#arbitrage opportunities
latestblogpost · 1 year
Crypto Arbitrage: A Comprehensive Guide to the Popular Cryptocurrency Trading Strategy (2023 Update)
Arbitrage is a time-tested technique in the world of trading, and now it’s taking the crypto world by storm. Key Takeaways Crypto arbitrage capitalizes on price discrepancies between different exchanges or trading platforms. There are various types of crypto arbitrage, including spatial, statistical, and triangular arbitrage. While profitable, crypto arbitrage comes with its own set of risks…
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talkdelta · 1 year
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allinhalf-store-blog · 8 months
Arbitrage Trading Strategies - A Comprehensive Guide
Arbitrage trading is a strategy that involves taking advantage of price differences between different markets or exchanges. It is a low-risk strategy, but it can be difficult to execute profitably due to the competitive nature of the market and the need for quick execution. There are two main types of arbitrage: forex arbitrage and crypto arbitrage. Forex arbitrage involves exploiting price…
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dyggtheway · 2 years
Rental Arbitrage-The good, The bad
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Photo by Jose Alonso on Unsplash
If you're thinking about getting into the rental arbitrage business, you should be aware of both the advantages and disadvantages of the practice. Rental arbitrage is the process of locating undervalued properties, usually foreclosures or short sales, and then renting them out at a higher price point. While successful rental arbitrage can result in significant financial rewards, there are also risks that should not be overlooked.
Reasons it works as a profitable business model:
Rental properties are always in demand.
Since you don't have to purchase the dwelling or property, you don't need much money to start.
Relatively Low-Maintenance.
The risks:
The actual owner must not have "claused" out this option to "sub-let" the unit.
Wear and tear, emergency repairs may be up to the owner or property management company to contend with, so you want to make sure the unit and building are already well cared for and properly repaired.
You will be responsible for staging the rental space and catering to the "customer".
Arbitrage by nature is both a moral and ethical business model because it takes an underrated item from trash to treasure status. So basically in every situation, you are taking something that has potential and making that potential shine. That is a good thing.
It's important not to misvalue the acquisitioned item just because you want to make a profit.
Arbitrage is a puzzle piece that has to fit the puzzle in order to make the picture. You can't force a piece into place and make it work.
But get it right, and you can picture yourself making a profitable business.
Find out more about arbitrage options:
Free Arbitrage E-book
Government Auctions
National Auctions
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Make 40K Daily With Your Phone With This Crypto Arbitrage Opportunity
Make 40K Daily With Your Phone With This Crypto Arbitrage Opportunity - What is Arbitrage trading? - How to make 40K daily with crypto arbitrage on #Cryptocurrency #bitcoin #arbitragetrading @okx @binance
Searching for the best arbitrage opportunity to profit from? You are in the right place. ✔️ In this post, I will show you how to make 40K daily in crypto arbitrage with just your smartphone. You don’t need to worry if you are a beginner because I will guide you through the process step-by-step. This is the best crypto arbitrage trading article you will ever see online. Make sure you follow…
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seat-safety-switch · 4 months
You gotta support your local small businesses. In my part of the world, those community-owned corporations are mostly payday loan places and dealers selling new kinds of just-barely-legal, get-them-while-they-last convenience store research chemicals. Oh, and hot tub streamers, but that's very seasonal.
Recently, the media has noticed the fact that nobody can afford to live on one job. They recommend that you instead turn your spare time into a second, worse job. Experts are coming on, talking about where all the opportunities are in arbitrage, which is a fancy word for "buying shit cheaply and then selling it for more money."
As a result, there's dozens of folks scouring the flea markets and classifieds, looking for car parts to resell to make a little bit of extra cash. That gets in the way of my ambition, which is to obtain a lot of car parts for very little money, never sell them on, and perhaps be buried with them like a pharoah of old.
Recently, I got into a bit of a scrap with a dude who was trying to scavenge the entire interior of a '69 International Travelall when I was in the area. I thought it was beautiful art and was excited to meet a new friend, but it turned out he was merely a capitalist with no love of the beauty that the thirteen-letter shit spreader corporation bestowed upon the world.
This state of affairs means I gotta get to the junkyard early, on new-cars day, so I can scoop up as much crap as possible. That precludes me from having a real job, which is not so much a schedule conflict as a confluence: I don't want to work for a living either. Don't worry, though. I've figured out a way to keep my parole officer off my back. All I have to do is sell the parts to myself, for imaginary money, and write it down. Voila, it's income, and income that's been legitimized by the "hustle culture." It's not fraud if it's written on a spreadsheet.
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collapsedsquid · 2 months
The ex-FTX CEO’s diet sees him get vegan meals that fellow inmates think “literally [smell] like shit” so he lives on beans and rice — the latter has “become one of the currencies of the realm inside MDC.” The alum of trading house Jane Street Capital and co-founder of trading firm Alameda Research reportedly joked about how much better the arbitrage opportunities are in jail compared to his former life as a high-frequency trader.
confused by this story, is he the only one that gets rice? Is it the rice that smells like shit? Tell me your prison rice-trading business secrets SBF!
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mitigatedchaos · 4 months
Canadian indigenous housing construction discourse is circulating on Twitter again. Indigenous groups are using their indigenous land use rights over territory in Canadian cities to build large housing developments to rent out to Canadians.
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This behavior by indigenous groups in Canada is unironically based, in both the right-wing and the left-wing sense.
It's also a sensible and pragmatic decision. They saw a great business opportunity that will provide a lot of value for society (it's even environmentally friendly, compared to sprawl), and they took it.
Great for them. We'll see how the implementation rolls out in practice, but so far, solid concept.
But why is Canadian land use policy so awful that an arbitrage opportunity the size of a small city existed to begin with?
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queenlua · 5 months
i rewatched schindler's list last night (extremely scattered random thoughts)
* the main motif that jumped out to me this time was that of paperwork
which makes sense, right. the list. in the title. is in fact a piece of paperwork
but (1) the last time i watched this i was like 15 and a dummy, and (2) i guess paperwork's been on the brain lately ever since i saw brandon taylor calling for a comeback of the "paperwork movie" and i was like so true bestie
the paperwork thing isn't the movie's primary preoccupation. it wasn't trying to make a specific statement about The Inhumanity Of Machines And Bureaucracy as far as i could tell (even though that'd be an easy angle for something like this to take), but even so. the endless lines with some harried typist at the end of it, the shots of ppl checking every coat pocket for their work papers, Itzhak's goofy-ass typing technique as he's making that list of names, the paperwork error that sends the train of women not to his factory but to Auchwitz, etc...
but there's a missing middle in there, right, with some honest examination of these typewriters and databases and keyboards and emails and files as part of the air we breathe now. (i think the automated-job-assignment-system in Le Guin's The Dispossessed and the City of Mind in Le Guin's Always Coming Home are both her kind-of-inchoate-but-deeply-felt AHHHHH reactions to bureaucratization and the internet, respectively—a lot of scifi from that era reads like that, nervous but not really sure what to say yet.) like, Schindler's List was not wanting to examine that angle overmuch, but because it's not so front-and-center preoccupied with the papers in-and-of-themselves it probably comes away with stronger imagery/riffing on the idea than it would have otherwise
when taylor was talking about paperwork movies he was talking about stuff like legal thrillers, romcoms, stuff like Air, and so on. things where bureaucratic competence is the way to win. and there's no shortage of midcentury stuff where The Bureaucratization Is The Horror, the act of putting anything on a paper or in a database is the itself the thing to be feared
but it'd be interesting to see a film that did take that front-and-center. (probably one exists! i don't watch very many movies.) i guess the closest thing to what i'm thinking of is Red Plenty, which is a novel about a lot of things, but one of those threads is definitely Egghead Soviet Math Nerds Doing Paperwork, & yeah it's so so so good. I Am Once Again Asking You To Read Red Plenty
* the other new thing that jumped out at me, this time around, was just how bad at business Schindler was lol. this went over my head as a kid, because the guy is always dressed fantastic and slots so easily into the Charming Business Magnate Archetype, and also because as a kid i hadn't spent enough time around Charming Business Magnates to realize how often they are full of shit... but yeah, the movie makes it super clear upfront that this is essentially a Wall Street Bets guy who has identified exactly one weird arbitrage opportunity ("hire slave labor") and is good at calling in favors from the other nazis he parties with and that's it. utterly unsurprising he failed at every single other business he ever tried. reading the details of Actual Oskar Schindler's life makes him seem both better and worse than how he's portrayed in the film, and it would've been really interesting to see all those angles explored, even if i get why Speilberg opted to sand down those edges and i'll concede he was probably right to do so for the thing he wanted to make
anyway yeah. that's a film
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Flash loan arbitrage bots
Flash loan arbitrage bots offer huge profits by exploiting price differences across multiple decentralized exchanges (DEXs) without requiring upfront funds. These bots use flash loans acquired and returned in one transaction to execute arbitrage opportunities by detecting and acting on price differences between DEXs, flash loan arbitrage bots can purchase low on one exchange and sell high on another within seconds. This quick execution maximizes revenues while reducing the risks associated with asset ownership. The efficiency and speed of flash loan arbitrage bots, together with their ability to leverage huge amounts of liquidity without collateral, make them useful tools for traders looking for high gains in the unpredictable and fast-paced DeFi market.
Launch Now: https://www.kryptobees.com/blog/flash-loan-arbitrage-bot-development
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talkdelta · 1 year
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thejaymo · 9 days
The internet arrived at a time when we gained social clout from arbitraging information, so our first instinct was to share information online. Perhaps we are now entering an era of information hoarding. This may mean that, for a while, the most interesting developments will happen somewhere off the grid. But over time, this practice will restore some value to art and cultural exploration, and bring back opportunities for tastemaking. Whatever the case, we first must recognize the role that arbitrage played in preventing our culture from growing stale while literally making us friends along the way. Winning respect by sharing video-game cheat codes may be a thing of the past, but we need to promote new methods for innovators and mediators to move the culture—otherwise it may not move much at all.
The Diminishing Returns of Having Good Taste
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thompson0320 · 2 months
Can BitNest lead us to wealth?
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BitNest, as a blockchain-based decentralized finance (DeFi) platform, provides a variety of financial services and investment opportunities, such as lending, savings, investment, etc. These services can indeed provide users with the possibility of increasing the value of their funds, but whether they can "get rich" involves multiple factors, including personal investment strategies, market conditions, risk management capabilities, and an in-depth understanding of the blockchain and DeFi markets.
How using BitNest may lead to wealth growth: Investment and Financial Management: By taking advantage of the investment tools and products provided by BitNest, such as lending agreements and savings accounts, users can increase their assets and income. Take advantage of market volatility: On DeFi platforms, investors can take advantage of the volatility of crypto markets to achieve capital appreciation, especially through trading and arbitrage. Participation in governance and rewards: As a DeFi platform, BitNest may provide governance tokens or other forms of rewards to allow users to participate in the governance and decision-making of the platform, thereby obtaining additional rewards. Risks to consider: Market risk: The cryptocurrency market is highly volatile. Although it provides the possibility of high returns, it also faces the risk of capital loss. Technical risks: DeFi platforms rely on complex smart contracts and technical solutions, and there is a risk of potential vulnerabilities or failures. Regulatory risk: The global regulatory environment’s changing attitude towards cryptocurrencies and DeFi may affect the operation of the platform and the security of users’ assets. How to use BitNest safely: Be Fully Understood: Thoroughly research and understand how DeFi products and services work before investing. Invest prudently: Only invest money you can afford to lose and diversify your investments to reduce risk. Continuous monitoring: Pay close attention to market dynamics and platform updates, and adjust investment strategies in a timely manner.
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benlinna · 2 months
Can BitNest lead us to wealth?
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BitNest, as a blockchain-based decentralized finance (DeFi) platform, provides a variety of financial services and investment opportunities, such as lending, savings, investment, etc. These services can indeed provide users with the possibility of increasing the value of their funds, but whether they can "get rich" involves multiple factors, including personal investment strategies, market conditions, risk management capabilities, and an in-depth understanding of the blockchain and DeFi markets.
How using BitNest may lead to wealth growth: Investment and Financial Management: By taking advantage of the investment tools and products provided by BitNest, such as lending agreements and savings accounts, users can increase their assets and income. Take advantage of market volatility: On DeFi platforms, investors can take advantage of the volatility of crypto markets to achieve capital appreciation, especially through trading and arbitrage. Participation in governance and rewards: As a DeFi platform, BitNest may provide governance tokens or other forms of rewards to allow users to participate in the governance and decision-making of the platform, thereby obtaining additional rewards. Risks to consider: Market risk: The cryptocurrency market is highly volatile. Although it provides the possibility of high returns, it also faces the risk of capital loss. Technical risks: DeFi platforms rely on complex smart contracts and technical solutions, and there is a risk of potential vulnerabilities or failures. Regulatory risk: The global regulatory environment’s changing attitude towards cryptocurrencies and DeFi may affect the operation of the platform and the security of users’ assets. How to use BitNest safely: Be Fully Understood: Thoroughly research and understand how DeFi products and services work before investing. Invest prudently: Only invest money you can afford to lose and diversify your investments to reduce risk. Continuous monitoring: Pay close attention to market dynamics and platform updates, and adjust investment strategies in a timely manner.
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wallace18811 · 2 months
Can BitNest lead us to wealth?
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BitNest, as a blockchain-based decentralized finance (DeFi) platform, provides a variety of financial services and investment opportunities, such as lending, savings, investment, etc. These services can indeed provide users with the possibility of increasing the value of their funds, but whether they can "get rich" involves multiple factors, including personal investment strategies, market conditions, risk management capabilities, and an in-depth understanding of the blockchain and DeFi markets.
How using BitNest may lead to wealth growth: Investment and Financial Management: By taking advantage of the investment tools and products provided by BitNest, such as lending agreements and savings accounts, users can increase their assets and income. Take advantage of market volatility: On DeFi platforms, investors can take advantage of the volatility of crypto markets to achieve capital appreciation, especially through trading and arbitrage. Participation in governance and rewards: As a DeFi platform, BitNest may provide governance tokens or other forms of rewards to allow users to participate in the governance and decision-making of the platform, thereby obtaining additional rewards. Risks to consider: Market risk: The cryptocurrency market is highly volatile. Although it provides the possibility of high returns, it also faces the risk of capital loss. Technical risks: DeFi platforms rely on complex smart contracts and technical solutions, and there is a risk of potential vulnerabilities or failures. Regulatory risk: The global regulatory environment’s changing attitude towards cryptocurrencies and DeFi may affect the operation of the platform and the security of users’ assets. How to use BitNest safely: Be Fully Understood: Thoroughly research and understand how DeFi products and services work before investing. Invest prudently: Only invest money you can afford to lose and diversify your investments to reduce risk. Continuous monitoring: Pay close attention to market dynamics and platform updates, and adjust investment strategies in a timely manner.
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slots-market · 10 months
"From Risk to Reward: My Success Story in the Slots Market"
In my years of online money-making experience, I've discovered that platforms like this are reliable. Their focus is on gamblers, not us, for profits. It's that simple: take calculated risks to earn.
After thorough exploration, I've developed a strategy that allows me to profit from this platform without engaging in actual gambling. My aim isn't just financial gain, but responsible success. This approach isn't about wagering or risking funds; it's about securing steady and safe profits.
In just 6 months, this platform has gained a staggering 800,000 members, many fall victim to scams or financial instability. However, our chosen slot machine market stands out. While not flawless, its global growth underscores its potential, extending beyond the Philippines.
Gaming is a massive industry, evident in famous casinos like Las Vegas and Atlantic City. These establishments flourish by setting rules and employing strategic marketing tactics to attract players and host betting contests with enticing prizes.
Driven by human nature, gaming ensures profitability through player engagement. Quest rewards create an exciting atmosphere, engaging users across various games. By following our team's strategies and managing speculative tendencies, you can profit from these quests.
Maximizing Profits Strategically, Without Gambling
The slots market functions as an online casino, but it comes with a unique twist: the opportunity for profit through incentive tasks. These tasks provide an additional avenue for earnings beyond traditional gambling. In this virtual casino realm, you can amplify your profits by completing specific tasks, known as incentives. Unlike pure chance-based gambling, these tasks empower you to take an active role in boosting your earnings.
Imagine earning profit without the usual risks associated with gambling. Let me share how I managed to enhance my earnings through this dynamic approach.
Steps to Earning
Download the Slots Market app by clicking the Slots Market to receive 200 coins ($2) free
2. Register, verify, and reach out to My Telegram with your 6-digit account ID or profile screenshot to claim your 200 coins ($2) bonus. Note: This bonus is redeemable exclusively through the provided link.
3. Follow these steps to start earning:
   - Activate tasks (refreshes hourly)
   - Divide your chips by 8
   - Diversify your bets among 8 options
By utilizing the Incentive reward on tasks and following the steps above, you can earn 0.15% on every bet, increasing your funds by 0.15% every hour (up to 3.6% for 24 hours). This game-changing strategy allowed me to gain profits and maximize earnings.
Deposit $50 to earn $50 monthly, or deposit $500 to earn $500 monthly.
SLOTS MARKET is an online casino app. Why is there a quest return token campaign?
For instance, take CAR ROULETTE, which offers 40 draws hourly, allowing you to recover 0.775% of your bet with a single chance. With 8 options and a winning payout of 7.95 times, the platform's net profit per hour exceeds 25%
A larger team means higher commission earnings. Creating your strategy involves risk in any game!!!
Casinos profit through player turnover, similar to the platform's activities.
The platform understands gambling's universal allure, securing profits regardless.
Our approach avoids gambling, utilizing activities for earnings.
Platform rewards are rebates for turnover, while our team employs security strategies for arbitrage
We leverage the platform to our advantage.
The platform encourages gambling, while we advocate caution.
Human nature's complexity fuels the platform's profits, allowing us to earn consistently.
Remember, only risk-takers make money. Stay safe and prosperous!
For further guidance, I invite you to join our active Telegram group, a community of over 4,000 members engaging in this endeavor. Together, we embark on a journey of responsible and rewarding success.
Connect with our social media for more tips, guides and updates
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