#aph norway x reader
hetaliaimaginesin2022 · 11 months
hi atlas, i love ur texts !! <3 could u do some imagines for norway, denmark and lithuania falling asleep while the reader was reading them fairy tales? thank uuu, wishin u an amazing day <3
Thank you so much, you're so sweet, I hope your day is just as lovely as you are
Denmark, Lithuania, and Norway Falling Asleep To Their S/O's Reading To Them
Denmark • Matthias Køhler
When you picked up the book and started reading, you were sitting on the couch, Mathias' head resting on your thighs while his attention was on his phone
As you started reading, he didn't immediately notice, too focused on whatever group chat he was in, but at some point in your reading, it caught his attention and he started listening
He placed his phone on his chest and closed his eyes, just intending on listening for a little while, but quite quickly after he did so, he drifted off to sleep, lulled by your voice
Lithuania • Toris Laurinaitis
He loves the sound of your voice, finding it to be calming and deeply soothing, especially when he's struggling with sleeping, as he's prone to do
While he's embarrassed doing so, he'll actually ask you to read something cute while he tries to drift off, so you choosing fairytales is kind of perfect
He enjoys laying in bed next to you while you softly read the short stories, a small smile on his face
It makes him fall asleep better than anything else
Norway • Lukas Bondevik
He's an unabashed lover of fantasy, mythology, magic and the arcana, so he doesn't mind you reading fairytales aloud (this is probably not an uncommon occurrence and he'll occasionally make requests of stories from his country)
He normally doesn't fall asleep when you read them, however, since he had to sit through a particularly long World Conference meeting earlier in the day, he couldn't help it
With him leaning against you, he slowly fell asleep, relaxing to the sound of your voice
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atom-writings · 1 year
hiii! i loved your "what they would look for in a partner" post so do u think u could do that with the nordic characters?? thank you<3
(Hetalia Nordics x Reader) What they look for in a partner!
(Gender Neutral) Headcanons ~ A/N ty!! omg first nordics request! Be warned. I do not know these guys that in depth. So. theres that/. Also noirmally i wouldnt write minors but considering iceland is hundreds of years old and only physically 17 im making an exception
Trigger Warning: None, just Fluff!
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Berwald is a man of few words, so he’d adore a S/O that can ramble on for hours and hours. It’s awkward when it’s quiet… and he’s not going to be the one breaking the silence.
Anyone who doesn’t find him intimidating would make him so happy! Even when he’s being arguably very scary… it’d break his heart to know his S/O was afraid of him.
If you value family as much as he does (which is a LOT,) he’d love that! He spends a lot of time with his family and would like to start one with you, so if you didn’t like family, that’d be a problem.
Weirdly enough, he prefers people that are more plain and average. At least on the outside. He’s quite bland himself (or at least, that’s how he sees himself) so he doesn’t want to have to match your energy.
Someone who’ll indulge him in his fixations. Who won’t ask too many questions when he goes on a week-long chair-making binge, barely coming out of his woodshop.
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Tino is a surprisingly particular man when it comes to dedicating himself to a romantic partner. He’d want someone chill, not too talkative, but not too awkward. Someone whose soft and cuddly, but not afraid to stand up for themself.
He often misspeaks, so if his S/O was not forgiving and understanding of those kinds of things, that would make things difficult.
Like Sweden, family is very important to him! He visits with his own a lot, so he would love to do the same with his S/Os! If they have a difficult relationship with their family, he’ll understand, but it’ll still be hard for him to keep it out of his mind.
Someone who is positive! Constant sarcastic comments and debilitating remarks towards others just make him feel sad… 
He doesn’t like doing very exciting things often, so a partner who is very comfortable with nothing more than domesticity would be perfect! What else would you need besides a nice home and a cute garden to tend to with him?
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Lukas… is not a skilled communicator. Whether he likes you or not is often unclear, and it’s difficult for him to think through what he’s going to say. So, all he needs is something that can put up with his anti-social behaviour, basically.
He often is at a loss for how to properly express his true feelings, so his S/O has to be comfortable with him randomly coming up to them and smothering them with physical affection. 
Someone who isn’t uncomfortable speaking up for the both of them. He’d adore an extroverted partner!
He prefers people that don’t require him to adjust himself too much… he has no aversion to changing for you, but he’d prefer a partner who isn’t… abject to his normal behaviour. He’s a thousand years old, you know? It’s hard to teach an old dog new tricks…
Anyone who enjoys impulsive decisions. Be prepared to be unprepared when he wakes you up at 2 am to get pancakes and drive across the country to see his family. But don’t worry, his impulsive decisions are always the more fun ones.
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Emil would love someone who's a lot like him! A little immature, a little hot-headed, sarcastic, and absolutely awkward. He’s a very specific type of person, and he’d like a partner to be that type as well.
Someone whose sensitive and emotional would work well with him too. He finds it cute, plus he can relate. You’re just a little better at actually expressing his emotions, rather than bottling them all up.
Speaking of which, he’d prefer someone who isn’t too afraid to speak their mind. Someone who refuses to talk things through, preferring to just be passive-aggressive and non-confrontational, would just stress him out.
Anyone whose unique! He finds himself quite plain, so he would love getting into your interests. You’re both young, why not do fun impulsive things? He wouldn’t have the courage to do it without you anyway…
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Oh boy. Mathias is not particular in the slightest way when it comes to partners. He would date anything or anything that can consent. Basically, if they haven’t killed anyone and you aren’t a complete asshole, he’ll love them.
Despite that, he still has a few preferences. He’d find someone who’s awkward and needy just absolutely adorable. Like he is absolutely ecstatic to be a “they asked for no pickles” boyfriend.
But getting along with someone super sensitive would also… not be easy. He can accidentally be a bit brash in his humour, so he’d love someone who just laughs along instead of taking it personally. If they’re bothered by his loud, sometimes crude, behaviour, it’d just break his heart!
He’d prefer a partner that trusts his judgment… more than they probably should. He can get stubborn, so if they aren’t also too stuck in their ways, that’d be for the best. 
Most importantly, he’d prefer a S/O that loves his family just as much as he does! They’re gonna have to spend a lot of time around them, after all.
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milaisreading · 4 months
Hetalia AU:
Finland: Where were you yesterday?
Iceland: Yeah, it was unusual to not see you around.
Yn: Ah... My boss said to make more friends. To not be just around the same people all the time
Denmark: Well, your boss can suck my d-
Norway starts chocking him while Finland tries to calm them down.
Sweden: And who did you meet up?
Yn: My boss arranged a meeting with Hungary and Taiwan.
Norway after Finland separated him from Denmark: Sounds nice. And, how were they to hang out with?
Yn, remembering all the yaoi art of other countries Hungary and Taiwan showed her: It... It was nice... Uhm... I think I have enough of making friends for this decade.
The rest of the Nordics wonder for the rest of the day what happened, while Yn plays with Hana and Ladonia.
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Hello! I was hoping if you would be willing to do the 2p Nordics with a very short s/o? NSFW if possible!
Of course! I hope you enjoy this :D fair warning tho I'm tall so I naturally don't have a lot of experience with being short ^^;;;
2p Denmark/Markell Køhler
He likes it a little too much in the wrong way (cough pervert cough)
He thinks that you being tinier than him is cute, and he will make you wear cute stuff and then fuck you in it, the size difference turns him on
2p Finland/Thurston Väinämöinen
He's already short enough as it is and he hates it, thinks it makes him look weak. That also applies to a possible SO, you would ideally be tall and lean so you can defend yourself and fight of course
He likes it in the bedroom kinda, he prefers having power over you, but that's about it, he'd still fuck you regardless of height, he just finds taller people to be better mates
2p Iceland/Erikur Steillson
Also prefers an SO who is shorter than him, so you're in luck, because he definitely enjoys the power trip of having a shorter SO both inside and outside the bedroom
It also makes it much easier to kidnap you and tie you to the bed until you agree to be his. His communication skills are shit, blame Loki for that one. Actually none of them really taught him any of that
2p Norway/Loki Thomassen
He doesn't have a preference for height other than it being close to his own. You can be as short as you like and he'll still kidnap you, force a love potion on you and then treat you like his most precious play thing
A short SO definitely also gets the short end of the stick, as he overpowers them more easily that way, size matters in this case
2p Sweden/Bernard Oxenstierna
His preferences lean towards a shorter SO but it's not really as outspoken as some of the others preferences. Mostly he likes picking up a short SO and swinging you around like in a dance and also because it's easier to move you around during sex if you're small
His yandere tendencies also have him leaning towards shorter people, they are easier to control physically. It's gonna be fun that day a short person absolutely wrecks him because he thinks them a weakling
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appleandsnow · 4 months
Lukas and Snow
You'd woken up earlier than expected and couldn't go back to sleep.
Instead of tossing and turning and accidentally waking Lukas up, you decide to head out of the room. You wrap yourself in warm sweaters, fuzzy socks and settle yourself in the balcony to enjoy watching the snowfall.
When Lukas wakes up, he's surprised to not find you in bed. He wraps his blanket tight around himself and heads out to look for you.
He finds you in the balcony and settles himself in the chair next to yours.
You blow him a kiss.
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merbear25 · 25 days
Heehee, I'm sending you another immortal reader request, could you do it with 3 of the Nordics (your choice for which ones). Reading the immortal reader x hetalia is really tickling my brain! -🪽
Hello, lovely 🪽 anon! Glad to see you again :) I'm glad I'm helping tickle your brain. We all need that sometimes tbh. I tried so hard not to use elves in these because hot damn they're everywhere in Norse mythology. I hope you like what I've written for you 💜💜
a/n: I read a few slightly conflicting stories on the physical appearance of a Keiju (one being tiny, the other being a slightly smaller human) so please forgive me if it's a bit off.
pt 1, pt 2, pt 3
CW: fluff, headcanons, slight angst in Denmark's, these creatures are typically depicted as women in folklore but no pronouns are used for reader.
Meeting an immortal (Norway, Denmark, Finland)
Norway: Huldra Reader
Wandering the forests, you found a lot of solitude amongst the trees. With so many settlements popping up on the outskirts, your curiosity was piqued.
Observing the new people, you caught glimpses of a light-haired man who looked to be rather young in comparison to the others. It seemed they were organizing the layout of the soon to be village. Watching from afar, you thought of ways to work your magic on your unsuspecting prey.
He was scouting the area for good places to fish when you stealthily stalked him behind the trees. The lack of fortune he had fishing was beginning to wear on his patience. Coming out from behind the trees, he responded to you like all the others had—awe-struck.
His silence was telling, indicating that your charm was working. Eyeing his expression intently, you revealed your tail. Though glancing at it, he appeared unphased. Instead of being repulsed like the others, he surprised you; pointing out that your skirt was hiked up and you may catch a cold. A bit taken aback by his gentlemanly concern, you stepped a bit closer, taking more notice of where he was fishing.
“You may want to try fishing at that end over there.” You pointed at a spot at the opposite end of the lake. Giving you a blank stare, he nodded and thanked you for your advice. Every day he returned to that area, looking for something, fishing, or just enjoying the peaceful nature. You couldn’t help gaining interest in him. He seemed so much unlike the others, and naturally, you wanted to learn more about him.
You began exchanging pleasantries which eventually led to forming a friendship. He had so much knowledge of the world beyond yours, and you offered the same. His knowledge of your world and the creatures in it surprised you, but you felt even more intrigued. Who exactly was he?
Among one of your many meetings, you finally asked him why he didn’t age like the others. Informing you about the duties and existence of personifications, you felt a sense of relief blanket you.
Knowing he wasn’t going anywhere for a very long time brought you comfort. It brought the same to him, as well. Even though you would live for hundreds of years and him possibly outliving you, you were happy to know your dear friend would be around for many years. You got the feeling he was glad too.
Denmark: Mermaid Reader
The summer sun felt nice on your face. You were relaxing in your favorite cove away from the growing hustle and bustle of the towns lining the coast.
Every now and then, a straggler would appear—typically a man either exploring the area or rowing along the calm waters admiring the natural beauty of the cliff side. Sometimes you’d practice your singing on them. Most of the time you did so out of boredom or to get them out of your hair when they became a bit too interested.
On your way to your favored spot one day, you spotted a man walking along the beach. He was wearing a carefree smile as he soaked in that day’s rays, leisurely strolling down the unpaved path. Trying not to get too close in fear of him spotting you, you lurked behind, watching him.
You decided to take cover behind a rock, patiently waiting for him to do something. He appeared unremarkable, boring and a bit ditsy even. “Hey, there!” You jumped out of your skin at the overly familiar, flirtatious call coming from behind you. These men snatched the attention of the man you were observing, as well.
He came running, shouting at them to leave you alone. Feeling cornered, you thrashed about in the water, calling attention to your scaly form. Unfortunately, this only caused your distasteful suitors’ desire for you to increase—scheming to auction you off, no doubt. Just as one of the men threw a net over you, a large rock was hurled at his face, making full contact and knocking him back.
Focusing on trying to get out of the net, the sounds of the other men’s yelps of pain and eventual retreat were already fading off in the distance when you heard someone splashing in the shallow waters towards you. Panicking, you warned them to stay back.
“Let me help you!” His caring tone soothed you enough to stop thrashing. He untangled the net from around you, immediately in awe at what he was seeing—a mermaid. His face lit up with a type of childlike wonder, wanting so badly to talk to you, to get to know you. Despite being shy, especially around humans, you humored him. After all, he just saved your life.
With nearly daily conversations, you learned all about his experience as a personification: the good and the bad. When he mentioned how hard it was to get close to anyone who wasn’t also a country, you felt a twinge of sympathy. Even though you weren’t immortal, you’d be around for hundreds of years. You offered to stay with him for as long as this world would have you, which earned you the most sincere smile of gratitude you ever received.
Finland: Keiju Reader
As the mist kissed your skin, you wandered happily amongst the flowers blooming in the meadow. You adored taking the time to care for them, smelling their sweet petals.
Such serenity was becoming more and more difficult to come by in the modern world. The reality of it made a tightness in your chest appear, hoping that the inevitable would have been further in the future.
Unfortunately, you felt forced to frequent that meadow less and less, seeing as many humans were venturing out of towns and cities to explore more of nature. Generally speaking, you didn’t mind humans. However, you could feel a part of you die when you saw one of them disrespecting this lovely world.
Being painfully shy, you regrettably slinked away when an opportunity to confront them presented itself. Eventually, you retreated into the deep forest, finding peace next to a pond. You dipped your feet in it, your wings fluttering in response to the sensation of the cool water.
Closing your eyes for a moment to soak in the peaceful moment, you were jolted awake by a small tongue licking your arm. Letting out a startled shriek, the surprising greeting had come from a small dog. “Oh, hello there. Are you all alone?”  Your tone was soft, helping the dog regain its confidence after the sudden yelp you made.
“Don’t bother the nice lady, Hanatamago!” As the man came closer, it was apparent that he noticed you were no ordinary woman. Stood there with his eyes wide, he quickly apologized if his dog was bothering you and reassured you that he was very friendly.
You responded politely, saying you didn’t mind since you didn’t have the chance to see many dogs. Commenting on how much of a sweetheart his pet was, he used that as a segue of continuing the conversation. In spite of your bashfulness, there was something calming about him. You were starting to enjoy your conversation, even hoping it wouldn’t end. Learning more about each other, you shared stories and opened up to each other.
Learning about the other’s identity, taking the time to understand each other: you couldn’t have asked for a better first impression. You were comforted by the fact that he wouldn’t age. Even though you would, you’d be around for many more centuries; he was more than willing to let you know how glad he was that he’d have plenty of time to spend with you.
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Yandere Norway headcanon if available
Yandere Norway Headcanon
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Obsessive and reclusive yandere.
He doesn't really show much emotion.
Lukas always sounds bored.
So it may come as a surprise that he is a yandere.
You piqued his interest.
Maybe you saw magical creatures too.
Others would send them to a mental institution.
But Lukas understands you.
Or you got Iceland to call him big brother.
It would make her happy.
Lukas is a little stalker.
He wants to find out everything about you.
He would use the help of magical beings.
Which is bad for you if you can't see them.
Lukas insisted Iceland call him big brother for many years.
man is patient.
And quiet.
So you probably won't notice when he kidnaps you.
Lukas really tries to take care of you as best he can.
YOU can leave at any time.
But you probably won't get very far.
It is difficult to escape from a house that is really deep in the forest.
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Hetalia: Nordic Europe Masterlist
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Hello Everyone, This is the Masterlist of my planned post and the link to the post of the scenarios. You also can see some of the symbols below. Also, starting now. I also accept headcanons and scenarios for 2p Hetalia other than just 1p Hetalia.
🌹: Smut
🥀: Angst
🍭: Fluff
😂: Comedy
🧐: Random
🧸: Domestic
😐: Non-Specified
🗡️: Gore/Yandere
❤️: Romantic
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With a Scenekid S/O 🧐
With a S/O who have Phalloplasty and Top surgery scars🥀🍭
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With a S/O who have Phalloplasty and Top surgery scars🥀🍭
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With a S/O who have Phalloplasty and Top surgery scars🥀🍭
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With a Scenekid S/O 🧐
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- Empty -
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Yandere Werewolf Nordics or Allies that's in love with a quiet fox darling. Their territories are close and they have somewhat of an unspoken agreement. Other than that the darling doesn't pay them any mind and is worried about finding a suitable mate ( that isn't them )
Nordics becuase yeah! >:D
Here's the thing is because i can I am gonna make the nordics a group that lives together (I am excluding iceland since he is a minor) the nordic 4 as a group knowing where you live and thrive will stalk you as a pack and will drive you. Knowing you are trying to find a suitable mate that isn't them infuriates them and drives them to wanting you more. They start off slowly and they begin their drive putting their hunting territories where you live, they begin to make you aware you're in their territory and once they catch you they will use the territory terms to their advantage. They just take you and they have to decide as a group what to do, since they are gonna have to share you (the best they possibly can without murdering eachother). Hope you like to be shared.
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Norway cuddling hc PLS 🙏🙏
i wonder if the people who sent these year+ old requests remember them lmao
He’s not super into the whole ‘physical affection’ thing unless you two are alone
He can actually get a bit clingy then, enjoying the company of someone he likes
Whenever you tell him you want to cuddle (or just curl up with him without saying a word), he welcomes it, especially after a long day, exhausting day
During times he's in the mood to cuddle, he'll just sit himself down next to you and get into your personal space, waiting for you to recognize what he wants, if you don't realize, he bluntly tells you
His favorite cuddle position is one where he can lightly drape his arm over your waist or hip, whether you're sitting or lying down next to each other
The gesture, while small, is something he finds nice
He also gets a chance to complain about his day, and doesn't mind if you do the same
Unfortunately for you, however, he thinks it’s funny to put his ice-cold feet on your leg when you least expect it because it makes you jump
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evereinefaust · 1 year
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐜 𝐅𝐮𝐧 ࿐ྂ
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Pairing: Nordic 5 X afab!Reader
Sypnosis: Returning home from a regular day at school, MC spends the evening bonding with her precious family.
Word Count: 3,130
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"I'm home!" You shouted as you arrive back from school. Weird, Matthias usually hugs me to death when I arrive. "[Name]!!!" The Dane's voice rang inside the large house. Your body freezes as you stood there without any movements. You regret shouting about your arrival, but you needed to because your older brothers would know that you're home. Suddenly, Matthias came running to you and then tackled you to a hug. "Ack!" You spluttered out as you accidentally throw your bag away. "Oh [Name], I miss you so much" Matthias cooed as he rubbed his face on your back, you closed your eyes as your body came into contact with the cold floor. Ouch!
Then, you sensed the murderous aura of your older brother, Lukas. He appeared behind the two of you then you sweat-dropped. Uh oh... Lukas didn't hesitate to pull the Dane's tie tightly, pulling him off you as he chokes. You stood up then dusted your uniform and grab your bag. "C-can-'t b-b-b-br-brea-the N-N-N-Norge!!"  Matthias choke out, but the Norwegian didn't stop. "A note for you. Don't you dare touch either [Name] or Cathrine. Ever" He said as he released his tie. "I... understand..." The Dane panted.
Cathrine, she was your younger sister. The two of you were being adopted by the Nordics, but you were in the household before she is. You found her wandering around town when you went out to buy food, then you decided to adopt her too. She is 13 years old while you're 17, you had the same age as the youngest Nordic in the family, Emil. Even though the two of you had the same age, the two of you weren't close because you always tease him like what Lukas and others would do. But he is close to Cathrine, and you sometimes spotted him blushing because of her. Cathrine is innocent and very smart for a child. Yes, all in the Nordic household cared for the youngest in the family, and all of you call her a child even though she denies it. She is excellent at violin and piano while you're excellent at [favorite instrument]. She had black long hair and was always tied into twin tails, her bangs is long and covered the right side of her face, as well as two short hair on either side of her head.
"Okaeri, Onee-sama" Cathrine greeted you as she appeared out of nowhere. "Gah! Oh... Cathrine, please don't scare me like that" You gasped as you heard your younger sister's voice. Well, she is not Japanese, she's just excellent at foreign languages. And yeah, she knows how to use magic, the Norwegian taught her so. While you're not, you don't have time to practice magic. "Jeg beklager..." She muttered sadly. "Ei se mitään" You smiled. "I'm going to prepare your favorite snacks" She smiled and then skipped off. "Well, the two of them are cute together that I wanted to squish them to death," Matthias said, you turned to him exactly when Lukas started to choke him again. He never learns...
You went to your room upstairs and then changed your clothes. You wore a [favorite color]-colored T-shirt and black denim. You tied your hair into [favorite hairstyle] and then exited the room. Once you went down, you were welcomed by the scent of your favorite snack. The plate was sitting on the table with your favorite snack on, besides that was a cup of earl grey tea. You sat on the chair and then started to munch on your snack. Wait a sec! I haven't noticed either Lukas or Matthias when I went down. Where could they be? 
"Hi [Name]" Emil greeted with his usual bored tone as he went inside the dining room to grab some licorice hidden under the tablecloth. "Why do you put it there? It is a very obvious place to hide your licorice" You asked as you watched him. "Shut up. I don't hide my licorice here, Cathrine needed some help in searching for her missing licorice" Emil said as he grabbed the candy from under the tablecloth. "Why? What happened?" You asked as you took a bite of your snack. "Cathrine was practicing magic but accidentally made the licorice disappear. Lukas said that the magic would make one object disappear and reappear at some place" Emil explained as he headed back to the living room. "Oh, okay. By the way, it was big brother" You said as you drank your tea. "Shut up! I would never call him that!" Emil shouted.
After you finished with your snack, you placed the dishes in the sink and washed them. After that, you wiped your hands using a towel then went upstairs to do your homework. You opened the door of your room then entered inside and locked it. You got your Home Economics notebook from your bag and opened the page. "Hm... Let's see... What are the procedures to make a wooden cabinet?" You said as you played with your pen. Darn! I forgot my book at school! It's inside the locker! Wait! There isn't any answer to the question here, damn!
"Argh!" You groaned as you tugged your hair in frustration. Then you saw your other older brother, Berwald, making some furniture outside the house. Maybe Berwald can help me with this. You got your things and headed downstairs and outside. You saw the Swede busy hammering some nails. He saw you and you stood straight. "What do you need, [Name]?" He asked as he stopped what he was doing. "I... Um... Well... I need your help with my homework" You said nervously as you looked away.
"Is it about furniture?" He asked, you nodded. He motioned you to sit on one chair he had outside, and you obeyed as he sat too. "What is it about?" He asked you. "Well... It was all about how to make a cabinet. You know that I don't know much about furniture" You told him, and he nodded. After that, you told him about your other homework and he would answer it for you. After that, you thanked him as you entered the house and he continue with his work.
You went back to your room as you returned your things to your bag, and headed downstairs afterward. You saw your Finnish brother, Tino, cooking food cause it is nearly evening. "Hi Tino, may I help you with something?" You asked him. "Oh hi there [Name], of course, you may. Please chop these vegetables" He told you as he chopped the meat. "Okay!" You smiled as you chopped the vegetables.
"Jeg hader dig!" Cathrine's voice echoed inside the house, Tino and you stopped what you were doing and took a peek upstairs. There you saw Matthias face-planted on the floor as the bathroom door was opened. That stupid Dane, he opened the door of the bathroom again with Cathrine inside, poor Cathrine. "Oh my gosh! I need to help Cathrine!" Tino said as he went to Cathrine inside the bathroom.
You went upstairs then saw Matthias still on the floor, you ignored him and then went inside the bathroom. Tino was washing Cathrine's hair while her body was covered in a towel as she sat on the chair in the bathroom. "What happened here, Cathrine?" You asked her, her face seems to turn red as you looked at her. "Det är inget" She muttered.
"Come on Cathrine, you should tell us," Tino told her, she sighed. "Well... After my magic practice with storebror Lukas, the potions inside were scattered and my whole body was covered in potions. Storebror told me to clean myself and he would clean the room. I went to the bathroom and cleaned myself, after that, when I was about to open the door, dumme bror Matthias broke the door as he opened it and hurriedly went inside. He stumbled on me as my towel was removed. I kicked him out of the bathroom, that's what happened" Cathrine told you as her face turned bright red.
The two of you went poker-faced after Cathrine's explanation, Tino finished drying Cathrine's hair as he stood up. "Don't worry about it sweetie, it will never, ever happen again" Tino told her as he smiled, she smiled too. "Kiitos, isoveli" She thanked him. After that, you and Tino exited the bathroom and you guarded Cathrine outside, since the door lock was broken, Matthias might enter inside again. Matthias stood up on his feet as he complained about how his face hurt, you sighed. "Please don't open the door of the bathroom whenever there was a person inside, especially Cathrine" Tino grabbed his collar as he said, giving emphasis on Cathrine. He smiled an evil smile as Matthias gulped. "Good, now I will return to my cooking"
"That was harsh..." Matthias scratched his head as he looked down the stairs, you sighed. "It was your fault, after all. Who said that you should enter the bathroom without knocking first or checking if there is a person inside, you even broke the lock" You told him as you crossed your arms. "Sorry about it [Name], but I thought that it was my room. I was in a hurry so I didn't even check if it was really my room or not" He told you. "What did you do?" You asked him as your eyebrow raised. "Well... I just visited Norge in his magic room, but then I drank one of his potions and had the urge to do something in my room" He explained as he looked at you. 
You sighed then the door of the bathroom opened, revealing a young girl in a light orange sundress. "I'm finished..." Cathrine muttered as she tugged her dress down. You step away from the door and next to Matthias. "Sorry about earlier Lyse, it was an accident" Matthias apologized to her as they looked at each other. "I will only forgive you if you promised not to do that again" Cathrine set a condition as she crossed her arms,  Matthias grinned widely as he nodded. "And you need to do what I order for a year" She added, the Dane almost drop his jaw. "What?" He asked in disbelief. "I will only forgive you if you adhere to my rules, take it or leave it, because I will let storebror know about this, and you know what he will do to you" Cathrine glared at him as she placed her hand on her hips, Matthias gulped. "Fine... I'll do it" He let his arms hang down.
You grabbed Cathrine's hands then the two of you headed downstairs, leaving the Dane behind. He catch up with the two of you as you headed inside the kitchen. You helped Tino set the table as Cathrine was sitting on the couch in the living room with Matthias. After a while, Emil and Lukas came down and then headed inside the dining room. They took a seat next to each other. Berwald also entered inside and took a seat next to Emil. You took a seat next to Lukas and Tino next to Berwald. The last one to enter is Cathrine and Matthias, the Dane sat next to you, and Cathrine next to Tino.
All of you had dinner in a little chitchat. "Say Lukas, when will the next contest be held?" You asked the Norwegian who just focus on eating his dinner. "In a week, maybe on Thursday" He replied as he looked at you. You sighed then continue eating your meal. "Stóri bróðir, can I have licorice after this?" You heard Cathrine ask the Icelander. You looked at him as he looked at Cathrine, his face turning bright pink. "Sure thing, litla systir" He replied as he smiled, you smirked. "Oh well, if only someone could call his brother, big brother. Maybe the youngest will like him more" You said loudly to yourself while looking down at your food, you notice Emil flinched.
"Shut up!" He quietly said as he looked down at his food. The others stopped talking and looked at him, his face turned redder. "Stóri bróðir? Are you okay?" Cathrine asked politely as she tilted her head cutely to the side, you can't help yourself to squeal inside. "Yeah, I'm alright. Don't worry about me" Emil replied as he hang his head even lower. The Swede, Fin, Norwegian, and the Dane noticed this. Tino just smiled, Matthias grinned while Berwald and Lukas just stared at the Icelander, although Lukas smiled slightly, only visible to Cathrine.
"Storebror, you smiled" Cathrine muttered as you heard her. "S...miled?" You asked yourself in shock. "It looks like Emil is blushing madly!" Matthias said loudly as he laughed. "Shut up, you're ruining it," Lukas said as he grabbed Matthias' tie behind you, he choked, yet again. You just sighed but smirked when you observed Emil's behavior. After dinner, you helped Tino clean the place. Cathrine went to the bathroom to bathe early.
After cleaning, you decided to change your clothes into pajamas, but you didn't sleep because you will be having a movie with the Nordics. You wore a [f/c] t-shirt with matching pajamas, and you untied your hair and brushed it. You placed the brush on your bed and then exited the room, you saw Cathrine exited her room then the two of you went downstairs. She wore her favorite Norway flag t-shirt and orange pajamas.
Tino was setting the television as the two of you sat on the couch. Cathrine went to Emil and grabbed some licorice which the Icelander doesn't care about her taking some of his candy and she went back to your side. "Want some, onee-sama?" She asked and extended her hand with some licorice in it. You took one and thanked her, you don't like sweets that much. After a while, Matthias came down wearing his plain white t-shirt and white pajamas.
"What's the movie for today?" He asked and sat next to Cathrine, she gave one licorice to the Dane and he thanked her. "I guess it was horror" Emil replied while chewing on his licorice. "Horror, huh?" Matthias muttered, after a while, he grinned widely. "Hey [Name]" He called you and tapped your back. "What?" You dead-panned. "I heard that you are afraid of horror movies," He said, you glared at him. "No, I'm not" You replied. "Oh? Really? Cathrine told me that one time, when you were with Alfred and Gilbert, the three of you watched a horror movie and you kept screaming from the beginning until the end of the movie" He grinned.
You blushed slightly at this then looked at Cathrine, she sweat-dropped. "Oh, look! Storebror already came down" She stated as an excuse then got off the couch and went to the Norwegian and hugged his arm as he went down the stairs and entered the kitchen. You sighed while Matthias continued to grin. "Oh, stop that!" You punched his cheeks hardly that it became swollen, now you're pissed. Well, it's true that I'm scared of horrors. What the hell is wrong with that Dane?!
After everyone gathered inside the living room, the lights were turned off and the movie was starting. You can't stop shaking because of nervousness and Matthias, who was sitting beside you, kept on grinning which made you pissed. Cathrine switched her place and sat in between Lukas and Emil. The movie was called Poltergeist, the newly released horror movie made in America. And Alfred lent the movie to Matthias for the whole Nordic household to watch.
You hate horror and supernatural stuff, such as exorcism and supernatural activity. You hate blood, ghost, darkness, and some more. As the movie was playing, you kept the blanket that you brought down with you, on your head while your body was slightly shaking. You noticed that others were focused on watching the movie, but little Cathrine burrowed her head in Lukas' chest as the said Norwegian placed his arms around the girl protectively.
As the movie kept on playing, you kept shrieking in fear as the Dane kept on annoying you. Now you can't handle it, you put the blanket all over your body as you rolled yourself into a ball and sobbed. Cathrine already gave up 30 minutes earlier and Lukas escorted her inside her room and watched her sleep, that is his routine when Cathrine can't handle the horror, and he will be by her side when she wakes up, which means that Lukas will not continue watching the movie anymore.
"Hey, are you alright?" Matthias tapped your shoulder as he asked, concern filling his tone. "I don't want to watch anymore..." You replied but your tone was shaky and your body kept on shaking. You heard him sigh then removed the blanket from your body. "Hey!" You shouted and were about to retrieve your stolen blanket but stopped when you realized that the movie was still playing. You closed your eyes and rolled yourself into a ball again. "You know [Name], don't place a blanket all over your body, you can die because of it" He lecture you which you ignored, and he sighed.
After a while, he carried you bridal style and you blush slightly at this, but he can't see it because of the darkness. He opened the door of your room and placed you on the bed and opened the lights. "Be sure to sleep peacefully, [Name]" He said then placed a kiss on your forehead. "Yeah, sure..." You replied and watched him smile and closed the lights and the door. You sighed then placed the blanket on your body as you started to drift to sleep. I know it wasn't that much, but I still have a fun time with my family.
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milaisreading · 5 months
Denmark: C/N is something wrong? It's 11 in the morning, you're usually up at eight.
C/N: Well, my throat hurts, and I can barely breathe through my nose.
Denmark: *runs full speed to get a thermometer*
Finland: *wraps C/N in a blanket and sits her on the couch*
Idk what the others would do.
Sweden: You want some soup? Oh, warm tea will help! I will get you some painkillers as well.
C/n: I am fine-
Norway, brings pillows and plushies: Nonsense. You need to rest when you are sick.
C/n, gets pushed to lay down by Finland: But I am fine-
Iceland: No! Rest. Don't worry, Mr. Puffin and I will stand guard.
C/n, worried: Stand guard for what?
Mr. Puffin: Don't worry too much about it
C/n: ....
Denmark, running full speed into the living room: I got the thermometer!
Finland: I got more blankets!
Norway: I will go and cook you some food.
Sweden: I brought the medicine and first aid kit
Iceland: We should light up a fire in case.
C/n: It's just a cold, you guys
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hetalianwhore · 4 years
Norway boyfriend headcanons
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This was requested by @cosmic-badlarry but I accidentally deleted the original ask. Hope you enjoy and thank you for your kind message. :)
He’s a quiet but thoughtful boyfriend.
He definitely wants to take you on some dates around his country.
Some of his favourite date spots are the Vigeland Sculpture Park, the Jotunheimen mountain range and the area around the Sognefjord.
He’s actually a really good cook. He even bakes his own bread.
All he wants is a peaceful life away from other people.
His family probably want to meet you straight away.
You’re definitely invited round to tino’s for Christmas.
He really hopes that you get along well with his family.
He loves to tell you about his country’s folklore and history.
He’s not a big fan of PDA but he’s pretty much always holding your hand.
Surprisingly fond of long mornings spent cuddling in bed.
If you want you can come with him and hang out with Arthur and Vladimir and do... whatever they do.
He’d love it if you tried to learn his language.
Let him do your hair!
He can still remember some traditional Norwegian hairstyles and would be happy to do them on you.
Requests: open
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id give my soul for some norway bf hcs
Alas, my darling. I am not in the business of collecting souls these days. I’d accept a Belgian Waffle slathered in Nutella, however. Maybe with some raspberries?
He’s very much the type you meet by frequently bumping into each other.
He definitely noticed you the first time, but he didn’t want to approach you right away for fear you wouldn’t be interested.
When you started beaming each time you passed him though, and eventually upped the ante to exchanging lighthearted small talk and puns about your surroundings, he finally asked if you wanted to walk with him to the one bakery he loves.
It took you two months to realize you were actually dating.
He has a very dry sense of humour, always delivered with a deadpan expression.
It never fails to send you into fits of laughter or baleful moments of fond exasperation.
He’s always trying new fish recipes, and he expects you to love every single one.
You think the warding around his house is really cool.
He’s still not sure how to explain it’s more necessity than aesthetic.
You and Mathias once tried to ambush him in a Nerf war; it ended somehow with Denmark stuck upside down in a tree and you underneath a very unimpressed Nord.
He absolutely loves going to the opera with you.
Nightly walks, hand-in-hand, dancing underneath the city lights, exchanging hugs, and reminiscing about the best parts of the day are a requirement.
He’s the subdued sense of humour, but sometimes he’ll surprise you with his spontaneity.
You can never wear beanies around him for fear he will either steal it from you, or that he will lean in as if he were going for a kiss, then yank it down over your face, running away laughing.
He often gets you gifts that serve more as sigils than courtship favours.
He loves sitting under the blankets with you, staying up for hours watching the skies and simply breathing.
One of these days, very soon, he’s going to ask you to stay on a more permanent basis. He’s just waiting for the right moment.
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HWS: Most Likely to Take Advantage of Their S/O's Accent Kink
France - frog boi loves to hear himself talk and just assumes other people like his voice. if you have a thing for ze French, you're in luck!
America - he's fun because he can do literally whatever regional accent you're into. working class New Yorker? sure! polite southern drawl? no prob. salt of the earth Michigan accent? oh you betcha. it's as fun for him to flex as it'll be for you to listen to him
Cuba - he may not roll his r's, but he will melt your heart :) especially if you don't speak Spanish
Turkey - of all the reasons people have found him attractive, it hasn't usually been for his accent. if you like his voice, he will literally never shut up so be warned
N Ireland - teases you for it, but appreciates your appreciation because England usually pretends that his accent is too thick to be intelligible
N Italy - pretends he doesn't realize how thick his accent is (particularly when he flirts). will absolutely amp it up if he realizes it has an effect on you
Seychelles - her voice is already melodic but when you add in the accent it's downright angelic
Belgium - happy to pepper you with all sorts of pet names in French/Dutch/Flemish (but let's face it. you're probably here for the French)
Norway - might say a few words off a grocery list to gauge your response and if it's positive, he may amp it up, particularly if he's trying to get you to do something for him
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ransprang · 3 years
hello!! may i ask for general dating headcanons for england and norway with a female s/o, from hetalia? thank you in advance!
hii thanks for the request, hope you like them!!
Dating Headcanons: 1p!England & 1p!Norway
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One day you were going for a lovely walk in the middle of the night deep into the forest. You hear strange whispers and walk towards the sound. As the whispers get louder you see a blond young man with eyebrows the size of Africa, smiling and laughing at the air.
Naturally you observe him until he sees you. He blushes and starts spitting excuses. You giggle and decide to get to know him. That's how you and him eventually start dating.
England likes showing off his s/o so people will immediately know. He'll make sure to let France know in particular and rub it in his face how pretty you are.
He gets easily jealous if someone is hitting on you. Especially if it's France.
Blushes quite hard if you compliment him or kiss him.
You'll have to be either a good liar or a good cook if you're dating this man. He can't cook for shit.
Lots of tea drinking sessions.
He practices a lot of magic tricks on you and tries to make you his assistant sometimes so you don't get bored.
Uses magic to make your clothes disappear.
He is more of a dom, but if you convince him hard enough he can be a sub too. He would be blushing super intensely though.
He may be the king of losing things but he will never lose your holes. He will always find them :)
England has had his wild pirating days so he would know a thing or two about the hanky panky. He'll plunder your booty all night. And in the morning he makes you shit a ton because of his scones.
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It's pretty hard to start dating Norway in the first place since he doesn't really leave his house much. You'd have to get close to the other Nordic countries like Denmark to get to him.
His family and friends figure out you both are dating because he smiles a lot more.
When dating, Norway trusts you a lot and is pretty sure with himself. But since he isn't very good at social interactions he gets a bit uncomfortable if Denmark is chatting with you too much. It makes him insecure, but not jealous.
He likes when you take an interest in his love for trolls and fairies since not many other people do.
It's pretty hard to make this guy blush even when he's in a relationship.
He enjoys baking Norwegian goods for you.
Have you ever seen Norwegian porn? ;) well neither has he because he's inexperienced
He doesn't have a preference when it comes to domming or subbing. If you're more experienced he'll let you dom he's totally alright with that.
Norway isn't too loud in bed but he makes up for that by kissing you a lot and finding out your sweet spots and what you like.
your fairy,
admin sar
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