#api info
ninja-man · 9 months
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Hello, it's me again! I plan on adopting a Beeper from @bugsybitties, but first I need some bee bitties for them to look after! I'll take as many that want to come home with me.
As a reminder the bitties I currently own are a lemon berry, two puddle slimes, and a honey slime from you guys, a Snowy from my own shop, and a dandelioness, an umeka, and a Yukiki from @alphamamalioness. And, you know, hopefully a Beeper soon.
- @himesbittycenter
BEE TIME BABEEEEE theres a lot lmao sorry
All of these bitties formed a colony(or a hive) together, and they need a place that’s willing to take them all as none of them want to split up lol
Bumble(Undertale Sans Bee): This bitty goes by Hicker currently, and he has the Fall morph, making him mostly brown with some spots of orange and red, he's a rescue but has had enough therapy(and a really good support system in his massive hive) that he can handle himself just fine, he does guard his honey but does trust his hivemates around it by now, and knows they wont take to much, as his old owners used to take all his honey, either forgetting or not caring  that he too eats the honey, hes dating Isaac, and has been for a long time, he was one of the main reasons he made it through everything when he was first rescued, his honey is a deep red orange and has a bit of 'bite', it's a lil spicy, not even Isaac knows how tf he makes it spicy, he's 5 inches tall,
Bumble(Undertale Sans Bee): She calls herself Peony, and loves peony and rose flowers, though she likes any flowers pretty much, she has the Spring morph, making her a soft greed with pastel pink, purple, and red flower patterns, along with vines that are a darker green, shes very social but likes to have her own space, and she loves mixing flowers into her honey! Giving it a much sweeter taste! It also has a bit of a purpleish blue tent to it, shes been with Rose for a few months, coming up on a year soon, and they love each other even more than when they started dating, she's 4 inches tall, making her shorter than average,
Bumble(Undertale Sans Bee): He goes by Isaac, and is about your average Bumble, often spending time lounging or making honey, he has eldritch eyes and polycoria, making him look pretty overworldly, though his hive doesn’t care anymore, he's been with Hicker for a long, long time, and loves him more than words can say, they live together and don’t even mind their honey mixing together, though his honey is a light golden color and is a nice sweet flavor, he's 7 inches tall, making him taller than average,
Bomb(UnderFell Sans Bee): Her name is Rose, lovingly named after her girlfriend Peony, though shes one of the sassiest bitties in the hive and has 'bad bitch' energy, but in a sundress bc she things she looks good in them, she loves decorating her and Peony's hive and loves making things to decorate with even more! Her honey is a deep red, and shes proud of that fact! She's 6 inches tall,
Hemi(UnderSwap Sans Bee): His name is Parker, and he has the heart eyed and the mask morph, he's kinda like the mail man, making sure everyone is up to date on any info and can fly the fastest out of everyone here, being able to zip around to everyone with ease, and the black mask marking makes it easier for him to see during the day! his honey is surprisingly low in carbs, sugar, and fats, and super energizing! Like, how did he make an energy drink honey?? Even he recommends it for breakfast for a good start to the day! He's 3 inches tall,
Hemi(UnderSwap Sans Bee): She goes by Tera, she has the Beast morph making her much bigger, she's dating Brutis and they are the ones that help make the hives they live in, and she's the queen bee, if anything happens she'll know about it first, she does her best keeping peace, though there are other peace keepers in the hive as well, her honey is a royal purple color it has healing properties and she shares it often, especially if someone is hurt, she's 7 inches tall, making her MUCH taller than average,
Aurico(SwapFell Sans Bee): She's goes by Arura, and has the Off color and Darkbones morphs, making her bones a dark black and her fur/fluff looks like galazies, and she has the Dull eyed morph as well, and she has no eyelights, she's been adopted by Tera and Brutis and thinks very highly of herself, though prides herself most in her almost glowing royal blue honey, it has healing properties in it(she learned out to do that from Tera ofc) and often shares it like her mother, she cares deeply for her and wants to be just like her one day! Even if she has to leave the hive and make her own! She's 4 inches tall,
Apis(Undertale Papyrus Bee): His name is Harlow, and has taken to greeting outsiders of the hive and even foraging outside of their territory, making him one of the main recourse gatherers when it comes to thinks outside of the hives area, he's kind and carring and has brought back many a lost or lonely bitty, though they're always vetted and watched closely, he's kind! But not the best when it comes to figuring out if someone isnt as kind as well, his honey is a nice orangey yellow color, though he doesn’t make as much honey as your average bee bitty, he's 7 inches tall,
Apis(Undertale Papyrus Bee): They go by Alex, and does a lot of watching from high up, they have the best eyesight out of the group, almost comparable to that of a hawk! So they've been appointed to be on watchout! They rarely make honey but when they do it’s a pretty red color and almost tastes like wine, and is actually just as alcaholic as wine, though they make sure no one has to much at once, just to make sure, they're 8 inches tall,
Apis(Undertale Papyrus Bee): It goes by Bark, it is a loner and prefers to be by itself, though it will be affectionate when it wants to, it usually chills in it's hive and makes honey or does some craft or DIY, honestly if anyone wants some furniture they uaually go to Bark for it, he's one of the best carpenters in the hive! If not the best point blank, it's honey is more waxy as it likes to use it to finish furniture, but it's like a nice butter too, depending on how cold it is, it's 7 inches tall,
Fera(UnderFell Papyrus Bee): He goes by Brutis, and he has the Beast morph, making him much bigger, he's the king of the hive by association as he's dating Tera, he's protective of his and Tera's hive, he was a rescue and had an old hive that was wiped out by a bear(they're small bitties! And the bear wanted their honey-) making him over protective of his hive, he has scars though they've healed and he used to work out to the point of hurting himself, though he doesn’t anymore, Tera makes sure about that, his honey is a red hot color, and almost looks molten, it tastes spicy and gives a massive energy boots and gives an effect almost like steroids(though not as bad) so he doesn’t share much, nor make much, he loves the taste! But eating it a lot can be harmful, he's 12 inches tall,
Talis(UnderSwap Papyrus Bee): She goes by Jennie and has the Beast morph as well as the Crystal morph, her crystals are actually bees wax!! she loves making candles, bitty sized? Sure! Human sized? Give her a bit on that one lol, she loves to mix things into her beeswax to make her candles smell good too! Her honey is usually just beeswax, though she loves making it taste sweet and look pretty! She somehow finds new ways to make it pretty colors every time she makes honey again! She stands at 13 inshes tall,
Talis(UnderSwap Papyrus Bee): Her name is Ethel, and she's Albino! She's a ghostly blue with soft pink spots on the her palms, the bottom of her feet, and on the base of her abdomen(the bee one) and up her spine a bit, and her eyelights are a dull soft pink as she also has the Dull eyed morph, she's super sensitive to the sun so usually just stays inside, her favorite hobby is basket weaving, though she'll also sew and makes a lot of the clothes for the hive! Her honey is a peachy color and she can turn it into a solid, it feels kind of like amber! And she loves basically glassblowing with it making  pretty bowls and vases and things! She stands at 7 inshes tall,
Talis(UnderSwap Papyrus Bee): He goes by Zee, and he has the Clown morph, his markings are black and white making him look like a Juggalo! And he is a Juggalo too, usually listening to music while he woodworks and whittles, he's a total sweetheart but he does have a special interest in things like murder, serial killers, cannibalism, and other morbid things, but he's still just as sweet as ever, his honey is a blood red color and he loves using the red wax it makes for finishing/polishing his wood projects, it tastes a little metallic(he's not a carrion bee- so no one really knows where it gets that taste and he wont tell anyone lol), he stands at 8 inches tall,
Rodo(SwapFell Papyrus Bee): Her name is Anna and she has the Vampiric morph, and makes her honey out of blood because of it, as the center we just give her blood bags(well, they're small- she doesn’t need a massive amount- but still) but she's also willing to take plasma, she can always add something else to her honey to make it taste better anyway, she likes joining Zee on his Juggalo activities, aka listening to music and getting a lil drunk or a lil high, she also has the Off color morph making her a black and red color, and she has the Eyeliner morph as well, making it look like she did some gothic type makeup, which is good since she prefers to dress gothic anyway! though victorian gothic(those vibes at least), Her honey is a blood red of course and tastes metallic, though she can tell that Zee doesn’t use any blood to make his blood lol, her and Rav are lovers, she stands at 8 inches tall,
Corum(Undertale Gaster Bee): His name is Callen, and he's the resident librarian along with his husband Icker, he also loves to bake, so usually has something like honey glazed rolls or something like that, he loves using his honey in his cooking and baking! Though his honey is just normal honey, but that’s not a bad thing at all! He stands at 7 inches tall,
Corum(Undertale Gaster Bee): She goes by Rav and she has the Halloween morph, making her black with purple web markings over most of her body and orange web like patterns making it look like she has web eyeliner around her eyes, she's dating Anna and she loves her goth girlfriend <3 she also loves to dress goth, though she also loves showing off her markings, so tends to wear more fishnets or just more modern goth in general, her honey is a blood red color as she likes helping make honey for Anna, so it does have some blood in it, though she loves the taste anyway, she stands at 6 inshes tall, making her shorter than average,
Calatus(UnderFell Gaster Bee): He goes by Harlem, and is a HUGE true crime fan and loves anything to do with the supernatural, he'd never admit it though, preferring to keep it on the 'down low', till someone mentions his favorite show and he starts rambling again lol, he's a total sweetheart but just hates admitting it, but he's not an asshole to 'make up' for it either, he's 8 inches tall and his honey is pretty normal in color, though he does like adding fruit juices to make it more red in color,
Calatus(UnderFell Gaster Bee): His name is Vance, he's a rescue and is one anxious boio, he tries his best to be confadient but ends up just sticking near Harlem(who he has a massive crush on, but he wont admit it to Harlem), and he usually just goes along with whatever Harlem wants to do, he's picked up Harlem's habit of putting fruit juice in his honey too, though he likes making it purple, but that’s mostly because he likes blackberries a lot lol, he's 5 inches tall as he was stunted due to malnutrition,
Humbee(UnderSwap Gaster Bee): He goes by Jera and is dating Goliath, they've been together for years and he loves cooking for him! Though he likes cooking for anyone, and besides, Goliath loves cooking with him too! He loves to bake too and is usually watching any kiddos that might be around, with the help of Goliath of course, though he's much less scary than his lover lol, he loves mixing things into his honey to make it all sorts of pretty colors and good tastes! He's 5 inches tall,
Frater(SwapFell Gaster Bee): She goes by Vio, and is kinda like Brutis and Tera's maid, though she has as much free time as she wants, all she does is make sure their hive is clean and will sometimes cook for them as well, she's actually the youngest and Tera often treats her more like a second daughter than a maid, and Brutis isnt to far behind her with that lol, so don’t be surprised if they adopt her at some point, she's 5 inches tall,
Frater(SwapFell Gaster Bee): He goes by Esker and is a bit of a loner, though you wouldn’t know that if you saw him near his husband Gregory, he and his husband run a bar and grill, though he prefers baking and cooking for it, liking to use his honey to make the foods and treats sweeter, though he's a little picky on who he likes, but he wouldn’t refuse them service if they arent being rude or something, he's 6 inches tall,
Charcoal(Fell Grillby): He goes by Gregory, and loves his husband Esker enough to 'play nice' with the muffets around lol, he runs a lil bar and grill with his husband and he loves it more than anything(say for Esker of course lol), and is more than happy to just do that, ignoring the muffets, he loves making his honey alcoholic and it's really popular in their hive, he's 9 inches tall,
Bahulu(FellSwap Grillby): His name is Icker, and he is the resident librarian with his husband Callen, He's a bee varient and he's fluffy! Though the fluff is under his fire, he doesn’t care much for honey but happily makes some for Callen, often making it a few different ways so his husband can experiment with it with his baking, he's 8 inches tall,
Coal(Horror Grillby): She goes by Scarlet and shes a rescue taken in by the hive with her boyfriend Tyler, she has trouble making enough honey to even last a week on her own, she used to have to overwork herself just to make enough for one day, and of course that wasn’t exactly something she could keep up with- and her previous owner, who just wanted to use their bee bitties for their honey, didn’t like the lack of honey she could make- so threw her out, she was running around for a few weeks before she met Tyler who took her in, though he ran way from his previous owners, but after they returned to the center they joined the hive they're in today and are doing much better! She stands at 7 inches tall and seems to be stunted,
Gelato(Tale Nice cream guy): He seems to be some bee ice elemental variant hybrid, we arent really sure whats up with that- but he goes by Icey and loves to make frozen honey treats! Usually making more in the summer or when it's hot out, and he usually hangs out with Usirus, who he's got a big crush on, and he tries flirting with him but Usirus is a little oblivious lol, his honey is usually a blue color but will sometimes be flavored and have different colors too, he stands at 7 inches tall,
Burger(Tale Burger pants): he goes by Osirus and has a massive fucking crush on Icey, though he's basically convinced himself that he wouldn’t like him back lol, it has been the reason for a lot of facepalms, he likes helping Icey hand out his treats since it makes him happy, though he doesn’t realize him wanting to help him makes him just as happy if not even more happy lol, he'll sometimes flavor his honey and gift it to Icey as a way to flirt, though Icey is a little oblivious to the fact it's ment to be a flirt lol, he stands at 5 inches tall,
Killer(Killer Sans): He's a rescue and is anxious as fuck, he goes by Frankie and usually stays near his best friend(and crush) Edwin, he's been diagnosed with anxiety and ptsd and therapy has helped him but it's not going anywhere, though he's still in therapy(and can continue for free after adopted with the same therapist), his honey is black and he doesn’t know why, it freaks him out a bit and Edwin has to remind him that it's normal(he doesn’t quite believe him but he trust Edwin), he's 4 inches tall,
Ash(Horror Sans): He's a rescue and goes by Edwin, he usually stays by his best friend Frankie, wanting to protect him and make sure he's ok, one day he hopes he can help his best friend finally relax, he cares deeply for him(and might have a bit of a crush on him) and wants him to just feel happy, he doesn’t think he's seen him smile in years- they both came from a very abusive household so he's taken it apon himself to make sure that wont ever happen again, he stands at 15 inches tall,
???((unknown au) Muffet bitty): We arent sure where she game from- but shes a bee spider Muffet bitty, we have no idea what au shes from, and she goes by Hivy(hive-E) and is a total sweetheart! She loves gardening and does her best to help with it, usually growing bitty sized plants or plants like blue berries so they can actually lift them lol, shes a fluffy pastel pink with pastel blue bands and she stands at 8 inches tall,
Guilt(Fell Chara): They go by Chicho, and seems to be latino?(though that has nothing to with their name, say for them naming themselves after a fuckin churro that they mispronounced once lol), they have tanner skin than the average Chara bitty, they see Ingo, Ty, and Kira as their siblings, often doing their best to help Kira and Ty with their peacekeeping adventures, they stand at 3 inches tall,
Coco(Tale Chara): They go by Ingo, and see Chicho, Kira, and Ty as siblings, they don’t care as much about the peacekeeping as their siblings, but that’s mostly because pretty much everyone gets along well enough that they don’t feel the need to worry about it, they love mixing chocolate into their honey and tends to chill off a bit watching their siblings, but will help if they need to, they stand at 5 inches tall,
Pliant(Fell Frisk): They go by Ty, and see Chicho, Kira, and Ingo as their siblings, them and Kira have taken it apon themselves to be peacekeepers of the hive, though they also help around when needed like with news, gardening, or if someone just needs some help with something in general, they stand at 5 inches tall,
Passive(Tale Frisk): They go by Kira, and see Chicho, Ty, and Ingo as their siblings, they're effectively mute, they can speak if they want to but just don’t, often making small noises instead(one of the only reasons we know they can speak, that and them calling a speech therapist a bitch- that was interesting lmfao), they stand at 6 inches tall,
King(Fell Asgore): He's a bee varient(ofc) and he goes by Goliath, and his dating Jera, he has a massive soft spot for kids and does his best to not spook them, though he has skull and bone patterning in his fur, so it's not the easiest not to spook them- and he's not exactly small at 18 inches tall, being the tallest in the hive(hence his name) and is also very protective of his hive too, though he's even more protective of his lover Jera,
Fluffybun(Tale Asgore): He goes by Tyler and is a rescue, though he found his girlfriend Scarlet on they way before finding the hive, he's extra fluffy and makes sure Scarlet has all the honey she could want, since she has trouble making enough on her own, and before he met her he ran way from his previous owners, who werent very kind, often hurting him and other bitties(he made sure every other bitty got out before he left too, getting the brunt of it as he got caught before getting out), but he's doing much better now-a-days and is still a happy go lucky goof ball, he's extra fluffy and often has to trim his fluff so he can see, though Scarlet usually does it for him now, he's 10 inches tall,
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mathysphere · 1 year
Went poking around to see what kinda tutorials are out there on how to use Etsy's API (there's not much) and also to see if anyone's doing any fun stats stuff w Etsy data (doesn't seem like?), and now my recommended videos are infested with How To Earn $999,999 A Month On Etsy With AI ART / Top Ten SEO Hacks YOU NEED / Here's What Etsy Doesn't Want You To Know etc etc etc :(
But it also rec'd a 40min vid of someone poring over an Excel sheet of AO3 data, which sounds WAY closer to what I'm going for, so that's nice
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captain-angler · 1 year
id love to hear abt malus can we hear more about him
Sure! I’ll give a rundown for that death obsessed weirdo:
Malus Apis is a fairy who grew up in the Basketberry Grove village, where other fairies also reside like he and his family (all locals in which resemble and are scented after different fruits, his family being apples). Both of his parents are the only morticians in the village, his father being a funeral director and his mother being an embalmer, so he grew up in the funeral home with them and has been introduced to death ever since a young age. Malus wanted to work as an embalmer alongside his mother, but he would be dissuaded by her for reasons unknown to him. Regardless, it never stopped his curiosity with death and other grim subjects surrounding it. He would commonly experiment with corpses he found and record his research in his journal, being very fascinated with the causes of death and decomposition ever since he was a child.
Personality wise, he comes across as sophisticated and intelligent being the scholarly person he is, but he also comes across as creepy and disturbing to others because of his morbid interests and questionable morals. Despite his franticness with his research, he is normally calm and polite. He behaves very formally, speaks in a monotonous voice, and is a reserved person lost in thought a lot of the time. He’s just an unhinged ass scientist who does chaotic shit in the name of research, whether it’s grave robbing or gawking at diseased-ridden organs. Despite being surrounded by reminders about his own mortality, he is oddly comfortable and unfazed by it.
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He likes eating apples and sometimes stares at people without realizing it. 😔
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holydramon · 1 year
literal worse time for me to try to learn how to video game program considering the reddit blackout
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icharchivist · 2 years
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concerning the whole API situation on twitter, a3′s twitter account recommend people to save their transfer code to not rely on twitter in case twitter shuts them down. Word of advice.
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azuremist · 1 year
Google is going to start scraping all of their platforms to use for AI training. So, here are some alternatives for common Google tools!
Google Chrome -> Firefox
If you’re on tumblr, you’ve probably already been told this a thousand times. But FireFox is an open-source browser which is safe, fast and secure. Basically all other browsers are Chrome reskins. Try Firefox Profilemaker, Arkenfox and Librewolf! Alternatively, vanilla Firefox is alright, but get Ublock Origin, turn off pocket, and get Tabliss.
Google Search -> DuckDuckGo
DuckDuckGo very rarely tracks or stores your browsing data (though they have only been known to sell this info to Microsoft). Don’t use their browser; only their search engine. Domain visits in their browser get shared. Alternatively, you can also use Ecosia, which is a safe search engine that uses its income to plant trees! 🌲
Google Reverse Image Search -> Tineye
Tineye uses image identification tech rather than keywords, metadata or watermarks to find you the source of your image!
Gmail -> ProtonMail
All data stored on ProtonMail is encrypted, and it boasts self-destructing emails, text search, and a commitment to user privacy. Tutanota is also a good alternative!
Google Docs -> LibreOffice
LibreOffice is free and open-source software, which includes functions like writing, spreadsheets, presentations, graphics, formula editing and more.
Google Translate -> DeepL
DeepL is notable for its accuracy of translation, and is much better that Google Translate in this regard. It does cost money for unlimited usage, but it will let you translate 500,000 characters per month for free. If this is a dealbreaker, consider checking out the iTranslate app.
Google Forms -> ClickUp
ClickUp comes with a built-in form view, and also has a documents feature, which could make it a good option to take out two birds with one stone.
Google Drive -> Mega
Mega offers a better encryption method than Google Drive, which means it’s more secure.
YouTube -> PeerTube
YouTube is the most difficult to account for, because it has a functional monopoly on long-form video-sharing. That being said, PeerTube is open-source and decentralized. The Internet Archive also has a video section!
However, if you still want access to YouTube’s library, check out NewPipe and LibreTube! NewPipe scrapes YouTube’s API so you can watch YouTube videos without Google collecting your info. LibreTube does the same thing, but instead of using YouTube servers, it uses piped servers, so Google doesn’t even get your IP address. Both of these are free, don’t require sign-ins, and are open source!
Please feel free to drop your favorite alternatives to Google-owned products, too! And, if this topic interests you, consider checking out Glaze as well! It alters your artwork and photos so that it’s more difficult to use to train AI with! ⭐️
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cai-tan · 1 year
"you are expected to have a grasp of c#"
Buddy. Pal. My sibling in Gaia. I have a grasp of C# already. Enough to know that you don't normally get a compiler error for not having a certain normally optional keyword on your class. Quit patronizing me with your "we're not teaching you C#" bullshit like I'm a skiddy.
I do know why it's enforced, but that's only after fifteen minutes of feverishly Google searching and finding the answer on a nine month old blog post. That is a textbook definition documentation issue.
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midyearflowers · 1 year
i recently upgraded my operating system cause every program i used was like "ew windows 7 die" so i decided to just keep my pics and stuff and start fresh on my computer. which means i get to start my mod stuff all over (it was a mess anyway tbh) and i just got a bunch of stuff for a new playthrough of stardew valley and im slightly concerned ill start it up for the first time and itll just. immediately crash
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nyancrimew · 2 months
Did you see the Twitter API leak that revealed "protected users" who get the green flag to break ToS and a list of "allowed" slurs?
you can read my twitter thread objectively analyzing info surrounding the alleged leak where i conclude (up to now) that this leak is most likely forged here
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ninja-man · 9 months
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bunjywunjy · 2 years
so um. ya may have noticed that twitter is broken af. apparently the muskrat has "revoked the api"
I'm not a tech person but I know u are. what exactly does that mean.
I'm not super up on the details but from what I've been hearing it means that he's revoked free access to twitter's API and put it behind a paywall :/
the API is basically a programmatic backdoor to twitter's... everything... that lets people write their own code that either pulls info from or directly interacts with twitter in some way!
which is a LOT of code currently out there in the wild. it's everything from third-party apps to funny bot accounts to seemingly unrelated systems that were using twitter to track their data. some apps will have to cough up to access the API again, but a lot of personal projects and open-source freeware won't be able to.
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rythyme · 3 months
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Introducing the Thai Drama AO3 Trends Dashboard! (Beta) 🇹🇭
Over the last several weeks or so I've been building an auto-scraping setup to get AO3 stats on Thai Drama fandoms. Now I finally have it ready to share out!
Take a look if you're interested and let me know what you think :)
(More details and process info under the cut.)
Main Features
This dashboard pulls in data about the quantity of Thai Drama fics over time.
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Using filters, it allows you to break that data down by drama, fandom size, air date, and a select number of MyDramaList tags.
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You can also see which fandoms have had the most new fics added on a weekly basis, plus the growth as a percentage of the total.
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My hope is that this will make it easier to compare Thai Drama fandoms as a collective and pick out trends that otherwise might be difficult to see in an all-AO3 dataset.
Okay -- now for the crunchy stuff...
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Scraping 🔎
Welcome to the most over-complicated Google Sheets spreadsheet ever made.
I used Google Sheets formulas to scrape certain info from each Thai Drama tag, and then I wrote some app scripts to refresh the data once a day. There are 5 second breaks between the refreshes for each fandom to avoid overwhelming AO3's servers.
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Archiving 📁
Once all the data is scraped, it gets transferred to a different Archive spreadsheet that feeds directly into the data dashboard. The dashboard will update automatically when new data is added to the spreadsheet, so I don't have to do anything manually.
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Show Metadata 📊
I decided to be extra and use a (currently unofficial) MyDramaList API to pull in data about each show, such as the year it came out and the MDL tags associated with it. Fun! I might pull in even more info in the future if the mood strikes me.
Bonus - Pan-Fandom AO3 Search
Do you ever find it a bit tedious to have like, 15 different tabs open for the shows you're currently reading fic for?
While making this dash, I also put together this insane URL that basically serves as a "feed" for any and all new Thai drama fics. You can check it out here! It could be useful if you like checking for new fics in multiple fandoms at once. :)
Other Notes
Consider this dashboard the "beta" version -- please let me know if you notice anything that looks off. Also let me know if there are any fandoms missing! Thanks for checking it out!
The inspiration for this dashboard came from @ao3-anonymous 's AO3 Fandom Trend Analysis Dashboard, which I used as a jumping off point for my own data dash. Please give them some love <3
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dinisuciyanti · 4 months
Pendidikan tersier
Seminggu terakhir di beberapa sosial media riuh soal tingginya UKT pasca SK Kemdikbud yang baru launching dan pernyataan staff Kemdikbud soal Perguruan Tinggi itu termasuk pendidikan tersier, bukan wajib 12 tahun SD-SMA.
Mari kita lihat datanya. Per 2017, hanya 9.35% lulusan Universitas (D3/D4/S1/S2/S3), 7 tahun kemudian, menjadi 10.15% di 2023.
See? Dalam 7 tahun, hanya naik 0.75% dari total penduduk. HANYA 0.75%, menuju Indonesia Emas 2045. Itu pun dengan sistem UKT yang belum naik 4-5x lipat seperti sekarang.
APBN pendidikan 20%, setara 665 T. Yang didapat Universitas? hanya 1,2% atau 8 T, dibagi ke 184 PTN, tergantung besar-kecil PTN tersebut.
Info nya juga, 50% dari 665 T angggaran pendidikan diberikan ke Dinas Pendidikan daerah. Padahal kalau Universitas dapat porsi 10% saja, itu sudah sangat membantu.
Tapi, the gov is not willing to improve it. Bukan prioritas :) tapi bikin patung api 335 M bisa, bikin rumah menteri 14 M x 36 menteri ada, tunjangan DPR seumur hidup ada, lucu memang.
Katanya 10 juta genZ tidak sekolah juga tidak bekerja, tanggapan orang pajak apa? "beresiko rendah penerimaan pajak", ya gak salah sih, kan orang pajak, memang kaum middle class hanya diharapkan untuk support negara, tapi negara is not willing to support them first. What do you expect? Golden era in 2045? :)
Memang mencerdaskan bangsa adalah tugas muhammadiyah.
18 Mei 2024
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themesbypale · 1 year
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Page 04: POKÉDEX 98 
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An about page that is also a Pokédex mini web application, based on the Pokémon Yellow interface design. Why? Because is having a Pokédex in your blog is cool! (。◕‿‿◕。)
Read the customization guide here.
A full functional Pokédex. You can search any of the current 1000+ existing pokémon. 
Set your dream team easily.
Change the language of the Pokédex.
About section.
Tags/Links section.
Extra section that can be used for more information, terms of use, FAQ, etc.
Toggle Light/Dark Mode and customize it, too.
Add background music and switch on/off.
Select between ultra retro or modern sprites for your team.
Responsive on mobile.
More info:
This page retrieves all the pokémon information through the services of the Poke API. The Poke API is a full RESTful API linked to an extensive database detailing everything about the Pokémon main game series. This means this page does not have coded any information of the pokémon, instead every time you search a pokémon the app connects to the API and gets the information back.
This is the first version of the page, but in the future I will add more functionalities! Recommendations are always welcome.
The Pokémon nformation is dependant of the Poke API database, so if there is some information missing or wrong the Pokédex page can’t control that.
Make sure you have Javascript enabled on your blog.
Credits on code.
Inspiration came from Pokémon first generation games and also the page was inspired by @nyctothemes beautiful first generations themes! Check them out!
Please reblog/like if using! :3
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sirenjose · 4 months
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Theory: about Vilhelm, Alice, Orpheus, the final game, and who made the assassination request
The organization Vilhelm has had Evelyn train and grow for him, an organization (skilled in secrets, deception, disguise, and the like) which included women like Martha Behamfil, are highly likely to be the ones spying on Alice, who had been adopted and taken to Melbourne by Vilhelm for his experiments until she managed to escape with Orpheus' help. Vilhelm likely wasn't happy by this, which would explain why he might've sent his spies to find and investigate her. They were eventually exposed though, leading to their recommendation the target be "eliminat[ed]".
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This could be when Vilhelm made the assassination request. Possibly because he couldn't let any information about his secret organization leak (or anything else bad he might've done), which could've been her intent eventually considering she decided to be an "investigative journalist" (solving mysteries and reporting on her findings).
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And considering based on this we know Vilhelm was recommended to eliminate her, that would relate to the "assassination" request we knew Norton was given. This was the reason Norton went to the manor (for the final game), meaning the 2 options (so far) are Melly or Alice, and if the request came from Vilhelm, Alice is the more likely answer.
Melly on the other hand I think may currently be blackmailed by Orpheus, who I think found out about what she did to her husband, and thus why he would've sent her the same "rare" bee specimen that caused his death (implying he knew the truth).
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I think everything Melly said is technically true (maybe could call it a lie of omission). She is here due to her husband's death, which was caused by a "type of rare bee venom" that wasn't recorded in his observation notes. And she did likely receive a bee specimen from the manor, the same that caused his death, and was promised info on the bee species and the cause of her husband's death if she participated in his game. But I think what is missing is she was the one to find and utilize that type of bee, which based on the Ashes of Memory Concept Video may have been the "Apis Mellifera Scutellata Lepeletier" or Africanized bee, and likely that Orpheus may have threatened to release the truth about how she killed her husband to the public if she didn't participate in his game. The Concept Video even had an article that talked about how they attack, how deadly their sting is, and affects caused by their sting, with the following frames showing a path for the bee from Cape Town in Africa to London, England.
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It's possible Orpheus may have done similar to Norton, and maybe that could explain why Norton worked with Orpheus to capture and drug Alice in Orpheus' secret basement. Unless Alice did hallucinate Orpheus as Norton in that 1 basement scene where she's drugged.
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If it wasn't a hallucination, that would imply Norton is working for both Orpheus and Vilhelm, unless the request came from Orpheus.
It's clear that Orpheus cares for Alice considering Alice's 1st letter shows he helped her to remember him (Orpheus) and escape from Vilhelm, with him calling her his "Nightingale" at the end of the letter (potentially a hint to Alice maybe being connected to "Miss Nightingale" in the present day). So Orpheus doesn't actually want her dead, but it's possible he might've made the request in order to create a situation where he could act like a hero and save her from death, gaining her trust and potentially helping them to grow closer together.
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The order would've come from the manor owner (Baron DeRoss), meaning Norton (and everyone) wouldn't know Orpheus is the owner, and thus (if he does actually try to kill her) he would just think someone random (not the person who made the request) was trying to stop him.
Additionally, Orpheus most likely knows Alice is Alice, based on his behavior in Ashes of Memory 1 and 2, expressions, and how he knocks her out and drugs her. It's likely he kept an eye on her the whole time, including her time at White Sand Street Asylum (based on his 1st letter) and her time with Vilhelm in Melbourne, based on Alice's 1st letter and Alice's flashback during Ashes of Memory 2, as well as likely afterwards, after he helps her escape. It's probably just that Alice doesn't know who Orpheus really is (her friend from before the tragedy, or the fact he's the manor owner).
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So, if Orpheus doesn't want to kill Alice, but is still trying to use his drugs on her, that may mean his goal has to do with her memories. We've already seen he cares about what she remembers, considering he made sure she remembered him. Maybe his goal then is to change her memories of the tragedy, the most significant and tragic moment of both their pasts. Her backstory even states she "suffered from hysteria" afterwards, while Orpheus' 1st letter states she is "unstable" and even includes the comment "what happened in the past wasn't a great memory to her". Therefore, maybe he wants to change that memory so it's no longer so painful for her. It's possible he may want her to completely forget, but as he didn't want her to forget him, I think it's more likely he wants to change the memory somehow, which could fit in with how the Hydra drug (which "reconstructs" memory) seems to be the drug with the most focus or emphasis (it's the drug Orpheus drinks near the latter part of the Time of Reunion event).
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How exactly he wants it to change, I'm not quite sure yet. There is the possibility he wants to at least change her memory of his involvement in it, considering Bonbon's deductions implies he may have helped his real parents take some valuables from the manor. Maybe he also wants to disassociate himself from his real parents, so she doesn't remember it was his own parents that caused the events that led to her parents' deaths. He could do other things as well that would make the memory less painful, maybe even change who she thought her real parents were so she doesn't have to deal with the memory of losing them, who knows. Maybe he wanted to change it so he was the son of the DeRoss couple while she wasn't, so it'd be him in her memories that'd have to deal with their deaths rather than her as much. That could fit with the story he tells her, where he phrases it as he was the kid of the DeRoss couple instead of her. Whatever else, I don't know.
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But we know from Alice's trailer that she wants to "face" the truth and whatever other troubles she encounters. She doesn't want Orpheus to be trying to make her avoid the pain by making her forget or changing her memories, nor does she likely agree with his experiments or methods he uses to test his drugs, and thus why she in the end will work to stop him (potentially with the help of Melly and Norton, considering Tracy's game as well as COA 4 emphasize the importance of teamwork to achieve victory).
I still wonder about the specifics regarding what Orpheus' end goal is, but I also wish I knew more about what Vilhelm (and Count Barriere) was trying to do. We know he wanted "goods" from the Mediterranean based on a deal he made with Jose's father, Joaquin Baden. We also know from Evelyn's backstory that he was having her training people like her (in deception, disguises, acting, tricks, good social skills, how to be dangerous, etc...) to work for him like some type of spy organization.
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This is likely the same organization from Martha's 4th letter, which is referred to as some type of "unregistered organization" that even an official intelligence agency are unable to investigate with all their manpower and resources. Though it is suggested information on that organization may be "beyond our clearance level", suggesting it is pretty important.
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Speaking of Martha, who we know was 1 of the most gifted students Evelyn trained, Martha we know from her 3rd letter is unable or unwilling to be herself. Considering how she was meant to take over for Evelyn, I wonder if this was the type of person Vilhelm wanted Alice to become. We know from her 1st letter she had been forgetting some things, including who Orpheus was. Maybe if Orpheus hadn't saved her sooner, Vilhelm would've been successful.
Maybe the "goods" Vilhelm wanted from the Mediterranean were for his experiments. Maybe it was some of the goods included the "Delphi" plant that we know is used in Orpheus' drugs, as well as Vera's Euphoria. Maybe like Orpheus, Vilhelm wants to mess with people's memories too, maybe to help his organization and to get whatever else it is he wants.
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