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rosettyller · 1 year ago
How the minisodes/flashbacks serve to inform Aziraphale and Crowley's frames of mind, and their decisions in 2x06: a meta
part 1: victorian minisode [tag]
I'm sure other people have talked about this a lot, and I did touch on this in my meta here, but all the same, I'd like to sit down and actually get all my thoughts on the matter out somewhat coherently.
I think some people have had some difficulty accepting Aziraphale's decision at the end of 2x06, so it's really a good thing that these flashbacks - which appear to be all from aziraphale's point of view - were including, as they provide a lot of context to aziraphale and crowley's relationship, and why they chose what they did.
The minisode begins right after the intro; before the intro, we have Muriel visiting Aziraphale (and Crowley) to spy on them.
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(Please excuse Muriel's blink here, kmplayer was being a nightmare)
It's already been pointed out by many people how this is basically the same as police spying on / targeting queer people, which is again reinforced in the 1941 minisode.
But it brings to the forefront of Aziraphale's mind Heaven and Hell's surveillance of them, which is quite explicit in the Victorian minisode.
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Beginning with Aziraphale's bookshop and shots of his diary establishes it is his flashback.
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Crowley and Aziraphale are meeting up for a date casual meeting. There's no pretence of business, not even the Arrangement. They're beginning to feel safe(r) in their relationship - it's been almost 6 000 years, and they haven't been caught.
(more under the cut)
This minisode is more focused around morals, and it's set up straight away:
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Elspeth wants to keep herself and her partner alive. If she doesn't do this, they're dead, and she's not actually hurting anyone.
Crowley likes causing a bit of trouble, and furthermore, he understands her position. He doesn't agree with the Don't Do This Because God Said So, and sees a) a person not hurting anyone, but doing what they can to survive and b) someone willing to do anything to save someone they love
Aziraphale still thinks like an angel; God decides what is Good, and Bad, and God decided graverobbing is Bad. But Aziraphale isn't saying "stop doing this, you're going to hell because you're bad", he's saying "stop doing this, if you continue you're going to hell, because it's against God's will." he still thinks she can be redeemed.
Throughout this minisode, Aziraphale has big Main Character Energy (and Crowley had big Love Interest Energy), challenging Aziraphale's morals that he learnt from Heaven.
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As is the case with all the couples in Good Omens, Elspeth/Morag parallel Crowley/Aziraphale. Morag worries about Elspeth being condemned to hell, just as Aziraphale did.
Crowley and Aziraphale have their conversation straight from the books, about people who are poor having more opportunities to be good.
Apparanently, some people are saying this is OOC for Aziraphale, but I disagree. I think it sounds like exactly the kind of thing Heaven has said, over and over again, something Aziraphale believes because Heaven is Good, and because he wants to believe it, that those who are impoverished have a chance. (I had anther thought here, but I've forgotten it. Hopefully it'll come back to me.)
[Brief cut to Aziraphale & the yellow Bentley, Crowley's matchmaking attempt, then back to the minisode.]
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Aziraphale miracles the corpse, in an attempt to prevent Elspeth from sin. However, this means she loses money that would help keep her and Morag alive. We can see from Crowley's glare here that he's not impressed - that Aziraphale would take away Elspeth's choice to risk hell to keep herself and Morag alive.
Aziraphale, Crowley and Dalrymple have a conversation in which Dalrymple explains he's doing it to help people, and Aziraphale starts coming around to his point of view, running out of reasons to argue with it.
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Look at Aziraphale's face when he finds out the tumour was a seven year old boy's, and that he died. He's horrified, and then he looks like he's about to cry. (Not screencapped here, but he glances in Crowley's direction, and Up)
His hands are shaking when he hugs the jar to his chest.
Dalrymple reinforces again he's just trying to save lives, and then:
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Aziraphale looks down, thinking over what he said, thinking about the dead boy.
[Back to present, Aziraphale arrives in Edinburgh.]
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Aziraphale is delighted by his revelation, and shares with Elspeth that it's alright now, because it alleviates human suffering.
In voiceover/diary, Aziraphale states, "Having realised the error of my ways, I resolved to assist Elspeth and wee Morag in their noble quest to decrease human suffering."
This reflects Aziraphale's rather black-and-white view of the world; they're no longer sinners, but heroes, rather than just two girls trying to survive.
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When the watch is alerted, Aziraphale opens a tomb to help them shelter. He's committed.
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Crowley sends the watchmen down a hole. Rather more severe than Aziraphale's reaction.
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Morag dies while Aziraphale is busy giving a big speech on how he's going to save her.
I've spent a lot of time thinking about the purpose of this (not Morag's death itself). The only conclusion I've arrived at is it's making a point about how even if you have a Realisation, and you change your mind and your morals, that doesn't undo the hurt you've done in the past. But I don't really like that.
Upon the suggestion of Elspeth taking Morag's body to Dalrymple, Aziraphale is horrified.
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Note how Crowley is in the dark, Aziraphale in the light, while Crowley is the devil on Aziraphale's shoulder, whispering in his ear.
This challenges Aziraphale's newfound Realisation, bringing it closer to home.
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(Crowley spends a lot of this minisode lurking in the dark behind Aziraphale's shoulder)
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Crowley is decidedly less active in this minisode than Aziraphale, but here he goes big (literally), and saves Elspeth from suicide. Not Aziraphale, the angel.
Crowley brings up sinning again, and suggests to Aziraphale that he give his money to Elspeth, as it's what she needs to live a good life. (Aziraphale's stil a bit iffy at first, but he gives it)
I think this reflects, to an extent, Aziraphale's lack of initiative - he doesn't do things (or isn't supposed to) without Heaven telling him to. Such as the way they limit his miracles. He's not able to see a person suffering, and miraculously fix their life. And while Crowley is watched, and restricted, Hell certainly don't complain when he comes up with the brilliant plan on his own that secures them lots of souls (eg. Spanish Inquisition, French Revolution).
And then we have the lovely moment, Aziraphale reaching for Crowley and guiding him, Crowley saying, "Where are you?"
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Aziraphale's hands on Crowley's hips - they do physical contact now
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Their positioning is reminiscent of the Wall Slam scene.
And we know Crowley didn't have to drink it - he could have miracled it away, poured it on the floor, whatever. And it definitely did affect him, and yes it was funny, but Crowley's dialogue here reinforces why he did this: Hell is watching.
(and now here's the part where I actually get to the point of this meta. in case you've forgotten, it's how the minisodes provide context for the Final Fifteen)
Heaven and Hell are watching Aziraphale and Crowley - we know it's constant, if not always active, from the Earth Observation Files photos of them together in S1.
And Crowley is aware of this - has he been caught before? Anyway, he has an excuse (that can be verified) all ready to go if he's recalled to Hell.
(I also think it's a bit of a defence - in the Wall Slam scene as well - because Crowley disagrees with Heaven's definition of Good)
When Crowley gets dragged to Hell, Aziraphale is left alone in the cold, dark graveyard.
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His voiceover, "And that was the last I was to see of Crowley for quite some time," reflects that this diary entry is written some time after Crowley was taken, and they've since met up again. This means Aziraphale has had a long time to (over)think about what was done to him.
What Aziraphale sees is, Crowley is good. He does good things. And when he does good things, he needs to disguise it so he can excuse it to Hell. And when he fails in that, he is punished by Hell.
Why wouldn't Aziraphale want Crowley back in the fixed Heaven? Where he can help people in safety, without fear of punishment?
And if he can learn, why can't the other angels?
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townsenddecades · 7 months ago
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1311 – Day 4
Life is quiet on the Townsend farm after the number of its inhabitants is down to Benedict, his three sons and little Helen. Now that there are no more women in the house – Helen, who is only a toddler and can’t exactly help, excluded – the task to keep house falls on them to distribute amongst themselves. Every one of them puts in their part, from Benjamin helping with cooking, baking and childcare over Benedict doing the laundry to even Simon making the beds and overall keeping the house tidy.
Benjamin finds that he likes taking care of his precious little sister, and wonders what having his own children with Malika will be like. He doesn’t know if he’s ready for that yet but thinks he will be in a few years.
The dark winter months are lightened up by Gregory’s sixth birthday. Benedict can hardly believe how grown his children are, or that Anne has already been gone for two years. He still misses her as if she had died but a week ago. Knowing that she wasn’t around to see her daughters married, that she never got to see their children, whom she had loved so much, grow up, that she will never see Robert become a knight, still breaks his heart. It probably always will.
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He keeps himself from missing his wife too much by working on his carpenting. At this point, he is still making little money, but he hopes that in time, he will attract more costumers and more expensive commissions. He has also keeps the children’s blocks table in the room so he’ll have company while he works.
Benjamin gets into whittling as well, to help supplement their income. They will of course have Malika’s dowry to help start their lives together, but to realize the plans for expansion he has made, the family will need to make back the savings they have spent on his sisters’ weddings.
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There is good news in Praaven as well, because after several months of marriage, Mary Dudley, the new Countess, is finally expecting a child. Everyone is hoping for a son and heir, but Mary is just looking forward to holding her first baby in her arms. Although Elbenhawke Hall isn’t far away, her family has been unable to visit her due to the frozen roads, so it does her good to have a little one to think about.
Other than that, she’s only really had the running of the household to occupy her time, and even that has been quiet, because winter doesn’t offer much chance for entertaining or entertainment.
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If he isn’t out hunting or training in the yard, her husband spends much of his time shut up in his study, going over the administrative work necessary in the ruling of his lands. Now that he bears the brunt of his lordly duties alone – with the help of his steward, of course – he can understand why his mother had been hesitant to hand over the tasks she herself had only recently gotten used to to him. Nevertheless, he prefers being his own master, and appreciates his mother giving him and his wife the space they require to get used to their roles.
He is busy with correspondence when his brother walks into his study.
“I knew I’d find you here”, Clement says, once Ralph has laid down his quill and walked around the table.
Ralph raises a brow. “You mean where I always am?”
“That you were easy to find doesn’t mean I’m wrong.”
“No, just that you’re not as clever for it as you want to make yourself look”, Ralph rejoins good-naturedly. “And what has made you seek me out to relieve me of the endless torment of letter-writing?”
“I’ve noticed the Townsend boy is here again.”
“Robert? Yes. Mary invited him.”
Clement hums. “Odd of your wife to seek the company of her husband’s bastard brother.”
“I think she feels lonely, and likes tutoring Robert in painting. He has an eye for it, apparanently.”
“One would think that if she felt lonely, a countess would have a wider choice of companions. We could even ask mother to send Bessie or Gwen over.”
“And rob Mother of their company? Perish the thought. You should honestly worry less about our half-brother and more about your marriage prospects. I heard you broke it off with the Crawley girl.”
“There was nothing much to break off”, Clement replies with a wave of his hand. “I can’t help it if she and her ambitious mother read too much into a simple flirtation, and get upset when I turn my attention towards other women. Besides, I don’t need marriage prospects. You already have an heir on the way.”
“And you’ve seen how young people can die when Peter Pelham drowned.”
“I’ll worry about that when you’re in the grave, brother.”
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Matilda Crawley (Crawley Side Household)
Matilda Crawley; Premature Birth (Crawley Side Household)
Ralph Dudley, Earl of Petersmarch & Mary Pelham (Earl’s Household)
William Watmore & Edith Townsend (Watmore Side Household)
Prev: 1311, Day 3 <--> Next: 1312, Day 1
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sharaishvalda · 1 year ago
Hey! Worldbuilding buddies! Drop a random, insignificant fact about your world and @ someone!
I'll start:
One of the most popular foods in the Apparan Empire is soft cheese in grilled flatbread served with a paste of roasted tomatoes and peppers.
@bittersweetburnedcaramel @bone-and-butterflies
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apollolxii · 2 years ago
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Street Art-Sticker Art, Presgrave Place - Melbourne, Australia
by @apparan
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souldart · 2 years ago
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Today is the last day to see WOM INSPIRED 23: Mural ART Exhibition (details bottom) ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 'Penge rooftop Gallery (with roof to protect you from the rain!) opens the doors to an urban art experience, featuring over 40 new murals by female artists. The transformation of this unused car park is something to be seen, & hosts a spectacular combination of different styles. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The urban gallery is curated by @womcollective, with the support of @ldn_calling_blog and will feature murals by Mishfit, Roo, Tamoonz, HazardOne, Curiouser, Nush, Lours, Vane MG, Pixie, Neonita, Elno, Mowcka, Frankie Strand, Lespleen, Zippy, Layla, 7th Pencil, Vanjimmer, Shauna, Madam, Apparan, Caryn Koh, Elena Howard, Giusi Tomasello, Jeru Kinnaird, Karc, Lorenza, Mar, Oneslutriot, SoulD_Art, Sugar, Tash, Secle, Vero the neighbour and ywouldudothat.& more ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Details Address: Penge Rooftop Gallery (The Blenheim Centre, High St, SE20 8RW) Date: Saturday 18th March Time: 11am till 4pm ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #Internationalwomemsday #ladieswhopaint #sould_art #sould #graffitiart #streetart #urbanart #art #graffitiartist #graffitilife #graffiti_of_our_world #graffitiworld #streetarteverywhere #instagraffiti (at Penge Blenheim Shopping Centre) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp7LXz5ICBO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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NAPOLI. #whatifier #apparan
Felice 👾
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pjnicklas5 · 4 years ago
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Apparan street art, Shoreditch by duncan https://flic.kr/p/2kVkG2J
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platform58 · 5 years ago
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#SUPPORTARTISTS Reposted from @apparan No more tragedies like this. 💚 #grenfelltower with @topi19art #shoreditchstreetart #streetartinshoreditch #streetart #spraypaint #apparan #streetartistryeverywhere #grenfell #grenfellgraffitijam #streetartcolab #londonstreetart #londonstreetarist #streetartlover #streetartphoto #streetartporn #be_one_urbanart@grenfellspeaks @grenfell_united @grenfell_united @grenfelltowerawareness https://www.instagram.com/p/CChHPqApdtn/?igshid=17ebujfkv8lvh
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terribleviewart · 8 years ago
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More #upfest streetart! Great assortment of artists here on this fire door. Picture took at #upfest2017 Bristol, UK. - #dmstff #spraychild #melburnbug #vanitybomb #jkrxart #jkrx #goodluckbuddha #op #losthills #losthills_ #jimzina #apparan #urbanpaintfestival #bristolstreetartist #bristolstreetart #streetarteverywhere #streetart #graffiti #mural #urbanart #wall #firedoor #wallart #wallporn #terribleviewart
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windowpaneoyster · 4 years ago
sometimes u (me) get possessed and start writing a fic (400 words of a character study) for characters (wen qing and wen ning) u (me) havent thought about in months
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dudewhoabides · 3 years ago
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Heart in her hands from Apparan
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fiascostreetart · 2 years ago
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@subdudelondon @mowcka_official @apparan ……………. #streetartstickers #stickerart #pasteup #wheatpaste #art #graffiti #stickerporn #slaps #stickerslap #streetarteverywhere #graffitiart #stickerbomb #graffitiporn #worldwidestreetart #becreative #instaartist #stickerobsessed #streetart #streetartlovers #supportstreetart #graffitistickers #graffslaps #label228 #sticker #stickers #fiascoart #pasteupporn #streetartphotography #pasteupart https://www.instagram.com/p/CiqHNszLaCS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mister-higgs · 3 years ago
A short video by Le Spleen from last year’s London International Paste Up Festival, https://youtu.be/QG90XXJ5lKo featuring interviews with Apparan, WRDSMTH, Daddy Street Fox, Sould Art, Subdude, & Me :)
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artistmedea · 4 years ago
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“Harvey Nash” Electrowerkz, LDN, UK, True London, ‘21. • Such a beautiful place!!! Loved the atmosphere and the vibe! Surrounded by amazing artists such as @perspicereartist @apparan @lufagouf @non.xvi__ and many more. Sorry if I’m missing names, please let me know and I’ll add them here. Also, managed to capture original @stik on my sketches! 😊 Looking forward to more gigs like this one! • These series of sketches are for a charity cause for the homeless. ❤️ • All archival highest quality art materials. Sennelier Pigment Colour Inks on Acid Free Snow White Paper Smooth, 300gsm. Protected with UV Lascaux Varnish Brilliant Gloss. Size: A2; Unframed. • Original Color Sketch. Created by me; Signed & Dated on the front by me. • • • #medeayankova #medeayankovaart #medeayankovaartist #medeayankovastudio #harveynash #businessgig #londonlive #londonlife #charity #onelinesketch #lovemyjob #imanartist #professionalartist #alwaysartist #mainjobartist #kinkyboots #artist #originalartworks #originalart #wednesdaylondon #electrowerkz #truelondon #angelislington #lifepainting #sketcher #colors #originalartworksforsale #art #stik #liveart (at Harrow, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTR0oGUIfmg/?utm_medium=tumblr
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souldart · 2 years ago
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WOM INSPIRED 23: Mural ART Exhibition (details bottom) ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 'Penge Rooftop Gallery open the doors to an urban art experience, featuring over 30 new murals by female artists. The transformation of this unused car park is something to be seen, & hosts a spectacular combination of different styles. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The urban gallery is curated by @womcollective founders Lours & Elno, with the support of @ldn_calling_blog and will feature murals by Mishfit, Roo, Tamoonz, HazardOne, Curiouser, Nush, Lours, Vane MG, Pixie, Neonita, Elno, Mowcka, Frankie Strand, Lespleen, Zippy, Layla, 7th Pencil, Vanjimmer, Shauna, Madam, Apparan, Caryn Koh, Elena Howard, Giusi Tomasello, Jeru Kinnaird, Karc, Lorenza, Mar, Oneslutriot, SoulD_Art, Sugar, Tash, Secle, Vero the neighbour and ywouldudothat. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Details Address: Penge Rooftop Gallery (The Blenheim Centre, High St, SE20 8RW) Date: Saturday 18th March Time: 11am till 4pm ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #Internationalwomemsday #ladieswhopaint #sould_art #sould #graffitiart #streetart #urbanart #art #graffitiartist #graffitilife #graffiti_of_our_world #graffitiworld #streetarteverywhere #instagraffiti (at Penge Blenheim Shopping Centre) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpuh0aAIVNf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
0 notes
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NAPOLI. #whatifier #mypenleaks #apparan #JustEnjoyDesign
Felice 👾
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