#riddick imagine
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writingkeepsmewhole · 9 months ago
Stay In The Light
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This is part 9 of Snow In The Dark. I hope you like it :)
Fic Summary: Snow has never known who she was. Being raised in the streets made her strong but lonely. That changed when she met Jack them becoming as close as sisters. She thought she found her family. That all changes when she crashes on a planet with only one rule. Stay in the light.
Part Summary: Snow learns who her true friends are.
Riddick x OC Snow
Warnings: Language. Mention of deaths.
Let me know if you want to be tagged :P : @here4thespice @amarokofficial @backseat-serenade-dizzyhurricane @pinkcrystal44 @goblingirlsarah @shelbyteller @classyunknownlover @sparklingnightfox @murphy3691 @vvs-dlxodyd @goblingirlsarah
The next half an hour is spent rushing to get everything that makes light and putting it on a makeshift sled.
All of us join together only speaking when we have to. My heart pounded in my chest telling me how worried I was.
Of course I was. I was trapped on a planet with things that wanted to eat me and really no dependable way to defend myself.
I couldn’t help but worry about myself, worry about Jack. She was helping just as anyone else, her being brave and acting like she was fine.
I hate to admit she reminded me a lot of myself at that age. Always trying to fight to keep yourself alive. She was scared I was as well.
We were all scared. The only one of us that didn’t seem to be was Riddick. Him walking around the ship telling us all what to do like he knew exactly how this night was going to play out.
The thing is I knew he was right.
“I’ll be running about ten paces ahead.” He says, Carylon following behind him while I sat next to Paris making cocktails.
“I want light on my back but not on my eyes.” He says, holding his hand up to block the light as he walks past Paris holding the cutting torch.
“And check your cuts. These bad boys know our blood now.” He says, his eyes meeting mine.
I had a busted lip. Is that what he meant?
Looking over at Jack I see her frozen looking up at him with fear on her face. My stomach drops, oh no running through my head.
Standing up I ignore Paris asking me where I’m going. Dusting my hands off I walk over to her and crouch down in front of her, her snapping back to work.
“Everything okay?” I whisper, helping her roll up the cord of light.
Her worried eyes meet mine, her shaking her head.
“It’s that time?” I whisper again, not wanting anyone to hear us.
She nods, not looking at me.
“I’ll find something.” I say standing up once more.
Using a flash light I found, I ease back into the ship half remembering seeing a first aid kit back there. 
I stop hearing footsteps looking over to see Johns standing there.
“Where do you think you're going?” He asks, his gun pointed in my direction.
“To go pee, you wanna watch?” I ask glaring at him.
He flushed with embarrassment, and took a step back.
“Thought so.” I say, moving away from him.
Taking a breath I shine the light around in the darkness almost jumping out of my skin when the shine of eyes flash for just a second.
Without thinking I move closer to him, encasing us in darkness besides my flashlight. Keeping it aimed at the floor, I stop when I reach him.
The primal smell of him wrapping around me makes my stomach tighten. I take a breath, feeling his fingertips brush over my hand as he clicks the light off.
I open my mouth to say something, Riddick’s large hand coming up to cover it stopping me.
I try to ignore my racing heart or the urge to throw myself at him. I clench my fist as best I can, feeling Riddick bend down so our noses almost touch. I could feel his eyes looking deep in mine.
His arm wraps around my waist pulling me closer to him, making me bend into him as he leans over me.
If I could bite my lip I would, all thoughts of what I was doing back here are out the window. The only thing present is the bubble me and Riddick has created. Despite the darkness around us my eyes flutter close. The heat and pressure of him wrapped around me making me want to melt.
Dropping his hand from my mouth he places it on my back. Him dipping himself lower to run his nose over my neck makes me shiver.
My eyes snap open when I hear a sound, expecting a monster to come flying our way. I blush when I realize it came from me. 
A low rumble leaving my chest or was it my throat it sounded almost like a purr. Blushing, I pull away from him and shake my head.
“I need to go.” I say, stepping back.
Feeling my foot hit something I don’t have time to react before I trip over whatever it was. My arms are flying out to grab anything to stop myself. Strong arms wrapping around me once again. Riddick kept me from falling.
“Sorry.” I say pushing my hair behind my ear from being nervous.
“I really should go. We don’t have a lot of time.” I say, not moving, Riddick’s arms comfortable around me.
I hear a familiar rumble of him humming an agreement, him letting go of me and taking a step back.
“Thank you.” I say, starting to turn around. Stopping when I realize I dropped my flashlight.
“It’s broken.” Riddick says, him seeing what I was doing.
“Great. I was looking for something.” I say more to myself than him.
“I’ll never find it now.”
I blush when I feel his large hand wrap around my wrist. Him pulling me behind him as he walks back towards the others. Back towards the light. 
As soon as we reach the glow of the light both of us are still half covered in shadows Riddick’s touch leaves mine.
Him lifting a box in the air. It is clearly a first aid kit.
“Can you read minds?” I ask, taking it gently from him, a smirk dancing along his lips but quickly disappearing.
“We need to get going.”
“I’ll be ready in five.” I say, earning a slow nod. 
Slipping on his goggles he heads back towards the others, I right behind him.
After we get everything ready. Including me helping Jack with her problem we head towards the door ready to face the beasts outside. Riddick pushing it open the weird sounds of them filling the air.
“Are we actually going to do this?” Paris asks, holding the cutting torch up.
“Did you have any better plans?” I ask, ignoring the glares I get from the others.
“We stay together, we keep the light burning.” Carolyn says sternly.
“That’s all we gotta do to live through this thing.” She says looking around at all of us. Her leaving us to go get Johns.
I stand by the door, next to Riddick, anxiously ready to get off this planet.
I don’t bother saying anything hearing Johns talk just over our heads.
“You give him the cells and the ship and he’ll leave you all out there to die.” Johns says, making me clench my jaw.
Johns seemed like he was only looking out for himself.
“He’ll leave all of you.” He says.
Seeing Riddick’s jaw jump I look over at him, him looking dead ahead.
“And they call you the criminal.” I say, him not answering me.
“Just so we’re clear, if he doesn't make it I won’t be sad about it.” I say, hearing them come down the steps not caring if they heard me. The rest gather at the door of the ship.
“Here.” Johns says, handing me some of the glowing cord to wrap around me.
“I’m not putting that on me and being tied to you, no thanks.”
“Everyone needs to pull their weight.”
“And I will, I'll help drag the thing but I’m not being tied to anyone."
“Even if it was him?” He says, jerking his head towards Riddick.
“Knock it off. Just stay close to the sled.” She says, everyone shutting up when Riddick walks up to us handing me a giant glow stick.
Kinda confused. I take it from him and crack it, shaking it up making the bright neon green lighting up the space around me.
“Let's move.” He says 
I take a breath and get into position as we all take off jogging out into the darkness.
I try not to think about the sounds around me, just keep my eyes focused on Riddick. On the lights on his back. I kept telling myself follow that and you’ll be fine.
Just had to keep up.
It wasn’t long before the cutting torch used its last bit of fuel. The sounds of the wild animals around us grew louder, as the space around us grew darker.
“Stay close.” Imam says. Paris starts to get antsy. I look at him, looking around, Jack mimicking his panic.
“Just breathe, Jack.” I tell her, her looking at me.
We start walking again pulling the sled with us. My stomach drops when I hear something fall off it.
“Wait.” Jack says, taking the lights off her and starting to grab it.
“Don’t.” I say, going to stop her before it was too late.
In a blink, everything erupts into chaos. The sounds of creatures growing closer, as Johns starts shooting his gun blindly.
I go to get Jack back into the light when Johns spins towards me and fires, a strong rough hand pulling me out of the way before the bullet lands in my face.
I don’t get surprised when I feel myself pressed into a hard chest.
“Shh.” He whispers to me, bringing me to the ground as he squats.
I realize he’s just watching them, to see what’s going to happen. My muscles jerk wanting to get Jack but his hold on me keeps me from moving.
I feel the cool of a blade, him pressing it into his own cheek as he thinks, the back of the makeshift knife touching my neck. 
I watch as the whole thing we spent rigging up is ripped from the sled, the glowing blue lights going out.
The only light around me is the green glow stick I tied around my neck with some string and the lights on Riddick’s back.
It didn’t take a genius to realize we were in a bubble of light the others now didn’t have.
I jump as a flash of flames a few feet away goes off, Paris blowing on a lighter, showing at least twenty creatures around him. As soon as the light is gone you hear the whaling of them along with his screams.
With the distraction I watch Carolyn light a flare, the green light brightening the darkness as she lights the few molotovs we have.
I stand up with Riddick, walking over to the group slowly.
“Well it’s good to see you're okay.” Johns says, looking at him.
I rush over to Jack and check on her, her looking up at me with fear. I hug her tightly and kiss her head.
I watch Riddick look out in the distance, where Paris was last seen.
“Do I even wanna know?” Carolyn asks, standing behind him.
“I don’t.” I mumble, holding onto Jack rubbing her arm.
Riddick looks at me then jerks his head to start walking.
I do as he commands us walking after him, us holding bottles of fire.
“Are we getting close?” Jack asks.
“Can we pick up the pace?” Carolyn calls out to Riddick ahead of us.
Johns gets mad as he throws down the strap he was using to pull the sled.
Not wanting to start yelling at him, I speed walk up to Riddick catching up with him.
“They want to go faster.” I say softly to him.
Him grunting in recognition he heard me.
“You wanna tell me what the hell is going on?” Johns asks, walking up to us, standing there.
“We crossed our own tracks.” Carolyn says, making me roll my eyes. Of course we didn't take that long to walk here in the day.
“Why have we circled? Are we lost?” Imam asks.
“Listen.” Riddick says softly.
I do just that, the faint roar of bodies and creatures around us, and even more in our path.
“Canyon ahead. I circled once to buy some time to think.” Riddick says calmly.
“I think we should go now.” Imam
“Oh I don’t know about that.” Riddick says, smirking, cocking his head to the side.
I clench my jaw, catching why he was being sarcastic now. We wouldn’t make it across the Canyon.
“That’s death row up there.” He says speaking my thoughts.
Without thinking I moved closer to him. Needing whatever power that radiated off him to soak into me.
I was brave, or rather stupid enough to get myself into danger but I wasn’t smart enough or rather had the gift of darkvision to get myself out of this mess.
“Especially with the girl bleeding.” He says, making my gut drop.
“Crap.” I say, softly to myself. Johns looking at me, fury lighting up in him.
“Where?” He snaps at me, making my own fury go through me.
“Not her.” Riddick says, calmly getting Johns attention.
“Her.” He says looking at Jack.
Everyone turns to look at Jack, her looking around scared and alone. I quickly move over to her, everyone having a light bulb moment.
I’m stopped by a tight grip.
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Johns and Carlyn say in different voices to different people.
Her to Jack comforting her as Jack sinks to the ground.
Johns to me, glaring at me like everything that happened was my fault.
“Did the same thing at her age. It’s not easy being a girl on the streets.” I say glaring up at him.
He yells and jerks away from me storming as far off as he safely could.
“They’ve been nose opened for her since we left.”
“In case you haven’t noticed, they go off blood.”
“Of course they do.” I mumble to myself moving to roll my trying to hold back the part of me that wanted to snap and do anything it took to get out of here alive.
That part of me held down by protecting Jack but she was currently with Carolyn and the presence of Riddick seemed to make the part of me want to unfurl and bloom.
“Look, this is not gonna work.” Carolyn says standing up.
“We’re gonna have to go back.” She says, making me turn to look at her in shock.
“What’d you say?” Johns says.
“You're the one that got us out here in the first place.” He says pointing at her.
I watch them once again turn on each other, I can’t help but wrinkle my brow and cock my head to the side wondering when did people get so weak minded.
It made sense to stick together, keep moving. Do something.
With that thought in mind I turn around, seeing Riddick slowly walking to the ridge of the cannon I go up to stand next to him. Him turning to look at me.
“They're all losing it.”
“Not you?” He asks, softly. His low rumbling voice settled me in a way I needed.
“Not yet.”
He smirks looking down at me. He reaches to pick up my glow stick and look at it.
“Should keep you safe till we get to the ship.”
“We?” I ask, lifting an eyebrow.
He smirks once again and starts to walk.
I wait for a moment to follow, falling between him and the group.
When Johns joined Riddick I knew something was up. I was just outta ear, shot but close enough to catch a few words.
Sacrifice was the word I picked up on, that and when Riddick turned to look at us, his eyes met mine.
Something in them puts my body on alert. Told me to slow down, wait for him. So I did. I slowed my pace a few steps.
When I watched the green flare fly out of John's hands and a shot pop off I knew what was about to happen.
Despite the warning and the yelling of the others behind me, I race forward. I suddenly worried for Riddick so strongly I had to make sure he was alright.
I skid to a stop to watch the two men trying to kill each other. I get there just in time to see Riddick slice Johns’ back open, him falling to the ground groaning.
“You should’ve never taken the chains off Johns.” Riddick yells standing up, just as the flare gose out.
I was thankful for the light around my neck, the sounds of monsters hissing around me, them to dstreacted by the blood to really notice me.
“You were Billy Bad-Ass.” Riddick says from the darkness.
“The chains. The gauge. The badge.” He draws out as Johns stands up him trying to see with the light on the end of his gun.
“I told you to ghost me.” Riddick whispers taunting him.
I swallow the shiver of that act. It's like watching a cat play with a mouse. Johns was done for he just didn’t know it yet.
I jump but don’t scream when I’m spun around by strong arms and pinned to a rock behind me.
The crunching sound of bones behind me is forgotten as I feel the heat and hardness of Riddick being pressed into me.
“Did you enjoy watching?” He asks, his breath fanning my ear.
“Let’s find the others.” I pant out, knowing this wasn’t the time or place despite the want.
He hums but pulls away from me and starts to walk into the darkness. I stick close by keeping up with him, us finding the group quickly them barely moving,
Carolyn screams when she spins to face Riddick standing there.
“Back to the ship huh?” He asks, smiling.
“Just huddle together until the light burns out.”
“Get away from us.” She says backing up, I watch her eyes jump to me then back.
I couldn’t tell if she was scared of me or if she wanted me to come with her.
“Till you can’t see what’s eating you. That the big plan?” He asks them.
“Where's Johns?” Imam asks.
“Which half?” He asks, smirking, the rest of them gasping in shock.
“WHere gonna lose everyone out here.” Jack says.
“Not if we leave. Now before we run out of light.” 
“We should have stayed at that ship.” Jack says tuning to look back the direction we came.
“He died fast.” Riddick says, walking past them.
“If we have any choice about it, that's the way we should all go out.” He says stopping to stand next to Jack.
Since I was following him I saw the tears in her eyes.
“Don’t you cry for Johns, don’t you dare.” Riddick says walking past her.
“How are we going to make it?” Jack asks, whimpering up at me.
“We are going to listen to Riddick, we are going to make it to that ship and I’ll find you someplace safe.” I say smiling at her.
She nods hugging me as we start to follow once again.
“Why do you trust him?” Carolyn asks, walking next to me.
“I’m good at reading people. He won’t kill us. We’re not a threat to him.” I say honestly, they look around scared every time something makes a noise.
I keep my eyes ahead focusing on walking.
“He killed Johns.” She says in a way I can’t tell if its a question or a statement, so I shrug hoping that gives her my answer.
“Can you talk to him?”
“About what?” I ask, looking at her.
“I…I don’t know. He’s…”
“Scary?” I offer her a suggestion.
“He doesn't scare you?”
“No.” I say leaving it at that. Quite the opposite I keep thinking about everything but being scared of him. Well maybe I was a little but not in the way everyone else was. My fear stimmed more from if I could survive a night with him.
Riddick was not a beast I was trying to tame. Oh no I knew if we made it off this rock and if something did happen between me and Riddick. I would never be able to turn back.
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xfandomwritingsx · 7 months ago
Are you still willing to right for Riddick? Because like... I could definitely use something slutty about that man 🥵 maybe you're neighbors on a planet he's lying low on and he gets a little obsessed by you? Or really anything with him!
Hell. Yes. Thank you. *please note* this is completely unedited. I didn't even re-read it before posting.
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It started as a curiosity; the pretty woman living in the multi-tenant building across from where he’s crashing for a while. He needed something to pass the time and you’d caught his eye. So, he watched. Watched you as you came and left for work, as you made yourself dinner with the curtains open, as you carefully closed those curtains before changing for the night. You probably didn’t even realize when you kept the light on that it created a stunning silhouette of your body through those curtains. A silhouette that he could see perfectly. One that tempted him to creep inside and run his hands over your skin. 
But he could only watch. He was in hiding and his face was far too recognizable, too prominent on the streets to risk interacting with you in any way. Not that he’d even know how to interact with you. You looked nice. Respectable. He was neither. You probably dreamed of a sweet boyfriend who would sweep you off your feet and make love to you. But him? He went to bed dreaming about breaking in and waking you up by covering your mouth with his hand the same moment he shoves his cock into you. And as much as he wanted to do that, it still wasn’t worth having the local authorities called and his hiding blown.  
The only thing that changes his mind is when he realizes that maybe you’re not as sweet as you project.  
He’s watching you from his window, just like always, when a man comes to your door. A man that looks too much like a merc even though he tries not to. Merc’s aren’t uncommon, but he hasn’t seen one in this neighborhood in the weeks he’s been here and his neck prickles in warning. Something’s not right. 
You come down and greet the merc and Riddick’s eyes narrow, breath becoming short and angered. What in the fuck were you doing talking to a merc? You step aside, letting the man in and just before you turn to follow him, your eyes flicker to the window. To Riddick.  
“You’re fucking kidding me,” he whispers to himself. There’s no way you can see him through the tinted window, but that little look, the one that holds more fire than sweetness, is unmistakable. You know he’s there. And you just invited a merc over.  
Fucking bitch. 
Riddick waits until the suns go down. Waits until his host goes to bed along with most everyone else on the street. Ther merc has long left your place and you’ve gone through your nightly routine, settled into bed well over an hour ago. That’s when he creeps across the street and through your window.  
Leaving his goggles in his pocket, he can see everything in clear detail. Your living room is casual, tidy. Staged. He hadn’t noticed before just how forcibly normal it all looks. Everything has its place, but it has no personality. There’s no pictures on the walls, no art or personal touches. He curses himself for never noticing before he starts to creep towards your bedroom. 
The door is open and he stands in the frame for a moment, thinking about how often he fantasized about being right here for a very different reason. He’d wanted to strip your sheets down slow and soak in your body before making you shake beneath him. Now, he kind of wants to wrap his hands around your neck and watch the light fade from your eyes. And maybe, just maybe that thought still bleeds into fucking you hard and rough before he kills you.  
He only think about it for a few moments, but it’s enough for him to lower his guard too much. It’s about a half second after he realizes the lump in your sheets is misshapen and unbreathing that he feels the gun at the back of his neck. It makes his lips quirk up in a small smile. 
“Think real hard about that,” he growls out. “That’s going to make a lot of noise and one hell of a mess. Plus... I’m worth more alive.”  
“You couldn’t just wait one more night?” you ask him bitterly. “One more night and they would have grabbed you up, paid me a nice finder’s fee, and hitched me a ride out of here.” 
“Or that guy would have ended up dead and you would still get nothing.”  
“There was a group. Not one guy. I’m not stupid enough to think one merc was going to take you.” He chuckles a little. 
“One guy, ten guys. Doesn’t matter. Always ends up the same.” He cautiously turns his head to look at you from the corner of his eye, confident you’re not going to shoot him dead right here. “What’s your next move, pretty girl?” Your eyes harden, clearly not a fan of the nickname. It only makes him like it even more. “You gonna wake the neighbors by shooting me? Or are you gonna wake them when I make you scream?”  
Your momentary surprise at the dark layer of innuendo in his voice gives him time to spin around on you, grabbing the gun right out of your hands and throwing it across the room. Before you can react, he’s shoved you back into the hall, up against the wall with his hand coming up around your neck.  
It’s hard to explain the satisfaction he feels pressing against you, the woman he’s watched and dreamed about. The woman who apparently watched him right back and then betrayed him standing on her toes, her hands wrapping around his wrist, trying feebly to pull his hand from her throat. He smiles viciously as he squeezes. Unable to stop himself, he leans in and runs his nose along your jaw, taking in way you smell. Something sweet and bitter at the same time. Something warm.  
“How-” you choke out, voice ragged and hoarse. He eases up his grip, just slightly. 
“What was that, pretty girl?” he whispers in your ear. You suck in a deep breath before trying again. 
“How are you supposed to make me scream if I can’t breathe?”  
He pauses. Well, this just took an interesting turn. He lets his body come off survival mode to reevaluate. Your chest arching into him. His leg having slipped between your thighs, hardening cock pressing to your hip. Fuuuck. 
“You want me to make you scream?” he asks. You don’t answer him, but flatten your feet on the floor, bringing yourself down onto his leg, practically grinding down on him.  
The hand around your neck slants upwards to grip your jaw possessively. He turns your head sharply to the side allowing his mouth full access to the side of your neck. Shivers run down your spine when he latches on, biting sharply then sucking and smoothing his tongue over the small expanse of your skin. 
You shouldn’t be as turned on as you are with a killer, a man who came here to kill you, holding you down and pressing his knee into your pussy. And yet your brain seems to have left the building, replaced by this primal desire to have him take you against this wall. A most slips through your lips. 
“Set up across the street. Acted all innocent. Sicced mercs on me,” he growls your sins against your skin. His grip shifts again from your jaw to your chin, yanking your face back to look at him. “Then you thought about trying to kill me.” His thumb runs over your bottom lip, pulling it down crudely. “And here you stand still, blood and organs in your body. Limbs attached. Heart still beating.” His silver eyes watch your mouth. “I think you owe me a thank you.”  
You slowly dip your head down, taking the tip of his thumb between your lips. His eyes darken, pushing his thumb further into your willing mouth, settling on your tongue. When you start to suck on him, bob your head just a little on him, he snarls almost hungrily. His other hand lands heavily on your shoulder and starts pushing you down. 
“There’s a good girl,” he praises as you sink to your knees, his thumb gently popping from your mouth. His fingers slide up, fisting in the hair at the back of your head as his other hand goes to the front of his pants. There’s a retort somewhere on the tip of your tongue, but your voice has stopped working. 
And once he frees himself from his pants, your mouth is on him, too full to be worried about speaking. You don’t even know for sure if he pulled you to him or if you simply opened your mouth and swallowed him down on your own. He’s thick and heavy as his hips give a few involuntary thrusts, threatening to choke you in a very different way than he had a few minutes ago.  
“So fucking pretty,” he moans above you and the praise makes you even more eager. Your pussy is aching, begging for relief, but instead of allowing yourself to slip a hand between your legs, you put both hand on his thighs. Using him as leverage, you start to slide your mouth back and forth on him, sucking hard, flicking your tongue over him. You’re rewarded with him tipping his head back while he bites back another groan while he twists his hand through your hair.  
He starts to guide you, roughly with that hand. He pulls and pushes you in time with his thrusts, taking back the control and fucking your face. Your eyes start to water and you gag when he hits the back of your throat, but he doesn’t stop. He looks down at you, a pathetic mess taking his dick so well, and feels himself start to swell.  
He pulls his cock away from you suddenly and you gasp for air you’d forgotten you need. Any trace of a smile is gone from his face as he stares down at you. People had referred to him as an animal and you finally see it. That’s all he is right now. And as you open your mouth and stick your tongue out in offering to him, you realize that may be all you are too right now. 
“Stand up,” he commands. “Hands on the wall.” You obey without a second thought, bending slightly at the waist as your palms hit the plaster. He doesn’t bother to pull your pants down, simply rips his way through the wet material between your legs. You whimper when he runs his fingers over your bare pussy. “Fucking soaked for me,” he taunts. You press back against him shamelessly, trying to angle yourself so his fingers slip inside of you, but he doesn’t allow it. Instead he pulls his hand back.  
The feel of his fingers is quickly replaced by the feel of the head of his cock notching itself in their place. He doesn’t ask any questions, doesn’t give you warning. He slams his hips forward, forcing his cock inside of you in one thrust. 
“Fuck,” you moan out, finally finding your voice. Even as wet as you are, it’s rough and he stretches you wide. There’s a twinge of pain, a bit of pressure, and you fucking love the way it feels. “Riddick,” you breathe into the wall. He answers with a growl and a possessive squeeze on your hips. 
He holds you still as he starts to fuck you. Just like he’s done everything tonight, he fucks you with a mix of anger and desire. He fucks you like he craves you. And he fucking hates you for it.  
“Don’t stop,” you beg him. His dick curves just right inside of you and each time he slams into you, you feel it push you closer and closer to the edge of an orgasm. “Please don’t stop.” 
“I wish I could,” he grits out through grinding teeth. “Make you suffer for the shit you did.” You whimper again, afraid he may actually do it. One of your hands darts for your clit in panic, rushing to finish yourself off before he can pull away. “No, no.” He takes your hand and pins it back up to the wall. “Can’t fucking stop,” he admits, hips losing rhythm for just a moment as he leans into your back to press his lips to your ear. “You’re so fucking tight. Feel so good.” His fingers interlock with your own and you squeeze him tightly, legs starting to shake.  
“Riddick.” Your voice is small, quiet and he thrusts even harder. He rips his hand away from yours and his fingers find your clit, making small, firm circles. 
“Scream for me,” he demands. “Scream for me while I fill your cunt with cum.”  
“Fuck,” you pant, feeling the orgasm right there.  
“Come on, pretty girl,” he coaxes, hips sputtering again. “Give me what I want. Wanna feel that pussy come on my cock.”  
“Oh fuck, Riddick,” you scream suddenly as the orgasm crashes down on you. It washes over you unrelentingly. Your thighs shake, his hips pinning against yours as he comes the only thing keeping you upright. He spills himself buried deep inside of you, fingers stilling against your clit and bruising your hip.  
And then he pulls out slowly, holding just the tip of his dick in you before gently pushing back in. He repeats this a few times until you crumble beneath him, collapsing forward onto the wall and pulling yourself away from him. For the first time all night, he lets you. 
You’re both breathing heavy, trying to let your minds catch up with whatever the fuck you just did with each other. Vision blurry and mind swimming, you turn to put your back to the wall, willing your legs to stop vibrating.  
“You were trying to hitch a ride outta here?” is the first thing he says to you and his voice is much clearer than yours when you respond. 
“Yeah. Why?”  
“Grab whatever shit you need. We’ll leave in ten minutes.” He tucks himself back into his pants and steps away, headed towards your living room. Or maybe your kitchen. Fuck if you know anything right now.  
“What?” you ask dumbly. He looks back at you and smirks, thoroughly enjoying how fucked out you are right now. 
“I’ve got a ride off this planet. You coming or not, pretty girl?”  
“You’re leaving?” You swear you’re normally more coherent than this, even after an orgasm. He barely contains rolling his eyes. 
“Don’t have much of a choice,” he says before once again smirking at you. “Some bitch blew my cover.” 
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furyan-imagines · 2 years ago
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YOU CAN PICK: (A) Whether you think of Riddick as simply being a criminal or (B) You think that Riddick is a person who has more to him than meets the eye
"What? Click your fingers and he's one of us now?"
You were right smack in the middle of the small train of humans who had survived the Hunter-Gratzner crash, following behind Shazza and Johns, close enough that you could hear the irritation in the free-settler's question.
"I didn't say that." You could almost hear the smile in John's reply. "But at least this way I don't have to worry about y'all, uh, falling asleep and not waking up."
Jack pushed past you, angling himself to face the two adults leading all of them. The teenager had somehow found a pair of partially-broken goggles and worn them in emulation of the famed murderer trailing behind all of them. "So, can I talk to him now?"
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Continue reading (A) if you feel that you need to stay away from Riddick the criminal
"Maybe it's better if we all keep out of his way, huh?"
Jack looked askance at you, disbelief written clearly on his face.
"I mean there must be many good reasons why Riddick has such a high bounty on his head, right?"
Shazza and Johns both turned briefly. The woman gave you a look that you couldn't quite decipher, but the smile Johns shot at you was a reassuring one. At least you all had a cop watching after the group.
It wasn't that you actually had anything against Richard B. Riddick, but if so many slams and systems had arrests out for him, it would probably behoove you to go the safe route, especially after this fucked-up fiasco of not just having the ship you had been on crash, but having Zeke already killed by one of those creatures that lived on this planet, and another unnamed survivor accidentally killed by Zeke before that.
With a quick glance backwards to see just how far back Riddick was behind you (a movement that definitely caught his attention even from that distance), you hurried forward just a few steps more. You definitely didn't want to die, and right then, keeping yourself as far away from a definite killer would almost-certainly increase your chances of staying alive.
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Continue reading (B) if you feel that Riddick has more depth than he shows
"I think he's an interesting fellow," you said quietly to the teenager. At Jack's surprised look, you had to laugh lightly. "I said 'interesting'; not that he is safe."
"At least interesting isn't boring, you know? Which is what everyone else is."
You were about to reply when the noise of a boot digging sharply into the loose sand caught your attention and you turned. Fry and Imam had stopped, looking back at Paris who jogged away from the rest and then fell to his knees, grabbing at something the same time Riddick had hold of whatever that same thing was.
There were a few seconds of pausing before Paris and Riddick rose.
From that distance, you couldn't hear what was said, but then you saw Riddick shake Paris's hand, before downing an entire? bottle of booze. Ah, so that's what Paris dropped.
Whatever it was, your prolonged staring had the effect of Riddick lowering his head after that drink and looking straight back at you. A slow smile appeared on his face as he tipped the now-empty bottle in your direction, almost a toast with the ghost of now-drunk booze.
You allowed yourself to smile back and resumed your march. But you slowed down enough to join Fry and Imam who were now immediately behind you.
Maybe the best way to survive this fucked up, godforsaken place and those predators that had already taken Zeke was to stick to another dangerous predator. Maybe that was the best way to make sure your ass had a seat on that abandoned ship off this planet.
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saisons-en-enfer · 1 year ago
it makes me so unbelievably sad that Lance Riddick was not alive to act as Warlin Door in Alan Wake 2, essentially connecting all universes as I'm certain Warlin is a stand-in for Martin Hatch
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chimcess · 2 months ago
Pitch Black || jjk (Prologue)
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⮞ Chapter 0: Prologue Pairing: Jungkook x Reader Other Tags: Convict!Jungkook, Escaped Prisoner!Jungkook, Piolet!Reader, Captain!Reader, Holyman!Namjoon, Captain!Taehyung, Doctor!Jimin, Genre: Sci-Fi, Action, Adventure, Thriller, Suspense, Strangers to Enemies to ???, Slow Burn, LOTS of Angst, Light Fluff, Eventual Smut, Third Person POV, 18+ Only Word Count: 400+ Summary: Stranded on a barren planet lit by three suns, a group of survivors struggle to survive after their transporter crash-lands. Their situation grows dire when pilot Y/N discovers that every 22 years, an eclipse plunges the planet into darkness, unleashing swarms of flesh-eating creatures. Facing both external threats and internal tensions, the group forms a fragile alliance. As mistrust and secrets surface, Y/N's complicated dynamic with convict and murderer Jungkook intensifies, making the fight for survival against the darkness and the creatures even more perilous. A/N: When I decided to rewatch the Riddick movies and reread the comics, I never thought I'd get so inspired to write a fanfiction based off of a "what-if" scenario, but here we are. So, this story follows the main storyline in Pitch Black (I think that's pretty obvious by the title) with a pretty large twist that leads into the rest of the story that's to come. Like everything I write (I'm so sorry), this will be a massive series that's pulling from a few of my new obsessions as well as my own creative thoughts and feelings. Thanks so much for reading, and I hope you guys will follow along.
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In the cold stillness of his cryosleep chamber, Jungkook's thoughts flickered like static on a faulty transmission, defying the stasis meant to consume him. They said cryosleep shut down most of the brain—all but the primitive side, the animal instincts that lurked beneath reason. Maybe that explained why he was still awake when no one else was. He didn’t question it much anymore. It just was.
Transporting him with civilians had been a bold choice, one he suspected someone would regret soon enough. The faint echoes of the world beyond his chamber filtered through his sharpened senses—a faint murmuring with an Saramic lilt, chanting low and steady. Likely a holy man, heading for New Mecca. But what route would they take to get there? He played out the possibilities in his mind, trying to map the path based on the faint hum of the engines and the sense of distance stretching endlessly ahead.
Then there was the scent. Subtle, but there: sweat mixed with leather, the metallic tang of tools, and the earthy grit of worn boots. A woman, no doubt—a prospector, maybe one of those free settlers who carved out a living on the fringes of colonized space. He imagined her kind: practical, determined, stubborn as hell. And he knew one thing for certain. They never traveled the main roads.
That brought his focus back to the real problem: Taemin Lee. The so-called lawman. A brown-eyed devil with a mercenary streak and a personal agenda. Jungkook knew exactly what Lee planned to do—drag him back to slam, back to a cage. But Lee had made a critical mistake this time. He’d picked the wrong route. The long route. The ghost lane.
A long time between stops. A long time for something to go wrong.
And as if summoned by that thought, something did feel wrong. Subtly at first, but unmistakable. The hum of the engines wasn’t right—too uneven, like a heartbeat skipping in the dark. The muffled sounds of the ship’s systems filtered through the walls of his chamber, distorted but insistent. Alerts, maybe. Warnings. He couldn’t make out the specifics, but the tone was unmistakable: something was off.
Jungkook’s jaw tightened, his senses sharpening as his body fought against the enforced stillness of cryosleep. The faint shiver of vibration in the chamber walls had changed, the ship itself broadcasting unease. It was subtle, but he felt it—like prey sensing a predator in the shadows.
A long time between stops, indeed.
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© chimcess, 2025. Do not copy or repost without permission.
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my-name-is-heartache · 8 months ago
Riddick x guardian angel reader
part two
Part one:
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The way you knew if he needed you wasn't a magical 6th sense like common belief. In fact you were always watching over him.
Just like you were now.
There he sat chained up and talking to johns.
He probably wouldn't need you but all this talk of his head in a box was worrying you.
Materialising you stepped into his view.
"wondered when you'd get here," he said softly.
"was waiting for you to free yourself," rain hit the roof of the tin can they were hiding in. "You know they're coming."
"I know."
You looked into his silver eyes and knew he would be fine, but that didn't mean you shouldn't meddle.
For now you would return to heaven and watch things unfold.
You messed up. You messed up big time.
You stood next to him in the drenching rain.
John's ran off with the nodes, and you sunk to your knees with riddick Infront of you gasping for air.
"get up!" You deadpanned. "Are you really just gonna die here!"
You shook him slightly.
"what about furya, are you giving up?" You couldn't tell if it was rain or tears that obscured your vision.
"it's not your time get up!"
"It might be, you don't know," he murmured weakly.
You shook you head and pulled him towards you.
"you don't die here."
His eyes lit up in understanding.
"your such a liar," he laughed painfully before pushing himself over and crawling forwards slightly. "So oh pure one, how do I survive?"
"pick up that bomb fragment, and quarterise your wound."
grimacing he pulled himself over to the nearest molten fragment and, picking up some dirt, settled it in his hand. Before removing the spike and quartering the wound
His other hand grasped yours and you couldn't even imagine how much pain he was experiencing.
Gasping for breath he looked up at you as he dropped to the ground.
"now get the heck outta here," you pushed his bone sword into his hands and pushed him along.
With the storm casting lightening across the sky you were ably to make out his form crawling upwards stopping to kick and slash but mainly just fighting to climb higher.
You followed close behind him, you weren't supposed to interfere so all you could really do was instruct him, you couldn't physically pull him up the hill.
Then you saw her flying towards you. Another angel, Luna's angel.
"worry not my friend for my other soul is on his way, they have taken pity on him. He will survive just as I told you he would.
"thank you my friend," you took her hands and placed your foreheads together and she flew off.
Turning back to riddick you saw him struggling a d you flew closer.
"just hold on a little longer, just a little, help us coming," and as you said it you saw a ships searchlight illuminate the entire cliff side.
He was going to be okay.
This new ship was made of cold metal the steel devoid of emotion. Your soft wings carried you into the cockpit a lone figure sitting there.
"hello riddick," you said sweetly.
"you angel, what is your name?" You frowned slightly.
"if I tell you my name I will have my wings clipped and my fate bound to yours," you says in one breath and as he turned in his seat you saw the smirk on his lips.
"your indebted to me right?"
Part 3 on its way
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outsiderace88 · 11 months ago
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I’m probably one of the only people that actually enjoys the Riddick films. Like yeah they are bad and somewhat entertaining, but it’s imaginative and different and I like that.
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Would also like to see Karl Urban return in a the next sequel if there will ever be another. Dude was a badass, still is.
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I also feel like this franchise/universe could fit in either Alien and Predator OR for whatever reason, The Fifth Element. Lol
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crosshairscrustysock · 23 days ago
Buckle up! It’s vidia’s moment
Went around and redid some of my previous sketches of vidia :D
These below are the previous unrevised versions next to the more detailed versions
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Her eyes are my favorite part about her, she has eyes that are similar to shine in a cats eye, this is a concept for what I imagine her eyes to look like. Since she was born in the darkest parts of Coruscant, her eyes are naturally better suited for the dark- hence the glasses she needs them to be able to see in the light. (Similarly like that Riddick guy )
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adultswim2021 · 3 months ago
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Squidbillies #54: “Young, Dumb, and Full of Gums” | June 7, 2010 - 12:00AM | S05E04
I just don’t know what to do with this show sometimes. The last episode felt a bit off to me, and as a result I didn’t like it. This one felt very on, but I still didn’t like it. I wonder how much me liking Squidbillies has to do with my mood? Like, I’m sure Squidbillies fans exist, and they watch the show all the way through once every couple years like one might with classic Simpsons. I just can’t imagine that, though. It seems too crazy to me.
HEY, didn’t these guys do a water episode already? This one is about Dougal’s drinking water supply, which is found to contain no fluoride, despite county regulations. Instead of fix the issue, Dan Halen sows discord among Dougal county residents by claiming that Obama was trying to force fluoride on them to abort their sperm. The residents literally wage a war against water. Then they loose all their teeth, except for a small resistance group who secretly take care of their teeth using a Cheyenne Cinnamon toothbrush. They’re caught and nearly punished for their crime. The ending is that they escape punishment by agreeing to be the town chewers, chewing food for everyone else in town who have no choppers to speak of. That’s it! 
Like a lot of Squidbillies episodes the story feels very stream-of-conscious. Bits are forced in here and there that are mildly amusing. I smiled at Dan Halen doing Amadeus shit. There were stray jokes here and there that I probably widened my eyes at and said “hmm!” to, in a slightly impressed tone. I liked the global warming joke. I liked the Chronicles of Riddick Energy balls. But, I did not like this episode, mostly. Sorry!
Notable selection from the Squidbillies wiki trivia section: 
The first part of the episode has to due with the lack of water in the town, the second part involves vampires.
Patrick Swayze (impostor) from previous episodes makes a small cameo as a vampire.
It is worth pointing out that the episode has a joke where Dan Halen sells vampire fangs from a Halloween store to the residents of Dougal and then upsells them a vampire cape calling it a splash guard or something like that, and that at no point in the episode are we supposed to consider the residents to actually BE vampires.
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all-by-myself98 · 3 months ago
Good evening!
We've pause your regularly scheduled programming to say that this fanfic blog is making a comeback...
Besties I'm aware that it's been like a couple years(???) since I've posted any oneshots or any kind of writing on this blog but listen in the wise words of the fanfic writers before me, my life has been crazy.
But I'm coming back! And I would love your help with getting started again! I already have some ways of getting myself started with ideas, but I would love your ideas too! Whether they're oneshots, headcanons, or just random ramblings that you want my thoughts on, I'm ready for it all and my ask box is looking mighty tempting, isn't it?
As I said before, I am open to oneshot requests and/or headcanon requests. Depending on how a oneshot is progressing, it may turn into a limited series, but that's just going to be based off of how much ideas I can wring out of one wet rag.
I am open to any of the Big Three: fluff, angst, and smut!
This also of course means...
If you are a minor and you attempt to skirt around this rule and I find out, I'm literally wasting no time in adding you to my very empty blocked list. So maybe just don't try it?
Fandoms and characters I will write for:
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (141 squad + König, Graves, Nikolai, Alex, Farah, & Laswell)
Marvel/MCU (the Moon Knight system, Layla El-Faouly, any member of Defenders including Frank Castle, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Bruce Banner, Pietro Maximoff, Natasha Romanoff, Miguel O'Hara, Hobie Brown, Logan Howlett, Victor Creed, Laura Kinney, Valkyrie)
DC (any members of batfam, Aquafam, Justice Society, Titans, and Suicide Squad)
Star Wars (any member of Bad Batch, Captain Rex, Commander Cody, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon Jinn, Din Djarin, Boba Fett, Jango Fett, Lando Calrissian, Poe Dameron, Finn)
Star Trek (Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Uhura, Captain or Admiral Pike)
Arcane: League of Legends (Silco, Viktor, Jayce, Vi, Sevika, Steb (YES, IM INCLUDING FISH MAN, DO NOT JUDGE ME HE WAS A CUTIE PIE))
Baldur's Gate 3 (Astarion, Gale, Halsin, Karlach, Laezel, Wyll, Rolan)
Other misc characters including but maybe not completely(?) limited to Riddick, Master Chief, Hellboy, Prince Nuada, Aemond Targaryen, Davos Blackwood, Tormund Giantsbane, Geralt of Rivia, Lambert, Elrond Peredhel (LOTR and TROP versions acceptable), and Sherlock Holmes (BBC and Netflix!Enola versions acceptable)
Again! This list could change! If it does change, I will edit this post, and then make an announcement of what my changes are, but this post will almost always be the best reference to find out what I'm writing or who I'm writing for!
Things I will not write:
Minors in sexual/smutty situations. They're either aged up or they're going in the trash, #sorrynotsorry
Hardcore stalking and/or harrassment
Physical and sexual abuse (unless it's like part of a character's backstory then it may be referenced, but I am not writing it out)
Anything else thats just. standard generic icks or no-nos. If you need clarification on something you're not sure I'm okay with, just ask
PSA: I am a white woman. The majority of my writings will be "x reader", and they will usually be fem!reader or afab!reader too, so if you wish for me to write for a gn!reader, please let me know in your request and I will honor that to the best of my ability!
I will also always try to be as vague as possible with other details such as race, hair color, eye color, etc., unless I happen to be writing an OC character with a specified appearance. But I imagine sometimes I'll make mistakes. I'll kick myself for it and I'll say sorry a million and one times, but it's almost inevitable and I'm an idiot and proofreading? whats that?? and I want to prepare you all now. And, if I do make a mistake, or if my writing ever seems to break that promise of being race vague, please let me know what I've done wrong and I will always try to alter what I can so everyone, regardless of what their race or appearance is, can feel welcome, accepted, and included in my writings!
Okay, you can all return to your regularly scheduled programming now :)
This is Renny signing off!
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nathansqueak · 7 months ago
imagine my surprise when I'm watching a riddick movie and dib's dad is there
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we're doing a riddick marathon and I'm like wait I know that guy from somewhere
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writingkeepsmewhole · 1 year ago
Looks Clear
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This is part 8 of Snow In The Dark. I hope you like it :)
Fic Summary: Snow has never known who she was. Being raised in the streets made her strong but lonely. That changed when she met Jack them becoming as close as sisters. She thought she found her family. That all changes when she crashes on a planet with only one rule. Stay in the light.
Part Summary: Snow along with the others decied the best way to make it off the planet alive.
Riddick x OC Snow
Warnings: Language.
Let me know if you want to be tagged :P : @here4thespice @amarokofficial @backseat-serenade-dizzyhurricane @pinkcrystal44 @goblingirlsarah @shelbyteller @classyunknownlover
Part 1 Part 7
Knowing that light hurts the beasts trying to hurt us, everyone quickly takes inventory of everything that makes light.
Despite how bad it looked or not caring how it looked I stuck close to Riddick. He kept me alive more than once today.
Plus I felt calmer around him. More myself. More in control. Something about being next to a man you knew could handle anything that got thrown at him.
So I stood next to him as I stood around the burning cutting torch trying to figure out a plan.
“So we got one cutting torch, we got two hand lights. There’s gotta be something we can rip out of the crash ship.”
“Spirts.” Paris says leaning forward to fan himself.
I was humid and stuffy in this room but it was better than being eaten alive.
“Anything over 45 proof burns rather well.”
“Mmm molotovs my favorite.” I say earning a snort from Jack.
I wink at her and smile. 
“Look, it's better than nothing.” Johns says, glaring at me.
“It was a joke.” I say, lifting my hands up.
I don’t even react as I feel the warm body heat behind me. Johns eyes bouncing to the figure behind me told me who it was.
I don’t know what I did to have the killer of the group be my bodyguard but I would take it. 
“How many bottles you got?” Carolyn asks, getting us in order once again.
“I don’t know, maybe ten.”
“Okay.” She says, nodding and looking over at Johns.
“Johns you got some flares.”
“So, maybe we got enough light.” She says, nodding.
“Enough for fucking what?” Johns asks.
“How thick are you? Do you wanna tell him or should I?” I ask, looking at Johns then Carolyn.
She holds her hand up as to tell me to shut up or she has this.
“We stick to the plan. We get the four cells back to the skiff, we’re off this rock.” 
“Look I hate to ruin a beautiful theory with an ugly fact.” Paris says standing up.
“But that sand cat is solar. It won't run at night.” He says walking over to Carolyn.
“So we carry the cells. We drag them whatever it takes.”
“You mean tonight with all those things out there?” Jack asks, holding onto her legs rocking back and forth. She was scared but doing a great job of holding it in.
I move to sit next to her wrapping my arms around her.
“It’s better to go now then wait them out. We don’t know how long the eclipse is going to last.” I say gently rubbing her back.
“Alright, how long can this thing last?” Johns asks, making me bite my tongue from starting something with him. That wouldn’t help us survive.
“A few hours? A day tops?” He says, very matter of fact.
I clench my jaw ready to shut up but decide against it.
“Didn’t we have this conversation a few hours ago? These people wouldn’t have left everything they own or the ship for that matter if they only had to deal with these things for a few hours or a day tops.” I say spitting the last word.
“I had the impression from the model the two planets were moving as one and there would be a lasting darkness.” Imam says looking at Johns.
“Thank you.” I say, holding my hand out towards Imam.
“Maybe you can only understand men.” I say earning a glare but he doesn't respond to me.
“Mmm.. These suns gotta come up sometime. And if these creatures are phonic about light then we just sit tight and we let the sun come up.” He says, meeting my gaze, the look on his face like he figured it out.
“Okay, where is the water we are going to drink? Or food or oh yeah we’ll probably freeze because deserts get cold at night time and a few days without sun will most likely kill us. If the lack of water and food doesn't. That’s if I put up with you that long.” I say, clenching my jaw.
“Why you little-.” Johns says starting to stand up. 
“Okay enough.” Carolyn says stepping in the middle of the room blocking our line of sight from each other.
“I’m sure somebody else said the same thing, locked inside that coring room.” 
“We need to think about everybody now. Especially the kid.” He says pointing at all of us.
“How scared is this poor boy gonna be out there in the dark.”
“Oh don’t you bring him into this.” I say, clenching my jaw and standing up. 
 “Yeah, don't use him like that.” Carolyn says.
“Like what?” Johns asks, looking disgusted.
“As a smoke screen.” Carolyn says at the same time I speak.
“As a shield.” 
“You deal with your own fear.”
“Yeah it’s okay to be scared Johns.”
“Why don’t you shut your fucking mouth for two seconds and let me come up with a plan that dosn’t involve mass suicide.”
“You came up with one. It's sitting here waiting for the lights to go out so those things can eat us.” I say, the sounds of the creatures outside whaling making me take a breath.
Them clearly hearing us.
Breathing the breath out slowly I move to sit back next to Jack, wrapping my arm around her.
“I’m waiting.” Carolyn says, making me smirk.
I may have to change my mind about her after all.
“How much you weigh Johns?”
“What’s it matter Carolyn?” 
“How much?” She snaps back.
“Around seventy nine kilos.”
“Because you’re seventy nine kilos of gutless white meat.”
“And that’s why you can’t think of a better plan and you want to use Jack as an excuse.” I say joining in.
“Is that fucking right?” He says jumping up, snatching his gun out as he does. 
I don’t flinch.
I watch Riddick stand up stepping in front of him, blocking him from getting to any of us.
“Where are you going?” Johns asks, pressing the barrel of the gun into RIddick’s chin.
I have to stop myself from standing up. The anger I have towards Johns is starting to get to its boiling point. I wanted to hurt him but that would help any of us get out of this.
“This solves nothing.” Imam says, as if he was reading my thoughts.
I watch Riddick smirk, him lifting his goggles and looking over at Johns as the sound of tapping fills the air.
My eyes dropped to the sound seeing a homemade blade right on John’s crotch.
“Okay.” Johns says taking a step and sitting back down.
I couldn’t tell if he was smirking or giving him a fake smile. The look on Johns face creeping me out either way.
My head snaps to the right when Carolyn moves to crouch next to me and Jack.
“They’re afraid of our light. That means we don’t have to be so afraid of them.” She says calmly. Her eyes lifted up to meet mine.
I smile at her then down at Jack.
“You know I will make sure you are safe.” I say, rubbing her back. Jack nods, looking nervous but less scared.
“And you are sure you can get us there? Even in the dark?” Iman asks, looking over at us.
“No I can’t.” She says standing up.
“But he can.” She says looking over at Riddick.
I look up at him, his goggles still off him turning to look over his shoulder at her, the light hitting his face just right to show the silver shine in his eyes.
“That’s the smartest thing you said all day.” I say looking up at her.
She nods and bends down picking up the torch.
“Come on, I have an idea.”
Carolyn leads us back to the entrance of the ship. She uses the torch to shine under the ship in case there are any creatures hiding.
Sticking close together everyone starts to head out following her.
I’m stopped when a large hand grabs my wrist. Looking up over my shoulder I meet the face of Riddick.
Us being swallowed by darkness as the others leave out ahead of us.
“You know not everyone is gonna make it out of here.” He says, his low rubbing voice settling around me. It almost reminds me of the way a cat purrs. Something animal about it.
“Then let's make sure you, me, and Jack are on the list of the ones that do.”
“Is that all you care about?” He asks, sounding like a loaded question which I was trying not to read into.
“Honestly? Yes.”
He smirks, letting go of my wrist and heading towards the door. I stay close to him. The group of us stayed quiet as we walked outside up to the other side of the crashed ship.
“Riddick.” Carolyn whispers it is too risky for us to keep moving forward.
Riddick slides past me, his hand brushing my lower back as he does. I’m shocked by the shiver it shoots up my spine.
He walks to the front of the group, slipping his goggles up to look inside.
“Looks clear.” He calls back.
Johns pushes past me practically shoving me over as he sneaks up next to Riddick, gun in hand. Him having a light on the end of it.
I have to bite my lip to keep from snatching it out of his hand and beating him with it. Thoughts of stabbing him in his sleep enter my mind.
As soon as Johns light shines into the ship a monster comes jumping out towards them screeching.
Riddick drops to the ground, out of the way while Johns jumps to the right landing on his back.
The creature flies over our head away from the light. All of us ducking down. Jack’s grip on my hand tightening.
“You said"clear "." Johns says looking up at Riddick him slightly down a slope.
“I said it looks clear.” Riddick says back, making me smile at the sass.
“Well what’s it look like now?” He asks.
Riddick raises his head taking a quick glance before turning to look back shrugging.
“Looks clear.” He says, making me snort a giggle.
Everyone turned to look at me in a shocked horror.
“I’m sorry that wasn’t meant to be funny, I know.” I say, as Riddick and Johns get up.
Johns casually walked into the ship, everyone following behind. Jack rushed ahead to stay close to Carolyn’s light.
Riddick doesn't move until I reach his side.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to laugh. I think the exhaustion is finally catching up to me.” I say, feeling heat rise up my cheeks.
Riddick doesn't answer him, lifting a hand to grab my chin. I don’t speak as he moves my head to the left and the right, most likely looking at the bruises there.
Taking a shaky breath I let it out as his touch fell from my face, my skin almost burning from where he touched it.
“I thought I smelt blood.” He says, I almost feel like more to himself than me. But he didn’t seem like the type to talk to himself.
“Is my lip bleeding?” I question reaching up to touch my lip.
“Must have been something else.” He says, turning towards the ship, the clicking sound of the creatures starting to grow louder.
“We need to leave.” He says.
I nod following him into the ship.
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riddickkkk · 1 year ago
He felt her body tighten and slid his fingers back inside of her, careful not to hurt her, not to slide to far. Making her feel only the pleasure, the fullness of sharing her body with someone else, with him. Unable to hold it no more she shattered against his hand and cried as her body jerked and liquid flooded his hand.
Giving her seconds to gather herself he took a quick taste of her and could no longer wait for fear of loosing what control he had over the beast. He stroked her again and moved himself between her legs. He gently pushed her more open to accommodate his size and looked up to see her watching him.
He looked down at the bare mound now glistening and growled. As the wetness touched the very head of his cock and he scooted himself a little closer to her. He positioned the head at her opening and watched as it became lost within her lips.
She glanced down at his penis as he probed her opening and felt panic take hold. There was no way that would fit inside of her. "Riddick, it's too big."
He chuckled while thinking it wasnt to big infact it'd be just right. He pushed forward slowly, parting her lips with the purple head of his dick and then he begin to feel her heat surround him. Riddick moaned gruffly and took the time to breathe through the urge to bottom out. She had relaxed again, opening herself up for him and he slid in another inch and found himself butted up against her virginal membrane.
Her eyes became huge as she looked up at him. She was scared, she knew this was it ,he could see her pulse racing in her neck, or was that excitement? A little of both. Riddick leaned down and caught her lips with his, grunted and pushed his full 10 inches to the hilt.
She could'nt help but scream against his lips and Riddick loved the taste of it. She trembled agianst him and he loved the feel of it and she gripped him and he loved the elation of it.
She found herself in a panic the pain was searing and she felt as if Riddick had ripped her in two, as if he were still ripping her. There was too much. It was all too much she didnt know how to calm herself, it burned and throbbed and she could feel his thickness pulsing inside of her. trying for some releaf she involuntarily arched her back and took him deeper, if that were possible. She found herself baring down with the need to push him out but all it did was make him slide back in once she stopped.
Riddick cursed and moaned. The feel of her under him, writhing as she was, was driving him to the brink of his control. "Her name he rasped, his eyes and jaw clenched shut, "Stop moving." She went still and he sighed and drew in a few deep breaths.
"I'm sorry," she whispered on a sob, "I didn't mean too, I don't know what to do, and now im crying I dont cry, Riddick, I didnt mean to be bad at this?."
He smiled at that at the doubt she as strong as she was had found in herself and opened his eyes to her. She was taken back by the playful look that shown in them. "You're doing just fine baby, and your not bad at it were not even near finished yet." he kissed the corner of her mouth and moved his hips slightly, testing the waters to see how she'd react, to see how bad she still hurt. She inhaled sharply as fire streaked through her body.
Riddick watched her body heat up, the blush undeniable even with his shinned eyes. "You liked that." It was a statement and he slid in again, this time a little deeper. She arched her head back, baring her throat to him and he almost came right there. She had no idea what that did to his inner beast but his control was quickly slipping again.
"Wrap your legs around my hips," he demanded and began to pump more briskly into her. "Tell me how it feels," he whispered against the soft skin of her neck, agianst his mark.
"I don't know how," she replied. It was the truth. She was beyond words. She never imagined it would feel like this to be with him to feel him within her. The pleasure. The tastes and sounds and touches, memories she never wanted to forget. Riddick snapped his hips forward and she cried out and her channel gripped him like a fist.
"Fuck, baby, you're so tight," he groaned and knew he wasn't going to last much longer. He wanted to make her cum again so she knew what it felt like to shatter with someone, while they were within you. The strength of that was amazing and he wanted to share that with her.
He never came with the whores he would find him self with when he would reach the point of needing that sort of releaf. He would always wait till they were done and then fuck them as hard as he could to blow his load. When he was younger and stupid, no even then.
Riddick let his hand slip between them and he teased her clit with his thumb. He felt her walls starting to convulse around him, he stroked her again, once, twice. She clutched him and drew back into herself.
Then they exploded together.
And as she arched her neck to him the beast within took the lead in reopening his mark in truly claiming his mate, making her his and his alone.
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furyan-imagines · 2 years ago
I'm trying a new format for imagines out. It's modeled after the old 'Choose your own adventure' series, but because of Tumblr's format, I think I can only put one layer of choice to each imagine.
Not sure how this will work/take off, so we'll see.
You can send some requests in for this if you like, but life has gotten much busier in the time I've been gone, so there's no guarantee I can get to it at all. But I'll try.
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annwayne · 1 year ago
The WIP game looks fun, the Oc x Rikkick isekai fic looks fun, but I'm also really interested by Alice in Atlantis.
I'll take any opportunity to talk about my wips bc lord knows I'm far from posting them 🥲
The oc x riddick isekai is suchhh a fun fic and probably my saddest? bittersweet, I'll say. but I love it sooo much. Very general summary-Ares is a regular person living in a regular world, until one night they wake up from a very vivid dream with marks that match how they died in their dream. Also, that dream world is a movie they are obsessed with called Pitch Black.
Alice in Atlantis is my SGA long fic, and actually the second fic since I've started writing fic again (around 2022?). Alice is a human scientist who's been with the Atlantis expedition since the beginning. When an alliance between Atlantis and Todd the Wraith forms, she's the scientist tasked with working with Todd to find a gene therapy that'll allow Wraith to eat regular food. This is that story. (and its a ship fic between Todd and Alice, if that wasn't clear lol)
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oc x Riddick isekai:
“I don’t blame you.” I broke the silence of us sitting on the ridge overlooking the desolate camp.   “What’s that now?” Riddick scraped off that black goo he used to shave his head into a bucket.  A beat passed between us as I stared out at the multiple suns in the sky. “I’ve spent a long time thinking about why you’ll do what you do.” He glanced my way. “It never made sense to me, especially with how much you stick up for Jack. I don’t think I could even imagine thinking how you do. I don’t think I’m supposed to.” He scraped another line of goo from his scalp. “It’ll happen again.”  From my peripheral vision I saw Riddick lift his head to look at me. He didn't need to ask what I was talking about. I kept looking forward.  “Considering what’s coming, I’m not sure if I’ll come back.”  “What’s coming?” He asked, voice steady and serious. Everyone else thought me insane or cursed, but Riddick listened. Didn’t mean he always believed me, but he was smart enough to listen.  “A blood bath.” I answered, finally meeting my own eyes via the reflection of Riddick’s goggles. “You’ll run.” His head tilted back. “I don’t run.”  “You’ll want to.” A sigh slipped from me. “But that’s what I wanna talk about–I want you to know, no matter what happens to me, I don’t blame you because I know you’ll do the right thing when it matters.”  He sat, taking everything in perhaps. “That’ll be the first time you’ve been wrong, little girl.”
Alice in Atlantis:
"Ugh, you should have seen me, Teyla. I was a disaster in the lab." "I'm sure it was not as bad as you think it, Alice." Ronon’s eyes flickered with curiosity. A sly grin grew as he asked, "What happened?" The doctor pulled back the lid on her fruit cup and in one swift movement knocked back the contents of the plastic cup as if it were a shot. A habit from childhood. After wiping off the stray juice on her lips, Dr. Tucker answered. "I was focused, in the zone. Completely forgot where I was and who I was with. After I ran the simulation the whole program flashed errors at me and I swore at the computer." "I've heard Rodney threaten to rip apart a computer's mother before." The muscular man bit into his apple. Teyla gestured towards the full bottle of water on Alice's plate. "That's not all." Dr. Tucker grabbed the bottle, following Teyla's urging. After taking a long gulp she continued. "I guess Todd was curious. Hell, I'd be too. It was the first words I'd spoken since we started."  Ronon sat up and rested his elbows on the table. He crossed his arms and tilted his head while listening. Teyla finished off the last of her mashed potatoes as Alice continued. "He came over to check my work, only I didn't notice. So next thing I know, a Wraith is leaning over my shoulder and pointing out my mistake." Between words Dr. Tucker forgot about her lack of appetite and started shoveling down her meal. "I nearly fell off my stool and then couldn't say a word without shaking. It was pathetic."  Ronon chuckled quietly and Teyla threw a glare at him. "Alice, you have never encountered the Wraith in person before. It is sensible to react fearfully." "Sensible, but not strong." "So get stronger." Ronon lifted a hand the doctor's way. After a blank expression from her, the Satedan continued. "I've been giving Dr. Keller lessons. You could join us."
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letstalktea · 2 years ago
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Contents: M!OC x M!OC, vampires, oral sex, cockwarming,
Lachlan Riddick belongs to @inkyquince
Dread was an expert at being on his knees. 200+ years of attending church along with just as many years seducing who knew how many kine so he could gobble them up had taught him the skill well. If he were a lesser man with only one mortals worth of experience, he may have given up on his task by now, but Dread was disciplined and patient and-
Losing his absolute mind!
His mouth was full of his favorite cock – the biggest, fastest, juiciest one he'd ever seen in his 200 years – and he was stuck nursing the beautiful thing rather than worshipping it because his precious Lala wouldn't give in and just fuck his mouth already. It was a cruel joke that he could be nearly choking on the thing – or, he would be if he could choke – and still not be able to enjoy it fully. But he supposed this was retribution for his own stupid idea.
“You’ve been ignoring me,” Dread said as he pushed a strand of hair behind his ear and undid Lachlan’s torn jeans enough to free his massive, heavy cock. He smiled mischievously as he kissed the bulbous head of Lachlan’s cock. Once, twice, then a quick lick along the veins that ran through the length of his shaft. “It’s not fair.”
Ignoring the small Lasombra for any amount of time was unfair by his standards. Lala could spoil him every moment of the day and it still wouldn’t be enough to satisfy the part of him that demanded to be adored.
Lachlan looked down at him with a toothy grin and eyes like fog that Dread could get lost in over and over again. “Do what you gotta do.”
Dread returned Lala’s look with a cocky smirk and a wink. “Bet you won’t be able to ignore me anymore after this~”
Then, he parted his black tinted lips wide and wrapped them around Lala's thick cock head, swallowing him down deep into the back of his throat and waiting for Lala to admit defeat to his well-trained mouth.
That was a long time ago though. If Dread could tell time, he would probably even be able to say just how obnoxiously long he had been on his knees while mindlessly drooling around the cock. Goodness knows he was painfully hard just imagining when Lala would finally snap and fuck his throat raw.
His pale icy eyes looked up at Lala, trying to see how close he was to cracking. Based on the knowing, arrogant grin staring down at him through strings of flesh, the answer was not at all.
"You gonna give up, sugar tits?"
Dread's brows knitted together.
"Hey, I'm loving you slobbering all over my dick. I ain't gonna stop you from sucking on it."
That sounded really good right now; sucking on Lala's dick like it was an ice pop in summer (not that Dread knew what it was like to actually eat an ice pop, but the vivid image in his head of licking and sucking and deepthroating such a task treat was a familiar one all the same). The thought left him squirming where he kneeled, hips rolling against the air in a futile attempt to get any kind of friction. 
The humiliation and frustration of their stand-off was made worse when he imagined how many kine must have been watching both of them with lust in their eyes; the same that were hollering for him to start the real show already. He didn't mind an audience, but a part of him was twitching to tell them to fuck off and stop staring at his Lala – his Lala who was handsome enough to make any whore (read: Dread) drop their panties with just a look and absolutely vile enough to leave those same whores little better than the fleshlights he went through so easily.
His head began to spin, filled with thoughts of how brutally Lachlan would tear up his throat the moment he snapped. He'd shove that monster so violently down his throat that it would choke him. Lala would pump his stomach full of hot, thick cum then pick him up and use his tight hole whatever way he wanted after all his teasing and that… that was a hot thought.
Dread was the one who finally gave in.
He didn't bother to hide or disguise the disgustingly wet, sloppy sounds that filled the air as he began to bob his head over Lala's length. His tongue hungrily slumped at the stream of veins that ran across Lala's cock, moaning deep in his throat at the taste he loved so dearly and hoping that Lala could feel how deep his perverse desire to be fucked stupid ran.
As Dread began to pull back, he felt two fists ball in his hair.
His gaze trailed upward – past the hem of Lachlan's old tank top, over the shiny golden piercings that littered his collar bone, ignoring the mouth and melting lips he wanted to so badly devour with his own – until his cool blue eyes were locked on the cloudy ones staring back down at him, hungry and eager.
Lala's fangs glistened through his flaps of skin and something twisted around inside of Dread and made him melt.
“Ya done fuckin’ around, sugar tits?”
Dread was back to humping the air, silently begging for what he knew came next.
Lachlan’s fists tightened in the smaller kindred’s long black hair and pushed him forward until his nose was pressed against the curly hairs that grew across his pelvis. He was gonna fucking enjoy ruining his throat after putting up with that bullshit teasing for so long.
Lachlan loved a whore that knew how to use their mouth – or any hole, really – but tolerating Dread’s tantrum was a way to test him. Cockwarming was fun as shit, especially when the hole holding onto his dick was nice and warm, but he didn't want to hold back; he wanted to fuck that face that looked up at him so adoringly and twist it round until is was a mess for him.
He pulled back on Dread's hair, slowly pulling the man off his cock before violently shoving him forward again while thrusting his hips into the wet mouth that was now sucking at him so eagerly.
The whines and whimpers that vibrated around his cock begged for more, for something rougher and less caring and aggressive. Dread wanted Lala right now, however he would have him.
"Get it sloppy, pretty boy.” Because as soon as Dread was done, Lachlan was going to yank him off and fuck his ass so hard it would jumpstart his heart back to life.
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