#apparently Libras are bad now okay
ghostsandfools · 2 months
Interesting Stuff From Yesterday's LAES Episode:
DISCLAIMER: I go insane under the cut. There is swearing. You have been warned.
Okay first of all, where are they???? Obviously in a dream, which Lunar says "doesn't feel normal", which is already weird, but they're in a location Lunar's never been in before. Probably not important I'm just curious, like, is it just some random place conjured up by Lunar's subconscious or does Res have him in a specific location for a reason???
Res works for Cetus apparently.
Lunar sees Res for the first time and goes "You don't have a face" and Res goes "Oh, I can assure you, I do." I'm sorry???????????
This is off topic, but these episodes stress me the fuck out. Like, the writing isn't always the best and I've seen people leave the fandom over some of the decisions the writers make. Now, I don't really care about how bad the writing is I'm gonna watch it anyways, but I genuinely get stressed out over the lore, it is an issue. I worry about it on a day to day basis, I think I'm starting to get WAY too attached to these characters.
Res looks so much like Nebula, I mentioned it in a separate post but like seriously, it's not even funny how similar they look. They could be twins, at least in my eyes idk if y'all see it too. Also, I love Nebula and I would NEVER accuse her of such heinous crimes, but the astrals have basically stripped her of her rights and are making her work constantly with almost no breaks and no pay, and from what we've seen Taurus specifically treats her pretty awful, and Res did mention hating Taurus and Leo, so... I mean I wouldn't be surprised if Res and Nebula were the same person.
Res has met Castor and Pollux at some point and thinks that they're "entertaining" so I don't know what the fuck that means but I'm scared-
The order to begin the infection has been given :)
We're all fucked :)))))))
Res didn't want Lunar there??? Lunar says "I shouldn't be here," and Res goes "You shouldn't be, this was a very private meeting," so Lunar can just get dragged into antimatter shenanigans with no say in the matter randomly????? Res didn't even intend for this to happen???????
The fact that Res doesn't care about Lunar knowing is scary. Res doesn't try to hurt Lunar or kill him or get him not to tell anyone, they just don't care. Which is worrying, because Lunar could tell the astrals, and the fact that Res doesn't care about that means that they're already far enough into this plan that the astrals knowing about it will hardly be a setback.
I was thinking, maybe Res stands for Residual or Residue. Because, they said they're made out of dark star power, but they AREN'T a witherstorm, so maybe they're residual leftover dark star power.
THEIR VOICE EVEN SOUNDS LIKE A CORRUPTED NEBULA, am I going crazy here??? Their voices even sound similar, except Nebula's is much smoother obviously, but they both speak the same way, y'know? AM I INSANE??? Like, their voices are different but the way they talk and their enunciation of certain words is the EXACT SAME.
Res being Nebula could explain their inside knowledge about the astrals. I mean, obviously they could just figure stuff out on their own or through Cetus, I'm assuming dark star power entities can probably spy on people pretty well, but it would explain why they already know Lunar and that Taurus is coming to Earth, I'm just saying...
OKAY OKAY OKAY okaay okaoaksyaa SO. Res talks about getting rid of one of the astrals for good, which is interesting. Gemini said that astrals can die, but they usually come back because they're stars and stars will just supernova and reform. But Res says they could get rid of one of the astrals for good and how Cetus would love having one less to deal with. They also say one of the astrals is already out of commission??? Unless I missed something, this is the first time that's been mentioned. I wonder who it is. Probably not Libra since she's a leader, not Gemini since they've been around recently, not Taurus because he's showing up soon, probably not Aries since they're the one who helped Gemini get into Lunar's dreams, SO WHO?!
Res, (with that incredibly sexy voice of theirs~), says that they "Need Lunar" and that he's the "Perfect Catalyst". Which is interesting because like two minutes ago they described themself as a catalyst??? I wonder what they need Lunar for, maybe to get more inside knowledge about the astrals for them?
It is getting more and more difficult for me not to talk about how hot Res is the longer this post gets, they said Lunar was "Ample for corruption~" JESUS RES, JUST KILL PEOPLE. YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE HOT ABOUT IT, JUST KILL PEOPLE AND FUCK OFF!
WHY ARE THEY BEING SO SEDUCTIVE???? "What I'm going to do to you when I get my hands on you, I'm going to do so many horrid things..." I'M SORRY? EXCUSE ME BITCH??????
How do you turn positive star power into negative star power? Gemini said that when star power is harnessed, negative star power is the result. Lunar does not harness star power, he is basically an astral now which means he's MADE of it. Him using it won't produce any negative star power, which means Res has a way to convert pure, unharnessed star power into negative star power. Interesting. If I didn't have the memory of a goldfish when it comes to my hyperfixations, maybe I could tell you have that would work with stars and dark matter in real life, but I forgot so sorry :D
How many negative star power entities are there??? Res says Lunar will "become one of us". So far there are at least 2, Res and Cetus, but there HAS to be more than that. C'mon. There has to be. The astrals are also interesting, how many of them are there? Obviously there's the main 12, based on the zodiac constellations, but are there more based on other constellations? Are the "Astrals" just what the main 12 are called and any others are considered lesser than them? And then for the dark matter ones, are there 12 to act as dark zodiacs? Or are the less, or worse, are there MORE?
I wonder if Gemini made Taurus and Leo sound more scary as a way to get Lunar to behave himself. All they said was "Taurus and Leo destroy planets", but according to Res, they really don't. They only put planets out of their misery once they've been infected and already basically destroyed.
I wonder if Res did anything to Lunar while he was asleep? They say "you need to wake up" and then Lunar falls asleep in the dream only to wake up in real life, but I wonder if they could've done something to him in that time that he doesn't realize?
It's kinda interesting that Lunar's first thought was to go to Monty rather than Gemini or Moon or waiting for Taurus to show up. I actually have kinda a sweet reason why, more of a headcanon than a theory though. Whenever i have nightmares, my brain kinda goes back in time for a little while, and instead of calling someone I actually trust like one of my friends or my partner, my first thought is to go to my mom. Now, i don't talk to my mom anymore because she sucks, but I really liked her as a kid and when I have bad dreams I forget about all the people i have in my life now and wanna go back to her. And Monty and Lunar used to be so close, obviously Monty knows a lot about negative star power so they're a logical option of who to get help from, but i also think it would be really sweet if Lunar goes through the same thing and that's why they want to go to Monty first, because they're almost like a parental figure to him.
ANYWAYS, that's enough rambling and simping and theorizing and trauma-dumping and going fucking insane for today, if you read this far you have a VERY good attention span. I would not read a post this long, you are a better person than me.
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seafoamreadings · 1 year
week of april 16th, 2023
aries: beginning with an aries moon, the week starts out with the wild anticipation of another new moon in your sign by mid week, the second in a row. and this one's at the last degree of your sign. and it's an eclipse so, yes, it can be crazy. the focus is on how you relate to others, and how they mirror you back to yourself.
taurus: there's an eclipse in aries, the start of taurus season (!), and then a little mercury retrograde starting up in your sign as well, all before the week is out. so in a way the spotlight is on you. even though the eclipse is in aries, the closely related north node of the moon is still in your sign for now. don't let anyone rush you about anything.
gemini: it's all about your soul-mate friends this week. the little pod of souls you are most at home with. you'll get word from some of those you haven't heard from in what seems like (and maybe has been) ages, and you might also make some new ones! so what if there's an eclipse and a mercury retrograde? just don't take things too quickly or impulsively and it's actually great for you.
cancerians: as a lunar-ruled being you're affected more than most by eclipses like the one this week. the bad news there is it'll be a frazzling one. the good news though is that whatever change it brings is needed, and immediately following the eclipse the moon enters taurus, where it is exalted. so you will have a good opportunity for recovery and integration.
leo: the volatile aries vibes all week actually favor you, causing philosophical/spiritual/even academic changes. while these may be stretching you a bit thin, they are ultimately bringing you to even higher leonine levels of greatness. meanwhile, taurus vibes simultaneously can cause an apparent setback in some career/status arena, but this is likely mostly just an illusion.
virgo: it's not the best time for stuff like taking out a loan, applying for college, etc, but if you've already got those things in motion from before? they're going to be super fruitful starting around now.
libra: relationships may be in chaos, or they may be about to reach new highs. really, both these things are very possible. venus is favorable to you more now even than usual, so you have her as an ally; any chaos is the good kind, whatever it looks like initially. you'll look back on this period as some major breakthrough.
scorpio: it's not that eclipses don't normally affect you, but it isn't usually so strong. the last eclipse season did occur over the axis you share with taurus. this one does not. but you have an old affinity with aries, and this occurs at the very very end of that sign. and the south node is still in scorpio, so you're still putting in real work there.
sagittarius: some people say not to say intentions at all eclipse but i say it's a great idea as long as you're willing to relinquish control over the outcome and are prepared for volatility along the way. this one's at the end of aries, ruling over your romances, creativity, and fun.
capricorn: earth vibe so dependable and steady suits you, even if mercury does go retrograde (which it will.) the eclipse? mostly not really your problem but a close family member might try to make it seem that way. that firm earth is still there to ground you as needed.
aquarius: if pluto or the eclipse vibes have you frazzled, this week provides an opportunity to make your home base a real sanctuary. mercury retrograde needn't be feared; just take it as a sign to get settled in instead of flitting about.
pisces: perhaps it seems trite or boring in such a trying time, but for your unity with all things nothing is trite in the end; so the week's best advice is to consider where your money goes, and how okay you feel about that. then make any needed adjustments.
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kdipshit · 1 year
The Middle
So sometimes i think in black and white, and I tend to focus relationships this way, which is why I avoid them. Something about a label doesn’t sit right with me, I can only see two sides and that’s black and white. Good and bad. Emmy entire world is full of either good people or bad people, good energies or bad energies, nothing more nothing less, it’s kind of like I’m blind in a feeling type of way, I can’t sense outside of that and I don’t realise there’s a middle ground, im a fucking Libra y’all, but instead of being the scales as 1 thing, Im the actual like scales weight part that goes up and down and doesn’t stop in the middle. I’m unbalanced, idk man.
Im thanking god itself for allowing me sleep every single night. A good sleep, every night, its allowed me to wake up at an earlier hour, not feel so sluggish and like doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING with my life, oh man. I am so grateful, I appreciate nature more, I appreciate the moment, I’m not BORED I’m at PEACE, and the simplicity of it all creates a warm feeling in me like connection. Yellow, orange, brown, gold, radiance. And she the only one that know what I mean.
Lol when I was a kid how did I cry? That would be so funny idkkk mannn, was i like one of those yell cries outta no where coz I can’t hold it in? Ahahaha, I don’t remember it guess it was like how I cry now right? Which is only apparently when I’m really crazy angry and when I’m super dooper sad lol, I feel like I cry in the middle tho, this is just what I’m sister has told me, but I definitely cry alone, my sister is the closest person to me, and she only sees me cry at the very peak of my emotions, so I’m pretty good at hiding it I guess? It doesn’t feel like I’m hiding anything because its always there, I’m clearly the only person who perceives these feelings, so it should only exist to my perspective right? Okay then change your perspective… okayyyyy….. I get scared of new emotions, and perceive them bad, I can mistake connection for a ‘get out’ type of feeling, Its hard for me to accept and trust something that first makes me feel anxious and a need to change my surroundings because I now feel trapped in my own space. I’ve just taught myself how to stick it through the moment no matter how it feels and not to fly away in my brain. I can’t escape my brain, its connected to me. The middle has so much space, when I meditate I am there, and its getting easier to do without having to actually try to do anything, coz thats exactly what it is. Its not so loud I have so much space it feels so freeing, I’m not bound to any emotions, any thoughts, nothing, I’m free. nothing will hurt me here, Im safe to be in my creative bubble and positive energies. I don’t care what you think of me.
I only have a few people in my life who I would text if something major happened to me, idk maybe only 1 coz the other couple are family, like my circle is small but its full of trust especially my bestfriend ash, whom I have gone thru hell and back with. The middle doesn’t harm me with my own thoughts as weapons, of course there was a middle ground, how could I not have see this? I mistake growth for ‘this is the exact same’ type of energy, which in turn makes me feel like I’m making no progress, and forget to store the new energy, now that I know this, I can accept the new emotions and new feelings and new environment , yanno? Should I change my room around again hehe? Nah, I feel good here, I like m bed close to the computer, I can put my leg up while typing hahah.
Me moving around and doing anything for ME is ME manipulating energy so that I can create anything I desire here on earth. It doesn’t have to happen the exact way I’m thinking, it just happens. And thats the magic behind your thoughts. I don’t like awkward love I’m pretty awks like not by choice, I feel less awkward in myself when I’m feeling less like everyone is watching me and more like I’m the only one here watching, and thats all I need to remember. I’m experiencing life through this body and anyone else experiencing me is also me experiencing myself from the different angle. I want to be 90% present in 100% of my moments, giving my 100% , 100% of the time.
I believe theres nothing wrong with me
instead of identifying with your thoughts, work with them. Everything is a thought, everything. Work towards changing your thinking pattern from negative to positive by consciously swifting into a better energy daily. It’s a choice, it’s my choice how I feel and think, since they usually come together.
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whysojiminimnida · 3 years
i dont really belive in this astrology stuff and all butt i was seeing a few things related to jikook and astrology , is it true that their signs are one of the least compatible, but someone did say that though in some cases you can make it work, like you know each human relation is complex, some also said that libra are very flighty sort of people especially when they get bored and cant stay with one thing for long, also JM's s some placements are for people who are really toxic & manipulative?
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Um. I’m a Libra sun with Libra rising and Libra in five houses so maybe you oughta come correct and read a room before you talk.
Flighty? I was with the same person for over 20 years. Well over 20. Fuck off with that nonsense. Manipulative? Toxic?
Imagine saying that someone is a bad person based on something you read that they can’t control (like orientation maybe. Or skin color. Or the timing and location of their birth.) You literally just came in here and did that to me. I’m glad it was me and not Jiminie but damn, be less of a bitch sometimes.
I’m just gonna start deleting bullshit stuff. I have 50+ asks sitting in my inbox right now, Jimin and I don’t have time in our day for that. Probably because all that toxic Libra energy makes us flighty.
You won’t even get out of your imagination, makes sense you won’t voluntarily stay off my blog.
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(Part 1): My placements/signs and how I feel like I manifest them in terms of relationships, intimacy, and power-play (brutally honest):
Mars Square Pluto: I notice that it doesn't take much to anger me, one has to be very careful not to disrespect me because I WILL unleash an anger that is often disproportionate to the situation, often because of pent-up trauma and bad past experiences, especially pertaining to dating. It can be very hard for me to control it and I like the sense of vitality that it gives me. For example, I do tend to channel it out through aggressive weight-training, power yoga, etc to not let it get out of hand. Something small can give me tremendous anger. This aspect also helps me protect myself from people that do tend to take advantage of me (it pushes me to "rip off the bandaid" and tell people what's on my mind that upsets me). When I was younger, I suppressed this part of myself and thus became very, very socially inhibited. Now I know why I was🤪
Pluto in 7th house: I tend to be unlucky in love. I do tend to attract a lot of guys that project their s**t on me. I'm trying to find someone good for me but it constantly feels like I'm being pulled into a world I don't necessarily want to be a part of by the guys I attract. I tend to attract guys that are insecure, heartbroken, angry, etc. I don't know what this says about me personally but I read that what you attract is a reflection of you and in combination with my other aspects I can see that this is my problem
Venus conjunct lilith: apparently it's supposed to give me a "femme fatale" vibe. I can definitely say that it does feel like I'm flirting a lot of the time like it's my personality and need to make a conscious effort to suppress that sometimes. I tend to have a line up of guys and I don't know how I feel about that but I like seducing the ones I like because it makes me feel good and dominant and I think it's a healthy way to let those needs out. Guys tell me I look innocent and cute at first (the Venus side, I guess). I like to please in the sense that I like to play the dangerous game and try to get them in trouble at, say, school or work in the way they like. However, I absolutely refuse to be subservient to guys. I don't like to be dominated most of the time. I like to be the one to dominate/seduce. I have to be careful with this aspect haha
Mars in Pisces: this gives one increased empathy skills, and I need to be careful not to use what I can intuitively sense from others in order to manipulate them into giving me what I want because it can be easy to when you want something or someone bad 🤪 Instead, I've been trying to use this energy to relate to others more warmly using my sense of empathy even though Mars Square Pluto may not be happy sometimes and my Venus conjunct lilith feels the urge to seduce to get someone I like to like me back
Moon in Virgo: these people can be sexually repressed, I read. They may want it badly but can be awkward at expressing it in terms of physical intimacy (I personally find this is true, but once I'm comfortable, other aspects of my chart seem to take over)
Moon in 5th house: this aspect is related to other things maybe, but with regard to the love game it can make one a bit of a player, a rebel in love, and fearful towards having children of their own. I think no one can deny that I am a player and when it comes to having children I don't think I have much of a maternal instinct and would personally feel worried for my children if I had them
Venus in Sagittarius: okay this makes me somewhat of an explorer when it comes to dating I guess, someone "adventurous" and open-minded. I guess that's true, I met quite a few guys from different backgrounds on Tinder and have been open towards differing interests/tastes (e.g. music) than mine. In fact, I like diversity in some cases
Lilith in 8th house: I tend to like the dark aspects of sexuality a lot, kind of see them as parts that one ought to simply accept as not doing so can lead to trouble and unhealthy anxiety/escapes. This is why I'm honest about it even though it may make me look like a bad person in love. I want love-making to be out of this world, dark, like you're purging out all your anger and parts of yourself that are taboo. I will not be content with less! I also speak out against sexual abuse and sexual dishonesty a lot on my social media (e.g. through poems).
Venus in 8th house: so this to me is kind of similar to Lilith in 8th House since it also enforces me being attracted to the darker aspects of sexuality. However, Venus in 8th House, from what I've read, is apparently guarded when it comes to physical intimacy and I this is very true for me. I find it easy to flirt on DM but very awkward to flirt in real life, like there's a thick barrier a guy must cross in order to access my intense, super-charged sexuality. We apparently also attract horny weird guys and get sexualized and I guess that's true as well. Like when I go out sometimes, even just out for a walk in my "safe" neighborhood, I feel a bit paranoid because I get glances from guys in the summer and a few coming up to me asking for my Snapchat when good is the last thing I tried to look
Sun signs of guys that didn't know what to do with me: Cancer, Libra
Aspects of people that can take me or understand me a little:
- Mars opposite Pluto
- Moon square Pluto
- Taurus moon
Sun signs of guys that I attract a lot of: VIRGO, Aries, Libra, and Pisces
Sun signs of guys that ended harshly more than once: TAURUS, Pisces, Leo
Interestingly enough, my moon is in Virgo and my ascendant is in Taurus.
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nagirambles · 2 years
is there anything you ever wish we learned more about celestial magic? or at least anyway you’d want to change it considering how it work now, because it had so much potential but as you’ve stated it now basically works as celestial spirt take over (which honestly if take literally could be even cooler like lucy and her sprits merging sure as hell is a concept)
Oh dear here I go. I love this topic.
I definitely wish we learned more about the spirits themselves, their powers, and their dynamics between each other and people around them.
We explored this in the Angel fight, but that's really the most we ever get. I liked when we sawCapricorn's loyalty in Tenrou (and how Loke knew it), but again, we just never get anything like it ever again. I was looking forward to Libra the whole show (because it's my sign) and she ended up being a plot device to show off how cool Kagura is.
I genuinely believe that spirits should never be undermined in their own main magic, because they're just pointless then. At least make them equal like Juvia vs Aquarius, geez. Horologium is one of the most useful spirits Lucy has, and he's irreplaceable, unlike her fighting spirits. No other spirit can do ultimate defense like him, (eg Loke can be interchanged with Virgo or Taurus, because if you just want raw power, they can all do it similarly).
This ramble got really long so here's a read more.
Most of them are now just convenient weapons to be summoned when the author realizes they've lacked screen time recently. Gemini, one of the better-handled ones, are just the cool trick Lucy has for jokes or fake-outs/deceit, and she summons them to use Urano Metria I guess. And no, I'm not saying that's bad, that's really good actually, but that's the thing-- Gemini is just a cool power. We never explore Gemini's viewpoints or Aries' former mistreatment ever again, even though it's apparently a prevailing problem among CSM. Lucy being a mage that actually loves her spirits is the whole crux of Lucy's magic, and yet it's like everyone's forgotten it was ever an issue in the world.
Understandably, it's because we have zero points of comparison. It would have been cool if we found another CSM like Karen again, just to see how the spirits react due to Lucy's influence on them.
I truly believe this problem exists because Lucy got too many keys too quickly. It just got too difficult to balance screentime, and so they just stopped showing up altogether for any meaningful reason than battle. I know it's necessary for the plot and it's sparsely explained away in Key of Starry Heavens and the Eclipse gate yada yada, but it just doesn't make sense that there are only two Celestial Spirit mages in the entire damn world when gold keys are so rare. It's never explained why this is like this except for us to think 'oh, she's the main character, of course'. I really think the series could have benefited from more one-off characters that are CSM, like-- god forbid I say this, Everlue.
Heck, we should have had some mages that just specialize in Silver Keys. You're not telling me such a versatile old magic isn't researched to hell and back with a cult following and some die-hard collectors. Money and rarity isn't really a valid concern, Shiny hunters exist in the Pokemon fandom. if people want something, they will do anything legal and illegal to get it.
I feel it's a shame that we have to continue enforcing the 'ohh, I'm using your magic by being here, I gotta go and let you fight by yourself' thing, since there's so much potential in tag teaming.
I want to see them fight together, rather than Lucy just taking their powers and using them like Digimon fusion. Actually that's a terrible comparison, Digimon fusions are better because the Digimon is still there conjoined like armor, speaking to each other, and they're actually fighting together with their Tamers as one. Okay now I like this idea better. I want something like that for Lucy if she's going to be a magical girl, not the Requip: Celestial Spirit Powers that we got. Yeah what we got is cool but I like the spirits as characters too, not just as one of Lucy's many power varieties.
I do like that Virgo gave Lucy a whip in Edolas. We hardly see her use it effectively and at some point it's just gone, but I feel that's a great start in going from summoning spirits to fighting with their powers. We should have expanded on that before the Star Dresses, honestly. Maybe Taurus gives her a lesser version of his axe or gauntlets that grant her some super strength, Loke gives her a ring that can use a holder-type Regulus, Aquarius gives her a water jug and Lucy can use some Water Magic as long as she's using the water from it. Imagine if she only got these weapons after a while of bonding with them, like a statement of trust and love from spirit to owner.
Sure she'll find weapons she's ill-fitted for, but isn't that the point? Imagine Lucy asking for advice from the rest of her teammates or even her spirits themselves, because one of them gave her a rapier and she needs to learn a bit of how to use it? The training arc before GMG would have been perfect for these things.
I'd also like if they continued a Holder-type theming with those, because Lucy's the only Holder-type in Team Natsu and I wish she stayed like that so she continued to remain unique. We literally have-- so many magical-girl type female mages, form Requip to Takeover to Star Dresses. Mashima uses all of them as an excuse for fanservice, and he's so blatant about it ugh. Couldn't he at least make the designs look good?
Alright! That's about it I have for now. I have a tag called 'the menace celestials' if anyone ever wants to read all the rambles I've had about Celestial Spirit magic. Thank you for the ask!
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madisonbeersource · 3 years
awwww it’s so sweet that you love libras!! 🥰
aw no this is so hard!! bc i have two choices and having 50/50 odds is always so much harder for me than starting from zero bc i feel like i have to get it right, if that makes sense. but you seem very dreamy and kind and ambitious and very sure of yourself and your beliefs and values, like i get a lot of earth energy from you. although that could just be your virgo moon …. idk !!! but i’m gonna guess capricorn for your sun and rising ?? although if that’s true and i missed ur birthday i’ll be sad ☹️
i have an older brother who is a legit genius so i’ve just been compared to him all my life, so it’s mostly my accomplishments that don’t measure up. 🙃 but it’s okay. i’m kind of accepting that i’ll never have the relationship i want with her and that she’ll still be in my life bc i love my father to death and don’t want to do anything to cause him hurt.
also, isn’t it such a flex?? like not to self brag but i cannot believe that i am in the place i’m at. a year ago i was struggling so hard and now i’m working a job i love, writing a novel in my free time, decorating my apartment in the upper east side, and i just created my dream pinterest fall/winter wardrobe. like life is going well !!! ☺️🤍
i am going to try to take photos this weekend maybe and see if i can submit them. i’m getting some new furniture tomorrow so maybe i can take some photos when that’s set up. but my style is very much browns and neutrals and greens and corduroy pants and tennis skirts and turtlenecks and sweaters and vests and idk … maybe very pinterest and generic but it’s cute !! and it suits me !! 🥰
i hope you’re doing well and i am so sorry if i y your zodiac wrong ☹️ i’m actually pretty stressed that i did but please don’t be wrong if i did, it’s so hard to tell and you’re lovely with whatever big three you have ✨
do you have any weekend plans?
- ☁️ anon
I do! I mean I have no problems w/ most of the zodiac signs...even tho cancers & gemini are the ones I tend to vibe the least w/!
aw that's is so sweet!! to think i'm all those!! )): i love u but sadly i'm a full aquarius babyy haha the rarest sign apparently...and aquarius is actually pretty much me as a person ngl ! and no you're good my birhtday is feb 6!
OO...some people aren't made to be good parents...like we should de-taboo those behaviors that some parents are bad parents, end of story it's not insulting it's just facts! and your mom is not a mom at least she wasn't one to you & i'm sorry you had to live under such a toxic rls w/ the one supposed to protect u :// this is sad tbh!
it is a big as flex ngl and EVERYONE should b proud of your accomplishments cause honestly you're THE DEAL!!
OMGGG you're building such a cute life for yourself i'm HERE FOR IT
I love uuuu!! also i redid my whole big 3 and apparently mine is sun: aquarius, moon: gemini, ascendant: virgo but it has some variations to it ...idk it's weird but the result i got the most was those three!! which is apparently kinda of a perfect match? idk my friend told me that qsdfghgfds
also noo but tomorrow i'll b going back to university!! wbu love do u have any plans for the week?
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hanadolphieron · 4 years
heejin as a girlfriend~12/3
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how you met;
the two of you met while in the airport
you had been sitting at the gate for an hour and a half, being a cautious person and not wanting to be late for your flight (your parents had also hounded you about being there two hours early, you barely escaped their wrath)
while you settled there, the gate started to fill up rapidly, considering this was a flight to L.A. and everyone and their dog wanted to go
as the seats gradually filled up, nobody had sat next to you
you weren’t offended at all, i mean no one wants to sit next a stranger if they don’t have to
however, at some point, the only spot left was the one next to you
and here comes a drop-dead gorgeous woman
she set her bag down, unbothered your presence and proceeded to whip out her phone and continue on with her life, not even sparing you a second glance
you were a little bit taken a back at this, she had such a whirlwind-like energy but seemed so calm and chill
you stared at your phone, zoning out and not really reading the posts you were scrolling through, thinking about this, when she said, mainly to herself,
“i don’t have my passport”
glancing over at her, she catches your eye
great, you think, now you have to say something
“do you know where it is?” you ask her, “how did you get through security?”
“it must have fell,” she tells you, a half-terrified look on her face, “on the other side of the airport, where security is.”
“well, we better get moving then,” you tell her, already getting up
“watch our bags,” you command the person on the other side of you, and break into a run
heejin follows, racing you, and you both go sprinting down to the terminal
the basics;
you wake up to her deep, sleepy voice every morning, and it murders you before you can even get out of bed
but that’s okay, because she doesn’t want you to leave her side anyways, and will physically hold you down so you can cuddle each other, fluffy blankets, and pillows
you have a handshake of course
uses it to cheer you up or as a way to show off your amazing relationship
fights never last that long, both of you would start to miss each other and would make up fast
heejin finds it easy to see you side of the situation, and you hers
cuddles before you go to sleep is a must
heejin will cling onto you until one of you starts to perspire and die under the warmth of the other on top of them
prank wars never end well, both of you take it too far
but it makes for a good story to tell later
aesthetic dates to the max
time spent with her fees so beautiful and perfect
you understand each other perfectly, and conversations are effortless and comforting
she wants it to be a “bonding moment”
you know, all that scorpio venus stoof
wants to build a connection slowly and become your special person
heejin comes to any event you participate in to support you
as long as you watch her perform so she can show off and impress you :)
she puts a heck ton of effort into your relationship
and does her best to make you happy
tends to be self-sacrificing because libra sun/scorpio venus, so you’ll have to watch out for that
loves inside jokes, they make her so happy
having special connections with people is so stimulating for heejin, building relationship is so !!!
will probably want to settle down early, once she’s attached to someone she’s going to be loyal for the rest of her life unless something huge happens
is so overprotective it’s funny
definitely sensitive to any sort of jealousy or envy, so make sure to tell her how much you love her multiple times a day or she can feel not exactly insecure, but a seed of doubt weeds its way into her mind and she can perceive situations the wrong way
her gut feelings are almost always right though, so if she gets bad vibes from someone you hang out with, i recommend listening to her
wants to influence you
definitely possessive, will call you hers a lot
melts if you pick up any of her habits or start listening to her favorite songs
boyfriend material
back to the airport fiasco...
you and heejin luckily did not get stopped by any boomers or security officials on your way through the airport
you were sprinting through the terminal when suddenly, “CHILI”S!” 
heejin screamed out the restaurant and nyoomed in its general direction, apparently remembering the last place she had been before losing her passport
she attacked the booth she’d sat at (luckily no one was there)
you acted as pep talk personified, cheering her on as she smacked around the seats, grabbed her passport, manhandled it out of the booth, and escaped the stares of the rest of chili’s customers while fleeing the store
going through the security line again was frustrating, but you made it to the terminal just in time for your flight
you and heejin managed to snatch two seats together just in time, and began to chat about your lives and plans for the trip, which you decided would be a good place to hang out and get to know each other better
after you landed, you went to your respective hotels, and settled down before going to a roller-skating rink together
a little rest to squeal to yourself over heejin was just what you needed
but after a while, heejin texted you to let you know she was on her way to pick you up to head to the rink
you walked to the rink together, oohing and ahhing over the sights in L.A.
getting matching skates was a must- both of you wore white ones with rainbow wheels (why do i always see the word wheels and go hweels)
of course, heejin was good at skating, what can’t she do
you were okay as well
neither of you fell to much, just a few screams and thunks here and there
but heejin caught you bridal style every time, even if it meant she plummeted to the floor with you
your pride was the only thing that was hurt (as well as your HEART because HEEJIN was CRUSHING it)
at one point you tried to catch her when she stumbled, but she grabbed onto you too forcefully and you ended up sprawled across her lap as she sat criss-cross on the floor, laughing at you
somehow this wasn’t awkward, just majorly heart-fluttering and made you want to scream
used by you
for some reason, heejin’s deep voice always reminds you of the enormous furry creatures that roam the great plains of america
neither of you understood why
heejin was a little offended when you first called her this
but over time, it became normal, and she didn’t mind until you referred to her as buffalo in the middle of the grocery store and the clerk looked at you incredulously
but oh well, she loves you, and you love her, so who cares?
used by her
prove me wrong i dare you heejin would call her s/o babe this is the way
this term of endearment comes out naturally for heejin
she was a little embarrassed when she first called you babe, as it just flew out of her mouth without heejin even thinking about it
but she went with it and tried to play it off as casual (cue fboy heejin) (you lost babygirl) (i’ll stop now)
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lihikainanea · 4 years
OMG ! sorry hella random I was just watching prank videos on YouTube and was thinking , Valter has his own YouTube , I mean I know it’s like video games and stuff but if one day when bill and tiger are visiting the whole fam in Sweden and he pulled a prank on her during dinner by putting that hottest hot sauce in her food during a big family dinner and just hers and he thinks it’s hilarious but Bill gets super protective daddy mode and mad at him because those hot sauces are no joke and tiger like is a whole mess after that
okay real talk, I hate pranks. I always think they are mean, and you are essentially laughing at somebody else’s expense and all of it just seems really, really cruel. Pranks involve you either scaring the shit out of someone, humiliating them, or otherwise making them physically or mentally uncomfortable all so you can get a laugh. The Libra in me HATES FUCKING PRANKS ALWAYS.
But, ahem, I do like this ask because tiger ain’t no bitch.
And you can bet that Valter sprinkles some of the hottest fucking sauce ever on tiger’s plate, when no one is looking. And you can absolutely bet that tiger tastes it on the first bite, but Valter’s poker face isn’t very good to begin with and now he’s just deadass staring at her waiting for a reaction so tiger absolutely knows he’s the culprit. And she’ll be goddamned if she gives him the satisfaction. Her tongue is on fire, her whole mouth hurts, she’s screaming internally and she wants to chug her entire glass of water--but tiger is also a fucking psychopath when it comes to competition, or to a challenge. And this? This has alpha male written all over it.
And when tiger’s involved? She’s the fucking alpha, you little bitch.
So she sits there calmly, doesn’t react at all despite the fact that her insides are turning to nuclear waste. She manages to suppress the cough and sputtering that is threatening to break loose, forces herself to stop sweating on the back of her neck. She eats slower than usual, taking much smaller bites, but she deadass stares Valter in the eyes the entire time as she chews each mouthful and swallows.
She finishes her whole plate, making a show of licking the tips of her fingers.
“Mmmph,” she mumbles as she stares at Valter, “Delicious.”
“Good kid?” Bill asks her kindly, patting her stomach lightly as she smiles at him.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Valter asks incredulous, “That had ‘100% Pain’ written on the label.”
“Which is the state you’ll be in when I hunt you down, blondie. You son of a--” tiger stands and Bill instinctively puts a hand on her arm to hold her back.
“What’s going on?” he asks, and it’s firm and parental.
“How are you even breathing right now?” Valter asks, “That hot sauce should have turned your tongue to lava.”
“I’ll turn you to fucking--”
“Valter,” Bill interrupts tiger’s threats, “Did you put something in her food?”
“Apparently not,” he snaps, “Your little girlfriend has an asbestos mouth.”
“Give it to me,” Bill demands. And he’s got that crazy look in his eye, so Valter rolls his eyes and digs through his pocket for a rather menacing looking little vial with an aggressive label. Bill snatches it and reads it, and then says something to him in Swedish that sounds angry.
“You ate this?” he turns to her after he reams his brother out, “Tiger, half the bottle is gone. Your stomach is going to disintegrate.”
She sits back down daintily, making a show of flipping out her napkin and placing it back on her lap.
“Well then I better get dessert before it does,” she says.
But listen, that night? Oof. That’s when it hits. Her tummy is inside out, she has bad heartburn, and she can hear Bill having a heated discussion in Swedish with his little bro. He comes back into the room with an arsenal for the night--Tums, some ice cream, some bubbly water. He sets her up on his lap while she groans in discomfort, hiking her shirt up so he can give her a few tummy pats.
“He’s an idiot, but so are you,” he grumbles in his ear, “Why the fuck would you eat the whole plate?”
“It was about winning bud,” she grumbles, and grabs his hand on her stomach, “Pats, too.”
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pwapuri · 4 years
"After rain"
Okay, I’ve never wrote a fanfic in english but I would like to try. I’m sorry about the mistakes, here we go, a GinTsu x Kontae oneshot. 
It was a rainy day across Edo. The weather forecast was a storm and the recommendation was to seek shelter. In the Yorozuya, the noise was concentrated in the Otose’s snacks. Kagura and the bar staff were making a mess with the customers who came forward in the late afternoon.
"How is my lucky day if its going to rain? My hair has started to look bad"
Upstairs, Sakata Gintoki remained watching the news along with the prediction of Kestuno Ana who at times seemed to speak to him: "you from Libra with curly hair, today is your lucky day!"
-Excuse me is anyone at home?
From the door, he heard a familiar voice
Upon leaving the cabaret 'Smile', Otae noticed that the rain was starting to fall. She thought that would not be able to get home in time, just when she promised to her brother to come with a treat, beef for the yakiniku. As she had worked during the day was dismissed during the night and could go home. However, the rain would hinder her plans.
-Otae-san? Needing an umbrella?
The voice was that of the Shinsengumi commander. Her stalker gorilla.
-Not your umbrella gorilla
-Ah, too bad. I don't have another one with me. As I was on the way home, I thought of accompanying you...
-Oh for god sake, so why don't you give me the umbrella and go alone? I heard that gorillas look good in the rain
-Otae-san… - he said in a serious and unusual tone- you know I would do it anyway, but today I need to get to the shinsengumi HQ on time, I understand that you don't want to accompany this gorilla, so...
Strangely, the gorilla left without insisting. The first thing the young woman thought was "go with the gorillas". However, they had known each other for so many years, went through so many problems together and even today that without any status they could say that there was a bond between them.
-Well... - Otae interrupted Kondou's farewell - since our path is the same maybe, I may accompany you.
Kondou let his plan slip. Maybe Otae already imagined that it was a plan based on some crappy movie that the gorilla fantasized about, but what harm would it do? Her home was far away and she was tired. In addition, the gorilla knew that at first nastiness she could blow his brains out.
-Ah, it's you ... - said the man sitting in the chair with a discouraged tone
-As you can see. Where is everyone? - said the death courtesan Tsukuyo, who entered the room with a bottle of apparently expensive sake wrapped in a bow as well as a box of sweets and some flowers in a small bouquet. She placed the items on the coffee table while entering the yorozuya store. She had been to that place very few times, in fact only once. Before the war against the tendoushuu they were usually the ones who sought her and after it was over, she no longer visited the saviors of yoshiwara.
-What do the winds bring? Who are these things for? Is the business in yoshiwara that bad? going to sell door to door?
-If I were to sell something like this it wouldn't be for a loser like you. These are Hinowa's New Year gifts, she apologizes that she can't come because of physical therapy, the children's otoshidamas are here with the sweets. Where are they?
-They're downstairs, at the bar. Leave it there and they'll take it.
Gintoki's speech was interrupted by thunder followed by the abrupt fall of the heavy rain that started to make a huge noise.
- Damn, it started raining. I need to hurry. -Tsukuyo made the comeback in order to leave
-Where are you going with this rain?
-Come back home.
-I think it is better to wait, I was leaving for the Otose’s bar too but now I’ll have to wait. Gintoki got up and went to the sofa, Tsukuyo who was near the exit door turned again
-It won't hurt to wait, sit here, I won't bite you
Tsukuyo thought twice before accepting, but she heard the doors slamming in the wind and heavy raindrops came along wetting everything; perhaps it would be prudent to wait at least a little while. On the other hand, being alone with Gintoki seemed even more dangerous. It had been literally years since this happened, since the battle at the terminal ended they only met in the smile once and with everyone. They haven't been able to talk since then, this would be a good opportunity.
-Well, maybe I expect the storm to subside.
She sat on the sofa next to Gintoki, the front sofa had a bunny-decorated cover and a series of debris that probably belonged to Kagura and it seemed impolite to move it. Even so, she sat far enough away that she didn't smell so much of Gintoki's male scent that makes her dizzy.
-Well, we haven't been alone like this for a long time. What happened to you in yoshiwara in that time? Although I saw it with my eyes ...
Tsukuyo arranged the tobacco in the kiseru and lit it with a match, puffed the first smoke and began to tell about the small problems she faced for two years.
-Kondou-san, your shoulder is wet.
-Ah! Er. - Kondou couldn't take Otae's concern and immediately blushed - it's okay Otae-san! Getting me wet in that rain with you doesn’t hurt - and he made the face of a romance protagonist with confidence, which only made him look more like an idiot.
-I knew you had read some shoujo and started fantasizing to make this scene.
-Otae-san. I actually read shoujos, but it doesn't change the fact that I want to accompany you anyway.
Otae stopped and thought: of course, she was angry at Kondou-san's constant harassment; she wanted to live in peace with her privacy. Even so she know about the goodness in her pet's heart.
Seeing the commander's shoulder completely wet, Otae passed her right hand under the arm that held the umbrella, thus reducing the distance between the two and allowing the space in the umbrella to increase. Kondou was caught by surprise, his eyes widening when saw Otae-san timidly clinging to his arm, being able to feel her warmth and her tiny hand resting on his haori. He thought of shouting for joy or grabbing the rest of his lover's body in a hug, but he thought better of it, any strange movement and that moment was over, any joke and not only that moment but the rest of his life would pass in front of his eyes. Of all the options he did the right thing, kept silent and blushed his face involuntarily.
-Don't get it wrong gorilla, in case you get the flu I will not accept you in my house or anywhere. Not that I accept normally. -Otae spoke in the tone of threat common to her with the sadistic smile of someone who is not kidding, but the cheeks did not deny that the situation was embarrassing in any way.
-So they didn't come back?
-Not until today, I believe they still exist, they may be waiting for the first opportunity to return but I will not allow it, as soon as it happens again I will have no mercy
-Saying like that even I would be afraid.
As the rain gradually subsided outside, Tsukuyo told Gintoki every detail of the two long years that had happened in Yoshiwara without the presence of the samurai. She told of the countless abused men, the children who could be born in this new era, the renovated tourist spots like Hosen's mansion and the traffickers and mercenaries who defied the power of women.
–How about you? - Tsukuyo changed the tone to a certain melancholy -What the hell happened to you?
- It's a long story, too long. I am not good at summaries, it is better to take the last volumes of Gintama and reread
-It had to do with your master, right?
-Yes and no. I prefer to keep it with me.
-Well, I understand, that's what I would do. I mean, what I tried to do. But you know what happened anyway.
The silence returned and they could hear the rain falling more gently now, wetting the plants, the sidewalk, hitting the roof and the gutter, running down the window glass, making everything around it damp. The noise, although much smaller than when it started, was now unbearable because it was accompanied by the subject that neither of them liked to talk about: the past.
-You said it was light ...- Gintoki broke the silence minutes of Tsukuyo's thoughts that went to the night that Gintoki had fought with Jiraia.
-The weight of taking your master ...
She did said that and in the end for Tsukuyo that was what it felt like, the weight of her master who was so giant and strong in the end had become light. All because she became a person strong enough for that.
- It wasn't my case. - Gintoki said thinking to himself about Takasugi's death and goodbye to Shouyou - But then, when it was over, that's where I understood why lightness. I think I was the one who got light after all. It feels like I've carried that weight my whole life.
-It seems so. But regardless of what happened in the past, you managed to carry not only that but all of us together. So when you laugh, we will laugh with you, when you cry we will cry even more with you. Just don't pretend to be a stranger again, don't be mean.
-It seems like something I said to someone a long time ago - he said with a slight smile
-Gintoki - interrupted Tsukuyo in a serious tone, with teary eyes - I know that maybe we are a weight, but, please ... don't disappear. We just need to be on your side, I just need you to be here. I ... I mean, we'll be here to support your nose when you cry. So ...- and in the end who started to cry was the courtesan of death, two tears leaked from her face that was now turned in the opposite direction of Gintoki, so he would not see her face flushed with sincerity along with the sadness of that request that it was choking on her throat for so long.
Gintoki remembered when he said that he would support that woman's runny nose when she cried, that he would make a face worse than hers if that happened. He couldn't see her face but he knew it was time to offer his shoulder and so he unconsciously moved towards her, the movement caught her eye and made her turn to follow the man who was approaching subtly. Gintoki hugged her slowly, holding only one hand up to her back and squeezing a little. He could feel the girl's tears wetting a little of her shirt and neck.
Tsukuyo who was taken by surprise kept her hand down, felt the warmth of Gintoki and his scent of curly hair shampoo, it was simple but it reminded her of how strong he was, made her think how safe she was in those arms. Gradually, she got used to that strong body that embraced her, she felt the big and strong hand on her back squeezing and descending, pulling her body even closer. She felt the man's deep breath next to the heat it transmitted and so, the woman raised her right hand and returned the hug, passing over the broad back that Gintoki had and squeezing, praying that she could belong to him just for that moment.
-Tsukuyo - the samurai breathed deeply, resting on the courtesan's shoulders, causing an instant shiver - I'm sorry.
Gintoki would like to apologize to everyone. He did not think in what order these excuses would be, even though he knew that he did nothing wrong, he wanted to keep everyone away because of the danger; He was afraid of losing any of them. But when he saw Tsukuyo he remembered why he should ask for forgiveness. He ended up not acting as he believed, he didn't let others participate of his life, he didn't let anyone help him. He then thought to himself, smelling the innumerable female perfumes of yoshiwara mixed with the tobacco that the kiseru produced, that if he could lessen their suffering at least a little, if he could ease the sadness of all his friends he would do. ..and the person who came to remind him to do this was one of those who needed him most, she was someone who never asked for anything in return for his company. The woman for whom Gintoki felt an attraction that had not changed over time, her body and her lines were in front of him, with the hand that hugged he also felt the waist well marked, against the chest he felt the heat and the shape of the breasts, on his shoulders he felt that woman's small but strong hand. At the same time, he remembered that he couldn't make her happy, even with his body wanting her so bad.
Tsukuyo in other hand felt her heart explode, even after so long it was him, no matter how, he was the one that she loved. She didn't ask for anything in return for that love, just by knowing he was okay it was enough. She wished that moment would last for eternity, that she would merge with him and live there. She wanted to feel his breath with each oxygen exchange; she wanted to keep that smell for the rest of her life. First, she wanted to kiss him, she wanted him to love her right there on that couch; she wanted this dream not to end. She could not fight that feeling only reinforced when they met.
The two began to contour each other's body with the hand they embraced. Gintoki sank his hand deeper and deeper into Tsukuyo's curve until he reached her hip, the other arm that had previously been in the white kimono showed up and took the other part of the courtesan's back up to her head and taking possession of her body. He couldn't avoid to thinking about the danger that was there in that room, but his blood began to flow and the heartbeat accelerated, he remembered when he went to bed with the courtesans during the war and knew that state, things would not end  well. Tsukuyo also started to lose control and sank her breath into Gintoki's neck that stood on end; her left hand was now in his curly hair, squeezing it gently in the urgency of belonging while her right hand went through the back muscles making it clear the will to rip that black shirt. With both noses and mouth exhaling hot air on each other's necks and rubbing against each other, with eyes closed and breathing deeply. The desire was now the biggest noise in the room.
Kondou felt the rain tightening, accelerated his steps but enough so that Otae could keep up.
-Kondou-san, I think we should stop for a while.
-If we stop, it may not be on time.
-I think I am slowing you down, please go ahead.
-No, please! I will not leave you here in this rain.
-Well, then there's no way.
They stopped under the eaves of a cafe. Kondou closed the umbrella while Otae removed the water droplets from his yukata.
-Who would say that in Edo it would rain like that again.
-Again? - Otae said curiously
-It looks like that day when I left Edo, when you loaned me the umbrella. You probably don't remember ... I always thought about when I could return that gesture, so much happened later and even if the normal had returned I had no hope, after all I was the stalker anyway, there was no reason for me to show up and you want to follow me.
Kondou turned around smiling gently, expressing no second intention or hysterical tone.
-But apparently, miracles do happen. Maybe that's why it's raining today.
Otae was not carried away by the gorilla's words; she knew too well that he was fantasize about the beginning of a romance. But she knew there, from her experience with men, that Kondou-san was being sincere and above all kind. That was why she hates him, such a kind man had decadence as his destiny. Moreover, that's why she adores him, only such a kind man was able to love her that way.
-I already said there is no miracle. I just thought it prudent to accompany the pet gorilla ... and by the way, you got wet and haven't dried yourself yet.
Otae took her handkerchief from her pocket and passed the gorilla's shoulder that made the happiest face in the world. Perhaps it was not a miracle at all, nor was it something of fate. Just a coincidence, a happy coincidence. The Shinsengumi commander thought to himself that this rain could last forever, that that moment could never end. You would get wet forever in that rain.
-Ah, Kondo-san, the rain is already passing!
-Sis, the rain has not passed. Now it's a rain of blood that started ...
Blood came out of Kondou-san's buttocks thanks to the killing blow that Shinpachi took with his sword from the lake toya. Shinpachi witnessed the two there at the eaves and soon understood: the gorilla attacked again. It was up to the brother complex to speak up and defend the honor of the Shimura.
-Ah! Kondou-san, it looks like Shin-chan has finally caught me up, so I'm going with him. See you later gorilla.
-Goodbye Kondou-san.
Therefore, the gorilla's sweet illusion lasted a rain and ended with a bokuto tucked into his ‘kestuno ana’. Which for him was enough to dream the rest of those days with his beloved Otae.
Delirious and rolling eyes, feeling their breathing increasingly wheezy and close to each other's faces, when their noses brushed their faces looking for their mouths along the cheekbones, the world stopped at Yorozuya. There were two people there who knew that they would not be together and become a family, dying next to each other, but what could they do with the feeling that was left?. One was the body and the other the heart. A combination that would never work. Without hearing the world outside as they almost became one in that embrace, the front door slamming suddenly interrupted them.
-Gin-chan, Catherine's old gag wants to know if you're not going to show up because if you're not she’s going to eat your share...
Gintoki and Tsukuyo were each at the end of the sofa now, the separation was as fast as possible. Gintoki gave a fake laugh as well as Tsukuyo, as if they had been in conversation for a long time, but the faces red as a tomato did not deny the previous scene.
-Tsukki !! you are here! Is everything all right?
-Oh! Kagura! It’s been a while! Everything is fine, I've just arrived, I came to leave these gifts from Hinowa. Sweets are for you eat as you please. Seita misses you, you could visit us ... -Tsukuyo started to speak trying to cool the blood and forget Gintoki's breath and smell
-Tsukki, is everything okay? Hey Gin-chan, you didn't do anything to her, did you?
-How would I do anything? Didn't you hear what she said? That she just arrived?
-Good! This is my home and my establishment, now I’m the president, any lack of respect with my customers is unforgivable!
Tsukuyo completely forgot what had happened, forgot the two years that they spent away from each other and could remember why Gintoki was so special, why he was a man who would not make a family. He already had one, without wanting to use a title for it, those were the people he fought for and she was naturally part of that family.
-Gintoki, Kagura, I'll be back with more time. The rain has subsided and I need to get back to work.
-But Tsukki you didn't even stay! Wait until the rain passes
-It's okay, I really need to go.
So she went to the door, put on her boots without looking back, without saying goodbye, without facing the man she loved again. She thought to herself: the rain had finally stopped.
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seafoamreadings · 4 years
week of february 7th, 2021
aries: as much as you can this week, keep your thoughts to yourself and think before speaking. would you rather be right or would you rather have peace? only proceed after pondering this question.
taurus: your ruler venus has two major conjunctions this week and one of them, that with jove, is extremely lucky for you and for everyone else if they know how to use the energy. if there’s a lovey-dovey feeling in the air just go with it!
gemini: mercury reaches the halfway point of its retrograde phase and then makes a handful of other meetings throughout the week. this is therefore one of those periods when you may need to be extra gentle both with yourself and others. don’t let the weirdness get you frazzled.
cancer: in a time like this it is best to avoid borrowing or lending money out. it’s a great time to get your taxes and other paperwork in order, although mercury presently retrograde suggests that it may be best to hold off a bit on actually submitting anything unless you are double and triple sure it’s all ready to go.
leo: mercury, in the midst of its retrograde cycle, makes a little rendezvous with your ruler the sun. you’re always glamorous and charismatic but this makes you a bit extra brilliant, if you work with it. that means going with the flow and remembering that progress is not linear but a spiral up.
virgo: this week has your ruler mercury in territory which may feel slightly uncomfortable to you. this isn’t necessarily bad - you’d never get anywhere if you didn’t leave your comfort zone, so allow yourself to grow.
libra: venus on jupiter in aquarius, your romantic/creative 5th house, is about as lovely an aspect as one can hope for. and there is little to tarnish that sparkle. but sometimes lovely things make us lazy. so be clear and intentional about what you want, and you will most likely just get it.
scorpio: the apparent overload of aquarian energy may have you in homebody mode. that’s okay, but consider a nice walk outside at least once this week. even better if you can volunteer somewhere or do something that makes you just a little anxious but which you know will benefit later on.
sagittarius: the week’s astrology may well have you feeling a bit fidgety. channel nervous energy into productive intellectual pursuits; read a new book, write a new book, have a deep conversation.
capricorn: try to focus this week on your values - not just your possessions and financial “value” but the things that are truly important to you. venus gets mostly associated in popular astrology with love and romance which is fine as she does rule those things, but true value is the more appropriate venusian focus for you right now.
aquarius: it’s an energetic week for you, which may either have you bouncing off walls, or burned out, depending on how well you wield your own energetic power. so you can use these transits as a kind of meter for that.
pisces: the venus-jupiter conjunction in aquarius is significant for you in some fairly subtle ways. your sign is where venus has her exaltation, and jove was your ruler in old times before neptune was known. falling in your 12th house, which has also got some resonance with you as the 12th sign, this brings up old memories, nostalgia for lifetimes you’ve forgotten. allow the wistfulness without dwelling too long.
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roselovesa · 3 years
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have you seen CHOI HYEJIN ? i heard SHE is a FLORIST at THE GREEN MEADOW. they’re 21 years old and they’ve been living in san verto for one year. they tend to be BENEVOLENT & MAGNANIMOUS, but rumor has it they can also be CAPRICIOUS & FINICKY. 
。*    ❪       📂   𝐂://STATISTICS.
name: choi hyejin 
age: twenty - one
sign: pisces sun / libra moon ( click )
sexuality: bisexual
gender: cis woman ( she/her/hers )
occupation: florist , pianist, & composer 
alignment: chaotic neutral
。*    ❪       📂   𝐂://BIOGRAPHY
* note: minho’s little sister !! <33 
📍   𝙿𝙰𝚁𝚃 𝙾𝙽𝙴 - 𝚜𝚎𝚘𝚞𝚕, 𝚜𝚘𝚞𝚝𝚑 𝚔𝚘𝚛𝚎𝚊.
born   as   the   youngest   child   of   a   nurse  &   a   teacher,   hyejin’s   childhood   was   nothing   out   of   the   ordinary.   her   love   for   music   had   always   been   apparent   —  her   mother   noticing   early   on   that,   whenever   her   daughter   was   throwing   a   hissy   fit,   all   she   had   to   do   was   play   some   classical   music   in   order   to   get   her   to   calm   down
hence,   it   shouldn’t   have   been   a   surprise   that   her   father   decided   to   teach   her   how   to   play   the   piano   at   the   age   of   6.   &  by   the   age   of   9   she   was   labeled   a   child   prodigy.   hyejin   would   often   participate   in   competitions,   attend   music   camps,   &   play   in   front   of   anyone   who   was   willing   to   listen.   her   talent   was   undeniable,   truly
in   the   years   to   follow   she   would   pick   up   other   instruments   here   &   there   (   violin,   guitar,   french   horn   ),   but   nothing   seemed   to   stick   as   much   as   piano   did.   hyejin   would   also   dabble   in   writing   her   own   music,   often   with   the   help   of   her   father
&   if   there’s   one   thing   hyejin   learned   it’s   that   practice   makes   perfect.   by   the   age   of   11   she   managed   to   become   an   extremely   valuable   asset   for   her   school’s   yearly   musicals   as   she   composed   about   60%   of   the   songs   performed   <33
she   went   viral   on   social   media   a   few   times   as   well,   her   youtube   channel   accumulating   about   1.6M   views   by   her   4th   upload.   she   would   frequently   get   interviewed   around   that   time   as   well,   with   professionals   often   commenting   on   hyejin’s   bright   future
📍   𝙿𝙰𝚁𝚃 𝚃𝚆𝙾 - 𝚗𝚎𝚠 𝚢𝚘𝚛𝚔 𝚌𝚒𝚝𝚢, 𝚄𝚂𝙰.
her   brother   getting   injured   on   tv   was   a   catalyst   of   change.   hyejin   convinced   her   parents   to   let   her   move   to   new   york   in   order   to   take   care   of   him,   being   well   aware   her   life   had   considerably   dulled   the   moment   he   decided   to   leave   a   few   years   prior
the   move   went   smoothly,   &   with   opportunities   lining   up   in   front   of   her,   she   decided   to   get   a   bachelor’s   degree   in   music   composition,   her   accomplishments   allowing   her   to   attend   one   of   the   most   prestige   universities   in   the   city
it’s   there   where   she   fell   in   love   with   a   guy   who   she   deemed   to   be   a   mentor   of   sorts  ;  always   pushing   her   to   do   better   &   achieve   unattainable   perfection.   it   had   been   so   easy   for   hyejin   to   trust   him   with   her   work,   with   him   appearing   to   be   the   more   experienced   &   wiser   of   the   two.   he   was   a   child   of   a   famous   musician   after   all,   mastering   the   arts   of   sweet   talking   unassuming   girls   with   a   whole   lot   of   empty   promises
so   when   their   uni   announced   a   proposal   of   a   student   being   able   to   apply   for   an   internship   that   would   skyrocket   their   careers   right   into   stardom,   hyejin   was   well   aware   this   was   an   opportunity   that   couldn’t   be   missed.   her   boyfriend   mentioned   how   he   wouldn’t   apply,   seeing   his   father   could   offer   him   a   job  easily,   but   mentioned   how   she   should   send   her   work   to   him   so   he   could   look   it   over   &  help   her   out
“  hey   babe,   i’m   sorry   to   tell   you   this   but   the   piece   you   sent   me   just   isn’t   that   good…   i   can’t   quite   put   my   finger   on   it,   but   the   composition   is   just   wrong.   it’s   okay,   though,   you’re   only   a   freshman   &   still   have   a   lot   to   learn,   we’ll   work   on   it   together.   but   maybe   forget   about   the   internship   for   now   ?   i’m   sure   with   some   improvement   my   father   will   manage   to   get   you   an   even   better   job…   anyways,   love   you,   talk   to   you   soon   ”
crestfallen   &   humiliated,   hyejin   accepted   the   fact   that   it   would   be   simply   too   embarrassing   to   submit   the   sheets   of   music   she’d   written.   it   was   two   weeks   later   that   her   boyfriend   abruptly   ghosted   her,   only   for   her   to   find   out   he’d   gotten   the   internship   by   applying   with   the   composed   music   she   sent   him.   he   denied   any   claims   of   stealing,   &   when   hyejin   told   her   professor   about   the   situation   he   basically   wrote   it   off   as   well
📍   𝙿𝙰𝚁𝚃 𝚃𝙷𝚁𝙴𝙴: 𝚜𝚊𝚗 𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚝𝚘, 𝚄𝚂𝙰.
in   the   next   few   months   it   felt   like   her   life   had   crumbled   down   around   her,   hyejin’s   future   career   appearing   grim.   minho   &   her   decided   to   move   to   san   verto   in   order   to   find   peace,   a   fresh   start   waiting   for   them   there
she   took   up   multiple   side   jobs   to   get   her   music   out   there   again,   while   also   trying   to   push   past   the   writer’s   block   she   experienced   due   to   stress.   on   week   days   she   would   give   rich   kids   piano   lessons   after   uni   &   bloom   under   the   praises   their   parents   would   give   her   skills.   on   the   weekends   she   would   play   at   a   5   star   restaurant,   hoping   the   right   people   would   discover   her   there
having   lost   the   comfort   music   once   gave   her,   hyejin   decided   to   take   up   a   job   as   a   florist   &   keeps   herself   busy   tending   to   flowers.   it   isn’t   her   ideal   career   plan,   but   at   least   she’s   moving   forward   with   her   life
throughout   the   years   she   kept   uploading   videos   of   her   playing   piano   on   youtube,   each   video   getting   about   900k   views   on   average.   it   allows   her   to   be   fairly   recognizable   on   her   own   accord,   although   most   of   her   fame   comes   from   being   associated   with   her   brother.   she’s   starting   to   climb   in   popularity,   though,   spending   some   of   her   time   to   focus   on   crafting   a   stronger   social   media   presence
。*    ❪       📂   𝐂://PERSONALITY.
🦋   𝙰𝚂𝚃𝚁𝙾𝙻𝙾𝙶𝚈 - 𝚜𝚞𝚗 𝚒𝚗 𝚙𝚒𝚜𝚌𝚎𝚜, 𝚖𝚘𝚘𝚗 𝚒𝚗 𝚕𝚒𝚋𝚛𝚊
click me !
empathic,   romantic,   impressionable,   &   imaginative   -   hyejin   tends   to   see   the   world   through   a   rose   colored   glass  ;   the   harsh   realities   of   life   often   making   her   want   to   indulge   in   escapism.   overall   a   generous   and   kind   person
can’t   handle   pressure   well,   ultimately   she’s   a   perfectionist.   hyejin   has   a   specific   vision   of   how   she   wants   her   life   to   play   out,   &   if   anything   interferes   with   that   she   might   feel   devastated   &   defeated.   however,   she’s   quick   to   get   back   on   her   feet   &  continue   pursuing   what   she   was   working   on
obsessed   with   fairytale   romances,   used   to   read   countless   of   young   adult   novels   hoping   she’d   experience   love   like   that.   hyejin   easily   tends   to   romanticize   &   idealize   the   people   she’s   fond   of,   thinking   they   can   do   no   wrong   in   her   eyes   &   putting   them   on   a   pedestal   *coughs* minho :( 
despite   all   of   that   she   has   a   great   intuition,   hypersensitive   to   her   environment.   she’s   often   aware   of   other   people’s   emotions,   meaning   when   someone   or   something’s   off   she   usually   able   to   identify   such   things   immediately
would   prefer   to   avoid   conflict   at   all   cost   as   well,   she   doesn’t   enjoy   being   faced   with   consequences   of   her   own   actions
at   first   glance   she   can   appear   rather   stand-offish   as   well,   not   really   the   type   to   walk   up   to   someone   &   handle   small   talk   in   an   eloquent   way.   she’s   shy   &   an   introvert,   the   type   to   hide   behind   her   mother   whenever   someone   addressed   her   when   she   was   younger.   hyejin   is   only   able   to   come   out   of   her   shell   around   people   she   knows   she   can   trust
channels   all   of   her   feelings   into   her   art  !!
。*    ❪       📂   𝐂://WANTED CONNECTIONS.
💌   𝚁𝙾𝙼𝙰𝙽𝚃𝙸𝙲 - 𝚜𝚞𝚐𝚐𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜   (   open to m/f/nb muses !   )
current   flings  
will   they   /   won’t   they  
friends   with   benefits   (   one-sided,   purely   platonic,   etc…   )  
unrequited   love   type   of   thing   (   either   hyejin   or   your   muse  )  
fake   dating   au  
exes   on   bad   terms  
exes   on   good   terms  
enemies   to   friends   (   ?   )   to   lovers   /   flings   (   ?   )   to   exes   (   ?   )   (   we   can   do   this   however   you   see   fit   !   )
one   of   them   caught   feelings  (  thinking   they   had   something   special  )   &   suddenly   the   other   ghosted,   perhaps   leaving   behind   a   bruised   ego   )  
💌   𝙿𝙻𝙰𝚃𝙾𝙽𝙸𝙲 - 𝚜𝚞𝚐𝚐𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜   (   open to m/f/nb muses !   )
best   friend  
good   influence  
bad   influence  
childhood   friends  
protective   type   of   friendship   (   can   go   either   way   !   )  
someone   (   preferably   an   artist   )  hyejin   looks   up   to  
friends   who   hang   out   purely   because   it’s   good   for   their   public   image  
secret   type   of   friendship   where   being   seen   together   in   public   would   damage   their   image,   aka   them   meeting   up   in   private   !  
were   set   up   on   a   blind   date   together,   hit   it   off   in   a   platonic   way   &   became   really   good   friends   <33  
only   hang   out   because   of   mutual   friends
💌   𝙼𝙸𝚂𝙲𝙴𝙻𝙻𝙰𝙽𝙴𝙾𝚄𝚂 - 𝚜𝚞𝚐𝚐𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜   (   open to m/f/nb muses !   )
hyejin’s   muse   aka   whenever   she   sees   them   she   gets   inspired   to   write   a   song   or   two   <3  
blackmailing   type   of   plots  
general   dislike   for   each   other,   they   simply   do   not   vibe  
someone   hyejin   teaches   how   to   play   piano  
rivalry,   they   see   each   other   as   competition  
have   shared   secret   where   both   of   them   are/were   involved   in   a   situation,   &  promised   secrecy   to   each   other
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sunnyteea · 4 years
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag blogs you are contractually obliged to know better (thank you to @principally-ace for tagging me!)
Name: Sunny (or Alana)
Gender: ♀
Star Sign: libra
Height: 5′3—but i have really long legs that make ppl think i am taller than i actually am in photographs
Time: 2:39pm
Birthday: 10/12
Favourite bands: uhhh..... I have an eclectic taste in music, i don’t really have a fave. I love musical theatre and broadway showtunes, kpop, jpop, old folk music, apparently some poppunk? I LISTEN TO TOO MUCH RWBY MUSIC is that rock music oh I also like Marianas Trench
Favourite solo artist: UHH?? please see above. i have adhd my music tastes cycle like no one’s business
Last Movie: The Old Guard
Last Show: RWBY but also 90 day fiancee
When did I create this blog: 2013!
What I post: predominantly rwby, but also a mix of other wlw content like art and ships from shows I like, and funny memes
Last thing I googled: hanging terrariums
Other blogs: oh several dead fandom sideblogs. too much effort to keep up, now we stick to just the one
Do I get asks: on ocassion, I wish I’d get more :’((
Why I chose my URL: originally I wanted to match my old deviantart name sunny-says, but that was taken lolol so i really like tea and I was like okay, sunnytea but that was taken too LOL i was stubborn though so i added the extra ‘e’ and now sunnyteea is my brand
Following: 1,563 (i wonder how many of these are dead)
Followers: just a little over 1K (still surreal to me that I’m at this number ahhh)
Average hours of sleep: I’M NOT A NIGHT OWL as soon as it gets dark out my body is ready to pass out. anywhere from 6-8 hours, less if i’m hyperfocusing
What I’m wearing: purple tangled slippers, old high school p.e. tshirt, and blue plaid pj pants
Dream job(s): voice actress!! i’m a theatre kid but used to have bad social anxiety so do not physically perceive me but here take my voice
Dream trip: I wanna go to Japan dkjdfkfj
Favourite food: SOUPS WITH NOODLES
Favourite song: I have currently played “Rather Be Me” from the Mean girls musical on repeat for hours so that one atm
Last book: Harrow the Ninth from the Locked Tomb trilogy I HAVE BEEN EMOTIONALLY DESTROYED
Top 3 fictional universes: RWBY, Tangled the Series, The Locked Tomb 
Tagging: anyone who wants to!! I MEAN IT, ANYONE!!! + i am also obligated to be an ass and tag @pugoata and I’ll do @saigamiproject too so she can’t tag Seny either lololol
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ungallagher · 4 years
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( andrew scott, 43, cis male, he/him ) was that GETHIN GALLAGHER ? i heard a rumor they work for the WALSH family, but who knows for sure ? They can be a bit DEPENDENT & A WILDCARD, but I also heard they can be LOGICAL & THOROUGH. You’ll usually find them at CHICAGO LIBRARY in their spare time, when they’re not being on THE COUNCIL. You may want to keep an eye on that one ! ( fox, they/them, 24, pst, no triggers! )
hello my friends and welcome to another episode of ME SCREAMING! my name’s fox, i’m 24, and never learned how to fucking read. i’m excited to be back and hanging with y’all. my pronouns are they/them and i’m a film student from the pnw! today is gonna be a good day. here’s some things about this dude. 
name: gethin gallagher. dob: may 1st, 1979 - taurus sun, scorpio moon, libra rising. occupation: council member. vague, and it'll stay that way. sexuality: homosexual. nationality: welsh. languages spoken: welsh, english, french, gaelic. hair color: black. eye color: brown.
gethin gallagher was born on a cold and wet morning in may 1976, and grew up in a town in wales with a name you probably can't pronounce. wales never proved itself to be a friend of his, but he was okay by that. it was never important to him to be in or out, but it kept him curious. as he went through school and gained a sense of self, gethin found it in his best interest to stay put.
ironically, cut to three years later. his father wakes him up on his birthday and tells him that they're getting in the car and leaving that night before supper  his father, cedwyn, only told gethin that he had "found a better opportunity" and that he shouldn't worry about his mother not coming with them. within the next four years, he would forget what her voice sounded like. he had a fine relationship with both of his parents, but his lack of a mother figure in his life would soon hinder him in his adult years, teaching himself that it was okay to let things bottle up and sit in his chest. his mother stayed behind with his aunt, as they were currently working with the family tailor business and keeping themselves afloat as a promise to their grandmother as young girls.
yep, his dad knows he's gay. you won't find a tragic backstory here - at least, not in that aspect. they didn't talk about it, god forbid. the first conversation came three years of gethin already finding himself; not out of fear, but out of inconvenience. if he didn't say anything, it would hang in the air between them until the day he died.
when he left ireland, the disconnect between him and his father grew more apparent. to gethin, the less time they spent together, the better. as he got older, gethin was more okay with it than he expected. after living together for his entire life, he came to the conclusion that he was with the wrong parent. but there's no easy way to say that.
he grew up. his father passed. he cried until he threw up, for the first time in his life.
it isn't long before he packed his bags and hauled his ass to chicago. 25 and suffocating underneath the summer heat and winter freeze. the grit against his grain, or so he described the city. at first, he thought he could be a librarian, but he wasn't tame enough for that. after that, he was a bartender, but that ended after he broke his hand on the job. these days, he spends days at the library and nights at the second story bar - he'll buy you a drink if you smile at him enough. really, gethin's a nice guy; not a pushover, not naive, but not overbearing or cynical. he wants to do the right thing, and apparently, tne right things is working with one of chicago's biggest families.
ummm yes! ok! nice! now that we're all best friends, i can tell you that i still have so much plotting left for this dude and am super stoked to write with u all. this bio is just temporary until i actually finish, but here are some connections i'd love to have!:
- joined at the hip: these two stick by each other when in trouble - they don't even have to get along terribly well for it to work. seen by other people as inseparable. this can be an alternative to a best friend sort of thing, or just two people who don’t really get along well but still do things together because they like the dynamic
- friends with benefits: this is fun — maybe they’re not even hooking up, just passively flirting with each other. some can be shameless, others more secretive and choosing to keep it away from people, while some just show it off to the whole world. not necessarily a relationship, but not just friends either - this label can encompass the grey area between the two distinct platonic & romantic relationships, so go wild!!
- childhood best friends: sort of like a "wow, we were friends when i moved to ireland or the states, but now we've grown up and you're completely different but i'm exactly the same, what the hell are we gonna do now?"
- bad influence: gethin is a pretty good influence, but he's not a goody two shoes or anything. he's definitely the first kid at the sleepover who tells their parent to pick them up early but doesn't say it's because everyone is getting hammered. it would be fun to have someone around to get into "bad" situations with
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plutoswrath · 5 years
horror for each sign
(Warning: explict description of violence and disturbing scenes.)
Aries: Gruesome:
I sit in the living room. The TV is turned on but there is no sound but the endless noise of the static. Black and white orbs mix into my vision and the walls are painted red. It mixes beautifully with the minty wallpaper, now adorened with red roses.  Mother was so annoying. Always telling me to move aside from the TV (’Stop watching TV!’). So I took the hammer Mother usues to tender the meat with. She sat in front of the TV. And I smash the hammer towards her head. Tendering her head like a fine filet. (Splatter. Splatter. Splatter. Crimson colored splatters everywhere). Mother is quiet and in my head everything is very loud. But then my favorite TV show comes on and I sit in front of the big, static scene. I forget Mothers now very well tendered head behind me. I am not bothered, being just by myself. 
Taurus: Tragic:
This appartement is a nightmare to sell. I’ve had some tough cases and some tough clients, but this is...nothing I was prepared for. Nothing about appartement 26 seems off at frst. It’s rather small, I could even say it has the potential to be cozy and warm, but there is something eerie clawing on your back, as soon as you enter it. Not to mention the figures I see in the corner of my eye and in the mirrors sometimes. The carpet is old and smells like somebody desperately tried to clean it over and over again in order to cover something up (murder maybe?). The bed always looks as someone just sat on it, even though I made it minutes ago. I learned not to put my keys on the shelf because they will go missing and reapear on strange places (behind the shower curtains). I am doomed because I am bound to this appartement. There has been a number that keeps calling me and asks if it’s still avaible, we made an appointment for a visit, but no one appeared. I can’t call them back, the number isn’t avaible (that’s what the voice of the Lady at the other side of the receiver whispers). But this number keeps calling me, every Friday at 12pm. I know something happened there, but at this point I don’t dare to search for answers.
Gemini: Disastrous:
Once there was a man, with a house big enough for him to live, too small for a family to grow. The man drew a picture of his family every day - 4 people. Happy and smiling, eating dinner at the kitchen table. The man brushed his teeth every night before lying down to sleep and combed his 4 puppets hair.  Humming, humming. He loved his puppets, dear companionship they were always there for him where did my family go? No need for a family I told her to stop shouting at me as his house is too small to grow one. Because he is alone and forever and will be and will not seek out for a real life company what do you mean they aren’t my children? Ding dong. I open the door and see a child a child that is not mine. I will refuse to accept that they aren’t mine I am alone and will keep me company, yes come in, I will buy some cookies, sit down on the couch, you want to look at my puppets?
Once there was a man, with  a house big enough for him to live, too small for a family to grow. But enough space for a small family of puppets, now combing 5 heads every night before lying down to sleep. 
Cancer: Cruel:
It is 08:30 pm. in the deepest of winter. The sun has set a long time ago and the world outside is warpped in a thick blanet of glistening snow. Four children brush their teeth before lying down to sleep, as they hear someone climbing down the stairs and opening the door. 
“Children, lie down, will you? Uncle Vitja will tell you a nice story before you go to sleep, okay? Since your mother and father are still in that restaurant they mentioned earlier they told me to help you fall asleep. Of course I prepared a nice story from Russia, what kind of question - oh, just hear what I have to tell, okay? Have you ever heard of Baba Yaga? No? Ha! I thought so, now, listen closely..never, never go alone into the forest and be disrespectful to nature, you hear me? Baba Yaga has her eyes and ears everywhere and somewhere she will watch you when you try to pick all the flowers from the fields or demolish the trees with a knife; yes I am looking at all of you! You are closeby teh forest, so pay attention! Her hut can’t be found since it stands on chicken legs and wanders around. Also you can’t enter even when you find it, because it turns around when sensing intrudors. But you’ll notice if its her shack even when it looks normal because the garden is adorned with human skulls since she likes eating us. Huh? What are you looking at me? I only tell the truth! She is one with the earth and one with life and death; she decides who needs to die and who doesn’t but this all...makes her hungry at times, it’s exhausting you know and the flesh of humans is so tender....”
Uncle Vitjas eyes run across the room as he turns to the opened window. 
“Rule number one: never leave your windows open when your parents aren’t home. Yaga smells the bad spirit of mean children!”
And his eyes turn red and his nose long. His back shrinks and his skin turns to bark. The teeth long and metallic. The children are in shock and fear grips them tightly as the old womans long finger hover over to them. They can only hope for their parents to come home soon. 
Leo: Mad:
“Manot? Dear, is that you? (.....) Dear, don’t be mistaken, I am sorry for troubling you with my calls lately, but I am so far away and I needed to hear you voice (.....) Oh silly, have you forgotten how to speak? I called your mom yesterday because I read that you couldn’t bring yourself to look her in the eyes after stealing the money she put aside for your fathers surgery (...) Oh- so sorry, I know you told me not to read your diary, but please, put those dangerous pills aside and come to me - no rehab needed, just my ever lasting love that heals you (............) Manot...now, don’t be mean. I wouldn’t break into your home if you would just give me the keys like I asked you to in my last love letter!! Pay attention to my words and you wouldn’t be so troubled all the time!! Stupid bitch, igoring me and my love as always, why do you think you’re higher than me? (.................) Can’t say something? (...............) Hello? (.......crrk.........) Hello? Are you recording this? Just wait till I come home! Hope you don’t fall asleep without me, hehe, mind it if you could put on those sweet mint colored panties you wore back than as you graduated? I loved these...ha..... (....). Well then, I need to go to work now. See you soon love. Bye.”
Virgo: Cold:
Our Grandmother used to tell us stories about her old school. Stories I like to tell my friends when we sit together for a drink after work. She has always been a funny woman, she’s been a clever kid that liked to trick her teachers at times and told me she never got into trouble because of the ‘funny’ old man (a monk to be specific) that apparently no one saw except her. The school (having been a monestary in the past) was old and full of history. And the kids gave the dead walls new life. And so did my Grandmother to this dead man who never talked but stood in the corner, pointing to opened windows  she snook out when her teachers turned away. Or directing her to the funny old photobooks of former students in the big library. He never left the grounds of the school though. She was young - 8 years old maybe - and felt special to have made such an ‘unique and special friend’, that she never thought about the fact that it could’ve been a ghost. So I asked her if he was nice. Her smile turned crooked and she looked out of the window as she answered: “I think he was once, but he was lonely for too long. One day I walked down the hallway and he pointed to staircase to the cellar or our school - something we were forbidden to go to under any circumstances because of the gigantic oven that stood there. Well, as idiotic as I was I followed him, but right in front of the doorway I stopped. His smile was off and he pointed into the black room where the giants red and orange mouth of the oven smiled at me. I felt the chance in the air and left, shaking my head. He looked angry and sad at the same time. Later that day one of our students went missing. And they found him. 2 days later, his ashes and bones in the oven. I am glad I was smart enough not to walk into the room that day and I never saw that monk again.”
Libra: Erroneous:
‘I love you, I love you’, I whisper as I turn the knife in your chest and stab into you heart for more than a thousand times. All the times I told you I loved you, I revisit those memories and breath heavily as I remember our first kiss. ‘Ah, your eyes are beautiful..’ So I plunge them out and put them in a jar, I place them on the top of my bookshelf so I can look at them and you can look at me when I lie down to sleep.  I  f e e l  t h e  w a r m t h  o f  y o u r  b l o o d  o n  m y  b o d y  G  o  d   y o u  f e e l  s o  g    o      o         d. I love the way you looked at me and you loved my smile so I engrave it into my skin, on my face - forever. I place my hand on your chest and the open wound allows me to toucg your heart. I smell you and feel you.
          I                                         l  o  v  e                                                y o  u. 
Scorpio: Demonic:
‘It is him who writes the names behind our wallpaper, when our little daughter tells me to look behind it. He is the nightmare that keeps her up at night, the monster underneath her bed, the long black hair that is tickling me in the shower. There is a shadow I feel standing behind me, someone breathing in my neck; the wind that is closing and opeing our doors and the force that drags me from the couch every time I try to sleep there. The feeling of someone standing behind me and watching how the blood begins to pump under the constant pressure in our own precious four walls.  There are eyes inside of the dark- A pair of two red eyes accompanying me everywhere. They are placed in every little black corner in our house. I see them in the reflection of the TV and the computer screen. They are bloody and since weeks our sleeping room smells foul. And it is I who brought him here in order to bring you back, my dear, and I brought sin over our love, over our home, over the one I swore to protect. And I will continue protecting her - in heaven.’
Love, Helena
(To whoever finds this: leave the ruins of this home and never come back.He will follow.)
Sagittarius: Bloody:
I once visited this town on one of my trips. It was small and far away from the next bigger city, but people from all around it swooned over the restaurants that has been there for several generations - apparently it served the finest meat in town. So naturally, I ordered a table for one the following day and tried a steak myself. Indeed, it was fine - very fine, tender and beautifully pink colored in the middle. I am confused though: I haven’t seen any fields with cattles or any farms on my way to this city. Nor do they have many tourists here; so how does this restaurant survive over the years? Then again, my uncle is an ivestigator and told me that near the next biggest city that is two hours away have been reported people that went missing over the past 50 years. And seemingly, they never reappeared. But they cases went cold since there were almost no hints or tracks. 
Oh god .
What am I eating?
Capricorn: Sinnful:
Day after day he cared for the old cathedral, being the only Pastor to talk to for the old village, in the dark times of WW1 being the voice of sanity that bring clarification for the desperate citizens. “God”, he asked one day, knees on the ground, “why does his happen to us? What did we do, our small village, to deserve being conflicted in this war?” God -  knowing that the higher sense of the things happening aren’t for this man to understand, the pastor knowing for sure that it is evi, tempted people creating chaos on earth - kept quiet and knew this was an inner war he had to fight for himself. The devil - listening as well - being sneaky and answering the man instead: “You want to know?”, he asked alluring. The pastor cried. “Yes..all this blood and murder..” Content the devil whispered into the ear of the Pastor, telling him all the sins of the people in town, showing him that there is no such thing as innocence.  No, every time someone dared to go to the confessional, it was not the Pastors voice answering him. Something dark devoured his soul that night, letting him lose hope in good and moral. And he shamed them. And he pushed their souls to the cliff in times of gruesomeness. And no one dared to put a foot into the church, even after the war. Because an old, bald man with bloodstained eyes wrote hieroglyphics on the wall at night, talked in gibberish and dared to haunt everyone who stepped into this holy place with their sinfull souls. 
Aquarius: Immoral:
24.11.2017. Day 23. I didn’t leave the labor for almost a month now. I am not interested in eating. I don’t want to sleep. I just...can’t stop hearing those screams of this...abstrusity the doctor shot two days ago.  I think he lost his mind. He thinks creating live is like cooking: grabbing some ingredients that seem to get along together and putting it all into one mixing bowl - hoping for the best. But that’s not it. That’s against nature, that is...disgusting. He is whispering names to those dead mutated baby animals. (Sophie, wasn’t it?) He hopes for them to live, but how are they supposed to live if they can’t even move their limbs? I wonder now, how far will he go? I am afraid he will test on me. I am a female, perfect to give birth to whatever he wants me to. I need to find a way out of here, before I become one of his subjects. He looks at me always a little too long at times. And he complimented my wide hips once.  I will hide this letter somewhere safe, so he won’t find it, but please, if someone’s gonna find this and me, nurse ▇▇ ▇▇▇ is no more, please, stop this madness. He has a cellar I am not allowed to go in, God knows what he is keeping in there, since I already know where he is keeping the animals. To whoever reads this, stay safe, don’t be fooled by easy money making like me.
Pisces: Otherworldly :
Mom doesn’t believe me.
She doesn’t believe that there is a Boogeyman in the closet, with yellow eyes and long, long fingers that tries to grab little children in their sleep. She doesn’t believe that when I close the door behind me, I can hear someone scratching at the other side of it. She doesn’t believe that there is someone standing in front of the window at night, that’s why I close the curtains always for her and force her to look away when the dark figures in the mirrors try to scare her. Mom hates the footsteps at night, but I just try to catch those bats that get into our attic every night. He sends them and tries to scare her so much so that she falls down the stairs and breaks her neck. 
Mom didn’t believe me back then and years later after I died in this house she still tries do deny the evil in it. But I am here to protect her. Even tho she is afraid of me, I love her and will forever be by her side. 
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vantekay · 5 years
tagged by @rosiegukk thank you cutie hehe
nickname(s): kay, kaybear, baby bear, baby, ladybug and uh i think thats it 
bias: i’m going to firmly say my baby taehyung and my baby jimin
blood type: im gonna be honest i have no clue
favorite food: mac and cheese, pizza and pasta hehe
birthday: october 19th 2001 bAby
zodiac sign: libra
pronouns: she/her
hair length: like right above my shoulders and my hair has barEly grown i hate it i want my long hair back
height: 5′7
a crush: none honestly 
what do you like about yourself?: my pretty eyes and my nice calves thanks to softball and my hips are pretty cute too i suppose oH wait is this not about physical features hHAHA okay um I like how hard working I am, if you give me something to do I will get it done no matter what (even if that means I give myself a migraine in the process but)
right or left handed: right
list of three favorite colors: green, light pink, light blue
(right now) eating: nothing
(right now) drinking: water
I’m about to: go shower
listening: baby by clean bandit feat marina and luis fonsi
kids: goD yes please i want babies so bad 
get married: it’s not something i’m dead set on to be honest but it would be nice
recent phone call: an unknown number called me today at 1 apparently bUt my mom called me on the 13th
(have you ever) dated someone twice?: uh I think? i might not’ve though unless you count being broken up for like a day or two and then getting back together lmao
been cheated on?: i mean i guess yeah I don’t even know anymore
kissed someone and regretted it: never had a kiss so
lost someone special: yeah, a couple people
been depressed: mhm
been drunk and thrown up: nope
had glasses or contacts: glasses since 3rd grade baby
had sex on a first date: im a virgin go awAy
broken someones heart: probably 
turned someone down: no?
cried when someone died: yeah
fallen for a friend: sort of i dont know my memory doesnt work
in the last year have you made a new friend: mhm many
laughed until you cried: those are the best ones yes
found out who your true friends were: yep and found out who i didn’t need anymore
lips or eyes: eyes
hugs or kisses: i want both
shorter or taller: taller or same height
romantic or spontaneous: both
sensitive or loud: sensitive
hookup or relationship: i cant do hookups lmao so relationship (though to be honest i cant really do either hAHAHA)
first best friend: my friend who knew me since i was born
surgery: do wisdom teeth count? thats it and when i had my molar pulled
sports i joined: softball
do you believe in yourself?: sometimes
miracles: yeah
love at first sight: with my hopeless romantic ass haha definitely
heaven: yeah i guess, I’m not really religious
do you have any pets: just my squishy hehe
do you want to change your name: just my last name and that’s happening soon
what did you do for your last birthday: we celebrated at home so not much
what time did you wake up today: 6:50am 
what were you doing last night at midnight: shleeping
something you can’t wait for: graduation in 4 months
last time you saw your mom: 5 minutes ago
what is one thing you wish you could change: theres a few, not gonna get into specifics
what’s getting on your nerves: not getting into that either right now haha
I tag @lilac-park-jimin @melonkooky @taetaespeaches @minkive @getmemyfries and @la-vie-en-tae and yeah as always you guys dont have to
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