#paris or bust tag
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ithinkofnealcassady · 4 months ago
Ichigo Ichie is now live with the Sublunary Review!
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safrev · 2 years ago
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some sketches i did recently
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telemachus-of-ithaca · 7 months ago
Open Starter — Beauty.. is uh-
You heard noises from Telemachus’ room. Curious. You tried to listen in, but everything was muffled.
After a moment of silence, you bust down the door with no hesitation and all your might. And froze, there was Telemachus, with three goddesses surrounding him. Hathor, Freya, and Aphrodite. The goddesses of beauty.
They all disappeared. Leaving Telemachus, just standing, frozen. You took a closer look at him.. and—he was different for sure.
He seemed way more handsome—his hair was well combed, he was wearing fit clothing for a prince. More and—Well, you can name it.
What the hell did they do to him?
He looked at you, and smiled nervously, “Hello.”
Tags: @penelope-is-waiting , @paris-you-idiot , @unhinged-waterlilly , @sillypuppetmeister , @odysseus-reigning-king-of-ithaca ..
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writingkeepsmewhole · 9 months ago
Stay In The Light
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This is part 9 of Snow In The Dark. I hope you like it :)
Fic Summary: Snow has never known who she was. Being raised in the streets made her strong but lonely. That changed when she met Jack them becoming as close as sisters. She thought she found her family. That all changes when she crashes on a planet with only one rule. Stay in the light.
Part Summary: Snow learns who her true friends are.
Riddick x OC Snow
Warnings: Language. Mention of deaths.
Let me know if you want to be tagged :P : @here4thespice @amarokofficial @backseat-serenade-dizzyhurricane @pinkcrystal44 @goblingirlsarah @shelbyteller @classyunknownlover @sparklingnightfox @murphy3691 @vvs-dlxodyd @goblingirlsarah
The next half an hour is spent rushing to get everything that makes light and putting it on a makeshift sled.
All of us join together only speaking when we have to. My heart pounded in my chest telling me how worried I was.
Of course I was. I was trapped on a planet with things that wanted to eat me and really no dependable way to defend myself.
I couldn’t help but worry about myself, worry about Jack. She was helping just as anyone else, her being brave and acting like she was fine.
I hate to admit she reminded me a lot of myself at that age. Always trying to fight to keep yourself alive. She was scared I was as well.
We were all scared. The only one of us that didn’t seem to be was Riddick. Him walking around the ship telling us all what to do like he knew exactly how this night was going to play out.
The thing is I knew he was right.
“I’ll be running about ten paces ahead.” He says, Carylon following behind him while I sat next to Paris making cocktails.
“I want light on my back but not on my eyes.” He says, holding his hand up to block the light as he walks past Paris holding the cutting torch.
“And check your cuts. These bad boys know our blood now.” He says, his eyes meeting mine.
I had a busted lip. Is that what he meant?
Looking over at Jack I see her frozen looking up at him with fear on her face. My stomach drops, oh no running through my head.
Standing up I ignore Paris asking me where I’m going. Dusting my hands off I walk over to her and crouch down in front of her, her snapping back to work.
“Everything okay?” I whisper, helping her roll up the cord of light.
Her worried eyes meet mine, her shaking her head.
“It’s that time?” I whisper again, not wanting anyone to hear us.
She nods, not looking at me.
“I’ll find something.” I say standing up once more.
Using a flash light I found, I ease back into the ship half remembering seeing a first aid kit back there. 
I stop hearing footsteps looking over to see Johns standing there.
“Where do you think you're going?” He asks, his gun pointed in my direction.
“To go pee, you wanna watch?” I ask glaring at him.
He flushed with embarrassment, and took a step back.
“Thought so.” I say, moving away from him.
Taking a breath I shine the light around in the darkness almost jumping out of my skin when the shine of eyes flash for just a second.
Without thinking I move closer to him, encasing us in darkness besides my flashlight. Keeping it aimed at the floor, I stop when I reach him.
The primal smell of him wrapping around me makes my stomach tighten. I take a breath, feeling his fingertips brush over my hand as he clicks the light off.
I open my mouth to say something, Riddick’s large hand coming up to cover it stopping me.
I try to ignore my racing heart or the urge to throw myself at him. I clench my fist as best I can, feeling Riddick bend down so our noses almost touch. I could feel his eyes looking deep in mine.
His arm wraps around my waist pulling me closer to him, making me bend into him as he leans over me.
If I could bite my lip I would, all thoughts of what I was doing back here are out the window. The only thing present is the bubble me and Riddick has created. Despite the darkness around us my eyes flutter close. The heat and pressure of him wrapped around me making me want to melt.
Dropping his hand from my mouth he places it on my back. Him dipping himself lower to run his nose over my neck makes me shiver.
My eyes snap open when I hear a sound, expecting a monster to come flying our way. I blush when I realize it came from me. 
A low rumble leaving my chest or was it my throat it sounded almost like a purr. Blushing, I pull away from him and shake my head.
“I need to go.” I say, stepping back.
Feeling my foot hit something I don’t have time to react before I trip over whatever it was. My arms are flying out to grab anything to stop myself. Strong arms wrapping around me once again. Riddick kept me from falling.
“Sorry.” I say pushing my hair behind my ear from being nervous.
“I really should go. We don’t have a lot of time.” I say, not moving, Riddick’s arms comfortable around me.
I hear a familiar rumble of him humming an agreement, him letting go of me and taking a step back.
“Thank you.” I say, starting to turn around. Stopping when I realize I dropped my flashlight.
“It’s broken.” Riddick says, him seeing what I was doing.
“Great. I was looking for something.” I say more to myself than him.
“I’ll never find it now.”
I blush when I feel his large hand wrap around my wrist. Him pulling me behind him as he walks back towards the others. Back towards the light. 
As soon as we reach the glow of the light both of us are still half covered in shadows Riddick’s touch leaves mine.
Him lifting a box in the air. It is clearly a first aid kit.
“Can you read minds?” I ask, taking it gently from him, a smirk dancing along his lips but quickly disappearing.
“We need to get going.”
“I’ll be ready in five.” I say, earning a slow nod. 
Slipping on his goggles he heads back towards the others, I right behind him.
After we get everything ready. Including me helping Jack with her problem we head towards the door ready to face the beasts outside. Riddick pushing it open the weird sounds of them filling the air.
“Are we actually going to do this?” Paris asks, holding the cutting torch up.
“Did you have any better plans?” I ask, ignoring the glares I get from the others.
“We stay together, we keep the light burning.” Carolyn says sternly.
“That’s all we gotta do to live through this thing.” She says looking around at all of us. Her leaving us to go get Johns.
I stand by the door, next to Riddick, anxiously ready to get off this planet.
I don’t bother saying anything hearing Johns talk just over our heads.
“You give him the cells and the ship and he’ll leave you all out there to die.” Johns says, making me clench my jaw.
Johns seemed like he was only looking out for himself.
“He’ll leave all of you.” He says.
Seeing Riddick’s jaw jump I look over at him, him looking dead ahead.
“And they call you the criminal.” I say, him not answering me.
“Just so we’re clear, if he doesn't make it I won’t be sad about it.” I say, hearing them come down the steps not caring if they heard me. The rest gather at the door of the ship.
“Here.” Johns says, handing me some of the glowing cord to wrap around me.
“I’m not putting that on me and being tied to you, no thanks.”
“Everyone needs to pull their weight.”
“And I will, I'll help drag the thing but I’m not being tied to anyone."
“Even if it was him?” He says, jerking his head towards Riddick.
“Knock it off. Just stay close to the sled.” She says, everyone shutting up when Riddick walks up to us handing me a giant glow stick.
Kinda confused. I take it from him and crack it, shaking it up making the bright neon green lighting up the space around me.
“Let's move.” He says 
I take a breath and get into position as we all take off jogging out into the darkness.
I try not to think about the sounds around me, just keep my eyes focused on Riddick. On the lights on his back. I kept telling myself follow that and you’ll be fine.
Just had to keep up.
It wasn’t long before the cutting torch used its last bit of fuel. The sounds of the wild animals around us grew louder, as the space around us grew darker.
“Stay close.” Imam says. Paris starts to get antsy. I look at him, looking around, Jack mimicking his panic.
“Just breathe, Jack.” I tell her, her looking at me.
We start walking again pulling the sled with us. My stomach drops when I hear something fall off it.
“Wait.” Jack says, taking the lights off her and starting to grab it.
“Don’t.” I say, going to stop her before it was too late.
In a blink, everything erupts into chaos. The sounds of creatures growing closer, as Johns starts shooting his gun blindly.
I go to get Jack back into the light when Johns spins towards me and fires, a strong rough hand pulling me out of the way before the bullet lands in my face.
I don’t get surprised when I feel myself pressed into a hard chest.
“Shh.” He whispers to me, bringing me to the ground as he squats.
I realize he’s just watching them, to see what’s going to happen. My muscles jerk wanting to get Jack but his hold on me keeps me from moving.
I feel the cool of a blade, him pressing it into his own cheek as he thinks, the back of the makeshift knife touching my neck. 
I watch as the whole thing we spent rigging up is ripped from the sled, the glowing blue lights going out.
The only light around me is the green glow stick I tied around my neck with some string and the lights on Riddick’s back.
It didn’t take a genius to realize we were in a bubble of light the others now didn’t have.
I jump as a flash of flames a few feet away goes off, Paris blowing on a lighter, showing at least twenty creatures around him. As soon as the light is gone you hear the whaling of them along with his screams.
With the distraction I watch Carolyn light a flare, the green light brightening the darkness as she lights the few molotovs we have.
I stand up with Riddick, walking over to the group slowly.
“Well it’s good to see you're okay.” Johns says, looking at him.
I rush over to Jack and check on her, her looking up at me with fear. I hug her tightly and kiss her head.
I watch Riddick look out in the distance, where Paris was last seen.
“Do I even wanna know?” Carolyn asks, standing behind him.
“I don’t.” I mumble, holding onto Jack rubbing her arm.
Riddick looks at me then jerks his head to start walking.
I do as he commands us walking after him, us holding bottles of fire.
“Are we getting close?” Jack asks.
“Can we pick up the pace?” Carolyn calls out to Riddick ahead of us.
Johns gets mad as he throws down the strap he was using to pull the sled.
Not wanting to start yelling at him, I speed walk up to Riddick catching up with him.
“They want to go faster.” I say softly to him.
Him grunting in recognition he heard me.
“You wanna tell me what the hell is going on?” Johns asks, walking up to us, standing there.
“We crossed our own tracks.” Carolyn says, making me roll my eyes. Of course we didn't take that long to walk here in the day.
“Why have we circled? Are we lost?” Imam asks.
“Listen.” Riddick says softly.
I do just that, the faint roar of bodies and creatures around us, and even more in our path.
“Canyon ahead. I circled once to buy some time to think.” Riddick says calmly.
“I think we should go now.” Imam
“Oh I don’t know about that.” Riddick says, smirking, cocking his head to the side.
I clench my jaw, catching why he was being sarcastic now. We wouldn’t make it across the Canyon.
“That’s death row up there.” He says speaking my thoughts.
Without thinking I moved closer to him. Needing whatever power that radiated off him to soak into me.
I was brave, or rather stupid enough to get myself into danger but I wasn’t smart enough or rather had the gift of darkvision to get myself out of this mess.
“Especially with the girl bleeding.” He says, making my gut drop.
“Crap.” I say, softly to myself. Johns looking at me, fury lighting up in him.
“Where?” He snaps at me, making my own fury go through me.
“Not her.” Riddick says, calmly getting Johns attention.
“Her.” He says looking at Jack.
Everyone turns to look at Jack, her looking around scared and alone. I quickly move over to her, everyone having a light bulb moment.
I’m stopped by a tight grip.
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Johns and Carlyn say in different voices to different people.
Her to Jack comforting her as Jack sinks to the ground.
Johns to me, glaring at me like everything that happened was my fault.
“Did the same thing at her age. It’s not easy being a girl on the streets.” I say glaring up at him.
He yells and jerks away from me storming as far off as he safely could.
“They’ve been nose opened for her since we left.”
“In case you haven’t noticed, they go off blood.”
“Of course they do.” I mumble to myself moving to roll my trying to hold back the part of me that wanted to snap and do anything it took to get out of here alive.
That part of me held down by protecting Jack but she was currently with Carolyn and the presence of Riddick seemed to make the part of me want to unfurl and bloom.
“Look, this is not gonna work.” Carolyn says standing up.
“We’re gonna have to go back.” She says, making me turn to look at her in shock.
“What’d you say?” Johns says.
“You're the one that got us out here in the first place.” He says pointing at her.
I watch them once again turn on each other, I can’t help but wrinkle my brow and cock my head to the side wondering when did people get so weak minded.
It made sense to stick together, keep moving. Do something.
With that thought in mind I turn around, seeing Riddick slowly walking to the ridge of the cannon I go up to stand next to him. Him turning to look at me.
“They're all losing it.”
“Not you?” He asks, softly. His low rumbling voice settled me in a way I needed.
“Not yet.”
He smirks looking down at me. He reaches to pick up my glow stick and look at it.
“Should keep you safe till we get to the ship.”
“We?” I ask, lifting an eyebrow.
He smirks once again and starts to walk.
I wait for a moment to follow, falling between him and the group.
When Johns joined Riddick I knew something was up. I was just outta ear, shot but close enough to catch a few words.
Sacrifice was the word I picked up on, that and when Riddick turned to look at us, his eyes met mine.
Something in them puts my body on alert. Told me to slow down, wait for him. So I did. I slowed my pace a few steps.
When I watched the green flare fly out of John's hands and a shot pop off I knew what was about to happen.
Despite the warning and the yelling of the others behind me, I race forward. I suddenly worried for Riddick so strongly I had to make sure he was alright.
I skid to a stop to watch the two men trying to kill each other. I get there just in time to see Riddick slice Johns’ back open, him falling to the ground groaning.
“You should’ve never taken the chains off Johns.” Riddick yells standing up, just as the flare gose out.
I was thankful for the light around my neck, the sounds of monsters hissing around me, them to dstreacted by the blood to really notice me.
“You were Billy Bad-Ass.” Riddick says from the darkness.
“The chains. The gauge. The badge.” He draws out as Johns stands up him trying to see with the light on the end of his gun.
“I told you to ghost me.” Riddick whispers taunting him.
I swallow the shiver of that act. It's like watching a cat play with a mouse. Johns was done for he just didn’t know it yet.
I jump but don’t scream when I’m spun around by strong arms and pinned to a rock behind me.
The crunching sound of bones behind me is forgotten as I feel the heat and hardness of Riddick being pressed into me.
“Did you enjoy watching?” He asks, his breath fanning my ear.
“Let’s find the others.” I pant out, knowing this wasn’t the time or place despite the want.
He hums but pulls away from me and starts to walk into the darkness. I stick close by keeping up with him, us finding the group quickly them barely moving,
Carolyn screams when she spins to face Riddick standing there.
“Back to the ship huh?” He asks, smiling.
“Just huddle together until the light burns out.”
“Get away from us.” She says backing up, I watch her eyes jump to me then back.
I couldn’t tell if she was scared of me or if she wanted me to come with her.
“Till you can’t see what’s eating you. That the big plan?” He asks them.
“Where's Johns?” Imam asks.
“Which half?” He asks, smirking, the rest of them gasping in shock.
“WHere gonna lose everyone out here.” Jack says.
“Not if we leave. Now before we run out of light.” 
“We should have stayed at that ship.” Jack says tuning to look back the direction we came.
“He died fast.” Riddick says, walking past them.
“If we have any choice about it, that's the way we should all go out.” He says stopping to stand next to Jack.
Since I was following him I saw the tears in her eyes.
“Don’t you cry for Johns, don’t you dare.” Riddick says walking past her.
“How are we going to make it?” Jack asks, whimpering up at me.
“We are going to listen to Riddick, we are going to make it to that ship and I’ll find you someplace safe.” I say smiling at her.
She nods hugging me as we start to follow once again.
“Why do you trust him?” Carolyn asks, walking next to me.
“I’m good at reading people. He won’t kill us. We’re not a threat to him.” I say honestly, they look around scared every time something makes a noise.
I keep my eyes ahead focusing on walking.
“He killed Johns.” She says in a way I can’t tell if its a question or a statement, so I shrug hoping that gives her my answer.
“Can you talk to him?”
“About what?” I ask, looking at her.
“I…I don’t know. He’s…”
“Scary?” I offer her a suggestion.
“He doesn't scare you?”
“No.” I say leaving it at that. Quite the opposite I keep thinking about everything but being scared of him. Well maybe I was a little but not in the way everyone else was. My fear stimmed more from if I could survive a night with him.
Riddick was not a beast I was trying to tame. Oh no I knew if we made it off this rock and if something did happen between me and Riddick. I would never be able to turn back.
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adeadmansbliss · 9 months ago
Miraculous Fandom and Shipping 09/07/2024
This data is accurate as of 9th July 2024. Every relationship tag is assumed to have been applied correctly. Félix/Marinette has a surprising increase in numbers which may be down to a large spike in uploads (Not impossible) though there may also have been continued issues with the surname change being resolved. There has been a notable decrease in the odd tags going down by one or two, flipping some ships back to red in some cases, which are suspected to be due to deletions or archiving.
There was a minor formula issue that is unknown when it occurred so it is being noted here. The Mireille/Alya cell above the grey line in the numbered spreadsheet now correctly looks where it's supposed to for ensuring the numbers match. Very likely this was caused by a software quirk which if you know, you know.
The key for the first part of the spreadsheet is as follows:
Y (Green) - At least 20 entries
P (Yellow) - Less than 20 entries
N (Red) - Zero entries
The colours are primarily designed for quick glance usage.
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The key for the second part of the spreadsheet is as follows:
Green has 0 entries and is checked monthly
Blue has 1-10 entries
Light yellow has 11-14 entries
Saturated yellow has 15-20 entries and is checked monthly
Light grey has 21-50 entries
Medium grey has 51-100 entries
Black has more than 100 entries
Black entries have the data input at the time of the spreadsheet update and are hidden purely so they are checked manually and auto pilot brain does not do it more often than required.
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Please excuse the screenshot clipping the highlighted cell at the side there.
As of 9th July 2024, these were all the pairings that have more than 1K works under their tags:
Adrien/Marinette - 37203 Alya/Nino - 7545 Luka/Marinette - 4113 Juleka/Rose - 2238 Marc/Nathaniel - 2229 Adrien/Luka - 1246 Adrien/Kagami - 1236 Kagami/Marinette - 1015
Honourable mention to the next closest to the 1k mark:
Ivan/Mylène - 923
After this there is one ship at 810, another at 744 before a big drop off to sub 500.
In addition to the above, fun stats! The way AO3 treats character tags for the Miraculous fandom means alternate versions of characters such as Chat Blanc and Cat Walker point to Adrien. This means it cannot be searched separately unless it's a non-character tag addition. This has occurred with Alternate Alya, however it has not occurred for the other three introduced with Miraculous Paris. As such by using the below format specifically due to AO3 restrictions to ensure they correctly flag:
Alternate Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Shadybug Alternate Adrien Agreste | Claw Noir Alternate Gabriel Agreste | Betterfly
You can find them.
At the time of typing:
Shadybug/Claw Noir - 100 entries Chat Noir/Shadybug - 6 entries Ladybug/Claw Noir - 1 entry Claw Noir/Alternate Nino - 1 entry
While this data is produced as neutrally as possible it should be said the ever increasing homogenisation of the fandom into lovesquare or bust is proving a concern. While shipping tags are presumed to have been used in good faith, many are not resulting in even canon and "canon" pairings not having as many works as it might appear. If you happen to branch out a bit and enjoy a work, do let the author know! Kudos and comments are a scarcity the further away you go and writing for the void gets exhausting after a while. You never know, while one ship might not click with you you might find one you never thought about before that you quite enjoy.
As ever, if you ever want to add to the tip jar to support this data collection, you can do so at my Ko-Fi here!
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saessenach · 24 days ago
I was tagged by the lovelies @sternentreue and @athenasdragon 🫶 this took much longer than I expected but it was soo adorable
Tagging @emryx and @nadas-dirthalen 🫶 (if you want to, of course!)
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multifandombabesworld · 7 months ago
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Real Name: Natasha Maria Banks
Ring Name(s): Natasha Bee (formerly; 2012-2014), Tasha Marie (currently; 2014-present)
Nickname(s): Tasha (real life), Tash, Nat, Grape (when she had purple hair), Blue (with blue hair), The Goth Queen, Supernatural Princess, The Bad Guy (formerly)
Born: March 12th, 1994 (age 30)
Hometown: Phoenix, Arizona
Billed From: Phoenix, Arizona
Height/Weight: 5’7/130 lbs
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Light Brown (1994-2016), Purple (2016-2023), Blue (2023-present)
Ariel Banks (mother)
Evan Banks (father)
Stella Venus (younger sister)
Isabelle Hawkins (cousin)
Annabelle Hawkins (cousin)
Bailey Hawkins (cousin)
Jackson Wilson (cousin in law; married to Isabelle)
London and Paris Wilson (cousins; twin daughters of Isabelle and Jackson)
Marcus Wilson (cousin; son of Isabelle and Jackson)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Romantic Interest(s): Austin Theory (boyfriend; 2022-present), Finn Bálor (on screen/tv only; 2014-2016; a little bit of romance in 2018-2019), Unnamed ex boyfriend (2018-2021)
Children: None
Companies/Promotions: SHIMMER (July 7, 2012-March 26, 2014), WWE: NXT (March 27, 2014-July 17, 2016), WWE: Raw (July 18, 2016-April 22, 2019), WWE: Smackdown Live (April 23, 2019-October 13, 2019), WWE: Raw (October 14, 2019-October 8, 2020), WWE: Smackdown Live (October 9, 2020-October 31, 2021), WWE: Raw (November 1, 2021-April 27, 2023), Free Agent (April 28, 2023-February 1, 2024), WWE: Smackdown Live (February 2, 2024-present)
Face/Heel Turns: Face (July 7, 2012-August 14, 2014), Heel (August 15, 2014-June 28, 2016), Face (June 29, 2016-November 14, 2021), Heel (November 15, 2021-January 1, 2023), Tweener (January 2, 2023-February 29, 2024), Face (March 1, 2024-present)
Theme Songs:
First Theme (SHIMMER; 2012-2014)
Second Theme: (2014-2016)
Third Theme: (2016-2022; 2024/current)
Fourth Theme: (2022-2024)
Starts at 39 seconds into video
Tag Teams/Stables: Blood Sisters (with Stella Venus; 2019-2024)
Finisher Moves:
Signature Moves:
Big Boot
Submission Moves: Sharpshooter, Boston Crab, Cloverleaf, Cobra Clutch
Titles Won:
NXT Women’s Championship (NXT Takeover: London 12/16/15 against Bayley & Nia Jax after making Bayley tap to the Sharpshooter) Held for: 108 days (lost to Asuka at NXT Takeover Dallas 4/1/16 after getting knocked out by the Asuka Lock)
Smackdown Women’s Championship (Backlash May 21, 2017 against Naomi after making her tap to the sharpshooter) Held for: 92 days (lost to Natayla at Summerslam August 20, 2017 after tapping to the sharpshooter)
Universal Women’s Championship (Raw 12/23/19 in a 8 women battle royal; won after throwing Cassie Brown over the top rope and becoming the first ever champion) Held for: 105 days (lost to Cassie Brown at Wrestlemania 4/5/20 after getting hit with a chair and then getting hit with the Messysault or Bitchysault at the time) *1st reign*
Universal Women’s Championship (Raw 11/8/21 in a fatal four way elimination match against Aliyah, Natalya, and Dana Brooke; won after eliminating Natayla with a Stunner) Held for: 511 days (lost to Cassie Brown at Wrestlemania 39 4/2/23 after getting hit with a Messysault and getting pinned) *2nd reign*
Other Accomplishments:
Record for the longest reign as Universal Women’s Champion (511 days)
NXT Year-End Award - Female Competitor of the Year (2015)
Medical Conditions/Injuries:
Head Concussion
Facial Contusions (two times in career)
Sprained Ankle
Busted Lip
Torn ACL
Fractured Arm
Managers: Stella Venus
Has Managed: Finn Bálor, Stella Venus
Rhea Ripley
Dakota Kai (off screen)
Cassie Brown (off screen)
Rosalie (off screen)
Megan Foster (off screen)
Austin Theory
Grayson Waller
Johnny Gargano
Tommaso Ciampa
Candice LeRae (off screen)
Indi Hartwell (off screen)
Maxxine Dupri
Kairi Sane (off screen)
Cody Rhodes (off screen)
Randy Orton
Kevin Owens
Sami Zayn (off screen)
Finn Bálor
Damien Priest (off screen)
Paige/Saraya (off screen)
Sasha Banks/Mercedes Moné (off screen)
Roman Reigns (off screen)
Seth Rollins (off screen)
Jon Moxley/Dean Ambrose (off screen)
CM Punk (off screen)
Triple H
Stephanie McMahon
Shawn Michaels
Beth Phoenix
Dominik Mysterio (off screen)
JD McDonagh (off screen)
Jey Uso (off screen)
Jimmy Uso (off screen)
Solo Sikoa (off screen)
Tama Tonga (off screen)
Tonga Loa (off screen)
Nikki Bella
Brie Bella
Chelsea Green (off screen)
Liv Morgan (off screen)
Scarlett (off screen)
Trained By:
Matt Bloom
Beth Phoenix
Cassie Brown
Shawn Michaels
WWE Idol(s):
Ashley Massaro
Eddie Guerrero
Beth Phoenix
Stone Cold Steve Austin
John Cena
Bret “The Hitman” Hart
Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart
D-Generation X
Tasha grew up watching wrestling and her favorites were Stone Cold, DX, The Harts, and Ashley Massaro
Tasha’s first wrestling event was Summerslam in 2008 when she went with her parents and sister. Ironically, this would be the first PPV/PLE she would win in on the main roster
Tasha is good friends with singer Billie Eilish which is why she used her song “Bad Guy” as a theme
Her signature colors are purple and black and sometimes blue. She always comes out to the ring with a hooded cloak and mask
She is allergic to shellfish and is lactose intolerant
She has wrestled both men and women in her career
She was a cheerleader in high school and also took karate
Tasha doesn’t like any type of seafood mostly because she’s allergic to shellfish
Tasha has knee issues due to her tore acl from a year ago as well as slight ankle issues
She has 7 tattoos and a studded nose piercing
She owns a Siberian husky named Olive who is four years old
Social Medias: tashamariewwe (Instagram), misstashamarie (Twitter), thetashamarie (TikTok) *These aren’t real so don’t look for them*
A/N: Tasha is part of the same fanfic/au as Cassie Brown, you can read about her as well. Cassie’s info is on my profile (you might have to scroll a bit to find it). I’ll be publishing about Stella, Megan, Rosalie, and Roxanne soon. Also The Hawkins and Jackson are OCs as well and I might make something for them. I haven’t decided yet.
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eddysocs · 16 days ago
Page Six — Chapter Two (Kyle Richards Takes Lunch With Up And Coming Fashion World Darlings)
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Summary: Jocelyn’s lunch with Kyle takes an unexpected turn as nerves, admiration, and Jocelyn's own attraction simmers beneath the surface. As Kyle tries on one of Aiden’s designs, Jocelyn finds herself caught off guard by the intimate moment, leaving her more flustered than she ever expected.
Word Count: 2,210
Tags: One sided sexual tension, Aiden being a supportive husband
Chapter One <- 💎
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Kyle headed the short distance home, her phone in one hand and Storm's leash in the other. It wasn’t every day that Storm busted out of her yard and knocked someone over, though she had her suspicions that it would be a repeat occurrence if Kyle allowed it to be. And maybe in the case of Jocelyn Page, she would. The name stuck in her mind, along with that of her husband, Aiden Page. A designer, she said.
Curiosity got the better of her. Kyle opened a new tab and typed in “Jocelyn Page” on her phone. The search results immediately flooded with articles and images. It didn’t take long for Kyle to find what she was looking for, a bunch of glamorous photos from fashion events and industry parties popped up, all with Jocelyn on the arm of her tall, handsome husband. They looked every bit the fashion world’s elite couple.
In one particular photo from a charity event sometime last year, Jocelyn was draped in a stunning gown, her blonde hair styled in a chic updo, while Aiden stood beside her in a custom tuxedo, colored to match the hue of her dress exactly.
But what really struck her was how poised and polished Jocelyn appeared in every image. She seemed like someone who always had everything together; composed, elegant, flawless. It made the morning’s encounter all the more endearing. Seeing her disheveled and flustered had been like seeing a celebrity without their makeup. Rare, but human. So Jocelyn wasn’t all pretension like a lot of Beverly Hills women could be. Maybe, if lunch went well, she could advocate for making Jocelyn a part of the show, if she was even interested in such a thing, that is.
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Back at the Pages’ house, Jocelyn was in full on panic mode. “Aiden,” she called, rushing through the living room, partially out of breath from sprinting her way back home. “Aiden, where are you?”
Her husband’s voice floated in from the kitchen, calm and unbothered, as always. “In here, darling. What’s the crisis?”
Jocelyn burst through the kitchen doorway to find Aiden lounging against the island, a cup of coffee in hand. He raised an amused eyebrow at her, sensing her anxiety before she even said a word.
“Kyle Richards is coming here for lunch,” Jocelyn blurted out, heaving a deep breath afterwards. “We need to clean everything, make everything perfect! I told her you’d show her your designs for Paris fashion week, and oh my god, what if she hates everything? We need—”
Aiden cut her off with a chuckle, setting his coffee cup down. “First of all, ouch. That aside for now, it’s not like we haven’t entertained big names before. You’re acting like this is your first time hosting someone important.”
Jocelyn huffed. “I know, I know! But this is different. It’s Kyle Richards. She’s basically reality TV royalty, and though her dog knocked me over this morning, I…I don’t know, I just feel like I have to impress her.”
Aiden’s lips curled into a teasing smile. “Maybe it’s because you have a little crush on her?”
Jocelyn froze mid panic, eyes wide as she stared at him. “I do not,” she denied, but to Aiden, it was written all over her face.
“Oh, please,” Aiden prodded. “You’ve mentioned her enough times for me to pick up on it. You’re not exactly subtle, darling. You practically swoon every time she’s on our tv screen.”
Jocelyn’s face flushed with embarrassment, and she crossed her arms defensively. “I do not swoon,” she started to argue, but a quick look at the clock stopped the words in her throat. She couldn’t be fighting about this when she had to prepare.
Aiden laughed, walking over to her and placing his hands on her shoulders, drawing her attention away from the time. “Darling, it’s fine. I’m not judging. It’s cute, really. Besides, we’ve both been in this long enough to know how these things work.”
Jocelyn exhaled, some of her tension easing as she looked at him. Aiden was right. It’s not like this was some great blow to their marriage. It was a…she hesitated to use the word crush, but she supposed it was fitting enough. A simple crush, is all. Aiden had them too. Not the end of the world.
“I just don’t want to embarrass myself in front of her,” Jocelyn finally admitted, leaning into Aiden.
“You won’t,” he reassured her, pulling her into a gentle embrace. “You’ve got this. We’ll set up our lovely lunch, I’ll show off my designs, and you’ll dazzle her with your charm. Easy.”
Jocelyn allowed herself to relax into his hug for a moment before pulling away. “Okay, you’re right. I can do this.”
“Of course you can,” Aiden said, giving her a gentle pat on the back before stepping away. “Now, go on and start prepping. I’ll make sure everything’s sorted on my end.”
Two hours later, Jocelyn was still a whirlwind of activity, rushing between the kitchen, the dining room, and the mirror to make sure everything was just right. She had changed outfits three times before settling on something casual but chic —a light pink cashmere blouse paired with high waisted tan pants and some delicate gold jewelry. Her hair was pulled back into a sleek ponytail, and she’d kept her makeup pretty natural, though she’d spent extra time making sure her eyeliner was impeccable.
When she finally came downstairs at nearly one o'clock with her look exactly how she wanted it, she saw that the dining table was set with pristine white linens, crystal glasses, and an elegant floral centerpiece. In the kitchen, the appetizers were already laid out with caprese skewers, mini quiches, and a charcuterie board that Aiden had personally arranged. Everything was as she hoped it would be. But no matter how prepared she tried to feel, her nerves buzzed just beneath the surface.
Aiden, of course, was taking it all in stride. He was leaning against the kitchen counter, practically where she’d left him, though now he was sipping a glass of sparkling water instead of coffee. Every now and then, he would smirk at Jocelyn’s frantic movements, offering little quips like, “She’s only human, you know,” and “It’s not like this is a royal visit.”
Jocelyn shot him a glare as she left for the dining room to straighten a fork on the table. “I know. But it’s still important to me, okay?”
Aiden held up his hands in mock surrender. “I’m just teasing. You’re doing great. It’s going to be fine.”
Just as Jocelyn was about to respond, the doorbell rang. Her heart skipped a beat.
“She’s here,” Jocelyn whispered, her eyes wide.
Aiden grinned, clearly enjoying the moment far too much. “Showtime!”
With one last deep breath, Jocelyn smoothed down her blouse and walked toward the door, her pulse quickening with every step. She opened it to find Kyle standing there, looking effortlessly gorgeous in a casual sundress and oversized sunglasses, and to Jocelyn's surprise, there was Storm, wagging her tail excitedly at her side.
“Hey,” Kyle greeted with a warm smile. “I hope we’re not too early. This one wouldn’t let me leave without taking her. I think she wants to make peace. I promise she’ll behave.”
Jocelyn returned the smile, her nerves momentarily forgotten as she took in the sight of Kyle up close. “Not a problem at all. Come in! We’re just about ready.”
As she stepped aside to let Kyle in, Jocelyn couldn’t help but feel that same flutter of excitement from earlier. Kyle smiled, sitting down on the plush couch. “This is such a treat. I’ve been running around like crazy lately. It’s nice to relax for a bit.”
Jocelyn nodded, trying to keep her cool. “Well, I hope you enjoy yourself. Aiden’s bringing out some of his designs in a minute. I think you’ll love them.”
Kyle’s eyes lit up at the mention of Aiden. “I’m sure I will. I looked him up after we met. His work is stunning.”
Jocelyn beamed with pride. “He’s very talented.” She turned to the side just as Aiden entered the room, wheeling a few dresses out on a clothing rack. “Speak of the devil.”
Aiden gave a charming smile, greeting Kyle warmly. “I thought I’d show you a few pieces from the collection we’re taking to Paris next week,” he said, holding up a delicate, asymmetrical gown. “This one’s made from hand dyed silk. It’s one of our more exclusive pieces.”
Kyle leaned forward, inspecting the dress with interest. “It’s absolutely gorgeous,” she said, her fingers lightly brushing the fabric. “I can’t wait to see the full collection.”
Aiden grinned, obviously pleased with her reaction. “Feel free to try anything on if you like and I'll grab us some drinks.”
Jocelyn’s heart skipped a beat at the suggestion. Kyle, wearing Aiden’s designs? In her house? This day was getting more surreal by the minute.
Kyle’s face lit up at the offer. “Oh, I’d love to! If you don’t mind, of course.”
“If Aiden's allowing it, then it’s fine by me,” Jocelyn said quickly, barely containing her excitement.
Aiden gave them both a knowing smile before excusing himself to the other room, leaving them alone with the dresses. Jocelyn could tell he was up to something, but she didn’t have time to dwell on it. Kyle was already standing up, eyeing one of the dresses on display.
“This one is so beautiful,” Kyle said, carefully lifting a pale lavender gown from its hanger. “Does he really mind if I try it on?”
“Go for it. Looks like it’s probably your size,” Jocelyn said, stepping back to give her space.
Kyle slipped off her shoes and slid the straps of her sundress off her shoulders. Jocelyn quickly turned away, her cheeks flushing. She hadn’t expected this situation to feel so…intimate. As Kyle changed, Jocelyn busied herself by tidying up the table, trying to act casual. But the rustle of fabric and the soft sound of Kyle’s voice as she asked for help with the zipper made Jocelyn’s pulse quicken once more.
“Do you mind giving me a hand,” Kyle asked, holding up her hair with one hand and turning her back to Jocelyn.
Jocelyn swallowed, stepping closer to gently zip up the dress. Her fingers brushed against Kyle’s skin, and for a brief moment, the world felt like it had stopped spinning. She could smell the light scent of Kyle’s perfume, feel the warmth of her skin, and for just a second, it was like no one else existed.
“How does it look,” Kyle asked, turning around with a radiant smile.
Jocelyn blinked, snapping out of her daze. “You look…incredible,” she said, a little breathless.
Kyle twirled, clearly pleased with the fit of the dress. “I love it! I’ll definitely need to wear something like this for Fashion Week.”
Jocelyn smiled, trying to keep her cool. “I’m sure Aiden will be happy to hear that.”
Just as the moment seemed to settle, Aiden reappeared in the doorway, casually holding a tray of drinks. “Everything going alright in here?”
“Perfect,” Kyle said, beaming at him. “I think I’ve found my new favorite designer.”
Aiden winked at Jocelyn, setting the drinks down before giving them space again. “The dress looks great on you. It really suits you, just please change out of it before the drinks. I’ll let you two talk. I’ve got a few more things to handle in the studio.”
Jocelyn raised an eyebrow as he left, knowing full well he was intentionally leaving them alone. Still, she appreciated the gesture. It gave her a little more time with Kyle, and she wasn’t going to waste it.
Kyle quickly changed back after getting good look at herself in a full length mirror, and letting Jocelyn take some pictures for instagram. They sat together, chatting easily about Fashion Week, trends, and Aiden’s designs. Jocelyn found herself relaxing more and more, enjoying Kyle’s company. It wasn’t long before the afternoon had flown by, and Kyle glanced at her phone with a small sigh.
“I should probably get going,” she said, standing up and smoothing down her sundress. “But I had such a great time today. Thank you for inviting me.”
Jocelyn stood as well, feeling a pang of disappointment that their time was already over. “Thank you for coming. It was really fun having you here.”
Kyle smiled, stepping closer to give Jocelyn a quick hug. “Let’s do this again soon, okay? Maybe next time, I can host.”
Jocelyn’s heart fluttered at the prospect. “I’d love that.”
As Kyle headed for the door, she glanced back with a playful grin. “And tell Aiden I’ll be seeing him in Paris.”
Jocelyn waved, watching her go. She’d promised to see Kyle again, and it was a prospect she couldn’t be more thrilled about. Aiden joined her at the door, catching the longing look in Jocelyn's eye as Kyle walked off with Storm, who to her credit had been good the entire time and had basically just laid at Kyle's feet. He didn’t know where this would go from here, but it felt like it was just the tip of the iceberg.
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💎 -> Chapter Three
Forever Tag: @baubeautyandthegeek, @kmc1989, @curious-kittens-ocs, @fanficanatic-tw, @gcthvile, @immyowndefender, @savageoofchicken896
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thatoneaceinthecorner · 2 years ago
RQG Art Masterpost
Hey guys! So recently I've had a wave of notes on some of my old rqg art, and a few new followers. I got really nostalgic about rqg and decided I wanted an easier way to access my rqg-related art (other than the dumpster fire that is tumblr's tagging system), and I wanted other people who are just finding my art to have an easy way of looking at the rest, if they want to. So I dug through everything and made a masterpost! This post contains links to all the rqg art I've ever posted on tumblr, as well as a couple images that I couldn't find the original posts for, despite all the digging. It's loosely organized, emphasis on loosely, but I hope it should be fun to look through if anyone ever feels like it. Spoiler warning for the whole show, just in case anyone new isn’t done with their first listen. There's also stuff in here that's pretty old and that I don't necessarily love anymore, but seeing how my skills progressed over time is still pretty neat. This is a long post, so I've put all the links under the cut. Enjoy!
My top three pieces and why they're my favorites
Shoin's sketch of London
RQG Inktober: Scars
Resurrection Ritual in the Ursan Village
Zolf Smith, cleric of what comes next (comic)
Alex's horrible Barret Monster with knife arms
Ada and Tesla in their lab with the Babbage brain
"Why didn't you do more" (it's all your fault comic)
Blue-veined arm in Other London
Zolf and Azu hear the hivemind
Sasha and Cicero leave Rome behind them
Apophis in human form
Party camping outside the Garden of Yerlik
Kantu!! Because I thought they were cute
Also these two drawings, the ones I couldn't find the original posts for. Azu giving Hamid a piggy-back, and a really old drawing of Azu in Carter's mind museum.
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Sasha Racket:
Sasha hangs out with gargoyles (and sphinxes)
Sasha portrait
Goodbye, Brock
Goodbye, Grizzop
If Grizzop had lived and helped raised Sasha's kids
Sasha deserves bat wings, as a treat
"I so wish you could meet them"
My very first drawing of Sasha, post-Kafka fight
Wilde masterpost (yes he has his own)
"We're all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars"
His brain might've popped
Wilde looking pretty (plus bonus shitpost sketch)
"Oh Wilde, you must have been so scared"
Wilde with blue veins
Wilde gets his magic back (first time I ever drew him)
Wild and Zolf in the rain, epilogue
"We've got this" "Yeah, we've got this" aka Parallels
Breath of Life
Wilde's first death
Peace and comfort (for once)
Actually some more peace and comfort
And a little more
Aaand back to some angst
RQG Zine Art:
The End of the World As We Know It
How Little He Matters
Rome Is Where the Heart Is
Hamimatic - Immature
Zolf is the sand guardian, guardian of the sand
Wilde and Zolf in the rain but animated this time
Sasha protecting Wilde in Paris
Time lapse of some of the "Breath of Life" drawing
Ben Meredith quoting Jenna Marbles (starring Toothbrush Zolf)
Doodles, sketches, and requests:
Messy busts of the whole party (plus Wilde, obviously)
Azu and Grizzop outfit/deity swap
Never wake a sleeping Barnes (comic)
Toothbrush Zolf
Azu caring for undead Sasha
Ada mourning Babbage AU
Fun sketch page of various PCs
Domestic Zolf and Wilde
Canon-compliant under-dressed Zolf (look he's posing like the coppertone baby from that one brand of sunscreen, i thought it was funny)
Sasha and Wilde bonding time
If Sasha and Cel met each other
Sasha and Zolf, amputee buddies
Wilde in a flower crown (Everyone Liked That)
More domestic Zolf and Wilde
Sasha playing with Hamid's twin brothers
Sasha looking after Grizzop's kids
Zolf and Wilde hugging
Sasha and Skraak, dynamic duo
Barnes and Carter hugging
Kobold in the kitchen with Zolf
Ada holding down the fort
Happy Hamid
Cel and Grag
Wilde and Hamid high-five
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ithinkofnealcassady · 1 year ago
doing another intense ‘lights off noise cancellers on sitting one inch from the laptop screen’ manuscript readthrough before starting to submit it again so this is my typical “if you work in fiction publishing and have ever liked a single word i’ve said give me your contact now” announcement. if i don’t say it it won’t be heard etc etc
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vanoefucks · 1 year ago
url music tag!!! thank u @landgraabbed <33 tagging @leonbastralle @katsigian @woohooincoffin @saintirulan & @haarleps
v : valkyrie - oneus a : all knowing and all agony - shun horie n : no shame - 5sos o : one way lover - eric nam e : emergency - day6 f : futureproof - nothing but thieves u : underneath - paris paloma c : cupid - ryan beatty k : kazino - bibi s : ship wrecked in atlantis - busted
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 7 months ago
The lost daughter of Superman
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/7lapLWu by Bri000 Marinette was born with the name Mari Kent, events occurs and now she is worried, so she leaves home and changes her name to Marinette Dupain-Cheng. The situation with Hawkmoth leads her and her team to contact the Justice League, asking for help. Events pile up and she end up back in Metropolis for collage, scared half to death of the thought of meeting her parents. Tim is 24 and just going through the motions, work and his night life an endless cycle, that is until he starts helping Batman and Nightwing train a group of heroes in Paris. Ladybug is too intriguing and fascinating, would falling in love with her be wrong with the age gab? Follow Marinette struggle to find the courage to face her family and so what if she finds love on the way there. But the question is whether they will bust or bear, only time will tell. Words: 7462, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug, Batman - All Media Types, Superman - All Media Types Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: Multi Characters: Clark Kent, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Alya Césaire, Luka Couffaine, Nino Lahiffe, Jonathan "Jon" Kent (Superman & Lois TV 2021), Kon-El | Conner Kent, Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake (DCU) Relationships: Clark Kent/Lois Lane, Tim Drake (DCU)/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Clark Kent Additional Tags: Marinette is a Kent, Adopted Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, timette read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/7lapLWu
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writingkeepsmewhole · 1 year ago
 It ain’t me you gotta worry about
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This is part 6 of Snow In The Dark. Been a while I know but hope you like anyway.
Fic Summary: Snow has never known who she was. Being raised in the streets made her strong but lonely. That changed when she met Jack them becoming as close as sisters. She thought she found her family. That all changes when she crashes on a planet with only one rule. Stay in the light.
Part Summary: Snow gets saved by an unexpeacted friend.
Riddick x OC Snow
Warnings: Language. Mentions of abuse.
Part 1 Part 5
Let me know if you want to be tagged :P : @here4thespice @amarokofficial @backseat-serenade-dizzyhurricane
As soon as we reach the ship I can’t help but notice the shadow moving on the ground. Looking up I see large spirals coming over the horizon. Iman’s boys take off running into the ship for Carolyn.
“Crap.” I say looking at it knowing the eclipse was starting. 
 It doesn't take long for everyone to decide that we have to get off the planet as soon as possible. Sharon getting the doom buggie up and running it definitely going to help us get the rest of the power cells back to the ship. They were heavy and would take hours to carry from the crash site. Hours we didn't have. The buggie was solar powered.
I hadn't seen Riddick or Johns since my "chat" with Johns. Something I was happy and nervous about.
Happy because the more I was away from Johns the better and nervous because I didn't know how Riddick would react.
I knew I was nothing to him, just something to pass the time with or entertain himself for the time being but something told me he wouldn't be pleased with my new found bruises.
Just a gut feeling that he would be upset.
We all climbed into the sand cat quickly, a twisted thought that we all wouldn’t fit if the people who had died were still alive.
“Where’s Riddick?” Jack yells, making me look at her.
She was right, him and Johns was still MIA.
“Leave him.” Paris says, shocking me. Making me wonder if he would say that about any of the rest of us.
“He wouldn’t wait for us.” He says just as Riddick jumps from the roof of a nearby building. Him landing right behind Paris.
“I thought we lost you.” Paris says nervous, making me roll my eyes. 
I can’t stop the small smile as he quickly sits down. It’s wiped from my face when Riddick tilts his head towards me.
I knew what he saw. We all did, it was kinda hard to miss. He moves closer to me, standing next to where I am sitting.
“Johns!” Sharon yells, and starts to drive forward slowly.
I kinda hoped she would leave him, but he quickly comes out of the building. Him starting to climb on the buggie. Riddick surprised me by helping him up.
Him holding him on the edge for a second. I realize in that moment that he knows. Riddick knows what happened to me. Or rather who did this to me.
It wasn’t even an hour ago when he threatened to kill Johns for busting my lip. Now I had his literal finger prints on my jaw. I didn’t know what would happen but I knew this wasn’t going to end well. 
Riddick only held him there for a moment, staring at him but it felt much longer. My stomach twisting in knots watching the interaction between them.
Riddick helps him on the sand cat then turns around.
He settles himself next to me. Glancing up at him he looked angry. Everything on him was tense. As if he was daring anyone to look at him wrong.
We rode quickly towards the crash site. The impending eclipse is right behind us.
Jack looks over at Riddick, pulling her found broken goggles over her eyes.
I didn't even get a chance to smile at how cute she was being. Riddick pointed behind her to the very large bone hanging ready to knock off anyone who was standing up.
Jack quickly ducks down out of the way. I don't bother moving, already sitting down so I wasn't expecting when Riddick's large hand was placed on my back pushing me down as he squatted out of the way.
I realized I wasn't out of the way like I thought the bone was only a few inches from the top of my head.
We all sit back up only under the ribcage of the animal for a minute.
I checked on Jack with my eyes, she was fine. My next thought is Riddick.
When did I start caring about him I'll never know. 
He glances down at me then looks straight ahead once again.
We reach the crash ship quickly, all of us climbing off, except Sharon, and the kids.
I rush into the crash ship seeing where I can help.
I stop seeing Riddick and John's packing power cells. Riddick packing two at a time. Despite them weighing almost eighty pounds.
I was definitely impressed. Hearing Jack call for me I quickly rush back out just to watch a plant rise from the sky. I block out the sun as everything around us goes black.
Darkness settles around us along with the silence. At first that’s all there is silence, dead silence. 
Then I hear it. A chirping that makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Looking in the distance I watch a black cloud rise, the noise growing louder. 
The creatures twisting around each other. It almost reminds me of a dance.
“Beautiful.” Riddick says, his voice closer to me then what I expected.
I look over my shoulder seeing the winging beast take to the sky. The sound of them settling around us, it makes me feel on edge.
“Get back to the ship.” Carolyn says, then yells, her along with the others rushing towards the ship as the monsters start rushing towards us. It felt like they would swoop down and snatch me up any moment.
Adrenaline shoots through me, rushing up my neck, waking my mind up. Telling my body to move. Now. My legs move on their own. The survival instinct makes my limbs pump faster.
I turn ready to sprint to the door, seeing Jack ahead of me I know she is fine. Not looking back, I focused on running. Getting to the ship. Living.
When I feel something hard slam into my back I fall forward, smacking into the ground. The air in my lungs gets knocked out of me.
A heavy weight is laying on me. The hot breath of another person fanning over my ear. Fingers wrapped around the back of my neck.
“Don’t move.” His deep voice says, the sound resonating deep in my stomach.
I feel the rush of air as the swarm of creatures fly over us. Missing us by inches and flying back into the sky.
It’s quiet for just a moment. Just long enough to make you want to stand up. I couldn’t if I wanted to. Riddick’s large frame keeps me in place. I had no intention of moving. The itch in the back of my mind telling me it wasn’t safe yet.
I hear Jack yell at Shazza to stay down. Riddick flips off me to land on his back next to me as another woosh of wings fly over us.
Laying flat on my stomach, my face looking to the left. I watch him lay perfectly still. Like death wasn’t inches from us.
I take a deep breath through my nose, the smell of Riddick mixed with earth fills my nose. Claiming me.
The sound of Shazza’s screams reach us. The creatures fighting over her torn in half body flying off.
Riddck stands up, reminding me of a cat the way he moves. Him looking to both his left and his right before dusting his hands off and offering me one.
The gesture snaps me out of my daze. Pushing myself up to my knees I take his broad hand and let him pull me up with ease.
He drops my hand as soon as I'm standing and starts walking towards the crashed ship like he knew I would follow him.
I do follow him, kinda shocked he just saved my life. I thought he was the monster on the ship.
“Please, I really think we should go inside.” Paris says pulling Jack with him.
He must have held her from going to Shazza. I feel a bitter coil of jealousy in my stomach realizing she didn’t scream for me once.
“Come on, let's go.” He says, just as me and Riddick reach the ship. Carolyn looked in shock and like she was going to puke.
The hairs on my neck bristle up hearing another round of screeching. The three of us turned to look in the distance. 
I take a breath hearing more rocks crumble, telling me more creatures are coming.
“What is it RIddick?” Carolyn asks, as Riddick takes his goggles off.
“What is it now?”
“Like I said it ain’t me you gotta worry about.” He says, as another flock of monsters rush towards us.
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ilovernb1 · 9 months ago
Jazmine Sullivan's concert review - July 11th, 2024
On Friday (July 11th), American R&B singer Jazmine Sullivan was in Paris for her European tour.
After French R&B singer Affa opened for her, Jazmine Sullivan arrived on stage minutes after Affa left.
She opened up the show with Bodies (Intro) (from Heaux Tales) and Bust Your Windows (from Fearless). She then thanked us and kept it going with Put It Down (from Heaux Tales), Mascara (from Reality Show) and Price Tags (from Heaux Tales).
She continued with Girl Like Me, Hurt Me So Good and Roster (all from Heaux Tales). The next one was Holding You Down (Goin' In Circles) (from Love Me Back) and she covered The Fugees' Killing Me Softly, which we loved.
Then, she told us that she lost her mom last year to cancer and that the next song she was going to sing meant a lot to her. On these words, she sang Lost One (from Heaux Tales) and after that, she took us back to the first album with In Love With Another Man (from Fearless).
After that, her background singers covered Muni Long's Made for Me, Monica's So Gone and SWV's Weak. It was amazing, we all sang together and loved it.
She continued with Tragic (from Heaux Tales), Brand New (from Reality Show) and Insecure. She kept it going with On It (from Heaux Tales), Let It Burn (from Reality Show) and Need U Bad (from Fearless).
She ended the show with Pick Up Your Feelings (from Heaux Tales), thanked us again and left.
Jazmine Sullivan is another favorite singer of mine and her voice is incredible. I found her show way too short but it was awesome.
Thanks for reading!
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baronvonriktenstein · 2 years ago
Tagged by @watercubebee
Rules: Put your playlist on shuffle. For each of the 10 interview questions, select a lyric from the random song that comes up. (Skip if there aren’t any lyrics and make sure to drop the name of the song in your interview answer!) (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
First off, how would you describe yourself in one sentence? Sometimes there's a part of me Has to turn from here and go Running like a child from these warm stars Down the Seven Bridges Road Seven Bridges Road by Eagles
What kind of [Capricorn] are you? I feel so bad, I feel so numb, yeah Blacken the sun What have I done? I feel so good, I feel so numb, yeah Feel So Numb by Rob Zombie
You’re visiting your favourite spot. What are you thinking about? Joy to the world All the boys and girls, now Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea Joy to you and me Joy to the World by Three Dog Night
If your life was a movie, what do you think the first review would say about it? Take me out tonight Because I want to see people And I want to see life There Is a Light That Never Goes Out by The Smiths
Say you get a book deal. What are you titling the memoir? So take me away, I don't mind But you better promise me I'll be back in time Back in Time by Huey Lewis & the News
What would you say about your best friends? I’m so afraid that they will fly, away from me A Monster in Paris - English dub ver. by Sean Lennon (From Animated Film "A Monster in Paris")
Think back to when you had everything all figured out in high school. What was your life motto as a teenager? All my life Beam a light on me I am a satellite And I can't get back without you Busted and Blue by Gorillaz
Describe your aesthetic now When hopes and dreams are far away And you feel like you can't face the day Crash and Burn by Savage Garden
What’s a lyric that they’ll quote in your eulogy? Won't you love me all the time? Please don't make this be goodbye Darling, can't you see that I would be so sad? Moving by The Happy Fits
And for our final question, say you believe in soulmates. What do you think their first impression of meeting you would be? So, Brown Eyes, I'll hold you near 'Cause you're the only song I want to hear A melody softly soaring through my atmosphere Soul Meets Body by Death Cab for Cutie
>:3c Y'know I kinda stopped tagging, but if you see this and want to do it, please tag me so I can have a look
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multifandombabesworld · 2 months ago
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Real Name: Estella Raven Banks
Ring Name(s): Estella (formerly; August 2016-February 2017), Stella Venus (currently; 2017-present)
Nickname(s): Stella (real life), E, Stell, The Venus Fly Trap, The Hot Mess, The Heart & Soul of A-Town Down Under, A-Town Down Under’s Girl, Austin & Grayson’s Girl
Born: August 12th, 1998 (age 26)
Hometown: Phoenix, Arizona
Billed From: Phoenix, Arizona
Height/Weight: 5’5/120 lbs
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Light Brown (1998-2019), Ginger/Red (2019-present)
Ariel Banks (mother)
Evan Banks (father)
Tasha Marie (older sister)
Isabelle Hawkins (cousin)
Annabelle Hawkins (cousin)
Bailey Hawkins (cousin)
Jackson Wilson (cousin in law; married to Isabelle)
London and Paris Wilson (cousins; twin daughters of Jackson and Isabelle)
Marcus Wilson (cousin; son of Jackson and Isabelle)
Sexuality: Homosexual
Romantic Interest(s): Roxanne Alvarez (dating 2021-present), Unnamed ex girlfriend (2017-2019)
Children: None
Companies/Promotions: INDY (August 22, 2016-October 18, 2016), WWE: NXT (October 19, 2016-August 20, 2018), WWE: Smackdown Live (August 21, 2018-October 13, 2019), WWE: Raw (October 14, 2019-October 8, 2020), WWE: Smackdown Live (October 9, 2020-October 31, 2021), WWE: Raw (November 1, 2021-April 30, 2023), WWE: Smackdown Live (May 1, 2023-present)
Face/Heel Turns: Face (August 22, 2016-December 10, 2018), Heel (December 11, 2018-May 7, 2020), Face (May 8, 2020-November 14, 2021), Heel (November 15, 2021-January 1, 2023), Tweener (January 2, 2023-January 18, 2024), Heel (January 19, 2024-January 16, 2025), Tweener (January 17, 2025-present)
Theme Songs:
First Theme (INDY; August 2016-October 2016)
Second Theme (October 2016-2017)
Third Theme (2017-2018)
Fourth Theme (2018-2020)
Fifth Theme (2020-present)
Tag Teams/Stables: Venus Brutality (with Rhea Ripley; 2017-2018), Blood Sisters (with Tasha Marie; 2019-2024), A-Town Down Under (with Austin Theory and Grayson Waller; 2024-2025)
Finisher Moves:
Hot Mess Attack (Bridged Pumphandle Suplex)
The Venus Fly Trap (Muta Lock)
Signature Moves:
Flower Beauty (Sunset Flip Powerbomb)
Running Bulldog
Submission Moves: Muta Lock, Cloverleaf, Sleeper Hold, Boston Crab
Titles Won:
NXT Women’s Championship (NXT Takeover: Chicago II June 16, 2018 against Nikki Cross & Shayna Baszler after pinning Shayna with a Hot Mess Attack) Held for: 64 days (lost to Kairi Sane at NXT Takeover: Brooklyn IV August 18, 2018 after being pinned when Kairi hit the In-Sane Elbow)
Universal Women’s Championship (Extreme Rules July 19, 2020 against Cassie Brown and Kairi Sane in a triple threat match after hitting the Hot Mess Attack on Cassie and pinning her) Held for: 48 days (lost at Payback August 30, 2020 against Lana after getting pinned to the Lana Crush)
24/7 Championship (Raw 11/22/20 after pinning Akira Tozawa from behind) Held for: 9 minutes (lost to R-Truth after he pinned her when she was distracted)
Other Accomplishments:
NXT Year-End Award - Breakout Star of the Year (2018)
Slammy Award - Social Media Superstar of the Year (2020)
Medical Conditions/Injuries:
Head Concussion
Busted Lip
Dislocated Shoulder
Sprained Ankle
Torn Meniscus
Sprained Shoulder
Managers: Tasha Marie
Has Managed: Tasha Marie, Austin Theory, Grayson Waller
Tiffany Stratton
Blair Davenport
Michin (off screen)
Cassie Brown (off screen)
Rosalie (off screen)
Rhea Ripley (off screen)
Austin Theory
Grayson Waller
Megan Foster (off screen)
Dakota Kai
Kairi Sane
Iyo Sky
Randy Orton (off screen)
Finn Bálor (off screen)
Sami Zayn (off screen)
Jimmy Uso
Solo Sikoa
Jey Uso
Roman Reigns
Tama Tonga (off screen)
Tonga Loa (off screen)
Liv Morgan (off screen)
Shotzi (off screen)
Chelsea Green
Piper Niven
Cody Rhodes (off screen)
Ludwig Kaiser
CM Punk (off screen)
Trained By:
Matt Bloom
Sara Amato
Tasha Marie
WWE Idol(s):
Ashley Massaro
Eddie Guerrero
CM Punk
Randy Orton
The Rock
John Cena
D-Generation X
Stella had grew up watching wrestling with her sister. Her favorites were Chyna, DX, Eddie Guerrero, Randy Orton, and The Rock
Before joining the WWE, she was a model and occasionally wrestled for the INDYS
Stella’s gimmick style is hugely inspired by Poison Ivy and Venus Fly Trap from Monster High. Her personality is very much inspired by Harley Quinn and Jade West
She always carries a flower to the ring during her entrance
She is allergic to peanuts and cats
She did gymnastics when she was young and was also in drama and choir
Stella doesn’t like broccoli, Snickers, or crab
Stella has a bad shoulder due to dislocating it years ago
She has 4 tattoos, one of them matching with her sister and one with her girlfriend
She owns a Yorkie named Pixie who is 4 years old
Social Medias: thestellavenus (Instagram), estellavenus (Twitter), stellavenustrap (TikTok) *These aren’t real so don’t look for them*
A/N: Stella is part of the same fanfic/au as Cassie Brown and Tasha Marie (Tasha is her older sister obvi), you can read about them as well. Both girls’ infos on my profile. I will make a masterlist eventually so you can see it easier, but you might have to scroll a bit for now to see them. I’ll be publishing about Megan, Rosalie, Roxanne, and new OC I made Vivian Storm soon. Also The Hawkins and Jackson are OCs as well and I might make something for them. I haven’t decided yet.
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