#application processes
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mindgambit · 1 year ago
Creative tricks through articulation: How you can influence the psychology of the interviewer
Discover tips for better communication! From word choice to tone - make conversation your tool. 🔊🗨️ #Communication #Tips #tricks #ArtOfConversation #Community #articulation #application #interview
The way you express yourself – your choice of words, your tone, and your articulation – can have a significant impact on how you are perceived. Here are some tips and tricks you can apply to positively influence the psychology of the person you’re speaking to: Use positive reinforcement If you repeat positive terms or phrases used by an interviewer, you not only build a stronger connection with…
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investingdrone · 10 months ago
How To Qualify Professional Mortgage Loan Programs In 2024?
Professional mortgage loans are designed for young professionals like you, even if you have a lot of debt compared to your income (DTI) or need a larger loan for the house (LTV). These loans help doctors, lawyers, and other high-earning professionals achieve their dream of homeownership. These programs understand you might have high student loans but also have a bright future with a good salary.…
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itsmetheabnormalone · 8 months ago
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Saw someone say on twitter „luke experienced subdrop and needed aftercare“ and I haven’t stopped thinking about this video/interview/comment bc I REALLY hope the producers are aware how much their actors are doing for this show and are taking proper care of them (e.g. having competent intimacy coordinators).
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deltapelagicpetrel · 9 months ago
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kim kittysuragi. If you even care.
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gameshow-host-wally · 2 months ago
Hi Wally. Can I please be your assistant in your show. I can help with the dirt work.... like dragging the bodies away
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captain-danwilds · 7 months ago
Helping my sister with her med school applications has made me very aware that Aaron would need to take at least one gap year. Granted early 2000s had an easier process than today (with lower average GPA/MCAT scores, less emphasis on already having clinical experience and higher matriculation rates requiring you to apply to fewer schools), but it would be impossible for him to complete everything required while also doing school and Exy without a gap year.
Ideally, Aaron would need to apply during 4th year playoff season and then complete supplemental essay hell during that following summer (Schools sent you the prompts and you have a week to submit, not too bad except you likely applied to 20+ schools and it’s all roughly happening the same week.) Then 5th year could be used for interviews and letters of interest/updates. But Aaron is not operating on the ideal timeline. He likely had planned to use his summer post TKM to study for the MCAT but instead he has to sit through his murder trial. While I know people who have studied for the MCAT during the school year, they also did nothing besides study during that time, which is not an option for Aaron.
I feel like there’s a lot of potential for angst we’re not digging into because while Andrew graduates and immediately has his next step figured out, Aaron is still figuring things out. He’s also feeling out of sync with all his friends and Katelyn since they largely completed the process when he was doing his 5th year. He’s also trying to balance having a long-distance relationship with a Katelyn who is struggling through her first year of med school on top of all the above nonsense.
However you could also go the comedy route, Aaron and Neil becoming friends during Neil’s 5th year since Aaron stuck around to work as Abbey’s assistant (or at Reddin).
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alwaysbewoke · 8 months ago
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sistercara · 4 months ago
i never know who to follow. absolutely fucked lost duckling mindset. i just wait until someone spams my notifications enough and follow them home
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astriiformes · 4 months ago
When I was applying for undergrad, I was fully in my "All my favorite characters are weird smart academic types" phase, because I Iike many undiagnosed twice-exceptional teens had carefully constructed a personal identity around a certain (incredibly harmful) societal idea of intelligence. It totally showed in the institutions I was applying to, too, and in particular, my motivation for choosing them.
This also lead to me making bad choices in the long run and was completely unsustainable, but I will admit that it was helpful when it came to motivating myself to complete my college applications. (Especially considering one of my top schools -- and the one with the most involved application -- happened to be a university that a beloved favorite character had attended but also, it is really, really good in retrospect that I did not get in there.)
I am happier and healthier now and have a much more sustainable image of success in my head, if an imperfect relationship with it, but this also means I have a complicated relationship with the fictional academic archetype and the type of characters I used to love, and that used to be motiviating to me. A lot of my favorite characters these days are ones who possess other traits I admire -- tenacity, kindness, a strong sense of justice, and a desire to change the world for the better. But I don't associate most of them with school or academic success at all; sometimes even the opposite.
All this to say, seeing as I have grad school apps due in exactly a month now. Save me Palamedes Sextus. Save me.
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nalyra-dreaming · 9 months ago
I just wanted to ask how do you deal with liking a character when they have done atrocious, inhumane things. I've been an IWTV fan since last year and sometimes I find myself struggling with the morality of it all. When I find myself empathising with a character sometimes I can't help but think about the terrible things they have done.
I know they're fictional and the whole discourse around it but I wanted to know from you how you deal with the whole moral side of it?
… they‘re fictional.
There is no moral dilemma exploring dark topics in fiction. On the contrary, fiction has always been used to hold the mirror up on all but especially the ugly parts of humanity.
This is no different.
The characters go through it to hold the mirror up - and the show grabbed us by the neck to make us look.
That‘s all there is to it.
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serpentface · 3 months ago
Question about Couya! Since she is a bastard what are the reasons about her being brought into the main family by her father. Was it genuine care for his child or a way to save face politically/socially? Is her birth mother alive? Do you think she would have had a better life growing up anywhere else?
This is in large part due to how cultural perceptions and legal punishment of adultery varies between male and female citizens, looped into the very strictly patrilineal kinship system.
By legal definition, the word for 'adultery' applies only to situations where a man has an affair with a married woman, or a married woman has an affair with any man. Other forms of affairs (eg a married man having an affair with an unmarried woman) are wrapped into a broader set of sexual misdemeanors and aren't often charged or punished in practice, and the punishments are comparatively minor (if an unwed woman's father pursues charges, the man in the affair is likely to just pay a fine). On a social level, extramaritial affairs in general are certainly not Approved of and seen as lowly and dishonorable, but the average response is significantly less harsh/more willing to entertain Nuance with men than with women.
In this society there's differentiated shades of bastardry depending on the contexts of the child's birth, as well as a distinction for 'nameless bastards' (has not been claimed by their biological father or maternal grandfather, or claimed in adoption).
a) A child born to an unmarried woman via an unmarried man: non-issue for father, potentially serious social harm for the woman (especially if she has never been married and expected virginal, much less severe as a widow or divorcee). The child will not be notably disadvantaged in of themselves (their status will depend more on whether they are claimed and thus provided the social security of a family patriarch), the father will experience no hard disadvantages in claiming them.
b) A child born to an unmarried woman via a married man: mild sexual misdemeanor for the father carrying levels of social shame, even more serious social harm for the woman (often framed as not just loose but a manipulative Seductress of a married man). The child might experience minor to moderate social disadvantages, the consequences of the father claiming them are purely social and will not typically be severe. (Couya is this)
c) A child born to a married woman via an unmarried or married man: both man and woman have committed a crime and can be severely punished. The biological father can technically claim the child but will be disincentivized from doing so. This is the form of bastardry most comparable to the conventional definition, in that it is heavily stigmatized and has effects on concerns of kinship and inheritance.
In addendum to this, if the adulterous wife's legal husband claims the child, this may be punishable if determined to be active concealment of adultery (which is also a crime), and has EXTREME social consequences either way. (Either you're a cuckold too stupid to notice that your wife has been skipping out on you, or you're a MEGAcuckold adultery-accessory willingly rearing another man's child after being horribly shamed by him).
(This is separate from adoption- a man who marries a woman with an unclaimed child after the fact (whether it was a product of adultery or just a general out of wedlock birth) and claims the child is an adoptive father, he is not concealing adultery or being cuckolded.)
A child born in an affair can be considered an heir to their biological fathers (descent and kinship is fully patrilineal and on a Basic level it doesn't matter who the mother is), and can very smoothly and legally be claimed when the affair was not considered criminal adultery. The concern on that front is social perception rather than material legal consequences or kinship issues.
Couya's birth mother was an unwed servant working as a housekeeper for her father Saizen, so the Crime of adultery did not take place. It would be considered a minor sexual misdemeanor, and the woman's father was not about to pursue charges against a nobleman who could Ruin him (and had also formally expressed that he would claim the child, which meant he would not be saddled with a nameless bastard granddaughter). So the concerns here were entirely social.
The affair might have started beforehand but the pregnancy that produced Couya occurred after his wife's third viable pregnancy ended in the premature birth of a underdeveloped boy deemed necessary to euthanize (and tbr would Not have survived either way). This was after Livya Haidamane had a couple early term miscarriages, two viable but very difficult pregnancies wherein one child was very weak and sickly for the first several years of life, and struggled to conceive every time. A lot of people are going to be at least a little sympathetic to a married man having an affair and claiming a bastard in this context. It's definitely ideal and practical to have more than two children, and his wife (while not outright infertile) clearly could not reliably bear healthy children. (The average response is going to be "Well he shouldn't have done it but like, I get it")
Couya being claimed by her father was a mix of genuine care and saving face. Initially it was MUCH more the latter than the former. Saizen made attempts to hide the servant's pregnancy and to keep his own wife out of sight during the late term (to prevent the baby appearing after his wife had been seen Extremely not pregnant). But there's some levels of care involved, he could very easily have fired the pregnant servant and had nothing to do with his bastard and she would have no recompense whatsoever. The choice to keep and claim the baby and ensure its entrance into the world bore as little social scrutiny as possible is an act of care for his own progeny.
This was Not an act of care for Couya's birth mother (beyond the fact that concealing her pregnancy would benefit her in hiding that she is not only Not a virgin prior to marriage but had a child). She probably would have been about 17-19 at the time and was fired a few months after giving birth, and most likely never saw Couya again after this point (if she did, it would most likely be in the context of seeing her as an adult Odonii in public and noting her to look Scarily familiar). She has an Okayish chance at still being alive, she'd be around 50 (and a person who survives the high infant mortality and birth casualty rates stands a good chance of hitting their 60s), though she could very well be a casualty of the drought+famine.
Whether or not Couya's life would have been better is kind of a mixed bag. She had an awful fucking childhood in large part because her adoptive mother Livya Haidamane hated her. (Livya was ultimately a pretty horrible person but not just like. An Evil Bitch. She had A Lot going on and Couya was a living breathing insult to her and reminder of like, every one of her dashed hopes and dreams). Couya is also autistic and presented very intense symptoms as a child in a society that is Not equipped for a mass-understanding and support of cognitive differences. But she still did have an immensely privileged life with profound physical/economic levels of security inaccessible to the vast majority of people in this region, including her birth mother. Saizen also actually Liked her and cared about her, he just wasn't a routine physical presence in any of his children's lives.
Had she been left with her biological mother, she would be in a very disadvantaged situation as a nameless bastard to an unwed mother. Her biological grandfather may or may not have been willing to claim her, and her mother would have great difficulties in finding a husband (which is ultimately necessary for the security of women in this society). I think her mother was a relatively kind person but not like, a perfect angel. She would probably have complicated feelings about her bastard daughter, especially one whose very existence materially disadvantages her and was very, very difficult as a child. So this probably would not have been a good situation for Couya either.
If you broaden the question to ANY other family completely divorced from the circumstances of her birth, yeah it definitely could have been better. But in her case it's like either "Life of grotesque socioeconomic privilege but in an abusive household" or "Life of profound socioeconomic disadvantages in a household that Probably wouldn't have been this abusive but certainly wouldn't be healthy". There wasn't really a good option for her.
#I think I've overemphasized the Social consequences of adultery/bastard children and underemphasized that committing#or abetting adultery is Illegal and punished pretty severely#But in this case nothing about Couya's birth was considered 'adultery' by societal definition and in being formally claimed by her#father (with no reason to question that he Is her father) the rest of her family is obligated to treat her as full kin wrt familial#obligations and inheritance#Livya Haidamane was also expected to fully behave as her mother and like. This happened after suffering through very difficult and#traumatic pregnancies. Delivering a premature son and watching him be euthanized. Then her husband IMMEDIATELY#knocks up a servant and most people around her are kind of like 'yeah not a great thing to do but I get it' because she was Only able#to push out two relatively healthy kids. And then she has to treat the Living Embodiment of all this as her daughter who happens#to also be an extremely difficult child.#This kind of changed the whole trajectory of her life and was not something she had Any means of processing or coming to terms with#and instead Coped with by severely emotionally abusing said child and pitting her against her disappointing son while idolizing her#eldest daughter thus contributing to the production of three really fucked up adults.#Also note that 'claiming a child' overlaps with but is not the same thing as 'raising a child in your household'#A claimed child takes the father's family name and is considered legal kin. This has very practical applications and means that#you and the rest of your family have lifelong legal and honor-based familial obligations to this child.#A father (or grandfather) may deign to raise a bastard without claiming them which can provide physical security but does not#have Kinship and its structure of familial obligations backing it. So these two situations can be materially different and affect#the trajectory of a child's life.
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wiisagi-maiingan · 7 months ago
It seems like my tribe was REALLY not prepared for open enrollment tbh. It's been ~6 months and the enrollment office phone has been straight to voicemail since practically day one, emails are NOT getting answered, and none of us (me, my auntie, my cousins, etc) have gotten news about our applications, which we were all worried about until we realized that it's what's happening with pretty much everyone.
They even removed the application processing ETA from the tribal site, probably because they realized that it was not realistic in the slightest.
rip 😔
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nonbinary-octopus · 3 months ago
my opinions on the job market today are:
firstly, companies should be required by law to at minimum send an automated rejection email to every applicant they reject. No more ghosting.
Secondly, if they require you to take an hour of your time merely to complete the application, you should then immediately be guaranteed not only an actual interview, but also the job.
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itsdappleagain · 1 month ago
trump putting out executive orders targeting immigrants is so funny to me. oh you mean immigrants? like elon musk? like elon musk who has only been a citizen since 2002? you hate immigrants? was elon musk part of an assault on the borders of the country? or your immigrant scottish mother? immigrants like her? hm. weird. super weird. or do you just hate mexicans specifically. come on out and say it word for word. its okay. we all know
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captain-astors · 1 year ago
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Creature. (The rendered ones are referenced from manga panels)
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fillejondrette · 2 months ago
guys i may be getting a cat as soon as this weekend <3
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