#apprentice kat
xeas-niamh · 3 months
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Apprentice Kat in her masquerade outfit.
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blackkatmagic · 1 month
OTP: Kycina/K'Sheek, the ship of canon mothers with fascinating motivations and hinted-at backstories who deserved so much more than the handful of references made to them, or dying due to their unacknowledged trauma.
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eepy stellaluna
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101flavoursofweird · 2 years
Emiliana Perfetti’s father
I can’t decide whether it would be funnier if Carmine Accidenti or Don Paolo could be Emiliana Perfetti’s father… Because of course all the Italian characters have to be related. If someone else wants to offer another headcanon for my faves, I’m all ears.
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At one point in the LMJ game, Emiliana notes that her mother ‘used to make tandoori chicken’… which, as this cool post points out, could suggest her mother has Indian descent. Em does say ‘used to’ but this doesn’t necessarily mean that her mother is dead
Yes, there’s the whole *tragic backstory* Emiliana discusses in Episode 40 of the anime— about the poor girl and her mother who lived in an apartment in London, until the mother suddenly disappeared, and the girl had a sad life, being passed from relative to relative… But turns out, much to Kat and Ernests’ chagrin, this was just the plotline to a movie starring Emiliana’s favourite actress. I reckon the only part that matches Emiliana’s life was how she went to university to study psychology.
During Case 8 in the game, Emiliana also mentions her ‘Nona’ (Italian for grandmother). Perhaps this was her father’s Italian mother?
I propose that Don Paolo was Emiliana’s biological father, but for whatever reason, he ditched her mother. (This was the same guy who ran away when he saw Claire kissing Layton.)
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Little Emiliana had a happy life with her mother, but she always wondered what happened to her father. Her mother said he was a swindler, a liar, and a criminal and they were better off without him. (They really were!) From a young age, Emiliana decided she wanted to become a criminal analyst, so she could track down her father and bring him to justice. Emiliana fell in love with a film called ‘Lonely Study Girl’, as her life mirrored the protagonist’s in some ways… although, Emiliana was much happier.
Rather than having another PL mother die, we’ll say Emiliana toddled off one day in the Italian town where they lived. There’s a case afoot and she wants to solve it. She wonders if her father might have returned and he might be the perpetrator.
She runs into Carmine Accidenti, who has been summoned to solve the same case. Carmine tries to send her home, but she’s determined to help, and wants to help him solve more mysteries. Emiliana’s mother, knowing how much her daughter wants to become a criminal analyst (yes, of course Em knows what that is), just shrugs and goes, “Sure, we’ll move to England so you can become this guy’s apprentice!”
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Like Professor Layton, Carmine inadvertently ends up adopting a random child.
Carmine returns to England with Emiliana in tow and he calls Janice and/or Professor Layton for help. (“Janice, help, I accidentally adopted a child!”) Carmine doesn’t leave his kid at home like Layton during his cases. He takes Emiliana along with him for the ride, much to Janice’s shock.
A few years down the line, Don Paolo gets lonely and he remembers: “Oh right, I have a kid back in Italy!” He returns to the Italian town, only to discover that his ex-girlfriend and his child have moved away. Desperate, he calls upon his ex-rival, now friend(?)— Hershel Layton to help him find his missing family. Layton does a bit digging and realises that— oh, dear— Don Paolo’s daughter is now the apprentice of his former student, Carmine. Emiliana might even see Carmine as her father… 
From past experience, Layton worries that this will enrage Don Paolo. Paul might try to extract his revenge on Carmine for ‘stealing’ his ex-girlfriend and his daughter. He could even end up hurting Emiliana and her mother. Layton immediately drops the case and avoids Don Paolo’s calls on the matter.
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Don Paolo is furious with the professor. (“The one time I ask you for a favour, Layton, and you give up?”) He breaks contact with Layton for years and returns to his thieving ways. 
The next time Don Paolo crosses paths with Layton is when he’s kidnapped Luke, who was investigating the Relic Stones. Don Paolo was totally investigating the stones and he didn’t kidnap Luke just because he was jealous and lonely and wanted his own apprentice, whatever gave you what idea? 
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Layton goes missing. Don Paolo also disappears. Ten years pass and Kat becomes a private detective. She finds a rival in Emiliana Perfetti, criminal analyst at Scotland Yard. One day, when they’ve become friends, Kat brings up her father’s old rival— criminal mastermind and master of disguise, Don Paolo. Emiliana questions Kat extensively about him and does her research, until she realises… Don Paolo could be her swindling, criminal birth father. 
When Layton returns home, he reveals that Emiliana’s theories are correct and tells her the whole story. He gives Emiliana an old class photo from his student days— he and Don Paolo (Paul) are amongst the students. Em shows her mother the photo of Don Paolo and her mother confirms. Yes, that’s him. 
Emiliana sets out to track Don Paolo down. Layton, Luke, Kat, Ernest and Sherl accompany her. Don Paolo’s just drinking in a bar somewhere and he’s flabbergasted when they all confront him together.
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sapphickatpoet · 1 year
Hail noble followers!
My friend is writing a novelization of Nadia’s route. Go read it and support him!
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wc-confessions · 7 months
I’m SO sorry if this confession causes some extreme (and possibly maybe some unnecessary) drama within the Warrior cats fandom, but…
Are we going to talk about the fact that-
Wafflepaw, a character whose name is literally based off a Warrior Cat fan’s cat, who’s name that very fan submitted to the Erins in order for Wafflepaw to be within the book Thunder-
Literal backstory is that Wafflepaw has been THROWN into a RIVER by his OWN TWOLEGS as a KIT, or…
“Rook explains to Nightheart how Waffle used to be a kittypet but his Twolegs threw him in the river when he was a kit.”
“On March 7, 2023, fans were invited to submit apprentice name suggestions for a new character to be featured in this book.[7] (…) Wafflepaw was the winner.[4][5]”
“Wafflepaw's real life inspiration comes from Basil Kat's real life cat named Waffles.”   - Warrior Cats Wiki
“Would you like to see your own kitty pet featured in the next Warrior Cats book, Thunder? We need to assign a name to a new cat and we’re giving you the chance to put your own pet forward for the dedication!” 
- Warrior Cats Official Instagram
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leahnardo-da-veggie · 4 months
OC Interaction tag!
Look! It's my favourite tag game again!! Thanks @autism-purgatory for the tag hehe
Their OC: Cole from Viscered
Cole Hill (he took his wife’s last name), or EXP-25, is an escaped government bio weapon. He escaped when he was 18, and has been trying to have a normal life ever since. After wandering in fuck-nowhere Texas for a year, he eventually set up camp near a university in Houston, where he met Julia. By the time of the story in 2018, Cole is 35. He lived a fairly happy life with Julia, where their friendship turned into a full on relationship after she graduated. They eventually got married and the rest is history. Cole can often be distrustful and even hostile to people if they seem suspicious enough, but is a pretty chill guy if he doesn’t think they’re a threat. He’s a lot more observant than talkative.
My OC: Katherine from A Perfectly Normal Schoolgirl
Katherine looks like a fifteen year old girl, acts like a cryptid and is probably closer to the latter than the former. She's quiet, secretive, and rather creepy, at least to the casual observer. To someone who knows her (that is, her best friend/apprentice Dane and her elder brother L), she is a pathological snarker, has the worst authority issues known to any immortal entity, and likes chocolate gelato more than life. She'd gleefully pick a fight with anything from vampire teachers to the goddess of dreams for no bigger reason than because she could. That said, she does have a good heart.
How they'd interact:
I'm pretty sure Cole would clock her for being extremely off, and Katherine would definitely return the favour. If Cole's a cautious one, that probably would end in her harassing him incessantly in the name of seeing if she could get him to reveal his powers. She'd probably be more curious about his past than actively hostile, so they might get along fine. That said, their conversations would mostly consist of silence, since Kat has little to say to anyone she isn't trying to piss off or educate, and Cole's the observant type.
Tagging: @oliolioxenfreewrites, @themboty, @orions-quill, @honeybewrites, @phoenixradiant
@kaylinalexanderbooks, @the-ellia-west, @illarian-rambling, @urnumber1star, @just-emis-blog
@vinniehorrible, @xenascribbles, @somethingclevermahogony, @halfbit, @evilgabe29
@drchenquill, @frostedlemonwriter, @glitched-dawn, @paeliae-occasionally, @fortunatetragedy and open tag! (Seriously please please please do this I love this tag game so much I wanna see everything y'all do)
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chaosfairy18 · 1 month
Medieval/Fantasy AU
Since @bigmack2go asked about Bumswiftery in my Medieval/fantasy AU yesterday (I already posted about Sprace in this AU for the fic exchange, the fic's name is "A Crown for a Thief") I'll give a quick rundown of them:
Skittery: At the start of the story prince of Irovell. His mother and father are the King and Queen. One day he and his personal guard are sent to find a Witch in the woods that hopefully can help the Kingdom.
Swifty: Said personal guard. He hasn't been officially a knight for long, but he's been with Skittery for a long time. They both have little crushes for each other but don't act on it for obvious reasons.
Bumlets: Said 'witch' in the woods. He's a wizard/warlock (he doesn't care much for terminology) who has been living in a small house in the forest for years now. Since rumours spread easily some village once tried to sacrifice a little boy to the 'witch' so they wouldn't get harmed and Bumlets has taken the boy (Flipper) in and cared for him since then as well as tried to teach him magic as well.
Story: Basically Skittery and Swifty come find Bumlets, who is in fact *not* a scary witch (who would have thought) and get friendly with him. After bonding (and a bit crushing on each other) Tumbler, Skittery's little brother appears, having ridden all the way there, with news that the Queen is ill and that they need help from a magic user. (Spoiler: The King poisoned her to get the 'Witch' there faster)
They get back and Skittery's father has Flipper and Bumlets taken into custody and fighting happens over some hours/days where they try to break him out etc. and of course it ends with the King defeated.
Later Skittery is King, Swifty is leader of the Knights and Bumlets lives at court and is the Court Mage (Flipper his apprentice). That's also when the kingdom makes contact with Spot's kingdom and they get two knaves/squires which are Kit and Kat (as it was customary in medieval times that squires were sent to other kingdoms/castles to train but I'm still taking a few liberties here)
If you have more questions I'd gladly answer them!!
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nerdieforpedro · 7 months
Wednesday WIP
I was tagged by @wannab-urs @for-a-longlongtime and @pedroshotwifey so let's see if I can figure this game out... 🥸
Step one: Post Snippets of the fics you're working on (can be a summary if there's no snippet)
I picked my top five (yes five, I switch around a lot and have random ideas. This is Nerdie. 👀). Some of them I have mentioned before, I came back to them because my smut fairy 🧚‍♀️ came back thanks to @magpiepills and her Javier Pena being a whore (affectionately and very interested what happened with the pantyhose)
1. Two Hearts on the Ocean - Javi G x (Abigail) OFC
Abigail and Javier sipped their tea while chatting about the last movie and how both of them had fallen asleep. Expressing his displeasure at falling asleep during a Nicolas Cage movie, Abby confessed that she had fallen asleep during ‘Ghost Rider’ before and this was the first time she’d been awake through the whole movie so he shouldn’t feel bad. Javier told her that it was because he was here with her to keep her awake. She agreed that he was likely right.  They planned to re-watch ‘The Sorcerer's Apprentice’ another day and Javi walked her to her room after stopping off in the kitchen on the way to drop off the mugs. It felt like earlier in the day when he’d walked her to her hotel room though he wouldn’t be so far away this time. She gave him a peck on the cheek and said goodnight as Javier did the same.
2. Roc & Doc - Tim Rockford x (Doc) OFC
“I think you should send Tim a picture of yourself in your outfit. Show him what he’s missing out on by sitting at home in his boxers or sleeping in his office gazing lovingly at his murder board.” This elicited you to choke on your punch and put a hand to your chest.
“I-I- who is that fun for exactly?! What is wrong with everyone this week?!” Knocking back the rest of your drink and pouring yourself more, you’re holding onto the table to keep yourself upright. “First the damn notebook, a bone song, now I find out and meet…”
3. Diddle your Dieter to Disco - Dieter Bravo x plus size female reader
“There’s my Kit Kat. I was trying to entertain myself while waiting for you. I wanted to surprise you.” His face laid against your stomach, giving it a soft kiss as his hands roamed. You took the glitter and poured two quarter sized glops on his back to which he hissed at the sudden cold from your hands spread along his shoulder blades and down his spine, spreading the silver glitter slinging it onto his skin. Now in the different lights, the sparkles danced across his skin, Dieter moaned from your touch, digging his hands into your thighs as you continued to massage his back. “Fuck…yes baby. What are you putting back there?” He asked as one hand snaked under your skirt and squeezed one of your ass cheeks, he enjoyed his hand sinking into your plush skin. 
(Smut below the break - FYI)
4. Foul Play - Javier Pena x Aria Davis (plus size OFC)
Aria headed straight home after meeting Javier. It needed to be while his memory was fresh in her mind: His voice telling her he wants her, to grab her, hold her, bend her, mold her, mark her, whispering to her as he’s deep inside of her. His grin as he told her to undress. Maybe as she stood before him as he laid back on the bed, waiting for her to come to him. His moan from his first bites of his food. Could he make that same sound with her? His hands messy with the grease from the empanada. He had wiped them off but she could picture him licking them. His pink shirt and jeans clinging to his slim body from the humidity.
5. Florida Heat - Dave York x Santiago Garcia
Dave is aware that his moan is too loud. He should not be feeling it this much, he hated it and was trying to plan how to turn the tables of Santiago. To see him break apart before him as he was doing right now, in his hand were both of their throbbing shafts. He was certain if he could hold out a bit longer, Garcia would climax first. He could then use his recovery to overstimulate him. Pull his curls, toward him as he fingers Santi’s ass with lube, stretching him so he can prod his entrance with his cock and slowly…Dave felt it on his face first, a small splatter before the ropes landed on his chest and stomach. He was panting from the picture in his head of Santiago Garcia whining for him to fuck his round and full ass. One of them had climaxed. One of them relaxed. One of them was laughing.
Step two: put them in a poll and let people vote on which one you should work on
Step three: Every vote is one minute you put on a timer to work on that fic (ex. 15 votes =. 15 minutes of writing)
Also if you want to ask questions about any of my fics, myself comments and asks are wide open, like the thots. 😘
NPT: @maggiemayhemnj @lady-bess @legendary-pink-dot @morallyinept @undercoverpena @goodwithcheese @trulybetty @rhoorl @musings-of-a-rose @megamindsecretlair @soft-persephone @soft-girl-musings @saturn-rings-writes @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @perotovar @agentjackdaniels @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @alltheglitterandtheroar @tinytinymenace @survivingandenduring @immarocketman @draculasfavoritewife @joelslegalwhre @anoverwhelmingdin @frenchiereading @javierpena-inatacvest @inept-the-magnificent @secretelephanttattoo @iamskyereads @connectioneverywhere @yourcoolauntie @alltheotps @pamasaur @fhatbhabie @heareball @laurfilijames @chronically-ghosted
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Chapter 4 - Odd-One Out
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Peace quickly settled in London as soon as the Jack the Ripper murders ceased completely, and most would call this a major success and reason to celebrate. Katrina made sure that Angelina had a grand funeral, fitting for someone like her, though Sebastian and Ciel only honoured her further; The boy pulled her most beautiful red dress over her, whilst Sebastian had a whole carriage filled with flower petals fly in the air. It was a most beautiful scene for their eyes, and Katrina was happy that everything went so well.
The funeral for the last victim also, though small and reserved, with no person except for them to attend; Even that was bittersweet, though she made sure it honoured her memory, or whatever it was that she had.
But the Undertaker's parlor often had reason for glee, and for the first time in ages, Katrina also found reason to celebrate.
"Well, my darling, would you like to see what I've brought here?" the Undertaker waltzed into the parlor as his little apprentice was dolling up a corpse.
"A... scroll? Are you going to speak up some ancient incantation and summon a dragon or something?" the girl chuckled, brushing the corpse's hair.
"Well then, let's see what happens, shall we~?" the man giggled at her, clearing his throat and dramatically reading the contents of the weirdly looking scroll.
𝒟ℯ𝒶𝓇 ℳ𝓇. 𝒜𝒹𝓇𝒾𝒶𝓃 𝒞𝓇ℯ𝓋𝒶𝓃, Wℯ 𝒶𝓇ℯ 𝒹ℯ𝓁𝒾ℊ𝒽𝓉ℯ𝒹 𝓉ℴ 𝒾𝓃𝒻ℴ𝓇𝓂 𝓎ℴ𝓊 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝓎ℴ𝓊 𝒽𝒶𝓋ℯ 𝒷ℯℯ𝓃 𝒶𝒸𝒸ℯ𝓅𝓉ℯ𝒹 𝒾𝓃𝓉ℴ 𝒲ℯ𝓈𝓉ℴ𝓃 𝒞ℴ𝓁𝓁ℯℊℯ, 𝒶𝓈 𝒶 𝓅𝒶𝓇𝓉 ℴ𝒻 𝓉𝒽ℯ 𝒫𝓊𝓇𝓅𝓁ℯ ℋℴ𝓊𝓈ℯ, 𝒻ℴ𝓇 𝓎ℴ𝓊𝓇 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓇𝒹 𝓎ℯ𝒶𝓇 ℴ𝒻 𝓈𝓉𝓊𝒹𝓎. 𝒜 𝓅𝓇𝒾𝓋𝒶𝓉ℯ 𝓇ℴℴ𝓂 𝒽𝒶𝓈 𝒷ℯℯ𝓃 𝒶𝓇𝓇𝒶𝓃ℊℯ𝒹 𝒻ℴ𝓇 𝓎ℴ𝓊 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒾𝓈 𝒶𝓌𝒶𝒾𝓉𝒾𝓃ℊ 𝓎ℴ𝓊 𝒶𝓉 𝓎ℴ𝓊𝓇 ℯ𝒶𝓇𝓁𝒾ℯ𝓈𝓉 𝒸ℴ𝓃𝓋ℯ𝓃𝒾ℯ𝓃𝒸ℯ. 𝒲ℯ 𝓌𝒾𝓈𝒽 𝓎ℴ𝓊 𝒶 𝓈𝓊𝒸𝒸ℯ𝓈𝓈𝒻𝓊𝓁 𝒞ℴ𝓁𝓁ℯℊℯ 𝓎ℯ𝒶𝓇 𝒻𝒾𝓁𝓁ℯ𝒹 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝒶𝒸𝒸ℴ𝓂𝓅𝓁𝒾𝓈𝒽𝓂ℯ𝓃𝓉𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓀𝓃ℴ𝓌𝓁ℯ𝒹ℊℯ ℯ𝓃𝓇𝒾𝒸𝒽ℯ𝓃𝒾𝓃ℊ.
"What do you say, Kitty-Kat?" the silver haired man hummed, making her frown and stand up, looking at him with a confused expression.
"Adrian Crevan...? You don't mean...?" she muttered, realising, but not believing this was true.
"I hope you like your new temporary name under which you will be studying." the cheshire grin was evident on his face, and she couldn't help but squeal loudly and jump on him, not even caring that her hands were soaking with blood, nor did she care in any way.
"THAT'S AMAZING! YOU'RE THE BEST!" she swung around with him with an uncharacteristic child-like joy, unable to keep her usual composure.
"Now, now, this reaction is so unusual for you. I'm glad to see you like this, for once. You are still young after all, and happiness suits you." he smirked, patting her hair, almost fatherly. "Now, I believe it's time to get you some suits, and fitted uniforms, don't you think?" he pointed out, making her stop dead in her track with a sheepish grin.
"I, uh... I don't have any money." she scratched the back of her neck awkwardly.
"I have to reward my little apprentice for her hard, diligent work, don't I?" he shook his head, teasingly. "Now, stop talking, and let's be on our way! College starts again in just a week, we have to get ready for that." he motioned for her to get dressed in something proper and get ready to go.
Excited for new clothes for the first time in her life, Katrina put on a simple dress, tying her hair down, letting it fall elegantly over one of her shoulders, trying to get used to the hairstyle she remembers doing for her fiance. She especially loved tying that red ribbon around those pretty golden locks of his. She always did think he looked so much prettier than his uncle.
Getting in the carriage, Undertaker took her to this tailor called Nina, who apparently does Ciel's outfits too ( including the ball dress ), so she's an open-minded woman with tons of ideas. That proved to be very correct, since she wore stockings and shorts, and Katrina was super excited to work with her Undertaker explained to her the situation, and she could swear, stars started twinkling in her eyes, and she gave out a boastful laugh, taking the girl to another room, where only the two of them were, and undressing, Kat let her take her measurements.
"I need to make you both summer and winter outfits... Since you'll be posing as a boy, there will be no problem if I try out my new collection of shorts and high-knee socks, right? You'll look stunning! Now, tell me, what colours should I do your uniform?" she started sketching in her notebook, stealing glances at her constantly.
"The college says the uniforms are made of black wool. The coats are morning coats, the buttons are golden with the College logo on them, and the tie and vest are purple. The letter said the Purple house also has a coat with a hood, for some reason, so I'll need one too. Do you think purple would look good with my hair? I'll have to tie it somehow... But red and purple... Call the fashion police on me. Maybe a black bow with purple and gold borders?" Katrina asked, looking at herself in the mirror, fixing her hair, only to realise the slight convexity of her upper body. "I suppose I will also require a little... Upgrade, to keep my breasts flat. Thankfully enough, that shouldn't prove to be a big issue."
"Yes, yes, yes, you're brilliant, I agree. Oh, that bow would be gorgeous! Hmm... Green would look amazing on you, especially highlighting your eyes - Alas! Black or White with Green... You'd look gorgeous. Oh, and I'll have black leather shoes for you... Maybe with a little heel, to make you look taller. You are fairly tall and slender, with the right clothes, you'll put all to shame. With just a bit of attitude and make up, you'll be able to pass off as a boy with no problem!" she clapped, putting a hat on the side of her head, smiling triumphantly.
By the end of it, as Nina kept praising her for the courage and confidence she displayed, a little lamb sneaking in a den of wolves and pretending to be one of their kind; As the duo were returning back to the parlor and Katrina unable to pipe down her glee, kept describing the sketches for all of her outfits and how fantastic they were going to look.
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However, she was far too energised to keep in place and work, so she decided to tire herself a little and walk through the busy streets of the city center. Surprisingly, there was quite a commotion - Was there some kind of festival she was unaware of?  Unexpectedly, somewhere in the crowd, she spotted Ciel, of all people. 
"Hello, hello, fancy meeting you here. What fareth thou on such a nice day?" Kat crossed her arms, looking at the ones around him with a jovial smile.
"Ah, Katrina, Ni Hao! You got here just in time for the Curry contest!" Lau grinned enigmatically, hugging the short Chinese girl in front of him. Though Kat's never seen the lady called Ran Mao before, she couldn't help but compliment and gush over how pretty she was.
"Curry... Contest? You? A toy factory businessman... Competing in a curry contest? Okay, what's going on here, and how are you torturing this demon here this time?" she chuckled, shooting the raven haired man a shady look of amusement.
"Tsk, be more discreet!" Ciel scolded, as though anyone was going to take her slander seriously. "I want my company to get a Royal Warrant... And beat that guy there, Lord West. I can't wait to see his face when he realises he has lost. Let's just say... I want to expand my company over the food business as well." Ciel smirked in victory, watching the blond man walk away.
"Ahhh, I see. So this is about revenge. What ever could have happened?" the girl pressured more, only for an Indian boy hiding with a shawl over his head to come over... Stealthily, let's say.
"He really is certain that he will win... Huh? Hey, Ciel, who is she?!" he looked alarmed, snapping his head from Ciel to myself, back and forth.
"Oh, me? I'm just a Fox, here, ready to delight my eyes on this competition and my taste buds with the mystery curry that Sebastian prepared." she smirked mockingly at the boy who seemed to get intimidated and hid behind Ciel.
"Don't scare away kids, Katrina, it's not going to help us." Ciel shook his head in amusement.
"It's not going to be in our disadvantage either, would it?" the girl smiled back, overly exaggerated.
"Miss Raymond, this here is Prince Soma. The story is a little complicated, and there is little time to indulge in a pleasant conversation over it, however his butler is now competing for Lord West, which is why we must defeat him." Sebastian bowed to Katrina with the explanation, as she nodded slowly.
"Now that makes much more sense. I wonder... What would be more satisfying? Seeing you win, once again... Or seeing you lose, for once? Having your pristine clean record tarnished by a mere human~?" with a taunting smirk, Kat tilted her head at him
"I suppose only time will tell, tlthough, there is only one acceptable and possible outcome that will happen from this competition... After all, I am one hell of a butler." he spoke, and she had to turn away, stifling her laugh before turning back to him.
"And yet, your last name is MICHAELis. Someone truly must have made a mockery out of you." she giggled mockingly, making the demon sigh dramatically.
"Well, of course, the young earl never learnt how to be merciful or understanding." he complained, before grasping her hand gingerly, placing a kiss on her fingers. "May I dare ask to be emboldened by a sweet encouragement from you, My Lady?" he asked, his eyes never leaving hers - That devilish smile, and the sultry gaze deep into the deepest crevices of her soul was enough to raise the hairs on the back of her neck.
"Only if you make a portion for me as well." I extended my hand towards him.
"Yours will be the last I make, so that it will become the perfect temperature for eating once it reaches your delicate hands." as he bent down to place yet another kiss on her hand, Kat could see his eyes glowing magenta as they peered into her emerald ones for just a lingering second, before straightening up and looking towards Ciel. "I'll head to the competitor's room and wait, then." and so, Sebastian left, allowing the man presenting the curry contest to come on stage and show off the judges... One of them being Viscount Druitt, who somehow managed to bribe his way outta jail. What a sleuth.
As the contest began, everyone was gasping loudly in awe and fantasy watching the contestants do their best to create the magnificent curry they can to make their company win, but truly, the actual battle was between Sebastian and this Indial man called Agni. As some point, despite how focused the demon was on doing his job perfectly well, he still managed to catch the gentle gaze of the admiring red haired lady silently cheering for his win.
"This is bad! We're going to lose this competition!" the prince gasped in sorrow watching the two men cook.
"How so?" Lau asked in confusion.
"I's true that Ciel's butler's curry is the real thing... But it is only the curry that is perfect! The problem is the Naan! Because it is not a staple in Bengal, I know little about it, but I do know that Naan is made from fermented paste and wheat. They are baked together at a high temperature in an over called Tandoori. But this place does not have such facilities. The perfect Naan cannot be made. So after all the effort Sebastian put into mastering the spices, it has only come to this - He is British after all...And it is not only the Naan, the heat level is too high. If this continues, it will dry out in a matter of minutes. The painstakingly made curry will all go to waste! As I thought, one week to master the art of making curry was too short! The contest will be won by - " Soma kept ranting and ranting, and it was only annoying the single two humans who knew Sebastian's secret. Sighing, Katrina gentle slapped the back of the Indian Prince's head, making him shut up for once.
"Trust me when I say this - If Sebastian loses, Hell will be freezing over." she allowed a dry laugh to escape.  Soon enough, the men ended their cooking spree and the time of judging was upon them. As expected, only Agni's and Sebastian's curry was fantastic enough to have everyone comment on its greatness, and... To make Druitt behave as if he achieved the most pleasant little death... Going as far as to compare the Curry Bread to the 'Mischievous mockingbird' that Ciel was that night, making the poor boy shudder, clearly creeped out, while Katrina couldn't help but stifle a chuckle.
Just as the judges declared a tie between Ciel's and West's curry, out of nowhere, Queen Victoria herself arrived on horseback, making both the pup and the fox rush at her side.
"Your Majesty! You're here!" Katrina grinned brightly at her, helping her get off her horse, only for her to start crying, saying that she wished Albert, her late husband, was there. Her personal butler brought the usual Albert doll to console her. Tasting the two curries, she declared Sebastian the winner, making West yell in disbelief. "Please look over there... Do you see? Funtom's curry requires no utensils and can be consumed by anyone. Yes, that is right, this is a method that takes even children into account. Everyone is happy - The rich, the poor, the adults, the children - Everyone is equal. This kind of idea is essential for Great Britain as it heads into a new century. I highly approve of the Funtom's Company's accounting for our future, the children." and so, everyone started clapping for Ciel's butler.
Surprises didn't end here, however, as Katrina was finally informed of  the reason for Soma's and Agni's arrival - To search for a woman called Meena, whom he used to know as a child - The truth was, she actually eloped with West. What a naive kid he is... But at least he has his butler back!
"It seems like somehow everything's ended up for the best, wouldn't you say? Isn't that good, boy? And my dear Kitten?" the Queen and her Butler walked next to then. Though the rest heard their nicknames, they couldn't understand the reason behind them, yet they weren't told of any explanation either. 
"Your Majesty, I've humbly asked you to stop referring to me that way...!" Ciel's blush was conquering all his face, as the Queen could only chuckled motherly.
"Is that so? But you'll always be that cute little boy to me. And, look at her, she likes her nickname, don't you, Kat?" as the habit made, the girl allowed the Queen to stroke her hair, and she could only show a happy kitten smile, because honestly, anyone playing with her hair like that, so tenderly, made her melt.
Eventually, the Queen and her butler left. Sebastian returned eventually, holding the curry bun he promised, only to see Soma obnoxiously pulling Katrina and Ciel into a tight group hug. With an exaggerated, innocent grin that only conferred the butler's murderous aura, the demon ripped away the Prince from his young master, and especially the little spoiled Kitten over whom he was feeling rather... Territorial. "I will politely have to ask you to refrain from doing such improper actions, Prince Soma. In our country, touching an unmarried young lady the way you did is rather shameful and unspeakable practice. You wouldn't possibly wish to be making Lady Katrina uncomfortable with your mere presence, would you?"  seeing as the Prince hid behind Agni after being reproached, Sebastian had to hide the ghost of his triumphant smirk, as he dearly handed the meal to the Lady, so that she could enjoy the amazing flavour he was able to create.
"Much appreciated, Sebastian. Thank you." she nodded at him, though he quickly realised it was a double entendre, and she was thanking him for saving her from that annoying boy, rather than the meal - Though that, also, was very much welcomed. "I am deeply fascinated over the process of creation. You will have to teach me, Sebastian, and I am most eager for such a lesson." her sly voice spoke, leaning closer to the man. "Does human food taste the same to the demons who feed on souls alone~?" With a simple smile, Sebastian whispered a single word in her ear. "Ash." Katrina looked up at him in shock, and though she was this close to bursting into laughter, a single finger pressed to her lips contained it. 
"And to think you can become even more fascinating than I first imagined. What a novelty." the girl hummed, satisfied with the knowledge received. 
At the same time however, Ciel found in his pocket a letter from Her Majesty - It contained tickets to this popular circus, Noah Circus. Presumably, this was a job for a Fox and a Dog.
That was for a later time, as tickets had to be bought in advance due to popular demand. In the meantime, Katrina had to claim her chamber at Weston and get familiar with the campus and the classes. 
Nina was amazing, she was working so fast, she had all of her outfits ready in such a short time - She was absolutely fantastic! Once they arrived at the Undertaker's parlor, she was encouraged to parade each and every one of her clothes around the room for him, and with each one, the mortician would clap and say she looks great. In truth, she was outright glowing with complete bliss - She was so excited, she forgot all about her previous nervousness. She was so ready for her classes, it was unreal. In the few days left until her first day at College, she continued practicing her make up to sharpen her jaw, looking more masculine, making her eyes look stricter, not as gentle, and brushed her hair, tying it with a beautiful bow, the black, purple and gold one. With some instructing from the mortician on how to behave and walk like a confident man, Kat buttoned her blazer up, pinning the Violet Wolf pin, and admiring how good she looked as a boy.
"Well? How do I look? Ready to strike?" she smirked, chin up, confidently, tapping her cane onto the ground.
"I'd say so, yes~! Brilliant as always." he helped her with the luggage, and went by train to Weston College, getting everything into the Purple House, in her new, private room.
"This place looks very intimidating. No wonder it's the artsy House... I love it already, it looks like our home." Kat chuckled, enjoying the somber atmosphere around the place.
"Yes, just like home, I agree." he grinned, nodding in approval.
"If only there were some corpses around to do autopsies on." she joked with him as they exited the dorms to walk around the court and get used to the place, until four young men around her age crossed their path - They seemed to be radiating with different energies, all of them unique. Special. "Oh. I'm screeeeeeeewed." Kat looked up at the Undertaker with a desperate look, then down, trying to hide her face.
"What is it, my darling?" he asked in confusion.
"... The blond one there... Is Edgar Redmond. He's, uh... My fiance." Kat shuffled on her feet, awkwardly looking the opposite way, hoping they wouldn't spot her. 
"Hmm... That will prove to be a difficulty indeed... But I'm sure you'll do well! I have to go now! I will send you a letter once the Young Earl decides to make his move, so you can accompany him. I'm sure this new case is going to prove rather interesting." he giggled enigmatically, waltzing out of the court, just as he always does. Kat muttered softly, finding herself standing alone, unsure of what to do, while the four boys were heading towards what looked like a gazebo.  Despite knowing she might be getting caught in the act, she had to find a way to properly get familiar with the place and culture of the College, thus, she rushed to them, clearing her throat to get their attention, but also, to fix her voice to be a little lower than normal.
"Hello. I'm sorry for disturbing you, but I'm new here, and... You could say I'm a little bit lost and confused. Would anyone be so kind as to show me around the place?" the girl tried her best to stand up straight and speak without wavering, leaning slightly on her cane; After a few brief seconds of silence, of course, the blond just had to be the one to approach and circle her, analysing her from head to toe.
"Hmm... My, would you look at you! Such a vibrant shade of red... Your hair is beautiful! Violet, you are so lucky to have this one in your House!" Edgar chuckled, making the one hunched over scowl slightly.
"Too bright... Wear a coat next time. You are a Violet Wolf now... Although you look more like a Scarlet Fox." the goth boy spoke in a frail voice, and she almost smirked at the irony.
"My friends used to call me Fox, I won't deny that. However, I suppose my affinity to painting and playing various instruments will prove my spot in the Purple House." she chuckled in amusement, making the blond smirk for a split second, before putting his arm around her shoulders, bringing her into his chest. Were all men so overly familiar and personal with one another, she wondered. Or... Did he already figure her out? He must have, surely, otherwise, he wouldn't act like this, would he?
"Would anyone protest if we were to bring him to the Gazebo too? We can test his painting or musical skills, at least? What could hurt?" Edgar asked, and the brunet shrugged, walking ahead towards the Gazebo. Judging on how Redmond was addressing her, he wasn't going to give her secret away. He seemed to be wanting to take care of her. Even now, he was the sweetest.
"But, Redmond, what about the rules? Only the P4 and the fags are allowed at the Gazebo, right?" the Blue Prefect talked, unsure of his decision.
"There are no punishments for that, clearly. Any person invited by the P4 can come to the Gazebo, so let's go!" Edgar started guiding her towards the Gazebo.
"Uhm... Thank you for this... But may I know your names and who you are? My name is Adrian Crevan, nice to meet you." she extended her hand towards him - With a sly smile that gave nothing away, Edgar was the first to shake his hand, gently, delicately, though he wanted to lean down and his her fingers, as he always did. The Blue Prefer simple offered a curt nod, whilst Violet didn't even acknowledge her presence. Greenhill, on the other hand, almost crushed her bones with his firm handshake that almost had her whine from pain. "How rude of us, we forgot to introduce ourselves! My name is Edgar Redmond, the Prefect of Scarlet Fox. If there ever is a vacant place in my House, I'd love to have you over." he spoke, motioning for her to sit on the princess couch next to him. "That one there, is your Prefect, Gregory Violet. This gentle brute here is Herman Greenhill, the prefect of Green Lion, the House specialised on Martial Arts and Sports, as you can see from your broken hand. And this is Lawrence Bluewer, the prefect of Sapphire Owl, the boring house with sight problems that focuses on studying, studying... And only studying." Edgar explains, making Lawrence scowl at him, raising his glasses higher.
"That's rich, coming from the prefect of the House that gets a freebie entrance just for being lucky enough to be born into a high-rank family." Bluewer shot back, making her chuckle. Surely, if she were to go by her rightful family name, she'd have had her spot warranted to her in the Scarlet Fox house - The perfect house for her aesthetics and nickname. 
"Studying, you say? Is that a general study of all subjects available, or a more thorough study of the ones you are interested in?" she asked, interested for obvious medical reasons.
"Are you interested in studying?" he blinked in confusion.
"I, uh... Want to pursue a career in Medicine. That's why I was asking. I heard this College is the best in that regard. Once you graduate, your whole future is secured for you." she explained, beginning to feel a bit more at ease in their company.
"Finally, someone with ambition and thirst for knowledge! Are you sure you don't want to join my House? We'll benefit from having a diligent student without a doubt." he smiled, and she could only chuckle in gratitude.
"Thank you, I appreciate how kindly you are welcoming me. I truly hope we are all going to get along nicely." she smiled at them sweetly, almost completely forgetting her disguise. Out of nowhere, Violet pushed a box from behind the couch, revealing some instruments.
"My fag can play any instrument he touches. I'm not expecting you to do the same, however, can you play any of them?" he asked, his eyes peering into hers as if he was judging her.
"Hmm... I am proficient in violin and piano only, however... I haven't played the flute in a while. My brother used to fool around with it, and he taught me a few tunes. Might as well clear the rust from my skills." she took the flute out of the box and played a relaxing tune that reminded her of the mountainside and the river, and it flowed naturally, as if she had been playing it her whole life.
"Not bad." Violet nodded in approval, slumping in his chair and taking out a canvas, he started sketching.
"That was really nice! your future girlfriend is going to be very happy... Considering your dexterous fingers... And more." Edgar implied, making the rest of them choke on air from the shock, and blush at his impertinence. Katrina especially, above all. Having your fiance outright speak such filth send a shiver down her spine.
"Redmond, don't be so crude!" Greenhill glared at the Red Prefect, who could only chuckle in amusement.
"Just saying the truth~!" he shrugged in good will.
"I, uh... Don't think I'll have time for a girlfriend. Because of my profession and all that. But, uh... I'll take that as a compliment... S-So... Thanks." Kat chuckled timidly, looking away, not daring to look at him. If only he had any idea what he was stirring inside of her, in front of so many people.
"Have you heard of the cricket tournament?" Herman asked, trying to change the uncomfortable subject.
"No, not really. What about it?" she asked, taking a sip of the lemonade put in those pretty crystal glasses.
"It's a Weston tradition. Every year, the College hosts a tournament and all houses show off their skills. The winners get a special prize. Also, all prefects and fags must participate." he explained, and I could feel myself sweat dropping.
"Let me guess... The tradition is for the Green House to win all the time?" she chuckled jokingly, and he seemed to blush slightly.
"Most of the time... On occasion, the Red House too. The Purple House would have some chances, if Violet wouldn't show off during the game and draw the House Emblem on the pitch instead of playing." Herman pointed out awkwardly, making the girl stifle a laugh demurely with her hand. For a man like him, he was rather bashful. How adorable.
"If that's how my House is going to participate, then I want to join too!" she looked away, trying to stop her laughing, seeing the aggravated look on Greenhill's face, realising that more people aren't taking sport seriously. 
"You're in." Violet nodded absent-minded.
"Hey, Violet! Look at him, he's even skinnier than you are! At least try to put in an effort!" the Green Prefect scowled, making the both of them shrug. 
"Physical effort isn't my thing, so I'll just play to my own assets. Isn't that the smart way of doing things? Playing to your strengths?" Kattaunted him briefly, wanting to see how he reacts.
"But it's a competition! Everyone must do their best to see their House succeed!" it seemed like a flame got ignited in his heart, making the other three chuckle and calm him down.
For the rest of the day, they continued chatting casually, and once the Sun set, they wished her good luck and to be diligent in her studies; to come to them if she ever needed anything, and to follow around Violet for classes so he can show her around the College, the campus and all that.
The week was going well, and Katrina was really enjoying the classes; It felt oddly reassuring and safe having the prefects so weirdly protective of her, for no reason, especially being the new kid... Though she couldn't help but suspect Edgar's involvement at hand.
Her suspicions were only proven during the weekend as her fiance called her for a walk through the gardens, and he took out a lovely purple Dahlia flower, putting it in the pocket of her blazer - It was the Flower emblem of her House, he said. The two sat down on the green grass, surrounded by so many flowers. When she wasn't paying attention, the boy mischievously pulled on the ribbon holding her hair tied - Scarlet locks were flying with the gentle breeze. She barely had the time to attempt to flatten her hair, as he started chuckling at her, shaking his head for her to cease. Delicately, he held her hands, kissing them dearly.
"Don't worry, Kitty-Kat. I knew it was you since I saw you. It's been a while since we've seen each other, but I could never forget those beautiful green eyes of yours, or this shiny red hair... Just like a Vixen. It was I who first called you Fox, wasn't it?" he smiled, making her look at him in bewilderment, blushing faintly at his words.
"Well, I guess there's no hiding it anymore. May as well lay down and enjoy watching the sky... With you." she shrugged leisurely, carefree, as he mimicked her actions. "You saw through me right away, didn't you? I thought so, from the very second you hugged me in front of the others that day, before you even introduced yourself to me."
"I always wondered how our uniform would look on a lady. I have to say, I'm impressed at how great it looks on you. If I didn't know you, I may have been fooled by your disguise." he rolled on his stomach, propping himself up on his elbows to look down at her and her beautiful face. "I'm just kidding. There's no way anyone would really be fooled by your disguise. Your beauty is too angelic to belong to a man. "
"You are being too kind with me - As always. You know I don't do well with compliments. You're the only one who says them to me." unlike the constant bickering and back and forth she had with Sebastian, this innocent tenderness she received from Edgar always managed to stir her heart somehow.
"Yes, of course, otherwise I would be an awful husband for you, wouldn't I?" the mere idea of actually marrying seemed to flush her cheeks the same as the prettiest pink peony.
"There is no world in which you are capable of being awful, Edgar. You are simply perfect." smiling up at him, she reached out her hand to untie his hair also. The ribbon, she cheekily tied around her wrist, and she combed her fingers through his soft golden locks that glowed ethereal with the rays of the Sun.
"Now, look who's being the angel here, little fox." with a small smile, Edgar leaned down, pressing a kiss on her forehead. His beautiful hair was draping like a velvety curtain, shielding her face almost. A few stray hairs fell fell over her face, tickling her nose enough to get her to giggle lightly. "Can I ask why and how did you get here?" he tilted his head to the side to look at her, allowing the sunlight to gently caress her face - Her lids were lazily hooded from the dim light as the Sun was setting, and the sky was painted in a myriad of colours and hues.
"If you promise you won't be reporting your own wife, I suppose there's no harm in disclosing such information." she found herself cheekily teasing him.
"I only told the other three, as you suspected, so they will know and pay attention to protect your identity. If you are here, you must have an important reason." he spoke in a gentle voice, making her smile sweetly.
"I ran away from home." she admitted. "I couldn't take it anymore. All those paintings, all those lessons... I wasn't even allowed to read books that weren't poem books. I felt like a caged songbird, bashing its head against the bars trying to escape, only to die trying." she explained. "So, I ran away, found solace at the Undertaker's parlor, and he kindly took me under his wing. He's been teaching me forensics and anatomy ever since."
"Darling, you know you could have always come over to stay with me. We are soon to be married - I doubt a year or two is going to create any tension between our families." the man trailed the back of his fingers across her cheek.
"I couldn't possibly leech off of you like that. I can't - That's not me. I wanted to have a career for myself, like Aunt Angelina. A medic. Ever since I found my brother's medical books, I've been obsessed with the idea of becoming a doctor myself. I thought that, if I manage to finish Weston and have a diploma for myself, I would be allowed to properly get a medical license and practice. If I were to work, I would be paid, and I wouldn't feel as though I'm parasiting anyone." she chuckled weakly.
"Oh, silly you. You know my uncle was a medical student, we could have gotten your future secure. He mentioned seeing you at his latest ball, he was rather excited to see you again." he sighed at her righteousness to make everything the correct way. "So, Adrian Crevan, is it? What's up with that name?"
"I'm not quite sure myself. Undertaker simply came over to me and told me he was able to enroll me under this secret identity. He got me to this tailor, Nina, to get fitted for a ton of pretty outfits. I knew, if you were to see me, you'd recognise me immediately -  Which, you did." she smiled wryly.
"Imagine how things are going to turn once Edward sees you." he smirked slightly, making her sit upright, looking at him with shock.
"Edward is here too?! Oh no, that's no good. If he realises who I am... Well... He's never been subtle. He's going to blurt out the truth like the little fool that he is!" though her brows were furrowed with worry, he didn't seem worried, as he put his hand over her own reassuringly, squeezing it.
"Don't worry. He's Greenhill's fag, we can manage him. If he tells anyone, it's going to be between the nine of us. The four prefects, the four fags, and you, of course. Nobody else has to know." he spoke gently, and she could only nod, taking a deep breath.
"Well... You know best, Edgar. I trust you and your judgement." she murmured, feeling at peace, allowing herself to lazily fall back on the soft grass. "I'm glad you're here with me, Edgar. I truly missed you." she admitted, barely audible.
"I'm glad I got to see again, Kat. I missed you dearly." he hummed, rolling on his back - His hand searched for her own, and he intertwined their fingers together, looking up at the clouds passing by, until late at night, when the stars were twinkling and the moon was guarding them.
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xeas-niamh · 3 months
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Some sketches i found from 2020 of my apprentice Kat with Julian
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lordkingsmith · 2 months
@augment-techs I’m gonna head into mystic rangers for hypothetical kids next, as a sudden brain bunny for Udonna and Tommy presented itself-don’t listen to mitski while thinking about Rita’s many apprentices and bio children you’ll make yourself sad. Kat is also getting an Udonna baby…this is a hypothical ‘if Udonna never met Leanbow’ but Tommy and Kat will probably also have Leanbow hypotheticals as well.
Also I made this joke crossover kid post for Nick and Jack Rose due to a fanfic I’m writing and want an excuse to post it somewhere lol. It’ll get linked to Nick’s kid post to keep everything a little organized and together lol
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Thackeray Oliver, the Udonna/Tommy kid that made me sad lol
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nnon-but-cwnancydrew · 9 months
Secret Sleuth Exchange (@secretsleuthexchange) for @katmichail13
Merry Sleuthmas Kat! I was honoured to be your Secret Sleuth this year. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas season and I wish a wonderful 2024 for you.
I'm so sorry that the initial fanvid gift fell through. Rest assured I'm still working on it but I'm starting completely from scratch so I wouldn't have had the time to finish before the dateline. Instead, I hope you'll enjoy a Christmassy version of your icon, a playlist, a couple of mood boards depicting AUs of our favorite platonic soulmates, and a few ficlets to go along with it.
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And the playlist is here
Without furthur ado, let's begin:
1) Princess and Knight
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AU Concept: Nancy "Crown Princess" Drew-Hudson and Ace "First Knight" Hardy  Tropes: Forbidden Romance, Childhood Acquaintances to Lovers, Slow Burn, Princess x Body Guard Dynamic, Royal AU Theme Songs: King (Florence + The Machine), Icarus (The Crane Wives), YOUTH (Troye Sivan), False God (Taylor Swift), Afterglow (Ed Sheeran), Fool's Gold (Niall Horan), King and Lionheart (Monsters and Men), Long Live (Taylor Swift)
Plot: Growing up, Ace's father was King Carson's First Knight until a wartime injury forced him to resign lest he wanted to forfeit his life. Thom started training Ace to become a knight after that, the exercises taking up Ace's time and slowly distancing himself from his friends.
Before Thom's injury, Ace and Nancy would play together with the children inside the palace walls, including George Fan, the cook's apprentice. The children would wreak havoc all around the castle, no one was safe; servants would spring it if their way, nobles would learn to fear when things got too quiet and the kitchens gave up trying to stop them from stealing a bun or ten.
Alas, good things never last and when Thom's injury happened, the group began to disband. Ace was taught in the ways of the sword, the bow and more. When Thom taught him all he could, Ace was gifted his own horse, a dappled brown mare, which he named Florence and was sent off to squirehood.
Nancy was saddled with more responsibilities and lessons, etiquette and diplomacy, languages and conversation, politics and household organisations (who said being a princess was easy?). George worked longer hours at the kitchen to earn better wages, needing to feed three younger sisters at home.
Things started to liven up when Bess Marvin, Marchioness Diana Marvin's long lost niece turned up at their citadel. Then, Duke Ned Nickerson, a distant cousin of Queen Consort Tiffany Hudson, appeared from the far south and started to court Nancy. The crown princess, equally besotted, returned his affection. And for a while, that was enough.
Then Queen Consort Tiffany Hudson was murdered.
Nancy didn't particularly care for her stepmother, but Tiffany was always kind to her. Setting out on a harebrained journey to find Tiffany's murderer, she would soon find a trustworthy band of friends in Sir Ace Hardy, Lady Bess Marvin, Ms George Fan and Duke Ned Nickerson. They'll go in to fight witches, evil within the kingdom and anyone that wishes them harm.
Three years later, she would find something even more precious than friendship in Ace, her heart, her love. When he proposes, it as at their secret glade, hidden from the burdens of Crown Princess and First Knight, becoming just Nancy and just Ace.
"Will you solve this part of the mystery with me?" he asks, the golden light reflecting off the water into his blue eyes, Kate Drew's diamond ring in his hands.
Her voice is watery when she says, "Yes", and she moves him until he's standing again, for she doesn't want him to be kneeling to her for this part. "Always. Forever." And she hugs him and kisses him and it's like the first time all over again but it's better and she can't help but laugh with joy.
Her Ace, His Nancy, together in the song of the afternoon. She couldn't think of anything else that sounded more right.
Other Tidbits of this AU:
Nick and Nancy break it off mutually then he has a whirlwind romance with George that ends in disaster. they both do their own thing for a while as friends before coming back together because they realize there's no one else for them romantically.
Bess falls for a couple of women, including Lisbeth the castle guard (they weren't right for each other), Odette Lamar the foreign businesswoman (before she found out Odette had a wife back home named Mary), and Addy Soctomah the small town of Horseshoe Bay's elected mayor (third time's the charm).
Other Tidbits of this AU: Nick and Nancy break it off mutually then he has a whirlwind romance with George that ends in disaster. they both do their own thing for a while as friends before coming back together because they realize there's no one else for them romantically. Bess falls for a couple of women, including Lisbeth the castle guard (they weren't right for each other), Odette Lamar the foreign businesswoman (before she found out Odette had a wife back home named Mary), and Addy Soctomah the small town of Horseshoe Bay's elected mayor (third time's the charm). Ace never became a physician, but he did invest a lot into their kingdom's medical research, helping the industry prosper and saving them from an unknown plague that other kingdoms fell victim to.
And they all lived happily ever after.
2) Ice Skater and Boxer
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AU Concept: Bess "Figure Skater" Marvin and George "Hockey Player" Fan
Tropes: Strangers to Lovers, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Kinda Instalove, (Just a Soft Little Fic)
Theme Songs: Silk Chiffon (MUNA, Phoebe Bridgers), Tis the Damn Season (Taylor Swift), Girls Like Girls (Hayley Kiyoko), Friday I'm in Love (Twenty One Two), Enchanted (Taylor Swift), Slow Dancing (Aly & AJ), Ashes (Celine Dion), Daylight (Taylor Swift)
Plot: Girl I'm sorry I tried but I can't really view them from a romantic lens and so for Georgess I'm just gonna leave you with the vibes. I'm thinking a soft dreamy winter love in the big city.
If anyone wants to take a crack at this AU (or any of the others) please feel free. Just tag and credit me because I would love to read it!
3) CEO and Bodyguard
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AU Concept: George "Spy/Bodyguard" Fan and Ned "Businessman/Inventor" Nickerson
Tropes: Strangers to Lovers, Spies AU, Forbidden Romance, Ballroom Scene, Making Out to Avoid Being Caught
Theme Songs: I Can See You (Taylor Swift), Plastic Hearts (Miley Cyrus), Weapon (Against the Current), Teeth (5SOS), Delicate (Taylor Swift), Roman Holiday (Halsey), Perfect (One Direction), New Year's Day (Taylor Swift)
Plot: Ned Nickerson thinks he’s done well in his life. Accepted into MIT on the honors roll, top intern at tech billionaire Tom Swift’s R&D department then branching off to start a very successful tech company of his own with the help of Tom and socialite and rich heiress Tiffany Hudson; all before the age of 28. Sure, his life is a little bland and his assistant Addy Soctomah had a bit of a point when she said that he was the most vanilla Black man she ever met but boring was good in the business world.
Then, the universe remembered he existed and made him the sole witness of Tiffany’s murder (which, was very traumatic, thanks for asking) by some terrorist company called the Road Back. Now, he was on the hit list of said terrorist company and had to be assigned a bodyguard (who very clearly did not want to be his bodyguard) that was maybe sorta cute when she wasn’t ignoring him like crazy. George said it wasn’t personal but it didn’t seem like the case to him when she stared at him unblinkingly when he was trying to close a business deal.
The mantra of ‘Fuck Drew’ was all that ran through George’s head when she had to protect Mr “Call me Nick”, rags to riches wonder boy and media darling, every day. She could be out chasing the Road Back with her team right now if Nancy had pulled the pin on that grenade 5 seconds later. 5 seconds and Owen wouldn’t have died; 5 more seconds and her foot wouldn’t have gotten pinned under all that rubble, and she could have lifted that column off Owen before he suffocated to death while their friends tried to get to them in time. 
The thought that it took four minutes without oxygen for a person to sustain permanent brain damage was all that ran through her brain as she listened to the harsh wheezing from the person underneath the column slowly stop. George had never really seen the fragile process of human to corpse before, never sticking around after her bullets left their chamber, but she could swear that it took hours for Owen to flatline. 
It took three minutes. The brain damage would happen after four minutes. The team took eight minutes to get to them and they were the longest eight minutes of any of their lives. 
The team fell apart: Nancy blamed herself bitterly, Bess mourned her cousin, Ace kicked himself for sending them into a trap and George- George was numb. Then she became angry. Claw Superiors kicked their team into mandatory leave and psych eval after 2 months. Guess Carson didn’t want his only daughter to crack mentally even more than she already had. 
2 weeks in and George begged Carson for any assignment, after barely passing her psych eval. She snatched the first case he held in his hands from him, not even looking into the file and just showing up at Ned Nickerson’s company the next day. Boy did she regret not negotiating more. Turns out Nick witnessed the murder of Tiffany, the woman whose husband cheated on with George years ago, and now he was the Road Back’s No. 1 target. Talk about awkward. 
It took spending 3 days in Nick’s presence to figure out that 1) He had a ridiculously good moral compass, 2) He and Tiffany were super close and 3) Telling him about her past history with Tiffany would make him hate her. So she kept quiet and kept her walls up, not wanting to get close to another person so soon after Owen’s death, not she was just starting to bond with him. 
But it’s difficult to spend day in day out with someone and not get close to them at some point. Nick was gentle and persistent with her, prying personal details from George like she was one of the machines he was experienced with. How she was the eldest of four sisters, how she almost went into law school, how her favourite colour was green. In return, he told her about wanting to help troubled kids find a community, how he was discovered by Tom Swift (and had a brief fling with him), how his mother taught him piano because they couldn’t afford it at the time and for her last birthday he’d bought her a grand piano to play to her heart’s content. It wasn’t her favourite mission by far, but Nick wasn’t bad company, and there was little chance of her PTSD triggering in civilian bodyguard life while the rest of her team recovered. 
Then Nick caught wind of a Road Back operative that was gonna be at a major social function that’s being hosted by Nick’s dickhead rival companies’ CEO: Everett Hudson. George hatched a harebrained dream of capturing the person to win back the grace her team lost at their agency. Nick offered to be her date so she could sneak in and around but she has to help him find dirt on Everett about the Bonny Scott which can bring justice to 12 innocent people and send Everett to jail. George accepts, which was a horrible idea for them both because now they’re catching feelings for a colleague-ish person.
(As long as you save me a dance, Fan.
You're on, Nickerson.)
At the party, there’s a point where they’re in Everett’s office digging through his files and they hear footsteps coming so they panic. There’s nowhere to hide in the office, and George grips Nick’s arm tightly. 
‘Do you trust me?’ she says, urgency coating her words.
There’s a beat of hesitation when they look into each other’s eyes, George begging Nick to say yes. Still, looking, he nods, and she spins him around to pin him against the wall.
‘I’m sorry about this,’ she says quietly, before kissing him. 
For a moment, everything in the world narrows to his back against the wall, the girl he likes pressed up against him, her lips on his, her hands on him. Realising his hands are just hanging dumbly by his side, he moves one to run through her hair and the other to cup her cheek.
‘OI! You’re not supposed to be in here!’ A loud voice cut through the air, and he remembers why he shouldn’t be doing this. They spring apart, and he’s sheepish when he addresses the person who caught them.
‘Sorry sir. Won’t happen again.’
‘Not today anyway.’ George’s coy face and satisfied smirk makes him blush and he finds he can’t look at the security guard for more than a second without looking away in embarrassment.
‘I don’t care what you do and where you do it as long as it isn’t in here. Now get going before I change my mind.'
'Got it, sir.' He blocks George from view as she surreptitiously swipes the hard drive that had finished downloading information in the time they were caught by the guard. He repeats, 'Won't happen again.'
Outside, George apologises and they go home but there's still an air of awkwardness. She hands the drive over to Claw Agency superiors and is called back in the week to pursue Road Back members with her old team. Since the Road Back is disbanded, Nick doesn't need a bodyguard anymore and they part ways, both thinking this is the last time they'll see each other again.
Three months later, they round up the last of the Road Back members, and George hands in her resignation form. She makes her team promise to keep in touch, thanks the Claw superiors for giving her a lifeline back then, and shows up at Nick's house to confess her feelings.
'You know,' she says, after the heavy emotional talk. 'We never did get that dance.'
'Never too late,' says Nick. He holds out his hand. 'May I?'
'But there's no music,' she laughs, taking his hand anyway.
He smiles at the sound. 'Don't need music. Your laugh is the most beautiful sound of all.' And she proves him right by laughing again.
When they have their first dance at the wedding, they're laughing merrily through the whole thing, calling each other Mr Fan and Mrs Nickerson.
Other Tidbits of this AU: Everyone on the team is field cleared but George and Owen were the only true field agents so they were closer because they have to trust each other's back in the field. Ace is the Hacker, Nancy is the scientist with a focus on biochem and Bess is the pilot/driver/etc. George and Nick play chess but George is more logical and Nick is more passionate. They're equally skilled. Bess meets Addy while the team visits George and they start talking and start dating just before Fanson's wedding. Nace dance around each other for years before everyone locks them in a small room and they come with messy hair and red lips to a chorus of "Finally"s
In every universe, the Drew Crew wishes Kat Michail a very Merry Christmas and hopes that she enjoys her gift. In this universe, Shannon wishes Kat a Happy New Year too. I hope you liked your gift Kat!
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101flavoursofweird · 1 year
The thing I love about Kat and Ernest’s relationship
Kat grew up not just in the shadow of her father, but her older sister (the Golden Apple, Professor Layton’s protege), her older brother (who became a police inspector), her uncle Luke (Layton’s apprentice), Emmy (Number One Assistant) and Desmond (Azran-expert Professor Sycamore), etc. etc… 
Basically Kat comes from a family of clever, cool, sophisticated, capable characters, and it would be so easy for her, as the youngest child, to feel overshadowed. (Not that her family would purposely make Kat feel like that! But it’s probably inevitable when your father is THE Professor Layton!)
It’s possible little Kat appeared in the papers alongside her father— if the Professor was even taking on new cases at that point… but any fame Kat did have would be in connection to her father. Then, Layton and Luke disappear when Kat is ten. Would the public even remember the name of Professor Layton’s youngest child? (How many archaeologists can you remember by name? Not fictional ones. Can you remember the names of their children?) 
By the time Kat opens her detective agency, at he age of 21, no one (outside of her family and close friends) seems to know who she is. You’d think people working at Scotland Yard would know  Kat— her older brother works there— but the average police office like Inspector Hastings doesn’t recognise Kat when she first turns up at his office. (As seen in Ernest’s flashback!) In fact, Hastings seems to resent her! 
When Madame Gretchin Doublée requests the assistance of a ‘Layton’, she expects the Professor himself to arrive at her house— but instead, she gets his young parvenu daughter. 
We see a similar incident in the first episode of the anime, when Simon Light turns up at the Layton Detective Agency, insisting he wants Professor Layton’s help… much to Kat’s irritation.
It’s safe to say that before she opened her detective agency, Kat was just a nondescript girl in the eyes of the general public.
Sherl is Kat’s first ‘client’ when she opens her detective agency, but before that… Kat helped a young man accused of theft at Gressenheller. 
Ernest is a complete stranger to Kat. When they first meet, the only obvious connection the two share is their association to Gressenheller. Ernest mentions that he often encounters bad luck (which, I suppose Kat could relate to with her family) but other than that, Ernest doesn’t recognise Kat or her last name. He claims he chose to attend Gressenheller because his favourite professor (Dr. Ohm) taught classes there— and I believe that. I don’t believe Ernest masterminded a whole plan where he would bump into Hershel Layton’s daughter and she would expose the dragons for him. (Though, this is a cool take and I’d love to read something like that!) Maybe Ernest started developing his plans to bring down the Seven Dragons— keeping his intentions hidden from Kat— when Kat was taking on cases from the Dragons… but his first meeting with Kat was complete coincidence.
The day they met, Kat’s sole pure intention wasn’t to help Ernest out of the goodness of her heart. She was on her way to the university anyway, so she let Ernest accompany her. She may have solved the case partly to boost her own reputation and to stick it to Hastings… but she was still kind was kind to Ernest and, in the end, she cleared his name. No wonder she left such an impression on him!
After that, Ernest decides to drop everything and dedicate himself to the girl who saved him. He pronounces himself Miss Layton’s assistant and seeks her out at her detective agency. Yes, Ernest can be a little obsessive and Kat tells Sherl she doesn’t need an assistant, but actually… she really could use an assistant. Ernest makes her tea. He solves puzzles with her. He reminds her to pay rent. He carries her bags for her. He compliments her outfits. He’s indulges Kat’s wild theories. He’s like her personal cheerleader.
Kat— the overlooked, youngest Layton— LOVES this. She loves having someone to hype her up. She loves how someone (outside of her family) finally recognises her worth. She loves having a friend, who would do anything for her. 
Yes, she would be hurt by Ernest’s deception, but she forgives him. When Ernest tries to resign as her assistant and leave her forever, did he really believe Kat would let him go, after the losses she had experienced in the past? (Her father, Luke, Alfendi in hospital…)
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asterssunzephyr · 5 months
New I see [My] Reflection in your eyes developmeny!!
Shelby literally rewrites history, so much so that the Crystal Cliffs and Grimlands still live in s2. Count Fwhip and Grand Wizard Gem have mastered transformation and now live as "Familars" in the Evermoore. Tortiose is Shelby's real familar, but everyone assumes Shelby's just a strong witch with three. Fwhip goes by "Count" in his "familar" form, while Shelby lies and tells everyone that her familar-cat is named Gem because of her eyes, not because of the Sun Princess.
Fwhip's form is a bat, while Gem's is a calico cat with more orange and white than browns and black.
The familars can talk but they only do so when theyre alone w Shelby.
Witches & Wizards get along after the history-fix, and theres two rumours of 1) A time travelling witch who lived between the Crystal Cliffs and the Grimlands, and 2) That the timetravelling witch was Grand Wizard Grim's apprentice (half-truth)
Gnomes can be seen every now again, after being found 500 years post s1 timeline. The Overgrown became GlimmerGrove and was never cursed.
Shelby is covinced Kat will choose Joey now that she isnt cursed.
The Sculkby arc happens different (will be in teal when I get there)
Tortiose's vc will be Grian in the sense that he's like Count & Gem, a human who can transform into an animal. (Tortiose doesnt look like Grian, its just the voice claim in this au)
s1 Joel is s2 Joel. They are the same person, Joel knows who Shelby is, who "Count" is, and the truth of Gem The Calico. Not his secrets to tell though.
Shelby wears the Xornoth Crystal, which begins to absorb the magic of sculk – no one realizes before its too late for Shelby. When She's corrupted, its like a haze for her. He doesnt remember what he does under the corruption, but everyone else does. The arc is longer, and still ended by Sausage stopping them but he's helped by Count and Gem The Calico. They tell him everything from Shelby rewriting history to the crystal corrupting them.
The overall timeline for this au is as so:
s2 takes place over 4 years. One of these years, Shelby goes missing and history is literally changed. The year after is when Shelby's corrupted (He's corrupted in December of the first year, Back To December (Taylors Version) is the song for Nature Wives (s2) in this au for multiple reasons that Ill explain in pink)
The last two years are with Shelby fixing themself and healing from corruption – this also leads to Nature Wives going on their coffee date. Rather than 10 years post s2, wcsmp would take place 6 years later:). Shelby's 18 at the start of this au, and 22 by the end!!
Back To December TV:
The Princess Tea Party takes place mid-december and Shelby's corrupted earlier that month. She's still corrupt by the time of the party, and it still leads to the canon "fight" between her and Katherine. at this time, Shelby still has half of his mind intact and thats why hes so confused and doesnt know what to do anymore. When Katherine offers help, its Sculked-Xornoth who leaks out and into Shelby's voice about "You cant even help yourself!"
Fast forward to Late December of the next year. Shelby's no longer corrupted and his hair is white now. They stand at the Glimmer Grove castle after a year of avoidance and one-sided hatred from them. (Both have been avoiding each other, Shelby's onesided hatred was unknown to Kat but known to them)
January of the third year is when they go on their coffee date.
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maepersonal · 6 months
What up, I'm Mae, I'm 19, and I never fucking learned how to read
main blog: @lockyle-and-skull
*all likes and follows will appear to come from there, even if we interact here*
about me: name: Mae or Ames age: 19 pronouns: ae/aer, it/its, she/her queer?: aroace + agender :3 why am I like this™?: autism, ocpd, bpd, ocd, adhd, anxiety, depression, alexithymia, aphantasia, dyspraxia, sometimes nonverbal & semiverbal, pots, tic disorder, sometimes agere (9-13ish) MBTI: ISTP :) aesthetic: here! :D element: water (duh) hogwarts house: slytherin ;) (I actually hate hp but I'm proud of my house) favorite colors: blue, green, purple nationality: american (canadian + german parents) shit I like: kpop: Lunarsolar, Xdinary Heroes, Ateez, Yena, Bibi, others more casually music: hardcore punk, punk, hard rock, symphonic metal, alt rock, nu metal, power metal, glam rock, hyperpop, Elliot Lee, Andrew Polec, Meat Loaf, Sick Puppies, In This Moment, Black Market Kidney Surgeons, Anti Flag (fuck justin sane), Iggy Pop, Car Seat Headrest musicals: Sweeney Todd (1982), Newsies, Ride the Cyclone, Bat Out of Hell, The Lightning Thief, Bonnie & Clyde, everything Starkid (but especially Starship, Black Friday, and Trail to Oregon) movies: The Human Centipede II: Full Sequence, Velvet Goldmine, Star Wars prequels, The Sorcerer's Apprentice, Narnia, Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets tv shows: Lockwood and Co, Julie and the Phantoms, Haikyuu, The 100 games: Palworld, The Enchanted Cave 2, BATIM, YTTD, Children of Silentown, The Mortuary Assistant, Little Witch in the Woods, Until Dawn, The Quarry, SCP Foundation, Project Kat, definitely more stuff I'm forgetting other stuff: wet specimen taxidermy, punk diy, collecting weird shit, tornadoes, alchemy, statistics, photography, The Council <3, insects, being a non-theistic satanist (inspired by LaVeyan satanism), being punk, being an anarcho-communist tech support: op tag: #oh mae oh my pfp: Bronté Barbé as Katherine in Newsies UK header: MUU (ex-LUNARSOLAR) - Shooting Star MV not safe for littles tag: #nsfl - BLOCK IF NEEDED
let me know if you want anything tagged differently!!
why are u reblogging/interacting with therian/DID content? because I am very close with a system that has therians and non-human alters :)
what do you use this blog for? this blog is mostly for irl, kpop, bpd, other mental disorders, anarchy, aroace, agere, vents, and anything else I feel like doesn't fit on my main :)
no DNI, just don't be a dick.
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