#ar mobile shop
armobileshop · 4 months
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mirrorsize-blog · 2 years
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AI-Powered Shoe Sizing App Makes Shopping Easy.
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theguildawards · 6 months
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Hello guildmates!
The Nomination Period is now closed! Below the cut you will find a complete list of all the fanfiction nominations received for The Guild Awards this term! The mobile-friendly version can also be found in a Google Doc here that has the complete list!
You can find the list of all the fanart nominations here!
If you do not see your nomination, or you find issues with the links, please reach out to us as soon as possible!
We are going to give you 2 weeks time to enjoy all of the pieces nominated for this term! We strongly encourage that when you view a work of art or read a fanfiction, please reblog or leave a comment to let the creators know how much their work and talent is appreciated!
The voting period will begin April 15th and end April 29th at midnight PST!
In order to be able to vote, you will need to login. We will be posting the link to the voting form on the first day of the voting session.
Got a question? Check out our FAQ Google Doc or send us an ask!
Message one of the mods directly: @classysassy9791 @phoenix-before-the-flame @kiliinstinct @ratretro @phoneboxfairy
Thank you to everyone who nominated for making this term absolutely wonderful and happy voting!
[please reblog to help spread the love of these amazing creators!]
Best Action/Adventure
“Molten Steel” by @mavikiu (tumblr/AO3)
“Branded” by @hawkofnavarre (tumblr/FFN)
Best AU/AR
“A Girl’s Mind is a Dangerous Place” by @clenastia (tumblr/AO3)
“My Little Space Oddity” by Beingwithaskillet (AO3)
“Bull In a Crystal Shop” by Buniibebe (FFN)
Best Canon
“Taming the Beast: Living Nightmare” by @dawnwynters (tumblr/AO3)
“How I Snagged Your Father” by MyFictionalFantasy (AO3)
Best Angst
“Forever” by @teleiapotami (tumblr) / Teleia_Potami (AO3)
“heartbeat on the high line” by @notsofluffyunicorn (tumblr/AO3)
“Finding Hope” by @creaticare (tumblr) / ChaoticKori (AO3)
“Waiting For the Dawn’ by Stopbeingrude12 (AO3)
"Dragon Season: Rejection" by @aki-natsuko (tumblr) / Akiko_Natsuko (AO3)
Best Dark
‘A Future Set Like Stone’ by Clenastia (AO3)
“Power of the Underworld” by @genavere (tumblr/AO3)
‘Her Touch” by LissyArt101 (AO3)
"If you asked me i would lose it all" by ObsessiveExplosion (AO3)
Best Drama
“Even the Dragon King Has Feelings” by Don_Cheadle (AO3)
"The Celestial Princess" by @subject-layla (tumblr/AO3)
Best Humor/Parody
‘Faustian Bargain’ by PoisonDragonSlayer (AO3)
“Gotta match ‘em all” by AngryGoldenMonster (AO3)
"Fairy Tail Text Fics" by @multi-verse-mania (tumblr) / Multiverse_Mania (AO3)
"The Jam Problem" by @acacia-may (tumblr) / Acacia_May (AO3)
Best Oneshot
"Storybook"  by Ilito15 (AO3)
“Once Upon a Time, Five” by @ostensiblyfunctional (tumblr/AO3)
"Reminiscing on the Hard Road" by @fairydares (tumblr/AO3)
"What Does It All Come Down To? (Love? Love)"  by @forwantofacalling (tumblr) / Fireflower34 (AO3)
Best Character Portrayal
"Storybook"  (Mavis) by Ilito15 (AO3)
"Inner Thoughts" (Natsu) by Halbarath (FFN)
"Doubt Truth to be a Liar" (Gray) by SilverSnowBlossom (AO3)
"Making Friends" (Gajeel) by FairyDell (AO3)
Best Romance
‘On Nights Like These’ by @Tokkias (tumblr/AO3)
‘Wanna Make a Bet?’ by Ssukidesu (AO3)
“Finding Forgiveness” by @teleiapotami (tumblr) / Teleia_Potami (AO3)
"All Treats, No Tricks" by Be_dazzled06 (AO3)
Best LGBTQ+ Romance 
“Every Good Thing in Life (Leads Back to You)” by allayrose (AO3)
“Groomzilla” by @sandwitchstories (tumblr/AO3)
Best Serial
"Heart Shaped World" by Myahud (AO3)
Best Ficlet
“Untitled” by @caissa-scribbles (tumblr)
Best Friendship Portrayal
“Once Upon a Time, Five” (Team Shadowgear + Gajeel) by @ostensiblyfunctional (tumblr/AO3)
“You, Me, A Fish & The Sky” (Natsu and Happy) by @therosefrontier (tumblr) / BlossomingRosebud (AO3)
“A Worried Best Friend’ (Gajeel & Juvia) by GruviaSilver (FFN)
"Your Crush Is My Love Rival" (Gray & Levy, Juvia & Gajeel) by Cathelerein (AO3) & InkuEko (AO3)
Best Completed
“The Era of Shadows and Sunshine” by RomanticHawthorn (AO3)
“FairyTale of Doom” by CrimsonStarbird (AO3)
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loemius · 2 months
im too like fuzzy from cough syrup to answer YOUR question-- Hephaestus is associated with copper specifically from my understanding, but I know a lot of modern helpol folks associate him with stuff like computers, the internet, metal in general. Hephaestus needs some love, whats some other things you associate him with, either upg or historically (I kinda like thinking of him as the god of disability aids like wheelchairs and prosthetics)
OH BOY I LOVE THIS QUESTION!!!!! i love hephaestus and i am so glad to spread some love for him. thank you for this fantastic question <333 historically speaking: -cranes! paper cranes are really fun and easy to make and would be an awesome votive for him. -donkeys! i think about this one a lot and his myth with dionysus where he'd been cast out of olympos and dionysus was the one who came after him and was able to convince him to return, and he rode back on a donkey: "One of the Greek legends is that Hephaistos, when he was born, was thrown down by Hera. In revenge he sent as a gift a golden chair with invisible fetters. When Hera sat down she was held fast, and Hephaistos refused to listen to any other of the gods save Dionysos--in him he reposed the fullest trust--and after making him drunk Dionysos brought him to heaven." [theoi.com, Pausanias 1.20.3] i mean just look at him on his steed. i love it. [also sourced from theoi.com]
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-this is a weird one but chains. he's got a lot to do with chains, from the aforementioned binding of hera to the net of chains to capture ares and aphrodite in their affair to the binding of prometheus. i havent quite developed my thoughts on this yet, but i think it's very interesting. -hammers. he's often seen depicted with his hammer, and of course he helped zeus give birth to athena by using his hammer to split his head open. having experience in metalworking really made me appreciate this more, because there are SO many different kinds of hammers and using the wrong one can completely change the outcome of your work. also, its hard work! makes me think more about just how strong lord hephaestus is to make such grand works. -i think about him a lot with jewelry making, since he's got quite a few historically attested pieces of jewelry that he's made. upg: -i also associate him with mobility aids of all kinds. i also think about him and apollo working together to make medical technology, which means a lot to me as someone who's had health struggles. -i also associate him with computers too. i pray to him when my technology doesnt work LMAO -tobacco. i liked to smoke a cigarette with him before id go into the metal shop (dont smoke please its terrible for you) -the smell of metal. weird one but id go into the metal shop and take a sniff and be like :') ahhhhh hephaestus. i worked a lot in copper and bronze bc theyre soft and cheap metals, and the smell of copper on your hands after spending hours on the jewelers saw... like nothing else in this world. -soldering. when i learned to solder i would pray to him to help me do it well and get a good solder. it is harder than you think, especially when working in silver which can and WILL melt if you're not careful enough. it really made me appreciate how diligent and patient he must be. on a similar note, annealing metal also made me think of him. annealing is the process of heating and quenching metal to strength it once it gets too soft and you are quite literally just blasting it with a torch until it’s red hot. takes so much patience and carefulness. -open flame cooking. he's associated with fires after all and just. tossing something on the grill or over a campfire always makes me think of him. i also think of zeus when i grill things but i dont have a reason for that other than grilling is dad behavior and he is the ultimate dad. -LEGOS. any time i play with legos i am thinking about him. its the building aspect and the creativity. -really i think about him, athena, and apollo a lot when i'm creating, especially 3d works for hephaestus. i'm pursuing a bfa so i make a lot of things, and i think a lot about his skill and dedication to the craft when i make them.
thank you so so much for this ask!!! i loved answering this and would love to hear others thoughts on this <3 gods bless you with health and happiness!!!
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banqanas · 11 months
Guide on where to find official EXILE TRIBE contents
This list focuses on sites/services that is managed by LDH, therefore does not include social media
Includes free and paid contents
Disclaimer: Focuses more on Jr EXILE groups contents as they're the ones I follow most.
I try to include pictures for most points, please click on them to see the details clearly
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CL (LDH's own VOD site)
Type of content available:
live cast from groups & individual members
short live broadcast (<10 minutes) during concerts
original LDH show/programs (limited quantity)
is also one of the main platforms to interact with artists
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✅ Not region blocked, targeted for JP & international fans
✅ Some shows have subtitles and are available in multiple languages (English, Chinese, Thailand, Korean)
✅ Types of shows varies and some dated before ~2017 (you can get to know the group from their formation until their current state)
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2. Radio
Type of content available:
Early preview of new songs
Members responding to listener's requests & questions
Behind the scene stories
Some groups/members serve as DJ for various radio programs on different mediums. Some examples include:
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GENERATIONS: CultureZ (Sano Reo DJ - broadcasted live on YouTube) THE RAMPAGE: WEEKEND THE RAMPAGE (Zin and RIKU DJ - BayFM) FANTASTICS: Fantastics Radio (all members - OsakaFM), Design Your Fantastic Future (Nakajima Sota DJ - FM802), Quartet (Jr Exile) EP (Sato Taiki DJ - Exile Tribe Mobile), SawaSota's carefree radio show (CL) BALLISTIK BOYZ: BALLISTIKRADIO (all members DJ, free to listen on website)
❌ Most of the radio shows hosted on Japan's radio FM are region blocked
✅ Weekly updates
✅ You get to listen to your oshi talking about mundane stuffs that doesn't fit on camera like their favourite McDonalds order or them complaining how noisy some members are during their train rides
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3. TV shows
Type of content available:
Music TV show (e.g: Music Station, NHK Utacon)
Reality shows (e.g: Hirunandesu, Susteina)
drama series
Short segments in tv shows
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Mainly for tribe members that are also active in acting or often goes on variety tv shows e.g: Katayose Ryota, Shirahama Alan, Sato Taiki, Yagi Yusei etc. Most JP tv shows are archived at TVer and can be watched for free
❌ Need to find TV streaming service + VPN
❌ Archives on TVer are only viewable for a week after the tv broadcast
✅ Contents that are not covered by CL
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LDH's own monthly magazine. Contents include:
Event reports
Interviews with artists
✅ Can see pictures from closed events that most international fans can't participate
❌ Some articles can only be accessed for FC members of respective groups
TL;DR: the are quite a lot of free contents however they are restricted behind region blocks and language barriers. You have to be updated with the group's news to catch them on tv/radio.
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CL (premium account - monthly subscription)
Type of content available:
Includes aforementioned free content and more (e.g: PPV online broadcasts for concerts/events, live cast archives, CL anniversary stream)
Premium account members are also eligible for special benefits when buying CD/DVD from LDH official shops
Detailed information between free & premium account here
✅ Payment via app store available
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2. EXILE TRIBE OFFICIAL FANCLUB (yearly subscription)
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Type of contents available vary between each group's FC but general content each FC has includes:
monthly calendar wallpapers
exclusive images and videos that are not posted in mobile sites (after concert message, seasonal videos, video call-like videos etc)
reports from FC Events (online talk, fan meeting, bus trips, live shows etc etc) that is not covered by Exile Tribe Magazine
Messages for celebratory days (birthday, Valentines', White Day, anniversaries etc)
AR cameras
Chance to get members forgotten belongings (FANTASTICS only)
✅ Eligible to get FC only merchandise (which changes every year)
✅ Eligible for special benefits when buying CD/DVDs from LDH official shop
❌ Requires Japanese address and bank account
❌ Mainly used to get first dibs at concert tickets/fan events so unless you're planning on going to physical events, it's not that worth it.
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3. EXILE MOBILE SITES (monthly subscription)
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LDH's comprehensive blogging sites. Is considered Exile Tribe's/LDH main website where contents they covered is divided according to groups (refer to images above) and all of them covers:
latest news
backstage photos from concerts (rehearsals, off shots, events)
blog posts with photos/vlog updated by the artists themselves
original content (radio show, independent programs)
※ Members that are part of EXILE and other groups (e.g: Alan, Gun-chan, Mandy, SEKAI, Taiki, DEEP SQUAD) have separate blogs on EXILE mobile/LDH mobile and Tribe Mobile.
⚠️ Pictures that have the LDH/group logo on them are all pictures from their mobile sites. Please be careful of sharing them publicly (as they are widely known to be paid content)
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✅ Main source of online content for Exile Tribe straight from the members themselves
✅ Updated daily (depending on member)
✅ Contents are more personal and in-depth compared to their SNS posts. I've translated some of them here and here
✅ Chance of fans directly interact with members (some would reply back to fans replies, also depending on member)
TL;DR: Paid sites are not region blocked as long as you can get through the payment site
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Others (sites not managed by LDH but are official collaborations)
1.ABEMA TV - PAID (is not covered in the same category as free tv show because these are not available on regional JP tv channels:
Contents include but not limited to:
ABEMAxLDH: Concerts (PPV), documentary and fanmeets
Past and currently airing GENEkou TV episodes
Incomplete episodes of SHIBUEXILE (2020 - 2021)
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2. Tribe Kingdom (puzzle mobile game) - FREE: I have made a separate post about the game here. While the in-game stories are fictional, some parts (voice lines, kitchen talk) include real facts about the artists themselves
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How do you sign up/access sites that require JP address and phone number? A: I sign up to Tenso and use the address and number they provide. Most JP sites I've used accepts the address and phone number Tenso provides. None of the sites I've mentioned above require any sort of code to be sent to your Tenso phone number
How do you pay for the services that require JP bank accounts? A: I do not have any jp bank account and have only used my local (asean) bank account. I just pick a card and pray it's accepted by the payment site
Which site do you recommend the most for international fans? A: CL. Other than the fact that the contents are subbed, it is also the platform where you can openly post in other languages (not Japanese) whether in replies or live chats. I really encourage getting the Premium subscription to show LDH how international fans are supporting them.
What is the difference between Official Fan Club contents VS mobile sites? A: Mobile sites main contents are blog posts that are updated by members themselves so the contents mainly focus on individual members (good for people who are only fans of specific members of a group). Mobile site contents are also less formal (pictures/videos are not edited professionally). FC are mainly group-centered contents and the quantities are not as many as those that are posted in mobile sites. But no same contents are posted in both site. ※ Personal note: Mobile sites is worth your money more compared to FC
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END. Thank for checking this out and feel free to hit me up if you have any questions regarding these services/sites as I've had a chance to use most of them
(e.g: I can answer questions such as how to sign up to site A, what kind of contents members A, B, C post in their blog or how regularly they post blogs, or which VPN do I use when using site A or B. Unfortunately I can't help with any question regarding payment)
Let's try to support our boys where we can :) 👍
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epinesar007 · 3 months
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What is marketing:-
 In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, staying ahead of the curve is crucial for businesses aiming to succeed in 2024 and beyond. With technological advancements and shifting consumer behaviors, the landscape of marketing continues to evolve rapidly. This blog explores key strategies and trends that businesses can leverage to thrive in today's digital age.
1. Understanding the Current Marketing Landscape
 - Digital Transformation: How businesses are adapting to digital-first strategies.
- Consumer Behavior Shifts: The rise of mobile-first browsing and shopping.
- Data-Driven Insights: Harnessing big data for targeted marketing campaigns.
2. Key Digital Marketing Strategies
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Best practices for ranking high on search engines.
- Content Marketing: Creating valuable content to engage and convert customers.
- Social Media Marketing: Leveraging platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok for brand awareness and customer engagement.
- Email Marketing: Building effective email campaigns for lead nurturing and customer retention.
- Paid Advertising: Maximizing ROI through Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and other paid channels.
3. Emerging Trends in 2024
 - AI and Machine Learning: How AI is transforming marketing automation and personalized customer experiences.
- Voice Search Optimization: Optimizing content for voice search queries.
- Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR): Enhancing customer engagement through immersive experiences.
- Blockchain Technology: Ensuring transparency and security in digital marketing efforts.
4. Case Studies and Success Stories
 - Case Study 1: How Company X achieved a 200% increase in sales through an innovative digital marketing campaign.
- Case Study 2: Lessons learned from Company Y's successful social media influencer collaboration.
- Case Study 3: Implementing AI-driven strategies at Company Z: A roadmap to success.
 5. The Future of Marketing: Predictions and Recommendations
 - Personalization: Tailoring marketing efforts to individual consumer preferences.
- Ethical Marketing: Building trust and credibility through ethical practices.
- Continuous Learning: The importance of staying updated with industry trends and evolving technologies.
 As we move further into 2024, digital marketing will continue to evolve, presenting both challenges and opportunities for businesses. By embracing innovative strategies, leveraging new technologies, and staying agile, businesses can position themselves for success in the ever-changing digital landscape.
 Call to Action
 Ready to take your marketing efforts to the next level in 2024? Contact us today to learn how our tailored strategies can help your business thrive in the digital age.
 This outline provides a comprehensive framework for a 1500-word blog post on digital marketing. You can expand each section with detailed explanations, examples, and insights to provide value to your readers and establish your authority in the field.
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dreamlandsystem · 1 year
Nintendogs + Cats + You!
(a game concept for a Nintendogs release on the Switch)
- included with the game is a wireless microphone with a Bluetooth chip
- insert with breed info
Amiibo Compatibility:
- different amiibos award the player with themed treats and single use toys (ex: kirby car cake, inkling/octoling toy that pops, power up mushroom treats)
- using Nintendogs-specific Amiibos for the first time gives a specific dog or cat plush/figurine toy
Animal Breeds:
- starting off with 8-12 breeds, with the original 27 unlockable through friendship
- introduce 3-8 new breeds for a total of 30-35 breeds (possible suggestions: borzoi, pitbull, malamute, newfoundland, Australian cattle dog, Airedale terrier, border collie, rottweiler)
- introduce 1-2 new cat breeds (possible suggestions: sphinx cats, maine coon)
- bring back agility trials (for a total of 4 competition types: agility, obedience, lure coursing, and disc throw)
- new competition ideas: birding (train your dog to locate and flush out bird toys from trees and retrieve them from bodies of water), best in show (points system based on grooming, physique, and style)
- let cats learn tricks and compete in obedience trials and best in show
- remove the AR function from obedience competitions (or make it optional)
Walks and Outings:
- add swimming (at the ocean, lake, or pool)
- introduce rotating stock at BARC shops
- chance to be invited to NPC’s homes for pet play dates
- rare chance to encounter and adopt a stray dog or cat
- print shop where you can design your own accessories
- pop up shops with rare or hard-to-find items
Home Interactions:
- toy overhaul with lots of additions
- toy ideas: a puzzle toy that dispenses a treat when solved, slinky, paper airplane (single use), Poochy toy (from the Yoshi series), instruments like a kazoo, xylophone, drums, and flute
- improved home customization with more furniture placement options (including wall mounts for cats)
- add pet-safe dyes in fun colors
- receive a friendship bonus for brushing your pet after bathing them
- unlock Groomer with enough friendship where you can pay to have your dog bathed, brushed, and dyed
General Improvements:
- autosave after competitions and walks, after teaching new tricks, making purchases, and getting a new dog
- add an event for your pet’s “Gotcha Day” with a party hat and pet safe birthday cake
- log-in bonus (of biscuits, supplies, or toys) for playing with your pets every day
- pets have visible mood stats (anxious, restless, content, calm, excited, cheerful) which change depending on the quality of their care
Nintendo Switch Online features:
- play dates: invite other players to your house, the park, or café
- compete with other players in special competitions
- send gifts and notes to other players
- pedometer portion of the Switch Online mobile app
- community board where friends’ pets’ achievements are displayed
DLC Opportunities:
- add a few more breeds (possibly including an alien/fantasy breed)
- DLC exclusive toy pack, accessory pack, and home remodel designs
Suggested price point: $60 USD base game, $75 including DLC
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anushaansari · 4 months
🌟 Embracing the Future of Mobile App Development 🌟
Hey Tumblr fam! 📱✨ As we dive into 2024, the world of mobile app development is buzzing with exciting trends that are shaping the way we interact with technology. Here’s a glimpse into what’s on the horizon:
AI & Machine Learning: Apps are getting smarter, thanks to AI and ML, offering personalized experiences and predictive insights.
5G Revolution: With 5G, expect faster speeds and enhanced capabilities for apps, paving the way for immersive AR, VR, and IoT applications.
Cross-Platform Development: Tools like Flutter and React Native make it easier to develop apps that work seamlessly across different devices and platforms.
AR & VR Experiences: From virtual shopping to interactive gaming, AR and VR are transforming how users engage with apps.
Blockchain Integration: Enhancing security and transparency in mobile apps through decentralized solutions.
IoT Connectivity: Apps that connect with smart devices, offering seamless control and monitoring.
Progressive Web Apps (PWAs): Combining the best of web and mobile apps for a responsive and engaging user experience.
Enhanced Mobile Security: Biometric authentication, encryption, and secure APIs to protect user data.
Wearable Tech Integration: Apps that sync with smartwatches and fitness trackers, offering personalized health insights.
Voice-Activated Interfaces: Hands-free interaction with apps through virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa.
💡 Want to dive deeper into the world of mobile app development? Check out this insightful article on Warticles.com. It covers the top 10 key features to consider when choosing the best mobile app builder.
And if you’re thinking of building your own app, explore MageNative- Mobile App Builder on Shopify! It’s packed with features to streamline your development process.
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Stay tuned for more updates and insights on technology trends. Follow for the latest in mobile app development and beyond! 📲💬
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yyh4ever · 2 years
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Yu Yu Hakusho 30th Anniversary SHOP by Pierrot Store
In commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the anime, the "Yu Yu Hakusho 30th Anniversary SHOP by Pierrot Store" will be held at Shinjuku Marui Annex, in Shinjuku City, Tokyo.
The merch include art from the newly released 30th Anniversary Commemorative Illustration and also from the Maji Battle mobile game.
■ Period and Venues:
Shinjuku Marui Annex 6F: January 13 to January 29, 2023
Mallage Shobu: February 4 to February 12, 2023
Namba Marui: February 23 to March 5, 2023
Amu Plaza Oita: March 18 to March 26, 2023
■ Online Store (mail order): studio-pierrot-store
■ Goods:
Extra-large Standee (4 types)
Price: 44,000 yen each (including shipping)
*Limited to mail order
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Mistograph (4 types)
Price: 22,000 yen each
*Limited to mail order
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Acrylic Stand (4 types)
Price: 1,650 yen each
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Metal Badge Collection (8 types in total, blind)
Price: 660 yen
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Mini Canvas Collection (8 types in total, blind)
Price: 660 yen
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Canvas Board (2 types)
Price: 3,300 yen each
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Clear File (4 types)
Price: 440 yen each
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T-shirts with original artwork (4 types)
Price: 3,300 yen each
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Postcard Set
Price: 1,100 yen
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Dark Tournament (暗黒武術会 ~ Ankoku Bujutsukai) Goods
Dark Tournament Mug Cup
Price: 1,650 yen
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Dark Tournament T-shirt
Price: 3,300 yen
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Dark Tournament Muffler Towel
Price: 1,980 yen
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Dark Tournament Coach Jacket
Price: 8,800 yen
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Dark Tournament Souvenir Cookies
OMG, I want those cookies!
Price: 1,080 yen (only available at the store)
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Logo Acrylic Keychain
Yu Yu Hakusho logo: ���☆遊☆白書
Price: 660 yen
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Visual Plate Collection (10 types in total)
Price: 440 yen (blind, 2 pieces per set)
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Puu Towel Handkerchief
Price: 990 yen
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Puu Tote Bag
Price: 3,498 yen
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Puu Flat Pouch
Price: 1,650 yen
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Youko Kurama's Tail Keychain
This is cute, in the anime, when Kurama arrives at the Demon World, he's holding a backpack with a fox tail keychain.
Price: 1,980 yen
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Yu Yu Hakusho 100% Maji Battle Goods
Yu Yu Hakusho 100% Maji Battle Acrylic Stand (16 types)
Maji Battle announced the termination of their service with new mafia illustrations of Hiei and Kuwabara, and now Pierrot is releasing merch with them. Thank you, Studio Pierrot! Also, illustrations from the Valentines and New Year events.
Price: 1,650 yen each
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Yu Yu Hakusho 100% Maji Battle Holo Badge Collection (17 types in total, blind)
Summer and Halloween illustrations from Maji Battle.
Price: 550 yen
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Yu Yu Hakusho 100% Maji Battle Peta Stickers Collection (8 types in total, blind)
Maji Battle illustrations from Christmas, June's Bride and oendan (cheering squad) events.
Price: 660 yen
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Yu Yu Hakusho 100% Maji Battle Shikishi Collection (12 types in total, blind)
Maji Battle illustrations from the 4th anniversary, New Year and fighting poses.
Price: 660 yen
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Yu Yu Hakusho 100% Maji Battle Postcard Set
Maji Battle illustrations from the summer, the youkai characters in yukata are amazing.
Price: 1,100 yen
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■ In-store Exclusive Novelty
One AR card (total 8 kinds) will be presented at random with every purchase of 2,000 yen.
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By reading the "2D barcode", you can take a picture with the characters. AR can be used until December 31, 2023.
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jaaduse · 6 months
Welcome to Jaadu Se : Shop the Latest, Mobile Phones, Smartphones, Apple Products, iPhone , iPad , Watch & Premium Accessories
Jaadu Se, a proud division of iZone Digital India Private Limited, is where magic meets technology! 🎩✨ We're here to sprinkle enchantment into your shopping experience and turn every wish into a reality! 💫
At Jaadu Se, we believe in our tagline, Jaadu SE - ab hogi sabki wish puri, which means "Magic Happens - now everyone's wish will come true". 💫
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aizdigitalconnect · 7 months
How will Digital Marketing Change in the Future?
Digital marketing is expected to undergo significant changes in the future, driven by advancements in technology, shifting consumer behaviors, and regulatory developments. Here are some key ways in which digital marketing is likely to change in the coming years:
Increased Emphasis on AI and Machine Learning: Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms will play a more prominent role in digital marketing strategies. Marketers will leverage AI-powered tools for data analysis, personalization, predictive analytics, and automation of routine tasks, leading to more efficient campaigns and better targeting of audiences.
Rise of Voice Search Optimization: With the growing popularity of voice-activated devices like smart speakers and virtual assistants, optimizing content for voice search will become crucial. Marketers will need to focus on conversational keywords, long-tail phrases, and providing concise yet informative answers to voice queries to improve visibility in voice search results.
Evolution of Content Formats: The demand for interactive and immersive content experiences will drive the evolution of content formats. Video content, live streaming, augmented reality (AR), and virtual reality (VR) experiences will become more prevalent as marketers seek to engage audiences in innovative ways and create memorable brand interactions.
Data Privacy and Compliance: Stricter data privacy regulations and consumer concerns about data security will shape digital marketing practices. Marketers will need to prioritize transparent data collection and usage practices, adhere to regulatory requirements such as GDPR and CCPA, and build trust with consumers by demonstrating a commitment to data privacy and security.
Integration of Social Commerce: Social media platforms will continue to evolve into powerful e-commerce channels. Marketers will integrate social commerce features such as shoppable posts, in-app checkout options, and social shopping experiences to drive sales directly from social media platforms and enhance the overall customer journey.
Innovations in Digital Advertising: Digital advertising will undergo innovations in targeting capabilities, ad formats, and measurement metrics. Contextual advertising, native advertising, programmatic advertising, and influencer marketing will remain key strategies, with a focus on delivering relevant, non-intrusive ad experiences that resonate with target audiences.
Personalization at Scale: Advanced personalization techniques powered by data analytics and AI will enable marketers to deliver highly tailored and relevant content experiences at scale. Personalized recommendations, dynamic content customization, and adaptive messaging based on individual preferences and behaviors will drive engagement and conversion rates.
Mobile-First and Mobile-Optimized Strategies: The continued proliferation of mobile devices will necessitate a mobile-first approach to digital marketing. Marketers will prioritize mobile-optimized websites, responsive design, mobile apps, and location-based targeting to reach and engage mobile-centric audiences effectively.
Sustainability and Social Responsibility: Brands will increasingly integrate sustainability and social responsibility initiatives into their digital marketing strategies. Purpose-driven marketing campaigns, eco-friendly product messaging, and support for social causes will resonate with socially conscious consumers and enhance brand reputation.
Data-driven Decision Making: The use of data analytics, attribution modeling, and marketing automation tools will enable marketers to make data-driven decisions and optimize campaign performance in real time. Continuous monitoring, testing, and refinement of marketing strategies based on actionable insights will be essential for driving success in the evolving digital landscape.
Overall, the future of digital marketing will be characterized by innovation, agility, and a customer-centric approach. By embracing emerging technologies, prioritizing data ethics and privacy, and staying attuned to evolving consumer trends, businesses can navigate the changing digital marketing landscape effectively and achieve their marketing objectives in the years ahead.
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armobileshop · 4 months
Nowadays smartphones have become the most unavoidable device in our daily lives. Whether you are a businessman, student, or parent, having a smartphone allows you access to information you need, communication tools, and more. So whenever you plan to buy a smartphone from a mobile shop, so many doubts will come to your mind. In the market, there are so many smartphones with different specifications available. So the process of choosing a smartphone is hard. Most common doubts like which brand I should choose, what storage I need, which RAM type I need, etc. will come to your mind. If you plan to buy a new smartphone, read on to learn what you need to know before buying a new one.
1. Fix a Budget
The first important thing you should do is to decide on a budget to spend on a new smartphone. You have so many options available in the market. But unless you decide on your budget, nothing will help you out. Fixing a budget you can narrow your options and focus on a specific smartphone in your price range. When people shop for a new smartphone, they think about how will it reflect on them. In most cases, people choose a smartphone without setting a budget. If you want to buy a high-end smartphone, you can make your decision much easier by spending extra money by setting a budget. If you planning to buy a refurbished mobile phone, you will want to make sure that you can afford the cost of mobile repairs and maintenance that will come in the future.
2. Research
Before buying a smartphone under 25k, ask your friends and family who own a mobile phone under your budget. Ones you get an idea about the smartphone you are going to buy, you will want to research that particular mobile phone. There are so many ways to research. For example by visiting a local shop, reading reviews, and checking out expert reviews. It's very good to look for different types of smartphones of the same budget compare their specifications and select the one you need.
3. By checking ratings and reviews
Make sure that you are checking relevant reviews of your smartphone model. It is also a good idea to check multiple reviews to get a bigger picture of things. More stars and longer reviews are a good symbol of a good smartphone. Make sure that you are checking ratings and reviews from a trusted platform.
4. Storage and Memory
The storage and memory needed depend purely on you. If you need to store more data in your mobile phone or you are taking high-resolution photos, you will need more storage. Whether you are a hardcore gamer, you will need a high-RAM device and storage. If you are running out low storage, you will need to spend more money on a new smartphone. There are so many variants available in the store. Ram variants such as 2GB, 4GB, 6GB,8GB, etc, and Storage variants such as 32GB,64GB,128GB etc. are available. So you should choose wisely when selecting the RAM variant and storage type.
5. Battery Life
Another crucial consideration when choosing a smartphone is its battery life, as extended use of the device depends on its ability to run on a full charge. The battery life of your mobile phone depends upon various factors like how much you use your phone, what features you are using, etc. For example, if you are using gestures like screen-off gestures, your battery usage consumption will increase. Generally speaking, we've seen that smartphones with batteries ranging from 3500 mAh to 4000 mAh typically last a day or two under typical use. Even with intensive use, cell phones with batteries larger than 4500 mAh can last for two days. Therefore, you may purchase a smartphone with a capacity of more than 3800 mAh and be fine to go if you are not a heavy user. So if you like to use these features, it is recommended to buy a smartphone with a high battery storage.
6. Performance
When you are planning to buy a new smartphone, processors play an important role in the smooth multitasking of your smartphone. The RAM and processor of your phone will affect the performance of the mobile phone. There are so many wide varieties of processors available in the market (e.g., Snapdragon, Exynos, A-series chips, etc.). Also, note that smartphones with a lower budget have limited performance and storage, while high-end devices come with top-notch performance and high storage.
7. Display
Take into account the dimensions and quality of the screen. While smaller screens could be more comfortable for one-handed use, larger panels are fantastic for gaming and video consumption. Displays with a higher resolution offer greater clarity.
Display Type: LCDs can be more reasonably priced while maintaining good quality, while OLED and AMOLED displays offer rich colors and deep blacks. 
The size of a display is something else to think about.
Smartphones today have screens that range in size from 6 to 7 inches. Get a phone with a 6-inch display if you're searching for a relatively smaller smartphone. You can get a 6.5-inch phone for content consumption, but most people won't be able to use anything larger.
8. Camera
You may record and preserve memorable events, such as birthdays and vacations, with a nice camera.
A decent camera guarantees crisp and clear video quality for anything from business meetings to family video calls.
Make sure the phone has a brilliant aperture, enough megapixels, optical image stabilization, HDR capability, several lenses, zoom options, and other pertinent characteristics while looking for a high-quality camera phone.
9. Security
When selecting a new phone, security is a crucial feature to take into account since it helps shield your data and personal information from unauthorized access. Your private information, including passwords, images, and bank account information, is protected from malware and hackers with a secure phone. Your device and its data are further protected by security features including encrypted storage, fingerprint sensors, and facial recognition software. Finally, but just as importantly, you have to make the most crucial decision about the security of your smartphone. 
iOS and Android both offer OS-level security. But, you also require biometric security, which can be provided by Face Unlock or a fingerprint sensor. The most fundamental security feature that is currently included on all smartphones is the option to set a password, or PIN, or even unlock the device using a pattern. They are less secure, though, because someone could be watching you and tracking your inputs to unlock it when you're not near the phone. Choosing a smartphone with improved security measures is strongly advised, as these devices frequently hold sensitive and private data.
10. Software Updates
The software support of your device determines how long it will receive security updates and important manufacturer upgrades. This implies that your phone will stay secure and current for a longer amount of time, guaranteeing a dependable and seamless user experience for the duration of its life. But the more time you spend using a phone, the less modern the hardware gets. Thus, equilibrium is required. 
11. Build Quality & Design
 A phone's build quality and design are also crucial aspects to take into account. In addition to being attractive, a phone with high-quality construction and design is long-lasting. The phone's endurance is influenced by the type of material chosen for its body, such as plastic, metal, or glass. Please go into a physical store and purchase the phone if you are concerned about how your phone appears. Never depend on pictures, movies, or other multimedia. If you are very concerned with design, it is best to view the device in person as they can be rather deceiving.
12. Charging Speed
The battery charging speeds of a smartphone must be taken into account while discussing its battery. In the past, we saw that charging a smartphone would take a long time it could even take two hours or more.
Fast charging, on the other hand, has completely transformed the situation because smartphones can now charge at considerably faster rates. Therefore, it is advised that you as certain whether or not the smartphone you are purchasing has faster charging if it has a larger battery capacity.
13. Audio & Speakers
For people who depend heavily on video streaming or video conferences, speakers and the audio quality that comes out of them might be crucial factors. If you enjoy watching media on the go, invest in a phone with front-facing speakers. Even while holding the smartphone in a landscape position, this produces clear sound.
If you are not a big fan of video streaming or video conferencing, then a standard phone with speakers that fire from the bottom should work perfectly. Those with rear-facing speakers work well as well.
Achieving a balance between your needs, interests, and money is crucial when selecting a smartphone. You may make an informed choice and choose a gadget that will work well for you for many years to come by taking these things into account.
If you wanna check the latest mobile deals, visit AR Mobile Shop.
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heartlikeapearl · 1 year
When I think back to when I have been happiest, the most uplifted, and alive, I realize
I was reading my morning and evening adhkar
I was mindfully reading a portion of the Quran every day
I was consistently seeking knowledge and watching lectures every day rather than watching frivolous media
I repented and repented and repented. And I actively worked on ridding my sins and replacing bad habits with that which is pleasing to Allah
I got off the internet. YouTube, Instagram, Online shopping, Tiktok, mobile games: all of it bogs you down in a way you never truly realize until you step back. And the amount of fitan (temptation)!!! I significantly reduced my screen time.
I was avoiding clutter, mentally and physically. I reduced distractions and kept things clean and made sure my days were as simple as they could be
I was sleeping and waking up early
I was getting out of my comfort zone and trying new things, challenging my horizons
I was active. Like they say, harakah barakah (movement [brings] blessings). I would go for walks and bike more. And when I was strength training was also a time I felt really happy
I spent time in nature. At least 2 hours a week while on walks I would visit trails and streams and gardens and forests and parks and just sit or explore. I have found so much peace and joy in this practice. Witnessing how varied wildlife is, identifying species of things, and just enjoying the outdoors has greatly increased my veneration for Allah
I became more gentle in the way I perceive my experience. I mess up? Okay, repent and keep going, Allahul Ghafoor Ar Raheem. I am triggered by the ways someone speaks to me? Okay, that’s okay, remind myself of their humanness and ask Allah to improve me. Feeling bummy? That’s life, sometimes. Read dhikr. Like yes, everything is serious…but everything has a simple and graceful solution. 💗 no need for so much self-imposed pressure
I connected with sisters. Isolation is so real. I made it a point to seek the love and warmth of others. Longer hugs. Checking up on old friends. Going to islamic events and sessions. Enjoying conversations. Yes.
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theguildawards · 2 years
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Hey everyone!
The Nomination Period is now closed! Below the cut you will find a complete list of all the nominations received for The Guild Awards this term! The mobile-friendly version can be found in a Google Doc here!
If you do not see your nomination, or you find issues with the links, please reach out to us as soon as possible!
We are going to give you 2 weeks time to enjoy all of the pieces nominated for this term! We strongly encourage that when you view a work of art or read a fanfiction, please reblog or leave a review to let the creators know how much their work and talent is appreciated!
The voting period will begin April 15th and end April 29th midnight PST!
In order to be able to vote, you will need to login. We will be posting the link to the voting form on the first day of the voting session.
Got a question? Check out our FAQ or send us an ask!
Message one of the mods directly: @sassybratt9791 @phoenix-before-the-flame @kiliinstinct​ @ratretro  @phoneboxfairy
Thank you to everyone who nominated for making this term absolutely wonderful and happy voting!
[please reblog to help spread the love of these amazing creators!]
First Term 2023 Nominations
Best Action/Adventure
“yuánfèn” by tiddiejoon (AO3) “The Curse of the Dragon Slayer” by FiveCentsFanFics (AO3) “Day of Parting” by Heartofroses112 (AO3)
Best AU/AR
“Satan Soul” by ButterflyDragon (AO3) “The Girl in Blue” by smilingskyy (AO3) “Deadly Decisions” by Auburry (AO3) “Keep Me Safe” by Rosicamarica (AO3)
Best Canon
“Schtum” by RougeCrimson (AO3) “Former Arrangements” by @genavere
Best Angst
“A Debt Paid for a Date Made” by @nalu-gifs / AubieSquire (AO3) “Losing What You Never Had” by @pencilofawesomeness “if you asked me i would lose it all” by ObsessiveExplosion (AO3) “The Ghost lingering in your eyes (they haunt me everyday)” by MarcoThePigeon (AO3) “Let’s Play the Quiet Game - Recovery” by Rook2020 (AO3) “Stained Blades” by @xhusu / Husu (AO3)
Best Dark
“Dead Stars” by @genavere “The Last of Us” by @classysassy9791 “The Nobodies” by RedDoorBlack (FFN)
Best Drama
“Monster” by MsKtK (AO3) “Bring Back What Once Was Mine” by Winged_Capybara (AO3) “Amber Sin” by Winterlogy (AO3)
Best Humor/Parody
“Family Dinner” by butterflyzilla (AO3) “A Weapon of Mass Love” by Eveegirly (AO3) “I’m Married” by Auburry (AO3) “The Jam Problem” by @acacia-may
Best Oneshot
“God, she loves him” by @bumblebeehug “Winter” by @bumblebeehug “Part of the Family” by Leo_Wolf (AO3) “Silly and intimate moments” by @jemmahazelnut “Headspace” by Amajjzy (AO3) “Prove It” by Grace Buckley (FFN)
Best Character Portrayal
“properly” (Gray Fullbuster) by Kikapea (AO3) “Monster” (Gajeel Redfox) by MsKtK (AO3) “Fairy Tail Twin Dragons” (Natsu Dragneel) by LokaMuse (AO3)
Best Romance
“Pizza Date” by @zal-eska “don’t touch what’s not yours” by @tokkias “taking the hint” by @tokkias “Beautiful” by TheLorax (AO3) “Letters from a Future Lover” by ReeseBee (AO3)
Best LGBTQ+ Romance
“no place i’d rather be” by @gray–dragneel / lastoneleft (AO3) “There is Love” by @sandwitchstories
Best Serial
“Let’s Play the Quiet Game” by Rook2020 (AO3) “The Beast of Fairy Tail” by @xfangheartx “Bull in a Crystal Shop” by buniibebe (FFN) “Tra'viin Tome'mir” by GemmaRose (AO3)
Best Ficlet
“ugly” by iiwaiizumii (AO3) “The Short-Lived Adventure of Fairy Man, Fairy Woman, and Fairy Boy” by Purplefern (AO3) “Just Try To Get Rid of Me” by tiny_writes_stuff (AO3)
Best Antagonist Portrayal
“Fairy Tales Grimm” (Jose Porla) by DarkUnderworld (AO3) “Rewrite” (Zeref Dragneel) by @thehylianidiot
Best Completed
“Sleeping Beauty” by moeruhoshi (AO3) “Fairy Tales Grimm” by DarkUnderworld (AO3) “Yer a Wizard, Gajeel” by LinaBean15 (FFN)
Best Action/Adventure
“Erza Scarlet” by @thearcanearts “Archer Rogue” by @celestialrayna
Best AU/AR
“Happy New Year” by @karmelyon “Happy Early Valentine’s Day” by @hollie-arts “She’s not pleased - Fighter AU 5/?” by @moxiepoxart “Band AU things and the what not” by @heartonxions “How Chapter 125 Should’ve Ended” by @lei-z-fan
Best Canon
“Fairy Tail” by @pencilequipped “Summertime Fun Series” by @pinchepeachyxo “Let’s Dance, Lucy!” by @tsushi-talks “job hunting woes” by @kaicean
Best Angst
“Untitled” by @juv-ans “Untitled” by @4stralfairy
Best Dark
“RAGE” by @crowind1 “It’s Freed Day” by @moxiepoxart “It’s Been a Long Time Since I’ve Been Me” by @phoenix-before-the-flame
Best Humor/Parody
“Wanna Make Out Now?” by @selfawarecobalt “The three genders are literally princess, slut, loser” by @annluvazzel “Wendy & Lucy” by TheGoldenSmurf (TW) “stupid blurbs” by @friedmeatbuns
Best Kiss
“Happy Natsu Day” by @frogrockband “Can They Hurry Up and Kiss?” by @nalunalu “LAXUS X MYSTOGAN“ by @bluessom1 “I’ll take some sneak shots of the little lovers in me” by skytooo726 (TW) “Kiss Part 2” by 1C_Cherry (TW) “kiss(es)” by @junryou
Best Romance
”The Last Dance“ by @u1tear ”Untitled“ by @dravendraws ”Nalu“ by @gymjunkie412 “Fiction” by @jmoart214 “taking the hint” by @kaicean​ “Gruvia Week 2021″ by @goodnightlover
Best LGBTQ+ Romance
”Dirty Dancing AU“ by @bluessom1 ”Forget Nalu vs Nali They’re Obviously Girlfriends“ by @sporkteeth ”Like I always am, and I’ll always be“ by @oryu404 ”October Commission #9“ by @annluvazzel “Protective gfs” by @ace-of-fairytail
Best Character
”Cana Alberona“ by @kat-ran ”Flex“ by @jmoart214 ”The melody of my heart“ by @jerzaworms “Juvia” by @jesmeraki
Best Duo/Pairing
”Graylu“ by @b00nyb00bles ”Untitled“ by @4stralfairy ”Family Guides One Another“ by @jerzaworms ”Untitled“ by @hollie-arts
Best Group Depiction
”Fairy Tail’s Strongest“ by @rosavatar ”The Drunk, the Flirt, and the Nudist“ by @lleecoji ”The future is uncertain, but that can be a good thing“ by @silken-sails ”This brotp“ by @acnologias-ass ”Team Thunderstorm Naptime“ by @pencilofawesomeness “Bio-child Happy revisit!” by @imnothereokuwu
Best Manga Coloring
”Eileen Belserion“ by @nohemyjackson ”You must get your fill of that fleeting freedom of yours“ by @watcher-ofthe-sky “Untitled” by @wesluvr “Bread” by @fairy-edits
Best Redraw
”Lucy and Aquarius“ by @acnologiaheart “Lucy and Juvia” by @windmaedchen-fairytail ”Juvia“ by @watcher-ofthe-sky “Battle of Dragon Slayers” by @celestialrayna “lil gajevy redraw” by @zai-doodles
Best Overall
”Flame’s Desire, amiright?“ by @phoenix-before-the-flame “Untitled” by @a-lyosha ”Acnologia“ by @crowind1 ”Erza Scarlet“ by @pencilequipped
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sharma1985ankush · 8 months
Mobile App Development Agency in Delhi NCR/Greater Noida
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From Bustling Bazaars to Global Innovation Hub:
Delhi NCR, a land of vibrant culture, historical landmarks, and a booming tech scene, is rapidly transforming into a mobile app development powerhouse. From bustling startups nestled in Gurgaon's co-working spaces to established IT giants in Noida, the demand for innovative and user-friendly apps is skyrocketing. But navigating this dynamic landscape can be tricky, especially with so many development companies vying for your attention. So, let's delve into the exciting world of mobile app development in Delhi NCR, exploring the latest trends and why The Green Concept might be your perfect partner on this digital adventure.
Riding the Tide of Innovation: Trending Technologies
The Delhi NCR app development scene is buzzing with cutting-edge technologies that are shaping the future of user experiences. Here are some of the hottest trends to keep an eye on:
Beyond Screens: Immersive Experiences: Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are no longer confined to science fiction movies. Imagine learning about Hindu history through immersive VR tours of iconic monuments, or trying on clothes virtually before buying them. Delhi NCR companies are at the forefront of exploring how AR/VR can enhance app functionality and user engagement, creating truly unique and interactive experiences.
AI-Powered Personalization: From Mass Market to One-to-One: Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all apps. Today, users crave personalized experiences that cater to their individual needs and preferences. Delhi NCR developers are harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to personalize app interfaces, content recommendations, and even in-app interactions, fostering deeper user loyalty and driving meaningful engagement.
Blockchain: Building Trust, One Block at a Time: Security and transparency are paramount in today's digital world, especially for apps dealing with sensitive information like financial transactions or healthcare records. Blockchain technology offers a secure and transparent way to manage data, making it ideal for these types of apps. Delhi NCR development companies are actively exploring the potential of blockchain to enhance app security and build user trust, laying a foundation for a more secure and reliable digital ecosystem.
Voice-Enabled Interactions: Speak Your Commands: The rise of smart speakers and voice assistants like Alexa and Google Assistant has pushed voice-enabled interactions to the forefront. Delhi NCR developers are integrating voice commands into apps, making them more accessible and user-friendly, especially for visually impaired users or those on the go. Imagine seamlessly navigating your banking app or controlling your smart home devices just by speaking your commands.
Finding Your Perfect Development Partner: Why The Green Concept Stands Out
With so many app development companies in Delhi NCR, choosing the right one can feel overwhelming. Here's why The Green Concept stands out from the crowd:
Your Vision, Our Expertise: Beyond Coding, We Speak Your Language: We don't just build apps, we partner with you to understand your unique vision, target audience, and business goals. Clear communication and collaboration are our core values, ensuring you're not just informed, but actively involved throughout the entire development process. We become an extension of your team, not just hired hands.
A Multifaceted Team: Your One-Stop Shop for App Development: Our team boasts a diverse range of skills and experience, tackling complex projects with confidence. Whether you need an e-commerce platform with robust payment gateways, a captivating game with stunning visuals, or an AR-powered learning tool that breaks down complex concepts, we have the expertise to bring your idea to life. No need to juggle multiple agencies for different aspects of your app development; we offer a comprehensive solution under one roof.
Transparency is Key: Building Trust, One Update at a Time: We believe in open communication and regular updates. You'll never be left in the dark about the progress of your app, as we keep you informed, involved, and confident about every step of development. Expect detailed reports, regular meetings, and clear communication channels to ensure you're always on the same page.
Beyond Launch, We Care: Your Long-Term App Partner: Our commitment extends far beyond building your app. We offer ongoing support, maintenance, and updates, ensuring your app evolves and thrives in the ever-changing tech landscape. We'll be there to address any bugs, implement new features, and adapt your app to the latest trends, so you can focus on growing your business without worrying about the technical upkeep.
Sustainable Practices: Building Apps with a Conscience: At The Green Concept, we're passionate about building eco-friendly apps that minimize environmental impact. We actively explore sustainable development practices, use energy-efficient tools, and offset our carbon footprint wherever possible. If aligning your values with sustainability is important to you, we're the perfect partner to create an app that's not just innovative, but also environmentally responsible.
Delhi NCR is brimming with mobile app development potential, and The Green Concept is your ideal co-pilot on this exciting journey. We equip you with the technical expertise, creative vision, and unwavering commitment to create an app that stands out in the bustling Delhi NCR market and beyond. Ready to turn your app dream into reality?
Contact The Green Concept today for a free consultation. Let's explore the latest trends, discuss your unique vision, and craft a personalized development plan that brings your app to life, sustainably and successfully. Remember, in the ever-evolving world of mobile technology, choosing the right partner is crucial. Choose The Green Concept, and unlock the full potential of your app, not just in Delhi NCR, but on the global stage.
We believe in the power of apps to connect, empower, and make a difference. Are you ready to join the movement?
P.S. Stay tuned for more insightful blog posts on mobile app development trends, industry news, and success stories from The Green Concept. We're passionate about sharing our knowledge and helping you navigate the dynamic app development landscape.
Contact us: Web: www.thegreenconcept.in Email: [email protected] Mob: +919899130429
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techwander · 1 year
The Tech Odyssey:Navigating the Digital Age
In an era where technology is at the forefront of our lives, it's almost impossible to imagine a world without its profound influence. From the gadgets we carry in our pockets to the complex systems that power industries, technology is the driving force behind innovation and progress. In this blog, we'll dive into the ever-evolving world of technology, exploring its impact, trends, and the possibilities it holds for the future.
The Digital Revolution
The digital revolution has transformed the way we live, work, and communicate. It has brought us closer together while simultaneously creating a complex web of opportunities and challenges. Here are some key aspects to consider:
Connectivity: The rise of the internet and mobile technology has connected people and information like never before, reshaping industries from education to healthcare.
Artificial Intelligence: AI is changing the way we approach problems, from self-driving cars to virtual personal assistants like Siri and Alexa.
Data & Privacy: With great connectivity comes great responsibility. The debate on data privacy and security is more critical than ever, as we grapple with balancing convenience and personal information protection.
2. Emerging Technologies
The tech world is in a constant state of innovation. Some of the most exciting emerging technologies include:
Blockchain: Beyond cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin,blockchain technology holds potential for secure and transparent transactions, supply chain management, and more.
Quantum Computing: Quantum computers have the potential to revolutionize computing by solving complex problems faster than classical computers ever could.
Augmented & Virtual Reality ( AR / VR ): AR and VR are changing the way we experience entertainment, education, and even remote work.
3. Tech Trends
Keeping up with the latest tech trends can be both exciting and overwhelming. Some trends worth noting include:
5G Connectivity: The rollout of 5G networks promises faster internet speeds, enabling technologies like IoT (Internet of Things) to thrive.
Edge Computing: With more devices connected to the internet, edge computing brings processing closer to the data source, reducing latency and improving efficiency.
Sustainability: As we face environmental challenges, technology plays a crucial role in finding sustainable solutions, from renewable energy to green tech innovations.
4. Tech In Our Daily Lives
Technology has infiltrated every aspect of our daily lives, from how we communicate with loved ones to how we entertain ourselves. Consider:
Smart Homes: The integration of technology into our homes allows for greater convenience, energy efficiency, and security.
Health Tech: Wearable devices and health apps empower individuals to take control of their health and wellness.
E - commerce: Online shopping has transformed the retail landscape, offering convenience and an ever-expanding array of products.
5. The Future Of Tech
The future of technology is a thrilling frontier filled with possibilities. Some predictions include:
Autonomous Vehicles: Self-driving cars may become a common sight on the roads, changing transportation and urban planning.
Space Exploration: Private companies are driving the commercialization of space travel, making it accessible to more people.
Biotechnology: Advances in biotech could revolutionize medicine, offering personalized treatments and possibly even extending human lifespans.
Technology is not just a tool; it's a dynamic force shaping our world. Embracing its potential while addressing its challenges is our collective responsibility. As we embark on this tech odyssey, let's keep in mind the importance of ethics, security, and sustainability to ensure that technology continues to be a force for good, enhancing our lives and pushing the boundaries of what's possible in the digital age. Stay tuned as we explore the ever-evolving landscape of technology and its profound impact on our future.
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