#apple vitamin c
dark-elf-writes · 6 months
Rancher au, aka the return of “the food is beige Harry. Beige”
The continued horror over Hogwarts food being absolutely unseasoned and covered in gravy will never not be funny.
Though in this one it would probably feature Harry writing home complaining that he hasn’t had a fresh vegetable that wasn’t boiled in months and god forbid he wants fruit in this place. Not to mention his horror over the milk.
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qbplolqdp · 3 months
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March 2024
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rabbitcruiser · 3 months
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National Vitamin C Day
It’s good for your immune system, it’s good for your mental health, it’s even good for your skin. Don’t neglect this crucial vitamin on Vitamin C Day.
Vitamin C. We all hear about it, how good it is for us, how it will help us fight off that cold. But how much do we really know about this mystery substance, and just how much can it do to help our bodies? Take advantage of Vitamin C day to learn something new and boost your health, to boot!
Learn about National Vitamin C Day
National Vitamin C Day has been created so that we can appreciate and learn all about the different ways that vitamin C can benefit our health. Vitamin C is also referred to as ascorbate and ascorbic acid. It is found in a number of different foods, as well as being sold as a dietary supplement. It is an essential nutrient in terms of producing a number of neurotransmitters and repairing tissues. It was discovered back in 1912. Sixteen years later, it was isolated. Then, in 1933, it became the first vitamin to be produced chemically.
Vitamin C is widely recognized for helping to keep colds at bay. However, there are plenty of other benefits that are associated with this powerful vitamin! You could reduce your blood pressure by upping your vitamin C uptake, for example. Vitamin C is also beneficial in terms of helping to keep your skin healthy. This is because it protects it from the oxidative damage that is caused as a result of exposure on a daily basis to pollution, heat, and light. This has seen the population of vitamin C products increase considerably.
There are plenty of natural ways to add some more vitamin C to your diet. You don’t need to opt for vitamin C supplements, although many people do. Some of the fruits that have the highest sources of vitamin C include cantaloupe melon, citrus juices and fruits, kiwi fruit, pineapple, papaya, mango, and the various berries, such as cranberries, blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries. There are a number of vegetables that are rich in vitamin C as well, including cauliflower and broccoli.
The History of National Vitamin C Day
As a substance occurring naturally in countless different fruits and vegetables, vitamin C has likely been around as long as the earth itself. Peoples from all over the world have long been aware of the extensive health benefits of consuming foods high in vitamin C as well as the risks associated with not consuming enough of it, one of which is scurvy. It was not until the late 19th century that scurvy was described in detail by British physician Sir Thomas Barlow, that people began to understand just how much this substance can do for our health.
However, scurvy was known for thousands of years prior, with even the great Hippocrates himself writing about it. In the 18th century, it is assumed that the disease killed more British sailors than any enemies they had and was one of the greatest factors limiting maritime travel over the ages. Today, very few people suffer from scurvy and Vitamin C is considered on of the most important nutrients food can and should provide.
How to celebrate National Vitamin C Day
The best way to celebrate National Vitamin C Day is to stay healthy, and this very vitamin can help you with that! Vitamin C is necessary for good health and general well-being, but the unfortunate truth is that not everyone has the time to pay close attention to what they eat and just how many grams or milligrams of a certain substance they consume daily.
The drastic rise in popularity of microwavable dishes has caused people’s diets to become much less healthy over the recent years, as has the fact that many people are working longer hours than ever and don’t have the time or the energy to cook themselves and their families a well-balanced meal every day.
Luckily, there are a few ways to make sure you’re getting enough Vitamin C, no matter your lifestyle. One is to simply squeeze lemon juice into the water you drink. Half a lemon contains almost 100% of your daily vitamin C requirement, so just a squeeze here and there will be more than enough!
The same goes for—alcoholic drinks. If you’re going to have a few Mojitos this Friday anyway, why not use fresh lime juice? And have we mentioned Vitamin C helps prevent hangovers as well?
But it doesn’t stop there—as it tuns out, you can put lemon juice into pretty much everything for your daily dose of Vitamin C as well as a deliciously tangy zing. As opposed to some other “healthy” foods which, let’s face it, can be downright nasty (looking at you, kale!), lemon juice makes almost everything you put it on and in taste better.
Salad dressings. Grilled meats. The list goes on. And if for whatever reason you’re not a fan of lemons, don’t worry! Many fruits and vegetables contain enough Vitamin C to keep you healthy, including tomatoes, strawberries, spinach, peppers, and many more. Take advantage of National Vitamin C Day to do your body a favor!
Vitamin C cannot only be consumed, but it can be applied to your skin as well. As mentioned earlier, Vitamin C is great for skin health. Why not make your own Vitamin C serum? It is not as difficult as you may think! All you need is some aloe vera gel, filtered water, and vitamin C powder. You may decide to add some other vitamins as well, such as vitamin E oil. There are some variations of how to make vitamin C serums and facemasks online, but the ingredient list is a simple one, yet the benefits are vast!
Of course, you can also buy some vitamin C skin products, rather than making your own. If you are going to use a vitamin C serum, whether homemade or not, we recommend washing your face first and using a toner. You can then apply a small amount of the serum. The serum is probably going to be quite thick. Do this before you go to bed, and add another layer of moisturizer. In the morning, you should wash your face thoroughly before any makeup is applied. Because of sun exposure, vitamin C serum is not designed to be used on a daily basis.
Make sure you spread the word about National Vitamin C Day and the benefits associated with this nutrient so that you can help others experience the benefits of it!
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amethystsoda · 1 year
my two fav current low spoons snacks— canned pineapple rings in pineapple juice and the no sugar added honeycrisp applesauce packets
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earth123 · 6 months
Using the Green Tea Face Wash can help remove impurities, excess oil, and makeup from the skin, leaving it feeling refreshed and revitalized. The natural ingredients in this product can also help in reducing inflammation and promote a clearer complexion.
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If you are looking for a chemical-free and natural option for your skincare routine, the Green Tea Face Wash from Earthgoglow is worth considering. Earthgoglow offers a variety of chemical-free and natural skincare products, including an Apple Cider Face Moisturizer and Onion Shampoo.
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The Apple Cider Face Moisturizer is formulated with natural ingredients such as apple cider vinegar and beetroot extracts. This moisturizer can help balance pH levels, promoting hydration, and improving the overall texture and appearance of the skin.
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sweet-raw-healing · 2 years
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3 Oranges, peel removed 3 Apples Ginger, small piece (spicy) 5-10 Dates, soaked overnight (optional if the oranges are sour/unripe)
Juice everything with a slow juicer, also the water from the soaked dates.
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1 apple calories, apples, vitamin, foods, Boron, fruit, negative calories, weight loss, Best 13 Tips For Health Benefits of Apples, Office Suite, iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, B3, Iron, Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, World Series, Vitamin C, Best 12 Tips, Healthy Low-Calorie Dessert Recipes, fat per serving, health, Apple Watch, quercetin, Orange Cheesecake, calories, fiber, LDL, weight, healthy, nutrients, minerals, potassium, energy, eat, body, eating, vegetables, diet, crops, sugar, grams, fat, juice, consume, consumed, meal
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fairymint · 2 years
i can feel my strength returning, so i think i should be able to rp.....at some point today. But i gotta ride out some symptoms so I'll be attempting to sleep lol
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teepeecider · 6 months
Apple cider contains Vitamin C. In fact, one cup of apple cider contains about twice the amount of vitamin C (2.2mg) as a fresh apple. However fermentation reduces the concentration of vitamin C 2.4 times. The Vit C in a cup of cider keeps scurvy at bay. https://teepeecider.co.nz/blogs/cider-musings/the-story-of-scurvy-and-the-role-of-cider?_pos=1&_sid=c2f3e6910&_ss=r
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oaresearchpaper · 8 months
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wisemancax · 9 months
Why Fruits Have Lost Their Vitamins | ENDEVR Documentary
Why Fruits Have Lost Their Vitamins | ENDEVR Documentary ENDEVR
View On WordPress
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vtamino202 · 10 months
Holistic Guide to Radiant Skin and Total Well-Being!
COMPLETE FORMULA FOR GLOWING SKIN & HEALTHY. Maintain a balanced diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins (especially A, C, and E), and omega-3 fatty acids. Stay hydrated, exercise regularly, and manage stress. Prioritize a consistent skincare routine with gentle cleansing, exfoliation, moisturization, and sun protection. Adequate sleep and avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption also contribute to radiant skin and well-being.
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thissidekhushi · 11 months
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Looking for apple cider vinegar tablet? Try our 16 Fizz Tablet pack. Refreshing Apple Cider Vinegar Powered with Probiotics for Weight Management.
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wellfa · 11 months
Wellfa ashwagandha fizz + Respiratory Immune Booster ; Mood Lifter with NAC, Vitamin C , Probiotics. Supports Respiratory Health, Boosts Immunity, Relieves Stress Anxiety https://wellfa.com/ashwagandha-effervescent-fizzy-tablet
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earth123 · 6 months
One of Earthgoglow's popular products is its Green Tea Shampoo. Infused with the goodness of green tea, this shampoo not only cleanses the hair but also rejuvenates the scalp. Green tea is known for its antioxidant properties, which help in combating free radicals and protecting the scalp from damage caused by environmental pollutants. Moreover, the absence of harsh chemicals ensures that the hair retains its natural shine and strength.
When it comes to facial skincare, Earthgoglow offers a remarkable Aloe Vera Face Moisturizer. Aloe vera has been used for centuries for its healing and soothing properties. This moisturizer not only hydrates the skin but also helps in reducing inflammation and redness, making it ideal for sensitive skin types. The absence of harmful chemicals ensures that the moisturizer does not clog pores, making it suitable for use on all skin types. UBTAN FACE WASH
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t-a-k-a-k-o · 3 months
Mmk so I couldn't allow myself to just gatekeep these AMAZING snackies ♡
They are Jelly B. Drinkable Konjac Jelly, they r Korean and they r sooooooo good
They r super refreshing and it fills u up and satisfies sweet cravings
They r gluten free (100% in Australia and for US it doesn't have a warning against it), dairy free, sugar free, fat free, cholesterol free, nut free, halal, low carb, contain a bunch of vitamin C and a little calcium, and best of all EXTREMELY LOW CAL
There r at least 7 flavors (watermelon, apple, blueberry, peach, lychee, mango, and grape [the grape isn't American artificial grape where it taste more purple than fruity]), they r fairly cheap (especially if there r deals at the market), u can find them at ur local Asian market (I got mine at HMart and I think I got them for like $21 or $28 USD for 14 pouches) or Amazon (def more pricey)
Some of them taste exactly like the fruit while others don't rly but they r still rly good
Make sure when u drink it u shake it up real good, maybe even massage it a bit so u get bits of jelly rather than drinking all the juice and struggling to get the jelly out (I mean ig u could drink the juice and cut it open and eat the jelly with a spoon?) and they r best cold
I rly rly hope all of u who want them can find them bc they r SO AMAZING
Imma put pics of them below, ignore how dirty my kitchen floor looks pls (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)
P.S. so sry for how trash the pics r
P.P.S. rereading this post makes me sound like a commercial, I'm not getting paid btw, I just think all the babes here should know abt them if they r interested
Love u all ♡
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