#apprentice malik
faun-the-hound · 1 month
Brian was sent away from Phoenix Drop at twelve. Three months after that, Lord Malik was murdered/went missing. And Brian didn't find out for four years.
The way the Guard's Academy works is this: two courses, each four years long, either starting at twelve and ending at sixteen, or starting at fourteen and ending at eighteen. The fourteen-eighteen course is more difficult, but also more rewarding, and is the course from which guards can be nominated for the JO9.
Dale put Brian on the first course that was available, wanting his boy to grow up to be a heroic guard just like him, and to fight and patrol alongside him as soon as possible. And so, at twelve years old, Brian was sent across the region to train in O'khasis.
During those four years he was gone:
-Lord Malik was murdered and his home was burned down
-Dale started drinking, getting steadily worse over time
-Molly and Dale separated for several months, though they did get back together, their relationship is still rocky
When Brian came home, he came back to a very different village than where he grew up. He came home unrecognisable from the nervous little kid he was, and, for a moment, he thought he'd taken a wrong turn somewhere, because this couldn't be Phoenix Drop.
This run-down, ramshackle village. Completely lordless and practically abandoned. The friends he knew were gone, their houses empty and gathering dust. When Molly came running up to him, she stopped. She didn't recognise his face, tired and worn-out, a fresh scar still partially scabbed, crossing through his eyebrow. His hair matted, his eyes hollow- she didn't see her son anymore. And she immediately blamed Dale.
Brian didn't recognise the man his father had become. He didn't see the noble, proud and loving father and guard he used to know, just a bumbling moron, inattentive and irritable, arguing that he was right to send their son away, proclaiming Brian a hero "just like him".
He had no regrets for sending his son away. Brian spent most of the last four years half starved, beaten and exhausted, covered in aches and pains that still hadn't faded away, and scars that would never fully heal.
And this is what he comes back to?
Maybe Ivy was right. He was too good for a place like Phoenix Drop.
So, yeah, the Guard Academy isn't the best place to be. Brian didn't even want to be a guard to begin with, but stuck with it when none other than Ivy the Creeping Venom herself applauded his performance in a mock exam. Praised him and planted the idea that Phoenix Drop wasn't good enough for him- that with his talents, he deserved a place on the O'khasian guard instead.
This is why Brian betrayed Phoenix Drop in the end. He was sent away at twelve despite pleading with his father to stay, then came home to a village and family that was almost completely unrecognisable to the one he grew up in. Then Alexis was born, and suddenly Dale wanted to be a father. And Ivy had already put the ideas in his head, promised him a place on the O'khasian guard if he wanted it, so it was an easy choice, really.
Why stay for a village or family that clearly didn't need him?
And, just to be clear, Ivy acted purely as a mentor to Brian. She trained with him, gave him pointers, and took him on as her apprentice for a season, cultivating trust and cementing Brian's belief that she was on his side.
She wasn't. But he was a kid. He didn't know any better.
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oh my ruined reality you guys I love loredumpinb
Los Filii Rojos
Gifted the eyes and talents of the wise owl.
EL REINO DE PROGRESO (The Kingdom of Progress) is legally recognized as Prominent Kingdom/s.
Government: Absolute monarchy.
(1134) Monarch(s): Rey (King) Abrán Girasol.
(1134) Intended Royal Successor: Rei Malik.
National Language(s): Español, English.
National Religion: Modern Originism.
Natural Abilities: Fire power, channeling of lightning, night vision, silent teleportation, teleportation.
Overworld. Northwestern mainland and islands. Engaged in trade with Galbenii, Les Oranges, Le Viole, and Y Pinc.
Kingdom Overview Post-Soulstice (1152): Demolished by the Soulstice personally. Survivors reside in The Last Kingdom, headed by King Rei Malik who sits at the head of TLK’s council. The late Rey Abrán Girasol’s soul was stolen by the Soulstice while their apprentice watched it happen. King Rei escaped with a small horde of Filii Rojo, with such notable survivors as Professor Cortés of the Redstone Academy, and began officially developing the first attempt at the Last Kingdom only 2 years after the Soulstice. Every so often, scouts would scour the Overworld, looking for other surviving Filii and collect them in the Last Kingdom, where hope goes to wither.
Population: ~200-300 estimated. 254 counted in the last kingdom-wide census.
Les Filii Oranges
Gifted bodies that reflect their chaotic nature.
LE SOLEIL ORANGE (The Orange Sun) is legally recognized as Nation/s or Country/ies.
Government: Divided Bureaucracy.
(1134) Figurehead: Roi (King) Vladimir d’Pasarelle.
(1134) Intended Figurehead Successor: Aver d’Pasarelle.
(1134) Regional Rulers: Gastón Pȇcheur | Francine d’Centre | Jean Luc | Maurice Prȇtre | Raphael “Le Feu” Régle.
National Language(s): Français, English.
National Religion: Old Originism.
Natural Abilities: Material creation, transfiguration, teleportation.
Overworld. Central mainland, the only landlocked nation. Engaged in trade with Los Rojos, Galbenii, and Zeleni.
National Overview Post-Soulstice (1152): Divided and demolished among the three Soul Brothers. The regional rulers all fought for their homes and were all destroyed, except for Maurice Prȇtre who ran as soon as he heard of the coming invasion, and his people followed. Notably, Le Feu landed a strike upon the Corrupted One, but was destroyed in the process. His body was never found. Roi Vladimir d’Passarelle and his family certainly perished. Survivors resided in the abandoned Zeleni Forests until being discovered and collected by Filia Aquamarijn: General Athena Proxima during the rebuilding of the Last Kingdom. The Filii Orange have no representative in TLK’s council.
Population: ~4oo estimated. 378 counted in the last kingdom-wide census.
(why is there no yellow I’m going to scream)
Filii Galbenii
Gifted the pointed vision, sharp fangs, and armored scales of the snake.
TARA AURULUI (The Land of Gold) is legally recognized as Empirical Power/s.
Government: Divided Monarchies.
(1134) Monarch(s): Reginӑ (Queen) Caliban Valentina de Ordin | Rege (King) Anamar Valentina de Ordin | Prinţ (Prince) Griffin Valentina de Ordin | Reginӑ (Queen) Stefana Justiţie de Ierarchie | Rege (King) Andrei Atingere de Loialitate | Prinţesă (Princess) Vanda Atingere de Loialitate.
National Language(s): Română, English.
National Religion: Old Originism
Natural Abilities: Summoning of lightning/light, venom-filled fangs, hyperspeed, teleportation.
Overworld. Central mainland and eastern coast. Engaged in trade with Los Rojos, Les Oranges, Zeleni, De Aquamarijnen, Y Pinc, and Le Viole.
Empirical Overview Post-Soulstice (1152): While all of the farmlands and the Loialitate Palace were entirely demolished, the Ordin and Ierarchie palaces were left nearly untouched. This was the work of the Darkness, which caused the deaths of Reginӑ Stefana Justiţie and Rege Andrei Atingere. Reginӑ Caliban Valentina and her son escaped the destruction narrowly, with Prinţ Griffin revealing that his mother was unconscious for most of it. The two of them found their way to the Last Kingdom along with the 3 other survivors they had with them. Prinţesă Vanda is said to have escaped with a maid and a guard after receiving news of her fathers death. This cannot be confirmed nor denied as her body was never found among the rubble of Loialitate. Reginӑ Caliban and her son both hold positions in TLK’s council.
Population: 8 speculated. 5 counted in the last kingdom-wide census.
Filii Zeleni
Gifted the wings and antennae of the lively butterfly.
OMILJENO VRIJEME MAJKE (Mother Time’s Favorite) is legally recognized as Distinguishable Occupied Territory/ies.
Government: Chiefdom Commonwealth.
(1134) Leader(s): Glavni (Chief) Sebastijana | Supruga (Wife) Branimira.
(1134) Intended Successor: Demalie.
National Language(s): Hrvat.
National Religion: Zeleni Polytheism.
Natural Abilities: Flight by wings, hypersensitive olfactory sense.
Overworld. Southern islands and southern mainland. Engaged in trade with De Aquamarijnen, Y Pinc, Le Viole, Galbenii, Les Oranges.
Territorial Overview Post-Soulstice (1152): Omiljeno Vrijeme Majke, being a comparatively small territory, was overtaken by Darkness very quickly. Glavni Sebastijana, Supruga Branimira and their successor Demalie were forced to fight their own people and instead surrendered, not wanting to fight familiar faces. Many ran from the forests but did not get far. The only known survivor in decades was Soren Šuma, a young man who ran when he was a boy and hid under ground, discovered by Sir Light. Šuma unfortunately passed at Void’s hand while on a mission with the Third Hero, Aquamarijn Elite Clifford Calder, Sir Light, and Professor Cortés. Both the Zeleni Forests and the Galbenii Kingdoms are so overrun with Darkness that it is unsafe to traverse them and likely never will be safe.
Population: EXTINCT.
De Filii Aquamarijnen
Gifted armored scales, tails for balance, ears unlike any other Filius, and eyes that pierce the darkness to assist them in their habitat.
HEERLIJKHEID (Glory) is legally recognized as Empirical Power/s.
Government: Global Empire.
(1134) Leader(s): Keizer (Emperor) Ignaas Kramer | Keizerin (Empress) Adelheid Kramer | Kroonprins (Crown-Prince) Vincent Kramer.
National Language(s): Nederlands, español, français, română, hrvat, English, italiano, cymraeg, klakken.
National Religion: Modern Originism.
Natural Abilities: Transformation, underwater vision, some have sharp teeth or sharp fins, manipulation of liquid,
Overworld. All oceans, most of the population is located in the Blackness. Engaged in trade with Zeleni, Galbenii, and Y Pinc.
Empirical Overview Post-Soulstice (1152): The empire was picked apart by the Soul Brothers as one of the very first. They began with Central Heerlijkheid where lived the emperor’s family. Though they were encouraged to leave, both Keizer Ignaas and Keizerin Adelheid were destroyed in their own capital. Hundreds of thousands of Filii Aquamarijn fled to the surface world, where on the beaches, they were met with the Ruined One. General Athena Proxima was instructed to keep the very young Kroonprins—now Keizer— Vincent Kramer safe, and she did for several weeks with the help of her Elites. However, as the new acting leader of the Filii Aquamarijn, an assassination by skulk was sent out for the general while they traveled to the Last Kingdom. It failed, but the mindless thing managed to get its hands on several other innocents as well as Keizer Vincent, and they all were slain. The rest of the Filii Aquamarijn made it safely to the Last Kingdom with General Proxima as their representative on the council and Elite Aaron Calder as her successor.
Population: 100-150 estimated. Many more are suspected to be scattered across the Overworld. 106 counted in the last kingdom-wide census.
The Filii Blue
Gifted eyes and wings and feathers and rings that pepper their body more than should be necessary.
THE GUARDS are legally recognized as Foreign Entity/ies.
Government: Heavenly Commonwealth.
(1134) Leader(s): N/A.
National Language(s): English, español, français, română, hrvat, nederlands, somaliyeed, svenska, italiano, cymraeg, klakken.
National Religion: N/A.
Natural Abilities: All-seeing and all-knowing when residing in the World Beyond.
World Beyond Post-Soulstice (1152): Unguarded.
Population: EXTINCT.
Filii Indigoska
Gifted wings upon their backs and spikes upon their skin.
KUWA XIRIIRKA (Those In Contact) are legally recognized as Foreign Entity/ies.
Government: Nomadic Commonwealth.
(1134) Leader(s): N/A.
National Language(s): Somaliyeed, English.
National Religion: Modern Originism.
Natural Abilities: Flight by wings, all-seeing and all-knowing.
The Middle World.
Middle World Post-Soulstice (1152): UNKNOWN.
Population: Indeterminable. Presumed EXTINCT.
De Filii Lila
Gifted the manipulation of magic unlike any of the other Filii with markings upon their skin.
PHANTASIENS UNDERVERK (Phantasia’s Wonders) are legally recognized as Foreign Entity/ies.
Government: Constitutional Monarchy.
(1134) Monarch(s): UNKNOWN.
(1134) Intended Royal Successor: UNKNOWN.
National Language(s): Svenska, English.
National Religion: Phantasian Mythology.
Natural Abilities: Manipulation of realms and magic.
Phantasia’s Realm.
Phantasia’s Realm Post-Soulstice (1152): Abandoned. The birthplace of the Soulstice itself was first to be torn apart. The king is now a man by the name of Einarr Förlorat. Only deemed as such because he is the only known survivor.
Population: 1.
Le Filii Viole
Gifted the ability to grow plants from any opening found in the skin (such as pores, nostrils, mouths, ears, hair seed sites, etc) when objectively positive emotions are felt.
AMORE MIO (My Love) is legally recognized as Prominent City-State/s.
Government: Chiefdom Commonwealth.
(1134) Leader(s): Capo (Chief) Lorenzo Cielo | Capo (Chief) Juliet Cielo.
(1134) Intended Successor: Pietro Cielo.
National Language(s): Italiano, English, cymraeg.
National Religion: New Originism.
Natural Abilities: Spontaneously growing flora, creating ‘Love Potions’, identifying ‘soulmates’.
Overworld. Mainland’s southeastern forests. Engaged in trade with Los Rojos, Galbenii, Zeleni, and Y Pinc.
City-State Territorial Overview Post-Soulstice (1152): Both Amore Mio and Palas Meddwl were, bizarrely, very intentional targets of the Soulstice, but there was certainly more fury targeted toward the Filii Violetto. The only remnants of their many villages and monuments are enormous craters and certain items—like bricks or pottery—that were preserved though Darkness that arrived from Ordin and through northern Zelena Forests. One of very few survivors was the scholar Amadeo Alessandro who had been traveling the known world at the time of the Soulstice. When he returned to his home village, he found it recently destroyed and slowly being withered by the Darkness. He discovered the body of his Lover among many, the son of Capo Lorenzo and Capo Juliet, Pietro Cielo. Cielo hadn’t quite died, so the two managed to share parting words. But nothing more. Alessandro somehow found his way to the Last Kingdom and was given a seat upon TLK’s council, given his connection to the previous chiefs and training in leadership. He is said to have never smiled and been somewhat unstable.
Population: ~40-70 speculated. 26 counted in the last kingdom-wide census.
Y Filii Pinc
Gifted the physical abilities of many, many different kinds of wild beasts.
PALAS MEDDWL (Palace of Thought) is legally recognized as Prominent City-State/s.
Government: Chiefdom Commonwealth.
(1134) Leader(s): Prif (Chief) Iwan Gaius | Prif (Chief) Fionn Gaius.
(1134) Intended Successor: Prif (Chief) Vaughn Gaius.
National Language(s): Cymraeg, English, italiano.
National Religion: New Originism.
Natural Abilities: Animal features VARY between individuals, mind reading, memory manipulation/access.
Overworld. Mainland’s southeastern forests. Engaged in trade with Le Viole, Los Rojos, Galbenii, Zeleni.
City-State Territorial Overview Post-Soulstice (1152): Palas Meddwl and Amore Mio were targeted many years after the Soulstice initially happened in the north. However, before the Soul Brothers even arrived at Palas Meddwl, Darkness had spread over from Amore Mio, affecting even Prif Fionn and Prif Iwan Gaius. To escape, the young Chief Vaughn acted in instinct against a threat. He grabbed the nearest sharp object, one of his fathers’ fallen crowns, and killed his parents with it. He fled Palas Meddwl and made his way to the Last Kingdom, taking his seat as representative of the Filii Pinc among TLK’s council, the youngest leader, and the only known Filius Pinc still alive.
Population: Indeterminable. 1 counted in the last kingdom-wide census.
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First Recruit Cast List
Ezio Auditore: currently 41 years old and is a master assassin and soon to be mentor of the Italian Brotherhood. He is also Desmond's ancestor and adoptive father, though the cover story is that Desmond aka Malik is his bastard son.
Maria Auditore: Ezio and Claudia's mother. A stern yet fair woman who views the working class as the true citizens of whatever city she resides in. She lost her husband and two of her three sons twenty four years ago. Maria loves her grandson Malik despite the unorthodox way he was introduced to them.
Claudia Auditore: Ezio's younger sister. Currently 39 years old. She's a hot head and feisty but loving and kind to those she calls family and friends. She can be a pain to her nephew but when it matters she shows Malik that he can always come to her should he need her help.
Desmond Miles: The descendant of Altaïr ibn-La'Ahad, Ezio Auditore, Edward Kenway, Haytham Kenway and Ratonhnhakē:ton. He is Cypher, the savior of Humanity. Yet when he died, he didn't expect to be waking up in 1500 Rome. Meeting Ezio Auditore is the start of his new life
Malik Auditore da Maysf: Ezio's Bastard son, and the cover story to explain Desmond in the past. Sixteen years old and thrilled to have a family. He's proving skilled already. He gets along with most people, expect Machiavelli.
Niccolo Machiavelli: a bad tempered young man currently in charge of the brotherhood. He seems to not like Malik and has said as much. Getting slapped in the process.
Leonardo Da Vinci: Ezio's best friend of twenty four years and a master artist. He's a well known procrastinator but so beloved by the community that it's overlooked. Currently in the care of the Borgia he's forced to make war machines and he is unhappy.
Clay Kazmarek: effectively replacing Sali (sorry he just doesn't sit well with me) Clay is Leonardo's apprentice and secret lover. He also assists Leo like reminding him to eat and sleep.
Update 6/20/2024 1AM:
Shay Patrick Cormac: Somehow this assassin hunter was reborn in 16th century Rome. Malik recruits and trains him in the brotherhood telling him that Lisbon wasn't his fault.
Haytham Edward Kenway: The Templar Grandmaster was reborn in 16th century Rome as well as Shay. Though seeing Ezio as reasonable and compatiant chose to work with the newly minted Mentor.
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darrowfire15 · 6 months
The Dragon House AU
A self-indulgent AU with my OCs. It's a lot, so please take your time going through it.
(Original Role - Replacement)
Luz Noceda - Akari Hisakawa (OC, “Akari” is Japanese for "light" or "brightness") 
Edalyn Clawthorne - Robyn Long (OC, cursed with the dragon curse) 
Raine Whispers - Vitimir 
Darius Deammone - Hettie Cutburn 
Eberwolf the Huntsman- Mason 
Lilith Clawthorne - Wilder Long (OC, One of Robyn's older brothers, a small personality change) 
Dell and Gwendolyn Clawthorne - Alto and Giselle Long (OCs, Robyn and Wilder’s parents) 
Terra Snapdragon - Darius Deammone 
Adrian Graye Vernworth - Raine Whispers 
Amber, Katya, and Derwin - Edalyn, Lilith, and Morton 
Amity Blight - Kenzie Zamora (OC)
Willow Park - Orion Cutburn (OC, Hettie’s son)
Augustus Porter - Yule Fiedler (OC)
V/Vee - III/Ree (pink basilisk)
Masha and 2 human friends - Purple-shirted friend of Vee, random human, and Luz
Morton - Huxley Long (One of Robyn’s older brothers)
Boscha, Cat, and Amelia - Bria, Gavin, and Angmar (They hold themselves higher than the weaker students) 
King Clawthorne would be renamed to Malik.
Hooty would be renamed to Scaly and have a dragon motif.
All of the palismen change to fit the witch, aside from Hunter, who still receives Flapjack and then Waffle through Dell’s new apprentice.
Jacob Hopkins, The Collector, Papa Titan, Osran, Steve, Emperor’s Coven members, Kikimora, Hunter, and Belos are the same. 
Location Changes
The Dragon house is located outside of Latissa, deep in the woods. It’s a treehouse with a spiral staircase around the tree to the top. It’s situated on one of the bigger trees in the forest and connects to other buildings in the trees with bridges. 
Hexside is switched out for Glandus High, along with the students, teachers, and principal. The detention track exists here as well as a separate classroom. 
Everything that happened in Bonesburough now happens in Latissa, and vice versa, the coven scouts are just a bit more prominent. 
The hill that Raine and Eda sit on is swapped with a cave in the woods where Vitimir and Robyn hung out in school and later in adulthood. 
Blight Industries and the Blight Manor are switched out for Zamora Technology and the Zamora Estate. 
The Looking Glass Ruins are swapped out for a jungle temple that is the resting place for the most powerful Bards. It holds their most powerful instruments and guarded by a large manticore. It is located east of the Titan’s skull on the shoulder. 
Series Changes
Akari would have a single father instead of a single mother. His name is Mamoru Hisakawa. They also have a tradition for the other parent’s birthday since they passed away. 
Orion would be in the Oracle track with Kenzie before being changed to the Healing Track. Hettie did this because she didn’t want him to be ostracized for being a Cutburn.
Robyn turns into an Eastern dragon when cursed and into a Dragonborn when he comes to terms with his curse. 
Robyn gets his elixirs from his brother Huxley, who makes and sells them in Latissa at his own stand. 
Instead, we experience how Glandus would have handled the greater basilisk if they had a human at their school. They win in the end. 
Wilder cursed Robyn because he thought it would encourage him to join a coven and get healed. It backfired very quickly and horribly.
Robyn, in his cursed form, injured Alto to the point of making him unable to play the violin and make instruments. 
Wilder turns into a wyvern when cursed (larger than Robyn’s cursed form) and into a Dragonborn in the epilogue. 
In flashback sequences with the Long family, Cillian and Huxley are present, but do not speak (Robyn’s other brothers).
Cillian comes to the Dragon House instead of Giselle and tries his own methods to drive out Robyn’s curse. He wants to try and fix everything because he’s the oldest. 
Flashback moments with Robyn and Vitimir are centered around potion-making and playing hooky with Vitimir’s work (Platonic with a few romance moments, not dating). 
The BATTs are renamed to PATs (Potions Against Tyranny) and CATTs are renamed to CATs (Covens Against Tyranny).
When fighting against Hettie and Mason, Robyn and Vitimir create a ‘super potion’ that will stun their attackers when coming in contact with Robyn’s curse via playing the violin. 
IFWOT/HECK is not how Robyn and Vitimir meet. Instead, they meet in school where Robyn approaches Vitimir. Darius (same age as them) and Hexside’s Grudgby team is there for a game and problems ensue. 
Orion and Hunter are not shipped together, just friends/brotherly who bond when the Emperor’s Coven arrives at Glandus to brand the students. Orion is 13 years old, Hunter is 16 years old. 
Robyn’s human disguise name is Gerald. He hides his ears and horns with a big cowl and his tail is hooked to his belt like a chain. 
Darius begrudgingly plays the part of Robyn in the Collector’s “Dragon House” game and makes fun of him for liking Potion brewers.
Kikimora goes to Glandus disguised as Miki and her Abomatron as Roka, students from St Epiderm. She builds her empire there with those students.
Hunter, with Orion, would be greeted by Mason and Hettie when everyone is turned back to normal. 
Hettie, Mason, and Vitimir team up with Zamora Technology and Blight Industries to find a way to remove the sigils. It turns out successful.
Unchanged Parts
Gravesfield is still the location of the portal door, therefore Akari and her dad live there and Akari goes to school there. 
The portal door is found buried in the ground. 
Belos’ past (whatever we have of it) is the same with Caleb and Evelyn, and slowly taking over the Isles with the grim walkers he made with Caleb’s dead body.
The Emperor's Castle, the Conformatorium, and the Archives locations do not change. 
Training on the Knee still happens, just with Akari, Robyn, Kenzie, and and Kenzie’s cousins.
Palisman Adoption Day still happens, just at Glandus High. 
Time-traveling to the past to meet Philip Wittebane with Akari and Wilder. 
The Titan Trappers exist and still want to look for the last Titan. 
Hunter leaves the Emperor’s Coven after going through Belos’ mind and learning about his true intentions. 
More students start learning multitrack. 
Hunter tells the school about Belos’ Draining Spell plans. 
The Coven heads still fight on the Day of Unity, the roles are just swapped.
No matter how, Vitimir’s hat gets cut in half at the Day of Unity.
Robyn’s arm gets pulled off during the Draining Spell. 
Belos enlisted the help of the Collector for the Draining Spell, and did not keep his end of the deal. 
S3E1’s events happen the same way. 
The Archives get built over the Titan’s head. 
The Collector’s backstory is the same. 
The Titan gives the human his remaining powers to help stop Belos. 
Dell still gets an apprentice and hits his goal to replenish the palistrom trees with the Bat Queen. 
Hettie changed Orion’s last name to Pines to keep him safe from Belos (Reference to Gravity Falls). 
Yule is in the Bard track playing the cello. Their dad works as an author and was in the Illusion track. 
Kenzie’s parents are the biggest manufacturers of crystal balls in the Isles. Their company is called Zamora Tech. 
Her mother is in the Illusion Coven and her father is in the Oracle Coven. 
New Palisman with witches:
Robyn has a brown griffin palisman named Ginger. 
Kenzie has an orange moth palisman named Squeak.
Orion has an forest green Aesculapian snake palisman named Basil. 
Yule has a gray jumping spider palisman named Lucas.
Akari has a yellow axolotl palisman named Hibiki.
Wilder has a white porcupine palisman named Spike. 
Alto has a muted green manticore palisman named Brutus.
Giselle has a green-blue Cerberus palisman named Cerb. 
Bria has a purple poison dart frog palisman named Yahir. 
Glandus High’s Principal has a brown squirrel palisman named Chestnut. 
Cillian has a navy blue eel palisman named Thunder.
Huxley has a black wolf palisman named Forrest. 
Spell Circle Colors
Robyn Long
Alto Long
Hunter (with staff)
Belos (with staff)
Akari Hisakawa (training wand)
Raine Whispers
Hunter (with Flapjack)
Edalyn Clawthorne
Huxley Long
Yule’s dad
Glandus Oracle teacher
Kenzie’s cousins
Glandus Oracle Teacher
Yule Fiedler
Akari Hisakawa (with Hibiki)
Kenzie’s mother
Lilith Clawthorne
Glandus High Principal
Hettie Cutburn
Orion Cutburn
Giselle Long
Cillian Long
Kenzie Zamora
Kenzie’s father
Darius Deamonne
Akari Hisakawa (with Titan powers)
Wilder Long
Emperor’s Coven members
The PATs wear steampunk-inspired lower-face masks and goggles. Vitimir only wears the goggles. 
Their outfits are also to help conceal their identities. 
Giselle is in the Healing Coven and has been trying to use different healing methods on Robyn’s curse. 
Alto is in the Bard Coven. He used to teach young witches how to play certain instruments and used to hand-make instruments. 
Glandus High’s principal is trying to diminish the whole “Strongest students at the top of the food chain” thing. It’s not going well, but he’s trying. 
Wilder, after leaving the Emperor’s Coven, starts working a job that studies extinct beasts on the Boiling Isles. 
When Robyn and Wilder’s curse starts showing, they sprout scales on their skin the same color as the scales on their tails. 
Robyn’s personality is not like Eda’s, so his way of teaching magic is a bit different, but still strange to Akari and everyone else. 
Of the Glandus Group: Orion is the youngest (13), then Akari (14), Kenzie (14), then Yule (15), and Hunter is the oldest (16). 
Vitimir uses his corrosive breath to fight against the spreading mold from Belos when he possesses the Titan’s heart. 
Kenzie’s cousins live in the Palm Stings, but enjoy visiting once in a while to bug their cousin and help their aunt and uncle. 
Akari and Kenzie confess to each other and start dating after Scaly tries to get them together. 
Akari also comes out to her dad as bisexual and is accepted. 
Kenzie has a job at Latissa Inn at the Front desk and the Inn’s IT witch. At Zamora Tech, she tests out their beta versions of new projects. 
She dyes her hair from dirty blonde to Oracle purple after she loses her job for leaving her post. Her real hair color is black.
Scaly is still an anomaly to the Glandus group and to Robyn, despite being a house demon. 
During the Apocalypse:
Most of the Boiling Isles inhabitants were turned into puppets. 
The Collector and Malik play “The Dragon House” game.
Robyn, Wilder, and Malik stay together as the Collector thinks Robyn is still in his cursed form. 
Glandus High is being run by the students and Bria with “Miki” helping her. 
The Glandus Group was thrown into the Human realm, then found a way back to the Demon Realm. 
Darius plays Robyn in “The Dragon House” game until he steps out of line and gets turned into a puppet by the Collector. 
Darius, Raine, and Eberwolf are the three who want the throne while the Isles is being rebuilt and are scared off by Hettie and Mason. Eberwolf sneaks back to touch the throne before a scalpel is thrown at him. 
Time-skip stuff:
Akari and Ree graduate high school and Akari goes to the Boiling Isles for College (all majors).
Orion is a nurse at his mother’s clinic taking on a Dr. Frankenstein role and part-time Flyer Derby player. 
Hunter works with Alto to create instruments that younger witches can play. 
Alto and Giselle are seen at their work with Orion and Hunter. 
Wilder and Scaly get to work at the University of Wild Magic for Abominations. Wilder also gets his Dragonborn form. 
Kenzie works at Zamora Tech with her (now divorced) father as head engineer. 
The Glandus Principal is still at Glandus, mostly diminishing its student rules. 
Vitimir, Hettie, and Mason collaborated with Blight Industries to help create a machine that removes sigils. 
The Manticore from the Jungle Temple is living peacefully, now with cubs.
Yule is a big musician who’s released a few albums. 
Robyn works with his brother Huxley to produce an elixir that helps ailments and lasts longer. 
Robyn gains a mechanical arm to replace his disintegrated one, made by Zamora Tech. 
Vitimir gets a palisman.
The group celebrates Akari’s birthday as she starts college in the Boiling Isles. 
Malik shows Akari his new light glyph. 
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nakibistan · 1 year
Inspirational Queer Muslims you need know about them
Tuways or Tuwais was a renowned Mukhannath individual in the early days of Islamic Arabia. His/Her real name was Abu Abd al-Munim Isa Abdallah al-Dhāib. In Arabic, the name Tuways or Tuwais means peacock. They were born in 632 AD in Medina, on the same day Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) passed away. According to various scholars, Tuways is often described as one of the leading Mukhannath musicians of Medina during his/her lifetime. He/She served as a mawlā of the Banū Mak̲h̲zūm, under the patronage of Arwā bt. Kurayz, the mother of the Caliph ʿUt̲h̲mān b. ʿAffān.
Tuways initially gained recognition by performing melodies learned from Persian captives & went on to become a celebrated musician during the Rashidun Caliphate, the first Islamic Caliphate. According to some accounts, he/she was a devout queer Muslim and was never blamed for his/her queerness.
al-Dalal was a Mukhannath poet & musician, based in Medinah. Not much is known about his life. Tuways was his/her master and he/she was one of the favourite pupil of Tuways. al-Dalal is often portrayed as a witty but sometimes crude male who "loved women" but disliked to have sex with them. Few accounts report that he was a bisexual, had sexual encounter with both woman & her groom.
During the reing of Umayyad Caliph Sulayman ibn Abd al-Malik, al-Dalal, along with other Mukhannathun were persecuted for their boldness. They were forcefully castrated. They were enslaved by Umayyads.
Abu Nawas
Abū Nuwās (also known as:Abū Nuwās al-Salamī, Abū 'Alī) was an openly gay poet, and the foremost representative of the modern (muhdath) poetry that developed during the first years of Abbasid Caliphate. He also entered the folkloric tradition, appearing several times in One Thousand and One Nights.
He attended a Qur’an school and became a Hafiz at a young age.His youthful good looks and innate charisma attracted the attention of the Kufan poet, Abu Usama Waliba ibn al-Hubab al-Asadi, who took Abu Nuwas to Kufa as a young apprentice. Waliba recognized in Abu Nuwas his talent as a poet and encouraged him toward this vocation, but was also attracted sexually to the young man and may have had erotic relations with him. Abu Nuwas's relationships with adolescent boys when he had matured as a man seem to mirror his own experience with Waliba. Abu Nuwas wrote poetry in multiple genres; Abu Nuwas’s diwan, his poetry collection, was divided by genre: panegyric poems, elegies, invective, courtly love poems on men and women, poems of penitence, hunting poems, and wine poems. His erotic lyric poetry, which is often homoerotic, is known from over 500 poems and fragments.
Mahmud of Ghazni
Yamin-ud-Dawla Abul Qasim Mahmud commonly known as “Mahmud of Ghazni” or “Mahmud Ghaznavi”. He was known as a great sultan of Ghaznavid Empire. But he is also controversial for his invasion in indian subcontinent & treatment of non-muslims. Besides, he is regarded as icon of queer love.
Mahmud was a bisexual muslim. Mahmud had 9 wives and innumerable concubines as well as male slaves. Mahmud of Ghazni's name is often associated with a man named “Malik Ayaz”. Malik Ayaz was a handsome Turkic-Georgian slave brought by Sultan Mahmud. He was a very close companion of Mahmud; was very devoted to the him and fullfilled his all wishes.
The relationship between Mahmud and Ayaz is highly celebrated in Persian poetry and literature.There are a set of 6 poems by Farid al-Din Attar that are inspired by this relationship. Sa'di, a 13th-century poet includes 2 stories about the lovers in his best-known work, Bustan, a collection of reflections on human nature. The chapter “Concerning Love” describes someone complaining that Mahmud’s favourite slave “possesses no beauty.” Upon hearing this, Mahmud responds, “My love, O sir, is for virtue, not for form or stature.” The second story depicts the king travelling with some of his men when an overturned chest of pearls is discovered; all except Ayaz go after the pearls. Questioned by Mahmud about the possibility of gaining riches, Ayaz explains he wants nothing. “I walked in haste behind thee, I do not occupy myself with riches away from thy service.” Nidhami-I-Arudi, a 12th-century Ghaznavid court poet describes the well-known and famous love of Sultan Mahmud for Ayaz, though he explains that Mahmud, being a “pious and God-fearing man,” wrestled with this love. One night after drinking a lot of wine, Mahmud couldn’t ignore Ayaz’s beauty: “Thereupon love plucked the reins of self-restraint from the hands of his endurance, and lover-like he drew him to himself.”
Zahīr ud-Dīn Muhammad (Babar)
Zahīr ud-Dīn Muhammad commonly known as Babar or Babur. Babar was the founder of the Mughal Empire. He was a Bisexual & was also the first queer ruler in Mughal Dynasty. Babur's religious and philosophical stances are characterized as humanistic. Babur was an acclaimed writer, who had a profound love for literature. His library was one of his most beloved possessions that he always carried around with him, & books were one of the treasures he searched for in new conquered lands. During his 47-year life, Babur left a rich literary and scientific heritage. He authored his famous memoir the Bāburnāma, as well as beautiful lyrical works or ghazals, treatises on Muslim jurisprudence (Mubayyin), poetics (Aruz risolasi), music, and a special calligraphy, known as khatt-i Baburi.
He married multiple times but had little attraction towards women. Babur had an affair with his male slave named Baburi Andijani (also known as Baburi). Babur rescued him from the Uzbek camp market in 1499. Babur mentioned his lover's name several times in the "Babarnama" and expressed his feelings towards Baburi without fear. Babur even wrote several Persian romantic poems about same gender love. It is also claimed that Babur built Babri Masjid as a token of love for Baburi Andijani (well, I am not pretty sure)
Maryam Khatoon Molkara
Maryam Khatoon Molkara was a well-known transgender rights campaigner, broadcaster & volunteer in Iran, where she is widely recognized as a matriarch of trans communities. Maryam was later instrumental in obtaining a letter which acted as a fatwa enabling sex reassignment surgery to exist as part of a legal framework. After the Islamic Revolution, Maryam faced intense backlash due to her gender identity. She underwent arrests, and death threats. She was fired from her job at the Iranian National Radio and Television, forced to wear masculine clothing, injected with male hormones against her will, and detained in a psychiatric institution. Later she was released by the help of religious leaders.She also fought for legal recognition of trans people in Iran.
In 2007, she founded the Iranian Society to Support Individuals with Gender Identity Disorder (Persian: حمایت از بیماران مبتلا به اختلالات هویت جنسی ایران) the first state-approved organization for transgender rights in Iran. Before this, she used her own property in Karaj to help other transgender people receive legal advice and medical care, including post-operative care. She continued advocating for other transgender people and bailing them out of prison after they were arrested, even knowing she would likely face violence for doing so.
Sally Mursi
Sally Mursi was an Egyptian transsexual entertainer.She was most controversial figure in Egypt for her sex reassignment surgery.Sally was born in a religious muslim family.Sally was a student of Al-Azhar, which is renowned as one of the world's most prestigious universities for Islamic learning. She completed her sex reassignment surgery in 1988. When Al-Azhar's Medical School for Boys came to know about her sex-change operation, they refused to accept her as their student.
She was also accused of trying to get out of military service and was ordered to report for induction into the army. Army doctors examined her, and finding that she was a woman, concluded that Sally was not medically fit for military service.Sally was refused a transfer to Al-Azhar’s Medical School for Girls. So she filed a case against Al-Azhar Medical School later which stirred a nationwide controversy. Despite going through many problems, she didn't stop her fight for her rights.
At that time Mohammed Sayyed Tantawi, Grand Mufti of Al-Azhar, issued a fatwa that Sally's change was necessary for her health but that before the operation she should for one year dress, behave and comply with all obligations of Islam for women (except for marital obligations).This fatwa was the first Sunni ruling on sex reaffirmation surgery. Eventually Sally won 2 legal rulings against the Al-Azhar school, but it ignored them, and also blacklisted her at other medical schools.So she completed her education from Cairo University on literature.Sally also legally married with a man in Egypt. But still transsexuals like sally faced discrimination & harassment in Egypt.
Bülent Ersoy
Bülent Ersoy is a popular transsexual singer and actress of Turkey. Often nicknamed Diva by her fans. Ersoy's some of the famous hits are "Ümit Hırsızı", "Geceler", "Beddua" , "Maazallah", "Biz Ayrılamayız" and "Sefam olsun". Ersoy Ersoy began her career as a male singer, in the genre of Turkish classical music.Her grandparents played classical Turkish music and she first took private lessons and then studied at Istanbul Municipal Conservatory. Already one of Turkey's most popular singers and actors, she gained international notoriety in April 1981 after having sex reassignment surgery in London by a British plastic surgeon. She kept the name "Bülent" even though it is a typically masculine name. After the operation, Ersoy found herself in opposition to 1980 Turkish coup d'état of Kenan Evren. In a crackdown on "social deviance," Ersoy's public performances were banned along with those of other transgender people. To circumvent the ban, she petitioned the Turkish courts to legally recognize her as a woman.The petition was rejected in January 1982. Days later, she attempted suicide. In 1983, she left Turkey in protest of the Evren regime's repressive policies and continued her career in Germany. Along with her musical career, she made several Turkish movies in Germany.Later Ersoy came back to turkey when Evren left office and many of his policies were rescinded.
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stellisketches · 2 years
I desperately need to know about Malik please please please tell me about him. Relationship to Garte? To Garroth? How did he meet Matilda? Does he have any redeeming qualities, or is me just a weird misogynistic clown?
ohohoho do I have some theories/lore for you.
Ok so I go back-and forth on this, but Malik is either Garte's younger and/or bastard brother. Personally, I think Malik had a little bit of a hubris problem, but was otherwise a pretty alright guy. He was bitter over the fact that he wouldn't inherit the Lordship of O'Khasis, but that was mostly because he thought Garte was unfit to rule. He saw his brother grow from incompetence to actual malice. I'm not exactly sure how Malik met Matilda, but I don't think they had been married long (if at all) when Malik finally decided he had had enough of Garte's bullshit and left O'Khasis to raise his own village. Garroth was young when he left, maybe only eleven or twelve. It took Malik almost five years to actually raise a village, but at some point Phoenix Drop had become a small but respectable village on the coast. Once it was truly settled, he sent a letter to Garroth in secret that if he ever needed a place to get away from his father, Phoenix Drop was always open to him. He considered it, but he was already in guard training at the time and he didn't want to leave Vylad behind. It wasn't until about six months after Vylad died, when Garroth got news of a possible proposal his father was arranging, that he finally took up his uncle's offer and got the hell out of Dodge. (He was roughly 22-23 around this time). He had only been in Phoenix Drop for around two or three years, and took Zenix as an apprentice almost immediately after arriving in Phoenix Drop.
Malik was also a magicks sensitive person, and in his later years he began to have an obsession with the Nether and the Shadow Lord, which was the beginning of his downfall. He was the one who orchestrated with the other Lords to travel into the nether to kill the Shadow Lord and break the portal, which of course did not go well. Afterwards began to see the connection between Lord's deaths and Shadow Knights, and had just discovered a HUGE conspiracy when Zenix finally caught wind and alerted Gene. Zenix was in charge of ganking him and Gene was supposed to take care of Matilda and Levin. 
Malik died, and the forgetting curse was placed, however Matilda was immune because she was a half-elf, and had a high enough magickal constitution to withstand the effects. Vylad, who knew about his uncle and Garroth’s presence in Phoenix Drop, is the only person who remembers their Uncle’s existence, save for one other person...
Anyways that’s all I have so far
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lggy · 1 year
Every time someone argues with me that Zenix is canonically a child I get a little closer to genuinely doing the timeline math to figure out the minimum age he can be by S3.
Off the top of my head, it is impossible for Zenix to be under 20. For him to be only 20, he’d need to be 2 years old when Garroth found him. I’m going out on a limb here: I don’t think Garroth made a baby his guard apprentice.
And that’s using an underestimate of the time that passes during the series! That’s saying S1, S2, and the length of the rebellion only adds up to 3 years absolute total!
i think a lot of people hang onto fanon so much that they forget their headcanons are not universal like believing shadow knights stop aging/are stuck at the age they are forever, and that's why some ppl think s3 zenix is still a kid. ive seen some hcs where zenix is perpetually stuck mentally as a teenager and ahhhh idk thats cool more power to u
but i cant stand when ppl act like dicks abt it like . just bc of the smut thing, personally i think he's 18 in s1 at least (i respect ppls fanons tho if u like perpetual baby zenix, all the power to u). but ive received shit like "zenix is immature in s3 therefore he's still mentally a kid" nopenopenope
i keep flip flopping on what age group s1 zenix is bc it's just messy. i sincerely doubt jess really put much thought into it since she wrote a lot of s1 very hastily and it created a plot hole where garroth "raised zenix since he was a kid" but zenix killed lord malik within days after he was found and season 1 begins. i'm willing to think it probably could have even just been early MCD baby mod physics like when brian was a little peanut baby then a week later he comes back a grown man from guard training school. plus if zenix really was a kid (and not exaggerated by garroth) he was out there genuinely beefing w gene over leadership in the nether as a kid b4 sasha came around lmfao
anyways zenix has to be at like least around 30-33 years old in season 2. in my fanon he's like 34y/o in s2 and 37 in s3. p much the same age as garroth if not older by then
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noble-guards · 2 years
Mcd Minor Character Tournament
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hoard-apothecary · 2 years
current name hoard
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bolded - italics - tiny favoured - if close - trying out/uncertain
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deet, ryn, tai, yuze, yufei, xiyang
ahsoka, alice, alison, abi, babs, bloom, beau, bunnie, bee/bea, chel, cassandra, ciel, corrin, claire, coraline, crybaby, donnie/donatello, el/ellie/eleven, emily, jess, jane, keyleth, katie, kim, kris, kiri, london, layla, lena, maine, mae, matthew, mono, poppy, powder, rene, stolas, soundwave, serene, serena, serenity, sol, tracer, tex, valkyrie, 479er
astre, aether, arsenic, astronaut/astro, crescent, cel, crypt, curse, crux, conjure, catra, callum, domino, douxie, draculin, dixie, diem, dusk, dawn, day, dray, deco, emika, edmund, eos, estes, fleece, gwen, gallery, harley, hiccup, haze, jinx, katniss, kori/koriand'r, katze, koi, korra, klause, kinley/kinley, kikimora, killian, luka, luz, lux, lamb, lune, link, lou, lev, len, mishka, milan, meg/megaera, marceline, marshall lee, mori, melanie, noctum, omen, pour, prismane, porter, pidge, river styx, ryot/riot, robin, rachel, rune, spyro, sunny, stray, sigrune, teth/tethlani, tanya, vida, verta, vapour, wilt,
arseni, aarik, alita, askell, arice, amlet, artourious, bridges/bridger, bailey, caprice, dema, dragomir, deimos, die, dice, deming, daoming emmet, eon, era, eiri, eira, fion/fione, faolan, folke, fiske, fai, ilya, juncai, jiayi, kol, kole, kallen, kestrel, keir, kreed, kyre, kyne, kynar, luca, lane/lain, lei, liang, liu, lan, ming, max, mischa/misha, merrik, malik, phaelyn, parker, peller, riff, runa, rory, runar, royko/rojko, rhys/reece, ru, shen sokka/sokah, sakki, stas, velik, valen, vedun, wren, ye,
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for certain people only:
bf/raf: oliver, pixie
atari/wonder: fishy, feifei, vapoureon, yuyu,
molly: kitcat/kitkat
vax: (little) dove, butterfly
yasha: petals
wire: panty
apollo: sho (shoto)
crow: little light
joker: sugar
dick: baby bat
asra: little apprentice
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deadscoutz · 2 years
Ye olde list of my dankest oldest yaoi
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I made a meme template for my fella. You can see how he filled his out on his blog. You should do this too! Just save the image and repost it with your ships, no credit necessary.
10 years ago can also be 10+ years ago, just any ol' fashioned classic yaoiyuri.
My ye olde ships:
Slade/Robin (now Nightwing/Slade lol)
Kefka/Terra (ff6)
everyone including random monsters/Vincent Valentine (ff7)
Harvey Dent/Joker (dark knight movie)
Riddler/Scarecrow (batman comix)
Kaiba/Yami Yugi (ygo)
Malik/Yami Bakura (ygo)
Sniper/Spy (tf2 /neg)
Superman/Batman (capeshit)
Deadpool/Cable (capeshit)
These don't include some of the obvious ones that I'm still drawing to this day LOL like Scout/Spy or Goblin yaoi.
Warning for LONG ASS rambling about each ship under the cut.
The common thread is that 86% of these were memes posted to 4chan's /co/ board. When I WAS. A YOUNG MAN. I just liked whatever I saw other people posted cuz i couldn't form my own opinions yet. I think that's just a general age thing, as you get older you hone your personal tastes more, whether it's books or yuri or food, and it's less satisfying to wait around at the buffet for other people's tastes.
It's a lil interesting how much easier it was to just let other people feed me things to enjoy. Now that I'm older and pickier, I have to proactively seek very specific tastes and sometimes make dishes for myself!
Some thoughts on thots:
Slade/Robin: This is like, baby's first "dark ship". Lots of 8 yr olds saw the Apprentice episode, and pogged out cuz of the evil groomy tension. Then you get all the 8 yr olds posting their dark yaoi on deviantart LMAO.
The default back then (And still now?) is evil daddy dom Slade making poor widdle babby Robin cry. I didn't have particular tastes back then in regards to that ship cuz I was 8 and just followed what was popular LOL. In [current year], I only like the pairing if Slade gets his anus slapped and slorped by the dude he tried to groom. What can I say, I get older and the old gnarsty dudes keep getting older too...!
Also, I'm really shocked that new people are getting into this pairing because of Teen Titans Go's chibi Robin. It's time to bring chad manlet Dick to public consciousness!!!
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Kefka/Terra: 👴 Back in my day, I did not see any FF6 shippy stuff on the internet at all. The doujins and fanart were mostly for the FF7 and above 3d games. So this was something I thought up for myself while playing the game, without any outside influence... incredible for a kid I must say! The dynamic is "evil clown grooms psychic girl into a MAGITEK WEAPON". It's really funny how things change, I wouldn't find interest in that dynamic now :p But I understand why a depressed edgy 10 year old (me) would find that interesting to explore.
Everyone/Vincent Valentine: I just thought Vincent was cute! I still like goth dudes who look like ladies with long hair (Who also turn into monsters). I tried to get into ships proper for Vincent, like Sephiroth/Vincent, Cloud/Vincent, Cid/Vincent.. but none of them really struck my fancy. I didn't really care for their character dynamics. I just liked Vincent LOL. So my favorite doujin I found when I was a wee lad was a monster x Vincent manga, cuz Vincent was cute :3c That segues into the other side of the fujo spectrum: A lot of my fannish thoughts when I was a kid (and even now) was based on having one favorite character and just wanting to see them look awesome and hot and cool and sexy. I think that's actually more related to gay manga culture than fujoshi culture, where gay manga can commonly just focus on one guy getting gangbanged with no emotional pairing necessary.
I could live with just seeing sexy Green Goblin and never shipping him with anyone else, ya know? And I'd be happy just drawing my sexy Senspai without any annoying Scunts around. The annoying younger halves of my pairings are often just projection opportunities, ya know? But I don't have the mental ability to do self-inserts because I have no conception of self.
Harvey Dent/Joker: Hey, when you're a kid and the new Batman movie comes out, you get sucked into it! You can see this in action with all the new Riddler fans cuz of the edward cullen batman movie! Nurse Joker was a huge meme on /co/ when this movie came out, and as the joke says.. /co/ is gay. And probably full of closet fujos. I had no emotional connection to this pairing, or even thoughts on their interactions, but I have quite a bit saved of these two on my computer. Plus I stole a lot of Aaron Eckhart's Harvey for my character Angus. Blonde and buttchin!
Riddler/Scarecrow: Again with the new Batman movie at the time, this time reviving interest in characters that weren't even in the movie! I liked Cillian Murphy's Scarecrow even though he only gets 5 minutes total of screentime in all 3 Nolan movies combined. Because I like girly men with killer cheekbones and kissy lips. I also REALLY enjoyed Jeffrey Comb's voiceover for BTAS Scarecrow. And Frank Gorshin Riddler was also a beloved meme on /co/.
I don't remember what the dynamic even was between these two. I just remember a small imageboard split off from /co/ for just Batman yaoi at the time, and this being a popular ship. Sometimes I wish it could be this easy for me to get into media and enjoy it with random strangers again LOL.
Kaiba/Yami Yugi: I loved Yugioh as a kid. This was one of the most popular ships, so as a kid you're just ecstatic that so much art and writing and fans existed for this one thing. You never starve, even if you don't have especially strong feelings for the food! Kaiba/Yami is still pretty cool to my adult brain though. I love the obsessiveness of Kaiba, and Yami is just an eternal waifu.
Malik/Yami Bakura: You can blame the abridged series for this one! Yaoi bait begets yaoi bait. This falls under the "dumbass x grumpy" archetype that I still enjoy. No especially strong feelings for this one, though I do have more modern headcanons of Malik, Rishid, and Bakura living together in a strange poly-angle. It's just cute!
Sniper/Spy: Ah, TF2chan.. a place where dreams live and die. Sniper, Spy, and Scout were part of the cursed twink trio on that chan. REAL MEN liked MANLY ships like Heavy/Medic, Demo/Soldier, or Soldier/Engie. You're a gay stupid yaoi fangirl if you liked any combination of Sniper/Spy!!! Jokes on them, I liked pretty much every pairing for TF2 back in Tha Day.
TF2 truly was a milestone in the fujo pipeline, from anime twinks to middle-aged slightly more naturalistic twinks to finally burly hyper testosterated manly men. We can blame the SSS twink trio for helping many transition (And I mean that in every way of the word 😜).
I think now I'm just sick of anything TF2. Reminds me too much of assholes and shitfucks! The transition of TF2 from edgy gamer chan culture, to tumblrites, to twitter geeks... eugh. I only care about fearless Scout/Spy allies :)
Superman/Batman: Hey, it's the NaruSasu of superhero ships! I have a lot of these two saved on my hard drive from my /co/ days. Once again, because gay art of these two was posted constantly as a meme. When the "straight dudes" on the edgy imageboard acknowledge the inherent homoeroticism of a pairing, it's validated in the young fujo's eyes. (cuz what girls like is stinky? and what men like is cool and real? lol lots to unpack) Still think this one is cute! I'm not AS invested in this as some people are as an endgame OTP that gets married and love each other ONLY, but it falls under the genki x grumpy archetype that I enjoy. It's a good relationship for Bruce to have and ruin!
Deadpool/Cable: Ah, the final channer-approved pairing. Complete with channer-approved fanart and pornography I still have on my hard drive! I might actually have the most art of them together saved out of all these ships...They had a comic together called Cable and Deadpool. Deadpool flirts with Cable and dreams about putting lotion on Cable's bare back (heh). What's not to like? Still cute, still genki x grumpy! Again, not an invested endgame ship for me right now, but certainly something I'm grateful to have enjoyed and shared with Shane :) Especially having enjoyed this before the Deadpool movie came out, and before all the weird fucked up Waid comics! I WAS HERE FIRST!!!!!!
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oopsallmabari · 2 years
more thoughts on the AU in which arya has no magic/is a templar:
-as everyone had initially hoped she and Eric lead the ostwick circle with Eric as knight-commander. eventually the hope/expectation is that with a few more years arya will take over in Markham, but there are concerns that she will not be ready for that kind of leadership
-arya is not burdened by exactly the same kind of uncertainty as she usually is. battle and swordsmanship and strategy seem natural. giving orders seems natural. in social situations she is utterly inept and terrified. this is not an arya that has spent time teaching and guiding young children, this is not an arya who got drilled in etiquette enough because she was never going to need to navigate nobility. the family was content with her desire to stay far out of the spotlight and prepare for being a templar, so she can't really mask in the way the right arya would, she is rigid and respected but not liked. she makes few friends.
-ostwick circle is run strictly and efficiently. Eric is too much of a watchdog to allow loose ends. without a mage in the family he does not learn much sympathy for mages, and while he is smart enough to keep the mages from complete upset (so he thinks, at least) he is not merciful, nor is he kind. arya is much the same but occasionally is pulled to sympathy by apprentices. she likes to think she takes complaints seriously, but there are always more templars to take the place of ones that need to be removed.
-briony is still at ostwick until her harrowing, which she fails. arya does not know her face well enough to feel anything about her passing, other than general pity.
-Malik REALLY suffers because he has been saddled with all the responsibility of maintaining the family's nobility despite him clearly having two other siblings that could have done it. he wishes for more freedom than he has. arya is sympathetic to his frustrations, eric finds his problems trivial given that, for the most part, malik’s life isn't on the line. malik would have stopped speaking to erik altogether if their father didn’t believe it necessary to keep the trevelyans connected.
-the trevelyans become a well-known name in the Marches, and the family sees this time as politically opportune. as much as the trevelyans are described as devout, since the chantry is the foundation of so much power, i can’t imagine that in their religious devotion they are also very interested in aligning their politics with the chantry. they want more political power in the Marches, malik is resistant which causes tension with his father still serving as bann. despite templars technically giving up titles and family from the order the trevelyans see expanded dominance over the circles as necessary.
-ostwick’s circle rebels far later than it did in the original timeline since arya has no real connection to the younger apprentices, and far fewer people are inclined to stick up for any troublemaker apprentices given the trevelyans’ ironclad hold on the circle. markham’s circle (where eric Should Be) collapses first after its first enchanter starts an eerily quiet rebellion (she’s another minor oc of mine, her name is margaret, she is an unassuming old lady born in a circle). eric hears about it, is hypervigilant, and when one of the younger apprentices has something of a magical misfire, arya is not there to stop it. the boy is made tranquil, and rather than that inciting rebellion, it’s later rumors of annulment that spark ostwick’s downfall.
-even w/in this au, arya should be a mage. she is supposed to have magic. so i think that arya still ends up at the conclave hoping for peace and a return to normalcy, while eric has something of a crisis because he doesn’t think going back to normal is safe or possible (but he’s not entirely convinced by the renegade templars). arya gets her hands on the anchor and its connection to the fade doesn’t make her a full fledged mage, but she does start to show signs of magic capability (i don’t know that it ever fully manifests) outside of the anchor’s power and it shakes her entire worldview--it doesn’t feel wrong, and that disgusts her.
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mad-rdr · 2 years
A Psalm of Storms and Silence (A Song of Wraiths and Ruin #2) - Roseanne Brown
★ ★ ★ ★ ★/5
Bring back breathtaking duologies!! I mean it when I say that I've yet to meet a duology I haven't liked. Sometimes two books are all you need and three just stretches it too much. This book, this ending, isn't quite a conclusion, and yet I'm happy with it. I didn't get the closure I necessarily wanted but it was written so well that I can live with it. This book starts off with Karina on the run and Malik acting as the apprentice for the very man who betrayed his foster family to bring back his unrequited love from the dead. Yeah, needless to say, there's a lot going on. I, for one, am still not going to forgive Farid's betrayal. I liked him in book one and I cannot believe what a manipulative asshole he is in the book, not to mention abusive. I feel so bad for Hanane, poor girl did not ask to be brought back from the dead to be at Farid's beck and call. Her backstory is so sad, she was essentially groomed by him because she pitied him and now she has to live with being in a weird state of not dead but not alive. Which makes sense as to why she sacrificed herself in the end. I'm glad we got to see some healing between the two sisters, and a glimpse of what it would've been like if Hanane lived and became Empress. Karine and Malik on the other hand, wow the sexual tension was through the roof. I can't believe they let their ancestor's quarels dictate their relationship for so long. SO what if your "kinds" hate each other?? It's been like a thousand years, c'mon. I'm glad they got over the miscommunication in the end, because things were so messy. I think my favorite part of the duology was Hyenas random appearance to cause chaos- definitely a fan of that mentality. And since Hyena is the one telling the story in the end, that's why we get an ending that's kind of up in the air, we will never truly know if Malik and Karina found each other again, but I'd like to believe that they do, because I'm not entirely heartless. Overall, I really liked this duology and I would definitely recommend to any YA fantasy lovers out there, this series is like a breath of fresh air to the genre.
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As a masterlist of characters in The Six at current here’s what we have.
Our Main (Titular) Six:
Adela Lambert: Daughter of Merchants who went missing
Constanta Vulpes: Orphan raised in a secluded convent
Elene Galius: Mage’s apprentice from a nomadic people conquered by the Janurian Empire
Loretta Capulet: Noble girl engaged to the prince of her kingdom
Odetta Deiana: Youngest Princess of a kingdom of islands
Tzivya Najdi: Member of a nomadic desert tribe bordering a declining empire
Their Important Friends and Family:
Gavin Capulet: Loretta’s older brother
Gregorios Aetos: Elene’s teacher
Jehan Artois: Loretta’s fiance
Maia Deiana: Odetta’s older sister, or at least the closest in age
Marlena Lambert: Adela’s aunt and guardian
Ra-sebek/Raza: Exiled knight Constanta’s convent takes in
Triel: Childhood friend of Tzivya’s confined to the inside of a temple
Zelda Varias: Head of Constanta’s convent
Other Important Characters:
Ankh-hotep: Raza’s commanding officer, missing in action
Janus IV: Emperor of the Janurian Empire that kidnaps the six leads, Janus is not his real name.
Valentine Peralda: Formerly Emperor Janus II, usurped ages ago and running a successful mercenary enterprise
Camilla Peralda: Valentine’s middle child and only daughter
Aydın Karga: Sort of works for Valentine, sort of
Malik Sahin: Dear friend/lover of Aydın, wandering monk
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Day 8
Finding each war machine was easy enough. Malik also had an easy time destroying them, because they seemed to expect his father, not him. He left no Borgia guard alive, left no machine intact, and burned the blueprints. He was determined to do each of the four missions right, that no detail was missed.
Leonardo watched as the fires burned at the four locations. He let out a held breath as he heard that an assassin had hit each location in turn. But something struck Leonardo from the descriptions of the Assassin. His robes were very plain, red and white sure. But he had seen Ezio, his robes were more egalant. Who was this mysterious assassin?
Clay had returned looking antsy, something was bothering his apprentice and secret lover. He looked at him and asked
"Clay what's wrong?"
"Cesere is getting angry. He's aware that Ezio is gathering allies with the Thieves, Countians and Cortti. And recruiting. But he has no clue who's targeting the war machines."
Leonardo nodded. He thanked Clay before they settled in for the night. It would be another long night due to the headaches Cesere was dealing with. Maybe he'd leave them alone?
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a-star-aquarium · 4 months
The Apolloverse
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Welcome to my blog! Here you'll find all my OCs for fandom and not fandom-related content. To start out, I'm going to a couple things clear about myself:
Currently this is the only blog I am using---While you may see my original account that has now been based around Last Legacy, and another side account I have, I am only cohesively using this one.
You can refer to me as Apollo (though this name is just a place holder for this account because I am no longer comfortable with being called Ayla) and I use they/them. Also I know when I first starting posting my account was called "themajorarcanalesbian" but I would no longer refer to myself as a lesbian, just queer for now.
While there may be some mature content on this blog, it won't be a lot because I feel my writing and drawing skills cannot adequately portray that sort of stuff without sounding, well, cringe. That being said, be aware that I will likely reblog mature content from my mutuals as they freely post that content, and I will always want to share it.
Last but not least, the only character I have that is associated with The Arcana universe is Astarium, who only remains in that fandom because the storyline set up for the game adds to their character in a way I feel I might not be able to at the moment (cough cough, writers block) The rest of my characters remain in what you will see tagged as #theapolloverse as their universe doesn't have a set name!
And now, to get to my many characters (fyi, I will edit this post when I do, but some of their intro posts are outdated and need refreshing!)
Also, every character will also be filed under #Apolloverse
Astarium The Magician | They/Them - Queer | Asta, remaining in the arcana verse, takes the storyline of the apprentice, only a few things differentiating. They grow up in Prakra and run away after their father passes because they fear their mother will abandon them. At first, they are put on stage to be ogled at, from age 12 to 15, before they eventually make their way to Vesuvia. They meet Asra, stay with him for a long while, and when the plague hits, they fear death when it becomes clear that their healing magic, just like with their father, cannot heal the people of Vesuvia. Asra assumes their dead for many months, but Asta only dies the day before Asra revives them, so they remain with their memories of the plague, and seeing Asra with Julian. This is important because it has an effect on each storyline no matter what love interest you choose, because Astarium never actually wanted to be brought back to life! Asta's information, and any HCs or drawings, will be under the tag #astariumthemagician or #astathemagician
Their bio: Astarium The Magician
Juno, The Mad King | He/Him - Bisexual | Juno Ara Malik, a bastard child who, yes, is his father's son, but his mother was not of royal decent. Juno's father is not completely to blame for this, as his wife, The Queen, passed away of an illness, and he had to resort to sleeping with a servant to produce an heir, otherwise his line would've been endangered. Juno will not take after his father though, his cousin Amaria will; ergo why Juno's father had him take over a small Provence at the age of 14. He felt bad that his son would not be able to take after his footsteps. Juno was raised by his teachers, servants, and guards when he was sailed across the sea to Roya. His grandmother took no interest in him besides hating him, she would regular burn his hands and back, and he remains to have a scar on his face from her dagger. In fact, her treatment only resulted in Juno growing to be spiteful and cruel in some ways, and at the age of 17, he decapitated her in a purple blaze. Her very own sword being used to do the beheading. Juno's information, and any HCs or drawings, will be under the tag #Juno Ara Malik
His bio: Juno Ara Malik
Jayda, The Golden Handed Servant | He/Him - Omnisexual | Jayda grew up similarly to Asra in a way, living off the streets with nobody to raise him, only learning from the books he stole and the lessons he was taught by strangers. Sure, the people of his city got to know him, and he even got many of them to give him free stuff, but nobody offered him a home. He remained on the streets until the age of 16, when he met Zahra, who had ran away from a forced marriage. At the age of 30, Jayda seeks out the Magician (not specifically the one in the Arcana) , who offers him one wish. Jayda wishes to be more virtuous, to be a man of the people, and the magician grants him that. Of course, working with a major arcana can have its drawbacks, so Jayda is changed into an almost completely different man. The once confident man had gained the gift of awareness, which has made him hypersensitive to every single thing he does, including his actions and physical state. The gift also helps him be more on top of his work at the palace, so it's not the worst. His third eye is for sight, to be seeing clearly and all knowing, so that he can help those around him. And his 6 limbs, which are for strength, with so many arms, surely he could help out all of Roya at once? {he can but it's utterly exhausting}. His hair turning from the beautiful chestnut to the interesting orange was a reminder from the magician to Jayda, a piece of him, so that he will never forget the gifts he was given. Not that Jayda ever could, as he's lived this way for the past 12 years. Jayda's information, and any HCs or drawings, will be under the tag #Jayda Ronan Chidal and #Jayda The Golden Handed Servant
His Bio: Jayda Ronan Chidal
Zahra | She/Her - Lesbian | Zahra, originally coming from a rich background, was arranged to marry at the age of 15 by her mother. Her mother had sold her into a marriage with a much older man after learning Zahra was a trans woman, and she told her if she wanted to be one, that she could face the same struggles a woman would. After about a year of this, she runs away and meets Jayda. It's important to note that Zahra wasn't as open with Jayda as she is now, but her mother had attempted to force her to de-transition, when she could not make her, she was sold off like cattle, and when the man no longer wanted her, her cold dead stare every night haunting him, her mother DID force her to de-transition, and they gaslit her back into the closet, so ergo why she left, and why Jayda met her pre-transition. Now she rules as Juno's head advisor with his council and remains by Jayda's side. Currently, most of the info, including Zahra's intro post, is incorrect, so I will not link it. But her tag remains to be #Zahra Masarn Ártar
Atlas | Any/All Pronouns - Pansexual | A young mercenary working under Ruthie Sloane (oh I promise, we'll get to her) Atlas, the nephew/niece of Zahra, grew up with their mother in a small village. His father had banned any sort of magic when Atlas was young, causing quite the struggle when her mother had to use it to heal Atlas from a cold that had almost killed them. The people of the town decided to hunt her down, and unlike his mother, Atlas had lifted herself up into the air with their own magic when jumping from a cliff. That day, the day he lost his mother to the rocks below that cliff, was his birthday. Atlas ended up running to falling less of a feet into the ocean, trying to find her mother in the depths of the ocean, eventually washing back up onto the beach where they were found by Ruth. Now, they remain her side no matter what. Same as with Zahra, Atlas' intro post and most of the posts ive made surrounding them is not correct, so I will not be linking it here. Though if you'd like to look for it, her tag is #Atlas Bentlee Àrtar
Ruthie, The Midnight Mercenary | She/Her - Pansexual | Born Oxana Valentina Sloane, Ruth took the name of one of her oldest friends when they were slaughtered by the man she once used to work for. While not much is known about her, she is known for being one of the biggest threats to most pirates, and with Atlas along with her, she appears a lot more scary than she actually is. Despite being 6'4 mercenary, Ruth is actually quite kind, she's taken quite a few people in over the years, and she's never one to hesitate when it comes to feeding, or housing those in need. She is the eldest of the Sloane Siblings, and she actually left her family at quite a young age. Now, she just rides around with Atlas, always cleaning up their dirty work. She also needs an updated bio, but the rest of her info remains under the tags #Ruthie Sloane, #Oxana Valentina Sloane, and #The Sloane Siblings
Pier | He/Him - Omnisexual | The younger brother of Oxana, who was abandoned by her from a young age---right when he was learning his abilities--- resulting in him losing control and running away when he was 10. For the most part, he can't see, or, well, its not that he can’t see, he refuses to open his eyes, because when he does, he can't see people, he just sees their aura, and their thoughts, and its like a surround sound to his head. This developed at the age of 9 and he runs away at 10 to get away from his mothers, not to scare them, but because he was afraid of hurting them by letting them know what he was going through. Where he’s constantly on the move, one of his favorite friends is Asta, they met on a pirate ship back in Prakra and they're very nice to one another. On the note of Pirates, he does get kidnapped by a certain crew due to his relation to rue. But that I'll leave off there. Pier's information, and any HCs or drawings, will be under the tag #Pier Sloane and #The Sloane Siblings
Mathéo | He/They - Bisexual | As the youngest of the Sloane siblings, not much is known about Mathéo. While he remains to live with his mothers, he still lives a rather independent life. They take charge in doing all the task their siblings left behind, and they try to make life happier for their mothers. But, he longs so be selfish, and adventurous, and he feels lonely without his siblings, creating an odd family dynamic when he meets up with them in the future. Mathéo's information, and any HCs or drawings, will be under the tag #Mathéo Sloane and #The Sloane Siblings
And always, a reminder that you can always ask about my ocs (or inquire about shipping) in my inbox, and anon will always stay on!
Now make yourself cozy, and feel free to look at the rest of my blog <3
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bonjourxrenae · 4 months
Quill and I are world building a bit, and it’s really fun to touch on the rules of magic, different classes of magic (traditional magic vs ‘chaos’ or wild magic) and how it relates to our apprentices...
Some scattered fanfic ramblings about Carvings below:
So in Carvingsverse, there's two different schools of magic - most of what is explored is a traditional school of magic, ie. your basic elemental type of magic (fire, water, air, earth, etc.) Certain characters have certain elemental affinities, but are generally taught about each element on principle. Yugi does end up cycling through at least a few of them before his affinity for wind magic becomes apparent. Atem has an affinity for fire magic (which becomes more plot relevant in later chapters.)
There is also another school of magic, known as 'chaos' magic. Like the name suggests, this is magic born from the nothingness of Chaos, making it unpredictable and almost limitless in what it can do (ie. a lot of 'manipulation' magic is included here, which includes 'healing'). Most chaos mages are closely associated with the element of the Earth.
Because it is a volatile magic it does take a lot of energy to use. As a result, chaos mages' appetites are MASSIVE.
Another characteristic of chaos magic is that it is also heavily affected by big emotions - if left unchecked, the chaos mage's body is usually left permanently altered as a result. A lot of the chaos mages in this story have had some parts of them absolutely altered, ranging from minor cosmetic changes to transforming into a horrific monstrosity. Some features, like eye color, will fade slightly over time but will never go back to the way they were before. (Yugi compares it to kintsugi at some point.)
All magic in this universe follows closely with the seasons, and borrows quite a lot from wuxing. Admittedly we haven't fully explored the Five Phases in its entirely, but it is honestly really refreshing to look at the main five apprentices and compare them with characteristics of the elements:
Wood/Spring: denotes a period of growth, which generates abundant vitality, movement and wind. (Yugi - he's the 'new beginnings' POV character, wind is his element, and he is specifically a woodcarver by trade)
Fire/Summer: this is a period of swelling, flowering, expanding with heat. (Heba/Atem - we write him with lots of Big Emotions, especially as his memories return and his personality begins to flourish)
Earth (transitional): a transitional period between the other phases or seasons, or when relating to transformative seasonal periods it can be seen as late Summer. This period is associated with stability, leveling and dampness. (Malik - he will be the last of the apprentices to be introduced; late summer is also when Carvings [and the planned spin-off fic!!!] begin.)
Metal/Autumn: denotes a period of harvesting, collecting and dryness. (Bakura [TKB] - he is, in fact, born in the dry season.)
Water/Winter: a period of retreat, stillness, contracting and coolness. (Ryou - Winter is also the only season when his teacher, Master Nix - The Magician of Black Chaos - returns to Earth from Chaos itself.)
If you look at the Generating Cycle:
Wood feeds Fire. (Yugi selflessly giving Atem the temporary name of Heba - a name he considered for himself - in order to help kindle his magic)
Fire produces Earth. (Atem, being a former prince and king from the old 'River Kingdom,' meeting Malik, a descendant of that kingdom.)
Earth bears Metal. (Malik learning the truth behind the fall of the old kingdom from Bakura and using that knowledge to facilitate the restoration of the kingdom.)
Metal collects Water. (Bakura is literally the first chaos mage Ryou meets besides himself, and generally the one to encourage him to embrace his imperfections.)
Water nourishes Wood. (Ryou instantly connects with Yugi from Day One and encourages him to continue learning magic, despite his feelings of inadequacy.)
And at the Destructive cycle:
Wood grasps/stabilizes Earth. Yugi and Malik are the closest in age in this AU and they're both kindred spirits (sheltered, wanderlust, they're practically in-laws)
Earth contains/directs Water. Malik and Ryou have very similar experiences with trauma and lean on each other.
Water dampens/regulates Fire. As Atem regains his memories and becomes emotionally compromised, Ryou has been a calming presence and is often the one to talk him down.
Fire melts/refines/shapes Metal. A young Prince Atem practically took a young orphaned Bakura into the palace and practically made him into another Prince.
Metal chops/carves Wood. Bakura challenges Yugi to better himself from the get-go (if you're gonna be with both my brother and my best buddy you gotta PROVE YOURSELF LIL MAN)
... Anyway, it's late - and I'm sure I'll add more to this post as we continue to put out chapters of this story!
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