#apparently. i have a VERY specific Type
corvigae · 5 months
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Realized something abt some of my favorite guys
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potterandpromises · 8 months
It is very funny to me that my two biggest OTPs of all time are both ships where:
They started out as antagonists to each other due to circumstance.
One accidentally killed/erased the other's loved one.
One kidnapped the other in the first season.
Then in the second season they proceeded to bond over being the only people who could possibly understand what the other was going through.
(And they're both so domestic about it!)
They each had a moment of waking up in the other's room/apartment without entirely remembering how they got there. Both in the 2x07 of their respective shows.
And after they woke up their partners made them coffee.
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toytulini · 4 days
me, stupidly and weirdly resistant to listening to audio books vs reading a physical book for no real reason: man i wish there was a way to like, read a book while i crochet like i do with tv shows and movies and podcasts
#toy txt post#my reasons are irrational you dont need to try to talk me into it. i KNOW#its very silly of me#imagine how much reading i could get done. but alas. Feels Bad#even listening to a more. uh. Story type podcast or fiction like nightvale was a bit difficult to start for me. i like nightvale now i#listened. but i worry that is clocking in my brain as an Exception 😔 maybe it would be easier if i tried some nonfiction books? scary#i also struggle with single host podcasts apparently even tho im also ehhhh on the kind where the structure is the host Interviewing a#different person everytime? maybe it would be okay with a nonfiction audiobook tho cos it would be getting read by a narrator and not sound#so much like a guy ranting into a mic which makes me feel a little insane. altho propaganda doesnt necessarily always sound like a guy#ranting into a mic so idk. i could probably make it through if i can find a nice book about like. parasitic worms. i could tolerate#feeling like im falling into sigma male affirmations videos for worms i think. wormffirmations are allowed#*to clarify i dont listen to those but listening to better offline makes me feel like im morphing into the kinda guy who does and i hate it#which feels unfair cos he is RIGHT and the podcast is good but i need there to be like a cohost there to break the tension of the Ranting#sometimes he has guests on? but its not quite the same#i think the format i like best is either like 2 or 3 regular cohosts discussing things within a specific topic#OR. 1 host whos like infodumping to the other host who knows nothing about the subject. OR. 2 hosts info dumping to each other about#different aspects of the subject. OR. 1 host who brings on fun guests to infodump to them about a subject. and then obviously the subject#needs to intrigue me. ex. sawbones well theres your problem (I HATE THAT THIS ONE IS BEST EXPERIENCED ON YOUTUBE😭 I WANT THEM TO JUST DUMP#ALL THE SLIDES INTO A BIG BLOG POST SOMEWHERE AND I CAN CHECK IN AND FOLLOW ALONG THAT WAY WITHOUT HAVING TO HAVE MY PHONE SCREEN ON THE#WHOLE TIME!!!!!!!!! but. im listening for free so its unreasonable to demand more of them BUT ALSO I FEEL LIKE JUST COPYPASTING ALL OF THE#SLIDES INTO A BIG BLOG POST ISNT THAT MUCH MORE EFFORT THAN EDITING A WHOLE YOUTUBE VIDEO? WAAAAAH. THEY DONT NEED TO BE TIMESTAMPED OR#ANYTHING JUST THROW EM IN ILL FIGURE IT OUTTTTTT#anyway. also more than 3 hosts is really pushing my ability to keep track of voices.#anyway: sawbones wtyp tpwky behind the bastards scam goddess#(which is true crime adjacent but focuses mainly on scams and isnt copaganda and laci is funny and cool)#common descent pod completely arbortrary maintenance phase if books could kill#deep sea podcast has more bringing ppl in to interview them about shit than i personally enjoy but i put up with it cos i do like the hosts#and the subject
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#bonus under the cut getting that snout facing right at the camera#camerupt#early 2000s animation cow‚ apparently. that's what someone just said about the bonus image. i honestly never understood this thing's name#i always thought it was pretty obviously a cow. but then its name implies camel. camel erupt. camerupt. is there a specific kind of#camel that just looks like a cow?? or. what. or am i just misremembering what camels look like#either way‚ i still think this pokémon is pretty cool‚ but i don't really use it ever in my own playthroughs. i don't think i *ever* have#not even in pokémon colosseum where i'm pretty sure you can get a shadow numel at some point. bc i already had a fire-type#not sure which one it was but it was definitely one of them. maybe cyndaquil? because of the dudes with the johto starters#that you fight near the beginning in pppp uuuhhh the PHENAC city i couldn't remember the name. for a second there.#i wasn't aware as a kid that their outfits corresponded to the type of the starter they had and also that you could only fight one of them#i think as a kid i was under the impression that there was only the one. for some reason i remember fighting the green one#oh wait they have the second-evos yeah. cuz he had bayleef. and the red one would've had quilava. not cyndaquil#ugh my memory is not very good evidently. i'm writing these tags after work. normally i do them right when i wake up but this time i just#do not have an excuse for not being able to remember shit. this is just on me. maybe it's amplified by the fact that i have yet to eat today#which i have a very bad habit of doing. forgetting to eat all day and not eating until like 5 and then that being my only meal for the day#i'm trynna get better about it but it is Not easy for some reason. for something that should be decidedly very simple#but my brain doesn't often let me eat until i've completed all of my silly little Tasks. so. idk. this will however post the day after i've#arrived back home from my trip which is nice. the first time future me will be sleeping in her own bed again. good luck again future me#you might need it
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tropicalscream · 7 months
im not arguing with a alt trans masc with a septum piercing
whatever you say king
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sick of these smiling friends making charlie humaizations that i need biblically
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caterpillarinacave · 4 months
I want one day without spilling water all over myself
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lucalicatteart · 1 year
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Poll adventure (paventure? lol) Day 11: read the small story tidbit below the poll for more details, OR just vote based on initial impression
(✦ see past poll results + further information HERE (link) ✦)
Yesterday's poll decided that The Adventurer should curiously socialize with a few of the boat travelers ...
"The Adventurer grabs one of the ornate glass bowls near the buffet table, meekly gathering some cheese and vegetables as he scans the crowd. For the first 15 minutes of the lunch, he mostly crouches in a corner seat, nibbling on his food and nervously fielding the occasional drunken question from a passing party guest..
Knowing he should.. probably... actually socialize at some point, he begrudgingly chooses conversational partners, squeezing his eyes shut and pointing around randomly until he lands on someone.....
The first is a scrawny man in a flashy suit, wobbly from wine but still keeping a vaguely charming demeanor about him. He proudly introduces himself as a "legal expert", then goes on to ramble for a while about the laws in the area, how drastically they vary from city to city (plus a few veiled hints on how to safely break them), and that if you travel a lot it can be hard to keep up with it all.
He mentions, quite conveniently, that he's recently published a book on the topic, a legal guide for local explorers, and offers to give The Adventurer a copy for a special discounted price... but... then soon recalls that the crate of books he'd planned to sell on the boat sadly ended up falling into the river earlier during a "silly little mishap"..
In place of a book, he simply slides The Adventurer a glossy mint colored paper swirled with golden floral motifs, supposedly serving as some sort of business card, though the actual contact information seems obscured beneath the cluttered design. The Lawyer also pulls off his scarf as he rises to leave, wrapping it around The Adventurer's shoulders with a little waving flourish (not the first time someone has confused his anxious shaking for cold shivers). The Adventurer stutters out a confused thank you, then watches as the Lawyer stumbles off, mumbling to himself that he's been drinking too much and "truly must find somewhere to piss"......
The second person he approaches is an older woman, hunched over a table fidgeting with a handful of colorful glass dice, spinning and stacking and arranging them into patterns whilst her thoughts drift elsewhere. Initially, she gives evasive answers when asked personal questions, but soon grows more talkative once the topic of local flora and fauna arises. She apparently used to adventure as well, roaming the lands to document various elements of nature relevant to her mysterious "private research" - though, at her age, she's now resigned to casual boat rides rather than riskily hiking alone through uncharted wilderness. Gently laying a worn leather journal of watercolor paintings out onto the tabletop, she points at various berries, leaves, and animals, eagerly describing their significance...
After chatting for a while, she abruptly changes topics, mentioning that sometimes she can "sense things which she should not" (whatever the hell that means), then asks him to pick one of her dice. He hesitates, but she just stares, refusing to elaborate further.. Finding even 30 seconds of awkward silent eye contact physically impossible to bear, he hurriedly plops a finger down in front of an iridescent yellow die. She chuckles..
Scooping up all of the dice from the table, she rattles them in her clasped hands, then brings them up to her ear as if to listen... to something?? A few moments later, she turns back to him, speaking in a raspy whisper: "There are others, melding your footprints with their own, seeking a gift you do not yet know - this is what I see."
Before he can ask her for any elaboration, the Captain returns, grumbling that The Adventurer has already stayed 5 minutes past the time limit and swatting at him with a broom to shoo him off of the boat. Apparently an hour can go by fast....
After climbing back into his dinky raft, he sails mostly successfully down the river, finally making it to a point that, at least based on his map, SHOULD be where the main road picks back up past the detour. He crashes into a small grouping of rocks whilst trying to navigate back to the shore, but he was planning on disassembling the raft to get his rope and supplies back anyway, so.. aside from a scraped knee and possibly broken pinky toe, he decides it's actually fine. The cat is okay, which is all that really matters, anyhow.
By the time he's taken apart his boat, eaten a quick meal, and bandaged his leg, the sun seems to have nearly set. It's later in the night than he'd usually like to travel, but, where he's going is a pretty commonly used road, so maybe it's safe? He's exhausted from socializing, but could probably muster enough energy to walk for at least a while. Or perhaps he should just call it a night and find a place to sleep.. But.. where??? What should he do?
Additional information
acquired a long, warm, expensive scarf
acquired slightly increased knowledge of local plants
acquired vague information from the 'dice based fortune teller', or whatever that was meant to be
acquired a business card (+ ability to get away with one minor crime free of legal consequence)
acquired mild nausea for the next 5hrs from weird buffet cheese
acquired badly scraped knee and sprained toe (will walk slightly slower for the next 2 days)
the adventurer's current main goal: follow his map to reach the abandoned castle ruins and see the rare animal specialist about the mysterious egg he has
#paventure posting#polls#choose your own adventure#okay yeahgh this one took like a week instead of a few days lol#I've went back to physical therapy for my chronic chest muscle issue and I think one of the new excercises they gave me in the#appointment ended up really irritating something instead of helping it because I was having way worse and sharper#chest pain for a few days. I went to the doctor and got an ekg just to rule out anything bad like that because I seriously#thought something was wrong but.. apparently it's just the same thing as always. It feels a bit better now#and hopefully wont get bad again if I ease into the excercises more. but for a few days I really didn't want to use my arms at all#so that means like.. not drawing or typing. also when I feel bad I kind of stray away from social media? I know for some peopls#social media is a good distraction when they're sick or whatever but I just find it stressful. I usually just lay on the floor#for a few days with silly cooking shows or Carefully Curated Youtube Videos That Specifically Contain Absolutley Zero Possibility#Of Stressful content Whatsoever on in the background lol.. ANYWAY.#I am at the moment able to use the computer again so I could draw things. hopefully will get on better schedules again one day#anyway!!... HE!!! adventure man... Again I hate trying to shorten things by just describing the conversations without dialogue#like saying “they talked about trees” rather than literally writing out a transcript of the entire conversation they had about trees#etc. I think because most of the time when I write it's in a very dialogue heavy context (like script type things. or visual novels/games#where lots of characters are talking and it's mostly that. etc.) So it feels awkward and bad to just skip over things#But also these would take days and days and days to do if I wrote out pages of conversation so I'm just doing vaguely rushed shortcut writi#writing trying to include only details that are necessary or etc. but ggbhjbhj... it's just so opposite to what I usually like#I always walk away like 'FINE.. i GUESS.. that will have to do >:T' lol#Kind of like how I hate literally every bit of digital art I have ever done because I'm so used to traditional art - specifically pencil#and pen stuff that's very sketchy and messy - and then digital art is all about clean even neat lines with a line tool and very polished#clean coloring - so it's super super opposite to my usual sketchy things and just Feels Wrong. I kind of like ms paint because it feels#like a middle ground like. it's somehow also sketchy even though it's digital. multiple pixelly lines over each other give it a 'sketch'#type feel. BUt anyway. It's supposed to be casual and quick and fun! I will choose to ignore all art and writing errors because#it is all about having a little advenchure! :3 As long as the main idea is clear enough for the voting to make sense . who cares#Remember to keep him safe! the dice lady is trying to help him. Regardless of where he sleeps though he can probably use the scarf#as a new warm blanket addition to his existing meager bedding situation lol. soft. fluffy. the cat will love it probably#Also again. whenever he talks to people the text will be longer. Sorry. Still trying for most of them to be short blurbs lol
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rubberbandballqueen · 4 months
i just think that as a chemistry major i shouldn't be forced to take biology classes that expect me to memorize the everything to pass. i need some kind of "biology for chemistry majors" where they emphasize the techniques a living thing has at its disposal to remain at homeostasis and then look at how all these parts come together to form a complex living organism undergoing constant holistic processes to remain at equilibrium. i don't need to know what a golgi apparatus is called i just need to know how it serves its function in the complex process of transforming A into B
#had to google golgi apparatus just now to know what it does (process lipids n protiens apparently) i haven't been in a bio class since 2016#my classmates in o chem would usually conplain to me abt the bio classes forcing them to memorize a bunch of#species that fall under certain taxonomic classifications bc their specificities Would show up on the exam#n i'm just like. that is a horror show. why do i need to be able to id 36 types of mollusks.#i'm probably Also like this bc i haven't taken a bio class since 2016 unless you count high school physiology then 2018#the worm speaks#my thoughts on academia are pretty much always 'this sucks please let me test into the very specific credentials i want'#bc academia tends to assume that the things i wanna research are the things i wanna teach but that is actually untrue#mostly bc my fave parts of chemistry are the very foundational things n what i like abt teaching it is that you have to balance#accuracy with generality so that new students don't get totally lost in the details of it all or spend too much time focused on a niche#my interest in discussing w/experts mostly extends out to 'okay tell me the new findings. ooo cool i'll incorporate that'#'good luck with your problem tho' no interest in helping out with specifics. only interested in being able to communicate knowledge#the stuff i'd have more interest in discussing and researching lie more in the arts. i do love discussing a good symbolism#probably bc i can also accept that there's never really one exact answer! like what if i do a stem research and then im just Wrong.#art and the human condition on the other hand!! let's go let us gather the Contexts and then Discuss!!!
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reanimatestar · 1 year
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@gonzague-if living in my head rent free <3
[image description: three pencil drawings of characters from gonzague, an interactive fiction adaptation of paul féval's le bossu. the first is of the artist's version of phillipe de gonzague. he is a person with long wavy hair tied in a ribbon and earrings. the second is of monsieur de peyrolles, a person with shoulder length hair, a scar on their left cheek, and several moles. the third is of phillipe de nevers, a man with long curly hair, a mustache and beard, a tooth gap, and dimples. /end description]
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musical-chick-13 · 5 months
Nothing will alienate you from the people around you faster than hating a popular fictional man.
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glowingreverie · 4 months
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ponett · 7 months
there have definitely been a lot of nerd boys who missed that you aren't supposed to want to be like scott pilgrim, but i don't really see where the claim that there are specifically droves of incels who see scott as a role model came from
if anything, i see a lot of hatred for the series - and particularly the movie - from incels. their prevailing meme is "scott pilgrim vs. the world ruined an entire generation of women." they HAAAAAAAATE ramona. of course they do. she literally has blue hair and pronouns. many of them have convinced themselves that all the left wing women they hate who dye their hair and listen to indie music have literally modeled their entire lives after ramona. they believe that this apparent mass brainwashing of millennial and gen z women by ramona flowers is why they can't find a date
i would explain more but some loser literally wrote a whole fucking "incelcore" song about this
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they also seem to hate scott, particularly as portrayed by michael cera in the movie. they think he's a lame, scrawny nerd who's constantly emasculated next to ramona's bigger, stronger, more conventionally handsome exes. they do not want to be like scott. they think he's a soyboy. they think he's gay. they think that in real life ramona would choose a "chad" like lucas or todd over scott, because that's their understanding of how relationships work
i would say more but some of the comments i've seen are truly heinous so i'll spare y'all
really i think folks have just forgotten that "incel" describes a type of guy with a very specific, very extreme, very hateful ideology. it is not interchangeable with your typical "tfw no gf" type nerd guy who just really liked all the video game references and writes in his tinder bio that he's looking for his ramona
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punkitt-is-here · 7 months
How did you learn to draw fat bodies but still keep it cartoony? I love how you draw different types of bodies and make them all seem normal instead of certain body types sticking out like a sore thumb next to others. I struggle to draw fat bodies without it looking weird with the rest of my art. Do you have a specific tutorial you followed or something?
This is a really good question! I'm glad you like my depictions of different body types, i worked really hard to get better at that so im happy folks enjoy em!! I didn't actually learn from a book or tutorial, it was mostly looking at fat bodies IRL and learning to incorporate those features onto what I already drew. As it turns out, we're all human, so if you understand the anatomy enough to draw a skinny person, you have the tools to understand the anatomy of a fat person.
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So, like, here, this is my sketch of someone with a very average build. If I were to draw a fat body, I would still use all the basic principles I use here. One mistake I think folks run into is "isolating" parts, which can lead to things like this
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which isn't necessarily bad, but if its not what you're going for, the issue is pretty apparent. Weight affects ALL of the body, not just the stomach or the face or the limbs. If you think about how that weight affects everything in tandem then you can start drawing fat bodies that work more in your style.
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for this, this is the same quick sketch using the same pose and principles as the first one. but! I allowed the weight to be distributed across the body. Notice how the legs, belly, arms, etc all got thicker? The key to drawing fat bodies and making them look like they fit is allowing that weight to affect everything. without it, it just looks like you're adding on features to someone rather than considering everything at once.
my other tip is: don't be scared! things like fat arms or chins or bellies or stretch lines are not something that's bad to depict. if you want to draw fat bodies, you gotta not be scared to draw things the way they are. someone having a fat body is not bad, and you drawing that fat body is not bad either. Experiment! To me, art is about representing ideas, and the only way to get better is to experiment with how you represent those ideas. I'm by no means an expert, and I think you can also get a ton done by looking for resources aside from me, but I hope this helps, and have fun!!
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loveclerc · 13 days
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ IN PLAIN SIGHT !
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pairing : logan sargeant x fem!reader
summary : apparently the public doesn’t know you and logan are married, even though you never tried to hide it.
genre : narrative/smau, fluff, tiny bit of angst, established + private but not secret relationship, hamilton’s goddaughter!reader
warning(s) : qatar 2023, toxic bird app, ignore timestamps
word count : 1,755 words
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It wasn’t common knowledge that Logan Sargeant was married, and has been since 2020, even though he never tried to hide it. He had never, not even once, taken off his ring, but fans just brushed it off as … Well, nothing. They didn’t even know it was there.
All the drivers knew. It wasn’t specifically said out loud, but it was obvious enough, even if the couple wasn’t the type for PDA.
You, as Lewis Hamilton’s goddaughter, were most of the time at the Mercedes garage. You were often filmed, expression tired and uninterested, but theories about you were debunked by Lewis himself. “A ray of sunshine when at home,” he’d said in an interview once.
People knew you were married — the ring you wore on your finger was proof enough. Fans dug and dug, but the very place that held their answer was the one they failed to scrutinise. Your husband, as you often joked with Lewis, was hiding in plain sight.
Qatar was hot. Really, fucking hot.
And that was what you said aloud before Lewis snapped at you for cussing.
“Sorry, Lew,” you replied with the least amount of respect you could. “Are you not dying of heat? You’ve been out in the sun all afternoon.” You held a fan close to your face, tiny droplets of sweat collecting on the edges of your face.
Lewis shook his head, but a smile was evident on his face. “It is very hot, but there’s nothing much I can do, hm?” His voice was soft but clear, and his face was shiny with perspiration. “Anyway, shouldn’t you be in the office? I remember you complaining about an increased workload.”
You threw a vulgar gesture his way and asked him to not-so-kindly piss off before you disappeared behind a corner. The echo of Lewis’ laugh trailed behind you as your destination changed from the air-conditioned office to the Williams garage.
Familiar faces greeted you as you made your way along the stretch of road lined with every team’s garage, as well as ones you didn’t particularly like to see. A reporter you found rather intrusive approached you, and you tried your best to speed up to avoid him, but to no avail.
“Hello, YN! Hot day in the paddock today, no? Where are you heading to this sunny afternoon?” the reporter attempted a conversation, no doubt with the intention to slide in some personal questions, but you shook your head.
“Sorry, I don’t have the time right now,” you muttered, rushing away and into the welcoming arms of the Williams mechanics. Silently, you awaited the vicious comments on Twitter.
A smile was thrown every way — as long as someone made eye contact with you, you greeted them with a tilt of your lips. The least you could do was be friendly when they’d given you, and your husband, so much more than you would have imagined.
Cameron, one of the pit crew, pointed you in the direction of the drivers’ rooms, knowing well what, or who,  you were here for. You thanked him and waved him goodbye.
As you opened the door to Logan’s room, you heard something metal drop on the ground. “Shit— Ow,” came out from the cracks of the door. You smiled, widening the gap.
Logan’s head turned to you immediately. His current position was quite awkward: he was bent over, fingers wrapped around a grey piece of something at his toe, his head perked up. He cleared his throat and stood up tall, putting the metal piece safely aside where it couldn’t drop onto anyone else’s toe, then pulled you in and shut the door at the same time.
His lips were on yours the moment they were close enough. The familiar scent of Logan engulfed you as your arms snaked around his torso, connecting at the back, as if locking him in your embrace. You pulled back enough to laugh, “You injure your toe and suddenly you’re so clingy? I don’t see the correlation.”
“Shut up,” Logan mumbled, placing his hand at the back of your head to pull you back in. You gave in, mouth moving in tandem with his, an action you were so used to.
Then someone came knocking at the door — fortunately they didn’t open it, or else they would’ve seen the intimate interaction right before their eyes. “Logan’s needed!” Alex’s voice sounded, and it was only then that the married couple pulled away, albeit reluctantly. “I don’t know what the two of you are doing but James is asking for both of his drivers.”
You laughed, the sound music to Logan’s ears, and detached yourself from his torso. “Go,” you ushered when he didn’t move. “I’ll be here when you’re done.” A reassuring smile coated your lips, one that Logan found too endearing to say no to.
“You better be,” he muttered, pressing a kiss to your temple before leaving the room. You heard a cheerful Alex slap his hand on your husband’s shoulder, guiding him to where their team principal ordered them to meet. Their animated conversation faded into the back of your mind as they walked further and further away.
Sitting on the comfortable sofa chair, you pulled your phone out to scroll through some social media apps.
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A few laughs escaped your lips at some of the replies. You knew better than to let the hate comments get to you, so you simply scrolled past without much thought, because you knew they were false anyway.
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Liked by nicolashamilton and 735,932 others
yourusername call me when it’s twenty degrees and below
View all 3,601 comments
lewishamilton Can’t believe you didn’t match with me …
yourusername you’re the one who didn’t stick to the theme of WHITE 🤨
user not even trying to be secret. i hear you girl
ynfan the husband has once again made an appearance
user2 how is it even possible that her husband’s identity has never been found? she’s so famous??? and is lewis hamilton’s goddaughter???
user3 exactly! are fans really that respectful or are they just really good at hiding
user4 my guess is the second ... f1 fans are not respectful lol
ynfan2 me whenever the husband appears: 😠
lissiemackintosh Stunning! 💞 ♥︎ by author
ynfan3 TWENTY DEGREES??? that’s like. freezing. (i don’t have 4 seasons)
oscarpiastri Your hubby left his cap in my car
yourusername he’s so forgetful sometimes 😆 he’ll get it from you later!
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Alas, race day arrived. The only thing you weren’t looking forward to was the intense heat. The temperatures were rising around the racetrack, more so in the cockpits. At least you had shelter and air-conditioning; the drivers would have to suffer through more than an hour of unusual heat. No doubt would there be immense weight loss.
As always, you worried for Logan. You worried for his performance and another failed chance to prove himself to his team, his fans and everyone else watching him. You knew, and were reminded every race, that your husband was put into an F1 car too soon. Perhaps one more season in F2 would give him sufficient experience — but dwelling on what could have been was always one of your weaknesses. And so you brushed away the thought.
The race started in the blink of an eye. You were stationed in the Mercedes garage, opting to show some support for your godfather, whom some netizens believed to harbour contempt for his own goddaughter, despite everything he’s said. But even as your body stood amongst what could be the night sky, your mind was with the sea of blue.
It was over before it even started. Lewis was out, after contact with his teammate, right as they entered the first turn. You retracted into yourself, already able to see the many opinions on social media. At least, you told yourself, he didn’t need to suffer through the heat. The terrible, rising temperature that was already burning you from inside out.
Lewis joined you soon after and made no comment or complaint on the incident that had just occurred minutes ago. You decided not to bring it up, either.
As the race continued, your heart rate remained mercifully stable. You let yourself stifle a snicker when George complained on his radio about the clash, and Toto told him to focus. The retired driver beside you made no reaction whatsoever.
The rest of the grand prix was relatively calm (for you), except for the occasional mild shock and stress from overtakes or near-contact. Until there were around ten laps left. When Logan expressed his illness but still continued pushing.
“Shit,” you mumbled, turning to Lewis, who already had his attention on you. “I knew he was sick. He kept sniffing and coughing and drinking water.”
Your godfather looked as worried as you, judging from his furrowed eyebrows. “He needs to retire,” was all he said, albeit lowly to avoid unwanted attention.
You pressed your lips together. “I’m going to Williams,” you softly declared, moving to take off your headset and pass it to a nearby mechanic. A smile graced your lips as you silently made your departure. All you could think about was your husband.
A few Williams mechanics came to greet you from the back of the garage, each of them whispering for you to convince Logan to retire. You could only give your word that you’d try to.
Only moments later was James Vowles notified of your arrival. Nodding, he put aside his headset as a mechanic guided you to the pit wall, a gentle smile on his face. The two of you exchanged a silent agreement.
Putting the headset on, you realised it was far too big to accommodate your head size. So you settled for holding on to one side, the mic readily balanced in front of your mouth.
“Logan,” your voice sounded through his radio in the sweetest tone possible. You received no response. “Lo, there’s no shame in retiring. Your health is more important than points. Please don’t faint behind the wheel.”
Silence. Then some static and heavy breathing, and his voice came through weakly, “I’m going back to the pits.”
A relieved sigh hit every individual stationed at the pit wall. When you passed over his headset with a smile, James’ body relaxed visibly, the tension between his brows eased.
“Thank you,” he whispered, evidently worried for his driver.
You shook your head. “Anything for Logan.” And you left, aiming for the pits, where the mechanics were waiting for the American’s arrival.
You watched silently as Logan’s coworkers helped him out of the car, supporting his weak body into the garage. A few steps forward and you were right in front of him, reaching to take his helmet off, and by extension his balaclava.
His eyes were glazed, his breathing ragged. His lips parted slightly. Then suddenly, he fell. Right onto you, making you lose your balance and almost sending you into the ground. Luckily his mechanics caught him by the arms, pulling him up and carrying him away, likely to the medics.
Sighing, you followed them, eyes closely watching the suited man between them. Logan tried so hard to make the team proud, he disregarded his own health and what his body could take.
As medics rushed over with a stretcher, you caught paparazzi snapping no-flash pictures from the sides. But you didn’t care. Your focus was on the unconscious love of your life.
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Liked by yourusername and 9,050 others
f1gossip Spotted! Logan Sargeant and YN LN sharing an intimate moment after leaving the paddock.
View all 538 comments
user5 you’d think after all this hiding, they’d want to be talked about by the public
ynfan4 hello f1 gossip page! what is my wife doing here?
f1fan what is your wife doing with my husband 🤨
ynfan5 i see … they’ve been cheating on us
ynfan4 and who are you???
ynfan5 yn’s wife 🫥
f1fan2 he really deserves that hug after today 😔
user6 the matching rings 😦
f1fan4 so disappointed in us 😭 he’s always been wearing it apparently
ynloghehe so cute am I right 😛
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Liked by daltonsargeant and 78,100 others
logansargeant Man that was tough, unfortunately couldn’t take the finish but thanks for the support from my team 🫶🏻 (And wife, now that you guys have realised)
Extreme dehydration and feeling sick building up to the race didn’t help - next up back home 🇺🇸
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f1fan5 gws logan!! we’re all here for you
f1fan6 you were so close to points but glad you put your health first :)
ynfan7 this conversation in the comments is bringing me to tears 😭😭😭😭😭
user7 yn and logan my otp forever 😭🫶🏻
yourusername please don’t faint on me again. you’re heavy :(
logansargeant You vowed you’d be with me in sickness and in health
yourusername I guess I did 😔🤚🏻
logansargeant That’s right. You’re stuck with me FOREVER
ynfan8 that’s my wife 🙁 at least she’s got a good man
lewishamilton Please keep her in the Williams garage 🙏🏻 She’s a menace ♥︎ by author
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Liked by landonorris and 1,519,933 others
yourusername hehe 😙
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oscarpiastri Still surprised how no one realised
f1fan7 is he calling us stupid
oscarpiastri It was so obvious???
ynfan9 wait then why would she cover his face in that story with oscar if they never tried to hide it
logansargeant Ahem ... I blinked
logansargeant BABE NO
liamlawson30 HAH y’all are suckerz I went to their wedding 😛
f1fan8 never thought i’d see liam lawson using the word suckerz ...
ynfan10 they look so cute omg i wish i had their relationship ♥︎ by author
f1fan9 oscar piastri i fear you are correct ... we are stupid
yourusername @ charles_leclerc
charles_leclerc I’m not the only stupid one now!!!
landonorris Please don’t start PDAing everywhere now
yourusername this is a formal announcement that after this post, I will resume my dark and mysterious persona with no boys on my page.
logansargeant Okay, wow, I didn’t know we were being mean
user8 i realise they never once commented a heart or ily they just been bickering 😭😭😭
jensonbutton Visit soon?
yourusername obviously. we miss your pups :(
logansargeant DON’T LISTEN TO HER!!! I miss you Jenson 😢
frederikvestiofficial Wedding day was one for the books (post those pictures pleaseeeee 🙏🏻) ♥︎ by author
user9 WEDDING PICTURES SOON???? ♥︎ by author
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the people have spoken and but they shall receive late 😔 I’m in love with this private but not secret concept by the way though I think it’s a little messy
taglist : @mael1pastry @embrosegraves
reblogs and feedback are appreciated !
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themoskabot · 1 year
I have very loud inconsiderate neighbors and they keep getting worse and I’m like that “I’m a healer but” meme rn
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