin, a slight, satisfied smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. "You taste... exquisite," he murmured, his voice low and rough, a mix of pride and lingering hunger shining in his eyes as he leaned up to kiss you, letting you taste the passion you had just shared.
Viktor then reached towards your soaked pussy to finger you again. The quiet wet sounds filled the air, amplifying the intimacy of the moment, creating a world that felt entirely your own. But then, a faint creak echoed through the room, and both of you froze. The unmistakable sound of the lab door opening snapped Viktor back to reality, and he stilled, his eyes widening as his gaze shot up to yours. You both turned, just in time to see Jayce entering, a stack of papers in hand.
Jayce's eyes met yours first, and then drifted towards Viktor, his fingers still inside you. For a brief, painful moment, silence hung heavy in the air, broken only by the distant hum of hextech machinery. Jayce's expression shifted from surprise to awkward shock as the realization dawned on him. His mouth opened, as though he wanted to say something, but words seemed to fail him.
"I... I didn't mean to interrupt," he finally managed, his tone caught between embarrassment and disbelief. Jayce quickly looked away, his cheeks flushing as he backed out of the room, practically stumbling over his own feet.
"I'll... come back later," he stammered, disappearing from sight. The door clicked shut, leaving the lab filled with silence once more. Viktor's face had gone red, his eyes fixed on the floor, clearly mortified. But as he glanced down at you, the edges of his mouth twitched, and a quiet laugh escaped him, breaking the tension.
"Well," Viktor murmured softly, a hint of humor in his voice, "that... was unexpected." He lifted his soaked fingers towards his mouth as his other hand still lingering on your waist, sucking all of your juices as he maintained eye contact. His mouth made a popping sound as he let his fingers go from in between his lips. He then led his once soaked fingers towards the back of your neck, caressing your hair.
"Perhaps we'll continue... later?" he suggested, his voice low, a promise glinting in his eyes as he pressed a tender kiss to your forehead. You couldn't help but laugh, nodding as you pulled him into an hug. You hoped that jayce didn’t go out and tell anyone what happened. Because if he did and your parents knew, you would sure be in for a scolding.
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taglist: @luneariaa @minagrayson @aliives @mammonsleftring @gxrextxgaidk @anna1-1 @bl-0-ndi-3
banner: @cafekitsune
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sukunasbow · 2 months ago
annie leonhart, caitlyn kiramman, jinx, kelly van ryan, rio vidal, shoko ieri, vi, yuki tsukmo, + anyone you want.
“suck.” she instructs you, holding out her two fingers in front of your lips. you slowly part your lips, glancing down at her with a hazy look in your eyes as she gets on her knees. she inserts her fingers in your mouth as your lips wrap around the digits, slowly sucking on them. “good job, baby.” she praises you with a cocky tone, a small smirk on her face. “now, stop.” you follow her directions with a loud ‘pop’ sound filling up the silence of your bedroom as she slides her fingers out of your mouth, a thin string of spit still connecting on her fingers from your tongue. she brings her fingers down towards your pussy as you spread your legs at the edge of the bed, waiting for her to touch you. “already so wet, hm?” she whispers.
“mm, need you now, please.” you huff out. biting down on your lip, you intensely watch as she slides her fingers down the folds of your pussy, mixing your spit with your slick. “please.” you gasp and tilt your head back as her fingers circle the entrance of your tight hole, prolonging her teasing behaviour. you grow increasingly desperate as she uses your mixture of juices to slowly slide her two fingers into you with ease. “fuck, yes.” you moan out, your eyes fluttering shut with pleasure. to your disappointment, however, she glances back up at you and quickly pulls her fingers out of your cunt.
“eyes on me, okay?” she uses her other hand to squeeze the side of your thigh. “or else i’ll stop. you don’t want that, do you?” she scolds you. you shake your head in response. “use your words.”
“keep going.” you plead with her. she lets out a small mocking laugh before, once again, gliding her fingers inside of your wet and needy pussy. your mouth falls open as she starts slowly pumping the two digits in and out of you, creating a steady pace. “yes, yes, so fucking..” your cut off with a moan as she increases the pace, “so good.” the walls of your pussy clench around her fingers as they hit your sweet spot with every pump. you let out a string of curses, overwhelmed with the feeling of her fingers stuffing you full, “please, more!”
“so greedy, hm?” she coos. “since you’ve been so good, though..” you bite down on your lip when her tongue darts out to lick at your puffy clit while she continues fingering you, bringing you even closer to climaxing. you let out a whine, your hands instinctively gripping her hair for support as she flicks her tongue on your clit.
“faster, faster.” she listens to your demands and you feel yourself falling apart when her fingers hit the spongy walls of your pussy. “mmm’ cumming…”
“yeah? you gonna cum?” her voice is muffled as she goes back to licking at your pussy. “cum for me, baby.”
“fuck!” you feel a more intense sensation and before you can even recognize what’s happening, you’re squirting all over her fingers and tongue, your warm juices gushing out of you. your hips buck in pleasure and she pulls away in slight shock, looking up at you and watching as you try to come back down from your high.
“fuck, that was hot.” she breathes out, “think you can do that again?”
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w1ll0wray · 3 months ago
A VERY RISKY GAMBLE ft. jinx x fem!reader
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⊹₊⟡⋆ summary: you were known as the greatest dancer of the whole school, a perfectionist who always had her check list attached to her hip. however, when final exams roll around, your teammates recommend you to loosen up with the help of a certain dealer. 
⊹₊⋆warnings: sub!reader x dom!jinx, slightly nsfw, sexual content, minors/men dni. r!receiving head, pet names (sugar), dancer/popular reader x infamous dealer!jinx, high school au, getting caught, other characters mentioned, fem!reader x jinx, jinx on her knees, reader goes by ‘you’.
wc. 3.6k
𐙚 note | I’d really appreciate it if you would not only just like, but also reblog & give me feedback. thank you:)
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“Coach really loves you, huh?
Your best friend, also your dance teammate, eyed the boxes of materials you were holding. 
Trying your best to not seem affected by the huge weight of the box, you shrugged, a toothy grin forming, “I try my best.” To be fair, you were dying from the pounds you were holding. The coach always asked you to help her out after practice, trusting you to not mess it up. 
But during these days, you found it extremely hard to deny, especially when the coach praised you in front of everyone. Maintaining the title was hard work, however, you were motivated to continue. Bidding your best friend bye, you hurried to the gymnasium, huffing out a breath of relief when you finally placed the box down in the storage room. 
Stretching out your arms, you quickly went back out, the sun not helping with the sweat starting to trail down your forehead. All your teammates, also known as your friends, beat you to the cafeteria. You rapidly grabbed your shoulder bag and bottle, arriving to the cafeteria after a couple of minutes, spotting your friends at the signature round table. 
Walking towards them, still in your dance sweats and cropped top, you frowned at the sight of them surrounding someone sitting with them. Coming closer, your friends saw you, smiling at your presence, one of them speaking, “You need to stand up for yourself— tell coach you can’t continue doing all her work!” 
You nervously giggled, tucking a hair strand behind your ear, settling down beside your friends, finally noticing the girl they were chatting with. 
Blue hair, untucked tie and unbuttoned buttons, colorful accessories and messily colored nails…
“Jinx.” Your friend said, prompting the blue-haired girl to snap her head up from her phone underneath the table. Jinx looks up, not realizing another person had joined the table, her dark colored lips forming into a grin. 
“Yeah— It’ll be 250$ for the amount you want.” Her eyes didn’t meet yours, instead resting on your teammate. Your friend groaned, pulling out some cash, “They better work.” 
Jinx chuckled, taking the cash, “Oh you have no idea.” After counting them up, she hummed, “Meet me at the spot, they’ll be there.” 
You were frowning, lost on what they were talking about, nudging your best friend’s side, “What’s this about?” You whispered. Your best friend gave you a ‘are you fr?’ look, before leaning into your ear, “She sells weed, idiot.” 
Your eyes widened, eyes darting back at the blue-haired girl, who got up from her seat, turning to the group.
“If any of you need me, just ask Ekko and he’ll probably know where I am.” She winked, finally glancing at you in the process. You looked away, a bit weirded out by the thought of her selling such vile stuff. Jinx walks back to her table, leaving you with your friends. 
No one spoke until you brought it up, “So, you’re all buying from her?” They nervously peered at you, shrugging. 
Shocked, you placed your hands on the table, “You do know this could affect your dancing..right?” 
One of them shrugs their shoulders, “It’s exam season— we need the stress relief somehow.” Appalled, you rubbed the space in between your brows, how could they be so dumb? 
“You can just do some pilates, I gave you guys a free subscription from my aunt’s place!” You tried negotiating but they all shut you down with them needing the relief immediately. 
This wasn’t the first time you took notice of Jinx. Yeah— she was in your class but nothing ever prompted you to speak to her. Her presence always stayed in the back with all her friends, whilst you sat somewhere in the front to pay attention. 
But, a tiny interaction did happen. 
One that made you dislike her a bit. 
It was on a regular school day, you were seated in your signature place, writing down notes in class as the teacher explained the lesson. You should’ve known— Jinx’s laughter in the back was clearly heard. So, in the midst of copying down information, something quickly hit your back. 
Tensing up, you slowly turned your head, spotting Jinx’s friend group cackling. Touching the back of your head, in your hair, pieces of chips were found. Gasping out loud to catch the teacher’s attention, you tried to pick them out of your once neatly styled hair. 
You knew it was her doing, the way she pretended to have a shocked expression and chuckled with her friends. Excusing yourself to the washroom, you tried your best to not let those frustrated tears spill as you hand-picked the junk off your hair. The reason to why they had decided to target you out of everyone is still unknown. 
And that was it. 
Currently, you were sat on a seat in the gymnasium, watching your PE teacher, Sevika, pick out groups for the dance course. 
Thankfully, you could show off some of your skills this course. But something about Ms. Sevika picking out the teams made your hopes plummet down. You sat with your friends, giggling at a stupid joke one of them had said— 
“I have decided on the teams.”The teacher pulled out a sheet of paper, clearing her throat before starting. 
Soon, she started calling out names until she finally turned to you, grinning, “Our best dancer will be teamed up with…Jinx, Mylo and Ekko.” Your friends immediately winced, patting your back as you stayed frozen in place. 
What the actual f—
“I request a change.” You instantly said, walking up to the teacher, “I can’t be with them.”  Sevika gave you an unimpressed look, snorting,
“Request denied.” 
You were about to butt in, but her hand meets your face, “You’ll get extra points.” She bargained, patting your shoulder before handling other issues. 
Clenching your palms, you tried to spot your team. Mylo was busy untying his laces….
Ah— Jinx and Ekko both enter the gymnasium, trying to blend in even though they arrived way too late for class. Rolling your eyes, you approached Mylo and crossed your arms, “Could you tell those two that we have group work?” 
He peered up at you, shrugging his shoulders before getting up from his spot, taking a deep breath. 
“Jinx! Ekko!” He yelled out, causing you to wince, shaking your head in irritation. 
Both of them noticed him, Ekko waving as they came up to him. Jinx glanced at you, brows knitted at your presence. You took that as sign to introduce the situation, 
“We’re all in a group for dance.” You inspected the way Jinx was still in her regular uniform. She gazes at Sevika for a split second, “I’m dismissed.” 
You frown, nose scrunching up, “You can’t be dismissed unless—?” 
“—Well I’m dismissed, sugar.” She mindlessly spits out the nickname, harshly dropping her bag on a seat. Ekko nods, gesturing at the blue-haired girl, “It’s true.” 
You scoff, waving a hand towards the boys, “How is this supposed to work then?” These boys would never follow a choreography you would put out. Glancing at your friends having fun together, you defeatedly sighed. 
Soon, you exclaimed the choreography you had planned. Mylo didn’t care whilst Ekko tried to catch on to your moves. Jinx however, slouched on a seat, watching with a bored expression. You didn’t miss the way Sevika gave her a lecture on skipping so many days. 
Regretfully, Sevika let her lack of partner-work go. Resisting the urge to bash your head against the hard floor, you took out your frustration on finishing the choreo. Though, in the next hour, you could feel Jinx’s gaze burning your back every time you would yell at the boys to keep up with your leg work. 
After numerous banters, they finally finished the choreography. Mylo and Ekko were heaving, drinking from their bottles. You felt water droplets starting to trickle down your back and forehead, wiping it off with your forearm. 
Ekko took a deep breath before turning to Jinx, her eyes set on her phone, “Hey pow-pow, could you rate the dance for us?” 
She peered up, scoffing but nodding nonetheless. They forced you to come along, positioning yourselves in front of her seated form. Standing in the middle, you kept your focus pointed at her, choosing her as your spot. Mylo quickly pressed play on the music they picked, rapidly taking his place beside you. 
The dance went by quick, Mylo and Ekko’s steps simple compared to yours. Effortlessly dancing across the floor, you finally got to do your favorite part—turns.
Stopping, and twirling around to raise you right leg up in the air, you smoothly started, all these years of practice resulting in perfect turns. After quick 15 turns and a grand ‘jeté’, you took a leap and slid into the final pose onto the floor, attention on the stunned Jinx right in front of you.
The corner of your lip raised, used to the shocked expressions of people whenever you caught them off guard by the dramatic leaps. Ekko and Mylo clapped, Ekko helping you up, “You make us look so shit!” 
Nervously giggling, you shrug, “I’m used to it.” His offended face led to you actually laughing. Still out of breath, you turn to Jinx, who just stared at them both, still slouched. 
Frowning, you grabbed a bottle, “So..how’d we do?” Swallowing down water, you waited for the blue-haired girl’s response. Though, she just shrugs, nodding her head, “It was good.” 
Slightly disappointment from her bare minimum opinion, you just rolled your eyes, hopeful for an excellent mark.
You ended up getting a full mark, both Mylo and Ekko thanking you for a free grade. 
You never spoke to them until a few weeks later, when exam season was starting to get really stressful. It was on a day where you were presenting in front of the class for an assignment. You were explaining the subject— until a whiff of smoke caught your attention.
The smell suffocated your nostrils, causing you to fall into a fit of coughs. Mr. Heimerdinger raised a brow at your sudden sickness. Still coughing, you searched for the person who created it. 
Your gaze landed on Jinx. 
A sneer formed on your lips, and before you knew it, your legs moved on their own, storming towards the girl. Her eyes widened, quickly throwing the cigarette out the window. 
Out of nowhere, you forced her up by her collar, dragging her out of the class in an instance, hearing gasps all around you. Jinx tried to get your hands off, but gave up when you pushed her against the wall.
“Quit ruining every single thing I do!” You yell out, your index finger close to her face. Jinx’s eyes narrowed, nose scrunching up, before falling into a fit of laughter. 
Crossing your arms, you scowled as she covered her chuckles behind her palm, not acknowledging the fact that you were completely serious. 
“I don’t know how I ruined the presentation, sugar.” She said in between giggles, mocking you. You let out a huff, rubbing the space in between your eyes. Suddenly, her hand rested on your forearm, a grin etched on her lips, “You seem tense.” Her hands squeezed the muscle, prompting you to shove her off. 
She clicks her tongue, nails softly scratching your forearm, “I can help you loosen up…in many ways.” She added, fingers hovering over your hand. You wrapped your hands around yourself, 
“Absolutely not.” Your eyes narrow slightly up at her, shaking your head in disappointment, “Just stop smoking around me.” Jinx shrugs, obviously thinking you were no one important to tell her what to do.  
This wasn’t the last encounter involving her smoke. On a regular afternoon at school, you had dance practice, getting ready for the finales. In the middle of kicking your leg up in the air, you smelt the grim scent of smoke. You forced your teammate to cut the music, stomping to the open window, peeking your head down. 
Though, you’re not surprised to find her older sister, Vi, with Jayce, sharing a stupid blunt together. Snapping their heads up, they rapidly hide it. 
“Out of all the places?” You huff out, shooing them away with a wave of your hand. Vi shrugs apologetically, “Jinx said this was the best place.” She then nodded her head so Jayce followed her. 
You saw red. Jinx— of course. Of course she’d want to torture and interrupt your therapeutic sport. That day, you let it slide just because she was no where to be found. 
Plus, you got so consumed by your studies, that you didn’t pay attention anymore. A couple of months passed, days filled with dance practice and assignments. You got so fed up by the stacks of work you had— even your coach stopped asking for your help. It made you upset, seeing her treat the other dancers the same as you. Sometimes, you had to skip dance to study, hurting your heart immensely. 
Soon, you got enough and sport activities didn’t help you relax. You felt like you’ve been sucked into a hole, desperately trying to get up. Teachers were always calling on you to respond— puzzled by your less enthusiastic participation. 
One day, your teammates noticed during lunch how pale you looked, like an elderly on their death bed. Waving a hand in front of you to catch your attention, your friend snapped you out of lala land. 
“Are you okay?” She asked, worry evident on her features. Nodding, you continued eating the dry salad you ordered for lunch. But she didn’t stop there, rubbing a hand on your shoulder, “Is it finals?” 
You paused, staring in front of you, “Yeah.” Glancing at your teammate, she grinned. 
“I have an idea.” She was definitely up to something. Your brows knitted together, dropping the fork on the bowl, “What idea?” 
She took a deep breath, smiling before continuing,
 “How about you visit Jinx?” 
The girl’s name made everyone on your table interested immediately. They all gushed about how her products helped them relax. 
“Absolutely not!” Your hands come up to rub your face, not convinced enough. It would be the utmost disaster if you went. Weed and cigarettes were not the correct way of relaxing. 
“I’d rather do a thousand pilate workouts.” You mumbled to them, chin resting on your  palm. They all groaned, 
“I swear it works!” 
“You’ll regret it so bad.” 
“Just try it and see.” 
You left the table before they could continue whining in your ears about it. You didn’t end up meeting Jinx that day. However, the next week, you received a D on an exam. Stress was sucking you into a bubble, your anxiety heightened. 
No amount of self care and podcasts helped you calm down, so you resorted to the ‘bad’ way of relaxing after plenty of pleads from your friends. 
Letting out a shaky breath, you prepped yourself and dressed up a bit nicer to motivate you for the day. Your friends gave you the instructions to find the place Jinx sold. 
Sneaking into the third floor during break, you slid into the girls bathroom, spotting the blue-haired girl leaning against the sink with two girls, cigarette in between her lips. Her eyes snapped up, hand coming up to remove the cig, an ego-filled smile crept on her face. 
“Changed your mind, sugar?” The two girls glared at you, one had their hand around Jinx’s shoulders, trying to threaten you. You barely glanced at the other two, taking a few steps closer, “Just get this over with.” 
Jinx’s narrowed stare at the girls informed them to get out. Once the door closed after them, Jinx threw the put out cig in the bin, pulling away from leaning against the sink, hands in her skirt’s pockets as she approached you slowly. 
“Hm…what can you offer?” Her intensive stare stayed on your hands as they fumbled to grab cash from your wallet. Handing her some cash, she raised a brow, “This’ll barely do.” She inspected the dollars, mocking the bill. 
You frowned, glancing at the 60$ you gave her, “That’s the only thing I bought today.” 
The corner of her lip raised, scoffing at your words, “…Well, I can give you an offer.” She suggested. You gulped, thinking about it. As you thought about every way her offer could lead to destruction, she was blowing her bubblegum until it popped and brought you back to reality. 
Sighing, you shrugged, “Fine, what is it?” You knew it was a risky gamble, but a little piece of you hoped she’d give u a discount. 
Her manicured index finger landed on her own lips, pretending to think before grinning, “I’ll give you head for 20$.” 
Your eyes bulged out of their sockets, gasping at her obscene suggestion, “Are you insane?” 
She chuckled, hands resting on her hips, “It’s a healthier way to relax!” Jinx took a couple of steps closer, waiting for your response. Her eyes shined as she watched you struggle to decide, glancing around the room nervously. 
She chewed on her bubblegum, blowing and popping it, her impatience heightening, “…Is that a yes?” You rubbed the space in between your eyes, stuck on what to do. 
“I’m not exactly sure—“ You peer up, but a hand on the back of your head cut you off. Gasping, you felt her lips suddenly slam against yours, soft skin pressed to your glossed ones. Her other hand rests on your lower back, pulling you closer to her front. 
Unintentionally, your hands touch her shoulders, going on your tippy-toes to meet her height. She grins at your attempt to match her level, dark-colored lips pulling away. You frown when she fully pulls away, but your confusion is replaced by uneasiness when your back met the wall. Her face then dipped into the crook of your neck, lips leaving a trail of wet kisses down your collarbone. 
Squirming against her firm hold, your hand comes up to grab her hair, tugging her closer. Once she sucks on a sensitive spot, your head tilts back to let out a whimper. Leaving your neck, she instantly gets on her knees. Gulping, you try to push away any anxious thoughts when you felt her nails lightly trail up from your thighs. 
You shoot her an unsure look, one she reassured with a grin. Instantly, her slender fingers touched the lining of your thin lingerie. Flinching, you rested your weight on the wall, elbows burning against the marble. Soon, Jinx pushed your lingerie to the side, exposing yourself to her. She doesn’t leave you any time to register before nuzzling her head in between your legs.
Teasing with her breath over your pussy, you whined, shoving her further to ease the throb. Her hand grips your wrist, prompting you to let go. Taking a deep breath, you let her do her thing. 
After a couple of minutes of her edging you with her soft kisses on the inside of your thighs, her tongue finally glided over your cunt in one smooth motion. You shudder, fingers tightening on her hair, forcing her deeper. She continues to slide her tongue over your wet folds, a firm hold on your thighs to keep you up. 
Jinx’s lips occasionally hugged your pussy, sucking and then releasing with a kiss to your clit. She seemed composed, relaxed, whilst you struggled to restrain yourself from collapsing. 
She was amazing. 
Giving up on silencing your moans, you arched your back, grinding your cunt against her lips to quicken the pace. Jinx chuckles at your impatience, breath tickling your center. She then ate you out like she was starving— tongue licking in a circular motion, leading to your eyes rolling back in ecstasy. Fingers intertwined in her blue locks, you guide her face into you, whimpering as her tongue pushed in deep. 
“Jinx—Fuck!” You whine out, fisting her hair, ready to let the rope snap—
A woman’s voice came out of nowhere, your eyes snapping open, widening at the sight of a furious deputy head Ambessa. 
Her eyes darted at Jinx on her knees, hands still under your skirt, but face stunned. 
In an instance, she forced Jinx off the floor, pointing at you both, enraged, “To the principals office, at once!” Pulling Jinx’s ear and grabbing your arm, she dragged you both to Principal Silco’s office. 
When she sat you both down, she explained the horrific sight she walked into, adding way too much detail. Shrinking in your seat, face reddened, you shoot Jinx a glare, who was busy wiping her lips.
But what the blue-haired girl does is only grin, manspreading shamelessly. Silco dismisses Ambessa with a wave, turning his attention to you both. 
He sat in his expensive seat, eyes narrowing, “So, I see that Jinx is still causing trouble.” He mumbled, hands clasped together. Jinx scoffed, crossing her arms and glancing away, “It’s not my fault I couldn’t resist.” 
You stare at her, dumbfounded by her openness to Silco. He hums, rubbing the space in between his eyes, “Just do that obscene stuff somewhere else.”
Peering up in surprise, you were puzzled by his relaxed demeanor that never showed before. Jinx nodded instantly, grinning like a maniac, “Absolutely.” 
Silco had then let you both go with no detention or suspension, surprisingly. Once you made it out, Jinx stood in front of you, a sneaky smile creeping up her lips, “Up for another round, sugar?” She whispered, slowly guiding you to another washroom. 
Rolling your eyes, you both snuck into the next restroom, your hands cupping her cheeks, “Hm—got to make those 20 dollars worth it.” 
And the next thing you know, she leans down and presses her lips against yours.
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leaf divider bannerat the start: @anitalenia
thank u for reading:)
i’m new to tumblr so if there’s smth wrong I’m sorry lol
no stealing my work thanks !
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snailification · 4 months ago
Idk who needs to hear this, but the reason your fic isn't getting a lot of attention is bc it's one big block!!
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vi-tamine · 3 months ago
If you are up for it, I'd love to see you write a Silco x Reader Story🙏🏻
Reader was like an older Sibling to Powder, Vi, Mylo and Clagger, making sure the kids were always okay. So that day, when almost everyone died and Silco took in Powder/Jinx, Reader went with them to keep an eye on Jinx. They turn more into a Parental Figure over time for her. Reader and Silco hated each other at first but tried to remain civil for Jinx. Over time feelings developed and both are in denial. So basically Enemies to Lovers.
Also Reader takes care of like the Bar, since they have already worked there when Vander was still alive. [Either behind the counter as a Bartender or as like Security]
Idc if its Fluffy or Angsty or smutty or smth!
I just need more Silco x Reader🙏🏻😭
at home (silco x reader)
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words: 1517
genre(s): fluff, angst (i think..)
warnings: none
n/a: im sooo happy!!! thank u so much for requesting me!! this is my first request and i'm kinda nervous about it! i hope you like it and enjoy it a little!! i did my best!! want to remember that english isn't my first language, so im sorry if there are spelling or grammar mistakes, but this also helps me to improve :]
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You were twenty years old when it all happened. When Mylo and Claggor died and Vi ran away after all the tragedy trying to rescue Vander from Silco's hands. You were the oldest of the three sisters, always under your care, even though you allowed them some freedom for their “missions” you always kept an eye on your sisters, in case it was necessary to get them out of some trouble. 
That day, you went to help your brothers get Vander back, making Powder promise not to move from the basement. When the whole mess happened, you were barely aware of whatever was going on. One of your arms had been trapped under the rubble and you heard Powder's distant cries for Vi to come back for her. As best you could, you pulled yourself together, pushed away the debris over your arm and made your way to find the youngest of your sisters, the one that sounded closest. The crying seemed to be weaker, and when you looked up Silco had his arms around her as she hugged him, right next to Vander's lifeless body. You approached cautiously, brow furrowed at the whole unfamiliar situation. 
“Stay away from her” you addressed Silco with a firm voice and furrowed brows. He did so without complaint, looking at you, keeping his composure and probably waiting for a move on your part that never came.  Powder turned to look at you, her blue eyes brimming with tears. She hugged your legs, and before you knew it, you were both leaving with Silco and his people. 
Seven years later you decided to take Vander's place in “The Last Drop”. Silco “signed it over” to you while he took one of the rooms to be his office. You were a little grateful that he would let you carry on the legacy of the one he once considered his brother. 
You poured one last drink before Jinx sat down on one of the stools and rolled your eyes as you watched her turn in on herself. “Get your feet off the stool if you're going to be sitting here” you scolded her as you cleaned one of the glasses and poured her the juice she always asked for. “Thank you~” she thanked taking a sip from the straw. “I've been working on one of those grenades I showed you, and even though it explodes poorly, it's getting more and more powerful!” she explained somewhat excitedly as she looked at you with a slight smile. During all these years your sister had grown more than you would have liked. Sometimes nostalgia hit you, and all you could think about was how much older she had gotten and how rebellious and uncontrollable she had become.
 Mylo and Claggor's death and Vi's abandonment left some aftereffects on your sister. Jinx was the name she had decided to adopt after Vi called her that name before abandoning her to her fate without even knowing if you were alive. Together with Silco you had raised her, and although you always tried to take her on a healthy and untroubled path, she ended up paying more attention to Silco than to you. 
During all these years your vision of Silco was changing, and all the resentment and anger you had towards him, had been loosening when you saw the love and effort he put in wanting to take care of your sister. Your attitude towards him became more passive, and his attitude towards you became sweeter and more protective. You both had your sister, Jinx, as your priority. 
“Be careful with those gadgets or someday your finger will explode.” you joked with your sister as you leaned your elbows on the bar to look at her. “I do know how to build inventions, sis, not like you” she joked with you before getting a tap on her shoulder from you. You rolled your eyes letting out a light chuckle. “By the way, Silco wants to see you” he spoke as he rubbed his shoulder with a pout. You frowned and sighed. “You take care of the drinks for a while then” you stepped out from behind the bar, you watched out of the corner of your eye as Jinx hopped over the bar to tend to the customers and scolded her for it before walking up to Silco's office.
You felt your heart beating stronger and stronger as you got closer to Silco's office. Since a few days ago your vision of the man who had given (somehow) shelter to you and your sister, apart from starting to respect him, perhaps your feelings towards him had taken a different direction, a more romantic one. Every night you told yourself that it was wrong, if you thought about it, it was against your morals and principles to like Silco, so you tried to hold back that feeling as much as you could. 
You knocked on the door, and after hearing a low “Come in”, you entered the room, allowing you to see Silco in his chair as usual and Sevika next to him. They both looked at you, and with a slight gesture, Silco had Sevika leave the room, closing the door behind her. You sat down in the chair in front of the table, sighing and making yourself comfortable as you noticed how her gaze was fixed on you. 
“What is it this time, what has Jinx done to what-” you couldn't finish formulating the sentence Silco cut you off. “Your sister is out of jail” your back and your whole body started to bristle. “With the help of a Piltover enforcer.” You discovered that Vi had been arrested and sent to Stillwater. Seven years later she seemed to have gotten out. A confused feeling invaded your body. You were happy, your sister had been released. And at the same time you were filled with rage, she had abandoned you and your sister. Then came the feeling of guilt, you were the oldest, much older than them, and you had let your sister be arrested, you had not fought for her. You swallowed and immediately got up from the couch. “Don't let Jinx know. Not yet, at least.” you left the room without even looking or listening to what Silco would have to tell you.
. . . . . . 
Later that night, having just closed the bar and with only the music to keep you company, you finished putting the last chairs back on the tables and mopping the floor. Before you even went to sleep you decided to pour yourself a shot of whiskey. You sat on the freshly cleaned bar and, with your mother's favorite song playing in the background, you thought about everything. Your parents, your sisters, brothers, Vander, Silco, everything. The alcohol scratched your throat as you thought about how you were going to confront Vi at some point, what you would say to her, how she would be, how she would react to seeing who you were with. Maybe she would understand you if she realized you were doing it all for Jinx. Maybe she would martyr you if she knew about your feelings for Silco. 
“May I have some?” a voice from behind you shuddered. Turning slightly to grab a glass, you saw Silco planted behind you. You nodded wordlessly, pouring for him as well and watching as he took a long sip. He looked back at you. “Why the long face?” he asked. You laughed wryly. “As if you didn't know” you replied clicking your tongue. You didn't want to talk down to him, but your feelings at that moment were what they were. He seemed to understand, he didn't add a word.
 He set the glass down on the bar and one of your hands rested on your shoulder, lightly trailing down your arm. “She's going to understand.” he simply said. You shook your head, also dropping the glass and looking sideways at him. “She's not going to understand. She can't. I don't blame her. I'm a horrible sister.” you sighed. You felt like your eyes were going to release tears at any moment. You noticed Silco's rough hand touch yours, embrace yours with his fingers and with his thumb caress the back of your hand. You let yourself be touched. “We should have left, Silco. We don't belong here. It's not our place. I should have taken Pow-” you couldn't finish your sentence Silco had crashed his lips to yours. You couldn't even react when he broke away. You looked at him still dumbfounded. 
“If she doesn't understand, we're going to make her understand. But don't you ever, ever, ever say again that you don't belong here. You do. You belong by my side,” and when he finished speaking you couldn't help but kiss his lips back. Your heart had just exploded like a bomb, and Silco had detonated it. There were probably going to be repercussions, surely none of this was going to go well, but for the first time, when you were dancing in his arms, you felt at home again.
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