#applejack band story
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poodle-bird · 17 days ago
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Quick piece of Warren singing with his tambourine! Nothing like him smiling and happy despite everything and, y’know, before the other inevitable….
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miss-flutterby · 2 months ago
Bride Of Discord (Reimagined) - Chapter One: The Escape
This story was originally written by DisneyFanatic2364 on Fanfiction.net way back in 2013. It was a big part of my childhood and now that I'm older, I wanted to try putting my own spin on it. I highly recommend checking out the original fic and its sequel, Daughter Of Discord, here!
"Chaos is a wonderful, wonderful thing!" Discord declared, taking a sip of freshly rained chocolate milk with a sense of smug satisfaction. Yes, everything was going exactly as planned. Those troublesome ponies were no doubt at each other's throats, unable to even stand the sight of one another, more or less band together enough to use their precious Elements of Harmony. Equestria was his at last, to rule however he saw fit, and there was no one left to stop him.
At least, until the illusion of victory shattered like glass moments later.
"Not as wonderful as friendship!" A voice declared, snapping the draconequus from his thoughts. He glanced towards the sound, eyes narrowing at the sight that greeted him. They were back; of COURSE they were back. He should have known things wouldn't be that simple.
"Ugh, THIS again?" Discord groaned, downing the rest of his beverage before tossing the emptied glass over his shoulder, a plume of smoke erupting as the object hit the ground and promptly exploded.
"That's right! You couldn't break apart our friendship for long!" The orange mare, Applejack, declared, head held high.
Discord nearly rolled his eyes, stretching a clawed finger outwards. His magic activated, grabbing Applejack by the necklace clasped around her throat and dragging her closer. "Oh Applejack, don't lie to me. I'M the one that made you a liar!" He chided. His magic spread, latching onto the other ponies' necklaces and pulling them in as well. "Will you ever learn?"
The purple mare, Celestia's little protegee, glared at him as a burst of white magic emitted from her horn. In the blink of an eye, she vanished, only to reappear next to her floating companions. Another flash from her horn, and the group was enveloped in a pink bubble of pure magical energy.
The draconequus' expression soured as he felt his own magic being cut off, his yellow eyes watching as the unicorn carefully floated her friends back down to safety. He could not allow himself to show weakness, though, forcing an amused expression back onto his face as the unicorn (Twilight, if he remembered correctly) began to speak again.
"I'll tell you what we've learned, Discord! We've learned that friendship isn't always easy, but there's no doubt it's worth fighting for!"
Discord scoffed, materializing in front of the group with a look of displeasure. "Ugh, GAG! Fine, go ahead, try to use your little Elements, frenemies! Just make it quick!" He retorted, teleporting back to his throne. "I'm missing some EXCELLENT chaos here."
Twilight grinned. "Alright ladies, lets show him what friendship can do!" The mares' eyes narrowed with determination, their stances shifting as they prepared to attack.
"Wait wait wait!" The pink pony, Pinkie Pie, yelled out, rushing over to enjoy one last gulp of chocolate milk rain from a nearby cloud. She licked her lips with a murmur of satisfaction, but when her gaze met the annoyed looks of her peers, she bounded back over with a battle-ready scowl.
A white glow began to surround the ponies, light pulsing from their Elements in bright flashes of color. Purple, pink, orange, blue, yellow, red. Projections of the Elements' stones began shooting through the air, whizzing past Discord's head, making the draconequus lean forward in confusion.
"What's this?" As Twilight's eyes opened, revealing glowing white pools of magic, Discord felt his heart sink. "No..." A burst of rainbow magic erupted from the mares, shooting into the air in an arch before racing downwards towards the draconequus. Discord's eyes widened, a tremor of fear shooting through him. "Noooo!"
The ponies were blinded by the overbearing colors and flashes, their eyes closing as Discord's horrified scream echoed through the air before falling silent. After a moment, the light began to dissipate, the magic receding back into the Elements as their bearers were gently lowered back to the ground. One by one, they opened their eyes, the landscape of overwhelming chaos that had previous surrounded them magically transformed back into its calm, peaceful original state. Their plan had worked; Discord was defeated, Equestria was back to normal.
But all wasn't right, as Pinkie Pie was quick to notice.
"Hey, where's Discord?" The pink earth pony asked, looking around in a state of confusion.
Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "Pinkie, we just turned him to stone! He's right-" The blue pegasus paused, eyes widening as it dawned on her as well. "Wait, where is here? He should be RIGHT HERE, shouldn't he?"
"He's gone!" Applejack gasped, a pang of fear running through her.
"But...I don't understand. That spell should have turned him into stone. Equestria is back to normal, we had to have done SOMETHING!" Twilight said, beginning to pace back and forth.
Fluttershy let out a gasp. "We didn't KILL him, did we?" The yellow pegasus squeaked out, mortified by the mere thought.
"I don't think so, he'd still be here." Rarity replied, placing a comforting hoof on her friend's shoulder.
"Unless we vaporized him! Or turned him into grass!" Pinkie Pie shrieked, hoping from hoof to hoof as she looked down at the ground in panic.
Rarity yelped, rearing up on her hind legs. "You mean we could be STANDING on him?!" The unicorn squealed.
"Guys, we didn't kill him!" Applejack reassured him, though her eyes did glance nervously over to Twilight. "Right?"
"We shouldn't have." Twilight replied after a moment. "The Elements of Harmony cannot destroy. They may work in mysterious ways, but that fact is for certain. Whatever they did to Discord, they at least returned everything to normal."
"So, what do we do now?" Fluttershy asked.
"We must inform Princess Celestia about this..."
A few hours later, after ensuring that everything truly WAS well in Ponyville, the ponies recounted their story to Princess Celestia, who listened quietly and intently. Once they had finished, she asked to speak to Twilight in private, her guards escorting the rest of the group to the dining hall for some well-earned snacks.
As the doors shut behind them, Twilight turned to Celestia with a concerned expression. "We DIDN'T kill him, did we?" She asked slowly.
Celestia shook her head. "That sort of deed is not within the Elements' power."
"Then what exactly DID they do? I mean, they banished Princess Luna to the moon, then changed her back to normal later. They turned Discord into stone before, but didn't this time. What does it all mean?"
"The Elements' job is to restore balance to Equestria. From what I have seen, the Elements turn one into what they truly are inside. When my sister was banished, she had nothing but darkness in her heart, thus they imprisoned her within the moon. The second time, they saw an inkling of good within her, and simply brought that goodness back to the surface. As for Discord..." Celestia trailed off for a moment. "Discord has a heart that is as cold as stone."
"Does he even have a heart?" Twilight asked.
"Every creature has a heart, even if they will not show it to others." Celestia replied.
"So...what did the Elements do this time?"
There was a pause, the purple unicorn's eyes widened. "Nothing?" Twilight asked in shock.
Celestia nodded in confirmation. "Yes, nothing. Discord escaped before the spell could hit him."
"But...Ponyville is normal again! I restored everyone's memories! The spell should have worked!"
"When Discord saw that he could not break your friendship, and that his re-imprisonment was eminent, he chose to flee rather than face the consequences of his actions." Celestia explained. "He knew he could not defeat you, and so, he ran like the coward he is."
"How do you know? Are you sure we didn't...vaporize him?" Twilight asked slowly.
"I know Discord. He is smart enough to know when to retreat."
'So you're saying he's still out there? We have to find him! Equestria is not safe as long as he's free!"
"No Twilight, there is no point in trying to seek him out. You will not find him if he does not wish to be found, and Discord knows better than to attempt another takeover of Equestria, at least until he finds a better way to combat your Elements. We are safe...for now."
"But Princess Celestia-" Twilight started, only to be silenced as Celestia silently raised a hoof.
"Twilight, we do not know where Discord is, and it would be far too dangerous to blindly seek him out. The only thing we can do is wait for him to come out of hiding. When he does, you and your friends will need to be ready. Do you understand?"
Twilight opened her mouth, as if to protest, but then shut it. Slowly, she nodded.
"Good. Now, before you leave today, I will cast a spell to protect the Elements, so that Discord may not take them again. After that, they will be left in the care of you and your friends. When Discord returns again, we MUST be prepared."
Twilight nodded once more. "Yes, Princess Celestia."
And so, the six ponies returned to Ponyville and waited. Each wore their Element at all times, ready for the draconequus to make his grand return at a moment's notice. They told no one that the draconequus had escaped, not wishing to cause a panic, and went about their daily business as normally as possible. Tensions were high, and they all slept with one eye open, convinced that Discord would strike the moment they showed any weakness.
Soon, days turned into weeks, weeks into months, months into a year. Still, there was no sign of Discord. It was as if the spirit had vanished from the face of Equestria, leaving only bad memories and stained glass windows to remember him by. Little by little, Twilight and her friends began to relax, though they never fully let their guards down. Twilight studies divination in an attempt to see into the future, to ensure he would not return, ot at the very least locate the draconequus, to no success. She was powerful, but even Luna and Celestia could not perform such a feat.
And then, Twilight ascended to princesshood, earning a pair of wings and the title of Princess of Friendship, and things got even more complicated. While she still resided in Ponyville, she spent large amounts of time away tending to her royal duties, and slowly her divination lessons and attempts to track down Discord fell by the wayside. After all, she now had more important duties than chasing a ghost.
As Twilight's fame grew, so did that of her friends. Rarity's designs grew rapidly in popularity, and the unicorn soon became a household name among Canterlot's most rich and fashionable. Her business grew so quickly, she had to enlist Sweetie Belle and her friends for assistance, the little fillies helping her pack and deliver orders to the post office.
Rainbow Dash was offered a position with the Wonderbolts, who at first just wanted the increased media attention that came with hiring one of Equestria's saviors, but eventually grew to recognize Dash's talent for what it was.
Pinkie Pie expanded her party business beyond Sugarcube Corner, beginning to take up weekend gigs in various small towns across Equestria, though she always made a point to reserve her best tricks for her friends.
Applejack continued working at Sweet Apple Acres with her family, making deliveries to Canterlot once a month as the demand for their organic delicacies spread beyond just Ponyville. When she wasn't busy with school or her friends, Applebloom would help her big sister bake the apples into various delicious treats to sell at the farmer's market on weekends; apple pies, apple cider, apple tarts, the works.
Each one had a new, glamorous lifestyle and duties to attend to, and little by little, they all began to forget about Discord. Well, all but one.
Of the six mares, Fluttershy's life had changed the least. While her role in saving Equestria had made her more popular among the townsfolk, she still kept to herself whenever possible, spending her days tending to her animals and garden. As time passed, stallions and mares alike had started to take more interest in the pegasus, swinging by her cottage with bundles of flowers and requests for dates. She turned them all down, as kindly as possible, of course. She just...wasn't ready for a relationship, though the attention did feel rather nice.
On quiet nights, Fluttershy sometimes found herself thinking about the draconequus. While some part of her was still fearful of him (he HAD tried to take over her home), she mainly felt a sense of pity towards him. He didn't seem to have any friends, and Fluttershy was sure the spirit of chaos had been quite lonely, even if he would never have admitted it. Was there something she could have done to help him? Could she have been kinder towards him? Would that have made any difference at all?
These musings would always end in the pegasus shaking her head and attempting to go to sleep; surely there was nothing she could have done. He was a monster, plain and simple...right? Besides, it had been so long, Fluttershy doubted she would ever see him again. After all, what were the odds he would turn up again NOW, of all times?
What were the odds indeed...
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tweltchy · 1 year ago
Well, hello. I haven't been tagged in one of these things for literal years! Was tagged by @c-n-i-d-a-r-i-a-n to fill out a sort of "get to know me" meme. Thanks so much!! To keep this going, I'll tag some beloved mutuals.
@rye-satchel, @kaykayfranco, @lottafuckingshit
3 ships:
Not much of a shipper and the ones I do like are kinda strange, but I got a few that hold a place in my heart. It's not three, tho. Ye get two.
Rarity x Applejack (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
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The MLP Resurgence on this website is a gift from above. I get it now........... they are so cute and we stan gay horses. Iconic butch/femme couple....... I don't think I need to say more than that.
Sam Winchester x Castiel (Supernatural)
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Feel like i need to justify myself here.
Listen........... i know the show is dumb and stupid and it's over now, but I still think about it. Tbh, I shipped it out of spite at first, but then I kinda started to see potential in it, and now it's one of my OTPs. They are both queer in some way and i will die on that hill. Big sucker for the Friends to Lovers trope, and and and...... idk I just think they're sweet, especially given their growth together in the show. plus Sam doesn't abuse Cass like Dean does so that's a plus lolololololol
IDK. I just think if Cass confessed to Sam, Sam would have at least shown strong emotion. Probably would have tried to sacrifice everything to try and get him back.
first ship:
Zack Fair x Aerith Gainsborough (Final Fantasy VII)
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Again, not really much of a shipper, but I remember the first ship that I reeeeeaaally got into was this one. They are just...so perfect for each other.... it's hard not to love them.
last song:
The most underrated as well as the darkest song the band ever made. I think about it constantly and adore it.
last film:
Ginger Snaps (2000)
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It's one of my absolute favorite movies of all time. I saw it was free to watch on YouTube and watched it twice in a row. It's so good and a unique take on werewolf stories. I recommend it if you have an interest in werewolves. It is free to watch in English on YouTube, but it's only available to watch in the USA for some reason. It's blocked everywhere else, INCLUDING Canada. ??? That's dumb as hell. Snag a VPN and watch it.
Regardless!! Good movie.
currently reading:
-Lots of TTRPG corebooks/rulebooks.
I love tabletop RPGs!!!!
-Tender Is the Flesh by Agustina Bazterrica.
Jules Dapper on YouTube sold me on this book, and it's one of my new favorites. Very dark and depressing, but also very compelling!
currently craving:
A BIG sandwich with every vegetable ever.
fav color:
All shades of purple!
relationship status:
Not single.
last google search:
"halifax glove guy"
The fact that this dude is actually real and not some weird urban legend fascinates me more than it should. Stay safe out there, guys.
current obsessions:
-Kingdom Hearts (my forever fandom and favorite game series ever)
-Final Fantasy series
-Animation and art
Thanks for tagging me!! :D
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formosusiniquis · 2 years ago
Water is wet, the sky is blue, and Eddie Munson is a music snob.
Sure, he listens to more music than Steve even knew existed. Sure, he can curate a playlist that gets you from Korn to Disney without it feeling jarring. Sure, he can give you a full college quality lecture on the history of modern rock and metal and how it can all be traced back to the blues.
But he’s also the same guy who brutally eviscerates anything that even approaches popularity. He’s watched Eddie drop bands the second their music starts making radio play because it’s a short trip to an album that’s been engineered in a lab for maximum radio play.
An educated music snob is still a snob is the point.
But the rest of their friend group is also a collection of snobs and bitches, so when Eddie suggested they do a Spotify Wrapped viewing party it quickly became an annual tradition. They all make sure they have the night off when the Wrapped drops, meeting up at Steve’s house where they spend the night stuffing their faces and roasting each other for the music that made up their soundtrack to the year.
Eddie the Snobbish is of course the most vocal critic.
“Girl in Red, Buckley, really? There is such a thing as leaning too far into the stereotype.”
“Get fucked, Munson, they’re my number five.”
“And your number two is Hayley Kiyoko, but she’s actually good so I kept her out of it. Honestly, it’d be faster to just shout from the rooftops that you’re queer.”
“Yeah, yeah, wait ‘til we get to you, Eddie.”
“I drew 7 so you’ll have to wait a little bit longer.
It goes like that all night. Eddie makes at least one comment about each person’s wrapped as the night goes on. But then everyone takes at least one crack at the others. From listen time to top genres nothing is safe and nothing is sacred. Sometimes the only comment needed is the sounds of nine other people shrieking in laughter because Accidentally in Love from the Shrek 2 soundtrack cracked your top 5.
“Seriously, Sinclair, the rest of it is so good!”
“I refuse to be critiqued by the same man I caught singing Nickelback last week.”
“Damn, seeing the family resemblance between you and Lady Applejack now.”
Sometimes his mockery is flavored like concern.
“William, the top .05% of Mitski listeners? Do you need help? Should we call your mom? This feels like a cry for help.”
“She’s classically trained, musically a genius. Sorry, we can’t all spend our time listening to Ozzy struggle through a basic melody.”
And Eddie isn’t afraid to get other people in on his snobbery.
“Ten bucks, Stevie, your little Dusty has Weird Al in his top 5.”
“I don’t make bets, I know I’m going to lose. That’d be like saying ‘I bet he’s going to have Neverending Story in his top 5’, it’s practically guaranteed.”
Robin’s not as afraid to get involved, “Five bucks, Neverending Story is his number 1.”
“Oh you’re on, Bucks, no way it’s not a parody.”
They’re both wrong, deciding that neither is out the money, and Steve wishing he had gone ahead and bet when it turns out to be a movie instrumental. “He can’t listen to music with words when he’s building shit, and he’s always tinkering with something in his room.”
“It was from the Neverending Story soundtrack, I still think that means I win.”
“Absolutely not.”
It’s always a big moment when it’s finally Eddie’s turn, he’s the whole reason they had to start drawing their places at random. He spends so much time talking shit about everyone else’s music taste that by the time his turn rolls around half the group is ravenous, a pack of feral dogs snarling at a feast before them,  ready to give him a taste of his own medicine.
The earliest bits are the most boring. The strange emotion tags are always a little jarring, though no one is surprised when spooky makes its way onto Eddie’s. It’s a little concerning just how much time Eddie is clocking on Spotify, “Over 40,000 minutes, Eddie, that’s almost an entire month.”
“How come your math is never that quick when you’re adding up your damage, Henderson?”
And then Spotify helpfully announces that Eddie Munson's most played song of the year is Head Over Heels by Tears for fucking Fears, clocking in at 267 plays. 
It could go without saying that all hell then breaks loose, but then not saying it makes it sound like a regular amount of hell is breaking loose. And not the kind of hell that can only come from a room full of people who show their affection through ruthless teasing and mockery finding a massive hole in the armor of someone who had spent most of their friendship unassailable.
It’s mean. It’s targeted. It’s the standard brand of teasing that this group is built on.
It would be a lot funnier if Eddie, someone who is normally pretty good about taking the same kind of shit that he deals out, didn’t look like he wanted the floor to swallow him up.
The jokes all reach a logical end. The kids have a killer’s instinct when it comes to weakness, but they’re soft where it counts, and there’s not a joke in the world that’s still funny when it’s being laughed at instead of with.
And Steve, normally the first to tease Eddie about his dad rock playlist can’t think of a single thing to say that isn’t going to come out, “Why was your day with the most listens right after the weekend trip we took for my birthday?”
That wasn’t going to be, “Do you want this the way that I do?”
The rest of the reveal is standard, nearly 19 hours of playtime does put Tears for Fears in the 5th spot of Eddie’s Top Artists but no one comments on it. Steve doesn’t even make fun of Eddie for being the only person under 40 to still listen to Metallica.
Because he’s finally found something to say that isn’t going to come out, “Do you know someone else who only listens to new wave or do listen to that song and think about me?”
“I’m going next.” Eddie finally, finally, makes eye contact with him instead of staring out into the middle distance. Maybe his announcement does sound more like, ‘let me say it back.’
“Steve, you drew last. Nancy’s next.”
Nancy, who knows him uniquely. Knows him in a way that no one, except maybe Eddie one day, ever will. Nancy cuts through the bullshit decisively. “Steve can go next.”
“No appreciation for the rules, why do we even have them?”
Steve does not give a single shit about his wrapped outside of it being a source of amusement for his friends. His taste in music is as close to nonexistent as it gets and, really, if he’s going to listen to something he’s probably going to pick a book over music if he’s by himself.
Except this year.
The teasing is a little tamer now. Normally, Steve is happy to take the brunt of it. 
From Eddie picking at his lack of taste. “Pick a genre, Steve, god.” 
To the kids joining in because they want to impress Eddie, “Can you even listen to the playlist without getting whiplash? I Will Survive to Part of Your World, jeez.” Nevermind that they’re both basically power ballads, and Wheeler can mock but I Will Survive was the soundtrack to his break up with Nance and sometimes he wants to be both nostalgic and angry-sad. 
This year is quiet, like they’re worried they went too far with Eddie and now they’re afraid to take shots at their other favorite babysitter.
It’s fine. Steve has pretty much unfailingly had one song playing at any point anymore. Maybe it took him a little longer than April, but he knows without a doubt what his top song of the year is going to be.
Eddie takes the armchair for Wrapped nights, he’s the meanest normally and says he wants to be out of the direct line of fire of any noogies or Robin’s lethal elbows. It means Steve has to reach to kick the side of the chair to make sure Eddie is watching.
Rainbow in the Dark was Steve’s number one song this year with 171 plays.
And maybe it would be appropriate to say that all hell breaks loose once again. Steve wouldn’t really know, too busy staring at Eddie. He’s in the eye of the storm now, while chaos breaks out around him Steve can only wait to see how Eddie reacts.
Wonders if that pink blush is because Eddie realizes that the day he repeated it the most was right after he heard Eddie play it for the first time. Fell asleep to it playing on repeat, thinking about Eddie’s fingers and Eddie’s smile, drowning out the sounds of fireworks that still trigger panic.
"It makes me think of you," Eddie, brave and shy and only hiding part of his face behind his hair, answers the only question Steve needed answered.
"Yeah," he agrees, hoping it sounds less like a breathless demand for reassurance and more like, 'listening to this song all year was the closest I could get to imagining what it could be like having you.'
"Yeah." And Steve hears, 'I  still expect to be wined and dined, Harrington.' Maybe because it's the kind of silly request Eddie would make, or maybe he just likes giving the people he cares about everything he can.
"But seriously, Stevie, why the fuck is Careless Whisper in your top 5? It should be a crime for Dio and George Michael to be that close together."
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ithinkofnealcassady · 2 years ago
i do i want to hear about your girls just in general they sound very interesting please tell us stuff random ask question : what would each of the girls’ favorite song be and why
(sorry if this wasn’t an invitation for asks, disregard this if so and have a great day !!)
this was 100% an invitation!!!
OKAY so to set the scene. imagine 22-23 yr olds who create midwest emo music & are gay.
narrator is safiya, she plays bass and is hot. sullen but raging, light-humored but heavy-hearted. she uses a second-hand bass. she is always reciting memories. she lives so deeply in the past that the present is leaving her behind. she has an enormous, paralyzing fear of death (my special gift to her. from me). her favorite song is probably daughter by loudon wainwright iii but she would never admit it. she probably says it’s ask the angels patti smith or lou reed ride into the sun
love interest is miki, she’s an amnesiac who has to get to paris, ohio; the band’s last stop on their tour is helltown, ohio so they (not without an argument, but out of girl-goodness and peace & love) decide they can bring her home. she intermittently factory-resets essentially & the girls don’t know this yet but she’s a ghost BOO. she is a ghost bc the overarching themes of the story relate to grief & music & the main question WHEN WE GO, WHAT DO WE LEAVE BEHIND? miki’s favorite song is stay by pink floyd
the other girls are eleanore (lead vocals & guitar) who is very into like crystals and thinks she is psychic (she is psychic). she is my sweetheart, she has never been in love and never will be but she loves the world so deeply and believes in magic so much that she has never once thought she’s missing out… has fuckugly fashion sense. favorite song is applejack dolly parton and ALWAYS plays it when she has aux bc she is not in the business of denying herself pleasure.
suzie (backup vocals and rhythm guitar) who is blonde and vapes a lot. tries to be sooo go-with-the-flow; it’s an excellent act on her part. she makes all the band posters and is a fantastic & utterly erratic artist; her guitar is covered in stickers she made. she acts like she is only in the band to get head bc she has permanence issues & is secretly made of fear (favorite song is james dean you let us down by dazey and the scouts but HER song is bobby jean by bruce) but
JODIE (drummer) is madly in love with her. they fall together eventually but it’s a slow process of developing trust etc… jodie is so cool and has a secret twilight obsession #twihard and loves to knit. her older sister is her best friend and she always wants to be safe more than anything, but has this constant taunting instinct to do something great, something no one has done before… it’s what attracted her to joining safiya’s band in the first place. favorite song is puetro rican jukebox by panther but she was named after the saves the day song jodie
marjorie is safiya’s lifelong best friend & the band’s manager/roadie. they have sort of a kenstewy from succession thing going but they’re not In love in the end, they just love each other … will do anything for each other. marjorie is constantly plagued by headaches and shit bc her hrt gives her migraines & it’s characteristic it’s just classic that the terrible dependence she has on everything that makes her herself hurts her too—namely safiya, who also gives her headaches :) everyone so easily assumes she is safiya’s keeper (as marjorie is very type-A and safiya is like a wild cat) but marjorie needs safiya so badly in return it’s actually embarrassing for them. marj’s favorite song is i’m not made of iron by chrissy zebby tembo
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applejackrd · 2 years ago
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Complicated Love
Rainbow Dash_Applejack
I finally got to draw my AU BFFs character. I love them so so much because they are all cool, amazing, and hot. I called them THE VENOM in my story because they are #toxic there.
I finally got to draw my AU BFFs character. I called them THE ANTI VENOM in my story because they hated bullies like the VENOM.
I wrote them as BFFs in my story on Wattpad about like two years ago. I haven't finished it up yet since I had a lot in mind.
They are college students and a band- you get all the details in my Wattpad. (Apple.jack.rd)
#rainbowdash #catra #marceline #AU #wattpad #lgbtq #BBF #adventuretime #mlp #mlpeg #shera #applejack #princessbubblegum #adora #catradora #appledash #bubbline
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Close to a decade after Twilight has ascended into Celestia’s place in Canterlot. Equestria continued to prosper under her peaceful reign.The School of Friendship’s influence has only strengthened Equestria’s bond with other nations of the world even stronger then it had been when the many kinds of creatures worked together to overwhelm Tirek, Queen Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow.
This is a look-at what changes, if any, each of the Elements of Harmony, family, and friends have gone through since Twilight’s reign in Canterlot began. Starting with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, who are all now young adults…
Apple Bloom stuck to her family tradition of keeping up on the farm. She’s become as proficient at bringing down the apples as her older sister has. Though she’s also delved into using potion and-making skills she’s learned from her many years with Zecora for some extra money-making for herself. She’d call her potion & tea making business “Applebrew’s”
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The moment Scootaloo turned 16, she was immediately invited into the Waterbolt reserves. During this time period, the Waterbolts were pretty exclusively hippogriffs that mastered swimming in their time as seaponies. But they knew a pony who was responsible for the creation of the branch is the first place has been working hard until she was finally age-eligible. Just two years later, she finally reached her goal of being an official member of the new branch she helped create in the first place. She swims every day with her team captain, Silverstream. And quickly became the star attraction of all Waterbolt shows, as the fastest pony in the sea. She even got featured in the Wonderbolt’s monthly magazine.
The photo above was used as the cover image. On the issue’s cover was text saying “Don’t miss our exclusive interview with Scootaloo, Equestria’s Mermaid! Hear her story on how far a little magic, and years of dedication can get you!”. Her story inspiring many other ponies to try a hoof at swimming as a sea pony. It still takes plenty of dedication, but now even earth ponies and unicorns could have a chance at being a part of the Wonderbolts organization if they have a high interest in swimming. Many lakes and beaches around Equestria have magic duplicates of the hippogriff necklaces to allow ponies the sea pony transformation whether they want to swim in that form just for fun, or if they’re serious about pursuing a future in the Waterbolts
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Sweetie Belle at 16 started to officially get her hooves wet into the music industry. Just a few years later her electrifying voice in Metal has become near Equestrian-Renowned. She hasn’t found herself a metal band to front yet, as she’s mainly been doing solo singles and/or guest vocals for bands that already existed. Her manager, the ever-so-famous Coloratura even moved from Manehattan to Ponyville to help develop Sweetie’s talent alongside Octavia Melody and Vinyl Scratch. Though that’s not all of what’s brought the famous pop singer back to Ponyville…
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At around the time Coloratura was in her first year of managing Sweetie, Granny Smith and Grand Pear passed away in their old age. The existence of spirit summoning has softened the blow of death for many, though it’s still nonetheless sad to see beloved family members leave the world of the living. Rara quickly went to Applejack’s side, to comfort her old friend. Rara would check up and see AJ plenty of more times afterward, sometimes taking her out to a place to eat and/or a relaxing time at the spa.
Having spent more and more time with Applejack again, the closeness they felt as childhood friends at their summer camp quickly returned. Though gradually there was a feeling in the two of them that their feelings for one another were evolving into something more., eventually Applejack and Rara officially started dating. The two quickly became a real power couple in Equestria. The famous pop singer, and one of Equestria’s honored heroes.
Sometime withIn his final weeks alive, Grand Pear managed to get his long sought forgiveness for how he treated Pear Butter and Bright Mac’s relationship from their spirits. Applejack still was sad about the loss of Granny Smith and Grand Pear, but knows that now that when they aren’t summoned down by Spike. They’re eternally orbiting the sky, having fully brought the horrid feud between the Apples and the Pears down for good
At one point, Applejack made a suggestion to Coloratura that she let her mother’s spirit sing a duet with her for a single. At the time she had not been sure it’d work out, since Spirits have an echo that isn’t added on purpose in post-production. But as it turned out, Rara ended up loving how Pear Butter’s voice sounded on recording. The echo actually providing some chilling parts to her song that complemented Rara’s own singing voice when they sang together. The duet that Rara and Pear Butter sang was an instant hit that topped the charts in Equestria.
Rainbow Dash became the new captain of the Wonderbolts after Spitfire and Soarin’ both retired. In their place, Vapor Trail and Sky Stinger were promoted to Wonderbolts as part of Rainbow’s own squad. The wonder bolts expanding to allow non-pony members as well as the Waterbolts has increased the reach the organization has. And Rainbow’s leadership has helped make sure that all new recruits were both the best flyers (or swimmers), and of the best character. To prevent any more Lightning Dust or Wind Rider situations from happening ever again.
Rarity’s business continued to flourish well into the coming years, with further expansions in her chain of stores in Las Pegasus, the Crystal Empire, and Mount Aris. Her Mount Aris store in particular had both options for the hippogriffs, and even underwater fashion for the sea ponies.
Fluttershy continued to take care of all her animals in her sanctuary with Dr. Fauna. Her relationship with Discord at this point is a bit of an enigma. Some days she and Discord would act like they’ve obviously been dating for years, others they pretend to hate each others guts, or don’t even know each other. Fluttershy’s friends think the two are probably indeed together, they’re just going at it in a most Discord way: Leaving ponies guessing, in the most infuriating and chaotic way possible
Pinkie Pie’s relationship with Cheese Sandwich has still gone strong since it started at the Royal Ball in Saddle Arabia. They haven’t been married yet, though partly because either are struggling to decide how they can make their big proposal a big event worthy of the two party ponies. Each maybe a little too worried that if it’s not done right, it might end up breaking their relationship.
Spike has grown much taller since Twilight’s reign in Canterlot started. His muscles are still a bit on the lean side, but he’s looking to be growing into a big, strong dragon in later years. He also still commonly summons spirits for those who ask. Spike is the only one Twilight allows full reign with the Portal Gum as to make sure the travel industry in Equestria still gets business. Starlight and the Apple Family is still who he most caters to by summoning Sunset Shimmer as well as Pear Butter and Bright Mac. Though many funeral homes often have Spike’s ear, to allow the deceased to speak a heartwarming message to their families to assure them that they now protect the planet.
Starlight’s late mother continued to be the most summoned spirit in this timeframe. It was thought to be only fair that the pony who sacrificed the most should get more chances to mingle with the current world then some others. As without Sunset, Equestria… maybe even the world, may have fallen apart long before Twilight came into the picture. Firelight’s museum dedicated to her in Sire’s Hollow became a must go for many citizens of Equestria. Sunset would sometimes surprise visitors to the museum by pretending to be a holographic guide, only for her to reveal slowly that she’s been listening in onto their conversation. And later just revealing herself by responding back, often spooking visitors, but nonetheless allowing others to see the great hero herself.
Other then that, she’s helped guide her daughter more when she’s needed it. Starlight’s honed her magic skills further over the years with intensive study of her mother’s spell book (The very one that had given Starlight her cutie mark, a long time ago) and personal guidance from Sunset herself. Sunset sadly cannot demonstrate the skills she had in her prime, as spirits no longer can use the kind of magic they could do when they were alive. But she can still evaluate Starlight’s execution of the spell. And most of the time, Starlight manages to get it right pretty quickly. Always getting a proud smile from the literal-spirited mother.
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The new sole ruler of Equestria have been very successful at keeping Equestria in it’s strongest period of peace ever. Twilight’s mane and tail now waves like Celestia and Luna’s does, though she’s still the same size she was when her reign began. As being a genie stunts her growth as an alicorn. She tried asking Cadence how her growth went being the youngest Alicorn. As she assumed it may have been too long ago for Celestia and Luna to really remember in detail how their growth happened. Cadence did remember some details, but she wasn’t observant enough to give a proper record so Twilight could grow herself gradually to sort of pseudo-age. There is also Flurry Heart who’s now of elementary school age, but obviously she’s on the younger side which doesn’t help Twilight much.
For now, Twilight just rolls along with her same size. Though if she does ever find out how alicorn growth works. She does want to give a try at replicating it slowly. Though the size she is now, will always essentially be her “true” form.
((More characters, plus a very brief story after the break))
Where as the ponies recapped above have gone strong, so has those involved with the School of Friendship. At this point of time, all the Elements of Harmony have stepped down as teachers to give the roles to others.
A big change that had been added to the School of Friendship since it’s early years. Is now every student of the School is brought to the treehouse to meet the spirit of the Tree of Harmony. Where she finds the element in each living being that’s waiting to be awakened.
The first time the Tree’s spirit had shown this power was when the Students were saving Equestria from Cozy Glow. With each of the students given the glow of the coats of each of the Elements of Harmony.
Many new students think at first this was a way to sort of divide them into houses, and they’d be asked to have a sort of competition between the 6 houses to determine each year who wins. However, those who think of it as a competition soon find out it’s not, as friendship isn’t a competition you can just win at. Instead, groups of 6 are made between each of the students. The students would be allowed to naturally gravitate towards their classmates that will always end up being groups that have each member a different element. Those individual groups of 6 also aren’t competing with each other either
Each student still attends a class for the other elements of Friendship even if it isn’t their specific one to get an understanding of each element and how to approach their other friends in their designated groups as well as chances to become friends with the other groups. The goal being that by the “senior year” of the school, generally most if not all the classmates are friends on some level.
All the Student 6 had fond memories of their time at the School of Friendship. In particular… Sandbar, Yona, Smoulder, and Ocellus had enjoyed their time so much… That they couldn’t imagine leaving, the 4 students became the teachers. Succeeding Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow, and Rarity’s roles at the school respectively.
Silverstream was dedicated to being the captain of her Waterbolts team, so she couldn’t take over for Pinkie, instead, it was Pinkie’s sister (Who was also a good friend of Starlight’s) Maud who offered to take the role of teaching laughter. While it took some time for the students to adjust to Maud’s very different style of comedy from her sister. She’s proven there are different ways to be funny, and different ways to teach the importance of having good healthy laughs with your friends. Many students also getting some advanced geology knowledge they’d find hard to get anywhere else.
Gallus was deemed the most worthy of his six friends of the element of magic, which he knew was Twilight’s element, but he didn’t think of himself as future principal material. He didn’t really think running the school would really be for him, not that he didn’t get some enjoyment at the school like the rest of his friends. He also just figured Starlight and/or Sunburst made so much more sense, regardless. However, he still found a way to acknowledge his deemed connection to Twilight’s element. He’s currently training to be a royal guard, with Tempest Shadow as his Drill Sergeant
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Starlight’s trusty cousin proved to be worth the hire as vice-principal. Working quite well with Starlight with running the school and getting along with all the students. Whenever Starlight needs a break, he fills in as principal. On another note, he’s also found a mare friend: Sunshine Smiles from Canterlot, a peppy pink unicorn with an over-protective goth sister named Moonlight Raven (Moonlight warned Sunburst the first time she met him that if he ever breaks Sunshine’s heart. She’d break his, literally. Not that Sunburst ever thinks about it, since he and Sunshine are pretty close.)
Trixie ended up being a pretty trusty counselor, she wasn’t perfect as sometimes she’d ramble about herself when she’s supposed to be focusing on students that confide in her. But most of the time, having the confident showmare support visiting students helps them gain some confidence of their own. Sometime in the break between now and the beginning of Twilight’s reign, she had also finally stepped up to her father, Jack Pot, in Las Pegasus. One-upping him at his own show, letting out all her feelings of herself and her mother being left behind. Leading the Las Pegasus crowd to turn against him, and run the horrid father out of the city,.
One day, Trixie will see her father again personally to seek some form of closure between the two whether or not they can really reconcile. But that would have to come much later, as for now. She’s gotten her lifelong vengeance, thanks to the support of Twilight and Starlight. Trixie’s gratefulness motivates her to continue counseling for the School of Friendship, being that since both of her best friends have put a lot of effort in running the school. She’d do her very best in making sure she can help the students succeed.
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In the same vein that Twilight’s ran Equestria well since her reign started… Starlight’s done the same with the School of Friendship. The school hardly skips a beat even with the change of leadership. And any changes Starlight has done to expand has improved the Friendship school’s scope. From working with the Tree of Harmony’s spirit to create the aforementioned groups of friends. She’s also opened the door for more types of non-Equestrians and/or notable non-pony species that live in Equestria. Young Kirins, Abyssinians, Diamond Dogs, Zebras, Donkeys, Kelpies, and more have been added along with the returning species of Dragons, Griffons, Hippogriffs, Yaks, and Changelings.
This was an idea Twilight also had at one point, but she felt that they needed some years to make sure this was going to work with the 5 non-pony species they chose to include before fully expanding to allow even more in. Plus, Twilight was still trying to tiptoe around the EEA at that point of time. Hoping she could start planting the seeds for the EEA to be more accepting of non-pony students with just the 5, with one of each species at the school. Gradually adding more each subsequent year. Which led to the unfortunate confrontation with Chancellor Neighsay. Though after what Cozy did, Neighsay got a wake up call that some of the most heinous evil could come from within Equestria. Especially after hearing Starlight and the legendary Sunset Shimmer’s spirit out on Cozy’s true nature. No matter what he may have thought about non-ponies, he didn’t think any of them would want try to end all life. The non-ponies Twilight enrolled in the school ended up defeating one of, if not the most notoriously evil pony of all-time. The experience quickly resulting in the EEA taking a second look at the rulebook, and abolishing their more discriminatory rules, and strict guidelines. Paving the way for schools even outside of the School of Friendship to enroll non-ponies. A majority of non-pony students though wanted to specifically to go to the now world-renowned School of Friendship. There was plenty of room for them all, as the large castle in Ponyville became a sort of dorm for all of the students to stay in.
As Starlight promised Twilight as well, she has extensively studied the changelings ever since being tasked to learn about them. With Ocellus by her side, and some frequent visits to Thorax and Pharynx’s hive. What had already been a positive relationship between her and the changelings (having been the leader of a rescue operation where she and Thorax showed there was a healthier way for Changelings to live then kidnapping ponies to drain them of their love). Now, Starlight was also the expert that knew the ins and out of changeling behavior, biology, and more. Sometimes, Trixie would struggle working with counseling Changeling students every now and then. In which Starlight would step in, and be able to use her past counseling experience with her knowledge of Changelings to help. If Spike was the hero the Crystal Empire looked up to most, Starlight was that for the changelings.
What’s still has not been answered though, is just what Starlight’s extensive research about the Changelings was ultimately for…
That is… until now…
At the tree house near the Castle of the Two Sisters, Twilight is speaking with the Tree of Harmony’s spirit
Treelight: So Twilight, do you think Starlight Glimmer is ready at last?
The Princess nods
Twilight: Yes, I think she should be well prepared now for her next level of studies.
Treelight: Understood, it’s been a while since the last friendship quest. I credit you, your friend’s, and both former and current students of the School of Friendship for that, But this is something that if your student has done her due diligence, she’ll be the only one right now able to help… her…
Twilight: I have 100% confidence she’ll succeed. If anything, I’ve probably waited a little too long before finally deciding the time was right… Either way, it’s time for Starlight to finish what she’s started in more ways then one…
Twilight gives off a determined look towards the spirit. Who nods along and signals to Twilight that she’s activated the Cutie Map for the first time in a long time. Twilight gently smiles, before closing her eyes to focus for a teleport towards the direction of her old castle in Ponyville. Where she’ll stand in wait for her student’s arrival….
((MOD NOTE: Reminder that is is possible to send asks for these future versions of any characters here or even ones that aren’t mentioned, if perhaps you’re curious about some others in this timeskip or otherwise want to see more of the ones mentioned here for any reason. As otherwise most of this current story will be pretty Starlight-centric))
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Jax: Punk Night
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Designer’s Reflection: Punk Night
Obtained: Sea of Fantasy, Gleam, Designer Intel Hub
Rarity: SR
Attribute: Blue/Cool
Awakened Suit: Dazzling Night
Story - transcripts from Designer’s Reflection
Chapter 1 - First Encounter
Chapter 2 - Confounded Truth
Chapter 3 - Ordinary Fairy Tale
Story - summarized
Jax is waiting around until the time of her next gig. It’s at a cafe, which she finds odd. When she gets lost, she stops a passing girl and asks for directions. The girl, Yuka, works at this cafe, and she tells Jax how to get there.
The “cafe” is actually a bar, and everyone dresses in punk-rock style - well, except for Yuka. Jax helps her dress up into something punk and cool, and Yuka starts to come out of her shell.
It’s time for Jax to lead the band. She spots Yuka screaming along with the crowd. After the concert, Jax and Yuka head to Yuka’s apartment. Yuka drunkenly asks why the singer is so nice to her.
“It’s the reason I came into this world,” Jax thinks to herself, “to be there for you.”
Jax ends up with the hangover the next morning, and Yuka takes care of her. Yuka’s pet bunny, Fluffy hops into the room and starts talking. Jax is the only other person besides Yuka to understand Fluffy. Jax then asks if she can move in as a roommate. She and Yuka become intimate friends.
-The only other Reflection that features both Yuka and Jax is their shared Designer’s Reflection, Fairytale Aroma.
-Yuka and Nikki work at the same cafe (except Nikki seems to refer to an actual coffee house).
-Major Spoiler: Yuka has DID/OSDD, so this memory shows the “birth” of her alter Jax. This explains the inconsistencies in the memory, like how Yuka was the drunk one in Chapter 2, but then Jax has the hangover in Chapters 1 and 3. It also explains why Jax’s motorcycle is just outside Yuka’s apartment building.
Fun Facts
-The name “Jax” comes from a type of alcohol, most likely from applejack.
-The name “Yuka” comes from Japanese and can mean “gentle flower,” or any of the myriad combinations with the kanji characters.
-While Jax is just Yuka’s alter, they both act towards each other like an intimate couple. It is possible for alters in a DID/OSDD system to be in relationships: platonic, familial, or even sometimes romantic. To learn more, check out this site.
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thedumbguywithaheart43 · 3 years ago
A spark of hope
chapter 5 story 1
1.Sparks walked with spike to his home. The big ass castle in town. Say what you will about royalty they knew how to do the place up. Still it was far deeper in town then sparks wanted to go.
2. But after everything they had went through to get him his first kill Sparks assumed it would be fitting to at least accompany his little protege. Even if Spike was now about his height."you know your family is going to freak when you come home twice your original height."
3. Spike started laughing."well it was totally worth it. Although I'm sure I'm going to get a lot of studying done on me. Twilight's going to take every chance to record every little change of me right when I get inside."Sparks Patted him on the shoulder."Hey no matter what though they're your family I'm sure they'll be thrilled to see the changes. All part of growing up right."
4. Spike just gave a simple nod. "Thanks for walking me home it was nice to have someone to talk to about all this."Sparks just smiled as he turned away."Anytime kiddo."Spike then reached for the doorknob only for the door to swing open suddenly and six Mares to immediately surround him.
5. Six very pissed off Mares. Actually make that five pissed off mares and Fluttershy who looked like she just wanted to go home."SPIKE! Why the bucking hell have you been sneaking to the everfree!"Spikes eyes widened. They knew. This also got Sparks attention as he stopped in his tracks to look behind him.
7."Fluttershy told me she saw you hunting! You were eating meat! Why the hell were you eating meat!"Spike wanted to answer but he was too paralyzed by The many eyes around him.
8. The girls themselves on the other hand were very uncomfortable. They all came out to speak to spike but right now this felt like more of a conversation between him and his guardian. Right now they were just there to watch. Maybe that's what Twilight wanted.
9. Sparks also watched only he was resisting the urge to jump in. Twilight then begin her rant once more after a short breather."do you have any idea what ponies would think if they saw that! What if someone else found out about this! For all we knew there could have been an angry mod coming to take you away! And I've been worrying every single night!"
10. Spike was now taking a step back lowering himself below twilight's eye line looking straight up at her as he did."I swear spike you gave me a heart attack! Do you have any idea how worried I was I thought you could be in danger an turns out you could have been!"Twilight herself look like she was on the verge of tears but her anger persisted as she walked towards spike."Im so angry spike I'm very disappo..."Twilight never finished her sentence.
11. Her view was now blocked from spike. Because Sparks quicker than anyone had registered got right in between the two and he was pissed. He also abandon his hood letting the garment fall to the ground behind him.
12. Before everyone stood a jet black Pegasus stallion. Just a little shorter than Big Mac. He had a bone white short mane with a few strands poking out. And a tail to match. His wings were also slightly larger than the average Pegasus. Solid black with white tips. They were also bound with what seemed to be large bands making it impossible for him to fly.
13. Still that didn't stop him from putting himself between the angry princess and the Dragon. And at a speed that even rainbow Dash would be impressed with if she wasn't absolutely stunned by the display that was happening.
14."Don't you fuckin dare talk to spike like that!"Twilight was lost for words as the stallion glared at her."I don't give a shit if you're the princess of Equestria or the fucking goddess of the world itself! You wanna be pissed that spike was following his nature you can deal. With. Me."
15. At this point rainbow Dash had moved with applejack to either side of Twilight. Not yet ready to barge in but they're to protect their friend."How dare you talk to me that way I'm looking out for his best interest!" She snarled back. But despite her words she felt an instant sense of dread as if the back of his eyes were turning into small storms.
16."you're not looking out for his best interest you're looking out for the best interest of ponies! I have no doubt in my mind that you truly love your dragon but you don't seem to understand anything about his biology what you were doing to him could have killed him in the future!"everyone took a sharp gasp even Spike.
17."wha-what?"Once again Twilight without a loss for words."A gem only diet is incredibly dangerous for a dragon to do long-term! You don't know how many countless dragons I saw in the dragonlands who only ever ate gems die at the hands of a larger predator because their bodies hadn't grown the strength necessary to defend themselves. Without a larger frame and harder scales there's no doubt in my mind that if Spike were to ever go out of pony care he would be killed!"
18. Twilight now took her own step back."Spike is 17 years old! And I could only tell that because the fact that he has a wings and guess why that is."Twilight could barely get the words out."H-he wasn't eating m-meat."she now felt herself pressed up against the door as her friend stood around sparks. Ready to pounce.
19. Sparks then notice the terror in her eyes. He wanted to protect spike to defend him but. He didn't come there to make pretty mares cry. And admittedly this one was a princess as well.
20. Additionally he also noticed the dark clouds forming around them and a heavy wind starting to blow. He took a deep breath and spoke."look I-im sorry. I've got a bit of an issue with my temper I just couldn't stand by and hear you say those things to someone you care about. Your a pony who took in a dragon that's more than I can say for a lot of folks."
22. He could now also see the mares around him but he showed little concern. He then took several steps back giving the mare a chance to breathe."I uh wow um I'm not wearing my cloak uuuh."There was a slight blush on his face as he realized everyone was staring at him. Although luckily everyone seem to have taken a deep breath when he backed away.
23. Twilight then started to stand up again taking more deep breaths as she stared at stallion in front of her and her fear quickly turned to curiosity."How do you know so much about dragons?"Sparks seemed almost surprised when she asked."oh uh I spent about the last 6 years or so living in and around the dragon lands I got to witness the lives of many dragons."
24. He was given a few looks of what the fuck by the mares all though he could hardly blame them."look I truly don't mean to intrude on the way you're teaching him but I don't think anyone else around here or anywhere for that matter knows more about dragons. So I did what I thought was right and taught him what I could and I would like to keep teaching but I cannot blame you if you forbid him from speaking with me again."Twilight stood up examining the stallion.
25. She noticed things about him things she wasn't sure if anyone else could. He had an ungodly amount of bags under his eyes as if he hasn't slept in weeks. He had a light scars barely visible through his fur all around his face and hooves. Most probably would never see them as they blended nearly perfectly with his black coat. Most importantly she noticed the eyes.
26. They were eyes that showed nothing but caring. Whoever the stranger was had taken a liking to spike an the way spike was currently hiding behind him. she knew what she had to do. Twilight spoke "could you please come inside I would like to talk some for spikes sake."
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 4 years ago
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3Bs8OWc
by Adultswimlver
pls unban it i need it back
Words: 13, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game), Five Nights at Freddy's, Friday Night Funkin' (Video Game), Friday the 13th Series (Movies), Friday the 13th: The Game (Video Game), The Good Place (TV), The Good Wife (TV), The Good Doctor (TV 2017), WWE Immortals (Video Game), WWE 2K (Video Games), Orange is the New Black, 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Attack Attack! (Band), Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan, The Owl House (Cartoon), The Loud House (Cartoon), Queen (Band), The Queen's Gambit (TV), Frog and Toad - Arnold Lobel, Steven Universe (Cartoon), My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, My Little Pony: Equestria Girls, Sherlock (TV), Sherlock Holmes & Related Fandoms, 小林さんちのメイドラゴン | Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon | Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid, Dragon Age: Inquisition, How to Train Your Dragon (Movies), ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Owl City (Band), Gravity Falls, League of Legends, The Maze Runner Series - James Dashner, The Maze Runner Series - All Media Types, Minecraft (Video Game), Slamacow Minecraft Animations (Web Series), Plants vs Zombies, House of Cards (US TV), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Young Justice (Cartoon), Justice League - All Media Types, DCU (Comics), D.C. 〜ダ・カーポ〜 | Da Capo, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Supergirl (TV 2015), American Idol RPF, Family Guy (Cartoon), Addams Family - All Media Types, Addams Family (TV 1964), The New Addams Family (TV), Camp Camp (Web Series), Total Drama (Cartoon), Regular Show (Cartoon), 約束のネバーランド | Yakusoku no Neverland | The Promised Neverland (Manga), Riviera: The Promised Land, Moana (2016), Mobile Legends: Bang Bang (Video Game), IT - Stephen King, Grand Theft Auto V, Grand Theft Auto Series (Video Games), asdfmovie (Cartoon), TLC (Band), Mumintroll | Moomins Series - Tove Jansson, Gideon's Daughter (2005), The Gideon Trilogy - Linda Buckley-Archer, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Avatar: Legend of Korra, Avatar (2009), One Direction (Band), Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, ENA - Joel G (Web Series), Roblox (Video Game), Super Mario & Related Fandoms, Nintendogs, Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types, 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS, LOONA (Korea Band), iKON (Korea Band), Korean Actor RPF, The Cleveland Show, American Dad!, American Horror Story, Splatoon, SpongeBob SquarePants (Cartoon), Amphibia (Cartoon), Deltarune (Video Game), Men in Black (Movies), Men in Black: The Series, Spider-Man - All Media Types, Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Pinky and the Brain, Hannah Montana (TV), Gossip Girl (TV 2007), Inside Out (2015), Among Us (Video Game), Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Trek, The Amazing World of Gumball, Super Dangan Ronpa 2, Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types, Anne with an E (TV), Anne of Green Gables - L. M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables (TV 1985) & Related Fandoms
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Garnet (Steven Universe), Amethyst (Steven Universe), Famethyst (Steven Universe), Amethyst(s) (Steven Universe), Holly Blue Agate (Steven Universe), Pearl (Steven Universe), Pearl (Splatoon), White Diamond (Steven Universe), Yellow Diamond (Steven Universe), Blue Diamond (Steven Universe), Blue Diamond's Pearl (Steven Universe), Pink Diamond (Steven Universe), Rose Quartz | Pink Diamond, Pink Diamond's Pearl (Steven Universe), Obsidian (Steven Universe), Jeon Jungkook, Park Jimin (BTS), Kim Sejin (BTS), Yeontan (BTS), Sans (Undertale), Papyrus (Undertale), Undyne (Undertale), Alphys (Undertale), Suzy (Undertale), Krista Lenz | Historia Reiss, Krista Lenz | Historia Riess' Husband, Ekrizdis (Harry Potter), Satoshi | Ash Ketchum, Man in the Mirror (JoJo), Higashikata Josuke (JoJo: Diamond is Unbreakable), Diavolo (JoJo), Adeku | Alder, Uraraka Ochako, Ymir (Shingeki no Kyojin), Ymir Fritz, Ymir (Marvel), Yelena (Shingeki no Kyojin), Pieck Finger, Pieck Finger's Father, Pieck Finger's Mother, Hand Receptionist (Undertale), Hange Zoë, Jevil (Deltarune), Ralsei (Deltarune), Asriel Dreemurr, Lancer (Deltarune), Levi, Levi Ackerman, Mikasa Ackerman, Annie (Friday Night Funkin'), Annie Leonhart, Boyfriend (Friday Night Funkin'), Girlfriend (Friday Night Funkin'), Lois Griffin, Peter Griffin, Beth Harmon, Cleo (The Queen's Gambit), Benny (The Loud House), Benny Watts, Lincoln Loud, SpongeBob SquarePants, Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley, George Weasley, Fred Weasley, Molly Weasley, Charlie Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Padparadscha (Steven Universe), Lapis Lazuli (Steven Universe), Peridot (Steven Universe), Mean Lapis (Steven Universe), Nice Lapis (Steven Universe), Bismuth (Steven Universe), Luz Noceda, Amity Blight, Lilith Clawthorne, Frieda Berlin, Eda Clawthorne, Frieda Reiss, Petra Moritz, Petra Ral, Alex Park, Alex Vause, Piper Chapman, Nicky Nichols, Lorna Morello, Dayanara "Daya" Diaz, Artesian McCullough, Daddy Dearest (Friday Night Funkin'), Dominga "Daddy" Duarte, Mommy Mearest (Friday Night Funkin'), Carol Denning, Barbara "Barb" Denning, James "Bucky" Barnes, Peter Parker, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Wanda Bell, Wanda Maximoff, Desi Piscatella, Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic), Pinkie Pie (My Little Pony), Rainbow Quartz (Steven Universe), Rainbow Dash (My Little Pony), Applejack (My Little Pony), Patrick Star, Towntrap (FNAF High School), Freddy Fazbear, Bonnie (Five Nights at Freddy's), Chica (Five Nights at Freddy's), Foxy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Natemare (Mangled), The Mangle (Five Nights at Freddy's), Marionette | The Puppet, Mike Schmidt (Five Nights at Freddy's), Purple Guy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Michael Afton, Meg Griffin, Stewie Griffin, Chris Griffin (Family Guy), The Brain (Pinky and the Brain), Brian Griffin, Glenn Quagmire, Joe Swanson, Michael (The Good Place), Janet (The Good Place), Trevor (The Good Place), Bad Janet (The Good Place), Nicole Watterson, Spinel (Steven Universe), Steven Universe, Connie Springer, Connie Maheswaran, Sasha Blouse, Stan Pines, Ford Pines, Bud Gleeful, Gideon Gleeful, Dipper Pines, Mabel Pines, Wendy Corduroy, Reiner Braun
Relationships: Lois Griffin/Peter Griffin, Lois Griffin/Glenn Quagmire, Lois Griffin/Bonnie Swanson, Brian Griffin & Stewie Griffin, Brian Griffin/Stewie Griffin, Brian Griffin/Lois Griffin, Sans/Toriel (Undertale), Papyrus/Sans (Undertale), Chara/Frisk (Undertale), Chara/Asriel Dreemurr, Amethyst/Pearl (Steven Universe), Amethyst/Peridot (Steven Universe), Pearl/Rose Quartz (Steven Universe), Blue Diamond's Pearl/Yellow Diamond's Pearl (Steven Universe), Pearl/Pink Diamond (Steven Universe), Bismuth/Pearl (Steven Universe), Blue Diamond/Yellow Diamond (Steven Universe), Hermione Granger/Harry Potter, Amity Blight/Luz Noceda, Moblit Berner/Hange Zoë, Hange Zoë/Reader, Pieck Finger/Hange Zoë, Pieck Finger/Porco Galliard, Pieck Finger/Reader, Pieck Finger/Yelena, Krista Lenz | Historia Reiss/Ymir, Mikasa Ackerman/Annie Leonhart, Mikasa Ackerman/Eren Yeager, Reiner Braun/Bertolt Hoover, Ruby/Sapphire (Steven Universe), Mettaton/Papyrus (Undertale), Eda Clawthorne & Lilith Clawthorne & Luz Noceda
Additional Tags: Vore, Cock Vore, Vore Predator Morality | Patton Sanders, Come Inflation, Inflation, Blueberry Inflation (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory), Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Rough Sex, Vaginal Sex, Sex Toys, Semi-Public Sex, Gay Sex, Public Sex, Phone Sex, Shower Sex, Car Sex, Drunk Sex, Rough Oral Sex, No Sex, Cuddling & Snuggling, Platonic Cuddling, Post-Coital Cuddling, Accidental Cuddling, First Kiss, Forehead Kisses, New Year's Kiss, True Love's Kiss, Christmas, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - AlterFell (Undertale), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - High School, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Alternate Universe - Human, B.A.R.F. | Binarily Augmented Retro Framing, Song: WAP (Cardi B ft. Megan Thee Stallion), Bisexual B. J. Hunnicutt, Bucky Barnes Feels, Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug, Bruce Wayne is a Good Parent, No Smut, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Hurt No Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Audio Format: Streaming, Stream of Consciousness, Blow Jobs, First Time Blow Jobs, Public Blow Jobs, Menstruation, Menstrual Sex, Men of Letters Bunker (Supernatural), Men Crying, Menstruation Kink, Wiccan Dean Winchester, Protective Dean Winchester, Hurt Dean Winchester, POV Dean Winchester, Face-Fucking, Fuck Or Die, Strap-Ons, Anal Fingering, Cock Rings, Vaginal Fingering, Fingerfucking, Mentions of Hello Kitty, Finger Sucking, Mood Swings, Mind/Mood Altering Substances, Giant Spiders, Community: hd100, Anne Boonchuy Needs a Hug, Protective Anne Boonchuy
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3Bs8OWc
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poodle-bird · 4 months ago
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At long last… some art of the whole band! This is Applejack in 1971 shortly after having their first national hit with “Everybody Shake”.
Here’s a who’s who for everyone curious:
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metalrequiem · 4 years ago
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Instead of writing the next part of the story, I made references of the au elements and the show’s main characters (minus twilight, obviously). I’ll start writing the second fic one of these days 🤡
image description under cut
[Image description: two references of characters from the MLP Celestial Swap AU.
The first picture is of the AU’s mane six. The top row is of Sunset Shimmer, Gilda the griffon, and Rara. Sunset’s cutie mark is a red and yellow sun, and Rara’s cutie mark is five multicolored eighth notes rotating around a star. Gilda doesn’t have a cutie mark. The bottom row is of Sassy Saddles, Derpy Hooves, and Zecora. Sassy Saddles is wearing a gold saddle and her cutie mark is three crossed pins. Derpy’s cutie mark is rising bubbles, and Zecora technically doesn’t have a cutie mark. Zecora is wearing gold bands around her neck and front left leg, and she has gold earrings. Below the cast is the Elements of Harmony. Magic is a red, eight-pointed star. Loyalty is a violet feather. Honesty is shaped like a pin, with an orange circle with a grey triangle pointing down. Laughter is six yellow circles of differing sizes reminiscent of bubbles. Kindness is a lime green eighth note. Generosity is an aqua circle with a spiral in the center.
The second image is of the AU’s versions of the show’s mane six, minus Twilight Sparkle, and their color palettes. All of their cutie marks are the same. Pinkie Pie is short and fluffy, with yellow hooves, resembling a shetland pony. Fluttershy is tall and thin, with large wings. Her mane is extremely long, and her tail drags on the ground. Rainbow dash is lean-muscular and has a short, windswept mane and tail. Her legs fade from blue to white; the outer feathers of her wings are rainbow and the inner feathers are white. Applejack is a strong and bulky draft horse, and she has off-white markings on her hooves, chest, and snout. She also has markings below her eyes that resemble freckles. Rarity is well-groomed and lithe, and she has dark grey hooves.]
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lesbianapplejack · 4 years ago
You have good opinions so I’m curious. Any head cannons you’d like to share?
🥺 👉👈 r-really?
well since you asked~
All ponies? Autistic. Cutie Marks = special interest
For awhile, Princess Celestia thought Twilight was reincarnated Star Swirl.
Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity all ended up getting married in the end sorry i dont make the rules <3
Twilight couldn’t say Shining Armor at first (its a mouthful for a baby) so she called him Shy Shy for awhile.
Scootaloo becomes a professional stunt pony after some proper (and safe) training. Its more of a hobby because she’s obviously still a CMC
When Diamond Tiara gets older, she joins the guard and eventually raises in rank (I might’ve gotten this from art but i can’t remember). She did it at first just to piss her mom off for doing an “un lady-like” job, but then she actually started liking the job and got serious about it.
Granny Smith got Winona not long after Pear Butter and Bright Mac died. It helped cheer the kids up to have a puppy around
Starlight Glimmer tried to start a punk-rock band. then a heavy metal band. then a screamo band. none of which panned out AT ALL
idk why but I really like Maori human!Rainbow Dash. idk i’ve been thinking about that all day...
Rainbow Dash’s first nightmare night her parents dressed her as a Wonder Bolt and thus the obsession began...
Finale!Pinkie Pie’s hair is filled with lots of glitter, rhinestones, etc. Lil Cheese put them there and Pinkie adores that about her baby
Rarity was very self-conscious of herself at a young age because of dysphoria. But, making new friends who accepted her helped her come into herself and then she got to be the proud mare you see today!
Big Mac often goes to visit Burnt Oak to listen to stories about his parents. There’s a lot of crying
Burnt Oak and Chiffon swirl both were a lil in love with Bright Mac and Pear Butter, respectively.
Granny Smith is a trans lesbian
Applejack and rarity met before they both started their transition in passing but then met again a few years later. they had a good laugh (and cry) about how far they had both come
Fluttershy’s favorite animals to take care of are actually the birds.
The student six like to plan days to meet up at least once a month to hang out. Each time it’s hosted at one of their houses.
Starlight Glimmer and Sunburst came out as lesbian and gay respectively at the same time
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jcmorrigan · 4 years ago
How was your element of harmony fic gonna end?
Context for those unaware: EoH was one of my many attempts at a multicrossover. A predecessor to TBTC. It was my goal at being an EVERYTHING CROSSOVER and taking forever to highlight every little thing that could be explored in the canon of each work used. And I was in a difficult relationship with KH at the time, even though it was obviously a KH derivative, so I didn't want to actually use Sora and co. as the main cast. MLPFIM was a comfort show for me, and I was already used to the br0n135 using the Mane Six in crossovers with everything you could imagine, so I was like, hey, let's do this, Mane Six are now multi-world travelers and Discord is assembling every villain ever to stand in their way. (KH then ended up in the mythos anyway!) This is also where I was playing the infamous Twilight Sparkle/Mozenrath ship that is now very very dead.
To explain exactly what all was going on with the lore and politics of it to make this last bit make sense would take too long, so from there, please just...roll with it. I'm about to detail you THE FINALE ARC
The original idea was actually, at some point, to begin work on the Finale Arc when most of the main players were introduced. Then go back in time and keep editing the middle of the story to go on indefinitely. A bad business plan for many reasons, first of all being that I didn't even get to introduce the players that would've made it possible to begin the arc. That's how long I took to explore EVERY FRICKIN THING.
Over the course of the story, Discord has been interfering on every crossover world you can imagine, to the point of sometimes altering their canons into "fix fic." The story is aware of this. It's kinda like in the Loki series (of which I've only watched episode 1) where there's a "sacred timeline" and Discord's crossover actions are deliberate attempts by him to break it. We learn at some point that paradoxes and timeline changes are what broke the Age of Fairy Tales into the KH worlds we know today. So Discord rounds up his Old Ones (the Lovecraftian monstrosities that are more powerful than gods) and they all band together to strike at all the cracks he's put in the structure of the multiverse, and it all just falls APART. Worlds are destroyed, time has no meaning, suddenly everything is shards floating in void. The main players survive, mostly. Countless civilians die. Some named characters are given tragic deaths.
I've actually written one little snippet from this arc because I wanted to. It details two particular characters, who at the time were side villains I enjoyed and was just digging the vibe of, going down defending a stronghold from the creatures of Darkness (oni, yokai, Heartless, Grimm) that emerged from the void when everything broke. By the way do you want to take a guess who these characters IT WAS ARCHIBALD SNATCHER AND ROMAN TORCHWICK. GOD, THAT SHOULD'VE BEEN THE SIGN RIGHT THEN AND THERE THAT THEY WERE WHO I WANTED TO BE WRITING ABOUT FULL-TIME
But! I had a friend who'd lent me the book "Haroun and the Sea of Stories," and I was REALLY into that book's whole concept of "all stories in existence are threatened to end." So I lifted Khattam-Shud, a personification of The End (and I have since heard is also a political caricature), as the ACTUAL final boss. Discord wanted to blow up the multiverse because of the CHAOS that would ensue! KS, however, wanted to end EVERYTHING. (If I were doing this today, he'd just flat-out be Ansem, Seeker of Darkness instead.) Discord would realize he'd been played as KS makes a bid to line up one more cataclysm that will reduce everything to dust.
Heroes and villains alike, Discord included, find each other across the wastelands and amass into one last survivors' army led by the Mane Six. They approach the final field standing between them and KS and they charge. KS unleashes Dark creatures (Echthroi, as I had it) to gun them down. Pretty much everyone dies in this battle except the Mane Six themselves. (Which should give you a hint as to how this REALLY ends, but let's keep going.) The Mane Six fight their way to KS (and I'm REALLY gonna date myself here - the final line of defense before him was gonna be Paige the freaking Notebook from DHMIS as a personification of creative control). He shatters the Elements and then un-exists the Mane Six, but they don't die.
Instead, they end up in a sort of...white realm, inspired by the development rooms in The Stanley Parable (I was into even weirder fandoms back then than I am now apparently?). At one point it was gonna be "inside the author's laptop" and they could see doors to other timelines (i.e. crossover fanfics my friends were doing). They can also see all the files here for all the worlds they visited on their way and all the friends they made. Y'know, everything that's now DEAD.
The memories of everyone and everything they loved, however, allows them to forge one (1) new Element stone. This is...wait for it...THE ELEMENT OF HARMONY. Its surface shimmers with a rainbow of all colors! But wait! When it's flipped over, there's another side to the same gem, with colors dissonantly swirled around in an ugly way. Our heroines realize that the Element of Harmony also serves a dual purpose as the Element of Chaos, since you can't have one without the other!
The Mane Six find a way back to KS' battlefield, where he's about to finally UN-EXIST EVERYTHING. Twilight gets to say the one and only "FUCK" she's allowed to say in the whole story (I really...want to use this same joke on Mozenrath in TBTC...I know I've said he curses inaudibly to keep him IC but just imagine in the finale arc he gets the one and only FUCK he's ever allowed in his life). The six huddle around their Element of Harmony and activate its magic, casting a rainbow aura that begins to heal the broken multiverse. KS then tells them there's no way that will ever work because he and the other Old Ones caused so many paradoxes that it'll fall back apart again. To build a multiverse that's stable under these conditions would make no sense. And Twilight goes "WHAT FUN IS THERE IN MAKING SENSE" and flips the Element over to the Chaos side! Now the Chaos energy basically...fixes all the plot holes and physical impossibilities of the multiverse, allowing it to rebuild everything that had broken without a single issue!
Discord petrifies Khattam-Shud and it was fairly badass but I can't remember exactly what one-liner I gave him to end it.
Lights up on a rebuilt multiverse. Everyone's alive again and nothing's broken! YAY! And everyone in the survivor army (though they're not "survivors" anymore since EVERYONE is alive again) has come to Equestria to give the Mane Six a celebration for saving literally everything! AND THEY'RE ALL PONIES OR OTHERWISE MAGICAL CREATURES BECAUSE OF MY RULES OF FORM CHANGING IN THAT FIC. HAHAHAHAHA IT WAS A VERY COMICAL MENTAL IMAGE AND STILL IS.
The Six get their ships (Twilight/Mozenrath, Pinkie Pie/Megavolt, Fluttershy/Sakuya from Okami, Rarity/Stork, Rainbow Dash/I would really rather not say this one because it was taboo in a way I don't wanna touch again, Applejack/I don't even know anymore because it was gonna be Emma Swan and then it wasn't and then I just got confused). And everyone just has a good time.
Also I heard the song "We Come Running" by Youngblood Hawke on the radio once and I was like "This would go great over a credits sequence" so I used it for a while as my inspo for a KH-style "credits montage" where you see each of the most major worlds and the factions that live on them, and an early concept for the WHAM ARMY was one of these factions and this cracks me up so much because they graduated from a shot in the KH montage to WE ARE THE PROTAGS OF THE NEXT FIC
And that's pretty much it!
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Chapter 18: The Royal Ball, Part 6 - Sweetie Belle’s Performance
While their much older friends and/or family are having their fun, the Cutie Mark Crusaders have had a table for themselves where they’ve been playing together and enjoying the performances that have shown up thus far themselves. Clapping for Trixie’s show, getting some good laughs from Autumn’s Puppet Show, and Sweetie Belle in particular enjoying Coloratura singing The Magic Inside again. 
They continue to have some banter between them, until they’re joined by a family member of Apple Bloom and former fellow cutie mark crusader, Babs Seed. Who eventually found her talent in being a barber in Manehattan and is currently under the tutelage under of one of the most famous hair stylists in Manehattan. While she was here, she thought she’d visit her cousin and her friends for a little bit
Babs Seed: Hey there, Apple Bloom! How’s my cuz, doin’?
Apple Bloom: Oh hey Babs! Nice t’ see ya! Ya’ll still having ah nice time at that barber shop ya work fo’?
Babs: Yeah! I get chosen whenever somepony wants a cool haircut, such as mohawks or the different kinds of punk-style haircuts
Scootaloo: Niicceeee! Maybe I should get one of your hairstyles sometime, Babs!
Babs: Haha, I’d love to have a hoof at styling your hair in cool ways some day, Scoots.
Sweetie: I may need your services sometime too, Babs. I’ve gotten into singing metal, could be useful for such performances.
Babs: Awww yeah! That would be pretty nice too, Sweetie. I have been wondering how you’ve all been. Been up to anything lately? Maybe tell me how you all were invited here?
Apple Bloom: Sure thing! Ah was mah sister’s first invite when she got t’ the farm, then ah would go t’ get inviting Zecora here as mah sister invited others in our family, as well as Rara and Autumn.
Babs: Yeah, thanks to ya sister we got some pretty awesome, and funny in the case of Autumn Blaze, performances tonight! Though I also kind of got to thank her for inviting Rara for another reason, as in turn she’d bring me. I was taking care of Photo Finish’s mane at the time Applejack was there in Manehattan so I couldn’t quite come across her. Anything else happen though, Apple Bloom?
Apple Bloom: Well.. all that’s left is sort o’ sad, Ah must warn ya. But what ah did next was try t’ see if Grand Pear was available t’ go, he didn’t end up goin’ but we’d find him visiting the graves o’ mah late parents…
Babs: Oh… yea… visiting the graves of dead beloved relatives is always a bummer… I hope this ball is making ya feel better though.
Apple Bloom: It is, yeah.
Babs: How about you, Scoots? Whatcha been up to?
Scootaloo: Hm, it has been a while since we last saw eachother hasn’t it?
Babs: Well, I was at the party ya held that ya girls held to try to convince ya parents to let you stay in Ponyville. But I suppose I haven’t been made too aware of what ya’ve done in a little more then 2 years.
Scootaloo: Is that so? Then I guess you’re not quite very are of… this!
Scootaloo shifts her body from the waist down into her seapony tail in front of Babs, and bends it in a way that would be impossible to bend hooves in to prove it’s a real fish-like tail. Scootaloo now sitting with her sea pony tail dangling down from the side of her chair.
Babs: WHOA! Ya can turn half-fish?! Just like the hippogriffs with their necklaces, but ya don’t have a necklace! How are ya doing it?
Scootaloo: A wish from Twilight, really. But there’s more to this then just that, I’ve been training myself to use this form and get even better at swimming. And just two weeks ago? I was able to convince Spitfire and the Wonderbolts to make a new branch called the Waterbolts! I can’t join yet despite helping start it, but they got decent number of good swimmers from Mount Aeris/Seaquestria to get it started. Along with some of the best fliers there too who will try to become proper Wonderbolts in the near future.
Babs: That’s awesome! Dang Scoots, ya’ve made history!
Scootaloo: Just wait till’ I’m all grown up and I’m the fastest swimmer on the planet! That will be the real kind of history I want to make!
Babs: Yeah! That’ll be a sight to see one day, ya could even do a show in the Manehattan Bay! See how fast it takes for ya to do 20 laps around The Statue of Friendship!
Scootaloo: Yeah! Exactly! It’s gonna be awesome!
Scootaloo transforms back to her pony form
Babs: Now how about you, Sweetie. You mentioned you found out you’re a bit of a metal singer. Mind explaining that?
Sweetie: Of course! After being invited by my sister, we would eventually get to Vinyl Scratch and Octavia’s house to invite them. I decided I’d stay with them a little bit as Rarity got her invitees. I decided to give their karaoke machine a try, and picked a few songs I wanted to sing for them. All of the ones I chose were some level of Metal/Hard Rock. And I guess I did great, as I left them impressed to the point that they actually want me to sing another song here at the ball just to show my voice.
Babs: No way, you’re going to be performing?! When?
Sweetie: Well either me or Cheese Sandwich is next. As soon as Octavia and Vinyl Scratch are called, I’m going to need to head over to see them to get ready.
Babs: So ya plan on rocking the palace in a little bit?
Sweetie: Weellllll the song I chose for the ball isn’t going to be a super intense song, it’s still made by a band that generally does metal, but it’ll be one of their softer ones. I decided I would try to make my first ever solo appearance in front of an audience with something intent on evoking emotions rather then a bang your head kind of tune.
Babs: Yeah, that’s probably respectable. What’s the song?
Sweetie: Mother’s Soul from Stalliondust
Babs: Oooooh, that is a good one. Can’t wait to hear your singing voice, Sweetie. Ya obviously have a talent in music going by your cutie mark, so this will be great to see!
Apple Bloom: Ooo! Ah think ah see the palace staffer walking t’ the stage t’ announce the next performance!
Indeed, as Apple Bloom noticed the palace staffer once again goes up to the stage as the audience once again quiets down to let him speak.
Palace Staffer: Thank you, thank you. Our next performance includes backing instruments from Octavia and Vinyl Scratch. Who will joined by a young rookie singer by the name of Sweetie Belle, showing off her singing talent for the first time solo in front of a big crowd!
This intrigued many in the audience who were aware of Vinyl Scratch and Octavia but have never met Sweetie. Though for those who do know Sweetie, loud cheers could be heard. Especially from her sister and her parents.
Sweetie: Oh my gosh! I’m next!. Seeya soon Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Babs! I need to get ready!
Scootaloo: Good luck, Sweetie!
Apple Bloom: Ya’ll do great! We know ya will!
((Story continues after the break))
Sweetie Belle quickly hops off her chair and rushes to wherever she can find Vinyl Scratch and Octavia. Eventually, she just manages to get to them before they were starting to walk behind the curtains on stage.
Sweetie: Hey! Vinyl! Octavia! I’m here!
Octavia: Hello, Sweetie Belle. Are you ready to debut your singing talent for the world to know?
Sweetie: Yes… I’m no longer shy about my singing. It’s time I finally put my front hoof forward.
Vinyl Scratch nods, and gives Sweetie an approving grin.
Octavia: That’s good to hear. By the way, you picked a great song. I know it’s not quite as intense as some of the ones you sang for us, but it may be a song that’s soft enough to endear your voice. And even if they’re surprised that you end up doing mostly more intense songs that aren’t to everypony’s taste, they can respect the range of your voice.
Sweetie: Thanks, Octavia
With that the 2 musicians, and the little aspiring singer all head backstage to take their places. Vinyl provides the machine that will play an instrumental of the song Sweetie sings, and Octavia provides a little extra symphonic metal elements into Sweetie’s choice of song. And of course, Sweetie on her own in the middle of the stage with a microphone. Soon, the curtain starts raising and the audience can see the three on stage. Claps are heard for the performance’s start.
Rarity: Good luck, Sweetie darling!
Sweetie smiles hearing the voice of her sister and takes a few heavy breaths. Before the song begins to play. Octavia already playing her instrument.
Mother’s Soul by Stalliondust ((To the tune of Angel’s Son by Sevendust))
Sweetie: Life is changing… annnnd…
I can’t… goooo on… withouuuut you…
Rearranging, annnnd… I will be strong!
I’ll stand byyyyyy you…
You were fighting… everyday…
Soooo hard to hide the pain…
I know you never said goodbye…
I had so much left to saaaaay…
(Sweetie puts her mouth closer to the mic to sing the first use of the chorus more quietly)
One last sooooong…
Given to a mother’s soooul…
As soon as you were gooone…
As soon as you were gooooone…
(Sweetie puts her mouth back from the mic, and starts to pick up the intensity as the song itself does)
I have a new life now…
I live through you!
What can I do?!
I feel so alone now…
I pray for you!
We still looove yooou!
You were fighting… everyday…
So hard to hide the pain…
I know you never said goodbye…
I had so much left to saaaaaaay…!
(The song picks up to it’s highest intensity)
One last soooong!
Given to a mother’s sooooooul!
As soon as you were goooone!
As soon as you were goooooone! Ooooh!
One last soooong! Ooooh!
I can’t believe, you’re gone!
Given to a mother’s sooooooul!
Iiiiii can’t beliiiieve!
As soon as you were gooone!
As soon as you were… gooone a ohhh a ohhh a
The song finishes, many of the audience’s mouth agape from Sweetie’s cover of the song. Soon claps are heard and they start spreading across the crowd until the entire crowd claps and starts cheering for the young singer. Not all were necessarily clapping, but that’s because instead they were emotionally moved by the lyrics for one reason or another. Many of the members of the M.I.L.F. club among them, being this is a song dedicated to a deceased mother, anyone in the audience who has a deceased parent, especially Applejack who took the lyrics to heart and is already wiping tears from her eyes. Starlight was still next to her, and is patting her on the back.
Applejack: *sniff* Such a-ah  b-b-beautiful s-so-song… *sob* W-w-well done, S-s-sweetie B-belle… *sniff*
Starlight herself also tears up a bit from the song since while it’s known this is for a deceased mother. The lyrics could still somewhat apply to a missing one, and she still can’t rule out the possibility that her mother is dead anyway.
Sweetie Belle walks off the stage and is immediately approached by her sister and her fellow crusaders.
Rarity: That was amazing, Sweetie! You really gave the crowd a show!
Apple Bloom: We knew ya’ll would ace this!
Scootaloo: Yeaaaah! You rocked it!
Suddenly, another pony comes to approach Sweetie Belle. It’s Coloratura herself quite impressed with Sweetie’s talent.
Rara: That was a top-notch performance, Sweetie. you have a voice that I think the whole world will want to hear. In fact, if you ever feel like you’re ready to start making record deal. My place can be open to you some day, and I’ll be your sort of manager.
Sweetie: Wait.. you… as my manager?!
Rara: Not immediately of course, I think you still have a little bit of your childhood to have before you do. But say when you think you’re ready to start selling records in your teenage years or older.
Scootaloo: Kinda like just how it will still be a few years until I’m ready to become a trainee for the Waterbolts!
Sweetie: My gosh, Coloratura… this is such an honor… even if this is still some years away… you have no idea how happy I am that you recognize my talent… Even if we’re kinda getting into different genres. You’re mainly a pop singer right?
Rara: That’s true, but because I’m a pop singer doesn’t mean I can’t manage other types of singers. I started self-managing ever since I kicked Sven Gallop out, and I felt as I got comfortable I’d eventually get to helping other singers find a footing. And I’ll be a nicer manager then Sven ever will be.
Sweetie: Well then, yes! Of course I’d love you to be my manager when I’m ready to start my music career in full!
Rara: On a side note, I know the stallion who wrote the song you sang. He unfortunately lost his mother to an illness, and that song was dedicated to her. And he would of loved to hear your cover of the song. Perhaps some day, you’ll get to perform your cover again while he’s in the audience.
Sweetie: Yeah… I figured the song was about a deceased mother. But nice of you to tell me the real story behind the song’s making. And that would be cool to have the actual band’s writer and lead singer listen to my cover! But if it’s ok, I think I’d like to return to my table with my friends, I still very much appreciate reserving a spot for me at your studios. So thank you, Coloratura.
Rara: No problem, Sweetie. I can’t wait to see what comes next for your music career.
Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo return to the table they were sitting. Many tables they’re passing by with strangers waving to the young Sweetie, as it seems she’s made a decent amount of fans already. Babs Seed is still at the table and sees the group approach.
Babs: Great singing, Sweetie Belle! Ya did great up there.
Sweetie: Thank you very much, Babs!
Once they’re seated, they don’t get much time before another pony approaches. Though it’s a pony the Crusaders are very fond of: Cheerilee, their school teacher.
Cheerilee: Hello, Cutie Mark Crusaders!
Apple Bloom: Miss Cheerilee!
Scootaloo; Hiya!
Sweetie: I’m so happy to see you’re here!
Cheerilee: I’ve been having a pretty good time here, thanks for thinking of inviting me Sweetie. And also… you did a great job out there on stage. I’m very proud of you, Sweetie. I know one day you will make it big in the music industry.
Sweetie: Thank you!
Cheerilee: Also, I want to talk to Scootaloo a little bit
Scootaloo: Oh no.. am I in trouble for something?
Cheerilee: No, not at all. I just want to congratulate you on starting up the Waterbolts!
Scootaloo: Huh? How’d you find out about that? I don’t think I told you yet.
Cheerilee: Me and Spitfire are actually good friends! While talking to her, she told me all about what you did in Mount Aeris/Seaquestria
Scootaloo: Oh nice! I can’t join it myself yet, but you bet I’m going to continue to swim as much as I can until then!
Cheerilee: I’ve seen you swim sometimes in Saddle Lake, the School of Friendship’s moat, and the rivers in town! You are really fast in the water! You’ll no doubt be a star, once you’re old enough to get in the Waterbolts.
Scootaloo: Thank you, Miss Cheerilee!
Cheerilee: And now Apple Bloom, mind if I ask if you have any idea where your big brother is?
Apple Bloom: Big Mac? Ah think he’s on a table with his wife, Sugar Belle.
Cheerilee: Ah, of course. They are certainly a cute couple.
Sweetie: You’re not going to fight with Sugar Belle... Are you?
Cheerilee: What? Why would I fig- Oooooooh, do you still think I have romantic interest in Big Mac? We were just friends, granted, we were only acquaintances until your love potion shenanigans.
Sweetie: Well… you did still say one of the names you called him while under the effects of the potion, after you were cured.
Cheerilee: Oh hahahaha, me and Big Mac just decided to prank you girls at that moment.
Apple Bloom: Ah think only Sweetie really thought ya had feelings for him. Ah’d know if ya’ll were together after that Love Potion incident.
Scootaloo: Yeah, you fooled me with that prank at first, but over time it probably would of been more clear if you really did become special someponies for real at some point.
Cheerilee: Then I guess Sweetie Belle must be slightly holding on to a ship she once had for me. I remember when you were upset that I didn’t kiss Big Mac, and you popped out of the bush yelling “OH COME ON” *giggles*
Sweetie: Nuh uh… I tried to help Big Mac get with Sugar Belle too! Though… it is still a shame that you still don’t have a special somepony.
Cheerilee: Well, what if I told you why you never did that Hearts and Hooves Day so long ago? Besides the fact that love potions override everything in a pony’s mind order to hypnotize ponies into loving eachother and won’t necessarily make it likelier that the two ponies become special someponies after being cured.
Cheerilee moves on closer in order to whisper, and the 3 hold up their ears to hear.
Cheerilee: I’m not into stallions at all, I’m into mares. You had the wrong orientation the whole time!
Scootaloo: Oh! Oh! Oh! Just like my Aunts!
Apple Bloom: Lyra & Bon Bon too!
Sweetie: Oooooooooh, I see. Well… I’ll guess I’ll have to rearrange some things at home later then. Hehehehe…
Scootaloo: *rolls her eyes* Great, now she’s going to spend a whole night shuffling her shipping chart…
Cheerilee giggles
Cheerilee: Anyhow, I guess I won’t bother Big Mac just yet, if he’s on a little bit of a honeymoon with Sugar Belle. I can always see him later.
Apple Bloom: What did ya even want t’ see him fo’?
Cheerilee: Nothing all that special, just if I can ask him if he can reserve some Sweet Apple Acres apples sometime when we get back.
Apple Bloom: Ya’ll could o’ asked me that
Cheerilee: Yeah but I wanted a lot of apples, enough that it’d be hard for you to carry all by yourself
Scootaloo: Whatcha going to do with all those apples?
Cheerilee: Just stock back up many, many jars of applesauce back home. And maybe save some for slices and/or eating them normally.
Apple Bloom: Well, even if ya don’t get Big Mac at some point later. Me and Applejack can probably get ya what ya want.
Cheerilee: True, I suppose. I guess I’ll just get back to the table I was sitting at for now, who knows when that final performance is going to start after all.
Sweetie: All that’s left is Cheese Sandwich before the night finishes with some dancing. So yeah! What ever is left of the ball should be quite fun, though it almost certainly means this ball is nearly over.
Scootaloo: It’s been a pretty fun night! All parties come to an end eventually, but they saved some cool stuff for last with one of the best party ponies around, and then we’ll all get to dance!
Apple Bloom: Ah guess seeya, Miss Cheerilee! Thank ya’ll for being such ah great teacher fo’ us. Mind if we get ah hug from ya before ya go?
Cheerilee: Oh of course I will, anything for 3 of my favorite students!
Cheerilee lowers herself to the ground by sitting on the floor and hugs around the 3 fillies. And then head back to her table.
Meanwhile, back at the table of the M.I.L.F. club, Twilight’s had enough fun talking with the other mothers and getting Trixie’s mom to be a member too (Stellar Flare was chosen to make Dandy Lion recite the club’s oath)
Twilight: Well this was a lot of fun, all of you. But I think I’m going to head elsewhere now, if I don’t see any of you the rest of the night. Hope you had a wonderful time here
Windy: We absolutely have! And no problem, Princess!
Velvet: Of course, dear. You have a fantastic rest of the night!
Twilight walks off waving to all the other mothers and once Twilight’s far enough, they continue their family gossiping. Twilight herself ponders where to go next, and realizes she still hasn’t seen Celestia and Luna here. And she figured it was going to be important to inform Celestia of her plan with Spike and Malakhar to visit the spot where Spike’s birth mother died. She eventually finds the two Alicorn sisters on their own table and heads on over to where they’re sitting. Celestia sees Twilight approach and smiles.
Celestia: Hello, Princess Twilight. Thank you for inviting us, it’s been a fantastic time. And a decent amount of great performances.
Luna: I never knew Sweetie Belle had such a beautiful singing voice. That was wonderful to hear
Twilight: You’re welcome both of you, and yeah, Sweetie’s going to be a fantastic musician one day. Thee’s no doubt about that, after that performance. But I actually went to see you because I have something important to ask of you for tomorrow morning, Princess Celestia
Celestia: Oh? Do tell what it is.
Twilight: Remember when you told me the story about where you got Spike’s egg and where his birth mother died? I told the story to Spike 2 weeks ago, and he said at one point he wants to visit that cave the day after the ball. And I thought I’d ask you to be there since you could likely help show where it was. I guess it turns out Malakhar was also there at the time, and I may have him accompany us as well to give directions, but I still wanted to ask if you could still help us if we went to you in the morning to go see it.
Celestia: I’d be happy to lead you to the cave, and oh? Malakhar was there too? Interesting, he must of been the teenage colt that handed me the egg back then. He did look familiar when I saw him, but he’s certainly a lot bigger then he was then. Does Spike perhaps wish to have a moment of silence to mourn his birth mother?
Twilight: Well, probably not quite on the same level as others. But he does want to pay his respects, especially if everything in your dream came true, she’s very much responsible for the path our lives took. Even if we can’t speak to her, it’d at least feel respectful in that way
Celestia: Completely understandable, I along with Malakhar will take you and Spike to the cave in the morning. But first, how has your night gone? Any interesting things happen for you?
Twilight: Besides enjoying the performances, I guess the night started with me and my friends telling each other what happened in our individual inviting trips. Including myself telling most of what you told me about Spike’s egg and Sunset Shimmer to my friends. But after that, I met up with my Canterlot friends. And sometime during all that, the Prince of Saddle Arabia, Theandri the 2nd surprised Moondancer as we were talking. And absolutely swept her off her hooves, kinda literally. They’re currently still on their first date as of this very moment.
Celestia: Awwwww, that’s so adorable!
Twilight: Though that’s not even the only thing about this, at some point… Moondancer called me to head on over where they were… and weirdly enough in a plan the Prince told Moondancer to do… Moondancer confessed… that she had a crush on me as far back as when we were teens.
I didn’t even know she was Bisexual, I guess that was because she still mostly preferred looking for stallions. But I guess I became an exception, it somewhat makes me feel even more bad for not even saying goodbye before you sent me to Ponyville. I think Moondancer understands that saving the world, and freeing your sister was in the grand scheme of things more important then her party, but it nonetheless hurt her pretty bad since she had planned of finally gathering the courage to tell me. I likely only would of said I don’t feel the same way, but because I didn’t go at all. A part of her never really got an answer, so she had to know what I would of said, so she could completely move on.
Celestia: Wow… If only I had known that long ago, even if the result would have been the same… that you don’t have the same feelings for her… Moondancer was still one of the students at my school, I would of gladly personally given her the chance when there was time after Luna was freed. No pony’s heart should be left with an unanswered heart for a decade
Twilight: But at least she now has the Prince. I can already tell they’ll be a close couple, Theandri II risked giving up Moondancer if hypothetically I wanted a relationship with her now, and Moondancer felt like she preferred to satisfy her long-lasting feelings towards me. An act of kindness that no doubt Moondancer will never forget.
Celestia: Certainly something that’s somehow heartwarming, but also a little heartbreaking at the same time. Good to see both the Moondancer and the Prince happy. I’m sure the Sultan and the Sultana are also pleased they may possibly know who becomes Sultana when they step down.
Twilight: Haha, believe me I saw them celebrating from their balcony when their son and Moondancer’s date started.
Celestia giggles
Celestia: Good for them, but now… anything else Twilight?
Twilight: Well all that’s else that happened is I met and joined a club of other mothers of Equestria that was co-founded by my own mom, and includes many of my own friend’s mothers
Celestia: Ah… that does sound quite cute, thanks for sharing how your night’s been.
Twilight: It’s pretty close to the end isn’t it? Only one more performance, then a moment to dance and then either anyone here is brought back home or they stay in the palace rooms for the wedding in 3 days.
Celestia: Indeed, but everyone’s certainly got their slice of fun here.
Twilight: It was good to talk to you once again, Princess. I think I’m going to head back to the table I was at originally to be with my friends and Spike again for the rest of the night. But I’ll see you again soon tomorrow morning to go to that cave.
Celestia: Have yourself a good rest of the night, Twilight. And yes, I shall see you in the morning.
Twilight heads out to the table she started at during the night, as the royal ball etches closer to the end.
UP NEXT: Chapter 19: The Royal Ball, Part 7 - The Taste Of Fresh Dough On The Tray
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thewreckkelly · 4 years ago
Watch "Could Only Happen In Ireland" on YouTube
GOOD GOLLY IT’S DOLLY (My Mother Myself) 
I love my Mum – loved her when I was under her care, loved her throughout my independence, love her now she’s in someone else’s care. Of course I’m aware such maternal love is by no means exclusive and undoubtedly, while the expression of such love tends to soften with distance and age, it remains an emotional bond that is a true unbreakable.
Recently I’ve been helping a florist – who also happens to be a great friend - with an online marketing campaign for ‘Mothers Day’ and, (during the course of concocting and plagiarising four line sentiments and graphic displays of floral fawning) , got to thinking of my Mum and what we have shared throughout a lifetime of mutual love.
A strange highlight dominated my walk through that particular past!
The year was 1980 (I think) and I was slowly ridding myself of the adolescent petulance properly associated with teenage angst while also - willingly and without excuse or apology – continuing to embrace the evolutionary revolutionary mindset of ‘Punk’.
Don’t get me wrong I had never fallen into the ‘Mohawk’, ‘Piercings’, ‘Gobbing’, ‘Pogoing’ or ‘Safety Pin’ syndrome - not this good Catholic boy. It was more than enough for me that the freedom of expression associated with the genre felt ridiculously  inspirational and challenging in its raw depth – ‘Never Mind the Bollox’ proving a universally perfect mantra of how to be young in that very beneficial yet restrictive first world of change and changelings.
My Mum was the polar opposite in her musical taste and, (with a small ‘c’), conservative view of people, society and trends. Perry Como was more her cup of tea than the subversive Sinatra or Elvis while country music provided the stories of life she could relate to. Her idea of rocking out was to blare the Ray Conniff’ big band singers through my Da’s good stereo speakers on Sunday mornings - after mass - while letting go of any dancing inhibitions as she prepared the traditional roast.
The funny thing is; I sort of liked her music – without ever admitting such a ‘terrible’ thing to my friends and so called musical peers of course. There is an argument I liked the stuff she liked in much the same way liking anything that defines a good person has a habit of doing, but I don’t believe that was the reason.
I was too young and self-obsessed to understand that all was not simple and simple was, most certainly, not all – yet somehow aware enough to know without really knowing. Later I would realise my Mum had a terrific universal ear for much of what was good and great but back then ...... well .......
My Mum’s life, at the time, was neat and tidy by design - honed from a lifetime of consideration for others and struggle against an incomplete education, social gender relegation and being without too often. Mine was naturally a mess - a snap semi considered series of decisions and influences borne out of immediacy and yearning coloured by arrogance and naivety – a rebel searching for a ‘because’ if you like.
I had spent the summer just gone in London immersing myself in a musical and literary culture that was maturing from the raucous irregular  nature of punk and had taken in lots of pub and small venue gigs that ranged in influence from ‘The Jam’ to ‘Elvis Costello’ to ‘John Cooper Clarke’ to ‘Jimmy Pursey’ to ‘Billy Bragg’ to 'Kafka' to 'Tom Wolfe' to 'Philip Larkin' .
It was my coming of age moment when all of such seemed terribly exciting and dangerous to the person I was and surely massively influential in opening up my, (up till then), purposely covert disdain for authority and establishment
In the autumn of that year, weighed down by the morass of all such personal contradictions, I secured two front row seats for a Country & Western show at the RDS - with some degree of trepidation – to treat and play chaperone to my Mum, who was a big fan and unlikely - at that time - to actually enjoy or have the opportunity to avail of such an occasion.
And so it came to pass the two of us left the semi in the suburbs and drove to a monolith in the better part of town to see Dolly Parton do her thing.
The Royal Dublin Showgrounds in Ballsbridge, Dublin, was, and probably still is, a throwback statement in architecture and class driven membership designed to promote and embrace all of what was good from the Protestant protectorate time of Victoria - while actually succeeding in highlighting much of what was insidious about those whom believed in a realm upon which the sun would never be expected to set. A venue where aspiring middle-class Dubliners and those beyond the pale could, on occasion, sample and digest possibilities their betters expected them to aspire to but rarely achieve.
The entrance to the RDS is signature and a facade of understated power – inviting and intimidating in measure and construction. I hadn’t been in the exhibition hall before and was hugely underwhelmed by its ordinariness, the starkness of the concrete floors and rows of institutional collapsible chairs set out in slightly skewed rows. The room was cavernous, very bright with a stage that looked more suited to a communist political convention than a glitzy C&W extravaganza.
Mum was dressed to the nines, which had worried me slightly to begin with only for such fear to rapidly evaporate upon arrival - it was twenty year old me, dressed as conservatively as I could allow in Wrangler jeans, Polo shirt and black suit jacket, that looked out of place among the throngs of Sunday best middle aged men and women taking their seats in an excited, orderly and happy manner. I felt like the proverbial fish out of water and had to reach deep to marry myself to my Mother’s mounting excitement and sense of occasion.
The support act that night was a solo artist called Kevin Johnson. Here I was on relatively safe ground as his big song was; ‘Rock & Roll I Gave You All the Best Years of My Life’ to which I knew all the lyrics and felt some level of identification with. He was a good competent performer with the troubadour’s presence and I remember being impressed at his professionalism along with enjoying the Americana folksiness of the set. I relaxed a touch and, when he finished off with that song, felt at least I’d got my money’s worth and anything else would be a bonus.
A sense of fervent excitement in the hall grew as we waited for the headliner and, to a point, became infectious. I genuinely had no idea what to expect and the sense of expectation bordering on privilege emanating from this packed venue caused me to doubt any possibly disingenuous pre-conceptions I had inwardly held since I’d bought the tickets and surprised Mum.
The lights went down, the band silently took to the stage as shadows. A fanfare of guitars, fiddle, bass and drums in galloping beat broke the deafening silence of the seated audience and then .......
‘GOOD GOLLY IT’S DOLLY’ issued forth from a disembodied deep male voice - in the pronounced accent of a Southern American State - to rapturous applause.
A spotlight broke the darkness and concentrated its stardust on the wings from which a tiny giant bounded and danced her way to centre stage with more energy than Sellafield.
Clad in a very revealing figure hugging silver diamantes laden dress, sporting perfect make-up on cheeky cultured facial features pronounced with ruby red lipstick – all artistically framed by an abundance of perfectly coffered Dixie blonde tresses.
This would be first lady of country music lit the auditorium miles beyond the ability of mere electricity.... Oh yes Ms Dolly Parton made an entrance you couldn’t beat with a stick.
The show is a blur – I do remember her doing ‘Applejack’ on the banjo, with ridiculous big painted nails not being a bother at all – and the best I can actually recall for the most part is before you could wail ‘Jolene’  I found myself cheering, clapping, dancing and singing along with songs I didn’t know in the company of equally uninhibited people I didn’t know and wising the show would never end. This was new to me; this was a living example of the best at what they do, doing it for me along with everyone else and delivering on every level.
The famous composer of melodies, Thomas Moore, once wrote:
‘And the best works of nature can only improve – when we see them reflected in looks that we love’ 
When Dolly caused us all to settle down, mid set, and invited each and every one present to relive a childhood memory of Motherly love with her soft ballad; ‘Coat of Many Colours’, I glanced smilingly at my Mum and her returned look allowed an understanding of exactly what Tom Moore was getting at.
Thanks for giving me Dolly Mum, (I’ve held on to her ever since), and, of course, all the rest of the other stuff.
Happy Mother’s Day
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