#idek what apple candies laste like
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soda-sparkss · 2 years ago
i drew him in a sweater i found on pinterest<3(if he's gona later, do not fret! i most likely ate him) Sweet Tooth au is by @doggwwoggy23
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tryingmyves · 4 years ago
Ask:  Huge congrats on 60 followers!!!! 🤩🤩 I wanna request 14 with Kaminari (preferably romantic) pretty please 🥰 - @melodyinyourmind​ 
asldkjaslkfh okay bestie idek WHY but i was like so stressed to write this for you??? i just love you a lot and really hope you like this - it ended up sweeter than a candy apple, oops. the prompt is italicized
PAIRING: Kaminari x Y/N (female)
c/w: swearing
a/n: Kaminari asks you to prom! super fluffy, quirkless!au, is it still considered a high school au if the characters are in high school canonically?
Send me a request! ► 60 Followers event
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The summation of your academic career is on the horizon after twelve years of schooling. Graduation is only three weeks away at this point, and while you will have finals to deal with soon, you can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. All things considered, your high school experience hasn’t been too terrible, it was certainly superior to your middle school experience. But you were ready to finally be out in the world on your own, in the real world, where there are things more important than how popular you are. You’ve always been more of a background character, never the person picked first in gym class or for group projects. You have a few close friends, but mostly you are just another nameless face in the sea of students at UA High. Not everyone could be Shoto Todoroki or Katsuki Bakugo, and most days your social status isn’t even an afterthought to you. However, on rare occasions you’re inundated with insecurities. Your mind drifts, struggling to comprehend what a day in the life of Momo Yaoyorozu must be like. To be beautiful, loved, and adored; an ideal debutante surrounded in perfumed hearts and perfection. A part of you yearns for even just a taste of that kind of existence, but it seemed that you were better suited to a more monotonous reality. To be honest, you were planning to phone in the last few weeks of your senior year but your friend Mina had other plans.  
“What the hell do you mean you’re not going to prom?!” your pink-haired friend all but shouts as the two of you walk to her car, hoping to get out of the parking lot before it was overrun with hundreds of students leaving school for the day. 
“What I just said, I’m not going to prom,” you answer, “I don’t have a date and it just seems kind of pointless right? It’s just a dance after all.” 
“It’s not just a dance, Y/N. It’s our senior prom! It’s like the high school experience!” She lectures. “Besides, we don’t need dates for prom. We just need to look hot as fuck and dance our asses off!”
You shrug, “Yeah, I think if the last four years have taught us anything it’s that we don’t really qualify as ‘hot as fuck.’”
“Uh - speak for yourself. I’m fine as hell. And I’m not friends with ugly people, so that means you're hot too.” Mina counters, unlocking the doors to her gold Camry and throwing her backpack in the backseat.
You just laugh, shaking your head at her as you get into the passenger seat. 
“I’m serious, Y/N,” she continues, sliding behind the steering wheel, “We’re going to prom. So let’s try this again - hey, Y/N, do you want to go prom dress shopping this weekend?” She looks at you with raised eyebrows and a tight smile. You know that there’s no getting out of this.
“Yeah, yeah.” you sigh, rolling your eyes at your best friend “let’s go shopping this weekend.”
“Fuck yes bestie!!” Mina beams,  finally turning her keys in the ignition. The cough of her car’s engine is quickly drowned out by Ashnikko and she whips out of the parking lot, rolling down the windows of the car to let her music blare. You don’t bother to continue a conversation on the ride. You would have to yell to be heard over the vibrations of the subwoofer in the trunk. Instead, you join in with your best friend, scream-singing the chorus to Deal With It while the bass rattles the car. Your jam session only lasts about 20 minutes before Mina drops you off at your house and tells you she’s picking you up at 11 AM tomorrow. It’s not a question, but an order. You’ve been friends with Mina Ashido long enough to know that if you weren’t ready to go tomorrow morning, she’d pull you out of bed herself and drag you to the mall in your pajamas. Mina has a wild side, she’s eternally looking for a party or an adventure, and when she finds it, she’s guaranteed to bring you along with her - whether you want to go or not. But you were thankful for her chaotic personality, it forced you to engage in the world around you instead of just watching it pass by. And even though you won’t admit it, you typically have fun on Mina’s escapades - prom will be probably the same.
But before you can think about shopping or prom, you’ve got to get through your shift at the theater tonight. You head inside to exchange your school bag for your uniform and phone charger before you walk to the bus station. Working at the theater isn’t too bad - you get free popcorn and see all the latest movies for free. After the initial rush of patrons purchasing tickets and snacks, you pretty much just get to slack off and mess around with your coworkers for a few hours. You listen to music and check the schedule for tonight on the bus. You find that you’re on concessions tonight with Hakagure and Kaminari. It wouldn’t be a terrible shift, you think, Hakagure is pretty quiet, but Kaminari is regularly doing something stupid, and more often than not it’s entertaining too.
You get to work, change into your uniform, and then head to the concessions area. Hagakure is already setting things up for the impending rush. You return her hello and set to work, helping restock cups and lids and facing the candy in the glass cases. 
“Looks like I’m spending my Friday night with two hotties,” Kaminari says, striding over to the counter, “that’s pretty standard for me, ya know?”
Kaminari is flirtatious, the man is a walking encyclopedia of pick-up lines. He winks in your direction, Hagakure doesn’t respond, too busy fumbling with the empty nacho trays in her hands. “I don’t think it counts if they have to pay us to be here,” you quip.
He gives an exaggerated pout at your response. “Come on, Y/N. You know you love me! Let me take you out and prove it to you.”
“Pfft, whatever,” you laugh, Kaminari was constantly using lines like that. He’s probably asked you out at least six times since you started working with him at the theater. It’s just his personality, he was invariably hitting on someone. Anyone who knew Kaminari knew not to take his advances seriously, he just likes to masquerade as a ladies man. You think that he certainly looks the part with his golden eyes and bright smile; his blonde hair always perfectly in place, completed by his signature black streak. You try not to ruminate on Kaminari or his attractiveness, turning your attention back to the batch of popcorn you had started. Sure, maybe you had a crush on him, but you do your best to ignore it, convincing yourself you’re reading into his cheesy come-ons too much. However, you’ve failed to notice that recently Kaminari only seems to flirt with you, and more frequently than usual. 
He hides it well, but your rejection saddens him. He blames himself for his flippant reputation. His incessant flirting makes you think he’s joking, when in reality the way you laugh at his stupid jokes makes his heart flutter. He wants you to know that he means it when he says he was just thinking about you and that he truly does want to take you on a date. To be honest, Kaminari has been thinking about tonight all week and he’s nervous. Desperate to finally make his feelings towards you clear, he consulted Mina about his plans. 
“Oh my god, Denki, you’re such a moron! Just tell her how you feel, dumbass.” Mina couldn’t even believe what she was hearing. Kaminari had just confessed how much he likes you to your best friend, begging for her advice on what to do.
“I’ve tried! She always thinks I’m joking,” he whines, “no one ever takes me seriously.”
Mina rolls her eyes so hard they nearly get stuck in the back of her head, “Yeah, I wonder why.”
“I have an idea but I’ll need your help,” his eyes are pleading, “and I need you to tell me if it’s stupid…”
“Well…” Mina starts, “It’s your idea so it probably is. Spill it, whatcha got?” She sits down next to Kaminari now, interested in his plan.
“We’re both on the schedule for next Friday at work, right? Well, after a movies over we have to go in and clean out the theater before the next show.” he rubs the back of his neck with a hand, hoping Mina will approve of his plan. “I thought that I could make, like, a short video to play on the projector, like an end credit scene, and uh…. Use it to ask Y/N to prom.” He says the last part quietly, embarrassed by his own idea.
He looks up and Mina’s mouth is agape, and Kaminari swears she somehow managed to vocalize the equivalent of a key smash. “Oh my god, I take it back!!! You’re not a moron, Denki that is fucking adorable. Yes, yes, yes! I will help just tell me what you need.”
With your best friend’s approval, Kaminari sets to work. His pickup lines are corny, but what he and Mina create in preparation for his plan makes them look tame. Mina was mostly responsible for holding the camera, as Kaminari already had an elaborate script planned for his confession. He decided to go old-school and make the whole video black and white in post. Thankfully, Mina was great at surprises so you didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary for the week she was helping him and Kaminari had gotten approval from your manager to use the projector in theater six for his proposal. He and Mina finished filming on Wednesday night and Kaminari spent several hours editing on Thursday, but by the time his shift with you rolled around he was ready. He just had to make it a few more hours without blowing the surprise. 
Less than 30 minutes before the big reveal he almost let it slip. Hagakure is talking to you about the dress she bought for prom and asks if you’re excited for the big dance. 
“Oh, I’m not going to prom,” you respond.
Kaminari whips around at your statement, worrying his whole plan is about to fall apart. He opens his mouth to say something but you continue, “Er - I mean, I wasn’t going to. But Mina’s kind of forced me into it. We’re supposed to go dress shopping tomorrow.”
Kaminari let’s out a sigh of relief, and quickly turns back around. Luckily, you didn’t notice his odd behavior as you chatted with your other coworker. The pair of you continue your small talk until a steady flow of people start spilling from the theater, announcing the end of the movie. 
“Well, guess that’s our que,” Hagakure says, moving to depart from behind the counter. 
“Uh - why don’t you stay at the counter, Hagakure?!” Kaminari says in a bit of a panic, “You always sweep out the theater, let Y/N and I handle it tonight.” He doesn’t even wait for her response, already ushering you towards theater six. 
“Woah, what’s the rush Denki?” you ask, walking a bit faster than normal to keep up. 
“Huh? Oh - no rush. There’s no rush,” he chuckles, “just uh, ready to clean up, I guess.” He mentally cursed himself, Mina was right. He was acting like a moron. But you didn’t say anything further, you just stopped to grab a broom and a dust pan before heading into the theater. 
“Why don’t you take the bottom section, Y/N and I’ll go up top?” Kaminari offers. 
You shrug, “Sounds good to me.” You weave between the rows of seats, sweeping forgotten popcorn into piles in the dim lights of the theater. You're about to bend over to pick up a discarded soda cup when the sound of film catches your attention. 
You look to the screen and see a grainy film leader counting down from 6, each second accompanied  by a beep. The countdown ends and the screen shifts, now displaying Kaminari standing in front of a bathroom mirror, the whole scene in black and white. He looks like he’s rehearsing something to himself, but there’s no words, instead a light, jazzy tune serves as the audio to this unexpected show. Your eyes are fixed to the screen, you’re both confused and intrigued. The monochrome Kaminari nods to himself in the mirror, seemingly pleased with whatever he’s rehearsed. He gives himself an exaggerated thumbs up before spraying himself with some cologne. He turns from the mirror and exits the bathroom with a spring in his step, the camera backing away from him as he makes his way down the hall. He comes to a stair banister and spins in place before hopping onto the rail; sliding to the bottom of the steps. The camera continues to follow him as he grabs a bouquet of roses from the table in the entryway. He gives the camera a dazzling smile before striding out the front door, closing it behind him, as the music and screen fade to black. 
You turn around, looking for Kaminari to explain, unsure of what to make of the unexpected short. When you turn you find him standing directly behind you, bouquet of yellow roses in hand, and a nervous smile on his face. 
“Kaminari, wha-“ 
He cuts you off, “Y/N, will you go to prom with me?” He holds the roses forward to you.
You can hardly form words, was this actually happening right now? “S-seriously?” is all you can manage. 
Kaminari nods, “I’ve liked you for a while, Y/N. But I’m always joking around so you don’t take me seriously when I ask you out or flirt with you… I am such a fool for you. And I would seriously love to take you to prom.” You can see his face is red, even in the dim theater lighting, and you can feel your own face flushing at his words. You fling your arms around his neck, launching forward to hug him. 
“Yes, I’ll go to prom with you, Denki!” you say happily. You couldn’t believe it. Denki Kaminari asked you to prom, with a Charlie Chaplin-esque short film and a bouquet of roses. You thought this sort of thing was reserved for daydreams and romcoms.
His free arm wraps itself around your waist, settling on your lower back, the other still holding the flowers he got you. He’s smiling from ear to ear, beaming at your answer. He plants a quick kiss on your cheek, “I can’t wait to see what dress you find tomorrow,” he says into your ear. 
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marudeinu · 5 years ago
Can be used for RP and non-RP blogs to get to know a bit about the person behind the screen!
tagged by: no one, i snagged it from @fearfcrged​ tagging: be gay. do crime  
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1. FIRST NAME: I still need to get it legally changed, but Jae-Seung 2. STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF: I have a natural resistance to certain anesthetics? I always wake up WAY too early and they keep having to add more until they get scared I’m gonna OD. When they tried putting me in a ‘Twilight’ state during extraction of my wisdom teeth, they could only get halfway through the procedure before they had to stop. The oral surgeon I was referred to just knocked me out entirely and it went fine. This understandably makes me really nervous about needing any major surgery in the future... 3. TOP THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU FIND ATTRACTIVE ON A PERSON: Uhh... Usually stuff like their eyes? I also LOVE toned and/or veiny forearms, idek why. Muscular AND veiny? HUBBA HUBBA. But soft is also great, I do love a person that actually like, looks like they enjoy food like I do. 4. A FOOD YOU COULD EAT FOREVER AND NOT GET BORED OF: Soon dubu jiggae... omg. I eat that shit no matter what time of year it is, always boiling lava hot. And Boba Tea. And like, breakfast sandwiches. 5. A FOOD YOU HATE: Jellyfish and sea cucumber, the texture bothers me greatly 6. GUILTY PLEASURE: Buying stuff for my main on FFXIV...  7. WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN: pajama or sweat pants and a tank top 8. SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS: Serious, but I’m definitely not in any hurry atm. Monchichi is my girlfriend, all I need is my cat to spoil and lavish affection on. 9. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN THE PAST AND CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE, WOULD YOU AND WHAT WOULD IT BE: I think I might have reached out to my birth family sooner, re-learned my native language sooner, just... been more interested in reclaiming my heritage and identity a LOT sooner than now. I mean, there are other things I kinda wish I had done, but I also don’t believe they would have changed the outcome? But maybe how I felt about trying wouldn’t have been so... regrettable.  10. ARE YOU AN AFFECTIONATE PERSON: I am affectionate in that I’ll verbally support you and genuinely talk about what I love about you and will go out of my way to help and buy/make you thoughtful things. Physical affection seems to be an area I’m still very awkward at and my own discomfort with being touched doesn’t help that I don’t especially think about it mattering so much to other people. 11. A MOVIE YOU COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN: I’m going to agree with Ray and say The Hunchback of Notre Dame! I also SUPER loved Into the Spider-Verse? And The Last Unicorn, OMG- AMAZING ANIMATED MOVIE. 12. FAVORITE BOOK: The First Law Trilogy by Joe Abercrombie 13. YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO KEEP ANY ANIMAL AS A PET, WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE: Maybe a tiger or snow leopard? Cheetahs are VERY nice, as well. I guess they also wouldn’t be so much like PETS and more “a wild animal who is also my friend” since I would hate to keep them in captivity. So whenever I go out into their territory, they remember me as a human they can trust and want to spend time playing or relaxing with me. 14. TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS: Booster Gold/Bruce Banner (only the RP portrayals that Turk and I wrote tho), Soriku, Todoiideku, Pullo/Vorenus, Taiga Saejima/Majima Goro 15. PIE OR CAKE: Cake. 16. FAVORITE SCENT: “Wasabi”, it’s a soap I use that smells like mint, lime, eucalyptus, and ginger. Also, Sugar Lychee is an AMAZING scent. Burberry Brit Sheer is nice sweet, but SPICAY. Also Candy by Prada. 17. CELEBRITY CRUSH: Robert Downey Jr., Salma Hayek, Bryce Dallas Howard, Choi Min Soo, Mads Mikkelsen 18. IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO: ALSO, EVERYWHERE. But my big ones would have to be Italy, China (again), Japan, Thailand, and back home to Korea.  19. INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT: Introvert 20. DO YOU SCARE EASILY: No, I was raised on horror movies and am not easily spooked, so I kind of am ATTRACTED to the possibility of actually being scared. But I also am a wuss when I truly believe there is a hostile supernatural presence around me, like I will be the first one to admit I’d run and pee myself. 21. IPHONE OR ANDROID: Android, I just... don’t like Apple anymore as a company.  22. DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES: So many... 24. WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS: Help my parents finally retire, get all my dental work done, TRAVEL, buy a huge house where all of my friends can come visit me and have a smaller manse for each cat I own (priorities). 25. FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE: DC movie Joker iterations, Griffith from Berserk, Tyler Durden from Fight Club, canon Bkg from BNHA, The Comedian from Watchmen. 26. FANDOM THAT YOU WERE ONCE A PART OF BUT AREN’T ANY LONGER: ATLA/TLOK, Joss Whedon’s Firefly, Harry Potter, uh... I’m sure there are others but I can’t think of them right now.
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thisbibliomaniac · 6 years ago
Would you hate me if I asked for all 200?
 I could never hate you my darling !
200: My crush’s name is: ohhhh I’m not posting that here XD
199: I was born in: hell 
198: I am really: average 197: My cellphone company is: stupid 196: My eye color is: brown 195: My shoe size is: inconvenient 194: My ring size is: 7 on my ring finger, 8 on my middle finger 193: My height is: 5′5″192: I am allergic to: according to my most recent rescan, egg yolks, corn starch, and ... something else 191: My 1st car was: a windstar 190: My 1st job was: ice cream shop! 189: Last book you read: Pride and Prejudice. loved it 188: My bed is: blue, green, purple, and pink 187: My pet: obi, who is so cute 186: My best friend: amazing wonderful beautiful incredible 185: My favorite shampoo is: maui vanilla 184: Xbox or ps3: nintendo 64183: Piggy banks are: for collecting cool money 182: In my pockets: scrunchie and box cutter 181: On my calendar: seeing @dangerously-human asap! 180: Marriage is: unlikely 179: Spongebob can: die 178: My mom: cool beans 177: The last three songs I bought were? these boots were made for walking, 9-5, idk probably something by kelly clarkson 176: Last YouTube video watched: steven crowder on the catholic boys. worth the watch 175: How many cousins do you have? oh gosh. so many. i was gonna add them up, but honestly? there’s at least 40, and aint nobody got time to mentally run through the whole family 174: Do you have any siblings? yes 173: Are your parents divorced? no 172: Are you taller than your mom? lol yes 171: Do you play an instrument? piano 170: What did you do yesterday? worked :/[ I Believe In ]169: Love at first sight: nope 168: Luck: i joke about it, but not really 167: Fate: no 166: Yourself: heck no 165: Aliens: nope 164: Heaven: of course 163: Hell: definitely 162: God: absolutely 161: Horoscopes: absolutely not 160: Soul mates: yes 159: Ghosts: no 158: Gay Marriage:  nope 157: War: yes 156: Orbs: ? 155: Magic: cats are magic [ This or That ]154: Hugs or Kisses: hugs 153: Drunk or High: neither 152: Phone or Online: phone 151: Red heads or Black haired: ahhhh. both 150: Blondes or Brunettes: brunettes 149: Hot or cold: cold 148: Summer or winter: nether D:147: Autumn or Spring: autumn 146: Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla 145: Night or Day: night 144: Oranges or Apples: apples 143: Curly or Straight hair: curly 142: McDonalds or Burger King: ew neither 141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: milk140: Mac or PC: pc always 139: Flip flops or high heals: both!!138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: ugly and sweet are not mutually exclusive 137: Coke or Pepsi: pepsi 136: Hillary or Obama: haahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha135: Burried or cremated: idk i wont be there 134: Singing or Dancing: singing 133: Coach or Chanel: walmart 132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: taylor hicks!!!!! 131: Small town or Big city: in between 130: Wal-Mart or Target: both 129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: adam sandler 128: Manicure or Pedicure: manicure 127: East Coast or West Coast: east coast 126: Your Birthday or Christmas: neither 125: Chocolate or Flowers: both 124: Disney or Six Flags: disney 123: Yankees or Red Sox: Indians [ Here’s What I Think About ]122: War: a necessary evil 121: George Bush: i was like 12 so 120: Gay Marriage: wicked 119: The presidential election: ridiculous 118: Abortion: murder 117: MySpace: useless 116: Reality TV: depends on the show 115: Parents: not really sure how to answer this 114: Back stabbers: dump them 113: Ebay: sneaky 112: Facebook: another necessary evil 111: Work: the most necessary of the greatest evil 110: My Neighbors: enigmas 109: Gas Prices: too high 108: Designer Clothes: why? 
107: College: not for everyone 106: Sports: baseball is the best 105: My family: wild104: The future: D: [ Last time I ]103: Hugged someone: my coworker hugged me yesterday 102: Last time you ate: got shish tawook earlier 101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: havent really seen anyone 100: Cried in front of someone: i dont do that 99: Went to a movie theater: couple weeks ago 98: Took a vacation: went to see stell and danger 97: Swam in a pool: a looong time ago 96: Changed a diaper: longer ago 95: Got my nails done: never have 94: Went to a wedding: probably a cousin? so also a long time ago 93: Broke a bone: never 92: Got a peircing: ears 8 years ago 91: Broke the law: i do not do that either !90: Texted: stell just now [ MISC ]89: Who makes you laugh the most: @identityconstellations88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: solitude 87: The last movie I saw: far from the madding crowd 86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: seeing danger 85: The thing im not looking forward to: work on monday 84: People call me: boring 83: The most difficult thing to do is: exist 82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: never 81: My zodiac sign is: nothing 80: The first person i talked to today was: my mom 79: First time you had a crush: high school 78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: i can hide from anyone ;) 77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: usually do 76: Right now I am talking to: stell 75: What are you going to do when you grow up: uhhhhhhh74: I have/will get a job: hopefully never again, but thats not my luck 73: Tomorrow: bible study! 72: Today: shish tawook 71: Next Summer: who knows 70: Next Weekend: sleep 69: I have these pets: obi, walker, punky, daisy, loki, and lady 68: The worst sound in the world: nails on a chalkboard 67: The person that makes me cry the most is: no one 66: People that make you happy:my friends 65: Last time I cried: idek 64: My friends are: amazing 63: My computer is: dependable 62: My School: over and done with 61: My Car: adorable 60: I lose all respect for people who: give up their pets , especially for petty reasons 59: The movie I cried at was: oh goodness i dont know 58: Your hair color is: red 57: TV shows you watch: so many 56: Favorite web site: i dont think i like any of them 55: Your dream vacation: paris 54: The worst pain I was ever in was: 53: How do you like your steak cooked: medium 52: My room is: purple 51: My favorite celebrity is: oh goodness i have no idea . tom hiddleston probably 50: Where would you like to be: ireland 49: Do you want children: yes48: Ever been in love: no 47: Who’s your best friend: stell 46: More guy friends or girl friends: girl friends 45: One thing that makes you feel great is: being with cats 44: One person that you wish you could see right now: any of my friends 43: Do you have a 5 year plan: no 42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: no 41: Have you pre-named your children: no 40: Last person I got mad at: my boss 39: I would like to move to: ireland 38: I wish I was a professional: nothing. i dont want to be a professional anything. i hate working for other people. they suck. every single one. [ My Favorites ]37: Candy: reeses pieces36: Vehicle: corrola 35: President: RAND PAUL 202034: State visited: hawaii 33: Cellphone provider: they all suck 32: Athlete: jason kipnis 31: Actor: tom hiddleston 30: Actress: sandra bullock 29: Singer: lea salonga 28: Band: needtobreathe27: Clothing store: walmart 26: Grocery store: walmart 25: TV show: the office 24: Movie: so many 23: Website: already asked 22: Animal: cats 21: Theme park: not really a theme park fan 20: Holiday: reformation day 19: Sport to watch: baseball! 18: Sport to play: bowling 17: Magazine: none 16: Book: madman 15: Day of the week: friday 14: Beach: the one in jersey stell and i went to last year 13: Concert attended: tobymac and brandon heath together 12: Thing to cook: snickerdoodles 11: Food: shish tawook 10: Restaurant: idek 9: Radio station: majic 105.7
8: Yankee candle scent: cinnamon 7: Perfume: honeysuckle 6: Flower: roses 5: Color: pink 4: Talk show host: regis philban XD 3: Comedian: probably john mulaney 2: Dog breed: pitbull 1: Did you answer all these truthfully?  yiss 
thanks dan
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starkii · 6 years ago
tagged by @theoneintheband-yeahthatone
I was looking for fun tags and I couldn’t find one so I wrote my own lol. It’s pretty random but I thought it would be cool to hear from some of my mutuals.
Favorite snack?
I like cronchy & salty so like: Cheezits, Goldfish, Wheat thins, Popcorn!
Favorite place to go on vacation?
We usually like going to some cabins, somewhere in a forest by a lake, maybe late summer, early fall so it's not too incredibly hot. Making Smores over a nice bonfire🍫🔥
What’s a song that makes you dance immediately?
Drum Machine by Lao Ra
Tea or Coffee? And what kind?
I like Earl Grey & red the most but I drink green tea the most for health benefits🙌🏼
Do you play an instrument?
no, unfortunately :/
What’s your favorite type of personality?
mysterious, like the more reserved someone is, the more interested I am
Favorite Comedian?
this is tough but recently probably Andrew Schulz
Gummy candy or chocolate?
Gummy for sure
What did you ‘want to be when you grew up’ as a kid?
a Veterinarian
What’s your favorite physical feature about yourself?
my hands
When was the last time you watched a show or movie on a TV?
last night
Unpopular Opinion?
*keeps mouth shut* let's just be glad Minority Report has yet to be a reality.......yet
Are you scared of bugs?
is a wasp a bug ?
Cats or cats?
you're funny
Are you allergic to any foods?
Does the description of your star sign match your personality?
to the point where I don't like telling people my starsign.. which is a v scorpio thing...
Favorite type of accent?
Scottish or Irish, oof 🤤 Scottish sounds smart and sexy, Irish is like a badboy type of Hot🔥
Name the first song that comes into your head!!
Blood // Water by Grandson
Who is the sexiest famous person to you?
Rihanna... or Colin farrell? idek
Cake or pie?
When was the last time you read an entire book?
4 years ago, maybe..
Favorite junk food?
Do you like your height?
nope like can i be 5 inches taller? pls
Apples or oranges?
I fucking hate oranges 😷
What’s your favorite personality trait in a person?
An open mind.
Do you like salad?
yes sir
What person inspires you the most?
Probably Liam Gallagher, like..
is this allowed!?1!
What is a song that has made you cry?
what? me? cry? never, I ain't no pussy ass bitch 👀🤧😅
That’s it! You’re awesome x
I'm tagging @90sprite @officialalejandra @bluebellwoodsoasis
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beautifulblueeyedwarrior · 7 years ago
200: My crush’s name is: I don’t have a crush right now 199: I was born in: Milwaukee Wisconsin  198: I am really: generous? 197: My cellphone company is: US Cellular 196: My eye color is: Blue 195: My shoe size is: 6 194: My ring size is: idk, 6? 7? 193: My height is: 5′0 192: I am allergic to: I just have seasonal allergies 191: My 1st car was: don’t have my first car yet 190: My 1st job was: Boston Store 189: Last book you read: idk 188: My bed is: A queen sized bed 187: My pet: dog, named Spike 186: My best friend: Ellen 185: My favorite shampoo is: idk 184: Xbox or ps3: neither 183: Piggy banks are: nice 182: In my pockets: nothing 181: On my calendar: shifts, events, paydays 180: Marriage is: beautiful if it works out  179: Spongebob can: end  178: My mom: is the most amazing person ever 177: The last three songs I bought were? idk 176: Last YouTube video watched: a black friday haul? 175: How many cousins do you have? many  174: Do you have any siblings? 1 173: Are your parents divorced? yes 172: Are you taller than your mom? nope  171: Do you play an instrument? nope 170: What did you do yesterday? work [ I Believe In ] 169: Love at first sight: nope 168: Luck: sure? 167: Fate: yes? 166: Yourself: not currently 165: Aliens: Idk 164: Heaven: Idk 163: Hell: Idk 162: God: maybe 161: Horoscopes: not really 160: Soul mates: I think so 159: Ghosts: sorta 158: Gay Marriage: yes yes yes 157: War: nope 156: Orbs: ehh 155: Magic: ehh [ This or That ] 154: Hugs or Kisses: depends 153: Drunk or High: neither 152: Phone or Online: online 151: Red heads or Black haired: Red 150: Blondes or Brunettes: Brunettes 149: Hot or cold: in the middle 148: Summer or winter: Summer 147: Autumn or Spring: Autumn  146: Chocolate or vanilla: depends on the day 145: Night or Day: both 144: Oranges or Apples: Oranges 143: Curly or Straight hair: Straight  142: McDonalds or Burger King: McDonalds 141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: Milk 140: Mac or PC: Mac 139: Flip flops or high heals: flip flops 138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: sweet and poor 137: Coke or Pepsi: Coke but i don’t drink soda 136: Hillary or Obama: Obama 135: Burried or cremated: idk 134: Singing or Dancing: Singing 133: Coach or Chanel: Chanel 132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: Kat 131: Small town or Big city: Big City 130: Wal-Mart or Target: Target 129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Adam Sandler 128: Manicure or Pedicure: Manicure 127: East Coast or West Coast: West Coast 126: Your Birthday or Christmas: My birthday 125: Chocolate or Flowers: Flowers 124: Disney or Six Flags: Disney 123: Yankees or Red Sox: Yankees [ Here’s What I Think About ] 122: War: I hate it  121: George Bush: Gross 120: Gay Marriage: Yess 119: The presidential election: eww 118: Abortion: Nooo 117: MySpace: Dead 116: Reality TV: Love 115: Parents: Love my mom, dad blehh 114: Back stabbers: they suck 113: Ebay: random 112: Facebook: social 111: Work: nice 110: My Neighbors: quiet 109: Gas Prices: crazy 108: Designer Clothes: nice but pricey 107: College: good 106: Sports: okay 105: My family: love ‘em 104: The future: Curious [ Last time I ] 103: Hugged someone: idk 102: Last time you ate: yesterday 101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: idk 100: Cried in front of someone: idk 99: Went to a movie theater: a week ago? 98: Took a vacation: in July 97: Swam in a pool: last month 96: Changed a diaper: a long long long time ago 95: Got my nails done: 4 days ago 94: Went to a wedding: a few years ago 93: Broke a bone: never 92: Got a piercing: a few months back 91: Broke the law: never 90: Texted: yesterday [ MISC ] 89: Who makes you laugh the most: idk 88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my doggy  87: The last movie I saw: Trolls? 86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: Christmas 85: The thing im not looking forward to: Working today 84: People call me: Claire 83: The most difficult thing to do is: Give birth? 82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: Nope 81: My zodiac sign is: Cancer 80: The first person i talked to today was: My mom? 79: First time you had a crush: Grade school? 78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: my mom? 77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: a while ago  76: Right now I am talking to: my dog 75: What are you going to do when you grow up: idk im grown sorta 74: I have/will get a job: i have a job right now  73: Tomorrow: I’m off 72: Today: I work 71: Next Summer: I’ll be turning 22 70: Next Weekend: idk 69: I have these pets: Dog 68: The worst sound in the world: gun shots?  67: The person that makes me cry the most is: idek  66: People that make you happy: My best friend, My mom... 65: Last time I cried: I teared up today 64: My friends are: Amazing 63: My computer is: wonderful 62: My School: is close to my work 61: My Car: don’t have one yet 60: I lose all respect for people who: are disrespectful to gay/trans... people 59: The movie I cried at was: a lot of movies 58: Your hair color is: Black 57: TV shows you watch: So many shows 56: Favorite web site: Don’t know 55: Your dream vacation: Australia? Bora Bora? 54: The worst pain I was ever in was: idk 53: How do you like your steak cooked: Medium 52: My room is: messy 51: My favorite celebrity is: idk 50: Where would you like to be: in the west coast 49: Do you want children: Yes 48: Ever been in love: I think so? 47: Who’s your best friend: Ellen 46: More guy friends or girl friends: girl friends 45: One thing that makes you feel great is: Disney 44: One person that you wish you could see right now: Rachel 43: Do you have a 5 year plan: kinda sorta 42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: kinda sorta 41: Have you pre-named your children: yes lol 40: Last person I got mad at: my customers 39: I would like to move to: the west coast 38: I wish I was a professional: Singer  [ My Favorites ] 37: Candy: Sour Patch Kids? 36: Vehicle: Volkswagen Beetle 35: President: Obama 34: State visited: California or Idaho? 33: Cellphone provider: US Cellular? 32: Athlete: idk 31: Actor: Zac Efron? Liam Hemsworth? Josh Duhamel? 30: Actress: Emma Stone? Reese Witherspoon?  29: Singer: Amy Winehouse, Sam Smith, Miley Cyrus... 28: Band: Auset Music Project, Maroon 5 27: Clothing store: Forever 21?  26: Grocery store: Metro Market 25: TV show: The Office 24: Movie:  13 going on 30 or Perks of Being A Wallflower 23: Website: idk  22: Animal: Dog or Sloth? 21: Theme park: Disney World and Disneyland 20: Holiday: Christmas 19: Sport to watch: Baseball 18: Sport to play: none 17: Magazine: Seventeen 16: Book: I Don’t know 15: Day of the week: Friday 14: Beach: Beaches in cali 13: Concert attended: Jess and Gabriel Conte 12: Thing to cook: idk 11: Food: Mexican or Italian 10: Restaurant: Chipotle? 9: Radio station: 99.1 The Mix 8: Yankee candle scent: idk 7: Perfume: Daisy by Marc Jacobs or Love by Harajuku lovers  6: Flower: Sunflower or Orchids 5: Color: Mint Green 4: Talk show host: Ellen 3: Comedian: Ellen 2: Dog breed: Golden Doodle? Yorkshire Terrier? Shih-Tzu? 1: did you answer all these truthfully? Yep
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dankcranks · 7 years ago
100% serious. It'll help me get out of my own head, too. I've had a kinda blehhh day
same here friendo
putting this under a cut cause it’ll be long
☝ - How tall are you? - fun story for years i thought i was 5′7 cause that was the height the last time i was measured at my doctor’s office in my late teens, but they measured me “just to see” the last time i was there, and i’m 5′8???? the last few years of my life has been a lie
✔ - Sexual Orientation - ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ still trying to figure this out tbh. def pansexual, probably panromantic but also possibly on the grey spectrum??? i value platonic relationships over romantic ones, but do still have the ability to have romantic attractions towards others (although it’s rare) and idk what that means
🚬 - Do you Smoke? i used to a lot a lotttt but nowadays it’s only when i’m with friends that smoke and can bum one off of them (cause i’m incapable of making good choices when it comes to my health)
🍷 - Do you Drink? - yes, but rarely and generally only socially 
♒ - Do you Take Drugs? - prescription yes. but similarly to smoking, i used to smoke a lot a lotttt of weed but now only do when i’m hanging with the person in my life that smokes regularly
😳 - Age you get mistaken for? - honestly idek. late teens? people are always suspeeshy of me when they id me and see my birth year, and i feel like i look like a teenage boyo which isn’t helped by my shit skin
💉 - Have Tattoos? - ocarina of time style ganondorf and skull kid (with the mask you give him on) on my left upper arm, the chorus of hilf mir fliegen by tokio hotel on my back, and schwester on my foot (for my sister)
✏️ - Want any tattoos? - oh hell yes i have like a backlog of tattoos i want
✂️ - Got any Piercings? - snakebites, industrial, rook, lobes x3
✌ - Want any piercings? - occasionally i think about a nose ring, but nah, i’m happy with the ones i have
👌 - Best friend? - i live with one of them, and the other lives on the other side of canada :’)
♥ - Do you like anyone? - lmao nah
🎤 - Top 5 favorite bands? - KSJHDSAK kay i’m putting these in no particular order, cause it’s hard enough limiting it just to five, let alone determine a favourite. also this is subject to change at any given moment. twenty one pilots, weezer, alexisonfire, linkin park(💔), one direction anD HAHAHAHA I’M COUNTING THEIR SOLO CAREERS AS PART OF THIS FIGHT ME
🎶 - Top 5 favorite songs? - this is even fucking worse than trying to limit my top five bands alfhdalfhlsjdkf i’m gonna go with the top five songs that i currently keep listening to on repeat (again, no particular order)top - addict with a pensleeping at last - saturnniall horan - seeing blind ft maren morristop - a car, a torch, a deathpale waves - television romance
😒 - Biggest pet peeve? - forgetting about plans (i literally do nothing with my life so like, when i make plans with someone, i'm really really looking forward to it)
📝 - Story from your childhood. - so when we got our family cat, i really wanted to call her cookie. but my mom decided on sophie, and i was highkey offended because i wanted a cute non human name like cookie??? but it’s hilarious now, because i only name animals by human names
💬 - I wish… - i wish i could afford to have more cats in my life
‼️ - Something you’ll change? - ...the amount of cats in my life
💦 - What makes you horny? - i literally had to finish these questions and come back to this lmao. physically, arms and nice hair i guess. otherwise, jfc idk, i’ma go real lame and say personality. idk how the fuck i get turned on okay, it just happens sometimes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
🌟 - A wish you’ll wish for? - m o r e  c a t s  i n  m y  l i f e
🔥 - Something spicy you like? - fuckIN INDIAN FOOD (i’m eating some curry i made right now lmao) shoutout to other east asian spicy foods
👃 You hate the smell of …. - idk fertilizer
👊 - Something you hate? - myself lmao #relatable am i rite
🚶 - Are you single? - yup
💬 - Can we text? - i have no idea who you are
💌 - Fan mail me? - again, i have no idea who you are
💍 - Marry me? - i literalLY DON’T KNOW WHO THIS IS 
💘 - Be my tumblr crush? - ^^^^^^^^^^^^
💭 - Favorite foods? - indian foods, bagels, cereal, ramen, sushi
☀ - Story about your day. - my cat tomi is having one of those days where he decides he’s going to be a gigantic piece of shit. he keeps coming over to me and yelliNG, reaching up to my desk and trying to knock things off. he keeps trying to get in fights with the other cat too. currently, i can hear him getting up to shit in the living room
💘 - Top 5 celebrity crushes? kay so there aren’t enough “celebrities” of sorts that i have that traditional celeb crush on that set my loins ablaze SO here have a list of celebrities that my ass will stan until the day i die because of their raw talent and for the way they treat those around them: tyler joseph, harry styles, uhhhh, josh dun, louis tomlinson, niall horan
🎥 - Top 5 favorite movies? ah fuck. spirited away, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, and i’d be doing my child self a disservice if i didn’t include the nightmare before christmas, ace ventura when nature calls, and fantasia (the three movies that truly shaped me as a person)
📺 - Top 5 favorite TV shows? - i’m about to expose my nerd ass lmao. in no particular order - avatar the last airbender, dragonball z, card captor sakura, battlestar galactica (the 2004 remake also this just reminded me it’s been a while since my last rewatch *heavy breathing*), and, uh, idk, mr bean?
✏ - Random fact about yourself. - am very musically inclined. percussion instruments is my home (piano included in this, cause it’s a percussion instrument thanks)
✈️ - Where are you from? - canada, north of toronto
🚀 - Where do you wanna visit? - germany and more of canada
😍 - Do you have a crush? - lmao no
😷 - Something you hate eating? - fuck kay i’m actually a really picky eater and because i’ve been working around it for years i always forget what foods i hate. uhh. turnips?
🙈 - What makes you shy? - people, but that’s directly related to my social anxiety ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
💃 - Can you dance? - i mean, i CAN, but is it any good? no
💏 - Do you love anyone? - YEEE i love my friends and family (animals count as family)
👟 - Favorite shoe(s) to wear? - i finally got real converse and i  l o v e  t h e m
🌴 - A island you would visit? - when it comes to like, traditional island type things, that’s like, warm places, and i’m not particularly a fan of warm places. like beachy vacation places? nah fam. so like, the kinds of islands i’d want to visit would be countries like japan or ireland
🌎 - A country you would visit? - g e r m a n y
🌀 - Favorite type of weather? - fall, when the leaves aren’t green anymore and some have fallen, and it’s a little windy, and it’s the kind of temperature where you go out in the morning with a jacket, but in the afternoon don’t really need the jacket
🔮 - Do you believe in luck? - kinda?
📱 - What kinda phone do you have? - i literally just bought my roomie’s old lg g4 off him
📅 - Favorite time of the year? - fuckin october because fall and SPOOP SEASON
📚 - Career goal you want? - ...lmao. one that lets me afford to adopt mature cat babes to love and care for
🍴 - Favorite food(s) to eat? i immediately wanna say indian, but i feel like it’s biased cause i’m eating it right now
🍭 - Favorite Candy? - probs sour patch kids
🍇 - Favorite fruits? - bananas? apples? kiwi?????
🚘 - Dream car(s)? - a functioning car that is one solid colour
🚔 - Have you ever been arrested? - nah but i’ve been in cahoots with the law for dumb shit
🚑 - Have you ever driven in an ambulance before? - this question is phrased weird and it’s making my brain fucky. but i’ve been taken somewhere in an ambulance before, yes
🎫 - Do you have a license? - yee i have my full driving license as well as my boating license (lol)
🚼 - Do you have or want kids? - nO only animal frens
🔞 - Are you under 18? - nah
🐶 - Do you own a pet? - ngl i don’t like the phrasing of “owning a pet” buT i do live with animal babes that are under my care :3
😔 - Something that makes you sad? - thinkin about all the animal babes at animal shelters that don’t get adopted cause they’re not babies or they’re a little broken D8
😡 - What pisses you off? - boy howdy that’s a loaded question. lets go with a nice blanket response of “the state of the world”
😏 - What turns you on? - go back to the horny one
😈 - Are you a freak? - this is a very subjective question. to normies? yeah. in the sheets? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
💪 - Do you work out? - like bimonthly when i decide i’m gonna look after myself better lol  
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jo-the-schmo · 8 years ago
Doing it
I'm following @whatinfreenation 's example and do all dem questions (no one cared or asked for this but imma hit you) 200: My crush’s name is: I'm lonely and scared of relationships 
199: I was born in: Dayton, Ohio (Fuck me)
198: I am really: chronically depressed and anxious 
197: My cellphone company is: AT&T
196: My eye color is: blue-gray
195: My shoe size is: Women's 5
194: My ring size is: idk people just give me them
193: My height is: 5'2 (I'm smol)
192: I am allergic to: people 
191: My 1st car was: I choose not to drive 
190: My 1st job was: babysitting except I get no money 
189: Last book you read: In Cold Blood
188: My bed is: covered in clothes
187: My pet: is many, I have many pets
186: My best friend: is a little shit
184: Xbox or ps3: I have an Xbox but I prefer PlayStation 
183: Piggy banks are: Cute
182: In my pockets: I'm wearing exercise pants 
181: On my calendar: I don't have one but if I did it would be empty 
180: Marriage is: Scary
179: Spongebob can: love forever
178: My mom: is a bitch (yell at me if you want)
177: The last three songs I bought were?: I use Spotify
176: Last YouTube video watched: Game Grumps play Breath of the Wild episode 33
175: How many cousins do you have?: I'm Italian I have no fucking clue, too many
174: Do you have any siblings?: Yes, I am the youngest of 5 girls
173: Are your parents divorced?: never married, I was born out of wedlock (how scandalous)
172: Are you taller than your mom?: the same height, we all short
171: Do you play an instrument?: yes! I play several!
170: What did you do yesterday?: Cried myself to sleep [ I Believe In ]
169: Love at first sight: Fuck no
168: Luck: eh
167: Fate: not really 
166: Yourself: Definitely not
165: Aliens: I mean probably 
164: Heaven: Nooo
163: Hell: I wish
162: God: I don't have religion 
161: Horoscopes: I think they're neat
160: Soul mates: Kinda?
159: Ghosts: yeah, I believe in ghosts for a lot of reasons 
157: War:Is horrible, why do we have to be like this?
156: Orbs: what?
155: Magic: I wish! [ This or That ]
154: Hugs or Kisses: Hugs, last time I was kissed...it wasn't great for me
153: Drunk or High: 420!!!!
152: Phone or Online: Online
151: Red heads or Black haired: All hair, no hair, all the same for me
150: Blondes or Brunettes: whatever you want boo boo
149: Hot or cold: hot
148: Summer or winter: Summer
147: Autumn or Spring: SPRING
146: Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla usually but chocolate is really nice 
145: Night or Day: Night
144: Oranges or Apples: Apples
143: Curly or Straight hair: I love curly hair!
142: McDonalds or Burger King: I'm trash and hungry 
141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: I just like milk in general
140: Mac or PC: ehhhhh
139: Flip flops or high heals: Heels, I like to kick people with them on
138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: I'm ugly and poor
137: Coke or Pepsi: Coke 
136: Hillary or Obama: Obama is a G
135: Burried or cremated: Idk yet 
134: Singing or Dancing: Fuck you
133: Coach or Chanel: I'm poor
132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: idek
131: Small town or Big city: Big City
130: Wal-Mart or Target: I go to Walmart but I wish it was Target
129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: who cares?
128: Manicure or Pedicure: I need short nails
127: East Coast or West Coast: MOTHERFUCKING WEST BITCJ
126: Your Birthday or Christmas: Christmas, I hate my birthday 
125: Chocolate or Flowers: Chocolate 
124: Disney or Six Flags: Disney!
123: Yankees or Red Sox: I don't do sportsball [ Here’s What I Think About ]
122: War: again, is fucking terrible
121: George Bush: Obama was cool so idec
119: The presidential election: was a train wreck, we should've felt the burn
118: Abortion: Needs to be legal in all states, by making it illegal we are putting more people at risk of harm 
117: MySpace: 3 old 5 me kinda
116: Reality TV: Do whatever you want TV I'm not your mama
115: Parents: my dad is cool, my mom is crazy, step mom is chill, step dad can go FUCKING DIE
114: Back stabbers: need to cease from stabbing 
113: Ebay: gets rid of my dad's crap
112: Facebook: ok I guess 
111: Work: I just wanna help people
110: My Neighbors: I don't know them
109: Gas Prices:I don't drive 
108: Designer Clothes: eh whatever
107: College: I want to go but I'm really dumb and not good at anything
106: Sports: Color Guard is my favorite sport
105: My family: is oddly chill for Roman Catholics 
104: The future: A thing I try to hope will be better [ Last time I ]
103: Hugged someone: a few days ago, I was sad
102: Last time you ate: I am eating right now
101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: today, I'm visiting my mom and 2 of my sisters
100: Cried in front of someone: A couple months ago, I don't like people seeing me cry...
99: Went to a movie theater: like 2 months ago
98: Took a vacation: 5 years ago
97: Swam in a pool: last summer
96: Changed a diaper: I help my sister babysit 
95: Got my nails done: never
94: Went to a wedding: my dad's wedding 4 years ago
93: Broke a bone: I haven't done that yet
92: Got a peircing: I'm getting one soon
91: Broke the law: I am very dank
90: Texted: 6 hours ago [ MISC ]
89: Who makes you laugh the most: my Best Friend KD
88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my ability to cry in my room
87: The last movie I saw: A Time to Kill (I can't think about that)
86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: Possibly not feeling depressed? And finishing my fanfic!!!
85: The thing im not looking forward to: What I do after the fanfic is done
84: People call me: Jo or Mojo
83: The most difficult thing to do is: To look at yourself and tell yourself that you are worth it when you don't feel like you are
82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: nope
81: My zodiac sign is: Capricorn 
80: The first person i talked to today was: my sister May :3
79: First time you had a crush: I was like 10
78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: I can hide something from anyone I do it all the time
77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: Everyday I'm with KD, we are turning into the same person 
76: Right now I am talking to: Tayah 💜💚💜
75: What are you going to do when you grow up: I either want to be a makeup artist, drama teacher, or art teacher
74: I have/will get a job: I want to, don't know if I'll live that long hahahahahah
73: Tomorrow: might be better
72: Today: I don't like visiting my mom
71: Next Summer: I'll be with my mom
70: Next Weekend: I'll be with my mom
69: I have these pets: many dogs and cats
68: The worst sound in the world: that sound that Music stands make against smooth tile 
67: The person that makes me cry the most is:
66: People that make you happy: my Tumblr friends💜💚💜
65: Last time I cried: last night
64: My friends are: Anyone who's nice to me
63: My computer is: not mine
62: My School: Can suck my dick, Lord Travis Richardson III
61: My Car: doesn't exist 
60: I lose all respect for people who: Hurt people out of amusement 
59: The movie I cried at was: A time to Kill 
58: Your hair color is: naturally it's a light brown 
57: TV shows you watch: Sleepy Hollow
56: Favorite web site:...Tumblr...
55: Your dream vacation: Naples, Italy
54: The worst pain I was ever in was: Panic Attacks
53: How do you like your steak cooked: medium well
52: My room is: odd
51: My favorite celebrity is: DAVEED DIGGS
50: Where would you like to be: in with New York, North California or Oregon
49: Do you want children: I want to adopt
48: Ever been in love: I don't feel love
47: Who’s your best friend: KD
46: More guy friends or girl friends: It used to be guys but now they scare me
45: One thing that makes you feel great is: Makeup
44: One person that you wish you could see right now: Anyone who can help me feel better
43: Do you have a 5 year plan:
42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: No, because I can't think about dying too much ;-;
41: Have you pre-named your children: I promised my sister that if I adopted/had a baby girl her name had to be Winnrie 
40: Last person I got mad at: Myself
39: I would like to move to: anywhere but here
38: I wish I was a professional: Makeup Artist [ My Favorites ]
37: Candy: Gummy Bears :3
36: Vehicle: motorcycle 
35: President: OBAMA
34: State visited: America is weird
33: Cellphone provider: I don't care
32: Athlete: I don't follow
31: Actor: Lin Manuel-Miranda
30: Actress: PIPA SOO MY BB
29: Singer: does Daveed count?
28: Band: Queen and Black Veil Brides
27: Clothing store: Hot Topic
26: Grocery store: Jungle Jim's (it's an Ohio things)
24: Movie: Tangled
23: Website: always Tumblr 
22: Animal: panther
21: Theme park: King's Island
20: Holiday: Halloween 
19: Sport to watch: WGI
18: Sport to play: MARCHING BAND
17: Magazine:History
16: Book: history text book
15: Day of the week: Thursday 
14: Beach: I don't do water
13: Concert attended: I've never been...
12: Thing to cook: Pasta!
11: Food: all food
10: Restaurant: all of them
9: Radio station: nope
8: Yankee candle scent: wedding cake 
7: Perfume: I wear Captivate
6: Flower: Bleeding Hearts an baby's breath 
5: Color: Purple and Green
4: Talk show host: Jimmy Fallon and John Oliver 
3: Comedian: Gabriel Iglesias 
2: Dog breed: Mutt Wuppy 
1: Did you answer all these truthfully? I have no reason to lie I guess ?
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etherealshubunkin · 8 years ago
jewel and pomme?
ayyYY you picked the little cuties! i meant to rb to my quid blog so theyre all splatoon ocs aha
Full Name: Jewel RutaceaeGender and Sexuality: Female, panromanticPronouns: She/herEthnicity/Species: OctolingBirthplace and Birthdate: Octo Valley, Feb 1Guilty Pleasures: Eating candy after she’s been told to stopPhobias: The darkWhat They Would Be Famous For:What They Would Get Arrested For: "Rescuing” sea snailsOC You Ship Them With: POMMEOC Most Likely To Murder Them: No One, everybody loves Jewel shes a sweet babFavorite Movie/Book Genre: Fantasy, with lots of glitterLeast Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: “He was a boy and she was a girl, can it be any more obvious?”Talents and/or Powers: Does being kinda oblivious to danger count?Why Someone Might Love Them: She’s a sweetheart who gets excited abt little things and just wants everyone to be happyWhy Someone Might Hate Them: She’s an octolingHow They Change Backstory: Was kind of sickly as a child, her family escaped Octo Valley partly because they were sick of the militaristic society and the survival of the fittest mindset. She was very sheltered as a result because her family didn’t want the military to find her, and as such she can be very naive at times. Why You Love Them: Smol grapefruit daughter???
Full Name: Pomme deTerre im really sorry Gender and Sexuality: Genderfluid and, uh, likes girls? :”DPronouns: They/themEthnicity/Species: InklingBirthplace and Birthdate: Inkopolis and August 19Guilty Pleasures: Messing with their older brother RussetPhobias: Sea slugs (splatoon equivalent of dogs??)What They Would Be Famous For: Being a modelWhat They Would Get Arrested For: Switching gendered toys to different locationsOC You Ship Them With: JEWELOC Most Likely To Murder Them: RussetFavorite Movie/Book Genre: SciFiLeast Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: Crossdressing being all “ew this is weird” Talents and/or Powers: Can spin a bucket on their finger for a full minuteWhy Someone Might Love Them: Also a sweetheart, wears whatever they damn well please and is full of confidenceWhy Someone Might Hate Them: They wear camo and zebra print with formal shoesHow They Change Favorite emoticon: ✿(◕‿  ◕)Why You Love Them: Apple childe?? Very fun to draw
And since here’s 2/3 younger siblings, here’s the last one!
Full Name: Cirrin (he hasn’t bothered to give himself a last name)Gender and Sexuality: Male, bisexual (leans mostly towards hetero though)Pronouns: He/himEthnicity/Species: asshole OctolingBirthplace and Birthdate: Octo Valley, Nov 10Guilty Pleasures: Hacking security systems just to plant stupid bugs like changing the font to comic sansPhobias: That he’ll get caught hacking security systemsWhat They Would Be Famous For: ...hacking security systemsWhat They Would Get Arrested For: ........hacking... security systemsOC You Ship Them With: Chia! She’s one of the few people that can tolerate his bsOC Most Likely To Murder Them: ...Chia, and probably his brother TakumiFavorite Movie/Book Genre: ROMANTIC COMEDY LIKE A NERD he also likes soap operasLeast Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: None, in fact the worse the cliche the betterTalents and/or Powers: Good with computers, terrible at aiming Why Someone Might Love Them: Idek, he’s kinda handsome? Ask ChiaWhy Someone Might Hate Them: Hoo boy that’s a long list, including but not limited to: seabagging, insulting people, and hacking someone’s relationship status on social mediaHow They Change: He went from malicious asshole to mischievous asshole after escaping Octo Valley with his brother, he doesn’t really like big jobs because it means laying low for a long time.Why You Love Them: Asshole hacker son?? He’s tol and his gf is smol, an excellent combo, and Chia is not afraid to kick his ass when he gets out of line and he likes it
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mailuhknee · 5 years ago
i have two people that have feelings for me, and are genuine about it, but i don’t feel anything for them in that sense. i also realized that i never felt that way about my past relationships either. i developed those feelings voluntarily. so now i’m questioning if i will ever get to meet my person. like yeah i had feelings for my first but i never wanted anything to happen when it happened. idek man. i feel like i want something with this one person because he is so sweet, and we’ve had our calls and stuff, but idk, i just can’t feel a spark if that makes sense. like idk if it’s just me, like i don’t say this to be mean, but these guys feel kind of boring to me, and i know that sounds so bad, but like okay, the first one was from earlier this year. he would take ages to reply, and wouldn’t get out of his way to see me during lunch when he literally had the rest of the day free, and during our calls he just wasn’t much. like omg i just realized what it is that doesn’t drive me to be interested. it’s bc with both of these guys, i was the one carrying the conversations during those phone calls. and that says a lot because i am usually one to go off of someone else’s thoughts, but with them it was just me, all abt me, i started the convo, i made the convo longer and i ended the convo. like i did everything, and i know maybe it’s bc they might be shy or something, but like that’s what they been giving me every time... the one from earlier this year i did give a chance to. but he just wasn’t pulling through. we were talking for like a week and i even ordered him a damn candy apple for valentine’s- like ugh, then alex’s ass wanted back w me so i dropped him, which was so shitty of me but my feelings for alex were already too strong to avoid at that point. i shouldn’t have taken his ass back, he broke me on that last breakup, i legit cried in front of him, asking why he did it, and he was just like 🤷🏻‍♂️ like ugh, then a week later he wants a freakin 3/4/5 chance idfk what chance it was but i had told him it was the last one bc i was done with this on and off shit for his own personal reasons. like what did i have to do with it. nothing. i didn’t deserve to be broken for something personal that pertained to only him. he was such an idiot and still is. idk why i took him back. but okay yeaj that was the end of s******a* idk if to say their names bc i feel bad. but yeah that was the end of it and we stopped being friends for a while too. then j** last week confessed to me and i was like ah i mean i saw it coming, but i don’t feel the same since the call didn’t have that spark. like for example, me and Bryan had that spark during our calls and talks, me and steve had that spark during our calls, even though i don’t want anything like that with steve, i just see him as a friend and nothing more but at least we have that spark. without that spark, it has to be like a forced creation. where i have to manually develop those feelings on purpose. which sucks because i don’t want to waste that energy just to be treated like shit like alex treated me. haha.
- mel 9/7/2020
9:48 pm
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gay-alien-shit · 8 years ago
1. What is your middle name? Symone
2. Do you have any nicknames? Nothing but my middle name and my last name
3. Do you have any allergies? BS
4. What is the longest your hair has ever been? To my shoulders
5. Apple or PC? Apple
6. Favorite flavor? Pussy
7. Have you ever been on a blind date? Nope
8. Are you friends with any of your exes? Practically all
9. What kind of car do you drive? I just got a jeep patriot
10. How grammatically correct are you when you text? Very correct
11. What foreign country would you most like to visit and why? Japan and because its so technology forward
12. Creamy or chunky peanut butter? Chunky
13. Favorite food to pig out on? Pizza
14. DC or Marvel? DC
15. Disney or Nickelodeon? Nick
16. Do you have any stickers on your laptop computer? Yep
17. Name/author of the last book you read cover to cover. Do you recommend it? I don't remember it
18. Do you read any magazines? Nope
19. Coffee or tea? Tea
20. What is your go-to Starbucks drink? Caramel Frappe
21. How many things can do with your weaker hand? Idk
22. Last show you binge watched? Futurama
23. Dogs or cats? Dogs
24. Favorite Disney princess? Mulan
25. Do you like fast food? Love it
26. Favorite thing to cook for yourself? Grilled cheese
27. Favorite song to sing in the shower? Dont have one
28. Have you ever butt dialed anyone? Nope
29. iPhone/iPad or Android? iPhone
30. Any styles of music you do not like? Country and certain rock
31. Have you ever kissed anyone of the same gender? If so, did you like it? I love it
32. Have you ever gotten a ticket while driving? Nope
33. Favorite emoji? 🤷🏾‍♀️
34. Showers or baths? Baths
35. Is there anything you regret buying? A lot of bs
36. Are you fluent in more than one language? Nope
37. Any movie(s) you can watch over and over again and enjoy just as much every time? None I can think of
38. What is the heaviest you have ever weighed? 210
39. Do you have any tattoos? If so, how many and where? I have 3. One on my side, back, and arm
40. Have you ever uttered a spoken hashtag? nope
41. Favorite school subject? Science or math
42. Favorite non-chocolate candy? skittles
43. Name one celebrity you dislike. Beyonce
44. If you could have one superpower, which one would you most like to have? invisibility
45. From 1-10, rate your singing ability. 1
46. From 1-10, rate your dancing ability. 1
47. From 1-10, rate your cooking ability. 10
48. From 1-10, rate your driving ability. 10
49. Are you religious? Kinda
50. Do you drink soda? If so, which one is your favorite? yes and sprite
51. Have you ever locked your keys in your car? Once
52. Spring or autumn? Autumn
53. Do you play any sports? Used to
54. Can you play any musical instruments? A couple
55. Are you more introverted or extroverted? Introverted
56. How easily do you cry? Not easily
57. Last musical artist you saw live? Lecrae
58. Favorite YouTube channel? JKNews
59. Star Wars or Star Trek? Star Wars
60. How long have you known your best friend? 2-3 years
61. Have you ever voted for a reality show? Now
62. Last CD you bought? idk
63. Have you ever ended a romantic relationship? yep
64. Have you ever been broken up with? yep
65. Have you ever been in the audience for the taping of a TV show?Nope
66. How long was your longest relationship? Are you still with that person? 8 months and nope
67. Have you seen any Broadway plays or musicals? Nope
68. Have you ever acted in a play or a musical? Nope
69. How flexible are you? Kinda
70. Have you ever sexted? Yep
71. Do you own any clothes from garage sales or thrift stores? YEp
72. Real or fake Christmas trees? Fake
73. How many pillows do you sleep with? 1
74. How well can you write in cursive? Not really
75. What is your political affiliation? Independent
76. Do you like any boy bands? not really
77. Have you ever broken any bones? Nope
78. Have you ever gotten any stitches? Yep
79. Do you have any piercings in places other than your ears? Nope
80. What is the oldest piece of clothing you still wear and how old is it? Idk
81. Do you like wearing hats? Yep
82. Have you ever dyed your hair? Yep
83. From 1-10, how competitive are you? 8-9
84. How long have you been at your current job? 1-2 years
85. Have you ever studied abroad? Nope
86. Phrase you say the most? WTF
87. Have you ever quit a job? Yep
88. Have you ever gotten fired from a job? Nope
89. Have you ever won a trophy? If so, what for? Nope
90. Have you ever been a Boy/Girl Scout? Yep
91. Last thing that made you laugh? Don't remember
92. Do you eat meat? Yep
93. Are you more of a morning or a night person? Morning
94. Worst habit? Idk
95. Deepest fear? Idk
96. Do you believe in ghosts? Yep
97. If you could take home any animal from the zoo, what animal would you take? Penguin
98. Do you consider rapping singing? No
99. Favorite costume you wore for Halloween? How old were you? idk
100. Favorite store to shop at? Zumiez
101. Have you ever given anyone CPR? Nope
102. Favorite Pokémon? Dont have one
103. Do you own any homemade clothing? Nope
104. Do you drink alcohol at all? If so, what is your drink of choice? yeah and tequila
105. Have you ever skinny dipped? Nope
106. Favorite type of cookie? chocolate chip
107. Favorite flavor of ice cream? cookies and cream
108. Biggest pet peeve? idk
109. Are you still friends with anyone from high school? a few
110. Favorite literary character? Don't read
111. Are your birth parents still together? Nope
112. Do you wear or have your ever worn glasses? I wear glasses
113. How many of your Facebook friends do you actually hang out with? none
114. Have you ever been the victim of a prank? yep
115. Do you belong to a fraternity or a sorority? Nope
116. Have you ever taken a nude selfie? yep
117. Are you adopted? Nope
118. Favorite fandom? dont have any
119. Oldest memory? idk
120. Have you ever snorted when you laughed? nope
121. Can you drive stick? Nope
122. Favorite Disney song? A whole new world
123. Random boy’s name. Zane
124. Random girls’ name. Gisselle
125. How often do you eat out at a nice restaurant? Not often
126. How many people are in your nuclear family? Idk
127. What accent do you consider the most attractive? South louisiana
128. What is your Myers-Briggs personality type?Idek what that is
129. What is your astrological sign? Scorpio
130. Biggest regret? My last relationship
131. What type of shoes do you wear the most? Anything
132. Do you like any soap operas? Nope
133. Do you listen to talk radio? Nope
134. What sports team(s) do you root for? Louisiana Saints
135. Describe your sense of humor. Corny
136. Have you ever been hit on by someone of the same gender? No one hits on me
137. Favorite video game? BO3
138. Name a moment in your life when you were pleasantly surprised.
139. Do you believe in serendipity? Idk
140. Have you ever left a movie theater before the movie was done? Yep
141. Have you ever felt you were born in the wrong period of history? Yep
142. Is sex before marriage wrong? Nope
143. Have you ever gotten a song you dislike stuck in your head? Yep
144. Can you handle spicy food? Depends
145. Have you ever called a non-lover a term such as darling, honey, babe, or dear? Nope
146. Do you like MTV? Kinda
147. Where on your body are you the most ticklish? idk
148. TV show or movie you quote/reference the most? Idk
149. Have you ever lived with a roommate you didn’t get along with? Yep
150. Where do you think is the best place to meet a new lover? Idk
151. Have you ever successfully been on a diet? Nope
152. Favorite thing to do outside? Just relax
153. Where did you go on your last vacation? I went to a great place called sleep
154. Do you say “y'all” at all? All the time
155. Have you ever lived on a farm? Nope
156. Do you believe in evolution? Yep
157. What TV channel do you watch the most? Don't watch tv
158. Favorite Beatles song? Don't have one
159. Have you ever been on TV? Nope
160. Have you ever been to Disney World or Disneyland? Yep
161. Do you like horror movies? Yep
162. Do you like to go fishing? Yep
163. Have you ever been hunting? Yep
164. Do you take medication for anything? Nope
165. Name one item from your bucket list. Dont have one
166. From 1-10, how much do you like children? 6
167. Have you ever thought about your wedding? Sadly yes
168. Have you ever been bungee jumping or skydiving? Skydiving
169. Favorite flower? Rose
170. Do you collect anything? Nope
171. Who was the last person you told a lie to? Idk
172. Have you ever been a bridesmaid or a groomsman? Nope
173. Have you ever had a fortune cookie fortune come true? I don't think so
174. What was your favorite toy to play with when you were a child? Didn't have any
175. How good are you at math? I would think so
176. Have you ever learned anything from a how-to YouTube video? Nope
177. Have you ever participated in a science fair? Yep
178. Have you ever wished you were born the opposite gender? Sometimes
179. Have you ever participated in a public protest? Nope
180. Do you have a pool at your house? Nope
181. Have you ever hosted a wild party? Nope
182. Do you like karaoke? Nope
183. Have you ever written a love letter? Nope
184. Have you ever ran a marathon? Nope
185. How often do you get mad at yourself? All the time
186. Any guilty pleasures? Justin Bieber
187. Fruits or vegetables? fruits
188. Do you live in a house or an apartment? apartment
189. The countryside or the suburbs? countryside
190. Worst job you’ve ever had? cant think of anything
191. Do you hang out with any of your co-workers? nope
192. Were you ever voted homecoming/prom king or queen? nope
193. Were you voted a “best” or “most likely to” in high school? nope
194. Have you ever gotten detention? yep
195. Have you ever babysat? yep
196. Have you ever taken a road trip just for the fun of it? Nope
197. How many drinks get you tipsy? idk
198. Were you a part of any academic clubs in high school or college? Nope
199. Have you ever given a public speech, aside from your schooling? Nope
200. How long have you been on tumblr? idk
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cephii · 8 years ago
1-200 let's go babe ;>
200: My crush’s name is: Jayjay the jet plane199: I was born in: 2003198: I am really: Hungry :^[197: My cellphone company is: T-mobile196: My eye color is: Blue?? Grey?? Something in between that. My eyes have yellow in them too, it’s weird 195: My shoe size is: either a 7 or 8?? I forgot194: My ring size is: I actually have no idea uH193: My height is: either 5′4 or 5′5192: I am allergic to: Certain food preservatives, something they put in sunscreen idk :^[191: My 1st car was: Lightning McQueen 190: My 1st job was: Being born189: Last book you read: The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde188: My bed is: Soft, occupied by me atm, queen sized 187: My pet: Don’t got one186: My best friend: tARA185: My favorite shampoo is: Idk, oof 184: Xbox or ps3: Don’t rly use either 183: Piggy banks are: Gay, kinda cute honestly 182: In my pockets: I’m not wearing pants right now181: On my calendar: I don’t use calenders 180: Marriage is: Amazing for people who actually care about each other! But not just to get married, divorce is NOT fun. 179: Spongebob can: control gravity 178: My mom: is a huge role model to me! (She might be very homophobic oof, but she’s great! When she first came to the US, she had to learn an entire new language, make enough money to feed 2 starving kids, and pay for my dad’s funeral, but 13 years later she is very very successful in a career she loves 177: The last three songs I bought were? Isle unto thyself (Joe Hawley) The Greatest Show Unearthed (Creature Feature) Hidden in the Sand (Tally Hall)176: Last YouTube video watched: Val Val Val175: How many cousins do you have? 5174: Do you have any siblings? Yes! Two of them. An 18 year old sister, and a 7 year old brother173: Are your parents divorced? nope :^0172: Are you taller than your mom? yES I AM 171: Do you play an instrument? I play the ukulele 170: What did you do yesterday? sCHOOL DANCE AND HAD MY FRIENDS SLEEP AT MY HOUSE OOF [ I Believe In ]169: Love at first sight: No 168: Luck: No167: Fate: No166: Yourself: Sometimes165: Aliens: Yes164: Heaven: No163: Hell: To an extent 162: God: Nah man 161: Horoscopes: No160: Soul mates: In a way159: Ghosts: Yes158: Gay Marriage: YES 157: War: No156: Orbs: Nah155: Magic: Certain forms of it, yeah. [ This or That ]154: Hugs or Kisses: DONT MAKE ME CHOOSE 153: Drunk or High: Neither, both are damaging 152: Phone or Online: Online151: Red heads or Black haired: Red hair150: Blondes or Brunettes: Brunettes 149: Hot or cold: Cold148: Summer or winter: Winter147: Autumn or Spring: Spring 146: Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla 145: Night or Day: Night 144: Oranges or Apples: Oranges143: Curly or Straight hair: I really love both142: McDonalds or Burger King: I don’t really like fast food but if I had to eat it then yeAH BURGER KING 141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: Milk chocolate 140: Mac or PC: Mac 139: Flip flops or high heals: Heels are prettier, but flip flops are wAY more comfortable 138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: Ugly and rich, oof137: Coke or Pepsi: I can’t drink soda136: Hillary or Obama: Obama135: Burried or cremated: Buried (as loNG AS I GET TO DECOMPOSE)134: Singing or Dancing: Singing133: Coach or Chanel: Coach132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: i cANT CHOOSE 131: Small town or Big city: Big city 130: Wal-Mart or Target: Target 129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Why the fuck would I answer this128: Manicure or Pedicure: Neither 127: East Coast or West Coast: East Coast 126: Your Birthday or Christmas: My birthdaY 125: Chocolate or Flowers: Flowers 124: Disney or Six Flags: Disney123: Yankees or Red Sox: y A N K E E S [ Here’s What I Think About ]122: War: War is just extremely stupid?? Pointless?? All of the above?? There is no need to kill people because you have problems. Why can’t we just play chess or something? To win that, you must be very skilled and knowledgeable. Instead of the bloodthirsty leading us, the chess players should ;^0. Think about it! War is a primal instinct. We, as humans, like to distance ourselves from past methods. Instead of advancing something we’ve done for centuries, why don’t we just reinvent it entirely? War really is one of my biggest and most sincere fears, neither sides are just when they want to kill people with beautiful lives just to solve some problem that is solvable with a simple debate. 121: George Bush: Don’t know very much120: Gay Marriage: Very very important! There is no need to even debate when gay couples are statistically less likely to divorce. 119: The presidential election: Eugh118: Abortion: It’s up to the mother. I personally prefer giving the baby away for adoption, but I wouldn’t shame somebody for going through with it117: MySpace: Never used it116: Reality TV: Kinda stupid, makes me really uncomfortable honestly 115: Parents: Mixed opinions??114: Back stabbers: I deal with too many too often 113: Ebay: Can be pretty useful I guess112: Facebook: Don’t use it, but it’s alright I guess111: Work: Very important! 110: My Neighbors: My neighbors both have VERY cute dogs. One of them has a huge golden retriever, hes super sweet. The other has 2 German shepherds, super pretty dogs auGH 109: Gas Prices: Honestly just use electric cars, fuel is running out108: Designer Clothes: Some are nice. Some are stupid and really overpriced. 107: College: Go if you want to, it’s useful! But kinda really expensive 106: Sports: I like some of them!105: My family: Love one half, despise the other104: The future: Don’t make me think about it[ Last time I ]103: Hugged someone: 12:00-ish when my friend left today102: Last time you ate: 10 hours ago??101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: I don’t remember 100: Cried in front of someone: 3 days ago 99: Went to a movie theater:2 years ago-ish98: Took a vacation: 7 months ago97: Swam in a pool: a week ago:^]]96: Changed a diaper: Never have 95: Got my nails done: Never have 94: Went to a wedding: 8 years ago93: Broke a bone: Never have92: Got a peircing: 9 years ago (but that was against my will eeP)91: Broke the law: I basically am in some way, always. It might be a dumb law, but I never know for sure90: Texted: I am right now [ MISC ]89: Who makes you laugh the most: Vini 88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: My blankets87: The last movie I saw: La la land86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: The last day of school!85: The thing im not looking forward to: First day of summer84: People call me: Clyde, Milo, Meelo, Gay83: The most difficult thing to do is: Not take things personally 82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: Never ever 81: My zodiac sign is: Cancer80: The first person i talked to today was: Vini 79: First time you had a crush: When I was 478: The one person who i can’t hide things from: Vini, Eugene, and Melody77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: Idk76: Right now I am talking to: jasmine and vini75: What are you going to do when you grow up: Idk, really. But I wanna be an astronomer!74: I have/will get a job: Idk, my parents won’t let me73: Tomorrow: comes today 72: Today: Is a sunday! Time to go to the store today 71: Next Summer: Is another summer70: Next Weekend: Idek oof 69: I have these pets: NONE OF THE PETS AHAHA68: The worst sound in the world: Someone I care about crying67: The person that makes me cry the most is: some ‘friends’ (In a bad way) Eugene (in the best way possible)66: People that make you happy: My (actual and not fake) friends! At least the ones who care to talk to me regularly 65: Last time I cried: like 30 minutes ago
64: My friends are: gay and half of them are fake as fuck 
63: My computer is: Pretty okay! Might not be the best, but she gets the job done62: My School: I’m terrified of any school, it’s a terrible experience. I’m just glad I have people to talk to that get my mind off of things I hate about the place! (Minus the times they start joking about the subject and it upsets me :’^[)61: My Car: I don’t own one personally 60: I lose all respect for people who: make children cry59: The movie I cried at was: I cry at most movies jfc 58: Your hair color is: dirty blonde! It looks red in some types of light tho57: TV shows you watch: Right now? I’m really just watching Huner x Hunter and Rick and Morty. Not keeping up with much else 56: Favorite web site: niceonedad.com55: Your dream vacation: Death valley! Primarily to see the stars 54: The worst pain I was ever in was: Cutting my arm open with a knife 53: How do you like your steak cooked: Well done52: My room is: Kinda clean51: My favorite celebrity is: Neil Patrick Harris 50: Where would you like to be: In sleepy land 49: Do you want children: No48: Ever been in love: Yes 47: Who’s your best friend: TaRA46: More guy friends or girl friends: I kinda have the same ammount of both45: One thing that makes you feel great is: When people say they love me44: One person that you wish you could see right now: Eugene43: Do you have a 5 year plan: no42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: I don’t like the thought of death at all, so a list wouldn’t help me41: Have you pre-named your children: No 40: Last person I got mad at: My dad39: I would like to move to: Poland38: I wish I was a professional: faggot[ My Favorites ]37: Candy: Krówki36: Vehicle: I like planes 35: President: Idk oopsies 34: State visited: Pennsylvania 33: Cellphone provider: Idk 32: Athlete: Idk ooF 31: Actor: Neil Patrick Harris 30: Actress: CANT DECIDE AUGHH 29: Singer: Joe Hawley 28: Band: Tally Hall 27: Clothing store: H&M26: Grocery store: I don’t care as long as you have strawberry milk25: TV show: Honestly the Octonauts 24: Movie: La La Land 23: Website: niceonedad.com22: Animal: GOAT 21: Theme park: Disney20: Holiday: Halloween 19: Sport to watch: baseball18: Sport to play: Badminton 17: Magazine: I don’t read them16: Book: Pride and Prejudice 15: Day of the week: Thursday 14: Beach: Idk :’^[13: Concert attended: I don’t go to concerts 12: Thing to cook: I like baking muffins 11: Food: S T R A W B E R R I E S 10: Restaurant: Idk, aughhHh9: Radio station: I don’t listen to the radio very much 8: Yankee candle scent: I can’t smell candles 7: Perfume: angel by thierry mugler6: Flower: Roses 5: Color: Pink4: Talk show host: Idk oof 3: Comedian: Drew Lynch 2: Dog breed: Chusky 1: Did you answer all these truthfully? Indeed I did, my good friend
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musicalotter · 8 years ago
Answer all
200: My crush’s name is: Cate199: I was born in: 1993198: I am really: gay197: My cellphone company is: Virizon196: My eye color is: Blue195: My shoe size is: 11-12194: My ring size is: 15.5193: My height is: 5′8″192: I am allergic to: Dust and pollen191: My 1st car was: Toyota Corolla190: My 1st job was: Lifeguard189: Last book you read: Idek188: My bed is: shit187: My pet: is a cat186: My best friend: I don’t really have on rn185: My favorite shampoo is: Don’t have one184: Xbox or ps3: No preference183: Piggy banks are: good ways to save up some money182: In my pockets: Not wearing pants181: On my calendar: Work180: Marriage is: chill179: Spongebob can: fuck off178: My mom: is great177: The last three songs I bought were? no clue176: Last YouTube video watched: Mario Cart 8 Deluxe gameplay175: How many cousins do you have? 13174: Do you have any siblings? No173: Are your parents divorced? No172: Are you taller than your mom? Yes171: Do you play an instrument? Percussion, Piano170: What did you do yesterday? Worked[ I Believe In ]169: Love at first sight: Sure168: Luck: Yeah167: Fate: Yeah166: Yourself: lol no165: Aliens: Yeah164: Heaven: kinda163: Hell: kinda162: God: kinda161: Horoscopes: nah160: Soul mates: Yes159: Ghosts: Hell yes158: Gay Marriage:157: War: Nope156: Orbs: Que155: Magic: Eh[ This or That ]154: Hugs or Kisses: Don’t care153: Drunk or High: Don’t care152: Phone or Online: online 151: Red heads or Black haired: Don’t care150: Blondes or Brunettes: Don’t care149: Hot or cold: cold148: Summer or winter: winter147: Autumn or Spring: autumn146: Chocolate or vanilla:  Don’t care145: Night or Day: night144: Oranges or Apples: apples143: Curly or Straight hair:  Don’t care142: McDonalds or Burger King:  Don’t care141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate:  Don’t care140: Mac or PC:  Don’t care139: Flip flops or high heals:  Don’t care138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: but i’m ugly and poor137: Coke or Pepsi: Don’t care136: Hillary or Obama: Don’t care135: Burried or cremated: cremated134: Singing or Dancing:  Don’t care133: Coach or Chanel: Don’t care132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: Don’t care131: Small town or Big city: Don’t care130: Wal-Mart or Target: Don’t care129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: neither128: Manicure or Pedicure: Don’t care127: East Coast or West Coast: Don’t care126: Your Birthday or Christmas: Don’t care125: Chocolate or Flowers: Don’t care124: Disney or Six Flags: Don’t care123: Yankees or Red Sox: Don’t care[ Here’s What I Think About ]122: War: would prefer it not happen121: George Bush:  Don’t care120: Gay Marriage: yes119: The presidential election: :c118: Abortion: ok117: MySpace:  Don’t care116: Reality TV: Don’t care115: Parents: Don’t care114: Back stabbers: Don’t care113: Ebay: Don’t care112: Facebook: Don’t care111: Work: Don’t care110: My Neighbors: Don’t care109: Gas Prices: Don’t care108: Designer Clothes: Don’t care107: College: Don’t care106: Sports: Don’t care105: My family: Don’t care104: The future: *panic attack*[ Last time I ]103: Hugged someone: wednesday102: Last time you ate: thursday101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: last month100: Cried in front of someone: wednesday99: Went to a movie theater: a few months98: Took a vacation: years97: Swam in a pool: years96: Changed a diaper: never95: Got my nails done: never94: Went to a wedding: my cousin’s93: Broke a bone: never92: Got a peircing: 21st birthday91: Broke the law: always90: Texted: 2 am[ MISC ]89: Who makes you laugh the most: cate/squad88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: Kelly87: The last movie I saw: i don’t remember86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: July85: The thing im not looking forward to: no money84: People call me: they don’t83: The most difficult thing to do is: exist82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: once81: My zodiac sign is: Aries80: The first person i talked to today was: My dad79: First time you had a crush: 1278: The one person who i can’t hide things from: Idk77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: Don’t remember76: Right now I am talking to: Cate/friends75: What are you going to do when you grow up: Idk74: I have/will get a job: I have a job73: Tomorrow: work72: Today: work71: Next Summer: who knows70: Next Weekend: stuff69: I have these pets: cat68: The worst sound in the world: moist67: The person that makes me cry the most is: myself66: People that make you happy: Cate/Friends65: Last time I cried: Wednesday64: My friends are: gay63: My computer is: shit62: My School: what school?61: My Car: Toyota Corolla Sport60: I lose all respect for people who: variety of things59: The movie I cried at was: finding dory58: Your hair color is: blonde57: TV shows you watch: adventure time56: Favorite web site:  Don’t care55: Your dream vacation: any vacation54: The worst pain I was ever in was: heartache53: How do you like your steak cooked: don’t like steak52: My room is: messy51: My favorite celebrity is:  Don’t care50: Where would you like to be: anywhere else49: Do you want children: eh48: Ever been in love: yes47: Who’s your best friend: don’t have rn46: More guy friends or girl friends: girl friends45: One thing that makes you feel great is: Sleep44: One person that you wish you could see right now: Cate43: Do you have a 5 year plan: kinda?42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: Nope41: Have you pre-named your children: Kinda40: Last person I got mad at: Alana39: I would like to move to: Anywhere38: I wish I was a professional: idiot[ My Favorites ]37: Candy:  Don’t care36: Vehicle: Don’t care35: President: Don’t care34: State visited: Don’t care33: Cellphone provider: Don’t care32: Athlete: Don’t care31: Actor: Don’t care30: Actress: Don’t care29: Singer: James Arthur 28: Band: Beartooth/Neck Deep/Issues  27: Clothing store: Don’t care26: Grocery store: Don’t care25: TV show: Don’t care24: Movie: Don’t care23: Website: Don’t care22: Animal: Don’t care21: Theme park: Don’t care20: Holiday: Don’t care19: Sport to watch: Don’t care18: Sport to play: Don’t care17: Magazine: Don’t care16: Book: Don’t care15: Day of the week: Don’t care14: Beach: Don’t care13: Concert attended: Don’t care12: Thing to cook: Don’t care11: Food: Don’t care10: Restaurant: Don’t care9: Radio station: Don’t care8: Yankee candle scent: Don’t care7: Perfume: Don’t care6: Flower: Don’t care5: Color: Don’t care4: Talk show host: Don’t care3: Comedian: Don’t care2: Dog breed: Don’t care1: Did you answer all these truthfully? Maybe! ;3c
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