#arc: sabaody
ato-dato · 30 days
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THE cowboy ever I fear
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biscuitboba · 6 months
Uhh... zoro worrying and/or thinking about his captain's safety pre-TS era???
Orange town
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Arlong park
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Reverse mountain
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Water 7
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Enies lobby
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Thriller bark
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Sabaody archipelago
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Post war
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beaulesbian · 7 months
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"i have a weakness for powerful stares from lady sailors." "if you want to be saved, a strong but gentle lady sailor is the best!"
hello??? 🌈🌈 lesbian!nami fans winning like every arc!
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lowqualityonepiece · 8 months
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more chopper appreciation
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dykealloy · 5 months
it's a good episode.
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animeyanderelover · 2 months
Why is it that the one character I find most attractive in One Piece, second only to Nico Robin, is the one who appears every 200 episodes?
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alazystranger · 4 months
zoro really went hmm noise and chaos? sounds like my soulmate is back
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that moment when you realize the wait for your husband to come back from the war is finally over:
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the way he's staring intensely at that grove like he can feel his luffy senses tingling after 2 years always gets me lol
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majinsawdust64 · 1 month
I made a Law outfit tier list to go with the Zoro and Sanji ones I made.
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wayward-imp · 1 month
I feel like Zoro's three sword style and facility with counting would be a very transferable skillset when it comes to making socks.
So now I headcanon that whenever he's got downtime not training or napping or bickering with Sanji, Zoro settles in to make socks for the crew.
The first pair he ever makes is actually for Nami. They are a little too big in that way that is actually perfectly slouchy and comfortable, and she secretly adores them and wears them on chilly nights while map making.
...I think he probably learned knitting from Perona, actually? So maybe he has socks for the whole crew when he gets back to Sabaody. Except Luffy, and Frankie, who obviously wouldn't wear them. And Brook, whose sizing he couldn't figure out (what would you even measure??). Those three get scarves.
He honestly tried to still make socks for Chopper, but... Well. There were obvious challenges to making socks for something furry and with hooves. He wound up making leg warmers. They have little snowflakes on them.
Usopp's socks are basic, with a bold horizontal stripe pattern in goldenrod yellow, reminiscent of the color of Sogeking's mask. Perona INSISTS on making some cute little felted sheep bobbles to go with them because the socks are Not Cute, but Zoro is too embarrassed to attach them. They become a bag charm. Zoro specifically tells him it's from Perona and smirks when he goes pale.
Robin's socks are better fitted, and slightly more elegant than Nami's, since he started on them so much later in his learning process. They have a whimsical floral motif, and are made from a yarn Perona picked out for her. It is quite possibly the softest thing Zoro has ever touched, and the socks feel like clouds when they're finished.
The real challenge turns out to be making socks for the cook. Sanji is fussy about his clothes, and Zoro knows how hard he is on his feet. He ends up making a very basic pair of suit socks in a deep, rich blue so dark it's nearly black... It takes him three times as long to make them as any other pair he's made, because he keeps starting over.
In fact, he's still working on them on the boat back to Sabaody. He finishes just in time, and Perona steals them away and wraps them up like everyone else's gifts before he can start over again. The first time Zoro sees Sanji light his own foot on fire, he winces and reconsiders whether he should even give them to him. But in the end he does anyway.
(Of course he also made socks for Perona and Mihawk. You think Perona taught him to knit for no reason? Hers are THIGH HIGHS, for fuck's sake! They took FOREVER.)
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chazstity · 8 months
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I started one piece when I was 13 then stopped until like month ago and I’ve managed like 6 years worth since then lmfao maybe when I’ve caught up I’ll be good at drawing my babies
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biscuitboba · 7 months
I will never be normal about how zoro can't seem to take his eyes off his captain like even though luffy is stronger than him?? Like i've talked about this many many times before (probably) but the way he keeps an eye on luffy, making sure that luffy is okay??? Zoro and his luffy-oriented brain i swear... like how he is always trying to make sure that his captain is fine 24/7, i'm just-
Like for example, when he is waiting/looking out for luffy's arrival in jaya arc. (Also happened in adventure of nebulandia!)
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Or him keeping an eye on luffy in punk hazard. Watching his captain from a perfect & safe distance.
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Or it's also about how zoro likes to check on his captain. Voicing his concern, making sure that nothing is wrong with his captain by directly asking luffy about it (if he notices anything unusual from luffy)
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Also thinking about zoro and his priority when it comes to luffy (luffy aka his number one priority, really)
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Zoro and his worry wart side when it comes to his 'idiot' captain (tbh if i have to put all the panels (from the manga) for every time zoro worries about his beloved captain here, i don't think i can, cause it's zoro)
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Like i just think it is crazy how much he cares for his captain, like yeah every single one of the strawhats are like that too, but with zoro it is very visible every. single. time. Like oda really shoved it into our face?? like yeah, zolu my absolute beloved<333
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bonus, lil sanuso in the corner<3
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monthlymanga · 3 months
One Piece moments in my gallery that left me devastated
Some are understandable others might not be to y'all
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Seeing Chopper in this state - ch.143
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Tom's speech about loving your creations, bc at the very least if you don't love the things you make, who will? - ch.356
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When Merry spoke her final words - ch.430
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Brook regaining his will to live - ch.489
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The beginning of their separation - ch. 512
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Bon Clay in impel down - ch.536
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Whitebeard and his fatherly love - ch.563
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Whitebeard and Ace - ch.573
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Universally agreed most devastating scene - ch. 574
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The abducted kids from Punk Hazard - ch.688
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lowqualityonepiece · 9 months
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happy birthday, nerd.
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beanghostprincess · 3 months
Robin and Brook are the leaders of Sanji's protection squad (parent figures edition)
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punkclownfreak · 3 months
How far into one piece are you?
Reblog for a higher sample size!!
i’m genuinely so curious!! i’ve wanted to make this poll for a while :3
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wesleysniperking · 9 days
Understanding Usopp's Perspective in Water 7
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I still don't understand why people can't grasp that Usopp was only 17 years old during the Water 7 arc. People love to be "objective" and claim Usopp was wrong for challenging his captain, but Luffy wasn't entirely blameless either.
Usopp was the first to notice how unprepared everyone was for the New World, but the rest of the crew seemed in denial or overconfident. How could Usopp voice his insecurities when everyone else apparently had their act together? It felt like, "Yeah, whatever Usopp, you're just a scaredy cat," when, in reality, he was becoming more attuned to the fact that one of the strongest people he knew was starting to lose to the bad guys.
Critics say, "Usopp didn't know how to take orders from his captain," but that's not true. If Luffy was starting to lose, then how prepared were they for the New World? Usopp knew his own limitations and was unsure how to help, leading him to feel like he was losing control. He likely thought, "If everyone else has their act together, then who am I?" He channeled all that into Merry.
I believe Usopp's innate ability to sense danger started to manifest here. Luffy was overestimating himself—from the incident with Kuzan to punching Charlos.
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Luffy took the crew, his friends, for granted and didn't realize how much he needed them until after Marineford, when Jinbe gave him a reality check. He couldn't empathize with Usopp because he failed to understand the consequences of being unprepared and powerless. Luffy thought his confidence would be enough for everyone, but it just put them all in danger. There was still some "playing pirate" nonsense going on.
Luffy was also 17 and deserves grace, but apparently, Usopp is the outlier who brings the crew down? Yeah, right. The unconscious bias shows. The privilege shows.
Literally just read a fic where the crew can’t stop beating it into Usopp’s f*cking head how much he “sucked” back in Water 7. Smh. What message does that give? Oh, keep telling someone they suck to the point they go and find the highest building to jump off of? Tough love works…to an extent. But without empathy? Yeah. What a crock of sh*t.
Just needed to get that off my chest.
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