#apple cider wally
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appleciderwally · 1 year ago
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A little guy! Sorry for not posting much on him, I don't really have any ideas to post. But feel free to ask any questions or give ideas!!
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aiden-artsy · 11 months ago
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Apple Cider! Wally
Au creator ;; @trashhumanbeing
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trashhumanbeing · 1 year ago
When'll the askbox be open for apple cider
It's open for anyone to ask now! Just will take some time for me to respond and all due to issues. But I have a whole blog for that!
So no questions on this one about apple cider wally, this one is for my Welcome Home art and original content
@appleciderwally is the blog!
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askdrunksally · 2 years ago
So Sally have you met apple cider Wally? I have a feeling you guys would get along
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" y-yes! I have *hic* "
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sil3ntm0thart · 2 months ago
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soda-sparkss · 2 years ago
i drew him in a sweater i found on pinterest<3(if he's gona later, do not fret! i most likely ate him) Sweet Tooth au is by @doggwwoggy23
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clowncanvas · 4 months ago
I want to make a WH inspired toon! Please suggest names!
Anyone here into Toontown Rewritten? 👀 (Both WH fans or not)
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I'm a polar bear called Eggnog
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derangedmangoes · 2 months ago
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Drank apple cider and now I have a new au idea-
Wally concepts :D
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fryingpan1234567 · 1 year ago
the batkids (and superfam/ flash fam/ Titans etc, if they’re around) have a drinking game on Halloween where they have to take a shot every time they see someone dressed as them. Cass and Duke usually end up dry, Steph and Jason get a few, Dick is falling off roofs by the end of the night, and the Robins would be wiped if their siblings let them shoot anything but apple cider. once he’s the Flash, Wally also usually ends up pretty fucked. Jaime always gets at least a few. Conner gets a surprising amount, although he suspects it’s just because a Superman costume with a leather jacket over the top is warmer than a regular Superman costume. the next day, all the kids brag about how many they got and how hungover, arguing over who’s the fan favorite among the kids.
what they don’t know is that the tradition started with the JL when they were younger (they also don’t know it’s the real reason Bruce hates Clark so much— he always got more kids)
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How about a human wally x human reader
Sure anon hun I’ll do my very best to make something *blows kisses to everyone* mwah
Human Wally Darling x GN writer Reader
It was a rainy day. The air chilly as the rain hit the window of the cafe you were in. You sigh watching the rain fall as you grumble having a writers block. Of course on the most blah day, your brain decides it’s also going to go blah. Sighing you sip away at your hot drink (it’s whatever warm drink you like, if you don’t like warm drinks that’s fine too). The bell rings informing everyone that a customer had entered. You looked up and you just see a person in a bright red raincoat. Which stuck out to you, cause people today usually just use umbrellas. The person takes of there hood, and you are a little in aw. Wonderful cinnamon styled hair, handsome face, Carmel colored skin that look so smooth (I think his skin looks like a Carmel color). It would make any person swoon. He heads toward the counter and orders himself a warm apple cider. Oh gosh his voice, monotone but like in a way it causes shivers down your body. The cashier asks for a name and his says, “Wally. Wally Darling.” She puts his name on a cup and he heads to a table pulling out a sketch book smiling. You hide behind your screen looking at him wondering. How is this man in your town not getting swarmed. Like come on people like from your childhood show ,SpongeBob, what squidward said “Oh god. He’s hot!!!” You try to go back to writing but everything is all mush and about feelings and butterflies , Frank would be interested in the butterflies part. That you don’t notice the man get his drink and notice you. He was over your shoulder curious about what you writing. Whispering next to you which startles you , he says. “Whatcha writing neighbor?” Causing you to gasp and slam your computer down. “Nothing!!” You exclaim in sheer embarrassment. He laughs and nods saying “well then see you neighbor” Puts his hood on and heads out. You are confused at why he said see you when you notice a business card by your own cup. It said “Wally Darling Freelance Artist.” This confused you till you see his number circled around and a small written “call me” beside it. Seems like someone noticed you noticing them. Lucky you
I hope you liked it Anon. I loves you alllllllll
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appleciderwally · 10 months ago
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I just thought it'd be cute to give him cinnamon stick hair clips, ain't it adorable?
I thought it'd give him more to look at and identify the apple cider look!
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trashhumanbeing · 10 months ago
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Apple Cider! Wally
Au creator ;; @trashhumanbeing
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gameshow-host-wally · 5 months ago
I once came across a dictionary this dictionary had the definition of normal using the word normal to Define itself, so is it just me or does that mean that the word normal does not exist? Or is it just a paradoxical word? Also some jerk pelted me with apples and a small barrel of apple cider I don't know what to do with it if you want it you can have it.
"Well, one, you need a different dictionary. That one seems broken. Two, nothing is normal. You're just used to the absurdity of it all. To be normal is an abnormal thing one does, do whatever you want. Three, gimme gimme. I want the apple cider"
Wally does the grabby hands gesture
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brown-sensation · 1 year ago
Appleblossom headcanons because I'm delusional~💕:
(These are for my human AU but most can apply for their puppet versions)
•Julie was a cheerleader in high school and was very popular, unfortunately, most people only thought of her as a bimbo :(((
•Wally on the other hand wasn't that popular but was well-liked by everyone. A lot of people had a crush on him~
•Julie's siblings don't like Wally very much 😭 not because they have something against him or anything, they're just super overprotective of Julie! They tolerate him though
•Wally picked up gardening from Julie! Occasionally his plants die though he's gotten so much better at taking care of them. He's patiently waiting for his apple tree to grow
•Julie speaks Spanish fluently. She wanted to learn Spanish when she started dating him. It was a bit hard for her but with the help of Wally she got the hang of it~
•Wally works as an art teacher at an elementary school. He's really good with kids, all the moms love him ;) (not that he cares, he only has eyes for his beloved Julie)
•Julie has a thing for high-heeled shoes!!! She really enjoys the ‘clacking’ sound they make
•Wally sleep talks, boy was Julie not thrilled to be awoken up by Wally's “I'm sleeping” the first time they shared a bed. She's gotten used to it by now~
•Julie is really flirty! She's loud and confident when she flirts with Wally but she also turns into a hot mess whenever he flirts back! He sure knows how to make a girl swoon
•Wally has an ungodly amount of paintings in his home of Julie he painted way before they started dating, he only ever gave her his best work
•Julie is not good at baking, she either tends to spill the batter or burn them. However it's appreciated whenever they DO turn out good, the house smells delightful
•Julie owns a hair salon and works as a hairdresser. She's the one to cut Wally's hair because he doesn't trust anyone else to do it
•Wally is very good at playing baseball, he's usually the pitcher since he has an incredibly good aim. Julie finds it attractive~
•Wally has painted Julie while drunk (hard apple cider), tbh it turned out awful but it's the intention that counts…🫶🏽💕
•Julie stims whenever Wally kisses her, especially on her hand, she's overcome with joy!
•#1 wife guy. You cannot tell me Wally isn't a Malewife
•When Wally first met Julie he was really disappointed to see how close she was with Frank and assumed they were dating. Turns out that was just a front and that she was single (the horrors of comphet)
•I hc their normal or puppet versions to be married! Their human versions are not (currently just dating)
•They occasionally call each other ‘Walliford’ and ‘Juliet’ as a joke
•Wally keeps small lamps inside his home on at all times because he knows Julie is afraid of the dark
•Julie thinks Wally is totally eye candy (she's right 🙏🏽), he knows this but it means so much more when it comes from her. She flatters him too much!
•Wally likes to kiss Julie from her hand all the way up to her shoulder like Morticia and Gomez, with a loud ‘muah’ ofc
•Julie's hair isn't actually her hair (well not all of it), she wears wigs/extensions and copious amounts of hairspray. Her actual hair is less big
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sil3ntm0thart · 4 months ago
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misteria247 · 1 year ago
The Muppets concept (Welcome Home) Halloween addition weeee-
You never expected to be experiencing Halloween like this. Surrounded by several puppets who were actually alive and where now your current roommates. Your home was filled with happy chatter and infectious laughter, making your heart swell up with warmth hearing it. You grabbed one of the trays filled with sweet treats to take to your companions, being greeted by bright smiles and a few grabby hands from some.
"Hold on, hold on there's plenty for everyone!"
You chirped brightly setting the tray down on your coffee table. Almost immediately your felt little friends grabbed some of them and began to settle down, chatting and enjoying the Halloween eve. You glanced around at your friends, a small smile coming onto your face. You saw Julie sitting on the sofa next to Sally, her expression beaming as she talked a mile a minute to her friend, who listened with amusement. Over by the TV sitting on the floor was Frank and Eddie. The smaller puppet was talking about something or another and Eddie listened with a soft, fond smile. You had to bite back your giggle at how sweet Eddie was being on Frank before turning your attention towards the doorway of the living room.
Barnaby was joking around with Howdy, the two giant puppets laughter booming out loudly as they sipped on some warm cider Poppy and you had made earlier. Over by the chair was the very bird in question, Poppy was sitting with her small knitting kit, knitting little Jack-o-lanterns into a scarf. Sitting at her feet, with a small smile on his face was none other than Wally. The smallest puppet was content helping her, occasionally nibbling on his candy apple whenever his hands were free. You stared at them all, taking in their bright costumes and dazzling smiles and buzzing excitement for tomorrow. It was nice seeing these friendly little neighbors relaxed in your home. Back when you'd first purchased them from the auction and had discovered their sentience, they'd all been rather subdued. They were quit, and filled with a looming sadness it seemed. It was as if they were afraid to interact with you. Which looking back made sense given they'd just lost their creator and caretaker at the time to old age.
But as time went on, they slowly started to warm up to you and you to them. Before you realized it, your home was being filled with a bit of sunshine and fun times as you all grew closer. It was an unplanned surprise but a welcomed one, especially when you had those days where adulthood was weighing you down something awful. Having these loving neighbors around helped make things better and now here you were, surrounded by warmth and affection and happiness. You were pulled out of your musings by Sally calling you over, Julie joining in as they made room for you on the sofa to sit with them. You went eagerly, a bright smile lighting your face as you joined your small family in the festivities.
You never expected to celebrate Halloween like this, but you were happy. And you were looking forward to many more bright and warm Halloweens to come.
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